#he is my ult ULT™️
luxurystark-jackson · 3 months
marauders era characters as kpop stans
idk i randomly thought of this making it up as we go along
stray kids and ateez stan (CLOSETED TWICE STAN FIGHT ME)
his favourite song is hoodie season because it’s cute and it reminds him of regulus
as a Rich Friend™️ he buys concert tickets
jeongin biased because he reminds him of regulus (me, a delusional jegulus shipper)
full on stray kids stan
also day6 and txt
insult changbin or hyunjin in front of him and you’ll end up in the hospital wing
exists on 3racha’s soundcloud
as another Rich Friend™️ he is the number one profit source for JYPE
he puts his posters up ALL over his room and walburga absolutely despises it
he goes feral (changes into padfoot starts howling fucking nuts) if he pulls a changbin pc
ateez and txt ults but also stray kids
the marauders all stan skz let’s be real
he also listens to bts and seventeen (he’s such a simp for shua change my mind)
biases yeosang and taehyun
sirius buys him albums all the time (my dream omg) like 15 minutes after he mentions he might get an album it’s on his desk
has playlists for certain moods
fanfic reader™️ secret tumblr account for his recs and ao3 is bookmarked (we do not speak of wattpad but he has one of those too)
exo shinee and bts ults
low-key nct stan (especially nct 127) plus superm
anyone who tells you peter isn’t a 3rd gen stan is LYING
the only thing he can afford is spotify premium and he lives off of it
sirius and james try to buy him albums and he’s just like Absolutely Not i Refuse to listen to you tiny 4th gen stans
when he has some money he goes all out every single exo album he can get his hands on
he believes in growl supremacy also save me like if he could inject it into his bloodstream he would (don’t do drugs kids only bts)
he likes to dabble in producing he has a secret wip he’s been working on for like three years it’s coming out next month
txt (certified beomgyu simp) stray kids and xdinary heroes
his favourite song is 9 and 3/4 because it’s the first txt song he listened to (plus like the magic references obviously he’s convinced txt are secretly wizards)
he buys albums obviously but he also buys those seasons greetings (as in those £70 bitches) and has a collection of them
touch his pcs and it’s St Mungo’s for you
he says stream good boy gone bad
that one time he asked lucius if he’s ever met stray kids because i.n did an impression of dobby-
twice and itzy stan. the hugest itzy stan.
ryujin/yeji bias i'd think probably both
will not shut up when itzy have a comeback
absolutely peer pressures (gently) everyone around her to listen to itzy songs
she has absolutely dragged all of the marauders to a concert with her. sirius agrees that ryujin is cool and their bonding mechanism is going to concerts together 100%
twice and bts and txt stan
huening kai biased. i feel it in my soul
she's the type to go on twitter and be the mediator in fan arguments
collects pcs and probably runs a tiktok account where she does deco for her pcs
she seems like the type to write jyp and hitman bang fanfiction but not say any part of it is satirical
dreamcatcher and txt stan
she runs a lore account on twt/tiktok
probably has a corkboard where she notes down all the txt lore she can decipher and tries to work it out
she's also obsessed with ryujin even though she doesn't stan itzy. like. who isnt lets be real
she gets into in depth discussions with remus about the plausibility of certain theories they have about mvs
xdinary heroes day6 enhypen txt and wayv stan. dont ask
he would die for o.de he has said this many times. and sunoo probably
he would start the fanwars alice breaks up (90% of them are where he says something about hyunjin to piss off sirius completely on purpose)
anytime he sees a man with long hair he feels immense gender thoughts
absolutely the hugest thirster in the set. cannot resist a man with thick biceps at all
very obsessed with enha's vampire concept. very very obsessed with it
he would willingly learn how to do cosplays and makeup without magic so he can authentically create costumes based around idols in specific mvs
was roped into xdh by barty and skz by regulus but discovered nct on his own
he watches cringe tiktok compilations all the time
has met mark lee before. dont ask me how. he just has.
he is the most indifferent person when he gets albums but is loony when it comes to lightsticks
no1 sticker defender. probably would set up a prank of some kind where sticker just plays on repeat in potions to piss off slughorn
professional at pirating unreleased songs guy
closeted twice itzy and blackpink stan
she is crazy about lisa and jeongyeon
absolutely no one knows about her interest in kpop except lily
secret kpop specific twitter
participates in fanwars to put gasoline on the flames but mostly just here for the music
secretly learns choreographies and has a popular instagram account where she posts fan art (secretly)
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applestorms · 1 year
if you consider the ways in which dirk & jake parallel one another in their (attempts to be) embodiment(s) of the Ideals of Masculinity, ultimate dirk being portrayed visually as super buff is actually really fitting?
like: dirk and jake both try to take on a few key Masculine™️ traits they see as ideals, but seem to naturally embody the inverse of one another. or basically: dirk is way more adept physically but tries to present himself as hyper intelligent & this mastermind pulling all the strings when in reality he’s more of a puppet than the puppet master. this is not to say that he’s stupid, his interest in history (and plato, if we’re to interpret the Timaeus part of timaeusTestified that way) and rose-adjacency is evidence against that, but even just in comparison to the other people he grows up with (AR, the cals, and, yes, jake) he doesn’t have the same kind of quasi-omniscience necessary to really keep up. it’s not a coincidence to me that dirk’s role in a lot of his major flashes is largely physical too, and specifically spurned on/directed by other people (synch/unite was conceived of by AR, prince of heart rise up was advised by callie, etc.)
jake, on the other hand, very clearly tries to take on the role of a dumb jock action hero like in his favorite movies, but his true strength seems to really come from his intelligence, and to some degree charisma (though that’s got a big * attached to it and is also kinda part of that intellect). i think it’s more well known by now, but though jake hides it well his intelligence seems to be practically on the level of AR and other such mostly omniscient-narrator types. this is, ironically, most obvious in how brain ghost dirk provides jake with information he in his own words “has no business knowing,” to the point that aranea even asks him how tf he figured out that his name is connected to lord english the Big Bad. he also figures out AR directed synch/unite almost immediately upon getting dirk’s head and manipulates jane into friendzoning herself so he doesn’t have to reject her etc. etc. watch the optimistic duelist jake english series on youtube
i really like the interpretation of lord english as being basically just patriarchy, violent and active and non-stop aggressive but also the powerful shadow leader of a gang and wealthy beyond belief. it really vibes with the most key queer elements of the comic imo, not just in terms of relationships but greater themes too, like how hussie is comedically against the concept of heterosexual reproduction in homestuck to the point of fucking absurdity.
so it makes sense in my mind that dirk & jake, as the human kids closest to caliborn himself that he explicitly latches onto, both are and try to embody these Masculine™️ traits in one way or another. this is really a key part of their Dualisms to me, and since homestuck is way into duality especially by the time we get to the cherubs i think that dichotomy is important.
moving this forward to ult. dirk, iirc a lot of his actions are actually pretty physical (kidnapping rose, all that shit about worldbuilding or whatever which in retrospect might be tied to the timaeus thing too idr). ult dirk is pretty clearly influenced by lord english too, likely in the fact that combing all iterations of Dirk also probably involves taking bro strider (influenced by the “filled” lil cal) and AR (possibly even in the form of the arquius that made up LE), which fits the whole pretending to be the puppeteer but actually not in control at all thing he’s got going. what i’m really interested in, however, is how this ties into the concept of an ultimate jake, especially when considering how the hope aspect might influence him there in comparison to dirk’s heart aspect and splinters influencing his ultimate self. (also: BGD seemingly not being included in the ultimate dirk still fucking stands out to me. good lord i hated the epilogues and hs^2 but i still read so much of that shit why past astro why did you do that to yourself.)
edit: forgot to mention this, but it might be interesting to reread some of the meat timeline’s dirk dialogue w/ the thought of how his taking on of the narration itself might be causing him to be influenced by the other characters just as much as they’re influenced by him? e.g. w/ the whole controlling davekat to get their shit together thing, how much of that is dirk controlling dave and karkat and how much is dirk being influenced by dave and karkat’s subconscious thoughts. might not be anything, dirk in the original comic is mostly just influenced by the quasi-omniscient beings i mentioned earlier, but him slowly getting puppeted by everyone not just LE’s influence is an interesting thought to entertain
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ziracona · 2 years
Just read the kid ficlet and I'm loving cu kicking ass as always, and I'm sorry you've had a rough fall 😑!
Good job with the fight scenes btw also I like how you describe the ghosts, thier my least favorite enemy's for thier np drain they're not fun enemies.
Also when cu said Emiya was heroic and edgy was he refering too emiya alter kinda like when cu was described as having other versions? Anyway love the fic and this ficlet and I hope things get better for you.
Yeah FUCK np drain frfr!!! Like deal 3,000 damage like a decent enemy and leave my ult charge alone. Provokes the emotion of hate you get playing KH spamming self heal and then the boss casts self heal too like U. MOTHEFUCKER. That’s MY move set???!
No, re the question. Cú just thinks Emiya is an edgy mofo. Emiya Alter is inarguably edgier, but they’re both edgelord kings. He was there for the whole “I am dramatically going to kill my child self to put off a lifetime of torture for him” debacle in Blade Works and knows who he really is and like, blew his arm off. So he’s seen him at Peak Edge™️. He also thinks (true) he has a martyr and savior complex going and sure it’s more complicated than that, but all Emiyas full hundo will hit that mofo sacrifice play. And it pisses him tf off. Partially because it’s destructive and annoying, but also because some elements of it /are/ admirable and he hates having to admire part of someone who irritates him to hell and back. When he sees Emiya Alter he’s gonna be like “Wtf you can get WORSE???? There’s a MORE EXTREme YOU??! This ISNT AS BAD AS IT GETS!?!?” — meanwhile Emiya like: :[
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withleeknow · 4 months
LMAO I CAN'T our bias lines are defying all odds we just have impeccable taste but also the age thing lol 🫡
I didn't really have a bias in SNSD (at least not in the new-gen-sense of the word) but I always had a soft spot for yuri and seohyun 🩷 but v v hard to choose an ult
🍙 tax: I think I found the video to add to the elite-skz-collection = the combination of boba eyes + impeccable hair + face cards is making me glitch a little https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeXwsGyo/
we do have impeccable taste, i agree 🤣 i feel like when i start watching en-o'clock i'll find them so much more endearing :') i'm Looking™️ at heeseung even tho he's the same age as my son beomgyu, and jake has son potential to me even tho he's the same age as jay lolll
i was a hugeee tiffany girlie during my 2nd gen days. i think jessica might've been my second favorite but it's been so long that i can't remember 😂
the face cards go so hard fr they neverrr decline ! how do they just look like that and expect me to be normal about it !! have you seen the new looks from the snippets at the airport 😔
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jeonqkooks · 1 year
It’s so hard cause I only have one friend who is into kpop and is also a jk bias and I’m out here FREAKINF out about all the upcoming stuff he has and the MV and all that like genuinely so scared cause ik I’ll be mentally unstable but this friend is like normal😑like idk what to do anymore :( I’m to the point where I just wanna stop following what jk and BTS does anymore… it’s that bad
i don’t have irl friends who are into kpop (but i also don’t like to talk about it with my irl friends bc i’m a weirdo who gatekeeps her interests lol) so tumblr is my only outlet. but yeah everything you said, i think it’s pretty understandable? we’re all attached to them to an extent so at least to me, i think this is a pretty reasonable reaction. you can be happy and excited about certain news, you can be sad about certain news, you can even be scared about certain news - like this one for example! as long as it doesn’t affect you in a very real and negative way then i think that’s ok. that’s just the fandom experience 🫶
however, if it starts making you feel bad and you start unintentionally focusing on them more than you’re focusing on yourself then maybe it’d be good to distance yourself for a little while to try and reconsider how this fandom experience would best serve you. i totally understand how you’re feeling, i don’t talk about it a lot but i get like that too. sometimes when i get too insane™️ i have to think to myself “maybe we should go touch grass 😑” lmao. this probably wasn’t noticeable here on the blog and i only talked about it with one person but i did have a period earlier this year where i distanced myself from jk even tho he’s my ult. and it wasn’t a bad thing, it didn’t mean that i wasn’t a fan anymore. i just needed to reevaluate how to make the experience enjoyable for myself again :)
maybe this got more serious than you expected but i just wanna let you know that i completely understand. i don’t actually Talk about it on main a lot but i do go through this sometimes, so you’re not alone and it’s nothing to be ashamed of 🫶
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sungtaro · 2 years
okay wait all time favourite vity moment . ure welcome. (also yours wanji OR overnight jungmo?)
cracks knuckles ur about to get more than or perhaps precisely what u signed up for ... it actually didn't take me very long to decide when i thought abt something that pertains to ot9 . cravity park ep 13 my beloved // specifically when it's seongmin's turn bc i feel like the entire like . unfolding of that was what really cemented that this was going to become an ult group for me ... u get to see so many of the dynamics play out over the course of a few minutes. gosh where to start like ... you see each and every member kind of have their own reaction to what's going on, and they are all giving space for the Emotions™️ ... like you can tell it's a bit distressing for them to see seongmin cry like that, but they don't brush over it or rush him through getting out what he's really trying to say. but they ARE able to still add bits of lightness and humor without discounting or taking away from focusing on his moment to talk out what he needs to and it is just so indicative of their group culture. like the back to back "we shouldn't have done this" from minhee, "if we'd known, you would have gone last" from woobin and then seongmin continuing to talk about how he's so grateful for wonjin and then taeyoung, COMPLETELY seriously, is like "i'm jealous!!!" so seongmin then takes the time to also seriously address their relationship (no matter how much he cringes through it) and everyone is just like . helping to facilitate / rephrase / interpret and supporting the whole thing the whole time . and then seongmin goes around the entire circle and hugs them all ... god i love one big healthy happy family called crabity
and for ur second question . yours wanji there is no competition
send an ask to make me choose ...
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skygremlin · 3 years
Oh would you look at that more wing designs but this time it's genshin and I'm super invested help
And I have Ideas™️ which will be under the cut bc it's a lot of writing lol individual images and other versions will also be under the cut bc they've got my thoughts written down with em
I ended up designing wings for my main team and will probably do more for my favorites +Amber but idk about anyone else yet. If you're interested in others, lmk! ^^ it fuels my desire to make more otherwise I'll probably stop at like 7 characters for the foreseeable future
From top to bottom: Kaeya, Diluc, Fischl (dyed version), Zhongli
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And here's the underside (with both versions of fischl's wings) :
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Might change zhongli's but I don't want to work on them anymore rn :')
So!!! Ideas
I haven't really seen any genshin wing au stuff aside from like one drawing and one fic that I didn't want to read bc it was kaeluc anskhjs it sounded kinda interesting tho so I might so here we go ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ This is just my take on a genshin wing au
Vision user's wings change slightly when they get their vision to get markings that kind of reflect their element. They're usually on the top/dorsal side of the wings but can be on the underside as well
In the case that someone gives up/discards their vision (like jiangxue) then the markings will fade and won't be as pronounced as when they had a vision but they'll still be ever so slightly visible.
No two vision wing markings are the same
Vision wing markings slightly glow when using an immense amount of power (aka the ult lol)
Dying one's wings to give oneself vision-like markings is frowned upon if they don't have a vision. Tho it is fine to dye their feathers/wings, just usually not with any specific markings that can be seen as vision markings.
Vision markings can be dyed over but it's usually a lot of work and no one other than people trying to hide that they have a vision do it. Bc if it's too much work and people know you have a vision anyways why do it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The glow when using an ult is still visible
Delusions don't give vision markings
Gliders are still used but mainly by children (kind of as somewhat of a safety precaution for those too young to fly properly but jump off things trying to fly anyways), elderly, those who can't use their wings well/are injured or those don't have wings. Basically not the able-bodied angxnshm
Every human has wings with the exception of those who lost them in, say, an accident or combat or something. Tail feathers are also a thing but not everyone has them
Wings can often look different in childhood than when they're older (usually around their teen years)
Those without wings are seen as abandoned by the gods since those in khaenri'ah lost them when they turned into monsters.
Khaenri'ans that are still human for the most part like kaeya and dainsleif still have their wings but often have unexpected.. side effects, let's say. I'm going off of the idea that everyone in khaenri'ah was cursed but it affected a few people differently so they weren't turned into monsters but they're not 100% "human" either
Adepti can get wings but don't need them and thus don't usually have them (aside from the birds lol or those that may have been human before). The more human-like adepti often have/get wings to blend in (like Xiao wearing a vision even though he doesn't need it)
Aether and Lumine's wings are physically gone for now and the only thing left is scars. I also thought about having them keep their wings but having them be paralyzed but I'm partial to the first idea tho bc it makes them seem more suspicious to be without wings. I just like to make them suffer :)
also a thought I just had: smol ganyu saying she wants wings like cloud retainer's 🥺
Anywho, that's that for the general rambles now onto individual characters lol
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Diluc's! The one on top has vision markings and the one on bottom is before/without. No thoughts head empty other than I wanted to give him wings that were kinda like a hawk's bc he has one ig :v I know diluc got his vision really young but I was lazy and didn't feel like changing his wings much lol but!! Small child diluc with greyish black wings that get more red/color as he ages bc I can't resist alluding to a phoenix
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Kaeya, kaeya, kaeya. My man my main
I had a hard time figuring out what wing shape to do for him but ended up going with high speed-type wings because he basically teleports on his 5th attack and he's got that 20% decrease in sprinting stamina consumption. Basically I equated that with "he's fast" lol. Also gave him some eyespots as a nod to his constellation plus I think it suits his character and I can see him joking about having more eyes than one in reference to the eye spots or smth. Not that he only has one just that only one's visible msgxjsh
'n it's not a design that's going to be used for his wings but I colored it based on his cape and I thought it looked nice so:
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I feel like Fischl would totally dye her wings. Also gave her a crow-like wing shape bc of her constellation bird constellations coming in clutch. I just realized 3/4 of my main team has bird constellations lol it was meant to be 1st pair is dyed, 2/3 aren't. No tail feathers but her dress gives the illusion of them
Oh my gods I had so much trouble with the colors/patterns for her wings I'm still not sold on it but I don't want to work on hers anymore
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Zhongli yes hi hello. You know how his hair tip glows when he uses his E? Yeah I feel like the same thing would happen with his wing tips. Also he has wing claws!! :D those are always fun to do. He doesn't have a visionless version but I did a fancier one for idk his archon form or smth
I commend you for getting this far, here have a cookie 🍪 sorry it's so long andgnshcnd I just wanted to explain my thought processes
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causalgelato1993445 · 3 years
I feel like when Chan subs, he's such a good boy, like capital G Good boy™️ but oh my g o d, when he wants to test your patience?? biggest brat. like he'll do anything to rile you tf up to get a punishment and he'll love every second of it
SEEEEEE i'm more of a soft dom, which is why felix is my ult. (felix is a sweet soft little kitty boy angel and you can't convince me otherwise) but i can actually see chan acting bratty in some situations. idkkkkk y'all might be able to handle it but i could NOT.
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hematomes · 3 years
(responding to ask from like 2 days ago oops) CYNO AJSDJ HELP ik he’s gonna be a five star and that makes me Upset™️ bc for some reason he has like. the same energy that bennett, sucrose, xiangling, xingqiu etc. have as like. kickass generalist 4 star supports ? i want that for him but. IF HE MUST BE A FIVE STAR SO BE IT
wait why is le fluers du mal one of ur fave books :0 ive never read it so. CURIOUS
also ive never attempted spiral abuse 11 before but. decided to try today and got 8/9, with fucky rotations and not bothering to switch teams to do the third chamber, so i had. the wrong teams. that’s the chamber that got 2 stars but. it’s bc poor electrocharged team was facing,, electro lector shield,, the electro wolves were not a problem tho like childe xiangling kazuha bennett comp MOWED THEM DOWN IT WAS INSANE AJSJD
ig my near religious artifact farming finally paid off?
zjdkzk honestly while id love another 4* power unit like them, i don't rly see it happening considering the current 4* are very niche/harder to use (WHICH MAKES ME MAD NOT BC THEY SUCK BUT BC THEY'RE UNDERRATED. sara is literally amazing? yunjin almost doubles my NA dmg? thoma's shield on ult is basically as powerful as my zhongli? gorou helps itto clap 100k per hit LIKE. COME ON)
so yeah point is i don't think we'll ever get 4* characters like them, or maybe in a Long Time..... tho cyno might rly be a 4*, we don't know 👀 and he was rumored as a 4* at the beginning so THERE'S NO WAY TO TELL... ngl tho im suspicious because the new boss (from chasm) apparently gives geo drops. so we should get another geo character? but idk who. maybe heizou
IT'S MY FAVORITE BC it's a poetry book and it's really interesting, Baudelaire has a way with words that absolutely wrecks me everytime,,, and les fleurs du mal is really beautiful bc it's in the midst of the dark romantic era (kinda), so it's about what we call "spleen", basically around the humorism thingy. spleen is the black bile equivalent!!
!!! congrats omg, this floor is a whole bitch and the overload lectors piss me off so much everytime... kokomi working overtime against these bitches
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scoganz · 3 years
SO WHICH Bonnie in your opinion is Best Bonnie™️?
relative to all the games im assuming!!!!
thats a lie. ok. im making a opinion list on every bunny <3
1. bonnie fnaf 1 will always be my comfort girl forever cause i grew up with him :^)
2: toy bon is alright! never really liked any of the toys anyways so. shes alright :) RXQ is cute and a shy shadow. love them. withered bon is a big fave cause i love how unique the design is! sillhoette is so recognizable its definately a top tier design.
3. i fucking hate afton :) but spring bon by himself is cute i always imagine like spring season and flower crowns and butterflies n shit when i thinj of spring bon, hes underrated i think.
4. NiGHTMARE BONNIE IS SO COOOOOL ough i love the nightmare designs aswell generally, then again i just have a HUGE soft spot for fnaf 4 its my favourite in the series. jack o bon is camp and i love them for it. plush trap is a hit or miss for me! sometimes i think hes cute other times i want to punt him like a foobaw.
5. bonbon and bonnet are so fucking cute im going to wrestle them off toy freddy, i want 40.
6. im genuinly so peeved and mad bonnie didnt make the cut in sb. what the fuck you know. but im LOVING all the fan designs theyre doing the lords work fr. i dont personally understand vanny so i cant like her character, im also not the biggest fan of her costume?? idk what it is i do not like it.
ok now im going to quickly give my onions on the side games / book bons! (ucn wont b mentioned thinits just a catch all for the anims! theres no new ones there)
pizza simulator: rockstar bon was/is my ult fave because i LOVE the sleek rockstar design and i love his voice and i love that his fnaf 1 base wasnt strayed from too far at all, it truly looked like an update to his design. afton looks like a dumb loser, hes too cartoony for my taste, megamind looking-
fnaf world: i know theres no new bons in this game but i have to mention it because oh my god theyre so fucking cute second favourite game ever because of how adorable everyone looks.
the twisted ones (books): oh baby the fan renders of twisted bonnie from the books are fucking insane i love them, he looks like a literal nightmars, a little goofy but i digress.
i think thats it!! lets make the tier list now (only varients!)
1. rockstar bonnie
2. classic bonnie
3. RXQ bonnie
4. nightmare bonnie
5. withered bonnie
6. bonbon/bonnet
7. twisted bonnie
8. spring bonnie
9. toy bonnie
10. plush trap
11. spring trap (if i ever saw that thing in my home id stomp on it until it was a small stain on my flo-)
(honorary top 5 mention would be the cartoon/show cutouts in sb of bonnie, warm place in my hart for that thoughtless blurple buny)
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sopeverse · 4 years
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no please, he really is the most ethereal man to walk this earth 😭😭 like i’m a pretty openminded and non-judgmental person when it comes to other people’s preference and who they deem good looking but if you’re not attracted to kim seokjin even a tiny amount then there’s a 1000% chance that i’m judging you cause they don’t call him mr worldwide handsome for nothing <333 also dON’T GET ME STARTER ON HIS HIGH-NOTES, THIS MAN TAKES THE CAKE FOR BEING KOREA’S NUMBER ONE MOST TALENTED AND BEAUTIFUL HOOMAN!! and i get what you mean, i really do try to stay loyal to sope cause they’re my ult™️ but jin really makes a point to ruin me for all other men and women and everything in between by simply ~existing~
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cupidreamexe · 4 years
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bea (or moth/kitty) / 22 / they/he / carrd
other blogs: @cupidozypng (art), @mothfinite (selfship)
tags under the cut
all media content is tagged w the acronym or full name
plz dont b afraid to message me if u need me to tag smth
dreamy broadcast ; posts made by me
nightmare radio ; venting and other personal negative stuff
ʚ♡ɞ ; aes
kittycore ; posts i resonate with
cc / ult cc ; comfort characters
grimmie ; my gf 🩷
the girls™️ ; my pets
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dykeza · 5 years
My honest upd8 review:
Okay so I’m Broken.
BGD really brought home the idea that Ult. Dirk isn’t nesesarrily Real™️ Dirk, as BGD stated how there are MANY Dirks, it’s just that a Certain Motherfucker is taking up the relevance.
Jake!!! Jake :)!!! He’s so himbo and is Trying His Best and his confusion at BGD and INSISTING that he’s dead he can’t be here implies that he’s either hallucinated Dirk or this isn’t the first time BGD has showed up, just the first time Jake has known its him.
Their dynamic!!! Strilenglish Duo back at it again!! Brian Ghost Dirks constant HOPE in everything Jake does during this upd8 KILLED me. Jake’s like “idk if that was alright I don’t think I’m doing a good job!! :(“ and BGD is like “No. you did great I’m so proud of you this is all going to plan :)!!!” And honestly???
Me me dirkjake feels in 2k19 UwU
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sweet-teeth-mfs · 6 years
Edie I have to say the Grammys wrecked me. Joon always wrecks me but he was especially hot yesterday. But Min Yoongi. That man has to stop being rude. He bias wrecked me so hard. He looks so good with that hair colour. And he looked just like a professor (which I have a thing for 😶) Also the only thing I’ll say about your new threesome fic is “I came to have a good time and I feel so attacked right now.” That was really hot 💦 -Smiley
I didn’t mean for this to become the long post it actually ended up being, but I clearly have some feelings™️ about last night too. And seeing as I’ve already lost some followers talking about it, I figured, why not keep going? 
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So lets talk Grammys (and why I love Namjoon forever) At the Grammys, life was given to us all, and as a rapline biaser who has two one of those as my ult, I can say that more than most… 
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Hobi was sleek, tailored and still sweetly cute, stealing the show with his birthday greetings to himself; Yoongi was a whole serving of Professor!Suga (yes I will write that fic yes please can it involve the reader being a soft, but bad girl? ooh I can just see it now, he teaches art theory, you’re from a opposing college maybe or youre both postgrads and hes like into the Cure and reading queer theory and you’re into masculinities studies and oh wait thats just me) Honey-boy goodness… but… for me… it was just… 
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Namjoon was a whole feast of a man last night. Like…I’ve always seen him as more mature in his sensibilities, but, damn. He was in power play mode. Mogul mode. He looked like a freaking director.
Me at @feedmeramyun when I’d seen Namjoon:
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In short, It was every Papa Joon fic come to life and I was living I’m telling youuuuuu….it also seemed really effortless..he looked so relaxed!!
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I’ve not talked a lot about why I bias Namjoon (aside from my general obsession with how much I want him to be my Papa!Joon), but I just love his whole…thing…? 
It’s actually the most stable of ANY of my biases I’ve ever had, and that’s including my EXO biases. I have never wavered since I decided to bias Namjoon. There has never been anything I’ve seen, any odd video or random song, or stupid photo or rude remark or anything, that has made me consider whether or not I should bias him. 
I just do. 
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To me, I’ve always been sold on the entire Poet!Namjoon fantasy; the one in which we are privileged to know of a guy who is both brave and shy, who is a writer who loves to play with his words, as a rapper who loves to spit out his food, as a dork who won’t leave crabs alone, as a worried parent who can’t shut off, and as a lover, a dreamer, a quiet yet strong man. 
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And I’ve never really been able to shake myself from that concept of him. 
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….And then he goes to the Grammys and dresses down, he flaunts his style by letting others look more elaborate than him, yet draws all eyes by being perfectly understated!!! He’s patient and gentle with his friends and with strangers…. He’s Namjoon. 
I mean?!?!
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I can’t say anymore really. It really did me in…
I hope they all had a great time. I’m glad that fic worked 😘
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s0fars0perfect · 2 years
why do i always choose joshua as my chosen disaster man?, you may be asking yourself
because, generally speaking, my ult bias has some sense. he may do unhinged things on occasion but at least he has a few brain cells. they may rattle around in his head like loose marbles but SOMETIMES christopher experience A Thought™️. joshua's head is delightfully empty, echoey even.
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jsungshine · 6 years
Honestly y’all Lucas really coming for my ass like the spot of ult for Jungkook is being fought fir cause BOI LUCAS IS SO DKSJSNFAJTZHF END ME...I was such a loyal Jungkook stan. He was my number one for 3 YEARS YALL NOW THIS TALL ASS HOE COMES ALONG AND RUINS IT. why am I so soft for him someone actually send help This is a whOle aSS CrIsIs™️ in my life.
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