#he has softie moments around the people he likes your honor
lucysaidhi · 23 days
Ezio for majority of AC Rev:
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Ezio when Sofia exists:
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cursedvida · 9 months
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WARNINGS: NSFW minors DNI, little smut, Buggy being nasty, swearing.
A/N: Part 4 of this and finally some smut. hope you enjoy!
You still can't believe you kissed Buggy. It was not in your plans to be so direct. You have never been so emotionally exposed, but is also true that you have no experience in romantic matters. You haven't been attracted to anyone before, or at least not in that way. Buggy brings out your most primitive instincts and clouds your reason, it's something you can't avoid.
But actions have consequences and so does kissing your captain. Buggy still hasn't recovered from the shock. The last thing he expected from you was a confession followed by a kiss. Ever since you joined his crew he noticed how you didn't quite fit in. You didn't seem very excited about show business, nor did you seem to be up for the shows. He didn't quite understand why you were so eager to be part of his crew, but it didn't seem strange to him either: he is Buggy the Clown, he is famous not only in the East Blue but also in the Gran Line. Pirates fear him, Marines hate him. He is a genius of deception and persuasion, his fame precedes him enough to attract new challengers. You might not quite fit in but it made sense that you didn't want to leave.
He still wasn't sure whether to trust you or not. Your confession had left him totally baffled and that kiss directly disarmed him. He would never have imagined such a reaction from you, do you really like him the way you say you do or is it just a strategy? Buggy is a really suspicious person, especially when good things happen to him. He doesn't want to believe that you like him because he knows that, if he does, he'll probably end up being disappointed. There's no way a girl like you, who could have anyone, really has feelings for him. Although she'll never admit it, of course, because he's a renowned pirate and people should consider it an honor to have him around.
Nevertheless, he is unable to take his eyes off you. He watches you as you clean the deck of the ship, he follows your movements at mealtimes with his eyes. He is able to count how many times a day you yawn or make that bored face that characterizes you so much. The more he looks at you, the prettier you look to him and the harder it is for him to control himself.
You notice his gaze fixed on you, although you don't know why he watches you with such intensity. Sometimes you have the feeling that at any moment he will leave you stranded on the first island you see, that your days in that crew are numbered. You think he might be very angry, Buggy's character is fickle and unpredictable at times, if he has taken the kiss badly he won't hesitate to make you pay for it. He shouldn't see it as an offense either, you may not be the most exceptional woman in the world but he might see it as a compliment just the same.
You try to avoid it or pretend nothing happened. Yes, the best thing will be to pretend, as you have been doing so far. But he keeps looking at you, all the time, and you start to get nervous.
"Y/N, I have to talk to you" you hear him call after lunchtime.
You tense up at that moment, you feel all your muscles stiffen, as if you were preparing for a fight. You have a strange feeling in your stomach, as if you were nauseous. The walk to his cabin is the longest you've ever walked, and it's only a few meters. When you finally find yourselves alone, you realize that you are unable to look at him. You, who are used to always looking the enemy in the eye, suddenly shy away from Buggy almost instinctively. You realize that deep down you are dead embarrassed.
"Did you call me, Captain?" you ask rather sheepishly. This whole thing is starting to get on your nerves. You're not like that, you're not a softie, not a shy, insecure little girl, you're a ruthless killer with several dozen deaths behind you. You don't understand why he makes you feel so weak, but when he's near you your head stops obeying you.
"Why did you do that?"
No beating around the bush, straight to the point. Buggy didn't want to waste any time. When you finally manage to look at him, his eyes look distrustful and at the same time somewhat hurt.
"It was a strategy, wasn't it?" he insists "You think I didn't notice?"
"A strategy?"
"Yes, to see if I forgot about what happened a couple of days ago. You were trying to divert attention."
You raise your eyebrows in disbelief. Come on, don't fuck around, did the asshole really think you kissed him on the mouth as a confusion strategy? But is he really an asshole or did he fall out of the cradle at birth?
"But are you stupid or what's wrong with you?"
That response on your part, so aggressive, so angry, makes Buggy totally bewildered. In his mind, the only plausible explanation for a girl like you confessing and kissing him is that you are, in effect, trying to gain his trust so that he will forget the suspicious things about you. He doesn't understand why you seem so infuriated.
"I find it amazing that you brag so much about how wonderful you are when then you're not even capable of believing that a girl can like you" You blurt out to him, crossing your arms.
"I've liked hundreds of women, I'm Buggy the…"
"Yeah, I know, we all know that" you cut him off coldly "You pretend you're so full of yourself, but deep down you have very little confidence in yourself."
"Be careful what you say, sweetie, the consequences can be very bad."
"Is it that hard for you to accept that I like you?"
That question catches Buggy totally off guard. It pains him to admit it, but it really does. Of course he's aware that many women are attracted to him, but they're always passing flings, people he's barely seen for a couple of days. People who, in the end, don't know him. You've spent months with him, you've seen him fail on several occasions, it's clear that you're talented and may one day become a really strong pirate. Besides, you're gorgeous and you're hot, he really does find it hard to believe that this whole thing isn't a hoax.
"If you're not attracted to me that's fine" you tell him "we're both adults, I can handle rejection. But stop underestimating my feelings, that's cruel."
Buggy is silent for a few moments, something quite unbecoming of him. Then he looks at you, still in disbelief.
"So you were serious about yesterday?"
"Of course it was serious!" you exclaim, exasperated "I've been doing a lot of-"
But Buggy's mouth won't let you finish. When you want to realize, his lips are on yours and his tongue, agile and curious, tries to enter your mouth with desperation. It's the first time someone kisses you in such a passionate way, as if somehow trying to eat you whole, so it's a little hard for you to react to his momentum. You move your lips to match his and your tongues begin a contest of strength. Buggy's kiss is deep, tastes like salt and face paint. It has a metallic aftertaste that hooks you and its smell of gunpowder and sea manages to numb your senses. Just when you think you're about to lose your balance, a hand detached from his body grabs you around the waist, pulling you closer to him, so close that you are only a few millimeters apart.
You'd been fantasizing about something like this for a while, but your wettest dreams were nowhere near as exciting as the real thing. Having Buggy kissing you as if the world was going to end at that very moment makes your stomach shrink and your legs shake as if they were made of jelly. You've never felt so vulnerable around anyone before, but you don't hate the feeling, it makes you feel good for the first time.
You wrap your arms around his neck. You want more of him, you want to hold him closer. You need to cling to him with such desperation that the slightest almost imperceptible draft that can fit between the two of you hurts. He senses that need of yours and automatically pulls you tighter against his torso. His kisses are deep, wet and with a slight hint of anger that makes them intoxicating.
"Fuck" he exclaims, pulling away slightly for air.
You let out a small moan, something that makes Buggy smile.
"What's up, little girl, do you want more?"
Now it is you who kiss him. Buggy responds with momentum, placing his leg between yours. His hands begin to explore your body over your clothes. You've never let anyone go this far, but with him you just want more and more. When you notice one of his hands stop at your crotch you freeze.
"I'm actually really looking forward to you" he comments, whispering huskily in your ear as he begins to rub between his hand and the fabric of your pants "I've been wondering for some time what it must be like to have you in my bed"
"What a liar you are" You manage to say, almost in a whisper. You notice how the fabric of your underwear is getting wetter and wetter "When I came you didn't even know my name".
"You're right" he nods, giving you a couple of kisses on your neck while his fingers press your most sensitive parts "I just knew you were a pretty face. Little girl, you're like a chocolate candy."
He then attacks your neck, making you moan. He slowly pulls down your pants, now the only barrier he has are your panties.
"Fuck, little girl, your panties are so wet" his voice sounds husky and very excited "I've barely touched you and you're already like this? Fuck, what a delight."
"Buggy…" You sigh. It's the first time a man has managed to get his hand on you and the feelings you are now experiencing are totally new. The pleasure, the swelling, the wetness… You feel like you're going to explode, that you need more contact, more intensity. You move me a little to make friction between his hand and your most intimate part "Buggy, I love it."
"I'm going to eat you whole, princess."
Buggy then removes his glove with his mouth and it is at that moment that he slips his long fingers under your panties. You open your eyes as you feel the direct contact between his skin and your most intimate area.
"So wet just for me, this is a treasure" he murmurs, quite pleased.
At first he just slides one of his fingers all over your intimate area, making your skin crawl with goose bumps. You swore you wouldn't let anyone have you at their mercy, but you've totally surrendered to him and when he finally locates your clitoris, gently caressing it with your own natural lubrication, you can't help but let out a moan.
"That's it, little girl. Yeah, moan for me" He smiles, quite pleased.
"It's… God, please Buggy don't stop doing it" you ask him, almost beg, because the pleasure is enormous.
Buggy starts stroking you faster, now you feel like your whole body is on fire, with a kind of heat right in the center of your belly that intensifies every time his fingertips brush against your skin. You start moaning helplessly as he slides his tongue down your neck until it reaches your cleavage.
"Buggy…" You can barely say anything, just moan his name, but that seems to delight you.
"I'm going to make you mine completely, Y/N. I hope you know what you've done."
But just as Buggy is about to slip one of his fingers inside you, someone knocks loudly on his cabin door, completely breaking the mood. You both tense up, giving a little gasp. Buggy lets out a huge growl, looking really pissed off.
"But who the fuck is it now!" he shrieks, hands still shoved between your legs.
"Captain" Cabaji's voice is heard "We have a problem, there's a Navy ship nearby".
"Fuck" Buggy roars, he'd probably love to beat the shit out of Cabaji for interrupting him at a time like this, but the reasons have been more than justified.
He looks at you with an annoyed look on his face.
"We're not done yet" It's not an apology, it's a warning.
You smile at him.
"I hope so, Captain."
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When you fall asleep on their shoulder
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Finds it ridiculous that you even fell asleep on him but doesn't move while you continue to rest against him and if asked he'll simply say he was already busy and that it wasn't for you.
He's noticed that you start out with a little lean, your head resting on his shoulder. Soon that turns into a full-on nap. He finds it endearing and makes him feel like an old softy. He'll give you a little kiss on the forehead. He'll sit around thinking to himself, "Maybe there's more to life than violence" and that he could get used to this.
Doesn't let anyone wake you up and quietly threatens anyone who dares to make too much noise when your resting on him, will act like nothing happened when you wake up nor does he say anything as he sits down next to you the next time he sees how tired you are.
If you fell asleep on his shoulder, he would feel touched and humbled. It would remind him of the great trust you have in him, and he would be incredibly moved by the vulnerability and intimacy of the moment and would be careful not to disturb your sleep.
He feels like he can't describe it in detail because it's such an amazing feeling. If you're relaxed enough to fall asleep on his shoulder, that says that you feel safe with him and that's the best feeling in the world.
Will try to keep noises to a low volume but simply can't help it especially when someone starts messing with him which will cause him to get loud but will try to help you fall back to sleep if your still tired.
He thinks you are nothing short of adorable but that does not save you from him messing with you as you fall asleep on his shoulder.
He'll poke at you, try to move you, make jokes to you even as you sleep, and makes fun of it when you are awake.
It is a moment of intense intimacy, a moment of deep connection which he values. It’s like you're showing him this softer side of yourself which he's only been honored to see a handful of times.
She'll smile to herself once she realizes this and gives you a kiss on your head as she sits still so you stay comfortable.
Loves that you found comfort in her to do this and feels a protective need come over her.
Checks up on you afterward to make sure your doing okay and getting enough rest while making sure you don't feel too embarrassed.
He would be smiling to himself, leaning his head closer to yours. And then try to sleep with you, but he would be in his head not able to fall asleep. He would kiss your forehead and pull you closer.
He loves it. There’s no better feeling in his world. He hopes you are comfortable and will lay his jacket over you. Thinking about how peaceful you look. So content. In love. All around him.
This has never happened before and he can't help but find it very cute and endearing, and he would be very comforted. He would feel so grateful for the trust that such an act would demonstrate, and he would be very inclined to protect and support his partner’s well-being.
She would let you sleep. She would try to keep everything quiet so that you wouldn't wake up from those noises. This love would mean the world to her, and she wants to make sure you have the best sleep possible even if she does tease you a little after you wake up.
It's very sweet. It's like a sign of trust. It doesn't happen a lot, so, when it does she knows that you really trust her. She feels like she needs to protect you, and will force everyone to quiet down especially if they want her attention.
She will let you sleep as long as you need. She will make sure no one wakes you up, she will stay by your side and hold you closely. She will protect you from anything or anyone that tries to do you any harm. You are her world.
He would be thrilled. This would be a sign of great trust, and, as someone who craves intimacy with the people he loves, this would give him a great sense of contentment and safety.
He can get annoyed because it’s an inconvenience if he's busy or meant to go do something. First of all, this shouldn’t be happening because if you were tired you could've gone home. Secondly, now he has a dead weight on his shoulder and he can’t move but will try to gently move you so you can keep resting but would make anyone regret waking you up.
He would let you sleep peacefully. You both would have plenty of time to speak once you wake up. He would try to keep others quiet, but he would not be upset if they were not perfectly silent. His partner is sleeping and deserves to rest without being disturbed.
You’ll never believe this but it makes him happy. That you feel safe with him and comfortable enough to just drift off. It’s nice, and it means you need him in your life. He's never felt anything like it before in his life. It feels right to him.
He's feeling pretty lucky to have you and he thinks you're an absolute sweetheart. He knows that sounds cliche, but it's true. He does love it when you fall asleep on his shoulder because it's a sign that you feel safe and content with him. It's something he cherishes and values. And he also just finds it really, really cute.
He'll give you a hard time and tease you but does also flirts with you to show he enjoyed having you close for however long you slept for.
Can't help but enjoy this tender moment with you and how innocent it all is or how warm he gets from getting to hold you while you rest, can't help it as his thoughts start to wander about what life with be like with you and does bring it up to you once you wake.
It’s like a little victory for him when you fall asleep on his shoulder. It’s the biggest compliment for him because then he knows he's been doing something right. He loves you so much and it always brings a big stupid smile to his face when you do this.
Adores this with you and thinks you are so cute when you do that. He loves the feeling and tries his best not to move so you won't wake up. He can stay in that position for hours, just looking at your beauty while you are sleeping and knowing that you feel safe with him. This might be his favorite moment in life.
Thought it was adorable. You were tucked into his shoulder all snug and he knew at that moment that you and him were gonna be all right.
He's an absolute sucker for the quiet, close intimacy - when you're sleeping on his shoulder he feels like he could be in this moment for an eternity.
Another absolute menace on the list, he'll be teasing and messing with you by blowing in your ear, tickling you, poking at you, giving you kisses. You're vulnerable and he's in control, the possibilities are endless.
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steve harrington nsfw alphabet
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A/N: you know the drill! the title says exactly what it is lol. i had some fun collaboration from my roommate on this one. nothing super new or original here, but just wanted to throw my two cents in because i looooooooove steve harrigton and i loooooooove this format. enjoy!!! MDNI!!!!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Steve has trouble admitting it, but he is literally the sweetest there ever was or ever will be. He does it all, the cuddling, the caresses, the hot baths and massages. Especially after an especially rough go at it, he's right there with you the whole time. But even on the vanilla, missionary, slow days, he's right there with you.
He also needs it himself sometimes, especially if he feels like he's been too rough with you. He gets so carried away sometimes and no matter how affirming you are during the act, he can sometimes feel bad after the fact anyway. It's not unusual to give him a reassuring kiss on the forehead (or 30) after an especially rough session.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Well,,,this is an nsfw alphabet,,, so truthfully, his favorite part of his body is dick. He stays humble for sure, but he knows the truth. He has an unmatched power under those too tight jeans. He loves the way he can make you feel with it, he loves watching you suck on it, he loves how still every time you struggle to take all of it.
Honorable mention: he loves his hair.
His favorite body part of yours, however, is definitely your eyes. It would be easy enough to say your tits or your ass (except he's definitely a boob guy), but truly it is your eyes. He loves how expressive they are, how he knows exactly how you're feeling just based on the slightest change in your eyes. He can see love, he can see desire, he can see excitement or fear. He can read all of it just by the looks of your eyes.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Fact of the matter is, he loves to cum on your face. It's hedonistic and he knows it, but he just gets something so primal out of it. He loves being able to mark you like that, and taking a mental picture every time he gets the chance. Or a secret Polaroid, when you give him the green light.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Steve is pretty much an open book with his partners, and especially you, but to the outside world he has a few. He comes across as a real vanilla softie to the other people in his life, with the childcare and all, but you are one of the few lucky people to know the truth: he loves to dom. He loves to be in control. He loves to watch you beg and whine. But he's not too crazy, he's definitely a soft dom. Not a single thing is done to you that is not out of his desire to bring you closer together and to be as intimate with you as possible.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He is a slut. Or at least he was, until he met you. But not because he loved casual sex - he was just constantly searching for the one. Thank God that's over.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary. His favorite body part of yours is your eyes, after all. He lives for the eye contact. But, this is not to say he is boring or vanilla. He's almost never without his finger on your clit, your leg hoisted up on his shoulder, or his hand around your throat.
He's not the craziest in bed, but he is by far the most earnest and loving, and this makes him the best.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It depends on his mood, but generally he's able to laugh with you. If a leg gets stuck somehow or you knock heads, it's never awkward and the mood is never ruined. He doesn't generally have giggly, light hearted sex, unless he's drunk, but he's a totally safe space to be yourself.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He ain't Steve "The Hair" Harrington for nothing. He's a pretty hair guy from head to toe, chest included. The carpets certainly do match the drapes, but generally speaking, he keeps things more under control south of the equator than on the top of his head. He appreciates the look of it full, but is not above a manscaping.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He's incredibly intimate. He loves to be there with you in the moment. He doesn't sacrifice kink or play or intensity for romance, he somehow combines them all seamlessly. You never know what you're going to get when you get into the bedroom (or car...or family video storage closet...or bathroom...), but you never have to worry about it being lacking of intimacy.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
When it comes to masturbating, he always prefers to have a live stimuli, if you know what I mean. He's very into watching you touch yourself while he strokes his hard cock from the chair at the end of the bed. There's nothing he loves more than watching you pleasure yourself at the thought of him, right in front of his face.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Praise. He's great at giving it, but he loves to hear it. He's not proud of his ego, but he's not going to stop you from stroking it (literally). Hearing your pretty little voice whine and beg for him makes it for him. Loves hearing how big he is, how good he's making you feel, how good he looks from above you. He loves it all
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Literally anywhere he can get his hands on you, he's not picky. In fact, he loves the thrill of it thinking you might get caught somehow. He loves holding his hand over your mouth to keep you from moaning too loud if he just had to have you in the middle of a crowded party.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
The littlest, most innocent touch from you can get him hot and bothered within seconds. A hand on his chest while you laugh, your knee pressed up against his on the couch next to each other, even holding hands can get him feeling some type of way. He just literally can never get enough of you.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He's not into degradation. This can seem contradictory to his soft dom tendencies, but you will be hard pressed to get him to be actually mean to you. He wouldn't ever hit you (besides the common spanking), would never call you anything degrading. He's all about the praise, the control, the edging, and not so much about the degradation of you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He's no better than any other man, he definitely prefers receiving head, but that doesn't mean he's unskilled. Quite the opposite, actually. He's great at it and when he's in, he's all in. He is a proponent for fair trade, so as much as he loves to receive, he also loves to give.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It really just depends on the day, the mood, the weather. He is totally versatile. His favorite, however, is nice and slow. Making you beg for it, savoring every last moment. It may be slow and sensual, but it is not any less intense.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Considering his affinity for sneaking off in public, he is very much so accustomed to the art of the quickie. He loves to be able to go slow with you, but when he knows he can't, he's great at efficiency. You'll be hard pressed to recall a time you didn't cum at least once, regardless of how fast it was
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Steve is ready for whatever it is you throw at him. He can tend to stick to what works, so it's really up to you to provide anything new and exciting, but when you do - he's right there with you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
It actually needs to be studied by scientists how he's able to bounce back so fast. The most he ever has gone in one night was 3, but the most he's ever gone in one day? When he's alone with you uninterrupted, he can literally go all day long. His favorite is getting to regain his strength by making you cum on his tongue and fingers over and over and over again. The question quickly turns from how his stamina is, into how is yours?
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Canonically, there wasn't much available in the 80s. But he made do with the massagers at hand. The name of his game is and always will be the level of pleasure you experience. There is nothing he loves more than making you cum, he's not picky with the delivery method. But his favorite is holding the wand to your clit while he fucks you, loves the feeling of you constantly squeezing around him while you reconcile the pleasure between the two.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Steve takes everything you do as a tease, he can never get enough of you, that he's always ready to tease right back. He's competitive and doesn't like to lose, but he likes to make you cum even more, so his teasing doesn't usually last long. Even if it is some fun in the moment, especially if you're somewhere in public where he knows he can get you alone relatively soon after.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He isn't necessarily loud, be he is talkative. He is always talking low in your ear, whispering praises and commands.
"Just like that, pretty girl."
"You're doing so good for me, taking that cock so good."
"You make me feel so good, baby, keep doing that with your mouth."
Never so loud that anyone besides you could hear, but he's always getting the point across.
As for other noises, he's a big whimperer. Especially when his dick is down your throat.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He's a hand holder. He does it out of instinct and reflex, but when he's inside of you his hands automatically find yours. They could be exploring your body, and they definitely do, but their natural landing is your hands. He loves to hold your hands above your head more than anything. It just comes naturally to him.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
BIG COCK. BIIIIIIIIIIG COCK. HUGE! Like literally so huge I can't even begin to describe it to you. Also, a very hairy and manly chest.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He literally can't get enough of you or the act. We've already discussed how he's ready to go anytime, any place, with just a simple touch from you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It just depends. It's not uncommon for him to curl up behind you immediately after and fall asleep whispering sweet nothings int your ear, but he also loves the intimacy of staying up all night just hanging out and talking to you. Usually it depends on how intense or rough the sex was, how much it took out of him, but he usually can hang for a good while after.
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yaptown · 5 days
"x reader" Headcannons(various fandoms)
I would like to iterate that while these are all my thoughts and opinions, I understand that I'm not necessarily breaking new ground here and that not everyone will agree with me. NOW, without further adieu....
The Mazerunner
First of all I would like to address what nicknames they would use(baby, honey, etc.)
I feel like Minho would be a repeat offender, meaning he would call an s/o any nickname/pet name under the moon. You would never be able to tell whether he did it to be sweet or just to annoy you.(probably both ngl) I feel like he would lean towards babe/baby tho.
Frypan is husband material(at least in the movies, haven't finished reading the books T-T), and you cannot convince me otherwise. He would call an s/o honey, I will not elaborate further.
This one's for the boys, Newt would call you love, darling, etc.(I'm sorry he's just so British)
Thomas would ironically call an s/o Mommy or Daddy, for the lols(hes just a silly guy lmao). Like Minho he'd probably call you certain pet names like "sweetpea" just to annoy you, but honestly he would most often call you a variation of your name.
Gally would call a shorter s/o shortstack or something of the sort, and he would call you princess if you're a girl. (ik most people find it corny or cringe, but personally, I appreciate it)<3<3<3
Harriet would call you babe, and I have this idea that if you were a girl she would call you mama. With all due respect I refuse to take any criticism of this 😊
Theresa is a softie and we all know it so she would call an s/o honey or sweetie. I'm leaning more towards the latter.
Next I would like to share two headcannons that I physically cannot stop thinking about
This comes from the depths of my soul lol
Minho would pull you in by you belt loops to kiss you. (You're welcome) And the way this thought has me going absolutely feral is illegal🙏
Frypan is the type to hug you from behind, spin you around, and kiss all over your face(again, this man is husband material)
The Hunger Games
Live, Laugh, Love and fear Cato Hadley
The grip this man has on my heart should be illegal
Your honor he's so babygirl(He's my Miguel O'Hara, you cannot judge me <3)
"Look at her, I would die for her, I would kill for her" vibes. I mean it going both ways cause if you like this man, you are also willing to do so. At least I am ;)
I feel like he's very confident in himself and would take any chance to show off how strong/capable he is. Would walk around shirtless and tell you "take a picture, it'll last longer" if you so much as glance in his general direction
In all seriousness though, this man would be an absolute sweetheart to his s/o💕
AFK Journey
Last and certainly not least 💕Merchant Philip💕
If you have played AFK Journey and done the Philip's worries side-quest, you are blessed with knowing of the existence of my one true love
He would be so doting to an s/o, I'm sure of it
He would be completely clueless on how relationships work and he would try so hard 😭
#husband material
He would come home with cool rocks and swear they're ancient treasures
The moment he actually finds his first valuable relic, he would give it to you. If it's a precious stone, he would have it made into a ring and propose
He's the sweetest soul and I love him
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archer-accipitridae · 9 months
🏹 But I'm a fire, and I'll keep your brittle heart warm - Neuvillette 🏹
also, if you couldn't tell by the lyrics in the title, it was heavily inspired by Peace by Taylor Swift as well! <33
🏹 It's finally here! The post that I've been putting off for far too long. Basically headcanons for that one Neuvillette post
🏹 "I've never had a friend before" "I'll be your friend!" "I've never had a girlfriend either..."
🏹 I got a request for baker! reader but a lot for plain old reader, so I'll do mostly just ordinary reader with a sprinkle of baker! reader headcanons.
Our coming-of-age has come and gone Suddenly the summer, it's clear I never had the courage of my convictions As long as danger is near And it's just around the corner, darling 'Cause it lives in me No, I could never give you peace
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If your cascade ocean blue waves come All these people think love's for show But I would die for you in secret The devil's in the details but you gotta friend in me Would it be enough, if I could never give you peace?
It starts with just Neuvillette... seeming lonely.
A chance meeting in the pouring rain.
Poor Neuvillette was just standing there, so you handed him your umbrella, as you didn't mind the rain the tiniest bit, and split a powdery doughnut.
Just standing there until the sun started to clear up.
After a little bit of talking, it was just standing next to each other and eating in silence.
The next day you went and saught him out after a trial, again, it was raining
This time you took a second, home-made nanaimo bar with you just for him
Talked a bit about your days and moved on
Day three you brought kardinalschnitten and poffertjes, just to see his preferences.
The skies seemed clearer after each meeting and the weather was nicer each day, by a tiny bit.
The skies started to clear up much quicker after trials.
You thought he was just an adorable little (well, not little, but whatever) softie man who was sad inside and wanted to brighten both of your days.
He was stressed, lonely, and distressed
You were seeking that sunshine, seeking that happiness, but as you did chaos seemed to always track you down.
There were fun times here and there, yes, you made sure of that, but peace was something you held briefly in special moments.
These little interactions built up after a week or two.
Something you could count on, a little bit of peace and quiet in your life with a creamsicle, peach cobbler, strawberry cheesecake, or whatever else you'd baked that day.
Your integrity makes me seem small You paint dreamscapes on the wall I talk shit with my friends It's like I'm wasting your honor
The trial was... rough, to say the least. Neuvillette was not in a good mood.
That was regular, but...
The child's custody was legally supposed to be with the mother in this case, but if you implement one's moral code in it, the situation feels so, so wrong.
He slipped up, he made a mistake.
Not with the trial, of course.
He forgot about the little meeting of yours.
It was just pouring, all day and a little past midnight.
Having just stood outside in the rain for a few hours holding a warm few cookies, wafting with the delicious (under good circumstances) scent of nostalgia.
He'd forgotten
You were a bit unsure about coming back tommorow
You did anyways, and came with an open mind.
Or at least, you tried to.
The interaction was Neuvillette profusely apologising and you just trying to shove food in his mouth so he could actually shut up.
The Melusines probably wrote it down in their history textbooks as the most amusing interaction between Neuvillette and another person ever witnessed.
He finally stopped when you said it's just your responsibility... if he'd like to be your friend.
"I've never had a friend before..." (Neuvillette)
"Then, I'll be your friend!!" (You)
He looked away BASHFULLY for a few moments
"I've never had a girlfriend either.."
The ending is up to you: sugary kisses on each other's faces with sweet powder decorating each spot where lips touched skin, or a bit more angsty of an ending.
And you know that I'd swing with you for the fences Sit with you in the trenches Give you my wild, give you a child Give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other Family that I chose, now that I see your brother as my brother Is it enough?
But there's robbers to the east, clowns to the west I'd give you my sunshine, give you my best But the rain is always gonna come if you're standing with me
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🏹 I kinda rushed the ending because my mind CANNOT focus on something for that long heehee. OOOOOHHH
🏹 I pulled Neuvillette!!!! OMG I'm so excited but I can't level him :/ grinding we go...
But I'm a fire, and I'll keep your brittle heart warm If your cascade ocean wave blues come All these people think love's for show But I would die for you in secret The devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?
Would it be enough if I could never give you peace? Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?
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www-songbird · 4 months
Hello again! I hope you're well. May I request for some Valentine's Day headcanons for Wanderer and Xiao? How are they going to celebrate it (or will they ever, considering their personalities?🥹) with a softie Reader who wants to spend quality time with them?
Also, yes, I'd be honored to be added in your list of emoji anons. Thank you!^^
- 🌙
— anything for your smile, my dear.
how do they spend valentine’s day with their partner?
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characters. wanderer. xiao.
genre. fluff.
cw. wanderer being wanderer. wanderer gives you a brooch. wingwoman nahida? wingwoman nahida. clueless n confused xiao (cutie). use of xiao’s real name (alatus. LOOK I LOVE IT OKAY). xiao is whipped for his s/o and steps out of his comfort zone for them. 🥺 1.5k words.
a/n. wdym xiao has one bullet more than scara? idk what ure talking abt <33 tysm for requesting, 🌙 anon! i had so much fun writing this!!
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wanderer  ❀  eons adrift
Has never celebrated nor cared about Valentine’s Day in his 500 years of living, to be quite honest. In his previous iteration as Kabukimono, perhaps there was a time where he was intrigued by it, but the Wanderer is not the same “naive and blank-slated” person as he once was. As The Balladeer, he’d most likely see it as a frivolous and cheesy holiday, one where his mechanical eyes and ears would be begging for maintenance after seeing all those gross — his words — lovey-dovey couples on the streets who can’t seem to keep their hands off the other.
Plus, he never quite had anyone to celebrate Valentine’s Day with, even if he did care. Well, that was until you came into his life. While he can be a bit… unfiltered and sharp-tongued, he really does love and cherish you a lot. Not that he’d ever say that to your face so openly without the slightest bit of shame (but it is so obvious in the way he holds you in his arms so tenderly during intimate moments, no matter what denial nonsense comes out of that mouth of his). Maybe he will one day — but who knows? This man (puppet?) is unpredictable.
When you propose the idea of spending Valentine’s Day with him, and when Lesser Lord Kusanali suggested that the Wanderer could celebrate the romantic holiday with you, he won’t lie that he was a bit apprehensive at first. But after some “careful consideration” — by consideration, I mean the Wanderer accidentally overthinking about the day of love whether he likes it or is aware of it or not — it did start to sway his initial mindset about Valentines bit by bit, which also leads him to realize that you truly did wish to spend time with him since the time you both spent apart due to his studies in the Akademiya.
With that realization, the Wanderer recalls a moment where he’d seen you gazing a certain brooch in awe during a stroll around the Grand Bazaar at your request, but when he turned to you as if questioning if you wanted it, you quickly shook off your head along with that feeling of want (you preferred to spend Mora on essentials). He’s seen people gifting their significant others with, well.. gifts. And chocolate, but that was cliché and rather overrated in his eyes, and not to mention, he despises sweets and chocolate is practically a diabetic disaster waiting to happen, according to him.
When the day of love rolls around, you and the Wanderer ended up stargazing once night falls after a small picnic (that Lesser Lord Kusanali helped a little in setting it up) in a very secluded spot in Sumeru’s rainforest, since Celestia forbid any of the other students from the Akademiya catches the two of you being soft with one another on your date. Admittedly, you were quite surprised when your usually uninterested in “redundant” activities decided to spend this day with you, but hey, who were you to complain when your beloved boyfriend took the time to set all this up for you, despite already saying that simply spending time with him was enough?
He ends the day with gifting you that brooch you seemed to like — which stunned you at first since that was how many months ago, but it’s best not to underestimate your beloved’s memory. You lightheartedly teased him a little for it, but you were painfully aware of how much you meant to him, and even more so of how much he meant to you, and how flustered and pouty the Wanderer can get if you poked light fun at him. Would he celebrate Valentine’s Day again with you next year? …Yes, most likely (just please go easy on him, LMAO). As cheesy as it may sound for the likes of him, he did like love seeing your pretty smile throughout your picnic and stargazing date.
xiao  ❀  vigilant yaksha
Baby… Sigh. He’s heard of Valentine’s Day before on multiple occasions, and sometimes even sees other couples celebrating this day, but at the time, like the Wanderer, he didn’t really care much for it. He has his duties as a Guardian Yaksha and as an adeptus, after all. What little free time he has, Xiao used to spend reflecting. But nowadays, he spends it with you who’s given him nothing but happiness, love and peace — feelings that he never thought he’d feel again, much less even deserve after everything he’s done way before ever meeting you.
Unlike the Wanderer, however, Alatus was neutral about the subject of Valentine’s Day; not taking the time to celebrate it but never really hating it either. So, he didn’t think too much of it before he got together with you. Sometimes, when he doesn’t have much to do after finishing his duties, he sees romantic decorations around the Inn when February arrives and his first thought is usually, “why go through all this trouble for a single day that only happens once a month every year?” He found it to be rather odd and unnecessary, as with most things that involved mortals — and a waste of Mora for decorations and garlands that they probably wouldn’t even reuse again when they could be spending their riches more responsibly.
He is also rather puzzled on why this day exists to begin with when they can shower their significant other with love and affection on literally any other day (or everyday) besides the 14th of February. Human customs are strange, but if it was for you, Alatus would try his best to wrap his head around it, as unorthodox as it may seem to be for him. I have a feeling that once he has enough of a solid grip of the holiday, he wouldn’t be like those type of significant others to surprise their lover on Valentine’s. Rather, he’d consult you about it beforehand, asking what you two would like to do if you did decide on celebrating it, and if you even wanted to celebrate it in the first place.
In his eyes, it’s much better to ask than to plan a surprise that one’s significant other potentially might not have like very much. Alatus has witnessed such misfortune in the past on Valentine’s Day, and he’d rather it not happen to the both of you. Because while he may not voice it out loud, your acceptance and approval both matter to him quite a lot. Yet when you tell him that you do wanna celebrate the day of love, but you’re just content with just spending time with him, he was at a bit of a loss, even if his heart melted at your words. He knows he shouldn’t be surprise that you don’t ask for a lot considering your naturally appreciative and accepting nature, but it never ceases to catch him off-guard each time. (He’s glad you are that way though, if he’s being honest.)
After asking Zhongli for ideas, the former Geo Archon suggested that Alatus and you simply try to step out of both of your comfort zones, and try out each other’s hobbies. As an adeptus who is constantly inner demons and monsters affected by his karmic debt, his responsibilities leave little time for him to actively develop hobbies. He does like to spar (as evidenced by his Hobbies voiceline), but Alatus would rather die than end up hurting his beloved during a match — even if getting hurt was quite literally the point of a spar, or if it was an accident. So, he tries out your hobbies instead, since they were probably a lot less dangerous and risky than his (but even if you did share his hobby in sparring, you’d have better chances at making a mountain laugh than have Alatus of all people spar with you).
Once the 14th arrives, you and Xiao have an absolute field day, even if this was you guys’ first Valentine’s Day with one another. Normally, Alatus wouldn’t carve out an entire day out of his schedule considering his duty as a yaksha, but well… it’s you. Plus, you’re both equally busy, so aside from the late hours of the night and the early morning, you two regrettably don’t get to spend as much time with each other as much you and he would like. Therefore today was an important day, for you and him. From Qingxin and Glaze Lily-picking, to painting or sketching, and just exploring Liyue in general and collecting all sorts of little “trinkets” that caught the other’s eye. Even though it wasn’t a typical “romantic” Valentines date, what truly mattered was that you got to spend time with each other.
Alatus would never forget that wonderful smile on your face as you two did all sorts of things, so genuinely happy to be spending a whole day with him with little interruption. If it meant that you’d be smiling so happily like that for the years to come, he’d probably do just about anything, even though he knows better than anyone that hardship, sorrow and obstacles are inevitable in one’s life — that much was especially true for gods and mortals alike. But even so, for as long as his life allows him, he’ll be your partner, always protecting the smile he’s grown to love over time. That’s enough for him.
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© www-brontide 2024 — do not steal, plagiarize, or repost onto another platform without my explicit permission.
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missmeinyourbones · 2 years
for your event <3 armin + "for the first time i had something to lose" :)
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part of L’s RED (TV) EVENT!
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When you returned from running errands, your place smelt of lemon scented cleaning products—an aroma you were very familiar with, knowing that Armin officially deemed Sundays as cleaning days. You place your keys into their designated bowl as you lock the front door behind you, scanning your surroundings for a certain blue-eyed suitor.
You find him in your bedroom, cleaning out a cluttered box that usually sits hidden beneath your shared bed. Junk of all sorts is splayed out all across the carpet; from old Pokémon cards he’s collected over the years to random receipts he’s hoarded in case he ever needed to return an item (something he’s never done). 
Entranced in his own little world of nostalgia, he finally notices your presence as you sit down beside him, fingers softly massaging themselves into his hair.
“Oh, hi love,” he says softy. You kiss him as a greeting, and the two of you silently sort through the contents of the box together for a while. 
He interrupts the comfortable silence with an order, “Can you pass me that, please?”
He’s motioning to a picture frame next to you, discarded on the floor along with many other miscellaneous items. You grab it and hand it to him, but not without taking a moment to observe the photo underneath the glass. It’s a heartwarming image of the two of you, Sasha, and Jean, taken from one of your many nights out. You seem to be in a bar, but you can’t recall the name of it. 
You can’t remember that specific night at all, actually, as you hand the frame to your lover. However, the image does cause you to recall another memory.
“Remember the first time I met your friends?” you ask him, watching his face visually turn into a grimace as he shakes his head, scornfully. 
“Yeah, I don’t think I could forget something as traumatic as that.”
“Oh please—you’re so dramatic, it wasn’t even that bad.”
“Yes, it was,” he insists, propping the framed photo up and onto your bookshelf.
His eyes roll at the memory being awakened within him, “I had been pestering Eren for weeks in advance, telling him not to do anything stupid around you. It’s like I was training him for you.” He cracks a smile at his recollection of Eren swearing to be on his best behavior for your honor. 
“So when him and Connie almost decapitated you with their dart-throwing competition,” he says causally, making you snort with laughter, “I was mortified.”
You shake your head thinking about the boys antics. Sure, they were a lot to handle, but they were kind and welcoming. It was a memory you held dear to your heart, not knowing the beautiful relationship it would lead to.
You place your head on his shoulder where it seems to rest perfectly, “Why were you so worried?”
“Well,” Armin sighs, closing up the now neatly-organized box, “For the first time I had something to lose," he admits. He feels the weight of your head tilt on his shoulder, meaning your interest has been piqued. “I wanted them to make a good impression, so all of my favorite people could like one another,” he insists, remembering how nauseous he was while planning the event, “I didn’t want their weirdness scaring you away or anything.”
You look up and smile at him, always so loving and thoughtful. You’d have been a fool to not fall for him, whether his friends were lunatics or not. “Well it didn’t, ‘cause they were hilarious,” you say against his skin. “And anyways, I already knew how weird you were.”
“What? How?” he panics, face already reddening at his mental list of potential things you could say right now. 
“Armin, you brought your own silverware to the restaurant on our first date. No one normal does that,” you peck his cheek, feeling his skin get hot almost instantly at your touch.
He attempts to hide his face in his collar out of embarrassment, but you refuse to let him as you nuzzle closer into his neck.
“Don’t worry, I thought it was cute,” you reassure him, “And if that didn’t scare me away, I don’t think anything can.”
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NOTE: this was another pairing that was such a good match omfg. armin + holy ground??? imagine him dancing around to it. rn. OMFG hes so cute i had so much fun w this one 
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genshiew · 2 years
happy snalentines everyone! this fic is for @mochi0chi0chi whose art i absolutely adore, i was so excited when i pulled your name! hope you enjoy this xiaoven windblume-themed allergy fic <3 hope everyone has a lovely valentine’s day!
The Lantern Rite festival came and went in what felt like the blink of an eye to Xiao. Having witnessed countless festivals over the years, albeit mainly from afar, they all begin to blend together no matter how unique the citizens of Liyue attempt to make the occasion. Though he was not as much of an active participant in the festival as he had been the previous year, this year’s Lantern Rite proved just as enjoyable as the ones of the past.
Now, Xiao is being harassed persuaded by Venti into visiting Mondstadt for the Windblume festival. “It only happens once a year!” he had said, to which Xiao bluntly pointed out that, yes, that is typically how festivals operate. But alas, he can’t put up much of a protest for very long when it comes to Venti. And besides, Windblume is supposed to be a festival to honor Lord Barbatos. It would be quite disrespectful if Xiao turned down a direct invitation from the Archon himself.
Though, if Xiao is being honest, he probably would have accepted the invitation even without Venti’s status behind it.
“What kind of a festival is it, exactly?” Xiao had asked after having accepted the invitation. Despite agreeing to accompany his partner to the festival, he was regretfully uninformed about the traditional activities concerning the event. Liyue and Mondstadt are two greatly different nations, each with its own extensive culture and history, and it would only be natural for the nations to have different festival customs as well.
Venti pondered this question as though it was the first time he had ever been asked such an inquiry. “Well, it’s many things,” he began. “It has a long history that many now seem to have forgotten, but that doesn’t make it any less special. These days, it seems like many choose to celebrate love, whether it be love for their partners, their Archons, or their friendships. It’s quite a fitting theme for us, don’t you think?”
The blush that crept its way onto Xiao’s cheeks did not go unnoticed by Venti.
The moment he stepped foot into Mondstadt, Xiao was greeted with a much more lively scene than usual. The townsfolk were running around busily but excitedly, going to hang up banners, talk to their friends and neighbors, and help get the town ready for the big day. Of course, it already looked very festive to Xiao, with the many flower petals lining the streets along with the buds adorning each salesperson’s booth and stall.
He can’t help but smile at the scene. He knows this is exactly what Venti loves in a celebration—bright smiles throughout the city, jovial songs being sung by the people, a spirit of celebration in the air, and of course the limited-edition wine at the Angel’s Share. It’s the thought of his smiling boyfriend that allows him to put aside the suspicious tickle in his nose for a moment.
“Xiao!” he hears a cheery voice call from the direction of the very bar aforementioned. “Hey, you made it!” Venti runs over to him, a huge smile on his face. Of course, Venti is a normally cheery guy, but he looks even happier than usual today. The reason behind it isn’t exactly a mystery either. “I’m surprised you actually came. Thought you might make up some excuse to ditch at the last second.”
Xiao rolls his eyes. “You know I wouldn’t do something like that,” he mutters. “I know how important today is to you.” He looks down at the ground, unable to meet Venti’s gaze when his cheeks are so obviously flushed. The statement is true, though; he wouldn’t miss today for the world. Even if that means having to put up with some of Mondstadt’s more…peculiar personalities. Though, to be fair, Liyue definitely has its fair share of those as well.
“Aww, you’re such a softie!” Venti chuckles, placing a hand on Xiao’s back as he guides him in the direction of the bar. “Anyway, let’s head over to the Angel’s Share now. You’ve got to try this wine. I know I always talk about different wines, but this one is seriously the best. Diluc’s really outdone himself this time.” He sighs, a wistful look in his eyes. “It’s almost like this festival gets better and better every year.” Xiao can’t help but agree. After all, that’s exactly how the Lantern Rite festival has felt in recent years. Though, maybe the feeling can be attributed to the companions he’s made recently, Venti being one of many.
On the way to the Angel’s Share, Xiao’s nose begins to itch again. He wipes at it briefly and gives a short sniffle, which seems to go unnoticed by Venti. He attempts to put the feeling aside once they reach the tavern, Venti greeting Diluc (and the rest of the patrons with how loud his greeting is) with a loud announcement. Xiao doesn’t exactly love the feeling of everyone’s eyes on him, though he knows they’re mainly looking at Venti.
“Diluc, my friend! How goes business on this fine Windblume day? Pretty well, I imagine! Anyway, two bottles of Applebloom Cider, if you may.” Even Diluc looks cheerier than usual today, which comes as a surprise to Xiao. The bartender isn’t the warmest Monstadt citizen when it comes to strangers, so seeing him in such a good mood really shows Xiao just how festive this day is.
Once they receive the bottles of the wine Venti loves so much, he leads them upstairs to a table in the far corner of the tavern where little to no eyes are on them. Xiao wonders if this is because of Venti’s consideration for him or just because he wants to make it a private celebration between him and Xiao.
Venti pours some wine into a tall glass for Xiao and urges him to try it. Xiao isn’t much of a wine person, but he decides to humor the bard just this once. “It’s not bad,” he says after taking a small sip. It isn’t exactly high praise, but for Xiao to be willing to even try the drink is a huge gesture. Venti seems to understand the sentiment behind this, and he gives a huge grin that makes Xiao’s heart flutter.
“Anyway, I’m sure you know what the main festivity of today is,” Venti says, reaching over to the adjacent table and sliding something out from underneath it. This must have been preplanned, Xiao realizes, and Diluc was probably in on it as well. That’s why the bartender made no fuss when Venti immediately took the man upstairs; he probably already knew what the enigmatic bard was planning.
“It’s tradition for Mondstadt citizens to offer a Windblume to someone special to them,” Venti says, suddenly seeming more serious in his countenance. “What is a Windblume exactly? Well, the original flower isn’t known, so everyone just chooses a flower that they or their partner like and declare that their Windblume. This year, I’ve decided that it’s a dandelion!”
When Xiao doesn’t say anything, just looks at him with an unreadable expression, Venti pouts slightly. “Hey, don’t look at me like that! I know it’s sort of basic, but dandelions are significant to Mondstadt. And me, of course. So, Xiao, that’s why I’m presenting you with a bouquet of dandelions. It represents everything about me and Mondstadt, so I hope you like it.”
Xiao takes the bouquet and opens his mouth to say something, but his breath merely hitches instead. Venti almost thinks he’s been moved to tears, but Xiao simply pitches forward with a flurry of sneezes, barely managing to move the bouquet out of the way beforehand.
“hh’kshht! eh’ksht! h’ksh–‘shiew! huhh…hi’hkshiu!”
The sneezes blew out of him so quickly that Venti almost thought he accidentally summoned a gust of wind. Once Xiao’s fit seems to have subsided, Venti offers him a handkerchief, which Xiao takes with a congested “tha’gk you” before blowing his nose discreetly.
Venti frowns, knowing that it isn’t normal for Xiao to have such a drawn-out fit like that. “Have you caught a cold?” he asks, already having jumped to a conclusion. “You really should have told me that you weren’t feeling well!” he scolds. “If I had known, I wouldn’t have dragged you all the way here. Seriously, you need to take better care of your health…”
Xiao can’t even bring himself to listen to Venti’s ranting because he already feels another tickle deep in his sinuses. It seems that making the decision to blow his nose only made the sensation worse. “Venti, I—”
Whatever he was going to say falls on deaf ears, both because Venti is still too far into his rant to listen and because Xiao can feel himself about to descend into another itchy fit. He barely manages to lift the handkerchief to his face before sneezing once, twice, two more times before Venti finally stops talking and looks at him.
“Blessings,” Venti says, looking increasingly worried as he places a gentle hand on the adeptus’s back. “Xiao, you really should have told me sooner that you aren’t feeling well. We could have rescheduled, you know. Windblume isn’t a one-day festival, after all. There’s plenty of time for festivities!”
“It’s n’dot that,” Xiao says, wiping his watery eyes. Great, now his eyes have started to itch as well. It’s like his entire face is becoming itchier by the second. “I’ve been so sniffly ever since I arrived in Mondstadt, I was fine before, though.”
Something shifts in Venti’s face. Instead of looking concerned, he seems almost…humored? Xiao can’t imagine why. He stifles yet another sneeze and Venti bursts into laughter. Xiao frowns. “What’s so funny?” he asks, sniffling into the handkerchief. There’s nothing funny about the situation as far as Xiao is concerned. His nose won’t stop running and he can’t stop sneezing no matter how much he blows his nose. He can’t imagine why Venti would be laughing now, unless he really is such a sight to look at.
“Oh, Archons, Xiao!” Venti laughs, his hand still placed on Xiao’s back, though this time it’s to support himself in his deep laughter. “You aren’t sick, you’re allergic to dandelions!”
Xiao blinks. He’s…what? Well, to be fair, he hasn’t spent much time around the flora of Mondstadt, but to be so allergic to a little flower? He can’t imagine that. Sure, there are a few flowers in the Liyue region that make him a bit sniffly if he’s around them for too long, but he’s never had a reaction like this.
Apparently, Venti can read his confused expression because he explains further, “Think about it—you were sort of sniffly all day during the festival, but it was my bouquet that set off your allergies!” At the very mention of the bouquet, Xiao sneezes again. “hh’ihkshiew!”
“Bless you,” Venti says again, then he sighs, eyes suddenly downcast. “Man, I really messed up with this gift, huh? Sorry I didn’t get you something more, you know, hypoallergenic.”
“It’s fi’de,” Xiao says, sniffling. “They’re really pretty.”
That seems to make Venti smile again. “You’re a real silly guy, you know that? I just gave you flowers that made you have an allergy attack and you’re saying you like them. This is why I love you.”
Xiao smiles, his cheeks flushing furiously.
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because-of-a-friend · 3 years
Seventeen Reaction: Seeing a Different Side of You
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Thanks for the request anon! I hope you like it!! 
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He loves this so much, tbh. Firstly, he’s incredibly curious as to how you managed to hide the true nature of your personality. Especially when you’re out and about and he sees you become sort of standoffish again when you meet new people. He’s like????? This is the same person who was doing aegyo to try and get a sip of my drink earlier???? How???? He comes to the natural conclusion that you’re just very guarded around new people. So secondly, he feels very honored that you trust him enough to show him this side of you. He’ll put more effort into making sure you remain feeling comfortable around him and that he doesn’t do anything to break that trust.
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Jeonghan is pretty chill and nonjudgmental, so he’s ready to go with the flow when you seem intimidating at first. He’ll respect your boundaries and try a gentle approach to getting to know you so he doesn’t cross any lines or upset you. When you open up a bit more and show that your personality is actually more similar to Hoshi and DK’s, this man is putty in your hands. Jeonghan adores all of his boys, but he loves babying DK and Hoshi. It’s no different with you when he realizes you’re very similar to them. You can expect a lot of pinched cheeks and baby talk, never in a demeaning way, just to show you how much he loves this side of you. 
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My mans is overwhelmed. Joshua has his funny moments and outbursts, but overall is usually more quiet and introverted. So when you seem standoffish at first, he respects that you probably just don’t open up easily, and let’s you take the lead. When he slowly starts seeing the side of you that resembles DK and Hoshi, he sort of feels a sense of dread. Not because he hates that type of personality, but because it can be a bit much for him to keep up with... and he’s already in a group filled with overactive, bubbly people. But after awhile he becomes much more appreciative, because he remembers that it’s good to have balance in his life, and having people like you around really helps push him out of his comfort zone to try new things. So he’s a little intimidated by your non-intimidating personality at first, but he really grows to love it.
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Also very much a go with the flow person. He hardly even notices when you slowly start opening up and being more comfortable showing him more of your true nature. Because honestly every time you hang out, he just matches your energy. He does notice that instead of shorter meetings in quiet places, the two of you start hanging out for hours and going out all over the place. He really enjoys it and overall is happy to spend time with you whether you’re feeling comfortable enough to be your true self around him or not.
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Of course he’s elated, are you kidding me??? When you first meet, despite how intimidating you are, he is determined to break down your walls and be your friend. He’s actually sort of an overwhelming presence in your life for awhile, because every corner you turn, there’s Soonyoung with some incredibly random question to try and get to know you better. But once you start opening up and matching his energy, he’s off the walls excited. The other boys are suffering because now there’s two of you. You always go along with his tiger agenda. And the two of you have a habit of riling each other up and slowly getting more and more excited until Seungcheol yells that you two need to “either go outside or learn to use your inside voices.” Overall, Soonyoung is so excited to know someone so similar to him that he knows will back him up always.
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Thinks it’s adorable. He knows that he can come off as intimidating when he’s meeting new people because he can be a bit guarded, so when he first meets you, he’s not super put off by how you come off because he understands. Since both of you can be a little standoffish, it actually takes you quite a bit to get close to each other. But when you start opening up, Wonwoo loves it. He knows there are sides to him that are little more bubbly than expected as well, so the two of you bond on how similarly the two of you navigate social situations and how it’s sometimes easier to be guarded around people at first. He feels really seen and understood by you, so he’s very happy to have met you.
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He thought you were on his side, dammit! When you first met them, he loved having you in the studio because your never-ending silence and seemingly intimidating presence always guaranteed that the other boys would actually be quiet and respectful out of fear of upsetting you. Then one night, the whole world just flipped upside-down. Instead of sitting quietly next to him, you were laughing loudly with the boys and encouraging DK and Hoshi’s energetic behavior. Of course, he comes to love it as well. He’ll even make jokes about how you “betrayed” him, but you’ll easily counter with just as witty a quip, leading to a very fun, light-hearted relationship between the two of you. 
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Seokmin also loves hanging out with anyone. So when you’re more intimidating at first, he’ll put in a very simple and gentle effort to try and be your friend. He’s fine with you being standoffish, he just figures it’ll take you awhile to open up. When you do, and he figures out how similar you are, he loves it! He likes that you two have so much in common personality-wise, it means that you’re both very agreeable towards each other and enjoy most of the same things. He feels like he’s gained another partner in crime and is going to put so much effort into nurturing a wonderful friendship between the two of you.
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Minnie is honestly such a softie at heart that he will genuinely be intimidated by you at first. He’ll struggle a little bit with navigating your social interactions, but he always puts in as much effort into being as kind to you as possible. He’s honestly kind of relieved when you open up more, he was starting to doubt whether you actually liked him or not. He loves your bubbly and excitable personality, he definitely feels more at ease around you and is happy you feel more at ease around him. Mingyu is glad he put in the effort to get to know you, and is really happy to have you in his life.
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Honestly so confused when he sees this other side of you, “Is this even the person that I know???” He also doesn’t understand why you’d hide your true personality. Minghao has never felt the need to be anyone other than himself, so why did you feel the need to mask this side of you? When you two get closer he might bring it up casually, just to make sure it’s not about something more serious. When you admit that it’s just harder for you to trust people quickly, Minghao is very understanding and tells you that you can always talk to him about any worries you have. “And [Y/N], I’m glad that you trust me enough to be your honest self with me.” And you’d never admit it to him, but when he said those words to you they filled you with warmth.
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Baby Boo is also a little intimidated by you at first. He’s a people pleaser, so when he isn’t met with immediate positivity from you, it sets him off a little. Afterwards, he tries his best to get you on his good side, always greeting you happily, making small talk, and trying to get to know you. You honestly open up more just because you can see you how hard he’s trying. You also apologize for making him doubt at first, but he assures you he understands. He gets really excited when he notices you remind him of DK and Hoshi, it makes him feel even closer to you. It also means the two of you are often on the same wavelength. Overall, Seungkwan is super happy to have you around.
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Vernon is honestly such an easy-going, kind, accepting, welcoming, non-judgmental person that he’s probably the best at going through this transition. It honestly doesn’t even take that long for you to open up around him because he feels like such a safe person to be around. When Vernon notices you opening up, he gets really excited. He’s happy to match your energy and loves having another lively person around. He’s also super understanding of why you don’t always immediately show your true self to others and is always a steady friend to depend on whenever you need anything. He’s honored you trust him enough to be yourself around him and will do anything to keep that trust. 
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Another person who’s actually genuinely intimidated by you at first. He is slightly better at hiding it than Mingyu and Seungkwan, but he’s still a little on edge around you. Chan is also the type to really fight for people’s approval, so it’s agony for him for awhile. He really can’t tell if you’re just shy or if you do not like him at all. But he doesn’t give up on trying to get close to you as long as he has a chance to. When you start to open up more, Chan is so happy. He thinks it’s hilarious that you’re so much like DK and Hoshi, especially after how you came off at first. He thinks you’re one of the funniest people he’s ever met and feels like his life has improved tenfold since you opened up to him. 
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this-is-spn20 · 3 years
FLUFF ALPHABET! Sam Winchester!
A/N: Here’s Sammy boy! My small adorable baby! Let me know what you guys think about this! 
A ctivities- What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Sam is a pretty laid-back man. When he sees a chance at relaxing with you, he snatches as quickly as possible. Whether it’s just walking or driving around towns, going to the local library (cause God knows the only book they have at the bunker are the Wizard of Oz books, and the men of letters’ books.), to looking up fun recipes to try with you. The man will always keep you occupied!
B eauty- What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Sam likes that despite you being very soft-spoken, you’re nowhere near dumb. You’re also very confident. Of course, you’ll still ask Sam what he thinks if you piece together a somewhat bold outfit. But you might as well call him Bruno Mars cause- well you know.
 I feel like if you are an artist of some sort, he might decide to pick up your art of choice as a hobby for when he has no research or hunts. Maybe if you draw, he’ll buy both of you sketchbooks and pencils. Or if you use a tablet he might buy you a better one. He’ll try doing simple drawings to start off with a tree or two. An eye here and there. He struggling and he’s probably gonna get a bit upset with himself if his skills don’t pick up like yours. But he’s trying really hard! If you like making music, he might ask you to play guitar. He might even ask you to teach him how to sing! But be patient, he can barely carry a tune but he’s so happy to learn! Might take him almost a year to get the hang of it, but once he does, he is an absolute Beast with some strings!
C omfort- How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Sam has anxiety himself so he knows the signs when one is coming on. He’s been around stressful things/people/events all his life. His father was abusive throughout his and Dean’s childhood. When he ran away to go to college, he had to learn to interact with new environments and people. In conclusion, the man KNOWS what anxiety is. And how to handle it. He’ll have you sit down and close your eyes. He won’t touch you just in case it makes you more nervous. He’ll breathe slowly with you, serving as a guide to get your bearings. Once you’ve slowed your breathing he knows you can’t hold anything so he gets you a glass of water with a straw and holds the glass for you. He knows you probably won’t want to eat anything so he just picks you up when you say he can, and brings you to bed, and reads you to sleep while holding you close. 
D reams- How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Sam knows for sure he wants to marry you. He also wants kids with you but the risk of being raised in the life he kept him up at night. Now don’t get him wrong, he knows that whatever happens, family will take care of it. They always do. But he’s not sure if that’s a risk worth taking. He just wants to have the apple pie life. He’d kill every monster with his bare hands just to have that with you. 
E qual- Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Sam is quite dominant in the relationship. He always takes care of everything for you. He doesn't buy into the stereotype that women should be doing everything for their partners. He tries to help you out with everything and he doesn't take no for an answer. You've known for a while that Sam's love language is Acts of Service. All he's done all his life is help people, so it just seeps into the relationship. Sure he believes that a relationship should be a healthy balance of 50\50, but at the same time, he can't help take over and take care of you. This man is just precious. 
F ight- Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Depending on what the fight was about Sam would be pretty open to forgiving you pretty quickly. However sweet Sam can be, if he believes that he has even a pinky toe to stand on in the fight, he’ll stick to it. It’s only when the shouting has gotten too much for you that you walk away that he may see where you’re coming from. Give him a or two. That way you both had time to cool down. You’ll spend the rest of the day talking it through, seeing each other’s perspectives. Even if you guys can’t agree with each other, you’ll know how to better handle the situation next time. 
G ratitude- How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Even though he mostly does mundane things for you, you try to help out as much as he’ll let you. For example, if you noticed that he has a lot of research to do, while he’s sleeping or is on a supply run, you’ll continue his research so that he’ll have more time to relax and let loose a bit more. You think he doesn’t notice but he does, and he appreciates it. It makes him feel like he hasn’t been ‘slacking off’, or that he hasn’t wasted too much time doing other things. Sometimes you’ll even finish the research and he’ll have nothing much to do for a while. Except relaxing with you of course!
H onesty- Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Sam doesn’t have to hide much from you. You’re a damn good hunter. He would even go as far as to say you were better than him and Dean. He knows damn well you can take care of yourself and that you don’t like being babied often. He knows your secrets as well as you know his. It takes a big weight off his shoulders, knowing he doesn’t have to hide who he is with you. 
I nspiration- Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
You were always an adventurous and carefree person. You always had a hard time balancing fun and work. Sometimes it got you into trouble. Sam noticed this when you two first met and as your relationship got more serious and tried to help you with the balence. By all means you aren’t magically better, but you’re learning. Sam on the other hand, had the same issue. The work and fun balance is a tricky one to master. You help Sam have more fun, like you he’s getting better at having more fun. But again it’s not going to happen overnight. Oh and you eat a salad of two once a month now!
J ealousy- Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
On the rare occasion the Sam gets extremely jealous, it's usually when someone tries to touch. Regardless of whether you let it happen (for fun) or not, he can’t help himself. He wants you all to himself. No Sharing!!
K iss- Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Sam is a very good kisser. He always kisses you like he hasn’t seen you in years. Most of the time his kisses are very rough but intimate. The first kiss was after four dates. Yes that’s a long time but you wanted to make sure you did this right with Sam. Plus he reassured you that he’d wait as long as you wanted to. You were sitting next to Sam in the Library doing some light research since most of it had gotten done earlier that week. The tension had been building up all week, you were finally ready to kiss Sam. Despite this not being your first kiss, you hadn’t kissed many people so understandably, you were nervous. You reached your arm over his and gently closed his laptop and angled your body toward his. You leaned over to him slowly, creeping your hand to his shoulder and finally your lips connected. Sam’s hand softly grabbed your hand on his shoulder and you both stayed like that until you both needed air. That was one of, if not, the most intimate moment you’ve had with Sam so far.
L ove Confession- How would they confess to their s/o?
Sam would be a bundle of nerves when he tries to confess. He’s tried to do it at least three times but each time he either got too nervous or something would interrupt him. Eventually settled for being simple, yet intimate. He had invited you to come to the library with him to sit and read for a while. It was about an hour and a half of you both being immersed in your own books that he told you he was going to the coffee shop in the bookstore to get a coffee. He got you your favorite drink. He had the barista give him a sharpie before they made your drink, then he wrote his message to you and bought you the drink when the order was done. You could see Sam was shaking and fidgeting but you couldn’t tell why.You figured you’d let him tell you when he’s ready. If only you know. You were only a few sips into your drink when you noticed some writing on the cup. Curious, you read the message which read; 
(Y/n), I have loved you from the best of times to the worst. Would you do the honor of going on a date with me?
You sat up, a bit stunned. You looked at Sam to see him smiling shyly at you. You couldn’t do much but giggle and nod at the giant softie. 
M arriage- Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Marriage is something Sam and you have talked a lot about it. You two know you definitely want to get married but the question was when. You want to do it sooner rather than later. While Sam agrees, he also feels like that it should be a sign of both of you leaving life for good. Sam is a very nostalgic person, which means he’ll most likely recreate him asking you out and your first date. At the end of the night he’d get down on one knee and before he gets to say one word you burst into tears. When he finishes his speech, you of course say yes and the night continues...elsewhere. 
N icknames- What do they call their s/o?
Sugar is used more often than not. Baby and babygirl are pretty prevalent. Honey Bunch is used less but when he does call you that usually puppy dog eyes are shortly behind. 
O n Cloud Nine- What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
When Sam is in love it’s less obvious to everyone, but if they know Sam, they’ll notice the little things. Things like Sam now has permanent smile lines and his shoulders don’t hold so much tension anymore. If you didn’t come on a hunt with him and Dean he always has Dean stop off to get a bouquet of flowers. Of course he gets shit from Dean but he still does it everytime cause he is a good big brother.
P DA- Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
While Sam will let anyone know that you’re together (if need be), he’s pretty subtle about it. There is the subtle hand on your thigh or around your waist. Maybe a little quick forehead kiss but other than that unless they knew you, someone wouldn’t be able to guess you two are together. 
Q uirk- Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Sam has this really deep, rich, raspy type of voice. That makes him the BEST narrator ever! He often reads you to sleep when you two spend a lazy night in or if you have a nightmare. He’s there with a book you’ve been reading and he reads you a chapter or two before you’re out like a light. 
R omance- How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Sam is the KING of romance. When he plans something for you, he goes all out! When it comes to making you happy, he’ll do whatever it takes. There are almost no limits to his love. He lives by the term “Happy Wife, Happy Life.”. Sam is pretty nostalgic so he’ll be cliche, but he’ll be creative and add his own twist to it! So you could say he’s pretty creative. 
S upport- Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Sam loves learning about your goals and helping you achieve them. If you have 5 different goals, he's all there for you, helping you learn ways to achieve them quicker. If you want to. If you feel like those goals are impossible to reach, he’s there to help you see nothing’s impossible.
T hrill- Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
While Sam likes to have a solid routine, he tries to keep things *spicy* when it comes to your relationship. Whether it's something mundane or outrageous, you and Sam try your best to keep things fun for the both of you. 
U nderstanding- How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
You and Sam know each other so well it's gotten to the point where if you or him need something, you know what’s needed and how much before the other even opened their mouth. When this happens, Dean just kinda stares at the both of you with a “what the actual fuck?’ look. 
Sam: *sees you walking into the kitchen* Hey babe we-
Y/N: We need to get some milk today. You wanna leave at 11?
Sam: *goes back to drinking his coffee* Yep.
Dean: *freaking the fuck out*
V alue- How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Sam knew from the first date that his life would be in your hands. He trusts you with everything he has. What’s your relationship worth to him? More than any diamonds, jewels, or power. Nothing can ever be worth more than you. 
W ild Card-  A random Fluff Headcanon.
Sam took you to an event at a bar one night for a date. The theme that night was ‘50’s and 60’s dance night!’ He bought you a dress that would be worn in that era and he wore his brand new tux he bought, just for tonight. Just for you. Your feet were screaming in your heels but you and Sam were having too much fun to leave the dance floor. When you guys got home that night Sam gave you the BEST foot rub ever. 
X OXO- Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
In private, Sam will smother you with kisses and cuddles. The man can almost never let you go. The poor touch starved baby.
Y earning- How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Sam likes to log in to your Spotify, he knows most likely wherever you are, you’re listening to your music. He likes to listen to your playlists with you. It makes him feel closer to you. 
(He’ll never admit it but you have better taste in music than him.) 
Z eal- Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
It’ll be a close call but if he had to choose to save Dean or you, he’d choose you. It’d break him for a while, but he knows his brother wants him to have the apple pie life with you. And in the end, he’d always do it. No matter how hard it’d be for him and you every time, he wouldn’t change a thing. 
A/N: Thank you guys for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. Requests are always open!
Spread Love!
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Marvel Masterlist
Desc: Peter is so sure he’s got the guy who’s been terrorizing the streets of Queens, New York. What happens when he’s wrong?
TW: major character deaths, swearing, depression
Desc: Y/n was blessed with the power to manipulate time. When Fate tells her Peter Parker must lose someone that dreaded night in the clock tower, she realizes who it must be.
TW: major character death, swearing, neglect, depression
Desc: Y/n is accidentally summoned with the villains when the spell is messed up, and has to navigate the new world she’s thrown into.
Desc: Matt realizes he’s destined to be alone.
Warnings: angst, break ups, anxiety, depression, self-doubt, mentions of blood and injuries
Desc: As Matt rushes against the clock to find Y/n, the moments they shared play like a motion picture in his mind.
Warnings: canon-level violence, mentions of sex, blood, swearing
Desc: Reader and Frank dance around the kitchen in the refrigerator light
Warnings: general fluff, mentions of blood, mentions of war, mentions of murder
Desc: The punisher is a softie, but only for you.
Warnings: descriptions of blood, injury, swearing, soft!frank
Frank loses you, and he doesn’t know how to navigate the world any longer.
Warnings: death, depression, Frank murders a bunch of people, angst
In honor of “Pick and Choose” by Daniel Nunnelee being released today, here’s a little blurb of soft Frank :)
DESC: As Frank relishes in the early mornings he gets with you, he thinks about how easy it would be for you to go, and he begs to whatever higher power there is to let him keep you this one time.
WARNINGS: mentions of death, angst, soft!frank
Billy kills you, and the only way to move on is revenge.
WARNINGS: death, description of death, description of injury, blood, gore, traitor
DESC: Frank yells at you, and when he realizes he was in the wrong he tries everything he could to fix it.
WARNINGS: angsty, short
Matt broke your heart, and Foggy was there to pick up the pieces. What happens when Foggy finally snaps?
Warnings: breakup, angst, angry!foggy
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Meeting and Dating Viktor Krum
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- You and Viktor meet when the two competing schools arrive at Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament.
- Obviously, you first saw him as you were huddled with your friends during the feast. They whispered eagerly in your ear about him as he marched into the hall and continued to make comments throughout the night. You weren’t nearly as impressed as you probably should have been; though you never were all that into quidditch.
- Viktor first spots you as you’re making your way to class and later as you’re sitting in the courtyard or somewhere similar. He obviously immediately notices that you’re quite pretty but he takes particular interest in you due to the fact that you don’t take particular interest in him.
- There you are, paying him no mind and going about your day as though he’s just some random boy at school. You’re not following him around, giggling and whispering with your friends or otherwise fawning over him. You’re treating him like he’s a normal person; far different from everyone else so far. You’re something he has to work to catch. …You’re his golden snitch.
- Always going where he knows you’ll be, he’ll follow you around as unsuspiciously as possible; oftentimes accompanied by a gaggle of girls who watch him. He usually pretends to be doing things; especially when you look over at him, scribbling wiggles across a piece of parchment or holding a book up; sometimes upside down, as he watches you.
- Each day, he visits your usual hangout spots with the intention of talking to you, but he never actually works up the nerve to do so.
- In the mean time, there’s these moments where the two of you make eye contact and you swear that he has to be interested in you. At first, you have those thoughts with a bit of denial and doubt mixed in but soon enough, even you can’t say that he isn’t.
- He first talks to you when asking you to the ball; which would be a long time coming considering how much time he spent lingering around you.
- He approaches you when you’re both alone, saying your name to get your attention; though he says it like it’s a question since he doesn’t want to seem like he knows your name without having ever spoken to you. You say a somewhat shy “hello” in response and he asks if you’d do the honor of accompanying him to the ball which you obviously agree to.
- When you agree, he gives you a small smile and motions if it’s okay for him to sit down, his heart skipping a beat as you hurriedly move some stuff to give him space. You don't talk all that much but he watches you quite a bit, admiring your features while you’re distracted.
- Rumors may or may not spread before then but they certainly do when you arrive at the ball, holding his hand and dancing with him, having the time of your life. He opens up to you that night, acting far different than what you’d assumed he’d be like.
- The night ends with him walking you to your dorm, giving you a kiss on the hand and saying that he had a “vonderful time.”. You went to bed that night, eager for the morning to come and for you to see the boy once more.
- All was well, except ...an unexpected side-effect of your newfound relationship was that you were chosen by the tournament judges to be his black lake hostage. So, one second you were going about your day, the next you were spluttering and gasping as you reached the surface of the deep waters.
- The two of you catch your breath for a moment before he wraps an arm around you and guides you back to the shore.
- Once you’re back on dry land, he confesses to you that he’s never felt “this way” about a girl before, causing your cheeks to get hot enough that you figured the water would steam right off your skin. Like the gentleman and softie that he is, he keeps asking if you’re okay and checking you over, standing protectively at your side until he’s called over for the final results of the game.
- For your “first” date, you take him to Hogsmeade for the first time and show him around the little village. People obviously stare which initially bothers him, but he soon pays them no mind, focusing solely on you and enjoying your company, living out the thing he’d dreamed of since the moment he saw you.
- When it’s time for him to return to Bulgaria, he gives you a private goodbye, a handwritten letter and an invitation for you to come stay with him over the summer. You can only pray that your parents will let you, giving him a smile as he blows you one last kiss before getting lost in the crowd of students.
- As luck would have it, your parents did let you visit him and you spent a wonderful week in his guest bedroom, having the time of your life with your Bulgarian boyfriend. It was like something out of a dream.
- The two of you share your first kiss about three or so days after you arrived there. He was standing in “your” room, sort of lingering after the two of you finished exchanging goodnights; as though he was debating something in his head. 
- You asked if he was alright and he somewhat snapped out of it, meeting your eyes and nodding. He said goodnight again and turned towards the door before he finally turned back around and walked up to you, taking your face in his hands and leaning in, hesitating for a moment longer before his lips gently met yours. 
- When he finally pulled away, he did so slowly, your lips still tingling as his own pressed against your forehead, murmuring a goodnight against your skin and giving your arm a squeeze right before he finally left the room for good. You went to bed that night happier than you’d ever been and feeling absolutely smitten. 
- The seeker officially had your heart in his hands, …and you had a feeling that you’d had his in yours for even longer. 
- Viktor's a physical being, he loves touching, holding, and showing you off so there’s quite a bit of pda in your relationship. If he isn’t actually touching you then rest assured, he’s standing protectively at your side and paying close attention to you; oftentimes as though there’s no one else around you. 
- Handholding. He has a particular fondness for holding your hand, playing with your fingers or pressing kisses to your knuckles, sometimes just comparing how much bigger his are compared to yours. 
- Soft hugs. He’s a big softie when it comes to you and just loves feeling your arms wrapped around him. 
- Hand kisses. He’s quite fond of them. 
- Kisses on any part of your face that he feels like in the moment. 
- You may or may not have to ask him for a kiss whenever you want one considering how much taller than you he probably is. He always gives you the sweetest little smile whenever you do. 
- Soft kisses. He’s usually pretty gentle and sweet with you no matter what you’re doing. 
- Leaning your head on his shoulder whenever you’re standing or sitting together. 
- The two of you usually cuddle with you nearly laying on top of him, your legs tangled together and his arms wrapped around you. Sometimes his hands will drift to your hair and begin to play with it as you’re doing so, lulling you to sleep if you weren't already. 
- Viktor likes you for you, even if you cant understand why. Your appearance is irrelevant to him, he fell in love with your personality and interests before anything else.  
- Writing to each other during the school year. 
- Visiting each other during summer and your school breaks. 
- Getting spoken to in Bulgarian and occasionally giggling fondly as he messes up English words/names in some adorable way. He doesn’t mind when you “laugh at him” since he loves seeing your smile, and because he thinks it’s cute when you tease him. 
- Considering it’s his first language, he usually calls you some Bulgarian term of endearment, things like lyubima or dushichka, or just your name; probably mispronounced if it’s not easy.
- Helping him with his English and showing him non-Bulgarian things. 
- Your boyfriends a pure blood who goes to a school that only admits purebloods so I’d say that he’s probably clueless when it comes to muggle stuff. So if you’re partially muggle then you have a lot of stuff that you can show him. He also has a bit of stuff that he can show you as well, things most non-purebloods don't know about.
- Checking him over and staying with him after his matches. He always tries to insist that he’s fine, even when he’s spitting out blood that’s coming from his own nose and struggling to look up at you through a black eye. 
- Kissing bruises and tracing scars. He’s always got a fresh set of black and blues after each of his games. 
- Getting taught how to play Quidditch and/or fly like him, you’ll probably have to convince him to teach you how to fly though. 
- Following his games. 
- Practically always having a a ticket to his matches. He’s very fond of seeing you out in the stands or meeting up with you after the game, pressing a kiss to your temple before he heads off to the showers. 
- Always having bragging rights because your dating Viktor fucking Krum. You usually try not to exercise the ability too much, though your friends/family might do it for you. 
- Despite the fact that he’s incredibly skilled on a broomstick, something tells me that he isn’t the most graceful when he’s on the ground. He’s occasionally like a bull in a china shop, clumsily knocking things over; though he does manage to catch them given his set of skills, and/or tripping over things. 
- Viktor has a naturally grumpy face and disposition but you can almost always tell the minute he spots you because of the way he straightens up, his face softening and his lips subtly quirking up. Its really quite sweet to watch. 
- He’s usually pretty taciturn and silent with people but you’re one of the few that he speaks enthusiastically to. The two of you can have long conversations with each other about anything and everything; despite the slight language barrier.
- He watches you a lot, even when you’re doing the most mundane things possible. He just thinks you’re really pretty and is absolutely smitten with you.
- He’s used to people praising him but every once in a while, you’ll give him some sort of compliment and he’ll get a little shy because of it. You always find it funny, watching him try to suppress his smile, scratching the back of his neck and trying to humbly brush off your words. Its cute.
- Being picked up and spun around, particularly in hugs and especially after you haven’t seen each other for a while. 
- Going with him on his walks and watching him train. He likes having you walk beside him in the afternoon/morning so that the two of you can talk while he stretches. 
- Playing in the snow together. He rarely gets cold so he’ll constantly be giving you his hat and similar things when you mention how chilly it is. 
- Dates at tourist attractions and his favorite Bulgarian places. They’re usually cozy, somewhat private areas that the two of you can enjoy each others company in.
- Taking long walks. It’s where you do a lot of your talking; oftentimes finding somewhere or something to do along the way or just continuing to roam around and enjoy each other’s company.
- Going swimming or rowing or maybe ice skating together, depending on the time of year; even though he probably swims in freezing water for fun.
- Hot springs and mountain climbing. He likes impressing you with his country and the different things that you can do there.
- Candle and firelit days/nights. At certain points of the year, his country doesn’t get a ton of light during the day so the two of you huddle by the fire and talk. Sometimes you’ll read to him, other times his family comes in and tells you stories. Regardless, you have very fond memories surrounding fire.
- Being his date for everything. I’m sure that he’s supposed to go to quite a few parties which he always asks you to accompany him to. It’s quite interesting being surrounded by players, coaches and famous people, being hounded by reporters and riding in carriages with him. There was definitely a ton of pictures taken of the two of you during your first outing together.
- He coaxes you into letting loose and having fun. He loves seeing you happy; your smile is his favorite sight in the world.
- A true gentleman. Viktor is always the sweetest with you, pulling out chairs, opening doors, quite literally carrying you over puddles. He knows exactly how to treat a woman and is old fashioned in the very best way. 
- Little gifts. He’ll either send some in the post or present them to you a bit sheepishly yet excitedly when you visit him. 
- Viktor doesn’t really have “true” friends; and he can only see you in person for so long, so when you’re with him, he’s quite clingy and eager to do everything with you; even if it’s just you doing something and him watching. 
- Viktor can get quite jealous but he’s usually pretty reasonable about it, trying his best not to make himself look like a fool. He’ll confront the person he’s jealous of, taking them aside and asking them about their intentions. They’re usually intimidated enough by him to leave you alone after that; if their intentions were to actually get with you. 
- Since he’s kind of a catch, he knows that he doesn't have to be jealous over most people but some people; particularly “pretty boys”, can occasionally catch him off guard. He’ll find himself glaring at them even harder than usual, clenching his jaw until he plasters on a more friendly face when you come to his side. 
- He’s incredibly protective of you, he was even before the two of you actually started dating. He was/is always standing up to people for you, warding them off and defending you; even if you are technically in the wrong. The minute he see’s you, he’s walking up and joining your side, keeping close in case anything happens; and just because he likes your company. 
- The two of you generally don’t fight all that much; you don’t necessarily have enough time with each other to fight. He’ll argue with you, maybe give you the silent treatment if you’re really having a fight but he usually can’t stand to be away from you for too long. 
- Sometimes, in the middle of fighting, he’ll realize that he’s wrong, going quiet and looking at you, blinking a few times before blatantly saying “I’m wrong”, causing you to laugh. He’ll rub his head, furrow his brows and somewhat grimace, saying a “sorry” for whatever it is he did wrong. 
- When you’re having a real fight, you’ll probably be giving each other the silent treatment, even in your letters. Finally, one lone letter comes in and your heart skips a beat against your better judgement.
- If you’re in person with each other then he’ll keep watching you; especially if you’re around other guys, being respectful and giving you your space. The only problem is that he doesn’t know when it’s time to stop and come to you; especially if he wasn’t angry himself. You’ll probably have to approach him first and ask if you can talk so that things can go back to normal. 
- A little ways into your relationship, he’ll drop the first “I love you” and then continue to tell you that he does quite a bit. He’s not an incredibly verbal person but he loves letting you know how much you mean to him; especially if he gets to hear it back. 
- He wanted to marry you practically the minute he saw you so yeah, it’s safe to say that he’s planning out your future together. Your relationship might be a tad bit difficult but honey, he’s going to make it work!
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lumosandnoxwriting · 4 years
Her Matching Pair of Socks - George Weasley
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Title: Her Matching Pair of Socks Pairing: George x Fem!Reader, Adrian Pucey x Fem!Reader (ish, not really) Summary: George will always protect Y/N, even if it means confronting his true feelings . A/N: for the anon who wanted George being overprotective of the reader who was being teased!! The house of the reader is unspecified b/c it truly doesn’t matter but I pictured her as a Hufflepuff as I wrote, please do with that what you will haha. Feedback is always welcome!!! Tags: @feltondarling​ @pandaxnienke​ @raerae27​ @thefifthweasley 
“George? George?” Y/N asks, waving her hand in front of his face. She giggles as his eyes seem to refocus on the world and he smiles at her. “Were you listening to anything I just said?”
George nods as he searches his brain, trying to see if any part of it retained any of the things Y/N had been talking about just a second ago while he’d been daydreaming. Y/N is magnetic. She has warm eyes, a kind smile and the biggest heart George has ever seen. She draws people in with one look, and once she’s captured them they have no chance of getting away; not that they’d want to. Unfortunately for George this means he rarely gets a moment alone with her, which is something he so desperately craves. Y/N has been the star of George’s thoughts since the first moment they met when she had quite literally saved his ass.
He and Fred had just pulled a prank on a few Slytherins and were running away from Snape. They had split up at some point, and as George ran away he could hear Snape gaining on him. George was sure he was about to be caught when a hand grabbed the back of his shirt and yanked him into an empty classroom. Y/N had simply placed her finger over her mouth and winked at him, and as soon as Snape ran by their hiding spot she’d burst out in a fit of giggles. George had never heard anything so beautiful, and he sat there with her for hours, sometimes talking, but mostly just watching her knit. Y/N is sunshine encapsulated, and George could have sat there for days, basking in her rays of light and warmth.
Fred had found him eventually and dragged him back to the Gryffindor common room, and George worried that he’d never see her again. But the next morning at breakfast the hat she had been knitting was sitting in his usual spot waiting for him, and when his eyes met hers across the Hall she winked. From that moment on George has been caught in Y/N’s magnetic field, constantly swirling around her but never quite connecting the way he wants.
“Were you? Then what did I say?” she questions with a grin, one of her eyebrows raising.
George’s heart melts and he leans in closer to her, resting his chin on his hand. “I’m sorry, love. I wasn’t giving you the attention you deserve. Tell me again.”
Y/N rolls her eyes playfully and puts her knitting needles down so she can ruffle George’s hair. “That’s okay, Georgie. It wasn’t that important anyway. What’s on your mind?”
“Just this Transfiguration assignment,” he lies. George isn’t quite sure why he hasn’t shared his true feelings with Y/N, and it’s not as if he hasn’t tried either. There have been quite a few times when his confession was resting on the tip of his tongue, but each time someone ended up being drawn to Y/N and stole her attention away. “McGonagall’s really giving it to us this term.”
“Maybe your assignments would be easier to handle if you didn’t wait until the last minute to do them?” Y/N suggests with a wink.
George’s heart flutters in his chest and he has to take a deep breath to calm himself down. “Ah yes, but if I didn’t leave my homework until the day before it was due then who would sit here with you and keep you company while everyone else is outside soaking up the last of the weekend?” George is sure that anyone Y/N asked for companionship would drop everything to sit with her, and he feels honored that she always chooses him.
“Now how can I argue with that?” she teases, picking her needles up once again.
Watching Y/N knit is one of George’s favorite pastimes. She’s tried to teach him a few times, but he always ends up just creating a big knot of yarn and using the needles as drumsticks. The way her fingers move mesmerizes George to no end and he loves watching whatever she’s making start to take form before his eyes. More often than not whatever she’s making somehow always ends up in George’s possession, not that he’s complaining. So far this school year he’s added two new jumpers, three hats, a scarf and half a dozen pairs of socks to his wardrobe. Every item radiates the same warmth Y/N does, and on days where he can’t have her to himself he puts something on and when he closes his eyes it’s as if she’s right there with him.
“Whatcha makin?” George asks, completely abandoning any attempt at finishing his homework. McGonagall will probably be shocked that he did any of it at all, and he doesn’t want to put her into an early grave by actually finishing it.
“A sweater,” she responds sweetly, not looking up from her work. “And before you ask, no it’s not for you,” she chuckles and gestures towards the skein of yarn she’s using. “Though you may recognize the yarn.”
The yarn Y/N is using is a soft lilac color with glitter interwoven throughout the soft strands and George recognizes it because he’s the one who bought it. He and Fred had ventured into Diagon Alley a few days before Christmas to check out the space they were thinking about opening their joke shop in, and the yarn had caught George’s attention from a window display. He spent quite a bit of money buying every skein the store had, but it was all worth it to him. Lilac is Y/N’s favorite color, and George would do just about anything to see her smile. He gave it to her on the first day back from break a few weeks ago, and he can practically still feel how tightly she had hugged him.
“Does look kinda familiar, I bet a world class bloke gave that to you,” he jokes. Y/N laughs, and it makes George’s stomach feel queasy.
“Best bloke I know anyway,” she compliments with a wink.
George can feel his cheeks heating up, and he’s thankful for the distraction when students start to pour into the Great Hall for dinner. He sighs heavily and starts to pack his homework up, disappointed that his time with Y/N is already coming to an end. “See you in class tomorrow?”
Y/N nods as she stands up, gathering her latest project into her arms. “Most definitely, Georgie.” She leans over and boops him on the nose, before turning away and heading towards her house table.
“Hello lover boy,” Fred greets suddenly.
George jumps, having been too focused on Y/N to notice his brother’s sudden presence. He glares at Fred as he plops into the seat next to George, and he smacks him on the chest. “Screw off.” Suddenly the tables in the Great Hall fill with everything needed for dinner, and George starts piling his plate with food. “You get everything we need?”
Fred nods as he does the same as his brother. “Oh yeah. We’ve got enough Chinese gun powder to level all of England. It’ll be delivered to the store next weekend. We can apperate to Diagon Alley from Hogsmeade to meet the delivery person.”
“Wicked,” George responds, a glint of mischief in his eye. Fred had used the secret passageway into Honeydukes basement to meet a guy who deals with explosives at the Hogshead Inn. They’re starting to put their plans together for their joke shop, and the first step has been to find decent suppliers so they can start producing some stock. “You take care of the other stuff I asked?”
Fred rolls his eyes and hands George a bag from Honeydukes. “Yes, you big softie. I got everything on the list, don’t you worry.”
“Thanks, prat.” George takes the bag from Fred and peers inside to make sure he actually did pick up everything George requested. Y/N’s sweet tooth is one of George’s favorite things about her and he’s always sure to have a stash of her favorites on hand at all times. “Where’s my change?”
Fred grins and pats his pocket. “Consider it my fee so you could spend the day staring at Y/N inside the warm castle, while I tread through a dark underground tunnel.”
“Whatever, drama queen,” George huffs with an eyeroll. He puts the bag down and starts to eat, turning his attention to Y/N. She’s sitting with her friends talking happily, and George can feel his heart rate increase as a smile spreads across his face. But just as quickly as it appears it vanishes, when Adrian Pucey comes up behind Y/N and taps her on the shoulder. He watches her nod as they talk, and when Adrian walks away he looks way too smug with himself.
“That didn’t look good,” Fred comments, nudging George with his elbow.
George shrugs, trying to seem like his stomach isn’t churning with dread. “You know how Y/N is. People like talking to her. I’m sure it’s nothing.”
“What did Adrian want yesterday?” George asks Y/N the following evening, trying to sound casual. They’re sitting in the library working on a Potions assignment, and it seems like there has been a never ending stream of people approaching them to speak with Y/N. He’s been dying to ask her about Adrian, but he wanted to wait until they were alone.
Y/N bites her lip as she looks up at George. “He asked me on a date, actually. To Hogsmeade next weekend.”
“Oh,” George says softly. His stomach has dropped into the floor and it feels like he was punched in the chest. “What did you say?”
“I told him that I would think about it.” Y/N gives George a look and there’s an unreadable expression on her face. “Do you think I should say yes?”
The tips of George’s ears feel like they’re on fire, and he has to put his quill down so he can wipe his sweaty palms off on his school trousers. What he wants to say is no, that she should go with him to Hogsmeade instead, and then lean forward and kiss her. But instead he shrugs and says, “If you want to, I guess.”
“Oh, okay,” Y/N responds quietly, twirling a piece of hair around her finger. “Thanks, I guess.”
George refocuses his attention on his homework for once, hoping that the sound of his heart pounding in his chest isn’t audible.
The next day by lunch time word has gotten to George that Y/N agreed to go on a date with Adrian. It makes his chest feel hollow, and he avoids her gaze at all costs. He avoids her in the hallways and when she asks to study with him in the library George brushes her off, claiming that he already has plans with Fred. He can tell that she’s upset, and it breaks George’s heart as he walks away.
He’s never been jealous over Y/N before. Even though he craves her presence and would give anything to spend every moment of every day with her, George has never minded sharing her with others. He’s spent countless hours with Y/N where they never even speak because her attention is captured by other people. Whether it’s people catching her in a casual conversation, or someone who takes a seat with them for a deeper interaction. George has always been content to just sit there and watch her face light up as she talks about whatever topic is at hand. Even if he’s not around Y/N, he loves to watch her from across the room as she talks to people. He finds everything she does absolutely adorable, and Fred often teases him for how hard he swoons.
But the thought of Y/N being alone with Adrian fills his chest with so much jealousy it feels like he’s drowning in it. He knows he has no right to be jealous, he’s never shared his romantic feelings with Y/N, and she isn’t his girlfriend or even a girl he’s casually dated. She’d even asked his opinion on whether she should accept. And instead of doing the smart thing and just telling her how he feels, he’d basically brushed her off.
As much as George wants to avoid Y/N, he’s still stuck in her orbit, so on Wednesday afternoon during break he parts ways with Fred and heads over to Y/N. “Got room for one more?” he asks, grinning down at her. Y/N moves over but doesn’t say anything. George frowns as he sits down. “What’s got you down, clown?”
Y/N cracks the faintest smile before she lets it fall from her features. “Just wasn’t sure you were talking to me is all. You haven’t been around lately.”
“I’m around now,” George points out, swallowing the lump in his throat. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I’ve just been a bit busy with Fred is all. You’re still my number one girl.” George’s heart feels like it’s about to beat out of his chest as he raises up one of his pantlegs. “I wouldn’t be rockin’ these bad boys if you weren’t.”
Y/N giggles as she looks at George’s sock, shoving him playfully. It’s neon pink and is truly the most offensive piece of clothing she’s ever seen. The yarn had been left over from a Christmas present she made for a young cousin a few years ago, and Y/N needed to use it up somehow. She originally planned on leaving them in her sock drawer for a few months before donating them to a charity, but the second George saw them he nabbed them from her, and he’s worn them quite a few times sense.
“They look wonderful, Georgie. Though I think it’s best you keep them hidden, they clash terribly with your Gryffindor tie and your fiery hair.” Y/N reaches up and tugs on a strand of George’s hair and he can feel his blood pressure spike.
“Well in that case.” George leans down and rolls up the cuff of both his pant legs, so a few inches of the socks are visible. “How do I look?”
“Ravishing,” Y/N says with a laugh.
It’s the most beautiful sound George has ever heard, and it sends a shiver down his spine. “Bet you wished you kept these for yourself now, don’t ya?”
Before Y/N can respond, one of her other friends swoops in to talk to her about her upcoming date with Adrian, and George sneaks away to avoid the heart break.
“Are you excited for your date?” Y/N’s friend Emily asks as they head towards the entrance to the castle.
Y/N nods happily, letting her eyes scan the crowd of people heading out of the castle. She gets her hopes up when she spots a shock of ginger hair bobbing above the crowd, but they evaporate when the person turns around and it turns out to be Fred. Y/N hasn’t seen George in three days, and his absence has been driving her crazy. She’s friendly with everyone but only has a few true friends, and she considers George to be one of them. She would even consider George to be her best friend, and it feels weird to not have spoken to him in a few days.
“What are you guys going to do?” Emily asks, pulling Y/N’s attention back to the present.
“Just have some butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks, hang out, talk. Nothing too super crazy. I don’t really know Adrian that well, so I think it’ll give us a nice chance to get to know each other.”
Y/N had agreed to meet Adrian there, so when her and Emily reach Hogsmeade a few minutes later, she parts from her with a wave and heads right into the pub. She grabs a drink at the bar before settling in at a table in the back corner. When Adrian is 5 minutes late Y/N brushes it off, figuring that he got caught up leaving the castle or lost track of time. When he’s 30 minutes late, Y/N has already ordered another drink, figuring that he’ll be there any minute. And when he doesn’t show up after an hour Y/N decides to throw the towel in and head back to the castle.
Y/N feels emotionally drained as she makes her way back up towards Hogwarts, and she blinks back a few tears. Even though she’s not particularly interested in Adrian romantically, it had felt nice to be asked out and she truly was looking forward to getting to know him more. She always gives anyone who wants it a piece of her day, and Adrian not showing up make her feel as if she’s been taken advantage of. Her plan is to try and forget this ever happened until dinner that evening.
Y/N turns around when she feels something hit her in the back of the head, and when she turns around she can see Adrian, Marcus Flint and Theodore Knott laughing amongst themselves. There’s a piece of balled up parchment on the ground, and Y/N tries to ignore their stares as she leans down to pick it up.
How was the butterbeer? Lonely?
Y/N’s cheeks feel like they’re on fire, and she quickly turns back into her seat, shoving the piece of parchment into her pocket. She forces her tears away as she tries to get back into the conversation going on around her, unable to stop herself from searching George out in the crowd.
For the next week it seems everywhere she goes Adrian, Marcus and Theo are following a few paces behind. They never directly talk to her, but they talk about her loud enough for her to hear.
“Can’t believe she actually thought I wanted to go out with her!”
“How pathetic. I can’t believe it took her over an hour to realize you weren’t going to show up! What a moron.”
“She’s such a weirdo, no wonder she has no actual friends.”
It doesn’t help that George seems to be avoiding her as well. He doesn’t pass her stupid little notes in class anymore and when their eyes lock across the Great Hall he immediately looks away instead of giving her a cheeky grin. Every time she tries to ask him to come sit with her in the library he turns the other way in the hall before she catches him, and when she catches a peak of him and Fred outside pelting snowballs at Ron, he’s wearing his Gryffindor beanie, instead of one of her knit caps.
She misses George like crazy. He’s one of the only people who doesn’t want something from her. Most people only spend time with Y/N when they need to vent or ask her a question. George is the only person who is content with just sitting there with her in silence while they do their homework, or she knits. She could sit in silence with George for hours and just exist, so having him gone while also being tormented by Adrian and his gang has left Y/N with a deep ache in her chest and a pit of loneliness in her stomach.
Avoiding Y/N has to be the hardest thing George has ever done, and he once spent a week with his Great Aunt Tessie when he was 8. He craves her presence, but the thought of hearing about Adrian endlessly makes his stomach churn. Watching Y/N’s face fall every time he dodged her absolutely broke George’s heart, but he can’t stand to see someone else make her happy.
“You think she’s going to cry?”
George grimaces when he’s brought from his thoughts of Y/N and notices that Adrian and his goons are a few feet in front of him. Most of the school is in the Great Hall having dinner, but George didn’t feel like eating. Y/N had spent most of Transfiguration trying to get George’s attention, and ignoring her has left his stomach queasy.
“Reckon she might with how soft she is. Bet she’s cried herself to sleep every night this week.”
He has no idea who they’re talking about and he figures they’re tormenting some first year who is walking ahead of them. George is a little too far behind them to see who it is, but he decides to follow them anyway, in case he needs to intervene.
“What a stupid girl.”
Adrian’s words cut George deep. How could Y/N be interested in someone like him? George clenches his fist and starts to walk faster to catch up with them. He’s been wanting to smack Adrian and his smug face since the day he asked Y/N out, and this seems like a perfect excuse.
“Will you leave me alone!” Y/N shouts, and George’s blood runs cold. Her voice is shaky, and George knows that if she’s not already crying she will be soon.
Adrian, Marcus and Theodore stop in their tracks and cackle, and the sound makes George even angrier.
“Aw, poor pathetic Y/N has finally managed to stand up for herself. How cute,” Adrian taunts.
Y/N sniffles, and George can feel anger swell up in his chest. “Standing me up wasn’t enough for you, was it? Now you have to torment me about it too? Is that why you asked me out? So you could be mean to me?”
“Why else would someone ask you out? You’re not worth anyone’s time.”
George reaches them then, and he grips is wand tightly in one hand while the other grips the collar of Adrian’s shirt. He pulls him back sharply, causing Marcus and Theodore to take a few steps back as well. George takes one look at Y/N’s tear stained face and lets the anger in his chest consume him completely. “Leave her the fuck alone,” he spits, turning to face Adrian.
“Shove off, Weasley. Can’t you see we’re in the middle of something,” Adrian seethes, squaring up against George.
“Not anymore you prick.” George can hear Y/N crying, and he moves slightly to shield her behind his back. “Now get lost before I make you.” Adrian takes a step forward and George raises his wand, pressing the tip of it to Adrian’s throat. “Unless you want to end up in the Hospital Wing for the next three weeks I suggest you move along.” George’s jaw is clenched, and his voice is deep and dark. George doesn’t move until they disappear down the hall. Only then does he drop his wand and turn around to hug Y/N.
Y/N presses her face into George’s chest and lets out a few more tears. “Thank you, George,” she mumbles.
“Of course, love. I will always be there for you, you know that.” George squeezes her tighter and resists his urge to kiss the top of her head. Instead he rests his chin there, and his eyes flutter closed as he soaks in her warmth. “How long have they been bothering you?” George asks quietly when he starts to feel like himself again.
“Since last Saturday, after Adrian stood me up.” Y/N pulls away from George’s chest so she can look up at him. “How come you’ve been ignoring me, Georgie? I’ve missed you so much.”
George’s heart breaks, and he brings a hand up to wipe away the last few tears from her cheeks. “I’ve missed you too, Y/N. I was being an idiot, like usual.” He takes a deep breath to prepare himself for what he’s about to say. “I’ve liked you Y/N, for as long as I’ve known you. And after Adrian asked you out I got so unbelievably jealous that I couldn’t be around you, I couldn’t hear you talk about your date with him and how excited you were because just the thought of him being alone with you made me want to throw up.”
Y/N bites her lip as she considers what to say next. “You’d do anything for me George, right?”
“Of course, Y/N. Anything,” George confirms, cupping her cheek gently.
“Kiss me,” she breathes.
George hesitates for a second before he leans down and presses their mouths together softly. Their lips move together slowly, and George can feel his head spinning. His knees shake when they pull apart, and when George looks into Y/N’s eyes they shine brighter than the sun.
“Nice sweater,” George compliments as Y/N joins him in that Great Hall that Sunday. She giggles and does a little twirl for him and George feels like he’s soaring through the air.
“Thank you, my boyfriend gave me the yarn I used to make it.” Y/N leans over the table to press a kiss to George’s cheek before taking the seat across from him. She digs around in her bag for a moment before pulling out a pair of socks, knit from the same lilac material as her sweater.
“For me?” George asks, giving her a bright smile. He takes them from her excitedly and kicks off his shoes so he can pull them on.
Y/N laughs as George bring one of his feet up to show off the lilac sock, letting the glitter in the yarn shine. “Of course. What’s a sweater without a pair of matching socks?”
George leans over and kisses Y/N gently. “I’m always down to be your matching pair of socks.”
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moony-artnstuff · 3 years
Matchup Commission @yunohawkeye
Note: @yunohawkeye it's finally here! Thank you so much for your patience, I know you had to wait very long for this, but I hope it is to your liking!
Warning: This matchup contains nsfw, don't like, don't read!
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Lord of the Rings: I ship you with Legolas!
The height difference is adorable.
He loves your hair, and he’s surprised when you tell him how you actually want it because that’s not something you really see in Middle-Earth, least of all his own culture. Still he’d be happy to help you find the supplies you need for cutting and dying it the way you want it.
You like stealing his tunics, as they look like oversized t-shirts on you and they smell like him. The first time he saw you wearing his clothes he almost died from cuteness.
He loved how you were a bit shy when you first met and then gradually became more comfortable around him. He saw it as an achievement whenever you shared something new with him, and he loved getting to know you more.
He’s a curious ball of sunshine and when you get excited about something he gets excited about it too. He’s so supportive of the things you do and likes learning more about them. He’d also be really happy if you took an interest in his hobbies such as archery.
Legolas enjoys being with people (this is also expected of him because he’s a prince) but he also loves quiet moments with you. He’s happy you can entertain yourself when he has to do his duties as prince of Greenwood the great, as he wouldn’t want you to be bored or lonely while he’s away.
Don’t worry about shopping he will get you all the clothes you could ever wish for and he lets them tailor exactly to your size (benefit of being a prince). He quickly takes notice of your style and orders clothing accordingly.
This ellon is clingy as fuck and would love nothing more than to be in your presence at all times, so no worrying about that. He’s also extremely cuddly. Good luck trying to get to the bathroom at night, he won’t let you out of his grip.
He likes your random moments, as he has a lot of them himself. I imagine him as a kind of oddball amongst elves. The two of you keep each other on your toes, and you can often be found laughing about something the other said.
Legolas adores both your tomboyish personality as well as your tomboy looks. Legolas is a warrior and works with both ellons and elliths who are all badasses but all look quite feminine with their long hair and stuff, meaning your personality is familiar yet your looks are refreshing and he likes it.
Introduce him to video games, he’d be fascinated by them. I can totally see him getting fully absorbed in a fight scene, whether he is playing himself or encouraging you.
Loves to dance with you, he does it all the time. You’re relaxing on the sofa doing nothing in particular? Dancing. He sees you walking past in the halfway? Let’s twirl around together for a moment. He’s been away from you for some time and now finally gets to see you again? He picks you up and spins you around, so happy he is to see you again.
Like I said before, Legolas is a bit of an oddball amongst elves, so he would never judge you for being your weird and quirky self because really, he’s the same. It makes him so happy that you’re comfortable enough to be yourself around him, and it encourages him to do the same as well.
Legolas is a ray of sunshine and finds joy in almost everything in life, but he has seen dark things and lost loved ones as well. He is the perfect person to talk to when life is weighing you down or when you just want to talk about some heavier topics, as he knows what it feels like, while at the same time he’s also capable of making you smile again in mere seconds.
Your dark humor catches him off guard at first but he catches on quite quickly.
Legolas is all for having a good connection and good communication. He often talks with you about how he feels about something and asks your opinion. He also frequently compliments you and genuinely can’t understand how you can’t see how amazing you are. Will stubbornly continue with giving you compliments, all the while looking at you as if you are denying simple facts such as the sky is blue, because he means every word he says.
Teasing him will be a challenge as he can be quite the oblivious one (for example if you were to rile him up during the day with lingering touches and then play dumb he would get frustrated because he’d believe you’d genuinely didn’t know what you were doing when in reality you were teasing him), and he will probably take the things you say too literal (“Legolas, is that a banana in your pants or are you just happy to see me?” “Why would I have a banana in my pants?”). It’s best to just give him straightforward compliments when trying to flirt with him.
Legolas is a bottom. Like yeah, sure, he can take the lead if you want him to but he prefers to be the submissive one, and he loves the way you take the lead and how good you make him feel.
Just like with Thorin you’ll be introducing him to a whole new world regarding sex and toys. At first he’s a bit shy about the concept of dirty thoughts and talking about sex, but his curiousity and your openness to talk about it makes him more comfortable.
Loves it when you tie him up and have your way with him, especially when you peg and edge him.
You met at the counsel of lord Elrond where you volunteered to be part of the fellowship. Legolas was curious as to why a human woman would offer herself to such a task, and he started a conversation with you. He quickly came to like your company and often seeked out your company during the journey. You comforted each other after Gandalf’s death and while you are in Lothlorien he tells you about his home and the dangers it’s facing. He needs a bit of help from Aragorn and Gimli, but he eventually realizes he has feelings for you and he doesn’t hesitate to confess, because why would he? He loves you and wants to be with you, and if you feel the same then he wants to start courting immediately since your time together is already short with you being human and him being an elf.
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The Hobbit: I ship you with Thorin!
He likes you being blunt. Thorin does not have the best social skills and though he is by no means stupid he can be a bit thickheaded sometimes. That’s why he likes that you’re not afraid to tell him how it is without beating around the bush.
Whenever you get bubbly or excited about something he gets this soft, fond smile while looking at you. He just thinks you’re so precious and he makes a mental note to often talk about your interests to see that spark in your eyes.
The teasing will get to him. God this dwarrow just can’t handle it, he might act all tough and stoic on the outside but he really is just one big softie on the inside who becomes a flustered mess the second you give him that look alone.
Just like you, Thorin is an introvert. He prefers to spend his time with close friends and family, such as the company and you. His favorite moments are spent with you, in your shared bedroom where you do your writing and he hums in front of the fire next to you, just enjoying each other’s presence.
You both tend to keep problems to yourself, so you help each other with opening up. It was a bit of a struggle in the beginning, with the both of you wanting to be there for each other but refusing to open up about your own problems. Slowly though, Thorin started to tell you about his past and the loss he felt when he lost his grandfather, his father and his brother in the war against the goblins. This made you open up about your feelings as well and the two of you learned to reach out to each other whenever something’s bothering you.
He’ll hold your hand when you have to be in a big crowd. As king and queen under the mountain it is expected of you to attend council meetings and grand parties alike, but Thorin always makes sure to stay close to you and offer you comfort until the two of you can retreat to your chambers again.
He loves your ‘randomness’, it refreshes him. He’s always been so focused on leading his people, reclaiming Erebor and then rebuilding it that he’s never really had any time for fun. You saying and doing random things gets him out of that cycle of endless responsibilities and to him it feels like a fresh breath of air.
Please play music with him! He feels a lot of pride in having such a talented and musical s/o. He would be so happy if you let him accompany you in your music with his harp.
Don’t worry about not having spotify or youtube in Middle-Earth, Thorin’s voice will definitely make up for it (we all heard him sing in Bag-end *chills*). He often hums to himself when doing a mundane task, and if you asked it of him he would be happy to sing for you.
He’s honored if you show him your writing.
He’s honored if you show him your writing.
Despite knowing you can handle yourself perfectly well he’s still very protective over you. He’s just so afraid to lose you, but he tries to tone it down for you as much as he can.
After the mountain is reclaimed he becomes much more loose and free spirited, he’ll be both your partner and your best friend for life
Although he can be a bit oblivious sometimes he makes an effort to see what your likes and dislikes are, for example your movie preferences, and he keeps them in mind when getting you gifts
Like I said before, you’ll have to help him with being open/vulnerable with you. It's not that he doesn’t trust you, he’s just not used to being vulnerable with someone, so he needs to take it slow. You’ll also have to teach him to stay calm and talk when the two of you have an argument. Thorin is used to leading his people and has always been put under a lot of pressure because of it, but you quickly showed him that getting angry and barking orders was not the way to handle a fight with you, and with time he becomes better and better at talking things out with you.
Your openness to sexual talk and constantly having dirty thought caught him off guard at first, as people usually don’t talk so easily about such concepts in Middle-Earth. He tends to get a bit bashful/shy when he hears you talk about it, but slowly becomes more comfortable to listen and maybe add some of his own thoughts.
Will sit you down and tell you in a very serious way that you are amazing when you turn down a compliment. For example, he’ll compliment you for your writing and you say something along the lines of “I’m really not that good, I’m actually quite bad at it.” and he’d just get this serious face and be like “Amrâlime, you are one of the most talented people I’ve met, don’t talk about yourself like that.” Que him starting a whole rant about how beautiful and amazing and skilled you are and genuinely not understanding how you can’t see it too. Thorin has never been good with words, but he sure as hell is going to make sure you know how amazing he thinks you are.
He’s never thought much about sex or having a spouse, untill you came along. He first imagined himself topping, but when the moment finally arrived and you took the lead, he did not mind at all (he’s a switch).
You’re gonna have so much fun tying him up in bed and edging him. He’s not one to beg, or even ask for something in general, so it’s gonna be delicious when he finally does break
You introduce him to a whole new world regarding sex and toys. Thorin loves to experience all kinds of things with you and eventually settles on his own preferences and dislikes. He likes it that you’re a dom, it makes him feel taken care of. Being able to be so intimate and vulnerable with you was something he never knew he needed.
You met when the company stopped in Rivendell, where the company found you playing the piano. You had heard about the arrival of the dwarves and started a conversation with them. Soon you hit it off with Fili, Kili and Nori (for some reason I imagine him liking sex jokes and also being open to nsfw talk) and before you knew it you were part of the company. At first Thorin was against letting you join them, as he didn’t understand what business you could have with dwarves trying to reclaim their homeland, but during the quest you became closer and closer with him, talking about what Erebor was like before Smaug took over and what life was like for him and his family when Thorin had to lead his people to the blue mountains. Eventually the two of you started courting and Thorin asked you to marry him after Erebor was reclaimed, making you queen under the mountain.
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arabnico · 3 years
Some Arab! Nico hcs please? Thanks
aaaaaa of course !!!! ^_^
- wears abayas and kaftans a lot they love traditional female clothing because gender euphoria and honoring your culture and wearing clothes that your late mama used to wear too... yeah
- also xe owns a keffiyeh !!! his mama wore it all the time plus it’s a symbol of pride and resistance
- he has a khamsa necklace and an amulet hung on the door of their cabin because you gotta ward off the evil eye sorry not taking any chances !
- alwaysss wearing their Allah and cross necklaces
- they inherited really curly and dark hair from their mama. actually he looks like a carbon copy of her, same big aquiline nose and full lips as well
- they know so many lullabies and folk songs almost subconsciously when he remembers one they all start slowly coming back to xem and he hums them under his breath sometimes (vocal stim plus it’s comforting and reassuring)
- ALSO FOLK TALES xe tells them to estelle when xe’s babysitting her so she falls asleep and sometimes to the younger campers at the very last moments of the campfire... cries
- we all know it’s canon nico appreciates and values art and admires it a lot what i’m trying to get at is that nico is great at arabic calligraphy thank you
- i know nico knowing how to play piano because they learned before is a silent agreement but i raise you: nico plays oud. beautifully. his jeddo (grandfather) played it and maria did as well. the sole mental image makes me tear up
- listens to a lot of old arabic music like fairuz, sabah, umm kulthum etc but also recent arabic music !!! adonis and mashrou’ leila especially, gotta love gay arabic music <3
- goes by هم (masculine ‘they’/plural pronoun) in arabic because the masculine singular ones are just . no for them
- their bible is in arabic even though it’s really hard to read because of dyslexia
- plus he’s really adamant on working on getting better at reading and writing in arabic
- they’re a stress baker and whenever that happens they bake sweets like sfouf, nammoura, riz b’haleeb and a lot of other stuff and everyone around them takes advantage of the issue like he spends a night in new rome and bakes sfouf and hazel and reyna eat most of the platter on their own. good for them <3 arabs communicate love through food that’s just them eating nico’s love for them <3
- calls their friends nicknames and terms of endearment in arabic the depth of those is so !!! english you are nothing
- reads a lot about arab history and lgbt arab history and really dives in that specific aspect of their identity. listens to the ‘queer arabs’ podcast sometimes too
- fidgets with xyr masbaha (prayer beads) a lot xyr jeddo used to do it a lot too. they subconsciously picked on the habit
- actually i think that part of the reason their hands are never still aside from like. autism is that his setti (grandmother) used to tell xem 'الإيد البطّالة نجسة' which literally translates to ‘the idle hand is impure’ so sorry can’t stop my hands from moving nothing about me is impure thank you VERY much
- younger campers would be like teach us insults in arabic >:) and xe’d teach them how to say stuff like ‘i love you’ because xe’s a softie and just wants people to love each other
- when someone is testing him and they’re about to lose their cool and patience xe mutters stuff like ‘la hawla wa la kuwata illa billah’ ‘ya sefer ermiya el taweel’ ‘ya sabrak ya ayyub’ and those become warning bells for campers like retreat !!! step back !!!!
- we all know they’re literally amazing with all children and they love them all equally but one day a satyr brings in a young palestinian girl that’s later claimed as a daughter of athena who just loves and is attached to olive trees an unthinkable amount. she spends all day taking care of them and making graphs and stuff about their growth and like. he can’t help it xe’s only human sometimes you subconsciously pick favorites okay !!! they are also shami solidarity so. nico adores spending time with her
i have more in mind but that’s already long enough so !!! arab nico *insert a billion heart emojis* i could talk about that for hours
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