#he is my skrunkle and i love him so dearly guys
gemkun · 3 months
hi it’s almost 1 am but i was talking to @blindbet about the divergent universe in relation to dr ratio and it got very introspective.
so we know that veritas collaborated with screwllum to create this program , and it is plainly obvious as you play along. since even though it is surrounding mortals and aeons both , we all know how screwllum’s fascination lies with humanity. so it got me thinking about who is the most human character out there : dr ratio. which is who he models a lot of the equations around , you just need to read some of the descriptions.
okay with that in mind , even veritas himself emphasises how he is a mundanite and a mediocre in an arguably excessive amount. despite this , there is no denying his celebrity status and how the people of his homeworld have thrust expectations upon him with such heavy weight.
i’ve already written posts about the volatile balance of dr ratio and his pursuit for nous’ gaze , so i won’t elaborate here , but i think the rejection and failure to acquire it is a large reason why veritas turned away from this ascension to what his people had praised him and hoped he would be — the saviour of their world. it’s why he continuously states he is just an ordinary man — as if he’s trying to convince himself this is fact , instead of being this prophesised salvation. but of course , if he is the most human , he must ache from how nous refuses to glance to him.
it might be a stretch but i wonder if this is why he ( or at least mine ) avoids returning home until he is able to fulfil or bring back good news. whether he attained nous’ blessing or can restore what has been lost.
even so , he is still bombarded by almost everyone about his mastery and genius and intellect and i think it is almost as if they are rubbing salt into the wound. though , unintentionally. fortunately , veritas is resilient and able to push past this but for how long ? no one knows. with enough pressure , anything can snap.
anyways i just wanted to dump that down it doesn’t really have any cohesion but consider this a small study.
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sihakadan · 2 years
Ooooh jealous Arcane cast headcanons?
I am eating TODAY. Yes, my dearest.
If you want to make requests or are looking for something? Here is my master list. Gonna keep this one SFW, with some implications and language but not enough to be too bad. If you are wondering why there is no Caitlyn or Vi? I am in denial about the break up in the rain and I refuse to see them with other people because they are perfect together, thank you for coming to my TED talk
-Not a wise idea because he will have the person 'taken care of' if they get too fresh
-If you are the flirter, he will lay down the law, by showing you who is boss...if you know what I mean
-Loves you dearly, so please don't make him jealous, it hurts deeply
-That is the last thing who ever flirts with you will hear
-Sweet baby already thinks she is a curse, is scared you will leave her
-Will give you very visible hickies so you are marked and EVERYONE knows that you are not single
-Will get an inch from you and glare at you if you even look at anyone
-Not a very jealous guy, he is very confident in your and his relationship
-Do not touch anyone else, like putting your hand on their arm or drape your arm around someone's shoulders. It makes him so green with jealously because he likes to be the only one you touch
-Will butt into the conversation and introduce himself as the boyfriend to make sure they know to STOP
•🦇Scar (bat guy from the Firelights)
-Very easy to make jealous. Very insecure because he looks different from everyone else. Not so much about you being unfaithful.
-Looms behind you like a shadow and glares at anyone who gets 'too friendly'
-Will pout if you get too friendly, even with friends. He can't help it, he is working on it, really
-Someone got punched once because they accidently touched your ass and you squealed in shock. Was and still is not sorry.
-Another very confident that the relationship is strong
-Will beat drunk to a pulp who gets handsy with you
-Everyone knows better than to mess with Vander's family because it is straight up suicide.
-Likes to make you jealous, pretends he doesn't
-Goes to show you off, but he gives a mean mug to anyone whose look lingers way too long on you.
-If they touch you, immediately they are dead. Done for, no longer of this earth. Goodbye.
-Same will happen if you get flirty with someone. That person is a goner.
-Poor pouty baby. He knows you love him, but what if someone better came along? Someone who could give you more attention?
-Will sulk, sigh a lot while messing with something in the lab
-Will need lots of reassurance that nothing was happening. Cuddling and neck kisses fixes it quick.
-This poor skrunkle punkle is already insecure because of his failing body and other physical limitations
-It's hard not to get jealous because he is always wondering why you would want him anyway.
-Throws himself into work and shuts the world out. You can get him out of it with sweet milk and a real good hug. It'll get him talking at least.
-You know what else gets him to look up? You, walking naked into the lab.
-RUINS them
-Straight up will interject and lay it down. They dare show their face here AND in that outfit? Pathetic.
-You are going to get a cold shoulder until she is ready to talk about it
-Paints her frustration away. If you sit with her while she does it, she will talk it out with you
-Bitch, bye, you better not even think about it
-That arm of hers gets all glowly and her glare is so cold it will stop the offender in their tracks.
-A bit pouty, but more annoyed that you would even entertain the cretin
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