#he is all bundled and cozy in the frozen world
cnidariandreams · 1 year
zox and stacey when they bump fists/forearms over stupid shit
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fknmoonmoon · 2 years
Derby Day
Pairing: Jake Seresin x reader
Summary: just a soft cozy Jake drabble, reader wakes up wicked early and disturbs his beauty sleep 
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“It is five in the morning.” Jake squints in the glow of the television.
Your coffee cup is frozen halfway between the coffee table and your mouth, lips still pursed for a sip. “Sorry.” You swear you tried to keep the volume down, but soccer commentators are… enthusiastic.
Jake runs a hand over his face, through his hair. “Babe,” he grunts. “Why?”
“You watched the Super Bowl in the middle of the night in Japan.”
His shoulders fall in defeat. “It’s Saturday,” he grumbles, turning down the hall to shuffle back to the bedroom. Like he’s never kept you up til one A.M. on a weekday watching Texas play a bowl game. Watching Texas lose a bowl game, you smirk, finishing your sip of coffee. Part of what drew the two of you together in the first place was your borderline fanatical devotion to your respective sports teams. It’s not your fault yours happen to be on the other side of the world.
Jake returns, duvet slung over his shoulder. You shift to the far side of the couch to make room for him to stretch out, lay his head in your lap. His grumbly grunts as he gets comfortable are adorable, but the noise he makes when you push your fingers through his hair is a little sinful. 
“Good?” You get another grunt in response. He mellows out, relaxes into your touch, breathing slow and steady all bundled into his blanket and you. He’s soft and cozy and warm in your lap, absolutely made for cold mornings spent watching your team disappoint you.
“Are you winning?” You could have sworn he’d fallen asleep.
“Mm hmm. We’re gonna lose though. Defense is shit without Dias.”
He hums in response, wedges his head further into the angle between your legs and your tummy. “This couch sucks.”
“Go back to bed,” you laugh. “You hate soccer, anyway.”
“S’cold in there without you.” He tucks a hand under your thigh, squeezing lazily. “’n I don’t hate it, I just don’t get it.” Not for lack of trying on your part, you think.  “But you love it, so…” He sighs, voice trailing off.
“And you get head scratches if you watch with me.” You tug a little at his hair, smiling at the goosebumps that rise up on his neck.
“And I get head scratches if I watch with you,” he agrees, squeezing your leg again. “But let’s go buy a new couch today.”
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dragon-chica · 2 years
Wednesday Holiday Preference
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Fandom: Wednesday
To everyone who does or does not celebrate, may you have a gentle holiday. And happy Yule ;)
Wednesday Addams: She fondly regales childhood christmases of pouring water on relentless carolers and stoking the fireplace with Pugsley to surely burn 'Old Saint Nick.', Wednesday also enjoys Old World christmas tales, specifically Krampus but tells you about many of the 'lesser known' stories and beings. Her family keeps up with the Victorian tradition of ghost stories for the holiday too.
Enid Sinclair: Super excited! She loves how pretty everything looks and all the beautiful lights! The winter months and all the cute dates to go on, such aesthetic cozy hot chocolate cafe dates watching the snow fall, ice skating, walking by the frozen lake, decorating and festive candles! So many 'cute' "ugly sweaters". She loves all of it and her instagram shows. It's also the best weather for cuddling up with you to stay warm and watch the snow fall.
Ajax Petropolus: He got you a gift months in advance when he was out with you and found the perfect thing, brags to Xavier for weeks how good he is at gift giving. You're gonna love it. 3 days before it occurs to him that he had no gift for you. PANICS texting Xavier that he forgot and is fully bundled about to trek to Jericho on foot in the snow before Xav (a real bro) walks into his closet and brings out the gift,
Xavier Thorpe: Holiday break has always been extra depressing for Xavier, a big empty house and not even an apology in the text that his father wont make it. The thought of being able to spend a time that everyone says is so filled with warmth and joy with you, has him giddier than he knows what to do with.
He really likes going for walks and is captivating staring at you in light snow. Pull him into the snow and get him to make snow angels, he hasn't done that since he was small and is in a fit of joy. Stick a snowball down his jacket After you've both been chilled to the bone go inside to watch some christmas movies, any you want (like Krampus or Elf) and snuggle under a blanket with some hot chocolate. You like baking sugar cookies and having him The Artist decorate them all.
Kent the Siren: Snowball fights! As soon as the first snow starts to cover the ground, Kent has dug out his winter gear and shows up at your dorm with and extra scarf and hat ready to drag you outside. He will not hold back either, but if you act hurt or sad he will come to apologize for the snowball and you ambush him. Never sees it coming. Also snowmen!
Bianca Barclay: She is one of those people that goes berserk buying presents, will have a list of what to get everyone in advance, "You don't even really like Wednesday though?" Bianca, checking her list: "So?" She will weather the worst holiday shopping rush and come out on top (will Siren Song someone into dropping the item she wants or throw hands if needed), somehow she never loses you in the stores even when you're lost, and you go out to a warm cafe afterwards like she didn't have a military scale gift operation before.
Tyler Galpin: Between his job and his dad's tight leash, he doesn't have much free time for cute winter dates, but after work he likes to look at the decorations and shop displays while he walks you home. (If something catches your eye he comes back to buy it as soon as he can.) Weathervane doesn't have a lot of Holiday Specials but he gives you 'complimentary' ones to try and experiments trying to make you little festive drinks when it's slow.
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thepaperpanda · 2 years
An Icy Adventure || Steven Grant x fem!reader
Masterlist ❄
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Summary: One winter day, you decide to surprise Steven with a little ice skating lesson
Warnings: none
Word count: 1592
Author: Rouge
A/N: today’s prompt: go ice skating on a frozen lake
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You loved winter. There was something crystalline about winter, those brilliant rays that revealed every snowflake's uniqueness. You were surrounded by puddles that became temporary skating rinks and your thoughts were secluded within your favorite woolen hat. There was anticipation of the joys to come in that wonderland of white, in that frozen water-world, of learning new ways to move gracefully over such a landscape. 
When Steven agreed to stroll in Hyde Park, to the Serpentine, you felt overwhelmed with happiness.
You chose a thick, woolen sweater with a reindeer theme, a fitted, black, strapped shirt beneath it, and thick, high-waisted jeans for your date. Black leather, high-heeled winter boots, a thick, brown jacket on top and your favorite black, woolen hat with a fluffy pompon completed your outfit.
Steven looked around at all the snow that had fallen last night. Although it wasn't much, it gave the place a certain winter charm. Despite the cold, it wasn't that bad for him, especially when he was you. "Y/N!" He smiled and waved at you. "Isn't it pleasant to be all bundled up and cozy?"
After climbing your tiptoes, you told Steven, "Yes, I am," and placed a brief kiss on his cheek; Steven was taller than you. Immediately after, you grabbed his gloved hand - you had gifted him with a pair of woolen gloves made of Egyptian cotton with a floral motif that he wore a lot when the temperature dropped below 5°.
Trying to cover your ears with your hat, he worriedly inquired, "You sure you aren't cold? I don't want you to catch a cold.
"Steven, you are being silly. It's not that cold today, and we're going to move a lot," you replied, pointing at a backpack on your back. "I brought some things that might help us though. I also made you a tea, I have it in a thermal mug inside."
He smiled and kissed your gloved hand, saying, "You are my little angel. Nevertheless, I am worried about you."
Due to your flat's proximity to Hyde Park, the stroll was quick and easy. "Wondering what activity I've chosen for us?" A smirk spread across your lips.
A soft shrug was given by Steven as he chuckled. "Although I am sure it is wonderful, I'm a little wary of your idea due to your eagerness."
While walking past the snow-covered bench, you stopped, put your backpack on it, and slowly unzipped it, letting Steven peek inside. In the backpack, there were two pairs of skates. One pair was white and larger, and the other was black, shorter.
The two pairs of pretty skates made him blink; of course you mentioned your little hobby in the beginning of your relationship, but he felt lost now. "Love, those are beautiful, but are you going to invite someone else? I mean, I see two pairs. You skate, but I don't." Seeing your smiling face, Steven paused. So that's what you were planning. "I love you a lot, Y/N, but I can't skate. I prefer my limbs to remain intact."
As you cupped his face in your gloved hands and rubbed his cheeks with your thumbs, you said, "I know you're a little concerned, but I want you to trust me, nothing will happen to you, and we'll have a great time!"
"I can't even tie those bloody skates right," he shook his head, looking at you. "In all honesty, I'd rather just watch you."
"Let's make a deal: I'll skate first, and you'll watch. I'll show you a few steps, and if you feel okay, you can try as well."
"I like the sound of that,” Steven agreed.
"Despite the fact that skating on ice seems intimidating, if you have the right equipment and a little patience, you can learn how to do it!" You told Steven as you led him to the frozen lake. 
On the frozen surface of the lake, several people were already ice skating.
Playing with his hands, Steven questioned, "Aren't you afraid the ice will break? Or that you'll break a leg or an arm?"
On the edge of the frozen lake, you sat in the snow, you pulled out the black skates; after that, you started putting them on, replacing your winter boots with them. "No, Steven, because if I thought negatively, I would draw bad luck. That's why I think positively," you replied. "There were almost three weeks of bitter cold, don't you remember? The ice is thick enough to support the weight of a very well-built man."
In response, Steven nodded and continued to play with his hands. "Yeah, yea, I bet you're right, luv."
His attention was drawn to the way you tied your skates. He mumbled a quiet 'bloody hell' and then sat next to you. In a nervous giggle, Steven pointed at the skates and asked, "Can you help me with those? Kind of like Cinderella..."
Disbelief filled your eyes - you never expected him to actually try ice skating with you! As you reached into your backpack to retrieve the other pair of skates, a quiet giggle escaped your lips. "You will be my Cinderella, and I will be your Prince Charming. So, my lady, please take off the shoes and put them on. Once you are done, please let me know and I will lace them up for you."
Steven removed his shoes and took skates from you to put them on with blush on his face.
When he nodded at you, indicating he was ready, you knelt down and started lacing the skates. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a little stressed, but I'm fine overall."
"Do you remember what I told you about stress?"
While you helped him get up, Steven murmured, "I know it's bad and I shouldn't let it eat me alive, but you know me. Wow! How do you even walk in those?"
As a first step, you showed him how to fall safely. During your presentation, you told him, "Falling is part of the sport, so it's natural to fall. If you fall with the right technique, you won't get injured. When you anticipate needing to fall, bend your knees and squat into a dip position, then fall sideways, leaning forward, and place your hands on your lap. When you fall, roll over onto your hands and knees."
Steven watched and listened, trying to remember everything you said. Maybe Marc could use a bit of the know-how to make their body a bit less bruised after another chance behind the wheel. "Okay, noted. Let's hope I won't need them, but I'll keep them in mind. So... Uhm... Shall we?" Grant asked, taking your hand.
When he took his first step on the ice, you helped stabilize him while holding strongly to his palms. You grabbed his hips as soon as his leg started sliding forward. He soon added a second leg and grabbed your shoulders, holding them rigidly. "Straighten your back, breathe," you instructed.
Following your instructions, Steven nodded, somehow managing to stand straight. "Look at me! I'm still standing."
A lot of praise was given to him and then you instructed him on how to move on ice. "March two steps forward and let your body glide forward slightly. Repeat until you feel comfortable. This is called gliding."
As he complied with your instructions, Steven said quietly to himself, "Two steps... Let your body glide." Upon realizing he wasn't falling on his butt yet, he chuckled. "Look at me! I'm doing it!"
"Congratulations! My good boy!"
Sadly, Steven's happiness lasted only a short while because as soon as you finished your praise, he fell right on his butt.
You couldn't stop giggling, but as soon as you attempted camel spin by spinning one leg and your upper body parallel to the ice - you lost your balance and fell on your ass as well. "Oh, bollocks!"
As Steven struggled to get up slowly, he exclaimed, "Aha?! You see? That's what you get for laughing at me?! I bet it will hurt tomorrow."
After the unfortunate fall, you felt a burning sensation on your tailbone, but your heart was full of joy - Steven was getting the basics in no time and was doing very well for his first time on ice. "It's almost certain to me that the student will surpass the master soon, my dearest love!" You sent Steven the warmest smile while slowly getting up.
A shy smile danced on Steven's lips as the blush crept over his cheeks, turning them red within a blink of an eye. "Oh, love, no, this will never happen, I assure."
Slowly, you glided towards him and wrapped your arms around his neck. "My love for you will never change, Steven Grant, even if you won't become a figure skater."
Steven tilted his head and took one of his gloves off, tapping your nose gently before saying, "And I love you just as much, Y/N, even if you always select dangerous activities for our spare time."
As the two of you shared a passionate kiss, you gently pushed off Steven, loosened your knees just a bit, glided backwards and slowly started to spin, spreading your arms slowly.
He could only glide forward slowly, just as you taught him while observing you; all of your movements were so gently and weighted, and you were moving lightly like a petal of a rose dancing in the wind.
Steven realized at this exact moment that his love for you was immeasurable.
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scarlettriot · 2 years
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❄️ Keeping Warm ❄️
• Pairing: Kirishima & Devyn @bakudarling & Bakugo
• Warnings: SMUT | Minors & Ageless Blogs DNI. Aged Up Characters ((late 20s)) Dom/Sub Dynamics. Throat Grab. Drinking. Some Spit.
• Contains: Dom Kiri. Switch Baku. Oral ((M Receiving)). Cockwarming ((In Secret)). Size Difference. Praise. Very Light Deg. Nicknames Used: Babe, Baby, Cutie, Love, Good Girl & Slut.
• A/N: This fic is a part of my Winter Writing Event, specially written for @/bakudarling! I cannot thank you enough for partaking in the event, Dev! I really hope you love your Holi-Date with Ei & Kat. The event is still ongoing so if anyone else would like to participate, just follow the link.
• Word Count: 2,200ish
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Katsuki had been looking forward to this vacation with the two of you for months! He stared at the dates on his calendar frequently. The little cabin on the lake during the off-season sounded perfect to him. There wouldn’t be tourists around; he could just sit in the nice, warm living room and admire the beautiful views, wrapped up in a cozy blanket with the two people he loved most in the world. 
And everything was going so well too. Eijiro drove and made damn good time despite the freshly fallen snow. Katsuki made delicious snacks for the drive. And you put on a playlist that had the three of you singing practically the whole way. 
The cabin was perfect, exactly as described in the listing he saw. The three of you got all the bags inside just as night settled in, and the snow and wind really decided to pick up. A small bead of worry grew in your husband’s chest when he looked up at the clouds turning from fluffy white to a dull gray. He shook the feeling off though. The cabin was safe and warm; even if the weather did take a turn, you’d all be fine. 
Of course, what he hadn’t accounted for was the power going out several hours later…
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“Are you kidding me!” He howled louder than the wind outside while he was in the middle of putting away dishes from dinner. 
“Just give it a second, babe. Maybe it’ll come right back?” You tried to remain optimistic, but one minute passed, then two, pretty soon ten, and still no sign of it returning. 
Eijiro put a hand on his husband’s back and set the towel he’d been drying dishes with down on the counter. “I keep that little generator in the back of the jeep. We can bring in that heater on the patio–” 
“Oh! And we can build a fire! They had chopped wood by the front door!” 
“Great idea, baby!” 
You started to bundle up, but Eijiro was having no part of it. “I’ll get the generator and firewood,” He kissed your forehead, “Why don’t you go get blankets and pillows? We can make ourselves a little fort?”
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“See Kat, ‘s not so bad.” Eijiro chuckled and leaned back on his elbows since sitting up straight in the fort that had been constructed wasn’t an option for the mountain of a man. 
“Kinda romantic with all the candles you lit.” You kissed Katsuki’s cheek, but he just grumbled and wrapped one of the many blankets he’d accumulated around himself even more. 
“It’s not gonna be romantic when we all end up frozen!” 
You’d made it through two rounds of Candy Land with your husbands and many games of Love Letter that somehow Katsuki always managed to win. They were two of the few games you found tucked away in the lake house. In the time you played though, the temperature had only continued to drop, and Katsuki kept getting colder and colder. 
He had three blankets to himself and was reaching for a fourth. Two over his lap, one over his shoulders. You were pretty sure he was gonna wrap this one around his head. 
“Where you goin’?” Katsuki tracked Eijiro with his eyes while the redhead clambered awkwardly out of the fort. “You’re like our main source of warmth!” 
“Then cuddle our wife if you’re so scared of freezing!” 
Both of you lost sight of where Eijiro went, but his suggestion was still a good one. Katsuki’s freed his arms from the blanket long enough to grab you and bundle you right up with him. He was sure there’d be whining from Eijiro when he came back, but for the time being, he didn’t care one bit. “So warm…” 
He nuzzled into the crook of your neck while his hands ventured under your shirt, making you jolt at the cold contact. He pressed warm kisses just under your ear and cupped your breasts like his own personal hand warmers, but it only made you wiggle and squirm even more. “If you keep movin’ around my lap like that, you’re gonna end up warming something else f’me.” 
That didn’t exactly deter you though. You just wiggled with more purpose now. “Damn it, Dev, ‘m not kiddin’.” 
“I know you’re not,” You giggled right back, and that was more than enough for him. 
He worked his hands down your body, hooking his thumbs into the band of your leggings and panties all in one go, and yanked them down, and next came his own pants. 
“Oh, fuck–” You hummed contently when he slid his length inside you, keeping you seated perfectly in his lap while he wrapped the blankets around you again. “Think Ei’s gonna know?” 
“Not if you stay quiet.” But he sure as hell wasn’t gonna make that easy for you. Not right now, at least. 
He was rolling his hips every chance he got. One of his hands snaked up your body until he had his fingers wrapped around your neck. “You can be my good little slut and stay quiet, can’t ya?” You whined and nodded your head, already rocking your hips back against him, making him smirk against your warm skin. “Atta girl.” 
The only thing that drew your attention away from what Katsuki was doing with you was the delicious smell of hot cocoa as it flooded the air, the aroma quickly making its way into the fort.  
“How the hell did he–?” Katsuki was about to poke his head out when Eijiro reappeared with three steaming mugs in hand and the proudest grin on his face. 
“To help keep the cold away,” He chuckled and passed each of you a mug with a kiss to the top of your head before settling back in the spot he claimed with his own steaming mug. 
“How?” Katuski asked before even taking a sip. 
“I didn’t just have the generator. I also had that little stove from our stakeout a couple weeks back. Plugged it in and,” He made a fancy flourish around his cup. 
You took a drink through the layer of marshmallows he put on top and tasted the chocolatey liquid, eyes going wide when the sweet liquor hit your tongue. “Babe! It’s so good!” The excited little bounce you gave made Katsuki groan. 
“That mean you like it too, Kat?” He quirked a brow and tipped his cup back again. 
“Yeah, ‘s okay.” 
Eijiro shrugged because he knew that was about the highest praise he could receive from the blonde when it came to cooking something and started to set up the game board for another round.
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Of course, this game had to be the most challenging yet. The whole time, Katsuki had to stretch around you to make his moves, pushing his cock further into you. There were times you swore you bit your tongue hard enough for it to bleed just to keep a moan from spilling over. 
It took Eijiro until the game was nearly over to question what could’ve been going on. 
“Hey man, why don’t you lose one of the blankets? Dev’s face is looking all rosy.” 
You didn’t even need to look to know Katsuki started smirking like a damn cat. “That so?” He bucked his hips, and this time, you couldn’t hide the little moan. Eijiro’s garnet eyes went wide, and you got to watch as the realization hit him, and a smirk settled over his face too. 
“Awe, our perfect little wife really is keepin’ you nice and warm, huh, babe?”
“Gods, Ei, she’s doin’ such a good job…” He trails off now that the facade is shattered and he can really move inside your walls. 
Eijiro takes his time and moves the game out of the way, not wanting to lose any of the pieces (or have someone step on one). He watched as the blankets start to roll off Katsuki. The man reached a hand up and dismantled the fort so he could have you on your hands and knees and fuck you properly, all while Eijiro lowered his shorts. His heavy cock rested against his stomach before he lazily started to stroke it. 
“What about me, cutie? Can you keep me nice and warm too? With your mouth?” He beckoned you forward with a finger and groaned when you licked him from base to tip. “Shit, baby–” Your hand replaced his own, so much smaller, not even able to wrap completely around his thickest part. Sharp teeth dug into his lower lip as he watched your mouth open and stretch just to take him in and it took everything he had not to bridge his hips and push all the way in, all at once. 
Katsuki’s pace picked up, holding onto your hips and thrusting into you enough that with each rut of his hips, you took a little more of Eijiro down your throat. You felt his hand settle atop your head, threading the purple strands through his fingers, tugging you lightly back and forth while his head tipped back in sheer pleasure. 
A glob of spit trailed down your ass, and Katsuki only pulled himself free long enough to catch it with the tip of his weeping cock and add it to the mess that was becoming your cunt. He couldn’t get over the way your hole would flex, wanting him stuffed back inside so badly. 
When he did slide home again, he reached around to your lower belly and pressed down, making you try and cry out at the added pressure, but Eijiro’s cock was too far down your throat for the noise to really escape. That didn’t stop fat tears from rolling down your cheeks though. 
“What’s the matter, cutie? Too much?” Eijiro cooed and swiped away your tears while you shook your head with your mouth still full. “Such a good cock slut.” You could see his pupils blown wide just before he pushed you down on his length. “Gonna lemme fill your cunt up next, baby? Or does Kat need a load so he can quit bitchin’ about bein' cold?” 
He leaned forward and grabbed Katsuki by his chin. “Whatcha say, pretty boy?” The blonde's thrusts got a little less erratic, but you felt his cock starting to throb in your heat. “Lemme fuck you while you clean your cum outta our wife, get her nice and ready for me?” 
“Hell yes, Ei.” He breathed after a moment. You always grinned just a little when Katsuki gave in to what you and Eijiro wanted, which was honestly more often than not, but it never got old. 
You started fucking back on Katsuki, using his cock, until you felt Eijiro’s hand leave your hair and move lower. Calloused fingers went right for your clit. “That’s it, pretty girl. Gonna make him cum like that. Want both of you t’cum f’me.” He urged you on, and you could feel Katsuki’s grip on you getting tighter and tighter, bruising your hips until little sparks left his palms, singeing your skin right up until you felt that first wave of cum fill you. 
Mixed with Eijiro’s fingers and Katsuki’s twitching cock, you finished with a choked sob, mouth still full. Eijiro waited for you to start coming down again before returning his hands to your hair. “Ready for me, cutie?” You nodded, and he held your head still between strong hands, fucking up into you over and over until you had cum shooting down your throat, leaking out around both their cocks now. 
He slipped his cock from your mouth just as Katsuki collapsed onto your back, arms winding around you, which left you to wrap yours right around Eijiro. 
“Alright,” He laughed at the way the two of you tuckered out and was happy to put plans on hold, “Naps first.” 
Eijiro’s hands moved slowly, brushing through Katsuki’s soft hair and tracing the ivy of your tattoo until he too, fell asleep.
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As the three of you slept, the storm finally calmed down. A fresh blanket of white snow covered every inch of the landscape. 
Light had just barely begun to show for the day, the world still cast in a blue haze, but you woke up to the sound of electricity coming back on, the whir of the furnace springing to life. Somehow, you managed to wiggle out from between the two men and walked out onto the enclosed patio with a blanket wrapped around you. 
The cabin had the most beautiful view of the frozen-over lake and the verdant trees with their snowy pillows. It was more than enough to take your breath away. 
You felt a pair of arms encircling you just a few minutes later, and, from the scars that covered their hands and arms, you knew it was Eijiro before he hooked his chin over your shoulder, kissing your cheek and whispering his usual rough, “Mornin’, love.” 
There was another pair of red eyes on you though, leaning against the doorway, taking in the scene before him that made his heart swell. He would’ve stood there for hours, watching Eijiro and you hold each other close, but when you turned your head and held out your hand with wiggling fingers wanting him to join too, it was impossible to resist. 
Coffee and breakfast and the whole rest of the day could wait. He was going to enjoy this beautiful view, wrapped up in a cozy blanket, with the two people he loves most in the whole world. 
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cyborg-franky · 1 year
Thank you @mamamittens for letting me work with your lovely OC once again! I tried to add eveything you wanted <3 please enjoy!
Thatch x OC Platonic friendhips with Marco and Ace WC: 2,300 SFW
Pulling the blanket around her tighter she glared at the frost-covered porthole, gritting her teeth in a bitter attempt to soften their chattering noise. The room was silent apart from chittering teeth, and the occasional sound of large pieces of ice bouncing off the ship's hull. She nuzzled into the blanket, chiding herself for being so ridiculous sitting and quivering like a fearful child of the dark. She huffed some hair from her face and glanced across the room.
She needed to eat, a hot drink would help, and being near a certain mera mera owner would also go down a treat. It was a shame Ace was actively avoiding her, too annoyed at all the times she silently snuck up on him and made the man jump out his skin. The unintentional prank had been funny at first but she didn’t realise how much she relied on the heat he gave off and just existing around people until it had been a full week of travling this awful, freakish cold part of the world.
Her teeth chatter louder, her fingers feeling frozen as she painfully clutched at the blanket. As tightly bundled as she could she closed her eyes and thought over all the choices open to her. She couldn't just lay in bed the entire time the ship was stuck in traveling this abysmal winter ocean. She was already bored, something she had never feared before but now she was itching to be social with everyone or at least bask in their company and listen to the wild stories the others could come out with. 
Wearing as many clothes as she could, huge blankets draped over her wings and yet they still felt the biting air itch through the feathers and prickle with malice on her skin. She sighed, her breath coming out in a plume of smoke. Her glasses had steamed up the second she stepped out. Everything about cold weather wasn’t fun, she wasn’t comfortable and just was not enjoying the experience.
She needed Ace but he was tired of being made to jump out of his skin. Maybe it was because they were never alone and it was always a source of great amusement for those around him and Ace had a pretty fragile ego and self-esteem. She never meant it though, but that didn’t make her feel any better about her friend's avoidance of the situation. 
Maybe locating the fire imp of a man and apologizing would be enough to win him over and be allowed in his blissfully warm and cozy company. She wasn't the type of person to rush but she needed out of this bitter cold, heading to the kitchen like a ghost in the falling snow she found her way to the back door of the kitchen.
Opening the door, knowing it would be unlocked, the habits of the chefs sneaking out for smoke breaks remained unchanged no matter the weather. She’d even seen Thatch in the pouring rain trying to smoke on one of his harder, longer shifts.
She stepped in, glad for the rush of heat washing over her face, defrosting her chilly red nose and cheeks. Her wings flexed, the feeling going back to them and her fingers, wriggling them, glad they hadn’t fallen off in the trek to the kitchen. Maybe she was being dramatic but she really didn’t like this cold, feeling it deeper in her bones than most. 
“Where’s Thatch?” She asked.
“Fuck m- Oh shit, it’s you.” The man said, hand to his chest and eyes wide before his expression shifted to furrowed brows and a sigh. Still not used to the commander's large winged and silent partner.
“I’ll get him.”
She nodded and sat on one of the benches along the wall, hands clasped in her lap, wings awkwardly against the wall as she tapped her foot, attention held by the movements as she basked in the heat from all the stoves and fires around her. 
“Hey babe, heard you scared the shit out of Sim,” Thatch said with a laugh, about the only one who still found the jump scares hilarious even when it was him doing the jumping. He walked over and placed warm large hands on her cheeks and kissed her cold forehead.
“What can I do for you angel?”
“I need to be around Ace,” she said and saw Thatch’s brows quirked. “His heat, he’s a human heater but I know he avoids me now and I’m freezing. And before you ask ‘Why can’t you just stay in bed’ I don’t want to. I just need to say sorry to Ace.” She sighed but leaned into the hands on either side of her face, thankful for the warm and loving touch, melting into it.
“Hm, I don’t know how to say sorry to him other than give him food and I don’t have much spare before dinner today, getting to the end of the supplies so tryin’ to make ends meet a little more,” Thatch said and pulled away gently. She sighed and nodded, her shoulders sagged in defeat.
“Buuuut.” Thatch sat down next to Nikia, a hand on her leg as he hummed, acting like he was thinking of the answer to all her problems as he rubbed his beard thoughtfully. “Maybe the birds know how to give Ace a proper sorry, they are both in Marco’s office right now, I know that’s another trip outside but Ace is their boyfriend…” Thatch shrugged, rubbing her leg gently, smiling when she seemed to straighten, reenergized with options for getting her heater back.
There was a knock at the door and Marco and Ray looked up at the same time, both using the weather to their advantage and getting a fire going in the corner, making themselves tea, Ray cuddled up in blankets in the big armchair while Marco was almost still in his normal state of undress, just a purple shirt replaced with a sweater. He ran cold after all, this wasn’t the hardest weather he’d ever had to deal with.
Ray mumbled and sent Marco a pleading look to step away from his book for a moment and go open the door, the pigeon's reluctance to move, his warm little self-made nest too good to leave. Marco rolled his eyes but his lazy smile never left his lips as he pushed away from the desk, walking over and opening the door. He saw Nikia shaking and trembling, snow started to catch in her hair and Marco tutted.
“Could have just come inside yoi.” He opened the door for her, amused at how Ray grumbled to himself and huddled into his pile of comfort even more. “Yes, well, wouldn't be polite would it?” Nikia replied in an after-of-fact response as she now stood in the middle of the office, feeling like a loose end before Marco spoke again.
“What do we owe the pleasure? Did Thatch hurt himself again? He needs to do stretches before he gets up to no good, he’s not a young man anymore.” Marco shook his head, clicking his tongue against his teeth and returning to his chair, flopping down and hearing the wood creek, feeling the chair slide back on the floor as he kept his eye on her, wanting to see the reaction that would surely be clear as day.
He could feel his grin growing into a full smug smirk when they did their usual tells of being shy and nervous. Marco always liked to make people squirm a little. “Nothing like that,” she said and pulled at her sleeves, playing with the loose thread on one of them, avoiding eye contact with them both as a red blush splashed across her cheeks, she was glad the cold had already pinched her cheeks into a red glow, would be hard to tell that Marco had his prize of getting a rise out of her.
“I need to find Ace and I also need to figure out how to say sorry to him.” She wrung her hands together, trying to make it seem like just a simple attempt to keep her hands warm. “But I don’t know how.” She said another shrug, her wings twitching, almost knocking off their covers.
Ray sat in his pile of blankets and glanced at Marco. “I think he’s with the Spades in one of the playrooms, cards or something.” He said and Marco nodded “Deuce pulled him away a few hours ago, I don’t think he’d have moved from that spot either… and as for saying sorry…” Marco rubbed the stubble at his chin, grinning, a sly smirk on his face. “Well, the way we say sorry to him always works.”
“Marco!” Ray threw a cushion across the room, falling short of the doctor. Nikia could feel herself smile, another reason why she loved her life on this boat, despite it being in the coldest ocean she’d ever had to endure was the warmth of her crewmate's hearts.
Simple actions like this made her feel at home. She rolled her eyes at the two birds and waited for more constructive help. Crossing her arms as she ambled over to their fire, careful not to let a wing get too close to the dancing flames, she wanted to be warm but not that warm.
“I have an idea, something Ace made when he was annoyed the last time you made him jump, that time he set fire to the sails, remember?” Ray said watching Nikia pause in thought, nodding. “Let me just..” Ray managed to pull himself from his shroud of warmth enough to cross the room, going into what the doctor lovingly referred to as his junk draw with how messy the Phoenix was it might as well have been his junk office.
Ray pulled out a bracelet, it was purple, blue, and white string braided and every so often there was a bell. Ray waved it in the air, the tingle of the bells catching her ear. Everyone always joked about putting bells on her, seemed Ace had been irritated into creating said accessory.
“Maybe head down there wearing this yoi.” Marco suggested as Ray handed it to her. She looked it over, it was at least pretty, and well made, not something she thought Ace’s level of craftsmanship could conjure up if she was being honest with herself.
“This is cute,” 
“Yeah, he sometimes makes little bracelets like this, we have one each just without the bells. Ace might be annoyed at you but he doesn’t go to the effort of this kind of thing unless he likes you.” Ray explained as she held out her wrist, watching him attach it.
She shook her arm and enjoyed how it sounded, touched at Ace’s thoughtfulness despite his ire at her tendencies to pop up silently and cause him to accidentally commit acts of arson around the ship. She thanked the two and headed off, the desire to be warm and to make amends with the commander flowed through her steps as her pace picked up.
“You have GOT to be cheating,” Deuce sighed and tossed his hand on the table, watching as Ace grinned at him, collecting up all his winning chips before he heard a tingle of bells, familiar sounding bells. He turned to face the door, seeing Nikia. The first time he’d not been spooked. 
“Hey Ace, can I talk to you?” she asked and he nodded, excusing himself from the table and heading over to her.
Nikia could already feel how nice and warm the room was, how just standing near Ace made her feel warm and soft. Like she didn’t even need to be in so many layers, he also must have been purposely putting out extra heat for the sake of his friends because no one was covered up, acting like the world wasn't ice and snow.
“I wanted to say I’m sorry for always scaring you and I’m sorry that you feel you have to avoid me now, but look.” She jingled the bells and his eyes fell to the bracelet he’d made. 
He ran a hand through his hair, watching the bells catch the warm light in the room, sparkling like gems against the bright colorful cord he’d used. He put his hands on his hips, pulling his eyes from the bracelet, making himself stare into her eyes, how sincere she seemed even with her usual calm and quiet tone.
“Do you like it?” He asked.
Nikia took a second before she realized what he meant, she nodded and did another wiggle, the sound pleasing to her ears. “I do, it’s very pretty, thank you.”
Ace scuffed his boot on the floor, hands in his pockets as he mumbled, not used to being thanked, despite how far he had come, and how much he had grown, there were times he would simply be that awkward boy that didn’t know how to handle postivity. He shrugged it off “Don’t mention it, least I can hear you now huh?”
“Do you forgive me?” She asked, hopeful, Ace nodded, taking a hand out of his shorts so he could pat her shoulder. “Yeaaah, I think so.” He teased a little. She was happy, glad she could make amends and get to bask in the warmth that surrounded him. 
Later that night she was joined by Thatch, his strong arms pulling her into his chest as he kissed every inch of her face gently.
The way she blushed when the spade pirates had made her part of their playful banter which heated her cheeks up more than Ace’s devil fruit did. She smiled and just fell into Thatch’s embrace. Feeling comfy in all the warmth and comforts.
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outpost51 · 1 year
poison and tail for the dragon asks? 👉👈🥺
Dragon Asks
Poison: share a snippet that’s all about relationships (good or bad).
Oh boy… Unlikely Adventures? Unlikely Adventures. From chapter 6:
“And the angels don’t do anything about it?”
Zadimus grimaced against her scalp. “Not until they start hurting people. They’re creators and caretakers of souls first, defenders of Life’s most precious creations second. Demons are just Death’s loyal janitors.”
“You sound bitter.”
“I’m not.”
“You’re a bad liar for a demon.”
“And you’re terribly brave for a human.”
Sensing the end of Zadimus’s willingness to divulge information for the night, Dillon slipped off his lap and stretched. “It’s late,” she announced. Her eyes drifted to the locked basement door. Fat lot of good that lock did earlier. “Do you think maybe… you could stay here tonight? In case another one leaks out.”
“It’s doubtful, but I was planning on staying anyway.” If he heard the little tremble of fear in her voice, he didn’t indicate it.
“Awfully confident in ourselves, aren’t we?”
Dillon wasn’t sure she liked the sneer she got in response. “Yes, but I already moved in before we ever struck a deal.”
“Excuse me?” she shouted at his back. He was already a third of the way up the stairs and she had to scramble to catch up.
“I claimed your house as my lair, you’re welcome. Now no one else will come sniffing along to feast on the endless souls, salads, and breadsticks your mother creates.” He snickered at the statue she’d become in the hallway, frozen in shock and sputtering in offense. “Would it make you feel better if I wore heels and an apron around the house? I’ll be the perfect housewife for my lovely little breadwinner.”
Dillon shoved him into her room. “It would not, and I’m not your anything. We have a contract, and we’re roommates with benefits, that’s it.”
Her dismissal almost stung. Almost, because when he quickly blinked the disappointment from his eyes and turned to face her, she was red from her shoulders to her ears. “Oh, come now, at least admit you like me a little bit. Just a smidge. I ate a soul for you.”
“You ate a soul for you, and I don’t completely hate you,” she huffed, crawling under her blankets in a solid sulk.
“How romantic, I’m swooning.” He fluffed up his own nest of pillows and blankets on the trundle mattress. Zadimus extinguished the lights with a snap and ruffled his wings until he was comfortable. “Goodnight, wifey,” he simpered.
There was a muffled grumble from the mattress above. For a moment, he thought she wouldn’t respond at all, but just as his eyes were closing, he heard a soft, “Night, asshole.” A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. She definitely liked him.
Tail: share a fluffy or cozy snippet.
Mannnnn there’s. Kind of a dearth of those at the mome— OH. OH. I KNOW. From chapter 3 of between a rock and a hard place:
The next time we docked, they bought me an envirosuit. It was the first item of clothing anyone ever bought for me, the first piece of new clothing that was given to me, and despite outgrowing it years ago, it’s still hanging in my closet. Stupid and sentimental, I know. It wasn’t the most expensive suit on the market, but it was functional and safe and purple. It was even gift-wrapped. I remember the utter frustration on Dad’s face as I meticulously unwrapped the silver paper and folded each piece carefully in my lap, then tucked it all away in the toolbag — a spare Dad found in a storage locker — that I carried everywhere.
I kept that bundle, too; the paper has gone fabric-soft and fragile from years tucked away in the safety of the front-middle pocket.
When the contents were at last revealed, Dad checked his helmet for cracks from the ear-splitting screech of delight I wasn’t entirely sure came from me. I ran laps around the bench in the middle of the busy spaceport, screaming like I’d won the lottery, and my parents laughed with me, not a care in the world that people were staring. Mom helped me put it on over my clothes and I ran around some more, twirling around Dad as if they’d given me a ballgown.
Of course, that suit also meant getting spaced. Often — though, really, spacing a child once is excessive, but who would call Child Protective Services all the way out in deep space? Besides, my parents were at least somewhat smart about it. They put the ships on autodrift, Dad followed me out the airlock on a tether, and pushed me through the gap to Mom. She caught me and brought me inside, and everything was hunky-dory. I’d do my tinkering with the Galatea’s engine, have a nice meal, maybe spend the night cycle, and then they’d do the same thing to return me to the Merkava. It was exhilarating. Sure, tossing a child back and forth in the icy, black vacuum of space to crawl around in heavy machinery for a few hours wouldn’t make the cover of Galactic Parenting, but it wasn’t like they forced me to do it. I liked helping. Dad couldn’t get around like he used to or fit into nooks and crannies like me, and Mom didn’t know jack-shit about engine maintenance. In a few months, I knew more about both ships than either of them, and then some.
It also gave Dad and I common ground to bond over. I still wasn’t the best at conversation — Mom said it was selective mutism, according to one of her interspecies parenting books — and I knew the separation wasn’t exactly easy on Dad. He slept in the cockpit with me most nights just so he wouldn’t have to be alone. Neither of us slept more than an hour or two at a time, kept awake by old memories and nightmares. He listened to audio versions of parenting books while we were in FTL and had nothing better to do. Most of them weren’t worth the credits they cost; not that it mattered, anyway — Janus snatched them from open directories on the extranet.
My parents bounced the content off each other in their vidcalls. They agreed on some of it and laughed off the rest, then got quiet for a while, then cut the feed abruptly. It was obvious to anyone with eyes the distance was difficult for both of them. As a result, Dad and I managed to form a decent relationship. He was never close to the boys because of how often work pulled him away while they were younger, and Mom seemed happy he finally had some kind of connection with at least one kid, adopted or not. The closer we became, the better we both slept, at peace knowing the other was still breathing in the adjacent chair. Mom had to start spamming the commlink to wake us during the day cycle — the sleep debt had caught up to us, and we had years of interest to pay off.
Mom and Dad started taking us shopping as a family instead of leaving us to our own devices, and Dad and I had adventures on the ship.
Mom told me later how when they met, he’d spin wild tales that made her laugh until she was dizzy and breathless, but over the years he’d gotten so caught up in the day-to-day bullshit, the stories were fewer and far-between until they faded into nothing more than rose-tinted memories of a time when her smile still met her amethyst eyes, before they were dulled with exhaustion.
He would be the pirate king to my pirate princess; we would fight through holos of undead hordes and execute would-be mutineers. We did battle with great beasts of forgotten realms I could almost see when he wove their legends in a tapestry of hushed tones — so they wouldn’t hear us before we could sneak up behind them with our wrench-swords, you see — so full of awe it made my heart race. We plundered merchant vessels fat with treasure and fortunes too vast for even our imaginations to fully grasp, and explored untouched, uncharted worlds full of strange creatures and ancient curses. We made blanket-fort vid theaters in the cabin he no longer used. He taught me how to play Skyllian five, how to cheat at Skyllian Five, and how to be a very sore loser at Skyllian Five.
We even tried to shoot a cooking show once, but that ended in a complete disaster that took four hours to clean and permanently scarred the kitchenette. I learned swears that day in the surprisingly long list of languages Dad spoke at least conversationally, and was told to never repeat them (or tell Mom I learned them in the first place). He taught me how to disassemble, clean, and reassemble every gun he owned.
He taught me how to fly.
Dad figured if I knew how the engine worked, it was about time I learned how the rest of the damn thing worked, too. The next time I sat in his lap while he flew, his hands stayed at his side as I guided us along a course he charted.
In two short years, I gained a family and a best friend the cruelty of Omega could never take away.
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reconditarmonia · 2 years
Dear Yuletide Author
(thanks for your patience!)
Hi! Thank you for writing for me! I’m reconditarmonia here and on AO3. I have anon messaging off, but mods can contact me if you have any questions.
Redwall | Shadow Campaigns | Sleep No More
General likes:
– Loyalty kink! Trust, affectionate or loving use of titles, gestures of loyalty, replacing one’s situational or ethical judgment with someone else’s, risking oneself (physically or otherwise) for someone else, not doing so on their orders. Can be commander-subordinate or comrades-in-arms.
– Heists, or other stories where there’s a lot of planning and then we see how the plan goes.
– Femslash, complicated or intense relationships between women, and female-centric gen. Women doing “male” stuff (possibly while crossdressing).
– Relationships that aren’t built on romance or attraction. They can be romantic or sexual as well, but my favorite ships are all ones where it would still be interesting or compelling if the romantic component never materialized. Stories whose emotional climax or resolution isn’t the sex scene, if there is one.
– Uniforms/costumes/clothing.
– Stories, history, and performance. What gets told and how, what doesn’t get told or written down, behavior in a society where everyone’s consuming media and aware of its tropes, how people create their personas and script their own lines.
Smut Likes: clothing, uniforms, sexual tension, breasts, manual sex, cunnilingus, grinding, informal d/s elements, intensity.
General DNW: rape/dubcon, torture, other creative gore; unrequested AUs, including “same setting, different rules” AUs such as soulmates/soulbonds; PWP; food sex; embarrassment; focus on pregnancy; Christmas/Christian themes; infidelity; unrequested polyamory; focus on unrequested canon or non-canon ships; unrequested trans versions of characters; breakups; jealousy; focus on grief; unequal levels of investment in a relationship (including concerns about same that turn out to be unwarranted), or the idea of a character accepting something they're unhappy with as the most they're going to get; characters who are written in a sexual context within the fic being ignorant about sex/anatomy (inexperienced is fine); the word "pussy"
Fandom: Redwall
Character(s): Martin the Warrior (or anyone)
Redwall is SUCH a nostalgia fandom for me - literally, my first fandom in the sense of something that I wrote fanfic for and sought out a fan community online. It was also possibly formative in terms of some tropes I’ve turned out to like (riddle quests! sad paladins! sieges and resistance!) Getting a Redwall gift would be so cozy and nostalgic for me. Martin is in fact my fave - like I said, I love a sad paladin - but I'd also be equally happy with new adventures in the Redwall world focusing on anyone, canonical or original. Anything you write that’s in tone with canon will give me the warm fuzzies, whether dramatic adventures or slice-of-life.
Other things I like about Martin, which you could write about with regard to him or anyone:
his fulfilling his seemingly impossible vow against the villain to destroy the fortress of Kotir - being a defiant determinator in general, but I especially like that
his being a legendary hero but also a flesh and blood human mouse that an ordinary person can emulate, and who inspires others to fight for justice
the fact that the Abbey, and its future heroes, are his children/heirs/family rather than any biological children
I guess also just the tension between those things! the fact that his strength comes from his ability to inspire and lead and organize, not just his prowess as an individual fighter, but also how he's so alone
Some general prompts (for Martin or anyone):
a cozy wintery story! A feast, or bundling up and skating on the frozen pond and then roasting nuts on the fire, or waking up to the first snow and seeing how it makes the Abbey and the surrounding woods look, or returning to the Abbey in the winter from a long journey/quest and being amidst warmth/friends/familiarity for the first time in a while…
a wandering warrior or pair/trio of warriors, driven to aid resistance movements against tyrants wherever they find them! What is the resistance doing and how does the warrior or warriors help? What is their backstory? Are they from the Abbey - an idealistic place of peace/justice/refuge, but one whose people sometimes engage in violence/war to ensure that peace and justice can exist - or somewhere else? If there’s more than one of them, what is their relationship to one another like? (For this prompt or other relevant prompts, I love loyalty kink - see my general likes for elaboration.) Or a hero who isn’t a wandering warrior/paladin, but someone being oppressed by the tyrant themself - how do they come to form or join the resistance, and with whom?
A quest (riddle-based or just puzzling out non-deliberately-left clues) to solve a historical mystery or uncover something hidden in the Abbey! (If you do go with riddles, I’d rather it be a situation where the riddles actually lead to something, like the Pearls of Lutra or OG Redwall riddles, rather than the ones in Taggerung where it’s about solving the riddles for the sake of solving them.) What answers or objects or secret hiding places are the characters looking for, and why have they been undiscovered until now - were they intended to be found much earlier but the knowledge of how to find them (or the knowledge that something was there to be found at all) was accidentally lost, is it a time of greatest need (such that people start following up on a known riddle-poem and/or researching the dusty old library tomes when they hadn’t before, or get their first clue in a dream)? Why/how were they hidden or lost?
A couple of other things I like in the series that I haven’t really managed to put into a coherent prompt: knowing your home well enough to fight from it even as the bad guys encroach on it (as in siege and resistance plots);…food…
I don’t expect (nor, I think, particularly want) shipfic, but it would be very special to me if the world of Redwall as depicted in your story had gay/bi characters or couples in it, even in the background, just in the same way that there’s plenty of background het in canon. (I think I do headcanon Martin as bi.)
Fandom-Specific DNW: I’m fine whether you maintain canon’s division of animal species into “generally good” and “generally evil,” or ignore it and have good weasels and wicked mice mixed in with the rest - but I don’t want a story to be about that, either way. The existence of a monastic order in an abbey shouldn’t be taken to contravene my DNW of Christian themes (it’s a non-religious commune, and the Redwall Abbey-centric parts of canon are some of my favorites), but I still don’t want Christmas fic, so please, if you write any of the wintery prompts, don’t attach them to a holiday (including a fictional one). Consider my poly DNW waived if you want to assume that Martin hooks up with Gonff every so often, but I don't see it as a true ménage a trois and I'm not interested in it being the focus of the fic or in Martin being in a committed LTR. No smut for this fandom, please!
Fandom: The Shadow Campaigns
Character(s): Winter Ihernglass
The loyalty kink and competence kink in this series is so tasty. Winter just keeps getting promoted and accomplishing things! I don't have a lot of specific prompts, to be honest, because I kind of feel like anything I would say is " *gestures at canon* MORE OF THAT."
More of Winter being good at the job that was initially just the furthest place she could hide but that became her real job and something she was good at and that was her life.
The delightful and hilarious running gag of Marcus thinking that she is a male soldier who went undercover as a woman for a mission and only Marcus knows the truth.
The loyalty and protectiveness she inspires from her subordinates, even when asking them for things that are risky or hard - I found her relationship with Bobby and Folsom and Graff in the first book VERY gratifying to my id, and then there's her subordinates in the Girls' Own.
BOBBY. I ship them a lot. (I liked it as a platonic loyalty kink thing even before the disguise reveal, and then!) Winter trusting Bobby! Bobby having her back in battle and against Davis et al! Cuddling for warmth/comfort! Bobby begging her commanding officer to take care of her herself if she was ever wounded instead of going to a surgeon. *___* More trust and competence and mutual protectiveness, Bobby being so instrumental to Winter’s plans, her right hand person that she can use and direct as readily as she can use her weapons…
I also LOVE the developing mentor-mentee relationship between Winter and Janus. (I know this will be difficult, but you have yet to disappoint me.) Janus manipulating Winter but also explaining to her that she has something he hasn't, the ability to understand and relate to people. Jane's accusation that Winter has fallen in love with him, not because it's a romance-romance or because Winter, as a lesbian, would be capable of it in that sense, but because that's a way to talk about someone's platonic relationship to the leader they follow. What other Janus things does he want her to learn or need her for?
(As of writing this letter I've read through The Price of Valor. Don't feel that you can't write about later books, I'll catch up!)
Fandom-Specific DNW Info: to avoid my infidelity/poly/breakup DNWs, if you write Winter/Bobby I'd prefer to assume that Bobby/Marsh didn't happen or was a fling that didn't become a relationship; Winter/Jane breaking up as per canon is fine if it's not a central focus of the fic, but if you write Winter/Bobby set during the Shadow Throne/Price of Valor period of canon, please write as though Winter and Jane simply never rekindled their relationship. (I know that Winter/Cyte happens but I am not up to that yet.)
Fandom: Sleep No More
Character(s): Female Speakeasy Bartender
Speakeasy was female/nb when I last visited, which INSTANTLY, massively raised my interest in the character. Speakeasy's easy confidence and utter mastery of their domain, combined with that animal devotion to Hecate, are very cool and sexy when the person in the waistcoat and the sleeve garters is a bald butch with tattoos, apparently. I loved seeing this fairly small and wiry woman get to do those fighty dances (the one with Fulton!!) and the lifts with Bald Witch.
(side note: I'd read the character as a butch woman, learned afterwards that the performer is nb and uses she/they pronouns, but either way, it's interesting to me that this Speaks is a gender non-conforming character in a way the usual one is very much not. I'd prefer feminine pronouns but don't feel the need to make a big deal of this Speaks's Identity As A Woman or anything.)
So - what's her story? Were her GNC presentation or sexuality a factor in her getting involved in the underground booze business and/or Hecate's service, and how do they affect her dealings with people now?
Did she do small magic before becoming Hecate's familiar, or did that come after? (Everyone's small magic and folk magic is one of my favorite things about the fourth floor - the vibe is really different from the Porter's magic in that it's simultaneously so normalized for a bunch of them, this reaching-out to the other world of darkness and magic and nature that is Outside their town but also underlying/intertwined with it, but also something secret and furtive.)
Does her relationship with Hecate give her any powers that it's not possible to represent in the physical performance of dance - like, can she go through walls instead of just unlocking all doors? (Not meant to be a leading question, "she can unlock all doors" works too, I'm into the fact that all the magic necessarily has to be represented by stuff the performers can do.)
How do she and Hecate think about each other - is Speakeasy in love with Hecate, is sex one of the ways Hecate controls her human pet? How does it work to be or to have a human familiar? How/why did Hecate choose Speakeasy and what does she think of or do with Speakeasy's devotion and service? (THE VIAL OF TEARS SCENE asdsjhasjkhd, it killed me.) Anything with Speakeasy being Hecate's creature/enforcer/weapon will be delicious, I love loyalty and fealty.
I also really loved the scene with Fulton, with this version of Speakeasy- it has a really different vibe to me in that not only is Fulton entering this underworld location to confront a creepy magic person, but there's also the gender transgression aspect that maybe he doesn't know how to deal with and finds confounding. (But on the other other hand, she's not the way he might have envisioned a witch either!)
Speaks and the witches! Tell me more!
Fandom-Specific DNW Exception: dubcon is fine for Hecate/Speakeasy, as is "unequal levels of investment in a relationship" as long as no one is under any impression, in that event, that it is equal and Speakeasy isn't upset by that.
Thank you!
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leviathans-watching · 3 years
i saw ur fic of satan seeing snow in the human world, omg it was so cute i love it, especially when my area just got snow for the first time this year today, perfect timing lol
can we see the rest of the brothers and dateables reactions? luke too pls (platonic obvs)
- 🐸 anon
the obey me boys & snow
includes: the brothers (-satan), diavolo, simeon x gn!reader | luke & gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .7k | rated g | m.list
a/n: based off of this post lol. and tysm!! i'm glad you liked it and that it was good timing!! my inbox is open to chat, req, or leave feedback so stop in!!
please reblog mwah
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➳ lucifer likes watching it fall from inside, though he’s not a huge fan of the cold. he’s seen snow before, is one of the only brothers who has, but never has he taken any time to marvel at it, simply enjoy it because it’s snow. you change that- you’re still delighted by at, even though you’ve seen it before, and your excitement sparks something in him. he likes it because it makes you happy.
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➳ mammon does not like it. he’s not a huge fan of any extreme weather, really, and he’s always been more of an inside demon. but he’ll brave it for you, accompanying you outside without a second thought. he’d do anything for you, really, so in the grand scheme of things, snow isn’t that bad, especially when he gets to be with you.
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➳ levi has seen it on tv tons of times, so he’s a bit surprised when it’s not falling idyllically, in bug white fluffy flakes. you explain it does sometimes, but not all of the time, satisfying him. he thinks it tickles, and really enjoys himself, much to your amusement. he doesn’t get cold so he has no need for a coat, and he likes watching the frozen water melt when it makes content with his warm skin. he also likes how you cuddle up to him when you get back inside, saying you were cold.
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➳ asmo loves it! it’s so cute and pretty and would look so good in his photography. you look so cute too, all bundled up in your winter gear, face nearly hidden due to a large scarf he pulls aside more than once, pecking you quickly on the lips. he’s quickly set on a wintery devilgram post, only becoming more and more delighted when you tell him about ice skating and sledding.
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➳ beel is surprisingly into it. he wants to explore the snow and walk around, interested in the way his breath is visible in the air. he breaks off a large icicle easily, biting into it before you can stop him. although he’s a bit disappointed it doesn’t taste like anything the texture is pretty nice. he continues to pull them off of fences and branches, crunching on them like hard candy.
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➳ belphie is another one who likes it from inside. he doesn’t like to be cold but can’t deny how cozy he feels by the roaring fire, all wrapped up in a blanket with you, watching it stick to the windowsills. you explain frost to him, and idly, he wonders that if he waited long enough, could he see it forming? he pulls you closer as he watches the trees outside shake in the wind, happy to be experiencing this with you.
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➳ simeon has seen snow, once, in one of the other angel's domain. it’s been a terribly long time, and he’d almost forgotten about it, but you’re there to remind him. he loves it. his favorite season quickly changes to winter and he wants to go out and buy a bunch of winter-themed stuff. being outside in it is even better, to be honest, and he adores how the flakes drift so gently onto your shoulders.
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➳ diavolo is enraptured by it. he spins around and around, acting so boyish you can’t help but laugh, fondness welling up in your chest. his mind is already racing, trying to figure out a way to get snow in the devildom, but even as he schemes and plans, he knows it won’t be the same. after all, you won’t be there.
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➳ luke is enchanted. he’s never seen snow before and it’s amazing! and when he learns you can make snowmen, he starts tugging you outside, drooping when he learns there’s not enough snow on the ground for that. to cheer him up, you tell him about snow angels, and he all but beams. there’s something named after him, something that’s super cool, meaning he must be cooler. cooler than snow? is that even possible??
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leviathans-watching’s work - please do not repost, copy, or claim as your own
473 notes · View notes
I'm sorry if this annoying but can I please get a little fanfic with the inumaki forget idea ? Sorry if this werd English isn't my first languag
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Not annoying at all anon, In fact I really like this idea of yours. (Also your English is pretty good so don’t worry!) Hope you like the fic!
CHARACTERS: Inumaki Toge x Female Reader
WARNINGS: Smut, Dark Content, Noncon, Yandere, Manipulation, Mind Control/ Brain Washing, Cunnilingus
Minors Do Not Interact! 
1.5k words
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It was comforting, the fluff of ashen white hair that lay on your shoulder, the morning light seeping in from behind the slat blinds cascading a bright shimmer over the expanse of the snowy tufts. The individual strands were dusting your skin feather-light, tickling against you in the sway of every meager intake and exhalation of breath escaping Toge’s mouth.
You had known Toge for years now, and although you couldn’t truly remember how you even came to know him in the first place, he had effortlessly situated himself in the spot of one of your nearest and dearest. You found that his earnest silence brought you solace, words that he could not convey through sentence instead being understood through the knowing glances and expressions you had come to share with one another, the fluency of this mutual language only strengthening with the passage of time.
Now was one of those blissful moments of comfortable, knowing quiet. domestically lounging around your apartment during a day off, lazily giggling at some meme compilation in unison while leaning against one another on the settee. You couldn’t think of a better way to spend your time, this cozy sphere of amenity that you had constructed with Toge an apt repose from the outside world.
Whilst you were lost reflecting on your rosy blessings, you were suddenly brought back to reality when you felt the weight of toge’s head lift from your shoulder, turning to meet the familiar gaze of inquisitive violet eyes peering at you from behind off-white tresses.
“Are you okay, Toge?��
“Mustard Leaf.”
The response, that usually implied he was doing fine in the small dictionary of onigiri vocabulary he had come to employ.. Didn't feel genuine, to say the least. His irises were blown wide, registering your countenance as though he was trying to gleen some hidden information from your inquiring squint, when Toge began to lean further over you. You turned the front of your body to look at him directly, though you were steadily inclining your spine backwards in your perplexion at Toge’s unusual advancement.
He soon had draped his entire upper body over yours, hands reaching around your frame to press into the sofa to support himself as his face drew dangerously close to yours.
“Toge?” A heat was rising in your upper body. Sure, you and Toge were incredibly close friends.. But this was a little too much for your liking. You pressed your palms against the jut of his shoulders and pushed slightly, though with no true force. Blushing, you faced away from him, trying to announce your discomfort at his invasive approach. “T-toge.. This is a bit too-”
“Don’t move.”
And sure enough, compelled by some otherworldly force to entertain the command, you had stopped moving in your tracks. It didn’t take long for you to figure Toge had used his technique. Like a deer trapped in the headlights of an oncoming car, your body froze statuesque while conflicting eyes beamed alive, frantically searching for the reasoning behind the cruel fate that was racing towards you.
An uneasy feeling settled in the pit of your stomach at the sight of his lips pulled tight, his usually bright irises murky with shadows of deception. Something awful was afoot. His deadpan look in conjunction with the preceding events told you this was no prank, swiftly realising that your trust in him had been irredeemably breached to the point of fear at what was coming next. Your body twitched as you strained under the spell that had been cast on you, helpless to the plummeting feeling of the safe structure of friendship you had built with Toge coming crumbling down around you.
Your fears were proven genuine when Toge’s hand began reaching forward, coming to rest on the curve of your hip. You tried to communicate with your eyes, begging for him to stop and to just think about what he was doing, but he paid no heed to it. In fact it seemed like he was ignoring your glare, focused on the task that lay at his palms. He began deftly inching your bottoms down over your pelvis, panties and all coming to a halt over your thighs, just above your kneecaps.
It was then that he shot you a glance of what seemed like sorrowfulness, as if he was fully aware he was enacting something cruel but thought it necessary. Perhaps like how a farmer would look at lame animal before putting it to rest. 
Still, you were broken away from the horrid thoughts and back into a harsher reality when Toge had begun ripping the aforementioned cloth even further down your legs until they reached your calves. Shoving his hands between your thighs, the pads of his fingers pressed forcefully against the flesh and separated the limbs till they spread wide. You were completely exposed, the open air cutting a chill against your privates.
He traced his fingertips over your slit, with whatever wet, however slight gathered up in it’s trailing wake. He looked you in your eyes when he brought the digits to your clit, as if looking for a reaction when he began grinding his forefingers against the sensitive nub. Unable to do so much as flinch away from the offensive touch, you mentally grit your teeth as you felt that aching bundle of nerves scream against the assault. It felt painful, at first. You were so unprepared for the sudden encroachment on your most sensitive parts, It made you want to recoil in on yourself completely, though there was nought you could do in protest.
Toge began occasionally lowering his fingers to reach directly into your core, drawing out the little slick you were producing to mercifully rub it over your clit. The lubrication meant his ministrations were less painfully direct, his motions transforming into a light flutter that felt traitorously gratifying, an unwarranted heat beginning to pool in your stomach. Your body was disobediently reacting to his touches with craving, and it made you want to hide away forever but unfortunately you were rendered completely unable to escape the explicit display you were being forced to partake in. 
You felt his warm breath exhale humid air over your cunt, when you noticed from your frozen position that you couldn’t see Toge’s face any more, only the top of his alpine locks as he lowered himself further over your pulsing heat.
You knew what was coming, but you still inwardly lurched with shock at the swiping of that lithe muscle over your aching bundle. The feeling made you throb with hypersensitivity, the combination of the attention that area had received earlier now with the sudden sensation of Toge’s wet mouth lapping at you desperately causing your entire pussy to twitch around his tongue in a chase for release.
Dragging and dipping his emblazoned tongue over and between your sopping folds, he came to plant his mouth directly over your clit. He sucked over it with such vigor his cheeks completely hollowed, rolling your nub between his lips whilst deft fingers aided in your pleasure as he continued to pump them in and out of the sticky apex of your crotch. 
He worked at you for some time, steady in the intensity of his applications. It wasn’t long before the sensations grew too much, pussy clenching around his fingers as you reached a climax, flood gates swinging open as you gushed helplessly over his face.
He stayed where he was for a second, before rising. When his pale face came into view, you took in the sight of your own slick washing trails down his chin, the purple tattoos it overlay on his cheek glistening prismatic in the light the sun cast over it. He looked wild, salivating at the maw, sparkling amethysts settling an intense gaze into your own eyes which were vacantly still trying to work through the thralls of your orgasm.
Yet, fear sparked them alert with dread when you saw his mouth drop open to speak once again.
Even in that split second of recognition you had before your memories had been erased for (unbeknownst to you,) the umpteenth time, it was enough for an intensely visceral stream of consciousness to flood your thoughts. You realised intuitively Toge was never really the person you thought he was, and you wondered how many times you had been used like this. How much had happened, how much had you been subject to by his cursed technique. Just how much was real in that domestic setting that you had been experiencing before it all came crashing down like this.
If only you knew just how much of your true self had slipped away. With your hands wrapped around his cock once more, The sunset and rise beginning to melt away at the edges into a haze of warm gradients was just a pretty sight to you, the concept of time becoming irrelevant to you as you settled into your life as an ignorant hostage.
Extra Notes:
Yeah so this kinda became a fucked up version of 50 first dates.. although now that I think about it I guess 50 first dates is pretty fucked up? Also god writing a character who hardly speaks is so hard in fic format;; I guess enjoy the challenge though
744 notes · View notes
hqcult · 3 years
21ST ## the miya twins
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you visit hyogo to celebrate your 21st birthday with your extended family. you met atsumu and osamu, who were oh so excited to meet you.
. tw manipulation, pseudo-incest, noncon, cunnilingus, masturbation, exhibitionism, voyeurism, mindbreak, implied double penetration, dark content . wc 4.3k
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looking back, the twins are good fucking actors. they deserve some oscar-level award with how much they smiled those sweet honey smiles and lured you into a sense of security before baring their fangs and pulling you down to hell with them. but they never would’ve gotten the chance to act if you hadn’t been there as their audience. so, the truth remains the same—this is all your fault. you never should’ve insisted coming to hyōgo in the first place.
ever since getting adopted at the tender age of thirteen and moving to tokyo, you’ve seen everything there is to see, ate at every restaurant with a 5-star review on google. you’ve done them all at least thrice by now and it’s getting boring.
so, when your adoptive father had jokingly talked about coming to hyōgo to meet your extended family for your 21st birthday, you perked up in your seat and your eyes twinkled like stars. 
your mom didn’t want to go at first, of course, claiming you’ll get carsick but your parents eventually gave in after seeing the pleading look in your eyes and the genuine excitement in your stance.
long story short, you did end up getting carsick. quite a few times too, actually. but you were already driving along the expressway and your mom’s sister was already expecting the three of you. so, naturally, you guys pushed through, your dad making sure he drove as smoothly as possible in order not to trigger another barfing session from you.
it was twilight by the time your dad pulled up on his sister-in-law’s driveway and the first you see were two identical faces—twins? for step-cousins? well, now that was something. you’ve never really met twins before so it was a whole new experience and it excited you greatly. 
not to mention how you and atsumu instantly hit it off, your personalities aligning. yet when you sat next to osamu during dinner, the younger twin found it wasn’t as hard talking to you compared to his brother. in fact, he found it interesting how easy it was to converse with you, the words flowing out his lips. you were just so painfully compatible with them that why oh why did the universe have to make you their half-cousin?
the shift in their behavior wasn’t at all gradual but can you really blame them? you were such a good daughter, such a beauty. and they guess the whole ‘pseudo-incest’ taboo thing amplified your appeal all the more. 
well, at least in their defense, atsumu and osamu genuinely wanted to get to know their new cousin in the most innocent, platonic way and not this weird thing they’re feeling right now. but you were so damn irresistible that they couldn’t keep their feelings in check.
how kind of ‘samu to grab the coffee container at the topmost shelf for you during breakfast, not knowing he purposely puts it there every night so he can “accidentally” rub his morning wood against your ass.
your ‘tsumtsum is such an angel when he doesn’t hesitate to take off his outerwear and lends it to you whenever you forget yours, not knowing he snatches them from the laundry basket and leaving you no choice but to use his. the sweet scent you leave on the jacket is enough to throw him off the edge and have him climaxing as he fucked his own hand.
nobody noticed, everyone was distracted by their achievements at such a young age. all their mom had to say is how osamu yet again made it to dean’s lister or how atsumu got scouted for a national team.
your mom and dad didn’t notice, lost in the daydream of always wanting to have their own son only to end up with you. blinded of their dazzle that the rotten pieces of them were fully camouflaged by the glow.
it all came to a peak when the twins were pulling all-nighter playing games like always. 
atsumu needed to use the restroom, and just as he’s passing by your door, he heard a questionable sound that made him stop, frozen and unbelieving.
carefully, he tiptoes closer to place his ear against your door, praying to whomever that the floorboards don’t creak and disrupt whatever you’re doing. silence, seconds of it. then click, a switch turning on, he hears low vibration and a shaky whimper, a slick sound that reminded him of—
you were touching yourself.
holy fucking crap.
atsumu can only stare at the door with a knowing curl in his lips as he quickly pushes down his boxers. the risk of getting caught masturbating so out in the open making all the blood rush south.
“guess yer not as innocent as i thought ya were,” he mutters, spitting on his palm before wrapping it around his dick.
he shut his eyes close, clinging desperately into the imagination of how it would feel like to fuck your cunny instead of his hand. how the view would be like as he forces your legs up and into a mating press as he rutted his hips into you. at least you were loud, the moans he can hear as clear as day and he’s thankful he needn’t depend on his imagination anymore like all the other times.
you better be fucking thankful that the rest of the rooms were downstairs or else your parents and their mom would’ve heard by now. eh, atsumu didn’t mind. he got off on the risque idea of getting caught in the act.
when your pitch grows whinier and he hears your quick rufflings on the bed, he knows you’re close. he can hear the frantic and changing levels of the vibrator as you fucked it into your walls. 
“fuck,” he hissed, the mental image of you masturbating and putting on a show for him making him teeter over the edge.
he grunts, low and animalistic, as spurts of his cum stains his hands and the floor. he didn’t care. he pumped himself through his orgasm and it was the best he’s ever got in a while. who knew all he needed to hear was his little step-cousin lewdly touching herself? naughty, naughty girl.
when he heard your panting after cumming against your little toy, he took his cue and speed-walked towards his and osamu’s bedroom to get a cloth he’ll use to clean the front of your door. but just as he caught you in the act, he caught his own brother red-handed, too.
the tiny specks of cum on the wall where osamu stood is a ghastly sight but atsumu couldn’t care less. 
silently, the twins exchanged a knowing glance.
“ya heard ‘er too?”
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someone knocks on your bedroom door on the eve of your birthday. 
osamu was tasked to wake you up while atsumu started the car. you didn’t respond. were you… he slowly opens the door, he spots you immediately in the bundle of blankets atop your bed. when he stalks closer, you looked so cozy that osamu almost got tempted to ditch the idiot and come snuggle with you under the blankets instead. 
but he has two heads and the one he’s using to think is located south.
he wakes you up with a gentle shake on the shoulder. “‘samu?” you mutter, voice low and croaky from your deep sleep when you see a blurry tousle of gray hair.
“let’s do a countdown for yer birthday, angel. come on, put on a jacket. ‘tsumu’s already startin’ up the car.”
osamu’s blunt nails dug half-moon crescents into his palms as he saw your tiny pajama shorts and the slip top when you shoved the blankets away. he swore his palms would’ve bled, especially after seeing you bending over to look for a hoodie inside your luggage. 
he stared so openly, it was almost predatory in a sense. 
as you scamper down the stairs with the younger twin’s hands dangerously grazing the top of your rear, you thought it’s plain old protective ‘samu being worried you’ll make a misstep and break your neck.
“where’s everybody?”
“just us three, angel. ‘lil cousin bonding before yer big party tonight, y’know?”
you giggled. how sweet, you thought.
you didn’t sense a thing. didn’t see a single red flag even if it was being waved across your face like what they do in bullfights. osamu felt a little sorry for how they’re blatantly manipulating you but it’s too late to back out now, much less let the guilt eat up his insides. he shouldn’t be a hypocrite considering he jacked off to your moans, too, that night. 
he’s really no different than atsumu and it’s a tough pill to swallow.
it wasn’t osamu that stops you, but atsumu, from scampering into the front seat. the older twin quickly locks the door before lowering down the passenger side’s window. 
“nuh-uh, birthday girl. ya can’t sit here or the surprise’ll be ruined!”
you grumble, frowning as you scoot yourself in the backseat of the car. atsumu twists his torso towards the back, asking you to wear the blindfold he’s handing you. it was a little tough with how stubborn you are but ‘tsumu’s just too good with his words.
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you drove for thirty minutes before the car pulled up somewhere. the world is tranquil outside, so you couldn’t have driven to the nearest city. your initial guess is a beach, but there were no splashes of water. maybe a cliff-side or a forest?
the car’s ignition turns off and you call out to the twins. 
“‘tsumu? ‘samu? where are we? can i take my blindfold off now?”
“just a moment, doll.” there’s an excited lilt to atsumu’s voice and you can’t help but fidget in your seat, feeling the excitement crawling up your spine as you think of what their surprise could be.
you hear them clamber out the car. you scoot closer to the door just as the backseat opens, a silly smile on your face. “you guys didn’t have to do this, you know, but i appreciate it so mu—”
someone tackles you to the seat and the air gets knocked out of your lungs. he’s heavy and you felt the muscles underneath his shirt as you tried to push him away but to no avail—you know it’s a man, it has to be because you felt the broad shoulders and something poking at your thigh. you feel him nosing the side of your neck and his hands crawling under your shirt. his freezing skin against your own is what snapped you out of it.
“atsumu! osamu!” you cried, calling for help.
you inwardly gasped, realizing something. maybe they were hurt! maybe your assaulter had creeped up behind the twins just as they opened the door for you, knocked them out cold, before trying to have their way with you. at the thought of the twins getting hurt, you thrashed, fought, and screamed with newfound fervor.
“couldja calm down and shut yer fucking trap?”
when the blindfold flies away and you see the man straddling you on the backseat of atsumu’s car, how you wished your assaulter had never taken it off.
atsumu had never looked this scary from your point of view, then again he never straddled you like this in the weeks prior. never looked at you like how he’s looking now—there’s clear hunger and lust in those eyes. you’ve seen that look one too many times from boys back in your university when you had your one night stands. but it had all been consensual and you loved them looking at you that way but this is different.
so, so different.
you can’t look at him in the eye, not when he’s staring at you like that. it felt like you’re pushed into a corner, vulnerable and bare even with the clothes you’re wearing.
“please, get off of me.”
“get off ya?” he repeats, mirth in his eyes as he hauls you up to a sitting position. he finally shuts the door behind him. “but i’ve been wantin’ to do this for weeks.”
to further emphasize his point, he grounds his hips against yours, making sure the tip of his already erect cock grazes against the bud of your clit. his boxers and the thin fabric of your shorts isn’t helping. he groans wantonly, angling his hips to do it again until you slipped out from under him and maneuvered your way to the other door.
osamu! osamu will stop him, you thought with teary eyes as atsumu growls and quickly pulls you back by the forearms, your back to his chest as you try to claw your way out of the athlete’s grip.
“‘samu! ‘samu, help me!”
but when the said twin opens the door and slips inside the car with little to no surprise present in his face, a type of fear you’ve never felt before runs up your spine. the look in osamu’s eyes reflected that of his twin’s and with sinking realization, you knew he wasn’t there to help you.
“happy 21st birthday, angel.”
and then he’s ducking down to kiss you. his lips are soft and they moved tenderly, in contrast to the barbaric way they tore at your clothes, the cold making you shiver in your underwear.
dealing with one sick person is enough, but with two, you’re not so sure. you only had two hands, if you pushed osamu away, atsumu would have free access and vice versa. your legs couldn’t move either, thanks to the cramped space of the backseat.
while holding down your hands, atsumu marks every inch of untainted skin he could see as osamu swirls his tongue inside your mouth. you’ve never felt so disgusted and dirty, but above all, betrayed. even if it was a few weeks since you’ve met, you still saw them as family. sure, you weren’t technically blood-related but in the papers it’s a different story.
when osamu pulled away, you averted your eyes but his hand reached up to hold your chin, forcing your eyes to meet. you feel his other hand trailing up your thighs, fingers dangerously close to your clothed sex as he watched you like a fox. he wanted to commit this moment to memory. every twitch and small gasp you make as his cold fingers pinched at your clit and traced your pussy lips.
“staying quiet, princess?” atsumu comments, hands snaking around front to squeeze and grope your breasts over the bra you wore. “ya weren’t like this when i caught ya touchin’ yerself last week.”
your eyes widened. when you tried turning your head to look over your shoulder towards the other twin, osamu shoved two fingers inside you.
your reaction was immediate. the pleasure and pain mixing as a loud gasp escapes your lips. “eyes up front,” he murmurs, the firm hold on your chin going higher to encase your whole jaw.
“oi, ‘samu, didn’t think you’re the possessive type,” atsumu says, teasingly placing his chin on your shoulder as he smiles that lazy smile you know osamu hates. “not that i’m going to lose.”
the older twin slips your bra off just as osamu takes his fingers out to lewdly lick up your slick. he moans, keeping his eyes trained on your horrified face. “sweet. but not wet enough for us, angel.”
“let me have a go.”
before you could even react, atsumu’s spinning you around to face him as he shoves your shoulders down. due to the cramped space, your head collides with osamu’s thighs, narrowly missing the tent in his joggers. the weight in his thighs makes the younger twin fidget and squirm as he hastily reaches for your hand, pulling his bottoms down just enough for his cock to spring out. you wince when it hits the side of your face. osamu loved the disgust in your face when he spat at your hand and used it to get himself off as he started stroking his cock.
meanwhile, in one swift motion, atsumu is pulling your panties down and licking a stripe up your cunny, the tip of his tongue prodding at your clit as his hands come up to slap your pussy. “how dare ya be so quiet,” he hisses, sucking harsher on your clit to pull a reaction out of you. “let me hear ya whine and moan, babe. i’m fuckin’ sure as hell my tongue is better than some cheap ass vibrator ya used.”
but your lips are stubbornly sealed as you arched your back. like hell you’d play into their wants and sick fantasies. they were your cousins! forcing you to enjoy this is just downright wrong. and knowing they’ve eavesdropped and silently lusted over you while having those innocent little smiles on their faces… were they not in the least bit guilty for deceiving you? deceiving your parents?
“give ‘er somethin’ bigger. i think she’s askin’ for it.” osamu says, kneading one of your breasts and tweaking your nipples as he continued to pump himself using your hand. 
because he lost to rock paper scissors, he’s going to fuck you after atsumu and no matter how furious he was, a deal’s a deal.
like an idea switching inside his head, atsumu falters, staring right at you with sparkles in his eyes before his lips curled into a devious smirk.
“no, no, no,” you scramble, trying to sit up in order to push him away but osamu is quick to pin you down. “atsumu—no—you don’t want to do this, please—!”
“shut it, princess. i know what i want and that’s to fuck yer sweet little cunny right ‘ere,” he mocks by planting a sweet kiss against your lower lips.
“can ya stop with the dirty talk my dick’ll go soft, ya scrub!” osamu hisses, his hands wrapped around yours getting tighter as the lewd sounds of his slick gets louder. 
no matter how much osamu denies it, he’s getting off on seeing you squirming under atsumu and god he never thought to have a voyeurism kink but here we are.
atsumu shoves his boxers down and you turn away from glancing down at his cock, osamu had to ruthlessly pull your hair and make you look as you slowly start tearing up. he was bigger than most guys you’ve met in college and you dread the painful stretch it’ll take for him to shove that dick inside you.
“shh, princess. don’tcha worry, yer all prepped to take me.” he scissors your pussy lips, the sticky wetness creating lewd sounds before pushing his stained fingers into your mouth. “hear that? go on and taste yerself.”
he gave you no choice, fingers pushing your tongue down until you obliged to his wishes. from behind you, you hear a low grunt and a pant as osamu throws his head back. he was close, you could tell and you surely didn’t want your face to be near his cock once he cums.
“‘tsumu, god damn it! hurry and fuck ‘er already!”
osamu was close and his mind was clouded. he needed to see you get railed in order for him to teeter towards that delicious edge of pure ecstasy. needed to hear the noises like the ones you made that night.
“i got it, i got it. fuckin’ impatient bastard.”
“atsumu, stop—!”
but he doesn't bother to listen, pushing his cock deep all in a single thrust. you were right. the stretch slightly stings and you bet it would’ve hurt more had he not bothered to suck and lick at your pussy earlier. “it hurts,” you sob, trying to curl in on yourself while keeping atsumu from leaning in.
but your strength is no match for him as he peppers light kisses down your neck, osamu helping with pushing your hair away to expose more skin. “shh, shh,” the faux-blond coos. “it’ll get better, i promise ya. yer gonna love it so let me move, okay?”
“no, wait, take it out, wai—!”
he starts thrusting, timed and rhythmic as his hands reach under your thighs, slightly raising your lower body to meet the angle of his hips. you couldn’t deny that it felt good like he said. the heavenly drag of his dick inside your walls, feeling you squeeze around him just as he nearly pulls out, only to thrust it all back in again. he wanted to keep this “making love” pace as long as he wants but he’s getting irritated but how you still wanted to keep your pretty lips shut.
that’s when you truly felt the vehicle jolting back and forth, brought by the sudden way atsumu manically fucks you like some animal. the change of pace surprised you greatly, choking on your saliva and letting out a pornographic “ah!” as he started railing you in the backseat of his car. you were way past the point of no return as immense pleasure spiked your nerves. all thoughts of somehow fighting their advances being shot out the window.
“that’s it,” atsumu pants, swinging your legs up against your chest to fuck you even deeper. “come on, make some noise, princess. i want people to hear how good i make ya feel even if they’re miles away.”
after all this is over and the lustful haze they forced you under is gone, you’ll regret the way you moaned and groaned and whined like how you’re doing now. embarrassing, how even as atsumu leans closer to kiss you, you don’t push him away. a mess of saliva and sweat mixing as his pace doesn’t relent and the fierce jolts of the car only adds up to your pleasure.
“‘tsumu!” you screamed, one hand holding onto his hair and the other scratching at his back. “i’m close—shit!”
he replies with a moan of his own, drawn out and whiny, feeling your walls suffocating his cock as he continues to drive it in and out with a speed you’ve never experienced with your past rendezvous. perks of being an athlete, you guess. “don’tcha dare fuckin’ cum until i tell ya to or else.”
but that little devil is making it harder for you to obey him as one of his hands snakes in between your bodies to start toying with your clit, drawing firm circles and figure 8’s to draw in that eventual release. “no, no, ‘tsumu don’t!” you tried reaching down but his hand only tugs it back, firmly holding your wrist as he continues his ministrations.
it’s too much. you were feeling it all too much and in the heat of the moment, you forgot everything else—you arch your back and felt your climax crashing over you as your cum steadily makes a mess off the backseat with every thrust atsumu made.
he stops.
his head hangs low, looking at the view of your interconnected bodies before scoffing in disbelief. menacingly, he raises his head to make eye contact with you. “didn’t i fuckin’ tell ya to cum only if i tell ya to cum?”
the faux-blond grabs at your hair, ruthlessly tilting it back as you feel a sticky sensation running down your nether lips. you shake your head, eyes wide like a deer in headlights.
“i don’t care. i warned ya, didn’t i? so don’t fuckin’ hate me after all this is over.”
suddenly you feel your fight surging through you again like a tidal wave. this is wrong. how dare they do it even after you said no. how dare they do it and make you enjoy it?
“aw, cute. angel’s still got some fight in ‘er left.”
you thrashed against atsumu as soon as he swiftly pulls out of you. he doesn’t even break a sweat while restraining you with his bare hands.
“let me go! you fuckers! i’ll tell—”
“tell who? our parents? this isn’t elementary school, princess. ya get what ya fuckin’ deserve and it’s not our fault ya like swingin’ that pretty ass so much.”
you growl as a retort, attempting to bite atsumu’s hand off as he swiftly spins you around to lay on your stomach. you cringe, feeling your sticky essence against your skin. you didn't have time to feel humiliated, not as you came face to face with osamu’s still erect and angry dick.
you weren’t dumb, you knew why the faux-blond made you face his twins’ way—this is to be your punishment, he said, all the while feeling him scramble about behind you. it wasn’t only ‘til you feel atsumu’s tip prodding at your ass did you realize what’s going to happen.
“go on and give our ‘samu a nice suck, yeah? put on a show and if ya dare use yer teeth, i’ll personally make sure ya regret ever coming to hyōgo.”
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you came back at dawn, during the sunrise. it’s glow basking the whole house in a nice orange tint. “what are you guys doing up so early?” your mom asks when she sees the three of you piling in from the front door.
she was too busy rubbing the sleep out of her eyes that she missed everything—the way osamu’s oppressive arm wrapped around your shoulder got tighter, the way atsumu gave you a nasty side eye, and especially the fearful expression on your face.
“no - nothing, mom. they just wanted to have a birthday countdown for me.”
“oh, right! happy 21st, sweetheart.”
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rocorambles · 4 years
A Skulk of Foxes
Pairing: Kita x Reader
Prompt: Fantasy
Genre: SFW, Fluff, Fox Shifter Kita, Fantasy AU, Shifter AU
Summary: You moved to the woods to start fresh, begin a new chapter in your life. Little do you know just how much your world is about to change because of a skulk of foxes.  
Author’s Note: This is my contribution for my HQ Discord Server’s SFW collaboration. There are so many talented writers on the server and I highly encourage you to check out the collaboration masterlist here to see how everyone decided to run with this prompt. (Masterlist goes live Thursday, October 29th 11:00pm U.K. time!) 
You sigh with relief when you finally finish unpacking the last box of your possessions, stretching your aching muscles as excitement finally begins to bubble inside of you when you proudly look at your new home you’ve made for yourself. Reality is finally sinking in and your giddy with the feeling of a fresh start, a new beginning. The quaint little cabin is certainly different from the cramped modern apartment you had in the heart of Tokyo, but different is exactly what you need and you nestle into the cozy armchair by the window in your new living room, a cup of hot tea in your hands as you enjoy the silence of nature and the view of swaying branches. 
If anyone were to have told you that you’d willingly choose to live in the middle of the woods by yourself a few years ago, you would have laughed. You were a city girl through and through and the idea of not being surrounded by the noise of traffic and crowds of people was baffling. But after your long-term relationship had taken a nosedive into the ground and crash and burned, suddenly the city felt suffocating, filled with too many memories, too many mutual acquaintances and when you had seen this listing on your way back home from work one night, you had jumped at the opportunity to escape it all and start a new chapter. 
Your new way of life takes some adjusting to, but you don’t mind as you pull on your new hiking boots, eager to explore the acres of wooded lands you’re surrounded by. The air is crisp and fresh, and you inhale deeply, soaking in the peaceful quiet only interrupted by the crunching of dirt and grass under your feet. And that’s how your days idle by, you scoping out the area in the early mornings as the sun is rising with your trusty nature handbook you’d bought in one hand, a basket in the other hand as you look back and forth between the herbs and plants you see and the painted illustrations and tips in the book, returning with a bundle of freshly picked produce before signing onto your work computer and dutifully putting in your hours. It’s a tiring grind, but when you finally get to power down your laptop and sit outside under the bright night stars with a glass of wine in your hand, it doesn’t seem so bad after all. 
You get savvier and more adventurous, really leaning into country living as you begin to grow your own vegetables and fruit, set up a fire pit, plant flowers that you use to spruce up your living space. It’s a wonderful life, but there’s only one slight concern in the back of your mind.
The foxes. 
Growing up in the city, you’d never learned how to handle animals other than the rats and roaches the concrete jungle was infested with. Sure, you love your share of fluffy dogs and cats that you’d pet and play with, but there’s a big difference between domesticized pets and wild animals and you had noticed early on that your neck of the woods seemed to be rampant with foxes. You wonder if it’s just the fact that you’d never seen a fox in real life before, but you can’t help but think these foxes seem much larger than your usual fox, their fur and eye colors ranging far more than you thought was biologically possible. But even though they seem to like hovering around you and watching you intently from a distance, they never draw near and they leave your gardens alone, so you dismiss their presence, letting them do as they please as you go about your own business. 
The weather’s getting colder and you figure now is the time to test the fire pit you’d built. It takes a bit of fumbling around, but you beam with pride when you get a flame started, mesmerized by the flickering light and warmth beginning to billow. And although the wind has a bite to it, the radiating heat keeps you comfortable as you roast the chicken you had bought in town, mouth already watering as the smell of cooked meat begins to permeate throughout the air. But you’re startled when two furry bodies suddenly brush up against you and you stay perfectly still, unsure what to do when a gold fox leaps into your lap, curling into a fluffy ball as he stares at you while a silver fox calmly sits next to you, nudging your hand with his head in a silent order to pet him and you tentatively scratch behind his ears, staring in awe as he leans into your touch. 
For wild animals, they’re oddly well behaved and affectionate and you’re frankly stunned that they hadn’t just pounced at the raw meat and ran away with your dinner. But you’re not complaining and you continue petting them as your meal continues cooking, only stopping to their dismay when the chicken is ready to be cut up. Your heart breaks a bit when you see them staring expectantly at you and you swear they're both pouting as you make a move to bring the chicken inside the house, but their ears perk up when you leave your door open and beckon them inside and they’re quick to race towards you, rushing between your legs before making their way to your dining table and jumping up on the extra chairs you have set. It’s certainly an odd sight to see two large wild foxes easily make themselves at home, but you can’t help but fondly smile at them when you prepare three plates of food and they eagerly dig in. 
They’re surprisingly neat about eating and it’s almost eerie how they seem to purposefully keep the scraps and bones on their plate, almost human-like the way they grab your napkin, using it to wipe their mouths and paws. Maybe they used to be someone’s pets? But you don’t dwell on it, enjoying the company they provide as they curl up by your feet as you wash the dishes, as their feet pitter-patter after you as you do some errands around the cabin and you’re almost sad when they nudge you to the door, waiting for you to let them out before you go to sleep. 
You quickly realize there’s nothing to be sad about, not when you have a furry entourage that walks beside you whenever you’re outside, not when bodies are weaving in between your legs, almost threatening to trip you with how excited they are to play with you, not when heads are constantly butting against you, begging for pets. It seems like your two friends had spread the word and now you have a whole slew of friendly foxes wanting to get to know you better and you love every second of it, even building a little door for them to easily walk in and out of your cabin and it becomes a common occurrence for you to wake up to fluffy bodies curled around your body, for foxes to be perched on your dining room chairs at meal times, for you to have a lap full of needy foxes wanting your attention when all your bellies are full.  
But there’s one fox who keeps his distance from you and even though he’s not the largest of the bunch, even you can sense the quiet authority he has as the other foxes are quick to lower their heads submissively and run to him when he barks at them. Even the golden fox who you’ve come to pinpoint as the troublemaker of the group seems to quiet down a bit around him and one day when he’s being just a tad too rowdy with you, nipping you harder than usual as he excitedly pounces on you, he immediately whines and sinks his head into the crook of your neck in apology when the light gray leader harshly growls at him. You affectionately pet the sad gold pile in your arms and verbally assure the gray fox that you’re fine even though you’re sure that he can’t understand a word you’re saying, but to your surprise, as if he comprehends exactly what you’re trying to convey, the gray fox relaxes a bit and lies back down, going back to quietly watching his pack and you. 
The weather’s becoming frigid and you know it’s silly to worry about clearly healthy and strong wild animals who’ve fended for themselves their whole lives, but you can’t help the pang of concern you have for your furry friends as snow begins to creep in. However, in hindsight, maybe you should have been more concerned for yourself. It’s an especially brutal day and you really shouldn’t be outside at all, not with the wind whipping at neck breaking speeds and torrential amounts of snow pouring down, but like a true city idiot, you’d procrastinated about restocking your wood supply and now with nothing left to keep you warm, you have no choice but to venture out and collect as much as you can to at least keep a fire going on during the worst of the snow storm. 
You pride yourself on knowing the woods like the back of your hand now, but the pain of the wind whipping your face and the never ending white in your vision as the snow keeps on coming down makes it hard to concentrate, makes it hard to orient yourself and as the frost begins to get to you, making you shiver, making you lose all train of thoughts other than the fact that you’re literally freezing to death, you panic. You’re frozen stiff as you wildly circle around, trying to calm the swirling dark thoughts in your head as you try to make sense of where you are, but it’s no use. Everything looks the same now and you think you might be sick from the rocketing anxiety inside of you, but you’re pulled back to reality by a harsh tug at your coat sleeve and you almost sob in relief when you see a familiar light gray pelt tipped with black. 
Brown eyes look imploringly at you as he gives your sleeve another harsh tug and that’s all the encouragement you need to stumble after him, trusting him to bring you back to safety. Your legs are numb and there’s not a hint of grace in your steps and for a second, you’re afraid of falling behind, but your heart warms at the way he makes sure to never be more than an arm's length in front of you, always turning his head back to make sure you’re still right behind him, nipping insistently at you when you pause for too long. And even when you finally reach your cabin, he practically shoves you through your door with his whole body, almost ripping your clothes as he rapidly helps you remove your soaked through clothing. 
You’re shocked to see him still standing outside your bathroom door when you finally step out of the warm water, but still overwhelmed and exhausted by the day’s events, you only briefly acknowledge him as your body barely makes it to your bed before collapsing. And as your eyes shut and you slip under a heavy cloud of sleep, you swear you feel arms and hands rearranging you, carefully tucking you underneath your blankets, propping your head up on a pillow. You swear you hear a male voice scolding you for putting yourself in danger, telling you to rest. But too exhausted to open your heavy lids, you chalk it up to your imagination before completely drifting off. 
You’ll never be able to fully explain what happened as you finally wake up only to find that a fire has been started, a healthy supply of dry wood set up by it, your wet clothes hung up to dry, but unable to really remember much after you’d been guided back to your cabin, you think you must have just been working on auto-pilot before you passed out. (Never mind that you certainly don’t remember collecting that much wood.) But with no better explanation, you let it be, just glad to be safe and warm. And it seems like you’re not the only one happy to still see you alive and kicking as familiar visitors come by to check in on you and you have a strange suspicion that they’re worried about you, even the gold fox being more docile than usual as he cuddles with you. To your surprise, their leader also pays you a visit and you can’t help but feel chastised when you thank him for rescuing you, only to get a sharp nip and a growl in return and you swear he’s glowering at you. But it seems that all is forgiven when he shoves the gold fox out of your lap and regally takes his place, curling up and falling fast asleep on top of you. 
They never let you leave your cabin alone again that winter and it’s almost comical when they let out a series of howls as you climb into your car when you refuse to let even one of them ride with you. You wonder if an outsider would think you’re crazy as you speak to them, telling them you’d be right back after you pick up some much needed supplies and food from town that you can’t get by yourself in the woods. But eventually they quiet down and you chuckle when you see them all sitting outside your cabin through your rear car window, watching you leave, and you have a strong suspicion that they’ll be in the same exact position waiting for you when you return home. 
The town’s small, but everyone’s so friendly and helpful that you don’t mind waiting a tiny bit longer in line as the sole cashier takes care of everyone, enjoying the friendly chitter chatter and catching up on what’s been going on. The sheriff greets you and you smile at the handsome man. Daichi had been one of the first people to go out of his way to greet you. “It’s a sheriff’s duty to know everyone in town,” he had said, but you had a feeling that sheriff or not, he’d still be friendly enough to try and get to know the new person in town. Conversation is pleasant as both of you share what’s been going on in your lives, but your heart drops when he warns you to be careful of poachers in your area. His team is still trying to find and arrest them, but until then, he cautions you from wandering too far from home. He continues rambling on, but you’ve completely tuned him out, your mind only thinking of your new furry family and everything is a blur as you shakily pack your car trunk and race home. 
Relief floods through you when you see the foxes still lazing about and lounging in your yard, perking up at the sight and sound of your rapidly approaching vehicle. But their fur stands up and their tails rise in agitation at your distressed state as you usher them into the safety of your cabin and before you know it, you’re surrounded by multiple bodies whimpering and trying to jump on you to soothe you. You know it’s silly to talk to them and try to explain what’s going on, but with no other way to relay your feelings, you tell them what Daichi had told you, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes when you beg them to be careful, telling them they can use your house as a safe shelter whenever they need, and you don’t even realize that you’re almost completely sobbing until their light gray leader leaps into your lap and gently laps away your salty tears, nuzzling his face against your cheek as if he’s trying to comfort you. And whether or not that’s really what he was intending, you do feel better as you hug his large body close to you, burying your face into his soft fur. 
You feel lighter after that night, still a little wary and concerned for your newfound friends, but days pass and life seems normal. You don’t hear gunshots. You don’t see strange men roaming through the woods. Daichi and you keep in contact and although he tells you they still haven’t caught the perpetrators yet, slight hope rises in you and you wonder if they’ve moved on to a different area. But your hopes are instantly dashed when you’re abruptly woken by paws frantically clawing at you, loud distressed howls right in your ear and with your heart thumping out of your chest you stare with wide bleary eyes at the gold and silver foxes nudging you out of bed, one leading the way, the other repeatedly rushing you, his head pushing against the back of your legs. 
You have a bad feeling about what has them in such an uproar and you hate that your apprehension was warranted when you see their leader crying in pain, an ugly sharp metal contraption digging deeply into one of his front legs and suddenly you’re moving even faster than your furry companions as you lunge towards him, quickly, but carefully trying to assess the damage, trying to figure out how to untangle him from the horrid trap. You’ve just managed to pry open the trap enough for him to free himself and limp a bit aways when you hear the sounds of men's voices and approaching footsteps. And there’s nothing friendly about the way they’re shouting, nothing welcoming about the glint of their guns in the flashlight beams bouncing around, so before you can even strategically think about what you’re doing, you pick up the injured fox, careful not to jostle or touch his wound as you run as fast as your legs can move, not stopping even when your lungs are burning from exertion, even when you want to keel over from exhaustion, urged on and not allowed to slow down by the nips to your ankles the gold and silver foxes give you as they run alongside you. 
Gunshots are whizzing around you, but you have the knowledge of the terrain and expert guides on your side and the angry screams get quieter and farther away the longer you race forward before soon enough there’s only your labored breathing and the tiny cries of the fox you’re holding to your chest. But despite that, you don’t slow down, throwing your front door open as you slowly lay the gray fox on your bed, rushing to grab your first-aid box while simultaneously calling Daichi, putting him on speaker phone as you wash the bloody matted fur. You know you must sound frazzled, distracted as you fumble with words, trying to give him the best approximate location you can of where you’d lost the poachers while you tenderly pet the whimpering fox who’s hissing with every wipe you give to his bleeding injury, but you thank whoever’s listening that Daichi makes sense of your stuttered words and tells you he’s on his way to scan the area and for you to get some rest before hanging up and leaving you to give your sole attention to your patient. 
You whisper sweet encouraging words in a soft tone, apologizing and stroking his stomach everytime he winces as you continue cleaning his wound, but he stays perfectly still, not budging even an inch despite his discomfort and when you finally bandage him up, you smile as you see him finally slumping into your bedsheets, exhaustion finally catching up to him now that adrenaline isn’t amping him up and you can’t help the affectionate kiss you plant on his forehead as you tuck him into your bed, unaware of the way brown eyes stare at you in shock, unblinking as they process the intimate gesture you’d gifted him. And when you get ready for bed, shooing the other foxes out of your room to give your special guest some space and peace to fully relax, you’re still oblivious to the way a wet snout tentatively returns your gesture when you close your eyes, making light contact with your own forehead before curling his furry head underneath your chin and basking in your natural warmth. 
It’s warm when you wake up, which is welcome when it’s frigid outside of the safety of your blankets and you instinctively lean into the source expecting to feel the familiar plush fur of the foxes who come to share your bed sometimes. But your eyes shoot open when you feel warm skin underneath your fingertips and you have to fight back the scream when you come face to face with a man you don’t recognize who’s groggily opening his brown eyes, your body scrambling backwards. Tangled in the sheets, you don’t get far and fear lances through you as you stare wide-eyed at the stranger beside you who’s...panicking even more than you are? 
You pause in your escape attempt as you take a closer look at the man who’s frantically wrapping your blanket around his bare body, brown eyes staring at you in fear which is strange considering this is your room he’s intruding in. Common sense tells you to be wary and yet there’s something familiar about his eyes and when you finally take note of his light gray hair tipped with black and the bandage around his arm, disbelief runs through you as you tentatively approach his huddled form. 
“Are you- are you the fox I took care of?”
Brown eyes warily observe you as you draw near, but they widen in surprise when your hand gently runs through his hair and you give him the same sweet smile you’ve always given him when he was in his fox form. 
“You’re not scared of me?” 
You laugh. “If anything, I’m more surprised than anything else. Care to explain?”
And spurred on by the hope that the human he’s come to love might actually accept him for who he really is, he is quick to tell you everything and anything and you listen in amazement as he tells you about shifters, how him and his pack are all fox shifters, how there are different types of shifters all over the world, how they’re much more common than humans realize. He tells you his name, Kita, and the names of every fox shifter you’ve met. He tells you about the awful history of humans hunting them down to sell on the black market which has led them to live as foxes, deep in the woods, away from any living soul. He tells you about how you’re the first human his pack has interacted with for years, the first human to gain their trust after years of loneliness, never being able to access or connect with their human side. 
There’s a brief moment of silence as you take everything in, still softly carding your fingers through his hair. But the lingering question in your head finally slips out. 
“Why did you reveal yourself to me now?”
And your lips quirk at the shy flustered expression on his face as he buries deeper into your cozy blankets. 
“I was too exhausted to keep my fox form after everything that happened last night.”
But before you can tease him a bit more, there’s a knock on your door and you panic, unsure how to explain the unknown man in your cabin. However, it seems that you have nothing to worry about when you spin around, only to see Kita’s fox form nonchalantly curled up in your bed, looking at you with his own smug amusement at your gaping mouth. You rush to the door, Kita padding after you, a slight limp from his front leg and upon seeing the sheriff through your peephole, you greet him, giddy with relief when he tells you that they’ve managed to apprehend all the poachers thanks to your tip last night. 
It never crosses your mind how strange it was that Daichi so easily arrested all the men despite your extremely vague directions and despite it being pitch black, but unknown to you, it’s easier than you think to maneuver through the dense night woods when you have wings. However, Kita’s more perceptive than you and when he scents the air, he looks in interest at the man who smells like a crow and brown and black eyes lock for a second as a hint of acknowledgement runs through Daichi’s eyes when the shifter inside of him sees the fox for what he really is. But it’s only a fleeting glance, too quick for your human eyes to notice, and Daichi parts ways, subtly nodding to the fox who’s currently laying on your feet before waving goodbye to you, leaving Kita and you alone once again. Well, maybe not that alone, you think, as a group of familiar foxes come racing towards the both of you once Daichi is gone. 
Life is chaotic, in a good way, but chaotic nonetheless after that. It’s a new dynamic for all of you as you try to merge your two worlds and ways of life together. It no longer phases you when you see glimpses of naked men running here and there as they shift between their human and fox forms and you’ve learned to always have spare sets of clothing on hand to quickly throw their way when they do decide to take their human shape for a spin. Atsumu has finally stopped whining about not being allowed to sleep in your bed with you anymore after Kita had put him in his place and your face goes hot when you remember exactly what had transpired during that conversation. 
When you had found out they were shifters, you found yourself being a little more self-conscious and self-aware around them. It seemed unbecoming of a woman to be sharing the same bed or changing in front of foxes that turned into handsome men and soon Kita was the only one allowed in your bedroom. Atsumu had howled and complained the first night that Kita slipped into your bed next to you, demanding to also be let in, questioning why Kita was allowed to sleep with you, especially in his human form. And suddenly feeling like a parent who suddenly has to explain the birds and the bees to their child, you grow flustered, unsure how to broach the subject. But sensing your panic, a large hand gently grabbed your chin, turning you until you were facing the serious countenance that you’d come to love, and in front of the still wailing younger man, he had captured your lips in a searing kiss before pointedly looking at a suddenly silent Atsumu. 
“That’s why,” he had calmly said, but before he could even fully voice those two words, Atsumu had quickly retreated, closing the door behind him and leaving the two of you alone. 
The two of you had skirted around directly talking about what was going on between the two of you, but that kiss had officially sealed the deal and you both stay up late that night, talking about your future life together, as his mate, as your boyfriend and it seems like unsurprisingly, Atsumu has run his mouth off and the whole pack is there waiting to congratulate you two on finally getting together the next morning. 
And now here you are, living in a recently expanded cabin, loud and full of bodies, both furry and human. You take a sip of your coffee, rolling your eyes as you hear the twins bicker, a slight smile on your face when you see Aran and Suna in their fox forms, napping on the couch, the others sprawled out here and there as they cook and eat breakfast. But it’s the strong arms that wrap around your waist from behind, the mouth stealing a sip from your piping hot mug before burying his face in the crook of your neck and shoulder that makes your heart flutter and you turn to kiss Kita, melting into his hold as you both survey your new family, your new home.   
664 notes · View notes
so, after seeing the wonderful frozen xisuma art by @ambered-glazed-sheep i had an urge to write some comfort. so i did.
featuring: hermits looking after their admin, a very out of it x, lots of warmth, both physically and in friendships, the comfort after the hurt.
warnings: general being frozen. he's fine though! warmed by the love of his friends. even if he won't step into a snowy biome for a while after this.
"'Suma!" Xisuma can't gather the energy to open his eyes. The voice sounds far away, and he struggles to tell if it really is or not. A burning touch against his cheek breaks through the numbness that has long taken over his body. He twitches from it, muscles moving without his command. A rough noise leaves his throat. "He's freezing."
"I think that's a bit obvious!" That voice is high and distressed. Xisuma can't place why. He knows he recognises them but- His thoughts are distracted as he's moved. Powdered snow slips off his body, limp in the hands that hold him. "Come on, I've got a leather chest plate. Help me get him into it."
He barely manages a noise to protest being manhandled. There's gentle hushing in response as a force tugs at his arms. He can hardly tell which way is up anymore. Something is being pulled onto him and with some effort, he blinks his eyes open. He can't make sense of what he sees. It's just colours - blues as cold as the iciness inside him. None of the shapes come together in his head, no matter how hard he tries to focus. Exhausted, they fall shut again. His head rolls forward with them, quickly caught and laid back on something solid. He's sitting upright. Ah.
"C'mon, Xisuma." He's pretty sure that voice is talking to him. He's Xisuma, right? "Stay with us a bit longer." With a firm click, warmth blossoms in his chest. He sighs at the sensation. He didn't think his muscles could slack any further, but he slumps against the wall behind him all the same.
"I've got his helmet." Mm, his helmet. Something tugs through his hair, and he feels snow drop onto his nose. When did he take his helmet off? "Let's get him back to Hermitcraft." He makes a surprised noise when the wall behind him moves. There's something hooking under his arms, and then he's hauled upwards. Despite his best efforts, his feet only slide on the ground. He can't feel the surface underneath them. He's not sure if he should be fighting the grip or embracing it.
"Up you come, big guy." He attempts to open his eyes but gravity swings around him. Although he can't be sure, he thinks that squeaking noise came from his mouth. He squeezes his eyes shut to fight off the dizziness in his already clouded thoughts.
"Have we got everything?" The pressure on his body shuffles him, moving malleable limbs into position. Xisuma flexes his fingers into soft fabric. They ache with the movement, but he grips on tightly all the same.
"One derp of an admin successfully collected. We can come back for anything else." The sturdy chest he's leaning against rumbles with the words. Xisuma hums softly.
"Impulse, can you go ahead and make sure we have potions?" Xisuma allows his head to rest against the support holding him. Warmth is seeping back into his limbs at a snail's pace. He couldn't tell anyone where his feet are right now for the life of him.
"On it! I'll see you guys at spawn." His ears finally pick up on the crunch of snow. That must've been there before. He was recording something with it, wasn't he? Warmth presses on his head, ruffling his hair. He sinks down with a pleased sigh, mind feeling heavy.
"I'd say this is a mission success."
"Yes, and somebody is going to get a stern talking to." The warmth on his head leaves for a second when his nose is poked. Xisuma scrunches up his face. He has a vague notion that somebody might be him.
"Let's get him warm first-." The rest of the sentence trails off from Xisuma's hearing. His thoughts have only grown heavier, and he's too tired to fight that encouraging pull into sleep. He lets out a final sigh, curling into the warmth surrounding him. He's safe here. He can rest.
It takes some time for him to climb back to consciousness. He's cozy. There's a comfortable pressure shielding him from the world. When he listens, he can make out familiar voices talking without distinguishable words. Occasionally, there's someone holding him, and he can feel the words more than he can hear them. Xisuma is happy existing in this in-between. There's no pressure. No ever-present responsibility. And, his tired mind helpfully supplies, no cold. He'd begun to think he'd never feel warmth again out there.
His thoughts are more coherent now, at least. He can feel all the way down to his toes. His skin is covered in soft fabric, a comfortable cocoon. A fire crackles in the distance, the scent of food reaching his nose. Mushroom stew, he thinks. Rich and well-flavoured.
"Xisuma," a voice encourages, next to him, "I can see you twitching." Xisuma thinks his sigh is disappointed as he makes that final grab towards consciousness. He squints his eyes open into a warm glow. "There you are!" Xisuma hums in reply, trying to make out the person's silhouette.
"Cub?" The name sounds unsure to his own ears. Like his voice still isn't part of him. It didn't hurt as much as he expected. How many potions have they fed him?
"Yep. Welcome back, X." Xisuma lifts one of his arms, weaving it out of the blankets to rub his eyes. It still feels heavy, moving with an ache. Ugh, he hates the cold.
"Gettin' there." He frowns at his failed pronunciation. Nothing he can do about it now. Cub chuckles, ruffling through X's hair. Xisuma makes an annoyed noise, trying and very much failing to whack him away.
"Think you can manage some food?" Cub asks. Xisuma takes a deep sniff of the stew, his stomach twisting in previously forgotten hunger at the thought.
"Please." Cub smiles, leaving his side with a barely felt squeeze of the shoulder. These blankets are thick.
Xisuma uses the time to take stock of where he is, eyes adjusted to the light. It's the spawn hub he built. Across the central room, Cub has joined Joe and Impulse, working in front of a campfire he's pretty sure he didn't include. Underneath him is the soft surface of a bed. Something is warm inside the blanket, and he's fairly sure he wasn't wearing such fluffy clothes earlier. His armour is stacked against a chest next to the bed, helmet on the lid and within reach. He smiles.
"X!" He turns back as Impulse approaches, smile brighter than any of the lights in the room. "It's good to see you awake, man. Or coherent at least." Xisuma laughs a little self-deprecatingly.
"Ah, I didn't do anything too embarrassing whilst I was out, did I?" His memories of all that are a bit fuzzy. He remembers recording, and it was going well! He'd taken good notes and he was working through them efficiently. Then he remembers lying there in the snow, wondering if he'd ever move again (he won't linger on that memory.) Next thing he knows, he's being picked up.
"Well, unless you count clinging to Cub like a child?" Hm. The blush he can feel at the thought answers that one. Impulse takes in his expression and laughs, "Nah, you were fine! We won't tell anyone. Lips sealed."
Xisuma doesn't get the chance to reply as Cub and Joe join them, bowls of stew and a plate of sliced bread in hand. They set up a few chairs with a table between them. Xisuma has to shuffle his sore limbs forward to reach. He jumps in surprise when something rolls out of his blanket pile, hitting the floor with a thud. Impulse reaches down and scoops it into his hand. He unwraps the bundle, revealing the stone within.
"Magma rocks, wrapped up so they're not too hot," he explains at Xisuma's confused look. "Zed's idea, actually. Keeps him warm in that massive cave of his." Oh. That explains the extra heat source, then. Xisuma reaches out for a slice of bread, dipping it into the stew. He smiles as he watches it soak in, taking his time to enjoy this. It smells glorious, and it tastes just as good.
Once he's half way through his stew, he finally asks, "What happened? I'm still a little confused." The three share a look. Cub is the one who shrugs.
"You went to record a snapshot overview, right?"
Xisuma nods, "I did indeed. And the next thing I remember is being on the ground. And cold." Can't forget the cold. He kind of wishes he could.
"Well, Xisuma," Joe sits up straight as he speaks. His bowl is already empty. How did he manage that without Xisuma realising? "We noticed after a few days that our dear admin hadn't come back. So after a few messages with no response, we went to look for you. And what do we find but our admin curled up in the snow, looking like an icicle."
"Seriously, X," Impulse says it with a gentle sigh, "Why would you set your spawn in the snow?" Xisuma's mouth opens, but he ends up simply rubbing his neck. It does nothing to hide the blush creeping onto his face.
"Ah, goodness." He chuckles once his words return. "Not my smartest move, then."
"Well, you've had your moments." Cub's smile is as fond as it is teasing. Xisuma returns to dipping his last slice of bread in the stew, hopefully not embarrassing himself further.
"You know, you're kind of lucky, X," Joe adds, with a smile a little too smug for him, "Cleo wanted to come." X winces at the thought, swallowing his food down on instinct. He got off very lucky indeed. "We're still going to talk about this," Joe warns, "but I'll hold her wrath off for now." Xisuma hums, tugging the blanket tighter around his shoulders.
"We don't want anything to happen to you, Xisuma," Impulse tells him, ever so soft. "We had no idea something did. What if we hadn't checked?" It's not a comfortable thought.
"I'll think of something," X decides. "I see what you're saying."
"Well, technically you don't see it-" Cub rolls his eyes at Joe, taking the empty bowls to wash up. Only Xisuma hasn't finished.
"Joe, I'm trying to be serious, man!" Impulse protests. Xisuma hides his laugh behind a spoonful of stew. He continues eating, listening to the three go back and forth. Later, they'll work out a plan for future snapshots. Frequent check ins, a buddy maybe. But, for now. For now, he gets to spend time with what matters most. His friends.
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professorkenobi · 4 years
a catboy for christmas
Note: This is a big time jump forward in the stray catboy au, but you can read the last part here. And you can see adorable art for this snippet by the wonderful shatou here! Happy Holidays all!
For many years, Obi-Wan had dutifully broken out the ladder and strung up Christmas lights on his house every December. And, for many years, he’d opted against shopping for a tree, hauling it into his living room and decorating it, just for him to be the only person who’d enjoy it.
On the odd year that he had friends over during the holiday season, he’d break out the holly-trimmed dinnerware set from the storage bin in the garage, but that was about the extent of his indoor decorating.
He was always busy with the end of the semester anyway. To go to all of that effort just for himself was pointless.
But, with Anakin, it was different. 
Halfway through the ordeal of stringing lights from the roof, Anakin came outside with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, still rubbing sleep from his eyes.
“Why didn’t you wake me up?”
“You were sleeping quite peacefully when I got up at seven.”
Anakin made a face. “Well, now that it’s a normal time to be awake I can help.”
Which was how Anakin ended up the one balancing on the top of the ladder, seemingly very much in his element, while Obi-Wan fed him the lights from the ground. 
By the time they were finished, Obi-Wan’s hands were numb in his gloves and Anakin’s ears were stiff from the cold. So Obi-Wan went about making hot chocolate while Anakin started a fire, and Anakin roped him into watching not just Home Alone, but the sequels too (“How can this be the sequel, that isn’t even the same child,”—”Just trust me, okay, it’s really good!”—sigh).
He didn’t register exactly when he started rubbing his fingers over Anakin’s silky ears to warm them up, but he continued even after Anakin scooted closer and dropped his head onto his shoulder.
Obi-Wan asked around at work for the best Christmas tree farm in the area, so that weekend they bundled up and set about finding a tree to fit in the corner of the living room.
He’d been planning to pick out a tree alone, knowing Anakin was still struggling with venturing out into public, but as soon as he’d mentioned the trip Anakin had perked up and declared they should go right now, before all the good trees are taken!
Obi-Wan soon discovered out that by good trees, Anakin meant big trees.
“This one.”
“Anakin, that’s not going to fit.”
Anakin pointed at the tree with the axe in his hand. “But it’s the perfect tree! It smells the freshest.”
Obi-Wan shook his head. Smells the freshest, really...
The tree also happened to be ample enough to take up half their living room. But Obi-Wan ran a hand over the branches, checking for loose needles, and discovered that this was indeed the healthiest tree they’d seen so far. And if it was the one Anakin wanted…
“Alright then, looks like we found our tree.”
Anakin’s responding grin set off a delicate flutter in his chest. 
The tree was almost too big to fit the racks on Obi-Wan’s sedan, but they somehow managed to secure it.
With Anakin taking charge of not only chopping the tree down, but also heaving its bulk through the front door, Obi-Wan couldn’t imagine not having Anakin with him for the task. 
The realization that he couldn’t imagine ever not having Anakin with him again hit him like a snowball to the chest.
It got dark out so early at this time of year, but inside Obi-Wan’s little kitchen it was cozy and bright, filled with the spicy scent of baking gingerbread. 
“Where’s the vanilla?” 
“Middle shelf on the end.” He nodded in the general direction.
“Gotcha!” Jars clattered as Anakin rummaged through the cabinet. Obi-Wan set the last spoon in the dish drainer and wiped his hands on a towel.
He turned just in time to catch Anakin pouring vanilla straight into the mixer bowl.
Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t you supposed to measure that?” 
“Leave the science to me, old man.” Anakin cracked a sharp-toothed smile and started the mixer, mostly drowning out the jazz drifting from the speakers. 
It was true that Obi-Wan wasn’t much of a baker. He was a fair cook, but tended to stick to the same rotation of dishes for his weekly meal planning. Anakin, on the other hand, was accomplished enough that he had a disquieting tendency to play fast and loose with the recipe.
It bothered Obi-Wan less than he would have thought. He couldn’t even bring himself to mind the mess. Not when it was created by Anakin flitting around the kitchen, getting a dusting of flour on his ears and everything else in the vicinity. 
Obi-Wan busied himself drying dishes until the mixer powered down.
“Wanna lick?”
Anakin stood at his shoulder, holding out a beater absolutely drenched in white frosting. His other hand hovered underneath to catch any drips. 
“Ah— tempting, but no thank you.” 
“You sure?” Anakin shook the beater slightly, and a small glob fell onto his fingers. “It’s delicious.” 
“It’s yours.” 
He had been tempted. But forgoing something small to make Anakin happy felt the most natural thing in the world.
“Your loss!” 
Anakin stuck the tip of the beater into his mouth and began enthusiastically licking up the frosting. Obi-Wan caught a flash of pink tongue twining between the wires and swallowed reflexively, heat rising to his cheeks. 
He was dimly aware that he was staring, but he couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away. Not as Anakin began cleaning off his hands, seemingly unaware of the picture he made with one sticky finger after another disappearing between his full lips and more frosting smeared across his cheek.
“You have a little, er, by your mouth there,” he managed. 
“Oh, thanks.” Anakin wiped at his face, missing by a mile. “Did I get it?” 
Obi-Wan chuckled. “Not quite— here, let me.” He swiped at Anakin’s cheek with his thumb and, unthinkingly, brought it to his mouth. 
The taste of vanilla and sugar burst saccharine on his tongue. 
“You were right.” 
Anakin blinked at him, wide-eyed. “A-about what?” 
“It is delicious.” 
He was straining to reach the top of the tree when Anakin walked in from the kitchen, the last bite of a cookie in his hand.
“Wait, let me do that!” 
Anakin swiped the star from his hands with ease and went right up on his tip-toes. He had just the extra couple inches that were needed to place the star in the right spot, nestling it among the highest branches so it wouldn’t topple.
Then he turned to him, a wide grin dimpling his cheeks. “How’s that?”
The sight of Anakin, backlit by the tree’s sparkling lights, bundled in Obi-Wan’s biggest sweater with pale thighs bare above argyle socks, and smiling at him with open joy—it stole his breath, made him feel a little unsteady on his feet.
“It’s perfect.” He reached up to push a stray curl out of Anakin’s face, and his hand got playfully headbutted in return. “Thank you, dear.”
Anakin went pink at that, ducking his head and busying himself with rearranging the garland on the tree. Obi-Wan felt his cheeks go a touch warm as well. He hadn’t meant to say it so… affectionately. 
Well. Maybe he had.
Anakin tucked in the end of the tinsel and stepped back, surveying the whole picture with arms crossed.
“Looks finished, to me. Whaddaya think?” 
“I’ll have to defer to your expertise. I, ah, actually haven’t had a Christmas tree in many years,” Obi-Wan admitted. 
Anakin frowned. “So do you not have people over for the holidays or whatever?” 
“Not really.” 
“Then, do you usually, I mean...” Anakin looked down, picking at a nonexistent ball of lint on his sweater. “Will you be going somewhere else for Christmas, then?” 
“Anakin.” Obi-Wan took him softly by the elbow. Anakin’s eyes, twin pools brimming with reflected light, caught his and held. “I was hoping we could spend it together. If you’d like.” 
Anakin’s mouth fell open in a soft o. “You mean that? Just the two of us?” 
Obi-Wan’s grip slid down the back of Anakin’s arm, searching beneath his overlong sleeve for his hand. It was warm, and he squeezed it. 
“Of course I mean it.” 
“Then, yeah.” Anakin’s fingers curled around his and squeezed back. “I’d like that.” 
On Christmas Eve, they cooked dinner together with a backdrop of snow falling outside the window, dusting the back deck in a fluffy layer of white. 
While they ate, splitting a saucepan’s worth of mulled wine between them (“You don’t eat the orange slices, Anakin.”—“What? Why wouldn’t you?”—“...I suppose you’re right, that’s a silly rule,”)  Obi-Wan’s thoughts naturally strayed to the blackberry brambles, to the frozen dirt, the swirling flurries. 
He looked outside, into the darkness, and then turned to Anakin, his head of curls golden under the warm glow of the evening lights, talking heatedly about—something about peppermint bark—and he was filled with overwhelming gratitude that Anakin was here and not out there.
Anakin’s arms stopped their wild gesturing. “Why are you smiling?”
“No reason.” Obi-Wan raised his glass to hide his lips and found himself inadvertently smiling even wider. “I just like listening to you.”
“Oh.” He was rewarded with a tentative little smile in return.
They ended up on the couch, their glasses topped off, with the fire crackling and the Christmas tree lit up in all its glory.
Obi-Wan wasn’t even sure which movie they were watching, but Anakin seemed to enjoy it. For his part, the mulled wine had gone to his head a little. Perhaps he could rest his eyes, just for a moment... 
When he opened them again, the credits had rolled and the fire was starting to burn low. Anakin's head was pillowed on his thigh, curls carelessly tossed across his face. His breath rose and fell softly and his ears twitched every few seconds with whatever dream he was having.
Obi-Wan smoothed a hand over them until they stilled. He hoped it was a happy dream. 
He would have happily stayed there all night, but his leg was starting to fall asleep. Yes, it was definitely time for them to retire to bed, but he didn’t have it in him to wake Anakin, not when he was sleeping so soundly.
So, very carefully, he gathered Anakin into his arms and carried him up the stairs.
Anakin didn’t seem to rouse, not even when his foot accidentally bumped against the doorway, but he did snuffle in his sleep and curl in closer to his body, probably seeking out warmth.
Obi-Wan thought he might’ve heard him mumble something, right as he deposited him in bed, but he couldn’t make it out.
With Anakin’s face so relaxed and beautiful in his sleep, he couldn’t resist gently brushing his knuckles over the delicate cheekbone. 
“Merry Christmas Eve, Anakin.”
The thump-thump-thump of hurried feet running down the stairs was Obi-Wan’s only warning before he had a gift-wrapped box thrust in front of his face. 
“Merry Christmas,” Anakin declared, his eyes bright and excited under sleep-mussed curls.
“You didn’t—”
Anakin practically pushed the present into his chest. “Nuh-uh. You have to accept it. I worked hard on it.”
After a beat, Obi-Wan set his cup aside and took the offered present. He recognized the glossy candy canes as his own wrapping paper. Anakin must have sniffed out the bin hiding under the bed. 
He’d also found the roll of red ribbon, and had tied it into a bow bigger than the box itself.
Obi-Wan set the box on the couch next to him. “I won’t open mine until you open yours.”
Anakin’s brow creased in earnest as he caught sight of the modest collection of packages under the tree. “Obi-Wan, this is too much. I can’t let you—mmph.”
Obi-Wan had brought up a hand to cover his mouth. “Not another word. They’re for you.”
Anakin tried to say something, making the hairs on Obi-Wan’s arm stand on end as soft lips brushed his palm. He quickly drew back. 
“Fine,” Anakin frowned at him. “But it’s still ridiculous.”
Obi-Wan wagged a finger playfully. “If I hear any more complaints out of you, young man, I’ll start taking them back.” 
“But I want them!” Anakin pouted at him, and he had to hide his smile behind his hand.
An almost overwhelming feeling of fondness swelled in Obi-Wan’s chest as he watched Anakin tear into his gifts. He amassed a small pile of mostly practical items— clothes and socks, warm and sturdy ones that wouldn’t go threadbare and leave him shivering. A set of products for his curly hair. A few hobby engineering volumes that came highly recommended by the countergirl at Obi-Wan’s favorite local bookstore. 
Anakin saved the largest package for last. “What’s this, Obi-Wan?”
“Go on, open it.” 
He tore away the paper and stared down at what it revealed. 
“It’s a coffee maker,” Obi-Wan said. “I thought you must be tired of making do with a teapot every morning.” 
Anakin just kept staring. 
“It came very well rated, has all the functions, you can set it to start when you wake up and—” he realized he was rambling. “Is it alright?” 
Finally looking up, Anakin smiled at him. For some strange reason, his eyes were shining, tears threatening to spill over. “It’s perfect, Obi-Wan. Thank you so much.” 
He scooted closer and wrapped Obi-Wan in a tight embrace, his breath fanning warm on Obi-Wan’s neck. Obi-Wan returned the hug, rubbing soothing circles on Anakin’s back. 
Far too soon, they pulled apart. Obi-Wan reached for his little present, beyond curious to see what Anakin had come up with.
Anakin looked to the side. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get more.” 
“Shh, I didn’t expect anything.” Obi-Wan pulled at the bow and opened the box. 
He traced his fingers over the smooth curves and contours of the wood in awe. “Anakin,” he breathed. “You... you made this?”
Anakin started wringing his tail in his lap, his eyes downcast. “It’s not much, but it’s… well I…”
Obi-Wan clutched the carving tight to his chest. “I love it. Thank you. Although…”
Anakin’s face fell instantly. Obi-Wan’s heart hammered a staccato beat even as he pulled the ribbon loose from the wrapping paper and brought it up around Anakin’s neck.
To their credit, his fingers only trembled a little as he carefully tied the ribbon into a loose bow around Anakin’s neck. Like a flamboyant necklace, or perhaps a, like a collar…
“You are worth more to me than any gift you could give me.”
The beautiful color that graced Anakin’s cheeks made taking the risk of saying out loud what he felt in his heart worth it. He wanted to say more, there was so much in his heart that was aching to be spilled, but before he could speak Anakin was leaning over to grab the Santa hat off the table and placing it on Obi-Wan’s head, the fuzzy brim nearly falling into his eyes.
“Merry Christmas, Obi-Wan,” Anakin said softly, his eyes twinkling.
Joy bloomed in his chest. “Merry Christmas, Anakin.”
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Geralt x Reader The Reader comes home exhausted, soaking wet to the bone and freezing. They end up falling asleep standing up. Once Geralt notices, he places his hand on the back, letting them lean on him. Then he kinda freaks out when he realizes they're wet and freezing. He changes the reader, warms them up and puts them to bed. Reader is so exhausted that they don't wake up at all until hours later in the middle of the night??? Fluffy pleaseee THANK YOUUUUU SO MUCH . 🖤🥺
A/N: Umm so this literally flowed out of me like rain in spring and it’s so sweet it gave me a cavitiy, so have your dentist on speed dial. Thank you soo much for this request
Geralt x Reader
Warnings: FLUFFFFFFFF (I am not kidding)
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Geralt loved your home. He loved sitting at your cozy little table, legs stretching out in the chair that was just a little too small for him. It wasn’t often that he was able to make it back home to you, his duty as a Witcher calling him away for months on end, but every time he returned he always found it as he had left it. An old mural might be painted over with one to match the most recent festival or maybe spruce had replaced the autumnal wildflowers you had collected when he had last come home, but the feeling was always the same.
No matter how cold it was outside, your hearth was always warm, and your bed was always welcoming. And you were always there. It was as if you could sense he was coming, but every time he stepped through the door a meal was being cooked and you were waiting, a smile plastered across your face.
That smile is what he fought for. Why every monster he killed was swift and without mercy, because any second of hesitation could take him away from that smile forever. Coming home was his most favorite thing in the entire world. If he ever found himself a djinn, he would need no wishes as this was the only thing he could imagine wanting. He loved every bit of you and the life you had cultivated. He loved the little thatched roof that you had paid him to repair all those years ago, when hunting was slow, and he needed a little extra money and a hot meal. He loved the herb garden you had been planting when he just so happened to stumble upon you and your little home once more. He loved the fat little tabby that liked wrapping around his neck even though it made him sneeze. He loved the white horse that kept Roach company while he sat at your table.
But all that had nothing on the way he loved you.
He loved every little thing about you to the point that he wished to introduce you to Jaskier, solely so he could write you a song and inform the world how wonderful you were. He had once drunkenly admitted this to the Bard when he let it slip that he missed you a couple weeks ago. Of course Jaskier had prodded and soon he was telling everyone who listened how much he loved the village woman who had stolen his heart, stitched it up, wrapped it in soft cotton, and then returned it with her own.
He loved the way he could see the night sky in the freckles that had blossomed across your nose. He loved the softness of your eyes every time you lay his head in your lap and ran your fingers through his hair. He loved how the callouses in your hand were still soft and gentle when you stitched him up, pretending to chastise him for being so reckless. He loved the way your hips felt in his hands while you danced around the kitchen. He loved the way your lips lingered just a little longer than they had to. And by god did he love your smile, especially when you sent it to him across the room, knowing just when he needed it.
He never quite new what he had done to deserve you. Why destiny had led him to your neck of the woods and allowed him to stay. Honestly, he didn’t care. He didn’t care because every time he was with you, he felt like he deserved everything. That was your gift. Unlike many woman he had fancied before you, he felt like he could live up to your expectations, because your only expectation was that he was himself. The third time he had “accidentally” shown up in your yard and you had invited him in for dinner, he had asked you why you were not married. You had laughed and taken a bite of the pheasant he had caught before answering.
“Why do I need a husband when I keep waiting for you to come back.” He had been shocked, choking on his own bite. He had expected something sad, or worse the statement that she did indeed have a husband who was a soldier, but nothing like that. It had been so blunt, and so honest that he didn’t dare doubt you.
That had been the first night he kissed you, and he had been addicted ever since. You had been so soft, eyes full of stars only for him as he leaned in and captured your lips with his. Your arms wrapped around him in an instant and a little sigh melted everything cold inside of him. But it was when he pulled away and you smiled at him that he knew he was done for. You had led him to your bed that night and pulled him into your arms, holding him while you fell asleep.
That had been the best night of his entire life, and he would have sworn that nothing could have been better. Until the next time he visited and you greeted him at the door, dragging him inside with a laugh. You pulled him towards the bedroom and climbed into his lap as he sat on your bed. He had been so surprised and giddy that you had to help him pull off the dress that he had been dreaming about removing since the first night he had kissed you. Your kiss didn’t change that night, even as you moaned his name so softly it could have been moonlight. Your kiss still hadn’t changed, it still made him feel so utterly loved that even days later it was still giving him goosebumps.
The next morning was the first time he promised to return. You had laughed and informed him he had been promising that every time he looked back while leaving. He hadn’t known what you meant until he did indeed look back and found you standing on your doorstep, blowing him a kiss with a giggle. And he did return, a few weeks later with a bundle of flowers he had picked himself and a proposal. He still remembered the feeling of your jumping into his arms, laughing out a ‘yes’ through tears of joy. After the initial rush of glee he had sat you down and explained to you what that meant.
“I’ll still have to leave you,” he had whispered, and you smiled, taking his fidgeting hands within your own.
“Of course, you will. There are people who need your help.”
“And we won’t be able to have children.”
“Are you telling me Roach isn’t enough.”
“Geralt, are you trying to scare me off?”
“No, of course not, I’m just making you aware that-.”
“I am aware. I’m aware I want to be with you. Now would you shut up and take me to bed,” you had ordered, and tears had crept up in his eyes. So many things were wrong with this, and yet not one of them mattered to you. The only thing that mattered was him.
And that had not changed for three years of traveling and returning as often as he could.
He was lost in his own little world when you stepped into your cottage, arms full of the herbs you had gone out to save very early that morning. He had been trying, and succeeding, to get you to stay in bed just a few minutes longer when snowflakes began to fall and you gasped, darting outside, crying out that the poor little babies would get frostbite and die. He had shaken his head and gone back to sleep, cursing the snow for pulling you away.
But now you were back and humming cheerily. A yawn interrupted the tune and silence filled room. He stood from the chair and wrapped his arms around your waist, almost jumping back when he felt how cold you were. You hadn’t bothered with a coat that morning, the only thing on your mind being the plants that were about to take a beating from the early snow. Your dress was soaked with melted snow and it had frozen as the night had grown colder, forcing you to carry the cold from outside into the warmth of your home.
“You’re freezing,” he said, but when no answer came, he realized you had fallen asleep on your feet, leaning back into his chest as you drifted into dreamland. He chuckled and carefully took the plants from you arms and lay them out on the counter, quietly promising that he would divide them into the little sacks you dried them in. And then he swept you into his arms, carrying you towards the bedroom. There was no resistance as he removed your loosely tied boots and pulled your slightly frozen nightdress over your head. You sighed softly as he wrapped a blanket around you and tucked you into bed. Soft hands reached out for him, but he had herbs to bundle. He wasn’t going to let anything pull you from bed tomorrow when he wanted nothing more than to lay with you.
It took longer than he would have liked, his fingers not meant for the delicate work of moving the soft leaves to the small bags you sewed through the fall. He did it though, not a mistake in the bunch, and with great joy returned to your bed, pulling off his shirt and crawling beneath the covers. Instantly, your hands darted out and pulled him into your arms. He was pleased to note that your skin was much warmer than when you had wandered inside, and that you were still sleeping peacefully. He closed his eyes, drifting to sleep to the feelings of your fingers tracing the curve of his back.
When the white winter sun crept over the hills and shined into your little bedroom, you had tried to pull yourself from his arms. Whispering that you had to take care of your cultivation but he shook his head.
“I already did it.”
“Don’t play Geralt,” you chastised and he shook his head pulling you beneath him.
“I did, last night after you went to bed. And now I have you all to myself,” he murmured against your skin, reveling in the feeling of your pressed against him.
“And what will you do with me now that you have me?” He opened one eye and found you grinning beneath him, sly hands wandering beneath the covers. He pretended to think, his own hands exploring your warm skin.
“I think I will hold onto you forever.”
“That’s an awful long time.”
“Not long enough.”
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moonbeambucky · 4 years
Hey Neighbor (Part 11)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 3245 Warnings: fluff
Summary: You had a plan and then life came along with one of its own. With your future almost derailed you worked hard to get yourself back on track and finally everything seemed to be going right… that is, until your new neighbor moved in.
A/N: A huge thank you to my wonderful beta Sam @buckyofthemyscira​​ Feedback is always appreciated!
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It was cold. No, that was a massive understatement. It was freezing. It was the type of weather that caused a chill to settle in your bones before you had even stepped outside, and you definitely did not want to be outside. Not when the mere action of standing outside for more than one second caused your face to burn from the frigid winds.
You forgo style, bundling up in the thickest jacket you have with gloves, scarves and a hat. You were sweating under all your layers but it was better than freezing. Thankfully the wine bar you were meeting Wanda at was only a few more frozen steps away.
It’s warm in the small restaurant, packed with people looking to escape the cold just as you were. Wanda waves at you from a table and you questioned how she was even seated before you had shown up, considering the crowd this seemed like the type of place that wants your whole party available before seating.
“The owner is Sokovian,” she smiled, shrugging her shoulders proudly. “And we’re going to order the paprikash.”
There was no arguing with Wanda, though you did choose the other menu item you would be sharing. You liked tapas and sharing so you could have a bit of everything but what you wanted the most right now was some wine.
Time seemed to move by so slowly at the hospital today and you really couldn’t wait to get out. It was Saturday night but only you and Wanda were available to hang out and you didn’t mind that at all, in fact you really wanted to speak with her.
“So I wanted to talk to you…” You took a dramatic pause, taking a sip of wine for courage. “...about Bucky.”
Wanda’s eyes widened with intrigue as she leaned closer, a smile spreading across her face as she was ready to listen.
“That kiss on New Year’s was…”
Her hands shook with glee. “Oh my god I knew it!”
Your face scrunched with confusion. “What do you know?”
“You and Bucky! I knew this would happen. I called it and ahh I’m so excited.”
“Slow down there,” you chuckled, motioning your hands for her to settle down. “Wan, what I’m trying to say is that kiss was incredible.”
“Aaaannnnd?” Her mouth hung open wide with a smile.
“Wanda, this isn’t about Bucky!” Her expression dropped into a frown, she pouted as she took a large sip of wine. “Kissing him was amazing, seriously, he’s a fantastic kisser but kissing him made me realize how much I miss being kissed.”
When you first began college you were casually dating someone, wanting to enjoy life as a young student in New York. Then your world turned upside down. Working full time and going to school left you without a lot of free time and putting yourself out there to meet new people seemed more intimidating the longer you put it off. It was easy to just convince yourself that you didn’t have the time to devote to a relationship and everything was fine up until recently.
Wanda was right in a way, Bucky had a big impact on your life. Your friendship with him led to the larger friend group and soon you began to see things for how they looked on the surface. Everyone was in a relationship except you and Bucky, and you knew his opinions on dating.
Bucky’s kiss sparked so much inside you and ever since you’ve been trying to reconcile the feelings that you can’t let go of, longing and loneliness. Bittersweet thoughts plague your mind as you think about how much of a gentleman Steve is, placing his jacket over Peggy’s shoulders when she was cold, or how Sam knows just the way to get Wanda to burst out with joyful laughter; or Natasha and Clint and how they know each other so well as best friend’s do, their hearts filled to the brim with love.
You wanted all of that but truthfully you would settle for a fraction of affection. Maybe it was time to finally download some apps, go out a bit more and meet someone. It was a scary thought, too scary for the moment, but thankfully the wine helped distract you.
By your second glass you felt nice and cozy with warmth spreading across your cheeks. You eyed the last crostini, staring back at Wanda with a big hopeful expression because it was so delicious. She waved an approval, laughing as you cheered under your breath before grabbing it and taking a bite.
“So you’re going for it?” she asked, nodding to your phone on the table and the visible Tinder logo.
Wiping the corner of your mouth with your napkin first you answered, “Yes? I don’t know. I want to be but...”
Wanda grabbed your phone and tapped on the screen, much to your horror. “Look, there’s no harm in downloading the app, okay? That’s step one, easy. I won’t force you to sign up but you really should.”
“I’m scared Wan. What if no one likes me? What if I don’t have anything to say to someone and can’t hold a conversation? They’ll think I’m as boring as burnt toast and it’s gonna make me shut out the world forever.”
The wine comforted you again as you finished the glass, setting it down on the table and finding Wanda’s sympathetic eyes staring back at you.
“Y/N, you are not boring. You’re developing an organization with Tony freakin’ Stark! You’re a hardworking, kick ass social worker who saves lives– ”
“Wanda I– ”
“Don’t interrupt me while I’m hyping my best friend!” She said firmly while pointing her finger in your face. “You’re the glue to our whole group of friends. You’re an amazing, talented, beautiful, kind person and anyone that doesn’t see that isn't worth your time.”
Your lips had slowly pulled into a smile the more she went on. Leave it to Wanda to always have your back and know just what to say.
“Love you Wan, thank you. Okay, I’m gonna maybe try and make a profile by the end of this weekend…. Or next weekend.”
She laughed, rolling her eyes. “In the meanwhile you could always knock on Bucky’s door if you really wanted to.” Her brows rose mischievously.
“If I didn’t think it would ruin our friendship I would absolutely make out with Bucky every second of every free moment I had. Wanda, I swear you have no idea what those lips can do.”
Talking about Bucky suddenly made you feel a lot warmer and Wanda didn’t miss the large lump you swallowed as you took a drink. She smirked, holding back a comment she could have made. Instead the check arrived, saving you from any further embarrassment.
That night you stared at the app on your phone, contemplating whether you should make a profile or not. Craning your neck around you looked at the wall you shared with Bucky.
You hadn’t seen him much since the kiss on New Year’s, and your anxiety made you wonder if you had already ruined things. It was a silly thought. You shared a kiss, nothing more and as you are well aware, Bucky does not grow emotional attachments like that.
Opening your phone to your messages, you wrote a quick hello but then realizing it was a Saturday night you deleted your text without sending. There was no noise coming from next door meaning he was probably out, and the idea of interrupting him if he was with someone (which was a big possibility) made you feel really uncomfortable.
Tomorrow would be a new day, you can text him then when he’s alone.
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You woke up with ambitions to be productive but the steady fall of snow that began to cover the city made you change your mind. Today was not a day to do anything despite needing to. You bundled yourself up in your comforter and made breakfast, carefully setting the bowl of cereal down on the coffee table as you tucked your feet into your blanket burrito.
Scrolling through Instagram you saw Bucky had posted a story from early in the morning, a black and white video of the snow coming down which reminded you to message him. You replied to his post, asking what he was doing up so early, then sending a secondary message realizing he might not have been up early but still awake.
Then your nerves got the best of you, thinking if that was in fact the case then you were probably disturbing him with all the messages you were sending now. You sent a final text, apologizing for bothering him, which probably made it all worse.
You shook your head, tossing your phone beside you as scrolled aimlessly to find something good to watch so you could distract yourself. Thirty minutes into a movie you heard a knock at your door.
Still bundled up, you shuffled towards your door, looking through the door and were surprised to see Bucky standing there.
“Hey,” you said, smiling as you opened the door.
He was wearing a dark blue sweatshirt and light grey sweatpants. His hair was loose and looking a little bit wild, as if he had only combed it through with his fingers.
“Are you okay?”
“Me? Yeah, I’m fine. What’s goin’ on?”
Bucky looked relieved, dragging a few fingers down his temple. “I messaged you back and I don’t know… you didn’t respond so I thought… well I don’t know what I thought but I’m glad you’re alright.”
A soft smile pulled at his lips as he stared back at you which set your mind at ease. “Did I wake you earlier?”
“Nah, I was up. Couldn’t really sleep last night.”
“That sucks. I kinda wanted to sleep all day since it’s so gross outside but I know it’ll mess me up for tomorrow so I’m just being a potato.”
Bucky chuckled, giving your “outfit” a once over as he seemed to approve. “So, what do potatoes do?”
“Well this potato is finally watching Back to the Future.”
Bucky blinked rapidly, his mouth falling open with bewilderment as he stared at you. “What do you mean finally? You’ve never seen Back to the Future?” he asked, with a hint of exasperation in his tone.
“I mean…” you looked everywhere but at Bucky, pressing your lips together as you tried to break the news to him gently, “I’ve seen clips here and there and I know things about it… Doc Brown, the DeLorean, flux capacitor...”
Every word broke Bucky’s heart. “You’ve never seen Back to the Future?” he repeated.
“Wrong, I’ve seen about thirty minutes of Back to the Future.” You laughed as Bucky threw his hands up in shock. “Do you want to watch it with me?”
Bucky gladly accepted your invitation, locking up his place before he went into yours.
He muttered under his breath, still in disbelief that you haven’t seen this movie as he made himself comfortable on your couch. “The score! Do you know about the score and how amazing it is?!”
“I can’t wait for you to tell me,” you winked, anticipating an earful of musical knowledge. “Can I get you anything?”
“Nah, I’m good.” A chill ran down his spine that he tried to shrug off. “Maybe a blanket? Oh wait.”
He turned around to pull the fuzzy blanket over himself but it definitely wasn’t thick or large enough to keep him warm in this weather. The only real blanket you had was currently wrapped around your body so you wanted to share.
You took it off your shoulders and sat beside Bucky, removing the fuzzy blanket so you could drape your own across both of you. Then you placed the fuzzy blanket on top of that to add an extra layer of warmth.
You smiled looking at Bucky as you asked if he was ready to watch the movie though your eyes drifted to those lips of his, perfectly pink and so much softer than you imagined. The memory of your kiss makes your heart stutter and it takes a moment for you to realize you need to press play and not think about kissing him.
It doesn’t help that you’ve shuffled closer to each other. It’s for warmth, nothing more. Bucky tried his best not to distract you from watching but he was squirming in his seat, itching to talk about the music.
“See how the score begins softly? You hardly notice the drums. Then everything gets stronger, the drums, the horns, and as Doc spots the car coming down the empty street the score amps up even more signaling the danger. It’s fantastic!”
You didn’t say anything, you couldn’t. Somehow Bucky’s passion for his work had stunned you into silence and all you could do was nod, smiling so genuinely your cheeks began to hurt as you listened to him. Bucky may not realize the way he glows when he talks about music but you see it, he’s shimmering brighter than snow in sunlight.
It was nice to spend a lazy Sunday with Bucky, two potatoes that continued to watch movies and order in food when you were hungry. Plans with everyone for the following weekend were brought up but not once did he mention the New Year’s party. Not that you expected him to. It was nice not having the kiss awkwardly hang over your friendship.
“Blanket warm. I don’t want to leave,” he whined before getting up.
You walked him to the door, stealing a quick look at the way the sweatpants hugged his ass. Clearing your throat in an awkward cough you wished him goodnight, “I’ll try not to sit on my phone the next time you text me.”
Bucky leaned in to hug you goodbye but his lips made a detour, feeling them press against the soft skin of your cheek.
“G-goodnight Y/N.”
You stood in your doorway, waiting to let the breath out that you hadn’t realized you were holding in until after he closed his door. It’s nothing, just a friendly kiss on the cheek, nothing more than that.
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“Hi Mr. Napoli.” You smiled as you approached the older man in his hospital bed. “I spoke with your son and he said he’s on his way.”
You had to repeat yourself louder a few times for him to understand but he gave you a gummy smile when he finally did. He had come into the hospital late last night after falling in his apartment and breaking his hip. Living alone had apparently become more difficult over the last few months so you’ve prepared options to discuss with his family when they arrive.
As Mr. Napoli continued to speak with you, your ears perked up at a loud conversation. Looking up for a moment you caught the gaze of a man staring at you as he stood over the bed of another man. He was tall and slim, dressed nicely in a suit under a wool peacoat. His hair was dark and slicked back though it was cropped short on the sides, with stubble peppering his face and neck.
He smiled, nodding as if to convey an apology for the noise he and his friend made. You felt your cheeks pulling the corner of your lips slightly but focused your attention back to Mr. Napoli.
“Miss, can I have more water?”
“Of course, let me ask,” you replied.
Scanning the area you checked for any nurses that might be around. Unable to find any that weren’t in the middle of something, you told Mr. Napoli you’d be right back with it. The ER kept the refreshments for the patients in a locked room so you walked towards the nurses’ desk in hopes someone there could help you.
“Thanks Stacie.” You smiled back as she needed to call the doctor to make sure this wouldn’t interfere with Mr. Napoli’s pre-surgical prep.
As you turned to step away from the desk you nearly walked into a body. Gasping, it took you a moment to realize it was the man from before.
“Sorry about that,” he said, chuckling lightly. “I wanted to apologize about before. Hope my buddy and I weren’t interrupting your work.” His tone was soft with a heavy New York accent.
“That’s alright, you didn’t,” you said, studying his features up close. His eyes were much darker than you realized, like deep chasms that were full of mystery. Pale pink lips pulled into a smile as he extended his hand towards you.
“I’m Billy.”
You shook his hand, able to tell right away that he was the type of guy that takes pride in taking care of himself. His hand was lotion soft, not a strand of hair was out of place and his skin looked so flawless you were a little jealous.
His gaze fell to your ID badge. “So, Y/N. How long have you been in social work?”
“So eager getting to know me, Billy?”
Billy shut his eyes as a smile crept across his face. “I can’t help it, I’m very observant.”
Your lips pulled into a smirk as you stared at him skeptically until Stacie called your name. She told you to wait a moment as she got the okay to give Mr. Napoli some water. Turning back to Billy you noticed his stance was taller and stiff.
He raised his hand to salute. “Former Lieutenant William Russo, US Marine Corps.”
“I get it now. You’re not just a creep that reads people’s name tags.” Your smirk gave way to a tiny smile and Billy relaxed.
Through a laugh he replied, “I try not to be.”
His smile was pretty, making his whole face light up, those eyes sparkling like onyx gems. Your attention was turned away for a moment as Stacie handed you a plastic pink pitcher full of water.
“Well, I have to get this drink back to my patient. It was nice to meet you.”
As you began to walk away you heard Billy’s footsteps rapidly catching up behind you.
“Wait, Y/N.” You turned to find him digging out something from his pocket. “Maybe I could take you out for a drink one day?”
He handed you a sleek black card which you put in your pocket. “Goodbye Mr. Russo,” you said, giving him a tiny salute that made him smile again.
Later that evening as you were getting your coat on in preparation to leave you felt something digging in your hip. You remembered Billy’s card from earlier, pulling it out now to finally read it.
The card was as dark as his eyes and in bold white text was the name of the company, ANVIL. Beneath it was his name and title, CEO. No wonder he dressed so well. His number was staring back at you.
You thought back to your conversation with Wanda, maybe you should go for this. You were still too scared to make a profile on Tinder, worried about what strangers might think of you but after meeting a gorgeous man that actually wants to take you out it gave you some renewed confidence.
Not wanting to seem too eager (or desperate) you waited two days before texting Billy. A day of back and forth texting led to plans to go out. Your heart raced with anxiety; maybe you weren’t ready after all.
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