#he has the memories of being jodies kid and glenns and he also is with the mom he remembers dying
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i-3at-s0ap 11 months ago
I've been having some (scattered and unhelpful) thoughts about Nicky being transmasc and how that affects the Nick vs. Narcolas situation, and I thought I'd make a post abt it!
Senseless blabbering under the cut 鈿狅笍
(for the purposes of this post, Nick is pre Meth bay and Glenn's son, Nicolas/Narcolas is post Meth bay and Jodie's son and Nicky is post demon-ification)
Ok! So, I headcanon Nick Close to be transmasc (whether binary or not isn't important rn). The real question is, Is Nicolas also transmasc?
Possibility 1) Nicolas is transmasc. Growing up Jodie's kid, he was exposed to queer people, yes, (I don't think Jodie is transphobic/homophobic or anything) but it would've definitely been a very sanitized, corporate, binary queerness. I think Nicolas would've realized he was trans at a very young age, Idolizing his dad and wishing he could be like him. Realizing he was trans kinda made that fiction seem more reasonable and attainable, so he wouldn't have pushed the feelings down. I think talking to his dad about this would've been a fairly "typical" coming out. Lots of "I love you no matter what" and "this is a big decision but I will support you". Support, but it was also a serious matter.
Nick on the other hand would've grown up with Glenn and (only while he was very young) Morgan. At least in my head, they would've both been pretty down with gender fuckery and playfulness around gender expression and identity. Like Nicolas, Nick would've also realized pretty young, given his parents exposing him to Queer culture and making sure he knew he could be whatever he wanted. When he came out it wasn't ceremonial or anything, and was met with a resounding "fuck yeah! Rock on man".
When Nicky was """created""" these memories coincided and heightened his awareness of the differences in his upbringing and also how he lives now. I'm sure there's some good potential for stories, angst and fics in there.
Possibility 2) Nicolas is a cisgender boy.
Nicolas grows up surrounded by men like his dad, masculine and, in his eyes, perfect. He is constantly trying to be like his dad, and feeling inadequate because of that. Alongside this impossible standard of manhood he is being raised in, he is also having to face the challenges and toxicity of cis boyhood.
As he becomes Nicky, the memories of the playfulness of being raised by Glenn and being trans are mixed with the experience of being surrounded by unachievable toxic masculinity of being Nicolas. Nicky has no idea if he counts as trans or not, being he technically has the body of a cis boy, (something Nick longed for.) He has a very complicated relationship to womanhood and being trans, while also having lived as a cis boy too. Let's face it, at least in my experience cisgender boys are taught to be transphobic, homophobic, racist, ableist and every terrible thing in the book. Although I doubt Nicolas was the worst, he still grew up in a "agree with these terrible 'jokes' or you're out" environment, one that is suffocating and hypnotic to be in. The cognitive dissonance and later guilt he would've experienced upon remembering his life as Nick, as a transmasc, would've been painful at best, downright excruciating at worst. (Kinda a really extreme version of the human experience of doing something wrong then regretting it later.)
In my personal experience, I spent the first 12 years of my life as a cisgender girl, and to be completely honest I had some fucked up opinions on neopronoun users, furries, alt people and people who are nowadays called 'cringe'. It fucking sucks looking back on that even though I've since come out as trans and bi (and am dating a neopronoun user!!!! Hi Leonardodicapriowo!!!!) I still (correctly) feel incredibly guilty about the things I thought and the things I said. (I'm fairly sure I wasn't vocal about my opinions and never really hurt anyone, but you can never know) I also feel like that concept could be explored really interestingly with Nicky.
Idk these thoughts have just been floating around in my head for a while and I thought I'd write em down somewhere!
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jksnrabbit 9 months ago
Hi, I have several questions about Johnny B Close/Jonathan Foster, don鈥檛 feel like you have to respond any of to them.
What type of person did Johnny become post trial? Like Nick became Narcolas because of how much he looked up to his father, in both timelines so how did being raised by Jodie affect him?
When Jodie became a demon did Johnathan embrace it like Nicky did and also did he get his memories back like Nicky did?
What was Johnny doing during the Watermice saga into the battle of the bands? and did he go into that fighting ring in the bull e. wugs with Nick?
and lastly thank you for making this guy I also refuse to believe all the doodlers (other than lark and sparrow) are only children.
sorry if the responses are too long i <3 rambling about johnny
ALSO YEAH . NO WAY BETWEEN 4 DADS THEY EACH ONLY HAVE ONE KID (again, minus the oaks, but theyre twins thats like the same kid twice). and like i know that henry was originally going to have a daughter, but theyre cowards for not going thru with it
everything answered under the cut :]
1) post trial, johnny becomes johnathan d. foster [the d for dee, jodie's mom]. instead of johnny's black denim jacket, he's got a brown corduroy one, plus a polo shirt, no hoodie. and timbs instead of combat boots lmao
in the original timeline, johnny loses morgan and has since then become very protective over nick and overall very anxious. since johnathan still has morgan, he's much more lax and honestly, a bit more distant towards nicholas, like in the sense of an older sibling not wanting to hang out with a younger sibling. [as a youngest sibling i 100% get nicholas getting way too attatched to a parent as a result]
in relation to jodie, he's pretty much just a cop's son. which is to say, a stick in the mud, but not to the degree of tattletailing 'um actually 馃' that nicholas is.
he's less of a bassist and more of a pianist in this timeline, and has the free time that johnny doesnt to take up hobbies like photography or pottery [if johnny had the time and resources i think he'd love photography]
i have a scene in my head about when glenn is threatening jodie during the meth bay prison riots, that part where he pins him to a wall; johnathan would be the kind of guy to tackle glenn from behind to get him off his dad then IMMEDIATELY cry for help upon realizing he cant fight a 50 yr old prisoner
2) yes, he also got his memories of being johnny back when he becomes a demon. nicky embraces being a demon much quicker than he does, but he gets there eventually.
im still debating on this in my own mind, but the scene where nicky stops jodie and glenn from fighting; john would be right there beside him, but i think they would split ways. nicky goes to hell with jodie, but i think the part of johnny that resides in john still hurts for glenn, and recognizes the pattern of destruction he would inevitably fall into, so he'd stay with glenn. of course, he has no idea how to interact with him as johnathan hated him, but he tries.
i think he would be numb when glenn dies. too many emotions, too similar to when morgan died, yet he doesnt see him as his own father, yet he does- its too much for him so he just mentally clocks out for a hot minute i think
he'd also have a very strained relationship with nick jr. how do you cope with your ex dad having a rat named after your brother.
3) ok funnily enough, i think johnny was the opening act before the red brands and the watermice battle, but not as a band. i think he was thrown up there to stall for time as henry, ron, and darryl seduced the rival band, and he ended up doing bad stand-up. think john mulaney's salt and pepper diner story, but from someone with no experience in public speaking. he basically just retells a story of him and nick goofin around. he recieves very stilted applause.
at bull e. wugs, glenn definitely pitches the idea of putting him in the ring as he has an 8 yr advantage on them, but he fervently denies as he doesnt want to fight a kid. that is to say, he is a Close Boy at heart, so instead he goes around the restaurant, swaying the people's bets, ensuring the maximum amount of winnings for him, glenn, and nick in the end
of course this is all to say - i'm not the best at character writing and cant write fanfic for shit, but i do love johnny, so anyone feel free to ask me more about him [+ my other dndads ocs that i need to draw馃槶馃槶]
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confusedfoam 2 years ago
Some dndads travel headcanons, because why not it's summer and it's traveling season for lots of us. only did s1 dads because they unfortunately still own my heart.
- He has left southern California like twice in his life, and both were just going up to northern California. once for his and Carol's honeymoon, and another time when grant was like 8ish to finally go visit Casey and see her brewery.
- Absolutely despised sleeping anywhere that's not his home. the few times he's had to stay at a hotel / families house he just can't sleep at all
- He has never been on an airplane and has absolutely no desire to do so. If he ever did go on an airplane he would be a disaster internally and externally that would come out as being extremely over prepared and way too early. also he would Suffer in airplane seats.
- Was dragged all up and down the west coast and some of the interior as a little kid before Willy got completely sick of traveling with his wife and kid and dumped them back in Stud's old house that he technically still owned but had been let sit for years.
- Good at short and long road trips, weirdly bad at anything in the 4-6 hour range. it's not long enough to him to really settle into the drive but is too long to be remotely casual.
- Deeply fond of sketchy dates motels and kitschy roadside attractions. Will absolutely buy cheesy tourist t-shirts if presented the opportunity.
- Also not really an airplane guy, never had much of an opportunity until he was grown and then had no one to travel with. But if he did fly he would be that guy who doesn't bring anything to do with him and just watches other people's movies over their shoulders. also he'd forget to take his belt off going through airport security.
- Never left the Oakvale area as a kid, so his first trip was a Big One
- Spent his early earth years road tripping around the US, hitting different national parks and such. Falling absolutely in love with the diversity of nature when you don't spend all your time in one patch of forest. He absolutely Lost His Mind at the Grand Canyon
- Continued to travel a lot as he and Mercedes got older and had the kids and everything, they loved taking the boys to different parks and camp sites and such.
- Also really enjoyed traveling internationally once he got his whole paperwork situation sorted.
- Was pretty freaked out about flying the first couple times, but now he's a pro. Unfortunately he is an incredibly chatty seat mate and also one of those people who wears sandals without socks on an airplane. so he puts his bare feet all over the floor at security
- Traveled a very average amount as a kid, just little family vacations. Tagged along with where ever Bill was going during summer breaks as a younger teen.
- Drove all over the freaking country as an older teen / young man seeing various shows and trying catch The Glenn Close Trios big break.
- Shares Ron's fondness for weird little tourist traps and questionable attractions / restaurants
- Extremely pro car camping, if only for all the hazy memories of doing so in his youth.
- Would make sure that somehow he could block out a week or so to take a road trip with Nick somewhere during summer break.
- Flew a few times as a kid and such. Absolutely hates flying as an adult, it brings out the conspiracy theories in him hardcore and he absolutely cannot do it sober.
- Hell does not have vacations
- Traveled many realms as a young and wild demon, having misadventures of the sort that get you trapped in a guitar
- as Jodie Foster the human cop and married man they only took incredibly basic family vacations to the stereotypical vacation spots like once a year.
- Has no feelings on airplanes in any particular direction, besides he would like more leg room.
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strivia 11 months ago
Alright y'all, it's the
Demon Ron AU
This one was a bit of a Rodie roleswap, but also not exactly. A lot of it was brainstormed with @thumperdaetime, hi thumps! 馃挅
In this AU Jodie is just one of the human dads, and he signs Ron's equivalent of the Battleaxe of Hatred, which is a harp guitar. When Ron first properly shows up and the party is worried, but he just acts cute and has useful information and seems to only want to flirt with Jodie.
"You really didn't define any terms here at all. That's just bad business. Anything could happen."
Anyway, Ron is the son of a powerful demon lord (Willy). But he doesn't fit Willy's ideal of what a demon should be: ruthless.
Ron's given name in this is actually Ragnvaldr, an Old Norse name composed of the elements reign meaning "advice, counsel" and valdr meaning "power, ruler"
But he chooses to go by Ron, which has the meaning "song, joy"
Oh also, Samantha and Terry Jr are from the Forgotten Realms in this AU and Ron meets Samantha because Terry Jr. summoned him in an attempt to get his dad back. Ron won't make a soul deal with a child, and talks to Samantha about it, and ends up staying to keep an eye out for any other dangers Terry might summon while he's working through this.
Willy doesn't initially care that he's gone until he realizes what he's up to. Willy is the one to imprison Ron in the harp guitar for "not being demon enough". Aka having a loving relationship with a mortal and choosing to help her raise a kid. After being imprisoned his memories are a bit scrambled, but he does want to get home to them too.
The harp guitar also has the potential to be very destructive, cause it's Willy going "No matter how soft you talk, this is what you are. You are made to take and destroy. You can't run from what you are."
Jodie may be the one who signed the guitar, but Glenn is the one who fucking loves it initially. Ron is not super lucid in the guitar but he feels loved and cared for and appreciated. Handled gently. Ron feels a lot of affection off the bat for Glenn.
I did write a little snippet for Ron getting out of the guitar. This is one of the rare AUs where I sibling-zone Glenn & Jodie:
Glenn yelped as fire split the center of the double necked harp guitar, dazzling up the strings like a sparkler on the 4th of July. "Just drop it!" Jodie hissed next to him, whacking his brother on the shoulder as his voice lilted up a few octaves. Glenn grimaced, but reluctantly dropped the beautifully crafted instrument. It was going up in flames anyway. The moment it clattered onto the hard stone ground it split into two with a loud pop, like logs on a fire. Fire flared outward in a magical pulse, but did little harm more then just flaring hot and biting across their skin. When the glare of light faded from their eyes, it was to a demon standing in the rubble of the fractured instrument. Or, Glenn assumed it was the demon. He was short. Shorter than Glenn anyway, and only a little shorter than Jodie, with cloven feet and arcing rounded horns on his head, like a ram. The man shook ash from his hair, flicking floppy, soft looking ears, and blinking eyes with goat-like pupils as he got his bearings. He touched his hands together, a look far too much like childish wonder sparking in his ember orange eyes as he realized he was tangible. And then his gaze drifted over to the two of them. "I- um, Hi, I'm Ron."
Willy is still a source of power to this settings Omega Daddies too, but as a patron.
There a scene vaguely planned where Ron tries to distract Willy during a confrontation, and one of his horns gets snapped after Willy flings him and he whacks really hard into something.
When he found him, Ron had tucked himself into a small alcove, like a wounded animal desperately hiding from a predator. His eyes were scrunched tightly shut, body trembling. Glenn sucked in a sharp breath. His right horn was broken, a jagged edge of keratin where it was supposed to arc back around. The area was matted with blood, slicking that side of his head in a sickly sheen. "Shit," Glenn hissed. Ron cringed away from his voice, a soft keening noise of pain and desperation escaping him as he tried to burrow further into his earthen hiding place. "Hey, it's okay," Glenn intoned, trying to soften his tone of voice. He needed Jodie or Henry, he needed someone who could heal properly. "Shhhh," Glenn soothed, running his thumb along Ron's soft ear. A softer whine escaped Ron, one more sad and pleading, as opposed to scared. "Nobody is gonna hurt you," Glenn promised softly. He started to hum gently to the demon, who sank more heavily into his touch.
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Anyway, uh yeah. Enjoy dear anon. 馃槀
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abeinginsand 2 years ago
Hey! If you're still doing those character asks (no stress if not!!!), how about Nicky?
Heya baba :D!! Yes, these are still open and thanks for the ask~ <3
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Nicky is another character I find very easy to relate and project onto. There's his relationship with his dad of course that reminds me of my mom and I. And being home alone due to work schedules in general. But there's also that strong desire to impress his family! Getting lost in trying to enjoy their interests while not leaving much room to openly explore his own. He, in any timeline, struggles with identity along with emotional vulnerability which feels very realistic. While I think Nicolas may have felt a bit more comfortable opening up, there were still moments where he was unsure like how he knew Glenn was a stranger but somehow familiar or how confused and troubled he was at the thought of his dad maybe being a hell demon in disguise. Sometimes I think Nicky is still feeling lost, never certain about his place in the world. Lots of bottled up frustration at everything that's happened and desperately wanting to make his own path but not wanting to lose anyone by doing so. And yet, he loses people anyway: his mom in one timeline, his dad Glenn faded from his memories temporarily, losing his closest friends, and finally-- Having to leave his own kid alone to keep both Cass and Taylor safe from the chaos that's always nipping at his heels. It all makes me so sad :( Seems like he would have loved to be there for Taylor before! Hope they get to bond more...wishing them happiness! I do wonder why he never like called or wrote a letter or something--probably to be extra safe (along with the memory stuff)? But consider...he has this box in his bedroom full of unsent letters that he writes every year. And they are basically like journal entries--stream of consciousness stuff about his thoughts about Cass and Taylor etc. From talking about an item that for some reason reminded Nicky of them. Or reminiscing some anniversary or date or silly inside joke. And even the first time he taught Taylor how to jump in rain puddles and Cass showed their little guy how to shake rain off like a dog might. They were all drenched and giggling that day, running back home hand-in-hand and Taylor between them. Whenever his emotions start overwhelming him, he rubs at his eyes and calms the swaying flames in his hair and on candles nearby. He carefully places the letters back in that box. Tells himself he'll work up the courage to set up a safe, stealthy plan to send one next year. (He may have some letters written for other people too. Though certain ones are a bit burned). So yeah, Nicky cares very deeply for his loved ones and is intensely protective! I think that's really sweet and cool...and love the soft and silly sides he has too! For the canon and bullied squares, I'm thinking mainly of his friendship with the other boys. I really wish we got more info on how they all interacted together. Though I think all the headcanons about the group dynamic are fun to read and brainstorm too!! Oh yeah!! I know there's the weird only visit hell once thing unless you're demon(?) but for my ideas...I imagine it wasn't always like that so it was easy for his friends to visit and hang out with him there before. But after the betrayal and the fbi getting more persistent, the stipulation came to be for safety reasons. Seems like his relationship with Jodie is rocky at best right now yet Jodie remains protective of him anyway (as shown with him destroying part of the fbi group in anger) so seems reasonable to do.
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taylortheanimerangerteen 11 months ago
Okay so let's start with one thing that's extremely important to these hcs.
Jodie Foster and Zhao Dae are not the same person
They're extremely connected (soulbounded, which is like soulmates, but the relationship can be whatever the fuck the people wanna it to be. For those two? It starts with them not liking each other [well Jodie not liking Zhao for religious trauma reasons] and then basically best friends)
With that out of the way! Hc time!!!
Let's start with his parents!! Joesph Foster and Denise Foster!!
Joesph Foster is a police officer, not a traffic cop like his son, Jodie. Like full on cop cop.
Denise Foster is a stay at home mom, because traditional values or whatever.
The Foster family kinda sucks besides like 3 members!
Now the children!!!
From oldest to youngest!
Amay Foster - Eldest Daughter, 13 years older than Jodie
Amari Foster (name is very debatable right now? I probably will change it) - Oldest Son, 8 years older than Jodie
Jodie Foster (our silly guy) - Youngest Son, hey Jodie!
Makenna Foster - Youngest Daughter, 5 years younger than Jodie
Yes! Jodie has siblings! Three!! Because I can!!
Amay Foster is the eldest daughter and doesn't spend basically anytime with her family once she is 18. HOWEVER!! She does spend time with Jodie & Makenna for a while (until Jodie becomes a cop and well... yeah). She adores her sister and her brother, Jodie, however
Amari Foster is the eldest son and is also a cop... all the guys in the family become cops if they can. It's kind of like a shitty family tradition. He does not like Jodie, at all. Thinks he's an embarrassment to the family
Jodie Foster, the youngest son, our beloved silly. So! He's a cop, duh!! However!! Two major hcs!!
So!! First one. Jodie has always had demonic traits in ways. The major ones he has had since forever. Sharp teeth (including a second set of canines)., pointy ears., constant head, back & lower back aches (horns, wings and tail)., a craving for only meat, sugar & blood (doesn't like to admit that last one until after demon transformation)
Second hc! He was emo as a teenager. This one came to me one day and it's stayed since
And now
Makenna Foster is the youngest daughter. She shows the most of the body is mean genes that the family has. (Since I HC Taylor and in turn a lot of the fosters with body issues that requires mobility aids). She has a wheelchair as her mobility aid, and if she ever met Taylor, she'd give him more stickers for his cane. Anyways. As an adult, skipping a little bit ahead but eh, once The Glenn Close Trio starts touring, she becomes a fan almost instantly
Now, got like maybe a few smaller things.
First, Jodie got into a lot of trouble as a kid since he wasn't well liked at school because he was "weird" (both his demon traits but also the fact he's auADHD [half of that is canon in dndads])
Second, Denise Foster started to leave her traditional role of being a mom when Jodie was ten, which really coincides with the memories he gets from Dee about his mom leaving (which was in a way a mix of his own and Zhao Dae's in my head. So it's his mom's leaving constantly but with Zhao's mom, Dee, slapped over her)
So yeah :D
Hey! I saw your post about wanting to talk about Jodie, and I would love to talk about him anytime! :))
new friend mayhaps!!
Sorry, I get very happy about Jodie and would love to talk about him.
However I have so many things to so please, ask me questions so I have direction /nf
Either just come up with them or find one of the many character ask games I've reblogged if you don't mind
I need direction to talk because otherwise I will not be able to figure out where to start :P
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nick-close 2 years ago
Dndads questions!
rb with your answers in the tags if you want!
s1 or s2?/Fav character of s1?/ Fav character of s2?/ least favourite of s1?/ least fav of s2?/ OTP/NOTP/BROTP/Best goof?/A song you associate with a character?/Fav hc?/Least fav hc?/best ep intro/Hot take?
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thumpersdae 2 years ago
Some angsty Niko&Lark headcanons.
kid/teen: (season 1 epilogue spoilers)
Nick used to spend the most time with the Twins, Glenn being out of town meant he carpooled with the Oaks to school and soccer games.
eventually, he would just stay over in the afternoons, Henry and Mercedes were happy to have a "well-behaved kid" and the twins were thrilled when Nick would bring over mortal combat.
when Lark hid after the knife incident, Nicky was the person who knew where he hid and snuck out to make sure Lark was ok. Lark was not, but Nicky shared his perspective, as a kid who was "made worse" by things outside of his control.
Nicky was good to vent to, about how much Lark hated Henry, because jodie and henry had friction, and also Nicky remembered what it was like to actually hate glenn. so no "hey he's trying his best" from Nicky just "yeah that fucking sucks. i can't believe you have to put up with that."
Lark was surprised when Nicky seemed cool now because Lark only remembered Nark. Nicky kept saying he wished that there was a way to re-share the memories of Nick's and Lark's childhood together.
lark was the one to suggest Nicky should start going by Niko Freeman. after Nicky opens up about feeling weird that none of the names he has been assigned fit anymore. "listen fuck our dads, we can be whatever we want to be. In fact, im going to be Lark Garcia from here out."||
Niko offers all other the sons to help him test refined forms of the fayruin drug flowers, TJ and Grant both offer to help Niko if he's struggling with moving on from fayruin. Sparrow politely declines. Lark takes Niko up on the offer and they spend time together trying to get the magic from the flowers to work for longer periods
Lark is genuinely excited about Niko getting to go learn things in Hell, often sneaking into Niko's human window the night Niko returns to earth to hear about the demon adventures.
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