#he just so sweet and earnest đŸ„ș
always-just-red · 1 month
Please make a story that zayne is very clingy, sweet , romantic
For Mc
Pretty please
Make it long
Need a food đŸ„ș
Food is served!! (One of these days you guys are gonna see an 'only accepting requests for Rafayel now' post and it'll be Raf hijacking my computer because WHY WAS I CATCHING FEELINGS FOR ZAYNE WHILE WRITING THIS??)
Doctor's Orders
Zayne x Reader ❄
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Summary: Zayne has suggested you skip work today, which isn't suspicious at all...
Genre: Fluff (with a *pinch* of angst)
Warnings/Additional tags: gn!reader, established relationship, some kisses, some mentions of death (just a real mixed bag, you know?)
| Word count: 2k | Masterlist |
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Love and Deepspace. All work is my own, so please don't repost or plagiarise!
“Do you really have to go?”
Zayne was a lot of things: caring, even doting, but never normally this
You pretend not to hear the question, feeling the weight of his eyes on your back as you get ready to leave. You will answer it— you’re not ignoring him— but you have so much to do, and you’ve answered it three times already. Yes, Zayne. It’s work. You finish lacing your boots. And no, Zayne, I can’t get out of it.
And since when was he an advocate of skipping a shift, anyway? Like blood from a stone, he’d calmly pleaded with you to come up with some sort of excuse and you’d stared back, eyes wide, because you didn’t know stones could bleed.
An excuse? You’d repeated in disbelief.
Yes. You could
 tell them you’re sick? I could write you a note.
You’d thought it a joke until he drew out a pen and started scrawling something on the nearest scrap of paper. He’d pushed it into your hands, his gaze earnest, as though he were trusting a co-conspirator. Here, he’d said matter-of-factly, you can give it to your captain tomorrow.
The writing was barely legible.
It’s still crinkling in your pocket now: your little ‘get-out-of-your-Sunday-shift-free’ card, courtesy of Doctor Zayne, and yes, you are going to hold onto it, but it’s not for Jenna. It’s for your apartment wall, where you’ll be mounting it in a golden frame, because absolutely no-one is going to believe you when you tell this story.
You collect your guns from a nearby drawer, checking the sights and the safety on each before holstering them at your sides. “The sooner I leave, the sooner I’ll get back,” you shrug.
A nice sentiment— not entirely true. “Or you could stay.” Zayne is looking at your weapons, not you.
He’s sat at the kitchen table, watching you over an untouched breakfast. Yours also sits around him: plates upon plates of every food you could imagine, warm and cold, savoury and sweet. You’d suffered a brief heart attack when you’d first laid eyes on it, presuming you’d forgotten some occasion or another.
There’s even a vase of fresh flowers, flourishing at the centre of it all.
It’s one of the most romantic things you’ve ever seen, but you’re starting to think that’s the point. Like a hand on your heart, squeezing; it’s urging you to sit back down, to relax, to surrender and let him take care of you. Are you the worst person in the world? It feels like you are.
Ready to take on anything but more of his gaze, you return to the table, fully-armed, and pluck a strawberry from the edge of a plate. You pop it into your mouth, savouring its sweetness as you stroll behind Zayne’s chair. “Try not to worry,” you mumble, resting your hand on his shoulder while you lean in to kiss his cheek. “Ok?”
You go to pull away, but his hand lands on your hand, anchoring you to him. His fingers wrap around your wrist, lifting, guiding your fingers in front of his mouth so he can press a few, brisk kisses to each. Your heart is in a vice again— tightening with every brush of his lips. You can’t take it. You can’t.
He knows, and he’s turning in the chair, slipping his free hand around your waist and tugging until you’re crushed up against him. “Stay. Please?” his voice entreats. You can barely hear it from where his face is nestled into you.
You have to remind yourself to breathe, and you sigh as your hands move to cradle his head and run your fingers through his hair. You want to enjoy this. Why can’t you enjoy this?
His breath is fanning against you and all you can think about is the fact that he’s making you late.

You’re marching to headquarters twice as quickly as usual, and you’ve crashed into three people already. Every time there’s been an impulse to scream “get out of the way!” but you’re wearing your uniform, so you have to apologise, smile sweetly, and pretend you’re not one incident away from turning in your badge and leaving them all to fend for themselves.
Someone steps out in front of you and you have to swerve to miss them, almost dropping your phone in the process. It had just started ringing, and the noise persists as you fumble with it.
“Hello?” you answer, putting it to one ear as you plug the other with a finger.
“Hi!” It’s Greyson, finally, and he’s surprisingly chipper for someone you know is just coming off of his graveyard shift. “I saw your texts. Is everything ok?”
“Yeah! Thanks for calling. It’s just
”  Everything’s too noisy for you to concentrate, and you’re still essentially running an obstacle course. You peel away from the crowd, ducking into the quiet of an alley. “I’m a little worried about Zayne. He’s been acting weird all weekend, ever since—”
“Yeah.” That couldn’t mean anything good. Your brow furrows. “Did something happen?” 
A drawn-out sigh makes it through the phone, and you know Greyson well enough to know he’s pinching the bridge of his nose, wondering just how much he should tell you. “We had a patient transferred to us on Friday,” he caves, “a young woman— a hunter, injured— she was
 not in a good way. Recovery odds next to zero, but Zayne? You know Zayne. He had to try.”
You nod, even though Greyson can’t see it. There’s dread in the pit of your stomach; you can tell where this is going.
“She didn’t make it,” he states with the rehearsed evenness of someone who’s spoken the words too many times before. There’s another sigh, then he hastens to add: “Zayne was incredible, though— he did everything he could, really. He was her best chance, he just
 wasn’t enough. You can’t save everyone, you know?” He chuckles awkwardly. “Yeah, you know.”
And you do: you’re just as haunted by that truth and all of its ghosts. “Yeah,” you speak at last, seeing their faces. Your throat hurts. “Thanks, Greyson. Really.”
“That’s ok,” he yawns. “If Zayne asks, you didn’t hear it from me.”
“You think he’s gonna believe that?”
“No.” He’s smiling, now— you can tell. “But it’s worth a try! You take care of yourself, ok?”
“You too. Thanks again.”
“Any time.”

You’ve only been gone for half an hour, but Zayne is fast asleep. Though you’d practically burst through the front door, his head is still lowered— dipping over an open medical journal— and his dark hair has fallen over his eyes. You can’t help but smile. This wasn’t the nervous, pacing-the-apartment man you’d expected to find, but it eases the guilt in your chest for the first time all morning.
You sling your bag from your shoulder and set it gently down on the floor, all the while easing the door closed behind you. You unfasten your holsters. Shrug yourself free of all their straps. You don’t make a sound; you’re being very careful.
Slowly, you make your way over to where Zayne’s lying on the sofa. You lower yourself to his level, reaching to pry his book from his fingers. His glasses are next: you ease them from his face like you’re handling a volatile protocore. Your breath is baited. Your hands almost shake, but you’re an expert at this sort of extraction: you’ve done it a hundred times before.
With your mission accomplished, you allow yourself one small reward. You want to see his face— all of his face— so you card your fingers through his fallen hair, smoothing it back into place. He looks like a dream: the kind you’re glad to carry through daylight, long after you wake. The kind you write down for fear of forgetting a single detail.
You want this, this, this. Every morning. For the rest of your life.
And maybe even the next life. Is that possible?
(You hope it’s possible.)
Standing softly, you smile again— a smile between you and the universe, the gods, and the night sky, in all its infinity. There are things you cannot know and even more things you cannot have, but you are more than content with your consolation prize. This:
One minute of peace, for you and your doctor.
You have a funny feeling this is more than you were ever meant to have.
When your minute is through, you watch as Zayne’s face changes, and he is no longer at peace. He frowns, his whole body suddenly tense. There’s a murmur of
 pain? It sounds like pain— he winces like it’s pain. He doesn’t tell you where he goes, but you wish you could hold his hand and make a breakfast big enough to keep him from going there.
“Zayne,” you whisper, resting a warm palm on his cheek. A little louder: “Zayne.”
He stirs in his sleep as your voice brings him back to reality. He’s yours— yours— and the inevitable can have him later. Sure enough, his eyes flutter open, lost for a moment, but then? Home. Safe. With you.
“Hey,” you grin.
He squints against the daylight. “Hmm? Oh. What are you doing back so soon?”
You scoff. “Some doctor you are! I’m at death’s door— can’t you tell?” Your hand leaves his cheek, indicating your not-pallid skin, not-flushed cheeks, and not-sunken eyes with a wave. Then you find his hand, pressing his fingers to your forehead.
There’s a second of hesitation. “Ah,” he says warily, “yes, you’re
 burning up.”
Despite the severity of your condition, you find the strength to clamber on top of him. It’s anything but graceful, and he groans as you shift and fidget, taking your time getting comfortable. Eventually you settle, your head resting against his chest and his arms holding you close. You’re not tired, but you close your eyes, and this is so much better than patrolling for Wanderers.
He draws you higher so his chin can rest on the top of your head. “Greyson told you, didn’t he?” he ventures aloud, because he’s awake, now, so he’s connecting dots.
“Yeah,” you nod against him. “But if he asks, I said it was Yvonne, ok?”
There’s a hum of agreement, then he’s silent. Thinking again. “I’m sorry,” he finally speaks.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for. It’s sweet that you worry. You don’t need to—”
“No,” he stops you. “I care about you a lot, and I’ll never apologise for that. What I am sorry for, however, is that a romantic gesture from me is so unusual that you feel you have to call my colleagues. I know I’m not always outwardly affectionate, but—”
“No.” It’s your turn now, and you twist, angling yourself so you can look up into his eyes. “You always make me feel loved, Zayne. Everything you do, everything you say
 it’s for me, and no-one has ever cared about me like that. No-one has ever showed me they care like that.”
“Then why—”
“Because you get it, Zayne— the importance of what I do, because it’s what you do, even if it’s different. We’re both saving the world a little, right?”
You draw out his doctor’s note and shimmy it in front of his eyes. “So what the hell is this?”
He admits guilt with a chuckle, his hand moving to catch the evidence, but you’re one step ahead, stashing it back into the sanctity of your pocket. He issues a short hmph, defeated.
“Come on,” you prompt, escaping his arms. “Let’s not let all that food go to waste. You kept it, yeah? I’ve been dreaming about those chocolate-chip pancakes since I left.”
Zayne had been helping you up, but he slumps back as you finish your sentence. “Oh.”
“Oh,” he confirms with the trademark nod of a doctor, and it can only mean one thing:
You’re about to receive some very, very bad news.
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awkward-walking-potato · 1 month
Request for Remy with his lady being sick? đŸ„ș💗 Love your work!!!
In sickness and in health
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The rain tapped gently against the windowpane, a soft rhythm that filled the quiet of the room. Outside, the world was gray, drenched in the kind of autumn rain that made you want to curl up under the blankets and disappear for a while. Unfortunately, you were already confined to bed, not by choice, but by the relentless grip of a nasty cold that had taken up residence in your body for the past few days.
You were miserable. Your head was heavy, your throat raw, and your whole body ached. Even breathing felt like a chore. The pile of used tissues on the nightstand was evidence of your struggles, and despite the warm cocoon of blankets surrounding you, a persistent chill lingered in your bones.
But what made it all bearable—what brought the slightest hint of comfort to the otherwise dreary situation—was Remy.
Remy LeBeau, or Gambit as he was known to most, had been at your side from the moment you first felt the scratch in your throat. Despite his usual swagger and charm, when it came to you being unwell, Remy was nothing short of devoted. He moved around the room with a quiet efficiency that was at odds with his usual, more flamboyant nature, taking care of your every need without a second thought.
"Ma chĂšre, you need anything?" Remy's soft, accented voice broke through the fog of your misery, drawing your attention. He stood in the doorway, a steaming cup of tea in one hand and a fresh box of tissues in the other. His red eyes, usually so mischievous, were filled with concern as he looked at you.
You managed a weak smile, your voice raspy as you responded, "Just you, Remy."
He grinned, though it was a gentler smile than his usual roguish smirk. "Good t'ing I’m already here, non?" He crossed the room in a few easy strides, setting the tea down on the nightstand before sitting on the edge of the bed. The mattress dipped slightly under his weight, and you leaned into him, seeking the warmth and comfort of his presence.
"I made you some tea," he said, reaching for the cup. "Jus' how you like it—honey, lemon, an' a little bit o' love." He winked at you as he offered you the cup, and despite feeling like you’d been run over by a truck, you couldn’t help but chuckle.
"Thanks," you whispered, your voice hoarse but sincere. You took the cup from him, the warmth seeping into your cold hands, and sipped slowly, savoring the sweet, soothing liquid.
Remy watched you with a tenderness that he rarely showed anyone else. For all his bravado and flirtations, with you, he was different. More vulnerable, more real. He reached out, tucking a stray lock of hair behind your ear, his fingers lingering against your skin for just a moment longer than necessary.
"You ain't gotta worry 'bout nothin', chĂ©rie," he murmured, his voice soft as he ran his fingers gently through your hair. "Remy gon’ take care o’ you."
You closed your eyes, leaning into his touch. Even in your weakened state, the warmth of his fingers against your scalp was enough to send a shiver down your spine, a reminder that despite the cold, there was still something warm and good in the world.
"I’m sorry you have to take care of me," you said, your voice barely more than a whisper. "I know it’s not what you signed up for."
Remy’s laugh was soft, almost a chuckle, and he shook his head, leaning down to press a kiss to your temple. "Now where you gettin’ a fool notion like that, huh?" he asked, his breath warm against your skin. "You think Remy’s only here for the good times? Cher, you got me all wrong." He tilted your chin up gently, his eyes meeting yours, and there was something so earnest, so sincere in his gaze that it made your chest ache. "I’m here for all of it, bonne et mauvaise. Sickness, health, an’ everything in between. That’s what love is, non?"
You blinked back tears, not sure if they were from the sickness or the overwhelming emotion that welled up inside you. Either way, you knew you were lucky—so incredibly lucky—to have someone like Remy in your life. Someone who didn’t just love you for the good times but was willing to be there through the rough patches too.
"I love you, Remy," you whispered, your voice thick with emotion.
"I love you too, ma chùre," he replied without hesitation, pressing another kiss to your forehead before pulling back slightly. "Now, why don’t you rest a bit more? I’ll be right here if you need anyt’ing."
You nodded, your eyes already drooping with exhaustion. The tea had done its job, soothing your throat and easing the tightness in your chest, and the warmth of Remy’s presence was enough to lull you back into a peaceful sleep.
As you drifted off, you felt him shift beside you, his arm wrapping around you in a protective embrace. Even as you slipped into the haze of sleep, you could still feel his warmth, his love, surrounding you like a shield against the sickness that tried to drag you down.
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buckyalpine · 8 months
Okay okay, that Wakanda Bucky imagine was soooooo hella cute đŸ„ș❀
Would you do a continuation of it where they live happily in the hut and maybe with some smuuuuut ? 🙊 The idea of him in that Hut, all cozy and romantic is not leaving my mind
WAKANDA BUCKY? YES, I will gladly give you more (this can be read as a standalone) There's something about Bucky in Wakanda that's just so soft and comforting to me. That sweet baby with his goats, just living in peace for the first time ever in a place where no one can hurt him. It's also the first place where he can just be himself without the pressure of worrying about anything else.
Just you and him.
He's just so in love with you; his words can only do so much. He wants to make you feel good in the most intimate way possible. He wants to physically give you what words won't translate.
He's nervous though.
He knows you love him for all of his imperfections; there's no doubt you adore every single bit of him. He has no reason to worry about what you'd think.
But this beautiful sweet boy is shy anyway.
Too shy to tell you he wants to make love. Too shy to slip his hands onto your bare skin even though he knows you wouldn't stop him. Too shy to even insinuate he wants more. Ever since you've moved into his hut, he'd wanted you closer. You cuddle every night and he loves the feel of your soft body nuzzled right by his side but its just not enough. He always tells you he loves you and how much you mean to him but it doesn't compare to the way he wants to just melt into you.
He manages to hold his tongue until one night when he just can't anymore. He's cuddled up on your chest while you both lay in his cot and he feels so safe and loved. He wants you now, more than ever. He doesn't even want to take you apart and wreck you; he just wants to love on you softly but he's not even sure if he can, I mean he only has one arm-
"What is it Buck" You whisper, carding your fingers softly through his locks, pushing back the few strands that fell from his half tied hair. "What you thinking about" you let your finger trace over his features, smoothing the crease between his brows that he makes when he's deep in thought. He blushes at you catching his mind in action, blinking with wide eyes before chewing his lip.
"What is it sweet boy" You continue to let your fingers gently dance over his face and the action makes him purr, leaning for more of your touch.
"I want you"
"You have me baby" You whisper, your heart beating a little faster wondering if he was implying what you were thinking, what you'd been wanting and craving for ages-
"No angel, I want you" He says in earnest hoping you'd understand, "I just-I'm not sure how" He looks down at himself, now afraid to meet your eyes. How could he make you feel good if he only had so much to work with. "I want to make you feel good"
He hesitantly lets his hand slide along your hip up to your waist and slipping under your shirt. The feeling of your bare skin is already so addicting, he starts to work at taking your clothes off as soon as you nod with a needy please. He finds you so unbearably gorgeous when you're naked on his bed and at one point he thinks that might be enough.
Your bare form is everything to him and he'd do anything to worship your more sacred places.
He'd be such a precious baby when it comes to you undressing him. The pink on his cheeks spreads to his ears and he can't help but gush at the way you kiss every scar and freckle on his skin when you let his robe drop to the floor.
"You're perfect" You whisper and he shakes his head because he's nothing in comparison to you. Not with all those angry red lines scattered across his chest, scars covering most of his skin.
"Not like you angel, I'm not-
"You are. Do you have any idea how beautiful you are soldier, how perfect and strong your body is" You don't let him argue, a gasp slipping past his lips when you wrap your hand around his length and start to pump. He's about to protest again because this is about you but he has no idea how long you've been waiting to do this for him.
"Please Bucky" You softly beg and he's an absolute goner when you wrap your hand around his aching length. Just when he thinks it couldn't get any better; your warm soft palm stroking him up and down, you tell him how beautiful and perfect he is and he swears he could cry.
"Look at how pretty you are baby" You coo, perched between his spread legs, leaning over to suckle the tip, humming at the taste, "Can't believe you hid this all from me for so long baby"
"Another-fuck sweets-another night, God I'll cum-you gotta stop" He whines as you release with a pop, your lips covered in his slick. He pulls you to lie down beside him, thinking about all the times he imagined making love to you. Looking into your eyes, letting his body cage you from the rest of the world, just you and him and nothing else.
But it wasn't easy with 1 arm.
"M'sorry baby, I-" Bucky stuttered, feeling unsteady as he hovered above you.
"Lay down for me" You cut off his rambling with a kiss to his lips before letting his head fall against the pillow. "Just wanna feel you Jamie, be close to you" You moan, rubbing your now dripping pussy all over his cock. "Want you inside me"
"Put my cock in you angel" Bucky's feral side made an appearance while he held his length letting you line up with the tip, the both of you gasping at the feeling of him finally pushing into you. "Fuck babydoll, wanted this so bad"
"oh fuck" You threw your head back at the feeling, all the pieces inside you coming together as you sank all the way down making you feel complete. "You feel so good inside me Bucky" You whined, grinding and rocking yourself on his thick length, feeling him in your belly.
"C'mere angel, please" He begged, reaching for you and pulling you causing you to fall onto his chest. He planted his feet and started to thrust up making you cry out. "Wanted to make love to you baby, I-fuck I love you so much, wanna make you feel so good"
"Feels-so-good-hng" You whimpered between thrusts, nipping and sucking bruises onto his neck while he held onto you tightly with his arm. "I'm-so close-
"I'll make you feel good" Bucky groaned, pushing you back up and slipping his hand between your bodies while you leaned back and held onto his thighs. You cried out as he found your clit, moaning louder with you and he toyed with your pussy.
"That feel good baby?" He panted, letting his thumb rub your clit in fast circles, your silky soft bud throbbing against the digit, "You look so pretty with my cock in you angel, cum for me, cum for me pretty girl"
It didn't take long for you to shatter around him, and Bucky followed right behind. He nearly sobbed as you collapse against his chest while he pumped you full of his load, not bothering to pull out long after his cock softened. Cuddling with you with his spent cock warm in your soaked pussy was his favorite part of the night. Nothing was more intimate than the both of you so closely connected, whispering sweet nothings while tangled under the soft sheets, the both of you falling asleep in the warm, cozy air of the hut.
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
when you're feeling insecure about scar tissue — kyojuro, sanemi, giyuu
Author’s Note: just lil moments of comfort. đŸ„ș You, your lover, scarring (from a burn), and reassurance. ❀‍đŸ©č Ngl, Giyuu’s is pretty brief, but sweet nonetheless. 😅💙
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when you’re feeling insecure about scar tissue — kyojuro, sanemi, giyuu
Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader, Shinazugawa Sanemi x Reader, Tomioka Giyuu x Reader
Word Count: ~1,300
CW: explicit language, traumatic references
Emergency Request Fulfilled: i kinda accidentally burned myself and had to go to the hospitalđŸ€  and the doctor basically said that my arm is going to have a huge scar on it & i’ve been feeling really insecure about it bc like
it’s kind of a permanent alteration of what my skin looks like lol
i guess i was maybe hoping for some sanemi comfort? idk if that sounds stupid or not but he was the first character that came to mind when this happened to me haha Suggestion Fulfilled: I have a request for Giyuu and if you'd like, anyone else you feel like doing. I have any scars I have insecure of, but I love this one burn scar that is shaped like a butterfly near my collar bone from a pretty traumatic incident (But I think I'm good now???), and I was wondering what he would think of it.
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“If you insist on keeping your feelings to yourself, then I may be forced to kiss them out of you,” Kyojuro declares, body emanating a secure heat despite the warning edge in his tone.
Glancing up from your book, you offer him a wry grin, “That doesn’t sound so bad.”
He frowns, mouth twisting in focus, comforter slipping off his shoulder as he scoots closer to you, his hair a soft, simmering ember in the yellow light of your bedside lamp.
“Am I so difficult to talk to?” he asks quietly, your hands instinctively closing your book at the shade of seriousness in his lowered voice, eyes tentatively raising to meet his steady gaze, “Am I unworthy of sharing your troubles?”
“Of course you’re worthy,” you reply lightly, melting in the tender embrace of his expression, “I just
 it’s not a big deal,” you shrug, about to reopen your book when a large, warm palm stops you, curving to cup your knuckles while his frown deepens.
“I want to be here for you.”
Something about the hint of pleading in his statement makes your chest twinge, guilt darkening the haunch of your posture, the mattress feeling too small yet too vast for the both of you. The urge to shrug him off again clambers up your throat, the grounding anchor of his touch keeping it from spilling off the tip of your tongue. You sigh.
“Does that sound mean you are ready to confide in me?”
“You’re annoyingly persistent, is what it means,” you mutter fondly, “I swear, it’s not a big deal.”
He huffs, squeezing your fingers as affection smooths his frown, earnest now, “Whatever it is, big or little, important or fleeting, I want to be here for you.”
“Okay,” you groan, unable to wiggle away from his triumphant chuckle, “I was just feeling insecure about my burn scar earlier, that’s it. See! Not a big de-”
“I love your burn scar!” he interrupts brightly, “It may not fit your preferred aesthetic, but it is simply a part of you, and I happen to cherish all of you!”
“My preferred aesthetic?” you deadpan, eyes rolling with amusement.
“Not all scars are beautiful, but perhaps they do not have to be.”
“Did you just imply that my scar is ugly?” you exclaim, playfully jabbing at his legs with your toes, “I thought you were supposed to help me feel better!”
Flabbergasted, Kyojuro blinks helplessly, casually trapping your feet between his shins while his head tilts in confusion, “Is the truth insufficient?”
“What does that even mean?!” you wail, jokingly bumping your forehead against his arm as though it was a wall.
“Well,” he begins carefully, “The way I see it, a scar is a scar. Nothing more, nothing less. And you are nothing less for having one! 
” he trails off, uncertainty pursing his lips as he blushes faintly, “I am unsure how to make this romantic
 I only wish to assure you that your scar is fine.”
“Y’know what,” you grumble, “let’s cuddle and call it a night. I suddenly feel more secure about my scar.”
“Really?” his brow furrows, “How so?”
“You love me, right?”
“Absolutely!” he nods, releasing your feet, smiling when you promptly tuck them back into the warmth of his legs.
“And your love-”
“Has never been dependent on your physical appearance,” he interjects solemnly.
“So whatever,” you yawn, attention finally returning to your long forgotten book, “This is silly.”
With an agreeable hum, Kyojuro murmurs gently, “You were on page 237.”
“And this is why I keep you around.”
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“You’re thinking too hard,” Sanemi grumbles, body propped up against the kitchen island on folded arms, voice low with morning grogginess, “I’ve never seen someone stir their coffee so aggressively.”
“So close your eyes,” you retort, standing across from him, tucking a yawn into your hand, “I can stir my coffee however I please.”
“I’m not denying that,” he chuckles roughly, slowly blinking away sleep as he says pointedly, “But how about you take it out on me instead of your poor beverage?”
You huff, “My poor beverage doesn’t have any feelings,” taking a tentative sip from your steaming mug, “You do.”
“And?” he scoffs, grinning lazily, “I can handle your feelings.”
“How about you handle breakfast,” you smirk, “And then we’ll dissect my feelings.”
“Bossy,” Sanemi mutters, heading to the fridge nonetheless, “Bossy, and an aggressive stirrer of coffee.”
“You love me,” you shrug, winking playfully, “Which is why you’re worried about me.”
“And also why I’m about to cook us breakfast,” he sighs, placing a carton of eggs near the stove, “‘Course I’m worried about you, you have that little dent between your eyebrows going on.”
Snorting softly, you wait until his back turns away again, grabbing a pan, picking a spatula (you have waaay too many), turning on a burner, his fingers wrapping around the neck of the olive oil bottle when you quietly confess.
“I’m thinking about the scarring from my burn,” you hesitate, sensing the tension in Sanemi’s jaw. He cracks an egg. The pan sizzles. You continue, “And I’m
 I’m feeling
 insecure. Different.”
“You might appear different,” he remarks, cracking another egg, “And that’s life.”
You nod to yourself, about to hurry past the awkwardness with an ill-timed dad joke When life gives you eggs, scramble them! when he gently tacks on, “You’ve seen me shirtless, looked at my face. You love me. My scars too. Sure, I’ve had more time to adjust to them, and yeah, they still bother me, but life goes on. Trauma, joy, and all their scars.”
“But Nemi,” you whisper, “Am I beautiful?”
He laughs loudly at that, whirling around to fix a stern glare on your glassy eyes, spatula wagging scoldingly in your direction.
“Do you lie to me?” he asks simply, “Every time you tell me I’m beautiful?”
You frown immediately at the mere suggestion, shaking your head adamantly.
“So there you go. You see me, and you love me. I see you, and I love you. And we’ll have this conversation as many times as you need.”
When he sets your plate in front of you, the first things you notice are the pepper and salt sprinkled hearts atop your eggs.
“Gee, what an incredible chef! One super salty egg, and one super peppery egg!”
“Shut the fuck up, you ungrateful dumbass.”
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“Does it ever hurt?” Giyuu murmurs, standing behind you as he stares at you in the tiny patch of wiped off mirror, bathroom still hazy with condensation.
“Not really,” you smile lightly, cheeks warming as he rests his chin on your damp shoulder, wet strands of hair tickling your neck, “Not anymore.”
He hums softly, “That’s good,” fingertips collecting water droplets up the sides of your arms, “It looks pretty,” carefully stepping back to readjust the hastily tucked towel around his waist, “Pretty, but painful.”
You nod in agreement, reaching out to open the door a crack, “It was,” smile brightening as Giyuu’s face gradually becomes clearer and clearer, condensation dissipating as cool air seeps into the heated space, “But now I carry a butterfly with me, wherever I go.”
“And what about me?” his eyes gleam playfully, gently tugging at your waist till you’ve spun around to face him, “Do I get to carry anything cool?” contorting his body to display his various scars, skin pink and soft from the shower.
” you pretend to contemplate deeply, nose crinkling before you flick his chest with a decisive snort, “Maybe a blob? Or a straight line drawn by a toddler?”
Giyuu pouts, “You’re so rude,” promptly spinning you back around, ignoring your cute squeak as he grabs a second towel to pat dry his hair, “I totally have a cool lightning scar
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lionlena · 7 months
Unforgivable mistake (JoelMillerxreader) Part 11
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Summary: Reader is much younger than Joel and is in love with  him. One night, after arguing with Tess and getting drunk, Joel spends  the night with a reader, but in the morning he breaks her heart
  She  runs away from Boston hoping that she will never meet this cold bastard  again in her life. But almost six years later, she unexpectedly sees  Joel in Jackson. She decides to hide herself and her little secret from  this asshole.
Warnings: age gap (reader is about 28 years, Joel 58),  strong language, swearing, past trauma, bullying, attempted rape, memories of sexual abuse, unprotect p in v,  dom!Joel, Joel is asshole, ANGST, hurt, sadness and heartbreaking, sexual harassment, women abuse, violence, injury, sickness, misunderstanding, breakdown
I'm sorry you had to wait for this new chapter for so long. I hope I will write 11 much faster ;) Sorry, I tried đŸ„ș
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Part 11
You woke up and felt the cold take over your body. You wrinkled your nose. You were sure Joel had stoked the furnace before you went to bed, but you were too sleepy to worry about that now. You wanted to spend a few more minutes to sleep, so you snuggled into Joel's warm body, hugging his back. You heard him purr softly in contentment. Then you pressed your icy nose into the back of his neck and heard a hiss.
" he croaked sleepily and you giggled.
"It's cold," you replied innocently.
You were about to ask him if he had actually put more wood into the furnace when your son ran into your bedroom happily shouting:
"Snow! Snow! There's snow everywhere! Lots of
Then you understood everything, it snowed overnight, and winter in Jackson had begun in earnest. You sighed with dissatisfaction and closed your eyes, burying your face in Joel's warm back. For your son, snow meant fun, and for you, it meant more work. You knew you'd have to go to the stables earlier to make sure there wasn't too much snow on the roof and that the horses were well secured.
Teddy jumped on your bed and started laughing happily. Joel pulled him to his chest and ruffled his hair.
"You say it's snowing, bear cub
 Will you turn into a polar bear now?"
The little boy squealed happily.
 Shall we build a snowman, Daddy?"
Even though you weren't happy with the snow and cold, you couldn't help but smile widely. Joel and Teddy's interaction was always so sweet and adorable. And you knew Joel's chest would swell every time he heard the word "daddy."
"Sure! We'll build ten snowmen! But first
 We'll eat breakfast and put you into something warm clothes."
Teddy was so happy he didn't even protest.
"I'll wake up Ellie and tell her it's snowing!"
Before you could react, the boy had already run to his adoptive, older sister. Joel chuckled to himself. He was sure that the teenage girl wouldn't be happy with this wake-up call, but at the same time, she would succumb to Teddy's charm and agree to build a snowman with him.
You sighed and hugged Joel even tighter, sliding your hands under his shirt. You felt his body react to your touches and heard his muffled growl. He grabbed your hands gently and moaned:
"Don't tease
You felt remorse. You knew that sometimes your touch was unbearable for him. It wasn't that he didn't like the closeness. You just didn't realize sometimes how arousing your innocent caresses were. And at the same time, they were torture because they never led to anything more.
You removed your hands and sighed softly.
Joel immediately turned to you. He pulled you to his chest and kissed your forehead. You could feel his bulge in his pants and it made you feel even worse.
"I'm sorry
" You said again, almost crying this time.
Joel immediately started caressing your face.
"Hey, hey
 We talked about it. Don't apologize. I'm a big boy and
 I can handle it."
You sighed and nodded. You didn't want to know the details of how Joel dealt with it. Although you had some idea.
"It's just that sometimes
 I wish it were different
" you said with obvious disappointment in your voice.
Joel looked at you gently and kissed your nose.
"But it is what it is, and I love you no matter what."
His words filled you with warmth and you couldn't help but smile a little. You wanted that moment to last forever. The two of you in a warm bed, in your own little bubble of comfort.
"Joel! Your son is hungry and it is your responsibility to feed him and me!"
You both laughed as you heard Ellie scream from the hall. Joel rolled his eyes and you sighed. The peace is over. You groaned and got out of the warm blanket.
"I have to go to the stables early."
Joel nodded and handed you your warm sweater while he started putting on his jeans.
"I'll take care of everything. I don't start patrol until the evening."
You felt a slight twinge in your heart. You didn't like it when Joel had evening patrols. This meant he would come back late at night and you would have to fall asleep without his warmth. This day couldn't get any worse
 . After three hours of work at the stables, you decided to go home for lunch and check how your boys were doing. But the closer you got to home, the faster your heart started beating and your brain began to go crazy. Joel stood and watched Teddy play with Rose, and next to him stood Emily, Tess's doppelgÀnger. You felt how your body instantly heated up and felt dizzy. And Joel seemed so
The closer you got, the slower you walked, as if your feet were sinking into the ground. Your son saw you first. He smiled widely and waved at you.
"Hello, Mommy!"
Joel and Emily immediately turned around and you forced a smile and waved back to your little boy. Your baby boy didn't deserve your sour face. However, you couldn't be so relaxed when you stood in front of THIS woman. You murmured a greeting and really tried your hardest not to explode. It was so baseless, but
 Emily was taller than you, more graceful, and
 That damn face of young Tess.
"Are you having fun?"
Joel raised his eyebrows as if he didn't fully understand your question, so you added:
"With kids
Emily didn't seem to sense your baseless hatred because she smiled broadly and said,
"Oh yes, the kids are so happy and Joel builds great snowmen."
You wanted to imitate her: Oh, Joel builds great snowmen
 But you bit your tongue.
"He was a builder after all."
God, You felt like the situation was getting more and more awkward by the second. You couldn't have given a better answer. Joel decided to save you because he chuckled softly and wrapped his arm around you.
"Finally, my skills from my previous life are useful for something."
You felt a little better when Joel showed you affection in front of 'Tess', but her next words ruined everything.
"Do you work in the stable?"
"You have straw on your clothes."
You felt your blood boil. You wanted to strangle her. Maybe her words weren't meant to be malicious.
" You muttered, then quickly added. "I just came for a short break. I'll eat something and go back to the horses. Have fun."
You walked away from them and had a hard time keeping yourself from slamming the door.
"You have straw on your clothes
" You said mockingly as you entered the kitchen.
Who was she to tell you that? At least your dirty clothes were proof that you worked, and what was she doing besides praising Joel's snowman-building skills?
You threw your jacket on the chair and opened the fridge, even though you had actually lost your appetite. You were about to stand in front of the living room window to watch Joel and Emily when he came back. He immediately gave you a worried look. He took off his jacket, hung it on the door, and walked over to you.
"It's okay, you seem kind of
You nodded quickly and tried to swallow the bitterness you felt in your throat.
"Where's Teddy?"
"He went with Rose for a while
 I'll pick him up in half an hour."
You couldn't help but groan in frustration, and with Joel's questioning look you replied:
"I don't like her. I mean, Emily
 Not, Rose."
Joel seemed surprised by your answer.
"She said my clothes were dirty."
He couldn't help but giggle softly, but seeing your glare, he stepped closer and wrapped his arms around your waist.
"Babe, I think you misunderstood her. Emily is new here and she's curious. She noticed the straw, so
 She wanted to confirm her suspicions."
You huffed, still feeling frustrated. Joel began to rock your hips, something he had learned to do when you were pouting. And you had to admit it always worked. Then he kissed your forehead and said in a calm, tender voice:
"I think you're tired. What if we do this? After I pick up Teddy, I'll go with him to the stables and help you with your work
You leaned against his strong chest and inhaled his scent. His offer was so tempting. Not to mention you'd be keeping an eye on him then.
"But you have your own duties
 And patrol
Joel smiled to himself. He knew he already had you.
"It's okay. I can handle everything."
Of course, you felt a little guilty, but the feeling of happiness and contentment prevailed. . But nothing changed the fact that you felt uneasy every time you saw Emily close to Joel. It was like an icy spike was sticking into your stomach. You were afraid. Sometimes you tried to think logically. Joel loved you and did a lot to be with you again. You wanted to believe that he wouldn't break your heart again. But sometimes your obsession won.
And it wasn't like you didn't have the basics. Teddy really liked Rose, so your neighbor had plenty of opportunities to smile at Joel. In addition, Emily and Joel became patrol partners. When you found out about it, you thought you were going crazy, and you even tried to convince Joel that it shouldn't be like this.
"I can go on patrols with you," you said one night as you were going to bed.
"What?" Joel gasped.
"I thought I could go on patrols with you
 I've had less work with horses lately and
"NO!" Joel interrupted you harshly, and upon seeing your hurt expression, he immediately grabbed your hands. "Honey
 What about Teddy? If we're both on patrol, he'll must be under someone's care
 If something happened to you
You huffed and rolled your eyes.
"Something can happen to anyone. Emily also has a small child and she goes on patrol."
Joel sighed heavily.
"But Rose, she's not my baby
 And although I wouldn't want Rose to lose her mother, my worry for Emily is incomparable to what I would feel if I had you next to me."
You felt like you had already lost. You were obsessed with 'Tess' and he had valid arguments, but you kept going anyway.
"It wouldn't be so bad
 I can handle it
 I've been coping on my own for so many years."
Joel looked at you with a small smile. He brushed the hair away from your forehead.
"Honey, don't be offended, but last week you were screaming because you found a dead rat in the basement."
You pouted and looked offended. It wasn't fair.
"It surprised me!"
Joel couldn't help but chuckle.
"A dead rat? How could it surprise you if it wasn't moving? Did it speak to you from the afterlife?"
You crossed your arms over your chest and stuck your tongue out at him.
"And yet it surprised me."
Joel shook his head, placed his hands on your hips, and started rocking them. God! You hated him for it. On top of that, his voice became so soft that it wrapped around you like a warm blanket.
"Will you tell me what's really going on? Because I can't believe you suddenly want to freeze your ass off on patrol."
He hit the spot. But you couldn't tell him the truth, certainly not the whole truth.
 I just wish I could spend more time with you."
Joel cooed and pulled you to his chest. Then he kissed your head.
"Hey, you know, I'll talk to Tommy. In the spring, I can help build and repair houses. Then I'd be closer and I'd always be home before sunset. What do you think?"
You couldn't deny that you felt a surge of peace. His words and gestures made your anxiety melt away for a moment. You smiled and nodded.
"Sounds good."
Joel hugged you even tighter as if to assure you of his love.
"Then hold on for two more months." . Hold on
 Don't go crazy. It was easier said than done. You didn't know if you were oversensitive or if Joel and Emily had really gotten closer
 Standing by the window in the living room suddenly became your new passion. Whenever Joel went out on patrol, or simply left the house, you immediately stood by the window and watched to see if he had met Emily. You watched closely how they greeted each other. How far apart were they? What Emily looked like. Is she more, or less like Tess, today?
It became your obsession. You didn't even try to get to know Emily better. You immediately attributed all of Tess's traits to her: conceited, mean, resentful of you, and possessive of Joel. You felt like you moved to Boston.
You jumped when you heard Ellie's voice. You almost forgot that the teenage girl was still at home.
"You're standing at the window again
 It's about Emily."
You sighed heavily and nodded. Then you looked at the couch where the teenager's sweatshirt lay, the sweatshirt you were supposed to fix. You gave Ellie an apologetic look.
"I know what you're going to say, that I'm obsessed
 And I guess you're right. I'm about to take care of the hole in your sweatshirt."
Ellie bit her lip and looked at you with a look you knew well. Something was bothering her.
"It's not about the sweatshirt, is it?"
The girl shook her head.
"The thing is
 I don't want to say something that might ruin everything ."
You walked closer to her and looked at her carefully.
"Ellie, you better tell me. If you think something is wrong, then
 It's better to face the truth because it can only get worse."
The teen nodded and you were honestly expecting some sort of teenage problem, but her next words shook you.
"I thought you were obsessed with this Emily because she looks like Tess
 But yesterday
 Yesterday I saw Joel and her walk into the bar and I heard her say, 'I can't believe I agreed to this date, it's crazy'
" Seeing the look on your face, she quickly added. "But maybe
 I guess it's nothing, you know
 I don't want you to fight with Joel, but
 I thought I should tell you
You took a deep breath and nodded. You didn't want to fall apart right in front of her. You didn't want her to feel worse. You understood her. She was like a child who wanted to remain loyal to each of her parents, but at the same time had to choose a side.
"It's good that you told me
 I'll talk to Joel
 Take it easy. I'll find out what it was about
Ellie didn't seem entirely convinced, but she nodded and you smiled softly at her.
"Don't worry
"Can I do something?" she asked.
"If you could pick up Teddy from the common room and leave him with Claudia before going to Dina
Ellie nodded and you breathed a sigh of relief. You didn't want any of the children to witness your confrontation with Joel. . When you were left alone, you began to pace anxiously around the house. You knew there were about two hours, until Joel returned and that in those two hours you would go crazy with all your thoughts.
First, you tried to control yourself and rationalize everything. You had a plan that when Joel showed up, you would just ask him about the situation and that would be it. But with each passing minute, your anxiety began to deepen and all sorts of thoughts filled your head.
You even got to the point where you started blaming yourself. It was finally clear what Joel was missing. It wasn't a secret.
And the truth was, part of you wanted to have sex with Joel. You wanted to get him into bed. Explore his body, feel him inside you, but
 You were afraid that sex would awaken the old animal in him. Sometimes You looked at him from the side. You saw how gentle he was with Teddy and Ellie. You felt how gentle he was with you. But what if it all disappeared the moment he saw you naked and defenseless? When he feels he has power again. What if he decides you're not good enough and abandons you in the morning like he used to? You knew it was impossible. He wouldn't do it for his son's sake. And yet these thoughts haunted you. It was easier with Steve. He was a blank page, and the first time you had sex with him, he gave you full power. He knelt in front of you and begged for permission to touch you. Steve just liked it, being obedient. He didn't even cum without your consent. You didn't know if it was just his fetish and he was like that with all women. Or was he just doing it for you? But it worked. Steve was the only man after Joel you had sex with. Of course, you tried dating others a few times, but it ended the moment they touched you. It just seemed like Steve was the exception.
And now you had Joel again, and Joel was a man and he had needs. Your mind started going crazy. Maybe he didn't even like Emily, but she was willing to give him what you couldn't? Maybe he made some sort of deal with her
 Something like: friends with benefits. You even started to have absurd thoughts that maybe you should let Joel do this. Before you knew it, you were so absorbed in your own misery that you were curled up on your bed, crying. Suddenly you felt the bed sag under the weight and someone's large, warm hand landed on your side.
 Baby, what's wrong?"
Joel's voice was clearly concerned, close to panic. You turned around abruptly and simply blurted out:
"It's about sex?! Right?! You don't feel anything for her, but you can fuck her!"
Your voice cracked and Joel looked like someone had thrown him into ice water. He wanted to shout: 'What the hell?!' But he knew better that he must stay completely calm. He had no idea what had happened to you, but you were clearly in a bad emotional state and having a breakdown. He took a deep breath and replied:
"Baby, I have no idea who you're talking about. Who would I be having sex with?"
"With Emily!" You growled.
Joel moved away from you as if you had hit him. Of course, you were in such a state that you considered his reaction as confirmation of your theory.
"So I'm right!"
Joel couldn't stand it anymore and his scream was like thunder.
You started to tremble and he felt remorse, but at least he had a moment to speak to you.
"No, honey
" His voice was calm again. "You're absolutely wrong. I don't know what happened or what made you think that, but I only love you."
Joel tried to pull you into a hug, but you pulled away from him and sobbed.
"So what
 that you love me
 But you can't have sex with me, so you found someone else to do it
 It doesn't take love for that
Joel couldn't stand your tears and despite your protests, he pulled you closer to him and wiped away the tears with his thumbs.
"Y/N we talked about it and my mind hasn't changed
 I understand you and I respect your decision. And I want to be with you for the rest of my life, even if it means no sex. And I will have sex either with you or with nobody."
His hands rubbed soothing circles on your back and you took a shaky breath. You were still in despair, but you wanted to believe his words.
"And Emily?"
Joel raised his eyebrows and looked surprised.
"What about her? I don't have any intimate relationship with her if that's what you're asking."
 Apparently, you went to a bar with her, and she
 And she said something about going on a date
Joel chuckled softly and grunted.
"Okay. I won't ask who your spy was, but
 Yes, it's true. I went to a bar with Emily and talked to her about a date
 In fact, I even asked her out on a date, but not with me
 with Claudia
These revelations were so shocking to you that you couldn't find the words.
Joel gave you a funny look.
"You don't mean to tell me you didn't know your best friend was a lesbian."
You rolled your eyes. Of course, you always knew that.
"I mean Emily
 She has a baby and
 She got along with you so well and
You felt completely lost. On one hand, a wave of relief washed over you that everything was just your imagination. On the other hand, you felt ashamed that you fell apart and let your emotions get the better of you.
But Joel, as usual, tried to be understanding. He smiled as he saw that the crisis was over. He kissed you on the cheek and replied:
"You know very well that a child doesn't always have to be the result of love
 I don't know who Rose's father is and I don't want to push Emily
 And yes, we get along, but I don't feel anything for her and when she told me that she likes Claudia, but she's very ashamed and afraid that nothing will come out of it, I wanted to help her."
Finally, all your anxiety left you. Joel simply had a good heart, even though he sometimes hid it behind grumpiness and whining.
He shook his head and waved his hand.
"I'm glad we cleared it up. And tomorrow you'll be able to talk to Claudia about it, because today, after two weeks of my efforts, is their first date."
When you heard this, your eyes widened.
You immediately got out of bed and started dressing. Joel watched you in shock, wondering if he had done something wrong.
"I told Ellie to drop Teddy to Claudia."
Joel immediately jumped off the bed and grabbed your hand.
"Come on, before you ruin my entire elaborate plan!" He groaned miserably and you couldn't help but laugh.
"Aren't you getting into the role of Cupid too much?"
He made another grumpy noise and you smiled widely. This was your Joel. And only yours. .
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Taglist: @casa-boiardi @noisynightmarepoetry @ihavetwoholesforareason @sloanexx @creedslove @orcasoul @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @i-workwithpens @milla-frenchy @liatome @jojo-munson @pascalislove @goldenhxurs @elliaze @aestheticangel612 @cheyxfu @prestinalove @stevengmybeloved @faith-alons26 @harriedandharassed @this--is--music @joeldjarin @elliaze @ajeff855 @anislabonis-love @quality-lust @sarahhxx03 @sofiparallel @misshoneypaper @simplyreading96 @ilovetaquitosmmmm @softstarlite @missladym1981 @heartpascalispunk
Part 10
Part 12
Ok, so I hope it's not that bad after not writing this story for so long. I know Emily turned out to be quite a twist plot. But I couldn't make Joel an asshole again.
Now an important announcement. So far this story has been devoid of any strong NSFW elements, apart from the beginning. So now I would like you to take the survey and decide. Should there be a description of the sex scene in the next chapter, or would you prefer it to be an addition to a chapter that you don't have to read?
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subskz · 7 months
Sub skz getting edged/overstimulated?
Pretty please đŸ„ș
sure đŸ„° i hope you meant combining the two bc that’s what i went with!
chan - channie is sooo good when he’s getting edged. he does start to get a little whiny and restless over time, but he still tries his best to keep his patience bc he wants to do well for you and he knows it’ll feel even better once he’s finally allowed to cum. he begs a lot even when it's clear it won’t get him anywhere, apologizes even when he's done nothing wrong, and he never forgets to say please in the sweetest, broken voice. it’s hard to resist him when he’s so earnest but at the same time it makes him all the more fun to tease~ he goes crazy when you coo over him and pet his head, promising it'll be over soon, only to deny him yet again. he's the type to whimper out a tiny "please please please" and push his hips up when he's close, then groan weakly when his orgasm escapes him for the umpteenth time. but he handles the edging part a lot better than the overstim, once he climaxes (and he cums hard after being edged so many times) it’s only a matter of seconds before he’s thrashing around crying out that it’s too much. he’s very sensitive and can’t take being overstimulated for too long, esp if you used his cum as lube to pump him even faster, he might start to cry a bit. but the sweet, pleading little sounds he lets out when you keep going makes it very tempting to see how much more he'll endure for you
lino - he has the biggest love/hate relationship with edging bc he does not have the patience for it, but the pleasure always pays off so deliciously in the end that he’ll do practically anything just to get his orgasm. it’s like a cheat code for making him obedient~ unlike chan, minho doesn’t shy away from voicing his dissatisfaction every time you edge him. he’s whining, provoking you, and mouthing off after being denied just once bc he’s so used to immediately getting what he wants. he definitely needs to be bound somehow or kept an eye on so you can smack his misbehaving hands away bc he will try to touch himself or tug your hand back to his dick once he gets desperate enough (he’ll hit you with those deceptively innocent glossy eyes too
good luck) the way he looks when you finally let him cum makes all his fussing worth it though. his eyes roll back into the prettiest expression and he shakes. funnily enough he complains less once u start to overstim him bc at that point his head goes blank, he’s the definition of fucked out. he enjoys every bit of the pleasure and pain with his jaw going slack and his body jolting so cutely. he can’t even think of anything clever to say let alone form a sentence, just moan after angelic moan
binnie - simultaneously the goodest and the whiniest boy on earth! he wants to be able to take it, to make you proud w how well he endures both the torturous rounds of edging and the overstimulation after, but he'll inevitably be whining up a storm the entire time. it’s embarrassing how he loses control of his body, bucking into into the air and letting pitiful little whimpers slip past his lips when the buildup of pleasure is lost yet again. he can’t help but make a few wrong moves out of reflex, like trying to gain friction to push himself over the edge or reaching for your hand with a whine when you pull away, but he immediately apologizes for it bc he really doesn’t mean to disobey you. you'd have to praise him through it all so he has the drive to keep going. he needs to hear those “good boy”s every time he’s left twitching without release, and he especially needs to hear you telling him how well he’s taking it once the overstim kicks in. tell him how pretty he looks, how beautiful he sounds, and he'll feel his chest swell with pride even as you stroke him until his dick is sore. his voice gets so sweet and high-pitched as he begs you to slow down, but he can take it all as long as your adoring words soothe him through it
hyunjin - how he handles edging depends on his mood that day. jinnie can either be the sweetest, most pliant baby boy or a little bit of a spoiled brat if he want to be put in his place. some days he’s so desperate for you that he’s grateful you’re even touching him at all, even when he feels his sanity slip more and more each time his orgasm is delayed. he moans out the prettiest, breathless “thank you” as his body squirms around in a frantic search of some relief. other days, he’s rolling his eyes, huffing, scoffing, whining, and grinding against the mattress when he doesn’t get what he wants. it gets harder for him to talk back the more you edge him though, his taunts morph into slurred, nonsense whimpers bc the only thing on his mind is how badly he needs to cum, he can’t find it in him to provoke you anymore. he definitely gets teary-eyed once he breaks and realizes you still have no intention of going easy on him. but regardless of if he’s being a brat or a good boy that day, he always loves the overstimulation. he writhes so beautifully in the sheets, arching his back and tossing his head around, you'd think he was trying to escape the pleasure but his cries for more say otherwise. he begs you to keep going even as his tears spill over, and once you're done with him he flashes you the cutest, blissed out lazy smile with his chest heaving and drool spilling from his lips
jisung - hannie starts off just happy that you're touching him esp if it's on a day where he was acting out for your attention, and he always naively thinks he's won once you get your hands on him. he's the easiest to break of all the boys, so it makes it extra fun to see how he reacts when you pull away right before he cums and he realizes what you're planning to do with him. his eyes get so wide and he immediately starts to whine, stutter out apologies and beg for you to take pity on him, he has absolutely no shame abt it. he keeps promising he'll do anything you say if you just let him cum, he'll obey you like a good boy!! if him whimpering "please, i can't take it ): i really can't take it anymore ):” with that irresistible pout doesn't sway you, then eventually he starts to tear up from frustration. he cries so sweetly bc it feels so good but it's not enough, he’s completely helpless and doesn’t know what to do w himself. he’s sensitive enough to accidentally cum even after you’ve pulled away, too, so you have to be careful not to push him too close to the edge. once you finally let him cum he just sobs even harder, bc now suddenly the pleasure he begged for is way too much. he moves around like crazy when the overstimulation kicks in, he's another one you might have to tie up just to contain his thrashing
felix - he loves this combination! it’s hardly a punishment at all for him, in fact, most of the time he’ll be the one asking you with the most innocent look on his face if you'll edge him until he's too far gone to even keep count anymore, then overstim him until he can’t remember his own name. he’s a good boy but his endurance isn’t the best. the repeated denial can get hard for him to take, but it's the overstimulation that he really wants, so he tries his best to power through without complaints bc his favorite part is what comes after. it makes lixie’s brain positively melt to have the promise of his orgasm dangled over his head for as long as you see fit, feel his high ebb and flow until he thinks he'll actually go crazy, and then feel it explode all at once in a slew of pleasure. he loves how dependent it makes him on you too, like he can trust you to decide what’s best for him, right down to whether or not he’s allowed feel good. he might break out into cute, desperate giggles when he really feels himself start to reach his limit bc he’s just so overwhelmed by the intensity of his orgasm when he finally climaxed and how it keeps amplifying the more you overstim him. he’s so grateful when he finally gets to cum, he’d definitely be babbling out “thank you”s over and over until it’s the only thing he knows how to say anymore bc the poor baby’s brain has gone haywire
seungmin - you will not find a more obedient or disciplined sub than kim seungmin (when he wants to be ofc
he’s very patient but that can be a double-edged sword in when he’s in the mood to be a brat) when he’s being a good boy he handles it like a champ! he wants to please you, and on top of that he actually has the self-control to tolerate being edged more than just a few times before he crumbles and starts whining. he enjoys taking things slow anyway, so he relishes in how you drag out his pleasure for longer than even he can imagine, it’s almost relaxing for him, to repeatedly stop right before he tips over the edge then hear your soothing voice murmur “good boy, just a few more, alright?” he’ll start to get breathless and pant harder and harder the longer it goes on, but even when his hair is sticky w sweat and his dick is practically glazed with all his precum, he bites his lip and powers through for you. the sight of overstimulated seungmo is so satisfying to watch. after what could be over an hour of you toying with his body with no relief, he unravels so beautifully when you finally let him cum and the pleasure he was dying for suddenly goes from not enough to too much all at once. it’s one of the few times you’ll ever really hear him get loud, his voice sounds so angelic ringing out in a helpless, sweet wail begging you to slow down. he definitely can’t handle the overstim as well as the edging but it’s a sight to die for
jeongin - he's like a combination of minho and chan; he doesn't have a lot of patience for edging, but he really wants to be able to do well for you. it makes things hard for poor innie bc on top of the ache that builds in his abdomen each time you edge him, he's also fighting an internal battle with himself trying to bite back the groans and pleas forming on his tongue. he’s another one who tends to squirm a lot and gasp out when you pull away at the last second, no matter how embarrassed he gets over his reactions he has a hard time controlling himself enough to stop, so he’ll be apologizing breathlessly through it all. he might also be prone to accidentally cumming even once you’ve stopped/slowed down. he gets worked up super fast so sometimes he surprises you w how quickly he reaches the brink of his climax again, but he always does his best to warn you before it happens. there’s only so much he can take before his desperation overpowers his desire to be good, though. he’ll start to get whinier and whinier the more you edge him (thinking of when he kept messing up at halli galli in that one live and started wailing “ah why? why? why?”smth like that hehe) he’s so so grateful when you finally let him finish, and he lets you know with the cutest choked moan how relieved he is. it feels amazing for the first few seconds, but it doesn’t take long for him to start twisting his hips wildly again once the overstim kicks in, this time, to escape the feeling rather than beg for more. he grits his teeth and hisses a lot, nodding frantically when you ask him if he can take more, no matter how much it aches. he definitely ends up a lil teary-eyed by the end of it too <3
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writingforstraykids · 8 months
The Power Outage
Pairing: Chanlix x femReader
Word Count: 984
Summary: During a storm, you're suddenly in the dark with your boyfriends. You all try to make the most of it.
Warnings/Tags: fluff, angst, cuddles, soft!chan, soft!felix, confessions, first kiss, teasing
A/N: I hope you like it loveyđŸ„șđŸ€­@miuracha
do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©writingforstraykids 2024 -
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The evening sky was already darkening when you heard the distant rumble of thunder. A storm was brewing, the kind that would take a while. Chan and Felix were sprawled on the couch, lost in their thoughts. Chan was tracing patterns on the coffee table, a clear sign of his deepening worries. Felix, always the light of your trio, had his eyes fixed on the window, watching the sky.
“Looks like a big one,” Felix murmured his voice a soft echo in the room.
You moved to sit between them, taking each of their hands in yours. “We’ll be fine. It’s just a storm," you giggled softly. 
But as if on cue, the lights flickered, then died, plunging the room into darkness. A collective sigh escaped the three of you, a mix of frustration and resignation. Power outages were rare but always unwelcome. None of you was a fan of sitting in the dark, unable to do anything productive, and waiting around until the lights went back on. 
Felix fumbled around for his phone, the flashlight cutting through the darkness. “Well, this is cozy,” he tried to joke, but his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. They wanted to watch a couple of movies tonight since both Chan and him had a day off tomorrow. 
Chan’s brow furrowed, the weight of the world seeming to press down on him as so often. “I had so much work to do,” he muttered, more to himself than anyone else. His laptop wouldn't make it that long anymore. 
You squeezed his hand, offering silent support. You knew how much pressure he put on himself, always striving to be the best leader, artist, and partner. “Let’s make the most of it,” you suggested softly.
Felix’s face lit up with an idea. “Storytime!” he exclaimed. “We’ll each tell a story. No lights, no distractions. Just us and our imaginations.”
Chan seemed hesitant at first, but at your encouraging nod, he gave in. “Alright. But I’m going first, and it’s going to be a scary one.”
The stories began, each taking turns. Chan’s tale was indeed scary, filled with ghosts and unexplained noises that made Felix jump, and the two of you giggle at him. Felix’s story, in contrast, was a fun adventure full of strange creatures and magical lands. Your story was a sweet one, a tale of love and hope that left you all feeling a bit warmer inside and made you scoot closer to each other. As the stories ended, the storm outside grew stronger, the rain hitting against the windows like a scary symphony. 
Felix was the first to break the comfortable silence. "You know, I'm actually glad the power's out," he whispered, his voice soft but earnest.
Chan turned towards him, a question in his eyes. "Why's that?"
"Because it's moments like these... when everything else fades away, that I remember what's truly important," Felix explained, his gaze flickering between Chan and you. "Us, together, making the best of any situation."
You felt her heart swell at his words, and you leaned in to kiss Felix's cheek gently. "You're such a sap," you teased, but your voice was thick with emotion.
Chan let out a small chuckle, his earlier tension easing. "He's right, though. We get so caught up in the rush of our lives that we forget these quiet moments. I'm grateful for this... for both of you."
The storm outside raged on, but the atmosphere was warm and gentle inside. You shared stories of their past, dreams for the future, and little confessions that only came out in the safety of darkness.
The storm began to lighten as the hours passed, the rain growing soft. The power, however, showed no signs of returning. You suggested building a pillow fort, to which your boys agreed almost immediately. You gathered some blankets and pillows, building a small sanctuary in the middle of the living room.
Inside your fort, the outside world felt miles away. You spoke in hushed tones, shared gentle touches, and let the simplicity of the moment embrace you.
"I wish we could stay like this forever," Felix whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of the rain.
You felt a pang of longing at his words, knowing that this cocoon of warmth and love couldn't shield you from the world forever. "We'll always have moments like this, no matter what happens outside," you reassured him, your hand finding his in the dark.
Chan, who had been unusually quiet, spoke up, his voice steady and certain. "We'll make time for this. For us. No matter how busy we get, we need these moments to remind us why we're doing all of it in the first place."
Your agreement was a silent vow, a promise to cherish and prioritize these shared experiences and sparks of joy amidst the chaos of your busy lives.
As the night progressed, the storm finally ceased. The power was still out, but in your little fort, it hardly mattered. You lay together, a tangle of limbs and soft breaths, drifting towards sleep with hearts full of gratitude.
Feeling the steady breathing of Felix and you, Chan realized that this was what true strength felt like. Not the neverending demands of his professional life but the gentle, unwavering support of the people he loved.
Nestled between the two most important people in his life, Felix let go of his usual excitement, finding peace in the quiet.
And you, the heart of your little trio, felt a deep sense of happiness, knowing that everything was perfect in this small, fleeting moment.
As sleep took over, the power flickered back to life, the lights casting a soft glow on the peaceful scene. But inside your fort, shielded from the world, you stayed in this blissful darkness, proof of the power of your love and connection in the midst of life's storms.
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Taglist: (Please let me know if you want to be added to/removed from the taglist!)
@kai-lee08 @mal-lunar-28 @aaasia111 @lilmisssona @galaxycatdrawz @kthstrawberryshortcake @channieaddict @soullostinspaceandtime @malfoygalaxies @rebecca-johnson-28
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winxanity-ii · 10 months
ship: miles x fem!reader warnings: non-explicit (fluff x 3) word count: 5.6k a/n: Once again, sorry for the lack of updates, college life is no joke...don't do it y'all, jkjk 👀 but fr, just had a cute lil thought i wanted to indulge in đŸ„č❀
★·.·ŽđŸ‡Čâ€ŒđŸ‡Šâ€ŒđŸ‡·â€ŒđŸ‡»â€ŒđŸ‡Șâ€ŒđŸ‡±â€Œ/ đŸ‡Čâ€ŒđŸ‡Šâ€ŒđŸ‡·â€ŒđŸ‡»â€ŒđŸ‡Șâ€ŒđŸ‡±â€Œ 🇹‌🇼‌🇳‌đŸ‡Ș‌đŸ‡Č‌🇩‌đŸ‡č‌🇼‌🇹‌ đŸ‡șâ€ŒđŸ‡łâ€ŒđŸ‡źâ€ŒđŸ‡»â€ŒđŸ‡Șâ€ŒđŸ‡·â€ŒđŸ‡žâ€ŒđŸ‡Ș‌ đŸ‡Č‌🇩‌🇾‌đŸ‡č‌đŸ‡Șâ€ŒđŸ‡·â€ŒđŸ‡±â€ŒđŸ‡źâ€ŒđŸ‡žâ€ŒđŸ‡č‌`·.·★
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You're lounging in your dorm room, your phone in hand as you lazily scroll through TikTok. It's just another typical evening, filled with catchy tunes and viral dances, until you stumble upon a video that captures your attention.
It's a boy, seemingly around your age, his screen filled with the genuine warmth of someone who wears his heart on his sleeve. His profile name reads milesmorales, with the caption , "Falling without saying a word... đŸ„ș💕," compelling enough to make you stop and watch.
The boy—Miles—in the video is undeniably cute; he's got a head of tight curls, skin a rich shade of brown, and hazel eyes that sparkle with a kind of bashful enthusiasm. But it's his smile, accompanied by the appearance of dimples, that really gets you.
He's awkwardly adorable, his words tumbling out with a mix of shyness and awe. "There's this person in my lecture hall..." he starts, his voice tinged with a nervous excitement. The apple of cheeks are a soft pink, and you find his bashfulness endearing. He talks about them as though they're the sun—bright, warm, and utterly captivating. "They're just... amazing, you know? There's something about them. I can't stop thinking about them," he stutters, looking down with a shy smile playing on his lips.
As the video progresses, Miles' cheeks turn a deeper shade of red as well as the tips of his ears. He's visibly struggling to express his feelings, yet he perseveres, driven by the strength of his emotions. "I think I might... I might be in love," he confesses, his voice barely more than a whisper. It's a bold statement, especially for someone who admits, with a flustered grin, that he hasn't even spoken to them yet. "I've just seen them from across the room," he says, laughing nervously, his hand coming up to shield his eyes as if to hide from his own confession.
The video ends with him looking down for a moment before meeting the camera again. "I don't even know if they know I exist, but I just had to share this."
As the video loops back to the beginning, you're struck by the sincerity and sweetness of his confession.
"Aww," You find yourself smiling at your phone, touched by his raw, unpolished honesty. He's not playing it cool or trying to be something he's not. He's just a guy, overwhelmed by his feelings for someone he's never even talked to.
You find yourself replaying the video, drawn to his earnestness. There's something about his demeanor that's incredibly relatable and real. It's like watching a scene from a movie, except there's no script here—just a boy, a phone, and a crush that's taken him completely by surprise.
You can't help but wonder about the person he's talking about—is they aware of the lovestruck boy who adores them from afar? The thought lingers in your mind as you continue scrolling, the Miles' shy smile imprinted in your memory.
Curiosity piqued, you notice a comment pointing to another video. It's a follow-up, just as viral as the first.
You click, and there he is again—with earnest eyes, now a familiar presence on your screen. Miles voice, soft and almost reverent, draws you into his world once more.
He's trying to articulate his feelings better this time, speaking of the person he's never directly spoken to, yet feels so deeply for. As he talks, his eyes shimmer with an unspoken joy. "It's weird, right? How you can feel so much for someone you've never talked to? But every time I see them, it's like my day gets a little brighter."
Miles' voice takes on a softer tone, almost reverent, as he describes them. He recounts small details—how quiet they are and how they seem isolated at first but are actually incredibly kind, always ready to help others.
You find yourself drawn into his narrative, seeing this person through his eyes.
"They have this quiet strength about them," he says softly, his eyes lighting up. "It's like, they don't need to be loud to be noticed. Their kindness... it just speaks volumes."
He shifts slightly, pausing as if gathering his thoughts. "And the way they have this way of being there for people, even when they keep to themselves. It's like they don't even realize how sweet they are. It's just... part of who they are. It's amazing to watch. I admire that, I really do."
The video concludes with a moment of vulnerability, his gaze shifting off-camera, a wistful tone in his voice. "I just wish I could tell them all this, ya know? Just walk up to them and say it. Maybe someday," he murmurs, more to himself than to his audience.
You find yourself scrolling through the comments, where viewers have poured out their hearts in response to his vulnerability:
starlightdreamer This is the cutest thing ever 😭 You HAVE to talk to them! funnyguy87: Dude, if you don't tell them, I'm stealing your lines for my crush 😂 hopelessfalleesr23: Manifesting a guy like this for myself 😍💕 mysterygirl123: If it doesn't work out with them, I'm right here! comediequeenie: Plot twist: This is marketing for a netflix rom-com. jkjk can't wait for the next update 😂 sinceritiesqueaks: This is so pure. It's rare to see someone so genuine. Don't lose that spark! They're lucky ❀
"Saammmee," You can't help but giggle softly at the comments, finding the whole situation endearingly sweet.
Curiosity leads you to Miles' TikTok profile, to devour his other videos. There were only four more since the viral one—each one a treasure in its own right. The most recent one catches your attention immediately. In it, Miles addresses the growing curiosity about his crush's identity. "So, my account's blown up way more than I expected," he starts, a mix of surprise and caution in his tone. "And to answer the question everyone's asking: no, I won't be showing what they looks like. The reasons? I don't want someone sweeping in before I get my chance to express my feelings, and I definitely don't want them getting hate from people being delusional. That's it. I hope that clears things up. Now, please stop asking."
You can't help but vocalize your admiration, "We stan an intellectual king," admiring his consideration and respect for his crush's privacy.
The second video is a delicate blend of candor and restraint, hinting at what led to his latest update. Miles appears hesitant, weighing each word as if he's trying to maintain boundaries amidst his sudden online fame. "I get that you're all curious, and I appreciate the love, but please stop flooding my DMs for updates. It's not about what they look like, it's about who they are, the person I've come to admire from a distance. I'll share more about them, sure, but I'm going to keep it vague from now on. Some things... they need to stay just between us, even in this digital world."
Each word he speaks feels like a secret shared just with you, despite the thousands of other viewers.
You're drawn deeper into the story of this boy and his unseen crush; his words painting a picture of an affection that's pure and profound, leaving you eagerly anticipating the next chapter in this digital love story.
In the third video, he responds to a comment about his appearance.
budsinlighter: Why are you so afraid to confess/talk when you're this good-looking?
As you watch, you find yourself nodding agreeing—Miles really is handsome. His face, a beautiful blend of African-Latino heritage, is marked by a rich brown skin tone that glows under the camera light. His hazel eyes, fringed with curly eyelashes, are deeply expressive, radiating a mix of vulnerability and warmth.
But it's his smile that captures your heart—a boyish, charming smile that brings out small dimples at the corners of his full, two-toned lips. There's a hesitant yet genuine quality to it, like he's still getting used to being seen and appreciated.
Miles' hair adds to his distinctive look—3B curls in a stylish brown undercut, the sides neatly trimmed, making the curls on top stand out even more. His skin appears smooth, almost poreless, adding to his youthful appearance. His high cheekbones are accentuated every time he smiles or laughs, adding to the boyish charm that makes him so endearing.
Miles answers with a shy laugh, "I guess I don't really see myself like that. I mean, on campus, I try to dress nice sometimes, but mostly, it's just a big hoodie, sweats, and a beanie for me." He fiddles with the sleeve of his shirt, looking more like a boy trying to find comfort in his own skin than the confident image he's portrayed.
He continues, his voice dropping a bit as he shares something deeply personal. "Growing up, I was... different. I was lanky, had acne, pretty short. Got a lot of flak for it, from family and at school." He shrugs, his eyes drift away from the camera, as if revisiting those memories isn't easy. "So now, even when people call me attractive, it's hard to believe. I still feel like that kid sometimes, you know? It's weird getting compliments when you've spent so long seeing yourself in a completely different way."
As he speaks, there's an honesty that resonates with you. His struggles, his transformation, the dissonance between how the world sees him and how he sees himself – it all paints a picture of someone who's grown, yet still carries the scars of his past.
"Poor baby," You sigh, feeling yourself relate to him even more.
As you tap on the last video, you see that it's a six-minute Q&A of Miles answering the most liked questions from his viral video's comments. You lean in, intrigued.
The intimate setting of his dorm room, with posters adorning the walls and a soft light casting a cozy glow, makes it feel like a personal chat.
kirano-indemguts: How old are you?
Miles responds with an easy smile, "I'm 19, born in August. Makes me a Leo, if anyone's into astrology."
gimmiegimmeamaniepedi: Height?
He looks momentarily puzzled, as if the question hadn't crossed his mind before. "Oh, uh, I'm not sure how tall they are, but I don't really care, tall, short. But if you mean me, I think I'm around 6'2," he says, giving a small, almost shy laugh. He gestures to his frame, as if to offer a visual confirmation of his height.
kiranoeiw: Are u a top or bottom 😛
Miles' expression shifts to one of mild confusion and embarrassment. His voice drops to a near whisper, and he looks down, a blush coloring his cheeks. "I, um, I don't really know what that means..." He coughs slightly, regaining his composure. "Let's go to the next question."
hhhobies: your video make my whole day💗💖✮đŸŒș but can you make my hole weak?đŸ’žđŸ’žâœŒđŸ»
He reads it out loud, his voice tinged with amusement.
For a moment, Miles blinks, his expression one of confusion. Then, as the meaning of the words sinks in, his eyes widen slightly, a blush creeping up his cheeks. He stutters, momentarily lost for words. "You guys really just go for it, huh?" he finally manages to say, his laughter breaking through the initial shock.
Shaking his head in disbelief but still smiling, Miles quickly moves on to the next question, his laughter still echoing in the room.
samiyasosa: Have you ever been in a relationship before?
Miles hums thoughtfully, his fingers absentmindedly tousling the top of his hair. "No, I haven't," he admits with a hint of vulnerability. "I was kind of just... there, ya know? Watching everyone else navigate dating and relationships while I never really jumped in."
You find yourself nodding in agreement, his words mirroring your own experiences. Like Miles, you had always thought it smarter to wait until after high school to explore dating, a decision advised by adults around you.
Now, in college, you find yourself inexperienced in the dating scene.
Your attention returns to the video as Miles falls into a moment of quiet reflection, his sigh soft and contemplative. He looks away, his gaze distant. "If they're not interested or I get rejected, it's okay," he speaks, his tone imbued with a sense of bittersweet acceptance. "I can't force anyone to like me. Everyone's their own person, right? Sure, it'll hurt, but... that's life."
You didn't need to see the question to know what was asked because his response was more then enough; his ability to accept and maturity to prepare for any potential outcomes of his crush situation earn your silent applause.
The video ends with him mustering a smile, shrugging off the sadness. "I'll keep you guys updated. Bye for now, and thanks for all the support."
As the screen goes dark, you let out a sigh, echoing his sentiment. "Same, Miles. Same," you mutter, feeling a connection to his candidness and honesty. Your thoughts briefly wander, pondering the complexities of unrequited feelings and the bravery it takes to express them.
The shrill sound of your alarm abruptly pulls you back to reality, signaling the end of your brief escape into Miles' world. With a groan and an exaggerated eye roll, you shut off the alarm and sit up, preparing to switch gears. "From crushing on a TikTok confession to deciphering ancient myths," you quip with a touch of sarcasm, reaching for your mythology textbook. "Because clearly, my academic life is as thrilling as my non-existent love life."
As you gather your study materials, a final glance at your phone screen shows Miles' TikTok account still open. Finding his entire situation and candidness on his account endearing, you can't help but press 'Follow', a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. There's something about him—his vulnerability, his honesty—that resonates with you.
Eager to see how his story unfolds, you make a mental note to keep up with his updates.
With a newfound sense of connection, albeit to a stranger on the internet, you turn your attention to your homework, the mythological tales waiting to be unraveled.
Yet, somewhere in the back of your mind, the thought of Miles and his unspoken love story lingers, a sweet distraction from the mundane routine of college life.
A weary groan escapes your lips as you trudge into your dorm room. Glancing to the left, you notice your roommate's side still empty, a stark reminder of her absence since Fall Break.
Now, with Winter Break fast approaching and the weight of semester final exams bearing down, her continued absence feels more pronounced.
You shuffle to your side of the room, dropping your backpack with a thud onto the desk. Exhaustion overwhelms you as you collapse facedown onto your bed, letting out a muffled scream into your pillow.
Your brain feels like it's been put through a blender after completing your final mythology exam.
Apsu, Hercules, Persphone, Gilgamesh,Antigone,Tiamat,Aphrodi—AHHH! So much to recall!
You're so grateful for your professor's open-notes policy. Though the only downside was that you were only allowed three-notecards to put said notes on.
An award should be given for the way you managed to cram an entire semesters' of lessons onto those three cards.
Your hand lazily reached into your pocket to fetch the notecards and see if they reflected anything you recall from the exam, but it came up empty. Your face scrunched up into confusion only to relax as the memory of giving them away comes back. You can still picture the sea of stressed faces in the exam hall, the clock ticking down, TAs patrolling the room.
Luckily, with your trusty cards, you managed to finish with 45-minutes to spare; you must have given it away in such a generous mood.
"Oh well, I did my good deed for the day," you muse with a resigned sigh, kicking off your shoes and burrowing into the comfort of your blankets. Your phone in hand, you prepare for a well-deserved TikTok binge session.
A few weeks have passed since you first discovered Miles' account. Today, your scrolling comes to a halt as his face appears in a new update. He's outdoors, away from the familiar confines of his dorm room, his cheeks tinted with excitement and a hint of nervousness.
As Miles begins to speak, the world around him fades into insignificance. He's sharing a story about his crush, each word pulling you deeper into the narrative.
You lean in, captivated, as he recounts the events, oblivious to everything else but his story unfolding on your screen.
He describes the moment with a sense of wonder in his voice. "They were one of the first to finish the exam," he says, his eyes lighting up at the memory. "As they walked up the lecture hall, they made eye contact with me. Just for a second, they slowed down..."
You can almost see it happening—the quiet of the exam hall, the tension in the air, Miles sitting there, lost and overwhelmed. Then they appear in his story, a momentary savior with a simple question that changes everything.
Miles' voice softens, a smile creeping into his tone. "They mouthed, 'Do you need notes?' I just nodded, too stunned to speak. And then, they did the most amazing thing." He pauses, as if reliving the kindness in his mind. "They dropped the notecard near my foot, pretending to pick it up for me. Like it was mine all along."
You picture the scene: their quick thinking, the subtle exchange of the notecard, the careful glance to ensure they weren't caught. It's a scene straight out of a movie, and you're captivated by every detail.
"Their smile..." Miles continues, a dreamy quality in his voice. "It was so genuine, so kind. For a moment, my heart just... stopped. And when it started again, it was like a drum in my chest."
You can feel his confusion, his awe, the rush of emotions that must have coursed through him. The way he describes it, you're right there in that lecture hall, watching the scene unfold, feeling his heart skip and restart.
As he recounts the moment, an unexpected memory flashes through your mind. You see yourself back in the mythology exam room, finishing early. Your attention is drawn to a figure hunched over in the corner. A boy, unmistakably overwhelmed, with his hoodie drawn over his head and his leg tapping out a nervous rhythm against the floor.
The scene is crystal clear in your mind—the palpable sense of his distress pulls at your heartstrings.
You recall every detail...his slouched posture, the way his hoodie shadowed his face, his leg nervously bouncing as he stared down at an exam paper, still on the first page.
Your footsteps slowed as you approached, noticing his pencil tapping against the small foldable desk in a frantic tempo. When he sensed your presence, he looked up, his eyes meeting yours in a moment of silent communication.
In a hushed tone, barely above a whisper, you asked, "Do you need notes?" His nod was all the confirmation you needed. You quickly devised a plan, crouching beside him and pretending to pick up the notecard you had secretly folded in your hand.
You were acutely aware of the TA's watchful eyes pausing their patrol, scrutinizing your interaction for any signs of cheating.
You flashed an innocent smile to the TA, then turned back to the boy, saying softly, "Here, your notecard fell under your seat." Placing the cards gently in his hands, you offered him a reassuring smile before gathering your belongings to leave.
Snapped back to the present by Miles' voice on your phone, the pieces suddenly click together. As the realization dawns on you, the video becomes a distant drone in the background. That boy was Miles.
You were the one who helped him. He was the boy you helped.
Your heart races as everything clicks into place. The crush Miles has been talking about all this time... it's you.
In a daze, you drop your phone, the reality of the situation crashing over you like a wave. He likes you. Miles, the earnest, kind-hearted boy from TikTok, likes you.
"Hold up... HE LIKES ME!?!" The thought sends you rolling onto your stomach, screeching into your pillow in disbelief. "That hot piece of a man likes me!?"
After a moment of wild disbelief, you slowly sit up, a whirlwind of thoughts swirling in your head. What should you do? Should you reach out to him? The thought of initiating contact with Miles, knowing he has feelings for you, sends a thrill of excitement mixed with nervousness through you.
As you contemplate your next move, a sense of anticipation builds within you. This isn't just a story unfolding on your phone screen anymore; it's happening to you.
And somehow, that makes it all the more exhilarating.
Gathering up courage that you didn't know you had, you decide to take a leap of faith.
With a mix of nervousness and excitement, you type out a message to Miles on TikTok, your fingers hesitating slightly over the send button.
@butt-Y/N-nna Did the notecards help?
The question feels both monumental and incredibly simple.
You glance at your own TikTok profile—less than two followers, a single grainy video, a username that now seems embarrassingly childish, and an anime icon.
The vulnerability of reaching out to someone like Miles, who seems so put together, suddenly hits you.
Almost an hour ticks by with no response, the silence stretching out uncomfortably. Each minute feels longer than the last, filling you with doubt.
Finally, Miles' reply comes through:
milesmorales Yeah, it did. Statistics is a tough course.
Confusion furrows your brow. You type back, trying to keep your tone light despite the mix-up:
@butt-Y/N-nna Stat? The only notes I gave out were for mythology. So, if you used it for that, sorry to say, but you failed, bud.
You hit send, and then there's nothing but silence. Miles' profile goes inactive. A heavy sigh escapes you as you berate yourself for possibly jumping to conclusions. It's a huge college, and you weren't the only one helping others during finals.
Laughing at yourself for even entertaining the thought, you swipe off the app and impulsively delete it, your heart sinking just a bit.
But just before the app disappears, a new text notification from Miles appears, lost amidst your hasty decision. You don't see it, consumed by your self-doubt and the decision to move on, leaving the possibility of what might have been with Miles unanswered.
The following week, as you return to your mythology class to discuss a possible makeup exam with your professor, a hooded figure sitting near the door catches your attention. You take the empty seat next to them, unaware of their sudden tenseness and subtle shift in posture.
Lost in your own world, you mindlessly scroll through your phone, diving into the latest #fnafxreader stories.
Your AirPods are in, blaring Keane's "Frog Prince." The lyrics resonate with you in the moment—"Your prince's crown...Cracks and falls down...Your castle hollow and cold."
Meanwhile, the figure next to you is engrossed in their own phone. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice a text popping up on your phone from the dorm floor group chat. It's about Miles going live.
For a brief second, you consider redownloading TikTok to join in, but the gripping Michael Afton x reader fanfic you're reading—as well as lingering embarrassment—holds your attention too tightly.
You make a mental note to ask your dorm-floor friends for a recap later—they're just as obsessed with this cute TikTok love story as you are, and you've spent many evenings in the lounge room discussing it. So, with a swipe, you dismiss the notification and dive back into your story, the intriguing plotline drawing you in once more.
Your heart pounds in your chest, each beat echoing the terror that courses through your veins. Blood trickles from the cuts scattered across your body, the result of your desperate attempts to escape. Gasping for breath, you glance at your watch: 5:25 AM. 'Just 35 minutes to go,' you tell yourself, your mind clinging to the hope of surviving until dawn. You push forward, your feet pounding against the cold, hard floor of the empty corridor. The eerie silence is punctuated only by your labored breathing and the distant, ominous hum of the pizzeria. You can almost feel the malevolent gaze of the animatronics lurking in the shadows. As you turn a corner, a chilling sound freezes you in your tracks – the unmistakable metallic thunks of someone, or something, pursuing you. Panic surges through you. 'Shit, shit, shit,' you curse under your breath, your eyes desperately searching for a haven. Spotting a room nearby, you lunge towards it, slamming the door shut behind you. From beyond the door, a hauntingly familiar voice sings out. "Y/N~" Michael's voice is taunting, playful yet sinister. "It's not nice to run away during a playdate~" Your eyes narrow, and your lips press into a thin line as his words seep into your ears, sending shivers down your spine. Memories flood back to the day you saw Michael's true nature – the day he and your brother cruelly played with little Evan, placing his head inside the mechanical Fazbear head. That moment should have been a warning sign of the madness lurking within Michael, but you never anticipated how his obsession would turn towards you. Now, trapped in your role as a security officer at the pizzeria, you find yourself not only evading the demonic animatronics but also Michael, whose fixation has morphed into a deadly game of cat and mouse. The room you've taken refuge in feels claustrophobic, the air thick with tension. You press your back against the door, listening intently to the sounds outside. Every creak and whisper heightens your fear, and you brace yourself for what might come next. This pizzeria, once a place of joy and laughter, has become a labyrinthine nightmare, and escaping unscathed feels more impossible with each passing second. BAM—the door...
The intensity of the fanfic is cut short by your notification bar going off incessantly. There are so many messages coming in from the group chat that you can hardly read a thing. With a huff, you click off the fanfic to see what all the fuss is about. "It better not be another fire drill because someone was smoking," you bitterly think, recalling the last time you all had to stand out in the cold at 3 in the morning because someone smoked in the dorms.
As you open the group chat, you're bombarded with messages, all talking about Miles' current live session. The excitement in the chat is palpable, but you can't help feeling a bit detached, still nursing the sting of your recent embarrassment.
Just as the flurry of texts seems to slow down, you finally have a moment to catch up on a few messages before another wave hits.
Toni No because Miles is freaking out on live because he sees his crush and doesn't know what to do!!
Kiko Didn't he post earlier that he think he might have gotten in contact with them recently???
The chat erupts again before you can process this.
Your curiosity piques, but before you can delve deeper, a deluge of new messages floods the chat, making it nearly impossible to keep up.
You start to type a message, asking for more details, but you're interrupted by a throat-clearing sound. You look up, wide-eyed, half-expecting to see your professor giving you a disapproving look.
It wouldn't be the first time you've been caught off-guard while reading. Instead, the source of the interruption isn't your professor at all. It's the figure seated to your left.
Turning your head, your lips are pulled into a slight pout, a mixture of frustration from the incessant chatter in the chat and the unexpected disturbance.
As your gaze settles on the person next to you, your brain takes a moment to register who it is.
It's Miles.
The realization hits you like a ton of bricks. There, in the flesh, is Miles, the same guy you've been reading about, discussing with friends, and watching from afar on TikTok. He's right beside you, the subject of the flurry of messages on your phone.
Your heart skips a beat, and for a moment, you're speechless, the line between the virtual world and reality blurring strikingly.
Miles' eyes roam over your face, as if he can't quite believe you're real. He clears his throat again, looking away briefly as his ears and the apples of his cheeks flush a light pink. "I-..." He pauses, collecting his thoughts, then meets your eyes again, his expression morphing into a half-cute, boyish smile. "Thanks for the notecards. I still don't get why our professor thought it was realistic to remember the birthplace of Odysseus's fake alias, Quintus Metellus, from 'The Odyssey.' I mean, who actually remembers he claimed to be from Crete?" he jokes.
You return his smile, feeling a sense of ease. "Heh, I try. As you could see from those cards, I really didn't want to fail."
Miles chuckles, sitting up straighter, a newfound confidence in his voice. "Hey, I don't blame you. Honestly, if it wasn't for you, I would've had to repeat this class, no joke."
Rolling your eyes playfully, you wave off his compliment. "Please," you giggle, "I've heard about you from my doormmates; you're practically a genius in chemistry. Acing exams, breezing through lectures, even correcting the professor once or twice."
At your words, Miles looks bashfully at you, his lips curling into a sweet smile, his head tilting slightly as he gazes at you, almost as if he's seeing you for the first time. His eyes wander over your features—from your eyes to your nose, then your lips—as if trying to memorize every detail.
In his look, there's a sense of yearning and awe, reminiscent of how Hippolytus might have gazed upon the goddess Artemis in his final moments, a look filled with admiration for something pure and unattainable, his expression tinged with the bittersweet understanding of beauty admired under the shadow of an unjust fate.
This gaze, filled with a mix of reverence and a hint of sadness, seems to say you are his Artemis, a figure of innocent wonderment amidst the complexities of his world.
"What?" you ask teasingly, raising an eyebrow to mask your growing fluster.
"It's just
 you're really cool," His voice carries a soft tone, mixed with endermeant.
You smile and shrug lightly, a playful tone in your voice. "What can I say? I'm awesome."
A soft smile spreads across Miles' face, his eyes softening in a way that leaves you momentarily breathless. The usual intensity that lingers in his gaze transforms into something tender, a warmth that seems to reach out and touch you. "Yeah... you are," he says, his voice low and filled with a gentle observation that seems to see not just you, but into you.
The way he says it, with such earnestness and a hint of awe, makes your heart flutter in a way you hadn't anticipated. It's as if his words carry more than just a simple affirmation; they are laced with an unspoken admiration.
It's your turn to clear your throat and look away to try and compose yourself. Your thoughts are interrupted as the professor's office door swings open, and out walks a blonde-haired girl.
"Now Gwen, I want this to be the last year you retake my course—" Professor Osborn starts, but Gwen cuts him off with an exasperated sigh.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," she says dismissively. "But be real, Mr. Osborn. I wouldn't have to retake your course for the third time if the other subjects in your department were competent to teach their subjects."
"Yes, but focusing solely on mythological romances isn't going to get you very far, Gwen. You need to balance it out with another course," the professor retorts.
Gwen sighs and waves a hand dismissively as she walks away. "Yeah, got it," she mumbles, her gaze briefly landing on you and Miles. There's a momentary linger in her eyes, especially on Miles, before she continues on her way.
Professor Osborn clears his throat, calling up Miles and apologizing for the delay. "No problem, sir," Miles reassures him, getting up to follow. He slows his steps as he reaches you, leaning in slightly. "I'll wait for you after your appointment, yeah?"
You can only muster a nod, still finding everything surreal. As Miles walks into the professor's office, you're left alone with your thoughts, the weight of the moment settling around you.
You realize that this isn't just a fleeting encounter; it feels like the beginning of something new, something real.
As you wait for your turn with the professor, your mind races with possibilities. The unexpected twist of fate that brought you and Miles together in this academic setting, away from the screens and chats, feels like something out of a story.
Yet, here you are, living it.
When your appointment with the professor ends, you step out, finding Miles waiting as promised. His smile is warm, inviting, and for the first time, you feel a sense of excitement about what lies ahead. "Wanna grab lunch in the U-Center?" he asks, and you can't help but smile back, nodding in agreement.
As you walk alongside Miles, chatting about mythology, classes, and everything in between, you realize that sometimes, life has a way of bringing stories off the screen and into reality.
And perhaps, just maybe, this is the start of your own real-life story.
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A/N: ahahaahah. not me indulging in college romance. y'all im just out here being delusional and need and outlet 💀💀
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cream-stew · 2 years
Hi! I'm the same anon which requested the ayato x fem!reader where he used reader as a cock warmer and i have another request đŸ€­
Tighnari x fem!reader
Idk how to interpret this but it's just tighnari "accidentally" feeding fem!reader a mushroom that has aphrodisiac in it :))
Also can I be 📌 anon? :'D
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🔞 minors dni
warnings: afab reader, aphrodisiacs, rough sex, multiple orgasms, creampie
// note: here it is, I hope you like it ! and yeah the emoji is still open
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he says he did it accidentally, but you've talked about using aphrodisiacs to have wilder sex just a few days ago, both agreeing to try them out, so the timing seems a lil

still, you're so aroused you can't even bother to call him out on his shitty lie, you just want him to fuck you until the aphrodisiac is finally out of your body. he strips slowly while you tear your clothes off and plunge two fingers into your pussy, pumping them in and out as you wait for him to get on with it, but it's not enough, you need his cock immediately :(
you pounce on him, pressing him flat against the bed as you rub your pussy lips against his cock, feeling it harden under you in barely a few moments. he grips your hips, but you're too quick in grabbing the base of his cock in hand and finally sitting on it, letting it slide deeper and deeper until the head is nudging your sweet spot deliciously. you start riding him, frantic and uncoordinated, his hands still on your hips trying to get you to set a neater pace, but you're too far gone to notice :(
you moan and whimper as you reach your first climax, barely noticing it through the lust and pleasure clouding your mind. it's still not enough, you need to cum again and soon. 
he's moaning loudly too, barely able to keep up with you, a blissed out expression on his flushed face as you keep riding him through your third orgasm. you're not sure if he cummed too, he probably did, given how long you've been going at it, but you're so wet and sticky that you just can't tellđŸ„ș still, he doesn't complain when you keep going, over and over, until your thighs are sore and you finally start feeling more tired than horny.
it's only after you slump against his chest, and he flips you two over so that he's the one looming over you, that you realize he had saved a piece of the mushroom for himself...
he eats it under your lusty gaze, and it starts affecting him almost immediately, his soft cock hardening again, still buried in your wet pussy and ready for several more rounds. he smirks down at you, way more smug than he should be, and you can only hold on to his sweaty shoulders as he starts fucking you in earnest, wet squelches and thick globs of cum gushing out of your well used pussy.
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nartothelar · 1 year
Hello hello! 👋✹ I hope you’re doing well!
I love your art dearly and have gained a very stark fondness for Depot Agent Josh because of it. He’s so very sweet and it’s always a pleasure to see him in little comic strips. And I realize that it’s been mentioned that he has a crush on Emmett
 but truth be told, I feel like we’ve seen him with Ingo a lot - particularly, there’s been a fair few instances of *Ingo* being the one to protect him when he gets into Bad Situations and he’s good at keeping him calm despite Josh being on the more jittery side. Josh notices a lot about Emmett, but it feels like Ingo notices a lot about Josh in turn. And while Josh might not be amazing at hiding his feelings for Emmett
 I could see Ingo being very good at keeping them under wraps, especially with professionalism and comfort as reasons why.
 I think it would be hilarious for Ingo’s tastes to be SO divergent between Melli and Josh lol)
KSKSKS I’m glad you like my silly little guy đŸ„ș💖
and WELL while ingo cares about all of his employees it would be dishonest to say he doesn’t have any favorites. ingo admires josh’s work ethic and earnestness and keeps an eye on him from time to time. it’s all strictly professional but ingo considers josh a friend. I actually like to think that they keep meeting each other outside of work meet cute style
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but also alternatively, it would also be funny if ingo did have feelings for josh but josh just being totally oblivious and takes all of ingo’s flirtations as ingo just being “a nice guy” LOL
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skynapple · 8 days
Rafayel Into The Canvas: Analysis **Spoilers**
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Long analysis ahead!! I've tried to break it into chronological chunks!
TL;DR - Sky rambles about Rafayel for a very long time.
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I never know when he like, plans his coincidental showing-up-where-she-is things because... they really could be coincidental but I think maybe we're meant to think they're not. But the disappointment here is my weakness. Quality time is one of my love languages so like, the showing up for her and then actually being discontent with not having her time is what's really endearing to me. There's a lot of moments I really enjoy how obvious Rafayel makes it that he wants nothing more than to be around her and share the same space as her.
Then, he knows, right? He knew what she was going to say, he asked anyway, just in case, and just to acknowledge that and make it known to her.
Then ok omg đŸ„ș his voice.
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He gets quiet, and soft, and like he's clearly trying to reassure her, in spite of what he's feeling. Just... the way he knows how she is. He knows how she gets. I could CRY.
Honestly MC really does want to, also. Like you can tell she doesn't want to let him down. That moment of not wanting to say she can't but not knowing if she can agree is sooo real. And then he captures that sentiment immediately, and in so many short words tells her like, 'Hey, I get it. I'll be here for you.' and all without saying that outright but. I used to hate how much he doesn't seem to communicate with her -and yeah he has his secrets- but the more I play this game the more I kinda realize he's the one who's allegedly 'had' her the longest over all the lifetimes so far,* so more than anyone he really speaks her language well.
*Sidenote: Cause current!Zayne doesn't know about any of his other lives with her, and Xavier although he's also spent multiple lifetimes with her... admittedly a lot of their 'long' lives weren't spent together in earnest, in their past lives there has always been a bit of a wall between them. Sylus I'd say comes maybe closest to seemingly not having their barrier but we don't know enough of his lore yet (although from what I've played through it does seem like he also speaks MC very well).
~5 Days Later~
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Leave it to Rafayel to bribe a child into making sure she finds him again. Honestly, there's some hidden messages here.
MC acknowledged she's nearly forgotten already that Rafayel said to call her. I'm sure he anticipated that (sadly 😭). And also, maybe that she'd be... directionally challenged in a brand new town? And if he's busy with the painting lessons, he probably wouldn't have been able to get on the phone and try to guide her that way himself or, maybe knew GPS wouldn't have good reception? Anyway he's SO thoughtful.
We're seeing here also Rafayel's unexpectedly very good with kids. But... maybe he's really keen on giving kids the treatment he never got as a child? Kids want to be acknowledged and taken seriously, and be dealt with patiently, and want space to let their creativity soar. Who knows how much of that he got in his childhood.
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I love his "teacher" mode and it's exactly his fault for saying "paint wherever you like." Please I would have ABSOLUTELY done the same.
And he does it right back to her but like, also I couldn't help but think of God of the Tides? As a couple, did they also spend time painting their markings on each other? I wonder if it was attendants who did it for them. Was it everyday or was it some kind of water tattoo? I digress. I still think it might've sparked some memories for him.
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And she proceeds to stare at him like half the time, really in awe. Same.
It's just a very, very sweet moment. There's something really special about watching someone you love do something they're really passionate about.
This is immediately becoming my favorite Rafayel card (I want to say not because I'm an artist but I'd be lying). Just the admiration they both clearly have for each other. Also, she really gets it, I think now more than ever, just how much she means to him, and also, how much he means to her. These tender moments are just as special and intimate as any physical ones, and sometimes even more so.
It's sooooo soft.
His little blush when he realized he was being stared at took me out alskdhslkg sir please have you looked in a mirror? He's so pretty when he's focused.
What got me also is him saying he'd just wait for her. Of course he kind of "teases" that she promised she'd meet up with him when she clearly didn't, but knew they'd meet up eventually if he waited long enough. This is a constant theme with these two.
Her not necessarily being willing or able to make promises to him, and him just waiting for her to fulfill these unspoken promises anyway. Either because of his love and determination, he knows or is just hopeless enough to think fate be damned, it'll happen anyway.
There's an interesting translation difference. The English "translation" that's captioned says this:
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But it was either the voice actors or voice directors choice to change the spoken dialogue. What's actually spoken is this:
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And I like the decision because it takes the "no big deal" out of it, which I think gets to the heart of the message and the character more.
As a voice director one of the most difficult things working with translation teams is trying to capture the essence of the story. It's not always about translating word for word, it's - ok, what's going to get this very specific point across to the audience?
Maybe it's not a big deal to Rafayel, or maybe he would say that –because he has waited so long to be physically in her presence the past few centuries already– but it's more impactful that the point is just:
No matter how long he has to wait, he will always wait a bit longer for her, because she means that much to him.
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Then of course there's more playful banter, and allusion to a few things. Using the kids as a slight analogy. She did miss Rafayel.
I think it's sweet too how much she honestly does think of him in earnest, she's just not the best at explaining or expressing this. Again, her saving grace is he does speak her language and understands her.
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Sometimes I think a lot about why MC is ... like that, and you know I always have to remember like... she was probably always trying to be tough as a kid? Who knows how often "grandma" was actually home, and having a "brother" kinda makes you tougher as a person. She grew up constantly not wanting people to worry about her, and it's really clear in all her routes and stories she has always struggled to express exactly what she means... mostly also because this is her "first" relationship of this nature. And there's always a huge learning curve in navigating communication like this in your first serious relationship. But... she's trying. And she's relying less on him picking up what she's putting down.
I know MC is meant to be "you" in the story but as for me, I like to imagine she probably had a sheepish grin on her face when she mentioned they lantern she made, it probably made it even easier for him to clock what she was thinking about. And even if he already planned on "gifting" it to himself, I feel his bright wide grin is probably just him realizing, 'Really? She would have gifted it to me anyway?' Because as much as you think you know someone, sometimes they find ways to surprise you anyways. You can literally hear in his voice how like,,, excited he gets.
And she's not even really embarrassed, it's heartwarming, and she laughs at her painting skills.
We get more MC continuity here!
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I can't fault her for not saying like "I hope I get to spend more time with Rafayel" cause lollll as much as we wish, like, I dunno!! In that moment wouldn't you also be thinking of something like your family or your overall future?
For MC though, this is just one of her strings of continuity. She is very work and 'world peace' focused. It's in all of her routes with every LI. It's not that she doesn't love her S/O, this is just how and who she is. It's not like Rafayel isn't included in that ''healthy, happy life" she mentions.
I see it occasionally in discourse (occasionally from newer players where less lore is accessible) people immediately fault MC for not putting the boys first so... verbally, the way they do. But to me, she doesn't need to. To me, this is her way of doing so. She wants to work hard so everyone can live more peacefully, him and her included, and I think that's sweet. And I think Rafayel gets it.... even though you can tell there's a smidge in him that wishes too that she'd just outright say she wants more of his time too 😆 but, again, I think he gets it.
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And then of course there's his wish, too. There's so much to unpack here. And it goes beyond him "getting it" he's... so immediately supportive. He wants to be with her every step of the way along her dreams.
You just know he's going to find ways to continue running into her. But less superficially, again, this is him saying he covets just being in the same space with her.
And then of course the ever-so-subtle lore mentions. Even if he can't be with her necessarily, he's always going to wait for her to come to him (even if she can't or won't because she doesn't remember-- but he knows she will, when she does remember).
All in all there's just this huge boost in trust between them and enjoyment of the mundane intimacy between them. He's not whiny, or pushy, he's patient, and she isn't standoffish, or embarrassed, she genuinely wants to just sit in that peace and space with him. They've grown a lot and it's very, very sweet to see.
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 12 days
any completed everlark workplace au? please đŸ„ș and thank you!
Hello Anon!
Below is a masterlist for co-worker aus! I've added this topic to a list for future masterlists! Hopefully these are new to you-happy reading!
After Hours-SoThere (ao3) Summary: An unexpected late-night text from her co-worker makes Katniss reflect on her relationships and reassess her definition of happiness. Everlark Modern AU Brighter Than Angels-sohypothetically (ff) Summary: Katniss Everdeen has a quiet life as a Phys. Ed. teacher. She volunteers to chaperone Fairfield Junior High's ninth grade trip to Washington D.C. and ends up finding an unexpected ally in Home Ec. teacher Peeta Mellark. Will sparks fly between the pair? An Everlark A/U But You Wear It so Well-Abagail_Snow (ao3) Summary: Katniss Everdeen has never been a fan of Peeta Mellark, but when she’s called into work on her day off, she gets to know him better than she ever imagined through an “innocent” game of Truth or Dare? Modern Day Don't Talk To Me-hutchabelle (ao3) Summary: Katniss Everdeen hates people. Well, that’s not exactly true, but she doesn’t exactly like them either. They’re too
human or whatever. Too many acquaintances. The last thing she wants to do is get close to any of them, especially after the events of the past few months. She’s barely holding it together as it is, and introducing people or, even worse, friends could tip her right over the edge. She values her sanity. That’s probably why the new, sweet, disgustingly optimistic, overly friendly hire at the coffee shop where Katniss works irritates her so much. He’s just so nauseatingly earnest. It makes her want to punch him in the face. Employee Training-Abagail_Snow (ao3) Summary: During orientation for a new job, Katniss learns to lighten up with another new hire. F.M.K.-c_r_roberts (ao3) Summary: A modern AU one shot in which Peeta and Katniss are co-workers. Until an after-work happy hour and a silly little game changes that dynamic. Holidate Me-JHsgf82 (ao3) Summary: Lonely hearts Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark attend the office holiday party together as each other’s holidate. How will the night come to a close? Holiday Havoc Ensues-katnissdoesnotfollowback (ao3) Summary: Johanna and Finnick despise the holiday parties that their boss throws. This year, they've decided to throw a holiday party worthy of their coworkers. There will be music, dancing, games, creative insults, rebellion, food, and even a gift exchange. Hopefully there won't be any murder or arrests, but you never know what's going to happen when you pack this many victors into one house
 Indulgence-SavvyLark (ao3) Summary: Katniss is dating healthnut Gale and has adapted to his g-free, plant based ways. Unfortunately, her co-worker, carb loving Peeta has reminded her what she's been missing, and she's so hungry for him --er his food. Learn Your Song-ashyblondwaves (ao3) Summary: Modern Day AU: Katniss Everdeen had spent the last three years working at the only electronics and office supply store in District 12, and it was time once again to prepare for Christmas. The rapid changes always brought new sights, new sounds, and this year it brought Peeta Mellark — the new seasonal hire.
As always, if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to shoot me an ask!
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deepdrownlamentt · 8 months
Hello !! I'd like to req for Lumen and Enforcer kissing hcs (separate) if possible đŸ„ș🙏
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↬ enforcer and lumen kissing hcs
content warnings: none
note: ofc u may!!!! i love the welfare boys sm ♡ however their skins are sucking my wallet dry to make up for the fact that they're free ...... i'm sorry this took so long to get to, but i still hope you enjoy!! - ̗̀( ˶'ᔕ'˶) ̖́-
note part 2 (2024 edition): did u know i had this in my drafts since february? wow. crazy. i am so sorry
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↬ if you ever happen to catch ENFORCER during work hours, he's fond of sparing a moment to press a little kiss to your lips before he scurries over to his next task, his signature cup of coffee in his hand and a little smile on his face that was much less noticeable a moment ago. he's sorry, he doesn't mean to make you feel neglected, he says — he just has something to finish before he can go on break.
↬ it's during his off-time that he feels like he can spend time with you in earnest. just as he has a habit of kissing you before he goes on his next mission, he also enjoys kissing you as soon as he hangs up his coat for the day. it's less rushed this way, and some days he seems just a little tired, but he's always slow and gentle as he kisses you, as if savouring the feeling of your lips against his, and he always leaves the slightest taste of coffee lingering on your lips as he pulls away.
↬ enforcer is also very fond of peppering your face with kisses, or kissing the backs of your hands or the crown of your head. it's one of his favourite ways to wind down for the day, making a cup of coffee for you both and letting you go on about your day, or telling you about his own. sometimes he might trail off, tracing circles onto your hand with his thumb, and he'll lean forward, just a little, to press a kiss to a blemish on your cheek. it wakes him up better than a sip of his void of black coffee, and is much sweeter to him, too.
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↬ when LUMEN kisses you, it almost seems as if he's equal parts eager and shy. he has a tendency to ask you each time before he does, too; while it might ruin any chances of surprising you, there's something endearing in the way he asks, may i kiss you? isn't there?
↬ his kisses are always light and gentle and sweet, like an early morning breeze. he's long past the days when he seemed afraid of coming off too strong — how could he have any sort of worries around you, when you make him feel so at home? — but he can't quite help it when it makes itself known in the barest brushes of his lips against your cheek. it's just how he is, he supposes, and he has to admit that he loves the way you laugh when his breath tickles your skin.
↬ lumen loves kissing your lips, of course, but he also has a habit of kissing aaaall over your hands, over your wrist, your thumb, every scar and callus and bruise. if not that, he might massage your shoulders while pressing a kiss to the nape of your neck. little moments like this at the end of the day are what he looks forward to the most, no matter how tired or haggard the both of you look — he adores you more than he has words to tell you with, but in this, at the very least, he hopes to somehow convey it to you.
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toomuchracket · 7 days
Early relationship D word is already so special to me 😭😭
Their first proper date as a couple and Matty making it so romantic and special and just wining and dining girly like she deserve AHHHHHH đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș
i'm sure i mentioned this like a year ago but yes the first proper date is drinks at a fancy wine bar!! mind you, you and matty have been hanging out as a duo platonically (laying groundwork lowkey) for a while, and you've gone to the pub once or twice after like a walk or going to the cinema or whatever, but this is definitely next-level - just looking at the bar's insta proves that, and honestly you're so excited to dress up a bit and be Romanced by matty. he picks you up (he brings tulips, which he's learned are your favourite, of course) and tells you you're beautiful with such earnestness you get butterflies, and of course he looks amazing. anyway! despite the fact it's a proper official agreed-upon first date, neither of you are nervous; there's no awkwardness in the car there (sidenote, you LOVE that you hang out with people who just call up car services now lol), or in the bar, just a lot of talking - both heart to heart and more trivial stuff - and laughing and sharing a couple of bottles of good wine and some snacks and the odd cigarette, and it's just so lovely. even the silences are good, just matty looking at you kinda adoringly and holding your hand like "you really are beautiful, you know? m'so glad you agreed to let me take you out, darling, m'having the best time" - when you tell him you are too, he kisses your hand so softly and says "good, because i'd really like to take you out again", and DUH of course you say yes (embarrassingly fast, but we won't dwell on it). and yes, there are a couple of kisses, a sweet one while you're waiting for the car in the cold air and you're smiling at each other and matty just asks if he can kiss you, and then a slightly dirtier goodbye kiss outside your flat in which you cannot resist tracing your tongue over his lips and lightly biting one. matty honestly moans into your mouth and smirks like "oh, you're TROUBLE. but i like it. a lot" when he pulls away, but you both wanna take things slowly so you don't invite him in lol; the night ends with "i had so much fun i really like you goodnight" texts, and both of you falling asleep thinking about each other. very lovely <3
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leejenowrld · 9 months
hiiii could you please write some fluff and cute stuff of jeno cuddling y/n and it’s such a sweet moment bc he’s very touchy and he cares sm đŸ„șđŸ„ș💗💗 i love your writing btw
heyyyy!! ok so i did write smth really quickly, i rushed it so idk if it’s the best and i’m sorry :(( im actually at the airport rn lmfao waiting to board so i just wrote a cute little scene. it’s not just them cuddling, you’ll see ;) it’s got a bit of a plot. request more things you want me to write though!! if you enjoyed any of my text posts and want me to write anything from there as a prompt or a mini one shot, lmk !!!
word count - 1k
genre - just pure fluff
Sprawn out on the sofa, you're held captive by the relentless onslaught of a pounding migraine. The room spins with a cruel dizziness, each movement exacerbating the wave of nausea that threatens to engulf you. Shivers course through your body, amplifying the discomfort of your aching head.
In the grip of an unforgiving cold, you find yourself caught in a symphony of sneezes, hacking coughs, and occasional bouts of vomiting. The once serene environment is now scattered with discarded tissues, a testament to the tumultuous battle your body is waging.
A hesitant glance in the mirror reveals a disheveled version of yourself, the pallor of illness etched across your features. The cascade of tears in your eyes mirrors the internal storm wreaking havoc on your well-being, leaving you feeling exposed and, in your own harsh judgment, utterly unappealing.
Yeonjun and Heejin stand over you, maintaining distance, Yeonjun shielding himself, their faces etched with a combination of concern and fear as they watch over your decaying form. Fully aware of Jeno's protective nature, you issue a lighthearted yet earnest warning, "Don't tell Jeno." The mere thought of him witnessing your current state intensifies your embarrassment.
You recognize Jeno's tendency to be overprotective and concerned, characteristics that, in certain moments, transform his usually calm presence into something that feels formidable and intimidating. You’re on the verge of explaining this to them but suddenly,
You're on the verge of explaining this when suddenly, the door swings open. Jeno enters with an armful of pharmacy bags, his eyes scanning the room until they lock onto yours with unmistakable concern. He pays no attention to Yeonjun or Heejin, bypassing any formalities as he swiftly makes his way over to you.
A mixture of panic and surprise flashes across your face as you take in his appearance. Clad in his work uniform, Jeno appears both determined and caring. You stammer, "How did you—" before he cuts you off with a calm yet reassuring response, "Yeonjun told me that you were dying."
“I’m okay -“
“Baby, you look a mess.”
With a tender touch, Jeno places a hand on your forehead, checking your temperature. You can’t help but pout up at him, and in response, his expression grows more serious. However, there’s a softness in his eyes as he gazes into yours. He leans down, planting a quick peck on your lips.
He proceeds to cover you with blankets, ensuring you’re cocooned in warmth. As you pull him into a hug, he reciprocates, his embrace offering comfort and a sense of security. His fingers stray away baby hairs from your face, a gentle caress that makes you melt into his tenderness. Soft kisses rain down on your cheek. You find solace in Jeno’s presence, his actions speaking volumes about the depth of his love for you.
In the midst of the tender scene with Jeno, a sudden, immediate shift occurs—like a 360-degree turn. While concern paints his face, to anyone else, it might seem like anger. However, you know him too well, recognizing his unique way of expressing care.
Jeno starts scolding you in a way only he can. "I told you to cover up in this weather," he starts, his voice a mixture of frustration and genuine worry. "I told you to wear more layers underneath your coat. I told you to take your vitamins and medicine."
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" you hiss at Yeonjun while Jeno tuts, calling your attention.
As Jeno looks at you with disappointed eyes, you can't help but pout, attempting to defend yourself. "I just have a poor immune system," you explain, attempting to justify the situation. "It happens every time." The room hangs heavy with the weight of his concern, his reproach a manifestation of his love, albeit in a scolding tone.
Silence settles in the room as Jeno, without uttering a word, scoops you up into his arms. With effortless strength, he carries you to your room, the concern etched in his expression palpable. Gently, he lays you down, and as you settle into the bed, his features soften.
Without hesitation, he showers your face with tender kisses. "I love you," he murmurs, his voice a soothing balm. "I'm just worried about you," he explains, the edge of his voice softened with genuine care.
"I know, but it happens like every six months," you justify, attempting to ease his worry.
He counters, "It still hurts me when you're in pain. I wish I could take it away."
Cuddling together, your head finds a comfortable spot against his chest, syncing with the reassuring rhythm of his heartbeat. His warm arms envelop you, and in that embrace, you start to feel the early tendrils of comfort. Your eyes meet his, falling into the warmth they radiate. “I love you.” You whisper, leaning into his palm as he cups your face.
Jeno has gone above and beyond, having cooked for you, helped you shower, changed, and even brushed your teeth. Each action speaks volumes of his love and care. As he feeds you the prescribed medicines, you can't help but feel that the true medicine is the love he showers upon you. In the quiet moments of vulnerability and care, you find solace, and the pain begins to dissipate under the gentle touch of his love.
In the soft glow of the room, Jeno smiles as he watches you peacefully sleep. He finds you truly beautiful in the comfiest of clothes, wrapped in tranquility. The steady rise and fall of your chest, the occasional smiles, and even the gentle giggles that escape your lips—all of it is a nightly routine he's come to adore.
Having shared countless nights together, Jeno knows your sleeping habits like a cherished secret. Amidst the soft moans from sleep apnea, he's discovered the endearing side of you—those precious moments when you smile and giggle in your dreams. To him, you're a portrait of cuteness and warmth, even in the depths of slumber.
You’re a victim of tired talk. Nonsensical words spill out in the realm of deep fatigue. Unfazed, Jeno nods understandingly, his love evident as he softly kisses you, telling you to ‘shut up,’ with love of course. He gently cradles you in his arms. In this cozy haven, your tired ramblings become a lullaby, and the warmth of his embrace is the sweetest melody that lulls you both into a peaceful night's rest.
authors note i know i changed it around a little bit but send an ask again and i will solely just write jeno cuddling yn, maybe it can be a post sex moment? i just wanted to respond to your ask as soon as i could!! i will definitely write jeno and yn post sex aftercare as a cute one shot if you want it!! just send it
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elitadream · 1 year
You know what I think was a missed opportunity in the new Mario movie? (I liked it btw!!) A scene like the one in Disney Tarzan, where Peach is just -amazed- and fascinated in a soft way by Mario because it's the first time she sees another human?? đŸ„ș And Mario feeling a bit shy under her gaze like "wow, the princess is staring at me, I am feeling quite self-conscious rn but I can't help staring back?? She's so beautiful!"
ASKRPQGAHKF đŸ™‡â€â™€ïžđŸ’˜
I can picture her crouching before him, eyes wide with curiosity and wonder, her hands hovering between them.
"You're..." she would trail off distractedly, tilting her head in disbelief. Mario would falter somewhat under the scrutiny, not quite daring to meet her gaze for more than a second at a time. His lifelong insecurities soon resurfacing, he would blink tiredly and lower his head further in a vain attempt to escape the attention.
"...Small? Silly? Funny-looking?" He would supply for her, in a knowing and defeated tone. Already prepared for the inevitable jab, the predictable mockery.
To his surprise however, the Princess would gasp, gently taking one of his hands in hers. "No! You're... You're like me," she would finally say, her voice incredibly sweet, her face impossibly kind. A caring and earnest smile illuminating her features.
Mario could only stare back with muted awe, seized by a fluttering thrill. Having never before experienced an encounter this warm or remotely enchanting before. Lost in the grace and benevolence that she would effortlessly emanate, drawn to her like a moth to a flame. 🩋🕯💞
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