#he just want a break and a nap but he don't trust the observants for nothing after the supposedly last incident that will never come in time
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emacrow · 11 months ago
Babysitting duty calls, Klarion
It another world threatening battle for the justice league, young justice against the league of Villains and chaos children before most of the chaos children froze as if they sense something bad was approaching and immediately dipped out.. except klarion whom was fighting with raven who immediately froze up too late in front of the portal.
Only for a green portal to appear, as a worned out floating glowing green, but blue skinned teenage boy who turn into a man with red eyes, a clock staff in hand and a glowing white hair baby in a baby carrier.
Klarion is literally struggling like a feral cat who got wet in cold water against some invisible force speaking in some odd static like language before giving up after half a minute when the man spoke back with a short word.
The man now just shape-shifting into turn elderly just gave klarion the baby carrier before noticing how the heroes and villains have stop in mid battles looking at both klarion and him.
"All in soon time, but be warn Flashes whom break the laws of times will get their due if you keep messing with the past and future." Spoken the elderly now shape-shifted into a young boy before he turn back to klarion leaving him a note and glowing baby bag before floating back into the swirling green portal.
Klarion could only look at note with his eye twitching, Teekl meowing as she climb into the baby carrier purring around the glowing baby.
"Why do I keep getting babysitting duty, it so unfa-..." klarion grumbled as he pick up the baby carrier and bag teleporting away..
"What just happened?" Said Dick whom only one question would be put on hold til later in the watchtower of what just happen before the fight resuming with the young and original justice league winning since the league of Villains were distracted.
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pigfacedbitch · 2 years ago
Falling In Love With Leo Valdez
summary : title speaks for itself. reader is a daughter of Poseidon. timeline is from the lost hero to mark of Athena.
word count : 0.7k
type : imagines
pairing/s involved : Leo Valdez x Reader, Brother! Percy Jackson x Reader
warning/s : dealing with a loved one's disappearance, depression, and coping
here is my masterlist!
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Percy is the amazing older brother anyone could ever ask for. He made sure that you were thoroughly trained and well-oriented on what it means to be a demigod.
The only downside? He is extremely protective, especially when someone is romantically interested in you.
"PERCY!" You see the camper who flirted with you earlier got knocked off of his canoe and almost drowned in the lake.
"What? It wasn't me."
But his face says otherwise. He can be insufferable.
You love him dearly anyway.
So when he vanished that summer, you are a mess. Chiron had to monitor your every move because you might try to find Percy on your own.
Annabeth told you she received a word of where he is and assured you that everything will be okay. Instead she brought back three strangers with her.
One particularly caught your attention with his elf-like features and scrawny build. You found him... cute.
As expected, Leo flirted with you right away. How could he not? You are hot! 😍
"Hey there, cutie. Are you a goddess?"
"No. My name is (Y/N)."
"Leo Valdez but you can call me anything you want-"
"How about dead?" Annabeth cuts him off, giving him an icy glare. That was enough to shut him up.
Leo uses all of his time to be with you. He is so in love, it's almost sickening.
At first, it's just harmless flirting.
Then he notices the little things— you don't eat that much, easily space out in conversations, lethargic, and has always a forlorn look on your beautiful face.
You, on the other hand, have repressed your emotions to look 'strong'. Annabeth tries to be there for you but she is suffering too.
That's why you bawled your eyes out when Leo asks you about Percy one night.
After that, he swears to you that he will be there to help you cope and look for your brother as well.
He lessens the flirting, shifting to jokes and funny stories that make you laugh.
Disobeying the rules in the dining pavilion, he eats his meals with you on the Cabin 3 table.
You're the first person he brings in Bunker 9, letting you use the place for your own leisure. You often nap there.
Despite the instant attraction, trust gradually grows between you and Leo.
You weren't some silly crush anymore but someone Leo can confide in, and he to you.
Those who observe see that you are becoming lively again. Your smile is no longer forced, you're now eating well, and looking forward to training and games.
The moment you realize Leo wasn't just a friend was because of some jerks who think you were out of his league.
"Come on, man. She wouldn't date you."
You quickly walked up to them and kissed him in front of everyone.
To say Leo is surprised is an understatement. He almost blew up right then and there. That was his first kiss.
You had to pull him to your cabin to confess properly. Let's just say Leo had more than his first kiss that night. 👀
You two aren't officially dating yet, probably because of the war that's about to come.
However, you act like you do— displaying affections, acts of service, and most importantly, keeping each other alive.
There were no need to exchange I love yous, actions were more than enough. Though, Leo loves saying that to you whenever he can.
Annabeth knows Percy will likely kill Leo but if he makes you happy then why not?
Flashforward to Camp Jupiter, you walk to Reyna with Jason and the others. By the distance, you see Percy running towards you with his hands reaching out.
He engulfs you in a hug that you're sure will break your ribs.
"How come my little sister got smaller?"
"Shut up."
You both feel the heavy weight of worry on your shoulders disappear, Percy tigtening his hug on you if that was possible.
Even with the danger looming over all of your heads, you felt safe and content in Percy's arms. Everything seems perfect.
Now, there's only one problem...
How can you tell Percy that you're in love with Leo without the chances of drowning him to death?
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angelpuns · 4 months ago
50au Part 24
Leo was having a hard time keeping up with….everything. Struggling to parse what was real and what wasn’t. 
If he weren't in so much pain he'd wonder if those birds really had done him in and he wasn't lying in the med bay imagining all this. Alone and practically comatose.
But his leg and his head and everything ached too badly for it to be a dream or some kind of weird hallucination. 
He wasn't sure his brain could make half this stuff up anyway. 
Donnie and Mikey had explained everything to the rat, who had then promised to help. After he took a nap, of course.  
Everyone seemed a little pissed off at that, but Leo was relieved. He already hated having to rely on a bunch of strangers that insisted they were family, he didn't want to add another into the mix. Even if he was Lou Jitsu ( which Leo really didn't believe that part of all this) 
Hell, maybe Jupiter Jim was uncle and was really a snake or something. 
The rest of the day was spent planning, for the most part. 
Donnie figured out exactly when he seemed to reset and said it was a breakthrough, though Leo didn't know how exactly it would help. He was going to forget either way, and it wasn't as if they could prevent it happening. Until Donnie said he was going to have Leo stay up past that point and see if it made a difference. 
Annoying, but Leo was at these guys’ mercy and all. 
He did learn a lot throughout the day. 
Mikey was a good cook. He was also the youngest. And even though he had this emotional maturity thing going, Leo could tell he was one wrong move from crying about this entire thing. 
The big guy, Raph, was the oldest. And he was super over protective and kept treating Leo like he'd break. He also wasn't as touchy-feeling as Mikey, but Leo figured if was more because of the circumstances and that Raph would hug him til he popped if he had the chance. 
Donnie was the really interesting one. They were twins, which Leo was guessing on based on a lot of context. Stuff from the montage, the way Donnie acted and the way he seemed to mumble ‘my Dumdum twin’ under his breath whenever he got the chance. He was really smart, too, Leo could barely keep up with half the stuff he talked about. 
At first he thought Donnie might be the leader, but Raph seemed to be more in charge than he was letting on. But the dynamic was still weird. Mikey definitely wasn't the leader. Leo figured he couldn't have been, because what Leader would get himself shot with a curse and then run around avoiding his problems all the time? He definitely wasn't leader material. 
Not that it mattered, because Raph had already told him they weren't going anywhere today. 
There was also the issue of Baron Draxum, the villain that had thrown Leo off of a roof and overall was just an untrustworthy bastard. They all thought it was weird that he remembered Draxum, but Leo didn't trust the guy as far as he could throw him. He definitely wasn't family. 
But he was helping them for some reason, and Leo was forced to let the yokai into his home to do so. Even if the thought made him want to be sick and made the panic and anxiety he'd been holding back all day simmer dangerously beneath the surface. 
Baron Draxum was working on the cleansing salve and promised he was almost done, that they could do the ritual tomorrow. Leo didn't like the sound of Draxum doing anything with his head, much less going into his memories. 
He brought it up with Donnie that night, while Donnie fixed the camera in the corner of his room. 
“ Are we sure it has to be him? Don't you all have any other yokai family members that weren't literally evil….?” Leo muttered, huddled in the corner of his bed. 
It was dark in the lair now. Everyone else had gone to sleep, while Donnie had Leo stay up so he could observe the resetting. 
His thought was that, maybe if Leo didn't sleep, the reset wouldn't be able to happen. Even if it was time based. 
“ Sadly, no. I would personally not love Draxum rooting around in your head either, even though I respect him as a fellow scientist and all,” Donnie answered, sitting on the edge of Leo's bed and prying apart the camera, “ but he's the only person we really know that can do all that mystic bullshit,” 
“ This all would have been so much easier if it were some kind of clinical mishap. At least then you'd be showing progress at this point, and we could probably fix it with surgery or something,” he huffed, holding up the light, “ there. You're going to forget it's up there, but at least you won't get freaked out again by the light,” 
Donnie started to put the camera back together with a sigh, still rambling. 
Leo got the feeling it helped him calm down. Even though he didn’t really understand why, he was feeling slightly calmed by whatever Donnie was going on about. Even if he was having a hard time keeping up and his head throbbed. 
“At least tomorrow we can do the ritual and put this all behind us. I've already got plans in case you somehow have lasting side effects, and of course a medical plan for your leg,” He clicked the last piece in place and headed to remount it to the wall, “ which you're obviously going to have to follow, Nardo. You were a terrible patient after the- when you got hurt, and we will not be having a repeat of that. I'm sure Dr. Feelings has his own plans about the emotional effects of all this and-”
Leo didn't have a chance to ask who Dr. Feelings was. 
The world went silent, Leo slumping forward like- 
Leo blinked awake, hunched over in the corner of his bed, his knees up to his chest. Someone was talking, but he must have just left his TV on, because who could possibly be talking? 
He fumbled for the remote on his nightstand, blinking away the sleep and fiddling with the power button. But when he pressed it, the noises didn't stop. In fact, the TV turned on when he did that, the fuzzy static making him frown. He turned it back off.
Someone was talking. Someone was in his room. 
In the corner of his room, in the dark, loomed a figure. They were tall and thin and shadowed, and Leo's first thought was that it was some kind of sleep paralysis demon. But he could move plenty, and his leg was starting to ache so badly that his knew he wasn't asleep. 
Leo rubbed at his eyes in an attempt to clear them, focusing in on the figure with a grimace. Still tall and still shadowed, but less threatening when he saw  a purple hoodie and the fact that the person was standing on a small step stool. At first he couldn't see what they were doing. But as they stepped down to admire their work, he understood. They were installing a camera.
In his room. Where he was sleeping. 
To watch him and-and do know god knows what with the information. 
Leo sat as still as he could, the figure suddenly turning to face him. They were a mutant like him, maybe even a turtle if he had to guess. Three fingers, green skin, a tail. No shell, as far as Leo could tell. Unless it was hidden well beneath the hoodie. But that didn't matter much, because all he could think was how someone could be in his room. 
The figure stared at him for a moment, no longer rambling to themselves. 
“ ‘Nardo, you okay?” They murmured, voice dropping to something closer to a whisper. 
Leo swallowed down the rising panic, glancing around the room for his swords. They weren't here. He always kept them by his bed, so why weren't they…?
Leo turned back to the mutant. This guy must have hidden them. He must have planned this so that Leo couldn't fight back…couldn't run. 
“ wh-who are you?” He asked, pieces of a plan starting to fall together. He had to fight. The mutant wasn't much bigger than him. He could fight, even if he was never good at hand to hand combat. He just had to lower this guy's guard first. If he could get him monologuing, then surely it'd be an easy fight. 
“ what are you doing in my room?” 
“ shit, did you reset?” they suddenly seemed panicked, quickly checking some sort of strange tech on their arm, “ I must have miscalculated, you weren't supposed to reset for another hour, at least-”
Leo launched himself off the bed and at the stranger, hands outstretched to grapple him. The mutant shrieked in surprise, and Leo took him to the ground easily.
It hurt his leg, bad, but he had to fight! He wasn't gonna let this guy get away with whatever evil surveillance shit he had planned! 
“ ‘Nardo, stop- you've got to listen to me-” the mutant growled, teeth snapping dangerously at Leo's hands. He quickly grabbed their wrists and held them to the ground, far too relieved that the mutant didn't have a weapon on them, “ Leo-”
They kicked and twisted under him, but Leo was stronger. He quickly moved to straddle their legs, wincing when they kicked Hus injured one a little too hard. 
“Fuck- WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOME!?” Leo growled, leg wound throbbing in time with his heartbeat. He held his position though, the mutant struggling against him. 
“ L-Leo, it's me! I know you're confused, but I'm your brother” the mutant whined, hands clenching with the effort it was taking to fight him. They were a lot stronger than they looked, Leo straining to keep them from moving. “ Leo, please! Let-let me explain!” 
They sounded scared. And terribly desperate. 
It unexpectedly grated on Leo's nerves, a feeling like pity growing inside him. No, no he could not feel bad for this guy! A mutant who was lying to him and had literally invaded his home! 
“ tell me the truth Or I’ll kill you” Leo hissed, trying not to think too hard about the pain or the pity or the nagging feeling in the back of his head that made him want to hear this guy out, “ what were you doing with the camera? How'd you get in here?” 
The mutant let out a shaky sigh, “ I am your brother. You were cursed to forget your family and-” 
“STOP LYING!” Leo reeled his fist back and punched the mutant hard, trying not to focus on how the crack beneath his fist  made him feel sick, “ YOU'RE NOT MY BROTHER!” 
Blood gushed from the murant’s nose, their eyes widened and panicked. He squeezed his eyes shut for a second, the sight of it making him feel so fucking sick and he didn't know why. 
This mutant was going to hurt him if he didn't hurt them first. They were going to watch him and use the information to get him. He knew it, he already knew their plan, so he had  to fight back while he had the upper hand. 
He reeled back to punch the mutant again, but they stuck an arm out to stop him, grabbing at his neck and trying to choke him. But they were too hesitant, like they were afraid they'd hurt him. 
Too bad Leo wasn’t afraid to hurt them. 
He threw another punch, but the mutant tightened their fingers and he choked at the last second, nearly missing their cheek. 
Leo let go with his other hand to try and wrench their hands away from his neck, suddenly sucking in a panicked breath. This reminded him too much of- he couldn't breath and it was just like-
Leo squeezed his shut, his throat closing despite the mutant barely squeezing.
He tried not to think about it. Just fight. Fight this guy, don't think about how similar it feels to- 
Something pricked his neck and Leo opened his eyes, the mutant let go of his neck and pushed him off, scrambling away from him. 
He felt dizzy. 
“You-” Leo rasped out, but he couldn't make the words work. He couldn't move. Everything seemed to be falling down around him, the world going dark. 
And then he was nowhere. 
lemme know if this needs more warnings. uuuuh yeah I wanted to write this part bad cause haha there will be consequences to Leo's actions ;) Regardless of whether he remembers them or not
I hope this bit isn't too OOC for Leo specifically, I think if he were cornered he could get real real violent so. Yeah.
Also I drew a doodle for this (which is why I wanted to write this bit) TW FOR VIOLENCE/CHOKING BELOW
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Sorry Donnie you are also getting more traumatized :/
Part 1 | Part 23 | Part 25
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artpoint420 · 7 months ago
A Long Winded Analytic Defense of Nermal Cat from Garfield -DRAFT
I’ve said before, Nermal isn’t that bad, y’all just mean.
Go ahead. Hate me. Send me to Abu Dabi. But I am a Nermal apologist. I think Nermal makes a good addition to the Garfield cast and he's even a bit of an interesting character, the world's cutest kitty cat yet the most overhated.
I can understand why he's hated, certainly. I'll admit he does deserve some hate.
As a cat crazy individual, I will never hate a cat. That's my main reason for not hating Nermal. In fact, I want to adopt Nermal so bad but he's just a cartoon character at the end of each Monday (and everyday), unfortunately. There are other reasons I defend him too and here (and next parts) I'll give a detailed overview/ analysis of all Garfield media Nermal has been in, the role he plays, his dynamics with the other characters, and his behavior.
PART 1: THE COMIC STRIPS (early era Nermal)
Let's start with the obvious, his first appearance in the comics.
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... to which Garfield immediately hates him. But hey, it's a great way to immediately establish their dynamic, and show the main reason Garfield dislikes Nermal is his jealously (and annoyance at how he interuppts his naps.) The fact Nermal looks so happy to meet him though <3
The next few strips feature Garfield telling Nermal how he hates cute, his general disappointment in Nermal, and all the little ways Nermal annoys him. Here, Nermal is just the naive baby of the group and doesn't seem to mean to annoy Garfield. It's honestly reminisent to how Garfield and Odie were when Odie was introduced early on as well as a reflection on how cats tend to treat new cats, which is usually not very well until they get used to each other. (I have three cats trust me.)
Nonetheless, it doesn't take long until we get strips showcasing the ways they actually enjoy their time together, finding ways to play that shows their friendly side with each other without completely altering their established dynamic.
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These are some of my overall favorite Garfield comics. Jim Davis honestly deserves kudos for being able to draw and write his characters in ways that feel like a natural sibling rivalry with both good and bad moments. But when the moments are good, they're so damn good. Here's more examples:
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God this is my favorte Nermal and Garf stirip. I can hear them giggling as they confuse Jon.
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I don't blame you for thinking that Nermal.
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He's just his little baby brother and I will accept no other answer.
However there's this one:
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If nothing proves Garfield's hatred is fueld mainly by jealously, this will. So much for Nermal being the "evil" one. (They both have their evil moments I suppose.)
In this one, Garfield fully admits it.
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To move forward because I can analyze each and every comic, truly I can, but I also have so much more I want to talk about, I'll just say there's a few basic formulas for a Garfield and Nermal strip in this era I've observed, and that's one of these few:
-Nermal being snobbish towards Garfield to which Garfield is reasonably annoyed.
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-Garfield just being a jerk to Nermal unprovoked or scolding him harshly usually ending with Nermal being tossed out the door.
-Garfield yearning for Jon's attention upon Nermal getting attention.
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-Garfield trying to copy Nermal and/or have Nermal teach him to be cute (you are cute though Garfield, you're a cat, of course you're cute, Jon or Nermal just won't admit it.)
-Nermal and Garfield asking each other what seems like genuine questions out of a true interest about each other's lives.
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-Something a bit more on the wholesome or brotherly side.
Or something kinda random.
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Now, before both our attention spans die out, lets quickly look at modern Nermal comics and how Nermal's character has developed over the years. As we can see, early on, he had his snobbish moments but could also be sweet enough to break through Garfield's walls he puts up. Does that sweetness remain or get replaced?
To be honest, their dynamic hasn't actually changed too awfully much. There's so many modern ones with Nermal that feature Garfield's age and birthday more often than the past one's. Nermal is usually insulting Garfield's age but there's one where he does try to comfort him, proving he's still a cute sweet kitty despite his smart-aleck attitude. But I'll have to continue in part 2 because there's already 29 pictures in this post and I can only add one more which isthis one, which I coudn't leave out:
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"Garfield! You're blocking my sunlight!"
Tee-hee, yep, one more cute one for the road. Can't get enough of it? Tune in for my next post because we'll have to do a Part 1 part 2!
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softxsuki · 2 years ago
Hey! Uhm well I was wondering if you could do a ran or rindou haitani x reader self harm urges post if not both because I've been struggling really hard to try not to do it and losing sleep because of it. I hope you understand have a great night/day 😁
Shinichiro Comforts Reader With Self-Harm Urges
Pairing: Shinichiro x Gn!Reader
Warnings: mentions of self-harm, old scars, urges to hurt yourself
Genre: Comfort
Post-Type: Headcanons
Word Count: 690
Summary: In which Shinichiro comforts you after finding out about your urges to self-harm again
[A/N: Written with Shinichiro like you asked for in your other ask since I don't write for Ran or Rindou yet :3. Sorry about the delay, I took a nap since I've been sleep deprived lately, and my nap turned into a 5 hour long sleep...oops. But I hope this was worth the wait, and hopefully it provides you with some comfort to help those urges go away! Remember everyone, your comfort characters love you and wouldn't want you to hurt yourself; that includes Ran and Rindou. Though I don't know much about them, I just know that their s/o would be the most precious person to them, so knowing you were hurting yourself would break their heart. ily, thanks for trusting me with your urgent request <3]
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Shinichiro is the type of guy who tells you he’ll always be there for you, and he really is
So long as you actually tell him whenever you’re struggling, he’s not that great at picking up on the subtle hints that you’re struggling on your own
Of course he knows about your history with self-harm, you’d both spoken about it on one of your heart to heart conversations where all your inner, darkest secrets were spilled to each other
Because of this, he has tried to be a little more observant towards you, making sure you’re not suffering alone, and feeling like you have to rely on self-harm to feel better
As soon as you do open up to him one night about your recent urges to self-harm again, he’s on high alert, racking his brain for the best words to soothe you
Knowing you have this internal struggle to harm yourself makes him feel useless, I mean, what could he possibly do or say to stop you from feeling this way? He didn’t want you to feel judged or bad for feeling the way you do…
So he does whatever comes to his mind first; he grabs a sharpie and gently holds your arm in his hands, flipping is over so he can see your wrists
Evidence of your older battles are evident on them still, scars that will always remain, yet are a testament to everything you’ve survived through thus far, a strength in you he greatly admired
He slowly draws a heart on your wrist with the sharpie, as you look on in confusion at his actions. He blows on your skin, allowing the ink to dry before pressing a kiss to it and allowing you your arm back
“That right there is my heart, whenever you feel the urge to hurt yourself and don’t feel confident enough to tell me about it, just look at the heart…if it fades, just let me know and I’ll redraw it for you as many times as you need. If you hurt yourself, you also hurt me,” he says softly, looking into your eyes
Shinichiro wasn’t the best at emotions and letting you know how he felt without getting blushy and nervous that he’ll mess up his words, was close to impossible
“Oh gosh, this is stupid right? I’m sorry, I was trying to be cool…Look, I just want you to know that I’m here for you and I care about you so much. It’s hard for anyone other than you to know exactly what you’re going through, but I promise I’ll be by your side to help you through anything you need. If you feel these urges to hurt yourself, maybe we can go out and blow off some steam. We can go to a junkyard and just smash up a few things. Just…please don’t take out your frustrations and complicated emotions on yourself. I’d rather you hit me and scream at me than harm yourself, Y/N.”
He means every word and is ready and willing to do whatever it takes to make you feel better, you only need to say the word
After your confession on the urges you’re feeling, Shin keeps an even closer eye on you, hoping that he doesn’t feel too suffocating. He just doesn’t want you to resort to temporary solutions to your feelings and would much rather target the root cause so you can feel better about things moving forward
Checks up on the heart he drew on you to make sure you’re taking good care of it, and smiles happily when he sees it’s still intact, peppering kisses to your skin, and embracing you
However, in the slight chance that his tactics don’t work and you do resort to your own methods of coping, he isn’t disappointed, but he is hurt and upset at himself that he couldn’t do enough to help you
If you fall once, just get back up and try again–that’s what he believes, so he’s right there by your side to pick you back up and try again until those urges never return
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Posted: 08/23/2023
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universallychaoticpan · 3 years ago
Yandere Armin?
Never written yandere before so I'm a little scared ngl. I hope you enjoy this, since I've always thought Armin had so much potential as a yandere. Even so, this was very fun to write. I find villains always are, don't you? ;)
I highly suggest this while reading, just to set the mood.
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"Please," you whimpered, tears streaking your blotchy skin as you shrunk away from your captor, "please, just let me go home. I won't tell anyone or say anything but please let me leave-"
"I'm sorry love, you know I can't do that. You'll just have to stay here with me!" He finished speaking with a cheery grin on his face, elated at the thought of keeping you as his darling little love forever and ever and ever...
Which never would've been possible if he hadn't realized just how much you needed him.
You couldn't tell just how long you'd been inside. After a while, the days had begun to blend together, so you'd stopped trying to keep track. It was hopeless anyway. Armin was smart, clever, and quick. He kept your windows covered for so long that you wondered if he was just going to leave you in the dark, both literally and figuratively, until you broke or escaped.
At the moment, you were closer to breaking than ever.
Still, a part of your mind screamed for you you fight. To run, to get out, to claw and kick and scream and do whatever else it would take to get back to your home in Orvud District. It didn't matter if the rest of your life was hell, none of it did. All you wanted, or so you thought, was to go home.
Armin knew you were lying to yourself. He hated seeing you delude yourself, smart girl that you were, pretending that you could be happier in the miserable life he had saved you from. It was a tragedy. He could see you were so close to being his forever. So pliant and lovely, beautiful and sweet and only his. But for that to fully come to pass, he'd need that stubborn place in your mind to snap, subtle and gently as the breaking of a finger.
Both of you had a plan in place. It was a gamble, a risk, and a bet to see who would emerge victorious. Unfortunately for you, however, even an idiot could see the deck was more than stacked against you. But you had a chance. One that had taken weeks to get your hands on, glimmering with possibility and danger in your hands.
You see, you were no idiot yourself. Sharp and cunning, you were the well respected daughter of a prominent merchant within the walls. From childhood, you grew up around the sharp smiles of higher society, a witness to false promises and loud accusations almost since you could walk. You weren't unkind, just shrewd, astute in your observation of the world. Life outside the walls was a brutal war, your father had said. Inside it, though, was a deadly game.
You wished you'd remembered his words when you'd met Armin.
He'd seduced your mind with easy precision, pretty words and soft laughter drowning your doubt until it was only too easy to make you trust him. But from the moment he'd met you, Armin knew he had to have you. So when you'd come crying to him one night after your father had told you he'd arranged your marriage against your will, he invited you into his home. Told you you could stay as long as you needed. But when you tried to return home two days later, you'd found yourself stuck. No, not stuck.
So you learned what made him happy. You let yourself go dumb and pretty for him, still engaging, but not questioning. Little by little, you watched and waited for the time to strike at his heal. He began to leave you alone, trusting you in the house for ten minutes, then twenty, always smiling kindly when he saw you reading in the bedroom you'd begun sharing with him, or napping lazily in a patch of sunlight. He never laid a hand on you, no, never. He could never dream of hurting a hair on you. Especially not when playing with your head was so much more fun.
The door hadn't locked all the way.
That's what you thought to yourself as you lay alone in your bed, turned towards the balcony door with your eyes wide open in the dark. The door wasn't locked.
When you'd realized that outright escape by force wasn't an option, you'd spent hours studying the lock. It gave you something to do, and after a time, Armin had even let you pick one apart for your own amusement. Padding across the wooden floor, you made your movements small and light as possible; the slightest creak could send your captor racing upstairs to catch you red handed. Pulling a finely knit shawl from the back of a chair, you wrapped it tightly around your shoulders as you slipped a pair of shoes on over your bare feet. The night air was cold, late November spilling past the threshold of the room as you gingerly pulled the door open.
After, you wondered if you'd have made it out if you had been quicker. If you hadn't taken so long. But you knew, deep down, that you'd been doomed from the very start.
Your hand hadn't even left the knob when someone else's closed around your neck. The other had your arm pinned behind your back, twisting it sharply in warning when you tried to release the hand on the door.
"I wouldn't recommend that, love. Don't forget who the soldier is here."
Stifling a sob, you were wrenched back inside. The door was still open, the last hope you had just out of your reach as you trashed wildly against his hold. It really didn't matter. He was deceptively strong, and in a moment had you on the floor, backed into a corner and cowering like a mouse. He had no weapon, but the look in his eyes scared you senseless, manic and crazed as he bore down on you.
"Do you really think, for one second," he whispered, hands holding your shoulders in a vice grip as you clenched your eyes shut, "that there is anything out there for you? That your father won't just make you marry some old bastard in a glorified auction the second you return home? Come now, y/n, you're smarter than that."
"Or maybe," he continued, "you aren't. After all I thought it was perfectly clear I was baiting you. This was an experiment of sorts, and I'm afraid to say you failed miserably."
At this, you sobbed harder, fear rushing through you at the thought of what he would do to you. There was no one who knew where you were, no one around who even knew who you were. Even if you could get out, you knew Armin had connections. You'd heard rumors that he'd trained alongside the damn queen of the walls, for god's sake. He could literally kill you and the only one who'd know anything about it would be Armin himself. Besides, he was right. Nothing would change if you made it home. Life hadn't even felt worth living until you met him. Why should that change after?
"Oh no, darling, I'd never even think about hurting you," he murmured. Wrapping his arms around your cold body, he brought you into his chest as you cried, a smile growing on his lips in the dark. "I'm the only one who can protect you, don't you see? As long as you're with me, you'll be safe and loved like you never could be back home."
He kissed the top of your head gently as you wore yourself out, exhaustion taking over your mind as you finally relaxed into him.
"And after all," he said, making you meet his eyes as he spoke gently," doesn't that sound lovely?"
The worst thing about it all is you knew exactly what you were sacrificing when you answered, eyes shining with tears bright as stars in the warm darkness.
"It really, really does."
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agape-bakery · 4 years ago
Hi ! I love your blog and your idea to make a bakery is just awesome ^-^ anyway how are you ? I hope you have a good day :) I'm here to request a female mc who love drawing. And i wonder if you can make brothers react to mc who draw them when they're sleeping, eating or i don't know like you want. If you can of vourse it's not an obligation :3
I wish you a good day \(^-^)/
Thank you so much! I really enjoy the location-themed blogs here like Cafes and such so I'm happy you think the same! I'm doing good! And also, YESS!! I love Artist MCs/Y/Ns because I'm an artist myself! I hope you enjoy these!
The Brothers with an F! MC who draws
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He already knew you love to draw and didn't mind that, at least that's one good hobby someone has on his list compared to gambling and parties
If there is something Lucifer appreciates about humans, it's their art and cultures, he might take you to art museums for inspiration and have a date in a cafe and talk to you about the paintings you both saw
If art museums are not your thing, he would be a little disappointed but then again, some artists like more modern artworks and some that are shown online so he understands
And frankly, having you draw him makes him immensely proud of himself for having a talented girlfriend like you, he doesn't ask that you draw him but he secretly wants to
Lucifer occasionally buys art supplies for you but only if you've been good
"So you joined Mammon on going to the casino to draw the people there?"
"Pretty much...."
"Hmm.. I guess you aren't going to get some Copics from me anytime soon."
Lucifer is also observant and knows when and who you're drawing immediately
"I can see you staring at me."
His eyes looked up at yours as you looked away, pencil in hand.
"No, I'm not."
He's seen you glance at him several times before looking down at your sketchbook.
It was breakfast and you were sat between a sleeping Belphie and a distracted Beel so you took the time to draw the eldest when no one's looking.
Lucifer hummed and told Beel not to eat so messily as you continued to draw him.
Lucifer has seen many sketches of him and the brothers and when you give him some as a gift, he keeps it well-protected somewhere that Mammon can't steal in his bedroom.
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He absolutely cherishes every drawing you have, the boy keeps a doodle of him and you as a good luck charm too <3
He might ask that you do commissions and he gets some of it (for giving the idea and managing the commissions-) but one glare and he'll shut up with a nervous chuckle and an "H-hey! It's just a joke!"
When Mammon sees you staring at some art supplies, he checks it again when he's alone and dies inside because of the price and buys it immediately, he doesn't care if he loses a lot of money only a little bit, all he wants is to see your face when he gives it to you
"You better be grateful that The Great Mammon even thought of giving this to you!... Do-don't look at me like that! It was on sale!!"
While Mammon was napping on his couch, you hastily opened your sketchbook and started sketching him and the boy never realized
By the time he woke up, you were already finished doing 5 sketches of him and taking pictures of him for reference
"Oi! What are you doing? Gimme that!"
His heart completely melts because??? you drew him so good??? his girlfriend drew him???? for free??? and out of love????
He also draws you but it's just a stickman with a messy face but you still love it all the same
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Finally...another Artist...AND HIS GIRLFRIEND NO LESS!!
He's so happy and giddy to show off his art supplies but he's hesitant when it comes to showing off his art because he thinks it's horrible compared to yours
You encourage him and usually learn together with him whenever he feels awful about his art
He's the Avatar of Envy so there are many times where he's compared himself to other artists so you had to be there to keep him grounded
Art Date, anyone??
It doesn't matter whether you buy art supplies or just take a break from school, it was always nice being around Leviathan
You took the chance to draw him while he was across from you and excitedly showed it to him
He had drawn himself (albeit, in a persona) in many games and animes but your drawing was more special than anything he's ever done
He looked away, avoiding eye contact as he gave you his own drawing which was you in your favorite video game
From now on, whenever the both of you wanted to give small gifts, you draw each other!! <3
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A demon who enjoys impressionism art, there's something about the dreamy landscapes and colors that really makes him calm aside from reading
I think he would paint for a change of pace but gets frustrated because of how difficult it is so he goes back to reading
So watching you draw makes him impressed, drawing takes so much time to master
He doesn't mind whatever art style you have, aside from the impressionism style, he would have yours as his favorite
He understands the pain of art block so he often invites you in his room, one where the others wouldn't bother you, just don't touch anything or else you'll turn into some random animal for a few hours
He also encourages that you read with him when you're uninspired! Reading helps the imagination and the mind, and he'd be happy to recommend some for you!
You trust him with your sketchbooks and he trusts you with his books! The both of you knew the other wouldn't do anything which is why he only lets you inside his room
While Satan makes a drink for you, humming an old song in his DDD, you drew him in overalls and glasses
When you were bored, you would always draw your boyfriend in random outfits and would often show it to him (which he all loves)
"Overalls and Glasses, huh? I might wear it tomorrow." Satan grins, peeking at your sketchbook as he puts down the drinks.
Don't get your hopes too high, he isn't going to wear a maid outfit........yet-
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Oh? You draw? Wellll, if you need a model, he's happy to be your own personal model, but it comes with a price ;)
He loves that you draw! And would ask you to draw him
There's many artworks he likes but yours he enjoys the most, even if you aren't his girlfriend
Might ask you if you can design outfits and draw him in certain outfits so he can try them out!
Of course, drawing is not an easy feat so he'll pay you handsomely~
If you do commissions, he gets one just so he can support you
He knows that art doesn't pay much yet it is so overlooked by others
"Everywhere is art, darling, I'm surprised some humans don't know that! Of course, I'm the most beautiful art there is but I'll have you as second~"
He might blush if you draw him without him asking, he think he's desirable enough to draw without a price! After hearing that you just love him might make him blush harder! Aww, you!
He'll give you several pecks as he laughs after seeing your drawing of him! One where he was posing in one of the photos you had of him during your dates
Anatomy is hard so if you want a nude model, he'll volunteer on the spot, sure he has thoughts but if you're fully intent on getting better, he's happy to help!
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He's not the type to focus on art so he doesn't understand it much, that doesn't mean he isn't impressed though!
He has heard of Food Art and Food Illustrations though...Based by the Arty Event, he seems to be good at drawing food! He wanted to try it more but Lucifer forbid him in case he would eat the paper and get chemical poisoning or something-
However, if you could also draw food, he would be so delighted!!! He won't eat it, he promises!
It's fine if you don't, though, he expects that you might not understand working out and sports like he doesn't understand art
Might be clueless if ever you feel bad about your drawings, he thinks it looks really good! But upon hearing how frustrated you are, he would give you hugs to comfort you!
While Beel is a oblivious sweetheart, he fully supports your hobbies and would invite you to diners and restaurants so you can draw while he eats! He might even join you while he's eating
As he eats a huge cheeseburger, you drew him, smiling at how happy he looked
When you gave it to him, he told you how spot on you drew him when he eats and keeps it around him, he avoids it getting dirty at any cost
Belphie suggested that gets a photo frame so he bought one! Now your drawing of him lays on his bedrest safely~
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He used to love art as much as Satan and Lucifer does but he doesn't anymore, not until you showed him your drawings
You rekindled a small flame in him that he never thought would come back
He doesn't draw because it's way too much work but he enjoys hearing you draw, the sound the pencil makes when it moves around the paper, and the smell of lead and paper makes him sleepy
He secretly likes those papers that have a nice smell in them so you buy some whenever you go out to get some art supplies
"That's way too many sketchbooks, MC."
"Nothing is way too much-"
Because he always sleeps around you, he doesn't entirely realize that you have a bunch of drawings of him in your sketchbook
It makes him warm when he sees your drawings of him
He wishes he could do more to support you even if you tell him he doesn't have to so like Beel, he keeps your drawings near his bed and looks at it before he sleeps
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chrysanthemumgames · 3 years ago
Hi, I’m really enjoying the demo so far and I feel like Hermes and Pyri could totally become like, the chaos twins and having fun causing mischief with each other (cue the more stiff characters in the background facepalming at their antics)
Anyway, my question is how would the ROs react to an MC playing with their hair, once they’ve gotten to that stage in the relationship where they’re comfortable with it?
Thanks for the question, and I'm glad you're having fun!
There's been a sad lack of shenanigans from those two so far, but they're definitely a thing that happens when there aren't more pressing issues, heh. Hopefully I'll get a chance to let them do their thing sometime.
As to the question:
Hades loves it. One of the few things that could relax him enough to get him dozing. He and Hekate are going to be most tempted to return the gesture, though everyone will be to at least some extent heh.
Hermes protests playfully, considering how fastidious he is about his hair, and will definitely appreciate it if PC doesn't upset his curl structure too much. But at that stage, he wouldn't be upset if they did, just pouty, probably. Complain about all the work it's gonna take to make it neat again, that kind of thing.
Charon finds it endearing. Probably just chills and makes quiet conversation, if PC doesn't mind talking.
Pyri is really bad at sitting still unless they're napping, so they're probably either out like a light or fidgeting considerably, but they do enjoy it either way, and definitely don't care if their hair is messy or ends up with braids in it or whatever else. If awake though will absolutely chat.
It would take a fair bit for Alekto to reach the stage of being comfortable with that, but once she does she's the sort who doesn't feel much need to talk or do anything else unless PC wants to. She'd just... relax, try to take a break. Maybe lay her head in their lap.
Hekate likes playing with hair a fair bit herself, but is certainly not averse to a trusted partner doing so with hers. Depending on the style it's in at the time, there may be more or less someone could do, but whatever there is she's happy to relax and allow it. Might read while it's going on, either aloud to PC or sharing her observations as she goes.
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rosy-wooyoung · 4 years ago
🎄 Day 11 of the Christmas project🎄
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pairing : san x fem!reader a/n: ngl i’m quite happy with this one. maybe bc it’s kinda personal? idk
You had just arrived at the cottage you inherited from your grandparents when they passed away, and, after driving for so long, you were happy to finally cut the engine. Months had passed since you last visited this small house filled with beautiful memories, and you had this strange feeling of happiness mixed with nostalgia overrunning in your body. The cottage was a small wooden house at the edge of the forest next to a lake, now frozen, the ground and the naked and lonely looking branches of the trees surrounding it covered in snow. You parked your car in the driveway and slightly shook your best friend's shoulder to wake him from his slumber. After a few minutes of constantly shaking him, San finally stirred up, softly rubbing his eyes as he looked around him.
"Are we already here?" he mumbled and you bitterly chuckled, unbuckling your seat belt and opened the door. "What do you mean already? You've been sleeping since we stopped at the gas station. It's been two hours dude," You poked his ribs before stepping out. San shook his head and got out of the car as well a few seconds later, letting out a sigh before helping you clear the trunk filled with things to get comfortable enough for the long weekend you had planned to stay together. 
The end of the year was coming, so that meant a lot of things to do at work: closing cases, checking details before sending files to your boss, preparing some others for the new year, it was everything but calm when you entered your workspace each morning. Fortunately, you had worked quite hard during the week, so today before lunch, San and you took your leave of work and hurried to your car, getting ready for a few hours of driving to get to this beautiful place where you had just arrived.
"Gosh, I've missed this place so badly," you said as you looked around you, eyes roaming as you observed the trees and your surroundings. You started getting a bit emotional as you recalled the hazy yet wonderful memories you had collected while growing up until it was time for them to leave.  
You remembered spending some of your Summer holidays here with your siblings when your parents grew "tired" of the three of you. They always claimed to need a break from being parents for at least a week, and so did you from them. When you were at your grandparents' house, more fun was allowed than when you were at home. It was an exciting feeling, and you were always looking forward to coming and visiting them at every opportunity you had. You never truly minded because you loved your grandparents and spending time with them. But for your younger siblings, it was a whole other story: they were constantly yelling about missing mom and dad, while you were just loving being there, catching up with your granddad
You had your little secrets with him, things that you hid from your family and your siblings. For example, you and your grandfather would secretly take two easels, always feeling that rush of adrenaline before escaping from the yells of your siblings to find a good spot to start painting for a major part of the day, hidden in the mountains hovering above the cottage. Each time, you came back from your getaway with a brand new piece of art, and a memory to cherish for the years to come. You entered the cottage, and a wave of nostalgia crashed onto you, a sense of comfort wrapping its arms around your shoulders. In the dark, you could still distinguish some of the pieces of art your granddad did when you were together. You opened the shutters and drew out the curtains your grandmother had sewed by herself, making the natural sunlight warm up the place. You then went behind the house and opened the electricity and water conducts while San took care of putting all the things your truck you carry inside the small house.
"It's a gorgeous little place that you hid from me," he teased, and you gently smiled, elbowing him in the ribs as you kept on putting everything in the right place. "It's my sweet escape," you replied as your best friend rested for a few seconds in the middle of the entrance, hands on his hips as he took in the decoration of the place.
When you had some rough times in your life - which happened more often as your grandparents fell sick one after the other -, you came to this little house in secret to unwind and spend some time alone, crying or just chilling. It was a bit like your secret garden, the spot that you had indeed kept hidden from everyone. Even your parents didn't know that you frequently visited here and spend some time in nature. That's why it wasn't as dusty and dirty as one can imagine an abandoned house to look like. Yes, it was a bit straggly, but to your defence, you haven't come to this place in weeks.
As the day went by, it was finally the afternoon, and it had started snowing as soon as you finished setting in the cottage house. You were quite tired from driving for a few hours, only being used to run a few errands for maximum 20 minutes, so you just wanted to chill and maybe take a nap on the burgundy, corduroy couch. San, on the other hand, since had slept a major part of the journey there, was just a human dynamo. Looking around, all smiley and excited as he watched the snow falling from the sky.
"Do you wanna do something outside? We could make a snowman, have a snowball fight or go for a walk?" he suggested as he let himself fall next to you on the couch, tickling your side with his left hand as the other remained against his chest. You stifled a giggle and squirmed, trying to escape from his touch. He stopped for a while, his eyes lingering on you as you were getting your breath back. "And what about going sledging? I just saw that there's a hill on the other side of the lake, we can go there," your best friend offered, but you shook your head with a pout. "San, I'm too tired for all of this," you whispered, and his eyes widened, taken aback that you declined his offer, again, "and where did you even find a sledge?" you added, not even knowing that your grandparents owned one. "There was two in the small storage unit, but don't try to change the subject. Why don't you want to go sledging?" he said while sitting up, laying a hand on your knee, shaking it a bit. "It's the best thing you could do when we have a type of weather like this!" he exclaimed while pointing outside, making you sigh and as you looked out the window. Yes, it was still snowing, and it looked quite consistent enough to sledge on it, but you could see some patches of blue sky appearing here and there, telling you that the good weather wasn't as far as you thought it was.
"Come on, Y/N, just for me," he said as he watched you stifling a yawn, happy that he managed to catch sight of a small nod in your actions. "Really? Let's go then!" he enthusiastically got up, not even waiting for you to run into the bedroom to get dressed. "The things I'd do for him," you whispered to yourself as you tiredly got up from the couch, making your way up the small stairs as well. Once you had slipped on your fleece-lined pants and warm coats, you made your way out the door, San trotting to the small storage unit behind the house to get the sledges. Those were made out of old wood, a thin rope attached to the tip of it. They looked quite old and dusty, but they would do the trick.
"So Y/N, since you're the expert of the region," San teased as he looked over, only to have you staring back at him with a fake bored look, "how can we reach this side of the lake?" he said as he pointed the side opposite the cottage, and you smiled. That is where you used to go painting with your grandfather. "Come on, follow me," you said as you confidently started walking, the memories colliding in your brain as you trusted your guts to get to this side of the lake. In the course of your walk, with San by your side, you told him some of your memories while pointing at different things.
"You see that tree over there?" you gestured to the naked weeping willow a bit further into the stroll, San nodding as his eyes followed your finger, "when it was getting either too hot or too noisy because of my siblings during Summer, I'd take a book and spend the entire afternoon reading underneath that tree," you explained with a soft smile on your face, remembering the great souvenirs as the leaves crunched under your moon boots as you stopped. "And my grandma had a whistle, and she would blow four times when dinner was ready, and I needed to come back," you told your friend, who had a sincere smile on his face. "This is adorable, it sounds like a Studio Ghibli plot," he said while taking your hand, making you walk slightly faster to pass the tree. San knew you well. He knew that if you spent too much time in front of this willow, you'd start getting emotional and probably cry, and that was the last thing he wanted to see.
You silently thanked him with a faint smile as you understood his sudden change of behaviour and you cleared your throat, keeping on telling him happier souvenirs as you finally arrived where San wanted to go. "I can't imagine how beautiful it must look here in Summer," he mumbled as he stared at the cottage on the other side of the lake. "It's even more incredible in fall," you said with a smile, "I came here mid-October and you're just surrounded by yellow and orange trees, you can really feel the fall vibes," you giggled with your friend, letting go of his hand, feeling suddenly nervous. You hadn't even noticed that San had kept your hand in his the entire time, and you were even hotter when you realised that he didn't even look bothered or shy of it.
You took a few pictures of each other going down the sledge, laughing and pushing each other around as the other took an unflattering photo of the other. The powder snow eased your falls every time you pushed the other too hard, sometimes shrieking as you could feel some snow slipping under your clothes and reach your skin. At some point, you were too tired to get up, so you stayed well muffled in your clothes, looking at the sky clearing above your heads. San was also in the snow, ignoring the freezing sensation of water against his neck and the goosebumps travelling his entire body. Instead of staring at the sky as you did, he seized the fact that you were too busy getting lost in your thoughts to stare at you. He loved seeing his best friend at peace like you currently were, it looked like all of your worries had vanished as soon as you pulled up by the house, the stressed Y/N getting replaced by the one that San imagined was the Y/N of your childhood.
The young man shifted in the snow, close enough for his hand to grab yours. As you felt pressure on your glove, you turned your head to the side, looking at him. He was already looking at you with a fond smile decorating his lips, and you raised your eyebrows, silently asking him why he was staring at you like that.
"I wish for this moment to never end," he spoke softly, the density of the snow under you two muffling his words, only for you to hear. "Me neither," you uttered, and San squeezed your hand as an answer, shooting you a wink before looking at the sky like you did just moments ago. He felt your gaze on him, and he started rolling towards you, miscalculating the number of rolls he had to do to come near you, resulting him almost crushing you as he was about to land on his back. You clutched your abdomen, anticipating his weight landing on you, but he swiftly moved around to land on his stomach, his mouth arriving millimetres away from yours.
None of you recoiled, getting lost in the other's eyes. Your breath had quickened up, something going noticed by San. He gulped but kept staring at you, your breaths forming one trail of steam above your heads, unhurriedly vanishing in the atmosphere. San pulled his thoughts and doubts to the side for an instant, his mouth colliding with yours in the gentlest way possible. Despite the dryness of his lips, the kiss released millions of butterflies in your stomach, sending warmth straight to your face. With your mittens slightly covered in snow, you cupped his face, and he groaned into the kiss, the cold against his face attempting to bring him back to reality.
But it wasn't enough to make you two stop kissing each other. You had both been secretly waiting for this for too long, and you didn't want to end the kiss right now. Making the most of it was the key point of the situation, and you let your lips linger on San's as if it was the last time before pulling away. The man gave you mere seconds to catch your breath before pulling you in another kiss, your hearts beating furiously against each other as your tongues danced together, head spinning and getting mushy due to all the emotions you were experiencing.
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meetmeatthecoda · 4 years ago
Lately, I've found myself drawn to stories ( and I mean drawn to as in envisioning those stories in my head, thinking them through to the very last detail, not reading, let alone writing them down, because I've long since accepted that they will never turn out quite the same on the paper ) where Red is the one who'd been seriously hurt and, therefore, rendered unconscious for an indefinite amount of time and worried Liz is the one who doesn't leave his side, hoping and praying and pleading that he would wake up. Probably, something that has to do with how unfair it is that we've seen Red keep vigil by hurt!Lizzy's side – playing music for her, holding her hand, reading to her etc. – a number of times and yet, over the course of 8 seasons, never have ever been allowed the pleasure of seeing Liz do the same for him ( not even when he was shot – because she left to retrieve the Fulcrum and couldn't come back until the fight was over – or when he was poisoned – because she'd been waiting to be cleared to see him and he ran away the moment he wasn't actively dying, because that's Red for you all ), even though she loves and cares about him as much as he loves and cares about her.
I mean, just imagine the possibilities!
Liz pacing around the waiting area of Red's mobile hospital while he's in surgery, unable to think about anything else other than how he looked – battered and broken and barely alive – when they've found him and how his head rested in her lap ( she could almost convince herself that he was merely dozing, if he wasn't so deathly pale and still and there wasn't so much blood on his clothes and her clothes and her hands and the backseat of the car ) and his hand was limp in her death grip as they rushed him to his doctors and she whispered words of reassurance and encouragement to him even though she knew he couldn't hear her and how she had to fight the instinct to curl around her lover and snarl at anyone who would come close because she can't let him be hurt further as the medics took him away from her, exchanging observations and orders that didn't sound particularly reassuring. She's also acutely aware of the fact that Red is fighting for his life – there, just a few feet away from her – and, though he's the strongest man she's ever known, he may not win, and so she makes a promise to the empty air in front of her that she will kill him herself if he dares to give up on her and Agnes like that now, when they've just reached the good, right place in their relationship, just confesses their feelings to each other. At some point, Dembe most certainly pulls Liz in for a hug, letting her cry in his shoulder, doing his best to comfort her ( even though there's nothing that can bring her more comfort than Red's hug, when he – alive and whole – wraps his arms protectively around her and holds her close and lets her hide from the whole world in his arms, his chest, his shoulder and neck – wherever she prefers to burrow her face at the time – and the memory itself makes her cry harder, because there's a possibility that he will never hug her like that again ), even though he's just as worried and scared as she is, and Mr Kaplan helps Liz clean up, washing away Red's blood from her hands and producing seemingly out of the thin air fresh clothes for her to change into.
Red, of course, pulls through the surgery, beating all odds, and Liz's heart floods with relief at the good news before sinking when the doctor explains to her and Dembe and Mr Kaplan the extent of Red's injuries and that it's impossible to say when – or even if – he wakes up.
And so the waiting game begins. Liz doesn't leave Red's side, holding his hand, stroking his knuckles with her thumb and never letting go, constantly talking to him and reading to him and even asking Dembe to bring the record player and some records from the Bethesda apartment to play to him, hoping that it would elicit some kind of response from him. Yet, as they days go by, there's not a single, smallest sign that he's aware of anything that's going on around him, that he's still there somewhere and is trying to find his way back to her, to them – he doesn't stir, doesn't so much as flutter his eyelashes, and Liz grows more desperate with each passing day, even though the doctor assures her that Red's slowly but surely improving ( but she can't see it with her own eyes, and if she can't see it, she's less likely to believe it, the more time passes with him just lying there, undisturbed by the loud, chaotic world around him ).
And then there's Agnes... While Liz keeps vigil at Red's bedside, the babysitting duties are split equally between Aram and Samar, Charlene and Cooper, Ressler and Audrey and Dembe and Mr Kaplan. Yet more often than not whoever picks little Agnes up from school and / or her ballet classes brings her over to the safe-house where Liz and Red are. She doesn't seem to be as unnerved by Red's state as her mommy is, climbing on his bed each time she visits ( after giving her mommy the biggest hug, of course ) and leaning in close to him, examining his face thoughtfully before half-asking, half-stating "He's still tired, mommy?". And Liz usually replies with a hoarse "Yes, baby" because she doesn't trust herself not to get choked up if she tries to answer more eloquently. Agnes simply nods then, satisfied with the explanation why he hasn't woken up yet, and settles against Red's side – mindful of his injuries and the spider web of wires and tubes connecting him to all sorts of monitors and machines – and either naps ( especially, on ballet classes days ) or tells her mommy and Red ( she talks to him just like Liz does much too easily – promising him to show him the new moves she's learnt when he wakes up etc. – as if she's already done that before or seen anyone else do that... unbeknownst to Liz, she did both – when Liz herself was in a coma, Agnes both saw Red talk to her mommy and was encouraged by him to talk to her, too, because it may help her mommy sleep easier and maybe she'll get better sooner and finally wake up ) about her day or does her homework or draws ( more often than not, she draws either cards for Red to read when he wakes up or just things she wants him to see ). And when the time comes for her to leave, she always kisses Red on the cheek, wishing him "sweet dreams" and to get better soon, and then gives her mommy, who tries so very hard not to tear up but fails miserably, a hug and a kiss, too, and tells her frequently that she shouldn't cry because Red is just too tired, just like she – Liz – once was, and that he just needs to sleep a bit more.
And when the door behind Agnes closes and Liz is sure her daughter won't see / hear her, she breaks down hard, in big, ugly sobs, because her little girl shouldn't be acting so naturally in this kind of situation and because she wishes so hard that Red just woke up, because she can't do this, any of this, without him.
In the end, once his body has healed itself enough and he regained enough of his strength, Red, of course, does wake up. It's a slow process, and Liz thinks she might either faint or go mad from the overwhelming feelings that are swirling inside of her when Red moves for the first time in what seems to her like forever – squeezing her hand feather-lightly – and when he leans slightly, unconsciously into her touch when she strokes his cheek – out of habit, without even expecting any sort of reaction from him and being pleasantly surprised – and when he opens his eyes for the first time – it's a brief occurrence, with his eyes slipping shut tiredly again after just a few moments, and he's still pretty much out of it, apparently, not even noticing her presence by his side, but for Liz it's a major event – and when he finally, finally looks directly at her – alive and conscious and alert – and calls her "Lizzy". He's still weak and his voice sounds terrible and Liz knows she shouldn't let all of her pent-up feelings – the fear and despair and frustration and love and relief and exhaustion – out on him like that – he's just woken up, after all – but she can't hold back the tears nor the jumbled mess of "thank you"s and "I love you"s and " "I've missed you"s and "I'm so so happy you're back" and "I was so worried" and "Don't ever scare me like that again" that spills from her lips as she leans in to kiss him lightly and give him the gentlest of hugs...
(Since I'm not a ficwriter and, therefore, have no intentions of using this pile of ideas/images/feelings myself, I wouldn't mind at all if you or any other writer drew inspiration from this rambling of mine)
Ahhhhh 😭😭😭 Are you sure you're not a fic writer, anon?? Cause this reads like some quality hurt/comfort to me!! 🥲🥲 Honestly, this is a lovely scenario to imagine & it gives me a slightly bitter sense of satisfaction to think of Liz suffering through just a fraction of the time Red spent by her side while she was in her coma... especially if it's the catalyst for fEeLiNgS to emerge tee hee bc, you're RIGHT, we were woefully deprived of those situations in the show & I'll never not be sad about it tbh. More specifically, things I love the most about this in no particular order: Liz having to "fight the instinct to curl around her lover & snarl" *swoon*, Liz swearing she will kill him herself if he dies LMAO, Dembe hugging her for comfort & Mr. Kaplan helping her get cleaned up 🥺🥺🥺, Liz playing records for Red yasss, AGNES & everyone taking turns babysitting her while she misses her Daddy desperately but deals with the situation with a maturity & grace beyond her years in an effort to help her grieving Mommy through it cool cool mkay mkay, Liz only breaking down once Agnes leaves OWWW, anddddd Liz being a blubbering mess when Red finally wakes up & calls her "Lizzie" & they kiss *whispers* it's fine, i'm fine 🙃 IN CONCLUSION, I love this anon, thank you for sharing this lovely little AU with me!! 🥰 And much, much love to you, of course, my friend!! ❤️
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imagine-that-one-thing · 8 years ago
I need 5,000 more CEO daddy imagines with his baby girl because I'm SUFFERING. He'd be so cute, he'd be so sweet, she'd be so tiny and have him wrapped around her finger!! Don't even get me started on CEO Harry during pregnancy .. MELTING
Haha Daddy!CEO is super cute. I love it now, thank to you lot!! Look what you guys started!! Oh don't get you started on the pregnancy? Oops. She's been miserable lately, nausea hit her harder than anything the last few days. But, today she's finally feeling better and there's an event taking place with his family. With a lot of convincing on Elle's behalf, they made the drive up to his home town for the gathering. From the moment she stepped outside the car, he began to watch her like a hawk, keeping her very close to him, and checking up on her when she'd stray away, always making sure she's feeling okay, and as soon as she started to feel the tiniest bit sick, he knew. He just knew. He'd observe as she's in the middle of a conversation, probably unable to leave the in depth discussion. He grabs a glass of water for her and a small handful of crackers. He has learnt that sometimes if she nibbles on things she feels a bit better. He wanders over to her, politely and subtly handing her the glass and crackers, pressing a kiss to her cheek, "carry on, ladies." He excused himself, moving himself to watch from a distance, knowing she needs her own time to mingle without him being overly protective. --- He smiles to himself when he sees her playing with the little kids, all of them happily dancing and jumping around her, wanting her attention more than anyone else's. He grins as he just stares, admiring how soon that will be her with their child. He walks closer as two kids try to climb into her nap, "careful their fellas," harry sits beside Elise, "Why? What did we do?" They blink at him as he gently pulls on into his lap, "She has a baby in her tummy, remember? We have to be careful," he proudly smiles, reminding them of how he accidentally let it slip to the family last week when he was meant to wait until he and Elle at least got an ultrasound. She didn't want to say anything until 12 weeks, but big mouth couldn't help himself. "Oh, yeah. Can I say hi to the baby?" The one closest to Elle beams, and she nods. She's surprised when he presses a hand gently on her tummy and begins talking to the baby. --- "Thats how we will be in a few years," harry smiles as the two boys' run off, leaving Elle and Harry on the grass. Elise raises a brow, needing him to elaborate on what he means. "Our child talking to its sibling in your tummy." Elise chuckles, "Alright, don't get ahead of yourself, let me have this one before you start planning the second." ... "this one is giving me enough trouble so far for two." She presses her hand to her tummy, "Definitely your baby, very stubborn and grumpy at times." "Oi, be nice. I'm not grumpy," "Not now, but your child is." "Aw, what's mini me doing?" He smiles, carefully pulling Elise into his lap, his hands resting on her tummy, "Grumpy styles, is not letting mummy socialise, he is exhausting me.""Oh... come on little man, give mummy a break," "or little girl, I don't know what you are in there, but be nice." "It's a boy." Elise comments, "It could be a girl." "It's not, it's a boy." Elise disagrees. Giving her baby a gender without fully knowing, "I think you're wrong." "In 7 months when the baby comes and it's a boy, you'll be wrong." Elise chuckles, carefully getting off his lap and standing to her feet, "trust me, we are having a boy." "How do you know?" He stands to his feet, curious as to her logic. "I just know... there could be two in there," she gestures down, "it explains a lot." She grins, watching as Harry's eyes grow wide, "No, you're fucking with me." "Nope, I have side pains, I've been sick as hell, I've put on more weight than usual... I guess we will find out in a few days at the ultrasound." ... "come on, I want cake." She takes his hand, taking him away. This sucks but I'm on my phone and sleepy. :) xx
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