#he is lugging into the dorm and leaving it open on the floor like you would to lure in a stray cat
royalthorned · 2 days
rosekiller but it’s evan who brings barty food back from his trips home that he would never eat himself. he goes home for the weekend and comes back with a trunk full of sweets he would not touch with a ten feet pole to watch barty eat them
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berriniki · 3 years
[7:45 PM] — nishimura riki
includes: fluff, gn! reader, lapslock intended
wc: 845
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the meaning of ‘home’ became loose ever since ni-ki became an idol.
at first, it was his home in japan with his family. and then it became the little homestay he stayed at when he first moved to korea, the place he went to after every day he spent in the ground back when he shot i-land. and then it became his dorm, the one he shares with his members. so far, this home seems to be the most concrete meaning of ‘home’ ni-ki has. it’s crazy to think about, that ni-ki is only 15 yet he has so many definitions for a word that’s supposed to be unwavering and solid.
the thought came like lightning on his way home from a solo schedule, all of the other members out and about, using their day off to the fullest since they don’t get many of those often. luckily, this was the only schedule he had, so he could just chill at the dorms until further notice. he doesn’t remember when he started calling the dorms ‘home’, when it stopped being, “i’m going to go back to the dorms,” to, “i’m going to go home first.” which led to his little tangent on his definition of ‘home’. he said that the dorms were the most concrete definition of ‘home’ but even then, he feels it waver every now and then, especially recently.
he walks up to the door and takes out his keys to unlock it, only being able to insert the key into the lock before the door unlocks without him doing so and bursts open. it’s cold out, early november air cold enough to make his breath fog up the moment he breathes, so when the door slams open, a gust of warm air enveloped him like a blanket.
he feels his cheeks warming up significantly, his body heating up from under his hoodie and coat. there you stood, in his hoodie and some pajama pants, bundled up with a blanket wrapped around your frame and securely held by your hand. you’re practically glowing, the dim light from inside the dorm illuminating your figure gently.
“i heard from jungwon that you’re going to be the only one home today so i decided to come early to greet you home!”
ah it’s that word again.
even you call his dorm a home, and maybe to you, it’s like your second home.
“hurry and come in! you’re letting all the warm air out.”
ni-ki laughs softly as he watches you shuffle away, the blanket grazing the floor behind you. ni-ki pulls down his mask and goes inside, closing and locking the door behind him to trap the heat in. he follows you, your pace slow to make sure ni-ki can catch up so the both of you can walk to the living room together, because you’d rather walk slow and walk with him than wait for him by yourself, even if it’s for only a couple seconds.
ni-ki strides easily over to you with his long legs and wraps his arms around you from behind, pulling you close and letting you drag the two of you into the living room, where a movie plays softly. he doesn’t get to be too affectionate when the members are around, only because they tease him to near-death about how “their little ni-ki is being all cuddly with his lover, how cute” and even though you get a kick out of it, he would rather not have to deal with the teasing intensifying the moment you leave.
but you two are alone, so ni-ki can freely dip his head into your shoulder and breathe into your scent and relish in the scent of your shampoo. he’s so warm, the layers you have equipped to your body to fight off the cold made you a human heater and he has all of that in his arms. his heart feels like it’s about his burst and he feels so comfortable even though you two are still standing since you’re struggling to lug him to the living room. he’ll move his feet to help in a bit, but he just wants to live in the moment for a little longer.
he thinks if he were to pick a definition of home, he would pick you. you’re becoming his new home, a new type of home, a home in a person and not in a place.
he finally moved his feet and helps shuffle the two fo you to the couches, where you plop heavily and groan about him being on top of you, but he just laughs and turns the two of you on your sides so he can hug you and still watch the film playing on the T.V. he’s not going to watch much of it, finding dipping his head into your neck and closing his eyes to nap much more appealing.
he can’t help but think when he holds you tight against his chest that this, you in his arms and surrounded by warmth, is home.
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spikybanana · 2 years
@wolfstarmicrofic - prompt: secret - yes yes figure skaters again. I accidentally wrote a whole scene and james kinda stole the show. this happens after timid, before again and tempted. I think it'll make sense on its own, but it'll make more sense with the others :)
First day of year three, and Remus was exhausted.
Leave it to him to miss the train because yes, the traffic was that bad, then arrive in Hogshire at midnight only to find that the local buses don’t run until the next morning. And so he’d spent five excruciating hours fighting his eyelids and his head lolling off his shoulders, banging it on the newsstand wall every dozen seconds because what if he fell asleep and got kidnapped by some wolfman? Then only by dawn when he was in the middle of a queue did he realise that his Hogshire bus pass was buried somewhere in depth of his trunk, but the bus driver took pity on him and let him get on anyway. By the time he finally got to Hogwarts, Remus had half a thought to maybe just dedicate his life to transforming British public transport, if he still hadn’t figured out what he wanted to do in five years.
Deep breaths, Remus, you’re here now.
A third year at Hogwarts, a third year of all of its mess and madness. But before any of that, he just needed to make it to their dorm, to his sorely-missed bed. Day one classes and the team get-together be damned, they were boring anyway.
Okay, maybe not the team get-together. He never got to talk to the girls much over holidays, and Remus was excited to see them again with even the last flicker of his energy.
“You hadn’t missed anything, really.” Peter told him cheerfully, insisting and struggling to lug around Remus’ trunk for him, “You know how boring the start of term ceremony always is, I’m half jealous of you for missing it. Oh, but we did find out, the Ravens and ‘Puffs still don’t have their own rink, but really, who’s surprised?”
Remus nodded and hummed along as Peter chattered. Almost there.
There was already a pile of trash and packaging at the bottom of the building. Of course. But within it sat a familiar-looking trunk. Remus frowned, and picked it up. Then he almost bumped into Peter’s back as he stopped abruptly.
“Oh uhm… by the way.” Peter said a bit nervously, “Sirius is being a bit weird.”
“Weird? What do you mean?”
“I don't know. We were hoping you’d figure it out.”
“Since when could I—”
“He’s angry about something and he wouldn’t talk about it and refuses to talk about skating either.” Peter grimaced, “Just, come on.”
Then it occurred to Remus to remember the secret he and James had been keeping all summer. He couldn’t have told them already, could he?
Even while climbing the stairs, Remus could already hear bags and books and whatnot being roughly shoved around. Unpacking had always been a riot, and Sirius was always accompanied by his personal hurricane, but the muffled tense voices coming from within were alarming.
“Remus! You made it!” James exclaimed with forceful cheer, when Remus pushed opened the door.
Sirius raised his head in surprise, but the way his face twisted and immediately turned away felt to Remus like a stab in his chest. “Hey.” Sirius said, without looking at Remus. What the fuck happened?
“Hullo.” Remus replied tiredly, opting to beeline towards his own bed. Then he remembered the chest in his hands. He sighed to himself.
“Sirius…” Remus began slowly, exchanging a wary glance with James then Peter. He waited until Sirius begrudgingly turned around. “Why was your trunk in the trash?”
Sirius’ expression immediately darkened. “Because it’s trash. Just toss it out.”
“But it’s yours, isn’t it?” Peter chimed in, “isn’t that— isn’t that your skating stuff?”
Sirius only wordlessly glared at the floor. When it was clear he wasn’t going to respond, Remus tugged open the zip. Sure enough, Sirius’ skates and training suits came spilling out onto the floor.
“Sirius— Why?” Remus sucked in a breath. He felt a dread like tar starting to clog in his chest.
The silence stretched and stretched and wrapped around the four of them, set in a square around the room. James was by the window, Peter stood with his back pressed against the door, Remus leaned against his bed, and Sirius sat crouched on his own bed opposite him.
“Because I quit.” Sirius finally said.
It felt like a club to the head.
“What?” Peter was the first to exclaim, “But, but— Sirius you—” you love skating. He trailed off before daring to say.
James and Remus were silent, struck dumb. They shared a horrified look with each other. James looked heartbroken.
“You can’t quit.” James blurted.
“Why can’t I?” Sirius snapped. “Don’t I get to decide what I can do?” Sirius sneered at James, drawing a flinch from him.
“But surely you don’t want to quit!” Remus let the empty trunk fall with a thud to the floor, “Is this—” he swallowed, “is this to do with your mother?”
Sirius glared at him, and glared and glared. Remus held his eyes, silently pleading, until Sirius’ face was crumbling and he was blinking back tears. “Fine. So what if it is!”
“So you don’t want it. You don’t want to quit!”
“But I don’t get a choice, do I?”
“What did she—” softer, Remus, “What did she do? Why d’you have to quit?”
Remus watched as Sirius took a couple long steadying breaths. The other two boys continued to stand in silence.
“I’m thirteen.” Sirius offered.
“What? So are we. What’s that got to do with anything?”
Sirius shot a scathing look at him again, “The juniors minimum age requirement is thirteen. I’m thirteen, don’t you get it?”
“Does she— want you to go for the juniors?” James said with a frown, “But why does that mean you have to quit?”
“Because I don’t want to go!” Sirius cried, “And she’s saying either I go or quit skating all together!”
“But you’d rather quit than compete?” Peter asked quietly, “I thought you loved—”
“Don’t you think I know exactly what she’s doing?” Sirius bit out, “she knows how much I want to keep this. But I don’t want to go. She’d be forcing me to spend all my time at the rink, I could be sleeping on the rink and it wouldn’t be enough. Hell, maybe she’ll even force me to join the Slytherins and I don’t want her to get her way! And none of you are going to compete nationally for years and I’d be doing this all alone!”
“You won’t be alone!” James nearly shouted, “you know that!”
“Do I? So are any of you planning to show up to the nationals with me? Remus? Oh wait, you can’t even qualify.”
Remus gaped woundedly at Sirius. He’d never been this crass—
“We aren’t going to be in the competition, sure, but we’ll still be there!” James pushed on, “We’ll follow you through all of it— and we’ll still be here at the rink with you! Remus will be there, Lily and Mary and Dorcas will the there, I will be there!”
“Don’t be so fucking daft, Potter.” Sirius’ face twisted as though he too was trying not to break into sobs, “As if she would let you follow. And while we’re here, the girls don’t even talk to us, and now Remus is going to join them since he’s going into pairs and everything, and you spend all your time at the hockey rink anyway!”
“I’m not!” James said stubbornly, “and you can’t quit!” he insisted again.
“Why can’t I?”
“Because I’m quitting!”
Sirius let out a hysterical, humourless laugh, “What?”
“I’m quitting hockey!” He all but shouted.
This was far from how they planned to tell the secret. Remus looked from Sirius to Peter— who pressed himself even tighter against the door. He couldn’t hide the expression of betrayal, and Remus’ chest clenched at the hurt in his eyes.
It was Sirius’ turn to be stunned wordless. “But… but you—” he stuttered, before the torrent of bewildered ramble fell out of him, “but you love hockey, don’t you? You’ve always played hockey, you’ve been playing hockey longer than you could walk. You told us about how Effie and Monty took you— and you’re so good at it— and you said Rowle was maybe even talking about making you captain next year and—”
“Stop, Sirius. Stop—”
“You can’t just do that for me—”
“I’m not! Well I mean, fine, it is partly for you but also,” James took a deep breath, and began the practised excuse, “It’s for me as well. It’s— exactly because I’ve always played hockey and I realised I don’t want to. I mean I like it, but I don’t want to do what my parents did. I’m good, sure, but I’ll never be as good as they were and honestly, the people on the ice hockey team are kinda shit. And, well, the couple of times you lot showed me some figure skating tricks I actually loved it a lot, so I thought I might. So I asked mum and dad for my Christmas present early and it’s a pair of figure skates, so.”
All the while, Remus tried to send James reassuring looks, but James’ eyes stayed on Sirius, except for when he kept throwing guilty glances at Peter. At some point, Peter looked crushedly at Remus and mouthed “you knew?”, to which Remus could only mouth back a horridly insufficient “Sorry”.
At the end of James’ soliloquy, there were definitely more than one pair of teary eyes in the room. Sirius wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, and simply stared at James, silently, like he couldn’t get a word past the swell in his chest.
Then his face broke into a smile. “James.” he laughed shortly, between sniffles, “you daft fucking idiot.”
James let out his own relieved laugh. “Sorry!” he said to none of them in particular, “so you believe me? We’ll be with you?”
“Yeah. Alright.”
“We’ll work everything out,” Remus added, “if we can’t make her go away, then we’ll work around her. We’ve got you, Sirius, I promise.”
“So you won’t quit now?” Peter asked.
“No. I won’t.” Sirius turned to Peter with sudden realisation, and offered his own apologetic wince. “So I can do this, I’ll figure out how to do this.” he looked at Remus then, held his eyes for several seconds, “I will do this, and I won’t even let her send me to Slytherin. That’ll show her.”
Sirius grinned, a full Sirius Black Grin, the one that made you felt like he was invincible.
Remus could only smile back.
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courtlyharlequin · 3 years
Gotta say I love your writing!! It’s just absolutely wonderful and I can’t wait to see more of it ^-^ May I request some head cannons of the dorm leaders reacting to their S/O fainting suddenly from overworking themselves?
Rest Easy
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A/N: Hello~ thank you for requesting. I’m glad you like my writing! This honestly means a lot to me. I’m sorry this took so long to write, but thank you for your patience. I hope it’s up to par ^^
Riddle Rosehearts:
He was completely caught off guard. You were walking next to him one moment and now you were on the ground. He drops whatever he’s holding and rushes to your side. He calls your name out several times in a firm yet worried tone. Riddle also makes sure to check your breathing as well. A relieved sigh escapes his lips
The redhead slings your arm around his shoulder and drags you to the infirmary. He struggles a bit to say the least. He was lugging an unconscious person to the other side of the school, but he digresses as your health and safety is a priority at the moment
Riddle lets the staff tend to you and waits by your side. He holds your hand, playing with your fingertips and finding himself staring out the window. His eyebrows are furrowed. He’s your boyfriend, your significant other, yet he was so caught up in his studies and duties as a prefect that he didn’t see the signs
By the time you wake up, he’s fallen asleep at your bedside. You card your fingers through his hair and his lashes flutter
“You worried me.”
You two talk for a bit about your health. It mainly consisted of Riddle lovingly scolding you for not taking better for yourself
Leona Kingscholar:
He sensed something off about you that day. Your eye bags were dark and deep. He shrugged it off because you told him you stayed up a tad too late to catch up on homework
When hanging around in his room afterschool, you fainted. You were sitting at his desk and he was seated at the edge of his bed. You were babbling about your history classes, but Leona could tell you were trying to hold on to your consciousness
Eventually, you fainted. He clicks his tongue before lunging towards you, wrapping his arm around your waist, catching you before you fell onto the floor
He lays you on his bed before going to find a glass of water for you
Leona comes back with the glass, but also a bowl of water and a wet towel too. He places the towel onto your head. Now, all he can do is wait. You’re breathing. You’re fine– just overworked, but it’s only a matter of time before you wake
When you gain consciousness, he just lets you talk. He hugs you if you need him to, running a hand through your hair. There’s the occasional forehead kiss as well. He’s quiet for the most part, but he’ll admit you worried him
After you promise to take better care of yourself, he climbs onto the bed and drapes the blanket over the both of you, telling you to get some more sleep. He won’t let you go until you’re well rested
Azul Ashengrotto:
Like Riddle, Azul panics, rushing to your side and calling out your name. He firmly shakes your shoulder. With no response, he scopes you up in his arms and carries you to the Octavinelle dormitory
There, he tends to you. He lays you on your back and raises your legs to help blood flow to your head. He takes off your shoes and loosens your tie– anything to make your recovery more comfortable
He’s honestly very worried but he knows that if he panics, he might be doing more harm than good
You regain your consciousness quickly, but he’s not letting you walk away from him without proper rest. Don’t brush it off like it’s nothing. You’re overworked and you just fainted!
He listens to your troubles and offers you some advice as someone who’s always busy too. He offers to help you with your work if it’ll lighten the load in exchange that you’ll rest properly
Can’t have you faint on him again, now can we?
Kalim Al-Asim:
He invited you over to Scarabia to let loose after exams. He knows you’ve been working hard as of late so he wanted you to relax with a small banquet, filling food and feel-good vibes. Kalim nearly drops his drink after hearing a loud thud. He turns around to see your lifeless figure on the floor
His eyes widened as he rushed to your side. Students crowd around you both; he can hear their distant whispers. His heartbeat rings throughout his ears, muffling their voices.  He sighs when he sees your chest rise and fall
Kalim isn’t quite sure exactly what to do. His thoughts are all over the place, but he knows that he should get you out of her quickly. He could save the questions for later.
He slings your arm around his shoulder. He crosses paths with Jamil on his way to the bedroom. He gives him a silent nod. The vice prefect quickened his pace and tends to the common room
The prefect ushers you onto his bed and turns on the fan. He isn’t familiar with fainting, but he is familiar with tending to someone who’s unconscious. Jamil has been poisoned a handful of times on his behalf and he’s seen the maids tend to him. While you don’t need an antidote, you need to be laid on your back and have anything tight loosened. He places your feet on a tower of pillows, redirecting your blood flow to your head
When you wake, he embraces you wholeheartedly. Kalim refrains from bombarding you with questions as to why you fainted albeit he is thankful that you told him out of your own volition. He’ll definitely offer to do something lighthearted together to ease your mind. How about a game of mancala?
Vil Schoenheit:
He was already scolding you for overworking yourself. You can’t hide those eye bags from him. He’s been doing his best to keep you in check– making sure you eat three meals a day and sleep on time. However, you have to meet him halfway
Vil’s breath hitches as he sees your figure fall towards the ground. Luckily, he catches you by the wrist, pulling you close to him before gently laying you on your back.
He tries to compose himself, but that nearly gave him a heart attack. Sure, he knew about your workload, but he didn’t expect you to faint
He brushes his feelings aside to tend to you. Your health is most important to him as of now. He’s not unfamiliar with fainting. Fortunately, Vil has never fainted himself, but he’s had his share of fainting incidents. His colleagues often fainted due to overworking as well
Honestly… what was he going to do with you? He shakes his head as he checks for your pulse and breathing. He doesn’t hesitate to search up ways to help someone when fainting. He wants to take care of you thoroughly and to the best of his abilities. He may have witnessed others tend to an individual who has fainted, but he’s no expert
Be prepared for an earful when you wake up. Vil has a lot to say to you. You should be taking care of yourself. Know your limits. You can’t put forth your best efforts if you’re dead tired. He plans a self care day for you both
No if’s, and’s, or but’s. You’re going to rest. Vil understands the need to overexert yourself, going the extra mile for your work, your passions, but there’s a limit. Success comes from resting as much as it comes from hard work. Cut yourself some slack, Fairest
Idia Shroud:
It’s a miracle Idia didn’t faint himself. He’s scared out of his mind. Are you alright? A thousand thoughts race through his mind. What happened? You were fine a moment ago! Please don’t tell him you just died on the spot. Or worse– possessed by a ghost?!
Worst case scenarios flood his mind. Some of them are completely irrational, but he doesn’t consider that. Anything is possible
He mutters your name under his breath repeatedly as he shakes your shoulder. Each time, his voice grows louder and louder
Idia runs to get some help. He returns with Ortho who scans your lifeless figure, confirming that you are indeed alive, just overworked and exhausted. He urges his brother to carry you back to Ignihyde to let you rest properly. The floor isn’t comfortable for humans
Reluctantly, he drags you back to his room. He stays by your side. He holds your hand while playing a game. The poor prefect nearly drops his phone when you squeeze his hand, letting him know you’re awake
Idia starts rambling. He was worried sick! His stammering comes to a halt when you kiss him on the cheek as thanks
In turn, he buries his head into the crook of your neck. He’s red to the tips of his ears now. He honestly didn’t do much. He wishes he could have done more to lighten your workload to be honest
Nevertheless, Idia puts on a brave face for you and crawls into the bed with you
Malleus Draconia:
Color him surprised. You were standing and then you weren’t. He turned around once he heard a loud thud only to find you on the floor. At first, he thought you had tripped over your own feet. You were a klutzy beastie after all. It wouldn't be the first time this happened. He found it endearing
Malleus chuckled as he crouched down to offer you a hand. He blinked twice when you didn’t take his hand. You didn’t even say a word. He pokes your cheek and cocks his head
Still no response. Now he’s worried. What happened to you? You were still breathing, but you weren’t awake. Have you fallen asleep? But in broad daylight… He brushes your hair aside to examine your face. You did have dark circles, but he doesn’t believe that would be the cause of this. You would have yawned more frequently
Well, no matter. It would be best to get you to bed. Leaving you in the hallway wasn’t  a viable option. You would certainly be more comfortable on a mattress
He sighs as he scoops you up in his arms and teleports to his bedroom
There, he lays you on his bed, tucking you in snugly. Malleus places a gentle kiss on your forehead
He waits by your side. If you show signs of distress in your slumber, then he might enchant your dreams with a little bit of magic to make you sleep more comfortably
When you wake, Malleus will lend you an ear to listen to your troubles. If you insist on going back to your work, then he’ll sit you back down and prop open a book and begins reading. You find yourself slowly falling asleep
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onlyfreds · 3 years
Isn't it Obvious? | F.W.
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Title: Isn't it Obvious?
Requested: Yes/No
Summary: Y/N and Fred are too oblivious to the fact that they are lovesick puppies just chasing each other around. So, Ginny and George decide to take matters into their own hands.
When the sun's going down, we'll be raising our cups Singing, here's to never growing up
The lyrics blasted over the speakers Hermione had managed to smuggle into the Gryffindor common room. It was around easter and most of the residents of the Gryffindor tower had gone home for the holidays. Leaving Hermione, Harry, Ron, Ginny, the twins and I at Hogwarts.
It was currently a Saturday evening; the clock had just struck seven. Since we were the only ones left, we could party as late as we want.
“Who knew Hermione Granger knew how to do something like smuggling a muggle speaker into Hogwarts.” Ginny said with a small laugh, taking a sip from her cup.
I laughed, “I know right. I was quite surprised when I saw her taking out the speaker from her bag.”
“Hey!” Hermione complained, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink due to the alcohol, “You two say it like it’s a bad thing.”
“Hey,” Ginny suddenly said, nudging my shoulder lightly, “Someone’s checking you out.”
I glanced over at the direction she was nodding to, Fred, one of my best friends, shot me a wink when our eyes locked with each other.
I looked away immediately, taking another drink of Firewhiskey, the intensity of the alcohol slightly burning my throat.
“No, he’s not.” I said, causing the youngest Weasley to roll her eyes at me.
“Seriously Y/N, you’re smart enough to be in Ravenclaw but you can be so daft sometimes.” She said.
“What do you mean Ginny? What am I daft about?” I asked.
Hermione gave an exasperated sigh, “Honestly, it’s so bloody obvious. Even Ron knows about it. And that’s saying something.”
“Knows about what?” I said, now more confused than ever.
“That you and Fred are practically like lovesick puppies with the way you’re head over heels in love with each other.” Ginny stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
I laughed, swiftly taking the red cup from Ginny, “I think you’ve already had too much to drink.”
She snatched the cup from my hand, “I did not have too much to drink. You just don’t want to accept the fact that Fred actually feels the same love as you do.”
I sighed, “Ginny, why in the name of Merlin would he fall for me. When they are so many other girls that are so much better than me.”
Hermione smacked me the back of my head as she gave a drunken smile, “That’s because he wants you dummy. How many times do we have to tell you that?”
Ginny and I exchanged a look, “She’s drunk, isn’t she?”
The redhead gave a small laugh, “She is.” She said as she gently took the cup from Hermione’s hands.
“But Hermione’s not lying you know.” She said as we lugged Hermione up the stairs to her dorm, “That Fred likes you.”
I sighed, “Ginny. I won’t deny that your brother is handsome and hot as hell. But Fred, maybe my best friend, but he can get any other girl that I know and bet is prettier and better than me.”
Ginny scoffed as we plopped Hermione down on her bed, “Both of you are just too stubborn for your own good.”
I was walking towards the hidden corridor by the third corridor, where the twins were waiting for me.
“Hey Y/N! Wait up!” A voice called out causing me to stop and turn towards the voice.
“Hey Cedric.” I said with a small smile, “What’s up?”
“I just wanted to ask, what do you think Cho will like?” He asked, lowering his voice down to a whisper as he gave a shy smile.
“Ooh.” I teased, “Someone has a crush.”
He chuckled, “Yeah. I was thinking of asking her out.”
I thought about it for a moment, “Well, as far as I know, she likes white chocolates and roses.”
The Hufflepuff gave a grateful smile, “Thanks Y/N!”
I nodded, “Not a problem.”
He then walked off, probably to get the supplies he needed.
I started to head back on my way to the hidden corridor when I saw the twins waiting for me by the end of the hall.
“Hey guys!” I said once I’ve caught up to them, “What’s got his wand in a twist?” I asked George when I noticed the unusual scowl on Fred’s face.
The younger twin shrugged, giving a small smile, “Dunno.”
We started to walk back to the common room.
“I’ll just take a detour to the bathroom.” Fred suddenly said, “You two go on. I’ll see you at the common room.” He then dashed off before George and I could say anything else.
I gave a George a look, silently questioning his twins’ behaviour, to which he just shrugged.
“You know,” He said with an amused tone lacing his voice, “If you two would just suck it up and stop being so daft, then half of the world’s problems would be solved.”
I groaned, knowing where this conversation would be heading, “Ginny already gave me the pep talk. I’ll say it again, Fred doesn’t fancy me.”
George rolled his eyes, “Oh believe me dear Y/N, he does.”
“And may I ask why you’re assuming this?” I said.
“I’m not assuming this.” He answered, “It’s the truth. And I’m sure of this because one, I’m his twin, I know what I’m talking about. Two, it’s frankly obvious that he literally gets heart-shaped eyes whenever the two of you are in the same room. And three, take now for an example, he got jealous when you were talking to pretty boy Diggory.”
I stayed silent, contemplating on whether I should believe George or not.
I mean, Fred is my best friend, but that doesn’t stop me from being a flustered mess whenever I’m around him.
(Fred’s POV)
Night had fallen once again, I trudged up to my dorm, seeing George was already up there.
As soon as I sat down at the edge of my bed, George spoke the words that told me this would be a long night.
“Instead of sulking whenever you see some other guy talking to her, just go to her and confess your undying love for her.” He said.
I sighed, running a hand through my hair, “If only it was that easy, it’s obvious that she likes someone else Georgie. I’m only saving myself from the embarrassment.”
George scoffed, “And who exactly do you think she likes?”
I took a deep breath, struggling to get the words out of my throat, “You, Georgie. It’s you she fancies.”
He suddenly shot up from his relaxed position, “What in the name of Merlin made you come up with that?”
“Can’t you see?” I argued, “She can talk to you easily but she can’t do the same with me. Isn’t that already a bloody sign?”
“No, you idiot!” He said, “She can talk to me easily because she becomes a stuttering and flustered mess around you.”
“How sure are you about that?” I asked.
George rolled his eyes, “Maybe if you weren’t such a daft idiot then you would see the bigger picture.”
I sighed, not wanting to argue anymore, “I don’t know Georgie. Besides, why would she want an idiot like me?”
(Reader’s POV)
“Where exactly are we going again?” I asked trying to keep up with George, who was practically in a hurry.
“Fred’s injured, okay, he got hurt.” He hurriedly answered.
I stared at him in disbelief, “What? Why didn’t you bring him to the hospital wing?”
“I-I’m sorry.” He managed to stutter out, “But I panicked and the only thing I could think of was getting you.”
We stopped in front of a broom closet, before I could register what was happening, the door opened as I was suddenly pushed inside.
“Sorry about that Y/N!” I heard George say as the door suddenly shut close.
“George!” I said, pounding on the door, “George Fabian Weasley let me out of here now or else I will murder you!”
I heard a small chuckle from the other side of the door, ‘Sorry Y/N, no can do. It’s for the betterment of society.”
I started to search for my wand, “How is locking me in a broom closet a betterment for society?”
“Looking for your wand, aren’t you?” George asked, the grin evident in his voice.
Frustrated, I kicked the door, “George, give me back my wand!”
He hummed, pretending to think about it, “That’s a pretty good offer, but I think that I’d rather hold on to it for a while longer.”
“Don’t worry Y/N, you’ll have company soon enough.”
As soon as he said that, I heard two voices that I recognized as Ginny’s and Fred’s.
“Hurry up Fred!” Ginny said.
I heard the footsteps grow louder.
“What’s happening Gin? I thought Y/N was in trouble? What are we doing here?” Fred fired question after question to his sister.
Next thing I knew, the door of the closet opened again, and this time Fred was pushed and locked inside with me.
“What the hell guys?” Fred said, pushing on the door, but it wouldn’t open.
“Nuh uh.” George tutted from the other side of the door, “You two will be staying in there until you’ve confessed your undying love for each other.”
“And.” Ginny added, “We don’t care if we have to lock you in there for a week. We won’t let you out until you confess.”
Fred patted his pockets, obviously looking for his wand.
“Let me guess.” I said, “They took it too?”
He looked up, his long hair slightly falling in front of his eyes, “Looks like they did, what do you think they’re playing at?” He asked.
I shrugged giving him a small smile, “Something about confessing?”
“You two know why you’re in there!” Ginny’s voice ran through the wooden door.
Even in the dim light, I could Fred roll his eyes, muttering something under his breath that I couldn’t quite comprehend.
Both of us settled for sitting on the floor next to each other, “How long do you think they’ll keep us here?” I asked.
Fred gave a quiet chuckle, “Dunno. But you heard what they said, they won’t hesitate keeping us in here for a week.”
“Pity.” I muttered causing him to laugh.
The two of us stayed in the dark silence, casually talking about the most random things ever.
“Do you think that they’ll really lock us in here for a week?” I asked, resting my head on his shoulder.
No answer came from my companion, I lifted my head off of his shoulder, “Freddie, are you okay?”
He bit his lip as he muttered, “Screw it.” Then he cupped my face in his hands before crashing his lips onto mine.
I was knocked back slightly from the force of the kiss, immediately placing my hands on his shoulders in order to maintain my balance.
I have always dreamed of what it would be like to kiss Fred Weasley. Now, I was getting first-hand experience.
We both pulled apart minutes later, in need of air and the temperature of the room seemed to have gone up by a few degrees.
“That’s was amazing.” Fred said with a small chuckle.
I giggled, “Best snog of my life.”
He smiled, tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear.
“Be my girlfriend?” He asked so quietly, that I doubted that I heard it right.
“Come again?”
“Be my girlfriend?” He repeated.
I grinned, pressing a kiss to his cheek, “Gladly.”
Fred beamed as if someone has just handed him the world on a golden platter, pressing a brief kiss on my lips, “I love you.”
I giggled, “I love you too.”
The door of the closet suddenly opened, the two of us having to adjust to the light after being in the darkness for so long.
“Finally.” George said with a proud smile, “Thought we’d have to lock you two in for a week.”
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kashimos-hajime · 3 years
the girl in purple (1/8) | r.b.
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summary: In his mind, you’re wearing the white blouse and long purple skirt again, long riding boots covering dark pants, innocent smile on your face as you wait for him in the noon sunlight. Or, four years ago, Bertholdt asked for a favour and you said yes.
WARNINGS: swearing, ass jokes, flashbacks and flashforwards, mostly fluff and banter, pining and angst at the end, bertholdt is our soft best friend <3 pairing: reiner braun x fem!reader word count: 5.0k
a/n: pt 1 of 8 of a birthday present for the legend, the icon, the bad bitch herself, ISABEL!!@!@!@ @luciilferss​ ALSO, song not mine! it’s the sea shanty called wellerman.
crossposted on ao3 x
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You sigh, wiping the back of your hand before grabbing the next hay bale that needed to be lifted to the loft. Your back aching, you grit your teeth as you lug it towards the ladder. It’s the last one and after a sweaty afternoon, you just want to get into bed. Hopefully Annie did end up getting you supper—you had to work through it just so Shadis didn’t get your ass up tomorrow to finish the job.
“Here, let me help.”
“Oh, thank you,” you reply, glancing to see your savior and a warmth shoots through your body when you realize it’s Bertholdt. “You know if Shadis catches you helping me, it’s going to be hell to pay, right?” The boy smiles, shrugging, and you can’t help your own grin as he gestures for you to climb up. Skirting up the ladder, you turn around to take the hay bale and pushing it towards the corner before jumping down and dusting off your hands. Stable clean-up is never fun, but with autumn right around the corner, they all want to get a head start before the chill sets in.
“I wanted to ask you a favour.”
“I knew there had to be a reason you were in here,” you tease. “Shoot.”
“Well, we have visiting privileges next weekend,” Bertholdt continues as you walk around the stables, picking up tools as you make your way towards where the broom is leaning against the wall. The tall boy ambles after you and you shoot him an amused look, curiosity pricking at your fingers. 
Half-way through their training in the corps, and Bertholdt still manages to keep you guessing. You don’t know what it is about him, but your friend’s always been the quiet one. It’s part of why you like being around him, but you just wish his friend liked you. Annie seems more than fine with you.
Reiner, on the other hand, can barely even look at you. It’s a real downer.
“I was just wondering…”
“You should ask Annie,” you cut off before he can finish, picking up the broom to begin sweeping the stray hay into a neat pile. Bertholdt’s spine goes ramrod straight and his cheeks redden so intensely you can’t help but laugh. “I’m pretty sure she would say yes. You guys are friends, right?”
“Yes, but we’re—we’re not—why would I ask Annie, specifically?” he stammers. The horses neigh as you walk past, their necks stretching out for treats but you ignore them, heading for the entrance. “She could go with a bunch of other people.”
“Yeah, but she always goes with me.” Glancing at Bertholdt, your eyes narrow when he smacks his forehead, covering his flustered expression miserably. Poking him in the gut with the handle of your broom, you continue, “And she only likes a few people here. You’re one of them, Bertl.” 
“Well, if you think so. I mean, you’re her dorm mate, not me, so… argh!” he groans as you walk past him, sweeping. “You’re not helping!”
“Helping with what?” you ask innocently, not paying him a second look. You hear him let out a sigh as you brush hay to the back of the stables. “You’re the one who wanted a favour.”
“Yeah, and I still need to tell you.”
“Literally no one’s stopping you, Bertholdt.” Another resigned sigh. “Okay. Okay. Ask me. I promise I won’t tease you for the next ten minutes.” Turning around, you rest your broom against the post between two stalls. A horse nudges at your face and you scratch the stallion’s chin as Bertholdt walks closer. His eyes inspect your own expression, searching for trickery, but you only grin.
Then, he drops his crossed arms and says, “Someone wants to ask you out next weekend for our visit to Trost.”
“Er, okay? Why didn’t they just ask me themselves?” Crossing your own arms, you lean against the post, the lantern hanging above your head and casting everything in a warm glow. It softens Bertholdt’s smile as he shrugs mischievously. “Who was it?”
“Reiner?” His name is punched out of you, sharp with shock, and your broom slides off the post, clattering to the floor between the two cadets as you stare at Bertholdt. 
“Reiner Braun.”
“We know the same one, don’t we?”
“Blond, makes ass jokes, this tall?” he shoots back, raising a hand that comes just near his ear. You nod. “Yeah.”
“But he hates me.”
“What? No, he doesn’t. Why would you think that?” Bertholdt’s eyebrows knit together and you stare at him incredulously, not sure if he’s joking or not. Shaking your head, you let out a scoff and bend down to pick up your broom to continue your sweeping. Mind a swirl, you try to reconcile the Reiner, who has never said more to you than ‘pass the grease’ during ODM maintenance and ‘you have dirt on your chin’ after forest exercises, with the Reiner who had to ask Bertholdt to ask you out for him.
Sounds fake, but you digress.
“Okay,” you drawl, unable to help the disbelief from creeping into your voice. “This was a good attempt at a joke, but you need to try harder next time.”
“You don’t believe me.”
“Why would I ever believe you?”
“Because I would never li—make something up like that,” he says, correcting himself, and you send him a strange look. “Just… when we get to Trost, you know that bakery that sells the stuffed cream buns. The one you mentioned before?”
“Yeah. Annie likes them,” you inform him pointedly, and Bertholdt’s mouth drops open to argue but he seems to think better of it this time.
“Yes, that one.” Fighting a furious blush on his cheeks, he continues, “If you’re there at noon, you’ll see I’m not lying.”
“And if I’m not there?”
“Reiner will be very sad for the rest of his life,” Bertholdt declares and you can’t help your serious expression from sliding off. “Will you please just consider it?”
Staring at your friend, you study his expression. It’s completely genuine, open, eyes wide and you feel a part of you melting at how adorable he is. For such a tall guy, he’s so goddamn gentle it blows your mind he’s a fighter. You can’t see him hurting even so much as a fly.
It’s for that reason you relent. Because Bertholdt’s never gone out of his way to scheme your downfall. He doesn’t have that in him. “Fine,” you say after a moment. “Fine, I’ll consider it.”
When Reiner steps back into the port city, he can’t help but think what he always thinks when he gets off a battlefield. Four years, and every thought is the same. Routine, almost. Or maybe, a habit to keep something alive.
And he almost takes comfort in it. That you would’ve loved it here. In Marley—Liberio, or otherwise. There are so many kinds of sweets, pastries, so many sights to see—the water stretches on for miles and miles, and you could’ve tried seafood. Maybe you would’ve liked it.
You never tried seafood. He promised. He promised—
Fucking hell. 
He steps out of the barracks, insides twisting into a tight knot as the sun blinds him. Lifting a hand, he squints and blinks, trying to get used to the brightness as people pass him by. Galliard’s voice trails after him like a ghost, and he scowls to himself, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He feels like he hasn’t slept a wink, and his body aches in places so deep he can’t rub it out.
“I saw you through her memories. You acted like the tough, reliable type. Not at all like yourself. And you were with that girl. Who was she to you, anyway, Reiner? Because my brother would have never cozied up with the enemy.”
Cozied up with the enemy. It’s as much as implying fraternization as anything and Reiner had barely chained back the words that would’ve torn both him and Galliard to shreds.
Don’t you fucking dare reduce her to just some promise I broke ever again. It stopped meaning something to me years ago.
Shaking his head free of Galliard’s voice, an image of you flashes through his mind to replace it and the urge to send a fist into his own face lances down his arm, but he barely restrains himself from doing so. Instead, he tightens his hand until his nails dig into his palm.
You’re always the one thing he can’t shake, nor does he think he wants to. 
Hollow, his feet drag his battered body towards the harbour. 
As he walks along the water, he hear some of the fishermen whistle and sing their shanties. It takes him a moment to recognize they’re all singing the same song, and he’s thrown back to when he came to the port the first time he was to go off to Paradis, how he committed the shanties to memory so he could take something with him to what was supposed to be an Island of Devils.
It makes his entire body ache, the uplifting tune filling his body up until he can’t possibly breathe. The way the sailors all sing together, smiling at each other—the camaraderie.
“Soon may the Wellerman come, to bring us sugar and tea and rum, one day when the toungin’ is done, we’ll take our leave and go…”
He misses that the most.
The sun is hanging in the centre of the sky as you glance from your plate to your surroundings. The fountain is full of life, people milling around the edges, tossing coins in and making wishes, and you hide a smile behind your hand when you watch a group of kids trying to flick their coins to the top most basin of the structure. The tiny plink-plink is barely heard, but either way, their groans of disappointment are far more amusing.
It helps pass the time at least, while you waste away your afternoon waiting for someone you’re not even sure will come. Dressed in a white blouse tucked into a long dark purple skirt that covers your pants, you cross one leg over the other as you wait.
You don’t even know why you’re here. Bertholdt had all but avoided your questions for the past week, and Annie didn’t budge, although, it’s harder for the blonde to slip. Being bunkmates helps, but not that much.
You keep people-watching, glancing up at the sky occasionally to see if any birds pass over, your bread untouched. Glancing up and down the street, you rest your chin glumly on the palm of your hand, elbow resting on the table. 
No pretty blond head in sight. 
Groaning, you lift your head when one of the waiters approaches, asking if you wanted anything more. You shake your head, a warmth spreading over your face and watching him go when a shadow falls over your table. 
“Oh, you got something to eat already.” 
Head jerking to the voice, you look up in surprise at whoever’s blocking your sunlight. Standing upright, your chair clatters against cobblestone as you clear your throat.
“You’re actually here,” you blurt out to both of their surprise and Reiner rocks back on his heels, running a hand through his short hair. His eyebrows struggle to meet his hairline and he smiles sheepishly.
“Sorry I’m late. Uh, sit down. I just… got lost.” You sink back into your chair and he takes the seat down across from yours nervously. He’s dressed in a pale green button up and darker slacks, but for once, he’s not scowling at you and you offer a slight smile. “How… how are you?”
“I’m okay. Slow morning.” He nods. You glance at your plate and nudge it towards him awkwardly. “I got it for you. It’s my favourite. I dunno what Bertl told you about me, or… why I’m even here, honestly.”
He picks up the bun tentatively, and you look down at your boots as he takes a bite, too nervous to watch his reaction.
What if he hates sweet things? What if he can’t drink cow milk? Don’t you remember? What if it makes him shit his pants—
“Oh, wow. I need to come to this place more often,” Reiner mumbles, taking another huge bite and your gaze flits to his face as he chews. His eyes are focused solely on the bun in a way that reminds you a lot like Sasha, and the corner of your mouth pulls into a pleased hint of a smile. “This is heaven…”
“You like it?” 
A noise escapes the blond and eyes jerk to meets yours as if he just remembered you were there and you tear your eyes away, clasping your hands together on the table. You close your eyes. Can the embarrassment just swallow you up already?
Reiner clears his throat, taking the cup of water left out for him after a quick point and your nod. He drains it to buy them both time, and your thumbs rub together. If you just walk away now, would it be too bad? You could probably find Annie or Jean pretty easily. Bertholdt’s probably just exploring the city with… if you had to hazard a guess, maybe Armin? They both like the architecture—stuff like that.
Honestly, you have no idea.
Porcelain rests against wood as Reiner nods. “I do. I didn’t know you had a sweet tooth.”
“Er, yeah. Since I was a kid. We didn’t have much, uh, variety, so stuff like this was kinda a delicacy. I grew up at this orphanage where we worked the fields.” You shift in your seat as Reiner continues to eat, and you sigh silently to yourself. Why did you give up an afternoon looking at paint supplies with Jean for an awkward date like this?
Wait, this is a date right? That’s what Bertholdt said. Ask you out. Those were his words, right?
“Where are you from?”
“Just inside Wall Maria, so when Shiganshina was breached, we had more time to move inward,” you explain briefly. “But we mostly ate what we grew for crops. I mean, it’s not like we could buy cream buns every day, you know?” Reiner nodded silently, and you give him an uneasy smile, feeling the need to elaborate. “Ever since we joined the corps, they send me money for birthdays and stuff. I don’t know.” You clear your throat. “Anyway, I just thought you might like the bun.”
“Even though you think I hate you?”
“Wha—“ A strangled noise comes out of your mouth. “Who told you that?”
“Why would you think that, anyway?”
“Because all you do is glare at me,” you say pointedly. Crossing your arms over your chest, you shoot him a narrowed look. “And scowl. And you generally avoid being anywhere near me. I mean, do I stink to you or something, Braun, because I have news for you—“
“I don’t hate you. I actually really like you,” he tells you bluntly, cutting your rant in half, and your eyebrows shoot up in surprise. Reiner looks down at the empty plate, crossing his own arms and leaning forward on them. 
“Y-you like me?” you stammer and his cheeks redden.
“I mean, if Annie likes someone, I’m inclined to believe that they’re worth my time.”
Frowning, your shoulders slump. Gears turning, your expression scrunches up as you think aloud. “But, you asked Bertholdt to ask me out for you. Unless this is a dumb dare—wait.” You sit upright, twisting around to see if any of the other boys are milling around the plaza. Scanning for brown hair, or grey hair, or even blond hair, your cheeks begin to burn at the idea that someone’s watching you embarrass yourself but a hand on your elbow brings your gaze reeling back to Reiner.
A smile curls his lips impishly, but his eyes are resolute, calmer. Even still, he looks like he’s trying to fight a small panic rising up inside him, just like you are as he tells you to relax.
“This isn’t a dare,” he says. “I’m not that cruel.”
“I’ve seen you do worse to Titan dummies.”
“Exactly. I just wanted to get to know you better. Bertholdt offered to help me out since you guys are already friends, and I thought what the hell.”
You turn that explanation over in your head tentatively and a part of you recognizes it makes sense. Despite your hesitation, you know you only said yes because it was Bertholdt who asked you.
Otherwise, how inclined were you to say yes if it had been Reiner stalking up to you and asking you to hang out in Trost? How likely would it have been that you would be sitting here instead of walking along the stalls with Sasha and Connie?
“I’m kinda ashamed I don’t know you that well,” Reiner continues, fighting off tones you can’t decipher laced in his voice. Your brow furrows. “But I want to fix that, if you’d let me.” 
Dazedly, you repeat, “Fix… that?”
He nods and you simply stare at him, trying to get your mouth to work. It’s like he stole all the words from your mouth and time seems to slow as your lips part.
Absently, you realize his hand is still touching your elbow, fingers firm but not tight, and you swallow, studying his expression. Golden light plays on his face, sharpening the shadows of his nose and cheeks and lips, and yet everything about him seems to soften. Normally, you see him as hard rigid lines, like the shape of armour, and there is always an imposing aura around him that has become more muted now that he’s sitting beside you.
And you believe it. That he doesn’t hate you.
Maybe he really, really doesn’t, and you’d be an idiot if you don’t take up the offer.
So you stand up abruptly, and pull your arm out of his grip before slipping your hand into his.
“Fine,” you annouce, pulling him up. His eyes widen and you lead him away from the café with a small grin to yourself. A new plan begins to formulate in your mind as they step into the welcoming sun. Reiner’s long strides catch up to yours and he falls into step beside you. His stare burns into your cheek and you only tighten your grip on his hand as you lift your chin haughtily at him. “What do you say to a game of twenty questions?”
His eyebrows shoot up, but then a smug smile pulls at his mouth and he squeezes your hand back. “Sounds perfect, creampie. I promise, I’ll be perfectly honest.”
“Creampie?” you repeat dumbly, eyebrows shooting up and a horrible burning licking at your heart. Reiner gives you a vulgar smile and you let go of his hand, shaking your head and smacking his arm before looking down at the ground. Half of you wishes the ground would open up and swallow you whole—the other half thinks you’ll die of embarrassment before that. “How do you even know what that is?”
“I could ask you the same thing.”
You straighten up, spine straight as an arrow. Flustered, you stutter, “That’s none of your business.”
He tilts his head back and laughs. “Guess that was your first question, then, huh? Bold start. Surprised me, too, creampie, so that gets you bonus points.”
“What? Wait—no! That doesn’t count!”
Walking past the hospital every day, it feels almost ritual to look past the gates and into the courtyard. Sometimes there are patients milling around, doing their daily physical activity, or nurses and other workers walking through to get a break from all the depressing shit that must be going on in there, and Reiner always, always, wonders if he should be in there with the rest of them.
It’s why he turns his head on reflex now, peering through iron-wrought gates. No one’s inside except for a pair walking through the path and he stops for a moment, watching. 
One of them is most definitely a woman, a hat covering her head and a long coat the shade of plums. A white Eldian armband is stark against the shade of her clothes. Meanwhile the other looks like he’s been dragged through hell. With one leg, he hobbles along with his crutch, black hair streaming past his shoulders, and he’s ragged, white shirt kind of messy from where Reiner stands. The Eldian armband is wrapped tight along his bicep. But he stands straight-back, shoulders set, the gait of a soldier. Pride keeps him up, not strength.
He’s too far away to hear them speak, and they stick to the shadows of the hospital, but after a short moment, the woman wraps an arm around the one not desperately holding onto the crutch, leaning in closer towards the man as if he has the most riveting thing to say.
For a moment, it is not a woman in a purple jacket and a veteran with one leg but two cadets walking the streets of Trost, sunlight shining down on them warmly. The blond boy leans to listen to the girl beside him, smiling until he thought his cheeks would fall off.
“This is your last question, Reiner. Make it count.”
“Hm… alright, if you could do anything in the world, anything at all, what would you do? No Titans, no soldiers. Let’s say there was no war at all and you had unlimited resources, yadda, yadda, yadda…”
“Oh? Hm… I’d want to live where there’s a lot of water. Like a lake or something. I’d get to try all these foods I’ve never thought of before, and I’d, uh… I don’t know what I’d do for money. I guess I’d figure it out somehow.”
“Chopping down wood sounds fun.”
“Yeah, right! I’d rather chop my fingers off. Hm… Maybe I could raise some kids, like I was raised. Give them a home.”
“That’s a lot of responsibility.”
“I dunno. I like being responsible for things. It makes me feel like I’m needed, I guess. I don’t want a kid to grow up lonely like I did.”
“That… that sounds nice.”
“You could visit, you know. As long as you chop the firewood.”
Reiner blinks, and the two are gone. Not a hint of them are in sight, and a soft breath slips out between his lips. He must’ve been seeing things.
Shaking his head to himself, he turns away.
The past year and a half has been turbulent since you became friends with Reiner, but for some reason, you don’t think you would change the thing. 
Not even when Connie would come at ghastly hours in the morning because “CAN YOU PLEASE TELL REINER TO STOP SNORING? We would but we’re too afraid of being crushed by the weight of his entire body. Thank you! You’re the best, seriously.”
Or when they’re studying and Reiner makes one too many jokes about how he could fuck a Titan, despite Bertholdt’s resigned sighs and you throwing a book at him, and it only gets you, “Keep acting like that and I’ll take a bite out of your juicy ass next, creampie,” and a heat that kisses at your face.
Not even after reclaiming Trost and losing yourself in his arms.
You feel something inside you shatter as the smell of ash tickles at your nose. Walking past the combat medics base they set up for the parameter of the recovery effort, you don’t even look up at any of your friends still left as you walk past. Your entire body burns from the aftermath of Trost, and you wonder if you’ll be able to even get up in the morning as you limp over to a secluded alleyway and lean against the stone.
You don’t know if you’ve ever fought for that long or hard in your life, and you can’t feel your legs anymore as you sink to the floor.
Too many bodies. There are too many bodies.
Looking up, you pull your mask down when Reiner stands before you. Tearing the fabric off your neck, you draw your knees up and rest your arms on top of them, the mask hanging off your fingers limply. A strange relieving wave washes over you to know he’s still here, even surrounded by so much death.
“Hi,” you murmur. “It’s a lot.”
“Yeah,” he agrees simply, leaning in beside you and sliding down. Their knees knock into one another as he tugs his own mask down. Sweat glistens along his skin and his sleeves are rolled up as he clears his throat. “I’m glad you made it out.”
You smile faintly at him but it flickers out before it can find a place on your face. Looking at your hands, you imagine the rough skin of calluses forming on your palms still and you wish you could rip your gloves off but every part of you is too exhausted to move now. Softly, you tell him, “I’m glad you made it out, too. There are a few of us I haven’t really caught sight of. I know Eren’s squad is dead. I—“ you stop yourself. No way Reiner is interested in the fact that you had taken their deaths in stride because you had to in the moment and now you don’t think you can feel at all— “but… Marco. I haven’t seen him in days. Jean hasn’t seen him either.”
“M-Marco?” Reiner whispers and your eyes lift to look at him. “You haven’t found him yet?” Gaze widening at the colour draining from Reiner’s face, your stomach flips and a dread fills your entire being as you sit upright, your legs sliding down, your arms falling to the ground to prop yourself up. Lungs tightening, your lips part as if to form his name but no sound comes out.
You know what his silence means. His silence is death spelt out in glaring red letters—the same shade as blood. 
But Marco?
Why Marco? A caustic voice screams inside you and your nails dig into the cobblestone as Reiner turns his face away, jaw clenching. Trying to breathe, the air stalls in your throat and your gut clenches as your gaze drifts to the street full of combat medics and doctors, other soldiers who still walk. What—what do you mean Marco isn’t one of them? You want to grab Reiner by the jacket, shake him until he makes sense, but instead you search for freckles behind every mask, stumbling to your feet. Marco never did anything wrong. He was supposed to join the MPs. He was our… our leader. He never did anything wrong.
He never did anything wrong. Never. Never. Not Marco. It can’t be. The thought tumbles through your head as you push yourself to your feet but your knees nearly give in on the first step and you stumble to the other side of the alleyway with a harsh noise. Shoulder crashing into the stone, your eyes squeeze tight and hot tears pour down your face as you clench your teeth, trying to chain back the sob that’s working through your body. Head hanging, your mouth pries open as an ugly moan comes out of you, so deep inside you that you want to crumble.
Days seem to pile onto your shoulders until you think your bones will break and your fingers curl into tight fists as you try to stop the tears from falling, but they keep coming, tracing your nose, pushing everywhere and everything is so hot. Shit, you can’t even breathe—
Hands take your shoulders and you let out a ferocious scream, thrashing yourself out of your grip but fingers only slide to your biceps, pulling you away from the wall as your boots slip against the cobblestone and then hands are on your wrists, pushing away your blind fists.
“Let me go! He’s dead, isn’t he?” you scream as he lets go of you for just a second to wrap his arms around you and you let out a shuddering breath as he crushes you in his embrace. “Reiner! Tell me! Marco’s dead!”
“Yes! Yes, he is!”
His words spear through your skull, sending electricity down your spine and your entire body goes limp as he collapses to his knees, you with him. Your arms at your side, your eyes blink open and you feel fresh tears fall down your face as he cups the back of your head, holding you to him and as something wet seeps into your shoulder, it’s as if you are set on fire.
“I’m so sorry. I’m sorry.”
 On their own accord, your arms come up under his and fingers hook onto his shoulders. Chest to chest, you swear your heart beats in a mournful beat with his, and his entire body collapses against yours. Eyes closing, you press yourself closer, hoping that the heat of his body will chase away the cold that’s rapidly spreading through your body.
Reiner’s arm around your waist tightens. You swallow hard against his shoulder.
“Please forgive me,” he whispers against your neck, wet cheek pressing against your jaw, and your chest stutters as you try to remember how to breathe.
You barely breathe his name. It only makes him curl tighter against you.
Liberio is colder at night than he remembers. He has to pull the blankets up to his chin, and still, he shivers.
Rolling onto his side, he can nearly imagine you staring back beside him, smiling, hand reaching to touch his face, and his eyes flutter shut when your fingers seem to pass through his cheek.
In his mind, you’re wearing the white blouse and long purple skirt again, long riding boots covering dark pants, innocent smile on your face as you wait for him in the noon sunlight. 
By then, he had known there weren’t any devils on Paradis, but he’d never seen an angel until he saw you cast in gold.
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joyfulhopelox · 3 years
"I've never cried over a broken dryer before"- "and you better not start now"
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gif not mine cr. belongs to owner
Part 1 | Part 2
A/N: got nothing to say for myself really, just listened to a song, the idea hit me and i haven't written anything non science related in a decade so i gave it another go....that being said i realised i am awful at emotions lol. Side note i am from the UK so if some things seem off i apologise
Copyrights @joyfulhopelox
Pairing: Jungkook x reader (College!AU/ University!AU)
Warnings: ? mentions of skin? terrible fluff and flirting attempts
Word count: idk, it would not stop ~4k
A bop. A bop and some alcohol. That is all you needed after a long tiring week of studying for finals and cramming for your practical assessments. This week had been the last week of exam season and you were more than grateful that it had ended. You did not particularly care about how you’ve done on the assessments. That was not your present self’s problem, that was something for future you to worry about. Presently you just wanted to take a nap and head out with your girlfriends on a night out to just dance and drink all the stress away.
You weren’t a drinker, not by a long shot. You barely touched alcohol once or twice a month, and that happened mainly when you would have a get together with your friends. It was hard not to get sucked in when everything around you was so loud and chaotic it made you want to be part of the chaos not just an observer. You’ve done the whole ‘being sober whilst your friends got drunk’ and you swore to yourself it would never happen again. Funny how nights out looked disgusting and cliche when you were actually awake to witness them. From the group who ended up dancing on the tables, to the group who dispersed to hunt for one night stands, to the group who decided to pass out at the bar or in the toilets and then you, the sober one left to pick everyone up and send them back home safely and make sure than no one got into a fight. You sometimes wondered how the hell you got home alright when you ended up actually drinking on these nights out as none of your friends seemed willing to stay sober and watch over you. For once, you were not going to question your luck and just roll with it.
Before you settled for a nap though you knew you had to go downstairs to do your washing. Being a student during exam season meant you were surviving on microwavable food, lots of caffeine, sugar in all sorts of forms and that your tiny dorm room looked as if a hurricane has passed through it with dirty clothes all over the place and bedding that has been left unwashed for at least 2 weeks. You felt disgusting and unfortunately the neat freak in you kicked in, unsuppressed anymore by your pre-exam anxiety. With a sigh you started undoing your bedsheets and stashing them in a basket along with other bits and pieces of clothes. Making sure that you got your laundry detergent and your key card you started lugging the basket out of your room praying to the Gods that the lift was not broken.
Living on the 8th floor had its perks, but not when you were in a sleep deprived hurry. All you could do is check the numbers going down to the lower ground hoping that the lift would not stop at any other floor. But of course your luck would run out, on 3rd floor the lift slowed down and stopped, making you release an angry huff. ‘Of course it would’ you muttered to yourself as the doors opened only to reveal a tall men impatiently tapping his foot. Huffing he too got into the elevator making you aware of his stature. He may have not been as tall as some of the men you’ve seen but he was clearly working out as his muscles made him look way broader than his stature permitted. A gym rat, you rolled your eyes and tried to move the laundry bag and yourself into the corner, the space feeling too cramped for your liking. The dragging sound of the bag made the person turn around and give you a curious glance which you dismissed quickly. You weren’t interested in conversing with strangers on a normal basis let alone a gym rat. Nothing against them, you just had nothing in common and your tired brain did not want to make up a polite small talk.
‘Lower ground?’ the person asked you, surprisingly the voice was soft and clear, something you had not expected of him. It made you glance at him, ‘yeah’ you nodded after composing yourself. The person nodded making their long bangs fall into their eyes which prompted the next two surprises for you; in an attempt to settle his bangs out of his face he not only revealed a muscular defined arm which you’d have to admit was kind of attractive- you’d have to be blind not to notice, but also an array of random tattoos all over his arm and hand. The other surprise hit you a moment later after you realised you’ve been staring at him for a second too long and you sniffed and turned your face away. The smell of alcohol was coming off of him strongly as if he’s been drinking for a few days straight and his pores exuded it. It took you all you had to not cough. Frat boy, gym rat- this guy was ticking all the ‘no no’ boxes and so regardless of how good looking he was he did not deserve second thoughts.
Your prayers being answered, you reached lower ground quicker than expected and you prepared yourself to rush out of the lift. However, the clothes basket was heavier than you’d thought so instead of a swift exit like you’ve planned, you closely resembled Santa dragging his toy sack.
‘Would you like some help with that?’ the guy who’d turned around and observed you amusedly as you struggled extended a hand in your direction. You huffed and dropped the basket on the floor and couldn’t help but notice the basket he held in one hand and how the effort made his muscles and veiny arms that much more noticeable. Hot.
‘’S all good thanks’ however, you were not going to accept his help. You just wanted to get these damn clothes in the wash so you could go and nap away the remainder of your post exam stress. The guy held your gaze for a second too long before he raised an eyebrow and looked unconvincingly at your basket and your face, which was red by now you’d presume. Then shrugging he carried on walking towards the laundry room getting further and further out of your view, and you could have sworn there was an extra spring in his step. That fucker.
After monumental efforts you managed to drag everything to the laundry room only to notice that it had been left propped open by an empty bottle. Entering with difficulty you made your way to the closest washer available and dropped the laundry basket on the floor with a relieved sigh. Bending down to start putting your clothes in, you could definitely hear a snicker behind you. Whas that….? Of course it was, you were the only two souls in there. Everyone else was probably either enjoying some much needed sleep or partying the evening away already. Deciding to ignore him you continued to pile your clothes into the machine and soon enough you got distracted so much so that you did not realise you had started humming.
‘Nice voice you got there, but do both of us a favour, leave it for when you’re on your own will you?’ another snicker from behind. Flustered you whipped around, ‘what?’ his gaze on you held a smouldering effect making you feel as if you were pinned down by just its sheer force. His dark eyes, whilst amused, were also narrowed on your form as if commanding you to listen to what he was saying. Your breath hitched and as much as you’d tried to shrug off the feeling and the temptation to not listen to him and turn around, you found yourself unable to. Trying to hold his gaze your eyes wavered for a split second when the tip of his tongue peeked out from between his lips to wet the lower one. A gesture so fleeting, done as if by habit, but paired with the intense gaze it had your throat constrict and your instincts had been to follow his moves, your own tongue coming out to lick your own suddenly dry lips.
Had you intended to do this to toy with him? No. Has it worked? Judging by the way his eyes travelled slowly and purposefully down your face towards your lips, you could swear it has. Refusing to give him more vulnerability than that you turned around with tremendous efforts and continued pilling clothes into the washer completely missing the way he stared at your ass that was now on display. Biting his lip he gave you another once over before returning to his own washing.
You couldn’t help to glance his way every time you would turn around to pick up more clothes out of the basket. He was sporting a concentrated face, his lower lip caught between his teeth, his broad shoulders and the way his arm muscles were defined by the effort were making you breathless. However, what made your head spin and your heart to skip too many beats for it to be healthy was what happened next. You blame your bad luck - or good luck- for glancing at him only to catch him grab his shirt and give it a tentative sniff and a shrug. So he knew he reeked, but your snicker turned into a hiccup as soon as he had grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head.
Normally a situation like this wouldn’t phase you, you have seen plenty of men naked. But this one, this one was a special one. His bunny like features, defined nose bridge, jawline and floppy but rugged hair were a complete contrast to his defined jawline and...oh lord….were those six or eight abs??
‘What in the name of abs are you doing?’ sputtering you turned to fully face him. What a mistake. He did the same so now you had a full frontal view, first row, VIP seat to his naked upper body. That was definitely a six abs package. Shrugging, which by lord made everything tense up in ways you did not need to see, he threw the longsleeve into the wash and slammed it shut. All that did not take more than 5 seconds but to you, it seemed like a slowed down eternity in which your eyes got a good view of a muscular anatomy.
‘What, it’s dirty and i’m doing my washing?’ he stated as if it was plain as day and absolutely normal to get naked in the laundry room.’In the name of abs? Should i be calling you a peeping Tom?’ A slow forming smirk that made him look dangerously mischievous made its way onto his face.
‘Pffft, what? I said in the name of gods, what are you on about? Why would I be looking at you, whilst you think it’s perfectly fine to strip in a public place??’ he laughed at your clear distress but chose to not to mention your choice of words. ‘Hardly public is it? There’s just you and i in here’ he rebutted whilst turning around to scan his laundry card onto the machine and pressed start. You scoffed indignantly, ‘what am i chopped liver? I’m not goddamn blind’ you mumbled, not for his ears but instead chose to say out loud, ‘what about the poor souls who will see you in the lift back up? Is that not a public place?’
Unbeknownst to you he had clearly heard your previous statement, his smirk once again widening, so you had actually been looking. Good. Clearing his throat he put on as much of a serious face as he could ‘I think it’s unfair to call them poor, this is not cheap accommodation, if they live here it is clear that they are anything but poor’ he knew what you’d meant by poor, but just the annoyed tick in your eyebrow that appeared at his statement was worth it. Choosing to stay silent instead of taking the bait, you returned to your laundry. Only to curse out loud- you had finished it and upon scouring your belongings haphazardly you realised your card was missing. Vaguely remembering you had only taken your room card you groaned, this was not how you’d intended to spend your afternoon before the party.
Without a second’s notice, a tattooed hand with a card appeared before your eyes and the washing machine burst to life. Indignantly you whipped your head around to look at the owner of said hand, ‘what are you doing?’ only to come face to face with the end of a defined collarbone and jawline. And by all that is saintfully just, the line of his throat was just as attractive as the whole of the man. Being this close to him rendered you absolutely useless, jumbled thoughts ranging from ‘i need to pay him back’ to ‘what is he even doing’ to settle in the end to a single thought which you also voiced out loud without even thinking. ‘Your moles are pretty’. You had managed to get past the expanse of his neck to the outline of his lower lip when you noticed his mole, and to your defense- it was cute, but with the whole package, cute is the last word you had in mind. More like- it added a completeness that you would not think he needed but there it was.
He swallowed thickly, enjoying for a second too long the glazed look you had on your face as you said that. ‘And you have nice eyes’ he retaliates even though this is the first time he’s had a closeup look at them. Bright and sparkly, unknown to the both of you, a mirror of each other’s. Sparkly with a promise of something. Something which would have to wait for….if you had your way, forever, if he had his way- a second. You finally willed your legs to step aside and away from the unclothed man.
‘Uh-thanks’ you never stutter, but something about the heavy and thick air around makes it hard to take controlled breaths. ‘For the washing i mean’ you correct yourself. You will never admit to him out loud that him complimenting your eyes made your heart stumble and your brain freeze. You turned around to escape the situation, completely missing the amused expression on the man’s face. ‘You are welcome’ he extends his hand out walking to your side not missing the way you try to put some distance in between the two of you.
‘I’m Jungkook’ he smiles, a complete 180 from his appearance, his smile was warm and genuine, the type of smile that is reflected not only in his eyes but his whole face. His nose scrunches up too cutely, you think to yourself. He somehow resembles a bunny? Mustering up all the courage and bravery your heart still had, you grasp his hand. Hm, soft, odd for a gym head. You knew what he was asking for, but you would not give it to him. As cute as he is, you still tried to tell yourself you were unimpressed. ‘And i’m a poor soul who lives in this block of flats’ you mutter ‘i will pay you back for the washing’.
As soon as you reached your tiny cramped room and settled down for that nap you’ve been craving, you could not help but replay the last words he said to you, sounding way too smug for his own good. ‘Is that you telling me to put a shirt on for your sake?’
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jaehyunfirstlove · 4 years
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It’s senior year and you have no time for distractions, so you make a pact with your best friend, Jaehyun, that you both won’t date and just help each other make it through the year. You weren’t prepared for your brother’s friend to show up and throw your world into chaos. Will you make it out unscathed, or will you gain a boyfriend and lose a friend in the process? (More importantly, will you graduate from college :)
Pairing: college!Jaehyun x f. reader, Lucas x f. reader (briefly)
Special appearances: Lucas, Mark
Genre: best friends to lovers, college au, fluff, angst, smut (18+ only)
Warnings: pining, love triangle, unprotected sex, Lucas is irresistible, Mark is annoying, Y/N is clueless, Jaehyun is jealous
Word count: 7.9k
Taglist: @jaehyunnie77, @nctsworld​ (send me a message if you want to be tagged in future fics)
A/N: This has been living in my head for a while, not sure it turned out the way I wanted it to but I wanted to get it out before Dear.M came out (edit: since Dear.M has been postponed I guess it doesn’t matter).  Also my contribution to @nctsworld writing challenge :)
You’ll never forget that day.
It was already a few weeks into the semester and someone was still moving in, boxes and other miscellaneous belongings stacked beside the elevator. You found it odd that someone would start school so late but you just shrugged your shoulders, thinking it had nothing to do with you and just waited patiently for the next elevator.
“Noona!” you turned at the sound of your brother’s voice, knowing he would be the only one who would call you that in public.
“I told you to stop calling me that when we’re at school,” you rolled your eyes at him but he just laughed, completely ignoring you.
“Look who it is!” he smacked your shoulder and pointed excitedly behind him. You craned your head to look around him, and met eyes with a familiar face. Only it was much handsomer and more grown up than you remembered.
“Hi noona,” he shyly waved with one hand, holding a box handily with the other.
“Lucas?” you recognized him but at the same time you were shocked at the change. You only remembered a grubby and chubby little kid who wreaked havoc with your younger brother, the two of them together a swirling tornado of flailing limbs and piercing shrieks, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. The very memory of it made your eye twitch.
Yet here he was standing in front of you, much taller than you, that cute face from childhood transformed into the chiseled features that made people swoon. Indeed you felt your knees weak at the sight of him, noticing how the muscles in his arm bulged as he held the box.
He blushed as you stared, and you metaphorically picked your jaw up off the floor as your brother went on chattering.
“... came back from abroad and he was lucky to get in! And since I didn’t have a roommate they paired him with me! Everything works out in the end, isn’t that cool?” Mark was talking animatedly, practically vibrating with excitement at the prospect of tearing it up again with his childhood friend.
“Yeah, that’s awesome,” you replied, swallowing thickly. This would not do. You had no time to be attracted to anyone, let alone your brother’s friend.
“Well, it was nice to see you again, noona,” Lucas smiled at you. The elevator doors had opened and they had both stepped in.
“Y-yeah, nice to see you too, Lucas,” you stuttered, and his smile grew until it reached his eyes, “and you can call me Y/N!” you called out, but the elevator doors were already closing.
“Shit.” You muttered under your breath, your brain already swirling with thoughts of this new complication.
“What’s up?”
“Hm?” you turned to see your best friend, Jaehyun, come up to stand beside you.
“You look like you just saw a ghost,” he chuckled, elbowing you playfully.
“Not a ghost,” you replied thoughtfully, “just Mark’s friend, but he’s grown up.”
Jaehyun laughed at you. “Well duh, that’s what people do? Grow?”
“No, I mean he’s grown. Like ‘holy shit he’s a man’ type of grown.” You shook your head at the thought of it, eyes glazed over, completely missing how Jaehyun frowned as he watched your reaction.
“Ah,” was all he said, before he suddenly smacked you in the arm, jolting you out of your reverie. “Hey, but remember our pact. No dating!” he stated firmly.
“Pfft,” you scoffed, “I’m not attracted to him at all,” you said, a bit too loudly. Jaehyun eyed you, completely unconvinced, especially since you could feel your cheeks heating up.
“Well, whatever,” he shrugged, turning away from you so you couldn’t see the disappointment in his face. “Let’s go to class.”
For the next few weeks you avoided Lucas as much as you could, which wasn’t too hard since he was a sophomore and had no classes anywhere near you. But that also meant you had to avoid your brother, since they were roommates.
[Noona, why can’t you just drop it off? I need it so bad!!]
[I can’t go all the way to your dorm today, just meet me outside the cafe and I’ll give it to you]
You put your phone down on the table, sighing at Mark’s less than enthusiastic text in response.
“What’s wrong?” Jaehyun asked, looking up from his books.
“Oh Mark needed this fan,” you pointed to the bag at your feet, “I just told him to come here and pick it up.”
“I was wondering why you were lugging that thing all over campus,” Jaehyun peeked underneath the table at the fan tucked messily into a battered Trader Joe's reusable shopping bag. “Why didn’t you just bring it to his dorm?”
You shook your head vehemently. “Oh no no no, I am not going there. Can’t do it. Won’t do it.”
Jaehyun watched you carefully as you nervously played with your hair. “Is it because of him?” he finally asked.
You nodded absentmindedly, “I can’t afford any distractions right now, right? No dating, like you said!” You slammed your fist onto the table forcefully, but Jaehyun didn’t flinch. He just stared at you.
“You like him that much.” It was meant to be a question but came out more like a statement, and in a tone you’d never heard from your best friend. It sounded almost accusatory.
“Hey! Can you blame me? Have you seen him?” you went into defense mode, completely misinterpreting his tone of voice. He just turned his face away from you, unable to hide the hurt he was feeling. You just thought he was upset that you might be threatening the pact you both had made so you tried to smooth things over. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to date him. But it’s better that I don’t see him too much, you know?”
“Good idea,” was all Jaehyun said, before he turned his attention back to his books.
“Noona!” you looked up to see Mark walking towards you, and you were about to rebuke him for calling you that when you saw who was with him.
“Hi noona,” Lucas smiled, coming to stand beside Mark. Your heart was beating out of your chest at the sight of him, your throat suddenly dry.
“H-hi guys,” you managed, before turning to Mark, “I told you to meet me outside?”
“Sorry we wanted a drink,” he turned to Jaehyun, “hey hyung, you remember my friend, Lucas?” he gestured towards Lucas excitedly.
“Of course,” Jaehyun said politely, “Nice to see you again, man,” he held out his hand and Lucas shook it enthusiastically.
“I heard you were at this school too, this is so cool!” Lucas exclaimed, “We’re all back together again!”
Despite Lucas and Mark’s bright demeanors you felt a tension in the air so thick you could cut it with a knife. You were puzzled as to where it could be coming from, looking from your brother to Lucas to Jaehyun. No one seemed to be giving anything away, until Jaehyun locked eyes with you and you saw something flash for a split second.
It was a look you’d never seen before, that you couldn’t quite place. Was he angry? Did he not like Lucas? You went back through your memories but you couldn’t remember them not getting along, Jaehyun had no siblings so Mark and Lucas were like little brothers to him. So what was this feeling?
“Anyway here’s the fan,” you shoved the bag into Mark’s hands, not caring that you had rudely interrupted whatever small talk was happening between the three of them. You just wanted them to leave, especially Lucas.
“Okay, okay, I get it, you two want to be alone,” Mark winked, giggling at his own joke, but you just rolled your eyes.
“Very funny, you know it’s not like that, now get lost,” you grumbled, turning your attention away from them and towards your books. Mark only shrugged, turning to walk away. Jaehyun dropped his gaze, hoping no one saw the hurt in his eyes.
“Bye, noona,” Lucas lightly touched your arm as he walked past you. You felt a shiver go up your spine at the contact, but you resolutely composed yourself.
“I told you to call me Y/N,” you responded firmly.
He only turned back to look at you, smiling widely. “I just like calling you ‘noona’,” he said, before walking away to join Mark.
You must have had the dumbest look on your face because Jaehyun just laughed, almost bitterly.
“Wow,” was all he said, shaking his head, no trace of his usual good spirits. He suddenly started packing up his books.
“Where are you going?” you asked, surprised at his sudden movements, “We’re not done with this chapter!”
“I suddenly lost my appetite,” he responded, not looking at you at all, “you got this, just call me if you have any problems.”
You watched his retreating back, wondering what had happened to put him in such a mood.
The rest of the semester was tough, your professors were a lot harder on you and all of your courses were kicking your ass. Worst of all, your best friend and trusty study partner had ghosted you.
[How about tonight? Can you come by]
[Can’t, sorry]
[Come on I’m dying! I need help with this so bad!]
[You got this]
You pulled your hair in frustration, wanting to scream at Jaehyun’s sudden reticence. You’d confronted him about it in the one class you shared but he just shrugged, making some lame excuse about how the coursework was so much harder than he thought it was so he needed to concentrate. You had scoffed, knowing full well that was not the case for the ace student that he was. For as long as you’d known him he had always been the one who’d gotten the highest grades in every class he was in. You had persisted, trying to get it out of him but the professor had started speaking, and as soon as class had finished he’d left to talk to some other friends.
Maybe you two were drifting apart, and you hadn’t noticed, too busy with school and trying to avoid your feelings for Lucas. You shook your head at the thought of Lucas, but as if your thoughts could conjure him he suddenly appeared in front of you.
“Hi noona,” he whispered, cognizant of the bent over backs of the other students studying at the library around you. You gaped at him as he pulled out the chair across from you at the table you were at. “Is it okay if I sit here?” he asked innocently.
You swallowed the lump in your throat, fully aware that you should say no, but your head betrayed you and nodded at him. He smiled widely and your heart thumped in your chest.
“Thanks,” he said, taking a seat and spreading out his books, “the other tables were full, you really saved my life.”
You just nodded, trying to look anywhere but at his face, but he just kept smiling so charmingly you couldn’t help it. You’d sneak a look up at him now and then, and every time he would catch you and smile. The two of you didn’t talk very much, mostly because you didn’t want to disturb the quiet but also because you didn’t want whatever was happening to go any further. Lucas, however, had different expectations.
“Hey, if you’re not busy after this, maybe we can go for a coffee? Catch up? I feel like I haven’t really spent any time with you.” The smile he leveled at you this time was so dazzling you were momentarily blinded.
“Um,” you started, your brain short-circuiting, “I… uh… don’t think-”
“Aww, come on, noona! I haven’t seen you in so long! Please, just one coffee?” he made a face that resembled that one emoji you used so often that Jaehyun had it saved in his phone instead of your name.
You opened your mouth to say no, you had really meant to, your lips even forming the word, but he kept looking at you with that face and you knew you were done for.
“Sure,” you said in defeat, “just one, though.”
“Great!” he clapped his hands in glee, forgetting where he was, and when the people around him shot him dirty looks he slapped his hand over his mouth in a comically over-dramatic display. You couldn’t help but laugh, looking up just in time to see Jaehyun walking past your table. He stared between the two of you, not saying a word. You stood up to call him over but he turned away from you abruptly and walked away.
“Let’s go, noona,” Lucas called you, and you looked between him and your best friend, torn as to who to follow. You had to admit Jaehyun’s coldness towards you was hurting you, but you had reached out to him and he had shut you down. You packed up your stuff and followed Lucas to the cafe.
Later that night you got a text from Jaehyun:
[Remember our pact]
You wanted to throw your phone and scream at him for being so frustrating. You decided to ignore him, since that’s what he had been doing to you. You didn’t bother answering his text, and for the first time in your decade-long friendship you didn’t text him ‘good night’.
“Hey, we have room, wanna ride home with us?”
It was winter break, and everyone who was going home was standing on the curb waiting for their pickup. You spotted Jaehyun, and even though the two of you still hadn’t spoken, you couldn’t help but offer. He started at the sound of your voice, almost smiled, before he shook his head.
“Thanks, but my dad is on his way,” he kicked at the ground with the toe of his shoe when you didn’t say anything in response, then finally looked away.
Truth be told, you were hurt. You’d been hurt since the day you two stopped talking, the day you went for coffee with Lucas. You had tried to keep your attention on Lucas, which wouldn’t have been too hard because he talked so animatedly, but your mind kept going over Jaehyun’s reaction when he saw the two of you. You couldn’t make sense of it, and you couldn’t make sense of his sudden disinterest. You had been friends for most of your lives, and he had never acted that way before. You finally settled on the fact that he probably didn’t want to be your friend anymore, college changes people after all, and his plans for after graduation were so grandiose and involved and probably definitely didn’t include you. A sadness had washed over you then, the two of you had been inseparable since middle school, you hadn’t gone a day without seeing him or speaking to him. The prospect of him not being in your life hurt you more than you would ever admit.
Turning away from him you loaded your bags into the trunk of your mom’s car, while Mark climbed into the passenger’s seat, excitedly relaying the details of his day-to-day to your ever-patient mom. You got into the backseat and closed your eyes, wanting to forget your college experience for a while.
Four days into your break you couldn’t escape it.
“Honey, set three more places for dinner, the Jeongs are coming over.”
Your hand froze midway to placing the silverware on the table at your mom’s statement.
“Are you serious?” you asked in shock.
“What are you so surprised for? We always have them over during your breaks. Besides, I haven’t seen Jaehyun in months, I want to know how he’s doing in senior year.”
Your mom had unofficially adopted Jaehyun, when you were kids his parents had been busy with work, so he had spent a lot of time at your house. Your mom loved doting on him because he was so polite and well-mannered, almost an antithesis to the hellraiser that was your younger brother.
Dinner had been a calm affair, the parents speaking amongst themselves, while you picked at your food and Mark occasionally would start talking at breaks in the conversation. Jaehyun sat across from you, looking much more relaxed than he did at school. He was always polite around your parents, but you noticed he seemed lighter, freer, smiled and joked more. He even spared you a glance here and there, the corners of his mouth almost turning up into a smile.
“Oh mom, guess who’s going to our school now?” Mark suddenly burst out.
“Lucas is back, right? I spoke to his mom. That’s wonderful that you’re back together.” Your mom smiled fondly at your brother. At the mention of Lucas’ name you looked over at Jaehyun, who dropped his gaze, suddenly intensely preoccupied with his broccoli.
“Yeah! And I think he likes noona!” Mark looked at you while he said this, waggling his eyebrows. You smacked him hard in the arm.
“Not at all, that is not happening,” you protested, shooting daggers with your eyes at your brother. He only shrugged, rubbing his arm where you had hit him.
“Whatever, I know you guys go on coffee dates and he texts you all the time! I see that stupid look on his face when he’s texting,” he screwed up his face and mimicked Lucas texting on his phone and everyone laughed. 
Everyone, except Jaehyun. He looked at you, with something like hurt in his eyes, before he looked away quickly.
“That is not true, we went on one coffee date, one!” you emphasized the word by putting up your index finger, “and it is not me he is texting all the time, trust me,” you added firmly.
Your mom just smiled. “I’m not opposed to Lucas, he’s a sweet boy,” she stated, “the only other boy I’d be happy about you dating is Jaehyun.” She smiled sweetly at him while his parents smiled at you, both nodding in approval.
Normally when she said things like this you would just roll your eyes at her, reminding her that you and Jaehyun were just friends, but this time you felt your palms get sweaty and your face felt warm. You looked over at Jaehyun and he still hadn’t looked up from his plate, but his ears were as red as the tomato sauce on the pasta.
“Am I the only one here who would be happy with no one dating?” your dad finally spoke up. “Not that I don’t approve of any of you, I just think senior year is hard enough as it is.” He shrugged, taking a sip of his wine while your mom patted him soothingly on the shoulder.
“Yes, yes, we’re not suggesting anything, merely stating our preferences.” She looked over at Jaehyun’s mom, the two of them sharing a conspiratorial smile.
After dinner you and Jaehyun were tasked with doing the dishes, while the parents relaxed in the living room and Mark cleaned off the table.
“You, uh, missed a spot,” you held up the plate to Jaehyun, indicating the still soapy area with a sweep of your finger. He nodded and took it from you, passing it under the running water and handing it back. You dried it carefully, watching him as you did, the silence between you so heavy it felt like a weight on your chest.
“It’s nice being home, isn’t it?” you attempted conversation hesitantly.
He nodded, thankfully not ignoring you, and actually smiled to himself. “Yeah, really nice.”
You brightened at those three words, and at the fairly pleasant conversation you were having, the first in such a long time.
“Right? It feels so nice.” You agreed, unable to stop the wide smile forming on your face. He finally looked over at you and couldn’t help smiling himself.
“It feels good to be away from the pressures of-” he cleared his throat, “-uh, school.”
“Mm,” you nodded, feeling there was something in his tone you couldn’t place. Determined to ignore it and mend the rift in your friendship, you elbowed him lightly in the arm, “Hey, bet you can’t beat me in Mario Kart!”
He laughed, turning off the water and wiping his hands. “We’ll see.”
You spent the rest of the break almost inseparable again, your friendship back to what it had been. The happiness you felt was indescribable, sometimes you even surprised yourself at the giddiness you would feel when you could spend time with him. You just figured it was the hurt you’d felt all those months finally being soothed away. Jaehyun was an important person in your life so naturally it would make sense that you would be happy that he was back in it.
On the last night of your break the two of you were sitting on the floor in your bedroom, laughing over old photos. After flipping through a few more, he came across a photo of you with one arm around Lucas and the other around Mark. The smile instantly left his face, and he quickly shoved the photo back in the box.
When you saw his reaction you suddenly felt defensive. “You know it really was just one coffee, it’s not like I was dating him so I didn’t break our pact.”
“Technically still a date.” He responded without looking at you, just shuffling photos around in the box haphazardly.
“Ugh! Fine! It was a stupid date, are you happy?” you threw the photos you were holding across the floor in exasperation. You felt your face heating up, an irrational anger overtaking you. In all the years you’d known him you didn’t remember being this upset at him and it surprised you.
He stayed silent, picking up the photos you had thrown and arranging them back in the box. In your anger you probably weren’t seeing things clearly, but when you looked at his face you thought he might have looked sad.
“It didn’t continue though, I can tell you that.” You don’t know why you felt the urge to be so defensive, why you felt the burning need to convince him there was nothing going on between you and Lucas. But when he finally nodded and looked at you, a small smile adorning his face, your heart suddenly felt lighter.
“Alright, you get off on a technicality,” he smiled, almost shyly, when he saw your face brighten.
“Good! Now are you gonna start helping me study again? I think I failed my midterms because of you,” you grumbled good-naturedly.
“I doubt that,” he chuckled, “you’re a lot better at studying than you think you are.”
The second semester started where the first had left off, with a grueling workload that left your brain a mushy mess by the end of each day. You felt you handled it a lot better with your best friend by your side again, but when you got the results of your midterms you were shocked to see you had done better than you thought.
“I don’t want to say I told you so, but-” Jaehyun was looking over your shoulder as you saw your results, “I told you so.”
“Huh,” was all you could say. So all those late nights buried in your books, those solitary back-breaking hours in the library, they all paid off. You looked over at Jaehyun, who was smiling smugly at you. You realized that he had helped you, even though he hadn’t been around. Sometimes when your brain had enough you would think of him, how he would always encourage you when you were frustrated, how he would tell you silly stories and make you laugh when you needed a break.
“Thanks,” you said sincerely, starting to realize just what an effect your best friend had on your life. He shrugged, glancing away momentarily before he looked you in the eye.
“I didn’t really do anything, and actually I’m sorry for ghosting you when I did,” he shoved his hands in his pockets and looked down at the ground, “that was really dumb of me.”
You were about to ask him what that was all about when you saw Mark and Lucas walking towards you.
“Hi noona!” they said in unison, accidentally it seemed as they both looked at each other in shock before dissolving into a fit of giggles. They nodded at Jaehyun who nodded back, ever polite, except he’d crossed his arms and puffed out his chest a little, looking almost intimidating.
“Hey guys,” you responded, irked at being interrupted since you were about to interrogate Jaehyun, “don’t you have class right now?”
“Yeah, yeah, we’re on our way,” Mark rolled his eyes at you and tugged at Lucas’ arm, “let’s go dude.”
Lucas hadn’t taken his eyes off of you the entire time you were all standing there, and hesitated as Mark pulled at him.
“Hey, noona, can we meet up later?” he asked, and you had to admire him for his boldness and dedication, despite the fact that you had pretty much avoided him since your last coffee date.
“Uh, I’m kinda busy today,” you responded quickly, but he didn’t back down.
“Aw, how about tomorrow then? Please?”
You didn’t have to look at him to know that Jaehyun was burning a hole in your face with his eyes, and you could feel the sweat forming on your palms at the situation you were in. You wanted to curse Lucas out for doing this in front of an audience. As it was, Mark was watching the entire scene unfold with unbridled glee.
“Come on, noona, give him a chance!” Mark piped up, deciding to add to your agony. Lucas made that puppy-dog face that had swayed you the last time.
“Sorry, guys, but she’ll be busy for the rest of the semester,” Jaehyun suddenly spoke up, his tone broached no debate, “I’ll be making sure she’s studying.”
It was the last straw, you’d had enough with the three of them. “Ugh!” you exclaimed, balling your hands into fists, “I’ve had it!”
The three of them recoiled in shock at your outburst, a trio of wide eyes and open mouths that was almost comical if you weren’t so angry.
“You!” you pointed at Lucas, “I told you I’m busy so you need to accept my answer! And you!” you pointed in turn at your brother, “Mind your goddamn business!” He just shrugged and made a face, mimicking you yelling at him.
“And you!” you finally turned to Jaehyun, who was watching you with a mixture of admiration and fear, “I can speak for myself so stay out of it!”
You didn’t bother to stick around to see any of their reactions, just turning on your heel and walking away.
You’d gotten texts for the rest of the day from both Lucas and Jaehyun apologizing but you weren’t in the mood to discuss the situation with either of them. Radio silence from your brother though, as expected. You were looking forward to spending some time alone anyway, so you trudged back to your dorm after a long day of classes. Walking towards your room you saw Lucas standing outside your door.
“Noona, don’t get mad,” he raised his hands up in supplication as you approached, “I just wanted to apologize and you weren’t responding to my texts.”
You sighed, too exhausted to be mad anymore. “It’s okay, Lucas. Thanks for coming by.” You walked by him to unlock your door, wanting to just collapse on your bed, but he stopped you, putting his six foot tall frame between you and your door. “Lucas, please, I’m tired.”
He bent his head towards you, eyes searching your face, eyebrows furrowed. “Noona,” he started, his voice soft, “do you like me?”
You were taken aback by the sudden question, and by his face now so close to yours.
“I mean, I hope you don’t still think of me as a kid,” he continued, eyes roaming towards your lips, “because I’m a man now.”
The line should have made you laugh, at any other time you would have, but something was drawing you towards him, and before you could stop yourself your lips met his.
It was only a brief touch, because you realized in that moment that you felt nothing, so you broke away quickly. The sound of the stairwell door opening broke the silence between you, and you turned to see Jaehyun standing in the open doorway. You’ll never forget the look on his face.
Sadness. Hurt.
“Jaehyun!” you called out, but he had already turned, his back to you as he disappeared down the stairs. Without a thought you ran after him, your heart beating out of your chest.
“Jaehyun! Please stop!” you yelled frantically as you raced down the stairs, but he was too far ahead of you and out the door before you could stop him. When you finally got down you opened the door to a downpour, and realizing you had no umbrella you stopped short. You could see Jaehyun walking away through the sheeting rain, and once again you called out to him.
“Jaehyun!” you shouted, your voice strained, “Please come back inside!”
He stopped at the sound of your voice and turned around, but made no move to come back. You couldn’t see his face from this distance but the dejected set of his shoulders told you all you needed to know. You stepped forward into the rain, determined to bring him back inside.
“Y/N, stop! You’ll get wet!” he ran towards you, arms outstretched, but you wouldn’t be deterred. When you reached him your emotions finally overcame you and you shoved him hard in the chest. It barely moved him, but he still looked at you in shock.
“Tell me why!” you yelled, unable to hold yourself back, “Why does it bother you so much? If he likes me or I like him? Huh?” you shoved him again, your anger and frustration taking over your rational mind, “It’s not just because of our stupid pact, so tell me what’s going on!”
He hadn’t said a thing, hadn’t even looked at you, had barely reacted when you pushed him. He just kept his head down, the rain running in rivulets down his hair.
“Jaehyun,” you tried again, pleading this time, your anger dissipating at the sight of him looking so defeated, drenched in rain, “Please, talk to me.”
He finally looked up, but not at you. Staring at something far in the distance he finally spoke, in a voice so low you had to strain to hear him over the patter of the rain, and a tone so despondent it made your heart ache.
“I like you, Y/N,” he sighed, “actually, screw it, I’m in love with you. I’ll admit it.” He dropped his head again, unwilling to look at you or see your reaction.
You, however, were glad he wasn’t looking at you, because your jaw dropped open in shock. But your brain took a little longer to catch up with your heart, because while you were putting the pieces together in your head, you felt a lightness in your chest, like a heavy weight had been lifted.
“Jaehyun?” you whispered, the puzzle pieces finally coming together. His actions finally made sense, but what had been even more enlightening was that your own feelings were starting to make sense as well.
“Come on, let’s go inside, you’ll get sick,” he put his hands over your head in a feeble attempt to protect you from the rain, and ushered you back inside the dorm. You walked back up the stairs in silence, and when you opened the door to your floor you were relieved to see Lucas was gone.
“Come inside,” you grabbed his hand since he had turned to leave, “you should dry off.”
He nodded, still not meeting your eyes, and followed you into your room. You grabbed a towel and handed it to him, grabbing one for yourself and squeezing the rain out of your hair.
“Thanks,” he said, rubbing the towel one last time over his head before handing it back to you, “I should go.”
You were about to answer him, but you were suddenly overcome by a violent shiver, your entire body shuddering from the damp cold of your rain-soaked clothes.
“Y/N!” he stepped towards you, eyes wide with alarm, “I told you not to come out in the rain!” he reprimanded you, taking the towel from you and rubbing it vigorously over your arms.
“I-I’m f-fine,” you tried to talk but your teeth were chattering too much so you just closed your mouth.
“You need to take off your wet clothes,” he grabbed a fluffy blanket from your bed, wrapped it around your shoulders and turned his head away, “I won’t look, I promise.”
At any other time you would be embarrassed, or throw him out of the room, but you knew he was right, and somehow you felt good about him being there for you. You stripped out of your clothes down to your bra and panties, as he held the blanket over you, finally feeling warmer as you wrapped the blanket around yourself.
“Better?” he asked, still not looking your way.
“Yes, thank you,” you said quietly, tugging at his arm to indicate he could turn around again. When he did, you noticed he was shivering.
“Oh Jaehyun! You need to get out of your wet clothes too!” you immediately ran to your closet and pulled out another warm blanket and draped it over him. You turned away to give him some privacy but he was struggling so much you ended up helping him, peeling away his water-logged hoodie and jeans. When he was down to his boxers you finally turned away, your cheeks flushed and heart pounding from the image of his bare chest and abs. You’d known him your entire life and had no idea he was hiding that.
Not the time to be thinking about that, you scolded yourself internally.
“Better?” you asked, not turning around because you felt your face was still hot and you didn’t want him to see.
“Uh, y-yeah,” he tried to lie but the stuttering betrayed him, and when you turned around you saw that he was still shivering, tugging the blanket tightly around himself, smiling weakly at you in a lame attempt to convince you that he was fine.
“Oh my god,” you immediately went into first-aid mode, recalling what you needed to do, “come here.” You opened your blanket and walked towards him.
“W-what are you d-doing?” his eyes grew wide and he actually pulled the blanket tighter around himself, like you were some kind of pervert coming to take his innocence.
“Relax, you need body heat,” you pulled at his blanket and he finally relented, opening it up to you and you stepped into his embrace.
It wasn’t supposed to feel good, you were only supplying him with much needed body heat, if anything it should have been embarrassing because you were both in your underwear, but you relaxed in his arms and it felt good. Really good.
You stood there in silence for a while, just the sound of his heart beating against your ear as you rested against his chest. You noticed he wasn’t shivering as much, but his skin was still really cold.
“Jaehyun, I think we need to get under the covers, you’re not warming up fast enough,” you didn’t look at him when you said it, you knew it would be awkward but it had to be done. He didn’t say anything for so long that you thought he hadn’t heard you, but he finally nodded and moved towards the bed. He got under the covers and you followed, wrapping your arms and legs around him and piling all the blankets on top of the both of you. It was hot and stuffy but you endured it, too worried about your best friend to care about anything else. Finally his teeth stopped chattering, his skin feeling less cold and clammy against yours.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” he said softly, staring up at the ceiling.
“I know, next time don’t go out in the rain like I told you!” you said sternly.
“No, not about that,” he sighed, “well, yeah that too. I just- I should have said something when I knew how I felt about you, save us from all this trouble, and- you know, me acting like a jerk.”
“Why didn’t you tell me then?” you turned your face to look at him, but he still wouldn’t meet your eyes, continuing to stare at the ceiling.
“I was scared, I guess. Scared you didn’t feel the same way, that you’d hate me, and then our friendship would be ruined and I didn’t want to lose you that way,” he blew out a long breath, “But I guess I ruined it anyway.”
“Nothing’s ruined, Jaehyun,” you said in a quiet voice, so low maybe he didn’t hear you. Except he had. He finally turned his head to look at you, but this time it was you who couldn’t meet his eyes.
“I wondered why I was so upset and angry, and hurt, when you stopped talking to me, I mean, I’ve lost friends before and never felt like that. And then over winter break when we started talking again, I felt so happy? You know? And so whole. Like I’d gotten back a part of me that I’d lost.” 
You stopped talking, relieved to have worked through your feelings and gotten it out in the open, but you suddenly became aware of how cringey everything you had said sounded. “Ugh, sorry, that was a lot.”
“Y/N, look at me,” his voice was still soft, but why had you never noticed how low his voice was? When you didn’t move, he gently tipped your chin so you were facing him. He looked at you like you’d hung the stars in the sky.
“Does this mean you like m-” he stopped mid-sentence, because you were drawn towards him, your face getting closer and closer to his. He stared wide-eyed for a moment, before he closed the distance and kissed you.
The stars and fireworks and weakened knees, and that heart-racing feeling you had expected when you kissed Lucas (and didn’t happen) actually happened this time. And then some. When his lips met yours you felt an electricity that spread throughout your entire body, all the way down to your toes. You felt a tenderness in the way his lips moved, an almost reverent form of adulation that made you crave more. Suddenly you were very aware of your near nakedness, as his now warm hand snaked around your bare back and pulled you closer to him. Everywhere your bare skin touched his felt like it was on fire, and it wasn’t from all of the blankets still stacked on top of you. When he pulled away you were panting, chest heaving, heat burning in your core.
“Y/N, I didn’t mean for this to happen,” his eyes searched yours, seemingly ready to give in if you decided to kick him out right then and there.
“You mean this wasn’t your plan? To go out and get drenched in the rain so we’d have to strip down to our underwear and cuddle for warmth?” you asked cheekily.
“Hmm, that did work out perfectly, didn’t it?” he laughed, and the deep rumble of it reverberated in your chest all the way down to your core.
“Jaehyun,” your breathing quickened, your body reacting to him almost involuntarily, “come here,” you pulled him so that he was on top of you, and he braced his arms on either side of you so that he didn’t rest his entire weight on you. You spread your legs so that he could nestle in between them, and when you felt him, already half-hard, against you, you bit your lip. He watched you, eyes dark, but still didn’t make a move.
“Y/N, are you sure?” he brushed strands of hair away from your face, eyebrows furrowed as he looked at you.
“I like you, Jaehyun. More than a friend. And right now I just want you.” To prove your point you wrapped your legs around him and squeezed, and it was his turn to inhale sharply as he felt you rub up against him. He dropped his head to your shoulder, kissing along your collarbone to your neck, and when you threaded your fingers through his hair, he sucked harshly on your skin. You moaned and he bucked his hips, your hands roamed his body until you reached the waistband of his boxers, which you tugged at until they were off. You reached around, wanting to feel his cock in your hand, your fingers wrapping around the hot, velvety skin.
“Y/N,” he groaned, pulling away from your neck to rest his forehead on your shoulder. You pumped his cock in your hand a few times, rubbing the pad of your thumb over the tip, spreading the precum around the head. He was breathing heavily as you worked your hand on him, before he reached down and yanked your panties off in one go. You squeaked a little at the sudden movement, but before you knew what was happening he was taking your hand off his cock, positioning the tip of it at your entrance.
“Jaehyun,” your voice cut off into a strangled cry as he entered you, tears pricking your eyes at the stretch and the intense pleasure you were feeling from it.
“Y/N,” he groaned again, pausing when he was all the way inside you, attacking your neck and jawline with kisses. He pulled back to look at you, eyes full of a mixture of adoration and lust. You touched his cheek, heart full at the sight of the boy you’d loved your entire life, pulling him down for a passionate kiss.
He returned your fervor with his own, with every movement of his lips you could feel his want, his need for you, his devotion. When you moaned into his mouth he bucked his hips, and you broke from his lips to gasp loudly as he began to thrust inside you.
“Jaehyun,” you moaned his name, biting your lip, slightly self-conscious at the needy whines that were escaping your mouth. But they seemed to encourage him, and with every sound of pleasure you made his intensity ramped up, until you could feel your orgasm building.
“Mm, I’m gonna c-” you couldn’t even finish your sentence, could barely warn him because your orgasm overtook you, after a particularly deep thrust that had pressed you hard into the mattress. He groaned loudly as you clenched around him, still thrusting, until he suddenly pulled you flush against him, holding you tightly as he came inside you.
You were both sweating, breathing heavily, but you knew in that moment that everything was as it should be. You turned your face towards his, currently buried in your shoulder, and kissed his cheek and along his jawline until he was smiling, causing his dimples to emerge. You kissed those too.
“You okay?” he asked, voice soft, pushing strands of damp hair away from your face.
“Very much okay,” you nodded, your heart and mind at peace.
“Mm, Jae, we should get outside and join everyone...”
“Not yet, you smell too good, taste too good too.”
You stifled a moan as he sucked lightly on your neck, “No marks!” you smacked him on the chest, “I don’t want hickies in my grad photos!”
He laughed, nuzzling his nose in your neck instead, his hands on your hips under your gown. You’d been on your way to the graduation ceremony when you passed an empty classroom and he’d pulled you in for a quick makeout session. Except it hadn’t been quick, and now you were running late.
“Alright,” he sighed dramatically, “let’s go, wouldn’t want you to miss this important ceremony.” If it had been up to Jaehyun you would’ve both skipped the ceremony and gone to the beach instead, or just stayed in bed watching netflix. He didn’t care for ceremonies, he’d done his work and graduated, but he knew how important it was for you. You’d worked hard and wanted to celebrate it, with all of your friends and family by your side, especially Jaehyun. 
He adjusted the cap on your head, smiling fondly at you as you fiddled with your gown nervously. “You look great,” he reassured you, “perfect, I’d say.”
“Thanks,” you smiled at him, forgetting about your lip gloss and reaching up on your tiptoes for a kiss. “Oops!” you tried to wipe as much of it off with the pad of your thumb but he just laughed.
“Can’t be helped, let’s go,” he grabbed you by the hand and led you into the quad where the ceremony would be held. As you made your way to your seats you saw your brother and Lucas approaching.
“Hey guys, congrats, this is so cool!” as usual Mark was excited, looking around at everything with awe. Lucas stood beside him, smiling widely at the two of you.
“Hi noo- Y/N,” he corrected himself, then nodded at Jaehyun, “hyung,”
“Hi Lucas,” you smiled back at him.
“Congratulations on graduating,” he continued, looking between you and Jaehyun, “you guys worked hard.”
“Thanks Lucas,” you were genuinely thankful to him, he’d been really chill when you ended up telling him about you and Jaehyun, even winking at you and saying he’d had a suspicion about you and Jaehyun liking each other all along. You had just rolled your eyes at your own stupidity, how did everyone else see it except you?
“Yeah, thanks man,” Jaehyun seemed grateful too, shaking his hand and pulling him in for a bro hug. When they pulled away from each other you gave Lucas a hug as well, before you all took your seats for the ceremony.
Later, long after the ceremony ended, you and Jaehyun sat in the empty bleachers as the sun began to set. He kept his arms around you as the early evening breeze began to pick up.
“So this is it,” you mused, looking around at the campus you’d spent four years of your life at. “The end.”
“Hm,” Jaehyun hummed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“I guess we broke our pact,” you couldn’t help but smile at the irony.
“I guess so,” he laughed, “who’s stupid idea was that pact anyway?”
“Hey!” you smacked him on the knee, “it was a good idea at the time!”
He just laughed again, pulling you closer to him so that your back was flush against his chest. You settled like that for a moment, just content in his arms as he played with strands of your hair. “It all worked out in the end, though, didn’t it?”
You smiled, turning in his arms to face him. “It sure did.”
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vs-redemption · 3 years
This piece was written for a collaboration event hosted by @sightoru and @anarchicmartyr . Please check out the masterlist to read and support the other writers participating in this event. Some pieces from the event contain adult content, so minors please proceed with caution!
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Prompt: College AU Character: Atsumu Miya Word Count: 3,586 Warnings: None!
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With a nod of satisfaction, you look around at your tiny new dorm room to admire your work. The space was small, but you’d made the most out of it. The twin sized mattress on the wooden frame was now fitted with a new set of sheets and comforter, the TV and mini fridge were set up and working, and all your clothes were hung up on hangers in the narrow closet by the door that led out to the main living area where your suitemates were already making themselves at home.
You try to keep an optimistic mindset as you hear them giggling and skipping up and down the hallway, gossiping about this and that with a playlist going in the background, surprisingly loud despite the small size of the Bluetooth speaker. You could already tell that you weren’t as much of an extrovert as the girls you’d be housing with, but it was your first year of college and your first time living away from home. You imagined it was the same situation for the rest of them, and you couldn’t blame them for taking advantage of the new taste of freedom.
After a moment of debating what to do next, you sit at your new desk and open up your laptop to log in to your campus email. Classes would be starting the next morning, and you wanted to make sure you were as prepared as possible. Maybe you’d already read each syllabus multiple times, but it couldn’t hurt to review the buildings on the map you’d printed out and covered with notes and highlighter just one more time.
A commotion from outside your room pulls your attention away a few seconds later and you hear a few male voices mix in with the music and giggles. The conversation was a little muffled, but you heard bits of what they were saying. Apparently they lived on the same floor and wanted to come introduce themselves. You let out a small laugh and shake your head, content with listening to the shenanigans from a safe distance until a particular question caught your ear.
“So, is this all of you?” one of the visitors asks, something in his voice making you apprehensive from the start.
“Um, no,” one of your suitemates answers. “There’s one more, but she’s in her room.”
“Great!” was the enthusiastic reply, “Let’s go say hi!”
You turn to look at your door nervously as the sound of footsteps comes closer. It wasn’t that you were opposed to meeting new people, it was just overwhelming when it was so many in a short period of time. It was only day one after all, and you were still trying to process being in a new place, sharing a living space with a group of girls who you’d just met a few hours before. It was all a bit draining and you just needed some time to adjust and recharge. You’re already shuffling towards your bedroom door though when the sound of the knock comes.
You weren’t sure what you’d expected to find when you pulled open your door, but it wasn’t the person standing in front of you. The first thing that registered in your mind was that his smile was far too bright and genuine for someone meeting a completely new face for the first time, and there was just as much raw emotion in his excited brown eyes. You could tell his hair was dyed since the blonde locks falling over his forehead didn’t match the shorter dark brown hair revealed by his undercut. The simple black t-shirt that he wore showed off arms that were just muscular enough to clue you in that he was probably some kind of athlete. Overall, he was everything you’d expect from a typical hot college guy, and you were sure you’d never been this close to anyone who had so much confidence in their presence before.
“Um, hi?” You greet him softly while going up on your toes to look over his shoulder, expecting the rest of his friends to be around but they were still in the living area chatting up your suitemates. It seemed your existence hadn’t been as interesting to them.
“My buddies and I live right down the hall, so we just came by to say hello,” his eyes soften a bit and he tilts his head, making you avert your gaze awkwardly. You were no match for the pure energy radiating off of him.
“Oh, that was nice,” you nod your head. Your ability to make small talk was usually better than this, but words seemed to be failing you at this inopportune time. “Thanks.” Confusion blooms in his eyes briefly before his lips tug up into a handsome smile, different from the toothy expression from before.
“My name’s Atsumu Miya!” he tells you, “What’s yours?”
For a moment, you can only stare at him, wondering how you’d even held the attention of a guy like this for as long as you had. Whether he truly cared to know or not, you mutter out your name while fiddling awkwardly with the handle on your door. There’s a beat of silence before a different male voice calls from the living room, almost in monotone and barely loud enough to hear.
“Leave her alone ‘Tsumu, you idiot. You’re bothering her.”
The comment was clearly extremely offensive, or maybe it was just the person who’d said it, but there was an instant reaction from the boy at your door. His relaxed face suddenly contorts in annoyance, his nose scrunching up childishly and his lip curling almost as if in disgust. It was such an extreme change in demeanor, you couldn’t help the small giggle that escapes your lips. Atsumu’s eyebrows perk up at the sound and his attention turns back to you in an instant.
“Oh,” you shy away a little, eyes darting toward where the comment had come from. “It’s fine.” And really, he wasn’t actually bothering you, but he didn’t seem to know how to proceed either from that point. “It was nice to meet you though,” you offer a smile and he seemed to understand that the conversation had come to a natural end. He nods politely, but still manages to hold your gaze for a moment as you slowly close your door.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The first couple weeks of college passed in a daze as you figured out your class schedule, learned where different places were on campus, and got to know your suitemates and their habits. You spent a decent amount of time with them, sometimes going to get meals together at the campus cafeteria or making plans to study for the classes you happened to have together. It was easy to get along with them, and they didn’t make you feel bad when you went to bed earlier than they did or retreated to your room if things got too rowdy. It was a comfortable friendship, and you appreciated that they didn’t try to force you to go out to any wild parties when you had classes the next morning. Honestly, you didn’t know how they could do that, but it was amusing to watch them have their fun.
“You’re just in time for the movie!”
You walk into your dorm after your last class of the week to find your suitemates huddled around the TV with a group of friends, which was a little unusual. They were almost always already out by the time you got back from the ridiculous Friday night, three hour lecture. Even you weren’t crazy enough to want to take a class like that, but it was required for your degree and only offered at that particular time. You look around the living room to see who was there. You recognized some of the faces, including the blonde guy who’d visited your room on the very first day. You hadn’t seen him since then, but he glances over his shoulder and gives you a wave, the smile on his face just as open and honest as you remembered.
“Come join us!” He offers happily.
“Uh, sure. Just a second.”
You head into your room to drop off the bag of books you’d been lugging around all day. What you actually wanted was to crawl into bed and sleep. Your classes had reached the point where the professors expected you to be comfortable enough to start having exams and writing papers, and you felt the work load starting to take a toll. Still, despite being on the more introverted side, you weren’t antisocial. Hanging out and watching a movie sounded like a nice way to relax after a particularly challenging week. So, after getting changed into a pair of sweats, you head back out to join the others, finding a free spot on the floor where you can lean against the side of the sofa without killing your back. The movie starts and at about five minutes in, you feel a tap on the top of your head. You tilt your chin up and see Atsumu smiling down at you.
“Hey,” it was the loudest whisper you’d ever heard and you let out a laugh. “Were you in class?”
“Yeah?” You still couldn’t wrap your mind around how unguarded his body language was when he didn’t know you at all, and you wondered if he was genuinely just super friendly and wanted you to feel included or if he was setting some kind of trap for you with those big handsome smiles.
“Wow, you’re pretty serious about your studies, huh?” He folds his arms over the armrest of the sofa, and you recoil a bit, wondering if that was an insult. Atsumu just lets out a sigh though and continues talking. “I’m already struggling to keep up with my classes. I have volleyball practice in the evenings three times a week and games on the weekends.”
“Shut up, will you? Your annoying voice is ruining the movie.” It must’ve been the same person that called him out before because Atsumu’s face pulls into the same comical expression, nose scrunched up and a look of disturbance in his brown eyes.
“What did you say?!” he narrows his eyes to glare at the person who you couldn’t see from where you were on the ground. “Your annoying voice is ruining my conversation!”
“For it to be a conversation, she’d have to want to talk back to you.” The retort came in a bored tone, but the swiftness of the delivery only riled the blond up even further.
“Well maybe if you hadn’t interrupted…” One of the decorative pillows that had come with the dorm room comes flying out of nowhere and smacks Atsumu right upside the head, cutting off whatever he was about to say.
“Just be quiet and watch the movie…”
You see Atsumu’s long fingers grip the pillow, obviously weighing the pros and cons of throwing it right back. You can’t believe the friends were bickering like children, but the reactions from everyone else made it seem like this wasn’t an uncommon occurrence.
“Actually,” You reach up and tug the pillow from his hands. “Can I use that?” He releases his grip and watches you tuck it behind your back to use as extra support. His smile returns and he leans back over the armrest.
“Sorry about my brother,” He continues to talk, still not having learned his lesson. “Even though we’re identical twins he’s not nearly as fun as I am.”
“Atsumu!” It was a different voice this time, “Shut up!”
“Okay!” He finally gives in with a grimace, rolling his eyes in your direction before turning his attention to the movie. He was extremely obnoxious, but in an endearing way you supposed. Out of curiosity, you lean forward and instantly find the identical version of him sitting on the other end of the couch. He looked exactly the same, aside from his hair which was dyed an ashy grey color. The bickering made sense to you now though, knowing they were siblings. The rest of the movie passed quickly, and you excused yourself to head to bed as soon as it was finished, not being able to keep your eyes open a moment longer despite the others whose night was just getting started.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
With so many people on the same campus moving from building to building as they followed the same schedule every week, it made sense that you would run into and see the same people occasionally. A quick ‘hey’ or even just a simple nod seemed to be the generally accepted way in which to handle these situations by most people, but evidently Atsumu Miya was not most people.
“Good morning!” His tall form appeared next to you while you were standing in line for coffee one day. You’d just gotten out of one class and were in desperate need of caffeine before your next one.
“Morning,” you mumble back. When you turn your head, you’re met with the sight of him in an oversized hoodie and his blonde hair all tousled as if he’d just rolled out of bed. You can’t help but glance around you to see if anyone else was seeing him and wondering why he was talking to you.
“Don’t worry,” he misunderstands your wandering eyes. “Samu’s still sleeping so he can’t yell at me for talking to you.”
“That’s your brother’s name?” you ask and he nods his head in confirmation. You still weren’t sure what he wanted, but he continued to chat your ear off as you made your way to the front of the line. “What are you getting?” You ask him after you place your order.
“Oh no, I’m good.” He waves his hand, “I just wanted to say hi. Enjoy your next class!” You stare after him in disbelief as he walks away, unsure of what to make of what had just happened. Strangely enough, it hadn’t just been a random occurrence either. You seemed to run into Atsumu a lot over the next couple weeks, and he always stopped to chat for a while before going back to his day. He led the conversations mostly, ranting about his brother, classes, and volleyball club a bit before expressing a curiosity about your life since the previous encounter. Part of you felt that maybe he was just the type of person who needed to talk to everyone he meets to feel popular, but his genuine interest in you was making it hard to lock him into that category.
Little by little, Atsumu weaved himself into your routine until it was normal to stop and talk to him between classes at predicted times each day. You hadn’t even realized how used to the interactions you’d become until he didn’t show up while you were in line for coffee one day. At first, you couldn’t figure out why something felt off, but then you caught yourself looking around as if something was missing. When it dawned on you that the thing throwing off your normal coffee buying experience was Atsumu’s absence, you felt a little awkward. It wasn’t as if he was obligated to be there, but the slight feeling of disappointment followed you around for the rest of the day. You knew it was stupid, but worries kept popping up in your head that maybe he’d found someone else to talk to at that time, or that you had perhaps become too boring for him. By the time you got back to your dorm in the evening, you were sick of the drama you’d invented and tortured your own sanity with. You make sure to greet your suitemates before heading to your room to unload your books and maybe get started on some homework.
It was just about time for you to think about getting ready for bed when there’s a soft knock on your door. You assume it’s one of your suitemates until you hear the familiar voice whisper your name from the hallway, asking if you’re awake. The nervous butterflies that erupt in your stomach surprise you, and for a moment you consider pretending to be asleep to avoid whatever weird feelings you were starting to have for the overly friendly twin. You know you can’t just leave him out there though, so you shuffle over to the door and pull it open.
“Hey,” he has a weird guilty smile on his face, but you’re too busy processing the sight of him in a track jacket that hugged his upper body in the most distracting way and a pair of athletic shorts that showed off just how muscular his legs were. You weren’t used to seeing him dressed this way.
“Um, hi?” you drag your focus to his face, noticing for the first time that his hair was wet as if he’d just gotten out of the shower not too long before. “Did you just get out of practice?”
“Yeah,” he nods his head. “I tried to get here as soon as I could. I didn’t wake you up, did I?”
“No,” a heat was raising to your cheeks as you tried to imagine what he needed from you so urgently.
“Oh, that’s good,” a boyish laugh escapes his lips. “I wanted to apologize for standing you up today.” When you just continue to stare at him he clarifies, “You know, at the coffee shop.”
“Oh,” you answer as if it hadn’t been on your mind the entire day, “Right.” There’s a short lag in the conversation, and Atsumu starts to bounce on his feet, looking nervous.
“Yeah, it’s just that my class this morning got canceled,” He offers up an explanation despite not being asked for one, “So the volleyball captain made me go and do a bunch of extra practice since I’m new to the team and stuff. I would’ve let you know, but I realized that I never got your number.”
Surely if Atsumu had only been talking to you for the sake of popularity, he wouldn’t be standing at your door looking like a sad puppy when he could’ve just waited until the next day to apologize. It made your head spin that he seemed to be so considerate of your feelings, even over something as miniscule as missing the couple minutes he usually spent with you while you waited in line for coffee. Putting a label on whatever he was to you was getting more and more difficult as time passed.
“That’s okay,” you tell him softly before offering a smile. “Thank you for letting me know. You didn’t have to rush over after practice though.”
The comment seemed to confuse the boy and he tilts his head. “But, I like you,” the confession comes from him so easily that you could’ve almost overlooked it completely. “And I missed seeing you today.” The butterflies from before seem to double in intensity and your find yourself struggling for words.
“I… missed you too,” it felt embarrassing to say out loud, but it wouldn’t be right not to tell him the truth when he was being so honest. Your awkward response is enough to bring that bright beaming smile back to his face and you see an eagerness bloom in his eyes.
“So, let me make it up to you?” He asks while pulling out his phone, “I don’t have a game this weekend, so I’ll be getting out of practice a little earlier than usual. Do you want to grab lunch with me after I’m done?”
“Yeah, sure.” You wished you didn’t sound so flustered, but you couldn’t help it. Even after all the exchanged conversations you’d had, Atsumu was still a bit overwhelming with the way he wore his heart on his sleeve. He hands you his phone so you can put your number in, explaining that you could work out the details of the date as the time got closer. Your heart flutters in your chest and you can hardly believe the excitement in his big brown eyes is for you.
“I should probably let you get to sleep now, huh?” He asks once he tucks his phone back into his jacket pocket. “Sorry for bugging you.”
“You’re not bugging me,” you assure him, feeling brave enough for a moment to meet his gaze. “I’m really looking forward to spending more time with you.” Atsumu’s eyes light up even more at the simple comment and he nods his head.
“Me too!” He bounces on the balls of his feet a couple more times before making up his mind to test his luck and lean in a bit. “Do you mind if I…” He doesn’t finish his thought, instead just taking the risk and pressing a quick kiss to your cheek before backing away sheepishly. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine,” You promise and you see the nervous tension leave his shoulders. After a slightly awkward goodbye, Atsumu heads back to his own dorm and you hurry to finish getting ready for bed. Just as you get tucked under your covers and turn out the light, your phone chimes with a message from Atsumu to wish you goodnight. You text him back right away, wondering if you’d even be able to sleep with the way your mind and body buzzed from the unexpected visit. Slowly though, the adrenaline died down and you manage to drift off to sleep, the feeling of Atsumu’s feather light kiss still lingering on your cheek.
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imlovethomassanders · 4 years
Eyes are the Windows to the Soul(mates) - Chapter 1
You can also read on ao3
Huge thank you to @strongindependentcheesecake​ for beta reading this beast
This work is complete, and new chapters will be added everyday until completion:
Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 (FINAL)
Summary: The lucky few who have a soulmate are born with heterochromia, with their left eye being the color of their soulmate's eyes and their right eye being their own color. Not only was Virgil one of the lucky few to have a soulmate, but he was given four. His left eye changed colors every time he blinked, rotating between his four soulmates' eye colors. His rotating eye colors caused him to be a bit of an outcast growing up, but when he finally leaves for college, things start to fall into place. This is the journey of five strangers finding each other.
Pairings: DLAMP with background Remile
Warnings: None I believe
Words: 3283
Taglist:  @touchstarvedvirgil @lamp-calm-sanders @ninjago2020 @confinesofpersonalknowledge @secret-novelisthost18 @phander-sides @sherlock-lives-on-bakerstreet @bookbingingproblem @viana-dascolli @sharktryingtofly
Virgil stared at himself in the mirror, watching his left eye. Right now it was a light brown so golden it was almost yellow. Virgil blink. His left eye was now a deep shade of blue. He blinked again. Light green. Blinked again. A deep, rich brown. Again. Back to light brown.
Virgil forced back the tears welling up in his eyes as he watched the pattern over and over and over again, all the while his right eye stayed a lighter shade of gray.
The lucky few who had soulmates had heterochromia. Their right eye is their own eye color while their left eye is the color of their soulmate's. Once you and your soulmate meet, your left eye changes into your own eye color.
Virgil was a special case. Soulmates themselves were a rare thing to have. More than one was almost unheard of.
When Virgil was young, his dad pulled out a chair and sat across from him. His dad explained that he had soulmates, and how most people who had soulmates just had one. But it appeared Virgil had four. Virgil stared at his dad.
"What's a soulmate?"
Once Virgil had finally grasped the concept he gasped and ran into the bathroom and blinked rapidly, watching the color of his left eye change.
A couple years later, Virgil noticed his dad would get embarrassed whenever someone brought up Virgil's left eye. He then noticed that other people talked about his eye as if it was abnormal.
Virgil didn't understand. People who had soulmates were usually seen as lucky and were celebrated. He couldn't understand what was wrong with him.
On the first day of school, his teacher gasped in surprise when she first saw Virgil blink. The other kids noticed her reaction, and as kids do as they see, followed in her footsteps and treated Virgil like he was a strange irregularity.
Very quickly Virgil himself grew embarrassed of his left eye. He felt guilty that he felt ashamed over his soulmates, but he couldn't help it. Every time someone noticed his eye color they all gave him the same weird stare. He couldn't stand being forced into the center of attention like that.
Starting in middle school, Virgil started to grow out his bangs to help hide his eyes more.
In high school, Virgil stopped interacting with people as much as to not risk more judgement.
He was an outcast, and all because the universe decided to give him four soulmates.
That's why Virgil so often found himself in the bathroom, watching his eye change color. It was reassuring to watch, knowing that there were actually four people out there that the world promised to him would love and accept him.
Their eyes were so beautiful. Virgil already loved them.
But as much as he yearned to meet his soulmates, he was scared. Virgil had persuaded himself that these four people were the most wonderful people in the world, and that he was nothing.
He couldn't help but think his four soulmates didn't deserve him. Streams of thoughts constantly played on loop through his head. What if they already met and were perfectly happy without him? What if when they meet him they decide they were better off without him? What if they didn't love him like he already loved them?
Virgil sighed before pulling his hair back over his forehead and going back into his bedroom. He fell onto his bed and stared at the ceiling.
What do his soulmates think of having four soulmates? What did they think whenever they saw his gray eye next to theirs?
Did they have to deal with as much judgement over multiple soulmates as he did?
Virgil was snapped out of his thoughts by his dad yelling at him. Virgil groaned before yelling back a response and dragging himself out of his bed.
College. The word made Virgil sick to his stomach. He pulled into the dorm parking lot and took out his car keys, but he didn't get out of the car.
He was here on an art scholarship, and he couldn't be more grateful, but the idea of college also scared the shit out of him. He took a shaky breath before opening the car door and dragging out his first bag.
As he walked into the dorm lobby, he kept an eye out for people with two eye colors. While he told himself not to get his hopes up, he couldn't help but watch for his possible soulmates.
He got his room key after an uncomfortable encounter with the dorm mom (why did she have to mention Virgil's eyes?) and starting lugging his suitcase up to the second floor.
His grip on his suitcase tightened as he thought about his new dorm mate. He prayed to god that his dorm mate wasn't a prick and that he wouldn't care that Virgil had four soulmates.
He unlocked the door and slowly opened it only to find his roommate hadn't arrived yet. He sighed in relief and dropped his suitcase on the nearest bed before turning around to go back and grab the last of his bags.
It was late afternoon and Virgil was in the middle of unpacking when he heard the lock on the doorknob turning. He turned around as the door opened to reveal his roommate. Virgil's eyes widened.
"Hi!" the boy exclaimed happily with a large grin on his face. Virgil almost died on the spot from the cuteness in front of him.
He was slightly shorter than Virgil, with curlier hair and freckles peppering his face, neck and shoulders. Virgil then looked at his eyes and his breath hitched.
His right eye was a light green and his left eye was a deep blue.
"It's so wonderful to meet you. I'm Patton!" he said happily as he came into the room and closed the door behind him. He hadn't noticed yet.
"I- I'm Virgil," he managed to stutter. This was the last thing he expected.
"Great to met ya, Virgil! I-" Patton turned to face more towards Virgil then stopped in his tracks and gasped. They stared at each other for a few seconds before Patton's face broke into a grin.
Virgil had to make sure.
Without a word Virgil went into the bathroom and stared at his left eye. Light brown. Blink. Blue. Blink. Dark brown.
It skipped green.
Virgil thought he was going to hyperventilate.
"Are you okay?" Virgil heard Patton ask in a soft voice. Without removing his gaze from the mirror, Virgil nodded slowly.
"I-" Virgil started before snapping his mouth shut. He had no idea what to say.
"Can... Can I hug you?" Patton asked. Virgil quickly turned his attention back towards Patton. He nodded.
Patton threw his arms around Virgil's shoulders and Virgil moved his arms around Patton's waist.
"I'm so happy to finally meet you," Patton whispered in Virgil's ear. Virgil shuddered.
"Me too."
Virgil helped Patton bring up the rest of his bags, and afterwards Patton was insistent on taking Virgil out for coffee. Virgil agreed, but his heart was racing in his chest as he walked toward the student union with Patton.
Once inside the union they talked about whatever random things they could think of. Virgil discovered that Patton was also an art major here on scholarship and lived in a town farther away than he did. His favorite color was yellow and he thought snickerdoodle cookies are the best things ever created.
"So, was your hometown small like mine?" Virgil asked. Patton nodded.
"Sorry if this is too personal, but... did you have a hard time growing up with four soulmates?"
This question had been burning in Virgil's mind for years, and now that one of his soulmates was in front of him he just had to ask.
"Did you?" was Patton's response. Virgil nodded. Patton smiled sadly.
"So did I," he admitted. "It was a very cookie-cutter conservative town. People must've thought there was something wrong with me. I could never make any close friends."
Patton just shrugged.
"But it's okay because now I have you," he said as he reached out and grabbed Virgil's hand.
Virgil felt the blush rise in his cheeks.
Patton and Virgil quickly discovered that both of them were touch-starved and craved attention, so they gave each other just that. Growing up so secluded and alone, such gentleness was almost foreign to them and they relished in the soft touches and tender glances they shared. They had a few more days until classes started and they spent almost the whole time together, either together in the dorm or exploring campus.
The two shared their first kiss the day they had met. They were sitting on the beanbag chair Patton had brought, Patton's legs over Virgil's lap as they talked and basked in each other's company. Their eyes met and for a moment the world was still. Virgil leaned forward slightly before hesitating, and Patton closed the gap.
The kiss was chaste and brief, as that was all the two could handle right now, but it was more than enough and smiles adorned the blushing faces of the two boys as Patton pulled himself closer to Virgil.
It had been three days since they both arrived on campus and classes were starting the next morning. Virgil found it too difficult to sleep, and after an hour of tossing and turning, Patton invited him to his own bed. As Virgil climbed out of his bed to Patton's, he thought that he would still be too nervous to sleep, but now for a different reason than classes. But once Patton's arms wrapped around Virgil and pulled him close to his chest, Virgil found he was able to sleep easily.
It had been only a couple of weeks since the two met, and they were sitting alone outside on a bench shrouded by bushes. It was growing darker, and the two knew they needed to head back to their dorm but neither could find the motivation to leave. Patton was humming something as Virgil had his head rested on Patton's shoulder.
"I'm so lucky," Patton whispered, interrupting his little song. Virgil looked up at him.
"Trust me, I'm the lucky one here," Virgil responded. Patton shook his head.
"You're so wonderful, Virgil. I-" Patton paused. "I... I think I'm falling in love with you."
The words were shaky, and Virgil could feel Patton tense up. He sat up so he could look at Patton, and frowned slightly as he saw Patton's terrified expression.
This was almost too fast for Virgil, but whenever he looked at Patton he felt this wave of emotion run over him, and he truly understood the power of soulbonds and just how lucky he was to be one of the few to have them.
"I'm falling in love with you, too."
"Virgil, honey, you gotta stop pressing snooze," Patton whispered. Patton just grunted and pulled himself closer to Patton. It was a few months into the school year and Virgil still wasn't used to waking up so early.
"I wanna stay with you," he mumbled into Patton's shirt. He heard Patton sigh, but he knew he was smiling.
"Do you promise to get up as soon as I get out of the shower?" Patton asked as he gently moved Virgil off his chest. Virgil nodded.
Before Patton could get out of bed, Virgil grabbed his arm and pulled him down so he could kiss him. Patton smiled and put his hands on Virgil's cheeks as he kissed back. Once apart, Patton smiled at Virgil with a look of such adoration that Virgil almost melted under the gaze. Patton blink, causing his eye to change from brown to blue. Virgil smiled and pulled Patton back to him, but Patton cut the kiss short.
"You're too good for me," Virgil sighed as he laid back down. He buried himself in more blankets to make up for the loss of warmth after Patton left.
Upon hearing that on Monday and Wednesdays Virgil had to get up earlier than him, Patton made it a habit to wake up early with Virgil even though he didn't have to. Virgil was incredibly grateful for that.
"I am not," Patton said as he grabbed a towel and closed the bathroom door.
Virgil held Patton's hand as they made their way to the cafeteria. They had grown used to the weird looks people gave them, since they were holding hands while their eyes were still two different colors. Most just assumed they were dating despite having soulmates, the thought of multiple soulmates never crossing their minds.
The air had that morning coolness to it and their shoes got slightly wet from the morning dew. The sun wasn't completely up so the light wasn't as bright as it made it's way through the tree branches. The early morning birds were still singing when Virgil opened the Union door for Patton. Even though Virgil hated waking up so early, he enjoyed the calm atmosphere of early mornings.
"How's your art project coming along?" Virgil asked as they sat down at their normal table by the window.
"Great!" Patton exclaimed as he opened his orange juice. How Patton could drink orange juice while eating waffles with syrup would always confuse Virgil.
"That's good to hear," Virgil said. "I'm struggling. Can't exactly figure out what I want to do next."
"Well, I can help you this afternoon," Patton offered as he drowned his waffles in syrup. Virgil couldn't help but snicker.
"Nothing. And I'd appreciate that."
Virgil made it through college easier than he thought, and it was all because of Patton. Patton had been his rock, always supportive and always there to help Virgil.
Neither of them had any idea how hard summer would be.
They lived too far away from each other to see each other often. The two had grown used to having the other around, and they didn't look forward to going back to distant parents and lonely hometown.
"I'll call you, like, everyday. Unless you don't want me to and that would annoy you-"
"I'd love that," Virgil quickly reassured him. He tried to keep himself together as Patton was already on the verge of tears.
"Okay, well, we'll get together again as soon as possible, right?" Patton asked. His voice cracked at the end and it broke Virgil's heart.
"Yeah, of course."
Patton threw himself into Virgil's arms. Patton only let go so he could kiss Virgil, and Virgil kissed back, desperate. When they broke apart, Virgil saw that Patton had started crying, and that was the end for Virgil. A few tears escaped his eyes before he quickly wiped them away.
"I'll see you soon, babe. I promise," Virgil said before pulling Patton in for another quick kiss.
"See you soon," Patton said before they both walked away towards their cars.
That summer went by agonizingly slow. They were only able to see each other a couple of times. And Virgil couldn't believe he was saying this, but he couldn't wait for school to start back up.
They both requested to share a dorm again and were relieved when the college gave them the same room. They agreed to both get there as early in the morning as they could so they could see each other as soon as possible.
Virgil, as expected, got there sooner than Patton as he lived closer. He couldn't stop his hands from shaking as he unpacked and waited.
He heard the door unlock and he froze. The door quickly swung open and there was Patton.
He ran into the room and threw the door closed before jumping into Virgil's arms. His legs wrapped around Virgil's waist and Virgil held him as tightly as he could.
"Oh my god, I missed you," Virgil whispered. He heard Patton take a shaky breath and felt tears fall onto his neck.
"I missed you, too. I missed you I missed you I missed you," Patton whispered.
The phone calls and skype calls could never equate to seeing Patton in person, to being able to hold him and feel him.
Virgil put Patton down and smiled down at him before finally leaning to kiss him. It started off slow and gentle, before being replaced with a sense of urgency and eagerness. Patton's hands tangled themselves in Virgil's hair as he pulled him closer. Virgil's hands found themselves on Patton's back as he pushed their bodies together. Soft gasps escaped both of them as their bodies pressed together and the kiss became needier. Though they briefly discussed taking things further, they both agreed they would prefer to wait until the met the three others. So the two separated and placed their foreheads together. They breathed heavily for a moment before Patton smiled and started giggling. Virgil couldn't help but smirk back.
"I love you," Virgil said.
"I love you, too," Patton responded before pulling Virgil back into another kiss.
Their sophomore year went smoothly, and before they knew it, summer was back. This goodbye was easier, knowing what they were going into.
It was about a month into the summer and Virgil was just laying in bed, scrolling through Tumblr on his laptop. It was only a couple of days until Virgil could go drive up to see Patton and stay with him for a couple of weeks, and he was really excited.
Virgil heard his text notification go off and reached over for his phone.
Patton <3: Get on skype!!!
Virgil sat up straight and fixed his hair a bit before opening the app. As soon as the window loaded he got a video call request from Patton.
"Hey, babe," Virgil said, voice a bit raspy from lack of use throughout the day.
"Hey, honey!! I got really big news!"
"What's up!"
"Look at my eye!" Patton leaned in a bit closer and blinked. His left eye changed from the dark brown to the light brown. Patton blinked again and it went straight back to dark brown, skipping blue. Virgil gasped.
"You met them??"
"Yeah! Oh, Virgil, he's incredible. I can't wait for you to meet him on Saturday.
Virgil's heart rate increased.
"He asked me to go with him to a museum tomorrow and of course I wanted to say yes but then I told him that I had already met you and that I wanted to wait for you to come to town as you were coming in two days and oh, Virgil, you should've seen the look on his face at the idea getting to meet you so soon-"
"Slow down, babe," Virgil said. Patton took a deep breath.
"Anyways, you're going to love him. I-"
"Patton!" Virgil heard Patton's mother yell offscreen. Patton winced slightly before continuing.
"Sorry, I gotta go. I'll call you later tonight though, promise!"
"Yeah, okay."
"I love you, Virgil," Patton said softly.
"I love you, too, Pat."
Patton smiled and ended the call.
Virgil fell back against his pillow again.
Patton had met another one.
His mind immediately fell into a hole of self-doubt. What if Patton loved this new guy more than him? What if the new guy doesn't like him? What if Patton and his other soulmate like each other more than him? What if he doesn't have a place in this relationship anymore??
He took a deep breath and told himself to calm down. Patton loved him. From what he knew of soulbonds from his time with Patton, he knew he should be able to click with his other soulmate immediately.
He couldn't get himself to believe that.
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beskarberry · 4 years
The Most Dangerous Game
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Bargaining with Beskar, Chapter 7, Book Two Prologue
(The Mandalorian x f!reader) (+18)
“Above you the black hole where his eyes should be turned down to you, tilting slightly with a questioning roll. You reached up and slid your own armor to the top of your head so that he could see your face. “The bounty pucks can wait, right?” He nodded, and you bared your teeth in a vicious, bloodthirsty grin. “Then let's. Go. Hunting.”
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 9k
Content warnings: Absurd amounts of domestic fluff, Mando and Reader being adorable, killing Imps for fun, sex outdoors, a smidge of voyeurism, dirty talk, praise kink.
A/N: This chapter is the springboard for the rest of book two, though it was mostly just an excuse for me to write them being cute together before I chuck them back into the nuclear disaster that is a hunters life. Enjoy!
<-Previous Next->
You didn’t need to open your eyes to know that you were being watched, but it wasn’t a threat whose eyes you had captured.
 Deep within the empty underbelly of Nevarro you were pretending to be asleep, listening to the breathing of the one that shared your bed. It was fast enough that you knew Din was awake, and the feel of his gaze on you was making it difficult to keep a straight face. You breathed slowly, doing your best impression of unconsciousness while a roving hand moved leisurely over your side. The Mandalorian’s strong body was pressed tightly against your back, his nose buried in your hair, fanning warm puffs of steam against your scalp. In your own arms the foundling was curled in a little ball in his favorite spot against your chest while your hands gently rubbed his ears. An amorous rumble against your spine and a long, deep sigh behind your head told you that the jig was up.
“Do you know you hum in your sleep, cyare?”
“Well good morning to you too, bucket boy.” You arched against his chest, reveling in the way the arms on either side of you tightened and a contented hum vibrated along your back. “What’s for breakfast?”
A sleepy laugh reverberated in your ear before soft kisses made their way to your temples. “It’s always about breakfast with you, isn’t it, riduur’ika?”
“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, don'tcha know that?” You tilted your head so that his lips could get to your cheeks, the scrape of bristles prickling your skin. “Plus I’m sure Little Beans is hungry.” In your arms the green bundle yawned and stretched before his enormous eyes flickered open, ready to greet the brave new day. A soft purring chirp told you that you were right in your assumption, “See? Baby needs breakfast.”
Your partner sighed behind you and started to pull his arms free of your body so that he could prop himself up, peppering your face with kisses. You rolled from your side onto your back, letting him get to both of your cheeks before he found your lips again. His soft mouth against yours broke into a wide grin, and you let your eyes open to meet him at last. Part of you had believed that you had dreamt the previous evening, that the vicious haunt of hyperspace had left you stark-raving mad; but when you met those warm, honey-dark eyes of his you beamed right back at him. There he was, in all his early morning glory, a mop of bed head sticking to his brow and the red streaks of sleep scars denting his face. Somebody slept damn good.
The foundling clawed gently at your side, and you both turned your attention to the bug-eyed creature you both adored. Din let his weight fall onto you before reaching out to pull the child close to your smushed bodies, giving the green terror a fuzzy-lipped kiss. “Is that right, womp rat? You hungry?” The child gibbered and patted his papa’s bare face. “Alright, if you say so.” Din nuzzled the baby again, then kissed you deeply before tapping his brow to your forehead. He rolled off of you with a groan, making sure to squish you with his weight before sitting up on the edge of the bed, and you couldn’t help the way your eyes were drawn to the vicious scars of his back. He stretched his long arms, and the light patches of healed skin practically danced in the dim light of the dorm, bidding you to touch them. You lazily let your hand drop against him, and the slight flinch from the mighty warrior made you laugh. 
“You’re going to have to get used to being touched, tin man.”
He fixed you with a playful glare, “Not if I want to stay alive.”
“So you’ll wed and bed me but you don’t trust me not to kill you? It was your idea!” You razzed, poking at his kidneys with pretend death blows and making him keel sideways to save himself from your assault. 
“Hey now! You asked me to!” He caught your quizzical expression, recalling that you knew nothing of your accidental proposal. He lugged his helmet up off the ground where it had sat for the night, the opalescent beast teeth still sitting pretty in the indents of its cheeks."Mandalorians decorate the helmets of the ones they...that they want to riduurok." Din said shyly, pointing at one jewel: “Will you,” then the other, “marry me, clear as the fangs on my face. How could I say no?” 
“Are you kidding me!?” You burst into laughter, if only you had known! You could have spared yourself so much heartache with the knowledge that you weren’t getting left behind after all, maybe even have saved yourself the ordeal of space-mares. “You’re telling me that I proposed to you? Why didn’t you tell me so!” You were sitting upright now, the foundling at your side, watching his buir with confusion. 
Din set the helmet on his knees, hunching his shoulders and shaking his head. “I-I didn’t...I didn’t want you t-to… to leave me. Didn’t want to make you frightened...”
“Oh sure, but dropping to your knees and asking me to keep you or kill you is fine and dandy, huh rustbucket?” You chucked a balled-up blanket at him, making him hop up from the bed to run away from you. “You’re lucky that you’re cute and you’ve got a nice ass.”
He cocked a brow at you from the other side of the room, crossing his arms in mock indignation. “Is that the only thing you like about me, cyar’ika?”
You covered the foundling’s super-sized ears, unsure of how much Basic he actually understood. “You got a fat cock, too!”
The glare you got from your unarmored companion had you howling with laughter, and you flopped back on the pile of furs that was masquerading as a bed next to the bewildered foundling. A poor choice, your tender belly was now exposed, and agile hands found your sensitive middle to tickle you with a fury. The other hunter threw his legs over you to keep you from squirming away while he poked at your tummy until tears pricked at your eyes. “You’re too mouthy, cyare!”
“Stop! Stah- Ah! Stoppit! Fuckin’ hell I give, I give!” Your muscles twitched hard in your middle, trying to protect your guts from his roughhousing. Din pinned your arms down at your sides, flashing you a brilliant, boyish smile. 
“So easily? How disappointing.” 
“I’d watch my back if I were you, tinman.” A fierce kiss nipped at your lips before you were released from his torturing grasp. Free of you, Din began pulling his gear on, and you tried to take a mental note of the order that his equipment was donned, but the leather and beskar flew to his body like magnets, and he was fully dressed in short order. “Boooo! Hisss!” He found his helmet again and plucked the radiant jewels from their recesses, tucking the finery into the pocket behind his chest plate. Their disappearance made you a bit sad now that you knew their true meaning, but you knew that there was no way he could keep the bling on his beskar for all to see. 
He saw your frown and shrugged. “They’re still good luck, even if you can’t see them, right?”
“Right!” You hopped up from the bed, stealing one last kiss from his bare face before the helmet sank back into place with a hiss of its latches; and the familiar visor was staring back at you again. You pulled your discarded clothes from the floor, shaking everything out before dressing yourself. Glittering on the floor by your feet was your new mask, and you quickly hooked the electromagnetic ear cuffs on, excited to wear your betrothal gift. In the corner of your eye you could see Mando watching you, relishing in the sight of you adorning yourself with his cultural armor, and you cocked him a sly grin before sliding the cool metal down over your face. The visor flickered to life, and a hot slew of color washed over your eyes. 
“Ok so… night vision, thermal tracking, infrared, ultra violet… Are any of these filters just regular sight, or is this how everything looks to you all the time?” You flipped through the settings of your engagement present, taking in your surroundings through a kaleidoscope of colors. Heat vision cycled again to your eyes, and you saw the hot red bloom in the center of your riduur’s chest, tendrils of heat coursing over to his extremities. You watched as the human fireball sauntered up to you, and the sound of leather brushing against metal scratched loudly in your audio processors as he flipped a secret switch, disabling the extrasensory equipment. “Thanks, that’s better.”
“Takes getting used to.” You wished mandos kept mirrors on hand, you could only see how you looked in the reflection of his visor, and though the image was warped, it was still formidable. A soft leather-clad hand wrapped around the back of your head, pulling you to his helmet in the familiar motion of affection you had grown to love; but the sound of beskar on beskar didn’t donk like it did with a skull, it chimed. Sweet, soft ringing like bells in the wind instead of the hollow thud of meat and bone, and you couldn’t help but gasp. No wonder he liked doing it so often. The low rumble that followed told you that he heard your quiet exclamation, and was laughing at you fondly. “Did you hear it?” You nodded and knocked your forehead against him a second time, chasing the sound of the bells, but the hand behind your head hugged you tightly to stop you from trying a third. “Beskar laar, ironsong. I’ll ring that bell for you every day, cyare, but I think someone is getting impatient.”
You looked behind you to where the foundling was trying to climb off the side of the bed onto his stubby little legs. Mando strode past you to scoop the short green thing up off the ground, holding him so that he faced outwards toward you. You ran your hand over his ears and patted his fuzzy head before hunting for your bag. It was the only thing you had brought with you from the Crest, and you were determined to steal a couple of extra towels and a good chunk of your favorite soap before returning to your Iron Mistress. With a full bag and a full heart, you and your clan made your way up to the surface world.
It was a bright, smokey morning on the surface of Nevarro, and two ragamuffin bounty hunters and their floating baby bucket walked through the decimated streets of the city that bore the same name as its planet in search of supplies, but most of the store fronts were still closed. Construction was happening on all sides, the ash and dust of the Imperial siege being cleared away to be made anew. Takes getting used to was an understatement, and not just because of the flashy detection equipment or the weight of the armor on your face, that was negligible; but what was making you the most uncomfortable was that you were getting stared at. The townsfolk were used to the destructive tendencies of the Mandalorians, stoic hunters that could go from silent to explosive in the blink of an eye, as made obvious by the sad state of the city streets. You, however, weren’t used to being noticed by anyone, but now people were desperately trying to get out of your way; and you weren’t sure if that made you feel powerful, or monstrous. 
“Mando, how much did we make on the other three bounties?” Your hush money was running thin, and if you were going to restock your supplies and get off this lump of charcoal, you would need some extra cash.
“We left before I was able to collect, but I doubt there will be anything for us after Karga pays off the debt of your lost warrant. You were supposed to be brought in alive.”
“Well fuck, I guess we better go see if he’ll pony up some credits for us to get our shit and get out of here.” The cantina was just a few blocks over, and the three of you made your way to the low domed building that served as the town’s central hub. When you reached the saloon, you caught sight of the Guild agent through the window, and you knocked hard enough on it to shake the soot from the dirty transparisteel. “Karga! Hey, Karga!” He could barely see you as it was, the volcanic ash of Nevarro built up thick on the low window sill, but when he turned his attention to the sound of his name, you could see him furrow his brow. The old agent squinted at you and cocked his head, unable to tell who was beckoning him through the grime, and you pointed at your shiny new face and waved. You saw an eyebrow raise, then both fly upwards when he put two and two together, followed by a face so shocked you wished you could snap a holo of it and display it on the wall of the Crest. You made a series of obscene gestures with your hands, pointing at yourself and the Mandalorian that was coming up behind you before finally walking into the cantina. 
The other hunters moved aside quickly, having learned their lesson about the bite of beskar, and slinked off to the far corners of the room. You couldn’t help the swagger with which you walked, taking all the time in the world to approach the usual business booth. Karga only watched as your trio approached, unable to tear his eyes off of the streaking silver that now covered your face. You plopped down heavily on the tattered seat, scooting over so that your partner could squeeze in next to you. Having an armored face gave you an amazing new feeling of concealment, and behind your mask you were grinning like a nexu at the stunned expression of the agent sitting across from you; just waiting for him to find his words. He pointed to you, hovering just a little too long before pointing at Mando, then back at you with more flurried brows. 
“And him…?” 
“Uh huh.”
“So now you’re…?”
“You almost got it, Kargsy.”
He leaned back heavily in his seat before slamming down on the tabletop. “Preposterous! I mean... I was only joking, I didn’t really think…wait a second, you didn’t even invite me?!” You knew your face was hidden, but the way your shoulders jostled gave away your stifled laugh. “How could you?! After all I’ve done for you two! Oh what am I saying! We should be celebrating! Crazy damn hunters...” The agent did nothing to hide his belly shaking laughter, waving at the bartending droid to fetch some drinks, though the only one at the table that would be drinking would certainly be himself. Three glasses and a jug of too-early-in-the-morning spotchka clanked to the table, and you felt your guts flip-flop unhappily at the sight of the vile brew. Greef poured himself a glass, then hesitated to pour a second. “So, are you like Mando now? Can’t show your face? How does that work exactly?” Good question. You turned to Din, who only shrugged and rolled his unadorned helmet. 
“You’re not bound to the creed, you’re only bound to me. Do as you please.” You weren’t exactly planning on imbibing anyway, but the way he spoke so brazenly about your bond made you flush warm under the beskar, and maybe keeping it on for now was a good idea. You shrugged, it was a good enough excuse to turn down the luminous liquor that you couldn’t forget the taste of fast enough. The Guild agent put down the spotchka jug after having only filled one glass, and sipped slowly at the glowing drink. 
“Unbelievable. Couldn’t even send me a card, and after I set you two up!” The snap of both your visors on him made him jump. “Now you’re ganging up on me!” He started to top his glass back up, shaking his head and mumbling under his breath. “So, what can I do you two lovebirds for?”
You ignored the sass behind the term of endearment, “How much is left of our credits?”
Karga scoffed. “Left? There’s nothing left! Those three bounties put together barely covered the cost of the damages to that transport unit you blew up. You’re lucky I’m such a smooth talker or I would have gone bankrupt! If you want more credits, you’re going to have to take on new jobs.”
Fantastic, so much for taking time off. You looked at Mando and made an ‘I’m sorry’ grimace at him, forgetting that he couldn’t see you under the beskar. He must have gotten the hint though, because his shoulders went stiff and a long, drawn-out sigh leaked from his modulator. Nothing escaped Karga’s ears at this booth, and he frowned at the two of you before turning his attention to the child that floated at the end of the table. Baby beans was just watching, his eyes darting between everyone in the group, probably remembering the last time the three adults sat together and how poorly it had gone. Greef made silly faces at the baby before turning back to the two hunters. “I’ll tell you what, as my gift to you newlyweds and your adorable magic baby, I’ll pay for your fuel, but nothing else!”
“That’ll work! Alright, Kargsy, whatcha got for us?” You were pleased with yourself that you had negotiated at least part of your travel costs away, but a heavy leather hand found your leg under the table, reminding you that you made decisions as a team now, and you briefly worried that you were getting ahead of your tinman. The warm pads of his fingers squeezed and thumbed at your leg, and you realized he wasn’t trying to stop you from picking bounties, he was getting excited, barely able to contain himself at the prospect of taking out new targets together. It’s what you did, after all.
“Well, first things first, I can’t give you any pucks, you’re supposed to be dead, remember? I can only give jobs to the living, Guild restrictions and all.” Karga fished a chain code reader from his voluminous robes and brought your information up on its holopad, and instead of the usual ghostly blue of the living, your picture was a harsh red haze, the word DECEASED blinking over your eyes. “I can start you a new registration profile, Mrs. Mando, but I’m going to need a name.” You rolled your eyes at the jibe, though the thought of having to rename yourself hadn’t actually crossed your mind. You couldn’t exactly put down Djarin, though that was your surname now, so you would have to come up with an alias. Hmm…
You stared at the keyboard of the reader, running through old nicknames and people you once knew, maybe even the names of racehounds you had once bet on; but the hand that was resting on your leg came up from the table and pulled the device closer. Mando poked something out on the keyboard with his pointer fingers, and in the holopad the word <<TRA’LAAR>> glimmered back at you over top of an image of your masked face.
“What does that mean?” you asked softly, feeling the gloved hand of your husband return to your knee after he pushed the reader back to you. The Mandalorian turned to you with a gentle tilt of his visor, something you had learned was liken to a smile.
“Starsong. Is...is that ok?”
Starsong. You nodded quickly, it was perfect. Across the table the Guild agent looked like he was going to lose his spotchka, disgusted with the two of you being so cute. Karga shook his head with a strained laugh, then dealt out a handful of pucks to the two living hunters. He went through one after the other, explaining their crimes and their credit rewards and last known locations. Most of them weren’t fantastic, plenty of bail jumpers and a handful of assault charges that might prove fun to hunt, but not anything that would prove a real challenge. Next to you Mando nodded along, but under the table his hand inched higher up your thigh with each new option, the handsy warrior making you blush under your own beskar until you reached down to halt his advances. Strong fingers locked between yours, his thumb rolling over the back of your hand and distracting you from the hunt options being laid before you. Here you were trying to do your jobs, but even work couldn't convince him to stay off of you. You jumped when Karga cleared his throat, bringing your attention back to the task at hand.
“Well, whatcha think, Mando? You wanna pick two and I’ll pick two?” He nodded beside you, squeezing and letting go of your hand to absently grab two pucks off the table and pull them towards you without so much as a second glance. You made to follow suit, but the second both your hands were above the countertop, Din’s heavy paw fell right back to your thigh, deviously close to their apex. Heat flushed your face, stinging against the cool of your beskar, and you picked up two random pucks from the pile. Across from you, Karga watched you both make your decisions with tongue in cheek and eyebrows raised, a look that you knew meant you had made some strange choices; but he just shrugged, already having decided that the two of you were crazy. 
“Interesting.” Greef pulled the accompanying blinker fobs to the table, clearing away the disregarded pucks back into his many pockets. “Alright you two, I’ll have your ship filled and you can get on your way.”
“No droids near my ship, have the porters do it.”
Karga laughed, “Of course not, Mando, I don’t have that much of a death wish, especially not after yesterday.” The old Guild agent sighed, “You two behave now, you hear?” 
You nodded enthusiastically, but under the table your armored companion was doing just the opposite, following the inside of your leg until he was groping at your mound, sliding a leather pad over where your slit pushed against the duraweave. Insatiable!
“You got it, thanks for the gas!” You smacked Mando’s pauldron, kicking him off of you as well as the booth. “Beans, say bye-bye to uncle Kargsy.” The child waved as his floating pram turned and ghosted along behind you out the cantina door. Though the bar had food on hand, it left much to be desired, and street vendor delectables were calling your nose. Townspeople skirted out of your way as you followed the smell of much-needed breakfast, but you ignored them to grill your companion. “Mando! You’re lucky he was focused on the bounties and not your wandering hands, or he woulda kicked our asses to the curb.” The metal mountain shrugged, shaking his helmeted head quickly as if he was bemused by the idea of getting caught.
Corellian bloodhound must have run in your veins, because you were able to sniff out an early morning bakery and caf-roaster, and the savory aroma had your mouth watering behind your armor. The whites of the vendor’s eyes were showing as the two of you approached, and even without any of your visual equipment running, you could see him pale at the sight of your mighty trio. You knew by the look on his face that if you wanted to eat, you would need to play nice. “Good morning, could I get-”
“J-just take it! Take whatever you want! P-please don’t hurt me!” The frightened merchant backpedaled from the stand, throwing their hands over their face for protection. Part of you wanted to lift your mask to assure them that you weren’t exactly Mandalorian, but thought better of it and pulled a handful of credits from your pocket, setting down what you thought the price might be for three pastries and a thermos of caf. The vendor stayed huddled away from the stand as your crew continued on its way, and you tried to shrug off the glares you were getting while you wrapped two of the pastries up and stuffed them in your bag for you and Din to eat later. Beans took his breakfast eagerly, being his gross, adorable self as he chowed down in his hovercrib. 
“Damn Mando, is it like that for you all the time?” The hunter nodded, but said nothing. “That fucking blows.” You tilted your mask back just enough to get the thermos to your mouth, wincing at the caf’s heat and lack of sweetness, but powered through it anyway. You stopped at a few more stores, picking up your usual collection of bacta and tools, absently chatting away at your partner while he followed silently along. You had your backpack stuffed full of goodies and were feeling well about your next adventure when you rounded a street corner, and stepped back immediately at what you saw. You’d only caught a glance, but you knew the shape of standard-issue white duraplast anywhere.
“Mando back up. Right now.” You pushed against his chestplate, steering him back down the alley you were in until you were behind a stack of crates. His jetpack made an ugly sound as it scratched against the stucco of the building while you pressed up against him, using your body to shield him and the child’s pram, though he himself would have made a much better barrier. Habitually, his hands went to your waist, still enamored with being allowed in your proximity, not quite getting what you were trying to do. You ignored him, watching the intersection through your visor.
“Cyar’ika...this isn’t-”
“Ksst!” You hissed, catching the tilt of beskar in the corner of your eye, and the click of a blaster’s safety in your ear when he noticed you weren’t playing coy. Motionless, you both watched the entrance to the alleyway, and you heard them before you saw them.
“You there! Have you seen any mandos?”
“Y-yes! Two of them! They went that way!” Shit balls of hell. You recognized the whimpering voice of the baker that was selling you out. Under the chestplate of your armored companion you caught the sound of his quickening heartbeat, the speeding rhythm adding to your own surging adrenaline. The stormtroopers were crossing through the intersection now, and you were able to get a good look at the sad state of the once-terrible soldiers. Their plasticast armor was dingy and dirty, smeared with volcanic ash and rust. Between the busted plates you could see the tears in their duraweave, sloppily patched and mended. They looked like shit, but they were still armed to the teeth in what was left of their equipment. Blindly they made their way past your alley, not even bothering to glance at where you were hidden. Hot breath coasted over your head with the release of your packmate’s breath, and you let yours loose as well. 
“That was close.” He grated through his modulator. “The last thing we need, or these townspeople need, are more fucking Imps.”
“No shit, looks like it’s just a handful though. Still too many for a good day, but not so much that we couldn’t handle them.” Above you the black hole where his eyes should be turned down to you, tilting slightly with a questioning roll. You reached up and slid your own armor to the top of your head so that he could see your face. “The bounty pucks can wait, right?” He nodded, and you bared your teeth in a vicious, bloodthirsty grin. “Then let's. Go. Hunting.” 
A low growl reverberated in the metal of his chest, and the hand that wasn’t brandishing his blaster came up to cup your chin, dragging his rough leather thumb over the edge of your jaw. “Marry me.”
“Day late, dollar short, bucket boy.” You chided, “I’m already spoken for.” You kissed at the edge of his helmet, reveling in the snarl that barked through the modulator before pulling your own beskar back down over your face. “We gotta get them away from the civilians.”
“What do you have in mind?”
“I thought you hated my plans.”
“Your plans are terrible, but they work, ner riduur.”  
“Damn right they do. Ok look, I’ll grab their attention and get them to chase me, you take Beans and pick them off as I get them further away from people. Think you can handle that?” 
Beskar chimed when it knocked against your brow, surging fire along with the adrenaline your veins were furiously pumping. “Just be careful, my love.” You returned the gesture of affection with another sweet chime, then pulled back to point down the alleyway. Din nodded and took off, the child’s closed hover crib floating along behind him. Free of your oathsworn, you rolled your shoulders and scuffed your boots in the volcanic soil, revving yourself up for what would be a hell of a run. You stepped out onto the main road, catching sight of where the disgraced Imps were still harassing the townspeople. The thermos of nasty caf exploded on the back of one big white egg, turning their attention to you. 
“Hey fucknuggets! Looking for me?” You barely took a breath to duck back into the alley as blaster fire shot overhead. Assholes, there’s bystanders nearby! Memories of Tatooine flashed in your mind as you hauled ass through the charred streets, chucking supply crates into the way of the worst shots in the galaxy. The stormtroopers weren’t fast, but they were ambitious, plowing through the obstacles that you threw in their way. You rounded a corner, avoiding plasma shots easier than the broad side of a barn. “Eggheads!” You taunted, keeping them chasing after you. At a deserted intersection you stopped, waiting for them to round the corner; and you couldn’t help but grin when one of them was yanked into the air, dangling on the end of a grapple. A single -urk- told you that one was down and out. How many were there? Three? Four?
Two more rounded the corner, and you sped down the next street after another string of searing insults. The Imps shot at you with no regard for human life, pockmarking the already disheveled buildings with more burnt holes. Making sure that they saw you take the next turn, you ducked behind a corner, waiting for them to follow suit. So predictable. The two dirty soldiers plodded past you, and you drew your blaster and fired, catching one in the skull and one in the shoulder. Trooper one fell to the ground, but the second one reeled and tried to aim their gun at you with their fucked up arm. Bad move. Black and silver rained from above, kicking the stormtrooper’s legs out from under it and blasting it full of holes. Mando knocked the dead Imps gun away with his foot, just in case, then turned his gaze to you. “Nice wor-look out!”
You snapped back to look behind you, and for the first time in the entire history of the Empire, a stormtrooper made a bullseye.
You fell backwards to the ground with the force of the impact to your face. Game over.
Everything was ringing, and not in a nice way, making the world appear as flickering greys and blacks as your eyeballs tried to pull blood back to their concussed retinas. The sound of Mando’s blaster and the thud of a dead body hitting the dirt made you open your stunned eyes. You laid in the pyroclastic gravel, thinking maybe you were a ghost and you were just hearing and seeing the last of the living world; but your wilted vision was soon eclipsed by a big metal bucket leaning over top of you.
“Are you alright?”
Shockingly, you were able to respond. “I...think so? What the hell I took that right between the eye- oh!” You brought your hands to your face where a bullet hole should be, running your fingers over the smooth beskar that had saved your life. “Beskar! Beskar blocks blast bullets! Try saying that three times fast.” Your helmeted husband hauled you to your feet, roughly brushing the dirt and gravel off of you in his endearingly fussy way. “Yeah, I’m good, tinman. Thanks for the armor.” You were glad he couldn’t see your eyes, you were squinting and blinking fast, trying to usher your sight back, letting loose a sigh of relief as the details of his armor came into view. The protective faceplate chimed its siren song as Din pushed his helmet against you, humming happily with the knowledge of your safety.
“You’re quick, cyare, but maybe next time let me be the bait?” 
“Not a snowflake's chance in hell.” Turning away from your armored companion, you bent down to inspect the fallen trooper. “What the fuck were they doing here anyway?”
“Probably leftovers from the siege, maybe longer by the looks of their armor.” A bandoliered boot kicked at the sullied corpse. “Usually there’s more than this, but these look like they’ve been on-world too long, trying to make a good capture to earn a place back into a larger platoon.”
“Shitstains.” You pushed your mask to the side and spat on the ground, “I’d better not see another one of these skulking around, or I’ll run out of blast cartridges pumping them full’a holes.'' The taste of the hunt was still strong on your tongue, and the hunger for blood was making you aggressive. “Fuckin’ Empire never did me any favors, not to mention all the people who’s lives’ve been ruined by their destruction. What’s left of them needs to be purged like a disease. Expunged.” Through the haze of bloodlust you caught your man staring at you, and realized that you were getting more fired up than what might have been appropriate. You cleared your throat, trying to cough the thrill of the chase out of your lungs. “Yikes, I’m sorry Mando, I don’t know what-”
“Don’t be.” He was close now, having crossed the short distance between you in a single stride. “Tell me more.” 
“Oh? You like that, huh?” He nodded, letting his hands wander up your arms and down your sides until he was squeezing at your waist. “I wanna hunt Imps.”
“Yeah. Forget bail jumpers, I wanna go after the Empire’s soggy leftovers, break their dirty duraplast open and spill their rotten guts.” The handsy warrior ran his fingers around the swell of your ass and down the backs of your thighs, lifting up on them so hard you were forced to wrap your arms around his neck while he saddled you around his waist. “Mando! We’re outside!” 
“Don’t care, I wanna hear more.” He waltzed the two of you into the nearest alleyway, barely out of sight of anyone who would walk down the street; though the stormtrooper carcasses would probably dissuade any and all from getting too close. Mando waited for you to toss your backpack off before pushing you against the stucco, grinding hard into your core. 
“Fucksake, where do you get the energy?” You laughed, though it was a serious question that would probably never get an answer. He ignored you, groaning heavily in your ear. 
“Alright alright.” It was hard to respond with him getting so fresh. “If I see another one of those fucking eggheads I’ll rattle their dirty plastic buckets with...with...fuck.” His armored hips surged into you, the plates of his sides pinching your inner thighs and making it hard for you to put words together. “Gonna… gonna scramble their yolks with my b-blades.”
“Fuck yeah you are. More, tell me more, ner riduur.” Between your legs the bulge of his stiff cock was rutting into you, trying desperately to meet you through the layers of duraweave. 
“I’m gonna find those dirty Imps, I’m gonna shoot them in their ugly plasticast faces. I’ll take all their guns as my trophies. Blow their whole ratsnest sky....high!” You keened, squished harder against the wall by the breadth of his chestplate so his hands could move without dropping you. Deft digits dug into your belt and yanked, pulling your pants down over the curve of your backside just far enough that your heat was exposed. You were unable to see anything past his broad armored shoulders, and the sound of a zipper being thrown was all the warning you got before he was pushing up into you.
“I think… you should...take...their...heads!” He stuttered between thrusts, leaning back to hook your legs through the crooks of his elbows, jackknifing you against the ashstreaked wall. His cock split you in two, stretching you open almost painfully without any prior slicking. “More! I wanna hear more! Make your husband proud!” His command growled through his modulator, so loaded with need that the hair on the back of your neck stood on end and your pussy flooded with much-needed juice.
“Fu-fuck Man-an-d-do! I’ll- fuckin...stab… an’… sh-shoot… ah~!” Between his filthy cadence and the air being squeezed from your chest you couldn’t get a word in edgewise; and you bunched your fingers into the scruff of his cloak, holding on for dear life while he plowed you into the wall. You clamped your coils around him, making him moan against the side of your mask and earning yourself just enough of a break in his stride to find your voice. “Gonna… gonna get the jump on ‘em. Sneak up behind their stupid fucking Imp asses and gut them like fish.” You winced when he sped up, the friction becoming too much.“Ouch!”
He stopped dead in his tracks at the sound of pain, his heaving chest the only movement from the silver statue. He looked down between your bodies to where he was lost inside you, then let one of your legs back down to his hip so he could free his hand from your thigh. The armored paw was brought up to the bottom of your mask and up under the beskar to your mouth. 
“Bite.” You bit down on the leather, holding the glove in your teeth as he pulled his hand free, stuffing it down between your pressed bellies to where his cock was. He pulled the throbbing member out and slid his calloused fingers in, hunting for your sweet spot. “Let’s see, where’s that spot that makes you squirm? Should be...right...about...here.” His trigger finger dug into the patch of nerves, pumping in and out of you until you were whining around the glove still in your teeth. Another finger joined the first, taking a moment to scissor around inside you to stretch you further before thrusting into you again. “You love my hands, don’t you, cyar’ika? Love when I fuck you with them?” You could barely nod, between his efforts and being squashed against the wall, you were putty in his hands. His long fingers pumped quickly at your core, digging in deeper every time you clenched around them to churn you into a slick mess. A vicious growl in your ears made your insides flutter, and the Mandalorian could feel you starting to come undone for him. “Does that feel better, cyare?” He purred, spinning his thumb over your clit between plunges. “Come on, come for me like a good girl~.”
You bit down hard on the glove with a muffled cry, clawing at his shoulders while he milked every drop from you until it was running down his hand and onto the volcanic soil below. Soft praises whispered out of his modulator, telling you how well you take his hands, how soft and strong you are and all the ways he would pleasure you each and every day. He slid his fingers out of your deliciously wet heat and filled you right back up with his cock. The bare hand glistened in the smoky daylight before disappearing under the edge of his helmet to lick himself clean, humming at the taste of your sweet nectar. With both hands back on your legs, he nearly crushed you against the wall, chasing his own desperate release. Hot steam fogged up your visor, his ragged breath coming hard out of the bottom of his helmet with each merciless thrust. The sound of him losing himself in you was music to your ears, low, rumbling growls between broken words of adoration until he was nearly spooled to completion. 
“That’s my riduur! That’s my wife! F-feirce little t-thing! So b-beautf-ful, wearing my armor! Wearing beskar like a true Mando’ade! I c-can’t wait to...to... get... you more!” He pulled out of your sopping cunt, pressing his throbbing shaft under your asscheeks while he came hard against the wall behind you, groaning the whole way through. His breath came in broken gasps through his modulator, and his arms coiled around your legs as if he was trying to melt your body into his through your many layers. You hugged him back while trying to pull your legs from his arms, and reluctantly he let you drop from him, holding you steady as much as he was trying to hold himself. Tugging your pants back up and taking the wet glove from your mouth, you couldn’t help but turn and glance at the marked wall, flabbergasted at the amount that was dripping through the ash-laden stucco. 
“That’s supposed to be mine!” You pointed at the gooey smear with a laugh that was rewarded with a tilted visor glare. 
“Oh aren’t you thoughtful."
You patted his heaving shoulders and leaned forward to kiss his helmet where his mouth would be, humming sweetly before turning your attention to the corpses that were still strewn about the deserted street. The trooper bodies had started to grow cold, and you made your way over to them to collect your trophies with a skip in your step. Their blasters were grimey, so soiled with plasma residue and fucking dirt that you almost didn’t want to touch them. “Hey, Mando, do you think the scary sewer queen would like these?” He cocked his head at you from over where he was dragging the white plasticast corpses into the alleyway you had just disrespected. “The beefy lady, with the sword?”
“Ruusaan?” You nodded at the somewhat familiar word. “She’d be thrilled. Probably forge you another piece of armor once you collect a few more. Everything after the helmet has to be earned, and...and I’d love to see you...in… in full beskar, cyar’ika.”
“So I’ve been told.”  You glanced around the deserted back alley, getting the feeling that something was missing, something important. “Mando! Where’s our fucking foundling?!” Din straightened up and pressed a few buttons on his vambrace, angling his visor up to the rooftops. The baby’s hoverbucket floated over the edge, gently gliding down from out of harm's way. Inside, the tiny green terror was throwing his arms up in the air, enjoying the ride back down to ground level. His shirt and blankie were covered in muffin crumbs, and though he was a mess, your stomach roared; being made violently aware that you hadn’t gotten to eat your fucking breakfast yet. Both of your boys cocked their heads at the sound of your rabid insides, bidding Din to stride forward, placing a hand on your shoulder while you tried to clear the remnants of the child’s meal away.
“Are you still hungry?”
“I never got to eat, our breakfast is still in my backpack.”
His helmet snapped softly backwards in a motion you had learned meant he was confused. “Why didn’t you eat yet?”
“Because I want to eat with you.” You ignored the quick tilt of his beskar to focus on picking pastry bits out of the child’s ears, fucking stars, how did he get them in his ears?! “It’s not fair that you have to eat by yourself all the damn time, creed or not, you should have someone watching your back when you’re vulnerable. And that’s my job now, right?” You pushed your mask up to the top of your head so he could see your eyes meet his visor. The metal mountain looked so small with his shoulders drooping and his hand resting softly on your arm, the faint twitch of his helmet telling you he was rapidly looking between both of your eyes so your words could sink in. 
“What did I do to deserve you, Tra’laar?” 
“Sprang me from jail.” You turned back to the messy baby to hide your blushing face, unwilling to wax poetic about how much you liked him while your guts demanded an audience. “Where are you more comfortable, in the sewers or in the Crest?”
“We should get back to the ship, Karga’s probably got it fueled up by now.” You nodded, finding your backpack and pulling the slightly-squashed pastries up to the top so you could stuff the icky Imp guns in the bottom for your trophy collection. When you turned back to your crewmates, however, you were greeted with an extended arm, the bent elbow of your new husband offering to escort you back to your waiting chariot. You snickered and gladly accepted the gesture, hooking your arm through his as you had done during your masquerade. The pair of you glided past where the stormtroopers bodies were stashed, scavengers would come for them eventually to strip them of their worthless armor and priceless organs; but the two of you couldn’t care less, lost in the comfort of each other's company. 
The Razor Crest came into view soon enough, and your Mandalorian only pulled away from you then to fuss with his buttons and get the ramp open. As you approached the old ship you felt your heart sink at the sight of your old mask, still half-buried where it had been stomped into the obsidian gravel. You pulled it from its grave, and the remnants of its photoreceptor casings flaked away like dried leaves, confirming what you already knew; there was no saving it. 
“Hey Mando, can you hit a moving target?” He scoffed at you before seeing what was in your hands, making him tilt quizzically at you.
"What happened to it? Did you drop it?"
"No. The IG units broke it."
"Fucking droids. I'm sorry ner cyare'se, I hope your new one makes you happy."
"You make me happy, buckethead."
 You made to heft the mask, making a few slow pretend throws so he got the hint and let his hand hover over his pistol like a gunslinger. “Hup!” You chucked the busted thing high in the air, and his blaster snapped like a viper from his hip with a bang! The wasted durasteel exploded spectacularly in the air, raining back down as chunks of shrapnel that had you running for the Crest and giggling like a fool. Rest in pieces.
You followed Mando and the foundling up the ramp of the ship, taking a moment to run your palm over the entryway. There was a time not too long ago when you thought you would never see her again, the ship that you had made a home for yourself in. The beskar mask hid your smile as your eyes wandered over her messy interior, lingering over the cot that still had your bedroll in it and gazing lovingly at the wall panel where the armory was hidden from view; and you wondered if you would get to add your own trophies to that case. Even the empty carbonite chamber had you feeling a sense of belonging, that this is where your wild hunt would lead, time and time again. The door to the ramp closed, and you took a deep, fulfilling breath of the stuffy atmosphere of the hold. “Hello, Iron Lady, did you miss me?”
“Did you say something?” Din was working to get the child out of his pram so he could stretch his legs in the safety of the ship. 
You rolled your mask up to the top of your head, the shining beskar looking like a crown fit for a queen. “Hmm? Oh, no, just an old sailor phrase. Iron Lady, queen of strife, You're my only home and wife. I know I'm bound to you for life, nor would I have another!” You belted, hearing the acoustics of the durasteel walls thrum to life with the power of your voice. You sighed, long and low as you had heard your partner do so many times, and you turned your eyes back to him; resisting the urge to screw your eyes shut at the sight of his bare face. He would have to get used to being touched, but you would have to get used to seeing the real flesh and blood of the man underneath the armor. Fucking Maker, he’s so pretty! 
Din pressed kisses to your forehead, then both your cheeks, and lastly your smile; humming through his adoration. You closed your eyes and let yourself get caught up in his affections, but the tug on your shoulder gave away his sneaky thievery, and you shot one eye open to watch him pull your backpack off of you. He laughed and started digging through the ratty old bag, pulling the baked goods out for you to finally eat. You took yours greedily, stuffing the now cold loaf of goodness into your piehole, waiting for Din to do the same. He watched you with a strange look in his eye, as if he was trying to imagine himself eating vicariously through you, though he had his own meal right there in his hands. 
You raised a brow at him. “What’s wrong? Did I get the wrong flavor?”
He shook his head, his chocolate pudding eyes shining up to you in a bashful, puppy-like way. “I...um… I’ve never eaten around anyone before.” 
Stop being so fucking cute all the time! “Oh, ok well here let’s do this.” You plopped down on one of the many crates that littered the cabin with your back to him. “Take your rockets off and come sit behind me.” You turned away from him and waited until you heard the dull thunk of metal hit the ground and felt the crate shift with his weight. “Now lean back.” He did as he was instructed, leaning his back up against your own, and the happy sigh that rumbled out of him made your heart swell. Then the sound of loud, fast eating made you chuckle, and he froze behind you. “Oh for fucks sake the baby eats way grosser than you do. Fuckin’ go for it.” You felt his shoulders jostle with a secretive laugh, and the onslaught began anew. His breakfast disappeared in seconds, and you wondered if he even tasted it before he sucked it down. “Is that how you always eat?”
“Mmhmm.” He said with his mouth still partially full. “Nev’r know what’s coming.” You turned to watch him throw his legs around the other side of the crate, sitting perpendicular to you now so he could wrap an arm around your waist while you ate your well deserved meal. “You take your time.”
“Ah plan to.” And you did, actually chewing your food, only stopping to accept a canteen that was handed to you in lieu of your launched projectile thermos. With a happy belly you turned to your riduur, grinning right back at his sheepish little smile. “So, captain, what’s next for us?”
“Do you remember what I said last night? I want you to pick a star for me to bring you.”
The sweet sentiment made your heart swell, then promptly drop. “What about our Guild contracts?” You were expecting a groan, a sigh, or even a curse at the reminder that you had put your crew right back on the trail instead of bound for rest and relaxation; but instead you were gifted with petal-soft kisses on your cheek. 
“Anywhere with you is a pleasure, riduur’ika, especially if I get to see you hunt.” He scooted closer to you on the crate, wrapping both his arms around your waist while you were still trying to eat, resting his scruffy chin in the crook of your shoulder, breathing right in your ear. “And if we see any Imps, we can hunt them down for sport.” He growled the last words with enough malice that a chill ran up your spine and broke into the light as an icy smile. 
“Stars above, you do not like those fuckin’ Imps, do you?” Din nodded, making sure to rub against your cheek like a big, happy massiff. “Alright then, gimme your pucks.” One armored hand disappeared from you to dig through his belt pouches, bringing his half of the bounties into view. You scarfed down the last of your breakfast and found your own pucks to add to the pile in his grasp. Between his hand and yours, you shook your collection of captured stars, shuffling the bounties in your palms and pulling one from the stack as your choice. You held it up high in front of you like you were inspecting a jewel instead of a chunk of duraplast and wiring. “This one. Bring this one to me.” The leftover pucks were returned to his pouch, freeing himself up to run his insatiable paws over your shoulder to tug at your outstretched arm. He brought your hand to his lips, pressing fuzzy kisses to your knuckles, humming at the goosebumps that readily prickled your skin.
“As you wish.”
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@mandoinevarro​ @mrsparknuts​ @cookiejuicedesu​ @kaermorons​ @ironbabey​ @theflightytemptressadventure​ @emesispo​ @what-iwish-youknew​ @misscamptl​ @t3a-bag​ @poppunkdee​
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yuta-nakamots · 4 years
we go up - l.mk
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Pairing - Mark x Reader
Genre - Fluff, College!AU
Warnings - one single mention of sex but no descriptions of it
Summary - Growing up was a part of life. Though you were scared of all that the future holds, you looked forward to going through it all with Mark right by your side.
Word Count - 4.2k
A/N - this was supposed to be released 4 days ago ahaha I passed all my classes so that’s really what matters. anyways, here’s this fic to celebrate Milly’s 3 years on Tumblr and 5 years for me and my blog
Written for the Moodboard Collab hosted by @bumblebeenct​​. Also part of the Neowinter Festival hosted by @czennienet.
Song: We Go Up. Color Set: #1.
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Never would you have thought that you’d be on the path to living in the real world so soon. Summers were for relaxing and having fun but you’ll never regret jumping at the opportunity to travel the world with Mark Lee instead.
Mark’s parents were executives for a travelling company that offered a variety of trips all over the world. You knew it was part of their job to visit those countries and survey the different options available and put together plans based on them but with Mark having just graduated from college and you going into your final year, it was soon to be a job shared by both of you as well.
It hasn’t been long since you first began dating him, in fact, it hadn’t been long since you first met him on your first day on campus. Both of you were moving in on the same day and crossed paths as you were lugging your two loaded suitcases in through the main entrance of the dormitory. Your family hadn’t come with you, putting their faith in you to make it to your school on your own, so you could only guess how pitiful you must’ve looked to others.
“Hey those look pretty heavy, I can help you with that if you’d like,” you looked up to find the owner of the voice and were met by a handsome boy with a smile you’d never forget, “my name is Mark, by the way.”
“Uh, y/n, nice to meet you and yeah, actually, if you could take this one it would help me so much.” You told him as you pulled up the smaller of the two suitcases.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to take the larger one? I can handle it.” He looked at you with eyes full of interest, his pupils almost resembling boba thanks to the odd lighting in the hall.
You shook your head before turning to head to the elevator, “I only just met you, I wouldn’t make you do this. Besides, it’s not even that much heavier than the other one.”
“Alright, whatever you say. What floor are you on though? I can help you move in if you don’t have anyone else.” He offered kindly.
“I’m on the third floor,” you informed him, “but don’t you have somewhere to be? You couldn’t have just been sitting around in the lobby.”
You say his expression morph into one of panic before quickly relaxing, “oh, I was just on my way to the university center to pick up my keys and get my mail. Gosh, you made me think I was late to something important.” The laugh he let out was so full and loud, it felt as if it were reaching out to you.
“Are you sure you don’t have anything else you should be doing?” You question as you pressed the button for the elevator. “I’d hate to be the reason why you missed a meeting or something.”
Mark pulled out his phone as both of you waited for the elevator. “No, I’m pretty sure I don’t have anything else planned for today. I just had to move in earlier and that’s it, I don’t have any solid plans.” The doors opened and let out a few other people, who you guessed were also students, before you and Mark stepped in.
“I just met you though,” you pointed out, “how do I know that you’re not some weirdo that’s gonna try steal my stuff?”
He raised an eyebrow at you. “Really? I mean, not like in a bad way ‘really’ but I can promise you that I’m not trying to do anything bad.”
You hummed in mock sarcasm, “mmhmm, that’s what they all say.”
“If you don’t believe me I’ll give you my number if you want or like my room number, even-”
“Mark I was just joking dude.” You laughed, amused by how gullible the boy was.
“Oh…” he breathed, relief settling over him as the doors opened up to the third floor, “but can I still get your number though?”
“Beat me to my room and I’ll think about it.” You took off running in a random direction, unsure which way you were even supposed to go in.
Mark followed close behind, “wait but I don’t even know which room number to look for!”
“Maybe that’s the point!” You shout back.
continue as always, wild and free
Though he did not make it to your room before you, you still gave him your phone number to thank him for helping you with your luggage. Mark was kind enough to stay and help you unpack your things and get your room set up. He even accompanied you to get dinner from the cafeteria since it was already getting late by the time the two of you finished unloading everything.
Over the next few days before classes, you hung out with Mark and any other freshmen that you happened to run into. You found out that Mark was a business major and planned to minor in tourism industry management. As for you, your major was biology with a focus in ecology.
Mark seemed to love sharing about himself as seen from the way he eagerly told you about the company his parents worked for and how he was interested in someday becoming a part of it which was why he chose his intended path of study. You had come in the college with the intent of wanting to make a difference in the world and help tackle one of the biggest global issues, which is climate change, leading you to your chosen track.
Mark was a great listener and seemed genuinely interested in everything you had to say. If he thought anything was lame or dumb, he hid it very well because he seemed to be picking up all the information you put down. You had come in knowing that most people in large corporations didn’t think much about the environment. Either Mark was faking it to keep his new friendship with you or he genuinely held the same beliefs as you. You chose to believe it was the latter.
All throughout your first year in college together you and Mark stuck together, always preferring each others company, even within the large group of friends you managed to accumulate with him. Luckily he was only one floor above you so he wasn’t far away at all. If you ever needed anything, he really was ‘one call away’ and would come running even if it was just to catch a bug in your room.
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Freshmen year came and went, both you and Mark went back home for summer vacation and came back to campus as sophomores. You both kept in touch and regularly updated each other on things like Mark’s trip to Britain with his parents. That was the first real glimpse you had into his dreams and goals for his future. Meanwhile you just ranted to him about all the terrible customers that came in at your part-time job, though he didn’t seem to mind at all and always offered you his company.
Sophomore year was when he asked you to be his girlfriend. After the two of you had eaten dinner together as usual and were walking back to the dorms, that was when he had finally made a move. “So, uh, I know this may be kind of sudden but I actually really like you.” He told you.
You looked up at him as you continued walking next to him. “And in what way, exactly?”
“In a ‘I like you as more than just a friend’ kind of way.” He replied, looking down at the leaf-covered sidewalk.
“Well lucky for you, I might just like you in the same way.” Mark’s head shot up and his eyes met yours.
He blinked rapidly and his gaze never left yours, as if searching for the truth. “Wait, like really?”
“Yes, really.” You pulled him closer to you so he wouldn’t walk right into the tree that was coming up.
“Does that mean you’ll be my girlfriend?” He asked after mumbling a quick ‘thank you’.
You stopped walking and turned to face him. “If you ask properly then I don’t see why not.”
“Oh, uh,” his eyes flitted left to right before finally settling on yours, “will you be my girlfriend?”
“No.” You tried to hold your laughter in the way his eyes widened but you just couldn’t. “Of course I’ll be your girlfriend you stupid! I didn’t say all of that for nothing, oh my gosh you really are so gullible.”
Mark’s mouth opened slightly before he closed it again and then burst out going “don’t do that to me for crying out loud! You don’t even know how I was actually about to cry if you said no just now.”
You grabbed his hand and quickly interlaced your fingers with his. “There, I’m sorry. Do you feel better now? Do you want me to kiss you to make you feel better?”
“Uh, yes? To both?” He spoke, still shaken from earlier.
You raised his hand to your lips, kissing that back of his hand with a smile. “Thank you for choosing me.”
i’m gonna try flying a little further
Things continued on in this way in your relationship, always keeping things lighthearted and never too serious. Thankfully both of you had past dating experience and weren’t completely clueless on how to act toward each other. One thing led to the next and you had your first kiss with him the day he was leaving to go home for winter break. “I love you, stay safe, don’t die.” You called out to him as he got into his uber.
“Got it babes, love you too.” He sent you a kiss before shutting the door which you happily caught and held to your heart.
It was during that break that the two of you told your parents about each other and things went surprisingly smooth of both ends. Mark had even informed you that his parents were interested in meeting you after he told them about your field of study. “Yeah they were so intrigued by it! They’ve been looking into more sustainable and eco-friendly options for a while now so I think this must’ve struck a chord with them.” He chattered excitedly over the phone.
“Dude, don’t make me even more nervous about meeting them-”
“Hold up, did you just call me dude?” He questioned.
“It’s not like you don’t call me dude as well.” You commented.
Mark let out a laugh on his end. “Alright, fair enough. But not to alarm you or anything, but they said that I could bring you along for one of our trips during summer if you’re down.”
“Oh my gosh, seriously?” You exclaimed.
“Yes, seriously,” he confirmed, amused at your enthusiasm, “should I tell them that you’re interested?”
“Mark is that even a question? Of course I’m interested.” Your excitement was almost bubbling over from the way everything seemed to be working in favor of you and Mark.
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The next summer, you did indeed tag along with Mark and his parents to who were more than happy to meet you and share information on their company while visiting Nevada. Mark wasn’t lying when he said that you interests ‘struck a chord’ with them. Sometimes it seemed like you were more like their child than he was with how much his parents talked with you about possible green options to inquire for. It was thanks to them that you decided to minor in tourism industry management like Mark, even though it would set you behind one year in graduation.
Going into your junior year, you were able to put together a small scrapbook of sorts with all the pictures from the trip to Nevada and gave it to Mark to celebrate your one year anniversary. “Wait, when did you even take that picture of me though?” He asked while looking at the picture of him spread out on a hotel bed like a starfish.
“You smacked me with your arm so I woke up and it was like, seven in the morning so I decided to just fool around and take pictures of you,” you explained with a smile on your face, “if you look in that bottom corner, you can see my foot because I had to stand over you but not too closely so my legs were like a triangle over you.”
Mark shook his head as he laughed at your antics before gently closing the book. “I love you, you know that right?” He placed a kiss on your cheek and sat back to adore you with his eyes practically sparkling.
“How could I not? I’d be worried that you may not know that I love you.” You told him playfully, setting the scrapbook aside and straddling his lap.
“Baby, that’s the last thing you need to worry about.” His voice fell into its lower ranges as he began kissing you in a way he never has before. It was on that night, the night of your first anniversary that the two of you made love for the first time in your shared campus apartment.
make me beautiful in the memories
When you brought Mark home for the holidays, your family was more than thrilled to meet him and you thanked whatever supreme being existed out there for blessing you with him. He got along well with your parents and even became a favorite of all the younger kids, especially when he joined them in making a snowman out in front of your house.
“Look y/n! Marky helped us start building a snowman!” Your younger sister exclaimed before running off once again to join some of your cousins.
You watched as Mark helped them roll the largest ball of snow around the yard until it was at least a third of his height. “Come join us y/n!” He called out. “You can get the rocks and sticks to make his arms and face.”
One of your younger cousins came by to join you as you sifted through the snow to find nice rocks to use. “When are you and Marky getting married?” He asked.
“Married? We’ve only been together for a year.” You told the little boy.
“Oh, hmm, well it’s never too early to start thinking.” He decided before finding a cute little stick that he deemed fit to function as a nose for the snowman.
You joined Mark in rolling the second ball of snow while the kids made the last one. “So what was that I heard about getting married?” He questioned.
Suddenly your cheeks felt warm and your eyes darted away from him and back to the mound of snow in front of you. “Uh, nothing, one of the kids just was asking if we plan on getting married.”
“He’s right, you know,” Mark spoke quietly, “it’s never too early to start thinking about it.”
“I mean, we’re still so young though.” You told him.
“That doens’t mean I don’t see myself having a future with you.” Mark commented as he picked up the ball of compacted snow.
“Gosh, you’re so chessy. What next? Names for our kids?” You joke as you watch him place the ball on top of the largest one at his knees.
He winked at you once the snowman had his torso complete. “Already on it.”
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Spring semester was spent planning for Mark’s graduation in the following year and getting the classes for your minor arranged. His parents invited you to go with them to Hawai’i which you politely declined, as you did not know much about the people and culture and did not have time to accurately research before going thanks to all the summer classes you were taking to ensure that you’d graduate on time.
You and Mark decided to live off campus for his last year in college and though it was inconvenient to have to cook your own meals and walk a little bit further to get to school, it was all worth it when you got to make the memories you did with him.
“So you just crack the egg and drop it in the pan?” He hesitated, the said egg hovering over the edge of the frying pan.
You rolled your eyes at him, “Mark, how many times do I have to tell you? You just crack it and let it fall into the pan. It’s not that hard.”
He mocked your expression after you said ‘it’s not that hard’ as he cracked the egg into the pan, yelping at the way the oil splashed up at him. You left to freshen up a bit, having been woken up by the ruckus Mark had made in the kitchen only to come back five minutes later to another bout of him yelling for help. “What now?”
“I, uhh, I think I burned the egg.” His face was tinged with shame as you came over to the stove, sliding the egg in question onto a plate before lifting its side to see that it was indeed burnt.
“I don’t know how you manage to burn an egg after I leave you for such a short amount of time.” You tell him as you pull another one out from the refrigerator. “Here, try again. You’re lucky it’s the weekend.”
“You’re not gonna let me stop until I’ve successfully cooked an egg, huh?” You shook your head to answer his question, causing Mark to let out a sigh before going to add a little more oil to the pan.
look time fly, we fly, changes come with time
Days like that were normal for the two of you, though more often than not, you chose to order food since Mark was clearly not very trustworthy in the kitchen and you weren’t all that better yourself.
Living with Mark was not always happy and fun, though. Sometimes the two of you fought and sometimes it was over the smallest things like how he didn’t put his clothes into his hamper after changing out of them or how you’d leave your belongings strewn about the apartment.
Being with him taught you that a relationship is a two-way thing. Everyone has their flaws and if you truly love someone, you’ll learn to work with them to get solve problems that arise or get around them.
Getting to live with Mark and see him everyday was certainly a lot more convenient, especially when both of you were swamped with finals and had little to no time to go out on an actual date. Falling asleep in each others arms and waking up to the sight of the other was enough for those times. In those mornings where you woke up before Mark and didn’t want to get out of bed just yet, you took the time to be thankful for the path of life you were on and how thankful you were to have met the boy in front of you.
It was moments like those that made it all worth it.
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When Mark graduated in the following spring, you sat in the crowd alongside his parents, watching him and your past classmates walk across the stage and receive their diplomas.
“Ah, he looks just the same as when he graduated from high school.” His mother commented. She even pulled up his old pictures and showed them to you, making you laugh at how cute he was back then. You could hear his voice in your head, whining about how he’s not cute but you paid it no mind.
The rush of emotion you felt when the name ‘Mark Lee’ was called and he stepped out in his cap and gown was truly something else. You stood up and cheered alongside the rest of his friends who were seated around you, the bunch of you only getting louder when his head jerked in your direction and he smiled and waved to you all.
the reason why i can be fearless is because you’re looking at me with your two eyes
“That’s going to be you next year, you know.” Mark’s father stated nodding over to where Mark was playfully chest-bumping his fellow graduates. “Okay, well not like that, but you know what I mean.”
You let out a laugh as you watched Mark stumble and nearly fall. “Yeah, I know what you mean.”
“Do you have any plans for summer, dear?” His mother inquired.
“I have a few classes from June through July but I believe I do not have anything for the latter half of June until school starts again in August.” You informed her.
“Would you like to come along with us to Paris then? We missed you greatly last year and felt you would have enjoyed the experience more than Mark did.” She explained as she pulled up more pictures of Mark though this time it was him in a botanically garden getting scared from all the bugs. “I’ll send this one to you.”
You thanked her with a smile on your face and graciously accepted her offer to travel with them to Paris. Mark was over the moon when he heard that you’d be going with them, especially since this was going to be the first time he’d be allowed to lead the meetings and events.
It felt like school hadn’t even finished from the way you went right back to work for your summer courses and Mark got to putting together his first few projects for the company. He was intent on showing the executives that he was a fully capable individual and was not trying to simple ride off of his parents achievements. You were proud of him for that.
By the time you all got to Paris, it felt like a much needed breath of fresh air from the constant hustle of school and work. One of the first places Mark took you to was one of the local night markets near the hotel you were staying at. You pulled out your light blue polaroid camera which Mark had gotten awfully used to within these past few years and took multiple pictures of him eating street food and walking around under the stringed lights.
i need you right here
“Oh, that fountain looks kinda cool.” He exclaimed, walking out of frame.
“Mark you can’t just do that when I’m about to take your pict-”
“Yeah yeah, you can take pictures here instead. It looks prettier.” You both paused to admire the sculpting of the stone and the way the water and the coins at the bottom of the fountain glittered under the night lights. Mark sat down at the edge of the fountain after a bit. “Here, you can take them now.”
You took a few before handing of the camera to him so he could take a few of you. “Have you ever thought that this is where we’d be after all this time?” He asked after giving the camera back to you and joining you next to the fountain. “Like, back when we were freshmen, we didn’t know where we’d be within the next few years and here we are, together, three years later.”
“I think you’re jet-lagged, babe, but yeah I see what you mean.” You agreed, falling into the rhythm of the way the water spilled over from the top tier into the lower ones and out from there into the base at the bottom. “We went from clueless freshmen to young adults breaking out into the real world.”
You watched as Mark dug around in his pocket, pulling out a single coin and enclosing it in a fist. “I wish for things to stay the same- no, for us to- wait, no, I wish for us to remain happy together while facing all the challenges that our lives have to offer us.” With that, he tossed the coin into the fountain and you both followed it as it sunk to the floor.
He pulled another coin out and offered it to you. “I wish…” you began, trailing off as you thought of what more you could possibly say, “I wish for us to stay together for as long as time allows and that we will get to watch each other grow and fulfill whatever plans that life has for us.”
As your coin hit the bottom, Mark pulled you in for a hug. “I really do love you, you know.”
“Yeah I know.” You hugged him back, enjoying the feeling of his arms around you.
“Look at me, babe.” He whispered, causing you to glance up at him. Whatever you were about to say was cut off by Mark’s lips against yours.
It felt like nothing else mattered at that moment. Nothing except your lips against his, his arms around you, your hearts and souls connecting as one.
we go up
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signalno5 · 4 years
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[01] In which you consider moving to Tokyo
Or (M/N) passes the fuck out.
(This chapter starts in March even though the Japanese school year starts in April because students still have to move into the dorms. Also this is my first fic ever so I’m not super sure if the formatting is okay, if there’s anything that should be fixed please tell me so.)
Warnings: Cursing, some cringe behavior jakshdka, one (1) innuendo
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March 26, 2012
God, the dorms are huge.
You think to yourself as you put your shoes away and put on a pair of slippers. You lug your bags past the genkan and into the empty common room, arms straining from the weight of it. It wasn’t exactly a new sight for you, having lived in the Shiratorizawa Junior High dorms in the past, but it was definitely bigger probably to take in account your growing teenage bodies or something. The miracles of youth...
Unfortunately, your room was on the 3rd floor and you still had a few more bags in the dorm's common room that you had to come back for once you've found your room. Your back would probably hate you after this. You sigh as you step onto the first flight of stairs, knowing that there was one more flight to go after this one. 
You take it on surprisingly well. (Ha, take that Michiko-sensei! My cardiovascular endurance isn’t nonexistent! Just miniscule!) 
This one wasn't too bad. In fact, it was actually pretty easy-
-By the time you get to the second flight, you're winded and put your bags down to rest for a second before continuing your perilous journey. You felt like your knees were gonna give out once you set your feet on the third floor. You suddenly regret speeding up after the first flight of stairs and bringing a lot of trinkets to decorate your room with.
Curse my own hubris and sentimentality.
You sure did hope that your roommate would be okay with all of your stuff being littered around the room. You felt a bit bad for the poor schmuck stuck with you for three years. You didn't really know much about your roommate. Heck, all you knew about the guy was his name.
 Goshiki Tsutomu
He didn't go to Shiratorizawa for middle school [1] unlike you so he was definitely a new face. You heard he was a student athlete too but you don't really know what sport he plays. Maybe baseball?
Your eyes scanned the metal plates for your room number, your last name or your roommate's last name. 
304.... 306.... Ah 308!
You set your bags down with a loud thud and rush to grab your keys to open the door but lo and behold it opens for you.
Oh crap, is that your roommate??? 
"Oh! You must be my roommate! Are you (L/N) (M/N)?", Goshiki says.
Woah mind-reader! He's cute and he looks kinda young even though he was taller than you. Maybe it's the bowl cut. Huh, yeah... You did have that hairstyle as a kid a well- Wait, dumbass say something!
"Um, hello! Yes, that's me! I'm (L/N) (M/N)! Pleased to make your acquaintance, Goshiki!"
Yeah, way to sound like a moron.
You bow at the waist respectfully in hopes that he forgets that you're an idiot. He bows back.
"Ah, same here (L/N)! I hope we get along well!"
As he straightens up from his bow, he takes one of your bags and pushes the doors wider, beckoning you into the room.
"Ah, thanks Goshiki.", you say with a wide smile directed straight at him, very much pleased that your roommate was such a nice guy and that there was less to carry.
"N-no problem!" 
At this, he sounds a bit flustered and shaky too. Huh, weird.
"So are you top or bottom?", you blurt out looking at the bunk beds [2] at the corner of the room.
Goshiki spluttered and reddened at this question. He seemed like he was about to combust. Only then have you realized what you just said.
Fuck, is Seijoh still accepting applications? Maybe you shouldn't have gone to Shiratorizawa.
"BUNK! Are you top or bottom... bunk?", you end the question lamely wanting to just ask for a new roommate since you've already ruined any chance of being on good terms with this one.
"O-okay... That's great! I'm used to bottom bunk."
You look around the room desperately to find something, anything that could dispel the energy you've created in this dorm room. Your eyes land on the volleyball on the desk. Bingo.
"You play?", you gesture to the volleyball  that you spotted. Goshiki immediately brightens up and it's like nothing weird ever happened.
 Nice cover, (M/N)!
"Yeah! I'm a wing spiker actually... but one day, I'm gonna be Shiratorizawa's ace!", he says excitedly. His enthusiasm was infectious and you felt yourself smiling with him. 
"Well, good luck. You do seem like the type to be able to achieve something as ambitious as that."
You weren't usually one to give pep talk but you did genuinely believe him. He seemed nice and you wanted to cheer him on. You set your bag down at the foot of the bunk bed and sit on the bed to let your feet rest before you grab the rest of your stuff. 
Shiratorizawa sure has good funding, at least enough to keep the heaters on even though Spring is coming in. 
It was real pleasant and warm in the room. Like being under a kotatsu. It reminded you of waiting for the New Year… Hands idly peeling Oranges... Now you wanted Oranges….
Eyes getting droopy as you wait for the final ring of the bell at midnight. 
Eyes closing slowly.... Breaths evening....
You're startled awake as your head bashes against the wall. 
Wait- awake? 
Fuck, I fell asleep! What if someone took my shit? 
You quickly try to get up but your knees creak in protest. The grogginess from falling asleep makes you stumble in the dark dorm room but there's enough light for you to read the time on your watch.
 6:24 p.m. 
You were dropped off by your aunt at 2:30! How did you manage to sleep for so long? It was only two flights of stairs-
"(M/N)-san? Sorry for having to yell."
Your head snapped to the direction of the voice, only now noticing where the light in the room had been coming from. Goshiki was seated at his desk; he looked like he was watching something on his tablet before he woke you up. 
Oh it was just Goshiki. 
You almost breathe a sigh of relief that someone didn't break into your room.
"It's alright, I shouldn't have slept like that anyway. Thanks, Ace."
You take his silence as your cue to leave the room and grab the rest of your bags. Maybe, some dinner as well for you and Goshiki. Just to thank him, not because he's cute and nice. Definitely not that.
"Ah! (M/N), where are you going?"
Ah shit, is he going to tell me I'm a wimp because I passed out carrying bags? Maybe Seijoh isn't far enough... Miyagi is too small; if I start a new life in Tokyo, he'll never find me-
Right, answering questions!
"Ah, just heading down to the common room. I forgot the rest of my bags when I- uh... You know? Fell asleep?"
'"I'll help you out! I am gonna be the Ace after all so I have to take this chance to get stronger!"
Goshiki sets his tablet down and gets up from his chair. You see him put his slippers on and you wait for him to grab his keys so you can head out. 
"By the way Goshiki, thanks." 
You felt dumb for saying that out of nowhere.
Well it's not like it could be taken back and there's nothing really embarrassing about being grateful...
“It's no problem! Anything for a new friend!”, he says it so surely like he knew that you’d get along for the rest of high school. 
You try to ignore how flustered you are and suddenly, you’re glad for how dark the room is.
( Later at night, you’d probably turn over the word in your head. Staring up at the ceiling, on which Goshiki’s bed is. Your mind repeating the word, friend...
Friend. )
Maybe high school won't be too bad.
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[1] I don't know if he was from Shiratorizawa junior high or not I kinda just assumed because in that one episode where it briefly shows young Goshiki, he's wearing a light blue and white jersey.
[2] I know that Goshiki's dorm room doesn't have a bunk bed ksnsjfhjsks i remember from the manga there were two single beds in his room unlike Ushijima's which has a bunk bed I just really like bunk beds hehe i used to jump off the top bunk then land on my parents bed which was next to it
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curls-cat · 3 years
the house creaks a lullaby
For @grimmtober day 2: haunted house. Also on AO3 and ff.net under the same name, as per usual. Not linking so people can, y’know, see it. Sabrina/Red established relationship.
When Baba Yaga leaves the chicken house to Red in her will, everyone is surprised. Surprised, first off, that the crone has disappeared (not died, Daphne assures them. Just gone off somewhere). And surprised, again, that she had a will at all, that she didn’t just take all her stuff with her. And surprised, lastly, that she’d leave the place to Red, of all people.
Even Red was surprised.
“I didn’t know you two even knew each other,” Sabrina says. She tries hard not to make it sound accusatory. Just because they’re A Thing doesn’t mean they need to tell each other everything.
“She’s been trying to help me deal with the Wolf,” Red says.
And that makes sense. It makes sense that Red wouldn’t tell Sabrina, too. They don’t talk about the Wolf a lot. Red doesn’t like it, any more than Sabrina likes talking about the way her parents lied to her for a decade. They both have people that have hurt them. They’re both learning how to live with those people. And it’s still hard, even though they’re adults now.
Sabrina doesn’t ask how that went. If Red wants her to know, she’ll tell her. If she doesn’t want her to know, Sabrina can live with the worry. What she does say is, “So are you going to move in?”
Red shrugs. “I might as well. It’s weird, now that Granny’s gone. The house doesn’t feel right.”
“Yeah,” Sabrina says. She gets it. When she comes home from college, she tries not to stay overnight. Red comes to her more often than not.
“Do you want to help me move in?” Red asks, and she sounds kind of hesitant. “I thought maybe…” She doesn’t finish the thought.
Sabrina thinks she knows where it’s going, though. They’ve been seeing each other for nearly five years, now. Red has a drawer of stuff in Sabrina’s dorm, and a toothbrush. Her hair product is in a little caddy. Sabrina’s roommate has Red’s phone number. If Red has her own place…
Sabrina and Red are, in a lot of ways, a package deal these days.
“I swear this place is haunted,” Sabrina says. She’s brandishing a mop like a club, having just jumped nearly a foot in the air when a bookshelf full of jars of slimy Somethings fell over.
They’ve been trying to clean out the chicken house for about a week now, and it’s as bad as Sabrina had anticipated. Baba Yaga lived in freaking filth. The bathroom is buried in so much grime Sabrina can barely see where the sink ends and the wall starts, and the food in the fridge probably predates refrigeration in general.
“I don’t think ghosts are real,” Red says, but she doesn’t sound as sure as she did a week ago.
“Oh, they definitely are,” Sabrina says. “I’ve been possessed. It sucked.”
“You’ve been what?” Red demands, whipping around to stare her girlfriend in the face. She slips and falls into the slimy things, and hisses. She’s cut herself on one of the broken jars.
Sabrina heads for the first aid kit. It’s not the first time they’ve needed it. “It wasn’t that big a deal,” she says as she rips open an alcohol swap and reaches for Red’s arm. “When we went to the city, back the first year I lived in town? When Puck needed healing.”
Red nods. “Daphne told me about it,” she says. They can talk about Puck without it being weird for either of them, now. It probably helps that he’s not around a lot.
“Well, Oberon got murdered while we were there, and we were following all these stupid leads to find out who killed him.” As Sabrina talks, she wipes off Red’s cut. She needs to use more than one. Red’s arm has some sort of green jelly on it. “One of ‘em was Scrooge, and he did some sort of spiritual conduit, and it turns out I’m sort of a natural medium or something. Ghosts can possess me easier than other people.”
“Great,” Red says, and she sounds grumpy. “One more thing to watch out for.” Red has made it her personal mission to protect Sabrina from all the things in the world that want to take advantage of her. It makes Sabrina’s heart melt every time she does it, even though she’s tried to point out that she can take care of herself. There’s only so many times you can hear ‘but you shouldn’t have to’ in response to that before it makes you want to cry, it turns out.
“I think we should be a little more concerned about you getting some weird disease from this gunk,” Sabrina says. “I’ve been possessed a grand total of once in twenty-one years. Which is probably less time than whatever this stuff is has been fermenting.”
“I’ll be fine,” Red says dismissively. She swipes up some of the gunk and gives it a sniff. “I think it’s calendula, actually.”
“For bruising. An old cure. My mother used to use it.” Red’s voice only barely breaks on the word ‘mother.’
Sabrina squeezes Red’s forearm, a sign of solidarity. She covers the cut in gauze, then wraps it with tape a few times. “Come on,” she says at last. “Get out of this mess so I can clean it up.”
Cleaning out the house takes a long time. They can’t do it all themselves, either, because Sabrina can’t touch the magic items. They still sing to her, even all these years later, a dangerous call for a power she doesn’t even want, really, much as it draws her in. And Red is always afraid of what’s going to interact with the already dangerous concoction of Wolf-and-girl-and-witchcraft inside her. So anything that calls Sabrina’s name is picked up with a very long stick and thrown into a bag for Daphne to pick over. She’ll be ecstatic, when they finally hand it to her.
In the meantime, they clean, and things keep falling over. It’s kind of helpful, actually. Nothing falls over that they wanted to keep, and aside from the times they trip and fall into the mess, there are no injuries.
“I think it might be a helpful ghost,” Red says, when a pile of rotting newspapers just happens to topple out the window. She leans against her broom thoughtfully.
“Maybe it’s the house itself,” Sabrina suggests. It weirds her out, but she’s getting better about that sort of thing. Magic isn’t the problem, she keeps reminding herself. It’s people, and how they use it. Look at Red. Someone this kind can’t be wrong, just because she’s got something powerful inside her.
“Would make sense,” Red agrees. “It is alive, after all.”
They’re keeping the house in the front yard of the house that used to be Granny’s, for now. At the end of the night, they’ll walk it as close to the nearby dump as they can get it without being seen, to lug out the day’s trash.
“Whatever it is,” Sabrina says, looking around askance, “I hope it can’t actually, y’know, see us.”
“Why?” Red asks.
“Because,” Sabrina says, and she reaches out and grabs Red by the waist, reels her in. “I’d like to know I can have some time alone with you.”
“Hm,” Red says, turning a smile on Sabrina, leaning in for a kiss. “I think I’d like that.”
Nothing falls over, and when they emerge from the bedroom much later, both streaked with way more dust than when they started and clothes askew, the house seems no different.
“So we can get alone time,” Red says brightly, looking around . “That’s great.”
“Yeah,” Sabrina agrees.
“It’s especially great,” Red says, winding her fingers through Sabrina’s, “because I was wondering if you’d like to move in with me. Once you graduate.”
Sabrina knew this was coming. The question still melts her. She looks around the living room, the room they’ve been cleaning out together. The room they picked a paint color for together, too. The room whose floors Sabrina scrubbed and whose furniture Red has discussed picking up from goodwill. A place they’re rebuilding together. It already feels like it’s not just Red’s home, it’s theirs.
“Yeah,” she says, leaning in to give Red another kiss. “Yes. I’d love to live with you.”
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writer-k-pop · 4 years
Stuck Together
내 곁에 있어주면 내가 가장 좋은 레스토랑에 꼭 방문하도록 할게. Stay by me and I’ll make sure you visit the best restaurants.
Description: [Request: When you have the time, could you please write a Jun x Reader fluff piece where the reader is a Chinese idol in Blackpink and after a series of running into each other and their members playing Cupid, they bound over finding really good Chinese restaurants in Korea and help each other with homesickness? Also, could she be a 98 liner and friends with The8 (one of the matchmaker masterminds)? Thank you xx] Just as the request says though I added Lisa as a mastermind because I for some reason thought I read Lisa’s name in the request too lol. Warnings: Swearing Genre: Fluff, Idol!Jun x Idol!Reader Word Count: 3.4k
Seventeen Masterlist | Masterlists
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"Don't forget to get extra napkins!" Lisa's text said.
"We have enough napkins here!" Rose replied within a few seconds.
"You never know when we might need them in the car!" Lisa sent back with two "humph" emojis.
I chuckled while typing my response, "I'll get extra napkins." I took my eyes off of my phone and I saw the Chinese restaurant just up the street where our take out order is (hopefully) ready.
Lisa had convinced us that it had really good Chinese food and seeing as I was really craving for it, I couldn't exactly say no. Well, I could've but then my craving wouldn't have been fulfilled. Then as the youngest of us five, I was pressured into picking the order up. Though as I left, I noticed Lisa and Rose giggling to each other but they were staring at Lisa's phone so I suspected it was something funny on there.
The lights from inside the restaurant made the windows glow with a warm yellow haze and as I opened the door, the scents took me to another planet. There weren't any customers inside, which I'm always grateful for, and the sounds of clanking pans and rushing fires welcomed me with a sense of home.
I walked to the cash register off to the side and greeted the employee with a smile.
"Hello, how can I help you?" They asked with a smile.
"Hi, I have an order to pick up." I informed them.
The employee nodded, "What's the name?"
"(y/n)." I told her.
They typed my name into the computer and searched for my order. "It's not quite ready yet, I apologize about that. It should be just a few more minutes though." They informed me with a truly apologetic look.
I shook my head, "Not a problem. I can wait." I reassured them and took a seat at an empty table.
"Not ready yet, but they said only a few more minutes." I sent a text to our group chat.
"Kk." Lisa replied simply.
"Be careful on your way home!" Jisoo sent with a thumbs up emoji.
"I will." I replied to her and set my phone down in my lap.
Looking around the shop, it was clean and not too clutter. It was decorated with lots of brown shelves and brown tables and chairs but the items and paintings helped liven up the place with their rainbow of colors.
An employee in the kitchen brought a large bag out onto the counter and I began to ready myself to lug the big bag home. But before I could get too far, he brought out another... and another... and another...
My jaw almost dropped to the floor when I realized how many take out orders they must've had.
"I hope that's not all for one person." I thought to myself, playing with the edge of my shirt cause there wasn't much else to do.
I moved from my shirt to inspecting my nails, trying to decide what colors the stylists might do for our next comeback which we were just starting to talk about. In the middle of a debate between deep reds or bright whites, the door opened with a ding and two males walked in laughing.
"Oh." The nearly silent sound escaped my mouth as my head tilted to the side in recognition of the two males: The8 and Jun from Seventeen. I seemed to be running into them a lot lately. We ran into each other during like every music show of our last comeback plus the once while they were walking out of one radio room and we were headed towards another.
Either from my staring or my mere presence in the restaurant, they turned and looked at me.
The8 and I instantly greeted each other with warm smiles. Though we never get much time to see each other besides the run ins, The8 and I are pretty good friends and I often call him when my homesickness hits hard. 
"Hey, what are you doing here?" The8 asked, walking closer to me.
"Picking up some food." I answered, "Lisa said this place was to die for."
"I said the same thing!" The8 exclaimed.
"You never said it was to die for." Jun shoved The8 shoulder with a chuckle.
I raised a suspicious eyebrow at The8 but he quickly diverted.
"I'll go see if it's ready." He quickly walked away, leaving me and Jun.
"How have you been?" I asked, hoping to start a conversation.
Jun nodded, "Good, surprising really good. What about you?"
"Good, also." I answered, still trying to dredge out of this awkward stage.
"Hey, congrats on the 18th win." Jun told me with sincerity.
"Thank you. It's crazy we've been on the charts that long." I shook my head in disbelief.
"It's really impressive. Some day we'll beat you though." Jun joked. "Just you wait."
I smiled, taking his joke, "I will. I can't wait for it."
Before Jun could answer, The8 called out to him at the same time that an employee called out my name for my order. So, naturally, we walked up together.
"Why do we order so much food?" Jun exclaimed at The8 who's got a bag in each hand.
"Those four bags were for Seventeen." I thought, "That makes sense."
"It's what we get when the ENTIRE dorm wants Chinese food for dinner." The8 deadpanned with a slight 'never again' tone.
The employee handed me a bag almost as full as one of Jun's and the heat rolled off in waves.
When I turned back around, Jun was sliding the second bag off of the counter and The8 was nowhere in sight.
"Did you get ditched?" I asked, looking around the restaurant to make sure I'm not blindly missing The8.
"He went to the car first." Jun answered and we started to walk towards the door.
"Have a good one!" The employee at the register called out to us as we reached the door.
"Thank you." I called back, opening and then holding the door open for Jun.
"Thanks." He muttered as he passed me into the open, slightly less warm outside air. A few feet away, a van sat with its engine running and back door open. Probably Jun's ride. "Well..." Jun trailed off a little awkwardly.
I raised my bag of food slightly, "I should probably get going. You know, before the food gets cold."
"Yeah, yeah, me too." Jun quickly replied, flustered. "I, I'll see you around."
"Yeah, see you 'round, Jun." I smiled at him before turning down the street in the opposite direction.
15 minutes later and I made it into the house with the food all in tact.
"You didn't tell us you were on your way home." Jisoo commented while setting utensils down on the table as I set the bag down.
"Sorry, I ran into Jun and The8 from Seventeen again." I informed her with a slightly incredulous look.
"Really?" Rose walked in with Lisa and Jennie behind her.
I pulled out the containers, "Yeah, they were trying out the same place. The8 apparently found it."
"So, you talked to them?" Lisa asked giddily.
"Sit down and eat." Jisoo instructed us cause apparently none of us had sat yet.
Once the food was passed around, the conversation continued.
"So, did you?" Lisa repeated her question from before.
"Did I what?" I asked, forgetting her original question.
"Talk to them." Lisa finished, still giddy about something.
I nodded and scooped some food into my mouth and immediately am taken back to when my mom would cook this for me. "A little. Their order was ready before ours was but we walked out at the same time." I informed her.
"What did you talk about?" LIsa kept firing off questions.
"Why do you want to know?" I questioned back, confused at her sudden interest in all of this.
Lisa shrugged, "I'm nosy."
"No, you're usually not." Jennie countered her statement.
Lisa stuck out her tongue at Jennie.
I widen my eyes at her playfulness but ultimately decided to answer her. "We didn't talk about much. They congratulated us on our latest win." I shrugged, "And that was it."
"That's it?" Lisa asked, bewildered. "That- Dang it! It-"
Rose quickly covered Lisa's mouth and whispered something urgently into her ear before she calmed down.
"How does it taste, (y/n)?" Jisoo asked, taking attention away from the two 97 liners. "Does it kill your craving?"
I nodded happily. "Most definitely. It's probably one of the better ones I've had in Korea."
"I'm glad." Jisoo smiled happily.
"Told you it was to die for." Lisa smirked at me and we resumed our dinner.
--------------------- A few months later ----------------------------------
"This has to work this time, right?" I heard Lisa whisper to someone as I walked into the dressing room.
I looked around her and the phone pressed to her ear informed me that she was in fact not talking to herself. She spotted me out of the corner of her eye and quickly said goodbye and hung up the phone.
"Hey." She smiled sweetly.
"Hey?" I replied quizzically, "What has to work?" I blurted out the question.
"Oh, that was nothing." Lisa shook her head, "Hey, can you go give these to the director?" She handed me a stack of paper.
"What are they?" I questioned, "And why me?"
Lisa shrugged, "The staff just said to go and give it to him. And you because you're our lovely maknae."
I took them from her hands.
"And I have to get my hair done." Lisa added, nodding towards one the stylist waiting next to an empty chair.
I securely tucked the papers under my arm, "And where is the director?"
Lisa sat in the chair and the stylist turned her so she was looking at me in the reflection of the mirror. 
"Probably in his office." Lisa replied, "You go down the hallway and it should be the last door on the left."
I nodded and mentally ran through the directions again. "Alright, I'll be back." I told them and walked out of the room again.
Looking down the hall, I took a deep breath and made my way down the seemingly never ending hallway. Eventually I made it to the end and found the last door on the left.
There was no sign around the door but I guessed that I was in the right spot. After opening the door and turning on the light, I quickly realized that this was in fact NOT the director's office.
The small room's walls were lined with metal shelving, each filled with cardboard boxes. I scanned over the boxes and read the labels: lighting, backdrops, camera. This was a storage room. Rose led me to a storage room.
Mentally, my brain stopped working for a solid minute while taking in this information. Just as I recovered from my lag, the storage room door opened and I prepared myself for a tsunami of embarrassment.
"Hello-Oh." Jun's voice abruptly stopped.
Slightly relieved that he was the one to show up and not someone else, I turned towards him. He was also holding a pile of papers and looked very confused at the contents of the room.
"Were you also told this was the director's office?" I questioned, holding up my stack of papers.
Jun sighed when he realized the both of us were played. "Yupp." He popped the end 'p'. "The8 told me. You?"
I ran a hand through my hair, "Lisa."
We were both pretty oblivious to the bigger picture but maybe that was for the better.
"Maybe it's like a prank. I bet you there are cameras in here somewhere." Jun walked into the room and let the door shut behind him while searching the shelves for cameras.
"I don't think there are any cameras, Jun." I giggled at his failed attempts to look on the top shelf.
He stopped jumping but also stopped his search, "I bet you there is a hidden camera in here somewhere."
"If you find it, do let me know." I chuckled at his determination, "Let's get out of here before we're late."
Jun nodded, "Yeah, let's go."
We turned towards the door but when I reached out for the door handle, I'm met with air. Zip. Nada. Nothing.
No door handle.
"Jun." I stared at the space where a door handle should’ve been.
"There's no door handle." Jun whispered in just as much shock as me. "Oh we're fucked."
"And trapped." I added, taking a step back.
"Do you have your cellphone?" Jun glanced at me.
"You don't?" I exclaimed in more shock that a male idol such as himself wouldn't have his phone on him 24/7.
"The8 practically shoved me out the door. I didn't have time to grab it." Jun grumbled, "It's his fault I'm stuck in a room and phone-less."
"I just thought it would be glued to your persons." I shrugged and pulled my phone out of my pocket. "Let me call Jisoo."
"You- damn you let me almost freak out for nothing." Jun pouted.
I smiled sweetly at him and dialed Jisoo's number.
Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring... voicemail.
"She didn't pick up." I frowned then I tried Jennie's number.
Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring... voicemail.
Now, I kind of started to panic a little. No one was picking up their phones.
"Try Rose?" Jun offered a suggestion which I promptly followed.
Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring... voicemail.
"Fuck." I cursed and dialed the Lisa's number.
Ring, ring, ring, ring, ri-
"Hey! How's it going? Did you deliver the papers?" Lisa cheerfully answered the phone.
"Ha. Ha." I said with sarcasm dripping like honey, "You know damn well that this room was not the director's office."
"Oh, don't worry." Lisa reassured me, "There should be someone on his way to keep you company."
"Lisa..." I grabbed her attention.
"Yeah?" She asked, curiosity in her voice.
"He's here already." I informed her.
"Oh that's great! You two ha-"
"This storage room door doesn't haVE A DOOR HANDLE ON THE INSIDE!" I raised my voice in frustration.
"Oh..." Lisa trailed off. "Uhm, we'll be right there."
I hung up without answering. "My members are coming to save us." I informed Jun, who had resumed searching for a hidden camera.
"Good, good." He commented while I leaned back against a shelf. "Question." He suddenly said.
"Answer?" I replied back, unsure if it was the correct way.
"What did you think of that Chinese restaurant?" Jun asked, leaning against the shelf opposite of me.
I tilted my head confusion, "Which Chinese restaurant?"
"The one where we ran into each other?" Jun explained with a similar amount of confusion at my inability to remember.
"Oh! That place." I remembered that funny run in, "It was actually surprising good. Usually Lisa doesn't have the best taste in Chinese food but she did good that time."
Jun nodded, "Yeah, it definitely was better than I expected. It kind of tasted like my mom's but it wasn't spicy enough."
"Oh my god, I totally agree." I said happily, loving the fact that someone also enjoyed the extremely spicy things in life. "It almost tasted like how my mom cooks for my dad who can barely handle any spice."
Jun snapped his fingers excitedly, "Have you tried the place across town? Near the shopping mall?" He asked.
I shook my head, "No, I haven't, it is good?"
"Dude, so good. And it's spicy and delicious and mmm." Jun hummed happily recalling the tastes.
My mouth started to water at the sheer thought of that spice level.
"It reminds me so much of home." Jun said with a tinge of sadness in his voice.
"I usually crave it when I miss home." I told him, understanding his loneliness to the full extent. "It's never as good as I want it to be but it's still a nice blanket to wrap around myself." I lowered my gaze to the floor, suddenly missing my family so much that my heart started to have a slight ache.
"Do you have many Chinese friends?" Jun wondered, the care in his voice pulled my gaze back up to him. "It helped me to have people to talk about home with."
"Besides The8, not many, but we don't really have time to socialize much." I told him honestly.
"Well, why don't you join The8 and I's little Chinese chat." Jun offered with a small smile. "I could add you and I could show you the places that I think have the best Chinese food." He quickly added on.
I smiled at his sweet offer, "That would be really cool."
"I mean you'd be the only girl so I understand if your answer is no and- oh, you want to." Jun corrected himself halfway then breathed out a sigh of relief. "I'll add you..." He paused, patting his pockets in search of his phone, "When I get my phone back." Jun gave me a sheepish smile.
"That might help." I chuckled at his attempt to be smooth. "Why don't you give me your number since I have my phone here and we can save a step." I suggested and I watched as Jun lightly facepalmed himself.
"That is a smart idea." He laughed at himself and I opened up a new contact page.
Jun quickly put in his information and then proceeded to take a selfie to set at his photo.
"You don't have to." I told him as the flash illuminated him along with some of the boxes behind him.
"It's fine." Jun said, eyes busy aligning the photo to his liking, "Plus I wanted to make sure you wouldn't forget my face."
"I wouldn't." I defended myself.
"Uh huh, sure." Jun jokingly said, "The same way you remembered the Chinese restaurant."
"Do you know how many Chinese restaurants I go to a week?" I questioned him.
"Not as many as I have, obviously" Jun raised his eyebrows in amusement and handed me back my phone. "But don't worry, stick by me and I'll make sure you visit the best and stay away from the ... more questionable ones." He smirked.
"My own personal tour guide." I pocketed my phone and smiled smugly.
"I- I am not a tour guide." Jun was taken aback by my comment which made me laugh. "I ain't nobody's tour guide."
"But you said you'd take me to the best places. Sounds like a tour guide to me." I said with innocence.
Before Jun could say anything, voices got closer to the door.
"Are you sure?" One The8 sounding male asked.
"You sent her into a room without a door handle!" A female, most definitely Lisa, nearly shrieked.
"How is that- You told her to go there." The8 stuttered. Jun and I shared a confused look then stared back at the door.
"You were the one who suggested it!" Lisa retorted.
The door swung open and The8 held the outer door handle while Lisa stood glaring at him for a second before turning to us. The air around us buzzed with a slight awkwardness that none of us knew quite how to break.
"Hi." Jun waved at the two newcomers, "Get locked here often?"
"You guys were-" The8 stopped mid-sentence as he reached for the inner door handle but didn't find it. "You were locked in."
"I told you." Lisa grumbled and smacked The8's shoulder.
"You guys planned this?" I questioned with suspicion.
Now it was The8 and Lisa's turn to share a look, this time one of 'oh shit'.
"You two sent us in here. You two locked us in this storage room while telling us it was the director's office." Jun assumed, taking in their silence.
Their continued silence only solidified their answer.
"And," Lisa dragged out the word, "We're about to be late! Let's go." She rushed in and started shoving me out of the room. The8 followed suit with Jun.
As Lisa continued to rush me down the hall, I took a quick look back at my locked-in-a-storage-room buddy who didn't seem to be paying any attention to a word The8 was saying.
"I'll text you!" I called out to him, giving him a last wave.
Jun smiled widely and waved back.
"You got his number?" Lisa wondered once I turned and began to walk at her pace.
I nodded, "Yeah, I mean what else were we supposed to while locked in a storage room together?" I paused to take in what I had just said, "Don't answer that."
"Wasn't going to." LIsa said then a smile began to grow on her face. "It worked." She whispered happily but I still heard her.
'Lisa, you are so dead.' I thought to myself as we made it to our dressing room where the stylist was not very happy I was walking in so late.
But hey, I got a cute guy's number so it wasn't all terrible.
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notchesandbullets · 4 years
Saving Her (Ojiro Mashirao x Wolf!Reader)
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Art credit: @ SteamyTomato on Deviantart
Part 7: Returning to Heights Alliance, Bakugou vs you, movie night at the dorms!!
Word Count: 3.8k
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It was late when you all got back to the dorms.
Kaminari lugged in your cot as Shoji carried the rest of the bags all by himself. You protested that you could do it, but the gentlemen had insisted.
Well, Shoji had.
Kaminari had been electrocuted by Jirou's jack after picking up the lightest thing as a joke.
You had giggled to yourself. It turned out the electric boy wasn't immune to electricity.
As soon as you stepped foot inside the vacant common area, you made your way upstairs into your empty room, letting Shoji and Kaminari know that they could leave your stuff anywhere. You still weren't sure how you wanted to set up your room.
The girls had split off, needing to complete some of their own things before tomorrow, not to mention, put away all the things they themselves had bought at the mall.
Yaoyorozu and Asui had surprised you along with the rest of the girls with a whole bunch of fancy room decorations. You hadn't seen all of it, but there were mirrors, wall stickers and paper cranes you could have hung down from the ceiling.
You had promised to wait until the next day to put them up so that they could help you. Though, it wasn't a hard decision. You couldn't even think of decorating your room without them since you had absolutely no idea what you were doing.
Shoji, Kaminari and Ojiro, who were lagging behind you with all of your things, set them down pretty quickly outside of your door and Shoji was in the middle of offering to help put together your bed for the night when Aizawa came in.
Leaving it in their teacher's capable hands as you flitted around the room, Shoji and Kaminari took their leave as you envisioned in your mind how you wanted it to look.
Ojiro had homework he still had to do as well as the others so Aizawa was the only one left to help you. He reluctantly left after giving you a hug goodnight, relishing the feeling of having you in his arms before he let go.
But not before he whispered that you could come find him if you had another nightmare. It would be easy since you lived on the same floor, just on opposite sides.
You nodded, thanking him. Not just for his offer but also what he did for you earlier. You were indebted to him, Kaminari, Jirou and Aizawa.
Ojiro just patted your head reassuringly, sending you that tender smile that gave you goosebumps and sent your heart rate accelerating.
Aizawa helped you put together the metal frame of the cot and then the two of you unfolded the large mattress pad Jirou had picked out as soon as Ojiro closed the door behind him. You placed your hands on your hips proudly when it was all done.
Already, your room looked so much more homely.
You hadn't bought a desk. Not only would it not fit in the van so that they could bring it back, but you preferred open space. If it was too cluttered, it would feel too cramped for you to move around in and that was the last thing you wanted.
You didn't say anything about it, but you were pretty sure Aizawa was hanging around and making sure you were okay as you put the finishing touches on your room for tonight. You didn't want to get too into it, having already planned on having the girls crash here tomorrow for a nap party after their classes were done.
"Do you need anything else?" Aizawa shuffled after you, following you around in a way that had you suppressing a giggle. "What about something to eat? Are you hungry?"
This time, you did laugh at his questions, truly touched. "Thank you, Aizawa-sensei, but I'm okay."
You shuffled into your new bed without changing, wanting nothing more than to curl up with the scents from Ojiro's hoodie and Aizawa's scarf after a long day.
Aizawa found himself by your bedside, tucking you in with the sherpa throw that Yaoyorozu had made with her quirk last minute when she saw that you didn't buy one.
"Goodnight, kid." He said softly, unable to resist patting you on the head.
"Goodnight, sensei." You yawned, inclining your head politely despite already being in bed. "Thank you."
He smiled to himself, turning off the light as he let you sleep in peace. There was nothing quite like seeing you wrapped up in his scarf as you slept the night awake.
Nothing quite like it at all.
True to their word, the girls had helped you with the task of decorating your room the very next day.
Fairy lights sparkled all around your room, bathing it in a soft glow when it was turned on. Butterfly mirrors were sprinkled across the wall opposite to where your bed was set up and there was a collage of mini picture frames that went along with the camera Asui had bought for you.
She thought that you would appreciate something that could capture the precious moments with all your new friends and hang them up on your wall once they were printed. You were touched.
Paper cranes hung from the ceiling at all different lengths but it didn't bother you since none of them came down to your head while walking, it didn't bother you.
Ojiro was another story entirely though, since when he visited you, he had to crouch down and mind his head everywhere he went but it was worth it to endure it and get to see your happy smile as you reached high above your head to bat at the origami.
After a full day of decorating with the girls, you were beat.
Uraraka had taught you how to best store your new clothes in the closet so that it took up the least amount of room and Jirou had been thrilled when you shyly asked her to teach you how to play the guitar.
No one complained when she sped out of the room to grab her instruments and the sleepover that followed in your room since the next day was their off day was the best experience you had with girls your age so far.
Ojiro hadn't even complained when Hagakure kicked him out so that you all could have fun, shaking his head and heading down the kitchen to grab something to eat.
Oh, he was definitely going to knock on your door later and check in on you.
A month passed by in a blur.
Each day, you grew more and more open not just with Ojiro but with his friends too that you could now proudly call yours as well.
Kirishima was especially taken with you, the two of you hitting it off when you commented on how his quirk seemed so cool. The red-haired teen had ruffled your hair, beaming at you brightly and thanking you, genuinely touched.
It was not long after that he had admitted to feeling less than everyone else because he didn't have any long ranged attacks one night when your bad dreams kept you up. You were quick to remind him just how valuable he was. Not just his quirk, but how he was the one to make it work.
He was the one to make it strong.
He teared up after hearing you say that, nearly proclaiming how manly it was to hear such a bold declaration from you and you hugged him, glad that he had treasured your words because you had meant every single word.
The two of you had started to talk more after that and as a result, it had brought you closer to him as well as the other students of Class 1-A.
Not that you weren't on speaking terms before, but it was nice to get to know them better.
Kirishima became your training partner for some exercises since he could take the damage of your claws without getting hurt, although you would occasionally be paired up to spar with Yaoyorozu.
Aizawa claimed it was because your fighting styles were so different so it would give you both a chance to learn how to adapt in the moment but you suspected it was also because she didn't have a quirk or heart to hurt you.
You begged Aizawa to push you harder, past your limit so that you could catch up to the rest of them and he had begrudgingly relented when Present Mic complained he was being soft on you.
Of course, the loud pro-hero didn't mean it but you had come to him and enlisted his help in getting your homeroom teacher to change his mind. And who was he to refuse a cutie like you?
So he worked you harder and ended up giving you lessons to hone your skills. You were rather acute in your observations, so it didn't take long for you to catch on in terms of technicality.
The build up of your strength was another story though.
However, with the proper nutrients and rest, you were starting to fill out more and more until you reached a healthy weight another month later.
You were starting to look and sound like a pro-hero in training, always thinking of others before yourself and selflessly giving everything you had to protect people.
Aizawa knew your heart would take you far. Which is why he couldn't, for the life of him, figure out what was going on with his class all of the sudden.
They were being much weirder than usual.
Some sort of gift-giving or showering had transpired while he was asleep during homeroom. He had woken up to Koda giving you an origami swan he had folded.
You had smiled, your eyes sparkling as you thanked him for it, holding onto it for the rest of the day.
It had started out small but eventually, you were being swamped with all kinds of things from your classmates. Your room was starting to get a little crowded.
Ojiro had to help you sort it out more than once because you often got overwhelmed and didn't want to put any of it away, worrying that it would somehow offend the people who had gifted them to you.
Once you figured out how to turn on the phone you had gotten as a gift from Jirou on one sunny afternoon, you had most definitely scampered over to Kaminari to get him to charge it. And even though he complained that that's all everybody thought he was good for, he obliged you almost immediately.
Bakugou's phone flew across the room as he replaced his with yours, the angry pomeranian raging for him to die as he stomped over to pick up his cellphone before angrily plugging it into the wall.
Although he would never admit it, he didn't actually care. He had a soft spot for you, just like everyone else did.
After Jirou's impromptu present, the others all started pitching in, giving you things you were sure you never asked for before.
Books from Iida, handmade hair accessories from Uraraka, a notebook of countless heroes' strengths and weaknesses compiled from Midoriya, a concealed knife that folded flat into the shape of a credit card from Bakugou, a bunch of makeup and new video game console so that you could join them on game nights from Ashido and countless others.
You were pretty certain you weren't the youngest of the group but they sure treated you like you were.
You supposed it was due to your innocence and inexperience, not that you minded. Having not received this kind of attention ever, the love was overwhelming and almost too much to bear. It felt like you had nineteen doting siblings.
Mineta didn't count, Ojiro had nearly thrown him across the room when he tried to give you something you didn't understand but knew it was inappropriate based on Sero and Tokoyami's obvious disgust.
Luckily, your friends took turns flooding you with their time and spoiling you or else you were sure you would've collapsed by now at the consideration of it all.
And right now, it was almost dinnertime at Heights Alliance. Which meant that everyone who was normally holed up in their rooms crawled out and gathered.
In one place.
"K-Kacchan!!" Deku said nervously, waving his hands to fend off the advancing explosion boy.
He had accidentally walked into him when chatting up a storm with you about the latest hero that had been climbing the ranks: Hawks. A support hero with a flamboyant attitude but a force to be reckoned with in battle.
Bakugou snarled, ready for a fight. Sparks popped out of his hands. "YOU HAVE A FUCKING DEATH WISH, DUMBASS?!?!"
"Calm down." Todoroki stated from the kitchen, where he and Iida were trying to figure out what to make for dinner, Asui coming over to offer her assistance.
A beat of silence passed.
"Sorry." Came the nonchalant reply.
"AH, FUCK!!!"
You giggled and he whirled around, eyes burning with irritation and anger.
Everyone in the room tensed.
He had never yelled at you before. It was an unspoken rule to not raise a voice against you since you were so sensitive to loud noises. That was partly due to the trauma you had endured and also because your ears were much more sensitive than theirs.
Half of them expected you to burst out crying while the other half thought you were going to run out of the room.
To their surprise, you didn't do either. Instead, you doubled over with laughter.
"Y-You should see your f-face!!" You shouted through your hiccups that interrupted you, you were laughing so hard. "You look ridiculous!!"
Bakugou stomped over to you, furious. "OI, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! DIE!!"
You giggled, running the other way as he began to chase you. "Nope."
"You're so cute when you're angry."
"Cute, cute, cute~" You sang as you pranced down the hall.
You froze as your gaze landed on Ojiro, who was standing in the middle of the hallway you were using to make your getaway. You lurched forward as Bakugou wasn't able to stop himself in time and crashed into your back full force, sending you tunneling into the unsuspecting boy.
Ojiro gritted his teeth, using his tail to stabilize himself as he caught you, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist.
"Geez, Y/N." He breathed, relieved you were okay.
This was getting to be a habit by now but he had no complaints as long as you didn't get injured. He was glad his quirk allowed him more of a chance to catch you before you fell.
You blushed bright red, ears drooping in embarrassment. "... 'm sorry, Mashirao-kun."
"It's okay, just be careful." He told you before letting you go, albeit reluctantly, his smile turning sad as your warmth left him.
There were wide eyes and shocked gasps all around when you called him by his first name.
Granted, it still had the honorific but it still stunned them. He rarely let anyone call him by his first name. Even Shoji was still getting used to it since he prefered calling his friend by his last name due to the fact that it was easier to say.
The moment was broken as Bakugou trapped Midoriya in a headlock and you rushed to free the broccoli-haired boy, smacking the explosive boy on the head and running away with Midoriya before he could catch either of you.
Ojiro smiled to himself, knowing that you would be fine. You could handle yourself against Bakugou. Besides, he wanted to save you a seat.
"MOVIE NIGHT!!!" Ashido and Kaminari cheered together, jumping on the couches and sending Aoyama flying from the force.
You cried out in concern, helping him up even though he didn't really need it. He still thanked you though, his eyes sparkling even though he had just crashed on the ground moments prior, taking the same spot before as you turned around, looking for Ojiro.
"I want soba..." You heard Todoroki mumble quietly to himself and caught him longingly looking back at the kitchen where his ingredients were stored as Sato took over in helping Asui and Iida make dinner.
Uraraka had rescued Midoriya and convinced him to join them for one movie, leading him over to the couch where Shoji was at.
You plopped on an empty sofa and patted the seat next to you, inviting Todoroki to come and sit down. After all, it wasn't a movie night if everyone didn't come join. Even if some of them would do it begrudgingly.
Bakugou. And speak of the devil...
"Bakugou, come on!!" Kirishima invited, patting the spot next to him like you had just done with Todoroki.
His forehead creased in annoyance, eyes slitting with irritation. "Like hell I'd do something so irritating!!"
"I bet you can't sit through this whole movie with us." You challenged, grinning inwardly when he stopped dead in his tracks.
"Tch. Fine!!" He shouted at you, throwing up his hands.
He stomped over to Kirishima, shoving his way in between Sero and Ashido with an irritated scowl.
Tonight, you were watching Akatsuki no Yona, an anime about a princess with red hair who undertook a journey of perilous danger as a warrior after being chased out of the castle.
The boys had booed at the romance but it actually had several really good fight sequences which kept their interest, particularly Kirishima's.
He loved how manly Yona's courage was in battle.
Iida had somehow managed to get dinner ready on time and thanks to Sato, it was delicious and completely edible. Unlike some of their dishes.
You had learned the hard way that about half of the class was absolutely horrid in the kitchen. You didn't judge though, even offering to teach Uraraka and Jirou what you had learned from Sato when they had the time and wanted to make dinner next.
They earnestly accepted.
As the food was being served, your ears flicked on top of your head and your attention was stolen by the two figures that strode into the vicinity, one of them being who you were looking for earlier.
Ojiro had gotten sidetracked by Tokoyami, asking about a project they still had to do for their english class and by the time they finished their conversation, all the seats had been taken.
He couldn't stop himself from smiling as you gave up your seat for him, gesturing for him to sit and pouting when he purposefully dragged his feet.
Kaminari shouted for him to get out of the way as Kija and Hak came onto the screen, just about to get attacked by bandits.
"This is the best part!!" He screeched as the red-haired princess was seen pulling back the bowstring, taking out one of the roguish men that was trying to sneak up on her companion.
Jirou rolled her eyes at his fangirling but couldn't help but get swept up as everyone else started to cheer, the girls squealing as the main character's love interest caught her before she fell and the majority of the boys, except for Shoji, Tokoyami and Kirishima gagging.
During that whole time, you had Ojiro had a silent fight over who would take the only empty seat left, ultimately settling on you attached to his back as he sat down.
Your chin was perched on top of Ojiro's head and playing with his hair absentmindedly as you watched the anime. He didn't seem to mind, so you didn't move.
Kaminari was sitting beside him, having stolen his tail so that he could play with it, eyes glued to the screen as the tip of his fluffy tail tickled his cheek.
Your arms looped around Ojiro's neck from behind as you tried to get more comfortable and you shuffled your feet so that your legs were hooked around his waist, watching the TV with rapt attention.
Occasionally, he would reach up and feed you some popcorn that Todoroki had gotten from the kitchen when he got up to make his soba or let you have a bite of his food once it cooled down.
You didn't say it but you appreciated his thoughtfulness. It was easy to be like this with him. You were just glad he didn't say anything about your clinginess and need to scent him, it would be hard to explain that he made you feel safe.
Todoroki on the right and Kaminari on the left with Ojiro sitting in front of you, your heart swelled and you took your eyes off the TV to bury your face into the crook of Ojiro's neck to hide your smile.
He didn't say anything as he reached up to pat your head, smiling himself as you scented him out of reflex, his soft coo at your adorable action lost as everyone leaped up when the characters won a big battle.
Your eyes were closing, you were getting so sleepy now that it was over. Vaguely, you heard Yaoyorozu comment on how good the manga was and how excited she was for the second season to be announced to the girls who hadn't read it yet.
Ojiro didn't move as your hold on him relaxed, knowing you were asleep due to the soft puffs that hit the back of his neck. He longed to see your face but he didn't want to wake you up.
Roping in Shoji to help him, not that the gentle giant needed any convincing, his friend helped maneuver you into his arms so that he could take you upstairs to your room.
The girls and a handful of the guys wished him goodnight and offered to help but he politely declined. He kind of wanted you all to himself after sharing your attention with the rest of them for the whole day.
You were all tuckered out.
He was thankful though, that you got a chance to relive the years you had lost due to that place. The chaotic normalcy that was Class 1-A had been extended to you and you had embraced it wholeheartedly.
He couldn't wish for a better group of friends to surround you.
Leaning down, he touched his forehead to yours briefly as he tucked you in bed.
"I'm so happy you're here, Y/N." He whispered, afraid to break the silence as his eyes shone with emotion. "You've made me so happy."
Please, He begged internally as he left your room. Please never leave.
Taglist: @katsukis-sad-angel​
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