#he has an entire story about how he during his phd he really hated a book that was assigned
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Me and the music teacher getting into another fight over whether natural phenomenon can be music.
On account of the fact that he thinks it is the intent to make music that counts
I on the other hand consider the intent to perceive music as being the defining feature.
#he opes every class with what is music#which is funny because everytime during group discussion i have to be like#qualifier i violently disagree with the teacher#he has an entire story about how he during his phd he really hated a book that was assigned#and just turned to me this book is what your arguing#full on feud at this point đ
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Something Bigger Than Us
Spencer Reid x Reader (female)
A/N- Hi guys, I am back after an eventful few months. Had to deal with some personal stuff, but I am back now and writing more! So, to celebrate, heres some fluff with our favourite genius!!
Word Count- 4026 words
Warnings- Fluff, mention of bodily liquids in the case, mentions of murder.
The beauty of love is that, you can fall into it with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time. - Ritu Ghatourey.
Sitting in the subway cart, Spencer indulged in the book in his hands. It had been a gift from Penelope as she had always told him he had to read more fictional works. So, there Spencer was, on his day off, travelling to the science museum and reading âThe Maze Runnerâ. He was taking more time than he needed; slowing down his reading speed to prolong the story to fit his entire journey. He was so engrossed that he nearly didnât notice the subway cart come to a stop and the doors open, a woman walking inside. What made Spencer glance up from the novel in his hands was the slight change of weight near his feet. Looking away from his novel, he didnât expect to see said woman sitting on the subway cart floor. Spencer glanced around to see multiple seats available, yet there this person was. Sat on the ground.
âDid you want to sit here?â
Spencer had found many women pretty in his life. He had found a few to be gorgeous. But this woman, she was breath taking. As she lifted her gaze to stare into his, Spencer felt a warmth he never felt. A moment. A spark.
The woman smiled up at Spencer.
âNo, itâs okay. I quite like sitting on the floor. I can feel the wheels moving more.â
Spencer looked at the woman puzzled.
She couldnât help but let her smile grow.
âSit down and feel.â
Spencerâs brain went blank at the womanâs request. He knew how much bacteria there was on the floor and could not imagine doing such a thing as sitting on it.
âOn average, more than 9 million people ride the subway every day. Thatâs 18 million feet on that floor. They could have stepped in anything. The number of bacteria is unimaginable.â
The woman shrugged.
âSo, thatâs 18 million feet and my butt. At least I can say I enjoyed my subway ride more because I felt the wheels on the tracks.â
The warmth in Spencerâs chest spread the more he looked at her. Before he even realised, Spencer found himself sliding from his seat and onto the subway floor next to her. She was right. You could feel the wheels thumping against the tracks.
âItâs like a heartbeat.â
The woman looked at the floor of the carriage with a smile.
âPeople ride the subway every day and never think about how amazing it is that this thing was created. That we can hop on something that could take us wherever we desired to in our city. They treat it like it's nothing. But it moves like we do, and it stops like we do.â
The woman looked up at Spencer.
âIt has a heartbeat. Just like you and I.â
In his whole life, Spencer had never heard someone describe anything in such a way that made it feel human; that made him feel so human.
âSo, where are we going?â
The woman smiled and stood from the ground, holding her hand out for Spencer to take. He did so without a thought. It was like being around her made him forget everything.
âYes, we? I had no plans but then I met you and it seems you had plans so now I do to. So, where are we going misterâŠ?â
Spencer straightened his satchel, his hands gripping the straps. The warmth that had spread from his chest now burnt in the hand he had held hers with for those few seconds.
âMy names Spencer. Spencer Reid. Iâm actually a doctor but not a medical one. I have three PHDâs and three bachelorâs Degrees, but none of them are remotely medical. I could go into that field if I wanted to butâŠâ
Spencer stopped himself as he realised, he was rambling.
The woman leaned against the pole to her side and looked at Spencer in earnest.
âYou were saying you could go into the medical field if you wanted to butâŠâ
She was actually listening to his rambling and she even seemed to be interested.
Spencerâs hands gripped his satchel tighter.
âBut I have enough to focus on with work already.â
The woman nodded her head in understanding.
âWell, Dr Spencer Reid, my name is Y/F/N. Y/F/N Y/L/N. My title is just regular old miss. Unfortunately, I have no PHDs, but I do have a bachelorâs degree in Film Studies which Iâm presuming is nowhere near exciting as what you have yours in. I could never have gone into the medical field because I hated biology and preferred chemistry at school as I liked drawing the chemical equations more than learning about photosynthesis. The only part I liked about biology was learning about thalidomide, which is really grim, but it was fascinating.â
Whilst she spoke, Spencer couldnât help but notice the movement of her hands. Her nails on her right hand were painted a different colour to the ones on her left. Just like how he wore different socks on each foot. He liked that they unknowingly matched.
âNow we are no longer strangers, I think you need to tell me where we are going?â
Spencer looked towards the doors and noticed that they were actually soon to arrive to his stop.
âI was going to visit the museum. The next stop is my one.â
Y/N looked at the door and nodded.
âCool. So, can I join?â
Even though she had already said she was joining him twice, Spencer did not think she actually meant it. He stuttered through his words as his thoughts blazed around his head.
Y/N could see his mind going into overdrive.
Spencer looked down at the shorter woman in front of him. He wondered why she seemed so worried.
âIâm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I tend to come off as quite strong but something about you tells me I need to know more. I want to know more. Spend more time with you. Iâd love to see the things Dr Spencer Reid, who has three PHDs and was reading one of my favourite books when I hopped on the train, had planned to see today. I will only join you if it is something you want.â
Spencer felt the subway cart come to a stop and saw the doors in his peripheral open.
He was tired of living life through the view of work before anything else. The few moments of happiness he had was taken away by not allowing himself to be spontaneous. To be with them in person. So, for the second time that day, Spencer grabbed a hold of Y/Nâs hand, ignoring the facts and statistics of germs and bacteria running through his mind.
Pulling her towards the doors, the pair stepped off the subway cart and onto the platform.
People walked around the pair as they stood facing each other, staring at one another with their hands entwined.
Spencer swallowed the lump in his throat.
âI would like if you would join me to the museum. I would like to spend more time with you too.â
Y/N smiled at Spencerâs words. With the hand still not in his grasp, Y/N lifted her arm towards the subway exist.
âWell, lead the way Dr Spencer Reid.â
Spencer did just that.
In silence the pair walked the short distance from the subway station to the museum. Their hands interlocked at their sides as Y/N looked around at the buildings by them. Spencer couldnât help but glance towards the woman. He couldnât understand why he felt so different with her. The warmth in his chest was still there, and it felt as though it was growing and spreading with every breath he took. His hand in her own was something he wished to never lose. It was like being enveloped in the softest blanket known to man. This stranger who sat by his feet on the subway has made him feel more comfortable and step out of his comfort zone more than any of his friends or family ever have. But why?
Coming to the doors of the museum, Spencer opened the door for Y/N to enter before him; letting go of her hand to do so. He felt empty without her hand in his. He couldnât believe how empty his palm now felt.
âIâve never been to this museum before.â
Y/N couldnât help but laugh at the shocked look on Spencerâs face. As though what she said was the most shocking thing he had ever heard.
Before she could even make a joke about his expression, Spencer suddenly turned down a corridor.
âWoah! Slow down Doc!â
Spencer slowed down his pace.
âIâm sorry. Itâs just this is my favourite place and I want to show you everything it has to offer.â
Y/N smiled at Spencerâs bashful behaviour. She couldnât help her own cheeks blushing at the thought that this kind man wanted to show her around his favourite place. To think she had only met him a mere hour before.
Giving Spencerâs a comforting smile, Y/N bumped her shoulder with his own.
âI have a feeling that I am going to learn a lot with you as my tour guide.â
Spencer led the way as they walked through the corridors, reciting information about each exhibit they come across, stuttering when he felt Y/Nâs hands brush his own as they walked side by side.
Just as Spencer was about the point Y/N to the next exhibit, he felt her hands slowly clasp around his own. Her smooth fingers fitting perfectly into the gaps between his rough appendages.
âIs this okay?â
Spencer smiled in delight, squeezing her hand in reassurance as he pulled Y/N in the direction they had been heading.
Walking hand in hand down the hall, Spencer silently led Y/N to one of his favourite parts of the museum. As they entered the room, Y/Nâs eyes could not miss the large rock exhibited in the middle of the room, people sporadically standing around the object.
âWhat is that?â
Spencerâs chest became warm at the look of wonder on Y/Nâs face as they walked closer to the exhibit.
âThat is the Willamette Meteorite. It was found in Oregon and is the largest ever meteorite found in the United States and the sixth largest in the world. The smooth surface melted during its blazing entry into the atmosphere, while the pits formed on the Earth's surface. Iron meteorites form when large enough asteroids have had molten interiors catastrophically collide with other asteroids. These huge collisions blast out material from the molten iron core of the asteroid on orbits that reach Earth after millions of years.â
Y/N continued her wonderous gaze as they let go of Spencerâs hand, walking around the meteorite, taking in every crevice and crater. Spencer could usually spend hours staring at the meteor, but right now he could not tear his haze away from Y/N as she took her time looking at the artefact.
Turning to look at Spencer, Y/N wanted to find out more.
âHow was it made? Like is it a piece of something much bigger?â
Spencer looked at the meteorite that stood much taller than all of them.
âThe internal structure, made of metallic iron, suggests that billions of years ago, an early planet orbiting the Sun was shattered, perhaps in a collision with another protoplanet. The fragment was probably part of the planetâs iron-nickel core. While planets, including Earth gradually formed and matured, this fragment orbited the Sun. It was hit at least twice by other planetary fragments, knocking it into a collision course with Earth. Over many centuries, rainwater interacting with its iron sulphide deposits produced sulfuric acid, which slowly etched and carved large cavities.â
Spencer waited for a response, but as the seconds passed in silence. Had he freaked her out? Had he gone too far? Spencer moved his gaze from the meteor to Y/N, to see her staring at the meteorite in awe.
Spencer laughed at her exclamation. His head dipping down to try and cover his reddening cheeks.
âWoah indeed.â
Y/N couldnât help the blush now invading her cheeks. Walking back towards Spencer, Y/N nudged the geniusâs shoulder with her own, gaining his attention. Spencer turned his head to look back at Y/N.
âItâs crazy how we get to look at something that was once part of something much bigger. Something that could have housed life and all sorts of wonderous things and yet, here sits part of its core, on our planet, in one of our museums. Now a part of something much bigger again.â
Spencer and Y/N looked at each other in silence. Taking in the moment and her words. Both of them acknowledging that they too were part of something much bigger, much more meaningful than they had every thought about.
A clicking sound broke the moment.
Turning around, Spencer and Y/N both saw an older gentleman pointing a polaroid camera towards the pair.
Realising that the pair had turned around the gentleman walked up towards them and handed over the picture.
âIt still has to develop.â
Y/N looked down at the picture in Spencerâs hand as it slowly developed.
âCan you take another one? Just so we can have one each.â
The man nodded at Y/N question, stepping back to where he stood before.
Y/N moved her hand to clasp Spencerâs once more, tilting her head to lay on his shoulder, a smile blossomed on her face as she looked towards the camera.
Spencerâs own gaze was fixed on her. His eyes taking in the slope of her nose and the feel of her hair tickling his neck. Usually, if he was ever this close to anyone, let alone a woman, he would start to sweat and panic. And yet, all Spencer could feel was what he could only describe as serene. Spencer had never felt serene until now.
Being shaken out of his stare by the click of the manâs camera once more, Spencer looked to see the man handing Y/N the picture as she rummaged through her bag.
âNo need to pay me.â
Y/N shook her head.
âI insist.â
The man moved forward, placing his hand on Y/Nâs shoulder.
âI gave you the picture because sometimes it is nice to look back where it all began.â
The old man looked Spencer in the eye and gave him a wink, causing Spencer to blush.
âBoth of you, enjoy your day, and may I suggest if you get hungry, try Giovaniâs CafĂ© down the street.â
Spencer cocked his head.
âIs it good?â
The man laughed as he walked backwards, nodded his head.
âI should know, I am Giovanni after all!â
Laughter rumbled from the pair as they watched the older gentlemen walk out the door, his polaroid camera in hand. As their laughter died, Y/N looked down at the now developed picture in her hand. Spencer in turn looked at his own.
The picture was beautiful. With the light from outside cascading through the windows, creating almost a halo of light around the pair, the meteorite had never looked bigger than when Spencer saw the back of his and Y/Nâs figures standing in front of it. But what Spencer couldnât take his eyes away from was the fact that in the picture, Y/N was not looking at the meteorite. She was looking at him. If he looked hard enough, he could see a smile on her face. So soft and so beautiful.
The comforting silence of the pair looking at their polaroids was suddenly shattered when Spencerâs ringtone filled the air. Spencer couldnât help but let his shoulders drop in disappointment.
âIâm so sorry, I just have to take this.â
Y/N smiled in acknowledgment,
âGo ahead, Iâm just going to take a look over here.â
Spencer nodded as he watched her walk across the hall, examining the pictures and their information plaques as he answered his phone.
âWe got a case Pretty Boy. Wheels up in 50 minutes.â
Spencer rubbed his head at Morganâs voice.
Morgan could hear the disappointment in Spencerâs tone.
âAre we interrupting something?â
Spencer kept his eyes on Y/N as he took a second to answer.
âYeah. But Iâll be there in 30 minutes.â
Morgan chuckled.
âOkay, Genius, see you later.â
Spencer hung up his phone. Walking towards where Y/N still stood, he tapped the woman on her shoulder.
As she turned, Y/N took in Spencerâs solemn look.
âIs everything okay?â
Spencer shook his head.
âWork called. I have to leave. Iâm sorry.â
Y/N smiled in understanding.
âWork is work, whatever it may be. No need to be sorry. I had an amazing day that I didnât think I would have.â
Spencer stared Y/N in her eyes, a little smile adorning his face.
âI did too. I have to go. But can we meet again?â
Y/N nodded her head, her own smile lighting her face.
âYeah. I would like that.
Spencer grinned as he began to turn around, walking towards the corridors exit, waving as he left. He began to walk down the stairs when he suddenly heard his name.
âSpencer, wait!â
Spencer turned around to see Y/N running down the stairs towards him, polaroid in hand.
Stopping in front of him, as Y/N stood on the steps above Spencer, she was nearly as tall as the boy wonder.
âYou dropped this.â
âThank you.â
As Spencer went to reach for the picture, Y/N pulled it out of his reach.
He watched with bated breath as she carefully put the picture in the breast pocket of his jacket, tapping his jacket where the picture now safely sat.
âNow go before your boss gets angry at you for being late.â
Laughing at her truthful words, Spencer once again waved towards the girl, rushing down the steps as he looked at his watch, realising that he was going to be late. But even with that knowledge, as he opened the exit door of the museum, Spencer turned to wave goodbye to Y/N once more. Watching as she waved back, before he allowed the door to close behind him.
Spencer walked to the jet as briskly as he could, breathing heavily from the sprint through the airport, just about getting through easily with his badge.
Trotting up the steps, Spencer leaped into the jet, quickly taking the seat next to Emily, his breath heavy as he took in deep breaths.
The team ceased their conversation, all looking at Spencer in confusion and worry.
âSorry Iâm late, whatâs the case?â
Spencer ignored the strange looks and elongated silence.
Hotch quickly broke it.
âWeâre heading to Akron, Ohio. We got two murdered couples with the men both being found with used condoms on and Viagra in their systems. In both cases, the husbands were killed with a silenced 9-millimeter, the wife was stabbed multiple times. Weâre meeting up with the Akron P.D when we get there. Everything you need is in the file.â
Spencer nodded his head as he grabbed the file from Hotch, opening the papers as the plane took off.
Briskly looking through the file, Spencer began to detail notes in his notebook about possible suspects and details the others may have missed. But as he scribbled, Spencer could feel the stares of Emily, Morgan, and JJ as they all sat by him. Fed up, Spencer lifted his head, flittering his gaze between them all.
âCan I help?â
âWhy was you late?â
Spencer looked at Morgan.
âI was at the museum.â
âThatâs the truth but why was you late?â
Spencer turned his eyes to Emily, confusion littering his features.
âI was at the museum, I had to get on the subway and get here.â
JJ tilted her head as Spencer looked between the trio.
The weight of their gazes quickly caused him to break.
âI was late because I was at the museum with someone.â
At his statement, everyone on the jet turned towards Spencer. Even Hotch had Spencerâs undivided attention.
Emily twisted to face the genius, a smirk on her face as she crossed her arms.
âGo on Romeo, tell us all about them.â
Spencer knew he could not get out of this. So, he began to begrudgingly tell his team about his day and the person he spent it with.
âThen after the gentleman took our picture, I got the call. I said goodbye and rushed over here.â
The team all looked at Spencer with mixtures of pride and happiness.
âDid you get her number?â
The looks soon turned to disbelief as Spencer bowed his head in shock.
âYou had an amazing day with a woman you donât know, which is something unlike you, and you failed to get her number? Pretty boy, I am very disappointed. Iâve taught you better than that.â
Shaking his head at Morganâs playful words, Spencer couldnât help his own disappointment take over. He canât believe he didnât ask her for her number. Rossi walked over and patted the man on his shoulder in reassurance.
âAt least you got a picture to remember her.â
Spencer slowly nodded, solemnly reaching into his breast pocket to pull the picture out. But, as Spencer looked at the picture, he realised that she had handed him the second picture they had taken.
Spencer looked at the polaroid and couldnât believe how comfortable he looked with her. Their hands interlaced as Y/N smiled brightly towards the camera. Spencerâs smile was directed towards the woman next time him, warm and content. He had never looked so at peace before. Yet, he still forgot to ask for her number.
As Spencer was about the place the picture back in his pocket, he paused his movement as Hotch spoke up.
âIf I was you, I would check the back of that picture Reid.â
Looking at the people in front of him, he could see that they were all now smiling, looking at him expectedly, waiting for the man to look at the back of the picture. Flipping the picture over, Spencer couldnât help the smile that blossomed over his face. His eyes crinkling from how large it was. On the back of the picture, a message was written.
âMeeting you made me feel part of something much bigger. Something I would love to explore. Give me a call if you want to as well.â
Underneath the message lay Y/Nâs phone number.
Spencer lifted his head and looked around at his team. Pointing his thumb over his shoulder, he began to stand.
âIâm just going toâŠâ
Emily pushed him up as the rest of the team laughed.
âHurry up and call her Spence, no point in waiting!â
Spencer nodded his head in a flurry as JJ shooed him to the back of the jet.
Walking passed the team, Rossi and Derek patted him on the back, as Hotch nodded his head. They were all happy for him.
Walking into the jetâs toilet, Spencer locked the door and pulled out his phone. Flipping the picture in his opposing hand, he quickly dialled the number, clicking the call button before he could change his mind.
Just as he contemplated hanging up, the ringing stopped, and he heard an answer.
âI want to be a part of something bigger. I want to explore it too.â
Spencer could feel the smile radiating from Y/N over the phone. A breathy laugh leaving his mouth as he realised, he was nodding his head instead of talking.
Spencer was not the type of person to sit in the bathroom on a plane talking to someone on the phone that he only met that morning. Even more so, having met that someone because they sat on the floor of the subway instead of the seats. Yet, here he was, in the bathroom talking to Y/N and getting to know her more. Spencer felt like the Willamette Meteorite. He had been broken and steered down different courses over the years, feeling like he would never be part of anything bigger than the family that was his team. But now, he felt like he was finally going to be a part of something bigger. Something extraordinary.
Never expected to meet you. When I met you I never expected you to become my everything and more than I could have ever dreamed of. - Maria Ana Bulquerin.
A/N- Thank you for the support. If you wish to in anyway, Please donate to the link below.
#spencer reid imagine#spencer x reader#spencer reid#dr reid#spencer reid fluff#criminal minds#criminal minds x reader#criminal minds imagine#dr spencer reid#mgg#mathew gray gubler#matthew gray gubler#mgg x reader#spencer reid x reader#mgg imagine#mgg oneshot#spencer reid one shot#derek morgan#emily prentiss#aaron hotchner#jennifer jereau#david rossi#bau team#bau imagine
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Home - Luke Alvez
*not my gif*
One-shot detailing the readerâs time with Luke and the BAU as they return from a 6-month sabbatical
Warnings: angst mixed with fluff, BAU! Reader, fem reader.
Didnât proofread so possible occasional errors
Other Details: Reader has PhDs in Psychology and Anthropology with masters in Sociology and Criminal Justice
Pairing: Luke Alvez x fem BAU! Reader. Platonic team x reader. Maybe some mistakes here and there
Flashbacks/memories are in italics and bolded
Word Count: 4.6K
As you drove to Quantico, a familiar feeling started to consume you. It had been over 6 months since you last saw the inside of the BAU. As much as you missed the people you had grown to know, you were unsure of how smoothly your return would go. It wasnât long before you pulled into the parking lot and made your way into the building and to the elevator. You werenât officially reinstated to the unit yet due to delays in paperwork and had therefore only been in contact with Emily about your return. The feeling in your stomach as you approached the 6th floor was very reminiscent of your first day with the unit.
Despite having been part of the FBI for years, you still got first-day jitters when you approached the building. You had met with Emily Prentiss a few times prior when your name had been put in for the open position, but you had no idea who anyone else was or how theyâd react to a new agent joining the team. You knew full well that the BAU was the crown jewel of the FBI and that there was going to be a lot of pressure to live up to any expectations.
As you made your way to the BAU, you fidgeted with the messenger bag you kept your things in, being in the FBI you found it much more useful than carrying around a purse. After calming your nerves you slowly made your way to Emilyâs office, with the help of who would later learn was Spencer.
As you walked towards Emilyâs office, Luke spotted you far before you spotted him. Quiet murmurs around the bullpen speculating who you were and what you needed to see Prentiss about were just out of earshot. The conversation with Prentiss was short before the two of you walked out of her office and into the conference room for Prentiss to introduce you to the team.
âAs Iâm sure youâre all aware we have a new agent joining us. This is Dr. y/n y/ln and I believe sheâll be an excellent addition to the team,â she stated. Quick individual introductions were done and the entire atmosphere was generally accepting yet professional. That was until you got to Luke and had to act like it was the first time you had met, well aware that no one on the team knew about your time spent with him.
âLuke Alvez, I look forward to working with you,â he said coldly, in a way that the team would chalk up to him having a bad day but that you knew was residual anger he had for you.
âLikewise,â you responded with a small smile despite the slight pang in your chest at the sight of the man you once knew.
Not long after you joined the BAU, Penelope had become suspicious of the way you acted around Luke. You had warmed up to everyone in the unit, except for him. One day she had wanted answers and the most she would get from either of you was âWe just donât get along Garcia itâs nothing important.â Even without being a profiler, Garcia could tell there was more to the story than that.
When she got a few spare minutes during a case she did a deep dive into your personal history, looking for anything in your past connecting to Luke.
Garcia didnât know what to expect when she went digging into you, but it definitely wasnât that you previously had an over 2-year long relationship with Luke. Garcia had gotten so caught up in finding out what went down between you and Luke that she didnât hear footsteps approaching in time to close her search.
âHey Garcia..â you started but tapered off as you saw the screens before you. âI - Prentiss needed - shit sorry I uh,â you tried to get Garcia back on topic for the case but fumbled on the words.
âNo no donât be sorry. Iâm so sorry I did this. I know I shouldnât have looked into your past with Newbie but I couldnât understand why you guys donât get along. I mean I get not liking him because heâs Newbie but you. Youâre this little ray of sunshine girl wonder. I canât believe he broke your heart like that-â she started to ramble on but you cut her off before she could continue.
âI left him,â you said hoping it would satiate her curiosity.
âDetails? You canât just drop that on me and not give me details. Did he do something? Was he a bad boyfriend? Should I hate him for it?â
âNo, he did nothing wrong, it was all on me. I was scared he started talking about marriage and kids and he had the right to we had been together for nearly 3 years and I wasnât sure if I was ready so I requested a transfer to a California field office and when it was approved I told him I got a job offer I couldnât pass up and I left him.â
âDo you still love him?â
âI think part of me always will but Garcia this stays between us. I mean it, donât tell anyone.â
âMy lips are sealed. If you need anything the batcave is always open to have you,â she said as she stood up to embrace you in a hug.
Little did you know, Luke was having a very similar conversation with Matt down the hall.
The ding of the elevator signaling your arrival on the 6th floor shook you out of your thoughts. The closer you got to where you needed to be, the more anxious your return was making you. While you had come across a few bad cases, a few stuck out to you in particular, including the first one you had with the unit, which ultimately allowed you to reconnect with Luke.
The first difficult case for the team since you joined took more of a toll on you than you would like to admit. Once everyone was on the jet you took a seat and hoped to avoid any conversation about how you were feeling that day. You flashed a few small smiles at your colleagues in an attempt to let them know you were okay without actually saying anything. For the most part, your plan had been successful. That was until Luke had noticed the way you had been acting.
âIs it okay if I join you?â he asked motioning to the empty seat beside you. You silently nodded and avoided looking at him as he took a seat beside you. âI know we arenât exactly close anymore but you can still come to me if you need anything,â he told you as you silently nodded.
âI know - I just. Can we talk about it later? Iâd rather not talk about it right now,â you responded, finally looking his way.
âOf course. If you feel comfortable coming over tonight we can talk at my place. I know Roxy misses you,â he said with a smile.
âIâd like that. Thank you.â The rest of the time on the jet was spent in comfortable silence.
Upon getting back to the bullpen, you and Luke decided it would be best for him to drive you to his place after the two of you were done with the reports you had to write. As you sat at your desk and took out the files of papers you needed to complete, you couldnât bring yourself to concentrate. As your mind kept replaying the events of the previous week, it was apparent you were becoming frustrated. It didnât take Luke long to see that you were struggling and to tell Prentiss he was going to take you home for the night to make sure you were doing okay before heading over to your desk.
âYouâve done enough work today, letâs get out of here,â Luke whispered to you as you nodded. âIâll meet you at the elevator in 5 minutes so no one thinks anything about us leaving at the same time,â he told you, knowing you wouldnât like the idea of any possible attention on you that could come with the two of you leaving together.
The ride to Lukeâs was much quicker than you had remembered it to be. Neither one of you two said very much and just let the radio play at a low volume. For most of the ride, you watched out the window while Luke focused on driving, occasionally looking your way to check that you were okay. As he pulled into his driveway, you realized how much you missed Luke and the sense of safety and comfort he provided for you.
The two of you talked about why the case had bothered you so much more than you had expected, and it soon turned to talking about whatever came to your mind. âI miss you. I know we work together now and that Iâm the one who left but I really miss you, Luke. I miss spending time with you and the random updates we gave each other when you were gone and overall I just miss you. I think thatâs why I struggled so much with this case when I didnât hear back from you when you were in the field because I couldnât live with myself if something happened and you didnât know how I felt,â you started to ramble on.
âIâve missed you too y/n,â Luke responded as he draped his arm around your shoulders pulling you closer to him, âI miss waking up and knowing you were either right next to me or that you were a phone call away.â Checking the time, Luke placed a kiss on your temple before whispering âLetâs get some sleep itâs getting lateâ
You nodded in response before the two of you got ready for bed. After changing into a pair of Lukeâs sweatpants and an old shirt, you crawled into the bed the two of you had shared so many times before and eventually fell asleep in the arms you had previously grown to associate with comfort and safety.
As you walked down the hall, you passed the spot you were standing when you got an offer to lead a study and return to anthropology. It was a temporary out from profiling but it was something that you had missed doing. Upon getting the offer, a range of emotions flowed through you, yet it took nearly 2 weeks to tell Luke and another 2 weeks to tell anyone else.
The day started like any other day-off with Luke. The two of you slept until around noon and laid around just enjoying each otherâs company. Working together didnât allow for much personal time together as you had to remain professional when on cases. Prentiss didnât mind when it was a paperwork day that you guys spent time at each otherâs desks, so long as PDA was kept to a minimum, which it always was. However, it wasnât the same as getting to just spend time together without having to worry about catching an unsub or fill out a report in time with no errors.
While laying in bed, the offer to lead an anthropological study at the University of Michigan kept eating at you. You had limited time to make a decision and respond to the offer. However, you couldnât bring yourself to bring the topic up with Luke and you couldnât make a decision without informing him of the offer first.
âIs everything okay princesa?â Luke asked, noticing the sudden change in your emotions.
âYeah, thereâs just something I need to talk to you about,â you responded looking up at him. âBut I need you to hear me out and keep in mind that I havenât made a decision yet and that nothing is final.â
âYouâre beginning to worry me,â he started, âAre you sure nothing is wrong?â
âI was offered the chance to lead an anthropological study,â you stated, leaving him speechless. Memories of when you left him flooding back. You could tell by the look on his face that he was worried this was the beginning of the end for the two of you once again. âI know what youâre thinking and it isnât like that this time. I know I did something similar when I left but I promise Iâm different now. The study is through the University of Michigan and itâs only slated to take 6-months if not less. Itâs primarily overseeing graduate students as they conduct a study. Iâd be able to set my own office hours so that we can talk as often as possible. I just donât know if I want to take the offer.â
âYou sound invested in the study already. What would be keeping you from taking it?â he asked, his voice full of support for you. All he ever wanted was for you to achieve your dreams. When you didnât immediately answer he spoke again, âIs it me? Is that why you might not take it?â
You slowly nodded in response, âI feel like I just got you back and now I might be leaving, and what if things donât work out with us not in the same state?â
âPrincesa, listen to me. If you promise that this is nothing like last time and that you arenât doing this in an attempt to leave then I trust you. We can figure out us as the situation comes up and Iâm confident we can work out this time around. Whatever you decide I am forever proud of you and in awe of all that youâve accomplished.â
âI love you,â was all you could think to respond with.
âI love you too princesa,â Luke said, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
Two weeks had passed since you told Luke of the news when a really difficult case had seemed to take a toll on pretty much everyone. After the case, it was decided that those who were able to would come over to the house you shared with Luke to decompress. Spencer and Garcia came and spent the entire day, and much of the night, with the two of you. Having extended the invite to significant others, Matt brought Kristy by to visit with everyone after they found a sitter around 7:30.
Once everyone who planned on coming was there, it didnât take long for everyone to get caught up in conversations about personal lives. The conversation started with asking Matt and Kristy about their kids and eventually, everyone started talking about overall changes in their lives. âSo girl wonder,â Matt started, referring to you by a name originally bestowed on you by Garcia before it caught on to the rest of the team, âLuke said you got an offer to lead a pretty interesting study is that right?â
âYeah. He wasnât supposed to tell anyone I havenât made a decision yet. The department Iâd be overseeing for it ran into some problems and the start date has been pushed back. It would be nice to get away from the dark and scary parts of this job and back to what I started with but Iâd miss you guys too much.â
âWould it be permanent?â Spencer asked. The two of you had grown close since you joined the unit and while he wanted to be excited for you, he would be lying if he said the idea of you leaving didnât upset him at all.
âNo,â you started to say, âItâs slated to last 6-months but thereâs no guarantee the study will be finished in time.â
âAre you still going to work at the BAU when you come back?â Garcia questioned.
âIâm not sure. If Iâm being completely honest, Iâve been struggling with deciding lately if Iâm a good fit for the unit, but I plan to stay with the bureau somehow,â you answered hesitantly.
The rest of the night was spent answering questions about the study and getting support from those around you. By the time everyone was ready to leave, you felt completely comfortable knowing that whatever decision you came to, you would have a support system of amazing friends.
Looking back, you should have noticed that the number of times you were having trouble with cases was more of a problem than you should have was a sign you needed to step away from the job. The cases themselves werenât getting harder, but you personally were having a harder time with them. The longer you were with the unit, the more issues you had been having an increasingly difficult time coping after them. You would have thought they would have gotten easier to manage, but you found yourself struggling every time you felt a decision you made could have changed the outcome of a case. In your previous position before the BAU, you felt powerless as the victims were long gone and often one-off crimes and you felt switching to the BAU and being able to get killers off the street would make you feel better as youâd be helping get active killers off the street. However, you were extremely wrong, and the feeling that you could, no that you should, have stopped their killers before it was too late became too much for you and you decided to take a step back from the unit.
âY/ln, we need to talk in my office,â Prentiss said as you entered the bullpen.
âYes maâam,â you responded, setting your go-bag down on your desk before you made your way to where she was standing. The entire team knew exactly what Prentiss needed to talk to you about and a few members even gave you sympathetic looks as you crossed the bullpen.
âBefore we start I just want to say Iâm sorry. I know what I did was against protocol,â you started.
âThatâs not why youâre in here,â Emily cut you off. âWhile what you did was unacceptable, youâre here because Iâm worried about you. In these past 2 cases, youâve shown reckless behavior, as if youâre trying to get yourself hurt. Iâm not mad at you, but I do need you to let me know if anything is going on that is affecting your ability to do this job.â
You silently nodded as she spoke. The more she said, the more you began to question your place in the unit. âThank you. Iâve just had some personal problems the past week but I should be good to go now,â you said lying through your teeth.
âJust let me know if anything changes. Your health and personal well-being are more important than this job.â
The next week the BAU was called in to help with another tough case. While it wasnât the first tough case you encountered in the time you had been with the BAU, this one was worse than others.
The victims are similar in both age and appearance to a close family member of yours and it had made it difficult for you to concentrate in the field the way you needed to. At one point you had even froze and almost didnât get to a victim in time. For the entirety of the case, you were closed off from everyone when it didnât involve work.
Upon returning to the BAU, everyone slowly dispersed their desks and you made your way to Prentissâs office. Her door was open but you still knocked quietly before entering. âCan we talk?â
âOf course, come in.â
You could tell from the sympathetic look on her face that she knew what you needed to say. As you sat across from her she waited for you to speak. After letting out a small sigh you found the confidence to admit what was happening, âI think I need to step away from this job.â
With a silent nod, she grabbed the appropriate paperwork from her file cabinet, âI knew this day was coming. Luke told me you had been having nightmares lately. Fill out these papers and return them to me as soon as possible. If you opt for a sabbatical instead of completely leaving it should take roughly 2 weeks for it to be approved. In the meantime, you would still be a member of the team but be able to use the vacation days you have or you can be solely a desk agent and assist Garcia. Whichever one you choose I, as well as the rest of the team, will be here for you and have enjoyed working with you.â
Fighting tears that had started to form as she spoke, you nodded and said a quiet thank you before leaving her office. Setting the papers down on your desk on the way, you headed towards Garciaâs office to let her know you planned on leaving.
Once you were out of earshot, JJ had peeked at the papers you had set down. âWhat is it?â Spencer asked, almost not wanting to know the answer.
âY/ln is leaving the unit,â she responded, voice full of confusion. As she spoke everyone turned to Luke and he nodded slightly in response, confirming you were leaving the family you had grown to love.
After your sabbatical was approved, you accepted the offer to lead the study. Much to your dismay, the team was insistent on throwing you a going-away party, despite knowing you were going to come back in 6 months. You told the team that if they insisted on having a gathering at Rossiâs place that it needed to be something that the members of the unit with kids could bring them with, feeling there was no point in, âsaying goodbye to a family memberâ as Rossi had put it, without all of the family members being there.
âRemind me again why we have to make a big deal of me leaving? I already said goodbye to the team and Iâll be back and with the unit again in less than a year,â you wondered aloud to Luke as you pulled into Rossiâs driveway.
âBecause princesa, itâll make Rossi happy to get to throw you a party and its tradition, regardless of how long the leave will be. And besides, the kids want to see you before you leave for 6 months,â he reminded you.
âYou got me there,â you said with a smile before kissing his cheek. âLetâs head in before weâre late.â
Shortly after you guys made your way inside and to the backyard, Matt and Kristy had arrived with their kids. The kids knew why you were having a going away party and instantly ran to you when they saw you. When you noticed the kids running up to you, both you and Luke knelt to prepare for the number of hugs you were about to get. Due to offering to babysit when Matt and Kristy needed time to themselves, the kids had grown to see you as an aunt and Luke as an uncle. The same could be said for Henry and Michael, who showed up with JJ and Will shortly after the Simmons had arrived. The next couple of minutes were spent answering any questions the kids could think to ask you, in the most kid-friendly way you could.
âYouâll be back by my birthday right?â David asked looking up at you. In the time you had known the kids, you hadnât missed a birthday for any of them.
âOf course I will buddy,â you responded.Â
âWhat about our stories?â Chloe asked.
âYeah who is gonna tell us our stories while youâre gone?â While they had the Simmons Stories, the ones you told were different. You told them stories of the different cultures you studied and the different ways parts of the universe were believed to have come into existence.
âI have them all written down. I can leave them with Luke and he can read them to you,â you reassured all of them.Â
As the night went on, many memories from your time with the unit were shared with the group. Even though you planned to come back as soon as the study was over, knowing they would spend the next 6 months without you seemed to make everyone nostalgic.
Near the end of the night, everyone started saying their goodbyes. It was particularly hard to say goodbye to Spencer, knowing nearly everyone else he had gotten close to had left him as well. âIâm sorry,â was the first thing you managed to say to him. âI know you hate goodbyes and struggle with change but I promise I will come back and if not to work with the unit at least for our weekly coffee shop visits.â
âYou donât have to apologize. Youâre doing what you have to do,â he responded as you opened your arms to offer him a hug. You were always the first to initiate hugs and he usually accepted them.
âIâll miss you, Spence. You already have my cell phone number and the phone number for my office for the next 6 months. Call me anytime you need me,â you told him while hugging him.
âIâm proud of you. Iâll miss you too y/nn,â he said as you pulled apart.
âSee you in 6 months.â
As you made your way into the bullpen you took note of the date. It was 6 months and 4 days since you had seen any of the team face-to-face. While you kept personal contact with the entire team while you were away, you hadnât told anyone except for Emily that you were planning on coming back to the team. Luke knew when the study would end and was expecting to see you at home later that night, assuming that the team didnât get a case that pulled him away.
When you entered the bullpen, Matt was the first to notice your arrival. He was already standing at Lukeâs desk to ask him a question related to a report he was writing and flashed a small smile in your direction before nudging Luke on the arm, âWhy didnât you tell anyone y/n was returning today?â
Not thinking you were actually there, Luke brushed off Matt. âShe isnât coming home until later tonight and told me even if she does return to the unit it would take some time for her to be reinstated,â he responded, not even looking up from his file.
Knowing he wouldnât look up from his file right away, you talked quietly with everyone else before approaching his desk. You brought back small trinkets for everyone and placed a small handmade miniature Roxy in front of him. âOne of the students I was overseeing made it when she saw a picture of you and Roxy as my phone background to help me cope with being away from you. I figured since Iâm home now you could use it more,â you explained as if it wasnât the first time you were seeing your boyfriend in over 6 months.
Luke watched silently as you spoke, a smile creeping onto his face when he processed you were actually there in front of him. As he stood up from his chair, he quickly wrapped his arms around you before pressing a kiss to your forehead. âYouâre home?â he asked, trying to comprehend your arrival.Â
âIâm home,â you responded with a smile as you looked up at him.Â
âIâve missed you so much, you canât leave me for that long again,â he said with a smile.
Before you could respond, Garcia came speeding out of her office due to having heard of your return from JJ. âGirl wonder! Youâre back! Are you staying with us? You canât leave me with Newbie for that long ever again,â she exclaimed as she approached you.
âYes, Iâm back. Weaning back into the job and will be on desk duty here and helping you for the first 2 weeks but Iâm back,â you told her.
#luke alvez#luke alvez x y/n#luke alvez x reader#luke alvez imagine#alvez fanfiction#luke alvez imagines#luke alvez fanfiction#luke alvez fanfic#criminal minds#criminal minds imagine#criminal minds imagines#criminal minds fandom#criminal minds fanfic#criminal minds fanfiction#cm#adam rodriguez#cm imagines#cm imagine#alvez x reader#alvez imagine#alvez imagines
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Bhaiyyaaaa story plej
here you go. it's about how sibling rivalry leads to slavery, gambling/betting can indeed destroy your life, and following what people say by the word is indeed a good thing cause words be sneaky.
yes this is the story of Garuda, the Emperor of Birds, King of Eagles, Destroyer of snakes and poison, Vahana of Vishnu.
So we start with Kadru and Vinata. Both sisters, and both married to Rishi Kashyap along with their 21 other sisters. And both of these, were involved in a bitter rivalry. The kind of rivalry where you ruin your sister's date cause she used your lipstick without asking you, and then the other sister shreds your PhD thesis. This is the shit I'm talking about.
And then one day they got into a typical desi aunty squabble : who's children are better? THEY WEREN'T EVEN PREGNANT THEN. So Kadru asks Kashyap for 100 children, sparkling like molten gold, draconic in features blah blah blah basically she asked for snakes, or nagas as children. All nagas in the world are her children. Vinata on the other hand asked for 2 children, both mightier than Kadru's children. Kadru laid 100 eggs, and Vinata laid 2. (WHY DID THEY LAY EGGS. WHY?)
Anywho Kadru's eggs hatched pretty soon, and her thousand children sprang forth. These included Ananta or Sheshanag, the thousand headed snake which controls the flow of time, on whose hoods the earth stands and on whose coils Vishnu rests; Takshaka, the Second Naga King, who poisoned Arjuna's grandson Parikshit; and Vasuki, the Third Naga King, who is coiled around Shiva's neck and whose daughters Uloopi and Sulochana were married to Arjuna and Meghanad respectively. So you can guess Kadru's children were pretty legendary. Meanwhile Vinata's egg were just... there. They didn't hatch. They didn't glow. You couldn't make an omelet out of them because they were the size of a car or something like that. So Vinata grew restless and cracked an egg open one day, and out came Aruna, the gender fluid god of dawn (you might also know them as Usha, the goddess of dawn). And they were EXTREMELY strong and angry and had no body from the waist down, because they were born before their time. So they cursed Vinata, saying she would be enslaved someday (sheesh. cold).
And the fated day came during a holiday. Kadru and Vinata were taking a walk down the beach when they saw Ucchaishravas, the King of Horses. He also breathes fire, can fly, is as white as moonlight, has ten heads, and can eat meat. Vinata looked at him and said, "Just look at him, I bet he's shinier than all the pearls and moons" and Kadru, in her normal behaviour and contradicted her by saying, "Nah bitch, look over there, he has a black strand in his tail." Vinata obviously said no to which Kadru said, "Wanna bet? Loser and her children would be slaves to the other for eternity." And so in such high risk situations - you say yes even though you know your sister's a dirty cheater. Kadru knew she had lied, and also knew she couldn't lose, so she ordered her children to coil themselves around Ucchaishravas' tail to make it look black, to which many replied "Nah mama ya big liar" to which Kadru replied "Nah you ungrateful brats I curse you to be burnt alive in the future with your entire subspecies". The rest of them got in line pretty easily then.
Both of them came the second day, and obviously. Ucchraivas' tail hair was black since the snakes were coiled around it. And poor poor Vinata was reduced to Kadru and her children's slave. And her son, Garuda, a half man-half eagle, was born into slavery.
Garuda hated the way the snakes treated him and his momma. One incident includes a teenage Garuda (big as a mountain now) carrying all the snakes on his back and flying across the ocean, while Kadru sat on his momma's back as she swam. In a fit of rage, he flew too close to the sun in an attempt to kill all snakes by burning them. Kadru immediately prayed to Indra, King of Gods and god of rain and thunder, who has always been a friend of the nagas, to protect them, and so he covered the sky with dense clouds.
Now came a time when Garuda became fed up. Enough is enough, slavery is evil, and plus the snakes made SUCH a huge mess. So he asked them what he could do to free him and his momma, to which the snakes replied, "Bring ussss Amrit, the nectar of immortality." Great. So all you have to do is steal the nectar of immortality, stashed in the most secure location in heaven, wrestle gods, and give it to some evil noodles. Garuda obviuosly said yes.
On his way to heaven, he ate a huge ass elephant and turtle, who were locked in an eternal battle. Not relevant but seemed like a neat thing to add.
Garuda arrives on the gates of Swarga. He breaks 'em open, and flies in, defeats all the gods, no sweat, steals the Amrit and flies away. On his way, he is intercepted by Lord Vishnu, who says "Dem noodles are too powerful. You can't make them immortal." to which Garuda replies "Don't be afraid mysterious alien. I have no intention of letting the bastards have it." because you see dear reader, the nagas told Garuda to bring them the Amrit. They never told him to let them drink it. See, following everything by the word is so fun.
Garuda reaches down, and places the Amrit-kalash in front of the snakes. The Nagas immediately freed him and his mother from slavery, and when they slithered closer to the amrit, Garuda advised them to go and have a bath. "You must be so tired from waiting," and the greedy bastards slithered away to bathe. When they returned, the amrit was gone. So was Garuda. In desperation, they started licking the ground where the amrit pot was kept. Since the ground has graced the amrit, it acquired some of it's regenerative properties, hence snakes are able to shed skin. But even that was too strong for them so the grass blades slit their tongues into forks.
Garuda went back to Swarga to return the amrit, when Vishnu again intercepted him and said, "You have the amrit this entire time and yet you didn't want to drink it?" to which Garuda replied, "No. I wanted to free momma and myself. Also this smells a bit weird." "I require your services young man, as wingman and transport and minion." asked Vishnu, to which Garuda replied "Mmkay, but I ain't gonna be beneath you. I also gotta be above you" for which Vishnu invented his flag and emblem - the Garudadhwaj - a flag with Garuda's picture on it. Yes it is a scrappy dumb solution, but Garuda decided to go along with it, cause you're now protected by a really powerful god.
phew that was TOO long. Garuda also got his revenge since now he and all his progeny were allowed to feast on snakes and were immune to any and all types of poison.
Garuda is also the national emblem of Thailand and the state of Karnataka in India.
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notes from notw read-along ep2 (pt 1), or: wow, fans of this book really need to branch out
listen to the podcast here
so one of the hosts is a PhD candidate at Johns Hopkins. we know this because he brings it up regularly, as if worried we'd forget
he starts off with a story about how he taught a class on Tolkein and casually dropped the fact that it was so well received he got an award. all essential to his point, of course, which is that a professor asked him a question. and now he gives us this question back. is this book like, good?
anyway mr. johns hopkins immediately calls PR a twat for having a pronunciation guide but since that's actually very common and normal in fantasy and widely appreciated amongst readers, he got some resistance from the other hosts. I personally like pronunciation guides!
I think he has a lot of substantial critique to give but he's so full of himself about it, which is hilarious given the podcast's critique of PR
fun fact: it's not 'the kingkiller chronicles" it's "the kingkiller chronicle" just the one. which yeah, it is just one in-universe. but damn that's annoying
so our story starts in the town of, I shit you not, "Nawerre" which is apparently pronounced like "noire" but looks a hell of a lot like "nowhere" to me
his inn is described as very generic, with meaningless words describing a flavorless setting but "the vibes are nice"
fun fact number two: PR said he wanted to make "an entirely new kind of fantasy" and "a story unlike any other"
you know what's actually a story unlike any other? hunter x hunter. and even togashi drew inspiration from the work of araki and his stand magic. you can't act like you're not drawing on any previous work here pat your entire magic system is practically taken right from earthsea, a vastly superior work in every single way
because when uklg write she actually...says things
also, there's half a theme of stories about stories and framing devices...black sails did it better
so when mc's identity is sussed out the (super cool) mc delivers a monologue that had me cringing even as a 15 year old...behold the ultimate reddit copypasta
âI have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during day. I have talked to gods, loved women, and written songs that make the minstrels weep. You may have heard of me.â
I don't have an issue with big badass boasts but this is SO funny ohhh he ~loved women~ really impressive you know who else loved woman? gomez addams and he wasn't nearly as weird about it
iso yeah this is not effective for several reasons
first is that we don't know the context for any of these things because we just started the book. no, we haven't heard of him. because we just started the fucking book. and the guy he's talking to...does he even respond like he's impressed? I don't think he does?
well I'd rather die than go check because I hate this book so someone else will have to let me know
the second reason this doesn't hit is that he's the one telling his story. there's a difference between a legendary figure having tales told of them and someone telling you directly they're hot shit
between seeing what impact they've had on other people/actually seeing what massive things they've done and just...being an innkeeper saying "oh yeah I was this legendary figure trust me" I know which one is stronger
see: cql opening on the entire cultivation world shouting about the yiling patriarch being dead. the entire scene is in chaos and he's obviously the one that made it happen. he has a title. he has notoriety. everyone knows about him and hates him. when he thinks to himself "you dare kick me?" when he first wakes up, it's believable because we have the context of fearful cultivators telling tales about him over a decade after his death. he's widely respected, feared, and copycatted, because he WAS that much of a big deal
third reason this monologue sucks is that it's badly written. it flows well enough, but the choices of words vary in formality and scale, leaving some accomplishments far more impressive-sounding (university line, moonlight line) and leaving others sounding like absolutely duds (talked to gods, LOVED WOMEN)
even "spoken with gods" would have sounded better
a male character bragging about how good he is at sex with women is literally one of the worst traits he can have. unless he really just means loving them. which like yeah? I hope you love the women in your life? is this a thing to brag about?
PR trying to make a new guy going "he's really hot and cool and he knows stuff and he's so smart he outsmarts the teacher and he had red hair and he's a genius musician also and he's SO good at sex" in fact you've just described about 8 million power fantasies. nothing wrong with a fun oc like kvothe. but not much original about it either. rand al'thor meets most of those and he's the jesus figure in a far more impressive series
one of the issues in making a genius character is that imo you kind of have to show them being so smart because just saying "he's really smart guys trust me" kind of falls flat
for intelligent characters, consider death note: a gripping psychological thriller that's always interesting to watch because the characters are all doing 4D chess and trying to guess each other's next move and manufacture events to work in their favor. but it doesn't have to be a crime drama - having characters think ahead, be creative, problem-solve in a variety of ways, and come to conclusions quickly also works. shit, you can also just look at ritsu from mp100 escaping the claw base at the end of s1 with nothing but a spoon, some weak esper kids, and his wits. read any of mr. darcy's letters in pride and prejudice and watch how effectively he communicates his nuanced and complex thoughts
one of the hosts, bless her heart, gently forwarded the idea that it was kind of nice the protag went through a lot of trauma and came out really confident, and that she hadn't seen many protags like that. and I respect that inspiration through the fictional character and I know this story is dear to her so I'm not criticizing, but my goodness. there are so many protags like that chief. watch some shonen
I don't think I could be part of a podcast that tore my favorite book apart.
PR was asked during an interview "What woman screwed you over so badly that you came up with Denna?" and he didn't really answer but he did admit she WAS based on someone he knew which is. absolutely horrendous given the way she's written and treated and how she's like the only major female character in the book. what the fuck is his problem
I had to go on reddit to confirm that so please don't ask me anyone I'm not going back to a site that praises him for that answer using the word "indeed"
the remainder of the section details PR's control issues regarding how he wants people to read his story (by having kvothe interrupt and telling the audience how to feel)
for the record I remember I read this part of the book easily enough. I don't think I really enjoyed it, except for in the rare moments PR restrained himself, when he actually provided some emotional impact
for example, the mc talks about running away from gangs in the city as a young child. he says "one time, they caught me" and for once did not elaborate. and that actually had an effect on me because then you have to imagine what happened to him because he never brings it up again, which is understandable
but I did not enjoy this book. it was not funny or original, none of the characters were interesting or likeable, and the worldbuilding was only occasionally entertaining. it's a very bland story and I don't know why it's so popular
anyway I've seen crit role and I agree with the one host's assessment that PR expects people to center him when he speaks
massive ego, as we now know
in conclusion his fans need to watch more anime and then maybe they'll calm down. on the other hand, I don't know if I want people who are PR fans to be consuming anime
austen already has a ton of rabid fans they should definitely read austen
anyway...see you next time for part 2
#listening to this podcast I was just like oh his fans need to consume something besides#vaguely northern european inspired tapetop rpgs and western fantasy books written by men#immediately.#if you see this in the tags dont come after me#the fact that you like this book is on you#kkc lb
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Hi, just wanted to introduce myself as a GRRM pessimist. I wanted to defend myself in just one regard: I didn't really mean book!Dany fans with the comment this was obviously directed at. I often encounter discussions with ASOIAF fans who are completely convinced DarkDany will happen who block debates about the sexist implications of that with angry rants of praises of GRRM's writing of fem. chars. and long lists of minor female characters who will prob. survive the story well.
Or cite a "rule happily ever after" ending (which should be unsatisfying for the author if he'd stay true to his words) for fem. characters only marginally involved in somewhat political storylines, not at all in ruling arcs to deflect. These are the people I meant primarily with the notion of premature praise of "feminist credit", not book!Dany fans. IMHO they would still regard it a non-offensive, "feminist" story even with the exact show ending attached to the books. Why I tend to be pessimistic about GRRM has a lot of reasons, not that I don't appreciate your correct characterizations of her book arc and character so far. Love y'all, have a nice day.
Hi, Anon... Iâm sorry that my comment in that reblogâs tags made you upset on some level... There was no need for you to explain yourself to me, Iâm just a stranger who made a hobby of defending Dany during the quarantine every now and then.Â
I will say that I used a harsh tone because Iâm still annoyed at the 198119th essay I came across trying to argue that Danyâs storyline in the books is actually about U.S. imperialism. It created brand new arguments (and I probably already read thousands of asoiaf metas at this point after years of being on the asoiaf fandom, so I was flabbergasted to see, once again, how creative people can be when it comes to Dany hate, lol) based on inaccuracies/lies that could have been easily corrected if the person had read the books more carefully. Whatâs worse is that that essay was written by a PhD student with a background in postcolonial studies in a book published by an American university. So a) this makes it seem that the person actually had something meaningful to say (which they didnât) and b)Â it canât be said that that person is ignorant like itâs often assumed that Dany haters are. No. Well-informed, well-educated and well-read people hate Dany based on inaccuracies (because they have spread way too much at this point) and create entire narratives that seem reasonable if you donât remember what happened in the books very well. This is important to acknowledge, IMO, because it shows that the amount of vitriol leveled at Dany really is unprecedented, and it has influenced how sheâs analyzed in the academic world. This whole situation really, really pisses me off.
So I was ranting because it felt to me that book!Dany fans (who are actually very few, because most Dany fans here talk more about show!Dany) were not even having their points heard in their small Tumblr bubble. I have come across quite a few people that misconstrue what we have to say, after all. Also, while your comment was indeed the one that prompted me to rant, I saw people make comments along the lines of yours before too, so please donât take it personally (And I wouldnât even say with certainty that the OP wrote that post specifically because of your comments... I know that we already discussed that issue in private before (because we talk regularly about almost everything Dany related). And I know that sheâs a very diligent meta writer that has dozens of metas prepared in advance that will be posted weekly throughout the year. So I wouldnât be surprised if she had already written that post specifically for Daenerysâs Day a while ago).
All these petty things were annoying me (not just your comment) when I made that rant in the tags and I come to Tumblr specifically to whine about fandom stuff, so... Yeah, sorry lol.
Also, I 100% agree with you when you say that many fans âwould still regard it a non-offensive, "feminist" story even with the exact show ending attached to the booksâ. It is very hypocritical that they spend thousands of words discussing how GRRMâs writing can have misogynistic implications depending on how he treats minor characters that barely have any characterization (and they made some good points, but itâs also worth noting that these characters were deliberately meant to be plot devices) and without bothering to mention how he might end up mistreating the storyâs actual female protagonist (because theyâre all too happy with her being given a bad ending and getting out of their favesâ way so that they can thrive). Even those discussions are clearly biased.
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Dr. Gay Dreamboat Pt. 1
AN: I am giving the people what they want! Here is my comeback one shotâs first part. I hope you all enjoy it because this series is going to be STEAMY!Â
Basically, Ashton is a doctor and Luke is his hot femboy nurse who has the hots for him...enjoyÂ
Warning:There will be smut and mentions of smut throughout the series! Bottom! Luke and top! Ashton, of course. DO NOT READ IF YOU HATE GAY STUFF! Also, be sure to like a reblog if you enjoy!Â
Hereâs the link for ao3 :) :
Working as a pediatric nurse had its perks. For example, Luke enjoyed socializing with childrenâthey always had interesting stories to tell, and he liked wearing comfy clothes to work every day. He felt so professional in his little white scrubs. He also enjoyed stealing the candy from all the jars at the receptionist's desk. They always kept lollipops or gummy bears for the children who had a hard time handling vaccinations. But perhaps, the most exciting part (for most of the nurses, in fact) was how attractive he found his boss.
It wasn't the reason he had initially wanted the job. He was excellent with kids, and the registered nurse position required only a three-year degree. It paid more than enough to support his dog himself. It was a lovely job all around. The people were friendly, and there was such a diverse clientele that Luke met people from all over Sydney. It was social job with excellent pay; he couldn't ask for more. Except for the fact that his boss was a dreamboat.
They met at the interviewâLuke was a blubbering mess. He wasn't exactly the smartest interviewee, so he rambled any time the man with fluffy brown hair and deep hazel eyes asked him a question.
"Are you from around here, Luke?" His voice had hit Luke's ears like velvet. It felt like a question he would receive at a gay bar, but he definitely wasn't imagining this guy at a gay bar during something as important at a job interview. Right?
"Oh, yeah. I grew up here...all my life," Luke swallowed thickly. He watched the doctor's hands, searching for a wedding ring. He didn't find one.
He's probably too busy for a love life, he thought and bit his lip.
"That's great. You'll easily relate to the patients then. They need someone kind and familiar with the area. It soothes them. I think you'll make a great nurse," The doctor, Ashton, assured. Luke had never heard such eloquent words in his life. He wanted to marry this man and have kids with him. But then, Luke realized that he had only answered two questions. Were his responses really that good? He was a dumb twink with nothing in his head except this doctor's dick for crying out loud!
Maybe Dr. Ashton Irwin saw a bright future inside of him too.
After that, Luke made it his personal mission to get on the handsome doctor's good side. Any chance that he had, he would ask his opinion or ask how to pronounce the name of some ridiculously long prescription just so Ashton would allow their arms to brush. Sometimes, Luke could smell the aftershave or cologne that he wore. It made his head spin.
He was always looking for new ways to get close to him.
"Dr. Irwin, I really love the new murals that you've picked for the examination rooms. The kids are going to love all the pretty colors!" Luke gushed, snacking on one of the children's lollipops in the office break room. He sucked it to stain his lips red.
"Oh yeah? I think so too. I was a hyper child, so I'm sure I would have loved all of the mind-numbing rainbow," Ashton laughed, looking over at Luke, "Hey, isn't that one of the lollipops we give to the kids?"
Luke blushed, "Yeah...just one. I really like the cherry ones," he felt like a child being scolded. It almost  was electrifying. He was hoping that his scrubs made him look particularly attractive today. They always did give his bum a certain heart shape.
"That's funny, Luke. You always light up the office," Ashton said softly, unaware that he had just made Luke's entire week. Oh, what he wouldn't do to sink to his knees right there in the break room and risk this man's entire PhD.
The room was thick since they were alone. Luke could hear the coffee machine whirring and the hands on the clock slowly tick tock. He ached to hear more of Ashton's praise. And maybe he was delusional, but Ashton only ever spoke so softly about him. It caused him to fantasize about being the doctor's fem-boy wife. They would have so many kids. Ashton was so thoughtful when it came to children, Luke was positive that he would want a million with him. Plus, what could be better than a man who already knows where the prostate is? Maybe he needed a therapist, but he was only human. When he saw the stretch of veins in the doctor's forearms or caught the glimpse of a sweet smile stretch across his lips, Luke felt true love.
"Yeah, I am pretty thrilled with the rainbow myself. I love representation," Luke pretended to flip his hair.
"That's why I chose rainbow walls. We deserve to be well accounted for in the office just like everyone else," Ashton flashed Luke a sincere smile.
Luke was a puddle. Just like at the interview, he was unsure of how to answer. The love of his life was at least a little gay too! He diverted his eyes back to his sucker, crossing his legs and trying to fight back a burning blush. He couldn't help but hope that Ashton had been flirting with him at least a little bit. They always shared carried good conversation and cracked small jokes between the two of them. His heart wished for the best, but his himbo brain warned him of being too rash. He loved this job, and he didn't want to lose it over an assumption.
But in that same vapid brain, devoid of all thoughts except cock and becoming someone's breeding bunny, he thought of a plan.
Luke was going to seduce his boss.
"Well, our lunch is over, Luke. Time to head back," Ashton threw away his trash from lunch, washing his hands before putting his white coat back on. Luke liked the sight of the doctor's figure in his scrubs.
"Yes, sir, Dr. Irwin," Luke stood, making sure to bend over a little when he threw his sucker stick into the bin. He listened for any sounds of disgruntlement, but all he heard was Ashton's footsteps as he walked to the door.
Luke followed, grateful that Ashton had waited to hold the door for him. Could he get anymore dreamy?
"You're with me in room 5, Luke," Ashton said, "Just a 9 month old's check up, but I need a nurse to help me when they get their first round of shots. Usually when the mums try to help, the baby ends up crying more. No biggie. It's still slow since school isn't back in session." He was checking over the baby's medical record. Luke was checking him out. His future husband knew everything. He had to be good in the bedroom.
"Yes, sir, Dr. Irwin," Luke gushed, correcting his tone when he heard himself. He hoped he didn't sound too smitten already. He had a hard time controlling himself around Ashton, especially when he was talking all smart about doctor stuff.
"Luke, don't call me sir. That's for when we're alone in the break room," Ashton teased without looking up from the paperwork in his hands. Luke gasped under his breath, feeling his cheeks burn hot.
Maybe his plan wasn't so vapid after all.
#part one of the series#this chapter only has mentions of smut but there will be lots to come (hahahaha)#lashton#lashton gay fic#gay 5sos#5sos#gay 5sos fanfic#luke hemmings#ashton irwin#bottom luke#top ashton#dom ashton#sub luke#twink luke#femboy luke#nurse!luke#doctor!ashton#do not read this is if you hate gay smut#gay#smut#gay smut#5sos smut#one shot#lashton one shot series#5sos fanfic#my writing
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so iâve been watching rwby
and as Iâve been doing so Iâve been posting reactions to my friends. After S5, S6, and S7, in particular, I had a lot of thoughts and opinions. More under the cut. Iâm going to write fic arenât i?
Season 5:
1. Where is the first/autumn relic?! Like, we've established that Ozpin hid it well, yet for some reason it doesn't feel like that's the whole story - given where the relic was hidden this time, in some sort of n dimentional desert (where, if you looked closely you could see similar ##chemtrails - could people just walk through that desert to get to all of them? 2. I find it hilarious that Weiss just got out of Atlas only to go back, I'm very curious as to what sort of ~~damage this reveals about her in the coming seasons, but I'm also very intrigued by how reintroducing her to her father with the rest of team RWBY will shift/alter the narrative of powerlessness that he seems t be pushing toward her. I'm esp. intrigued as to what his reaction will be to Blake (as he seems very anti-faunus). 3. WHAT DOES THIS ALL MEAN FOR THE #YANGST. 4. The show has been pretty constantly showing us that most of Ruby and Yang's family seems like chill folks, but the ##absentmother trope is strong here. Given that it seems like only Blake has a mom, does Blake's mom adopt everyone? 5. Blake having a fairly functional nuclear family is fascinating to me, because it makes a lot of her choices seem way more political (at a very young age) as opposed to just a kid who got in over her head with a boy who was a bit older. I'd love to know more about this. 6. as a multishipper, I hurt all over.
Season 6:
Item the FIRST: Weiss barely making it out of Atlas only to be dragged, albeit somewhat willingly back to the source of all of her ~ trauma & family drama ~ I am curious to see how this plays out and generally hope that Weiss somehow stabs her shitty dad and Draco Malfoy rip off brother while being reunited with her 100% Cooler Than U sister. Also that Cooler Than U sister works on the unresolved sexual tension she CLEARLY had with Qrow.
Item the SECOND: The show's thoughtful handling of Qrow's alcoholism and Ruby's gentle efforts to push toward sobriety without like being annoyingly moralistic about it. It could have been handled so differently and I really, really enjoyed that it was handled in the way it was.
Item the THIRD: Weiss' new red scarf. adsfajshfaksdjfhthatsgayweissaksdfhaksdjfh
Item the FOURTH: The various Poor Life Choices Salem made during our brief sojourn to the Department of Backstory. Also Jinn is amazing let's keep her around. She can join Jaune, Ren and Nora as a 4th member of their team and just hilariously be naked all the time. 10/10 would watch for hijinks adventures.
Item the FIFTH: Â Ozpin sulking that he got all his relationship drama put on main like that
Item the SIXTH: Jaune's gay sister and sister-in-law and their baby and and and and (idk I just loved this).
Item the EIGHTH: My multishipper ass saw that moment between Weiss and Yang when they were stuck in the basement and I'd just like to say I would be happy to see that too.
Season 7:Â Item the First: Weiss has a mother. Which we all logically knew she did but that scene with her in Jacques' office was just... a lot. Also raised some very interesting questions. When will Weiss and Ruby bond over alcoholic parental figures, I ask you. On this front, I am also now supremely, supremely curious about Winter's relationship with her mother.Â
Item the Second: Leftist Weiss. Well we all knew that Weiss wouldn't have voted for her dad anyway, but I think the tension between Weiss's clear orientation toward helping people and government for good and her father/sister's appealing to/embodying other forms of authority (corporate/military). This also raises an interesting point of contention between Weiss and Winter, as Winter's sort of this embodiment of what I'd maybe call a conscientious soldier â where sheâs clearly in possession of independent thoughts and opinions, yet also seems to want to appeal to a higher authority whenever she feels conflicted (e.g. âIronwood is making the hard decisions so we donât have to.â). This actually draws a very stark line between Winter and Weiss â as Weiss has always been a freer thinker, who can and does think for herself and operate from her own moral compass. The moment at the end of the season between Weiss and Winter was just so delicious as I hope (HOPE HOPE) that theyâre setting up for a ~~moment of clarity~ for Winter where she has to make a decision on her own that defies orders in some way for the greater good that Weiss can see so easily. (Also, please, my good gay sisters: Hug. It. Out.)
Item the Third: Leftist Bees (well really, leftist Yang, Blake was always a revolutionary). I absolutely loved the Everyone Is Lying moments in this season, and I do hate that the Bees were the ones caught out in it first. Black and Yang telling Robyn the truth also struck me as something that the pair of them would do anyway â the only other character I could see possibly slipping and letting info get to Robyn is Weiss, but I also got the sense that Weiss understood the politics of the situation better than anyone else and because of this was playing it pretty close to the vest. The Beeâs decision really jives with their partnership. As did getting to watch them fight together so much this season, theyâre evolving together, and seeing them fight in tandem is a delight.
Item the Fourth: Splitting whiterose. I like Penny. I actually love Penny. I love Penny and Robyâs dynamic. And their friendship. And how ridiculous they are. But it really struck me that how the whiterose partnership kept on getting split until the final fight against the Spice Force Five. Iâm sure thereâs a reason for this but I donât like it and I wonât hear it or respond to it.
Item the Fifth: The Not Spice Girls/Spice Force Five. Love these idiots, but theyâre all cops. Marrow is the most delightful of them and seems like heâs about to go on a journey similar to Winter, Harriet sucks a lot, Clover was a delightful almost rip but also mmmwhatchusay. I sort of hated the juxtaposition between team RWBY and them, with the âjust following ordersâ mentality and the lack of friendship/cohesion between these guys. I guess now Winter can join them and they so they can have their Posh Spice.
Item the Sixth: Schneewood Forest. I feel like I could write a whole elaborate backstory with these two. Thereâs something there â the unstoppable force meets immovable object of it, plus the idea of someone who challenges Winterâs entire belief structure just by being an okay person ~with a merry band of queers~. I feel a lot of things. I want to explore this. Stop me I am in a PhD program.Â
Item the Seventh: The Tinmanâs Heart. Having read all of the Wizard of Oz books, as well as the Wicked series, I actually appreciate that this series is taking nods from both sources for these characters. Jamesâs decisions are ⊠not great but I can see his logic â well right up until the part where he shoots poor Oscar. That was just rude. Also I do love watching him fight because heâs so very, very good.
Item the Seventh: Bisexual Bobs. How very Bi of you Blake. And how useless lesbian of Yang to be all flustered about it. Please kiss.
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Bitterly By Your Side
A/N: Me? Posting a fic for the first time in 8 months? I'm just as surprised as you are. Ao3 Link
Summary:Â Logan is a world-renowned author, but not for his scientific journals. For a romance novel he never intended to publish, and an upcoming movie that would finally get the two it was inspired by together.
Ships: Pre-Prinxiety, background Logicality
Warnings: None
There were a lot of things in this world that didnât make much sense to Logan. What made someone hate a specific group of people for an unchangeable part of their identity? Why would some people continue to believe a falsehood even after being shown irrefutable evidence? Why the fuck is college so expensive? But this. This went beyond every question that Logan could ask himself. Any amount of logic he tried to apply would shatter into a thousand pieces.
For years, Logan had been a distinguished author. Dozens of academic papers, journals, books, and articles were published under his name, making more breakthroughs in science than one could have ever imagined possible. Some were small advancements, granted, but none were insignificant. But thatâs not why the general public knows Loganâs name.
Ten years getting a PhD in Astrophysics and one Nobel prize later, Logan Berryâs name is on the Best-Selling Romance Novel section in every bookstore across the country. And Logan will continue to blame his husband for it every time someone asks.
Not that it was really /entirely/ Pattonâs fault. Both of them had been sick of Roman and Virgilâs pining that had been going on since freshman year of college. At least Loganâs infatuation had only lasted a month or so before bluntly asking Patton if he finds him physically attractive; that story always gets a laugh every time they tell it. The four of them had been suitemates during their first year, with Logan and Roman sharing their room while Patton and Virgil had the adjoining one. That was nearly twelve years ago, and yet the two of them still seemed to be clueless as to the otherâs emotions, even with all four of them once again living in the same apartment.
All Patton had said was he wished there was a way to see them get together, like a movie or something. Now, Logan couldn't direct or act, but he could write. So, naturally, he did the only thing a sane person would do; he stayed up for three days straight writing a 300 page chaotic mess of the two falling in love. Perhaps it was a bit dramatic, and it definitely ended up being far longer than he had intended. But Loganâs train of thought never seemed to stay quite on track when it came to making his soulmate happy.
Of course, Logan had no interest in simply reading it over and over again himself; he printed out the pages and presented it to Patton as an early birthday present. Logan was under the impression that Patton knew it was a simple gift for his eyes only, nothing more. But Patton hadnât quite gotten that impression.
Logan hadnât necessarily made it a âfanfictionâ. Yes, it was about two hopelessly oblivious in love college roommates that got together in the end. The thing that kept it unique was neither character revealing their actual name until the very ending, instead choosing to use a nom de plume. In this particular case, Roman had called himself âMerlinâ and Virgil went by âStormâ. Neither the reader nor the characters within the story would learn their true names until the last chapter.
Apparently Patton did not read to the last chapter. Instead, about halfway through, he had believed it was a good idea to take it straight to a publisher; he couldnât believe Logan had trusted him with the draft of his first novel!
It wasnât until Logan got a copy of the book in the mail, fully printed and with his name on the cover, did he realize why Patton hadnât commented on it after finishing. âBitterly By Your Sideâ was already in every store in town and quickly spreading. Logan quickly pulled Patton into their shared room to discuss this with him and show the last page; needless to say, Patton was humiliated that he had done such a thing. It took hours to calm him down. Logan simply believed the book would not be popular and it would be taken down from the shelves in a matter of a few weeks.
He could not have been more wrong.
People slowly began to recognize Logan on the streets, asking for photos or to sign their copy of the book. Stores would reach out to him and schedule book signings, which Logan reluctantly went to as a chance to promote some of his other works. No one was buying any of that.
This was about two years ago. Logan had always scolded Roman and Virgil for not reading as often as they should, but it was unexplainable how grateful he was that they never listened. Not once in those years did the two step foot in a bookstore, see Logan scatter away for a photo when he was found in public, or questions the âmeetingâ Logan seemed to be going to every other week.
By this point, Logan had gotten used to how things were. It was bringing in money to support the entire group, and no one was hurting for it. Though it still confused him why this was the case, he had accepted it as an unexplainable cosmic phenomenon. Logan didnât even think twice when allowing a company that approached him to make a movie adaptation, with the promise that Logan could supervise on site, of course.
Months later, and somehow the twoâs obliviousness had only gotten worse. It was a true miracle that they never noticed Logan being gone all the time or that Roman didn't pick up on the potential movie acting gig. Though the last wasnât much of a coincidence; Logan always checked their mail and tossed out any advertisements for it.
Logan had only looked over one important detail; the company picking up the story was Disney. And regardless if they had heard about it before, Virgil and Roman both had a dedication to watching it together day it shows up on Netflix. Patton would always tease Virgil about it being their little âdate nightâ, which would be received by a shove and Virgilâs hood coming up to hide his face.
On the night that this happened, Logan was out late at a midnight book signing, and Patton had agreed to go with to drive him home in case Logan was too exhausted. So for the first time in quite a while, Roman and Virgil had the whole apartment to themselves for movie night. As tradition, Virgil grabbed popcorn, snacks, and drinks, running back to the couch just before Roman clicked play.
âAre you ready for what is sure to be the GREATEST FILM of ALL TIME?â
âYou say that every time, Princey. Bitterly By Your Side may be Disney, but its a dumb romance too. It canât be that good.â
Of course Roman scoffed at that, but before he could continue the argument, Virgil just threw a handful of popcorn at his face and hit play. Storm happened to be the first character that came on screen, and the second Roman saw the actorâs face he gasped and leaned forward.
âThat man⊠Is the love of my life.â Virgil couldnât help but to laugh at the dramatics of such an early declaration, and for a short time Roman stared at Virgil rather than at the movie.
âYou think that guy is good looking? Donât be ridiculous, he looks like a ten year old that got into his momâs makeup.â Roman could only glare at Virgil for a few minutes before Merlin came on screen. And then it was Romanâs turn to laugh as Virgilâs jaw literally dropped.
âYou canât be serious! Storm is far more attractive than /that/ over dramatic piece of work!â Virgil didnât even have the words to argue at the moment, simply shoving a hand over Romanâs mouth as Merlin already had a shirtless scene. It wasnât more than five seconds later, though, that Virgil realized what he had done and practically shrieked, crawling to the other side of the couch. âS-Sorry⊠But if that doesnât prove Merlin is the best, then nothing will.â A simple joke had now turned into a full out war between the two, pointing out each small quality in the other character that made them far superior.
âLook at Stormâs purple eyes! And that long hair, I just want to run my hand through it and kiss that man.â
âTheyâre probably contacts anyway! Merlin has the swoop in his hair that at least doesnât block his /actual/ green emerald eyes!â
âBut thatâs the thing, Storm is so shy yet abrasive at the same time! His hiding just makes his natural beauty all the better!â
âSorry, what did you say? I couldnât hear you over Merlinâs fifth shirtless scene.â
Of course, it was all joking banter. Despite the insults thrown from time to time, this was a typical thing for the two of them, and tonight wasnât any different. It only finally died down at a point where the movie was getting ready to end. For some reason, Roman was a moron. Well. Virgil knew that already. A cute moron, but still a moron, one that had decided to run to the bathroom right after the climax of the movie and refused to let Virgil pause it. In the short time, Roman was gone, that was all the movie needed to make Virgilâs fight or flight response kick in.
âNow that weâre dating, shouldnât I at least get to know your name, angel?â
â...Its Virgil.â
âRoman. A pleasure to finally meet the real you.â
That was. A weird coincidence. But with anxiety, nothing ever felt like things could be so coincidental. So once Roman came back, Virgil was on his phone, googling the book, and every word he read just made his face burn even more.
 Bitterly By Your Side is a romance novel by Logan Berry, published in 2017. In recent interviews, he has confessed to it being inspired by real life events and people he knows, though for now he wishes the details to remain private.
...Oh Logan is so dead when he gets back.
âH e y!â Virgil was next to be assaulted with popcorn as he pulled his hood up to avoid Roman seeing his face right now. âGet off your phone and watch the eye candy! Storm is back on screen!â
...Storm. The character inspired by Virgil. That Roman had been calling hot all night long. And Virgil had done the same to Merlin. Virgil didnât focus much on the rest of the movie, far too busy trying to hide his ever reddening face and cursing the entire world. Once the movie finally ended, Roman stood up to give the TV a round of applause. But before the credits, there was one more thingâŠ
 And now, an interview with the author of the original book: Logan Berry!
Roman was understandably shocked and sat back down, confused as to when Logan had written a book without telling them. With every word spoken on the show, Virgilâs heart sunk deeper and he made another promise to kill Logan tomorrow.
 Yes, it is true that this novel was inspired on true events. I have two friends that have been obliviously in love with each other for nearly twelve years now, despite mine and my husbandâs encouragement for them to confess. Storm and Mer- Well, I suppose I can use their real names now, it's no spoiler since this is shown after the movie. I don't blame either Virgil or Roman for their hopeless pining, it's just something my husband tired of and wished to see come to life in case it never did in person.
After that sentence, Roman was quick to turn off the TV. At least now it made sense why Virgil had curled up into a ball on the couch during the interview. Silence. Silence that lasted far too long for either of them to stand, yet neither had the will to break it.
Surprisingly, Virgil was the one to swallow his pride first. â...so. Eye candy, huh?â
Not even a second later, Virgil felt a pillow hit his head. âOh shut up! Youâre one to talk! Drooling in every shirtless scene in the whole movie!â
There wasnât a coherent comeback in Virgilâs mind, so instead he just flipped Roman off from his hoodie protection. Roman, being the prick he was, couldnât let it go so easily though, grabbing Virgilâs hand and ignoring his own pounding heart as he pulled the two closer together. Safe to say, Virgil felt like he was going to explode. âYou know the real thing is always better than fiction.â
And then for some unknown reason, one that he would claim to this day as temporary insanity, Virgilâs mind had decided it was time for him to be the moron today. The only thing he could think to do was kiss Roman, so he did. Both were surprised and afraid, but neither pulled away. Not in the first few minutes, not even in the first hour. It was a scene that easily could have rivaled the masterpiece of a movie in itself. By the end of it, they were both out of breath and exhausted, choosing to simply sleep together on the couch.
â...goodnight, StormâŠâ âNight, Merlin.â
Still. They were going to kill Logan in the morning. But for now, it was just them, and that was enough.
#sanders sides#prinxiety#logicality#roman sanders#virgil sanders#logan sanders#patton sanders#fanfiction#fanfic#fic#au#author!logan#mutual pining#pining#domestic logicality#first kiss#crush#bitterly by your side
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The forbidden crack! Untamed prompts: 18/?
University AU: âNegative Spaceâ
[ok so, self projection is a bitch, but I am petty to myself on a regular basis so itâs ok]
[title is from the Japanese concept âmaâ, which Wikipedia describes as:
âa Japanese word which can be roughly translated as âgapâ, âspaceâ, âpauseâ or âthe space between two structural parts.â In traditional Japanese arts and culture, ma is more carefully defined as the suggestion of an interval. It is best described as a consciousness of a sense of place, with the âintervalsâ suggested often being more than simple gaps, instead focusing on the intention of a negative space in an art piece.
Ma is not necessarily an art concept created by compositional elements, such as the literal existence of a negative space. Instead, the intention is often to create the perception of an interval in the viewer experiencing the elements forming an art piece, making maless reliant on the existence of a gap, and more closely related to the perceived experience of a gap.
Ma has also been described as âan emptiness full of possibilities, like a promise yet to be fulfilledâ, and as âthe silence between the notes which make the musicâ.â
Fun fact: âmaâ also means âbutâ in Italian, which is what usually follows whatever intrusive thought may plague my mind. Eg: âI may be useless now, BUT just you wait until I get some dopamine to get me through this shitty times.â]
Wei Ying never asked for much in his life. Heâs content with cleaning classrooms and toilets and nobody can beat him at wiping the marble floors if he works hard enough. Granny Wen, his supervisor, is slightly impressed with his ability to make the wood shine for ages to come. His nephew Jin Ling sometimes comes to check on him when heâs done with senior classes or cram school in the evening, and together they sit down and listen to whatever his older friends in music production came up with during the day. Jiang Cheng occasionally would ask him to keep him company while he grades papers and they bitch about ZiXuan and his inability to dote on their sister. The cafeteria ladies are always nice to him and they give him extra congee because they worry for his questionable consumption of spice products.
Heâs fine, really.
So why canât he stop wandering over to the science building these days? Looking for a clean board to use, for an equation to finally solve? Even if in the end he just takes the chalk in hand and simply stares down at the inky surface in front of him, unable to write. His mind working on a software too advanced for the hardware that constitutes his brain.
Thirteen years. It has been already thirteen years and yet it feels like yesterday, or like it never happened at all. Like it has yet to be. Time blindness is a bitch to deal with, yet dyscalculia and ADHD makes a joke out of you when you love math on a visceral level... but you burned too bright too fast and now you function on no data and with an even shittier signal. Having a burnout at 23 should have taught him humility instead of pride, but Wei Ying has always worked out of spite and certain habits are difficult to forget.
Couldnât put the number in the right order, switching digits left and right since he was young? Fine. Numbers were concepts anyway, entire civilizations working their magic without even knowing what âzeroâ stood for. A brain steaming with a million ideas per second? Good. New connections brimming with ideas he could use to better the world.
It worked fine until he let himself down. Until he became a useless empty lighter, a wet match tossed out, carbon monoxide in the air.
Dropped out before finishing his very ambitious, highly dangerous for his psyche, thesis project. Aunt Yu never forgave him for that, not after paying for his advanced classes, not after trusting Uncle Jiang and supporting him despite his many flaws. What good is being first of your class every year, poster child of a teaching system done right, graduating bachelor at 21, if you canât finish your master at 23 and get your PhD at 25 and start teaching by 27 and drive yourself insane in the process?
Wei Ying dropped out and didnât finish his master, didnât enroll in the teaching program, and let everyone down. His Uncle and Aunt looking down on him, whether out of pity or shame. Jiang Cheng may have been the one leaving him behind, but he used to be the one saying âyou should have tried harderâ. YanLi worrying over him when she should have focused on her career first. Jin Ling growing up with stories of his uncle ânot being worth the money put into his educationâ, taught to not disappoint and make his family proud. The Jin side, that is.
And now the kid comes crawling in defeat to him instead of Jiang Cheng after bombing a test in high school. And they chat of what he would like to do and how much he likes sports and how much he despises the idea of getting a scholarship for that and being called stupid or something by his classmates. And he cries when he thinks Wei Ying cannot see him as he leaves the campus late at night.
Wei Ying didnât even want to solve that impossible theorem he fixated on in his early twenties. His thesis project was inconsequential in the great scheme of things and his professor only wanted him to be his one trick pony in the end. No. Wei Ying wanted to teach math in elementary school, hell... even in kindergarten. He wanted to change the approach to the subject. Because numbers cannot be taught like language is and there are many ways to teach how to sum up digits and divide quantities and there are no rules on how to make sense of space either.
But how can he teach when even time eludes his senses?
Something that nobody can define, but certainly most perceive as linear... but not him. Not since his brain fried up in his attempt to function like a normal human being.
After thirteen years nothing has changed.
Until one day he hears something else aside from his usual intrusive thoughts and burdensome memories. A melody so quiet he almost mistakes it for the wind, coming from the music building.
He walks slowly, night surrounding him like the embrace of a friend as he makes his way to the traditional musical instruments room. The one where Jin Lingâs friends meet sometimes as they wait for the younger boy to join them. Wei Ying holds his breath as he spies through the gap of the door left ajar, neon light slicing his face like moonbeams as he peeks in and recognizes Jin Lingâs friends and another figure sitting on the ground, guqin on their knees.
But before he can lean in and breathe in the vibrant sounds all around, the door opens and music theory Professor Lan finds Wei Ying clutching his mop for dear life.
They said the man could see colors within the notes, that he despises language outside of his class or office and that only his brother, the history of art TA, could convince him to talk every now and then.
If numbers were created to measure space, Wei Ying firmly believed music had been invented to make sense of time and count its seconds in rhythm and notes, pauses and beats. Yet, time seems to stretch to a stop as the janitor focuses all of his attention on professor Lanâs stern face and his heart quickens its pace.
Wei Ying takes a rushed breath and dives right in with a weird sense of hope pumping in his veins. A small, timid voice whispering that life is not made to be atoned, but to move on and grow.
One step at a time.
âIâm Wei Ying, Professor Lan. May I listen while you play?â
Yes, maybe it will be enough just to let time flow at its pace.
Whatever rhythm that may be.
[some hcs down below]
WWX does not magically solve the math theorem. he may or may not help kids figure out how to use numbers on the long run tho. no, he will still work as a janitor and thereâs nothing wrong with that.
yes, LWJ is autistic and stimms and finds WWXâs honesty soothing. yes, you can add your hcs on the matter. he has synesthesia, but more on the grapheme-color side of the deal than anything else and he sees certain letters/numbers/notes in different colors. people think he can see colors in music, but they misunderstood and thought he could recognize different hues while listening to music instead of reading it.
JC has grown since his uni years and doesnât resent WWX anymore. he teaches astrophysics as a TA and doesnât pressure his brother to pick his studies up anymore. WWX has mixed feelings about this: he feels heâs a lost cause, to the point not even his brother spurs him to best himself anymore, but he is grateful for the patience anyway.
LXC is the official LWJ translator of the campus along with their cousins SiZhui and JinGyi. he bonds with WWX and JC over how tired they are, seldom staring at flies roaming above them in the cafeteria bc none of them can even move. he lives on caffeine and regrets, but heâs getting better as he develops a love for his plant babies and tries to not let them die on a daily basis.
Wen Ning and Wen Qing are little overachievers and adrenaline junkies, hence their competitive streak on their way to their third master degree just for funsies. they scare people with how driven they are, but the juniors love them.
NMJ is the one to go to if you need to get away with murder, but JGY will actually be the one helping you dispose of the body. the fact that they both work in criminal law is somewhat both reassuring and disquieting. they hate each other and yet cannot stop hang out, they are close to 40 and need the rivalry to keep going anyway. nothing beats a good nemesis. not even sex. maybe.
NHS has failed his entrance exam to become a nurse too many times to count, but he is determined to see the end of it. even if he could potentially work in the family business, but he doesnât know anything about managing an empire of bricks and he doesnât care. if NMJ could run away, well, so can he.
MianMian is Wei Yingâs bestie and has the biggest crush on JGYâs sister A-Su the kindergarten teacher, but since they are childhood besties she doesnât know how to approach her. she is Jin Lingâs idol and a certified boxer and refers to herself as a useless bisexual. Wei Ying boxes with her sometimes, she always win.
YanLi is an equestrian mum, but in the best way possible: she coaches children for shows and teaches them horses should be loved and feared equally and that if you want to shoot arrows from a running horse you should always, ALWAYS let go of the stirrups the moment the beast gets too unhinged to ride. JC fears her, WWX is only glad she didnât train police dogs for a living.
ZiXuan actually loves his wife, but WWX and JC question his career choices and the fact that heâs a retired lawyer spending his family fortune while heâs a stay-at-home dad and does all the housework. WWX and JC believe he should give their sister a better life and work his ass off to deserve her, but he does make amazing rice cakes and keeps up with Jin Lingâs studies and is very supportive of his dreams.
A-Qing and Song Lan are siblings and sometimes bring JC food from the campus cafeteria where they both work at, while Xiao XingChen and his carer Xue Yang work with LXC for a project on accessibility for visually impaired visitors of the local museum. JC and LXC work to make Song Lan and Xiao XingChen fall for each other, but the youngsters are too protective to let them play matchmaker so easily.
[this is all for now. please, if you want, add your own headcanons!]
#mdzs#cql#the untamed#mo dao zu shi#mdzs/au: modern#mdzs/au: uni#the forbidden crack! untamed prompts#nieyao#xicheng#wangxian
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Frozen North ~ Night Two
Pairing: Chanyeol x reader
Genre: Horror/Suspense/SPOOP in general/light romance (because who else would I be?)
Word Count: 1,927
Rating: PG13 (nothing gruesome, but knowing me there will be swearing)
Summary: You run a late night radio show dedicated to telling scary stories and urban legends, the creepier the better. Listeners call in and share their own, creating a small but loyal community of folks like you who love this sort of thing. One night, a man calls in with what sounds like an all-too-real story and before you know it, youâll do anything to make sure heâs safe.
Frozen North Masterlist
Your dreams that night are full of howling wind, women with long white hair and red eyes, chasing you off a tree-lined path and onto a dark and haunting expanse of ice. You claw at the sheets, unable to pull yourself from the dream.
The sound of ice cracking, deep and earth shattering, snaps you from sleep and you gasp in the freezing air.
When you realize youâre safe in your bed you huff out a laugh and slump back into the pillows. The readout on your phone tells you itâs not even six in the morning, but you canât fall back asleep.Â
You want to call the number again. Logically you know it was a one-off. A prank or someone trying to be entertaining.
But something in your gut tells you that Chanyeol is in serious distress and you want to yell in frustration. What more can you do?
To stave off your unease you take a quick shower and review your essay for todayâs class on the widespread cultural and psychological effects of contemporary mythology.Â
The professor is a genius. Getting Dr. Paul Langford as your thesis advisor was a coup. Every class heâs taught during your combined MA and PhD in Mythology has been riveting, and this quarterâs is no exception.
When youâve killed enough time you bundle up in your parka and thick boots. Before slipping your phone in your pocket you stare at it, willing Chanyeol to call again. To tell you it was a joke and that heâs fine.
You shake your head. âRidiculous,â you say to yourself. Why on earth would you care so strongly about someone youâve never met?
The gnawing in your gut begs you to dig further, but you smother it. Shoving your phone in your pocket, you march out the door and begin the walk to class.
âToday weâll be talking about panic,â Professor Langford says from the front of the class. âAnd, just to be wild, letâs start with my favorite widespread mass psychological panic - Koro.â
He clicks the button and a photo appears on screen, black and white and grainy, showing a cluster of men lying in hospital beds. Abjua, Nigeria 1981 reads the caption.
âKoro is a delusional disorder in which someone believes their sex organs are disappearing, retracting, or have otherwise been stolen or taken. It has infected mass communities across Africa, Asia, and Europe at various points over the centuries.â
He clicks and a slide showing an illustration of men and women burning a witch appears. âAn outbreak of this contagious belief struck Europe in the fifteenth century. Over a dozen women were burned for reportedly stealing menâs penises.â
The class stifles laughs and muttered jokes.Â
âExactly,â he says with amusement.
âObviously the incidents of women stealing menâs genitals in reality is very few. But what makes this belief that their genitals have been stolen so contagious? Why has it appeared at so many places at so many different times? That is what weâll be discussing this week - the insidious and manipulative nature of myths and how theyâve been weaponized over history to eliminate certain groups.â
On your way out of class the professor calls out to you. âGreat show last night, Roxy,â he says with a wink at your stage name.
âReally?â you say, surprised. âI had no idea you listened to it.â
He straightens his tweed jacket. Though heâs older than you thereâs a youth in his eyes and his manner. âI might be a teacher, but I promise Iâm still hip with the underground scene.â
His lips twitch and you both laugh. âIt was a pretty wild show. What did you make of that Alaska story someone called in with?â he asks.
You chew on the inside of your cheek. âI donât know if it was a story. It felt - it sounded - I donât know. Like he was really in danger.â
He leans against the desk and folds his arms, considering you. âReally? What makes you so sure?â Thereâs an intensity in his eyes you canât understand.
To someone as intellectual and established as him it feels like unsteady ground to admit that you believe in something that might not be real. âIâm not sure itâs anything tangible. Just something in my gut.â
He nods, watching you closely. âWell, keep following it. If you find something it might be an interesting twist to your Phd.â
âYeah, weâll see.â You feel your phone in your pocket and suddenly a chill runs down your spine.Â
You canât explain it, but you need to be anywhere but in this room. âI should get going, I want to get in some library time before work. Thanks for a great class today.â
âThank you for your contributions, as always,â he says with a wave. The odd sharpness has left his eyes and you breathe easier on your way out.
When you walk into the station later youâre surprised to still see Jennifer, the station manager, at her desk. Sheâs on the phone and waves to get your attention when you walk by.
âYep. Got it. Thanks,â she says and hangs up the phone. âHey lady, come on in, have a seat.â
Over the years youâve sat in this office a handful of times. Once when you interviewed for the open spot. Once to review the format and logistics for your show. Ever few months since to check in about advertising plans, listener numbers, and other such things. Sheâs never been so animated before.
âGreat show last night!â she says.
Your mouth drops. âWait, you listened to The Long Night? I thought you hated this kind of âspooky stuffâ?â you ask, using your hands to make quotes in the air.
âI normally do. I listened when I got in. Larry let me know that the streaming numbers for your show were through the roof this morning and I wanted to see what the fuss was about.â
âReally? What kind of numbers are we talking about?â You lean forward in your seat.
She turns the computer screen so you can see that chart on it. The blue line is steady and then at the point showing the last 24 hours the line curves upward sharply. âTriple. And growing by the hour.â
You gasp. âWhy?â
She snorts. âThat Alaska thing. It was compelling stuff. Your show is always good, Rox. But last night, I donât know, it was chilling. People are interested. The blog for The Stranger even highlighted it. I think thatâs what brought in a lot of the traffic.â
You sit back in your chair and toy with the phone in your pocket, torn. Everyone seems to think itâs just a stunt. Why does that feel so wrong?
âAnyways, just wanted to say, keep up the good work,â Jennifer says with a wink.
âThanks,â you say absently, standing.
In the hallway you watch the street through the blinds. Night has already fallen, blanketing the Seattle neighborhood with darkness. You lean against the wall and pull out your phone, unlocking it and pulling up the call list again.
Chanyeolâs picture stares up at you. With your thumb hovering over the call button you debate with yourself. What if heâs just some guy? What if you call and he says youâre nuts for ringing him back?
After a minute, he makes that decision for you. Your phone buzzes and his face enlarges, filling the screen.Â
Youâre so surprised you almost drop the phone. Quickly, you press accept.
This time, thereâs only darkness. Silence. No howling wind or blowing snow. After a beat, you hear breathing.
âHello?â you call into the phone. âCan you hear me⊠Chanyeol?â
Bumping and scuffling are heard and finally you can hear breathing. âHello? Whoâs this?â comes his voice.
You sag in relief. âItâs⊠Roxy, from the radio show? You called last night? About the⊠white woman?â
Silence greets you and you wonder if youâve lost him. But the call lingers on the screen.Â
âWhat⊠what day is it?â he asks quietly.
You frown at the screen. âItâs Wednesday the twenty second. Why?â
He groans into the phone. âI canât- I think Iâm losing time here.â
You want to push to understand. âIs your name really Chanyeol?â
âYes, of course it is,â he says and grunts, you hear something scraping as he moves. âFuck, I - what happened to me?â
âI donât know. You called the station last night. You sounded like you were in danger.â You hold the phone closer, trying to make out anything in the blackness.
âI think I might be,â he says. His voice sounds thin, haunted. The calls cuts in and out.
âI can send help,â you rush to say into the phone before you lose him. âYouâre in Nome, right?â
âNome? Like in Alaska? Why-â he says, confused, before the call drops.
Frantically, you hit the call button. The line rings and rings and you growl with frustration. No matter how many times you try you canât get through and you run a hand through your hair and groan.
âHey, Rox. You ready?â
You turn to see Daniel leaning out of the booth, tapping his watch. The time on your phone says 7:55 and you jolt.Â
âShit. Sorry. Iâm coming.â
He ushers you into the booth and you hurry to take your coat off and pull out your notebook.
The show itself goes fine, even though the entire time youâre anxiously waiting for the show to be over so you can try to call him back.Â
A writer who goes by Lisa the Forsaken calls in with a Slenderman-inspired story that gets a lot of good traction. Your bit on the connection between spiders and trickster myths is followed by a nice discussion.
Just before midnight, when youâre yawning and tapping your foot, preparing to wrap things up, a number pops up on the screen that makes your heart stop.Â
1-907-613-2458 - UNLISTED NUMBER - NOME
You hit answer, cutting off the ad thatâs playing.
âHello? Chanyeol?â you ask frantically. âAre you alright?â
Behind the glass Daniel raises his brows at you. You wave at him and mouth âlater.â
A whining sound is heard faintly through the line and you press your headphones closer to hear it. âHello? Is... someone there?â
You smile with relief. âYes, hi. Itâs me. Are you okay? Do you remember talking to me earlier?â
At this Daniel gives you a surprised look.
âNo, not really I -â the sound cuts out on a deep sigh. âIâm not sure where I am. Iâm - oh god,â he says, his voice going low and making your heart speed up.
âWhat is it? Whatâs wrong?â
âSheâs back,â he moans, closer to the phone. âPlease. Please no. Help me-â
The line cuts out and a tone comes through. You and Daniel stare at each other. He looks just as shaken as you feel.
Reluctantly you hit the disconnect button and wonder what to do. The time reads 12:01 and you jump back on the line, swallowing to clear your throat of the fear that had taken root.Â
âIâm Roxy and this has been The Long Night. See you guys tomorrow⊠stay safe.â
Daniel hits play on the pre-set content and hits the button to speak into the booth. âRoxy, what the hell was that? Whatâs going on?â
âI donât know,â you say as much to yourself as to him, staring at the number still on the screen. âBut we have to do something.â
Tagging @itskindofafairything and @yeoldontknow <3
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Graduation Ceremony Retrospective
Now that Iâve officially graduated with my PhD, I thought it would be worth revisiting the highs and lows of all the times Iâve graduated.Â
High School (2007)
I attended a small town high school, with a graduating class of 53 students. Probably 40 of us had been together from kindergarten, so it really was the end of an era. It will be 13 years in May, so weâll be crossing the threshold of being apart longer than weâve been together, and honestly, lately, high school seems like another life entirely. Yet I am still in touch with my best friends from high school and when weâre together, itâs as if no time has passed at all.Â
My senior year of high school felt weirdly transitory. At no point did I feel settled in for another year, instead it felt like I was in a holding pattern until graduation and college. It was also a weird year because of health issues. I did not yet have my endometriosis diagnosis, and I was seeing a neurologist to get to the bottom of my tremor. I made a college decision fairly early in the year and the rest of my time was spent biding my time.Â
Graduation itself was interesting. Because it was a small school, there were little quirks and peculiarities. Being in band, my friends and I had attended the previous three graduations. The past three years had been the â41st commencementâ because the principal had forgotten to update the program. Fortunately he remembered and we had an accurate program. We were not allowed to throw our caps, and they gave us the diploma folder but held the diploma hostage in case we misbehaved. There was a guy the previous year who had only worn a leopard print thong under his gown, so we had to be checked twice before we walked out to ensure we werenât engaging in similar antics
Graduation Low Point: During the ceremony, one of my classmates, being clearly hungover and possibly still drunk, got up and jumped off the stage and walked out to use the bathroom, rather than exiting through the wings. He came back the same way. I know this is a tiny thing in the scheme of things, but for my thinking it was the quintessence of being at a rural school and not taking things seriously. Also the graduation speaker was a former college football player who talked about Jesus too much. There was far too much Jesus for public school in general. Also, Iâve mentioned it before, but I hated those white gowns.
Graduation High Point: The valedictorian mentioned the fact that I was a published author in his speech. Weâd had an ongoing rivalry, so that was a pretty nice moment. All told, the only other thing going for it was that it was mercifully short.

Those shoes are the most 2007 thing that ever happened.
College Graduation (2011)
I have some big regrets about the last six months of college. I dated this terrible guy who cheated on me with his stalker (long story), and continued to spend time with him, because, well, Iâm not one hundred percent sure. He is now married to the stalker, so good riddance to bad rubbish, I guess. I regret this because it gave me less time with my friends, who were genuinely amazing people. (Also, any young people reading this: come out of the closet and date the person you wish you had courage to, not the guy who just happens to be there).
So, as a small, private, liberal arts school, we were able to have a graduation rehearsal, which Iâve learned over the years makes all the differences. In hindsight, there are a lot of things about this ceremony that weirdly came together in ways that just seemed natural at the time. It is the only time Iâve walked across the stage and received an actual diploma, which was nice.Â
Graduation Low Point: Youâve already heard about losing feeling in my arm. Beyond that, the ceremony was much longer than it needed to be because the college president not meeting anyone he could give a fifteen minute intro speech for. Also his wife fancied herself a poet, and she wrote a poem with full orchestration and projected video of fireworks. The poem was about manifest destiny, and it presented it like a good thing, which had troubling implications. Overall, the president and first lady were nice people, so Iâm remiss to speak too ill of them (the president learned the name and face of every student on campus. Yes, it was a small school, but it wasnât that small. It took work). All of this to say, the dark side of their charm was that graduation could be A Bit Much.Â
Graduation High Point:  There was a lot of thought and care put into this ceremony that very few other ceremonies have captured. Also, my mentor came to the ceremony especially for me (he was on sabbatical and did not have to be there) and gave me a signed copy of a book by one of the philosophers we studied. (My mom had to open it for me because arm)

This was both not the pre-graduation official picture the school took in November or the official graduation picture taken the day of graduation. I am bad at pictures, so a few weeks before graduation, my mom had one of her friends take this so I could have a decent picture, knowing I would mess up the graduation pictures. She wasnât wrong. Thanks Mom!
Masters Graduation (2013)
Going straight into an MA program from undergrad is a little odd because this graduation felt both worlds apart from the previous one, but also felt like âDidnât we just do this two years ago?â Also, because it was a big school, we just had to show up in our regalia with out any pre-planning, so it very much felt like it was just kind of happening without much lead up.Â
Graduation Low Point: Everyone cares about undergraduate graduation and it gets big speakers. The grad school graduation, in contrast, gets the guy who won the grad faculty award the year before, regardless of whether he was a public speaker or not. I could cut him some slack, but he went really long and he talked in a little too much detail about chemistry for my liking.
Graduation High Point: The Arena where graduation was being held has no floor access from the audience seats, so everyone on the floor was wearing either regalia or a robe as a banner barrier, which was really striking.

I never did manage to figure out how to wear that hat.Â
Doctorate Graduation (2019)
The thing they donât tell you when you graduate with your doctorate is you have more downtime leading up to graduation than ever before due to deadlines around dissertation uploads. Also, with conference travel and other things going on, it snuck up on me.
Graduation Low Point: This one didnât seem to have as many low points as the others. There was some weirdness during the doctoral hooding where they mismatched the names, but that was the smallest part.
Graduation High Point: There were many. My advisor and I sat together and could talk while the ceremony was happening. Also the speaker was short and sweet, and the ceremony, even with delays do to traffic, was mercifully short.Â

My advisor and I


Family photo!

University processional

My name!

My husband is a fake doctor


Mid-ceremony selfie
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Okay, so last year, I made a big post detailing the entire event and whileI might do something akin to that later, seeing as how I posted so many of my questions (You can find them under my ouatnj tag) and answers already and Iâm between feeling like Iâm gonna pass out from exhaustion and feeling like i want to bounce off the walls, I thought Iâd just write down some highlights of my trip:
1. Meeting My Internet Friends!
After MONTHS and sometimes YEARS of following so many people, I finally got to! @the-girl-in-the-band-tshirt, @queen-mabs-revenge, @thesschesthair, @lillpon, @fraddit, @justmilah, @coaldustcanary, and @freifraufischer were just a few of the ones I spent a fair amount of time with! Also, shoutouts to @killianmesmalls, @dani-ellie03, and @captregina who I already knew beforehand AND to @agntreginaskywalker and @reginamotherfuckingmills who were completely new friends (The latter of whom was a fantastic seat mate)! Seriously, it was so fun and relaxing grabbing meals with you, watching episodes and panels together, and of course, swimming in the amazing Marriott pool!
Hanging out with you all was sincerely the best part of the weekend.
...Almost as much as...
This all started with his solo panel, where I asked him about the development of Rumple and Wish Killianâs friendship (Check the 20-minute mark of his panel). That question was made in about ten minutes at the prompting of the lovely @queen-mabs-revenge and it went better than I EVER couldâve hoped! Colin said IÂ âshould be on TVâ and had me give the question again!
Thatâs all well and good, but this story has a part 2.
I get on line for the Rose/Colin duo panel and Iâm actually the first one to ask a question (See the first question asked here).Â
Colin says -- and I quote --Â âSheâs my favorite. Sheâs like -- itâs like Michael Parkinson.â After requesting that I ask again (And quite jovially at that!), I ask and heâs just so excited!!!! Thereâs this look in his eyes and tone of his voice of wonder and Rose says itâs like PHD stuff.Â
Look, I donât mean to brag, but I will take pride in knowing that the effort that I put into making good questions brings Colin and Rose such joy! That feeling can never be taken away from me. Itâs what some of their fans would kill for and it was an honor for me to have given them that.
Iâve got a few more, but I donât want to be obnoxious so hereâs more under the cut.
3. Witnessing Lillpon meet Colin for the first time.
@lillpon...that was simply beautiful! <3
4. Getting my Funkos!!!
I love @freifraufischerâs custom OUAT Funkos and I knew I just HAD to have one! With the promise of free shipping for any NJ con goers, I knew I had to have one. After what I promise was an ARDUOS process of elimination choosing my favorite, I eventually settled on the Storybrooke Killian with the short coat (My favorite Killian). About a week and a half before the con, F3 messages me and says Iâm getting ANOTHER Funko for FREE, this time a Season 1 Emma. Needless to say, I was floored with excitement!!!
And just LOOK at them!!!

5. More Question Compliments!
Yeah, people apparently LOVED my questions! In addition to getting tons of nice compliments from my fellow con-goers, Rebecca Mader called my question âintelligent and eloquently putâ at my photo opp with her and during my M&G with Beverly Elliott, she said I should be a writer! Again, my apologies for the bragging, but this is just too COOL not to tell everyone about! It felt like being a superhero: Question Girl!
6. It Felt Fucking Earned!
Iâve brought up my car accident on my page a fair amount, but the recovery from that was an actual nightmare and now follows me through a fair bit of PTSD. I was off weight bearing for six weeks, lost my job in the process, felt horrible amounts of grief the entire time, and anxiety over potentially missing the con. My recovery was a battle that was met with uncertainty at every turn, and the idea of going to this con kept my spirits and hope alive. So to come here and have the best weekend felt...well, as I said above, it felt earned.
7. Validation
This con really validated my sense of self as an OUAT fan in three ways.
First, it allowed me to explore just what I could do. This con made me feel more courageous. I not only asked questions (Something I did last year), but I talked to all of my internet friends, some of whom I used to be so nervous to approach because I simply felt they were in a higher league than me. But (After some blustering), I found that I did fit in and was able to have conversations with them and even about topics I thought Iâd never be able to talk about. As someone who constantly worries over a lot of things (And for good reason), I canât overestimate what a big step this was for me.
Second, it made me feel smart. I know I bragged a lot before, and I genuinely apologize for it, but I normally donât get a lot of feedback on the things that I do, so to get such big praise from Colin, Rose, Rebecca, and Beverly put me over the moon. I have such pride and confidence now in my writing abilities and my thought processes.
Third, I want to be real with you. Sometimes, I question if I belong in this fandom. I came in on the later side, I donât fully align with any of the major groups, Iâm not especially salty, and arenât usually part of the running jokes and what not. And those things can make you feel like youâre invisible. And despite having actual friends in the fandom, friends I honestly adore and who I am so thankful for every single day, Iâd like to befriend more people!
And this weekend really helped like that. As @killianmesmalls pointed out a few days ago, it was like summer camp and left me with a warm feeling. I felt like I belonged and thatâs because I did. It was...just utter bliss.
Extra: PHOTOS!!!!
I wanted to show you all my excellent photo opps!

@the-girl-in-the-band-tshirt and I trying to stop a fight between friends and falling even harder for our captains in the process!

Not a photo opp, but when your puppy makes the big screen, it is a moment worthy of being here!

Colinâs hugs are delightful!

My post-M&G selfie with the most lovely woman in all the realms! <3 Fun fact: she gave me some selfie tips because Iâm not the most photogenic person! XD
As evidenced by...

Colin tells a dad joke and Rose just...canât.Â
The dad joke since it ended up being too small): When I was in pirate school, I always hated getting my report card. Thatâs because it always got the same thing every time... Seven Seas! (I actually gave the speech bubble to Rose!)

@fraddit and I stage a mutiny!

Peace may reign over the Mills family, but sibling rivalries never truly end!

So, I was originally gonna do a goofy photo, but I was so caught up with Rebeccaâs kind words that I just went for a normal shot. Still, itâs probably one of my favorties of the set.
Thank you for reading this, if you got that far! Iâm so sad that the official conventions are ending soon, butI canât underestimate the fun I had here!!! If youâre going to Burbank, have the best time ever. Talk to people. Ask questions. Make some impulse purchases. Meet that account youâve been following forever. And keep on smiling the whole way through. <3
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Character Profile: Cora
Hey hi hello. When I asked you how you wanted to celebrate the latest reader milestone, you voted to see Cora's character profile in full. Here it is! Or, here it is, current as of chapter 23 (I had to take some stuff out, you know how it is). So if you're not through chapter 23 yet, there may be some undesired spoilers. And if youâre current up through chapter 23, then maybe some mild desired spoilers, who knows. Enjoy!
Name: Cora Lane Shaw
Age: 22 when the story starts. Sheâll be 40 when it ends. (I told you guys, we got a whiiiiile yet to goâŠ)
Nationality: American, with mostly Scottish and Irish ancestry.
Socioeconomic level as a child: Very poor early on, but became more solidly middle class once her mother remarried.
Socioeconomic level as an adult: At the start of the story, sheâs able to make ends meet, but sheâs pretty much living paycheck to paycheck and sharing living expenses with Alex.
Hometown: The general Asheville, NC area is all sheâs ever told anyone. She has not told anyone the actual name of her hometown yet. Sheâs kind of embarrassed by it.
Current residence: At the beginning of the fic, she lives in Seattle WA.
Occupation: PhD student at UW College of Forest Resources, also a part-time waitress at Cyclops cafe. Her career will obviously change over the course of the fic.
Income: She gets a small stipend from working as a teaching assistant in her department, and picks up a little extra money waitressing.
Talents/Skills: Her biggest skill is being extremely book smart. She has decent wilderness skills. She had to learn some basic thriftiness skills like knitting and sewing, although she hates all that stuff. She does like to cook and bake but only because it appeals to her inner scientist. She also plays guitar (badly) and mandolin (worse).
Birth order: Oldest of two.
Siblings (describe relationship): She has one younger brother, Patrick, who she calls Patch and who is four years younger than her. Patch is 18 at the start of the fic. The two are extremely close, although nothing alike, and Cora is very protective of him. But she also relies heavily on his opinion.
Parents (describe relationship): Her biological parents are Shirley and Paul. Paul left when Cora was 8 years old and she has not seen or heard from him since. She has fond (albeit childlike) memories of him, but of course, his departure had a deep impact on her ability to trust people and her view of what commitment means. She has a terrible relationship with her mother, which has more to do with John, the man her mother remarried, than anything else. Whenever she has to go back to North Carolina, she stays with her childhood best friend's parents instead of her own.
Grandparents (describe relationship): She doesn't know her dad's parents or anything about them. Her mom's father died when her mom was very young, and her maternal grandmother is in a nursing home with dementia after having suffered a stroke a few years ago.
Significant others (describe relationship): At the beginning of the fic, she is dating Alex Henderson. Alex is a year older than her but they were the same year in college and met during the first month of freshman year. They used to have a very relaxed, fun-loving, easy relationship in which neither of them expected much from the other. But moving across the country together has exposed some of the fault lines that they hadn't noticed before. They do not share many worldviews or hobbies, and they never developed good communication skills as a couple. Their sex life used to be great but has dwindled to essentially nothing at all. They don't really fight, they just fall into cycles of ignoring/dismissing one another until one of them feels compelled to put more effort into the relationship to keep it going. Alex is the first boyfriend sheâs ever had. She will have other relationships as the story progresses.
In a relationship: She throws herself entirely into everything she does, relationships included. Recently, things with Alex have gotten more distant and complicated, but generally, her relationship style is to be very loving and loyal and committed. She tends to develop huge blind spots, and she has terrible communication skills, preferring to hide from uncomfortable truths and lashing out when sheâs called on it. But sheâs good at using her sense of humor to diffuse bad situations and get things back to normal. Despite a heavy-handed religious upbringing, she enjoys sex and is... not particularly repressed about it.
Height: 5â3 if she stands up straight
Weight: 125 lbs
Race: Caucasian
Eye color: Very dark brown
Hair color: Bright red
Glasses or contact lenses? She wears glasses when she reads sometimes but not routinely.
Skin color: Very pale, very freckled.
Shape of face: Oval
How does she dress? Sheâs definitely a tomboy. She wears a lot of jeans and grandpa sweaters. (One pair of jeans in particular has a bunch of raggedy holes from a literal acid wash thanks to a lab accident.) She owns three skirts and zero dresses (with the exception of the Day-Glo orange bridesmaidâs dress). Footwear of choice is either Converse or Doc Martens.
Habits: (smoking, drinking etc.) She will smoke occasionally but only socially, not as a habit. She does drink a lot of bourbon, like, way too much bourbon. Can be a bit of a pothead, although not as much in grad school.
Health: Sheâs pretty healthy, but itâs almost by accident. Sheâs a vegetarian, and she likes to ride her bike more than drive (or she did, before she gave away her bike...), but those habits have to do with her environmental convictions, not being a fitness nut. She does not generally sleep well or take great care of herself outside of those activities, although she does periodically go for a run to clear her head.
Hobbies: Reading, running/biking/hiking/anything that gets her outside, cooking and baking. And sometimes playing guitar. Again, badly.
Speech patterns: She speaks very quickly and moves her hands a lot when she talks. She has a faint NC accent despite having tried hard to shed it. Her favorite swears are religious, like âsweet merciful zombie Jesus.â
Greatest flaw: Perfectionism in the unhealthiest way. This applies to her standards for herself (personally and professionally) as well as a rigidity in how she navigates her life. She also has a short temper.
Best quality: Her idealism drives her to make the world better. Not just in her planned career, but in how she deals with other people as well. Sheâs not an optimist but she wants to make a difference.
Short-term goals in life: On the immediate horizon, pass her prelim exams, get a fellowship, and publish her first paper from her research. In the initial months of the fic, her other primary short-term goal was to keep her relationship with Alex thriving, although she has become less committed to that idea recently.
Long-term goals in life: Finish her PhD, get a tenure-track job at a research university, and use evidence to impact people's decisions for the greater good. Sheâs always seen that happening through a career in scientific research. She doesnât have distinct personal goals like âget married, have kids,â because she prizes her independence and has misgivings about some of those life choices, at least as she understands them right now.
How does she see herself? She second-guesses herself constantly, both personally and professionally. She doesnât have a very high opinion of her looks, but she doesnât get bent out of shape about it either. She finds other things to have low self-esteem about, like her foot-in-mouth tendencies or her perfectionism in school or her worry of hurting other people.
What would most embarrass her? She hates it when she puts her foot in her mouth and says something rude to a person she really cares about. She would also be very embarrassed to be seen as vulnerable in any way.
Strengths and weaknesses: Strengths are intelligence, altruism, humor, stubbornness, and generosity. Weaknesses are emotional fragility, stubbornness, short temper, inflexibility, anxiety.Â
Introvert or Extrovert? Introvert
How does she deal with anger? Her temper flares. She's not good with it at all.Â
With loss? Not well. She internalizes it and it sometimes causes her to hold on to people she probably shouldn't.Â
What makes her happy? Being in nature, being with her (very few) loved ones, and scientific discovery.Â
Rude or polite? Rude for sure.
What motivates her? Fear of failure and loss. Altruism and ideals.
Is she ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof? Almost always logic, although there are certain circumstances where she can be swept up in a moment.
Does she believe in God? Absolutely not. She was raised Catholic and still carries a lot of Catholic guilt around in her personality, but sheâs pretty dismissive of spirituality in general.
Relationships with others:
1. Alex: They start out dating. They met when she was still a very naive 17 year old, and heâs been her whole world ever since. Sheâs starting to lose patience with him and doubt how truthful heâs being. And of course, sheâs keeping a secret from him too.
2. Lucy: Best friend. Lives downstairs. You havenât heard how they met yet but itâs a good story and youâll hear it eventually from one of them. Suffice it to say they hit it off immediately.
3. Chris: Chris is the first member of the âSeattle sceneâ she met, out on their hike in an undisclosed location in the Northern Cascades. They have a deep friendship but they donât see each other very often due to their respective schedules.
4. Jeff: Neighbors. They formally meet for the first time at the Off Ramp and don't really hit it off right away. He is annoyed by her sense of humor. Gradually he warms up to her as he understands her relationship with Lucy better. But they are always a little at odds.
4. Stone: She meets Stone at the Off Ramp at the same time as Jeff. They form a friendship very quickly, although Stone has feelings for her from the very start. She realizes slowly that she has feelings for him as well. Then... some things happen. It gets complicated, and not complicated.
4. Eddie: It takes a while for Eddie to stop being âthat new guyâ to anyone, including Cora. But she initially strikes up a conversation with him because she feels bad for how lonely he looks, and they hit it off well. They have a habit of oversharing with one another.
5. Patch: Little brother. Adores him, thinks the world of him, needs his validation for everything she does, is extremely protective of him.
How she is different at the end of the novel from when the novel began: Obviously much older, and much more flexible in her ideas.
#holy shit that is a lot of information#good on you if you actually care enough to read all that wow#character profile#cora
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Welcome to my mind
For the last three years, my mind has been... Well, shit. Not that it hadn't been on a steady decline for years prior.
Recently, someone named her Denise. My other me. "Because that's what she is..when something is the opposite of something it's de-. She's not nice, she's De-Nice..."
The name give to the me that's not me but spends more time pretending to be me than I do.
*Character Bio*
When I'm not Denise, I'm Ginny and she was the most wonderful person. I miss her dearly.
I had a great childhood. Very few psychological events, in my opinion. We never had much money, but my mom made sure I never knew it. My father worked hard at both his job and destroying his marriage; which is probably one of the marks on my childhood. More to come on that, I'm sure.
I didn't have trouble in school, per se. Bullied only a handful of times in all my school years. My mom is a designer, so I wore things you couldn't find on stores throughout my whole school life. I was *always* ahead of the trend and some kids couldn't handle it. We're talking 1991-2003. So, jumpers, corsets, mesh dusters, pants with fur on the bottom, dressing like anime characters... I was the first of everyone around me to be dressing that way. And I loved it!
But I had my revenge, as my hecklers could be seen wearing the same things they made fun of me for, after it became trendy. I guess you didn't have to be dead to be caught wearing that after all...
I struggled in math and excelled in art and writing. I had mostly good teachers, I think only one hated me.
I met all my best friends there. Can't say I've made all that many more in the years since. But, in my defense I'm surrounded by people who are nothing like me. You see, I grew up in Florida. All my vital youthful years were spent there. And now I live near Portland, Oregon. God, why? I even lost one of my dearest friends to the city. She completely changed from a fun, artistic girl who liked to draw, read, and cook...to...one of them. She's now a guilt vegan ( let's you know how disgusting you are for eating meat ) and is obsessed with shows that need to be cancelled. I had known this girl since first grade, she said she would follow the first friend who loved out of state. That was me, so she came out here too. Our friendship immediately began deteriorating as she would not allow me in my own room during the day, because she was talking to some loser friend of hers online. This person left her in a Walgreen's 20 miles from her home, on the wrong side of town, when we were all barely old enough to drive, because she was taking too long looking at eyeliner. But, she sounds like a solid individual to begin emulating. Are you serious? I watched my fully replacement take effect. 20 years of friendship completely gone in a matter of months. Have you ever watched someone stop carrying about you? Think about it. No, don't think about it. It's awful. She even physically ended our friendship. The first I had ever experienced. It was wrenching. But, I'm too far ahead now. I need to tell you how I got to Oregon.
Somewhere around me being 16, my dad stopped coming home. His mother had recently died and he knew some pretty shitty people willing to help him take the pain away. How does a poor, dyslexic, hoodlum, with a history of abuse cure the blues? Crack, of course. My mom did all she knew how to do, but she was pretty done with it all. They got divorced and some rich old lady "saved" him and whisked him off to Maryland where he would suffer many years of depression for what he had done to his family.
Now, it was just my mother and me. I immediately got a job and gave her my entire paycheck to help keep us in our lovely house. But as fate would have it, the city claimed eminent domain on our house with plans to build a water treatment facility. So, they lowballed us on what our house was worth and gave us 6 months to move. Now, here's some important side information: my mom is an army brat who grew up with mountains her whole life, until moving to Florida for my dad, which was apparently one of the last places she ever wanted to be. And my chummy from another tummy, was born in Oregon and had recently left me to go to OSU. This girl is my sister by all counts but blood. So, with a few other helping factors the logical answer was to start anew. How completely different my life would have been if I stayed. Can't say it would be better, just 100% different from what it is now.
But, in 2005 we moved to Oregon on the promise that we would do all the things we wanted to do and be living in Seattle in a few years.
None of that worked out. I can still remember the first night we spent in our apartment. I hated it. I let everyone know too. I think I cried for a week. I just wanted to go home. My Sisi was too far away to see her more often than the weekends and slowly her grades began to falter. This led to her dropping out and moving back to Florida just five months after I moved out here for her. I fell apart. I had only my mom and I love her, but sometimes you need your friends... You know? We did what we could and took jobs we hated and tried to get used to our new surroundings. I'm apparently a spoiled brat so I'm sure I made things painful for my mom who was finally back in her element and here I was stomping around telling everyone how much I hated it. Hate it. Present tense. I know the whole world is a cess pool of hipster, millennial idiots who all think that they know how to run the world, but the concentration of their free-for-all holier-than-thou ways is as dense here as the trees. It's exhausting listening to people who haven't showered in a week tell you how special they are because they have this heightened awareness that they learned from some Joe Blow and happens to not be fact at all. I have had a 24 year old Hispanic girl tell me that only white people can be racist, everyone else is prejudice. I told her that that in itself was a racist statement. And she said "no it's not. My teacher told me, and she has a PhD." I don't think I need to explain the definition of racism, but I do think Manson could have thrived in this town.
Fast forward quite a few years and we are both still in Oregon working jobs we hate not getting any of the things done we said we would. Are we lazy? Are we depressed? I'm sure it's both.
But, a small miracle comes my way, as I'm getting dressed to go down to the office to sign the next years lease I get a call from a woman who used to work with me. She asks if we are still looking for a new place to live and I tell her yes! We end up renting her townhouse from her because she's getting married. She proves to be a terrible landlord, probably because she's not all that good at being a person. She's really great at other things, but not that. Somme people are like that. But, I also haven't learned how to speak Oregonian in the 14 years I have been here.
A few more years and we end up buying the house and I have changed jobs for my health and things are looking up. I lose some of the weight I had acquired in my sorrows. I even find a guy that I can tolerate. Mostly bc he's 4000 miles away in another country. But, I struggle to find my way in our incredibly mismatched relationship. And he's so smart. So, successful... Here it comes... "what's he doing with a loser like me?"
My friends.... They all have something to show for their lives: degrees, children (Im not interested in these things,) husbands, jobs they don't hate....
I have a mortgage and a ridiculously high HOA, two payed off cars, 50 extra pounds on my ass, a job I'm not particularly built for, and a guy whom I love differently than he loves me.
I'm killing it.... Or myself. One way or the other. "I still haven't figured that shit out yet " -Eddie Murphy
I think this a pretty good place to stop for now. You should have a good amount of reference points for the following posts which will entirely be me, describing my chronic severe depression hoping that someone somewhere might read it and know they are not alone. I feel such a sense of validation when I read something from someone who feels the same as I do. This blog isn't for attention or critiquing, as most will likely be written when things like grammar and story structure aren't focused on. It's purely to get the chaos out so, I can organize it.
I don't know who you are but if you're reading this far, please stay tuned if you want to say "Wow, that's exactly how I feel."
Do good.
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Iâve been seeing so many posts about Larry Author Appreciation Day so I decided to take part in it too! I tried to rec some fics that people might not have read already. Iâm all for learning about new fics--mainly because I read fics literally all the time. Enjoy!
Howls Like a Beast (You Flower, You Feast), 16k, by @indiaalphawhiskey
France, 1754. ChĂąteau de Versailles.
âYou donât love me,â Louis had said, utterly blasĂ© as he callously fractured the heart of a Harry that was just barely eighteen.
âI do,â Harry had insisted pleadingly, green eyes already watering.
Louis had rolled his eyes, exasperated and flippant in the way only beautiful, young boys could be when faced with the affections of a baby prince. He had run his finger down Harryâs cheek then, had forced him to look into his eyes as he delivered the final blow.
âYouâll change your mind once youâve seen more of the world,â Louis had teased, pressing a brutally delicate kiss onto Harryâs lovely, pure cheek. âOnce youâve been properly defiled.â He had whispered filthily, delighted by the gasp he heard, the frantic pink blush that had rested high on Harryâs cheeks, the power he had felt at knowing he could make the Crown Prince squirm.
Weâll Be Seamless, 52k, by @dinosaursmate
Green reblogged an old photo of himself. It was from back in October, a Halloween special. A pulse shot all the way through Louis because this photo was his absolute favourite, and it had taken the rest of the year for him to wean himself off of it.
Green was on his knees, arms stretched out in front of him with his fingertips digging into the surface of his bed. He was wearing a pair of cat ears on his head, his curls falling forward. His back was arched, and in the foreground of the picture, Greenâs bum was high in the air, a long, black cat tail sitting neatly between his cheeks. --- Louis spends all his spare time scrolling arty nude blogs on Tumblr but amongst them all, Green is his favourite.
Staring Across the Room, 26k, by @allwaswell16
Harry Styles has a great life. Heâs a childrenâs librarian at the New York Public Library, heâs got wonderful friends, and he loves cooking, green tea, yoga, and his collection of bow ties. He doesnât mind that his life seems a little structured, maybe even a little boring. But when Louis Tomlinson joins the library staff as the new Installation Coordinator, things become a lot less predictable. Louis gets under his skin right from the start, bossing Harry around, making noise during story time, and eating the last cupcake in the staff lounge. Louis may be almost offensively attractive, but Harry will not be succumbing to Louis Tomlinsonâs charms, even if the rest of the library staff have.
Canât Fool Me, 30k, by @lads-laddylads
âI hate frats,â Louis repeats for what feels like the millionth time.
âYes, Iâve heard, once or twice or every day for the past three years,â Liam says. His careful tone reminds Louis of how his mom always sounds when one of his siblings is on the brink of a tantrum.
Louis glances speculatively at Liamâs frat brothers, who are still huddled together and chatting, with the exception of the one whoâs looking in Louisâ direction. Maybe Louis shouldnât rule out a tantrum. While making a scene wouldnât actually free him from fraternity nonsense in the future, it would at least be entertaining.
AU where Louis hates fraternities and would never be into a frat boy. And one of these things is definitely not a lie.
My Heart Lies With You, 31k, by @iamasphodelknox
âWhat did you hit me on the head for?â Louis said. He tried to frown, but it hurt too much. Plus it was hard to frown at someone taking care of him so tenderly. âI didnât hit you on the head,â Harry said calmly, moving from Louisâs forehead to remove some bandages on his arm. âMy friend Niall, the God of Death, hit you on the head.â âWell, why did Niall hit me on the head?â Louis asked. He noticed his lips hurt too, and felt a small gash on them. His arms were covered in scratches and cuts, and as he moved to sit up, he winced at a pain coming from his waist. âWhat the hell happened to me?â Harry sighed. âNiall⊠can get a bit⊠excited.â âWas he excited about hitting me on the head?â âNo!â Harry said. âNiall just got away with himself.â âDoes he do that often? Get away with himself, I mean?â Louis asked wryly. âOnly when an idea gets stuck in his head that he canât get out.â
For being the God of Death, Niall has a habit of acting on ideas without thinking them through. It's probably why Harry ends up with an unexpected but entirely welcome visitor in his bed the day after a Mount Olympus party.
Itâs a Better Place (Since You Came Along), 51k, by @phd-mama
When Harry Styles, a mid-level talent, Finder, and small business owner, sets off on the vacation of a lifetime with his best friend, Niall Horan, he has no idea the changes his life will undergo over the next nine days. He's got it all planned - there's going to be shore excursions, lounging by the pool on the deck of the luxurious cruise ship, not to mention margaritas. What he does not plan for are the new friends, new bonds, or the mystery from his past that comes back to haunt him, and he certainly hasn't planned for Louis.
When You Look Like That, 16k, by @hrrytomlinsonÂ
âYou⊠you still have the dress form I got you for your eighteenth birthday? You've kept it for ten years, Harry?â Louisâ eyes flick around Harryâs studio. Itâs big and modern, with floor to ceiling windows that help flood the room in bright sunlight, just like the lobby. However, he can't stop staring at the faded, but present, heart surrounding the âH + Lâ written delicately in Louisâ handwriting in the center of the mannequin.
Louis is a songwriter who is nominated for a Grammy and he needs a suit. Fast. He seeks out help from a very popular, very mysterious designer who just so happens to be his ex-boyfriend.
Far Afield, 11k by @becomeawendybird
Harry Styles is a witch who owns the best flower shop in Manchester. Lottie Tomlinson is planning her wedding, and brings her brother along to her first appointment. Both men have been having a bad day and sparks fly.
pray for some sweet simplicity, 237k, by @emperorstyles
Louis is the only omega to ever make it in the cut-throat world of competitive motorcycle racingâthat is, he would be if anyone actually knew about his identity. Now, his sights are set towards competing inâand winningâthe European Grand Prix, the biggest and most difficult race of the entire year, so he can disappear underground for good. Heâs close enough, too, until an alpha sports journalist is assigned to follow Louisâs every move as he prepares for the event of his career.
Or, an AU where motorcycle racing is the biggest sport in a heavily divided world, Louis is trying to take control of his own destiny, and Harry is in for more than he bargained for.
Ainât My Fault, 6k, by @afirethatcannotdie
âLiam, M4M is for sex! You posted in a sex forum about your missing jacket.â
âIt is not for sex!â
âIt is. Trust me.â
âWell, if it helps me find my jacket then I donât really see why it matters. Besides, someone already texted me about it. This Styles guyâs coming over in a bit to get it.â
âYou invited the avocado man to come get his jacket at our flat after posting on a sex forum. Do you see where this is going?â
âI really donât.â
âSomeone is going to have to have sex with the avocado man!â Louis screeches, and Liam covers his ears.
AU. Liam posts an ad on the wrong section of Craigslist, Louis is pretty sure theyâre gonna get murdered as a result, and Harryâs missing an avocado.
#all of these fics are amazing and I love them#come talk fic with me!#fic rec#mine#28th appreciation
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