#he has quite large sad backstory which means he’s pretty distant and often a little sharp tongued lmao
raytm · 9 months
I think about my detective oc a lot who works as an almost “freelance” investigator for all things supernatural. he’s connected very loosely to the police who all ??? either don’t trust him or look down on him ??? he’s a lycanthrope and is married to his work so to speak. we’re talking old man vibes who maybe drinks a little too much, likes a good bourbon on the rocks.
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all-blue-headcanons · 5 years
So, let me ask you about your OCs! I would love to know how many you have, their names, if you have any main one, the one you like/love most, with who you ship them and I you would like them to meet mine(lol). So throw me all the info you want to share. -Ai-
Oh fugg, you’ve only gone and done it now, Ai. Buckle up for the ride, kids, I’m about to bore you shitless with my lame ass OC’s… well, one of them anyway, but it’s less of an OC but probably more of a self-reflection as to what my story might be in One Piece? That’s right, I’m one of those disgusting self-inserts so feel free to hate on it since I already hate myself enough, lmao.
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A new challenger has appeared! Introducing… Passenger Khare! Her backstory is a bit of an odd one as she never used to have any great ambitions and would have been quite happy just living as a simple civilian somewhere in South Blue. Originally she came from North Blue and used to be friends with X Drake back when they were children since his father was still working with the Marines at the time. Thanks to Germa 66 and the ‘Conquest of Four Nations’ however, Khare’s homeland was devastated and she forced to flee alongside her mother. Her father was killed in the war against Vinsmoke Judge, so naturally Khare’s carried a bit of a grudge ever since.Her problems started when her identity was completely erased by a rogue Devil Fruit user. The ability of their fruit was supposed to be a concept on the idea of identity swapping, meaning that you could pin certain actions and events on somebody else. For example, you could make Luffy think Arlong was responsible for Ace’s death* and would adamantly believe it too until confronted by the truth. For some reason, this person either didn’t have the hang of their abilities or went completely over the top, effectively striking Khare out of history - her mother could look her own child in the face and refuse to believe it’s her. (Actually thinking back on it now, a better explanation would be to switch ‘events’ caused by one person to another? Essentially framing somebody for another’s crimes like Kuro wanted to do to some random dude)There are other problems with this issue too, in that Khare is very hard to notice or easily overlooked by most people. They quickly forget what she looks like as well, effectively becoming ‘faceless’ in their minds. The stronger one’s Haki is however, the more easily she’s noticed/remembered so when Khare fled home to look for the person responsible for stealing her name, it was difficult to say the least. She’d have to stow away on ships, moving from island to island in hopes of catching up or finding the person through tracking their bounty.About a year into this ‘drifter’ lifestyle, the ship that Khare was currently hiding on began to sank after a battle against the Marines - so she jumped off the side and swam to a distant island where there was little food and less water. Despite being unnoticable to most people, animals such as Sea Kings can notice her just fine, so swimming elsewhere wasn’t really an option. Her only options were to starve to death, risk being eaten or hope another ship came by.And there it was; a Devil Fruit sitting right there at the island’s oasis. It was a large and ugly blackish-grey fruit with reddish-pink ‘leaves’, but being so hungry, Khare ate it anyway and became a Fire Dragon Zoan.Leaving the island behind, Khare wanders the world of One Piece; an insignificant human whom most people ignore… and a dragon that is quite a bit harder to. With new abilities at her disposal, she doesn’t quite go on rampages; instead Khare spends most of her time flying between islands and checking out taverns for new bountries, picking up any pirates or marines that have been shipwrecked, stranded or otherwise left to die at sea. She used to be the unknown passenger and now operates as a ferry-service for those who in need, leaving them in safe places with a bag of gold to tide them over.Where does she get the gold from, you might ask? Well, even when you’re a dragon, sometimes you get bored of fending for yourself and need small things like the comforts of food you haven’t cooked yourself, a warm bed for the night and some good old human company. Raiding bandit strongholds and enclaves works out great in paying for more extravagent luxuries, and simply because like any good dragon out there, who the hell is going to stop you? Name: “Passenger” KhareTitle if a member of the Worst Generation: “Robber Baron”Age: Early thirties, ‘cursed’ about five years prior to the start of Luffy’s adventuresLoves: X Drake (childhood friends)Friends: Scratchmen Apoo, Urouge.Enemies: The entire Vinsmoke family. Will drop the grudge against Sanji when she realizes he’s actually a pretty nice guy despite his father. Favourite food: Shrimp Laksa, South Blue style.Least favourite food: Eggs (bad experience, shared dislike with X Drake)Interests: Aerophysics, warfare, scarves, thinking about getting revenge on Germa 66…Style: Pockets, pockets, pockets. Aviator goggles along with pilot-themed attire. Ugly ass eyeburner scarf. Did I mention pockets for stashing people and loot in? Traits: Androgynous as hell, people aren’t sure whether she’s a boy or a girl. Rugged, windswept hair, face often smudged with soot and smoke bc ashen breath. THICC shoulders and upper body due to all the flying causing small tiddies which she doesn’t like. Short-tall at 5′9, needs to stand on her tippy toes to nuzzle Drake’s chin.Personality/Quirks: Awkward, especially socially after being on her own for so long. Doesn’t believe Fish-Man Island exists and gets incredibly angry when people try to tell her it does. A little lecherous (towards both men and women) and rowdy when she’s had a few too many to drink and will definitely sing rude songs. Sung this song to Apoo once when drunk and somehow he remembers it, never letting her live it down. Hates it whenever he brings the topic up. Feels the cold easily. BAD LANDER.Random fact: Was asked to be Lola’s husband once. Khare genuinely told her the truth in that she was actually a woman and thus wouldn’t make a good husband, but would totally have said yes were she a man. Lola was surprisingly good-natured about it anyway, but felt sad when she couldn’t quite remember Khare’s face after parting ways.
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Enjoy bad art of the passenger dragon that ‘carries a mountain of gold’ on it’s back.Other OC’s I’m still creating, but I have one going about a bored, sociopathic Celestial Dragon that left the Holy Land voluntarily because he was so tired of living an easy life of luxurious and wanted excitement. He’s nothing special, he’s just some bored rich kid who does obnoxious things like starting wars between nations for the hell of it. Surprisingly he’s pretty honorable about his ‘bargains’ if they are completed successfully; these ‘requests’ however, while seeming innocent, are actually death traps he’s arranging for his victims (aka please go and steal me this hat. Which hat, you ask? Why, Straw Hat Luffy’s of course! And I’ll give you ten million berries for it!)
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