#he has such soft eyes and he speaks in such a Transsexual way ? like a socialized female sort of way ya know
kinglypup · 5 months
i have a spectacular gaydar 99.9% of the time and am usually very correct about peoples queerness. so imagine my fuckign surprise when i get a new coworker who is a complete mystery to me.
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0lshadyl0 · 5 years
Hi sorry for bothering u but may I have a second part of my Onryo ask please?
of course, just let me be a little self-indulgent here by giving a friend to our poor Onryo lady, she really needs one.
Get you back to me, Yandere Todoroki Shoto x Onryo Reader Part 2 
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warnings: cursing, kidnapping 
word count: 1387
Malware was a member of the legion of the elite very close to you, she was a young transgender not very tall who identified with you for all the betrayals you went through the unfortunate of your ex who you refused to kill for reasons that the girl did not I managed to understand
Having been in the same position, when she was in the body of a man and before accepting the gender change surgery provided by the legion in exchange for working with them, she was cheated by several ex-boyfriends, especially for the fact of that they did not accept that she was transsexual, and was a she, not a he, especially that despite being born as a man she was a woman on the inside and for that reason, many had left her for someone else
Malware, that's how you knew her since she still didn't reveal her real name, she was the one who had been helping you track all those damn people who slept with your ex, she found them for you and sent you the information of their location for you to kill them
After all her quirk was technopathy, she could control anything technological, even if it didn't have an internet connection or needed some wireless network and not only that, she was also a hacker prodigy
Of course, the information she provided was not always free, sometimes you had to do favors for her to show you where your next victim was, although you didn't care much, it was just killing strangers out of which little or nothing did you care
You felt you had a pretty close relationship with Malware despite all the secrets she kept, in fact, you could tell how her gaze became friendlier every time she saw you
That is why it seemed strange to you when on a full moon night when you went to the roof of that almost ruined building where you two used to meet to, at first pass corpses and information, but now to meet and chat a little bit of everything and nothing, Malware's eyes when meeting yours, there was only concern in her
"Malware-chan, is something wrong?" You asked with your frown and traits of fury but with a soft voice, showing that unlike how you looked, you weren't angry
"I think the time has come for me to ask you these questions Y/n-chan, depending on the answers I will analyze if it is a good idea to provide you with this news," said the girl somewhat concerned about the reaction you might have
"I don't understand..." you wanted to say something, but Malware interrupted you
"Why didn't you kill your ex-boyfriend yet? Do you still love him?" she said quickly and bluntly
“…” It dismays you the way she talked to you because it was not the same relaxed and sweet way she used to chat with you, but you still answered “no, I hate him as much as I hate the girls he fucked with, but I do not want him dead, I want him to suffer for the rest of his life alone, without any woman who comes near to him because he will kill those bitches before they even try” you seemed to spit venom with those words
"Well ... knowing that," she said with an almost inaudible sigh that you did not hear, then closed her eyes and took a breath before she looked you in the eye in a serious way "I have news and have to do with your ex-boyfriend and Pro hero Shoto ”
For a moment in your eyes, there was a sheen of pure hatred towards Todoroki, clearly, despite the fact that it had been a few months of all the misery that you had to endure, almost a year, that you had died, the wounds and the memory of his huge betrayal were very latent in your spirit
"Speak" you said in a cold voice and almost emotionless, in fact, Malware though the temperature of the place that had dropped a few degrees, the woman did not know if she could confirm it or deny it that fact in the first place 
"I've captured in videos how your ex-boyfriend has been kidnapped, I've been investigating and discovered that the pro hero Shoto was the one who paid those mercenaries to commit that kidnapping act," she spoke as she showed you a video of security cameras in the streets where they showed exactly what he had told you, he also showed you the money transfer
"That damn Todoroki, who thinks he is to steal what is mine!" you were very upset, you walked away from your friend and just got down on your knees and started hitting the ground hard while Malware told you to be careful because you were very strong and the building was very old
"Are you sure it's a good idea to go for him? I think that's what he wants, look, I've researched him deeply and I know he's a terrible stalker and madly in "love" with you, and if he did this, I am pretty sure he has a plan to… ”Now it was you who interrupted the hacker
"I DON'T CARE, I WANT TO KILL HIM NOW!" you were too upset to think clearly
"Look, if you want, I will call other agents so we can all go and take revenge on that wretch, now, what do you think?" She tried to reason with you, but with how erratic you were right now, you were scaring her
"NO, I WILL  GO ALONE, I WILL KILL HIM, IT IS MY REVENGE" you stomped on the ground and it started to crack a little"But..." The girl had a feeling that things would not end well for you, a bad feeling about the situation or maybe it was for the cracking floor and the possibility of falling several floors down with rubble on top
"MALWARE, THE LOCATION NOW!" you yelled in his face, with nothing else to do to convince you to make a better decision, she sighed while begging to be wrong and that the bad feeling she had was a product that you were scaring her, so when she gave you the location of where the pro hero was and saw you leave as a soul that the devil takes, Malware immediately communicated with a high command of the legion of the elite and informed that you had gone out of control and that you were possibly heading for a trap especially made for you
Meanwhile, Todoroki Shoto was still burning, either with his side of fire or ice, your ex-boyfriend, he had to make the damn son of a bitch pay all the damage he had caused you
Not only that, he had been investigating about you and you nowdiscovered quirk, he discovered that you would never kill your ex-boyfriend since what you were looking for was that he be miserable for the rest of his pathetic life, especially that he was alone, but if he died or was not alone, you would come from hell itself if necessary, to return him to his state of miserable loneliness or take revenge on the person who interrupted your revenge in case he died
And believe me, he was counting on that, after all, he had endured almost a year of not having you around and that was already making him very bad, it was difficult to fall asleep knowing that you were out there suffering alone and being used for the wicked purposes of the legion of the elite
Shoto had been trying to find you by some means to finally take you home and treat you like the queen you were, but he never got lucky, either because of how good the elite legion was to disappear their traces or the government itself prevented him from continuing
But thanks to what he discovered from your quirk, he just had to take care of your disgusting ex-boyfriend, and you would come to him 
And Shoto would finally have you once and for all
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xpouii · 5 years
Docthor Day 4: AU Day
This is Day 4 of of Docthor Week by @lostcybertronian
               Dr Edward Iplier climbed out of the taxi and pulled his jacket tighter around him. It was cold this close to the coast, and Mythea Asylum backed right up to the seaside. He took a moment to look over the beautiful building, and the few residents milling about the grounds all dressed in white. He climbed the stairs and went inside, cradling his briefcase under one arm. A few nurses ignored him, some even giving him dirty looks, until finally one man stopped and reached for his hand, “Dr Iplier it’s an honor to finally meet you in person.”
               “You must be Director Trimmer,” Edward said, smiling, if a little overwhelmed by the man’s enthusiasm.
               “Oh please, just Mr. Trimmer. I don’t have use for big titles. You’re early! That’s admirable for someone who’s traveled so far to our little slice of paradise.”
               Edward looked around the sprawling entrance hall, nodding, “It’s an old habit, Mr. Trimmer. So, tell me why I’m so popular here already.”
               “Oh ignore the nurses,” Trimmer said, beckoning him down a long hallway. “Your treatments and philosophies are new, and most of our nurses would prefer to just tie down patients or send them off for a lobotomy. I’ll personally be glad when the whole practice stops!”
               “Well I hear your facility performs a record low amount of them,” Edward said. “Only two last year. That’s almost unheard of. It’s part of the reason I agreed to work with you.”
               “Very good sir, very good,” Trimmer said. “I have given you an office on the lower level with an adjacent bedroom. It’s a little dreary, but it’s the furthest away from the hubbub so that you can conduct your work in relative peace. There are three patients in the same hallway, but they’re all relatively harmless. I’ll introduce you once you are feeling up to it.”
               “Oh, please, right away,” Edward said. “I’d love to meet my neighbors.”
               Trimmer smiled and clapped his hands together, opening a door that led onto a landing with stairs going down. It smelled cold, and wet, but not moldy or mildewed, and Edward liked the space already. Once they reached the bottom of the stairs he stopped to admire the old sodium lights with a smile. Trimmer was patient, letting him sightsee as they went at a crawl down the corridor. “Here is our first gentleman,” he said when they reached a door marked 178. Trimmer knocked smartly, “Wilford! It’s Bim. I have someone to introduce!”
               The door was opened and a large, burly man with an expressive face and a vibrant mustache emerged into the hallway, “Well hello! I’m Wilford Warfstache.”
               “This is Edward Iplier. He’s our new psychiatrist.”
               Edward extended his hand and Wilford shook it. He was strong, and his eyes betrayed his wily intelligence, “Great to meet you, Doc. I hope the nurses don’t run you off!”
               Edward chuckled, “Thank you, Wilford. It’s nice to meet you, and they’ve already given me an icy reception.”
               “Wilford here works as a custodian on the night rotation,” Trimmer said. “He has grounds privileges and if you’re ever unsure where to go, he’ll get you there.”
               Wilford gave a little salute, then returned to his room with a flourish, “He’s great,” Edward said.
               “He wasn’t always,” Trimmer said. “He was in a fairly ugly battle in the war, came home and murdered his best friends and one of the men’s wives. It’s truly tragic how those who defend us are often abandoned to their own broken minds once they return home.”
               Edward nodded, his eyes lingering on the door as he followed Trimmer on, “Such an impressive turnaround. Has he been-“
               “No,” Trimmer said. “No Lobotomy, but he’s had extensive hypnosis sessions and we monitor him closely. Any attempt to break him out of his delusions usually ends in a backslide, but he is completely harmless as long as you play along.”
               “Good to know,” Edward said. “I’d like to see him, as a patient if I could.”
               “You have access to any and all of our patients,” Trimmer said. “As long as you promise not to break him. I have a bit of a soft spot.”
               Edward chuckled, “Of course.”
               The next room, 179 was on the opposite side of the hallway from his own, and Trimmer had to knock twice before it was opened. A young woman emerged with a shadowy expression, “Yes, Mr. Trimmer?”
               “Yan,” Trimmer said with a gentle voice. “This is Dr. Edward Iplier. He’s our new psychiatrist. Remember I told you that you would be seeing someone new?”
               Yan folded her arms, leaning against the doorway, “What good it will do me. Thanks, Mr. Trimmer.” She looked Edward up and down, giving him a stiff nod of greeting, and then disappeared back into her room.”
               “You have a teenage girl down in the same hall with-“
               “Yan is a very special case,” Trimmer said. “She’s an androgyne.”
               “I believe they go by transsexuals now,” Edward said. “So she was born male?”
               Trimmer nodded, “I’ve yet to find a doctor who can work with her beyond wanting to cure the one thing that I think isn’t wrong with her. Other than that she has a rather violent attachment tendency. She isn’t allowed around any of the male orderlies or patients her own age as a result, thus why we keep her sequestered with the two gentlemen down here. I do desperately hope you can do her some good.”
               “I believe I can,” Edward said. “I’m most certainly willing to try. Alright, who’s next?”
               Trimmer walked down another door, knocking gently. After a long moment of silence, the door opened, just halfway, and the patient stepped out. “This is Eric,” Trimmer said. “Eric, this is the new psychiatrist, Dr. Edward Iplier.”
               The young man stared at the floor, twisting a yellow cloth in his hands, “Hello.”
               “Eric suffers with debilitating anxiety and asked to be sequestered from the general population. He doesn’t feel comfortable in large groups, or any groups.”
               Eric glanced halfway up from the floor, head turned toward Edward, “N-new psychiatrist?”
               “That’s right, Eric. He’s here for you,” Trimmer said. “And a few others, but I’ve told him about your case.”
               “I’m certain that I can help you,” Edward said.
               Eric nodded, a shaky, unsure movement, and backed up a step toward his room, “May I?”
               “Of course,” Trimmer said. “Thank you, Eric.”
               The young man closed his door so softly it barely made an audible sound. Edward cleared his throat, “Fascinating. He seems to be suffering from more than just anxiety.”
               “He had a trouble childhood and early adulthood,” Trimmer said. He witnessed the death of almost his entire family, and his father is extremely abusive. He is the one who brought Eric here, dropped him off like a dog at a kennel. This poor man has never been trained to handle social situations, and he still harbors fear and resentment for the things that happened to him before he came. Group Therapy is impossible, and one-on-one sessions don’t work well with most doctors as they just don’t have the patience it takes to treat Eric.”
               “I’m confident I can make some leeway,” Edward said. “I’ve worked similar cases in young children, but the symptoms seem to be similar enough. I’m sure I can apply the same actions to get the same results.”
               “Wonderful,” Trimmer said. “Now, let’s see your office shall we?”
               The room was dusty, but not overwhelming. It had recently been cleaned, as the dust was all in the air instead of settled on surfaces. There was a large, impressive desk, and several empty bookcases. “I’ll have to send for my books,” Edward mused. “I didn’t expect so much room.”
               “You’re a bit of a celebrity here,” Trimmer said. “At least to those of us with a vision of the future. I want to take this hospital out of the dark ages. It’s been a staple of my life since I was a child. My mother was a nurse here and my father was a doctor as well. I just want to make them proud.”
               “I know they would be already,” Edward said. “This place is beautiful.”
               “Every beautiful place has its dark secrets,” Trimmer said. “Speaking of, I believe you’d like to see the isolation ward?”
               Edward nodded, “It would be nice to know my way to it. A good deal of my time will be spent there, I suspect.”
               “Let’s hope so,” Trimmer said. “That means you haven’t given up!”
               Trimmer laughed and Edward smiled, indulging him, eager to lay eyes on the isolation ward, a chance to prove his theories and hypotheses on real violent offenders. It was the reason he’d agreed to transfer from his plush job upstate.
                 “This is the isolation ward,” Trimmer said. “Patients here don’t ever interact with the general population, and you’ll have to use the consultation room here to interact with them. This is, of course, a large part of why I invited you here. These individuals need our help, more than anyone else. They’re prime candidates for lobotomy if you can’t help them.”
               Edward nodded, “I’m guessing I’ll be meeting them through a door?”
               “A quick introduction, with names, so you can decide whose files you’d like first. Here we have Dark. Very aggressive and manipulative, but rarely becomes physically violent unless provoked. He has a bad habit of causing the other patients to become violent, and it’s almost impossible to monitor him. He’s smart, smarter than any one of us, I’m guessing.”
               The man inside had his hair in his eyes, and a heavy beard, “When am I going to be permitted to shave again?”
               “When you don’t threaten to decapitate the kitchen staff,” Trimmer said. “Dark, this is the new psychiatrist.”
               “Edward Iplier,” Dark said, standing up. “I heard about you. You’re a modern man. You don’t have that downstairs urge to shove an ice pick in my eye. What a strange personality trait for a doctor.”
               “So I’m told,” Edward said. “I look forward to our first session.”
               Dark grinned, but it was stilted, more of a sneer, “Oh as do I, Doctor.”
               Trimmer slid the window shut over the grate and sighed, “He’s a handful. I’m not sure there’s much to be done for him, but still. He’s very concerned with his hygiene. It’s the only way I can get him to do anything.”
               “This next patient is nicknamed The Author. He is responsible for a record string of murders, all described in detail in books he would go on to publish. He’s our little celebrity. He is the most violent, most dangerous man here, and he will not hesitate to attack you. Do not let your guard down. He opened the window of the door, “Stand clear for spit.”
               Edward chuckled, all too familiar with these sort of patients. “Hello, I’m Dr. Edward Iplier, your new psychiatrist.”
               The man appeared at the window, wrapping his hands around the bars of the window, “Why don’t you come in and we’ll start our session, Edward.”
               “Soon, although I’m told there’s a special room for it.”
               The Author grit his teeth, “Of course, too afraid to come into my world, are you?”
               “I hear you’re a successful writer.”
               “I hear you’re a pushover who lets your emotions rule you, and that this asylum is going to chew you up, spit you out and send you back where you came from. I hope I get to kill you instead. You would look so pretty bleeding to death, wouldn’t you? Those eyes wide in panic, blood trickling out of the corner of your mouth while I bathe in your chest cavity.”
               “Enough pleasantries,” Trimmer said. “Thank you, Author.”
               “Pleasure,” the Author growled, and Trimmer closed the window.
               “We try not to indulge his threats,” Trimmer said. “He is very sadistic, and he gets great enjoyment from the fear of others.”
               “Don’t worry,” Edward said. “I don’t scare easily. Anyone else of note?”
               “Oh plenty of patients, but those are the five I want you focusing on the most. Two of them to save their lives, and three of them to hopefully reintroduce them to society. I think you can handle much more, but I don’t want to overwhelm you.”
               “I’ll offer some open office hours then,” Edward said. “If any of the less particular patients should show any interest.”
               “I’ll let the nurses know,” Trimmer said. “Although don’t expect a stampede at first. You’re going to have do a lot of politicking to get patients outside of the five I’ve handpicked for you.”
               “Sure,” Edward said. “Thank you, Mr. Trimmer. I’m going to do everything I can to fulfill your wishes for these patients.”
               “I know you will,” Trimmer said, taking Edward’s hand in both of his. “I’m counting on you.” He left then, disappearing into his office, and Edward made his way back to his own room.
                 The Author stared across the table, pulling against the restraints, testing them. “Are you certain this is necessary?” Edward asked.
               The orderly chuckled, and left the room, “Good luck, Doctor.”
               “Barbarians,” the Author said. “You see how they treat me?”
               “I expect it’s a lot better than you treated those thirty-four people,” Edward said. “But this isn’t a competition of depravity. Id like to talk to you about your mental well-being.”
               “No shit,” the Author said, chuckling. “Do you smoke?”
               “I don’t.”
               “The one fucking doctor who doesn’t smoke,” he growled. “Well, if you want anything out of me. It’ll cost you a cigarette.”
               “And I am to hold it to your mouth for you to smoke it?” Edward said, raising an eyebrow.
               “Unless you want to unstrap me,” the Author said. “You’re welcome to.”
               Edward chuckled, “It says here your father died when you were seven? And that your mother raised you until she kicked you out of the house at fourteen? Was she a prostitute?”
               “As you know,” the Author said. “I didn’t only kill women. I don’t have a hatred of women. My mother was a laundry worker, and she did the best she could. She threw me out because I tried to castrate her boyfriend. Honestly, she did me a favor.”
               Edward scribbled as the Author spoke, and the patient’s eyes fixated on the pen, licking his lips. Edward glanced up, “Do you like pens?”
               The Author glanced up, “I am a writer after all.”
               “Of course,” Edward said. “Well, maybe if you decide to stop being violent, or if we are able to successfully control your symptoms with medication, you can write again.”
               The author laughed, “Not unless you’re going to give me people to kill. Come on, Edward. Let’s start with that orderly huh? He treated you like a fool. Don’t let him do that. I could use that pen and split his sternum open. I could pull out his intestines and make you a scarf. I’d do that for you, in exchange for the pen.”
               “That’s really more of a threat than a deal,” Edward said. “I’m not sure an intestine scarf would go with my eyes. So tell me more about your time on the streets.”
               The Author snarled, fighting his restraints with vigor, testing each buckle and strap to its limit, and Edward watched, unaffected as he did so. Finally, he stopped, and his expression turned to a smile, “Well, you can’t blame me for trying.”
              “If you decide you want to take this seriously-“
              “Oh come on Edward. They’re going to shove an ice pick in my eye and scramble my brains. That’s all they can do. There’s no fixing me. You can’t fix an evil man.”
               “There is no such thing as an evil man,” Edward said. “You’re an ill man. You’re mentally unwell, and I believe you could benefit from some of the new medications that-“
               “Medications? You trying to dope me up? Make me a drooling ragdoll? I don’t think so. I’m not taking any of that shit.”
               Edward cleared his throat, “This is different. Thorazine has been very successful at helping individuals with unpleasant urges to gain control over themselves, and no, once the medication has levelled out you won’t be a ragdoll. There are side effects but that can be handled.”
               The Author scowled, “I don’t think you get what I’m saying. I’m not letting you put any pills in me. I want to go back to my room now.”
               “We aren’t finished.”
               “That’s not your decision!”
               Edward smiled, “Actually, due to you being mentally unsound, it is my decision. We can sit here all day and talk about your childhood and each one of your victims and why you did what you did, but you don’t like that do you? Why’s that?”
               “What’s to talk about?” the Author muttered. “It’s all in the book.”
               “Almost every other serial killer loves talking about what they’ve done. You’re an anomaly.”
               “Don’t try to flirt with me now after you already insulted me, Edward,” the Author said. “Listen, I’m a lost cause alright? Just let me go and wait for the pick already.”
               Edward sighed, “There isn’t going to be any ice pick. Mr. Trimmer has already made that promise, so you’re going to sit in that cell until you decide to cooperate, or-“
               “Until I medicate you without your cooperation. It would be much easier with your input, but I don’t necessarily need it.”
               The Author shifted in his seat, looking around the room, “So you really want to give me this stupid pill?”
               “More than anything,” Edward said smugly. “If it doesn’t work, we stop right away.”
               The Author grit his teeth, staring at the floor, “Fine.”
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hiyo-silver · 6 years
"What's Up You Guys It's Me, Bdenbrough!" - coming out to my friends??
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Summary: Bill finally gathers the courage to tell the people closest to him who he really is, and he gets a better result than expected.
Chapters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7/8 + ao3
Taglist: @fuckboykaspbrak @thesquidliesthuman @rachi0964 @beepbeep-losers @bigbilliamdenbro @jalenrose11 @sleepygaybrough @itandstrangerthingsfanfic @boopboopbichie @peachywyatt @aizeninlefox @sockwantstodie @ahoybyeler @yooonbum @coffeekaspbrak @sedanleystanley @hazelash
For months upon months Bill’s posts are exclusively art, nothing personal, anywhere. All his Instagram pictures are of his drawings and sketches and water color works in progress. Tumblr has a few reblogged text posts here and there, but mostly only updates on his creative works. There isn’t much to update, just that he’s living his life a little happier than he was before.
He’d been deeply scolded for chopping all his hair off but the anger didn’t last long. After all, Sharon and Zach often forget they have another son now that Georgie is gone. So now everything has been better, they ignore it now and he’s not able to ignore how much happier he’s gotten since he made the first steps to becoming himself. He hasn’t done anything but bind and cut his hair, but at least he can put a name to it all.
His next plan is to actually tell the people he sees on a day to day basis. They have probably noticed the change, he really should tell them. He’s thirteen now, it’s a beautiful spring day, right on the verge of summer, the cusp of the seasons balancing nicely. It’s not too hot, just nice.
He sits criss cross on his trampoline in the back yard, wearing a white v neck over his sports bras, denim shorts cut from blue jeans on as his bottoms, falling just above the knee with the light string fraying around the edge. He pulls out his camera to film now, a nice intro outside with the sweet chirp of birds and the rustle of the crisp green leaves.
He finally presses play, brushing his hair back with his hands, using his fingers are the teeth of a comb, he’s gotten far out of the habit of actually brushing his hair regularly. It isn’t too necessary, he’s just been trimming his hair shorter and shorter, shorter on the sides than on the top, and he can about handle the middle long pieces with just running his hands through it from time to time.
His freckles are popping up now from his regular exposure to sunlight, more like having the light stream through his open window shades as he sketches. It’s nice, soothing. The way he’s learned to cope being romanticising every part of his life that he can. It makes everything seem more worth it, he’s told his viewers, and he really hopes the ones in low places try it out.
He smiles at the camera, his eyes gleaming in the light of the early afternoon. “What u-up you guys it’s m-me, bdenbrough. A lot h-has changed since we last t-talked face to face. Call me B-Billy now. A guy, real n-nice boy right here,” he says with a smooth smile, he’s gotten so much more well off since he’s been spending more time as himself, and it’s about to get better now that he’ll be out to the people he cares about.
“Today I-I’ll be telling my fr-friends the same thing I j-just told you, m-my new name and stuff. And y-you guys get to join me!” he giggles nervously, not sure how they’ll react. Especially Richie, he points out how he’s a girl a lot of the time. He hopes he understands and he’s not upset with him, he’s almost as close to him as Eddie is.
He puts his palm against the camera as a lazy transition to the next scene, he sets he and Mike and Stan up in the living room on the couch to tell them both at once. He tells them a complete lie about what this video is. He feels so sneaky about it, this is one of the biggest deals of his life, at least when it comes to a positive one.
They get a few minutes into the storytime until Stan casually uses Bill’s deadname in the story, not knowing the new one. Bill takes the opportunity. “Speaking of me, I have s-something to tell you,” he says, feeling adrenaline pump through his body.
“I’m thinking about just g-going by Bill now,” he says in a soft voice. He always imagined himself more confident in this situation, but he doesn’t blame himself, it’s a big deal. Stan and Mike each look perplexed for a moment.
“Sounds good, Billy,” Mike says with a smile, pulling Bill into a hug seeing as he’s seated right next to him on the couch. Stan leans in to hug too, smiling big for the two of them, he’s proud of Bill for being able to come out to them.
The next hug he gets is from Eddie at the quarry, he’d come out to him as he threw pebbles over the edge with the smaller and more nervous boy. He’s told “I don’t think of you any different, you’re still my best friend,” in the way of Eddie’s small and quivering voice. “I’m proud of you, so much. I love you, Bill,” he says, rubbing Bill’s back firmly before pulling away.
The next person he tells is Ben, over a book at the library. He pulls out a book that he knows mentions transness and gender issues. He opens to the page about being a transsexual. “I think I’m l-like this, Ben. I want y-you to call me a boy. And B-Bill, I like that name for me a lot,” he says softly. Ben obviously agrees.
“I’m sorry you’ve been dealing with this for so long, that’s gotta be awful. If there’s any way I can help you at all ever seriously let me know. I care about you, Bill,” the boy says, putting his hand carefully on Bill’s arm.
Next comes telling Beverly. It feels harder because of his feelings for her, he’s genuinely scared of her opinion. He tells her to be pleasantly surprised though, she pulls him close and whispers in his ear, “Thank God, I get to be the only badass redhead chick, you can be my male sidekick,” she chuckles quietly right to his ear after she says it and before pulling back.
He tells Richie over a cigarette on his porch as the sun sets. He’s the last one he tells that day. He gets a playful smile in response. “I guess I’ll have to find a new nickname to tease you with to fit your name, huh? Big Bill,” Richie says, nudging Bill’s side as he takes a pull of the cigarette and hands it over to Bill.
Bill couldn’t be happier with how this turned out. All of them reacted better than he ever could have hoped, and he’s elated over it. High on the validation, flying to cloud nine.
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yevonscribbles · 7 years
In which Edward has a rough day and a visitor helps lifts his spirits.
Edward Rumpke was weary as he made his way up the stairs and fumbling with the keys to the one bedroom apartment he called home for the past two years. With a huff, he locked the door and dragged his tired body to the worn futon and collapsed with a heap. It had been a day. Normally the raccoon enjoyed his multiple jobs since it allowed him some flexibility and variance but today had been a marathon. From picking up hours at the french cafe this morning, then meeting with the stage director over in Tundra Town to finalize some lighting for a show that premiered this weekend at a different theatre across town, and finally bar-backing till the wee hours of the morning, Edward found the black bags under his eyes to be heavier than normal.
He should sleep but his nocturnal instincts were in full effect. Looking around, the raccoon tried to find the remote for his modest TV. With a sigh, he saw the small plastic device on the counter near the kitchen. Cursing under his breath, the masked mammal retrieved the device. Before he could plop back onto the welcoming warmth of the plush couch his pocket began to ring. After more mumbling and cursing under his breath, Edward reach into his pocket and pulled out his new phone that had been a gift from his girlfriend. The blinding screen flashed the number for the bar he had just closed down.
“Hello?” Edward grumbled.
“Oh, did I wake you up?”  A cheerful voice belonging to the bar owner chirped. She was a small armadillo by the name of Amanda. “I just checked the deposit box but couldn’t find the receipts from the credit card… Oh wait I see them!”
Edward tried to hid is annoyance and take a breath. “There ya go… Anything else Amanda?” The raccoon began to pace around his small apartment, an annoying habit he got whenever he was on the phone.
“Nope. See you tomorrow night!” With a click, the phone went dead. Looking down at his phone that was a present, Edward smiled. The last two weeks had been interesting to say the least. He had sat his now girlfriend Judy Hopps down and had a serious conversation about his identity and their future. The following day, the raccoon had lunch with his new girlfriend and her work partner Nick Wilde. At Judy’s request, the rabbit bought a new phone for Edward so the new couple could keep in touch. Edward had accidently broke his old device in an instance of a nervous breakdown causing Judy a lot of grief.
Another buzz from the device caused the raccoon to look back to his phone, it was a reminder that today was “T-Day.” With a grumble, Edward went to his bathroom to prepare for his bi-weekly medication. If he was up and awake, he might as well get the shot over with and then finally get some sleep. He pulled out a spare towel and his medicine. Before he could fill the syringe, he received yet another call.
 “Damn it…” The raccoon cursed. He expected Amanda to be calling again but to his surprise it was Judy giving him a call. He clicked the green button and answered the incoming call.
“Well good morning Judy… Why the hell are you awake!?” Edward smiled to himself. It was near 4AM and while his species was know to be active at night his bunny officer tend to keep regular hours.
 “Hey Edward! I couldn’t sleep so I decided to exercise a bit… Mind if I stop by?” The energetic rabbit asked between breaths. Edward rolled his eyes.
“Sure, but it’s a little late to be running about? Wait, where are you?” The raccoon asked with some concern.
“Outside your building…” Judy said.
“Sweet sawgrass woman, you ran all the way here!?!” Edward moved to his window and opened the blinds. Sure enough, the slender form of the rabbit could be seen next to the main entrance wearing form fitting pants and an oversized tee shirt. “Isn’t that over an hour run?” He continued with some concern.
“One hour and thirty minutes actually… Are you going to let me in or do I need to run back home?” Judy said looking up to his window and waving with a wide smile. With a sigh, Edward went to the com system next to his door and pressed a button to unlock the door. With a jump, the rabbit ran to the door. “See ya soon!”
Edward smiled and unlocked the door to his apartment. Within a minute, a grey blur had wrapped herself around his waist in a tight hug. Instinctively the raccoon wrapped his paws around the muscular frame of his girlfriend. “What were you going to do if I wasn’t home?” The raccoon asked holding Judy close.
“Well my plan B was to go ahead and take a Zoober home, but I had a feeling you were still up. You usually don’t go to be till like 7 or 8 AM.” Judy said burying her face in his shirt.
“Am I that predictable?” He said, closing the door and leading the rabbit into his apartment. “And here I thought I was a mammal of surprises!” The raccoon said with sarcasm.
“Just a few surprises…” Judy said with a sly smile. “So could I interest you in cuddling watching movies till we both actually fall asleep?” The rabbit sat on the futon and gave her boyfriend a grin. She patted the spot next to her.
“That sounds wonderful but I need to take my medicine first.” Edward smiled and started to walk towards the bathroom. Judy watched the raccoon disappear from sight with a confused look.
“What kind of medicine? Did you need some water?” Judy asked.
“No thanks. It's my bi-weekly testosterone shot. Not exactly the funnest thing in the world but you do what you have to.” Edward called from the bathroom. Curiosity had gotten the better of the rabbit officer and she made her way to her boyfriend. She saw him sitting on the floor in his underwear patting away at a small amount of blood on the side of his leg with an empty syringe next to him. Seeming satisfied, the raccoon put a band-aid on the spot and started cleaning up around him.  Looking up, Edward met his girlfriend’s eyes while she leaned on the doorway while a blush crept to his face.
“Real sexy isn’t it?” The raccoon said with a chuckle. Judy frowned and crossed her arms.
“That looks painful… Anything I can do to help?” The rabbit asked as her ears drooped to the side. She was still getting used to dating a transexual man. A few days after Edward had come out to her and they had spent the evening together the rabbit read as many articles as she could find about transitioning. Anytime the officer felt like she didn’t know enough about a subject she would get a bit obsessive in her research. Her partner Nick Wilde would normally spend the next few days listening to all the new information the rabbit had learned. The fox always said she could get obsessive.
“Nope! Just ready for cuddling.” Edward smiled.
“I could-” Judy began
“It’s fine-” Edward interrupted.
“But I read-” Judy tried again.
“Judy…” Edward walked to the rabbit and placed his paws on her shoulders. “I have been dealing with this all of my life and I have been giving myself these shots for about five years now. I am a big boy, I can take care of myself.” He gave the rabbit a quick nuzzle and made his way to the futon. Grabbing the remote and a fleece blanket, the raccoon plopped on the futon and turned on the TV. Judy felt her face warm and nervously made her way next to her boyfriend.
The raccoon put his paw around his girlfriend and looked down to meet her eyes. She gave a weak smile and said. “Sorry…”
Edward titled his head in confusion. “For what? Trying to help me? You’re fine Judy.” The raccoon reassured the rabbit.
“But it’s not fine! I always want to fix things when all I need to do is listen!” Dramatically, the rabbit officer threw her paws in the air. Edward found himself laughing at the display.
“I appreciate you trying to help. You will be the first person I will ask if I do need help.” The raccoon kissed his girlfriend’s head and pulled her closer. “Want to watch some Doctor Hooves?”
Judy gave her boyfriend a sideways glance. “Doctor Hooves? What's that? Is it like Grey’s Anatomy?” Edward felt his jaw drop.
“...You seriously haven’t heard of Doctor Hooves!?” He said flabbergasted. “Oh sweet summer bunny you are in for a treat!”
A few hours later, the pair had fallen asleep leaning their heads against each other as the sun began to stream into the closed blinds of the apartment. Their paws were intertwined as the soft sounds of snoring mixed with the sounds of an epic journey from the TV still running. Judy blinked and cuddled closer to the warm body next to her. Taking in her surroundings, her purple eyes laid eyes on the bandage on the raccoon’s leg. Gingerly she reached out and touched the plastic.
Judy Hopps bit her lower lip as her nose twitched. For the hundredth time in the past two weeks she asked herself if she could really do this? Could she really be happy with a transsexual man as her partner? Suddenly Edward stirred in his sleep and pulled the rabbit closer. He nuzzled his face into the soft shoulder of his girlfriend. Judy smiled and kissed his cheek and for the first time in two weeks the rabbit had an answer to all of her questions. It was worth a try.
Hey everyone please enjoy some fluff with Judy Hopps and OC Edward Rumpke as they start to grown in their relationship! Thank you all for all the likes, reblogs, and suggest you have given me!  Hopefully my writing is improving. Also we will have more random drawings (speaking of I should probably draw Edward...) Till then have an amazing Sunday!
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swampgallows · 7 years
pride month questionnaire just for my own reference
what is your sexuality? biromantic asexual
what do gender do you identify as? cis woman 
how long have you been aware of your sexuality/gender? around 16-17 i knew there was some shit wrong w me lmao, i had always just assumed i was straight but if we’re being real i knew from a pretty young age that i was broken and an alien. only ever had a few crushes [on guys] in my life but generally felt the same way about both men and women
do you have any preferences? big
share a positive memory about coming out! none
how do you feel about pride month? is good. isnt really “for me” but i will keep the glow i feel about it on the inside, like when i wear a favorite pair of underwear
do you participate in pride related events? any other events? no, though i was invited a few times it was by very sexual people who also drink alcohol so it wasnt really my kinda deal. much as i love sk i didnt really care for ladykiller’s sets
how do you feel about lgbtq roles in media? more, more written by lgbtqia people, less about dying and more about living ffs. let them be alive. let them be professional but also lgbtqia, let them be three-dimensional fully fleshed out characters who are also lgbtqia instead of being one-note cardboard cut-outs erected for Diversity
do you feel pride in who you are? not yet.
who has been your supportive idols in your self discovery? lmao
tell us about your first crush? despite kissing and being in a relationship with and having sex with a girl it didnt occur to me that i might be a lil gay until years later when i had a crush on undyne and she had a crush on a girl who became her girlfriend, and i was like “holy shit, you can do that? undyne likes girls? she likes a girl???? that means???? she could like me???? i could also.... like girls???? girls can be girlfriends???”
what sort of advice to have you lgbtq teens? i have no idea, im 27 and i still feel like a teen, do not ask me things 
have you come out to friends and family? sort of. i tried to tell my siblings and my sister said I just hadnt met the right person yet, to which i asked her “oh well youre bi too, you know, you just havent met the right woman yet” stupid fucking bitch. my brother was silent. so was my mother. my dad doesn’t know, i dont think. he asked me “what does this mean, ‘tracer is gay tracer is gay tracer is gay’?” but the conversation got derailed luckily before i could answer
how do you feel about the term “coming out” ? not really up to me i guess. i only use it because i dont really know another term for it
do you believe there is a “closet” to come out of? sort of, i guess. people dont fucking care about asexuality; they complain that “nobody cares that you’re not having sex, theres no need to talk about it” then when i say something like “well im not really a sexual person” or “i dont like sex” all of a sudden it’s “WHAT WHY ARENT YOU HAVING SEX??? WERE YOU RAPED? YOU SHOULD SEE A THERAPIST. HAVE YOU TRIED SEX TOYS?” - my doctor  So like yeah just saying the word “asexual” gets people really fucking riled up, i have to decide whether or not i want to engage in a fucking hour long debate and reveal my traumas and life story if i feel like even saying my orientation so w/e, that’s the closest kind of a closet i can have i guess. granted im not gonna be gunned down in the street for being asexual but i also dont like being incessantly interrogated and armchair pathologized either
any tips on coming out? no. i never really came out to my parents deliberately, my mom just snooped some shit on my facebook and cornered me w a question about it when i was stuck in the car with her
what’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to lgbtq characterization in media? stop fucking killing them and making them the butt of jokes
what’s your favorite parts of lgbtq characterization in media? “well at least they’re there, i guess”; alternatively, when done well: “that me”
what did your teachers say about the lgbtqa community in school? i have very little recollection. it was mostly about gay men, i dont recall anything on lesbians, and i remember like one time we had a transgender person (calling themselves transsexual, at the time) come and talk to us, but i didn’t even know it was a thing that could be done or even existed so i had no idea what to make of it. but i remember they were there and spoke to us, even now. i basically just remember it happening lol
do you practice safe sex with the same gender? we didnt use dental dams or whatever, and since we didnt use toys we didnt use condoms. i mean i guess it was pretty safe, we were both monogamous and unsexed to all fuck. we washed our hands i guess?
what’s an absolute turn off for you in the opposite/same gender? this is too weird of a question for me to answer. im pretty demi when it comes to romantic shit, i dont feel attraction to people at all really, though i have felt attraction to people i dont know it’s extremely few and far between. like this year i saw two (2) girls i found attractive, not in a sexual way but i thought they were iridescent beings comprised of pure light and couldnt take my eyes off of them. before that i cant even remember the last time somebody stopped me in my tracks or gave me butterflies. i dunno if i have any real active ‘turn-offs’ aside from basic shit (racism, sexism, general shittiness) other than like... sports, i guess. sports and drugs
what’s an absolute turn on for you in the opposite/same gender? big. soft, hug. hairy boys. hairy girls are fine too but it’s more prominently a thing in guys. cool teeth (if you have cool teeth i will remember you)
how do you feel about lgbtq clubs/apps/websites? not for me
how do you feel about the term “queer” ? use it if you like, but respect those that it hurts
how does your country view the lgbtq community? america a fuck
favorite lgbtq actor/actress? fuck dude i dont even have a favorite straight actor or actress
any tips for heterosexual and/or cisgender people on how to handle lgbtq events/news? 1. it’s not for you 2. be proud for them 3. LISTEN TO THEM. SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND JUST LISTEN
what’s the most annoying question you have ever gotten? literally any time i tell a man im ace and he wants to fuck me, like, anything he says after that point is the worst thing
how do you feel about receiving questions about your sexuality/gender im open to answering but i can only speak from my own individual experience, which is a disclaimer i try to give any time anybody asks me shit. im not the best representative for the bi or ace communities or anything lgbtqia in general. i dont like sex and i barely like people. leave me w my monsters
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