#he just looks so sweet and cute and loveable
fredmundo · 1 year
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 month
Ford wakes up in Dimension 52, hopped up on painkillers after his metal plate installation surgery, and he’s just rambling about how he misses you.
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While the surgery may have been a success but Ford was feeling a sense of melancholy within his chest the second he opened his eyes.
‘Y/n?’ His voice slurred as your name was the first thing to leave his lips before realising that you weren’t by his side, the seven eyed oracle Jheselbraum was.
‘They are safe at home, safe from harm.’ She replied with all knowing certainty that still left Ford a little miffed.
‘I miss them,’ Ford began as memories of you being you flashed in the forefront of his mind, ‘they would use to wear my turtlenecks and trenchcoats, I hope they still do even if I’m too far away to see them do so.’ He chuckles halfheartedly as the ache in his chest only grew the more he reminisced. ‘The red turtleneck was their favourite and they looked really cute in it too that I just wanted to squish their cheeks and kiss them…but I’m too cowardly.’ Ford then pouts.
the pain medication was making him spill some truths of his heart that was entirely missing you and your sweet smile, your cute laughter and your well…everything! All the things he wanted to say to you, every thought he ever had about you and even his favourite things about you were coming to light in his post surgery stupor.
but regardless of what was causing Ford’s lips to have become loosened because all he wanted to talk about was you, you, and oh you!
‘Too cowardly to tell them how much I care about them, too cowardly to tell them that the moment I realised what I felt for them was beyond platonic, so much so to the point where I stayed awake at night thinking they’d hate me if I ever told them how I truly felt.’ Ford admits as he looks up to the high ceiling of the room he was slowly recovering in, only to feel the most alone he had ever felt in his entire life.
Ford swallowed thickly as his mouth seemed to keep telling Jheselbraum just how much the lack of your presence had affected him. ‘They kept me sane during times where I believed myself to have gone mad. They kept me company during my late nights of research, not once complaining about their own lack of sleep because they were too busy worrying about mine to notice the dark bags beginning to form under their eyes…but I did and I blamed myself for that.’
Ford trailed off as he distinctly remembered your look of exhaustion and the worry he felt, even now when he was god knows how many dimensions away from you he was, and the reassuring smile you’d give him when you knew he was questioning your ability to keep going.
You were far more stronger than he was but he couldn’t help but wonder how you were doing now, now that he was gone and whether or not you’ve been taking care of yourself.
‘They were the first person to hold my hand and not get scared.’ Ford said with a wide smile. ‘They didn’t care whether I had an extra finger or whatever. To them I was Ford, the loveable but sometimes Insufferable smart ass.’ Ford couldn’t help but hysterically chuckle at your nicknames for him because it was true! He was an insufferable smart ass but then remembered how you’d call him your insufferable smart ass. Your as in he was yours to call an insufferable smart ass, nobody else’s.
‘I miss them so much that I feel an ache here.’ He then sloppily points to what he thinks was his heart, however the pain meds had him pointing at his left arm unknowingly but Jheselbraum knew what he meant, you were indeed an important figure in Ford’s life that he’d find some difficulty trying to navigate a life without you in it. ‘It hurts a lot whenever I think about how much of a distance there is between us now. It hurts even more knowing that they might’ve moved on, while I still hold to hope to one day hold them in my arms once again, breathing them in and that really nice shampoo they use.’ Ford lets his arm drop to his side, eyes never once looking away from the ceiling.
‘I want to go home.’ He then said.
‘And you shall in due time.’ Jheselbraum reassures him.
‘Not to the shack,’ Ford said with a frown, ‘I meant back to them, back to y/n.’ He clarifies. ‘For they are the only home I’ll ever want to go back to.’
‘And like I said Stanford Pines, you shall in due time, but that time is not now.’ Jheselbraum says as she stands up from the chair, brushing herself down as she moves to walk out of the room to leave Ford to rest. ‘But you will see your beloved again, that is for certain.’ She adds.
‘Do you think they’ve missed me?’ Ford wonders aloud.
‘More than anything.’ Was all the oracle said before leaving the room.
A smile crept on Ford’s face as he felt himself succumbing to sleep. ‘I missed them too, more than anything…I’m coming home my dear…don’t stay up too late okay?’
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squiddy-god · 3 months
cute aggression (floyd)
Re-upload from terminated blog squid-god-supreme
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Fast steps ran echoed down the halls. Long legs and teal blue hair rushing in a blur, Barling twords a single smaller figure.
Long arms wraping around the smaller (y/n) as Floyd let out a loud laugh while he squeezed you tightly against his chest. You giggled and you shuffled around in his vice like grip to squeeze him back.
“Aahahahahaha kobie-chans so cute! ” Releasing you from his arms his large hands came up to squish your cheeks.
“Haha Floyd stooopp my cheeks are gonna hurt” You giggled as he released your cheeks pouting slightly.
“Awwwwe but I wanna squeeze ya! ”
“Maby later, I gotta head to class” You said back poking his cheek slightly.
Floyd laced your hand in his and started walking in long strides towards your classroom. He walked happily as he began to swing your hands back and forth with a sharp smile.
This always happened, Floyd would spot you from across the Hall or mostro lounge and be filled with the urge to squeeze you, you were just so cute he wanted to wrap around you nice and tight. A sweet squeeze that somehow never seemed to be to tight. He squeezed your hands in his and pinched your cheeks when he saw you. Anyone with eyes and a brain could tell he thought you were the cutest thing.
Finally reaching your class room he gave you a finale tight hug before skipping off happily to his next class.
Giveing you a tight squeeze never failed to bring him joy. When he was in a mood swing he always seemed to seek you out for a hug and copious amounts of cuddles to lighten his mood. Whenever you swam or could be in water was his favorite tho. Being able to wrap around your body completely in his eel form brought a sharp tooth smile to his face.
He always squeezed cute things, from stuffed animals to people and the adorable fishies he’d find in his ocean home. To Floyd you were by far the cutest thing he’d seen, and so he squeezed you as much as he could. Cuddles and tight hugs were a absolute must for the young merfoke.
‘Finally out of class’ you thought as a long sigh escaped you. Math was always the worst class and you felt absolutely exhausted after the hour long lecture on magic trigonometry, wich was somehow worse then normal trigonometry.
You walked down the long halls of NRC to the mirror room.
'Hehe I’m shure Floyd would like if I paid him a visit today’ and with thought you walked through the mirror leading you to the dorm of your loveable boyfriend.
Walking into the morstro lounge you were greeted by the one and only azul. He walked up to you with his usual “customer service” Smile in order to greet you.
“ Ah hello (y/n), I assume your looking for Floyd?” He asks
“Yah I thought I’d pay him a visit today, if he’s not to busy of course! ” You didn’t want to disrupt him if he was working or anything.
“No, no, he’s in his room right now and I’m shure he’d be over joyed to see you” Azul said, amused with how worried you got over the chaotic leech twin.
“Ah! Well then I’ll go surprise him! ” You smiled and waved goodbye to azul.
Walking to Floyds room you couldn’t help but grin at the thought of a happy Floyd.
Knocking in a Ryrithym on his door you hurd him say come in. You opened the door and walked in, closeing it behind you.
“Hey hey Floyd~ guess who-” You couldn’t finish your sentence as you were swooped up into a vice like squeeze.
Floyd spun around a big laughing before falling back on his bed with you in his arms tightly.
“Awww did my little Kobie-chan come to visit me~” He asked as he snuggled further into your (h/c) hair.
“Of corse I did! I wanted to see my favorite eel! ” You giggled as you hugged him back and gave a little peck on his cheek.
Of corse this wasn’t enough for Floyd and he wanted more kisses from his Kobie-chan. He began peppering you face with little kisses being shure to not get your lips. You giggled at the ticklish pecks before you gave him one on the lips. He let out a giggle of his own and his arms wrapped tighter around you.
“I love you (y/n)~ my little Kobie-chan
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cinnbar-bun · 9 months
Ace x Reader General HCs
Rating: SFW + NSFW (separated)
GN Reader
You can read on my AO3 here!
A loveable goofball who is like a puppy around you. It’s adorable but also, everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates roasts the hell out of him for how whipped he is for you. 
He has many different ways of reacting to you, depending on his mood, but there are a few sides that are common. 
Puppy Dog: Full blown puppy, golden retriever energy. He’s at your every beck and call and with a dopey smile on his face as he stands beside you. So happy and eager, and nary a frown in sight as he wants to cuddle and hug you lots. 
Flustered/Shy: This happens occasionally when you act forward with him/he’s caught off guard. He will turn the prettiest shade of red and his jaw will drop as he looks at you. Often mumbles and whines while covering his mouth. His face burns brighter if you or the other members bring it up. 
Smooth Operator: Unlike the other times when he turns into a tomato or suddenly becomes a dog, this is when he decides to “play” with you a bit. Sometimes teases you and whispers sweet-nothings in your ear. At this stage, he’s at his A-game and can handle whatever you throw at him (whether it’s your cute smile or flirting). Super into PDA and doesn’t react much besides laughing if the others tease him.
But regardless of what “side” of him appears, it’s always obvious how much he loves you. Marco jokingly asks when the wedding is and Whitebeard gruffly says he will host the biggest celebration for your wedding. 
Side note: if you two do actually go through with a wedding- Whitebeard doing his best to stay composed while a singular tear drops down his cheeks as you and Ace get married. He’s the proudest papa ever. 
Ace gets pouty and annoyed often if your attention is elsewhere. It’s never obsessive or intruding, but more like a “aw, and I thought you loved me,” type of joke where he wants a kiss on the cheek to “make him feel better”. 
Loves when you wear his hat and pose with it. 
Ace, despite his free nature, really does appreciate how you take care of him and ground him. Lord knows he jumps headfirst into things without thinking, so having you there is his reminder to take his life a bit more seriously. 
Sometimes, Ace questions how he got so lucky to have you in his life. It was just by chance you two met, but every day he feels blessed knowing he’s got you. Occasionally, he wonders if you’d ever leave him for someone “better”, but then you give him that smile and all his fears melt away.
Seriously, not joking, Ace’s favorite part of you is your smile. Your smile is gorgeous. Your smile is everything. Especially when you two are sailing together, or watching the sunset, or under a starry sky, he’s entranced by you. You have his whole heart, and when he sees you smile, he’s reminded of how badly he wants to explore the world with you and protect you. You’re his reason to keep fighting and living. 
When it comes to sex, Ace is eager. He’s not Sanji-levels of desperate, but if you’re offering, he’s taking it at any opportunity. 
Does not mind if it’s in public, on the floor, outside, in the back of an alley- if he’s having sex with you he doesn’t care. 
Ass man. Loves ass, loves your ass. He wants to bite your ass, spank your ass, eat your ass, fuck your ass- he just loves your booty. 
Also, if you wanted to eat his ass, hey, he ain’t complaining, either. You can do him in the ass as well! 
Major switch energy. He doesn’t mind being either the top or the bottom, because sex with him honestly just always ends up becoming you two mindlessly and energetically moving against each other. 
He’s very sloppy when it comes to sex. Not exactly in a bad way, but Ace is so eager to get it on with you that he’s just so wild and crazy in bed. Will go round after round just thrusting wildly into you. He loses some of his brain cells whenever he has sex with you, and just reverts to his base desires. 
The “sides” to him from the SFW portion apply here, too. Sometimes he will happily go at it with you and make stupid jokes. Sometimes he will be a blushing, whimpering mess as you have him on all fours, other times he will be whispering in your ear how good you feel while his fingers are caressing your lower half. 
Ace truly brings the heat during sex, no part of you will be untouched or unloved when you’re with him. He’s in love with your body and every part of you.
He does like certain aspects of roleplay, but he’s not too big on it. If you wore an outfit or made him wear one, that’s probably as far as it goes alongside a few quips before he’s moaning and yelling how amazing your ass feels. 
Also not too heavily into complete domination or submission. He doesn’t do well with mixing kinks into your daily lives, so he’s not going to be one to establish or follow “rules” or demand any expectation from you that you must follow outside of the bedroom. He’s pretty go-with-the-flow so he’d rather just have sex whenever ya’ll feel like it whatever way you two want it. 
Not too into heavily degradation. He can use some basic words like “whore” or “brat”, whatever, but he doesn’t find degrading you enjoyable for him. He loves you too much to truly degrade you, and most of his dirty talk is lewd praise. He also doesn’t care for being heavily degraded back. 
Now, praise? This boy has the biggest praise kink ever. Call him a “good boy” or compliment his body and he’ll have a proud look on his face as he continues to pleasure you. Seriously, praise him- you won’t regret it!
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Kakegurui girl's x Curvy! Reader Headcannons.
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- Yumeko jabami
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● She's practically in love with your body,She loves your hips, thighs, and curves, and she loves it all. She'll sometimes get really close to you so she can feel your body. She is in love with your figure. She's your biggest supporter she loves to show you off to others that your body belongs to her, and only her.
-Mary Satome
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• At first, she was jealous of you and your body, but he couldn't help but like your body later on. She was mesmerized by your curvy figure. She'll glance at your body in secret she just discretely admires your body in awe. Sometimes, she'll get flustered seeing you in pants or a tight dress seeing your curves hug tightly so she can admire your body more. She'll compliment you on your body and ask you questions on how your body is like this.
-Kiari Momobami
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● You were scared and confused by kirari, taking a liking towards your body, honestly. She had never seen someone with a figure like yours, so she was quite fascinated and hooked. She'll have you wear outfits that hug your curves quite well. Some of them were quite inappropriate or to revealing, but she died care she is the leader of the student council, she can do whatever she pleases, She loves when you wear the outfits that she picked for you during the councils meetings just for her sweet pleasure.
-Ririka Momobami
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•She's very shy about looking or gazing at your body she didn't want to freak you out. But she will sneak a little glances or sneak peeks here and there. She thinks your body is so pretty. She blushes a lot when you sit down or stand up, admiring your curvy figure. She's not thinking anything perverted or anything she just imagines seeing you wearing a tight skirt or pants that would nicely hug your curves.
- Midari Ikishima
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• Midari being a perverted loveable freak she is. She is totally obsessed about your body, your curvy hourglass figure, and thick thighs. She'll sometimes have thoughts about seeing you naked and how she can do anything to your body. When you're sitting down She'll sneakily look up up your skirt looking at your thighs and squeeze them. (She looks at your underwear too~) she'll sometimes smack your ass, mark your body, and she'll be awe the way it jiggle and squeezable it is.
-Yumemi Yumemite
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• she loves your body and has you wear cute and tight outfits that hug your curve graciously, making you sing and dance in front of her fans on her shows. She'll give you very specific outfits to wear that show off your body, and she'll sneakily take pictures of your body when you're not looking . Trust me, she has a collection on her phone.
-Itsuki Sumeragi
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•She has an obsession with nails, which is an addiction, but when you first stepped into the picture, your body figure was her latest new obsession. She's in love with your body. She'll constantly go buy you clothes and have you try them in front of her, but really, she just manipulating you into wearing these outfits for her own sexual pleasure.
-Runa yomozuki
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• Runa is quite in love with your body. She uses your thighs as pillows when she's gaming. Sometimes, the election committee would sometimes get distracted staring at your body, while runa just rest her head on your thighs having a smug look on her face and would make threats letting them your body is for her and only her's~
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fairyofshampgyu · 2 years
Missed you
genre: smut, fluff
Summary: beomgyu sends you a very inappropriate video of himself whilst you’re at work.
Pairing: beomgyu x gn reader (afab tho when it comes to smut)
Warnings: smut, sub! beomgyu, dom! reader, bratty beomgyu, use of vibrator, edging, overstimulation, dacryphilia, beomgyu is a brat
Word count: 2.2k
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You made yourself some breakfast, ready to leave for work any second when you feel a pair of arms wrapping around you from behind, head nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
“Wow I’m surprised you’re even awake right now.” You chuckle and turn your head around to look at beomgyu who had his eyes closed as he hugged you, lashes kissing his cheek and fluffy hair all messy with his puffy face from just waking up. Sleepy beomgyu is the cutest.
“Just come back to bed with mee…please. Call in sick or something.” He says in his (extremely attractive) deep morning voice.
“Gyu, you know I want to but I can’t. I have to go to work.”
“Pleaseee. Want to stay in with you.” He opens his eyes now, sulking at you slightly.
“I can’t, baby.”
“Fuck, you look so good in that suit too.” His eyes travel down to your work clothes. And he starts placing soft little kisses on your neck as he still hugged you. You know if he does it any longer you’d give in.
“I can’t. Gotta go now, beomgyu. Bye.” You give him a quick peck on the lips turning to quickly get to the door but he takes your hand, whining at you.
“Excuse me where’s my proper kiss?! And what the fuck is a ‘beomgyu’ I’m literally your baby or your love or beomie, gyu, honey, darling? Where is the love?!” He pouts, crossing his arms at you.
“I’m gonna be late…” You mumble but go back to beomgyu, giving him a ‘proper’ kiss that was more loveable enough for him. “I’m gonna go now. I love you, gyu.”
“Make sure you come back quick!”
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The universe was being impossibly cruel to Beomgyu today.
On the one day he has free, where he finally doesn’t have a busy schedule and doesn’t have to go to work, preparing for a comeback or performance, tour, etc, where he just wanted to spend his day with you, you just so happened to not have a free day and having to go to work. Plans ruined.
It didn’t help at all that Beomgyu was so fucking horny right now, mind consumed by not so cute thoughts of you and you weren’t even here and wouldn’t even be back until late. What should he do? Should he just jerk off?
An idea suddenly struck him, a cryptic grin appearing on his face as he thought about it. It’d be so fun to rile you up and see what you’d do when you came home.
He set up his phone and began to fuck himself, pumping his dick up and down and playing with his nipples since he knows you like it, making sure to moan your name and never looking away from the camera. Once he came, he stopped the recording and sent the video to you immediately, chuckling.
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You were finally on your well deserved lunch break, grabbing some coffee and heading back to your desk, checking your phone’s notifications.
You had a message from beomgyu:
Beoms🧸🎸: I miss you…☹️
With an attachment but you couldn’t view it since it was your notifications. You smile. You’re guessing it’s probably just a picture of him making an over dramatic sad face since he sends you pictures of himself pretty much every day. You found his silly selfies so endearing.
“Is that your boyfriend? Aw he’s so sweet! Wish my girlfriend would send me messages like that every day. She hasn’t even messaged me at all today. Not even a good morning text.” Your friend Yunjin peeks at your phone and sulks.
You laugh, “He was trying to convince me to not come in today, saying I should call in sick.”
“Honestly you should have listened to him. One more day here and I’m gonna off myself.”
“So true.” You groan, remembering the workload you had to do after this break and knowing you still weren’t even half way through finishing for the day yet.
“Couple of us are going to that cafe across the street for lunch right now. You coming?” Yunjin asks.
“Yeah I’ll be there in a second.”
So she walks out to meet up with your other colleagues.
You click on Beomgyu’s message and seeing the attachment was a video. You wonder what it could be of.
Well, you definitely weren’t expecting that.
Your eyes go wide, the loud volume you’re met with and the video making you jump in your seat; an obscene recording of your boyfriend fucking himself. You cautiously glance around, thanking god everyone had already gone to lunch. Anybody could have seen this! Imagine what would have happened! That’s probably what he wanted anyway, you thought. He can be such a whore sometimes.
You could tell he was just putting up a show for you to make you extra crazy for him from the way he was moaning excessively and loudly over nothing, overdramatising and exaggerating his expressions and whining out your name saying he ‘needs you so bad’ and never losing eye contact with the camera. You can see the stupid smirk on his face after he cums and stops the video.
What a little shit.
You send him a text back.
Y/n: just wait and see what happens when I get back home.
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You opened the door to your place immediately, barging into your bedroom where you saw beomgyu sitting on the bed, watching a show.
“You came back earlier.” He states, pausing what he was watching.
You take your blazer off and start unbuttoning your shirt, moving towards him.
“What are you doing y/n?” Beomgyu looked at you, playing dumb and trying to feign innocence. But he wasn’t very good at conveying it.
“Don’t play dumb with me, baby. What the fuck were you doing sending me that?”
“I just sent you a message saying I missed you.” He looks up at you, faux puppy eyes and a grin trying not to etch onto his face.
“Yeah, and after that message?”
“Ohhh. That. That was just a little…present.” He tries to stifle his laugh, attempting to maintain nonchalant.
“Fucking yourself while I’m not there? And sending it to me in my workplace? Where anybody could have seen? That’s not you being very good.”
“So? What are you gonna do about it?” He has a shit eating grin on his face now.
“Take your clothes off.”
“No. You do it for me.” He lays back, slightly smirking.
“You’re gonna be even more of a fucking brat today are you? I’m not gonna do it for you, if you don’t then you’re just gonna get nothing. So either take off your clothes yourself or I’m leaving.”
There’s a stare off between you both as he decides whether he should push you further or not and he narrows his eyes at you, but he decides against it, complying in the end and taking off his shirt and pants. You’re not that patient today. He still makes a scene about it though, huffing and rolling his eyes as he takes it off annoyingly slow.
“Such a fucking slutty brat sending me that aren’t you?” You sneer at him and he moans as you begin to palm him. “Trying to rile me up? You’ll regret it so much after I’m done with you.” He moans even more.
You take his dick into your hand, starting to jerk him off whilst sucking hickeys into his neck. Just a few minutes later of pumping his dick and he’s already going to cum, but you abruptly stop and then get your vibrator to put it on him. Then you just watch as he writhes under it, whining in protest.
“Y/nnn please-ah- want you to touch me instead please.”
“You’re so dumb, baby. Do you really think you’re gonna get anything you want?”
He looks so pretty like that. Vibrator on his dick, looking at you pitifully as all you do is watch him. You turn the settings up higher and he throws his head back, shutting his eyes. You put it even higher and to the highest setting until his whole body is shaking at it, looking like he’s vibrating too and he’s none stop moaning. And then when he’s just about to orgasm again, you turn it completely off.
He snaps his head at you and gasps, completely stunned as if he forgot that he was being a brat just a few moments before and that this isn’t something you would totally do. This is going to be so fun.
You lose count of how many times you do this, putting the vibrator to the highest setting until he’s about to cum and then completely switching it off and starting again. You’re getting a bit bored now honestly but you want to see beomgyu properly break and he hasn’t yet. He can be stubborn sometimes.
This fucking sucks for beomgyu. All he wanted was you and for you to come back and fuck him. But you weren’t even touching him, not even letting him cum! And you’d do it again and again and again and again. He couldn’t really take it anymore. This isn’t what he wanted, he just wanted you! He was so frustrated by now, he just wanted to let it all out and cry about it. And after you don’t even let him cum again for the nth time, his bottom lip wobbles and he can’t contain his crying anymore.
“Y/n please. I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Please, please fuck me.” He’s hiding his face and wailing into his arm. “I’ll be good for you. I promise. I’m sorry, I just…i just missed you. We haven’t been able to spend time together in so long and we haven’t fucked either. I missed you. I’m sorry. Please, fuck me y/n. I’ll be good.” He’s reduced to just a blubbering mess and he gazes up at you looking like a kicked puppy, pleading with his eyes. He looks so pretty like that, his pretty, long eyelashes clumped together with the tears, eyes and nose cutely pink from the crying and his pretty sparkling eyes. “Please…please…” You shush him, taking his face in your palm and wiping his tears.
You’re so weak for him it’s annoying. You’re not even sure if they’re just crocodile tears to get you to do what he wants. You wouldn’t be surprised. He knows You’re weak for him too.
It is true though, what with both of you having busy schedules and work, you haven’t really had the time properly to spend together or fuck each other. It’s been a tiring couple of weeks.
You want it just as bad too. So you straddle him, cupping his face and kissing him, slowly sinking down on his dick, he whimpers and says numerous thank yous. Gasping with his mouth hanging open in a perfect ‘o’ shape with his back arching as you immediately start to ride him at a fast pace, not bothering to start slow and build it up.
“You feel so good-ah-ahh!” He moans at the feeling of your walls finally around his dick. His body bouncing aggressively on the bed beneath you as just use him like a sex toy.
Beomgyu is so unbelievably loud and responsive whenever you fuck him. You love it, but it makes for awkward situations at times. Although, he doesn’t care who hears him at all. In fact, he wants everyone to know he’s being fucked good by you.
“Ahh! Can’t hold it-fuck-need to cum please”
You finally decide to let him and he cries out, eyes rolling backwards and squirting his cum inside you, staying limp for a bit but you don’t stop, fucking him ruthlessly, the lewd and sticky sounds its making echoing around your bedroom.
“Y-y/n-ah- too much, too sensitive…” Beomgyu sniffles, whimpering and gasping at the overstimulation.
“What? you were begging to be fucked and to cum but now you can’t take it, huh?”
He’s about to whine and complain but you take two of your fingers, stuffing them in his mouth to shut him up and he sucks on them instead, gazing up at you with teary eyes and his pretty wet lips.
“So slutty, baby. It’s so sexy.” You say and he muffles somewhat of a coherent thank you.
You bounce on his dick mercilessly, riding him faster and faster and faster to get yourself to cum too, only caring about your high. Beomgyu has his eyes rolling back again as he shakes underneath you, feeling like he could possibly pass out from how you were bouncing on him with absolutely no regard, too fucked out at this point and still sensitive from finally being able to cum a few moments before. And before you know it, he’s cumming unannounced once again, just as fast with a muffled scream, your fingers still in his mouth, sight making you come undone, also cumming around him.
His head rests on yours, panting with sweat glistening his body and his disarrayed bangs slightly damp, whole body flushed and pink. He is so fucked out right now. So beautiful.
You lift his chin to connect your lips with his, kissing him so much.
“I love you.” He pants.
You smile, “I’m so in love with you. You don’t understand.”
“Really? how much?” He giggles.
“Like this much” you widen your arms out, making the space between them big
He throws his head back with his famous windshield wiping laugh, “I don’t think that’s enough I’m gonna be honest.” Beomgyu jokes.
“Well, that’s how far my arms go. You can find someone else with longer arms.” You shrug your shoulders.
“I like your arms just fine actually.” He takes your own arms, wrapping them around his waist and snuggling into you.
Please actually reblog and comment if you like the fic. It’s really appreciated tysm !<3🙏💕😊 It’s discouraging when fics have such little reblogs 👎😭
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serxinns · 26 days
Hi! I was wondering if u can do a normal class 1a x reader platonic hc’s? Like readers quirk is like briar from league of legends and readers pretty sweet but scares class 1a a lil
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I haven't did fucking headcannons In a WHILE I hope you enjoy them!
Disclaimer I do not know much about this character so if I mischaraterize something then I'm sorry
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•ever since you transferred to Ua, they always thought you were a bit weird, especially when you 1st introduced yourself. It was a wild one.
•"Hello, the names y/n l/n and I think blood is tasty!" There was a sudden silence in the class a couple of sweat drops formed on some of the students while you just casually smiled like what you said was completely normal... oh boy it was gonna be a long but fun ride for sure
•your 1st ever companions were Mina and Denki the three of you matched each other's energy and chaoticness it was like 2 dumbasses and one less of a dumbass the 3 of you would get into the most shit like one time you convince Kirishima that he could be a hammer so you somehow got a big nail and test it out resulting in Kirishima knocked out and you 3 getting scolded by and yelled at by katsuki , making iida realizing he has to deal with an extra chaotic person now
• Next was Kirishima your victim I mean your friend you can count on Kirishima was quick to like you due to your lay loose and enthusiastic behavior making him want to be you at times two whenever the two of you trained together you were encouraged each other Kirishima especially and whenever he feels insecure you would encourage him and make sure he's a strong manly man he is! Yall two are just loveable idiots
•Shoto and you had a strange yet wholesome friendship at 1st. Shoto was uncomfortable and cold towards you, which you didn't mind, and you respected his boundaries, but it all clicked when he saw you eating soba. "You like soba?" You turned to face the expressionless boy with a bright smile. "Of course! I even like it with sesame oil, grilled chicken, and a yummy fried egg! Want some?" You reached into the fridge and handed him an extra soba pack and that's how your friendship began even without the soba he thinks ur a pretty interesting person to talk to even with your bizarre talks
"Omg bro you look like that penguin dude from sanrio!"
"I have a cousin name sanrio?"
•next was Ochako she's a tiny bit scared of you at 1st worrying you might get her blood (cough cough flashbacks with toga) but you quickly reassured her that you wouldn't do it without permission which makes her feel a bit better after a bit of time and communicating with each other she starts to feel a bit comfortable with you like would invite you to her room for advice and stuff and the two if you would go out at night to watch the stars with some other students like tsuyu or maybe Tokoyami her most favorite activity is to tell space facts to you (I hc her as a space geek)
•Momo was always your go to whenever you need help with a test and she acts like she's annoyed with it but she genuinely enjoys your company you may the studying sessions fun and interesting for her whenever there's a big test that you forgot to study about all you had to do was go to her dorm and give her the puppy eyes and if she sighs you know that's a instant she then help you study mostly you just copying her notes and make SURE you get a Good grade if not she's gonna make you test the test again untill you get a good grade but outside of studying she spoils you with gifts and more to show off to your other classmates and invites you and the girls for a tea party which ends up quite chaotic
•Jirou was your music bestie you and her trade music Playlists like it's Halloween candy you like cutely but with disturbing music types of songs while jirou like cozy, calm, and peaceful genre but she admits your types of songs are amazing! But you sometimes scare her with your type of music one time she overheard your headphones blasting some sort of innocent cheery music talking about "we'll be together forever!" She thought it was cute so she asked you what song it was and you told her the lyrics and..
"Hey y/n what's the title of that song is sounds catchy?"
"So you became the moon!"
"Awww that's sounds pretty cute whats it about anyways?"
"It's about two kids drowning in a frozen late and they became together in heaven!"
"...you know what that's probably one of the tamest songs you played knowing you I'll take it"
Yea let's just say she was used to your kooky creepy music but she didn't mind, as long as that song slaps she's jamming it with you!
•Bakugo and you were fucking CHAOTIC rivals like yall two would never get along especially when the two of you 1st met you and bakugo would make a competition out of everything to the point he stopped paying attention to izuku at times which he doesn't know if he should be worried for blessed maybe both but the two of you will cause a storm one time yall wanted played Mario party with sero, and sato to see who was the best and it esuclated fast everyone in the class were rooting for you or bakugo even most of class 1b joined in on this making bets and momomeven making merch of this, shit was like a football game but unfortunately it was cut short by a angry aizawa with fuzzy bunny slippers with a hello kitty pajamas (don't even ask) but after thst night the two of you became popular
▪︎ but aside from then bakugo secretly respects you your determination and you wanting to give your all makes him admire that somehow so be bugs you everyday for now on wanting to see that determination again even the rest of the class started to notice and tease him about it which pissed him off
• Izuku isn't at all scared by you but rather is intrigued by your personality and quirk when you 1st introduced yourself he asked alot of questions about you, how your quirk operates, kind of quirk is it, do you drink animal blood-? He wants to know everything and you let him, you and him will chat each other's ears off about your favorite pro hero's and sometimes even go out to hunt for rare hero merch, you even helped izuku by participating in the black Friday event to get a all might themed ice cream maker that he has this day thanks to you if it wasn't for you punching that Karen, he cherished that ice cream maker to this day and even host ice cream parties here and there the two of you basically shared it
• But overall you were their chaotic sibing that are willing to protect, defend, and come to your aid even if it's your fault and out on the battle field you were a beast out there that one time when you, jirou, momo and denki, beat a bunch of villians you didn't know your arm was broken untill you pointed out momo and jirou freaked out while denki ran to get some aid but strangely you weren't bothered by it rather you were joking about it
Momo- "it's ok y/n help it's on the way stay put stay calm"
Jirou - just take deep breaths and count to 10-
"I wonder if I can sling it around will it spin freely"
Both- wtf-
• Yea you were a werid bitch but you were there werid bitch and they wouldn't trade you for the world
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daughterofyore · 1 year
{{Drabble}} George and his anxiety.
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wc;; 661
summary;; George has anxiety about an upcoming speech and you calm him down.
contents;; fluff, sweet nothings, loving caresses, stressed George and signs of mania.
a/n;; although I do write smut mainly I wanted to start filling up my repertoire of work. So, I decided to add in a very small lil drabble for ‘just George’. :)
!!W!!;; none really, signs of his mania? (Shaking hand) and anxiety.
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George, sweet loveable George. He sat in the upholstered leather chair at the large mahogany desk in his study, his thumb and index finger pinching the bridge of his nose. He didn’t raise his eyes to meet yours, he didn’t even glance up as you walked into the study. Your dress hissed along the ground, it’s brilliant floral design cascading down the sides, bedecked with jewels and your hair in a very fashionable up-do. A very classic Georgian era outfit.
You approached his desk, placing a gentle hand on his back between his shoulder blades. “What troubles you dearest?” You question him softly, beginning to rub small circles on his back. He looked up at you, brows scrunched together and eyes glassy. Had he been crying?
“I am… frustrated my dear.” He slapped a hand on top of papers, a quill lay discarded to the right. Ink leaked along the table, threatening to spill off the edge and onto the expensive carpets below. “I have to ready a speech for government. Make my presence known and make sure they remember me.” He scoffed incredulously, shaking his head as if it was hard to believe. “Yet, my nerves will not settle. I am beginning to panic and-“ you noticed his hand began to shake, the tell tale sign of an episode threatening to take hold of him. You squatted down at his side, gently placing a hand on his knee, demanding his unwavering attention.
“My love, I will help you be the best you can be. I know you will do excellently for there is nothing you can’t do.” A small smile tugs at your lips and his quiver in response, fighting back a wave of emotions. “You will be amazing, an excellent king and a wonderful speaker. You need not worry about how they perceive you. You are George, King of the United Kingdom’s.” You stood, taking his face in your hands. Cupping his cheeks and whispering, “And you are my husband.” His shoulders slumped and he stood, now towering over you. He held your gaze, smiling.
“My beautiful wife.” He brushed his fingers along your cheek, they no longer shook. “What would I ever do without you?” His voice broke a bit, but he held firm in not allowing tears to fall. You reached up and squeezed his hand.
“I’m sure you would be fine, I am merely a help.” He shook his head, making a disgusted face.
“You are absolutely not! Yes, you may help me but you are so much more. You are my wife, my love, the mother of my children you-“ He sighed, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you to be flush with his front. “You are everything and more. Venus could not compare to your divinity.” You hid your face in his chest, trying to conceal the blush creeping along your face.
“Come darling, let’s go and get some tea to settle ourselves.” You spoke into his chest and he chuckled at your shyness, tenderly grasping your shoulders and pushing you back so that he may see you.
“I love it when you blush. You look so cute.” He smirked, pressing a kiss to your forehead and taking your hand in his. He began to walk towards the parlour. He told Reynolds to bring you tea and confectioneries, once he had vanished down the hall and around a corner George spun to you and scooped you into his arms. He began to rush down the hall, eliciting screams and giggles of joy from you.
He pushed the door open with his foot and lay back on a chaise longue, placing you on top of him. He began to trace lazy circles over your stomach once you were both settled. His other hand playing with your fingers. Before the servants knocked on the door with the tea he whispered into your ear, his breath hot and titillating.
“I love you, my beautiful wife.”
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lxkeeeee · 19 days
barista! scaramouche x florist! fem! reader
synopsis: in which we read the perspective of the costumers of Café Mon Amour as they watched a slow burn x mutual pining happening in real life between the always having a frown yet handsome barista and the cute yet flirty florist that works from the other side of the street.
genre: mutual pining, fluff, modern au, short drabble.
notes: I got this idea while I was getting my hair done hahahahaha. Also as usual my stories are still gonna be filled with so much commas because idk how to write properly like I still have trouble when to use certain symbols... Hahahaha I am self conscious of my writing style now rip.
notes: found this in my drafts and I thought it was cute and decided to finish it, might probably make a part two of this if people want that:)
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The sounds of coffee being brewed, the occasional jingles of the bell from the cafe door, barista's working left and right, the smell of bitter coffee and the sweetness of the desserts are present in the air. Café Mon Amour is known for its relaxing atmosphere, good coffee and treats, the attractive set of baristas working and also the absolute movie like mutual pining that they can observe almost every single day.
Everyday at exactly 8 am the cafe doors would open and in comes the loveable florist from the other side of the streets and the barista already have her usual order ready.
The other costumers just find this scene very entertaining—even amusing, seeing the frown of Scaramouche's face—the barista—would immediately disappear as he just chuckles at whatever the florist could share to him that morning. The other baristas snickering at him, Venti clearly having an urge to snitch on Scaramouche's crush on the said florist, Xiao immediately placing a hand over the male's mouth to cover whatever words Venti wanted to say, Kazuha and Heizou just looking at the two before giving each other a side eye before giggling at each other.
“How's the sunflower you talked about before the one that you told me that didn't seem to be growing well?” Scaramouche asked with a raised eyebrow, ignoring his colleagues and [Name]'s eyes widen, sparkling even, “Wait! You remembered?!” She asked in shock making the indigo haired male scoff and roll his eyes with small blush on his cheeks, “Of course I would, you kept whining to me about it so it's hard to even forget it.” he says.
‘We know you remembered it during the first time she said it.’ the other costumers thought as they sipped their respective coffees.
“But still you remembered!” She exclaimed with a huge grin and the barista can only sigh.
They would watch the two engage in small talk despite the barista being known for not liking the idea of talking to people considering he would just glare and not say anything when someone orders to him.
They watched as the florist waved goodbye with her coffee in one hand and the barista gave a small wave and while having a nonchalant look on his face.
During afternoons, when the cafe is almost about to close, they would often see the same florist from that morning always bringing one type of flower and giving it to the barista.
They would just silently snicker as the barista would go red and flustered, she brought a sunflower this time.
This scene always happen every single day and one costumer even asked the other baristas if the two were dating and the baristas would just sigh and tells them no.
‘You're kidding, right?’
‘Unfortunately no.’
‘How long have they been you know...? Obviously pining for each other?’
‘Long enough that we ourselves are getting frustrated.’
Despite it being obvious, the two remained oblivious to how the other looked at them—with adoring looks and with pupils dilated. Still, it's frustratingly funny and endearing at the same time. For now, customers and the other baristas alike will let the two dance around each other's feelings for a while, they'll intervene eventually but for now they'll let them be.
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vengeful-velvette · 8 months
Hey stranger!
So a couple of days ago you asked what my list would be for least to most brattiest hazbin characters would look like, and i’m incredibly curious as to what your list would be!
This concept is really fun to me omg I really want your opinion on this 🤔
Hey random stranger who I have never met before! Fancy seeing you in my little ask box.
Here are my own thoughts regarding the tier list, also ranked from least to most to build tension:
- Charlie: I'm glad we both agree that Charlie is at the bottom of this list lol. She's just too sweet! I feel like she doesn't even think to brat either, like she thinks "we're both enjoying this, why would I tell you to stop or not listen to you when I want to?"
I also feel like Charlie really enjoys sweet sex, like she just doesn't understand how someone can enjoy being called derogatory names during sex. She probably also says "I love you" during sex and wants to hold your hand.
At the absolute worst, she'll get embarrassed (especially when you two are first dating) and put her hands over face to hide from your sweet words.
Though, I do think that she has a hidden animalistic side to her (did you see in in the finale? 😳 I'm a dom, but oh, that got to me), that I bet that even she's unaware of. I imagine that she finds this out about herself when you two are play fighting in bed and wrestling each other around. You're able to pin her to bed and as you tease her; "Not so powerful now, are you princess?" She can't help her eyes from going red as she snarls at you.
Which of course shatters all playful energy as you reinsure her that you weren't scared - you actually found it really hot. (Also, fun fact, but as much as I go crazy about Velvette, Charlie is actually my favorite Hazbin character. Idk, she's just so cheerful, hopeful, apologetic, and nice in a show filled with loveable assholes that I couldn't help but get attached. I love her, she's my baby girl.)
- Sir Pentious: I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't see him as the least bratty character ever, lol. He's just so precious! I imagine him as being extremely shy in bed and extremely reactive. Even the most chaste kiss can embarrass him.
I also think he isn't used to hearing compliments since he's visually very more animal-like than most sinners, so some people are little put off by his appearance. So hearing you call him your "pretty boy" and "darling snake" has him flushing and squirming.
I also doubt that he could handle any mean words. It just absolutely kills his confidence. Though I do think he will find some embarrassing enjoyment in being teased, I think that it could never cross into actual mean words. He absolutely loves to please, though, and it's honestly really cute seeing him try to pleasure you even though he doesn't really know how to. What he lacks in skill, he definitely makes up in enthusiasm, though.
- Vaggie: Man, three in a roll that's exactly the same, lol. But I totally agree with you, I don't think Vaggie is much of a brat. I think she also doesn't like not pleasuring her partner (because my girl has self worth issues), so I feel like if you told her to lie down and relax while you pleasure her, it wouldn't take long before she's trying to touch you and get you off too.
That's really the only way I can see her "bratting", and I bet that after awhile with you proving to her that you want to please her, that it brings you pleasure, she eventually relaxes.
- Lucifer: I know you put him up higher, but to me, Luci would never not crumble immediately in bed. This man has a praise kink a mile long and loves to hear you call him your "good boy". Though, there's a reason he's placed here and not all the way at the bottom.
While I do think that the first few times (or, more accurately, first 50 times) he's a blushing mess who crumbles immediately, I feel like after a while he starts to gain some self confidence (and internalized the idea that he wouldn't fuck everything up with you if he messes anything up), he feels a lot more comfortable teasing you back and bratting.
I still think it's laughably easy to get him to crumble, but an attempt is still made!
- Rosie: I know you said you didn't know where to put Roise, but I do! Gosh, I love Roise so much. Every single one of her lines is my favorite. I ultimately find her to be a rather sweet character, hence why she's pretty low on the list, but I still think she has a bite to her that can make her seem brat adjacent.
Like, if you're up for it, she will totally bite you until you don't have a single unmarked bit of flesh.
- Cherri Bomb: Now we're getting into "slightly a brat but can turn it down" territory. I definitely think that Cherri has some spark in her, but I also think that it wouldn't take much to flip her over and make her show her stomach. She's kinda explosive in that way, in the sense that she's hot and quick in the beginning, a bit very quickly flizzes out.
I also think that she's not really used to pleasure? It's implied in the Addict music video that she used to have a lover, but based on her facial expressions, I don't think she really likes him all that much? Or it's complicated, at least. But judging purely by his looks and the fact the two still aren't together, I'm assuming that he wasn't that great of a partner and Cherri isn't used to getting more pleasure than she gives.
- Husk: I think he's actually a bit of a brat. You've seen him bristle whenever someone pets him in the show, I think he's kinda predisposed to ruffling up when you call him your "pretty little kitty" or pet him (even though he really likes being your pretty little kitty). I feel like he's prone to get embarrassed very easily, and this means he can be quite bratty when you lay on the compliments a little thick.
I do think that Husk would get a little off on the humiliation aspect, but it takes him a bit to really accept this fact about himself that bratting to you is easier.
I agree that he's probably used to pleasing his partner during sex, so that probably adds to his brat score as he tries to wrestle control away from you to make you feel good, too. Though, after a while, I think Husk realizes that he feels truly comfortable with you taking care of him (while calling him your pretty kitty) and won't brat as much.
- Alastor: since Alastor is canonical asexual, and I like to include this fact, I don't think he gets the same out of sex as non-asexual characters do. What I mean by this is that he isn't so interested in the physical sexual experience, but how sex can lead to many situations he isn't familiar with. I do think he finds those situations entertaining and thus finds enjoyment in them.
For example, in @/prince-liest fic Station 66.6, Now Playing: The Irreversible Ruination of Your Self-Respect (that I think everyone should read, really it's so good), introduced me to the concept of Alastor really like prey/predator play because he has some deer instincts in him. I really, really, really love that idea!
I think Alastor likes experiences like that, ones he isn't accustomed to. Especially when he you mix that with sex, something he usually has no interest in, but adds a neat layer to the whole thing.
Because of this, I also think he's somewhat of a brat. Mainly, he really wants to see what you will do to him if he says "no", will you force him? How will you force someone like him to do something he "doesn't" want to? I can see him as a sub who likes to make their dom work to get their submission, as it feeds into his massive ego.
- Velvette: she's so used to barking orders all day long that it can be hard to turn that aspect of her "off". So she can be quite bossy during sex. She doesn't really understand that you want to take it nice and slow tonight and will start demanding that you hurry it up as you eat her out.
She thinks she knows best, so she isn't shy in voicing her opinion when she thinks you're doing something too "slow" or "softly" or you're being a "tease". She absolutely hates being called a brat, too, and huffs and puffs and pouts when you call her one.
- Vox: I'm glad we can both agree that he's extremely bratty, lol. He definitely has this image in his head that he's some big shot dom, and probably doesn't even realize he's a sub until he meets you and you take him apart bit by bit. The only reason why I haven't placed him higher is because of how fast he crumbles when you have him underneath you. I wouldn't go into too much detail because I think you already nailed how Vox can turn into a dom, to a brat, to a squirming sub.
- Lute: I know you don't see her as a brat, but I definitely do. I see her as someone who can be pretty bossy in bed. I can also see her as someone who loves being "forced" into submission. She's a fighter! She wants to wrestle into you pin her to the bed and force your fingers into her cunt before shoving your fingers into her mouth to make her "taste her desperation".
I also thinks that she gets really embarrassed by sweet words, and thinks that you're just teasing her when you say she's your "adorable little angel", and thus isn't afraid to bite back at your words.
- Adam: I'm glad he's at the top of both of our lists lol. Yeah he's a terrible brat, and he doesn't really have the excuse of "wants to please you too" or "wants to be forced into submission" like other characters. He's just a brat! He wants all the pleasure for himself, and he wants it right now! I feel like the biggest struggle is actually getting him to try and please you. (Maybe you even have to lock him up in a cock cage to get him to behave - woah who said that?)
Sorry, this is kinda half "tier rank of least to most bratty characters" and half "random smut headcanons I have". Also some of these characters got wayyyyy longer parts because I have!!! Lots of Thoughts!!! About them!!!
Anyway, I hope you like my tier list!!
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therapyforrent · 1 year
Interrupted pt. 4
Characters: Sano "Mikey" Manjiro x Reader, Ken "Draken" Ryuguji
Word Count:
Warnings: making out, attempted smut, some degradation (?), sweet talking, teasing, Draken being a gentleman, Mikey being a loveable dork, this is actually very sweet, fluff
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Shallow breaths and calloused hands gripped over your hips.
You swallow thickly, letting out a small whine and Mikey can't help but think how cute you are. He shifts himself to face you, tapping his own cheek softly with his finger and dipping his head down to your neck. He smells your lavender shampoo as he draws it up, letting his lips linger over your skin.
You wince lightly.
"Mikey..." You whine, but he only seems to shift his weight back, taking a moment to gather himself.
Mikey is in no need to hurry. He licks the slope of your neck, your thighs trembling as he settles in between them. It feels like hours and your lips are swollen but Mikey takes his sweet time. He's kissing you with slow and deliberate strokes, his tongue flicking across your skin before he wraps his hands around your hips and lifts you up so that your thighs tighten around his hips. You reach up behind him, fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him in for a deeper kiss. His tongue darts out and you open your mouth wider to take in the larger pieces, letting your tongue slip inside.
A giggle escapes you and he's taken aback, gazing up at you with his own smile. He didn't realize how loud you were being and he notices now, trying to recover.
You're flushed, arms around his neck as he lowers you down to the soft sheets. You don't know how he has this effect on you but he always does.
Every time.
He trails his hands up your waist and you arch your back, and a small squeal escapes you when you feel him touch your sides. You smell so good and you smile so sweetly at him. "You're like a drug..." He giggles and kisses your neck again, slipping his fingers underneath the waistband of your pajamas. You feel your skin break out in a prickly tingling sensation at his touch and he chuckles lightly before pushing the fabric over your hips. You still have your panties on though, because Mikey needs to be in control of the situation, you suspect. He loosens his grip and lets go of your waist, kissing up to your lips once more. 
His kisses are slow, languorous, and he's pouring every ounce of love he can into the kiss. 
You find yourself melting into him, your hands around his neck and your toes curling into the sheets as you squirm. His hand falls back onto your waist and he nibbles your bottom lip gently. He pushes his kisses into your mouth harder, making a smug sound in his throat when you gasp and moan in response. He rests a hand on the small of your back, gripping you tightly in his own. "I just love your smell..." He breathes into your neck, making your skin burn and your breathing quicken and you grip his back. He feels so good to you, even though you've probably done this a hundred times already. "You know that?" you nod and he chuckles softly.
"Only you would turn sweet and innocent into dirty and sultry."
You press your thighs around him and he laughs, slipping a hand under your leg and gently pressing you closer to him.
"You're even dirtier then you look." He grins, glancing up at you with a devilish gleam in his eyes. You feel yourself blush just at the sight of his face when he raises an eyebrow. "You always do this, sweetheart." He chuckles and kisses the corner of your mouth. "You know that, right?" You nod, his hand on your hip pulling you even closer.
"Of course I do." He rolls you over, bringing you with him so that your head is resting on the pillows and your chest is rising and falling slowly, the tight muscles of your back relaxing. "I want to take this slow..." He kisses your temple and you close your eyes, enjoying the feeling of his soft lips against your skin. He continues to trail soft kisses down your jawline until he reaches your shoulder, his lips coming in contact with your pulse. His breathing steadies and he lets out a soft sigh and pulls away. "I want to be as gentle with you as possible."
His voice is thick with emotion and he feels your body react to his next words. You don't know what's come over Mikey but you keep your mouth shut and let him do his thing. Mikey takes a moment, pulling his shirt over his head. His hair is tousled from your constant grabbing and Mikey reaches for your hips, grabbing your pants in an attempt to lower them.
And suddenly Mikey's looking at the other side of the room, locking eyes with Draken.
You didn't even hear him come in, mind far too cloudy to think of anything else. Mikey places his shirt on top of your waist, to protect your modesty as Draken closes his eyes. "Ahhh, shit, I'm sorry." Draken sighs and you blush slightly. "It was rude of me to walk in here without knocking. Especially in this state." Draken bows apologies once more before quietly leaving the room. You and Mikey are alone once more and you chuckle as you sit up. Mikey sighs, the mood clearly ruined but neither of you minded. Mikey leans in to steal one more kiss from you before laying down next to you. He slips his arm around your waist and he pulls you close to him, the rest of his body pressed against you. You feel his breath fall on your neck and you sigh warmly against him, sinking deeper into his embrace. Mikey presses his forehead against the side of yours, his eyes closing softly.
"You're so soft..." He murmurs softly.
Your eyes slowly open and you study his face. He's gazing down at you with a peaceful expression on his face and you press a kiss to him once more.
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There's an unfamiliar silence.
Mikey and Draken haven't said a single word to each other, tinkering away on the bike in silence. Draken sighs, taking out the rag in his pocket and wipes his hands clean. "Hey, let me see your screwdriver," Draken held his hand out as Mikey quickly scanned the nearby tools that surrounded him. Picking it up off the ground, Mikey suddenly realized Draken was cleaning the carburetor. Draken had chosen to leave the carburetor on, only removing the bowls. So why was he asking for a screwdriver? "What for?" Mikey raised an eyebrow at him. "Um, so I can gouge my eyes out?" Draken made it seem like the most obvious answer in the world. Mikey erupted in laughter causing the tall blonde to snarl again, standing to stretch his legs. "It's a natural, beautiful act, Kenny!" Mikey laughed, chuckling as Draken, who seemingly wanted to forget the awkward experience, shook his head in disgust.
"It's a side of you I never wanted to see, Mikey..."
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A/N: Thanks again for reading and if you sent in any asks, I'm getting to them, just be patient! They will come out shortly! And if I haven't gotten to a character that you would like to see, drop an ask in my inbox!
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louloulemons-posts · 1 year
Newts and Water Hyacinths
Eddie Munson X Fem!Reader
Summary : Deciding to spend his day with his favourite girl, Eddie goes to her home, but where is she?
Word Count : 1.2K
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Warnings : Pure fluff, use of Y/N, potential incorrect information about plants, pet names, reader is basically the child of Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom, kisses, Eddie is whipped lol.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Eddie coming over wasn’t a new thing at all, you were friends for a year or so before dating so him being at your home was a common occurrence.
He knocked on the front door before pushing it open and letting himself in. “Honey I’m home,” he called out, chuckling lightly. No response. “Baby? Where are you?”
Wondering through the lounge and the kitchen he couldn’t find the girl he adored so much. Jogging up the stairs, fingers tapping on the bedroom door before he entered.
Cosy and neat-ish, well your neat. Plants all over the room in various sizes and colours, books stacked upon books, notebooks and journals overflowing with drawings and facts about animals and plants, shells and pretty rocks sat on shelves. Not here either.
Eddie tried not to panic but couldn’t really help it, there was only one other place you’d be. He pushed back the nets on your window slightly and sighed with relief.
The small stream sparkling in the days sunlight. Stood in patchwork dungarees, and wellie boots, a smile noticeable from miles away, was you, Eddies favourite person.
Many people couldn’t believe that you and Eddie were dating. His mean and satanic appearance making it seem impossible for him to be with someone so kind and loveable.
But you were one of the few people who saw through Eddies outer layer, saw him for the sweet and gentle boy he really was.
Smiling to himself Eddie headed back down the stairs, through the kitchen and out the back door. Wandering down to the beautiful stream. “Hey Sweetheart!”
Looking up from your crouched position you smiled at the curly haired metal head. “You found me.”
“I’ll always find you. Figured if you weren’t in the house, you’d be here. Found anything.”
Nodding and brushing a stray hair away from your face you picked up a water filled jar that also held a small newt. “Aren’t they cute Eds?” you asked, standing up to show him.
“It’s a red spotted newt, they’re not normally from places like this, so I might take them inside. Get dad to take a look, make sure they’re safe,” as you explained, he watched your brows furrow in slight concern for the creature.
“That’s a real sweet thought, I think it’s a great idea. We might have to get them somewhere a little bigger to stay though,” he suggested, to which you nodded.
Picking up one of your journals from the slightly damp grass, you passed the jar to Eddie. Climbing from the steam a ramble began, “I drew a couple of water hyacinths too, which isn’t great, I’ll have to tell mom. They can be really invasive, they’re actually a hazard for boats and grow really quickly!”
“Is that right?” Eddie said, sliding his hand into your free one, holding the jar with their newt buddy in the other. “Mhm it’s real pretty Ed’s but so dangerous!”
“Like you?”
“Me?!” your eyes widening as you looked at the boy.
“Yeah baby, just like you. So pretty, but you’re almost like a siren!”
“Everyone just loves you. All wanna be your friends, or more. You have to let them all down easy cause you’ve got your bunch already.”
Nodding in agreement, “‘M not dangerous though Eds.”
“With eyes as pretty as those baby, you could make anyone do anything you wish. Trust me I know.”
“You know Ovid said that Sirens were friends of the Goddess Persephone, they were turned into monsters when Hades abducted her.”
“How do you keep all that knowledge in that head?”
“Dunno. It’s nothing useful though,” you shrugged. Motioning to the bench near the back door Eddie placed the jar down, “Sit.”
You complied. “Its interesting though, and some people will think it’s useful, depends who you talk too.” He squatted down, gently taking you boot covered foot in hand.
“Hm, maybe.”
“Definitely, do you know how much I hear Henderson praising you and saying how cool you are for knowing all this stuff. Even Sinclair Junior thinks it’s awesome and nothing impresses her,” he laughed, pulling the red boot off and placing it next to the bench to dry.
Wiggling your toes, Eddie smiled at your multicoloured thick socks. “Erica’s a sweetheart.”
“So are you, saving that newt, saving the steam from those flowers, saving me from being a lonely old grump.”
That did make you laugh, as he pulled off the other boot you spoke, “You’d never end up alone, so many people love you. Including me.”
“Yeah? You love me?” he grinned, it wasn’t a phrase you’d really said to him before.
“Yeah Eds, I love you a lot. Favourite person and all. Only person who I share everything with.”
“I love you too, and thank you for that, love your rambles. Love everything about you sweet girl.”
Standing up his full height he took her hands, “Careful, climb up on the bench, don’t want you dirtying your socks.” Slowly standing up, keeping your hands in Eddies, now taller than him.
Leaning down you softly pressed your lips to his plush ones, arms wrapping round his neck and legs around his waist. Pulling away you spoke, “Don’t drop me.”
“Never,” he stated, pecking your lips again.
“I’ll come back for you in a sec buddy,” he said to the orange amphibian in the glass jar. Placing you down on the counter, Eddie could only beam at you, pushing falling strands of hair behind your ears he kissed you once more.
It was always something that made your heart feel like it’d come out of your chest. Fingers running through the curls at the nape of his neck, tugging slightly so he’d know not to stop.
If you didn’t have to breathe, you’d never let him stop, never ever. Would kiss him for the rest of time. Breaking away with a chuckle, Eddie rubbed his thumb on your rosy cheeks, kissing there too.
“You go and find a bigger home for our friend and I’ll go fetch ‘em and your journal, okay?” Words weren’t working for you at the minute, mind still racing from the kiss, so nodding would have to do.
Jumping down from the counter gently, you rummaged though the cupboards for a suitable waiting space. Perfect an old fish bowl, “Hey Eds we’ll have to make a trip back down to the stream,” you called out.
“Why’s that?” head popping round the door, and placing the jar and book on the side, Eddie wandered over. “Need the water, don’t want the little guy to get sick. Too much change can’t be good.”
“I’ll go, you stay put,” kissing your cheek once more, he grabbed the fish bowl and wandered away. Watching him walk down the garden, you couldn’t help but think how lucky you were.
Having someone so kind, so considerate, a great friend, and even better boyfriend, just someone who you never had to pretend with. You could just be Y/N and he could just be Eddie. And that was perfect for you.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Thank you for reading, please leave any requests 🤍
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battlemaiden13 · 2 months
How would the boys with gaster blasters (unsure if you have both sans n papyrus have them or like only sanses-) react if their S/O treated them like a loveable dog? Just gushing over them and asking whose a good boy
13: I haven’t really thought about it but I think my headcanon is that only the judges can summon blasters so have some judges. (I added Mutt cause I believe he’s your favorite and I’m currently obsessing over him)
Sans - He thinks it’s very sweet and he loves watching the two of you interact. Seeing you so happy just brings Sans so much joy and he’ll summon his gaster often to watch the two of you interact. Sans also treats his blaster a bit like a dog so now it looks like you both have a beloved pet when you talk about it. 
Red -He doesn’t understand it but feels that even if he argues against it you wouldn’t see his side so he sort of just lets you be. After watching you a few times he still doesn’t completely get it but he thinks it’s cute. You’ve caught him smiling at you a few times. 
Orange -The first time he sees it he has a hard time trying to hide his laughter. You had no hesitation in your approach and he was surprised. He thinks it’s cute but is absolutely going to tease you about this. He might go overboard though as his own blaster seems to stand up for you in a rather entertaining exchange. 
Syrup - He knows it’s illogical but he is actually very jealous of his summoned blaster whenever you shower them with attention. He gets super annoyed and pouty but if you ask to see it he can’t deny you. He’s just going to be extra clingy and demand your attention afterwards. 
Mutt -As you’re petting his blaster on the top of their skull he stalks behind you, wrapping his arms around your shoulder and stomach and yanking you back into him. Growling in your ear before burying his skull in the crook of your neck. He’s big time jealous and should be the only one you’re calling your ‘good boy’.
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oraclemoontarot · 2 months
mark lee's ideal type 𓂃⊹ tarot reading
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icl mark has one of the best energies that i just had to do another reading back to back bye 😭
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cards pulled: queen of pentacles, nine of pentacles, queen of wands, magician, fool, six of wands, queen of swords, three of wands, lovers
Mark's ideal type is someone who is grounded and humble above all else, they are incredibly nurturing and kind yet just as independent and self-reliant. They have this charm, there's something incredibly enamouring and eye-catching about them, it doesn't have to simply be their appearance, but the way in which they carry themselves - like their energy. Even so, they are intelligent and great communicators and are able to set clear boundaries when needed.
Mark's type seems to be someone who can manifest things or make their dreams and goals a reality, they are able to create in the real world rather than live solely in their minds. But it also feels like Mark loves those who are creative too, or at least have a love for the arts, whether that's music, writing, reading, etc.
This is really cute, but Mark would like someone who has this wonder in their eyes, this excitement that is so charming and loveable, it's like they are always curious, always ready to experience something new, always on their feet. I heard having a nice laugh? Like a pretty one similar to a giggle. If he were to choose his type, it would for sure be someone cute.
Mark would want someone who is grateful for their successes and the journey and effort it took to get there, this doubles down on the grounded and humbleness. This person is constantly improving themselves and their lives, never at a standstill, always looking to succeed and better even themselves, essentially growing into a person they can be proud of.
This genuinely feels like someone similar to him? The fun, childlike wonder, yet hardworking and dedicated to their craft with a level of depth to them.
Overall, with the lovers, Mark would simply want someone he could have a deep and meaningful connection with, someone where they'd get each other, they'd love each other solely for who they are. It's beautiful and feels like a genuine partnership, but it also feels like he would want them to be the best they can be - it comes from a really sweet and genuine place.
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starryriize · 6 months
how &team views love | maknae line
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╰┈ ⋆。˚ 🪼genre: fluff!!
╰┈ ⋆。˚ 🪼author’s note: i don’t know how good this was compared to the Hyung Line ver but i loved how it turned out!! hehe writing abt yuma and jo made me so 🥹🫶🏼
listen to: how long will i love you - ellie goulding
🫧laur's taglist: @kehnarii @cherrycolaberry @leehanascent @hyvelxve
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Yuma - To me, he loves with such deep care and affection. I think he views love as beautiful, an emotion that leaves him sad yet wonderfully happy. Love is interesting to him, as it’s not new, but oh, how he wishes you weren’t hurt by your previous love. Despite this, he loves you, fully and with his whole heart. He hopes you realize that you’re loved more than you’ll ever know. Even with all your failures and mistakes, he holds you and continues to love you because your past doesn’t define who you are. You’re still loveable and just as beautiful in his eyes, nothing could ever change that. To him, love is quiet and calm. He cherishes every moment, never failing to remind you that you’re appreciated and worth the entire world. If the whole world comes crashing down, he’d reach for your hand, guiding you to safety and facing misfortune together. Loving him is slowly healing…
Jo - When Jo loves, it's beautiful and the only word for it is magical. It's always shown through his actions and he feels that it's different. He thinks of you in every moment of every day. His love is always so gentle, soft, and warm like his smile. Even when the day seems to be gloomy and you’re feeling stressed, he’s always by your side. Love, to him, is more than a feeling or knowing that his heart beats faster when you’re around. Jo loves you and he wishes to tell the entire world that he loves you. The love that he has for the sunsets, the tiny dandelions outside, the stars that twinkle each night, and the rain that falls...he thinks of you because you deserve to be loved like he loves the universe. Love shouldn't be reserved for special occasions so he makes sure to let you know that he loves you. Everyday. Every hour. Every minute. Every second.
Taki - His love is playful and sweet! Just like him, his love is akin to seeing a butterfly land on a flower. It's delicate and beautiful. He realizes he's in love very slowly, but once he's in love, he finds himself smiling at the most random times. That's what love is- unexpected but welcome. He really can't help but love you. You may think you're not easy to love, but you should see what Taki sees. The way the sunset reflects on your eyes makes you look like an angel on earth. You're even more breathtaking when you talk about something that you're passionate about. Taki loves you in every way.
Harua - I think, despite not having a lot of experience with love, would see love like the movies. When he loves, it’s very real and he values it with his entire heart. I see him as the type to be a soft romantic and stand up for his partner, regardless of what life throws at you. He finds himself picking up your little habits and it makes him smile just thinking about how he hopes you're his forever. Harua views love as something beautiful- not superficially, but the way love is simple. It's fond and familiar. Love is hard, and Harua knows that. Despite the cruelty of the world, he wants to be with you. His love reminds you of summer breezes and the simplicity of life. If forever meant being with you, he would embrace forever with wide open arms. He loves you more than you can ever know.
Maki - I firmly believe he sees love in everything. Perhaps it is his upbringing but to him, love is laughing when you trip on air and saying aww when you see cute puppies. His love is noticeable, yet reserved. You know he loves you but he expresses it in ways that make you wonder if you saved a world in your past. To him, love is learning about you and wanting to live life with you! Loving you is so easy, it's like breathing. He loves you so much and in each kiss, he hopes you know that you're never alone. Even if no one is by your side, he'll proudly stand with you. His love makes you feel like life is worth living, not just being stuck in the corporate cycle.
🫧join laur's taglist!
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yersang-dreams · 7 months
Can I request a headcanon, Rimuru Tempest, with an female reader who is like Nezuko Kamado from (KNY?)
Of course dear anon! I love Nezuko sm, she's just so adorable.
Characters: Rimuru Tempest
This was during the battle with the four demon brothers, I forgot their names somehow. Forgive me I don't really remember their names.
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You first met Rimuru with your brother Tanjiro was looking around in the Swordsmith Village(?) along with Mitsuri.
A red demon who's always mad wqs going towards you and shock you but instead of seeing Genya or your brother coming to save you, it was a blue slime.
There was a flash of blue that passed you when that slime attacked, soon enough you guys managed to defeat them and now you can walk in the sun too!
You love cuddling with Rimuru! If you're both are alone without you also clinging to your brother—If you're brother is in the room, your favorite suddenly changed to Tanjiro and Rimuru tries his best to get your attention back to him though-
He just loves your attention okay?
Not only that you have a new person to protect you from a certain simp! Zenitsu-
Anyhow! You're overly very loveable, sweet, and powerful too! So it's a win-win to Rimuru—Both cute and powerful!
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Well! I hope you liked it! It actually took me a while to remember things and summarize it without having to watch the anime again-
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