#he honestly had a really good memory and would remember people he's only met a couple times many years later
transtuvok · 4 months
you're doing alright kid ❤️ love ya ❤️
I'm not sure how long this has been in my inbox but thanks for checking in. Today has been much harder than many because I really do miss my dog. I'll actually attach a couple of pictures of the old man for you.
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I trained him to grab a sword toy from me and it was so cute. He always loved learning new games and playing. I think my cat learned to play fetch by watching us play together.
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And this was a walk from this year. We went on daily walks until he started to decline in early April. Our last long walk we did was about an hour and a half and that was on March 31st. He used to be able to go on much longer walks but I made sure I didn't put too much of a strain on him as he got older. I taught him last year to "get hype" for a walk and he'd get so excited.
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Here's another picture of him in a sweater because it was just so adorable on him. He would've been 14 on the 25th.
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aidaronan · 2 years
"First movie you ever saw in theaters?" Steve lounged opposite of Robin on the couch in his living room, the stereo on low, spitting out Madonna on the local radio station.
"Oh, that's easy." Robin bit off part of a licorice. "Freaky Friday. I remember because I was terrified for weeks that I'd end up switching places with my mom and have to, like, balance a checkbook or something."
Steve laughed, separating m&ms in his hand. "You still don't know how to balance a checkbook, do you?"
"Like you do." Robin playfully glared at him. "Okay, here's a good one. First kiss."
Steve ate the sole blue m&m first, a grin spreading across his face because he usually lied about his first kiss, but he didn't have to. Not with Robin. "Camp Stronghold when I was nine. We met up in the boathouse after lights out to trade contraband."
"Contraband, huh?" Robin raised her brows.
"Candy. I swear my parents loaded me up like I was going to prison. 'This is as good as cash in there, Steven.' I think my dad wanted me to network or something. Because, you know, I was totally gonna start a small business with a group of eight-year-olds."
Robin snickered. "And the kiss?"
"Ah. I didn't actually want candy. I just wanted this kid to like me so bad, and I didn't know why until we were there in the dark tripping into each other because we couldn't see. I had all these butterflies, and we were standing close enough that I could feel the heat off his sunburn in the air." Steve could still picture it. The way he couldn't see more than a few inches in front of his face. "Then he kissed me, just this quick peck on the lips before he turned tail and ran. I left the boathouse with a Snickers and one massive first crush."
"Did anything else happen?" Robin asked.
"No. It was the last week of camp and I think he freaked himself out over it. I don't know. He didn't even really say bye to me after we climbed off the bus to meet our parents. Never saw him again. I honestly never even thought to get his name."
"That sucks."
"Yeah. I just hope he's doing okay, you know? That he's got people in his life that make him feel like he's allowed."
Robin looked at him softly, reaching out to give his ankle a squeeze. "Hey, you never know. You might run into him again someday. Maybe he's your soulmate or something."
"Please. I think you're pretty obviously my soulmate." Steve nudged Robin with his foot. "But I guess he could settle for 2nd place."
"Oh, there's a toast for sure." Snacks tumbling off her lap, Robin reached for her can of Coke on the coffee table and raised it as high as she could reach. "To both of us finding our 2nd places."
"Cheers to that." Steve thrust his own Coke into the air.
It felt like a big cosmic joke that Steve would be in a boathouse when he realized who Eddie Munson had been all that time. Eddie had looked so different when he'd transferred into Hawkins that Steve had never even given him a second look, not during their shared classes, not during any of those cafeteria tirades. Not during the numerous occasions where he gave the kids rides to D&D.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait!"
It was the eyes that finally pulled back the curtain and cut away all those in-between years. Steve had never been close enough to clock them, but he couldn't deny them now. Not at such close range, Eddie holding a broken bottle against his neck, trembling with so much fear that Steve worried he might actually use it.
Dropping the oar from his own shaking hands, Steve said the only thing he could think to say.
"Well, this brings back memories."
Eddie didn't respond, the fear in the air drawing out every second, making it feel infinite. Behind them and in another universe, Dustin said a bunch of stuff Steve barely heard for the pounding in his ears. He watched beads of sweat roll down Eddie's forehead and waited for something to give.
Like clouds fat with rain, Eddie finally broke open, tension draining out of him, arm and weapon dropping to his side. He exhaled a shaky breath, maintaining eye contact, his expression too complicated for Steve to fully read.
Steve was about to say something else when Eddie finally spoke, cocking his head to the side and leveling Steve with a look.
"And here I spent all these years thinking you forgot."
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six-eyed-samurai · 2 months
I've seen a lot of people who write Muichiro as someone who sort of forgets he's not dating you in the crush stage, but my take is that Muichiro actually forgets he's dating you and thinks he's in his crush era.
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🌸He'll approach you suddenly, a couple times a month, with a serious expression and red cheeks, to confess his not-so-secret crush on you from since the day you both met, having forgotten he had already done so and you both were already together
🌸You usually just go along with it until he gets to the "I hope you feel the same but I'll understand if you don't" part; then you break it to him with a shy laugh that he had already confessed and you both were going out
🌸It's not tiring at all to keep repeating the same scenario, not at all! Muichiro is so cute when he does it, unconsciously pulling an innocent puppy expression and staring at you hopefully. And when he remembers you both are a couple he'll immediately light up ever so excitedly, attack you in a hug, press his forehead against you and apologize in a flurry of "Sorry" and compliments
("How did I manage to pull someone like you?" He wonders out loud. You laugh - he's too cute for his own good.)
🌸Not only that it's honestly become a guessing game with you to see what method Muichiro would confess to you again this time. You both have approximately cycled through confession by love letter, gifts (he might've stolen it forgetting it belonged to someone else, but it's the thought that counts, right?), cloud-gazing date, outright declaration, jealous blurt...yeah, you've gone through every single trope there was possible
🌸Your favorite one was when he threw an airplane across the room to you and when you unfolded it he wrote a little sweet confession. You still have it, along with the rest he started throwing to you to 1. get your attention 2. annoy you 3. ask you to join him for training or cloud-gazing
🌸 You've told him multiple times it's okay if he wants to stare at you anytime he likes after catching him doing it one day, like he did when he was in his crush phase, but he forgot and acts like he just got caught performing the most atrocious crime on earth: looks away immediately and vehemently denies it
🌸Everyone around you guys thinks it's super funny and adorable how Muichiro would start talking about you and abruptly end it with something like "Is this what people mean by having a crush?" or "I would really like to be her boyfriend someday if I manage to confess and she accepts." As said above he gets really puppy-dog excited when he's told "Aren't you guys dating already?"
("We are?" Muichiro frowned. "I don't remember..." His eyes widen. "So that's who left me that daikon today..." Then he runs off forgetting he's in the middle of conversation to go find you.)
🌸Sometimes it's a little awkward when it comes to dates though. Say there's a festival happening in a nearby town or White Day and you've been planning to spend the day having fun with him - Muichiro's going to forget you're both together and be too shy to ask you out despite that's all he's thinking about. Then you have to remind him, or someone else triggers it.
("I'm so sorry I didn't ask you!" Muichiro pushed a small box of chocolates towards you. "I got you this as an apology if it makes up for it? We'll do anything you want for tonight if you want?)
🌸It's always funny when Muichiro gets sulky or starts moping around when he hears about your boyfriend and how you're gushing over him because he forgot it was him. You like to tease him about it by listing out all the qualities you like about him and the usual praise until Muichiro asks who it is, his jealousy quite obvious.
("You, dummy!"
Muichiro blinked, then groaned, grabbing onto your side and looking up at you pathetically. "Don't play with me like that!")
🌸Of course it's not all fun and games. If this is before he met Tanjiro and regained his memories he can be pretty cold to you when he doesn't remember about your relationship, leading to a lot of things you both have to talk through after a fight.
🌸Worse case scenario is that he still remembers you as a crush, but decides that instead of confessing like before he ought to push you away before you became a weakness, a distraction...someone he'd lose.
🌸After he gets back his memories and becomes more like his old self however, he doesn't forget your relationship anymore, meaning to make up for all the times he did. In fact he flexes it, wanting to tell everyone about the both of you all the time to the point your default face is now "extremely flustered".
🌸Especially when he's jealous, actually.
("I heard that (y/n) has a crush though, do you really think you still stand a chance?"
Muichiro whipped his head around at the sound of the two slayers gossiping in the corner during a break from his training. A slight crease forms between his eyebrows and he decides to go a little harder on them later.
"Nah, it's fine! I'm a hundred per cent confident she'll say yes as long as she isn't dating anyone!"
"But I heard she is," a third slayer joined in, leaning closer conspiratorially. "A Hashira, actually."
The guy in question bursts out laughing. Scumbag. "As if! Don't be so stupid. She's already lucky she could get MY attention."
"Who would want a stupid mizunoto like you?" Muichiro smacked the slayer with the flat of his blade expressionlessly. The other two yelped and scrambled back. "For your information (y/n) got my attention - and now you have mine: go run ten laps around the Estate and if I hear you defile her name again I'll make it a hundred."
He blew a raspberry at the poor wretch as he ran past.)
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hoshinasblade · 1 month
hoshina found you in the rooftop of the training building.
the lights from the skyscrapers miles away from the base looked like beacons from this distance, hoshina thought to himself. you were however looking at the moon, crescent-shaped in the sky, dark clouds swallowing some of its luminescence.
hoshina knew he would find you here. he would have dropped by sooner, but the close-door meeting of high-ranking officials in the force took longer than he expected. even now, his top uniform unzipped and both his hands in his pockets, hoshina can still feel the tension and fatigue from the discussion earlier.
"i'm thinking of quitting." your face is indecipherable, but your voice betrayed the emotion swirling inside you. "i'm no good here."
the commanders of the anti-kaiju divisions met a few hours ago - an emergency session to discuss possible strategies on how they're going to handle kaiju threats going forward. it has not been a week since the attack in the tachikawa base where several officers in your platoon had died protecting each other. the image of people you'd trained with, worked with, even shared a meal with, dying under your command is forever etched on your memories, unable to be erased.
the truth is you cannot even stomach looking at yourself in front of the mirror without feeling like a complete, utter failure.
hoshina stood beside you, the cold breeze blowing the stray strands of his hair away his face. he wanted to offer his jacket to you but settled on putting his arm around you instead. "it wasn't your fault", he said, because it really wasn't. he faced the strongest entity in the horde of monsters that attacked the third division base that night and survived by the skin of his teeth. his only consolation is he didn't lost you in the whole ordeal.
you sniffled. "i'm not like you, soshiro. i'm not... strong." hoshina wanted to assert that what you said is a lie but decided against it. "tell me what i need to do," you pleaded, "cause i don't know anymore."
hoshina wished he could take away your pain even if it means he'll have to be the one to bear its burden.
"as your vice-captain, i am going to ask you to stay," hoshina said before turning to look straight at you. "we've lost a lot of people already, we cannot afford to lose any more." i cannot afford to lose you, he wanted to say.
your scoff surprised him. "and as my boyfriend?" you presented your follow-up question.
"as your boyfriend, i need you here," hoshina answered too quickly. he reminded himself to slow down; the last thing both of you need is an argument. he let the silence enveloped you for a few seconds, just enough to calm his own erratic heartbeat. hoshina, watching you from the corner of his eye, started to speak again. "you remember when you said you wanted to be a defense officer? we weren't even dating back then," hoshina pointed out. "i wanted to be one since i was little, but you, god, i have never met anyone else who wanted to protect people so bad like you do. honestly that's part of why i love you," he told you.
hoshina understands all too well how you feel - the horror of knowing you could have saved people who laid their trust on you but didn't. there are a thousand reasons why he wakes up each day as the vice-captain of an anti-kaiju division, and one of it is because he has to make it up for the people he's lost along the way - he's decided to continue on his mission of eradicating kaijus because if he stops he's scared everything and everyone he's lost will be in vain.
"look, if you really want an out, we know i can't stop you anyway", hoshina said matter-of-factly. "but if you stay, i'll be here for you." his hand lightly touched yours. "i'll protect you. i'll take care of you so you can take care of other people too. i'll protect you."
you did not reply. you did not have to.
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gguk-n · 2 months
Can you please write enemies to lovers with Lando where they have their first kiss accidentally using the following prompt :
"Is this some kind of game to you?" She asked, anger in his words. "Are my feelings nothing but a silly little game to you?" He shook his head, the sensation of her lips on his still lingering on his skin. "Never," he told her. "I've been wanting to do that since we first met."
Pit Lane Rivals to Race Partners (Lando Norris x Engineer!Reader)
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{Reader's POV}
I knew what I was getting into when I signed the contract with Mclaren as their engineer. Since I had freshly graduated with very little experience I was mostly going to be assisting the other engineers and learning from them. I had been in love with cars since I was little. I remember taking apart the toy cars and trying to put them back together only to be scolded by my mother since my siblings were crying because I broke their toys. Seeing how destructive I had gotten even for a 4 year old, my dad decided I needed to release my energy else where and took me karting. It was the most exciting and the best thing I had ever done. Learning how the machine worked and how to control it as I grew older was my biggest passion in life.
That was what led me to karting races. I was an aggressive driver and anyone who got in my way would feel my wrath. I made sure not to cause a lot of physical or collateral damage. But I did cause one boy a lot of emotional damage. Both of us were fiercely competitive and neither of us liked to lose. Our races always ended with Lando behind me and he could never really take it. I had a good laugh but all of this turned sour when we had a huge fight after a race crash and he pined the entire blame on me when he too was trying to run me off the track. Both our dad's had to intervene and that's how I ended up hating Lando. But I was 11 years old. Right now, I'm older and more mature and I don't really hate anyone, it a strong word. I might dislike people but I don't hate anyone. And the incident with Lando is a funny memory at best.
Lando went up to become a Formula one driver while I had to cut my dreams short since there weren't a lot of opportunities for female racers. I instead took the more academic route and got my degree in automobile engineering and strived to become a race engineer or racing principle one day. So, when I was able to apply for Mclaren which was well on it's way to become the best car on the grid, I couldn't say no. I also thought about Lando, and how I expected to have a bit of a laugh with him about out 'karting rivalry' now that we were older. What I didn't expect was that the boy who's eyes I almost gauged out was still as petty as ever.
It was the first race of the season, in Bahrain and we had flown in a few days before the drivers to get everything set up. So on the day Lando came up to the garage, all the new recruits were introduced to the drivers. Oscar was a sweetheart and even offered us words of encouragement since we were on the same boat. Lando greeted everyone but me properly. He ignored my hand when I raised it up to shake his. I was shocked and my mouth was left hung open. If he wanted to be petty, I can be petty. I made sure to avoid him like the plague and the times we interacted were filled with sarcastic remarks.
Oscar and I had grown pretty close and shared a sibling dynamic. Whenever Lando saw us interacting he would have a scowl on his face. And then a couple months later, Oscar stopped talking to me other then exchanging a few pleasantries. It hurt a little when Oscar ignored me and walked away. I thought we were friends. I felt like I had lost another friend since I joined Mclaren. The first one being Lando, since I imagined that we would've been friends since we karted together but it turns out I was completely wrong. Honestly, he was my first crush too, so it hurt a little more.
Eventually, Lando had gotten a little bearable and he had stopped passing snarky remarks whenever I would suggest a strategy or an upgrade. Each snarky remark and not having a proper friend after losing Oscar too, was starting to get to me. After the DNF in Austria and how pissed Lando was, not many people were willing to confront him; me included. If he hated my guts on a regular day, he would tear me apart today, I thought.
At the end of the day, as were packing up, I ran into Lando. I decided to extend my condolences. "Hi Lando" I said as I almost bumped into his shoulder while stacking up the papers. He looked at me and just nodded, as if to acknowledge my presence. I decide to let it go, since it was bad day for him. "You did pretty well today" I said cautiously. He let out a forced laugh, "ha, you must be so happy. Watching me fall apart" he retorted. "What no?" I replied shocked. "You've always hated me, since we were kids. You left no stone unturned to make me feel like shit. You weren't even a good sport" He spat out. "Ok, Lando, I get it. You had a bad day, it was a bad day for us too. But that doesn't give you the right to say whatever you like." I replied trying to keep my breathing constant. "You were a spoilt sport and always got what you wanted. It must your life's joy watching me struggle" he seethed. "Listen here mister, don't you dare direct your anger towards the one person you see right now. Whatever happened was a race incident and you need to put your big boy pants on and deal with it. Stop being a spoilt brat and taking your anger out on others." I replied calmly. If that asshole said anything else, I was about to slap him. Lando stepped closer, trapping me in between the desk and him. "You think you are so mature and above everyone else don't you" he sneered. Okay, I've had it with him. He has made my life difficult since I set foot in Mclaren. Before I knew it, my hand touched his cheek with a harsh sound.
His eyes were wide open. Before I could say anything, I felt a pair of warm lips on mine. I quickly pushed him away. "Is this some kind of game to you?" I asked, anger in my words. "Are my feelings nothing but a silly little game to you?" He shook his head, the sensation of my lips on his still lingering on his skin. "Never," he told me. "I've been wanting to do that since we first met after so many years." It was my turn to laugh. "You don't say" I chided. "Believe me Y/N I really like you. And I'm sorry for the way I've behaved. I really needed that slap to set me straight" he said while massaging his cheek. "Don't fuck with me" I replied with tears in my eyes. "Then why did you Oscar stop talking to me?" I croaked. "I got jealous" he replied, head held in shame. "I'm sorry. It's just I couldn't stand you laughing at his jokes. I wish I was the one making you laugh." he mumbled. "I wanted us to be friends when I first came here, you were the one who pushed me away." I replied sternly. "I was a stupid kid and I didn't know how to react when I saw my childhood crush." he muttered. I was shocked.
"Give me one chance, I'll repent for my sins and wrong all my rights." he begged. Honestly I wanted to kiss Lando before he started being an ass to me when I first saw him after so many years; maybe I should let my intrusive thoughts win. I pressed my lips against him while my hands found his neck. For a moment, he was still, there was no movement and within seconds I felt his lips move and his hands find a place on my waist. After we pulled away, "I had a crush on you when we were kids too. But I wasn't an ass when we met after so many years." I remarked, "but I'll give you a chance, prove me that you've matured and maybe I'll start thinking about that crush I used to have on you." Lando smiled, "Okay, yes, I'll prove how much I like you" he said while almost hitting the chair on the way out. "Dinner date at 8, I'll pick you up, tomorrow" he called out as he ran off making me laugh.
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charliedawn · 7 months
Hey this is some stupid fear I have but how would some slasher ( whoever you want. ) React to a nurse who is young like in 20s and isn't scared at dying at a young age or isn't scared of dying like any time, but it's scared to grow up? It's really a stupid fear I have personal.
P.S you don't need to do it tho.
( sorry for the bad Grammer, English is my second language. )
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"Yeah. Growing up is scary, kid. I won’t lie to you. But, guess what ? It is part of the process." Pennywise hesitated before patting your head. "Cheer up. Being mortal isn’t all that bad. Living forever is a bore honestly."
Pennywise’s throat tightened as he realised that you would grow up. He knew it was a process and that in the blink of an eye…You would be gone. He waited a few seconds before surprising you by pulling you into a hug. Your eyes widened as you realised that he was shaking.
"Pennywise…" You uttered in a whisper before sighing and hugging him back.
He didn’t say anything. Truth was ? He was scared too. But, he didn’t want to tell you with words. So, he hugged you and hoped you’d understand that he was scared too…but that he was happy that whatever little life you had left, he’d be right next to you until the end.
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Penny lost so many people in his life that he asked Pennywise to erase his memories of the people he used to love. When you shared your fears with him however, he tilted his head and seemed to ponder on it for a moment before shrugging.
"I could make you live forever. Would you be happier if I did ? Make you immortal ?"
You started thinking about it.
Living forever ? You smiled sadly and shook your head negatively.
"Thank you, Penny. But…I don’t think I would like to live forever. Life is meant to be precious…It is not meant to go on forever."
Penny tilted his head and looked puzzled, but he didn’t say anything. It was odd. He had never seen his life as precious when he was alive. But yours ? His jaw twitched slightly. Yours. He valued.
Vincent Sinclair:
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Vincent is an artist. He sees beauty in everything.
When he heard that you were scared of growing up, he just started taking as many pictures as he could of you and showed them to you. He then told you in sign language that you’d live forever—in his camera.
And that if you were scared ? Well, you just had to look at the photos and remember that that was how he would remember you forever. He then started stroking your hair and pressed his forehead against yours to calm you down.
Vincent knew he would eventually have to say goodbye.
But, to him ?
You would always remain a masterpiece.
Five Hargreeves:
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"Growing up is scary. But, being stuck as a child is even worse. Children never get heard. I would know. I was a child. Twice."
He said and looked down. So many years spent in solitude. So many years wasted. He lived for decades and yet, Five never thought that he was truly alive. He was feeling better with his siblings, but he never actually had any moment in his life that he could say that he felt like he was enough or enough. Sometimes, he even wondered if the world would have been better without him.
It was only when he was admitted in St Louis that he realised he wanted to be something more and make his life a good one. It wasn’t until he met…you.
He looked at you and smiled.
"You gave me a life. And even when you get older and start forgetting about how you changed everything for me, I’ll be there to remind you. Every single day."
Jason Voorhees:
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Jason never had a real childhood. He was bullied as a kid and his overprotective mother never allowed him to get out of her sight. When she died, he had no one to look after him and felt lost and lonely. He tried to reach out to people, but he could never create attachment with anyone.
So, he just kept killing and making sure people stayed away, because it was better than to get hurt.
And then, he met you.
He started caring for you more than he’d care to admit and soon enough, he wasn’t feeling as lonely anymore.
Jason *hugs you tightly*
Jason started looking up to you and even though he was also afraid of what will happen when you get too old to keep him company, he still wanted to keep you close to him—no matter how sad he would be once he would have to say goodbye.
Brahms Heelshire:
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Brahms looked at you and shook his head—as if he didn’t believe you.
"Y/N…Never going to grow old. Will stay young forever. Young forever with Brahms."
He hugged you and closed his eyes.
Deep down, he knew that you’d eventually grow old and disappear. But, in his mind ? You’d always be perfect. No matter how old you get or how afraid you get.
Brahms : "Don’t worry, Y/N. Brahms is here. Brahms will stay with you…"
He held back tears and just hugged you tighter.
Norman Bates:
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Norman: "…Darling. Listen to me. I am the oldest slasher to have ever existed. I was born in 1932. I am old. Very old. But…I would give up a whole eternity just to be with you. So, it is not about having a long life, but a good one. A worthy life. And just meeting you made mine worth it. And if I was to die tomorrow ? I can say…I lived a good life." He smiled and stroked your cheek affectionately with his forefinger. "You should do the same. Stop worrying about when your time is gonna run out or because of the few wrinkles on your face. Just remember to have fun and enjoy your life. Take the advice of a man who’s seen it all."
He then put down a tray on the table.
"Now, tea ?"
Jack Torrance:
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"Old ? Ah. Don’t you worry, sweetheart. You’ll be one hell of a cute old lady, if you get there." Jack never got the chance to grow old. He secretly misses being alive. He would have loved to grow old with his family and be a father to Danny. But, he never got there. He died—frozen and alone. He then came back as some sort of ghost who feeds on fear. So, no. Growing old isn’t something he would find scary, or losing you. Because he knows that when you do grow old and eventually leave this world, you will go to a nice place—unlike him. And if you don’t ? Well, you’d be trapped with him. Either way, he knows you’ll be alright. So, he isn’t worried.
"You’ll be fine. I know it. Now, stop worrying and come have a drink with me."
Hannibal Jr.:
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"You will always be a Hannibal in my eyes. No matter how old or wrinkled you get…You will always be my beloved daughter." Hannibal Jr. told you when you shared your fears with him. He stroked your cheeks and smiled. "Always."
You smiled at him and hugged him tightly. He returned your hug and whispered in your ear.
"You will always be part of this family." He then kissed your forehead. "No matter what."
Ghostface (Eddie Munson):
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"…Don’t worry. We will grow old together. It will be less lonely." Ghostface told you and smiled at you. Unlike the other slashers, Ghostface can grow old. He is not exactly a slasher. It is more of a multitude of people taking the role with time. Eddie won’t be Ghostface forever. Once his mission over, he will start growing old as well until he just gives his mask to someone new.
Ghostface *scoots closer to you and wraps an arm around your shoulders* : "I bet we will be the coolest old people ever…" *smiles*
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novaawayne · 2 months
a/n: spoilers for the end of mha
English is not my first language, sorry for the mistakes.
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For Izuku, it was difficult to realize that he would never be the same. The dream he had fought so hard for turned into nothing. But not only that, it left a permanent mark on his soul.
He knew he had to move forward despite everything. But how? His friends had left him behind. He had nothing and no one.
That morning, he decided to leave his apartment to get some fresh air. When he was alone, his thoughts consumed him slowly, and he hated it.
He stopped when a delicious aroma of coffee and bread reached him. He looked around for the first time and noticed the pretty café. He didn't remember seeing it before, but he had started walking without looking since he left his home, so he wasn't really sure where he was exactly.
Without thinking much more, he approached the place. He couldn't remember if he had dinner or lunch the previous day, and the place smelled really good.
A bell rang as he entered. There weren't many people, but the interior was quite pleasant, and the smell of coffee drew him in even more.
He approached the counter to look at the menu more closely. It wasn't very extensive, but everything seemed really delicious. In the end, he decided on just a hazelnut cream coffee. The cashier greeted him with a kind smile and charged him. After giving his name, he went to take a seat to wait for his order.
A heavy sigh escaped his lips as he looked through the glass. Many people passed by. Again, the memory of his shattered dreams appeared in his mind, and his heart tightened in his chest. He felt a great bitterness in his throat and then in his stomach.
However, he returned to reality when someone approached and placed a pretty cup of coffee in front of him, but not only that. There was a croissant on a ceramic plate that matched the cup. He looked up and met a pair of bright, kind eyes.
"I'm sorry, I didn't order the croissant," he spoke with slight nervousness.
You smiled at him kindly.
"It's on the house," you replied.
Izuku shook his head as his cheeks turned red.
"It's not necessary. In any case, I can pay for it. It looks really delicious."
"Don't worry. I hope you like it."
Izuku decided not to say anything more and accepted the gift. He looked at his cup and the croissant, and with a small smile, took a bite. It was undoubtedly the most delicious thing he had eaten in months. The taste and texture were simply perfect. He immediately took a sip of his coffee, and it was even better. He couldn't remember the last time he had a good coffee.
He looked behind him and found you next to the cashier who had served him. You both were chatting animatedly, and he quickly noticed a great resemblance between the two of you and assumed you were relatives, maybe siblings.
He kept eating until he finished. Strangely, he felt calmer, and his mind was at peace.
"So?" he looked up to find you again, "Did you like it?"
Izuku nodded.
"Honestly, yes. It was really delicious."
You gave him an even brighter smile, and Izuku felt a great warmth in his chest. He couldn't remember the last time someone had given him such a bright smile.
"I'm very glad. My brother and I opened this café a week ago, and we're still a bit unsure if people will like it."
Izuku wasn't really sure what to say. Not when you kept smiling and shining like that. He wanted to stay there; he wanted to keep hearing your voice a little longer.
That's why he came back every day to try everything on the menu. But that also led to more conversations with you.
Maybe it wasn't the end of everything, but the beginning of something else.
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doylldonmagar · 10 months
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So I saw @hermesmyplatonicbeloved 's post and had some thoughts. I agree and disagree. I am a percabeth fan but I also know that some of it is screwy, and if you are familiar with my blog, you know this. I think RR screwed up and wrote out a LOT of trauma, I think he really should have dealt with that better. I think it's not good that he wrote trauma and mental issues and abuse into the foundation of many characters and then has ignored it when it became convenient for the plot.
I would love to see specific quotes and books for these because some of them I have no memory of and would like to revisit them.
I'm gonna talk my way through all of this so I'm gonna text break here
The first point is Percy scaring her to tears. I can only imagine in Tartarus? Like when they're both in their worst state? I don't know. I agree they should have talked about it, but I think they should have talked about all of HoH, which brings me back to saying: Rick really failed at dealing with trauma and processing and long term effects. Honestly, being scared *of* him, yeah I agree that's bad, but is that the situation? If she's scared by his power, then I'm not sure of where I stand on this, I don't know anyone with demigod powers, but I don't think I'd be scared simply because I know someone is capable of hurting me. Plenty of people are capable of hurting me. Like I don't know, what situation is this?
"Percy has been suicidal the whole time annabeth has known him, in BoO Percy attempts suicide and annabeth said nothing, noticed nothing" I'd really like a page or quote because i remember him being suicidal but never attempting. (Im rereading what i wrote, is this maybe referring to percy deciding it would be better if he drowned when hes with Jason? If so, I thought the book said annabeth wasn't told that he wanted to give up) But really my bigger issue with this statement is the fact that it's not necessarily a bad relationship just because a person doesn't realize someone is suicidal, or if their suicidal thoughts are fluctuating. If he's been suicidal the entire time she's known him, how should she know? And why is it the girlfriend's job to stop him from suicide? Like yeah she should care, but that's not her responsibility. No one should feel responsible for a significant other's suicide unless they encouraged the SO to do it.
The judo flip, I agree, annabeth should have been more sensitive to Percy's past and again, I blame Rick for conveniently forgetting that an abused kid is not going to laugh or even take well to being thrown on the ground. This also reminds me of a post I made a while back, because I was so frustrated by media portrayals of women getting upset (usually worried) about another character and shaking them or hitting them or using some form of violence, and that's portrayed as acceptable and normal and as a sign of love. I'm not a fan of that.
"Annabeth likes to keep percy on his toes" this point, I want specific quotes, cause I'd like to go over it again. I agree this is funky. Percy says he feels more comfortable with annabeth and feels like he can talk to her blah blah, but yeah, I think I remember him saying she makes him anxious and that's a problem for me. Like genuinely, to anyone who reads this: if your SO makes you feel uncomfortable, anxious, nervous, or unsafe, please reevaluate your relationship and be safe. That's not good. And back to percabeth, I'm really not sure why RR would say that.
Bringing up abusive stepfather. If annabeth didn't already know about Gabe...I don't know, that says to me that percy was too traumatized to talk about it, in which case, why can annabeth see it in his actions, his comments, his reactions? I don't know that either. But I do know that having met my fair share of traumatized kids, it's not at all uncommon for them to share trauma as a joke and for multiple kids to laugh it off, not to mention suicidal jokes or jokes about their own abuse. Now I want to be clear, I'm not saying that's healthy, I think that's bad, but I also think it's common. And if annabeth doesn't realize what he's really talking about, or is caught up in her own experience, or is uncomfortable, laughing is not an uncommon response. And I don't think that makes their relationship toxic. (And I'm saying it again: I think Rick wrote that so that people could say oh poor percy and feel strongly about how horrible the situation is, but he didn't want to get into the trauma, so by annabeth laughing it off, he can move on with the scene but include little details that show how bad tartarus is)
I don't remember any comments about poseiden, but I agree her interactions with Tyson are problematic. I have zero explanation or excuse, I really don't know what rick was thinking with that, unless it was maybe a way to signify how all halfbloods feel about monsters? (Now that I've said that, that kinda makes sense, if percy sees a monster who was his human friend, but everyone else just sees a monster who is just like the other monsters who have killed their siblings. But still. Annabeth saying he was gross was uncalled for, Rick could have said she was scared or concerned this was a trick or something, but disgust?)
I agree about Percy's unresolved trauma manifesting as fear of annabeth. I already commented on the judo flip, see comments above.
Percy absolutely has horrible self asteem. I'm not sure that's annabeths problem. Yeah she should support him in every way she can, but it's not her responsibility or anyone else's to make him feel better about himself. She should want to, and she should be positive and encouraging, but I don't think Percy's lack of growth is her problem or necessarily a sign of a toxic relationship. It can be, but I'm not certain it is in this case. I think, as I'm sure you know if you've read this much, Rick doesn't know how to write characters who are further along in their trauma- processing, healing, discussing- rick fails to deal with anything besides a currently traumatized kid and a unresolved but out of the directly abusive situation. (This is where I'd like to note, the whole seaweed brain thing, not funny to me, not cute. I'm not a fan because I do think that encourages negative self image. I am aware that that could be link to annabeths childhood, but again, I would expect her to be hyperaware of this sort of emotional abuse. And I blame Rick. Why does she never have her actual abuse mentioned?)
I don't recall annabeth pushing percy to choose between them. I would have said she had doubts about him still wanting to go to CA and he said that he regretted not being there for Estelle but didn't want to be without annabeth (which is kinda cute, kinda codependent to me, and I agree, codependency is not cute)
I would argue the last point "Percy has no interest in going to New Rome or University" is clearly false. In SoN (2nd book of HOO) Percy discovers there are full families living in New Rome, and how it's safe there, and he says multiple times that he wants that, how he remembers he had a girlfriend named annabeth and he wants her to be there and wants to be able to settle down *there*. And in ChaliceotG he's torn, because he does want to stay in New York for his mom and sister, but he really wants to be with annabeth and he loves new Rome. He says multiple times how he wants to go to New Rome. Its true, if the only reason he wants to go is for annabeth, that's a bit funky. But new Rome is the safest place for demigods, and he's been in wars for years, of course he wants that. And wanting to be out of school- okay? New Rome isn't just about the university, not to mention the New Rome university is focused on kids with dyslexia and adhd, obviously. So it will be tailored to him, his struggles are understood, accepted, and aided. Who wouldn't see the appeal in that?
And finally, I agree, that if a character or couple is going to have broad reach, they should be healthy. That's a problem i have with Colleen hoover and all her toxic relationships that have a large audience and are so loved by that audience. And back to this, I hate that the pjo hoo couples are so focused on in the books because fans always pay attention to the couples, but the focus amplifies them, and I think having a relationship be the main focus of a kids/teen/ya book sets up horrible mindsets, and idolizes relationships and all in all is not good for kids. Percabeth or not, healthy or not, I don't think the emphasis on relationships is good.
I might link some of my other posts that I mentioned or that address similar issues in the reblogs
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tenebraevesper · 8 months
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 1)
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Welcome to the first part of my personal elaboration on the topic of why ''Prime!Shadow is peak Shadow!'', or in other words, why Prime!Shadow is one of the best written iterations of Shadow's character.
Will I try to make proper arguments for his character writing? Of course. Will I also be biased as hell just because he's my favorite character? Absolutely!
So, if you can handle both of that, we should dive in!
Before I start, I suppose I should give a brief overview of Shadow's character and how he had been handled through the years. The general consensus seems to be that Shadow was at his peak as a character from Sonic Adventure 2 to Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) (as well as Pre-Reboot!Archie Comics during Ian Flynn's run), being someone who was deeply traumatized by the death of his sister Maria Robotnik, had his memories manipulated to get revenge on humanity, only to sacrifice his own life to save the world Maria cherished, losing his memories in the process and trying to carve out his own path, only to finally solidify his role as a protector of the world, even if his methods aren't always the most peaceful ones.
So, where does the idea of edgelord Shadow come from?
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Yeaaahh... let's just say that Shadow's own game, Shadow the Hedgehog (2005), didn't do him any good in the character department, because it seems that all that people remember was that one time SEGA decided to give Shadow a gun and let him deal with an alien invasion. The confusing story routes didn't help either.
In time, Shadow's character went from a complex and layered character to something akin to Vegeta (no offense Dragon Ball fans!), much to the disappointment of everyone who understood character before he underwent this transformation. Also, I'm not counting Boom!Shadow in this because Sonic Boom is a different universe and its own thing, but I won't argue against the fact that Boom!Shadow's characterization as a complete jerkass didn't do Game!Shadow any favor either. That's not even mentioning the Sonic IDW Comics, where Shadow had many mandates tied to him that even the writers found it annoying to write him (although with the most recent arc where Shadow was shown, it seems that the mandates have loosened a little).
Of course, I might be missing out on some information, but this is the general gist of the history of his character. So, when Sonic Prime revealed that Shadow would be one of the major characters, you can bet that I was nervous about how he would be written and I decided to keep a close eye on his characterization; and honestly, I went from genuinely pleased to excited when I realized that Shadow was being written as a very compelling character. Not only that, but he also appeared to have gone through subtle character development over the course of the show.
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Starting from the very beginning, I'm certain that you remember how Shadow's first appearance was basically him punching Sonic at the end of Episode 01: Shattered, a very impactful first impression that left us with more questions and headaches. The following episode, Episode 02: The Yoke's On You, gives us more details in regards to why he punched Sonic, seemingly out of the blue.
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Shadow's proper introduction kicks off with him searching for the Chaos Emerald... and I have to ask, when was the last time we even saw Shadow genuinely smile? Was in the Mario & Sonic at The Olympic Games franchise? I don't really remember.
In any case, being clearly happy about finding the Chaos Emerald, he speeds off, only to suddenly sense that something is wrong and is met with a giant blue pulse of energy (released during Sonic's fight with Dr. Eggman) and a vision of Sonic using the Paradox Prism energy.
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This expression just screams ''Something bad is going to happen and it's Sonic's fault! I'm going to kick his ass before he does anything stupid!''
We then follow Shadow as he searches for Sonic, clocking him square in the face for something he hasn't done yet. Eh, I'd say that this one wasn't really deserved.
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Even before Sonic starts explaining his relationship with Shadow, we immediately get an understanding of Shadow's character. He is serious, works alone, quite fast and powerful, prefers to fight over talking things out, is willing to do anything to protect his home and clearly has a history with Sonic. Sonic proceeds to add how Shadow is his biggest rival, a buzzkill and that he totally roller-skates.
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''They're air shoes!''
Did... Did Shadow just break the 4th wall? Did he just make a joke? Dude, not even Boom!Shadow got to do that and Sonic Boom was the epitome of wall breaking!
Yeah, let's just say that my jaw dropped when I heard this, realizing that Shadow's character in Sonic Prime will be different than what we got used to see.
So, after knocking the Rings out of Sonic (I mean that literally), Shadow questions him about what he has done, with Sonic pointing out how Eggman is the bad guy, clearly confused about why Shadow is attacking him.
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''You literally shook the world!'' ''That's because I'm good! And powerful apparently! Jealous?''
After a bit of teasing from Sonic, he and Shadow get into a race, during which I had noticed something. While Sonic keeps teasing Shadow (and also having fun fighting him), Shadow tells him to stop and listen for once.
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''Clearly you're angry, which is normal,... but I'm supposed to be on a bit of a mission here, Shadow!'' ''What mission?'' ''None of your business.''
Sooooo, have you noticed it too? Because there is something very telling in this interaction. If you haven't, I'll let it play out until the end. Anyways, to continue, Shadow knocks Sonic into a rock, with Sonic confirming another aspect of their relationship.
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''Ughh, I know, we're fighting again. Don't worry guys, I'll calm him down.''
We now know that this certainly wasn't the first time they had a fight and it won't be the last time. Sonic points out that, whatever beef they have, they aren't going to settle it this way. While Sonic is right, I will admit, I had to gush over the excellent animation and fight choreography. X3
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Sonic then hears an explosion from the cave where the Paradox Prism is and tells Shadow that he needs to get to his friends, only to get punched for his troubles.
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''Learn to focus!''
Now that the flashback is over, what exactly is going on between the two?
First of all, the main thing I have noticed is that both Shadow and Sonic seriously have a problem with communication. Shadow knows Sonic is about to do something stupid, and from his actions (aka choosing violence over talking) he is trying to prevent Sonic from doing whatever he was about to do. It does paint Shadow as a bit of a jerk, but Sonic isn't completely innocent here either.
An observation I had made was that Shadow probably knows that if he tried to just talk to Sonic, Sonic would either blow him off and run away or just tease him back, which was confirmed when Shadow asks him on what kind of mission he is with Sonic responding that it's none of his business. I imagine that there were previous events where Sonic was doing something stupid and Shadow tried to stop him from making things worse, and that violence was indeed the answer to Sonic's antics.
If Sonic had explained to Shadow what the deal is, I'm certain that Shadow would help him out. Perhaps Shadow could've told him about his vision, but going by Sonic's behavior, Sonic would probably not listen to him.
This brings me to my second point - this moment establishes that, if there will be character development for Shadow, it will be mainly through his interactions with Sonic and them learning to work together and listen to each other, something I'm really excited to talk about in later episodes.
The flashback continues in Episode 03: Escape From New Yoke, where Sonic does the old ''Hey, look behind you!'' trick and Shadow falls for it, hook, line and sinker. Sonic knocks him into a wall and speeds off to where his friends are fighting Eggman, leaving Shadow to recover and follow him.
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I do like how Shadow just shakes his head here. Even if he doesn't say much, you can clearly see what it is going through his mind. He's angry at Sonic, but acknowledges that this is just typical for his blue rival.
in Episode 07: It Takes One to No Place, we see that Shadow manages to reach the Paradox Prism cave, just as Sonic is about to shatter it.
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''Chaos Control!''
Unlike Sonic's friends and Dr. Eggman, Shadow manages to use Chaos Control, preventing him from being shattered just like the others.
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Instead, he finds himself floating in The Void. I'll leave what happened to him in The Void for the next part, but what is important to note is that he cannot enter the individual Shatterspaces, but he can communicate with Sonic every time the latter gains enough speed to use the Paradox Prism Energy.
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''Sonic, it's broken! It's all broken!''
Sonic is at first freaked out, thinking he's just hallucinating. I suppose that explains why Sonic keeps ignoring him in any subsequent appearances, despite Shadow trying his best to contact him and trying to explain him what to do, like telling him how he's lost in The Void and for Sonic to keep moving and to not stop (which also leads Sonic to find out how he can travel between Shatterspaces).
I suppose this can also be interpreted as ''Sonic leaves Shadow on read''. X3
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Once Sonic accidentally gets out of No Place in Episode 08: There Is No Arrgh In Team, he is confronted by Shadow, who is absolutely furious. Not that Sonic notices, given how he had a really rough day himself.
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''Shadow? Ugh, I don't have time to deal with whoever you are. I just wanna go home.''
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''Home? Home doesn't exist anymore BECAUSE OF YOU!''
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Considering what Sonic had done, yeah, this punch was definitely deserved.
As I said above, the first eight episodes are here to establish Shadow's character, his relationship/rivalry with Sonic and his own flaws (mainly the lack of communication on his part, choosing to fight Sonic instead) and it is clear that in order to overcome those flaws, he will have to work with Sonic (calm down Sonadow shippers, we didn't get there yet), something I'm excited to explore in the second part of this analysis.
#Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 2)
#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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wayfayrr · 3 months
🦆 anon is ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s been a minute, life been hectic for a while 😩 but I’m hoping that starting today, I’ll get a bit of free time to peruse my favorite blogs!!! So, how have you been? Busy? Have you been drinking enough water? Stay hydrated all you thirsty hoes out there!!! 😁
Anyway! Trying to catch up on stuff I’ve missed…
Agreed, sleep is for the weak. I shall sleep when I am dead. Not even the eepy meds work anymore.
*Gasp!* an anniversary? Of your first LU fic? Congrats!
A raffle? Noice! Can’t wait to see what the winners come up with.
Few sentences prompts??? Love it!!! Number 7 plz and make it hurt if possible. I like angst.
Recently saw a YT short that gave me a new idea… it’s a different kind of “self aware” ask. What if the boys in game aren’t self aware… but your drawings of them are? I’ll link the short, don’t worry. But this creator drew their characters and did an animation of them actually being alive and interacting with them and even the other drawings. Thought it was a cool idea to share with the self aware boys being actual drawings that were drawn by reader lol! Actually… that would make reader their actual creator… the ideas are turning in my head with this one~
It's good to see you duck!!! it's been a bit and I hope you're doing well!!! Stuff's been getting better for me, Had an interview for a job just after getting this ask and I'm waiting to hear back now.
It's really funny too cause I track my sleep and just every morning when I check now the time asleep is just gradually getting less and less lol
And yeah! It's been a little over a year since I've started creating for linked universe now, and it's been an amazing time <33 met some truly wonderful people cause of it
7 (silent fury) seems to be the most popular prompt asfvdsvgsdfgv this is actually the 3rd ask I've gotten with it (but I'm gonna write another mini one anyway, wild rather than time for this one >:D)
He knew he was a failure. The first moments of his, truly his own memories and not another life half-remembered, was being told that he failed after all. That he died when the hero was supposed to prosper. That didn't make what he was going through any easier. And wallowing in his regrets wouldn't help you feel safe again. The chain all knew your boundaries, they all knew to ask you your opinions. To make sure that you were comfortable. But villagers didn't. And wild wasn't fast enough to be your hero. He was fine not being Hyrule's, as long as he could be yours that's all he could ever long for. But he failed you. Comforting you wasn't even an option with how you'd locked yourself away in your room, away from everything while you coped. Leaving the only way to take out his burning fury to find the person who dared to lay a hand on you. He couldn't fail you again.
[Prompt list]
I've been seeing that trend too!! Its one that I really like - and I've actually been sent a couple by dms lol it's a really interesting take on the au, and it's just fun in general really. Although I'll probably stay away from the creator == being treated as a deity cause it's kinda an ick for me (it's just a trope I don't like tbh, each to their own but I won't write/read it) but them thinking they have more of a right to be closer to you? the way it could cause arguments if they met the originals? oh there is so much potential for it as an idea honestly
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totoftaterslover · 19 days
Random headcannons of Tate Mcgucket cause I'm cringe and not so free.
There pretty random so
Reason he covers his eyes is because he has complete heterochromia, his right eye is a very dark brown while his left is a pretty light blue color. He was teased for this as a kid so he's covered them since out of embarrassment. Though his hair grew like that even as a baby
The reason he's able to notice weird stuff about gravity falls (like that weird lake monster that he warned Dipper about) without the SOTBE getting him is because hes CRAZY good at hiding stuff.
Actually enjoys fixing mechanical stuff on his own, ofc he's not as skilled as his father as he never practices with big machines but he’ll fix a basically destroyed microwave in an hour and a half TOPS
Fw SOAD HEAVYYYYYYYY but really listens to classic rock like queen, AC/DC, Metallica esp while working
Birthday is 1978, July 2nd (I don't think he has a cannon birthday so) so he was about 4 when the whole Fiddleford and the portal thing happened and 33-34 when Dipper and Mabel were there
Has an INCREDIBLE and photographic memory, could remember some stuff from when he first gained conciseness. It sometimes scares people A LOT when he remembers the smallest thing about them
Though he hates this fact, he actually LOVES ANY kind of potato, no matter how there cooked. people would tease him for it bc his name so he would usually eat them in the comfort of his own home
Secretly knows how to play the spoons, you couldn't waterboard this information out of him but he loves doing this when he's bored in his house
Always knew Stanley wasn't Stanford bc he remembers his dad mentioning 6 fingers when he was gone, Stanley didn't have 6 fingers, but he didn't care and honestly just didn't wanna bring attention to himself.
Though when he finally met Ford he wanted to murder him bc in his mind he was what made his father go crazy.
Is the most known and unknown person ever, like everyone knows who he is but Noone KNOWS him.
Probably as smart if not smarter than Ford, just never cared as much to be known, just wants a quiet life to himself but wished his father could join.
He and his mom have a rocky ish relationship, they love each other ofc and they had only each other for a bit but when he said he didn't wanna go to a big college and wanted to go to Gravity Falls to have a quiet life she HATED it and tried for years to get him to change his mind. But they still love each other and talk sometimes when neither are busy.
Had an underbite when he was very young, hated it and the braces, bro was fighting for his LIFEEEEE
Thats all for now guys sorry for grammar im so tired right now but like he does NOT get enough appreciation. I’ll do more later :3
I have an oc idea but I’ll do it later too
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tgrailwar-zero · 23 days
Earliest memory would be fighting in a grail war, which long story short when we escaped turned out to be the seal we were sealed in, we’d assumedly met its release conditions and were let back out, then we were in the red vs blue one and we remembered none of the Origin war stuff so we went along with it cause we didn’t know what was going on but Then we kinda got got by Caster and died except we almost but then didn’t and then we came back but now we were like “what the heck” about Caster so we thought to get back into the war except we then got told we were meant to end the Solar Cell and that that was our true purpose and that the Solar Cell was Bad, actually but we still didn’t know what was going on and our source seemed p confident so we somewhat hesitantly went okay but not everyone was on board and there was a lot of in-fighting then we met Asclepius and I think the alert was raised on us after we came back from the dead to raise hostility of anyone we met, and that plus the lair servant status meant Asclepius was on edge with us but when uh we saved a at that point rogue servant it really tripped his hostility senses and he attacked us and we had to… kill him to stay alive, if it’s any consolation he did tell us to help the servant but also god that sucked. But I don’t know if that was just an Asclepius or early return thing cause I think people we’ve met after haven’t been that hostile towards us? But anyway then we went off and long long story short went to red territory met war monitor accidentally summoned Draco and didn’t realise what was going to happen, stopped Draco, ex Draco now Nero summoned herself and joined our gang, we figured out we didn’t actually need to end the Solar Cell, and now we’re… Trying to make up for past fuckups when we were trying to figure out What was going on? And keep the Solar Cell going and alive. It’s really very nice here. I missed some stuff but I think the others can help fill in the gaps too.
Also genuinely thank you for helping us Max. You’re great and also like the most up front no obvious agenda new person we can spill everything to person we’ve met all day we could cry. Or you could have them too but honestly you seem great so we’d get it it’s okay. Do you need or want lawyer fees. We have a bit left
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He listened. It took a long time for you to give as much details as you did. It was a bit disjointed, details being added and looped back, but eventually he had a comprehensive log of what to expect and what to know. As he thought, his expression grew more inscrutable.
MAX: "…That's certainly a lot, but I think I can piece something together. You've been through a lot, and survived nonetheless. I'd be proud of that. And… well, hearing all of this, you certainly don't seem like the monster that the stories make you out to be. Secondly, if what you're saying about the General is true, best to let that sleeping dog lie, though it's a good card to pull in a pinch. The topic of 'influence' is going to be harder to prove, so it'll be better to focus on the 'then' than the 'now'. If evidence is brought against you, any sort of prosecution will be pushing the opposite."
He shook his head with a wry laugh, leaning against the wall.
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MAX: "They really didn't give me enough time… public defense is a tough job…"
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MAX: "Still… you being part of the Theurgical Holy Grail War is interesting… and granted two Servants? Why would the Administrator do something like that? That woman always has some sort of angle…"
He mused for a moment, clearly catching on something, before putting it to the side for now.
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MAX: "And there's no need for thanks or payment. I get paid by the Solar Cell, and thanks is only for if we're successful."
You heard the door creak open as RINDR poked her head in.
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RINDR: "…Mr. Tait?"
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MAX: "Miss Rindr. Is something the matter?"
She stepped inside, clearly looking bothered.
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RINDR: "...Sister Thrud shared something important with us, and wanted me to pass it on. Apparently the discussion escalated, and now six Lair Servants are all convening in person."
MAX: "You're kidding. I can't say I'm shocked, but I had hoped for a different result. Prayed for maybe just the Keeper. Who's arriving?"
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RINDR: "All of them, minus the Protector and the General, but the General doesn't tend to show anyways. I think the Port is entirely self-governed…"
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RINDR: "…Anyways, this is a proper Solar Council. This was a massively unexpected outcome. Thrud actually started arguing, before being sent back to guard duty. Solar Councils… they don't happen often, not unless this concerns the fate of the Solar Cell itself."
MAX: "Makes sense. Thrud's your captain, but she's pretty heavily outranked when it comes to the Lair Servants. Still, thank you for passing the message, and send my regards to your sister. You, nor Miss Thrud had to do that."
RINDR: "…Right. Well, you're also being summoned, so please finish your preparations."
With that, the Valkyrie left, as MAX smiled.
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MAX: "...Lucky you. You're the subject of a Solar Council."
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ceescedasticity · 6 months
Unforsaken, 11d
(All sections on tumblr)
(AO3, lagging behind but more polished)
While Glorfindel talks further to Eluréd-and-Elurín/Alphsîr-and-Alphlîn and Celeborn hovers awkwardly to the side, everyone else finishes setting up camp and tries not to gossip too obviously.
A top matter of discussion is why Eluréd and Elurín are using different names.
Risyind figures they wanted to use different names to suit the different lives they were taking.
Khitwê suggests they might have thought someone would react to the "Elu" negatively, as he gathers their namesake is somewhat… contentious?
Legolas says Thingol isn't that contentious… but if they didn't want history and politics following them everywhere, well…
Zuste says she was just assuming they couldn't remember their original names.
Oh right peredhil may not experience elvish clarity of childhood memory.
Elladan and Elrohir (and Arwen) actually have very elf-typical early childhood memories, or at least feel like they do. How much that's organic and how much that was helped along by family and community patching up any holes is impossible to say at this point.
Which is to say, both Celeborn and Glorfindel know about the peredhil childhood memory thing, but they don't know know about it. It may not have occurred to them. Elladan figures someone should probably remind them later.
(Sharlinnu thinks automatically forgetting infancy sounds like a pretty good deal at this point but elects not to bring it up and inevitably derail the conversation.)
Gimli as well as the Hirnedhrim had no idea that elves did remember their infancies. Gimli and Zena would like to be able to remember; Zuste and Dyn would not.
"—And I'm surprised you do, Zena. What are you expecting to remember that you would want to?"
"Maybe I want to know if Dielina is telling the truth about baby you biting everyone you met."
(Dielina is five years older than Zena, who is three years older than Zuste. The goblin-men of Dunland mostly came in runs like that — three to eight inside a decade or two, then longer gaps. …While the Fair Orc was busy being dead, apparently.) (There were, of course, a number of older yet siblings around to raise them, at the time. They're just all dead now.)
Elladan steers the conversation onto safer (if irrelevant) ground by starting to recount all the biting Dúnedain children he had Elrohir have met over the centuries.
(The Sons of Fëanor do not say anything.)
(In addition to not wanting to attract attention, Celegorm really doesn't have anything to say.)
(Maglor knows knows about the peredhil childhood memory thing, having been witness to Elrond and Elros realizing they had lost things. They tried not to make a big deal out of it, especially in front of him, but. He knows knows.)
(He also knows that two small children focused on each other will not, necessarily, use each other's names enough to be well reminded of them.)
(Maglor is quite sure they don't remember whose name was whose.)
(He is saying nothing.)
Elladan and Elrohir make the nightly palantír-call to Arwen as quietly and unobtrusively as they can, and report the confirmed arrival of their great-uncles. Swan-uncles.
"They don't seem to want to talk to anyone right now," Elrohir says.
"They don't seem to particularly want to be here," Elladan adds. "I don't think they would have come if Caraxitári — the Queen of the Geese — hadn't pushed them to."
"I think she's hoping they'll… re-acclimate?" Arwen offers.
(Re-imprint. The Queen of the Geese is hoping they'll re-imprint on the correct species.)
"I'm not sure whether there's any chance of that if they don't want to…"
When the conversation dies down, Gimli comes over to see if he can talk to Aragorn for a few minutes. He needs to share Celeborn not only calling Gimli a 'hero of the last war' but calling Gimli's people 'staunch allies'.
"Did he mean my people at Aglon? Erebor? The Line of Durin? Longbeards? He can't have meant all dwarves—"
"Honestly I think he was probably just trying to emphasize that they could trust you specifically…"
Meanwhile Zena is, by popular Zuste and Dyn's request, retelling the story of That Time Four Of Our Siblings Went Up To Those Marshes Where The Border-River Meets The Greyflood And Had A Survival Horror Experience Involving The Local Swans.
Glorfindel gets as far as showing Alphsîr and Alphlîn what it looks like when he gathers his power in order to apply it. He's starting to talk them through the process when one of the Geese circles overhead.
"That's Caraxitári," Alphsîr says. "She means it's time for us to sleep."
He still sounds very stiff and awkward but that is definitely disgruntlement.
"If you're living like swans that does make sense?" Celeborn offers. "Would you like to overnight here, or return to the Geese?"
"…We'll stay," Alphsîr says finally.
They turn back into swans, and settle themselves in the grass.
After a while they fall asleep.
Celeborn sits down right where he was standing. "What's the strongest thing we have to drink?"
Glorfindel: "…Sorry, but we didn't think this was the sort of journey that would allow for alcoholic indulgences."
Glorfindel is not saying: Also you and Maglor between you have polished off at least half of Imladris's remaining liquor stores since this whole thing started and I might want some of that at some point, did you ever think about that!
Celeborn: "Legolas Thranduilion. Do you or do you not have a few skins of Mirkwood moonshine somewhere in your baggage."
Legolas: had not realized Celeborn knows about that
Glorfindel: "If you're hung over tomorrow I'm not explaining it to the twins. Either twins."
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auspicioustidings · 1 year
Lost Boys
2. The Morning After
Summary: She wakes up the morning after with some fuzzy memory of the night before and Simon muses on the events of the evening.
I'm tagging this as x reader but it is in third person because I'm pretty garbage at writing in second person.
Words: 1.2k
CW: Dubcon bordering on noncon, rough sex (mention only, not really proper smut)
Christ her head was banging. Actually everything was throbbing pretty uncomfortably. The initial thought was that she must have drank a whole bottle of bourbon last night to be feeling like this, the ache between her legs and the scratchiness of her throat meaning she had probably done so with some very good company.
She sat up in bed with a groan when the fuzzy memory came back to her. A skull mask, a motorbike, blood rushing to her head and not being able to breathe. Oh God, her first night and she had went and had a threesome with the Boardwalk troublemakers. How pathetic and blissed was she that she didn't remember getting home? Honestly she didn't remember a lot of the finer details. Had she passed out? How did they even know where she lived to get her home?
She took account of herself. In clean underwear and an oversized t-shirt that certainly was not hers. She felt pretty clean actually and realised with some horror that her hair was damp. Someone had washed her. Someone had washed her hair. She was pretty sure that fully dead to the world to the extend that people had to wash and tuck her in was a level of fucked out that went beyond what should have been possible.
It's not like she was shy about it per se, if anything the way her legs wobbled when she got up was the same sort of satisfying as sore muscles after a work out. But there was no way she could work properly if the people who caused problems were going to be treating her like they had won her. And if she knew anything about men, that's what they would do. She'd be lucky if she could set foot on the Boardwalk without everyone knowing exactly what had happened, they had probably been crowing about it. So her options were to put up with it, to find another job elsewhere or to own it.
Experience told her the first two didn't work out. The third always did. The third was technically how she had met Keegan. It had been after a night with Logan that he had been insufferable about the next day, telling everyone that she was only mouthy until a firm hand got her all compliant and polite. It was Keegan that he had been saying as much to when she had arrived and made comment on how as she remembered it, he was whimpering for her by the end. Hadn't he needed her permission to cum? It was so nice seeing that little submissive side of his. Logan had promptly stopped bringing it up after that and Keegan had howled with laughter, their strange flirtationship starting from there.
A wave of light headedness hit and she decided that she could deal with it tomorrow. It wasn't like she needed to be anywhere, the way it worked at these places was you got paid when you showed up but you didn't have a set shift, at least not until you had established yourself. And catching the mess of her neck in the mirror she thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to lay low and see if she couldn't use the cold spoon trick to try and get the hickies to be less horrendous.
Today she could take a hot bath, try and stretch out her sore muscles. She had to eat, she felt horribly weak. Only when she went to the kitchen to see if she still had any of the junk food she had bought on her first day she found the place stocked with all manner of fresh foods, weighing heavily on steak, spinach and oysters of all things. She ripped open the cabinets to find they were full as well, some fancy brand of dark chocolate right at the front with a ribbon tied around it.
What the everloving fuck.
Simon was inclined to let Keegan fuck Johnny's brains out next time he was in town. This particular little gift was by far the best he had ever sent.
In hindsight of course she had been meant for them. What were the chances they came to see John at the exact time she was looking for Hellraiser. That was always how Keegan identified his gifts, had them sweetly going to the store to pick up one of his recommendations. Always horror.
Only this one had bite, this one fought the instinct to be afraid of Johnny when he got in her face. She had tried to soothe John, thinking they were there to mess with him. How sweet, what a demure little thing. Johnny had been chomping at the bit to eat her and Kyle had been a right git about it when he had lost the coin toss for the priveledge.
John had taken him to the side, told him to try her out, see what he thought. Simon hadn't really known what he meant, him and Johnny were going to kill her tonight. He laughed now, realising that John had known straight away they wouldn't kill her, they'd have one taste of her pretty little cunt and be gone for her.
He almost took her right there on the carousel, cock straining against his pants at her defiance. He had fallen in love with her right then. They had been watching her all night, the way she lost herself to her senses being overstimulated. They way she couldn't keep her hands off of everything around her, needed to feel something. He had to let Johnny ride his thigh to get some relief when the man was panting after her, ready to go feral. Such an impatient little mutt, he'd need to punish him for that later.
Fuck she had been so good for them, came so hard everytime they wanted her to. Fought against it when it got too much and then came anyway. Got Johnny begging real nice as well.
She wouldn't even remember the second round, not after being fed from. Couldn't have her knowing about them just yet, it would ruin all of the fun.
Johnny was such a messy pup about it, fucking her into the ground without even licking the bite wound closed, letting her get smeared with blood and arousal and dirt. And just when he thought they had pushed her to the breaking point she got mean, bit Johnny right back like she was the predator here. Even rode his face when Simon had picked her up and placed her at Johnny's mouth so he could bite at that artery in her thigh he knew Johnny loved to feed from. That was when Johnny had fallen in love, when she had been pushed beyond human into something feral.
He considered leaving her there when he fucked another load into her, groaning at the image of her waking up dazed and confused with him dripping from her. But no, their sweet little thing had done so well for them and they took care of what was theirs.
She'd need to get her strength up after all, wouldn't be fair to keep John and Kyle from her forever.
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agentpheoness · 8 days
I saw Reggie angst so in return, I write Pheoness and Reggie fluff pt 1
(The angst was this https://www.tumblr.com/wyvchard/757213464395759616/wip-to-be-named?source=share)
(This takes place after Death Engine. Why is it so long? I honestly have no idea)
The glow from the summer stars lit the inactive Agency building. It was so late that most of the employees went home or fell asleep. The only light from the building was from a tiny office window, Pheoness’s office. There was a faint sense of nostalgia in the air as Pheoness packed her belongings into the last box. In a few days, her and Agent Pheonix would be relocated to another area for their missions. The location was top secret, so not even they knew where their new quarters would be. She wasn’t just a novice rookie anymore, she was in the big leagues! All of this was exciting to her but, she’s been in this office ever since she met her new friends. Memories, both good and bad, filled this quaint little office. Despise chipped at her tired body as she stored away her valuables and she stopped when the familiar feeling of a cold wood frame met her hand. She looks at the item in her hand, a picture of her, Pheonix, and Reginald. They all looked so joyous and even Pheoness had a soft smirk on her face. Though the longing lingered on her like a bad aftertaste, it was washed away by realization. The place where she made these memories will soon be gone, but the people she made it with will not. She felt so lucky to finally have people who respected and cared for her and ecstatic to make even more new memories with them. With the last box packed, her work was finally completed and she could hit the hay. Pheoness remembered Reginald was still awake a few hours ago. Director Morales doesn’t go easy on the paperwork after all. It wouldn’t hurt to say goodnight before she leaves. Unlike the loud, bustling, atmosphere during the day, it was dead silent with only dim overhead lights making her surroundings visible. As she got to his door, she realized the lights inside were off. Dang it, he already left. She really wanted to see him right now…oh well….guess she’ll see him tomorrow. She was about to leave until something stopped her. A noise. One so small, but so powerful it make her blood run cold. The sound of muffled sobs. She gripped the handle of the door, mentally trying to prepare herself for whatever is behind the door, she’s no therapist and definitely not good with handling any sort of emotions. With whitened knuckles, she softly twists the handle and makes a slim opening in the door so she could see what was happening.
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 2 months
I don’t know if I’m too late or not but I wanted to say Happy Birthday!!!
I don’t really have much and I didn’t have too much time, so here are some small drawings I did for brainstorming ideas for an English assignment alongside a photo I took of Hajime and Nagito in tomadachi life?
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I also have a Small Ramble about Hajime Hinata for you!
Hajime is my one of favorite characters because he's the perfect balance for a protagonist. The story uses the fact he's "basic," and gives it life. His story is of someone who is so insecure, depressed, and feels so inferior about being talentless that he gives up his own life just to be something he can be proud of. Just so he can be something worth remembering. He finds his own strength, not only that but he decides he won't live in the past but rather the future and present. That he'll decide his own future, no matter what happens. In contrast to class 78th they're basically the school dropouts after all, they don't know how life will go, but they'll figure it out. They'll make their own future, together! Out of all of the protagonists and messages the Danganronpa franchise has, Danganronpa 2 resonates with me most. Hajime has a wonderful story, a fun personality, a cute appearance, and is a beautifully compelling and charming character. He’s honestly adorable, he’s such an introverted realist a lot of the time haha!
Hope my Ask is enough to make you smile for your birthday, Sorry if I’m late!!!
sorry I don’t have that much to say about Makoto… I LIKE HIM TOO THOUGH!!!
Ohhhh my gosh your drawings are SO CUTE!!😍😍 Thanks for showing me this, Zen! I knew you had good drawing skills (I must have seen your drawing of Nagito in your YouTube video) but I didn't know you drew such lovely and funny things, so this is a pleasant surprise! 😆💕 hehe, it seems like Hajime is yelling something at Nagito every 5 seconds or so. I’m happy to see these silly boys!
I also didn’t know you have been playing Tomodachi Life! I have never played this game myself, but I love looking at the screenshots of this game. Did they become good friends with each other in that world? It's so nice to see them together on the beach under the stars! (ㅅ´ ˘ `)✧.。.:*
And thank you for telling me the reason why you like Hajime!💖 I totally agree with you that he has a wonderful story! I didn't notice it the first time I played the game, but when I replayed it and followed the story from the beginning, I found that his sense of inferiority is described well before he knows he's a reserve course student. I haven't checked how it's expressed in the English translation yet, but he tends to use the phrase "俺なんか" a lot more than other protagonists. “なんか” is an ambiguous word, similar to "some" in English, but it is an expression of self-deprecation to use it after the first person (俺). He has a subconscious tendency to be self-deprecating even though he has lost his memory, but I think that is why he easily falls for people who are kind to him. In fact, he was very shocked when he realized that Nagito might be the culprit in the first class trial, saying, "You were so kind”. It's very cute how he felt that way about Nagito even though they only met for the first time two days ago. ( *´艸`)💖 (He is rather cautious and suspicious of things, but I feel that in relationships he easily falls for others!)
As you say, the process of how he, who originally felt inferior and introverted, becomes determined to make his own future is very touching, and his personality itself is what makes him so cute and appealing. Honestly, when I first saw Hajime, I wasn't attracted to his looks at all, but now I think he's the cutest guy ever. I feel happy whenever I see his cute smile!😊💓
Thank you so much for this wonderful gift and taking the time out of your busy schedule! Your message definitely made me smile! I was actually in the process of preparing a post that would sort of summarize the birthday gifts I received, but your message came just in time for me to post it. So my birthday has passed, but in that sense you made it! 🥳
I'm happy and grateful every time I get a message from you. Hope you have a great day! 🫶✨ And I hope to hear more about your thoughts on Makoto sometime! 😆
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