#he just sits there and let’s her use him like a stress ball LOL
ccelicaa · 8 days
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i rushed the hell out of this SO IF IT LOOKS FUNNY MY BAD but!!! just a quick thing i made in between my free time
An AU where Seolhee and Sebastian are dating during their 6th/7th year idk
(it’s kinda hard to see but Seolhee’s like playing with his shirt collar, and dipping her fingers into it ykwim)
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bookshelf-dust · 2 months
can u pleaaaasseeeeee write something rly cute w patrick and reader where she takes care of him:((( maybe after the match where tashi gets injured he doesn't know where to go and he goes to her, and she comforts him and yk. like i just wanna give him a hug so bad
patrick zweig x fem!reader
word count: 1,208
warnings: a little swearing, overwhelmed/frustrated patrick, reader tries to straighten him out but also make him feel better, fluff (i can’t think of anything else)
a/n: hii baby!! i don’t usually take requests, but i loved this idea too much to let it slip away!!! i turned it into a little baby fic for you, and left it so you can interpret reader and patrick’s relationship however you’d like. and i made sure to give him that big big hug!! it takes place right after art and tashi tell patrick to get the fuck out lol. thank you for sharing this idea with me and i hope you enjoy it!!! <33
“I didn’t go to the match.” 
Patrick says your name desperately, like he needs you to make this better somehow. You don’t have the heart to tell him this is out of your wheelhouse. 
The man is pacing, fingers weaving in between his knotted curls and tugging at them, making his hair greasier by the minute. He’s sweaty, wearing a shirt you thought belonged to Tashi. In truth, his manic state is making you dizzy. 
“You didn’t go?” you ask, crossing your arms over your chest. You sink further into the couch cushions. 
“No. I fucked off after we fought and—” 
“And,” you finish for him, “now the headlines are blowing up because Tashi fucking Duncan’s been injured and might’ve just jeopardized her entire career.” 
Patrick kicks the base of the oversized chair you keep in the corner of your living room. “Fuck!” he shouts. 
You stand up quick enough to make your vision blur, but ignore it. “Hey! Shithead! Don’t go fuckin’ with my furniture.” 
He raises his hands, his cheeks flushed. “I-I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—
“No, you shouldn’t. Now sit your pretty ass down and tell me why you’re so panicked. I don’t have time for minced words.”
Patrick sits down. He watches as you lean over the side of the couch, the soft leather creaking, your oversized pajama shirt riding up to reveal cotton shorts. He realizes with a start that you’d settled in for the night when he barged in. 
Being hit in the stomach with a ball snaps him out of his reverie. “There,” you say. “Squeeze that instead of hurting my shit.” He looks down at the stress ball in his hands and sits in the chair he’d just brutalized. 
He’s quiet for a few more minutes, and you’re just about to say his name when he speaks. 
“I told Tashi I didn’t want to be her groupie. I don’t even know why I said it, I-I just got fed up with planning everything around her tournaments and Art’s at fucking Stanford and I…I just think I’m pretty damn good at tennis too…right? When will it be my turn to be number one?”
Your brow creases. “If you didn’t go to the game, how’d you know she got injured so fast?”
That’s not what Patrick was expecting you to say, but he supposes it’s a valid question. He’s not used to having someone be so assertive with him. But maybe that’s why you work. 
“I, uh, I went down to apologize, and you know word spreads pretty fast about that shit, so when I heard someone talking about her knee, I just started walking. And then Tashi and Art were in the infirmary, and obviously she’d told him what I’d said and they both—”
He’s rambling, and you’re not sure he’s taken a proper breath at all since he got here. “Patrick.” You stop him before he keels over on your rug. “Come sit over here with me.”
He does what you say because he can’t form a single coherent thought and instructions sound really nice. 
“You stood up for yourself, alright? That’s okay. I’m sure Tashi did the same. I’m sure you both said things you didn’t mean. But…it’s not any of my business.” You pause. 
You love Patrick. He's one of the few people you’ve been able to connect with and never worry about where you stand or whether they’ll be there for you if you’re in deep shit. And right now you just want to be a neutral party. He never worries about things going wrong like this, and then he’s never prepared and can’t handle it.
You inhale and continue. Patrick’s eyes are glued to your face, taking in every feature and waiting desperately for you to give him the lifeline he needs. He looks young and scared, and pleading. 
“You have to give Tashi some space. She’s a strong woman, a total badass, but this is fucking huge, Patrick, y’know? Don’t overwhelm her any more. Give Art some time too, okay? If you go to them now it’s gonna be a shit show.”
He nods, his eyes bordering dangerously on the edge of becoming watery. All he hears is alone, alone, alone. Patience is not his strong suit. 
“It’s not your fault Tashi got injured, Patrick. It’s just bad timing. You never could’ve known she’d get hurt a few hours after you ripped her a new one.”
He snorts. He knows you’re trying to make him feel better. And what else did he come over here for? 
“I know,” he finally says. “I just got so pent up, and admittedly I’ve been a dick lately, but I don’t know what to do.”
You shrug, a little smile appearing on your face. “So don’t be a dick.”
Patrick blinks at you. “Don’t be a dick?”
“Yeah, don’t be a massive dick and don’t let yours control your decisions either, Zweig.” He almost protests, but you hold up a hand. “You know I’m right. For now, just focus on doing your job, and it will all sort itself out.”
He lets out a low laugh and starts shaking his head. He can’t believe this is his life right now. Honestly he should though, because of course it’d wind up being a shit show after such a good streak. 
The gentle tone of your voice snaps him out of his reverie. He finds your gaze with impressive speed. “Hm?”
“Would you like to lay down? We could—
“Yes.” Patrick sits up on his knees, eyes shining and waiting for whatever embrace you’ll give him. 
Without speaking, you lay down on your side with your spine pressed to the back of the couch. Patrick lays down next to you so quickly you think he might’ve gotten whiplash, and buries his face in your collarbones. He tucks one hand under his cheek and wraps the other one around your waist. You let him rest his temple on your arm and hug him close to you.
“It’s all gonna work out, okay, sweetheart? I’ll be here when the shit hits the fan.”
He looks up at you. “And when it doesn’t?”
“I’ll still be here anyway. You don’t ever have to suffer alone.”
Patrick lets out a little laugh. “You’ll suffer with me?”
You scratch at the base of his scalp with your nails. “Of course. I love suffering with you, Mr. Zweig.”
Patrick smiles, amazed at how he landed you for a best friend. You’ve never judged him a day in your life, even when he’s made the shittiest of all decisions and pushed everyone else away. 
He lowers his head and burrows back into the warmth of your embrace. “Me too,” he mumbles. 
“And Patrick? I just want you to know that you are fucking stellar at tennis. You’re great, and you’re talented, and you don’t need validation from anyone else to recognize that. But if it helps, you’re always number one in my heart.”
He squeezes you, closing his eyes so he doesn’t cry because you’re being so sweet. You give him tough love, but that’s what he needs. 
“Thank you,” he says. And he means it. He believes what you’re saying, and he realizes he always has. 
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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galeorderbride · 3 months
I discovered your account recently, and I'm a fan! This strengthens my love for Gale even more! I have a request, is it possible to use the following prompts :
3)Touching foreheads
7) Kissing scars
11)Sharing secrets
41)Washing each other hairs
52)Crying into their shoulder
60) sitting in their lap
i will probably ask for others prompt later ahah!
thanks you so much 🖤
Thank you for the request!! I’m stoked to know I’ve helped strengthen your love for everyone’s favourite rizzard lol. And send as many prompts as you like!
Your prompt awaits:
Rated: M (Gale and Tav sharing a bath, non descriptive nudity).
Gale x F!tav
Words: 1652
Wash my Troubles Away
Baths were always the way Tav chose to unwind after a stressful day. Before the nautiloid, and after, although she’d been seriously lacking in access. In all honesty, she was surprised it took this long for her to break down. Months on the road, toiling through endless swaths of blood, shit and tears with the onus on them to solve everyone’s problems. At first, Tav enjoyed helping, seeing new friends suffer a little bit less in such a difficult society. Once they reached Rivington, however, her patience ran drier than a dead fountain. 
Thankfully, they found the Elfsong, where a private bathroom awaited. As soon as the fee was paid, Tav thought about taking a bath—craved it. A space to calm her muscles and cry out her troubles without drawing attention. 
Hot water flowed against her naked back, bubbling with lavender oil and sudsy soap, emanating the scent of vanilla and oat. Tav tucked her legs to her chest, curling into a ball of frustration and embarrassment as she couldn’t stop crying. Tav needed more resilience than this. Facing the end of the world required stalwart bravery, and she was having a meltdown over finding gold for a bank manager. How in the hells was she supposed to take down a giant brain? 
Meanwhile, everyone else had no problem being selfish. A toy maker set explosives in his own products, totally willing to kill children to save his own skin. Idiots tying up Volo just because he was talking about the things they wanted to ignore. Ironhand gnomes masking abusive bigotry with a shining cause. Tav was tired of everyone’s bullshit, making excuses for themselves, taking zero responsibility when she had no other option but to face problems head on. 
Her self pity was interrupted by a knock at the bathroom door. The sound of a lilted, erudite voice coming through the wood: 
“Mind if I come in, love?” 
Gale appeared in the doorway after Tav agreed he could enter. Holding fresh towels and a wicker basket of different bath products, looking brand new as if he’d just returned from an apothecary. Tav splashed water in her face to mask the puffiness of her eyes, as if her detail oriented wizard would ever let a thing like that get past him. 
“You seem like you could use some company. And so far, I’ve been very skilled and…calming you down, so to speak. I fetched some products from Bonecloak’s, all your favourite scents. Jasmine, pomegranate, aloe vera. If you’d prefer to be alone, know you won’t offend me. I just wanted to give you these so you know someone is thinking about you,” he said. 
Tav turned her head, grinning as best she could, easier because of his presence. Since their romance had begun, he was the only one virtually incapable of annoying her. He always knew what to say, always understood the right words or actions to keep her grounded. No one had been such a positive force in her life, and every morning, no matter how terrible, she thanked the stars for finding that unstable portal. 
“I’m not enviable company at the moment, but yours, would surely heal my weary heart,” Tav replied. 
Gale smiled, “No matter how you’re feeling, there is no one in the realms I’d rather spend my time with.” 
Times like this were when Tav didn’t believe she deserved his sweetness. Doting on her out of an adoration she couldn’t figure out. He placed the bottles on a tiny stool beside the tub, undressing so he could join her in a warm, sudsy water, snapping his fingers with a little magic to heat it back to ideal temperature. He made use of the large, circular space as he sunk in behind her, enveloping her in a comforting embrace as she rested her back onto his chest. Little hairs tickled her skin, causing her to chuckle for the first time all day. 
Careful movements of his fingertips massaging her scalp sent shivers down Tav’s spine. Scents of pomegranate and jasmine soothed her sinuses, letting the hot water pour down her head, through strands of clean hair. Tension from her muscles seemed to dissolve with each considerate touch, Gale’s hands created to caress her skin. When he finished, he wrapped his arms around her, rocking her back and forth as they both watched the window ahead. A clear night gifted them glimmering stars, a cool breeze whistling out of a crack in the insulation. Tav leaned back, resting her head in the crux of Gale’s shoulder as she closed her eyes. A few, stray tears fell from her eyes, overwhelmed by the sudden comfort of her magical lover lifting her through the ache of evening. 
Gale didn’t press her for reasons, didn’t rush to solve the problem when he noticed her tears. He just held her, waited in solidarity until she was ready, happy to let her sink into his life force to refresh her own. 
“I’m sorry,” she finally said with a tearful chuckle, “You must think I’m ridiculous. Crying for no reason like this.” 
“Well, my love, your mind may be telling you that there is no reason, but that doesn’t mean it’s true. With all our travels, all the weight on your shoulders, you have every reason to cry. You’re more resilient than you think, I’d have crumbled long ago,” he said. 
Tav looked up at him, in utter admiration for his thoughtfulness, his beauty, everything. If she could, she’d sing his praises for a thousand years, to make up for all the times Mystra never did. Or anyone else who didn’t care to see the magnificence of him. 
Her fingers traced up his collarbone, around the mark the orb left that paved a path to his wonderful neck. A forced tattoo sunk into the surface of his skin, binding him to his well intentioned folly. Their foreheads touched as Gale lowered his head, wishing desperately that he could hold every
 part of her at the same time. Mage hands and mirror images weren’t enough, it had to be him. 
“Can I tell you something I’ve never told anyone before?” He asked, words hanging on between their breaths, lips hovering over each other but never quite meeting. 
“Hmm, you’ve already told me about Mystra. And that you haven't spoken to anyone in over a year until me. Oh, and that you get excited when you see me bloody after a fight. What else could there possibly be?” She asked, flirtatiously smiling at him with her eyelids batting just the way he liked. The smirk he made when he saw it was irresistible. 
Gale chuckled, “This one is far less serious, but might be what you need to hear in this moment.” 
They adjusted slightly, Gale sitting up as he pulled his arm out of the water. Just above his elbow was a superficial scar, raised tissue blending in with the rest of his skin. An uneven line travelling up his arm, about three inches long. Wherever he got it from, it had to be years ago. 
“People don’t notice this scar much anymore, not with the giant black circle on my chest. But people used to. I’d tell them it was from a kitchen knife,” he said, “But…really I accidentally set fire to my neighbour’s rose bushes when I was a child. I was trying to conjure, and the fire got away from me. Singed my arm in the process.” 
Tav turned, scooching further onto his lap as she examined his arm. She couldn’t help but laugh, “That’s your secret? Ruining a bush?” 
“Not just any bush. A rose bush. One of the most beautiful I’d ever seen. I’d pass by those roses every day, stare at them for a minute or two. Just to see something be so effortlessly perfect in its imperfection. They simply grew that way, and then I destroyed them. All I could do was cry, sob over how I tarnished something so innocent and pretty for my own sake. I don’t talk about it because…well, it’s silly, but it’s the worst thing I’ve ever felt. It’s stayed with me my entire life, and the burn scar only serves as a beacon for it,” he explained. 
“Even worse than what happened with Mystra?” She asked, grazing her fingertips across the uneven line of the scar. Eyes stuck to the mark as if it was the last thing she’d ever see. 
Gale hesitated, taking a heart wrenching pause. Tav noticed his eyes staring ahead, fixated on the window. A heavy, unsaid energy hung over him.  
“It was the catalyst. For everything. Had I not set fire to that bush, Elminster never would’ve found me. And then I’d never have attracted Mystra’s attention. A boring existence…but maybe a better one,” he said, voice trailing along the waves of his melancholic thoughts. 
Instead of responding, giving him a treatise on how he didn’t need to feel guilty anymore and burning a flower bush wasn’t a definer of his total character, she pressed her lips against the burn scar. Counting her kisses for every year of remorse he felt since setting that fire ball. Ever since their first night together, he slowly began to shed that overconfident veneer, more comfortable to show her the parts of him that hurt, the deep cuts that both of them wished they could bury. 
“Seems we both have a guilt problem,” Tav said. “Come here.” 
Tav moved to straddle his lap, taking the ceramic bowl and filling it with the warm, soapy water. Gale rested on her shoulder, as if on impulse, while she poured the liquid down the long strands of chestnut hair. Running her shampooed hands across his scalp, satisfied every time she heard his happy moans against the scratch of her nails. After rinsing, she kissed the top of his head. 
“Thank you for telling me a secret,” she said, “I’ll tell you one of mine tomorrow.”
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merlucide · 7 months
Crossdresser x BLLK (2nd) pt2
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Notes: SHIDOOOUUU (I’m so sorry if he’s ooc)
warnings: reader is female, cursing, cringe lol
pt1pt2pt3pt4 pt5
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Y/N entered the room and looked around for any familiar faces.
Suddenly, a large arm draped over Y/N shoulders. ‘Aye your not ranked to low- join our team!’ A tall, tanned boy with fuchsia eyes asked. 
Y/N was rather put out of by his lack of understanding of personal space. 
Another trailed behind him, he was beefy, big, dark skinned dude and stared into Y/Ns soul.
‘Is thata yes?’ The fuchsia eyed boy peered. 
Apparently she took to long to answer so he did for her ‘perfect, perfect- ‘ her mouth agape, looking at him with pure confusion.
‘ m’ Shidou, he’s Shiguma-Chan and yer’? Shidou asked, sliding himself off of her.
She told him her name and they looked for their first opponent. 
Shidou walked over and pretty much demanded they play against them. 
They agreed and everyone headed to the field.
The opponents were Hiragi, Tanaka, and Haiji.
No one knew anything about each other or their weapons. 
Shidou wouldn’t shut up and Shiguma wouldn’t talk, so there’s that. 
‘You better not get in my way’ Shidou warned as he held to ball, ready to kick off. 
‘That was cocky’ Y/N thought, she rolled her eyes and took position. 
Shidou kicked off the ball rather high, Tanaka charged towards it and passed to Haiji.
They were at halfway mark when Y/N intercepted it and ran down the field. She passed to Shiguma and he shot the ball towards the goal. 
Hiragi dashed to the goal and saved it with a head butt. 
The ball was headed towards Haiji, Shidou was trailing behind him and was about to steal it. Haiji quickly passed to Tanaka, who was by the goal. Tanaka shot into the goal. 
1-0, the game had just start so Y/N tried not to stress to much.
Shidou grabbed onto Shiguma’s jersey. ‘Why’d the hell ya didn’t pass to me?? Hah?? I was fuckin’ open!’ Shidou yanked on him. 
Y/N trotted over towards them trying to pull them apart. Shiguma wasn’t doing anything about it, he just justified his actions by saying Shidou wouldn’t have been able to catch it- which added fire to the pot. 
She was ‘successfully’ able to pull Shidou off of him by reminding him it was just one point and the games not over. 
The game finished at 2-3
Shidou scored a goal and Shiguma scored some crazy long distance goal. 
Y/Ns team lost, and Shiguma was picked. She was frustrated, this wasn’t how she planned this to go.
Shidou was pissed. Pissed that he lost, pissed that he didn’t get picked, just overall pissed. 
Shidou snapped at Y/N saying she was ‘fuckin useless’ and ‘coulda passed to me more’.
She was not gonna deal with his bitching.
The both dragged their feet to the losers gate. 
Shidou demanded they have another match this instant. 
The door opened and revealed someone Y/N would never expect to find here.
Kunigami was sitting down rolling his thumb back and forth. His eyes darted to so who was entering the losers section. 
He was also surprised to see Y/N. Shidou peered down at Kunigami, with his hands shoved in his shorts. ‘Play against us’ Shidou demanded, rather boredly.
Kunigami agreed.
It was Kunigami and Reo vs Shidou and Y/N.
‘No hard feelings yeah?’ Y/N asked holding out her hand
‘None’ Kunigami responded and bro-fived her. 
Reo kicked off the game and and Kunigami was headed towards it- Shidou cut him off and kicked it straight into the goal. 
no one was expecting that. 
Y/N scored a goal and Shidou scored 2 more. 
Kunigami and Reo barely reacted to Shidous plays, he was insane. 
It came time to pick to was to join them. Y/N was set on Kunigami, Shidou then spoke up saying he scored more goals so he decides. 
He chose Reo- ignoring Y/Ns objections 
‘I’d rather have purple topknot…than a puny, naïve hero like you. People who can’t destroy themselves.. can never create explosions. Let’s go Y/N-chan.’ Shidou stated as he shuffled back to the winners gate. 
Y/N didn’t know what to say, she felt awful. Kunigami’s soccer career was over, and she part took in the ending of it. 
She whispered a sorry and followed behind shidou with Reo trailing her.
They headed to their new room and Shidou claimed the top bunk bed.
Reo offered to take the bottom bunk, Shidou and Reo headed to the bathroom to shower. Y/N showered when they finished.
Shidou apparently snooped around and got another team to play against them tomorrow, so that was settled.
Shidou got bored rather easily so he just asked Y/N a bunch of dumb questions, or tried to get her to spar against him- she declined. 
Reo just moped around, like a wet noodle.
She just went to bed and got good sleep. 
Next game they won with the score of 3-1, Y/N chose the player Kurona Ranze, he was pretty fast and scored a goal so he seemed pretty solid.
Kurona was low maintenance unlike Shidou and not in a depression like Reo, it was nice to have a normal guy around. It was really cute how he repeated his words.
Another match and they won again with the score of 3-0, Reo chose the player Sokura Testu, he’s chill.
Y/Ns team had all 5 players and were headed to go against the world 5. No one was able to score any goals. Shidou and Y/N got pretty close to scoring but it got blocked or it missed.
They had finished all stages.
Y/Ns team was the last team to finish.
They walked through the sliding doors and Y/N spotted her former teammates in Team Z (Isagi, Bachira, Chigiri, Gigamaru, Igaguri, Raichi)
She waved and smiled at them, happy to see that they made it.
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made March 8th 2024
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snackleggg · 2 years
Okay so I've seen au's where Merlin is born earlier and when he comes to Camelot Arthur is like a little kid but he still ends up being his manservant. Let's switch that around.
Hunith gets really sick and cant do any of the farm work anymore so she and her 7 year old son Merlin move to Camelot to live with her brother Gaius (who also happens to be a physician, and well informed on magic)
Then there is 19 year old prince Arthur, doing his thing, being a bit of a bully and this random 7 year old comes up to him. He tells him to stop, calls him a jerk and a prat and tries picking a fight. Arthur, humoring him, crouches down to be eye level with him and goes "oh yeah, and how are you going to do that?" And the little feral shit Merlin is just smirks and goes "like this" before kicking Arthur in the balls.
The guards cant even get the chance to "arrest" him because they are trying not to laugh their asses off at the pure comedy they just witnessed and a smug Merlin just slips back into the crowd. (Later when he gets back to Gaius' tower his mom asked what he was doing and just shrugs and goes "making friends")
Of course Merlin still saves Arthur's life but obviously Uther cant appoint a literal child to be his son's servant so he just gives him a honey cake as reward. So Merlin learns the valuable life lesson that saving Arthur's life = free sweets.
Doesnt even need to have Kilgharrah tell him prophecy shit (of course Kil still tries and when Merlin follows the voice he is hearing and discovers a huge dragon under the castle he is, of course, in awe. Tho when Kil starts talking about destiny and stuff Merlin gets bored, calls him an old man, and leaves. Though he still comes back and visits regularly, not for advice but because "the grouchy old dragon is lonely and who else am I gonna show all my drawings to make sure they are good before I show them to my mom and uncle???". Merlin always gossips about the latest attempt on Arthur's life with Kil)
Soon enough the castle staff and even knights and nobles just get used to this sassy and surprisingly kind feral child wandering the halls (and mostly following the prince around). Merlin does indeed sneak into council meetings, he is small and quiet enough where he can just slip in, sit in the corner, and no one notices.
The first time Merlin follows Arthur on a hunt everyone is high key stressed and worried but no matter how many times he is told to stay in the castle or who they tell to watch over him Merlin always somehow ends up just... with them on the hunt, the little gremlin.
Arthur once sees Merlin use magic to heal a bird and he is like "so THATS why this child is unnaturally impossible to get rid of and never even has a scratch on him after dangerous situations" but otherwise he tells no one and helps cover when Merlin's lack of subtly come into play.
Even as a child Merlin is still Arthur's best friend and closest advisor (bc kids are brutally honest and usually dont have prejudices yet)
Arthur still has a problem with his servants needing to switched out like every two weeks. When Merlin is finally 17 (Arthur king now and 29) he is like "I'll be your manservant since you obviously still cant take care of yourself" but Arthur is like "no no no, go read your magic books a bit more, u gonna be my court sorcerer in a few years"
Child!Merlin does not fear death, he will fist *cough*magic*cough* fight any bad guys behind the stables at dawn.
Like imagine u r the villain of the week and your on your way to go kill the king when all the torches in the hallway go out and at the end of the hallway you see this little kid giving you the dead eyed fish stare. But whatever you can just use your magic to knock them unconscious. But it doesnt work. You try again. The kid is still standing perfectly fine. Then he starts slowly walking towards you. And you are like nope, not some of this possesed kid horror movie bullshit, not today. Lol all these assassins getting traumatised by a 7 year old. Let this be a lesson, never come between a child and their sweets.
So many hijinks can come from this au
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masivechaos · 2 years
Marlene McKinnon x fem! reader
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Request: yes / no
Synopsis: Marlene and Y/n are sick of Sirius and Remus pretending they don’t love each other. But with trying to get them together, the boys are may not the only lucky ones.
Warning/content: fluff, a little of angst if you squint, mention of sex kinda, swearing, idiots in love, Wolfstar, Jily, kissing, my English
a.n.:  2.1k words- not proud of this but i have to post something, actually have a writer’s block, i have two other wip but I just can’t write them (if anyone want to help me by reading them and giving advices you’re welcome lol I can’t write shy! Reader and struggle with an enemies to lovers), don't know if howgarts got Yule ball every years but i decided that yes.
masterlist/ marauders masterlist / navigation
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──
Y/n glanced at Marlene and nudged her side “Look!” she whisper-yelled as she pointed at Remus and Sirius. The latter was hovering a blushing Remus “Come with me Moons!” the interested stuttered “W-why?” the raven-haired boy grinned “Because I want you to!” He held out his hand for him to take it, Remus got up, flustered, with a smiling Sirius next to him and they left the common room.
“They are so oblivious it’s crazy!” Marlene said, Y/n chewed on her bottom lip “We should put them together, must been since the second year that they’re pinning each other.” The blond girl tilted her head “How?” she asked
Y/n thought for a second “Well there’s the Yule Ball soon, neither of them has a partner nor us so what if we make them jealous?” she said with a smirk. “Oh such a good idea, darling” the witch blushed at Marlene’s words “You ask Remus out, I ask Sirius, is it fine?” “Yup!” Marlene clapped Y/n’s hand “Let’s do this princess!” she smiled.
“Wanna eat?” They sneaked into the kitchen and came back to their dorm “You think Sirius will accept?” Marlene sat up “Of course! You’re his best friend and you’re incredibly hot.” Y/n felt her cheeks heating up “True” she chuckled awkwardly.
“Pads!” Y/n yelled, he turned around and she waved at him “Y/n” he grinned. She walked next to him “You know there’s this ball in a week.” He nodded “Would you like to go with me?” she asked, faking a stressful tone.
“Yeah…” she could tell that he was not thrilled by the idea “If you don’t want to it’s fine!” she assured him but he shook his head “No! it’s not you the problem, it’s just- I wish someone could ask me, you know?” he said with a shyness that Y/n rarely saw
She smirked “A certain brown-haired boy who wears sweaters way too large for him, maybe?” he looked at her and rolled his eyes “Yeah… But I don’t think he likes me.”
“I think he does, you don’t see the way he looks at you” she smiled but he stared at the ground and grumbled a small “If you say so.” He spoke a little higher “I’m happy to go with you.” he booped her nose.
Y/n wanted to know more about Sirius’ feelings about his crush “Why don’t you ask him out?” he smiled softly, his eyes heart-shaped “He’s so perfect and wonderful, he’s funny and smart and lovely and kind, he can do prank with us but still know when to stop. And have you seen him? He’s so pretty. I don’t think he likes me back, he’s too perfect for me”
“But enough talking about me. Where are you with Marls?” he smirked, avoiding his problem. She sighed “I don’t know, she didn’t ask me to be with her for the ball that’s why I ask you.”
It was also why she wanted to be Sirius. She had a massive crush on the blond girl but she felt like it wasn’t reciprocal, she was constantly flirting with everyone her little teasing didn’t mean anything. And hers and Sirius’ brains seemed to be connected.
“You want to make her jealous, huh?” he nudged Y/n, her mouth was in a thin line “Don’t know, I don’t want to be alone so I want to go with you and if it makes her jealous and she likes me, it’s a plus that I’ll take.” She chuckled.
At the same moment, in the library
“Remus.” Marlene said, sitting next to the boy “Do you want to go with me to the Yule Ball?” she asked with a grin “You don’t want to take Y/n?” he tilted his head, his brown hair covering his eyes for a second.
“Why would I?” he smiled at her “Because you love her,” he said with a small laugh, her eyes widened and her cheeks blushed. She tucked a strand behind her ear “N- no!” he looked at her with a raised eyebrow “Mhm, sure”
“Why don’t you ask Sirius out?” she shot back “I-” she grinned “Touché. But yeah I want to go with you, gonna be fun.” She was still staring at him with a knowing look “What?” Remus asked, she bit her lip “You don’t like him?”
“No!” he said a little too quick to be honest “So if Y/n goes at the ball with him, it’s fine?” she saw his jaw clenched for a second “Yeah. He does whatever he wants.” He looked at the table before continuing to work on his potion paper. “Okay okay,” Marlene laughed as he tried to hide his love for the boy.
Marlene turned around to face Y/n “Saturday you’ll have to be really flirty with Sirius.” She told her, the interested swallowed a cake mouthful “Why?” The blond girl rolled back and stared at the ceiling, they were currently on her bed eating what they stole from the kitchen.
“Remus doesn’t want to admit he loves Sirius so you have to be convincing if we want him to intervene. I asked him many times but still not.” Y/n hummed “Okay”
She couldn’t help but be a little disappointed, even if it’s her who proposed to make the boys jealous she would like to dance with Marlene, she wanted to be the person who will have their hand on the small of the back, who will make her smile while they’ll dance the waltz.
Marlene, on her side, was thinking that Y/n definitely did not like her. She even proposed to go to the ball with someone else, if she loves her she’ll ask her out, right?
Sirius opened the door of the dorm he shared with his best friends “Y’all got someone for the Yule Ball?” he asked when he laid down on his bed. James nodded “Yeah, Lily accepted!” he said with the biggest grin you’d ever seen, Sirius rolled his eyes “Yeah I know, wasn’t especially talking to you, you told me at least a hundred times.”
“I asked Dorcas because she was sad to have no one and she accepted.” Peter informed, and James turned his head “Oh cool! And you Moony?”
He sighed and tore his gaze off his book “Going with Marlene.” Sirius felt his heart clenched at the thought of seeing them dancing together but he missed the way Remus’ grip on his book tighten a few minutes ago.
“Are you rea-” the words died on Marlene’s tongue as her eyes fell on Y/n, she was wearing a beautiful black dress, her hair half up half down, she was ravishing. The light make-up on her face made her eyes longer, and the small dust pink on her cheeks and lips made them even more kissable.
The blonde girl smiled “You’re beautiful, darling.” Y/n’s cheekbones turned even redder “Thank you. You’re pretty too” Marlene was wearing a gorgeous red dress, Y/n liked to see her like this, she rarely wore dresses.
“Ready to go?” the latter asked. They headed to the common room where the boys were waiting for their dates, both of them wearing fancy robes. Sirius smiled at the sight of Y/n “Good looking lady” he held out his arm, she looped her arm with his but didn’t miss the way Remus looked at her.
He and Marlene looked at each other “We’re going to be fine, it’s just one night.” The girl didn’t think that watching Y/n and Sirius flirting would affect her this much, she knew it was a deception but what if Y/n had the idea to go to the Ball with Sirius to try to have a chance with him? She was acting well, joking at everything he said, her hand on his shoulder, his on her waist.
After all, Marlene wasn’t even sure that Sirius loved Remus, she thought that he did but he never properly told her. Imagine if they loved each other? And it was like a real date today? She knew it wasn’t really probable but she was never sure. She honestly didn’t even know if Y/n liked girls. And she didn’t know why she was doubting right now, maybe the apprehension of the following of the night.
So she and her date were sitting on the chairs against the walls as everybody danced, everybody including Y/n and Sirius swinging their hips to the beat. The music changed for a waltz, they now were closer than before.
Y/n looked up at Sirius, a soft smile on her face she chewed on her lower lip. As the beat dropped, they stopped dancing and they leaned closer, the boy whispered in her ear. Remus stopped breathing for a second “You still don’t like him?” he groaned at Marlene’s teasing.
But all of sudden their lips brushed, they were so close to kissing. It was too much for the two other people, Remus got up followed by Marlene.
He weaved in and out between the couples dancing and separated his crush from Marlene’s one. They both seemed choked first but Y/n smiled when Remus grabbed Sirius’ arm sharply and took him away.
“I guess it worked” Marlene chuckled and Y/n followed her laughter “Yep!” They glanced back at the two boys and grinned. They were kissing passionately, Remus pressing Sirius against the wall and letting out the jealousy he kept during the night in their kiss.
The girls saw Professor McGonagall smiling at the sight of her lovely students, before calling Professor Dumbledore, they exchanged money quickly. “We should have bet too”
When the boys pulled away for air, Sirius searched for Y/n with his eyes. He smirked at her and winked, Remus followed his gaze “It was planned, right?” he smiled softly, and the other boy whistled innocently “Maybe.” He kissed the werewolf again, his own hands against his cheeks.
Marlene looked at Y/n, she seemed proud of herself and glanced up at the girl. “What?” she asked, fuck it Marlene thought and captured her lips as an answer. Y/n froze for a second but kissed her back, her hands sliding to the girl’s neck.
The latter placed hers on Y/n’s waist and pulled away “Godric I love you.” She spat out without thinking, she wanted to take back what she just said but Y/n placed her lips on hers “I love you too Marlene.”
They joined the boys, hand in hand “Hello boyfriends!” “It worked?” Sirius asked Y/n with a smug smirk “Well” she showed her interlocked hands with Marlene. The latter’s eyes widened “You planned this for us too?” Y/n laughed “At first no, but Sirius and I thought about this and it was an opportunity to make you jealous too.”
Remus looked at the two and shook his head “You really have weird ideas” she hummed “You should thank me” he threw his head back as he laughed “True. Thank you Y/n and thank you Pads” he kissed the boy’s temple, who was now red.
The two lovers left the girls, heading to their dormitory. The rest of their night was going to be fun.
Marlene and Y/n stared at each other with smiles on their lips, they rushed to their dorm too. The blond girl fell on her bed after kicking off her shoes, quickly joined by Y/n. She nuzzled her head in the crook of Marlene’s neck, leaving a soft kiss on her exposed skin.
“Fucking good night!” the latter said, the other girl laughed “Right? They got together, us too- well I mean I think- if you don’t want us to be together it’s fi-” she was cut off by a kiss, this one was more passionate, more heated.
“You talk too much Y/n. You know that?” Marlene said against her lips before continuing to kiss her girlfriend. They rolled on their sides, facing and staring at each other. “You’re so pretty.” Y/n bit her lip “Less than you.”
Marlene sat up, and so did Y/n “Have this dance?” she said holding out her hand for her, the interested took it. They were in the middle of the dorm, dancing without music, moving their hips to an inexistant beat, making the other twirl before swinging back and forth.
“You dance better than Sirius,” Y/n said after leaving a small peck on Marlene’s lips “Really?” she smiled. “No.” Y/n smirked and received a nudge from the girl before the two of them broke into laughter.
Best night ever.
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spidercakes · 3 years
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A/B/O somnophilia AU in which alpha!Tony absolutely rails omega!Peter.
Warnings: age difference (Peter is in his early 20′s and Tony is in his late 30′3/ early 40′s- imagine whatever you like lol), dub con (somnophilia), rough sex, A/B/O, Very Strong Dom/sub vibes, fem!Peter.
Tony wakes up with Peter curled up in front of him, his back against Tony’s chest. In his sleep he’d leaned in, face buried in the crook of Peter’s neck where it connects with his shoulder and he kisses it lightly as he stretches out some, careful not to disturb Peter. The dorm room bed is awful, but its exam week and Peter is sort of tethered to campus at the moment, and Tony’s not an ass, its not like he’ll die in this bed. He’ll just feel like he wants to in the morning.
Peter makes a soft noise in his sleep, wiggling his ass directly into Tony’s dick. He chokes on his gasp, hand grabbing Peter’s hip as he presses his forehead to Peter’s bare shoulder, exposed by his shirt slipping down. It wouldn’t be so bad, he thinks, if not for the fact that Peter had admitted, rather shyly, that he’s always been curious about sleep sex and Tony never would have guessed that Peter would share that particular kink. To be fair Peter seemed surprised that he was so into it, but somnophilia happens to be at the top of the list of things he’s into.
Its more of a bad habit he’s developed, sliding his hand up Peter’s thigh and under the too big sleep shirt he’s wearing, but this is the first time he’s found what he was looking for. He moans softly into Peter’s shoulder, considering the possibility that this is some kind of fluke, but they’ve discussed it before. Several times. But then its Peter’s normal habit to sleep without underwear anyway, the fact that he’s slept with them on is weird and- he’s overthinking it. Peter isn’t stupid, and he might be stressed but he’s never really been forgetful- he highly doubts Peter just forgot the time he’d mentioned the easiest consent mechanism for somnophilia. Underwear, no. No underwear, yes.
“Fuck,” he whispers, kissing Peter’s shoulder, continuing his path until his teeth are grazing his neck. Peter makes another small, soft noise in his sleep and Tony can feel his cock twitch, getting hard fast now that he knows what Peter is offering. “Bet you’re already wet for me,” Tony murmurs, reaching down and feeling himself through his flannel pajama pants for a moment before he reaches out and slides Peter’s shirt up over his hips. His ass is gorgeous, and when Tony shifts Peter’s leg to the side to give him better access to his hole Peter cooperates, moving a little and resettling himself with one leg hitched up, hips and ass still pointed in Tony’s direction.
So fucking perfect, just like always. He slides his hand over Peter’s ass, gripping one cheek and spreading him open, cock twitching again when he finds exactly what he thought it would. He lets go of Peter’s ass, leaning in and scenting him as he grabs his hip, rutting his mostly hard cock along his ass and moaning when he smells how fucking hot Peter must be for it. Arousal is practically falling off him in waves, even asleep, and Tony can’t hold back anymore. He doesn’t bother taking his pants off, he just pulls the waistband under his cock and balls before leaning back in and rubbing himself against Peter without anything in the way.
Peter, ever so cooperative, tilts his hips back into Tony’s. He laughs softly, “that’s right baby, give me that pretty little hole,” he murmurs, feeling at Peter’s wet hole for a moment before he pulls back to jerk himself off. Peter looks fucking delicious laid out in front of him, horny and wet for Tony and he isn’t even awake. The small, desperate noise he lets out as rubs his cock between Peter’s cheeks, catching the rim of his wet hole really can’t be helped. He feels so fucking good against Tony’s cock, slick already starting to get messy as Tony   uses his cock to play with Peter’s hole.
It sucks his head in greedily, gripping him tightly and Tony lets out a choked moan as he pulls himself back out, rubbing his cock against Peter’s hole for a moment before sliding back in. His moan is louder this time, nose buried in Peter’s neck as he scents him, sliding himself in deeper as he begins to move slowly at first, but his patience doesn’t last very long. He’s wanted Peter to let him do this since the moment they met, and he brought it up over a month ago. Its been fucking torture knowing Peter wants this as much as he does, and he can’t help the way he buries himself inside Peter.
The sound of Peter’s slick makes him harder as he moves, grabbing Peter’s hip as he settles himself between his legs, pinning him down as he fucks into him enthusiastically. It doesn’t take long for Peter to wake up moaning, hand flying back and settling over Tony’s on his hip as he grinds his ass back onto his cock. “That’s it baby, show me how much you like my cock,” Tony tells him roughly, teeth harshly biting at Peter’s neck.
“Fuck,” Peter all but yells, back arching as he grinds himself back onto Tony again, wiggling his ass as he pants loudly. “Oh my god Tony please,” he says desperately, gasping as Tony pulls his hand out from under Peter’s, grabbing his wrist and pinning it above his head.
“Fucking take it,” Tony basically growls, “you make my cock feel so fucking good,” he adds, biting at Peter’s shoulder roughly. 
The sharp yelp Peter lets out as his hips involuntarily tip up to take Tony in further encourages him, grip on Peter’s wrist tight as he takes what he wants. Peter is so good, so fucking good as Tony fucks him hard and rough, bed shaking enough that Tony might wonder about its structural integrity if he were in the right state of mind.
“Please, Tony,” Peter begs, voice high and desperate with arousal, moaning loudly when Tony lets go of his wrist and wraps his hand around the back of Peter’s neck instead, pushing him hard into the mattress as he fucks into Peter deep. Tony watches his cock move in and out of Peter’s hole, slick dripping down his thighs he’s so wet and he knows he has to knot him.
He smacks Peter’s ass hard with his free hand, moaning as potent scent of horny omega drives him closer to the edge. “Gunna knot that pretty little ass of yours, make sure you know who owns it,” he tells Peter, fucking into him fast.
“Yes,” Peter breathes out softly, “need it Tony, please,” he adds between all these hot little noises he keeps making.
“Mmm not gunna last much longer, sluttly little hole is so god damn tight on me baby, make me want you so fucking bad,” Tony tells him, leaning in and biting at Peter’s shoulder before resting his head against it as he pumps himself in and out of Peter’s hole, mouth dropped open in pleasure because this might be the best Peter has ever felt.
The way Peter feels when he wiggles underneath him is divine, “oh my god I’m cumming, I’m cumming Tony ah-” Peter’s voice is muffled due to being pressed into his pillow and Tony can fucking hold back knowing Peter came on nothing but his cock.
“Fuck yes, baby, s’what you’re fucking made for,” Tony tells him, knot swelling in Peter’s ass, helped along by Peter grinding back onto it panting like he can’t get enough even after cumming. It takes a few minutes of him rocking gently into Peter for him to calm down enough to let Peter up, scenting at his neck immediately and making a pleased noise when Peter immediately tilts his head to the side for him. 
“Mm, thanks,” Peter murmurs, moaning softly as Tony’s teeth graze his neck.
Tony laughs, nipping at Peter’s neck again just because it feels so damn good when Peter’s muscles clench down on his knot, “my pleasure.” Like it’s a hardship to fuck Peter on the best of days let alone when he’s been handed his favorite kink on a platter. As a reward he sucks lightly at the sensitive skin on Peter’s neck, biting at the spot before sucking at it again, intent on leaving a mark.
The soft noises Peter makes as Tony continues to stuck marks into his skin encourage him, making him moan as he rocks into Peter. The knock on the door, however, does not.
He sits with his head in his hand, embarrassed. “I can’t believe i had the campus cops called on me,” Tony says.
Rhodey doesn’t even look up from his newspaper, flipping the page casually even though Tony damn well knows he’s not reading it. He’s just a dramatic bitch. “That’s what you get for cradle robbing,” he says, shrugging.
He sputters, betrayed by Rhodey so he turns to Nat, who grins. “I don’t feel bad for you either but only because its funny,” she says.
“Someone thought I assaulted Peter, that is so not funny,” he tells her. In their defense, when he’d played that back over without knowledge of what was going on he guesses that whole thing did sound pretty suspect but still.
He looks to Pepper, his last resort and he knows he’s going to get dropped on his ass but he’s still got hope. “Don’t even,” Rhodey tells him, still not looking up from the paper he isn’t reading. “She has common sense so she’s on my side.”
Tony turns back to Pepper, who pauses long enough for Rhodey to look up at her, giving her a suspicious look. “To be fair, Tony and I had that happen once when we were together and it was awful I’m so sorry you managed to do that twice,” Pepper tells him.
Vindicated he stands up, “ha!” he says to Rhodey, who is staring between him and Pepper like he’s just been told that they’re aliens, and they know because bees.
“Wait, what the fuck am I missing you two had what happen to you?” he asks.
“To be fair,” Tony says, “i completely forgot about the time I got the campus cops called on me with Pepper.”
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kodzuvii · 4 years
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CLUB STUPID [24: yeah probably]
next [25: premarital hand holding]
GENRE - crack + fluff
warnings - spelling and grammar errors lol guys its 1am plz-
SYNOPSIS - Club Stupid, an anonymous podcast meant for the dumb and dumbest to send in unspoken and nonsensical thoughts about issues they face in their day to day lives and for Y/n to speak out and give her opinions and feelings. Normal feelings though, nothing romantic like how she thinks this lazy guy with questionable hair in the volleyball club is actually pretty cute.
a/n: as an executive member and proud representative of the suna simp club (jk lol idk) it is my duty, to keep my simps fed. you’re welcome. please listen to some cute wholesome shit. 
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“Look at this Samu, Suna really his own breed, how does he manage to look more dead compared to how he usually looks”
“Well Tsumu, he ignored the same girl twice in the same week and also got confronted by her cousin who’s also his captain. Pretty sad if ya ask me”
The twins snickered to each other as they eyed the quiet middle blocker who stood by his locker. “Did you see his blocks today Tsumu? I was afraid I was gonna break his toothpick arms with my spikes” Osamu whispered but made it loud enough for Suna to hear. Atsumu nodded, “yeah Samu, totally lame if you ask me. Thank God Yn wasn’t watching him” he teased. “Oi,” Aran called out as he packed up his things on his back that was sitting on top of the benches inside of the boy’s change room. “Lay off of him will ya” he scolded but the pair shrugged and continued to change out of their practice clothes. 
“What’s even happening?” Akagi whispered and Riseki could only turn to him and mirror the same lost look on his face and give a clueless shrug. They both just sat back and watched the scene unfold in front of them. The twins were teasing and throwing indirect jabs and insults towards their middle blocker who looked as if he was going through an existential crisis with the dull look in his eyes. 
Suna was quiet, everyone knew that. Yet somehow in some way, everyone could feel his energy hit an all-time low. He still attended practice sure, but it was like practicing with a pole lamp. He just stood there and observed whatever was happening but even then, his mind was somewhere else. Of course, this didn’t go unnoticed by the coach who gave him an earful about the proper attitude to be having during their practices. Did he listen though? Nah. Listening to a lecture required too much effort. He was just tired and done for the day and the anxious and nervous feeling bubbling up inside of him wasn't helping either.
Suna was stupid. He knew that. His attention span outside of the court was never the biggest and his lack of energy never helped increase his intelligence. He was never the brightest in his class, and honestly, it never bothered him that he wasn’t. Everything he learned came through one ear and left the other. He retained the information for a test but simply forgot everything once it was over. He wasn’t the brightest, and it didn’t bother him not one bit.
What did bother him was his terrible habit of being oblivious towards other people’s feelings. Maybe it was due to his lack of energy or lack of interest, but he simply never put much effort into acknowledging how people felt. Yeah, he got vibes when people had on and off days, his teammates were the twins, you HAD to notice their mood swings and take necessary precautions. It just never occurred to him that more people could enter his bubble. A bubble that revolved around himself.
However, instead of someone finding a way to enter his fragile bubble without popping it, Suna willingly left his bubble when you came into the picture. It was no secret that Suna was whipped the moment his eyes laid on you. He’s been getting clowned about it ever since the twins found out and they never let a day go by without calling him a simp.
He had no clue what type of person you would be when you entered the doors of the Shiratorizawa gym. You looked sweet and bubbly, the smile you came in with never left your face unless you’d whine to your friends or roll your eyes at them. When you stepped into the room, people just naturally gravitated towards your positive energy and your good vibe. He liked that about you. Then again he still didn’t know anything about you at the time. All he knew was that you managed to attract his attention without even directly giving any to him. Every time he tried to look away and focus on whatever was happening in front of him, his eyes trailed back to you.
For a while after camp, you kept popping back in and out of his mind. It was quite ridiculous actually. He’d be taking a drink by the water fountains and he’d look over to the hallway and suddenly the first thoughts would be ‘what if I saw the redhead again?’ It never lasted long, maybe for a split second or two before he snapped himself out of it. He’d never see you again, what was he talking about? He was just being delusional.
So you could imagine the way his mind stopped functioning the night at the train station. Suna had to pinch himself 8 times when he saw you walk out of the train doors. ‘No way’ he thought. You, out of the 7 billion people in the world, was Kita’s cousin. He remembers seeing your tired face and your short stature clad in a big hoodie and loose sweatpants with your hair tied up. You were supposed to look like a mess, why did he keep thinking that you looked so pretty? This must’ve been the higher power playing a trick on him for slacking off during practice. So annoying.
Suna could keep his cool around school. You weren’t in the same classes meaning he didn’t see you at all. So you could imagine the kind of panic that crossed his mind when Kita told the team that he’d have his cousin staying in the gym. He learned later on that you started watching practices because Kita didn’t feel comfortable with you walking home. You were nice to the team, incredibly nice actually. Your easy-going nature made it easy for you to have a couple of conversations with his teammates here and there. While you were nice to Aran and Akagi, you had a little feisty attitude with the twins (mainly Atsumu) and he couldn’t help but admire how outspoken you were. You were blunt, to say the least. That was something you and Kita had in common. But he liked that about you, how you were always free to speak whatever was on your mind and keep a conversation going. 
Suna noticed early on that you rarely paid attention to their practice. He figured volleyball just wasn’t your thing and he couldn’t blame you for that. During water breaks, he’d glance up and watch you tuck back your hair and sometimes he’d catch you scratching your temple in annoyance because of some question you couldn’t answer on your homework. You never looked up, simply unphased by whatever was happening in front of you. 
Even so, he still put the smallest amount of extra effort into his practices. Jumping a bit higher and running a bit faster and spiking the ball with more force. He insisted that it was about time he would break some of his bad habits, but even the team knew that it was a sorry excuse. Truth be told, a little part of him was just hoping that if you ever looked up from your phone or your work in your lap, you’d see him and think that he looked at least a little bit cool. 
One day, on the rare occasion that he’d be listening in class, he remembers his teacher having a discussion with the class about an epiphany. 
The feeling of a sudden or striking realization that hits an individual out of nowhere.
It was late at night where Suna hit an epiphany. You were off to Miyagi, spending your weekend with your best friend and the Twins continued to bug him about his little first-year crush even though he had asked them multiple times to drop the topic. 
Suna came to the conclusion that he liked the way you made him feel. He liked the way he felt at ease when you were around him. He liked how you were so different compared to him, but it never stopped you from forming a friendship with him. You never pushed him to ever open up to you, you listened to the bare minimum he had to say and never took his lazy nature and blunt attitude to heart. He liked annoying you, the way your face would scrunch up when he’d take your bento’s the first couple times during your first initial lunch hangouts or the way you’d puff your cheeks when he comments on your height. He liked the way your eyes lit up when the smallest things caught your attention. He took notes on the songs you said you were currently listening too or the ones that reminded you about happy memories. 
Suna especially liked seeing you smile. Especially towards him. Something about it gave him the same feeling that was comparable to the way he would feel when he would see those jelly sticks on sale at the grocery store. The way you’d roll your eyes in playful annoyance when he'd come up to you and ask to bandage his fingers even though you both knew that he was capable of doing it himself. You would tease him, a playful smile gracing upon your lips, telling him that his fingers would probably break off if you weren’t there to bandage them up. Suna liked thinking that having you wrap them up made his hands feel a bit stronger with his blocks. But you didn’t need to know that.
He remembers a specific memory that lives rent-free in his mind. He was walking down the hallway, casually strolling and taking his time to get back to class after using the bathroom and he happened to notice you heaving a tired sigh as you closed the doors to your class. You looked quite frustrated, probably because it was your art class and you had been complaining days earlier about how creatively drained you were.
 Suna must’ve been looking at you for a moment too long because the moment your eyes met, he felt something tug at his chest by the way your eyes sparkled at the sight of him. Despite being under a little bit of stress, the same smile he grew to enjoy seeing made its way onto your lips and you waved to him excitedly before running up and rambling off about how much your class was pissing you off.
You two eventually got in trouble for skipping the whole period after being too caught up in your conversation. Suna thought it was worth it though.
After scrolling through his phone, listening to Atsumu’s obnoxious lovey-dovey playlist, and inevitably searching “how to know if you like or like like a girl” (there's a difference, he swears) on google. 
He came to his epiphany.
 Maybe before, when he barely knew you and you never knew him, maybe he was just infatuated with the idea of you. 
But it was different now, He liked you.
And that scared him.
It scared him how vulnerable he felt. Suna’s reserved and quiet nature gave him a hard time to open to others. Not that he really cared if he was being honest. He simply had the mindset that no one needed to know everything there was to his existence. Everyone eventually leaves anyways, what was the point?
When it sank into him that he liked you, it confused him endlessly. You never wanted to get out of his head and sooner or later he found himself doing the smallest things for you. The little black silk band was always on his wrist and if it wasn’t on his wrist, it would be tucked away in his pockets. Not to mention that he kept one in his pencil case for good measure. The bandaids inside in his backpack were sealed away in a ziplock bag just in case you ever got hurt because he knew you were a bit clumsy. He found himself keeping his eyes open for little souvenirs and trinkets that looked like something that you’d like wherever he went. 
At first, he thought that he just wanted to upgrade you from friend to best friend. Maybe this was a friendship that he had just been deprived of since his world revolved around constantly meaning to improve in volleyball. Yes, he did find comfort in the friendship he grew with you, but sooner or later he realized that he wanted more. The thoughts of holding your hand slipped into his mind and sooner or later hugging you from behind and resting his head on top yours flowed in followed by taking you back by peppering your smooth and soft cheeks with kisses. That wasn’t something that best friends did.
Kita was right about how his logic of ignoring you to suppress his feelings was stupid and that the worst things that could happen were that he’d get rejected. But he didn’t want to face the chance of him getting rejected, he’d like you for so long and he learned during his time spent away from you that he didn’t want to just stop talking to you. Suna knew himself, if he got rejected then he’d distance himself away from you and never talk to you ever again because the embarrassment would eat him up. 
He didn’t wanna lose you for that. He wasn’t ready. 
What a coward. 
He just really hoped you liked the flowers and read his note, he thought anything was better than a stupid “I’m sorry” text.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
“Hurry up, I need to lock up the gym” Kita’s voice echoed throughout the walls as he stepped into the changeroom. Suna looked up from his phone, taking one last glance at your ‘see you soon :P’ text before shutting it off and shoving it into his pockets. As everyone began to leave one-by-one and bid their goodbyes to each other and their captain. The twins however didn’t leave until they both gave Suna a teasing punch on both of his shoulders. Suna only glared at them before proceeding to make his exit as well. 
Kita stopped Suna before he could exit and the look on his face seemed rather serious. With his voice low, Kita simply said “She needs to be back by 7. If she comes home hurt in any way, I’m benching you” he said sternly and that was enough for him to feel his skin crawl under his tracksuit jacket. Suna nodded, understanding that he really wasn’t kidding and that he definitely bench him. 
Kita turned around and opened the door for them both to leave the changerooms. They walked together side-by-side and from a distance, he could see your short figure walking up to both of them. You looked different today, your hair was sitting on your shoulders and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses he was yet to see was sitting on the bridge of your nose. You were clad in your uniform with an oversized pink knit cardigan overtop. Was that a new cardigan you were wearing? He’s never seen it before either. 
Kita smiled at the sight of you skipping up to them and he watched you two exchange high fives and he gave you a brief little speech about staying late. You nodded along and Suna stood by and watched Kita ruffle your hair making you whine cutely. 
He wanted to do that.
You waved goodbye to your cousin and Kita looked at Suna and gave him a firm nod before turning back and making his way towards the gym doors. You turned back and faced Suna, your hands behind your back as you made your way towards him with a warm smile. “Hey there” you greeted and stood in front of him, looking up so you could look at him clearly. Suna couldn’t help but look at you weirdly, why were you acting as nothing happened? Shouldn’t you be upset with him? “Hi, let’s go?” god, why was he so forward. 
You hummed and shook your head, making him furrow his eyebrows in confusion, “do you not wanna go anymore? I can drop you off if you want-” You rolled your eyes, “I don’t see you for a week and you’re already trying to get rid of me?” you questioned and narrowed your eyes at him. Suna felt his heart wrench as your lips pouted. 
He shook his head, “n-no” he stuttered. Your eyes perked up and you watch his cheeks heat up (potentially from embarrassment, but you're not going to assume) and look away. 
You chuckled and grabbed his wrist and pulled him to follow behind you. What made you so bold today? Probably from the unexpected pep talk you had with Goshiki that morning.
“You don’t need him Ln-senpai! If he thinks he can just look over you and all your greatness and beauty and not acknowledge how beautiful you are and how your very presence graces this dull world then send his ass to KFC! You are a woman senpai! A beautiful woman who deserves everything. Not a value menu that has a 20% off discount!”
Did his speech make sense? Sure. You’ll take it over Tendou’s “cut his dick off if he does you dirty queen” text message sent with the confetti effect on imessage followed by a bunch of knife emojis that was honestly more threatening rather than comforting.
You pulled him out of the gym and Shin gave you a look before shaking it off and locking up the gym doors. From the corner of your eyes, you could see the twins sending winks your way before snickering and walking off. You rolled your eyes and stopped when you reached the doors of the school. 
You turned around and faced Suna who looked very lost and confused. “Let’s not go to the convenience store today, let’s go somewhere else,” you say. Suna nodded slowly, “okay? Where do you wanna go?” he asked.
Just then, you lifted up your other hand and it was only then that Suna noticed you carrying a small pink lunch tote. You let go of his wrist and tucked some strands your hair behind you ear, “we haven’t had lunch together in a week and you had a meeting today again so we couldn’t do anything today either and well..” you trailed off and looked up at him and shrugged, “I figured we could make up for lost time” you muttered. 
Suna felt his chest tighten, not only because you were absolutely adorable and it was making him lose his mind, but it almost seemed like you were the one trying to apologize to him when you didn’t do anything wrong. He did.
You frowned as you looked at how subtly his face dropped. As upset as you were, you understood that he wasn’t ready to tell you whatever he was meaning to hide. He wasn’t obligated to tell you anything and you understand that. A small smile creeping up on your lips, “let’s go eat at the park near my house. The one we walk by all the time. Saves you the trouble of worrying if you’re gonna get home on time or not” you laughed slightly.
Suna couldn’t say no to you, so here were the two of you now. Eating and sitting in front of the other with the bento’s you had prepared on the table. The park was as busy as it usually would be during the afternoon. The atmosphere felt warm as the sky was slowly settling into hues of orange with peaks of pink seeping through. Suna watched you happily eat the bento you had prepared and listened attentively as you told him about everything he missed during your week and you did the same when he talked about his. 
A part of him couldn’t help but admire how pretty you looked in front of him. Suna was lying when he told the twins that you were a 7. You were beyond a 7 and beyond whatever scale they had given him. It was a rare sight to see you with your glasses and partnered with that oversized pink cardigan? You were adorable. 
You tilted looked up from your food and stopped mid-sentence when you saw him just look at you with what seemed to be a fond look in his eyes. But you could’ve just been mistaken, maybe you need to have your prescription checked again. “Rin, what’s wrong?” you asked. At the sound of his name, Suna blinked snapped back into reality and was met with your concerned look. “W-what?” You chuckled, “you zoned out Rin, everything okay?” you asked.
He liked the way his name rolled off your lips. 
He shook his head, “I’m fine, sorry. This is really good by the way, I didn’t think you could cook” he said as an attempt to change the subject. You rolled your eyes but you looked away. “As much as I want you to believe I’m some great chef, Granny helped me with most of it” you confessed sheepishly. 
He chuckled and poked the sausage that was cut up into a little octopus with his chopsticks, “Well, you did tell me that you burned rice once so maybe I thought too highly of you to make a full meal” he teased. You scoffed and grabbed his bento, “if you’re not gonna appreciate the chef then you don’t deserve the food” you huffed. Suna rolled his eyes and grabbed yours, “guess I’ll have to eat yours then” he said and shoved some rice into his mouth. Your jaw dropped at his actions, “Hey!”
As the day went on, you both began to feel at ease and comfortable once again with each other's presence. The harmony that flowed around between you two was coming back and was settling into its familiar rhythm. You two continued to chat as if nothing happened. Laughing at anything and everything you found remotely hilarious under the sun. Suna felt warm. He was here, with you, and everything felt okay. With both your bento’s empty and tucked neatly away into your lunch bag and the sun settling down and giving a wake-up call for the stars to come out, it was about time for Suna to bring you home.
The walk back to your place was comfortable. There was no tension in the air or any awkwardness in the atmosphere. It was simply peaceful. You were walking beside him and rambling on about something that had happened to you in class that day. It was slightly cooler and the winds were colder and he had noticed early on that you kept pulling at the ends of your cardigan at an attempt to get some more warmth from it. It would’ve just been rude for him to let you be cold, Kita would kill him if you got sick.
It took you by surprise to see Suna slipping off his volleyball jacket and shoving it into your hands. He was wearing a hoodie under it anyway, he didn’t mind. A part of him was just curious about how his jacket would fit you too and what kind of fool would you be to reject an oversized jacket? It was just extra points that happened to be from the boy that you liked.
Suna nodded along to what you were saying, but he couldn’t help the sudden urge to just grab your hand out of his system. You were walking so close to each other. Your shoulders kept brushing past and your hands were right there. 
But with the events that happened this past weekend, he didn’t wanna overstep any boundaries. He was still too cautious that he would mess up and make you upset all over again. With the thought of his actions, Suna suddenly felt a little ball of guilt eat him up. He never stopped feeling bad about what he did. Kita’s words rang through his head, he needed to learn how to communicate better and not deal with everything all on his own. Maybe he really was a coward for letting such a dumb fear eat him up.
In the midst of your talk about how much you despise your math class, you turned to look at Suna and saw how troubled he looked. He didn’t even look like he was listening anymore and seemed to be having some sort of internal battle with himself. 
You furrowed your eyebrows and grabbed his wrist to stop walking. “Rin, what’s wrong?” you asked, concern lacing the tone of your voice. You both never really brought up what had happened. Maybe you were just too caught up in having a good time but you were honestly content with the reasons he gave you. If he wasn’t ready then he wasn’t ready. 
Suna however felt like he owed you so much more than his apology that he already struggled to explain. 
Suna stared down at you for a moment, the unreadable expression on his face that only made you more confused. It was quiet for a moment, the only sound to be heard was the wind blowing by and the trees rustling.
Nothing would have prepared you for the way he turned around and pulled the arm that was holding his wrist and pulling you into his chest. His hands wrapped around your shoulders as he held you just a little bit tighter. He was a bit stiff, but you couldn’t put that against. He wasn’t the type of person to initiate things like this.
“I’m sorry”
Your body froze, something about his tone was different. It was vulnerable.
You stayed quiet, letting yourself relax slowly in his hold.
“F-fuck, I’m really sorry. I said I wasn’t good with words right? S-so I’m trying to explain now because you deserve it but I don’t even know why I did it. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you upset at all, I was just caught up with myself and I didn’t consider what I was doing to you. You didn’t deserve that. I like being around you and I’m sorry” He pulled away and one of his hands dropped to your waist and fiddled with the material of his jacket. You watched as his free hand dug deep into his pockets and you watched him pull something out. 
“It’s kind of pathetic if you ask me and it’s also kind of ugly but-” he grabbed one of your arms and dropped the object into the palms of your hands. Your eyes widened at the little paper craft,
It was an origami strawberry.
It was small, it fit perfectly inside on the palms of your hand. You could see that he struggled with making it. The leaves were slightly bent and the tip of the strawberry was ripping off. There were lots of creases all in the wrong places and even the seeds were drawn on. 
But it still melted your heart. 
“I read somewhere about 1000 paper cranes for a wish and well, cranes are kind of hard and I didn’t have enough paper to make 1000 and-god this is so embarrassing-” he muttered the last part but gained enough courage to look up at you and meet your eyes. Your eyes were soft and patient. “I wished that you wouldn’t hate me. Or that, this wouldn’t y’know...make everything all weird between us. I like you-or well uh- being around you at least and I-I know you joke about it all the time but please don't-” 
Suna paused when he felt you wrap your arms around his waist once again, hugging him back but just a little bit tighter. The small confession not even going through your mind because your attention was too focused on the way his words were making you melt. 
“You’re an idiot” you mumbled into his chest and hugged him a bit tighter. Your words made his stomach drop, but that feeling went away when you pulled back and looked at him with a smile. A smile that said you understood. 
“I’m never gonna force you to tell me anything you don’t want to tell me” You repeated but this time it felt different, it felt warmer. 
“I’m never gonna hate you. I know how you are Rin, you’re not good with your words and I get that. You could've sent me a text but you didn’t. You went out of your way with the flowers and even the little note and this adorable fucking strawberry is more than enough” you laughed but you could feel your eyes watering up slightly with the overwhelming amount of emotions you were feeling all at once. “You don’t need to keep apologizing to me okay? I understand. Thank you,” you smiled. Suna stared down at you. Nodding slowly and you chuckled and fell into his arms once again.
This time, he was the one who held you a bit tighter.
“This side of you is cute you know, but It’s kinda ruining your whole tsundere image you’re going for. Bet the twins would make fun of you for being this thoughtful” you whispered jokingly, making him roll his eyes and huff a quiet “shut up” in annoyance. If only you knew the pain he endured for putting up with those twins. 
You both stayed like that for a little while longer. Holding each other and fitting so perfectly in the arms of the other. If it wasn’t for your phone dinging from a text from Shin asking where you were, Suna swore he would have held you there for the whole night. 
You pulled away first and tugged his hand, “come on, Shin wants me home now so let’s get going ‘kay? Don’t want you getting benched the whole season now do we?” you grinned and walked in front of him and tugged him along. 
Somehow in some way, your fingers slipped perfectly into his.
Suna could only feel the warmth rising in his chest, his daze fixed at the sight of his hands interlocked with yours. 
“Oh and Rin” you called out, making him snap back into reality.
Suna hummed, looking right back at you.
“Tell me when you’re ready, okay?”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
“Text me when you get up in your room safe”
You turned around to him with a quizzical expression before letting out a chuckle, “I’m in front of my house Rin, I got here in one piece” you said and motioned your free hand towards yourself to prove that you were indeed, uninjured. Suna rolled his eyes and bit the inside of his cheek, “you’re clumsy remember, you might fall or something” he muttered and looked away.
You grinned and squeezed his hand, “Awe, look at you caring for me and my wellbeing. My ears might be deceiving me but it sounds like you’re in love with me” you teased and swung your hands together back and forth.
Suna huffed, his mind not properly functioning when the words fell out of his mouth.
“yeah probably”
Simultaneously, his eyes and yours widened and you both froze. 
Both you and Suna blinked at each other twice. Your eyes looked down at your hands that were still interlocked and looked up at his face that was fully drained of any colour. Your heart was beating rapidly against your chest and Suna began to question the very point of his existence.
“Y-you said-”
“A-ah I-”
“Oi!” you both jumped and instinctively Suna pulled you closer to him. You looked at up him briefly before turning around to see Granny waiting by the gate with an impatient but also teasing glint in her eyes. “It’s almost 7:30 Yn-chan! You almost missed bingo night! Kiss ya little friend goodnight and come in before Shin and I eat all the mochi we left for ya” she called out but you could hear the teasing tone in her voice.
“C-coming!” you yelled back. Your face was piping hot and you wanted the ground to swallow you whole from the amount of embarrassment and flusteration you were feeling at that moment. 
Granny nodded and walked back inside, and looked up at Shin who was standing with his arms crossed on the porch. Granny walked back to him with a victorious smile on her lips as she gave him a thumbs up. Granny knew what she was doing and she knew what she saw. She’s gonna call and gossip to your mother.
You gulped and took a step back and looked back at Suna. He was still frozen and his mind was racing at what just happened and he too, wanted the ground to swallow him whole. “I-I uh, I guess I gotta go?” you winced, but the tone of your voice made it sound like you were asking a question. Suna nodded, “y-yeah, goodnight I guess” he muttered as he looked away and you watched his face heat up. 
You were both so embarrassed but neither one wanted to let go of the others hand. 
Suna figured he couldn’t keep you out all night and just as he was about to let go of your hand, a sudden wave of confidence went through your veins and you just went ‘fuck it.’
You pulled his arm down towards you taking him back. His eyes widened, “what are you-” you stood slightly on your tippy-toes and kissed his cheek which made him shut up instantly. “That’s for today, thanks. goodbye.” you said frantically. 
Suna froze, too much in shock and his mind was still in the middle of trying to register what just happened and watched as you let go of his hand and covered your face furiously blushing and running off to your gate and slamming it shut.
He stared blankly at the gate door and blinked twice as an attempt to get himself back to reality. He brought his hands up to his cheeks that were on fire. His mind kept replaying the way your soft lips kissed his cheek and could feel the slightest residue of your lip gloss still on his cheek. 
Shit, you really had him wrapped around your finger. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
taglist! [CLOSED] @chocolaterumble​ @elianetsantana​ @versatilewindow​ @introvertatitsfinest​ @aristatrois​ @mizukisonoda​ @amberisnotcrazy​ @kritiiiii @iloveyouasmuchaspoohloveshoney @a-moon-fairy @akaasht​ @lotusweebs @marvelous-maxi @laughingismorefun @hhmnvm @sweetyrina @honeydrip @miracleboy420 @rachelexe @charsdummb​ @sxrcasticbacon @loser-keiji @dinablossom @ntimacy @kac-chowsballs@unhappyraspberry @sbaepsae @doebopeepeebbod @missalienqueen @ssuna @violenthead @unstableye @tycrackculture @a-applepi @lollyzen @aisawa-reo @ashybitch89 @sunflowerirl @sapphicstarss @melodiamore​ @valrubiii @urbasicaveragegirl @mint-mai @4kaashl @sugawsites @anngelllla @applekenm @bumblebeesofspace @dreamstormings @milkingkageyama @tsumu-core @luvelyxp @aquariarose
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littlemisslipbalm · 4 years
“harry’s stylist, right?” part II
Harry and his stylist go from colleagues to friends to lovers because they’ve been in love with each other from the jump
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this gif bc i couldn’t fine the fit i wanted to showcase, but that night him and y/n get closer than they had gotten before :))
and we’re back :) - this is the last part of this i may do some little blurbs and stuff about these two if people want it (maybe) i hope you all enjoy this part, it’s not proofread so sorry about that lol. Feedback and reblogs are so very very appreciated, also feel free to message me about you’re feelings about this
Word Count: just over 10k | Warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, implication of smut, i think that’s it
part 1
After the call with Jeff, which wasn’t really a conversation at all, moreso a berating from him, she was in the worst mood. She shrugged off the Bode jacket and hung it up in her entryway closet. She wasn’t planning on wearing it ever again. Without the jacket on, her shirt that seemed to be exactly on the nose with it’s “we’re in the shit” graphic was clear and she untucked it from her light mint pants. She was exhausted, both physically and mentally. Instead of picking her phone up again, she decided she could do without communication for a while. Her feet padded to her bedroom, after removing her nikes and socks. In her bedroom she opened up her record player, wanting music, but not wanting to be bothered with her laptop since it had a connection to the internet. 
She grabbed her Electric Warrior by T. Rex and slipped out the first record from its sheath. As she set up the music, she couldn’t remember where she’d even gotten the record but for some reason it had called to. She skipped over Mambo Sun, the first track, though, and had it play Cosmic Dancer first. It was calming to her, she swayed a bit to the soothing beat and then climbed into her bed. Staring at the ceiling, she wondered about when her life had gotten so complicated. The rhythm in the music and the exhausting thought material lulled her to sleep as the afternoon sun washed her room a perfect golden from behind her shade.
When she woke up again, it was midnight and she was starving. The record had stopped spinning hours ago, she hadn’t even gotten through side A. It was forgotten as she made her way to her kitchen, groggily.
After settling on cereal and an alcoholic seltzer for dinner, she was really in the mood to treat herself, she made her way back to her living space. On the couch, she tucked her legs beneath herself and spooned the sugary food into her mouth. She had only soy milk in the place because she didn’t like cow’s milk and it didn’t keep when she was gone for extended periods of time. Then as she sipped from the black cherry White Claw, she dug her hand into the cushion next to her. Her hand reemerged with her discarded phone from earlier. She decided it was reasonable to go on it now.
More messages from various people in her life and hundreds of social media notifications. She was going to ignore social media for as long as she possibly could. Four missed calls. 2 voicemails. Styles Harry. Why she kept contacts backwards in her phone was unimportant, it’s just what she did.  
She sighed and took a bigger sip of the barely alcoholic drink. Then clicked the voicemail notifications and pressed the first one on speaker as she began to read his texts as well. Then the next voicemail. She checked the time in California, it was still a reasonable part of the day there so instead of texting back she rang him.
“Har- H. Hi.”
“Y/N! Are you alright?” The concern apparent in his tone. She was taken aback. He hadn’t necessarily sounded angry in his texts or voicemails, but she just assumed he was being courteous since it was a live conversation.
“You’re not mad at me?”
“No! Why would I be?”
“Because I just had my ass handed to me by Jeff earlier.” She slightly mumbled and shrugged, still upset with how she had been spoken to by Jeff.
“Oh gosh, I told him not to be harsh. It’s honestly not a big deal. I thought it was fine, you texted me too!”
“Yeah, well apparently wearing your clothes means we’re dating and that’s not cool in the world’s eyes,” you scoff.
“I know how much you like that coat...I thought you looked great in it, too.” He finishes in a slight whisper, not wanting to be overheard.
“Harry…” you can’t keep the smile off your face. It was a cute compliment even if the situation wasn’t ideal. “Why do your fans have to be so smart and know there’s only two of those coats in the world and I don’t own the other one.”
He laughs, blushing at how you said his name. This time not using his nickname didn’t bother him, it felt even more intimate somehow.
He rubs a hand through his hair, “I know, pesky little devils, gotta love’em, though”
She hums, not sure if she can agree about loving them right now since they’re probably eating her alive all over social media.
“So you’re alright, darling?” He asks again.
“Mhmm,” she pauses at the pet name, it was soothing right now. All she wanted was to curl into his chest, but he was half a world away, quite literally. His words would have to do in his absence. “I’m really glad you’re not mad at me, H. That would’ve made this a hundred times worse.”
He huffs, wishing he could be with her to comfort her. He hated this part of his life. A friend couldn’t borrow a piece of his clothing without everyone assuming that they were seeing each other. It was disgusting and it made him dislike tabloids and social media even more than he already did.
“Trust me. I’d never be mad at you, pet. And I’d definitely never be mad at you for looking good as fuck in my clothes.”
“Shut up!” She squeals, his tone turning from earnest to teasing in one breath. He cackles on the other end of the line because despite her mean words, he could hear the smile on her lips.
“When are you flying back to London?” Her voice grows quiet again after she takes another sip of her drink.
“Thursday,” he almost whispers back, having contained his mirth again.
“We have some work to do on your Graham Norton and Jingle Bell Ball outfits. The listening party ones are all picked up -”
“Y/N,” Harry cuts her off, “It’s late for you, go to bed. Try not to stress out too much, we’ll talk when I’m back about work. For now, take a few days off to not think about my clothes.”
She sighs, “Thanks, H. You’re right. Have a good rest of your day.”
“Goodnight, m’love.”
She ends the phone call and chalks the almost ‘my’ sounding syllable that she heard before love was just her tired mind and Harry’s mumbling voice. It most certainly wasn’t.
After a restful few days of doing absolutely nothing, something rare for Y/N, she was extremely well rested. So much so that she was peacefully asleep when Harry let himself into her flat since they had agreed to meet at her place when he got back to London. As much as he wanted her to take time off and not over work herself, his schedule was a busy one and now that he was back, they had work to do.
Inside her flat, he was greeted with silence. He made his way to her bedroom at the back of the flat. He’d been here a handful of times. She always told him she preferred to spread out when she worked and Harry’s was the place for that. The door to the bedroom was slightly ajar and he pushed it open slowly with his ring clad hand. His black nails are freshly painted and shiny, no chips. Still in her bed, Y/N shifted around softly. He smiled to himself, taking in how the room smelled over lavender and how she had pink floral sheets. He walked to the window and raised the shade, hoping to have her wake up without and coaxing from him.
“H,” her voice mumbles into her pillow and he thinks she’s woken up. His face turns to look at her, but her eyes are still closed and she looks completely asleep. He wonders if she’s trying to trick him, but then she mumbles again.
“Mhhh, tha’ tickles,” and she giggles. He kind of grimaces, feeling like he shouldn’t be hearing this. He hadn’t known she spoke in her sleep, it was sweet, but with the context right now, he thought him having this knowledge might not sit well with her.
“Y/N,” he says loudly, before clearing his throat. Her eyes shoot wide and she sits up, dropping the sheet she had been snuggling.
“Harry! Oh my god!”
“Meeting, remember?”
“Oh my god,” she glances around her surroundings, Harry still standing at her window. “What time is it?”
“1 pm. We said 1 right?”
“We did, I just...I don’t know what happened. Sorry, give me a second. I’m out of it.”
When she emerged from her room, dressed and ready for the day, Harry had brewed a pot of coffee with her machine that she really only had for guests.
“Sorry again,” she sits at her countertop, searching for her notebook in her bag.
“No worries,” then he leans across the countertop, “Seemed like you were in the middle of a nice dream.”
His brows are raised as she avoids his gaze. She flushes easily, “I- it was...just one of those usual dreams.”
“You have dreams about me often?”
“I didn’t say that!” Her eyes shoot up to meet his and he grins. He takes a sip of his coffee before speaking again.
“I heard you say ‘H’.”
She rolls her eyes, “That proves nothing.”
They both stare at each other for a minute, not talking or moving. Harry is simply grinning at her as she twitches her hand with her pen in it now. Her eyes are trying to figure out what Harry’s getting at, searching his expression for how he feels about knowing she dreams of him. She certainly wasn’t going to get into it with him, even if he did continue prodding.
“Alright,” she begins when he doesn’t seem to want to press it further. “Oh!” She jumps up, dropping her pen and forgetting about whatever else she was going to say. “Your jacket! And shirt! I cleaned the shirt and the jacket…” She runs out of the room to go to her front closet where she had hung up both the jacket and the shirt.
Returning, she holds them out to Harry and he rounds the countertop to look at them.
“Perfect shape,” he admires the spotless shirt and his beloved jacket. He puts them on the back of the chair that was next to them. “Won’t forget my jacket again.”
She smiles sheepishly, thinking back to Jeff’s conversation with her. Harry notices her change in demeanor and takes one of her hands. Her eyes flash up to his face and her body tenses, he feels it even in her hand.
“Have you gone on any social media since you’ve been home?” His eyes are wide as he runs his thumb over the back of her hand.
She softens slightly, “Oh yeah, after the first day I decided to check. Most were funny and sweet, their nasty comments didn't get to me.”
Her eyes are big on her face and Harry watches as her worries and concerns all wash through the swirling colors in them. He wants to take all of that pain away and just stare into her abyss forever.
“What did Jeff say exactly?” He knows that’s what she’s alluding to. Harry loved his manager, but when he had called him about the jacket incident he had been pretty short with Harry and hadn’t given much information on his chat with Y/N. The way she looked right now bothered him because ultimately Harry was in charge of Y/N in his employment of her and if Jeff had acted like her superior in a way that was harmful he’d be downright upset.
Her eyes grow glassy immediately and Harry’s anger begins to bubble in the pit of his stomach. She tries to blink anything away, but fails.
“I don’t know why I’m crying, it wasn’t terrible. It’s just, all my life, I’ve had to work to be taken seriously because of who I am and I hate when I get talked down to by a man. Especially over a stupid fucking publicity thing for you. Like I’m sorry, but I don’t see you as a public figure where I have to worry about every goddamn thing I do messing up your image.” She pauses, taking a deep breath, realizing she’d gotten really worked up as she spoke. The tears running down her face more in anger than sadness. Harry watches on, letting her work through her thought process. “He was just so mean… for what?” She whispers finally.
“Oh god…darling,” Harry grips her hand more firmly. He wants to take her in his arms, but he’s not sure if that’s what’s best for her right now, so he just keeps holding her hand. She stares up at him, blowing a piece of hair out of her face. Her eyes now tinted a light red.
“I’m sorry he spoke to you in that way. That isn’t his job at all, I’ll definitely talk to him since I didn’t have the full story before. He gets very worried about the media perception thing, especially right now with the album.”  
She bites the inside of her cheek, blinking up at Harry. “I know your image is important, too, otherwise why the fuck would I be here? Right? I just don’t think it’s that big of a deal I borrowed the jacket.”
“In a perfect world my image wouldn’t matter at all,” Harry sighed, “Fame is a stupid, fickle thing musicians like me get stuck with.”
“Please, you love the attention,” she teases, poking at his chest. The sweatshirt he wore wrinkling under her touch.
“‘M serious,” he insists, “I’m saying it shouldn’t matter that you borrowed my jacket, but sadly it comes across to the rest of the world like I’m dating you.” He pokes her sternum in return.
“And that would be the end of the world?” she smiles, her tone still teasing, but that worry is back and swimming in her eyes again.
This time, though, Harry must not see it because he laughs and lets go of her hand. “For a lot of people, I think it might be.”
She bites at her lip and tries to contain the laugh that bubbles in her. He was right and as he wandered back into the kitchen for more coffee, she shook her head trying to rid herself of those pesky feelings that had been hoping for a different answer.
The next few weeks go off without a hitch. Harry’s outfits look incredible for the listening parties. Then for the Graham Norton Show, the Jingle Bell Ball, and the One Night Only at the Forum. Every single outfit is received with praise and everything seems to be coming up Harry Styles. Y/N has been traveling to most of his appearances, making sure everything is in order before he goes out. She’s always by his side before he walks out into the public eye. Taking his picture and saving it in the lookbook that keeps growing, smoothing over his lapels, either unbuttoning or buttoning a middle button when she thought he had too many or not enough undone for the look. Whatever it was, she was there for him.
Then, after his appearances, they would debrief. Debriefs really were just time that Harry carved out in his schedule to just be alone with Y/N. Sure, they talked about clothes, that’s how they had first connected, but it always turned to other ideas. They’d talk about his songs and she’d ask about the meanings that he wouldn’t share with the rest of the world. He’d happily tell her about it and they enjoyed that time together. There were stolen glances and lingering touches, but at the end of the day they were professionals who were friends. It wasn’t maybe what either of them wanted, but they weren’t unhappy.
Harry just got back from Los Angeles after filming for his Ellen show appearance and he was set to play the Bowery Ballroom tomorrow in London. After this there was going to be a lot of downtime on Harry’s schedule because of the holidays. He had marked out almost a whole month of time off, at least from appearances. They still had to start planning tour outfits and finalize the outfits for the events after the break. Right now, all she was focused on was getting Harry into the beautiful yellow Gucci suit that was a twin of the Watermelon Sugar suit he had worn on Saturday Night Live. Harry said he wanted to check the suit before tomorrow for some reason, so Y/N had made her way over.
She finished buttoning the sleeves of the jacket and stepped back to admire Harry once again. No matter what he wore he always looked marvelous in her eyes. She’d argue anyone could say that about Harry though. He could pull anything off and make it his own with barely any effort.
Today, his hair was disheveled and mused from his plane ride back into London. The flight from California to England was a rough one, even when you traveled in the type of luxury Harry did. Despite his tired body and eyes, the suit looked stunning on him. He wore it without shoes and she giggled when she saw his feet. His feet tattoos never failed to make her laugh and she had no explanation for why.
While Harry looked good in everything, there actually was something a little off with the suit right now. Normally, it hugged him just right to make him look perfectly muscled and defined, but it seemed to be hanging a little looser in some areas.
She tapped a finger to her lip, looking him over, unsure of what was off.
“Did you lose weight, H?”
“Huh?” He looks down at himself and somewhat notices the looser fit, but wasn’t quite sure if he had lost weight. “Don’t think so.”
She hums and steps closer to him, dropping her hands to tug at various parts of the suit, trying to figure out whether she should take anything in or leave it be.
“It’s probably all the travel I’ve been doin’. Can be draining me more than I realize.” He ponders as she continues to work silently over the suit.
Her hands travel beneath the suit and encircle his waist, almost as if she’s hugging him, but not really. His stomach flexes at the contact, her chest pressed softly against his. She grips a bit of the shirt from the back and then unfolds herself from him to look at the mirror. The shirt is now taut against his sternum and pectorals under the coat. She tilts her head, silently asking him his opinion.
“I think it’s fine the way it is, honestly.”
“Okay,” she nods and releases her hold on the shirt, hand slithering out from beneath his coat. He exhales deeply through his nose. “Make sure you eat properly tonight.” She says before beginning to pack up her things, done for the day. Harry begins to undress himself.
She turns back to face him as he hands her the jacket and shirt, her eyes run over the length of his torso, both for the sake of checking on his health and for other purely selfish reasons. All the tattoos still remained where they always were when she saw him like this. It never got old, his beautiful body. He didn’t even need clothes to look good. She blinks back to reality when the fabric comes in contact with her hand.
“Make sure you treat yourself this holiday season, you deserve it, H. And it seems like any weight you ever gain is muscle anyways, so you don’t exactly have to worry around the sweets table.”
Harry laughs heartily as he slips on his long sleeve shirt he was wearing. Then he starts on the pants as she turns away again to hang up the top parts of the suit.
Finally, she adds when he hands her the suit pants, “Just don’t want you overworking yourself, seriously, H.”
He looks at her as he buttons up his baggy blue jeans. The outfit he wore was just the first clean things he had grabbed when he had gotten home. His green eyes turn serious after the mirthfilled last few moments.
He crosses to her side as she puts away the clothes in the garment bag. His hand lands softly on her shoulder and she turns to him at his touch. “I know. You’re so good to me, darling. Always making sure I’m taking care of myself…”
It’s quiet. The soft breeze in the London air outside barely whispers around the house. Harry’s voice was laced with love, even if it wasn’t his intention. His ‘thank you’ was piercing into her heart and his touch wasn’t helping her stay focused. Her breath caught in her throat when she felt Harry take a step closer to her, his head ducking slightly down to her level. Then, right on the edge of her left temple and her hairline, his soft lips pressed against her skin. They brushed against her for just a moment, lingering for the respectful amount of time. But all she wanted was anything but respectful. She wanted his lips pressed against hers, she wanted his hands in her hair, yanking her deeply into him. She wanted to scream when he pulled away, but she didn’t. She smiled warmly up at Harry and her eyelashes fluttered on their own accord like a schoolgirl with a crush.
“Thank you,” he whispers again.
“What would you do without me?” She pushes at him playfully, shaking off her giddiness. Then she turns back to her work, scooping up all the items of hers on the table.
“Probably have to walk around naked, huh?”
“Oh my god!” She laughs and starts for the door, Harry follows behind to walk to her out to her car. “Maybe I should quit! People would love it.” She continues laughing as she hangs the garment in the passenger's seat side.
“No thank you, please,” Harry hurriedly says.
She turns to him as she closes the door and leans against the car. This was their routine right before she left, a final chat against the car before she drove off for the night.
“Tomorrow’s going to be amazing, H. It’s gonna be electric!” She scrunches her nose slightly at the pun about the venue as she smiles up at him.
He sticks his tongue into the side of his cheek, holding back a laugh. His eyes narrow at her, slyly. “Very funny.”
She only winks at him before pushing herself off of her car and walks to the driver’s side of the car.
He waves as she begins to pull out of the driveway and she flashes him a peace sign and a mouthed ‘Bye’ when she turns onto the street.
After the Bowery Ballroom show, Y/N barely sees Harry at the after party. She doesn’t worry about it too much. His management was going to have a holiday party next week before the little break began for the team. So, she knew she’d see him before she flew back to see her family for the holidays. She was going home for two weeks and then would be back for New Year’s and then would get back to work after that.
She saw Harry exactly twice after the show. First, she saw Harry right after the show and he was all sweaty and exhilarated. He tackled her in a bear hug with such strength she would have fallen back if he hadn’t been holding her so tightly. When he pulled away, he placed two extremely slobbery kisses on her cheeks and she laughed, tipping her head back in pure bliss. Then he was pulled away by Jeff to change and get ready for the after party.
Jeff had apologized over text about the tone he had taken over the whole jacket thing, but only Harry had told him to. It was fine with Y/N, she told him that too, but she just never felt like being around him for very long if she could help it after that. That’s why she liked that most of her job entailed dealing with Harry directly. If she had to go through Jeff for everything she’d likely pull her hair out. He was still short with her at whole team meetings and not necessarily courteous when they were around each other casually. Like she said, it was fine, she just didn’t make it her business to be around Jeff.
The second time she saw Harry was around half past one am. She was pretty sure it was time for her to uber home and she wanted to say goodbye to Harry. Her well-liquored body stumbled around the big room. Deciding to take shots with the band had gotten her to where she was now and she wasn’t complaining she was happy. She was in a celebratory mood and wanted to see Harry right now. Tell him how much fun she had and how proud she was of him. How much she loved him… Hopefully she kept that part to herself.
“Harry!” She finally exclaims, coming upon a group of people surrounding the star himself. She ignored the rest of the people, likely stars too, but she really couldn’t care less. One of them tried to straighten up as if he was going to block her from Harry, feeling like she maybe wasn’t someone Harry wanted to see since they didn’t know her. No one seemed to ever recognize Y/N as Harry’s stylist when it mattered. Harry waved them off, a little drunk as well, but obviously recognizing Y/N.
“Darling!” He exclaims and raises his arms out to her. She grips onto him quickly and snuggles into him happily. With her still in his arms, he turns them from the prying eyes of the group he had been with.
She raises her head from his warm chest so that her lips are near his ear, “Congratulations, Mr. Styles.”
“Thanks, baby,” he purrs into her ear, his voice coarse and low, carrying over the music. She giggles at the nickname, her entire plan going out the metaphorical window.
Her fingers smooth up over the fabric on his chest, a nice short sleeve silk button down that was tucked into dark high waisted trousers - they’d picked it out last week. One of her fingers begins to trace around his collarbone after she reaches the opening of the shirt. His eyes flutter shut at the contact. They were so needy for each other. Each touch would coarse heat through them every time.
“I’m going…” She says after a moment of silence between them. The party was raging around them, most not paying any mind to the two of them off in their own world.
“Don’t go,” Harry practically begs. A hand flies up to pet over the top of her hair and she smiles even wider.
“It’s late and I’m tired,” she makes a face in response to Harry’s pout, “You have lots of people to entertain, Mr. Styles.” Her teeth capture her bottom lip as she stares at him intently.
He groans and pulls her closer. This time his lips brush right against her ear and she wants to shiver, but he keeps her in place. “If you keep calling me that, you’re gonna drive me insane.”
Her eyes widen but her hazy mind isn’t processing all of what is going on. She barely takes inventory of ‘baby’, for him to say she’s turning him on without actually saying it. Tomorrow Y/N would have to deal with that one.
She pulls back from him, creating space between their chests, but he still holds her waist close to him. She leans up and places a kiss on the corner of his lips. It’s technically supposed to be a kiss on the cheek but if she had moved her lips a millimeter to the right they would have been on Harry’s. This gesture has his grip tightening on her, but she pulls away.
“Goodnight!” She sings as she bounces out of sight, wiggling her fingers in a wave before completely being gone.
Harry sighs and runs a hand over his face, kind of in shock of the last five minutes. He had liked it. He just hadn’t expected it. When he turns his attention back to the group that was behind him, it’s not the same as it was before. Jeff looks at him with narrowed eyes and Harry’s eyes go wide and his grin widens as well.
Tonight is the management holiday party for Harry’s team. Y/N and Harry had seen each other two days after the Electric Ballroom to debrief, but mostly to get brunch. They didn’t talk about the little teases they shared at the after party. Both of them just assumed that the other probably didn’t remember and didn’t want to go through the trouble and embarrassment of recounting it. Alcohol has that effect of making you a little bolder than you actually are.
Brunch with Harry solidified Y/N’s thoughts on fame. Celebrity could be so strange, because there was the one day when she got photographed with just Harry’s jacket on and there was speculation of dating, but then she could go out to brunch with him and not be bothered at all. It made absolutely no sense.
Anyway, tonight there were no gifts, but Y/N had gotten Harry something even though he said he never needs anything. She hoped she’d be able to give it to him after they were walking back to their transportation since she wanted it to be a surprise and not have everyone know she gave him a gift. It wasn’t a big deal - or maybe it was - it was just an item she knew Harry had been fawning over. It was so him and she knew he’d probably end up buying it for himself eventually, but it felt nice to be able to give him something for once. Price didn’t matter. Still, she was a little nervous and tucked and re-tucked it several times in the back seat of her car before heading inside.
It was a restaurant his management had rented out for their party. She gave her name and headed inside. The lighting was overly dimmed and it smelled like expensive alcohol and delicious food. It was everything an A-list singer deserved as a celebration. She never could fully grasp that the Harry she had gotten to know as her friend was also the same Harry that the entire world was infatuated with, for good reason. He was charming in the best way, terribly sincere, insanely talented, and all around a good human being. She knew that, it just surprised her that everyone else knew it too. There was just that disconnect for her that she shared him with the rest of the world.
Her high heeled heels brought her to the backroom of the restaurant. They managed to shimmer even in the dim light. She had gone for winter chic with a sequin and mesh white dress, that looked like fresh snow with a cream and blue swirling design on the under layer so that her undergarments weren’t showing through. It was like a modern ice princess look that was finished with her heels that had sparkles on the entire back of them. Her hair was down and her makeup a little more done up than usual. She used a light blue eyeshadow to imitate ice and added some rhinestones on the inner parts of her eyes. She may have watched a Euphoria-inspired makeup look tutorial on youtube and she wasn’t afraid to admit that.
The scene she came upon was what she expected. Lots of men in suits and a good amount of women in power suits too. The people in any interesting clothes were Harry and his band. Some of the business people’s partners were dressed up more but it all wasn’t too exciting. Plus, Harry’s famous friends group hadn’t shown up yet. Y/N hid her disappointment easily, not surprised about the lack of flavor she saw in the style. She just repeated the mantra her mother had always told her: “You can never be overdressed, only underdressed.” It stuck with her always and made her go for those bolder styles when she needed to.
Harry was there, sipping on a glass of water. She figured he might not want to get started on drinking so early in the evening. Tonight didn’t feel like a drinking night for her either. After the last big party, she had woken up with a massive hangover and a few memories that she wished she hadn’t made. She wasn’t planning on repeating that series of events.
As she goes to grab a glass of water on the large table, she gets a tap on her shoulder. She spins.
“Happy Holidays, darling!”
Her eyes widen and her smile immediately grows. Harry grins back at her, his mouth open in the perfect winning smile of his and his eyes twinkling with happiness.
“Happy Holidays to you too, Mr.-” She stops herself, remembering back to the last party, “H.” She finishes firmly after clearing her throat. Harry’s grin turns to a wicked knowing smirk.
“I’m happy you came! I know you’re not super connected to all of the groups here, Harry Lambert is around somewhere though and I know he’s been wanting to talk with you about clothes.”
Harry watches as her eyes shine even brighter when he mentions the other stylist. It was true, Y/N didn’t really mesh with any of the groups that worked around Harry. The stylist kind of stood alone in regards to where she fit into his life, not the business part, not the band part, not the crew, and not the other celebrities. Harry Lambert and other fashion people didn’t always come to these events so it was seldom that Y/N had her own people to talk to. Not that mingling was hard for her, he just knew she didn’t like to do that as much so whenever another stylist or designer was there he always made sure to introduce them - if they weren’t already acquainted.
“That’s amazing! I haven’t seen him in ages… I’ll have to get his opinion on how I’ve been doing.”
Harry licks his lips as he laughs a little at her comment. She looked beautiful tonight and he wanted to tell her.
“Harry. What the hell are you wearing?” Her eyes flash as she takes in his appearance.
He looks down at himself and then back at her confused. They hadn’t picked the outfit out, but he thought it looked nice.
“Obviously not the suit! On your head?”
“Oh. It’s a gift from Mitch and Sarah.” He pauses to reach up to play with the headband sat on top of his curls. “It’s mistletoe and it seems like you’re standing beneath it. You know what that means,” he toys with it as he wiggles his eyebrows.
She scoffs sarcastically, looking to the side for a means of escape, “No way.”
“C’mon! It’s tradition!” He steps forward playfully and she places a hand on his chest.
“You can kiss my cheek.” She says finally and Harry looks at her disapprovingly.
He wags a finger at her with his free hand, “You’re the one under the mistletoe, you have to kiss me.”
“Okay that’s definitely not how this works! Now you don’t get any kiss at all, you cheeky bastard.”
“Fine. But don’t come crying to me when you’re the one with coal in your stocking.”
“Haha.” Her eyes once again roll to the side as she pushes him back and he steps back like she actually had a strong push. Then they both actually laugh and she gives him a quick side hug with a whispered, “there”. Harry smiles down at her, but it falters slightly when she’s already pulling away. He wanted her at his side the entire night, but sadly that wasn’t reality.
She drags him around the restaurant in search of Harry Lambert since the party had started to grow and she needed his height to get her where she wanted to go. Maybe. Or maybe she just liked the way he held her hand to lead her through the crowd that was most definitely not dense enough for her to have to hold on to him to stay with him at all.
She sees more of Harry at this party. They have some good conversations about plans for the holidays and snickering about who was already too drunk even though it wasn’t even midnight. She can’t believe he keeps on the stupid headband all night, giving and receiving various types of kisses from every person he talks to. Some are kisses on the cheek, others are friendly smooches on the mouth. Thankfully all of them are those cute little pecks that friends always tend to share, otherwise Y/N might have had to excuse herself and leave early. Jealous little thing.
As the night dragged on, she began to question herself on that front. Why was she growing jealous when friends would kiss Harry. She could've kissed Harry. She practically did the other week. But now, after refusing him a mistletoe kiss and seeing everyone else do what she didn’t have the courage to do, she felt childish. Well, childish or not, she knew why she couldn’t kiss him. Kissing Harry wouldn’t be just a friend thing for her. It would mean a lot more and if it was just a friend thing for him she wouldn’t be sure if she could handle going on with their working relationship after. Her job was the most important thing in her life. Being a stylist, loving clothes, and working on personal designs for the future was her life. Giving up this prestigious of a job was out of the question. Maybe the idea of being with Harry had crossed her mind, but she didn’t know how it could ever be realistic. If they got together could she keep her job? Would she have to quit? And find a new one? There were too many unknowns for her to ever actually entertain it. That’s why they went to the edge so often, she always would back away and she was sure that if she didn’t, Harry would for her.
He knew her. He knew her passion, he watches it firsthand everyday they work together. Even when they’re not working he can see her mind forming different ideas just based off of the things she sees people wear on the streets. He watches her fingers fiddle over her phone, typing out notes for design ideas and screenshotting inspiration. So every time they went to the edge of changing their relationship, he knew he couldn’t push it because he never wanted to hurt her or her dreams in some way. She was too important to him to simply mess that up.  Even if it hurt him.
So when Harry slides in the back of her car that night at 2 am because Y/N says she has something important to show him, he’s fully ready to stop their flirting from going any further. And when she tells him she needs to show him something, she has the most pure intentions when she pulls out the nicely wrapped box, its wrapping paper a swirling lavender pattern that’s really not festive at all, but she prefers it.
He looks between her and the box that she’s now placed in his lap. His green eyes flickering even in the darkness of the car, the city lights illuminating the backseat enough for them.
“You know I don’t need anything…” He fiddles with the skinny mesh ribbon neatly tied around the box.
She makes a little gesture, pushing him to open the present, “I know, but I also know you’ve been wanting this and you deserve it.”
He unwraps the paper to reveal a Gucci box and he rolls his eyes at her, but smiles genuinely as he lifts the top of the box off. It reveals a 1955 Horsebit Shoulder Bag in beautiful shiny black leather. It’s gorgeous.
“I can’t...I don’t know what to say,” Harry’s eyes are huge as his delicate hands ghost over the bag's details. He had been wanting it and he hadn’t gotten the courage to buy it yet. He liked purses, but sometimes he even had his doubts about what he could pull off.
His eyes go back to her and she smiles widely at him, all her teeth on display because she’s just that happy. “This is a really expensive bag, Y/N.”
“If it makes you feel better I can charge it as a wardrobe expense, but then it’s not really a gift from me,” She sighs at his unrelenting gaze.
“Thank you.” He touches at the bag again and then does a dance in his spot. “And don’t worry, I will always remember this as a gift from you. I love it.”
She smiles and leans over the box to look at the bag, admiring the beauty of it as well. “It’s pretty great.”
“Mhmm,” Harry hums and she raises her eyes, seeing his trained on her face. “You’re under the mistletoe again, darling,” he smirks.
Her breath stops once again, how could he do that to her so easily? Their eyes stay locked under the city lights. The fake mistletoe bobs above them still connected to the silly headband. It’s colorful leaves and fun stripes mock her when she flicks her gaze up to it for a moment. Then back to Harry. Harry who’s holding the gift she just gave him. Harry who looks beautiful tonight. Harry who is her favorite person in the world to spend time with.
Now. Now is when she pulls back from the ledge. This is when she takes a step back and stops herself. When Harry laughs it off. When she pushes him away. When they go about the rest of their day like that electricity hadn’t gone up either of their spines.
But that’s not what happens. Instead, she nods in agreement and then crashes her lips against Harry’s. It’s not like those friend kisses that had happened with him all night under that same mistletoe. It’s hard and hot and fast. Her lips are pressed to his for one searing moment and then she’s biting his lip, desperate to taste more of him. She had been longing for this for so long and now that she had it, she couldn’t let it go.
Harry’s hands fly to her cheeks as he pulls her closer, more into his lap. He pushes the box into the front area of the car blindly. The gift was completely forgotten. This was a far more important matter. Her lips were wet and plush and they tasted like the single Manhattan she had halfway through the night and vanilla lip gloss. When she bites his lip, he can’t hold back the moan inside his throat and she presses her tongue into his mouth quickly. He was her oasis and she had been traveling for months. He responds with similar vigor, enjoying the way her body presses to his in the backseat of this little car.
They kiss for as long as they can. Licking, sucking, and biting each other’s lips to taste as much as they can. But it’s just kissing. Neither of them work to travel anywhere else. Their lips are seemingly enough. Each press of their lips communicates what they had been longing for. It’s euphoric.
When the windows start to fog and her eyes open for a random moment, she realizes they need to cool whatever this is.
“H-Harry,”  She gulps for a breath of air and she tries to get his attention. “I gotta get home.”
“Come back to my place,” he mumbles into her collarbone, happily licking over his love bite.
She laughs and swallows slowly, “That is definitely out of the question, I have a flight tomorrow.”
He removes his mouth from her and straightens up. His lips are even brighter pink than usual and perfectly puffy. His hair disheveled from her hands. She blushes at the thought.
“Right, forgot about that,” he opens the car door and they both slide out. They stand at her car, just like they usually did outside his house. However this time is quite different from most.
They sigh heavily, in unison. The winter air is cold in London. She shivers slightly and knows she can’t stay in his presence much longer.
“Merry Christmas, H.”
He leans down and places one last sweet kiss to her lips. She wrinkles her nose and smiles  unabashedly.
“Merry Christmas, Darling.”
Harry and her don’t talk as much while she’s back home for the holidays. There’s no work to be discussed and while they parted on not necessarily bad terms, there was definitely a conversation that needed to be had between the two. Neither seemed to want to have that conversation over the phone, or worse, text. So for the next week and a half, Harry and Y/N exchanged texts of funny memes that reminded them of each other and odd anecdotes from family members that had made them laugh. Nothing really substantial, just small, I was thinking of you messages.
When she walked out of the luggage carousel at London Heathrow Airport, she expected to be getting in the queue for an uber. Instead, before she could cross the street to get to the queue even, a tall man stopped her. A tall, scruffy, extremely buff, extremely handsome, and extremely kissable man. Harry. It would be terribly strange if it was anyone else.
“Excuse me, ma’am, do you need a lift back to your flat?” His dark sunglasses cover his face and a big coat, scarf, and hat make him hardly recognizable. The curls sticking out from beneath the cute knit scarf are thankfully a dead give away for her. As well as his perfect drawling voice.
She shivered in the cold, her matching grey sweatpants and Treat People With Kindness sweatshirt had been warm enough on the flight, but proved inadequate for almost January in London. Yet, Harry’s presence brings a smile to her face.
“It’s good to see you, H.”
He laughs, his cover obviously blown. His arms encircle her body and she instantly melts into his embrace. His large coat easily fell around her and warmed her. His own natural body heat adds to her new found warmth as well.
“You too,” he murmured. His head buries into the crook of her neck, warming her cold skin.
He pulls back after a rather long embrace, realizing they’re still out on the sidewalk. He takes one step back and she visibly deflates at his absence, the cold once again surrounding her.
“Let’s get you home,” he grabs at the handle of her suitcase in one hand and her hand in the other. The warmth returns and she grins, placated by his touch.
“So are you coming to my party tonight?” He inquires once he settles into the driver’s seat after putting her suitcase in the back.
She shifts in her seat, arms wrapped tightly around herself, still cold without any warmth from Harry or the car. “Don’t you suppose there was a reason why I chose to come home today?”
Harry’s ears perk at the use of home, never assuming Y/N viewed London as her home, still it made him smile.
As the car purrs to life, heat immediately seeping out of the seats and vents, Harry’s phone connects as well. NFWMB by Hozier begins to play softly and she glances at Harry again. The song was so sultry and soft, like expensive dark chocolate melting on your tongue. The mood in the car seemed to shift. Their eyes met, Harry’s green ones narrowing at her, trying to decipher the look she was giving to him.
Then he drove off, softly singing along to the words through the sleepy streets. It was surprisingly quiet out for the holidays, people choosing to lay low during the day so they could celebrate the changing of decades in full force tonight.
After the song ends, his eyes travel over to her again and she’s already looking at him. She had missed his face. Sure, he’d sent some silly selfies while she was gone. Mostly on Christmas Eve with his family when he had gotten drunk on mulled wine and eggnog and brandy. Still, in person, he was even more beautiful. The high cheek bones that glistened with a shine most makeup could only hope to produce. Full raspberry lips with stubble growing to frame above and below. The crinkles growing on his forehead and by his eyes that showed him aging with grace. The precious few moles that had gotten lucky enough to live on his face forever. His big green eyes that were consistently bright with interest and intellect, but deep and knowing despite his loving demeanor. She loved those big green eyes, they were just so big and she didn’t understand how no one took the same interest in them as her. All of it, just sitting there beside her. Don’t even get her started on the soul that inhabited the beautiful man beside her. She never would stop spiraling then.
“What?” He asks softly, the sounds of Paul McCartney during some era fading in.
She blinks, hazily in admirance, “Nothing,” she replies.
“What?” He insists, laughing slightly, the lips she loves so much widening in excitement.
“Just missed you.”
Her voice is quiet but strong, serious. A blush creeps up his neck, taking hold of his features.
“Missed you too,” his left hand reaches across the console to take hold of her hand that resided on her thigh. He squeezes her hand softly and they both smile at each other again.
“Don’t worry, I can get my stuff upstairs. I don’t want you being out in the cold any longer than you have to. I’ll see you tonight, H!” She pushes her body across the console and places a kiss on his cheek before jumping out of the car. Harry makes a half smile, knowing he can’t change her mind. He waves to her behind the window as she travels into her building.
“See you.” He says to himself before driving back to his home to finish up preparing for tonight’s festivities. The party was going to be more intimate than the Christmas party at the restaurant. Tonight was just Harry’s family and closest friend - the band, Jeff and his family, Y/N, and a few others.
The whole night Harry and Y/N are within a foot of each other, if not on top of each other. He never leaves her side nor does she his. They are tethered to one another. The longest they’re apart is when Harry gets them refills of Champagne and Y/N journeys to the restroom. They laugh and catch up.
As the night goes on, Harry begins to whisper sweet nothings in her ear and she giggles and places her hand on his chest flirtily. Their interaction is a dance, bedroom eyes and low voices, lingering touches and suggestive lip bites.
When the countdown begins to grow closer, everyone refills their drinks and gathers in the center of Harry’s living room. They cheer and countdown to 2020. And of course, Y/N’s by Harry’s side as he begins the count. And when they get to ‘one’ and everyone’s saying “Happy New Year”, Harry and her are sharing a chaste peck to the lips that electrifies everything they had been saying to each other all night. She sighs into his mouth, but pulls away quickly, aware of their surroundings. No one particularly questions the kiss, either not paying attention or caring. Harry beams down at her and they enjoy the rest of the evening.
At around 1 am, the last of the guests stumble out of Harry’s homes and into waiting ubers and safe rides. Y/N lingers back, beginning to clean the discarded glassware and paper plates. Her and Harry are definitely tipsy, but they enjoy the cleaning work, making terrible jokes about New Year’s and commenting on what people wore tonight. When it’s relatively cleaned in the kitchen, Y/N wanders out to the living room and finds Harry reclined back on the couch.
“H,” She sticks out her foot and nudges him with her boot.
“C’mere,” he reaches out his hand to her, his coat discarded, leaving his arms bare with only a white tank top on.
She takes his hand hesitantly and is yanked on top of Harry in an instant. With a loud huff, she settles above him. “That wasn’t nice.”
“Shush,” his pointer finger goes over her lips, her eyes narrow at him, “Can you believe we’re seeing 2020?”
“Oh my god! I hate you!” She rolls her eyes at his pun and shakes herself from his hand around her waist. She stands up to walk away but he easily grasps her wrist and stops her, easily sitting himself up on the couch.
He looks at her and her annoyance, that wasn’t all too strong in the first place, dissipates. She sighs, “I should probably be heading home.”
“You should stay, it’s so late,” his hand rubbing over the skin on her wrist.
She bites her lip, contemplating the offer, he was right. “I’m really tired and we haven’t really talked, H.”
“But we-”
“Not about us. We’ve been skirting around it, flirting with each other all night, but we haven’t talked about what’s going on. I can’t stay if you expect something from me.”
“I don’t expect anything from you, Y/N. That’s not why I want you to say,” Harry says earnestly, realizing quickly  what she’s saying. “I’ve never expected anything from you. An offer to stay is just an offer to stay.”
“Okay,” she finally smiles and sits down beside Harry.
“You can sleep in the guest bedroom, too. If that makes you more comfortable?”
“Oh...I don’t know if we have to take it that far. Plus, you’re like a personal heater and I get cold at night.”
Harry perks up, he had been feeling resigned that maybe she wasn't on the same page as him. He wanted to be with her all the time but also didn’t want to put any pressure on her. She just made him so happy.
“Great! Let’s get to bed then.” He pops up from the couch and brings her into his arms, “You know where all my clothes are, so you can just borrow whatever you want, and then I’m sure I have extra toothbrushes…”
She giggles into his side as she watches him ramble animatedly. Sometimes he was oh so bright, so joyful and carefree. A stark contrast from the quiet confidence he often exhibited for the public.
She woke up in the warm embrace of Harry. His whole bed smelled like him, vanilla mixed with spices of tobacco and sandalwood. It was delicious and she snuggled in deeper to the soft chest she laid against, breathing in his scent deeply.
They rested there for a long time. Harry makes his awakening known with a lingering kiss to her forehead. They both sigh in contentment, radiant in each other’s arms.
“What’s the plan today?” She ponders as Harry’s fingers trace patterns over her skin. He hums in thought.
“Wanna be with you…”
She laughs and looks up at him, “Me too, but we can’t lay around all day.”
“Well, we could.” Harry insists.
She laughs again and twists in his arms, settling so she’s facing him. She bites her lip as she thinks about something, scanning his face over and over.
“I’m gonna go home and get ready for the day. Let’s just explore the city and do some 2020 shopping. Who knows, maybe fashion’s changed since the last decade,” she grins.
Harry chuckles a little and pets at her hair, “I like the sound of that. And we can talk - about us.”
He tilts his head forward and meets her lips once again, savoring her taste. Each kiss makes him want more. She was good.
Harry lugs in the four heavy shopping bags into her flat, as she carries the single small bag from the chocolatier he had dragged them into. He presses her to the counter when he sets down the bags and begins to kiss her face all over. She giggles and places her hands on his shoulders, giving him a kiss to the lips before pulling away.
They had talked about what they wanted, what they saw in each other and how that fit into their work relationship and the rest of their lives. Harry would have to talk to Jeff, but more so as a by the way this is what I’m doing with my life, not an ask for permission. Y/N would continue as his stylist until the end of the tour cycle, but afterwards she’d go back to freelancing. They wanted to try to date and be as normal as possible. She told him how she didn’t love the fame or the celebrities. Sure she dealt with those things for work, but when they were off duty, she wanted to be regular. She wanted to go out on dates and make dinner on weekend nights. Harry had agreed, he wanted those things too and he understood her wish to keep work and their relationship separate. However, he’d made her concede to allowing kisses during work hours. She had laughed and said it was an easy term to agree to.
It was going to be a good thing. They were both giddy with excitement, the new year, and all the new things they had bought on their relationship high.
“Oh!” She pushed Harry further away from her and hurried into her room. He laughed and looked confusedly after her. “Wait there!” She called. Harry leaned against the back of her upholstered chair.
“Close your eyes!” She says before coming back into the room. Harry’s hands go over his eyes easily as he grins blindly in her direction.
“‘M waiting…”
Harry’s hands slip away and his green eyes blink open. In front of him stands Y/N holding up a hand knit brown sweater vest with horizontal red, cream and blue thin stripes along with the thicker brown stripes. Harry beams, reaching his hands out to take hold of it.
“It was supposed to be a surprise for later, but I found it at this vintage place while I was home and I couldn’t wait any longer to show it to you.”
“Darling, this is gorgeous. I love it! But you shouldn’t have...”
“I thought you could wear it for Lizzo’s concert. I know you said you liked the other sweater vest, but this one is so-”
“You spoil me, seriously.” He cuts her off and laughs before pulling her back into him. Their lips collide in a searing kiss, Harry’s excitement over the new garment making him eager to show her how much he really loved it.
A small sigh escapes her lips as Harry presses into her. His tongue pushing into her mouth in a way that turns the sigh into a moan.
“Let me show you just how much I love it,” He murmurs against her lips, casting the garment onto the back of the chair he had previously been leaning on.
She smiles, eyes fluttering open and meeting his with adoration swelling in their depths. Then she allows him to back their intertwined bodies into her room.
Some apartment in New York a few months later:
“I knew it!” 
“Huh?” Aidy lifts her head from the skit she was working on to look at her friend and coworker. 
“That stylist...for Harry Styles,” Heidi shifts, sitting up and turning her phone to face Aidy, “She was seen out with him, getting lunch in London and then making out on a street corner. I bet they were dating back in November when he was on the show!” 
Aidy laughs, thinking back to her conversation with the stylist that night of Harry’s show. The girl had been so in love that night and Harry had been smitten all week, describing her in the best way, praising her every decision, yearning for her even. And now they were actually together...she was happy for them. 
“I don’t know about that...but they were head over Gucci heels for each other that’s for sure.” 
Heidi and her scroll through the pictures on social media of the singer and his girlfriend. 
“They probably are the best dressed couple I have ever seen,” Heidi grumbles. 
“Now that is definitely accurate.”
taglist: @meredithhuntt​ @sovereigndeadlyperfect @marauderswhisperer​ @toribentleyva​ @girlboss99​ @harryssunflxwer​ @loverofaccents​ @stephaniemalvie​ @mk15x @beanholland​ @stfxlou​ @loliismutt​ @pinkisawesome101​ @stilljosiegrossie​ @kikisparadise18​ @clementimee​
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youn9racha · 3 years
I Know (Part I)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Pairing: Changbin x fem!reader
Genre: suggestive
Word count: 1.9k
Warning: slight adult content, swearing, suggestive actions, elements of stalker behavior
Extra notes: characters mentioned are all above the age 21 years, a lot of hatred towards the male figure lol. Also this is my first time writing on tumblr, so please bare with me, it may not be the best, but I still hope you enjoy it :)
And baby, I know, I know whatever city you’re in, you’re still the boy that I’d pick…
part ii is up !!!
This is no way representative of the way Stray Kids act. They’re nothing but references of character, and in no shape or form is this how they act. And I am in no way romanticizing or glamorizing any toxic behavior exhibited, they’re just stories that is meant to be read. Readers discretion is advised
Truly the scums of the Earth, who do no good for no one, and are an absolute menace to society. But oh, do I enjoy the looks of their faces at times. The way they would look at me with full hope and infatuation, with full beliefs that I would step down and give them all they want from me.
Hmph. How cute… and pathetic. How pathetic to assume and lower my standards for them. They all are the same. All but one however.
All that men hating… and yet, only one I’d be willing to go down to his level.
Yes, its him… He whom a lot would have not sought to be with, not many would expect a bombshell like myself would be with. But I do not see that in him, not an ounce of what many insecure individuals would see. I see something striking that not many could see, an underrated dignified beauty that anyone could wish to admire. A fanciable and irresistible personality and face.
He was a man.. but a pleasant one.
It all started when I moved in into a new flat for myself. I previously left the old complex due to the cramped environment I had that left me feeling uneasy and stressed, as well as it wasn’t even my apartment, it was for my partner, well, ex-partner. It was simply wasn’t working out, due to our seeming never ending conflicts. But enough of the past, let us move on..
I found this flat that is comfortable and the rent pays well, its only downside is that my room’s window is faced to the next door’s flat, however it’s not a big detriment or big turn off for me so it was fine by me, and also it was prone to have random, yet rare, blackout, but then again what neighborhood doesn’t have that. Anyhow, I was set to take the complex, but before I did, I have noticed something about the neighbor’s window next to me. It was a man. A really good looking one too. Giving his side profile, he was laying on his bed, his black hair covered head bopping with earphones placed in ears, laptop placed in his revealing shorts adorned lap. My eyes began started to stare into his arms then onto his naked well built chest, which indicates that he likes to keep up with his health, as his ring adorned hands was tapping away in his keyboard. I quickly looked away when I saw him repositioned his laptop, and walked out of the soon-to-be my room.
Great… I’ve entered Hell.
But I didn’t let it affect my decisions and got the apartment nonetheless, here I am now, weeks after the incident, sitting in my car, outside of the building, still thinking about the man in his laptop. Has he noticed that I was staring at him? Does he know that there’s gonna be someone living next to him? I hope not. And if he has, I must apologize to him. But before that, let me unload my car. I have gradually put my stuff into the complex as the days go by, it seems dragging, but it felt like the time went by fast, so I’m glad I have done that. However, today was different, as I took stuff more than I usually did, as I desperately do not want to go back to my ex. Typically, I never had assistance, as usually my best friend would join in and help out, but at a time I needed them the most, they had to be really sick. They still were willing to help, but I insisted that they shouldn’t and should rest.
After thinking, I sighed and got out my car, ready to fight the battle that is putting my stuff into my complex. I opened the trunk, eyes meeting my stuff, and I begin to groan. ‘Dammit, (y/n), why do you have that many stuff?!’ I thought to myself. I really should’ve had at least one more visit to my ex, but alas I picked to just take all all together in one day. I picked up a box until..
“Need any help?” I heard someone behind me asking me. I turned around and looked at the source. ‘God damn, is it just me, or does this town just bring out more attractive people?’ I thought to myself, as I see a man that looked like he could be at a museum. He had a sandy brown curly hair, slightly tanned skin, really plump and a crazy jawline. He donned a tank top that barely covered his side torso, and basket ball shorts that complimented his really nice, thick… thighs… yeah… Needless to say he was really attractive.
It seems that I was ogling him, rather than responding, as he shyly smiled and waved his hand in front of my face, “hello,” he softly said as I shook my head and looked back at his face apologetically.
“I am so sorry, I am just really tired, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” I cringed at my pathetic way of justifying of me literally internally lusting over him. I really am turning into someone I dread to be. How can I forgive myself?
“That’s okay, I know how moving can get tiring, and I sense that you’re alone, so please let me and my friend help you out.” He said, sympathetically smiling a sweet smile, already grabbing a box out of my hand. God, if this man has a partner, then they’re the luckiest person ever, and if he’s single, I’ll gladly hand him a ring. What am I saying? (y/n), what the hell has gotten into you?!
“I’m Christopher, but you can call me Chris or Chan, whichever you prefer is fine, what’s your name?” The generous man’s voice interrupted my inner battle and I found myself looking at him again. “(y/n)” I smiled at him, which he nodded back.
“Nice to meet you,” Chan said, looking back and see that his friend showed up, meanwhile, I went back to my trunk and got out more stuff from my car “oh, there he is!” Chan enthusiastically announced.
“(y/n), meet my friend and roommate, Changbin.” Chris said, while I got out the box and looked at the other man, my face shifted from contentment to horrific.
Its the man with the laptop.
“Hello? Chan, are you sure she’s okay?” Changbin looked at Chris with worry. “Yeah, she’s just tired, just nudge her.”
It’s like Chris knew me too well, despite meeting for less than 10 minutes, as Chris slightly pushed me with the box, not enough to hurt me, but enough to put me out of a trance.
“huh? I did it again, did I?” I looked at Chan, worryingly, which he nodded. I looked back at Changbin and the pathetic act was brought up again.
“I am so sorry, I don’t know what has gotten into me.” I apologized once again, which Changbin only smirked. “Don’t worry about it,” He said, carrying a box. Something about that smirk and tone seems off. Not off in a menacing way, but off in a… coy way. Maybe not the best term to use, maybe I am just over analyzing, but I am for sure either winning the lottery tonight, or convinced that the sun will rise from the west tomorrow, since I have two very attractive men helping out, one of which is someone whom I may have an odd fascination for a while now.
The two have been nothing but a delight to interact with, their help with the stuff had done me even more than just a solid. However, I still in a way feel a bit unsettled by Changbin. It wasn’t that he was a creep, or did anything to make me uncomfortable, its just this feeling of guilt I carry with me. Meanwhile, I didn’t attempt anything, and I just simply just admired him from afar, it still felt wrong that I was just looking at him while he was barely wearing anything, let alone while not him paying attention. Despite this, it seems that he doesn’t know that I did what I did, which is why I chose to confront him about it when the time is right, which is probably when we start getting even more comfortable. I have exchanged numbers with both men, even though I could probably just go out my window and yell out their names, but I’d rather not disturb the peace.
Two good looking men are now my neighbors… Who would have thought? Whichever entity that is in existence have decided to play with me, because to them, my humiliation would be their laughing stock, because they definitely would have seen what is to become of me.
Its been a week in since I moved, and interacted with the two Chans, and I am glad that a curtain was installed onto my room, just so I wouldn’t carry even more guilt than I already do. But the thing is, I would lie that I still haven’t thought of Changbin. While I would have thought that Chris fitting into more of my ideal type, Changbin however held a mysterious power that Chan didn’t.
Ever since the time I first laid eyes on Changbin, he has never left my mind. He has started to creep up in my fantasies and dreams in every way shape of form. I couldn’t stop thinking of how his arms would look around my waist, how his lips would feel in my skin, or how his hands would wander around, exploring places that many men often fail to find to make me feel good, or how his voice would be like when talking as he puts his mouth by my ear— God, this is getting out of hand, I would think.
What if he had a girlfriend? What if he wasn’t attracted to women in general? What if he finds you a creep?
So many more endless questions would come in to ruin me, but its not like i have a choice, he just happened to settle into my dreams and thoughts, and went with it.
I decided to take a shower to try and distract myself from these thoughts, which didn’t help at all, as the hot water cascading my skin did nothing but accelerated my lustful thoughts. I decided to get out of the shower, as it didn’t help my case.
Damn you, Changbin.
I sighed, put on some underwear and a robe while having a towel wrapped around my hair. I got out of the bathroom and back to my room. It was dark out, and in my room, the only light came out of it were my night lamp, which barely lit up the whole room. I checked the window, making sure Changbin wasn’t there, or at least not facing the window, only to see his window being covered with curtains.
Great timing, could’ve used that when I first saw you, dipshit.
But nonetheless, I was really glad at least he wasn’t visible. I laid back on my bed, and decided to look through social media, as anyone should. While in the middle of a instagram scroll, I see a caller popping through at the top of the screen…
It was Changbin.
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dbnightingale24 · 3 years
Last Chance At Redemption
Chapter 29
THE FINAL CHAPTER!! I can’t believe it's actually here?? I’m kinda sad cause I really loved writing this, but I’m also happy cause I’ve been stressing about the ending lol. I hope you all enjoy and love this ending and thank you for reading along!!!
Warnings: Fluff, Happiness, Swearing, Dialogue Heavy....I think that’s it?
Word Count: 1601
Song(s) That Inspired This Chapter:
POV - Ariana Grande
Hallelujah - Paramore
Follow You Into The Dark - Death Cab For Cutie
Malibu - Miley Cyrus
I do not give consent for my works/stories to be posted elsewhere. 
Previous Chapters:
Chapter 1 ,Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 ,Chapter 6 ,Chapter 7,Chapter 8 ,Chapter 9 ,Chapter 10 , Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14 , Chapter 15 , [Deleted Scene] Let’s Try Something Different, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18 , Chapter 19 (part 1), Chapter 19 (part 2), Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22 , Chapter 23 , Chapter 24, Chapter 25 , Chapter 26, Chapter 27, Chapter 28,
6 Years Later
Ransom scowled to himself as he saw the ink from his pen start to fade. He knew he should’ve brought more than one with him, but he had no time to search for another. He was always the last one ready to leave and he hated being the one everyone picked on the most.
A soccer ball hit his ankle as he tried to make a mental note of how he wanted to finish the chapter he was working on. “Dad! You promised!” Luna scowled, arms folded across her chest.
“Yeah Dad, you promised,” Abigail smirked, taking a seat next to Ransom on the park bench he was sitting on, parking the stroller, holding their son to the side. Both Sampson and their corgi, Clover, laid down right at her feet.
Ransom had followed through on his declaration on their wedding night. In fact he fucked twins into Abigail’s pussy.
“I’m coming sweetheart,” he called to Luna before looking around the park, “where’s your sister?”
“I’m right here!” Alice laughed, making her way around the trail for the second time.
“How the fuck does she have so much energy?” Ransom muttered, watching her dart around with the biggest smile on her face.
“She took a nap,” Abigail laughed, “and watch your language. Tyler is sleeping,” she chided softly before looking over at the sleeping baby in the stroller.
“Exactly, he’s sleeping. He’ll be fine,” Ransom scoffed.
“What? I’m good about not cursing in front of the kids. You have to admit that I’ve gotten much better.”
“Be that as it may, I still don’t want you cursing around them while they’re sleeping,” she smiled.
Soon after they came back from their honeymoon, Abigail discovered she was pregnant and they were both excited. However, when she learned that she was pregnant with twins, panic set in. Hard.
“It’s gonna be fine,” Ransom tried to tell her, placing his hand on hers during the car ride home.
“How?! How is it going to be fine, Hugh?! We’ve never had children and now we’re having two at once! What the...we don’t know what we’re doing! How the hell are we supposed to raise two kids at once?!”
“We’ll figure it out,” Ransom shrugged, turning into their driveway.
“We can’t just ‘figure it out’, Hugh! How are we supposed to...it’s us!”
“Exactly,” he smiled as he turned off the car. “It’s us. We know what not to do. As long as we stick with that, we’ll be okay. We can do this and we’re gonna be good at it.”
“When did you become the calm one?”
“The moment you said ‘I do’” he laughed as he got out of the car.
The talk calmed Abigail down for a while. However, the closer they got to the due date, the more her breakdowns started to happen and Ransom was running out of ideas to keep her calm.
“What about Sampson?” Abigail sniffed.
“What about him?” Ransom sighed, running his hand through his hair.
“What if his death scars them and they hate us?”
“Where the fuck did that even come from? Abs-”
“It’s not like he’s brand new!”
“Baby, you’re always the first one to tell me that nothing is meant to last on this earth forever. Isn’t that what you said when Great Nana died?”
“Okay okay, just calm down. What can I do-”
“Literally nothing. It’s fine...I’m fine. I’m just having a day. E very thing is fine.”
“Every thing isn’t-”
“Just leave it,” she snapped with a sigh. “It’s been a long day and I’m tired. I’m sorry and I love you. I’m gonna go lay down.”
So, Ransom did what any frightened man would do. He fixed the situation.
“You bought-”
“I didn’t buy anything cause you’d kill me and I don’t need that shit right now. I adopted a corgi. Name her whatever you want.”
“If anything happens to Sampson before they’re ready, at least they’ll have another dog to help soften the blow.”
“Abigail, I love you with all of my heart and I always will, but if you come up with another hypothetical situation, I will throw myself off of the roof of this house.”
And that settled it.
Two months later they welcomed twins and they decided to name them one apiece.
“Luna is pretty! I love it!” Abigail cooed as Ransom held the newborn in his arms.
“Then there’s Alice-”
“Don’t start, ‘Alice In Wonderland’ is my favorite book!”
“It’s a boring name.”
“Yeah well, when you push a baby out through your dick, you can name our children whatever you want. Until then, be happy you got to name one of them and shut up.”
“Oh? You want more kids?”
“You want more kids,” she smirked, catching his small smile out of the corner of her eye.
She hadn’t been wrong. As soon as the girls were four, Ransom started getting on her case about another child.
“We don’t have enough on our plates?” Abigail laughed, eyes not leaving the computer as she went over the numbers for the restaurant.
“Of course we do, but we can fit more on it!”
“Hugh, we have two girls, a restaurant, and a publishing company that keep us more than busy. Plus, with Taylor and Jeff coming over with Harper almost every weekend, we have more than enough to keep us occupied! Another baby is not the best idea right now.”
“It’ll be fine,” Ransom cooed, resting his hand on her upper thigh, which Abigail quickly slapped away. “Fine, but we should have another one.”
“Yeah yeah, quiet down you,” she laughed, shaking her head.
Abigail had been able to keep him at bay until their most recent New Year. The kids were with her grandparents and Ransom’s most recent book had become a #1 best seller.
He couldn’t keep his drunken hands off of her that night, which is how they ended up with three children.
“You better get out there, we have to leave for dinner at Lisa’s in almost an hour,” Abigail smirked.
“Why do we have to go to Lisa’s again?”
“Because she just opened her store and it’s her first big thing she's done since leaving Todd.  She needs our support. She’s scared and it helps to have family and friends around.”
“Do Taylor and Jeff count as friends? They still hate her.”
“Not as much as they used to,” Abigail chuckled. “Plus, Heidi is gonna be there with her new man and the girls, so I’m fairly sure she could use all the support possible.”
“I think I preferred it when you hated everyone in your family.”
“I bet you do,” Abigail laughed, “go play soccer with your daughters. They’ve been patiently waiting for you.”
“I guess they have,” he smiled at Luna, who was standing in the middle of the park with her arms folded like usual. “Lets have another one,” Ransom smiled.
“Have another what?”
“Another kid!” Ransom laughed.
“What the fuck do you see asleep in the stroller, Hugh?!”
“Ooo! Mommy, you said a bad word!” Alice chimed, as she approached the back of the bench.
“Yeah Mommy, you said a bad word,” Ransom smirked and Abigail had to fight herself to keep from flipping him off.
“Go play, now,” she scoffed.
“Yeah fine, but we’re talking about this later,” Ransom smiled before getting up kicking the ball to Luna, Alice at his heels.
As Abigail watched her family play, both of the dogs resting by her feet, she couldn’t stop the smile that spread across her face. She had the world with a man she never thought she could have it with. All of the stress, worry, pain, and fear had been worth it. He had been worth it. Abigail watched her family play knowing that she’d have the quirky fairy tale for the rest of her life. She’d have heaven on earth with Ransom for the rest of her life.
The End.
@goldenfightergir , @princess-evans-addict, @jeremyrennermakesmesmile, @sweetflowerdreams, @whxre4cevans, @itsbrittany425, @jennmurawski13
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Hi, i was sad all day so i wrote this to cheer myself up lmao, please enjoy people :) This is really soft lol, don‘t expect hardcore shit
Warning: 18+
Right, lets go
It‘s been about two weeks since you and Remus have had a moment for yourselves. Everytime you decided to make time for each other something came up or he wasn‘t feeling well because of the moon. Both of you were angry and stressed and moody, because you wanted each other so bad, but the universe just seemed to be against the idea.
„I don‘t want to fight with you right now!“, Remus let out, voice loud, proving that he in fact did want to fight.
„Why are you yelling then?“ Your tone matched his, your mood quickly turning sour.
„I‘m not bloody yellin, you‘re jus‘ being a sensitive wuss. Fuckin‘ hell.“ He whispered the last part as fingers pressed against his closed eyes. He had fucked up.
Your jaw dropped, a disbelieving laugh escaping you. „A wuss!? You must be bloody joking right now! You utter ass, Remus Lupin!“
He groaned with annoyance, aggressively packing his bag as he made his way out of the common room. Stopping midway he turned around sharply and said in an overly cheery voice, „Whenever you decide to stop being a snotty brat, come find me!“ Bowing he gave you a mocking smile, not staying long enough to witness you giving him the finger. He did have an idea what you did though, hearing the others gasp as they watched the whole ordeal.
„What a prat“, Mary said, plopping down on your side as Lily took your other.
Lily rubbed your arm soothingly. „Hey, don‘t worry. Every couple fights and with the amount of stress weighting on us it was bound to happen...“
You let out a breath and leaned back against the couch. „I know he didn‘t mean it, but god-“ Your voice cut off, choking slightly as you tried to calm yourself. „I miss him and he‘s acting like I‘m being clingy. We haven‘t kissed in three days!“
Mary let out a sympathetic sigh, taking your hand. „I‘m sorry, I know it sucks. But I‘m sure that he misses you just as much. This is Remus we‘re talking about, the bloke never shows his emotions.“
„I agree“, Lily joined in, „besides James has been telling me that Remus has been shitty to them as well. It‘s not your fault, he just doesn‘t cope in a healthy way.“
Now you felt bad for riling him up. Remus must have been feeling really down lately for him to react like he did minutes ago. Of course he misses you goddamn it, the boy can‘t sleep through a single night if your aren‘t there.
„Merlin girls I feel so bad now. I need to make it alright again. I never even asked him how he‘s feeling..“
Mary smirked suddenly, giving you a pointed glance. „I mean...You did say that you needed some alone time..“
You smirked back, albeit blushing a little, and told her to continue.
„There is this muggle clothing brand Lily told me about...“
„Victorias Secret“ Lily offered, now smiling as well.
„Exactly! We should check it out. Besides our dorm will be empty tonight, we‘re planning to sneak out and stay with the girls from Ravenclaw.“
„I love where this is going“, you beamed, „Let‘s get going, I need sexy lingerie.“
The girls were bickering about what color suited your skin best, when you zoned put a little, remembering a conversation you had with Remus before youe started dating.
„I really like your sweater. Where‘d you get it?“
You smiled at Remus, thanking him. „Got it from a second hand shop in London. I just couldn‘t resist the color.“
Remus smiled back. „Yeah, emerald green is my favorite color. I‘d kill to have something in that color“, he joked.
You giggled, giving him a shy smile. „Well, maybe you will.“
Beaming you swirled around, grabbing their shoulders to get their attention. With a handful of underwear in their hands they turned around, raising their brows simultaneously.
„Girls, I remember his favorite color! It‘s emerald!“
It took you another hour to finally find the shade of emerald you were looking for and when you did you squealed with joy.
„It‘s perfect!“, you gasped. „Oh my god, he‘s going to love it! It looks just like my sweater!“
The girls grinned at your happiness, immediately pushing you towards the cash desk.
God, Remus is gonna love it.
You let out a breath, finally sitting down.
Lily emerged from the bathroom. „Alright, lets check. Bed clean?“
„Shower and lotion?“
„Washed the underwear?“
„Good. That should be all then. Mary and I are leaving now, if you want any snacks there are some in my trunk. Just take whatever.“
You hugged them gratefully. „Thank you girls, I love you.“
„We love you too. Have fun!“
Mary peaked her head through and laughingly let out a „Don‘t break the bed like last time!“ before Lily pulled her away.
You fondly shook your head and glanced at your bed where the pieces were laid out. It was a beautiful emerald lacy set, with a bra and panties with attached garter belts. James and Sirius had promised to send Remus up, so now it was time to wait. Putting the underwear on you lit some candles, fluffing your bed. Just as you slipped one of Remus‘ old shirts over your head the door opened, revealing your boyfriend. He shuffled inside, simply dressed in a pair of grey sweatpants and a black sweater, closing the door. Neither of you said anything for a few seconds, stranglely nervous.
„I‘m sorry-“
„I shouldn‘t have-“
You cut each other off trying to speak at the same time. You flushed as Remus chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.
Remus finally walked towards you to pull you in, his hands gripping your waist tight. You put your face in his neck to breathe in his familiar scent. Books and chocolate and safe and warm. He smelled like eveything you love.
„I‘m sorry I never asked how you‘re doing. You never let it show and I forgot that even if you‘re my rock, you‘re human. You have the right to be overwhelmed Remus...“
He pressed a kiss on your crown, muttering in a soft tone. „I know, I‘m working on the communication part. I‘m sorry too, love.“
You pulled back, your chin resting ln his chest amd you gave him a coy smile. He raised his brow, smirking.
„I have something for you“, you drawled, pushing him on your bed to stand between his legs, „but you need to unpack it.“
Remus tilted his head to look at you, his gaze questioning.
„Take my shirt off.“
His lips parted and you could see the anticipation in his eyes. Slowly he glided his hands up your bare legs to grip the shirt, holding your intense gaze he pulled it up, groaning softly when he saw the garter belt peaking out. You let him pull the material over your head, your hair falling onto your shoulders.
He let out a breathless laugh.
„You look stunning.“
A kiss on your sternum.
„The most beautiful person in the world.“
A kiss on your belly.
„So fucking perfect.“
A kiss on the hem of your panties. Another on your hipbones. The last ones on the tops of your thighs.
You tugged at his hair to make him look at you. Bending down at the knees you kissed his mouth. He looked up at you with pure adoration, as if he was looking at a goddess.
„Remus“, you called his name softly, „Will you let me fuck you tonighg?“
He closed his eyes groaning. „Anything“, he breathed.
You smiled softly. „Take of your clothes and lay on the bed.“
He complied immediately, taking his clothes off and rested on the bed. You straddled his waist, his hands coming up to rest on your thighs, his fingers playing with the garter belts. Remus is usually very dominant in bed, throwing you around and making you take him. But in times like this, where he lets you take the wheel, you know that you have to treat him very gently.
You leaned down, brushing your lips against his. He parted his mouth with a single breath and you connected your lips. Moaning, his arms snaked around your waist to pull you closer and he kissed you deeper. Your tongue licked at his bottom lip and he opened his mouth to let you in. Dominating the kiss, you bit his lip teasingly.
„Love, please I need you.“
You shushed him, kissing his jaw and chin, sucking on his neck. Your lips brushed against his chest, lips locking around his nipples, licking and bruising them. Moving further down his body, you sucked at his hipbones, your nose brushing against his happy trail. He bucked his hips moaning your name.
You wrapped your lips around the tip and massaged him with your tongue, tasting the precum. You hummed softly and he hissed, hands stroking your hair and he parted his legs a little. Your hand tugged on his heavy balls, your mouth taking him deeper.
„Fuck baby, yes!“
You sucked hard and he whimpered, hand tightening in your hair. Your tongue played with the vein on the side of his cock, making him twitch inside of your mouth.
„If you ah don‘t stop-“
He choked on his words and you pulled off, wanting him inside of you when he came.
„How do you want me?“, you whispered softly as you moved to take off your panties.
„On your back, wanna see your face...“
You laid down and he sat there for a second, admiring your beauty. The way your hair sprawled around you, the swell of your breasts in the emerald bra, your soft skin and parted lips.
He placed himself between your legs, hands on either side of your face. Remus‘ cock brushed against your slit, slowly sliding in and you let out a breath against his lips.
He groaned, holding your gaze and pushed inside, a vulnerable glint in his usually guarded eyes. You pulled him closer, his chest brushing yours and looped your legs around the back of his hamstrings. He was going in deep and slow strokes, just wanting to feel close to you. Hitting the spot inside of you, you let out a broken whine, pushing youe hips up to meet his thrusts. He went faster, still a tender look in his eyes and his other hand rubbed your clit.
You gasped at the contact and whimpered. Tightening around him, you mewled „Remus m‘gonna cum-“
„Cum love, fuck“
You came at the same time, looking at each other lovingly as he kissed you. His hot seed spilled deep inside of you and you smiled breathless.
„I love you so much“, Remus whispered, kissing all over your face.
„I love you too.“
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adorethedistance · 3 years
READING MY BOYFRIEND’S FANFICTION?? - Owen Joyner x Influencer!Reader
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JATP masterlist
Requested: OMGGG!! Could you do a an Owen fic based around his girlfriend being an armature youtuber/social media influencer (shes also an actress and they met on set and have been dating for a while) and it’s “reading/reacting to my boyfriend’s fanfiction” ? You can do whatever you want with the fanfic part it’s just a concept that has been running around in my head for a while. LOVE ALL YOUR WORK!!
Warnings: swearing, allusions to sex, very mild
Words: 1460
A/N: A fic?? From Ace?? Hi. I’m off spring break officially and so my stress has dissipated immensely. School was becoming so much these last two weeks and I thought I’d be stressed or worried, but I’m actually fine? It’s weird lol so I decided I could be productive with my stress-free moment and post a little fic for y’all. I love this prompt, and before any of you writers panic, I’m using my own fics for the fanfictions because I wouldn’t want to put y’all on the spot like that. Also this is my 3000 post! thought that was cool lol
“Do you wanna do the intro?”
“I think I have to do the intro.”
“Okay, go for it.”
“Alright,” Owen sighs out a heavy breath in exaggerated preparation for my (some would say lengthy) intro. “Hello, hi. Yes, okay, this is Y/n Y/l/n vlogs, welcome or welcome back to my channel!” Once Owen finishes his statement I’m so stunned I can’t generate any sort of response other than a slacked jaw semi smile.
“That was not even close. Do you know my intro?”
“I got the first part right!”
“You’ve lost intro privileges,” I turn back to the mess of lights and tripods in front of me and ignore the disaster of an intro Owen offered. “Oh, hello, hi! I am Y/n and this is: Reading My Boyfriend’s Fanfiction!”
“That’s basically what I did.”
“No, it is not! It’s ‘oh, hello, hi. I am ‘name’ and this is: ‘title of video’.”
“You don’t ‘welcome to my channel’?” Owen’s voice has dropped to a hushed volume as he genuinely inquires about the segments of my usual introduction.
“I do not.”
“Don’t use any of this,” he pleads when making direct eye contact with the camera. “Mister Sid. Editing Sid, please don’t embarrass me.” His pleas fall on deaf ears, knowing that I’ll be using the footage in full.
“Anyways. Butchered intro aside, I am Y/n and today I am here with my lovely “So Many Stars” costar and scene partner, Owen Joyner!”
“I’m also your boyfriend.”
“That too,” I give Owen’s pointed comment a soft place to land, “So, yesterday--it was actually like, two weeks ago, I don’t know why I said yesterday--a little while back, I came across a tweet telling me someone had written a fanfic about us-”
“Did you read it?”
“On Wattpad. Of course, I read it. There are only three chapters up right now and they’re all in the 2-3k range so it was a quick read.”
“Words,” I reply nonchalantly as I unlock my phone. I bookmarked a few one-shots beforehand for us to read, and I’m slightly cocky about my selections. Owen then responds with an outburst of shock.
“2-3 thousand words is a short read?” I merely give him a blank stare.
“Judging by that reaction, Owen hasn’t read any fanfics in his life.”
“Is that not long to you- That’s what she said.” Owen cuts me off with his own stupid joke and I briefly sigh before answering.
“No, that isn’t long. Baby, I’m here for that 130k slow burn enemies to lovers on AO3 with the ‘only one bed’ and ‘locked in a closet’ tropes.”
“The what?”
“Oh, we have so much to catch you up on.”
“So I saved three fics, an angst, a fluff, and a smut. Which do you want to read?”
“Wait, what does that mean?”
“Oh my- okay. Angst is the sad shit, it’s what you read when you need your heartbroken and a good cry. Smut is pretty much in the name, it’s explicit content that will undoubtedly get this video demonetized, but that’s okay because we do have a sponsor. And fluff is the cute moments, domestic and sometimes mundane romance that makes you smile like an idiot and put the device down to screech into a pillow.” Throughout my whole explanation, I can tell Owen was becoming more and more lost, so I opt to give him a few moments to collect his thoughts.
“Let’s start with the fluff just to ease into things.”
“Smart choice. This fic I have saved is called ‘Baby Fever’ and the summary says ‘you and Owen spend a day at the zoo babysitting Baby Shada, and her presence sparks conversation about adding a new presence of your very own’.”
“That sounds so ominous.”
“Here, I’ll read the narration and reader’s POV, and then you’ll read your own dialogue.” Owen nods and leans over my right shoulder to read off of my computer screen.
“You actually start the fic.”
“‘You ready, little one?’” The instantaneous actor mode Owen slips into has me howling with laughter at which he looks at me confused. My gasping for air makes Owen laugh empathetically despite still being unsure as to what’s killing me at the moment.
“Why are you laughing?!” He yells, dramatically shaking my shoulder.
“Just the way you jumped into that, I wasn’t prepared for you to turn on the acting charm. Okay, uhhhh, ‘I bite back a laugh when I hear Owen’s voice coo from the back seat’.”
The two of us go back and forth between reading the narrative, bouts of laughter, commentary on the accuracy of Owen’s character, and we finally manage to finish the 2.5k fic in about forty minutes.
“‘When he looks up from CJ’s tiny body and recognizes the familiar ‘baby fever’ look in my eyes, he smiles and utters a simple-’.”
“‘I told you so.’”
“That was cute! I like the tie-in of having us watching over Baby Shada- or, sorry, you and ‘y/n’ watching over Baby Shada.”
“They wrote me kinda funny, I don’t think I’d ever fabricate a life to make conversation with a stranger due to baby fever.” My jaw drops slightly and before Owen can respond to my reaction, I cry,
“That is such a lie!”
“You absolutely would do something like that, are you kidding me?!”
“No, I would not!” Owen punctuates every word with the utmost offense. He has the same look in his eye as when he was proving himself to be the cleanest phantom of the three on the Sunset Drive podcast.
“You literally told the guy at Home Depot yesterday that we were buying plants for our child’s nursery!”
“Okay, that’s different-”
“How is that different? That’s the exact same thing as fanfic you!” Owen’s furrowed brow and dropped jaw are a sight to be seen as he leans away from me, bending at the waist to stare at me with defiance. I raise my eyebrows pointedly as I await a response. Instead of actually producing a response, Owen lunges forward, grabbing my waist in his hands and squeezing gently. The feeling makes me screech and gasp of laughter from surprise and also being ticklish.
“Owen! Owe-STOP, I’m gonna drop my laptop!” I manage to say through my laughter and with one final grab, he releases me from his hold. It takes a minute for my laughter to settle but once I do, the two of us are simply breathing heavy and staring at one another with giddy smiles on our faces. In a moment’s clarity, I turn to look into the camera lens to talk directly to my editor,
“Sid, don’t use any of this. And please don’t cut to this after we finish reading to make it look like- things were happening.”
“Actually, I think you should, Sid. Just cut to right there and make the world think we-”
“OKAY, thanks for watching, bye!” I quickly stop the recording before Owen says something we’re unable to recover from. I hear him laugh gently behind me as I set my laptop down on the coffee table behind the tripod. Coming back to the couch, I move to plop down but before landing successfully on the cushion next to my phone, Owen grabs my body and moves me to sit on top of him.
“You are crazy, you know that?”
“Hmm. Crazy for you, maybe.” His cheesy line makes me scoff but smile nonetheless. I reach my right hand up to caress the side of his face as we sit cheek to cheek.
“Remind me to never film with you again.” The gesture is sweet and the sentiment is not which makes Owen laugh and he presses a soft kiss to my cheek. I lean back into him so my back is pressed flush with his chest as he lazily wraps both arms around me.
“You say that now but you’ll regret it when you wanna do a ‘boyfriend does my makeup’ challenge video.”
“Nah. I’ll just call Charlie to-” Without allowing me to finish my sentence, Owen is digging his fingertips back into the tissue of my sides and I squeal with laughter once more. This time the torment is short-lived and Owen releases me after a sweet, reconciling kiss. “Do you have baby fever now?”
“It was cute and all, but not really, no.”
“That’s too bad,” I stand up from my spot on his lap to grab my computer and hold it to my chest, “I was gonna say we could practice some baby-making.”
And with that, I turned on the balls of my feet, heading for my bedroom when I heard Owen stand up eagerly, quick to follow.
Taglist: @caitsymichelle13​ @kaitlyn2907​ @itz-jas​ @crybabyddl​ @kcd15​ @kinda-really-lost​ @calamitykaty​ @morganayennefertyrell@n0wornever​ @dream-a-little-bigger-x​ @mrstodorooki@vicesvsvirturesfanfic @curlybrownhairedboys​ @amazinggracy​ @kaitieskidmore1​ @asdfghjkl-fanfics​ @ghostlygreenbean​ @juliefromaustralia @merceret​ @jemimah-b99​ @ifilwtmfc​ @thesweetestsinner​ @imsydneywalker​ @lovesanimals​ @thebloodthirstyvampress​ @bumbleberry-pie​ @losers-club6​ @tefilovesreading​ @dmcfarland1​@joynerxmercer @kexrtiz​ @talk-on-the-street​ @phantompogues​ @konciousdreamer​ @sunsetcurvej​ @warmnesss0ul​
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theamberwriter · 4 years
Always Be My Hero [Pro! Eijiro Kirishima]
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A/N: I read THIS by @dreamy-writings and was inspired to write this, lol
Warning: Angst, cursing
Pair: Pro Hero! Eijiro Kirishima x gn! Reader
Word Count: 1.6k+
"Oi, you need to talk to shitty hair," Katsuki snapped, throwing a bunch of flowers on your bed.
Mina sat on the edge of the mattress, took your shoulders in her hands, and gently shook you. "Please, [Name], Eijiro has gone off the deep end."
"I'm sure just Ei is just a little stressed," you tried to sound soothing. "He's been working a lot -"
"We wouldn't be here if we didn't think it was serious," Denki urged.
"He's going to hurt himself," Katsuki growled. "Don't need both you idiots out of commission."
"We know, after everything, we shouldn't be bothering your healing time. But…. Eijiro needs you." Mina hung her head in defeat. 
Just what was going on? When your fiance was home, he was as cheery and bright as you'd always known him. Was he different at work? With his friends?
"Shitty Hair thinks this -" Katsuki gestured to your broken arm and leg, the bandages around your head, your sprained ankle and broken ribs, the numerous bumps and bruises, the multiple hairline fractures and surgery incisions, and the antibiotic drip the hospital sent you home with. "Is some how all his fucking fault. That damn idiot won't listen to us! He's been working the hell out of himself. Spends hours beating himself up."
You felt like you cracked in half. Like a bit of you shattered. Not the ones from being thrown into buildings and trampled on by a giant villain. But deep down in an untouchable place. You felt like you broke apart. 
Knowing you caused your beloved so much anxiety and stress had boiled up in him. Maybe you should've seen it. But he was just so happy. Glued to your side, helping you bathe, helping you get to the bathroom, changing the bandages on your head - assuring that he still thought you extremely attractive, even though you were going to have a hell of a scar going from the middle of your hairline down under your left ear. He was always smiling and joking when he was with you.
"The wheelchair they gave me is in the closet," you muttered, eyes on where your hands were balled around the blankets. You had to be strong. Normally, Eijiro was your rock. Now the tables had turned.
Mina pulled out the wheelchair while Denki and Katsuki helped get you out of bed. Luckily you'd asked Eijiro to help you into sweatpants and a decent t-shirt before he left for work. You asked for one of your shoes to put on your uncasted foot (which was wrapped in an ace bandage instead). Then unhooked the IV and pinched the line. The bag was nearly done anyway.
"I'm ready when you all are," you muttered. A silent tremor passed through the room. Then you all were out the door.
In his agency training facility, Eijiro was giving all he had to a punching bag. Sweat poured from the hardened ridges in his skin. He felt the solid bag meet his fists, but none of it was satisfying. None of the hits eased the guilt.
No amount of punching had shaken away the image plaguing his mind. You lying in bed, barely seeming to hold on. The doctors said you had internal bleeding, a concussion, then listed off all the broken parts. A bit of himself broke with each word.
Eijiro had bawled hysterically when the doctors left and he was alone with your unconscious body. He gripped your hand, begging to anyone who would hear him. Asking them to let you pull through. That, in exchange, he'd get stronger. No matter the cost.
Eijiro was determined to keep your spirits up. To not let you know how much he'd been suffering. You couldn't imagine the wells that wanted to overflow the first time your eyes opened. The first kiss you gave him after waking up. He felt like bursting, you'd been returned to him.
In exchange, he'd train himself raw. He'd push himself past his limit. It didn't matter what Katsuki, or Tamaki, or even Fat Gum had to say. Eijiro was going to protect you next time. For now he'd train. Then go back to you at the end of the day with a smile, no matter how much he hurt or how tired he was. Coming home to you, hooked to an IV and barely able to move around the house - that image drove him.
Eijiro had been so excited to have you home. But every time he looked too long at your casted arm, or uncovered the puckered gouge on your head. Everything reminded him he hadn't been there to help. To save you. Deku had been, he lifted that gargantuan off you like a pillow. Eijiro didn't think he'd ever have been able to do that. So he was going to train until he could.
You hadn't complained once since you'd been home. Only grateful when you'd gone out a few days after to greet your fans. There were so many who thanked you for saving them. Each felt like a bit of a hit to him. You'd saved all those people and he didn't even manage to save you. Was he truly a hero if he couldn't protect those he cared about?
It didn't matter to him that he was a five hour plane ride away when it all happened. Eijiro had gone to do some publicity stuff with other heroes. He had to hear it from an insensitive reporter who asked how he felt knowing his fiance was in the hospital. But he hadn't. He didn't know. His fellow heroes outraged at the question and Eijiro was on a plane back to you within the hour.
He swore he'd be there next time. That he'd never let anything like this happen again. Eijiro had gone in the plane bathroom and had a good deep cry a few times. When he saw the videos, read the articles, saw all the people asking Where was Red Riot? He hadn't been there. He'd let down the one person he never wanted to. It broke his heart into a million bits. He didn't think he'd ever be able to repair himself.
Eijiro cried as he punched. No one would be able to tell through the sweat. But each and every punch got harder, and so too did his tears.
Pitying looks were passed your way as Katsuki pushed you through Eijiro's agency. You stopped in briefly to talk to Fat Gum. He looked so put out and desperate. He said he'd tried everything. But everyday, Eijiro had been in the facility's gym. Working himself until he bled or passed out. 
Katsuki pushed you, Mina and Denki in tow, down the halls to the gym. You heard the blunt hits long before you saw the doors. Each one grating into your mind. You were never going to forget the hot guilt that bit at you with each thud.
Katsuki pushed you to the gym door way. It was empty, except where your beloved stood hardened to the max, shirtless. You saw a bit of blood dripping from his back. The punching bag was losing sand and stuffing. A defeated one laid in a lump on the floor already. You watched a long minute. Then you realized each grunt turned more into a cry or a wail.
You turned to Denki, and held out your hand. He gave you the crunch he'd been carrying. Luckily the arm and the leg you'd broken were on the opposite sides of your body. You hauled yourself up, your friends helped steady you. Then you limped your way across the gym. Finally, you came into view in the mirror in front of him.
A few spots on Eijiro's face were bleeding. His eyes were blown out. His features scrunched up in….there wasn't a word strong enough to explain the pain. The anguish. The despair. His eyes met yours and, all at once, he broke down. 
Eijiro collapsed to his knees. His quirk finally releasing him. Sobs still wracked his shoulders, they shook violently. But his sobs were silent now. Though you didn't miss the tears that dripped onto the floor.
"Eiji," you cooed and lowered yourself to the floor.
He shook his head. "You….sh-should be-e….hom-m-me. He-healing."
"You need me more." You put a hand on his shoulder. Eijiro latched on to you. You didn't care about the blood, sweat, or tears, or how much sitting that way hurt. You just needed to get him to breathe now.
"I -" he hacked. "I'm not strong enough. I'm not….I'm not manly enough. Even now. What if you get hurt again - or worse? Because I couldn't….I can't…."
You shook your head and kissed his damp hair. "Eijiro - honey, listen to me, it wasn't your fault. Really. This was me being overconfident. It was my own fault. You're an amazing hero. Thousands of people look up to you. You have to stop beating yourself up. You're being the best hero you can be. And I love you for every bit of who you are. No matter what happens to me, you'll always be my number one hero."
Eijiro sobbed harder, gripping you closer. You didn't complain at the protesting throbs of pain screaming all over your body. You sat a while longer. When he was finally feeling better, he carried you back to your chair. Then he took a quick rinse in the shower before pushing you home. Your friends had prepared everything for a movie night when you got back; movies, drinks, takeout. 
You could see the relief in their faces.
You still caught him giving you long, guilty glances. You would only lean over and kiss the look away. But you could never know the weight of what you said. He wanted to eat, sleep, live, and breathe by that creed.
You'll always be my hero.
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romiantic · 3 years
this is me, slipping into your asks from your friends blog! idk if you saw the request but i’d love a bokuto fic where his s/o is having a rough natural hair day, i am currently ... struggling lol. thank you angel!!!
𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭
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reading: black!fem!reader
genre: fluff
word count: 1.6k
request: this is me, slipping into your asks from your friends blog! idk if you saw the request but i’d love a bokuto fic where his s/o is having a rough natural hair day, i am currently ... struggling lol. thank you angel!!!
a/n: I’m am SOOOO sorry for the wait sis 😭 but I really do hope you enjoy
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Another one. For the past two hours, you’ve managed to break three scrunchies and your rat tail comb. You groaned in huge frustration, trying to figure out why your hair isn’t working out for you. “What the fuck?! Work with me, DAMN!” You harshly combed out your hair and SNAP! You brought back down the wide tooth and saw the comb snapped in half. In fury, you threw the comb across the room.
“This thing acting like I won’t shave it off and call it a day.” You complained out loud while pulling on your hair and trying to figure out what to do.
“Babyyy! Y/N!” What a relief! Your handsome, six foot two, volleyball playing boyfriend came into your shared home, happy to be home with his beautiful girlfriend. Typically you would yell back hello if you were busy or come into his large body and give him a tight hug as he tells you how his day went and give you multiple forehead kisses.
But today you didn’t. You haven’t left your vanity and glued yourself to your seat as out loudly cursed your hair. Seeing that you didn’t welcome him home, he looked around the house to see where you were until he met a frustrated you pulling at your hair. Bokuto was actually used to your bad hair days so he knew how to approach you whenever your hair didn’t feel like cooperating.
He put his bag down next to the couch and quietly crept into your shared bedroom. Instead of greeting you with loudness, he wanted to comfort you and distract you from the thing that was stressing you the most. He walked behind you and snaked his arm around your waist, giving you a soft hug as he softly said, “Hello y/n, did you miss me?”
You got scared at his touch but calmed down at the hearing of his soft voice talking to you. You slightly turned to face your boyfriend and smiled at his golden eyes trying to calm you down. You took a breather from all the stress and answered, “Of course Kotaro, why wouldn’t I miss you? You’ve been gone all day.”
“You seemed frustrated when I came and you didn’t say hello.” He curved a slight downward smile, “You didn’t even give me a hello hug, you always give me a hello hug.”
You sighed and kissed his cheek to reassure him, “I’m fine babe, it’s just that my hair is not working with me at all.” Bokuto looked at your hair then back at you, mentally solving how he can fix your hair problem.
DING! Something hit him and grew happy at his idea. He smiled widely and asked you, “Y/N can I do your hair? Please please pleaseee. The way you style your hair is so pretty and I wanna try it myself.” The man kept begging you until you finally agreed, “Okay okay Bokuto, you can do my hair. But fuck it up and you’re sleeping on the couch for a week.”
“Don’t worry y/n, I got this.” Of course your boyfriend had confidence that he knew exactly what he was doing since he saw you do your hair literally almost every day. For date nights, games, work, any occasion, he would just sit on the bed and watch you work your ways on your hair until it becomes a masterpiece. Always leaving the white/black hair man in awe of what you can do with two hands. One of the great gifts of having a black girlfriend if he does say so himself.
You got off your chair and took a seat on the carpeted floor. While Bokuto went to go shower and put on a change of clothes cause he knows you don’t like having his sweat roaming the room. After, he took a seat at your vanity and looked at your hair supplies spreaded around. He thought about what style he should do on you, there’s so many to choose from and you would look good in all of them but which one?
You looked at him and saw a concerned look on him, you asked, “Something wrong Bo?”
“I don’t know what I wanna do, I mean what I can do to make my baby even prettier than she is now?” You lightly laughed at his compliment, and his thinking face that he had on.
Finally, a style came to mind, one that was simple yet he loved seeing you in it. Before starting, he collected all of the supplies that were needed and got to work on your hair. At first it was silence surrounding the two of you until Bokuto excitedly started talking about how practice went.
“Y/N you should’ve seen me at practice today! The way I was hitting those spikes was literal perfection, I barely missed any. Oh, we had this five-on-five game today and I got to be team captain.”
“It brought back old memories didn’t it?” You smiled at the memory of seeing Bokuto in his high school uniform, fulfilling his captain role, putting a smile on his team's faces for scoring, and being one of the greatest aces in Japan of course.
“Yup! Feels like old times when it would be Akaashi setting the ball for me and the great ace, that’s me, comes flying in, spiking it and getting another score. Now it’s Atsumu setting for me and Hinata cheering me on, I think Sakusa cheered for me too, don’t remember.”
“Last time I remember Sakusa cheered was when Hinata actually didn’t fuck up his quick attack with Atsumu.” You two laughed at the memory of Sakusa being somewhat excited at Hinata for not missing the ball or spiking it too late.
The conversation continued on about practice until Bokuto decided that it was your turn to speak. You spoke about it as Bokuto was all ears, listening to you, even though you were mostly cooped up in this house since it was your day off from work.
You stopped talking to take a peek at what your boyfriend was doing until he firmly pushed you back down on the carpet. He commented that you would ruin the process, he needs to focus, and that he wants you to wait until the end.
“But Bo-”
“Nope y/n, you have to wait.”
You furrowed your brows at him, “It’s my hair Kotaro, why can’t I see?”
“Trust the process y/n! Don’t you always do that with your hair?”
You let a ‘hmph’ and crossed your arms, “At least I get to see what I’m doing.”
Bokuto gave a wide smile to your grouchy face, “You’re gonna love it y/n, I promise.”
You peeped Bokuto grabbing rubber bands, giving you some ideas of what he could be up to. “And I’m holding you to that promise.”
To make time fly by, the two of you had random conversations that led into a whole nother topic than before. One minute you’re talking about getting new furniture then the next, you’re talking about the coral reef. At some point, you guys even had an odd conversation about weird habits that people do.
“Anddd done y/n.” Bokuto scooted back the chair and got up from it, giving you room to get up and take a look at your hair. Your eyes widened and your jaw dropped at the work your boyfriend did. You were honestly caught by surprise that your boyfriend could do something like that with your hair. Styling it a large puff with black and white rubber band style going across.
Meanwhile, Bokuto was chewing his lip and getting nervous, wondering whether or not you liked it. He knew how much you loved your hair and he wouldn’t wanna do anything to mess up your beautiful curls/coils. “Do- do you like it y/n?”
You turned around, seeing your face lit up washed away his nerves and giving him a breath of relief. You immediately jumped on him, which caught him by surprise and made him lean back, landing on the bed with you still on him. You responded,”I love it Kotaro! You did such an amazing job and this style is bomb as hell, where did you learn how to do that?”
“After that failed attempt at doing your hair, your great boyfriend, that’s me, went on Youtube to learn how to do different hairstyles with your hair. I really loved this style and I spent hours learning it, but I say it was worth it.”
You smiled at his answer, it made you giddy inside that your boyfriend takes time out of his day to learn how to do your hair. Your hair! One that was definitely different from his natural spiked up hair. This kind of dedication made you fall in love with him even more than before.
You gave him a large smile and kissed him, “It was definitely worth it Bokuto cause I fucking love it. Plus I think it’s cute that you tried to match with the black and white rubber bands.”
“I’m so happy you love it y/n.”
You kissed his cheek and said, “I’m even more happy that I have a boyfriend like you.”
“Besides, what if we have a kid y/n? I can’t leave it to you to do all the work. I wanna have little daddy-daughter dates and do her hair while I’m showing her volleyball videos.”
You laughed at him, “You’re gonna stuff our future daughter’s brain with volleyball and make them say ‘One touch’ instead of ‘mama’. But I think that’s so sweet of you Bokuto.” You hugged your boyfriend and he hugged you back even tighter, “That and I didn’t like seeing my baby frustrated.”
“Next time my hair doesn’t cooperate, I’ll just call you for help.”
“Call me Bokuto, the great hair superhero!” You two laughed at the superhero name and shared the moment of happiness and content surrounding the two of you. Honestly, you couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend besides Kotaro Bokuto himself.
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omg I finally finished it, wow I’m proud of myself
I haven’t written in a superrrr long time but hopefully I can get back and write regularly
bye babes, drink your water, stay hydrated, and remember that you are the baddest bitch on the planet 🥰 no matter what ANYONE says
𝐏𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐦 𝟐𝟕:𝟏𝟒 💗
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟣 𝗂𝗓𝗎𝗄𝗎𝗌𝖽𝖾𝗄𝗎. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
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plant-flwrs · 4 years
Can I request a Ravenclaw!Reader x George Weasley where the reader is studying and George is trying to distract her. Thought that would be funny lol
Thank you very much!
essays can wait // george weasley 
a/n: i wanted to give u guys at least a little something as i get my brain started again, and this may absolutely suck, but if it does u r all obligated to lie to me and tell me u love it :D (jk) (not really)
summary: George is just too cute to ignore, even if he’s trying to distract you from two huge essays. 
Sometimes, it felt like Professor Sprout and Professor Snape wanted you to suffer. 
You had massive essays for both of the classes due on Monday and you were not looking forward to it. 
The Great Hall was fairly empty, it being a Saturday, and you poured over the second roll of parchment on your Potions essay. You looked between a book you had checked out at the library, your Potions textbook, and the notes you had taken in class, trying to make sense of the subject. You struggled to wrap your head around it, and soon you let your head fall to rest on the table. The stress had overcome you, and you felt exhausted.
You were barely sleeping, homework piling up more and more every day. You had hoped you could have just this weekend to yourself, George had even asked you to Hogsmeade for the day. You told him no, explaining your essay problem. 
You lifted your head with great efforts, your neck feeling so weak and your head feeling like it weighed 20 pounds. You blinked a few times, looking back at your essay.
You noticed a small balled up piece of paper on the table. You picked it up, unfolding it and smoothing it in your hands. It was a simple doodle of some flowers, so you began to cast it aside. Just as you were about to put it down, an assortment of beautiful flowers sprang from the paper, seeming to appear from nothing. Just as quickly as they appeared, they sank back into the paper, becoming doodles again. The smell of flowers, however, hung in the air. You smiled, already knowing who it was from.
A strong and easy pair of hands slid onto your shoulders, and two thumbs pressed into your neck, applying some pressure and rubbing. You leaned into George’s touch, mouth opening in relaxation as he eased away some of your tension. His hands let up after a while, moving to wrap his forearms around your neck in an embrace. His mouth was close to your ear, chin resting on your shoulder.
“Are you alright?” he whispered, sending shivers down your arms.
You nodded, closing your eyes and leaning into his chest behind you. 
“I liked the flowers,” you finally said, turning around to look at him, “thank you.”
He smiled and looked at your lips. He leaned in slowly, kissing you gently. His hand cupped your cheek, the other diving into your hair. You pulled away after a moment, feeling your mind getting clouded.
“I’ve got loads of work to do,” you mumbled against his lips, frowning.
“That’s alright,” he said, pulling away and sitting next to you.
“You should go to Hogsmeade with Fred,” you said, feeling bad that he was staying in the castle with you.
“No, I’d rather hang out with you,” he said, pulling a bag of candies from his pocket and eating a few.
You smiled gratefully at your boyfriend, resting your head on his shoulder as you looked down at the work in front of you. You scanned through the books, gently removing your head from his shoulder and getting back to work. 
It had only been ten minutes before George interrupted you.
“What’s that?” he mumbled with candy in his mouth as he pointed at your Potions notes.
You looked to where his long and slender finger rested on the notebook, seeing a picture you had drawn of one of the herbs needed for the potion. 
“Bubotuber,” you mumbled, turning your eyes back to your now third roll of parchment. 
“Hm,” George mumbled approvingly, looking deeper into the notebook. 
You nudged it towards him with your elbow, no longer needing it for this part of your essay. He picked it up and looked at it thoughtfully, eyes scanning over your handwritten notes.
This time, he had gone an entire hour until another interruption. You were rolling up the final rolls of parchment for your Potions essay, putting it away. You began to pull out your materials for Herbology, sighing as you dipped your quill into ink.
“How long will this one take?” George yawned out, shutting your Potions notebook.
“Not sure,” you said airily, sighing as you opened your textbook.
“Do you want a nap?” he suggested, sitting up straight and looking at you with an excited expression.
“Yeah,” he said, looking at your things, “you can take this stuff with you and finish it later.”
“Are you tired?” you asked him, looking hesitantly between him and the papers in front of you.
“Well, I was up all night learning how to make flowers sprout from a paper, so yeah,” he said, holding your bag out to you.
You rolled your eyes, sighing as you gave in and agreed to go up to his dorm with him.
You climbed the stairs to his room, and he sprang onto his bed the second he was close enough. The red that covered almost everything was something you were used to by now, but you still preferred the soothing blue of your own common room.  He moved to the edge, curling his body in a deformed ‘L’ shape so he lay on his side with his top half rested against the pillows and his legs bordering the edge of the bed.
You sat next to him, resting your back against his legs as your legs hung off the bed. You began pulling out your papers, setting your roll of parchment on your lap on top of your textbook.
“I thought you said we could nap!” he whined, shoving his face into a pillow.
“You can! I’ll just finish this really quickly,” you assured him, watching as he removed his face from the pillow.
You reached out and brushed some hair off of his forehead, his eyes fluttering shut at your touch. 
“Promise?” he mumbled, already half asleep.
“Promise,” you whispered back, leaning down to kiss his forehead.
You ran your fingers through his hair a few more times until his soft snores filled the room. You retracted your hand and got to work on your Herbology essay.
You were just about finished with writing about the purpose of Snargaluff horns when George stirred behind you. He adjusted his body so he curled around you, now creating a ‘C’ shape as his legs bent around you. His arms wrapped around your middle, and he perched his head in your lap. He had trapped one of your arms in his grasp, preventing you from flipping the piece of parchment over when you covered the front. 
You were usually able to work through George’s distractions, but this one may have been too cute to work through. You carefully leaned over, making sure not to squish his head, and put your books on the table next to the bed. You carefully unwrapped George from around your middle, cupping your hands under his head and lifting it gently to rest on the pillow. He stirred again, this time waking. His eyes blinked open.
“Hey,” he mumbled, voice hoarse and deep, “what’d you do that for?”
He moved to wrap himself around you again, determined to prevent you from being productive. You giggled, shifting in his grasp so he would let go.
“Fine,” he huffed, turning over to lay straight on the bed with his back to you.
“George,” you said, smiling at his antics.
You leaned over, placing your hands on his side and pulling him to lay on his back.
“No, I get it,” he groaned, covering his face with his arm and muffling his words with his sweater sleeve, “Herbology is more important than your boyfriend.”
“It is,” you said, extending your legs and leaning back into the pillows, “but for some reason I like you more than Herbology today.”
George uncovered his face, revealing a wide smile as his eyes were still closed.
“Just today?” he asked, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pulling you into his side.
“Just today,” you repeated, resting your arm against George’s chest as you turned to lay on your side.
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