#he knew charlie was setting him up with his bf he just never said anything
inahallucination · 1 year
dead poets society but the poets all gather to meet neil’s new boyfriend and it turns out to be all of their individual friend todd, who none of them knew the others knew, and who didn’t know that most of them knew each other
neil: guys this is my boyfriend toddy
meeks: wait- wait ur dating anderson???? anderson from the planetarium ???? my star gazing buddy ????
pitts: ur stargazing buddy ???? todd’s my bestie from the cafe ??? he’s the only one who makes my hot chocolate right ???????/
cameron: wait guys i know todd anderson too. we sit together at the library to study
knox: neil i cant believe you’ve been dating chris’ potential boyfriend that ive been beefing with for about 3 months becuz i thought he was with chris and was spiting me-
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Natural Selection.
Cas is 'The Secret Boyfriend' in Dean's phone.
He was originally Cass, till Cas saw it once and was horrified enough for Dean to feel guilty.
Soon enough, he was Cas <3 because he happened to leave his cell lying around Sam.
And then, when Cas and Dean started - well - calling each other boyfriends; Charlie had frowned when he'd referred to it as starting to date, because apparently, they'd been doing that for years already - Dean changed it himself to 'Bf', induced by a particular drunken night of missing him terribly.
There were further transitions, all revolving about the same theme. There was a certain thrill, Dean realised. Occasionally, Cas would want to know what he was being called that week, with that soft smile on his face, and Dean would be proud to tell him. 
Sometimes he'd have to explain the nicknames. Good times.
He never has to ask, though. Dean has been Humanity in Cas’s phone, long since Crowley got his hands on it.
One sunny morning, during breakfast in their windowless kitchen, Cas asks him again. Dean just nudges his phone in his direction, occupied in trying to get his omelette fit in the pan just right.
Cas laughs when he sees, Cas, secret boyfriend. He reads it aloud to Dean, who has his back turned to him, shirtless and apron adorned.
Dean practically stutters around to stare at him. "But -" He was sure he'd put Cherrypie earlier that week, so how could it have changed since - unless, of fucking course, Gabriel must have got his hands on it again. Goddammit. It seems to be his newest way of annoying Dean. "I didn't -" He begins.
But Cas has a faint smile on his lips, as he edits it himself, nimble fingers now having learned to be quick as they dance across the keyboard.
Dean leans over his shoulder to read, and Cas tilts his head to let Dean see. "That made it seem like there might be others." His scruff strokes Dean's bicep as he told him. It tickles.
"Other secret boyfriends?" Dean repeats, licking his lips, leaning in further and allowing Cas to press his lips to the corner of Dean's shy smile.
"Other Cas's." Cas corrects.
"Nah." Dean shakes his head, if only to get Cas's lips to move against his cheek. "You're the only Cas for me, Cas." Cas's lips curl into a smile, and it's a smooth transition, he can feel it right on his skin. Dean loves being close to Cas.
"You're the only Dean for me too." Cas tells him frankly, dimpling as he finally plants an actual kiss on Dean's lips, by using a hand to turn his jaw to get it on the mark just right. Dean's eyes close instantly, when Cas cups his face. They linger.
For a moment too long, or maybe too little, they're lost. Then, Dean lets his hand fall on the back of Cas's neck, and ghost the inside of his collar, and Cas shifts in his seat, putting some distance between them. If Cas hadn't pulled back just then, Dean could bet he would've ended up straddling him - even for as sweet as they'd been kissing.
Cas sighs, softly, as if he was returning from somewhere. "Dean, I think your omelette just turned into scramble."
"Oh, well." Dean grins, straightening. Satisfied. "You'd eat whatever I fed you."
"You've taught me that's love." Cas throws back, half accusatory, mostly just smiling. Dean feels a flutter in his insides at the word, as he turns back to the stove.
And that's the story of how Cas started being called The Secret Boyfriend by Dean's phone.
There's Cas smiling at him, head tucked under Dean's arm and everything, whenever he unlocks his phone to his home screen.
When Dean got his first phone under his real name, he was seventeen.
John surprised him with it.
It wasn't even his birthday or anything. There was a vamp nest, a couple cities over. And that time, Sam had won the argument with Dad, and the brothers were to stay behind - and go to school, Sam had primarily argued - while John went off to take care of the hunt. But it was close to holiday season, so no motels had vacancies for more nights than one, and they were looking to stay indefinitely - so John's only option had been to rent a flat.
It was a one bedroom place, the kind which would've been cramped if they'd had any furniture at all. The building had an air of misery, but it was probably just the cold. Even the landlord didn't live there anymore.
But now, Sam was thirteen and tall, and Dean worked weekends - so they were old enough in John's book, to be left back; with money that wasn't theirs, and that one cellphone with a month's bill paid. Dean's first phone.
The next day, lying on the bed because they hadn't bought a new couch and Dean definitely wasn't going to touch the one that'd come with the house unless at gunpoint, Dean set his first wallpaper.
It was Gunnar Lawless, flexing a bicep, and smirking over his shoulder, head cocked as if to look right into Dean's eyes, as he stared at his screen in wonder. Someday, he'd have guns like those, and friends like him. Someday, he'd be a man like him.
John returned in a week's time. They drove away. (Didn't even tell the landlord they were vacating the house, because then they'd have to give reasons. Lying wasn't a problem. But it got boring, sometimes.)
Dean grew up.
When he hit nineteen - around the same time he moved to that one highscool in Texas where he'd eventually meet Rhonda Hurley, he made a friend.
Ben was cool. He taught Dean things, though he probably didn't know Dean was learning from him. Dean was good at that.
Once, Ben had snickered at some guy's clothes. Said it was a lot. Guys were supposed to keep it cool. Keep it simple, keep it casual.
Those had been the origins of 'Less is More'. The basics are the classics, a little is a lot, things like that. If you were untraditional about things like mobile wallpapers, you were trying too hard.
Dean knew that was stupid.
Dean also knew he was going to change it to the default.
He felt good about it for just about a minute, and then just foolish. He would even have changed it back, Ben could screw off, he didn't care, if only he'd kept staring at his screen for longer. But break was over, and Dean picked up his books and Ben picked up his, and they went off to class.
Sadly, the boring grey squares stuck with Dean for much longer than the school and his friend did.
Much later, when highschool was all done, and Sammy was all gone - Dean changed it to Baby.
It had been a night spent wholly driving, with Dad passed out next to him. Don't worry, he was alright. Just the final showdown of a hunt, and then the alcohol. Never a good pair, Dean remembered thinking, back then.
It was a good angle for Baby, showed off her strength, magnificence and color. Dean felt almost proud of the photo he'd taken. The aluminium glistened and the glass had a cleaner sheen somehow. She looked terrific, headlights blazing and everything - and it was his. They'd had that conversation earlier that night, and though John had been sufficiently drunk, Dean knew he'd remember his words. The Impala was his. Hell, Dean didn't spare a thought to the former definition of cool, as he changed his wallpaper.
His car was what was fucking cool. Anybody who wanted to tell him otherwise could go screw himself.
Baby stayed on Dean's homescreen for a long time.
Sometimes he'd replace it with newer, better pictures he took of her. Sam would grin, tell Dean he was very good at photography for someone with such a crappy camera, and Dean would flip him off with a mirroring grin.
Baby finally got off his screen, years later.
Dean didn't know what had got into him, but he swears to himself that he was at least a little bit drunk to have been googling 'I Killed Hitler' quote images.
It was also weird how he got one which matched his tastes perfectly - black background, text in unavoidable bold purple. There were a lot of options on the internet.
That part was stupid, too. He knew that none of them killed Hitler. Of course, because it was he who did.
But he did end up finding the perfect one, and Dean had it on his screen for a good bit of time too. He'd occasionally shove it in Sam's face, for example, to prove a completely unrelated point - just to savor the way his brother looked at him like nothing annoyed him more than Dean did.
And then, there was that day, when Cas came back from his run with Sam - he accompanied him on the days when it looked like Dean wouldn't get up till they're back, Dean knew - and promptly declared that he was going to start taking selfies.
Apparently he'd seen many people doing it, had been seeing them do it for years, and was affirmative that he wanted to try it. It almost certainly didn't help when Dean informed him that he hadn't taken a single selfie in his entire life and that he was living just fine.
Cas had always been stubborn.
And he had a phone, now. And, he certainly had always had a way with Dean.
"Why are you so difficult, Dean? Why is it so hard for you to smile at the camera?" Cas grumbled, probably fashioning his tone to sound doubly as annoyed as he was.
"'Cause it's not the camera. I'm smiling at myself here, Cas." Dean rolled his eyes. "It's dumb." He had his phone held at eyelevel, he refused to take it any higher. Then what would be the frigging difference between him and those -
"Then smile at me." Cas interrupted, as an effective idea came to him, and he slid into the picture next to Dean. "There. It's not dumb to smile at me, is it?"
Dean sighed, maybe a little flustered. Cas was pressing up against him pretty close to get in the frame. "You know you're really frigging weird, right?"
"I have a fair idea." Cas beamed at him, and pushed Dean's face with his own to fit fully. Dean had to resist snorting at that. What a complete dork. "There." Cas announced. "We look good. Click on the button. It's the white one -"
"I know how to take a goddamn photo, Cas -"
"- then why aren't you doing it?" Cas cut in, slipping into the tone he saves for when he wants to pretend he's really had enough of Dean's fusses. "I don't see you taking the photo, Dean -"
"I can't do it with the hand which is holding the phone, you stupid -" Dean groaned, trying to twist his arm out of where Cas had squeezed it between their bodies, in his nagging at Dean. "It'll fall if I do that. And I can't use my other hand, because then it'll block your face -"
"Oh, leave it to me." Cas huffed, frustrated, and taking the phone from Dean's outstretched hand. "I'll - let me do it, Dean. I'll do it." Dean clawed at the air to get the phone back but Cas was stretching it away now. At least Dean got to untangle his other arm, and didn't even notice as he slung it around Cas - out of habit, or something. "Now you smile, and I'll just press the button in the middle, and -"
"I know how to take a photo, goddammit!" Dean snapped, right as Cas took the photo. Cas turned at him with a frown, because of that.
It came out pretty candid, was all the praise anyone could offer.
They took more photos. Dean even smiled in a few - believe him, he tried not to. Cas smiled in most, and in some rare ones, the smile crinkled his eyes and showed off his gums - and they luckily coincided with exactly one of Dean's smiling photos, and it was a perfect one, that one.
If it means Cas will smile like that, Dean's going to take more pictures.
It's not till weeks later, when Dean's scrolling through his gallery looking for something important, that he sees the picture for the first time. It's almost impossible to look away.
He can't seem to recall the other details surrounding it, anymore. Just what the photo shows him, and just the way Cas looks in it, with his hair dark and wild, and his eyes shining from having gotten Dean to comply. Collar slightly upturned from Dean's arm making it that way, and his head turned slightly as if he were about to just look at the real Dean before the camera captured the moment. His smile, proud of the fancy new activity, with glances of barely there dimples hiding in his stubble. He's beautiful, and he's happy, and it's a good picture, if there ever was one.
And of course, in the picture too, Dean's only got his eyes on Cas.
In that moment, Dean Winchester had found exactly what he wanted to see, whenever he unlocked his phone, for the rest of his life. And that's the story of how Dean found his wallpaper, for the ages.
(And yes, ever since they enabled different wallpapers for the lockscreen and the homescreen, he's had eleven year old Sammy dressed as a pumpkin for a school halloween fest, on the former. He collected the photo from Missouri some time ago, and Sam detests it audibly, so obviously Dean isn't going to change it ever.)
The story about ringtones isn't even that long.
It started off with 'Wanted Dead Or Alive', because the spunky, daydreaming teenage boy he never got to be, but maybe also did - seemed to connect to Bon Jovi's lyrics on a stupidly basic level.
His ringtones made their way through the classics. Bob Dylan, Elton John, John Lennon, Bruce Springsteen. Had Eye Of The Tiger for a long time. He had Kansas, Guns 'N Roses, Pink Floyd. He remembers he had Smoke on the Water for a while. All good ones.
After dying a hundred and four times in 2008, he switched to Heat Of The Moment. Sam bitchfaced at him all through those weeks of Asia.
Kevin was the one who brought to his attention, years later, that if they really committed such criminal levels of identity theft, they should try to blend in more. It was right after his phone had suddenly come alive with Freddie Mercury singing, in the middle of a discussion with the sheriff.
"Good taste, no offense." Kevin had begun. "But you've gotta step it down, if you don't want to be noticed any more than you already do."
"He's right." Sam had joined in. "At least give up something. Nobody can get you to stop your vintage muscle car around, and she drives like a farm tractor on some roads, Dean."
"Shut your face, bitch." Dean had thrown back, instantly. "Kevin's obviously talking about your golden frigging mane, okay? Get the damn thing cut, and I'll look into silencers or whatever."
Of course, neither of those things ever happened, or would ever happen. But Dean did listen to their resident prophet, and change his ringtone to the Apple ringtone most important people have.
Instead of a legend singing at him, he got musical beeping in a ridiculously annoying rhythm. But it stuck.
It stayed, for good.
(Well, there was that one night, when they were all high in spirits and drunk in celebration, just Cas and him that too, and it had seemed genius to get Cas to record a message for his ringtone in his worst, deepest deadpan.
Cas was easily convinced - the terrific inebriation levels in both of them had to have helped, too - and Dean had woken up in the morning to his phone ringing in Cas's mechanical voice, except this time it was actually machine-driven. "Dean. Dean, pick up the phone. You're being called. You should pick up the phone, Dean. I think -" and Dean hadn't got to hear more of it, completely grizzled by sleep, because although he fucking loved Cas's unfairly hot voice most days, he'd snapped and picked up the phone - only to have Sam cackle at him from the other end and smugly ask him how he likes his new ringtone.
Maybe it had been Sam's idea, after all. Dean obviously would never recall, and the smartass must've known that. He knows all the kinds of drunk Dean can be.
Also, Cas did say 'Dean' a lot, didn't he? But that's a story for another time.)
That's all that can be said on the matter of ringtones. Dean goes back to the beeps soon enough - they're also kind of easy to get used to, he hadn't known that before. Sam has 'normal' ringtones too, and it's fun to try and guess whose - and which of their dozens of phones are ringing, especially on inventory days. They made it into a game years back.
Cas, on the other hand? He keeps his phone on vibrate, ever since Jack confided in him how cool it looked, when in the middle of a crowd, or a heated scene, no one notices but Cas feels the vibrations first, and noiselessly picks up his phone and begins to speak.
Like a spy who wears a secret headset, Jack had gone on to say. The perks of basically being a wave, Dean had scoffed, grinning still. He was supposed to be the cool dad. You get to hear all your fellow wavelengths.
Cas had just shrugged.
So on vibrate, it stayed - and no one really knows if Castiel even has a ringtone, let alone what it is. The vibration mode is a good enough explanation.
Dean, though, has a fairly good idea of what it might be.
After all, he was who Cas approached for help in retrieving it off Dean's own gift, into his phone's storage.
It's the twelfth song on the mixtape.
Ramble on.
Lucyyyy! This one's for you! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, and I know I'm late, oh so late, but you're very sweet to still allow me to give you a present ❣️✨ Hope you enjoy this, @all-or-nothing-baby, and everyone who reads this should go wish her a belated happy birthday~~<3
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mirkwoodshewolf · 7 years
Mate of the Alpha’s daughter; Owen Grady x teen reader
Okay everyone here is the last Owen Grady oneshot that I have for you all to read and enjoy. Now for this request for the boyfriend I went ahead and put a name of a certain heartthrob character from a certain 90′s TV show that my dad and sister watched a lot and I have been watching reruns whenever they come on Teenick so I hope I’ve filled some of your 90′s fantasy bf’s everybody. I hope you all enjoy and happy reading :) I won’t be posting anything else until Monday cause tomorrow I’ve got my transfer orientation and then Sat. and Sun. I’ve got AWESOME CON!!
I was refilling the raptor's food barrels when I suddenly felt someone's hands over my eyes and a voice said in my ear.
"Guess who?" I giggled and said.
"Oh gee I don't know umm.... It couldn't be my father".
"Here's a hint". I felt a kiss on the sweet spot on my neck and I smiled widely.
"Okay now I know who it is," I turned around and the hands dropped from my face and there I saw my best friend turned boyfriend Shawn Hunter.  I wrapped my arms around his neck and said, "hello Shawnie".
"Hey babe". He said as he leaned forward and captured my lips with his. His arms wrapped around my waist but I stopped the kiss and stated urgently before things got too out of hand.
"Shawn you know we can't be doing this during work hours".
"I know but I missed you".
"Shawn I left the catwalk just two minutes ago".
"Two very long, unbearable minutes". I playfully slapped his arm then I said.
"You know my dad doesn't like it when the workers slack off".
"Yeah about that, how come you haven't told your dad about us yet? You ashamed of me?"
"Never! It's just that—"
"Yeah I know, the last boyfriend you had was a real asshole. He's just trying to protect his daughter from getting hurt again, but you know your dad loves me, we grew up together for a couple years before you moved away, remember?"
"How could I ever forget? You saved me from almost falling off the monkey bars at our school's playground on my first day. It was at that moment I knew I had found my mate".
"And the day I found mine". He pecked my lips and nuzzled his face into my neck and every now and then I felt him kissing up and down my neck.
Backstory time. Shawn and I have been friends ever since my dad and I moved on Pennsylvania when he was still in the Navy, it was shortly after the start of my kindergarten year when I decided to play on the monkey bars, but my foot suddenly slipped and I was soon dangling really high up crying for help and just when I fell, someone caught me and when I looked up I was staring into the eyes of a six year old Shawn Hunter.
From that moment forward, Shawn and I were the best of friends that was until the 4th grade when my dad got transferred and we were forced to move to Costa Rica. Shawn was deeply upset and didn't even want to talk to me but just before my dad and I got into the car to drive off to the airport, Shawn suddenly came running up to me.
He took my hand and placed his lucky plastic ring he found in his cereal box and said to me.
"Keep it, so that way I can find you again someday".
"Thanks Shawn, I'll miss you".
"I'll miss you too, and I'm sorry I was behaving like a jerk to you, I just didn't want to say goodbye, not to you". I then took a bold move and pecked his cheek and said.
"I understand, goodbye Shawn Hunter". And with that I got in the car with my dad and we drove off as I looked through the back window of the car and placed my hand against the window until I couldn't see him anymore.
Years later when I turned 14 my dad was picked by the people from Jurassic World due to his strong will and ability to take commands like a leader to be chosen as a Raptor trainer for their newest exhibit at the time. Soon my dad retired from the Navy and we moved to Isla Nublar and my dad soon started training our four girls, and when my homeschooling was done for the summer I would work with my dad with the girls and got to know them and soon they became like my own sisters.
But it wasn't until the next year before I turned 15 just shortly after my ex-boyfriend cheated on me with this hot little blonde who works at the baby dinosaur rides exhibit, that I met a familiar face working in the raptor exhibit, Shawn Hunter. Apparently his parents had given up on his rough behavior in school so they sent him down here to live with his uncle Vic Hoskins (yeah I know right? I was shocked when I heard that too) for discipline behavior and Hoskins being head of security knew exactly how to keep Shawn in line (even though Shawn still acts up at times).
When I confronted him, he went berserk recognizing me and he immediately hugged me so tightly I thought I was going to explode. We then started catching up on everything that went on ever since I moved and within 4 months of our reunion, we shared our first kiss and we knew right then that fate was good to us and brought us back together. And here we are just 6 months into our "secret" relationship.
"(Y/n)! Where are the girls' food barrels!?" I could hear my dad exclaim from my walkie-talkie. I pushed Shawn off of me and grabbed the food barrels but Shawn grabbed my arm and I said.
"Shawn let go!"
"Pay the price for that shove, one more kiss". His smug grin and his hazel puppy dog eyes. I then quickly pecked his cheek and giggled but not before he came in front of me this time to open the door as he said in a terrible British accent. "My lady".
"Why thank you kind sir" I stated the same way then I walked out and headed back up the catwalk.
When I reached my dad he said.
"There you are, what took you so long?"
"Kinda got a little distracted, sorry dad".
"It's okay just make sure it doesn't happen again, it'd really crush me if I had to fire my own daughter in front of everyone".
"Oh please you'd glad to fire me". I joked.
"I would not!" My dad brought me in a headlock and noogied me playfully making me growl out playfully as I tried to make him release me. As I walked away I stopped and said, 
"Oh and when the girls are done training, lead Echo into her pin for her bath".
"You know I could always get someone else to do it".
"Not a chance dad, Echo is my baby after all and I'm the only one she really trusts into giving her a bath, same with the other girls. I've done it a thousand times before and I'll do it a million times again, stop being so overprotective of me".
"I can't help it, you're my little girl. No matter how old you get, I'll still see you as a little baby raptor egg". He said as he came up to me and embraced me.
"Ohh gross dad stop comparing me to them!" I shoved him against his chest and walked back down to get the bath supplies ready.
After their training, the bath was all set up with soap and I got my sponges and hose ready and soon Echo came in and I said.
"Hey girl, how you doing?" Echo chirped and nuzzled against me. Echo and I had formed a bond with each other like my dad and Blue's as well as Uncle Barry and Delta. Echo can sometimes be a little too affectionate at time but when I put her right, she calms down. "Okay girl, into the bath". Echo then got into the bath and I proceeded to clean her up.
As I washed her skin with my soapy sponge I could swear her purring and chirping was in rhythm to a song I always sing to her and the girls. I smiled and asked her.
"Do you want me to sing that song again girl?" Echo looked at me and purred and chirped once at me making me smile then I began singing the song "Lavender's blue Dilly, Dilly". Ever since I saw the Cinderella movie and heard that song, I thought this song was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard and one day when I was giving echo a bath I couldn't help but softly sing the song and ever since then she's wanted me to sing it and I guess she's even told that to her sisters since every now and again Charlie, Delta and Blue would purr the tone and ask me to sing it.
As I sang I was unaware that Shawn had snuck in and was hearing me sing. He leaned up against the door with a smile on his face and stared at me in awe at my beautiful singing. Echo then turned her attention behind me which made me stop in the middle of my singing and I turned to see Shawn. I groaned in embarrassment and he said.
"No, no, keep singing. It was beautiful. Really".
"Ohh Shawn why did you have to hear that?"
"Because I wanted to see if my girlfriend was keeping anything from me, and apparently she was". He came up beside me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "How come you never told me you could sing?"
"Because I don't like singing in front of others to impress them, it's just better that I sing to myself when I'm stressed out or in a peaceful state".
"Well I think you should sing more often, especially when I'm around". He kissed my cheek and said, "Hey my uncle is going to be working overtime with security, wanna sneak out and have a picnic here tonight?"
"I don't know if I can Shawn".
"Just try, it's been awhile since the two of us had a romantic night out".
"Okay, I'll try". We kissed each other then Echo chirped wanting the attention back. Shawn leaned his head against mine and he said, "hello Echo". He reached his hand out and Echo leaned into his purring softly. 
"She likes you".
"And I like her, as well as her sisters. It's a shame of what my uncle sees in them. Weapons to be used in wars, I'm sorry (Y/n)".
"It's okay. That's what my dad, Barry and I try to teach people that they're more than test subjects or money for warfare. They are intelligent and smart creatures".
"That's because they've got a strong and beautiful Alpha taking care of them" he said as he grinned at me. I giggled softly and leaned against him and said.
"Okay you now get out so I can finish cleaning the girls up. I'll meet you here later tonight".
"9 o'clock, dress cute". He kissed my cheek then left the room leaving me to sigh deeply. Echo looked at me like a "you got it bad" face.
"Oh Echo, you have no idea. I mean he's always been there for me even when we were kids. Heck you should've seen him when we ran into my ex just a few weeks ago. The dick actually came towards me with a new girl on his arm and he began insulting me of how she's more flexible and always has her legs open for him, Shawn went all out on him and almost literally beat the shit out of him in front of everyone". I then finished washing Echo off and she got out of the tub and shook herself getting me a little wet in the process and I told her to bring in Delta next.
For the rest of my work time I cleaned the girls all up and when I was done, I cleaned up and put the bathing stuff away and soon it was time to head home.
I showered and made myself look cute for my night date with Shawn tonight. When I came out of my room I was fortunate that my dad was too busy with some paper work that he's slacked up on and the higher ups are on his tail about sending them in, I put my alibi to action.
"Hey dad I think I left some of my paperwork back at the paddock I'm gonna go and grab them okay?"
"Alright just be careful heading out there" my dad said then I left the bungalow and rode my bike towards the enclosure.
When I got there, I went inside and saw Shawn had actually set out a romantic candlelight picnic inside the enclosure. Knowing the girls were in their pins every night we had nothing to worry about. I opened the gates and entered inside to see Shawn standing up and he gestured with his arms at the picnic.
"Low and behold mademoiselle, your dinner awaits". I saw the candles lighting up the atmosphere nicely (they're candles surrounded by glass tubes so don't worry we're good) our favorite foods were sprawled out and our favorite drinks, he also had a stereo lying beside us playing soft classical music.
"Oh Shawn, you did all this?"
"Yeah a bit".
"When did you ever become such a romantic?" I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"When I met you, I want to give you everything you deserve". I awed him and kissed him softly. "Come on, sit. Eat". I smiled and we sat by each other and we ate our picnic and just talked for what felt like forever.
My head was laying on his chest and he rested on his back as we both looked up at the sky to see the billions and billions of stars in the sky.
"Wow look at all of them stars" said Shawn.
"Yeah, one good thing I loved about moving around during my dad's Navy days was whenever we'd move to a country state so that at night whenever I was alone or whenever my dad could, we'd go out together and just look at the stars forever. Making pictures and he telling me about the constellations in the sky. We'd even make some up of our own".
"Yeah like you see that one right there?"
"My dad called that 'Raptor's claw' see how it curves around like a raptor's claw".
"Oh yeah I see it, mind if I try?"
"Go ahead".
"Okay umm.... Ohh that one right there, just to the right of the moon. I'll call that 'Fearsome Alpha' named after you".
"Aww, you know as the Alpha's daughter I'm supposed to be protected at all times. Any male who takes a female from an Alpha's pack is a threat to the Alpha's position".
"Really, then I guess your old man's not a good Alpha for allowing his precious daughter to be nabbed". He buried his face into my neck and kissed and nibbled on it teasingly making it tickle. I giggled and squirmed as I said.
"Shawn stop it that tickles".
"Oh yeah, does this tickle?" He then proceeded to tickle me around my waist making me shriek. He tickled me for a few more minutes until I was now laying on the ground with Shawn hovering over me smirking. "God you look so beautiful" I smirked and said.
"And you, you handsome devil are one sexy beast" I stated as I combed my fingers through his silky brown hair. I then shivered slightly from the cold.
"You cold?"
"Yeah, it's amazing how in one of the hottest places in the world as soon as the sun sets it's almost freezing".
"Here, take this". He then removed his leather jacket and wrapped it around me. I smiled and wrapped it further around me and nuzzled under his chin and said as I looked up at him.
"I love you, Shawn Patrick Hunter".
"Not as much as I love you, (f/n) (m/n) Grady". We leaned into kiss each other when the lights suddenly came on blinding us and the sound of the alarms started up. "What the hell's going on?"
"I don't know". We then heard rustling in the bushes. My heart was racing in fear not wanting to believe what I was fearing be true. "Did you see that?"
"Yeah, okay, okay just stay calm okay". Shawn came up and wrapped his arm around me and whispered, "it's gonna be okay, maybe it's security purposes. My uncle trying to mess with us maybe". I then heard the sound of the gate closing when I turned to see that it was, I cried out Shawn's name and we both ran towards it only for it to close up on us.
Oh god. No way out now, the gate could only be open from the outside and we're now trapped here at night, we'll have no way of knowing where the girls *if they're even out* are at and they'll come right for us.
Soon my worst fear was realized when the girls suddenly came out in full hunting mode. They roared and growled at us as they kept their eyes right at us. My heart raced as I banged on the cage repeatedly and Shawn and I both tried to manually lift it open. But when it didn't work, my fear got the best of me as I fell to the ground almost hyperventilating, that's when Shawn made a bold move.
He got in front of me and like my dad, he held out his hand and ordered them to back up.
"Shawnie, what are you doing?!" I squeaked out.
"Protecting you".
"But you're not their Alpha, they'll kill you!"
"I don't care! As long as you're safe I don't care what they'll do to me!" I stared at him with amazement but also fear. I begged to God or whoever is up there to protect Shawn. 
I don't think I'll ever forgive myself if anything happens to the boy I love.
"Blue. Stay!" Shawn commanded as best as he could. I knew he was scared beyond anything but his protective instincts he's always had for his friends made him stay strong for me, but I still feared for his life. Blue snapped at him and Shawn snapped back "Hey! Hey! You don't do that to me!" The girls all roared and hissed at Shawn when he stated firmly again. "Delta don't you dare go near here! Back up!" Delta roared at him fiercely.
The girls all surrounded Shawn and hissed and eyed him but they didn't attack, at least not yet.
"None of you come any closer to her! You understand me! Kill me if you want but don't. You. Dare. Hurt your Alpha's daughter!" I can't believe Shawn was really saying this to them. He was willing to die in order to protect me, if that's not a man I don't know what is.
The long wait felt like forever in fear and anxiety of wondering what the girls were going to do next, kill Shawn? Or back away? Soon we heard the sound of clicking from a familiar flicker and a voice said from above.
"Okay! Eyes up!" The girls soon looked up and the voice continued, "Good, and we're moving!" The girls then backed up and followed the voice towards another part of the catwalk and from the lights as Shawn got down beside me and held me in his arms we both could see our rescuer was none other than my dad. "Whoa! Alright that is good. That is damn good". He used his clicker again and proceeded to feed the girls their white mice and then my dad finally stated "eyes up!" The girls raised their heads and my dad gave them the command to head back to their pins.
Once we were in the clear, the gate opened behind us and Shawn picked me up bridal style and got me out of the enclosure and set me down and cupped my face in his hands.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah. You saved my life". He smiled softly and kissed my forehead and we both hugged each other when my dad came up and cleared his throat.
We separated and I saw my dad looking at us very angrily with his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes staring daggers at us.
"(Y/n) (m/n) Grady, you mind telling me what's going on here?" I lowered my head sadly and I finally confessed.
"Shawn and I are dating dad. We've been dating for the last 6 months now. I know I should've told you but I was—I was afraid you'd never let me see him again. He's not at all like what (ex's/n) was. He's sweet, funny, loyal, and I love him".
"It's true Mr. Grady, we're sorry we didn't come to you first, and I'm sorry I almost got her killed tonight so I—I can understand if you don't want me to see her anymore" Shawn stated sadly. My dad looked at us and said.
"Normally I would kill you for endangering my daughter's life in the middle of the night, and you missy would be grounded for life for recklessness and for lying to me. What you both did was beyond stupid and dangerous! Had I not been here to control them you'd both be dead. And if not then your uncle would have my ass hanging by a thread and have me fired for endangering two teenagers who couldn't keep their hormones in check!" Shawn and I flinched as my dad's voice raised with anger. Just when we both expected our punishments to be stated out, my dad said. "Fortunately that's not the case, and you passed".
"What now?" I asked.
"You finally chosen a good boyfriend (y/n), any man whose willing to sacrifice himself to the awaited dangers before him for the girl he loves, is an okay man in my books".
"Wait, wait, wait, you mean this was all—a test?" I snapped out.
"Obviously. And either way I had my suspicion about you two for a while now. A little bit after you started dating actually". Shawn and I looked at each other then I stepped up to my dad and punched him repeatedly in the chest and shoulders as hard as I could making him cry out in pain.
"WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT!?!? WE COULD'VE BEEN KILLED IN THERE YOU KNOW HOW THOSE GIRLS GET!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!" Shawn held me back as I tried to get out of his arms to beat my father once again.
"Easy (y/n), easy, easy".
"TO PROTECT YOU!!" He yelled back. I calmed down and he said again, "All those things I said back there are true. I mean even when we were little kids in kindergarten I was willing to do anything for you. I always protected you from anyone who dared try to insult or make fun of you, and I was there when (ex's/n) insulted you a few weeks ago. (Y/n) you are someone worth sacrificing my own life for, and I'll gladly do it again however many times that may be". I smiled and hugged him and sobbed softly.
"But please don't. I could've lost you tonight, I couldn't bare to think what I'd do if I really did lose you". Shawn hugged me and rubbed my back comfortingly.After our embrace we turned back to my dad and I said to him as I walked back up to him."I'm sorry I flipped out daddy".
"It's okay kiddo, perhaps I shouldn't have gone too far in order to prove Shawn's worthiness". He then walked up to Shawn and placed his hand on his shoulder and said to him, "you're a good kid Shawn. You've made my daughter happier than I've ever seen her in all her life. You've given her everything I ever did plus more that I can't. But let me tell you something, if you break her heart or hurt her in anyway, I won't hesitate for even a second to throw your little punk ass back in the enclosure, all gates sealed and double locked. And I'll know because the Raptor's know all!" It was then my dad left us with one final warning, "don't ever turn your back to the cage!" When Shawn turned around he saw the girls all peeking their heads through the bars growling and snarling warningly at him, following their Alpha's threat.
Shawn leapt back shrieking into my arms as the girls really went back to their pens and my dad had them closed and the lights went off on the enclosure.
"So now what do we do?" I asked.
"Well it is pretty late and Shawn your uncle has been harassing me with calls on where you are so—why don't the three of us head back to the bungalow for some s'mores". My dad suggested. Shawn and I cheered happily then we all headed back to the bungalow for some s'mores and other variety of junk food.
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samissamazing · 7 years
honest thoughts on the last 3 people you dated. honest thoughts about the new people they are dating
OK, so for this I’m going to talk about the last 3 people I’ve actually “officially” dated, and not just the people I’ve spent a lot of time talking to/flirting with/ etc. Also sorry not sorry for the novel, but I tend to get long-winded, and you did ask.
So first, there was Charlie.  Charlie was my first real boyfriend way back in high school.  We were introduced by one of my best friends, and we hit it off right away.  We both had so many similar interests, I thought he was cute, he was a teenage boy not completely ruled by his hormones, he was super nice, yadda yadda yadda.  So we talked for about a year, mostly over facebook, before we finally actually started dating.  Now, important side note:  my mother is batshit crazy.  Like, so incredibly controlling and manipulative, and had to be in control of every single aspect of my life.  And she didn’t give 2 shits if I was ever happy, but she did care a ridiculous amount about my grades.  If I didn’t come home with straight A’s, i was grounded.  So she was the type of person to ban me from talking to someone if she thought they were interfering with my grades, and she had lengths she could take to achieve it.  So naturally, I wanted to keep my relationship with him on the down low. And he knew about that.  One day he asked me why we weren’t bf/gf yet, and I straight up told him it was because I wouldn’t be able to see him.  I wouldn’t be able to go to his house and hang out, I wouldn’t be able to go places with him, stuff like that.  And he told me that wasn’t a big enough reason for us not to date, and I was like “alright, if you insist.”  About 3 weeks later he started getting upset that I wasn’t able to hang out with him and go places with him and do cute coupley things with him (this was before either of us had our own car) and I was like “I fucking told you.” and after that I basically just started working with him to not be a dick so that he could get another girlfriend after me and we broke up on the first day of junior year.  We both were involved with another service organization, so we did have to see each other relatively often, and after that he got kind of physically violent towards me and in general and there was one time that he was upset that I didn’t stand up fast enough after kneeling for a huge group picture and he kind of just grabbed me by the arm and yanked me up and I basically just said “if you get within arms distance of me again, I’m calling the cops” and I never saw him again.
As for his current girlfriend, I don’t actually know if he’s dating anyone because in my mind, he pretty much fell off the face of the earth after that, but thanks to instagram, I did find out that his girlfriend after me was a brunette that wanted to study marine bio, but her school didn’t offer it so she was just general bio, who liked the beatles and star trek, who also did musical theatre.  So basically a 2nd rate version of me because at least I’m hot.
Then there was Casey.  I was with Casey for about 3 and a half years.  I met him pretty much as soon as I got to Florida Tech, and we started dating less than a month later.  When it was really good, it was great.  But when it wasn’t, it was kind of miserable.  I knew early on that my major wasn’t going to be able to pay all my bills, so I kind of figured that if I find someone who’s studying computers or an engineer or something, I just needed to snatch them up, and then I’d be set for life.  So in the beginning, yes, it was just about the potential money, but then I did start to really like him.  It was pretty great in the beginning, but then the relationship started to become pretty unbalanced in what he was asking of me versus what he was giving me in return.  It became pretty clear that we weren’t taking on the world together, but it was more that he was taking on the world and taking me along for the ride.  I kept telling myself “Just think of that paycheck.  You’ll never have to work a day in your life,” but after I got really sick, it became so clear that he didn’t actually care about my health unless it interfered with his ability to stick his dick in me.  He always claimed to support me in my other endeavors, but he really never gave a shit about anything I did with the drama club or with the swing club to the point where we needed his help for a few nights with the last musical I did, he straight up refused to help because he didn’t want to put the effort into it, and the person we did end up doing the job we needed him to ended up fucking up pretty much every night and actively hurt the show. He’s a good guy.  He does care, he’s just a little shady in how he gets things done to care about people. He’s thoughtful, but he doesn’t think his thoughts all the way through.  He also has a tendency to just make shit up to get his point across, so if he’s ever told you something, try to verify it with someone else.  
I don’t think he’s dating anyone right now, and I do feel really bad about how much I hurt him when we broke up.  I genuinely thought he saw it coming, especially because things had just not been the same for at least 6 weeks, and I didn’t even want him touching me, and I was getting more and more vocal about how unhappy I was and how frustrated he was making me, but according to him, it came out of absolutely nowhere.
Then there was Matt.  I tried so hard not to fall for him, but in the end, I still did.  We met by playing Gomez and Morticia Addams in The Addams Family Musical (hello, cutest fucking “how we met” story ever).  We didn’t start dating until a few months later though, mostly because when we met he was in a relationship with this batshit crazy bitch who treated him like absolute garbage.  I needed his help with the next show, so we started seeing each other more often, and we started learning more about each other, and long story short, I was one of the only people who outright told him that his girlfriend was treating him like shit and that he needed to leave her, and at the time it was just because he was my friend and I cared about him, but I hadn’t caught feelings just yet.  And I was a support system for him while he was going through that, and he lived in the building right next to me, so I gave him rides home from rehearsals, and it was super easy for one of us to pop over just to hang out, and he’d come with me if I needed to go on a late-night run to walmart or something.  And the more time I spent with him, the more I started realizing how great we were for each other.  If you asked me to build the perfect man for me, you get him, and he was even more than I ever could have thought to ask for.  He was tall, handsome, a dancer, a singer, an actor, did musical theatre, played piano phenomenally, played spanish guitar, a fencer, loved to show me off, was a great cook, was passionate, was willing to try new things that I liked, introduced me to cool things that he liked, was so incredibly thoughtful, was spontaneous, planned a bunch of surprises for me, put effort into dates, and when we were together, everything just felt so right in the universe.  It sounds cheesy, but that’s the only way I could think to describe it.  It seemed that every time we were together, there was some sort of sign that was telling me that we were meant to be.  I mean, we met playing the absolute definition of #relationshipgoals, we saw a shooting star on a late night spur of the moment beach trip, we got separated at walmart once and found each other holding the same item that we wanted to show each other, we kept finding more and more things we had in common, and so on.  I had never met anyone that I was able to just be completely, unabashedly myself with.  From the moment I met him, there were no walls, there was no front, and there’s absolutely nothing that I’ve held back from him.  He’s the only person I could just sing in front of and not worry about sounding good and what he might think of me.  And everything fell into place so perfectly, and I hesitate to use that word, but it’s true.  It was perfect.  We’d sit down and we’d talk about things, and we both agreed that we were terrified out of our minds, but we didn’t have any doubts that we were meant to be together.
Then it all went to shit.  Long story short, I took an internship in Atlanta, we spent a couple weekends going back and forth between Florida, Atlanta, and Louisiana together, and we’d spend probably about 3 hours on the phone every day when we were apart, and he went through some shit, and us being apart kind of forced some quiet into his life, and he had to come to terms with some issues that were unresolved with his last relationship, and he broke up with me out of nowhere over the phone while I was in Louisiana one weekend, and I was like, “I understand you’re going through some shit, if you think this will help, then ok, and I’ll still be here to love you and support you through this.” so I’m over here going absolutely nuts and losing it more and more every day because I’m beating myself up thinking that he’s hurting and I can’t be there for him, and I should never have left Florida in the first place, and I need to get back to Florida ASAP, and he was telling me that he felt like he didn’t have many friends, so I was so worried about him, and all that jazz.  So we’re still talking, still friendly, and skipping a bit, I find out that he broke up with me a week after he convinced a girl he routinely assured me I would never have to worry about, she likes him but he could never like her like that, she was way too young for him, she’s not his type, she knew how crazy he was about me, etc. to break up with her boyfriend.  They start dating soon after, they try to keep it quiet, but her ex boyfriend starts talking to me, I start putting together the pieces, and Matt told her he loved her back in March, and we didn’t really start hanging out until April.  The problem is that the more I think about it, the more that some little things don’t add up, and not necessarily in the “I should have seen this coming” way, but more in the “Maybe he didn’t anticipate falling for me as hard as he did” way and I can’t get out of my own head and I went on a crazy downward spiral for a while and I’m still not completely out of it, and it was not a good couple of weeks, and I just miss my best friend and even after how much he absolutely destroyed me, I just can’t stop loving him no matter how hard I try, and the worst part of all of this is that I’d still take him back in a heartbeat.
As for his new girlfriend, she’s pretty.  She’s a fucking blonde (they all are).  But she’s young, and she doesn’t have a whole lot of friends that are girls, especially older friends that are girls looking out for her.  The thing is, she’s a lot more sneaky and manipulative herself than she actually lets on.  The current rumor going around, which considering what I know about her, I’m inclined to believe, is that she’s using him as a way to get out of her parents’ house.  Watch, she’s going to try to move in with him before the end of the year.  And before shit hit the fan, I’m sitting there, trying to be supportive even though I didn’t really know her that well and telling her that if she really is that unhappy with her boyfriend, she really does need to set some limits and leave him, she’s given him way more chances than he deserves, she’s young and pretty and she’ll have so many more boys and she can do so much better.  Also the thing is that she’s used to having a lot of boys constantly throwing themselves at her, and Matt has been described as intimidating, so knowing that’s not something that is likely going to happen anymore is probably going to affect her a lot more than she might realize now, so she’s probably going to start sneaking around, flirting with people behind his back to get some more attention (tbh i speak from experience.  Not with Matt, but in another time) and that’ll be a shit storm waiting to happen.  Either way, she’s got the world ahead of her, and I genuinely hope she meets the man of her dreams soon so she can fucking give me back mine
Charlie:  Piece of shit, literally has no impact on my life anymore
Casey:  Heart’s in the right place, just didn’t work out
Matt:  Everything hurts and I’m dying
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