#he has a wide triangular table on his office
sadlynotthevoid · 6 months
There's a lot of missing comical potential on the fact that, generally speaking, the most common uniform for fictional evil organizations is dark clothes with something covering the face.
Like, it's so common that, if you're an evil minion, you either wear that, your organization doesn't have a dress code, or you're part of the one with the flashy clothes who actually spent money on their clothes.
And what about it?
Well, imagine that there's an inter-organization meeting for evil guys. And John, your typical low level minion, is running late. All his colleagues are already there, so he arrives and immediately goes to the closest person dressed in black he sees.
"That was close. Hey, has Boss already arrived?"
And the guy turns around and—
"Madam is always on time, her time."
It's Jeron, from the rival organization.
They both stand there in awkward silence. Their bosses don't get along, but this is a business meeting. Starting a fight would be unprofessional. Unless the bosses did it, that's it.
And then, a long minute later—
"Huff... Almost didn't make it. Hey guys! Has Sir arrived yet?"
"Oh, dear Gaia, please no."
This keeps happening during the whole meeting.
At some point, even Boss themself confuses the Dark Paladin's right hand, Lancelot, with their own assistant. Boss was so embarrased that they delayed the weapon robbery to have an uniform design contest as soon as possible.
At least it was someone from the Obscure Order and not from the Obsidian Mages. Otherwise a fight would had really have started.
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sensualyerotic · 3 years
Varsha’s Debauchery
Varsha Singh stretched her body and glanced towards the screaming alarm clock, 5.30 AM it's time to get up, lazily she reached for it and punched the stop button. The early morning sun was pouring in through the window and she slowly slipped out of the bed. Without disturbing her sleeping husband, she quickly freshened up and before six o'clock she was out of the house for her regular jogging.
Outside her small bungalow was a vast stretch of greenery as they were residing in FRI complex (Forest Research Institute) at Dehradun along with her husband and a 6-year-old daughter. Her husband Shekhar, a botanist was working with FRI for last six months. Varsha loved the place which is full of 450 hectares of forest all around and colonial style main building at the center. In front of the main building lies a large lush green field and on sides were several offices, staff quarters and bungalows, one of which was occupied by them.
She wore a tight-fitting track pants with matching top and tied her shoulder length hairs in a ponytail. Adjusting her headphones and tuning in her favorite music she started to run towards the field. She saw the usual people walking or jogging and greeted the uncles and aunties from neighborhood. Two rounds of the large field were enough for her regular exercise. She whisked past several people out for morning walk and even the grandpas in the lot couldn't help but stare at the perfect round ass in those tight slacks. As she jogged, the round shapely ass produced an exotic view when they sway with every step she took. Varsha have kept herself in a great shape with this daily routine, a 34C breast, narrow and flat abdomen and a round 36 inches of meat below her waist.
She finished her jogging and reached home around quarter to seven and after relaxing a bit she set about for her daily routine. After the quick shower, she prepared the tea and went in the bedroom.
"Rise and shine," she cheerfully spoke and kept the tea on the bedside table. Shekhar listened but feeling lazy he tried to ignore until Varsha climbed on the bed and shook her wet hairs on his face.
"Um... no... let me sleep," he murmured as the small drops of water splashed on his face. Varsha giggled and some more drops of water sprinkled on his face. He opened his eyes and in mock anger he tried to grab her but she slipped away.
"Get up and have your tea before its cold," she spoke, "I have to wake up Rini also."
"Yeah... but first wake me up," he spread his arms for a hug.
"Get up and don't be naughty early in the morning," she giggled but slipped in his arms for a quick good morning kiss.
She went about preparing the breakfast while Shekhar run around getting Rini ready for school. The hectic morning came to an end when she packed Shekhar's lunch and send him off to the office. Now she has ample time to relax till her daughter is back from school at around 2.00 pm. This is the time Varsha is alone and free to do whatever she wants. This is the time she went for shopping to the city as the large complex has no shops but only some offices, some residences and vast area of forests. The back of the forest area stretches far and looks as if meeting the foothills of Himalayas. She loves to walk deep in the forest, all alone with her thoughts.
Today was no exception, she walked out of house and saw the gardener busy in the small garden of the bungalow. He was a boy named Chandu Nautiyal, not more then nineteen years old and was son of the peon working in her husband's office. To help the family he use to work as part time gardener in the bungalows.
"Good Morning Madam," he greeted Varsha as she walked by him.
"Good Morning Chandu, what are you doing today," she enquired.
"Just watering these plants and then will mow the lawn," he answered respectfully.
She nodded and walked towards the forest area. She wore her favorite long skirt with a top and carried just the keys of the house. She walked admiring the nature and soon the offices and the bungalows were left far behind and what was around was just tall trees and small bushes. The April sun was not hot and cool shade of the trees was chilling. She admired the hills of Himalayas far away as the cool breeze blow her skirt. The jungle was quite except for some occasional chirping of birds. She stepped behind a large tree and rested her back on the trunk. Her heart beat increased and she glanced around the place packed with trees and bushes limiting the sight to a few yards.
She fumbled with the hook on the skirt and opened them letting the skirt fall to her feet. She was standing in middle of the jungle in just her small panty and top. With increasing excitement she stepped out of the bunched skirt and slowly pulled the top out and placed it over the skirt. A squirrel squeaked and looked at her from the top of the branch.
Varsha felt aroused and her nipples were tout begging to be freed and that is exactly what she did and threw the bra over the rest of the clothes. The long and pointed boobs were standing proudly on her chest with nipples so erect that they started to give an itchy feeling. She grabbed one of the titties and massaged the erect nipple between her thumb and finger. The other hand she pushed between her legs onto the wet pussy which was starting to soak the panties. She quickly pulled it out of her slender legs and threw over the pile of clothes.
Varsha, a wife of a respected scientist at FRI was standing nude in middle of the jungle. She understands the danger and the scandal it would be if someone found out but this was making it even more thrilling for her. She grabbed both her breasts and pulled the hard nipples .
She looked around and strained her ears to listen for any noises which would alert her of anybody approaching, but she heard none. She looked towards the pile of clothes then slowly walked ahead on the uneven grounds. As she moved farther from clothes the danger increases and so does her excitement. She reached behind bushes, far away from her pile of clothes. If someone happened to come by she will not able to get to her clothes immediately and she will be caught totally nude, the thought itself increased her excitement. She lies down on the soft grass still massaging her boobs and pinching her nipples. She moved one hand between her legs to touch the aching clit and a groan escaped her mouth.
She spread her legs wide as if opening up for an unknown lover to get between them and fuck her brains out. The danger of being caught in such a state was making her horny, the only thought in her mind was 'If someone caught me lying spread eagle, all alone in the jungle, he will not let me go without fucking me.' She shivered with excitement and rubbed her clit vigorously.
Varsha enjoyed exposing herself since a very young age. As soon as her body started developing the boys around her started showing special interest in her and she always enjoyed the attention. She soon realized the importance of her body and what effect if causes on the opposite sex, maybe sometimes to same sex also. She enjoyed knowing that a man is drooling over her and that she is giving him a hardon. In school itself she started enjoying 'accidently' exposing herself. She gave innumerous hardons to her teachers and fellow students and she loves the fact that she was the subject of thousands of masturbations. Whenever she had such an incident where she exposes herself and knew that someone is watching, she touched herself in privacy and bring herself to a massive orgasm. Today lying in the woods naked, she rubbed her pussy imagining someone watching her and stroking his large penis.
She remembered the incident when she was young and travelling with her parents in a train. It was an overnight journey and she was wearing a knee-high skirt along with a t-shirt. The t-shirt was tight around her bust and the shape of her round boobs were producing a mouthwatering scene. She was busy reading a book when she noticed a man in the opposite seat was checking her out. He was a grown-up man in his forties and she noticed that he was surreptitiously glancing at her legs and breasts. Varsha felt a chill run down her spine and she looked at her parents who were busy talking amongst themselves.
She checked herself and found that her skirt has ridden a bit over the knees as she sat on the seat with legs pulled up and folded. She innocently moved her legs a bit giving him a better glimpse of her thighs deep inside the skirt and from corner of her eyes she watched for his reaction. The man saw the movement of her legs and the delicate thighs exposed for a split second giving him deep view upto her black panties and then they were closed again, but still the skirt rode higher and he was mesmerized by the sight of her soft and creamy legs.
Varsha saw awe on his face and felt the tingling sensation between her legs. She continued flipping pages of the book and in between opened and closed her legs giving him fleeting glimpses of her gorgeous thighs. At one point their eyes met and he smiled but she looked away. The game continued till it was time to sleep and Varsha was on fire. Her parents took the top berth while she occupied the lower one just opposite the man.
By this time, it was clear to the man that she was deliberately teasing him and the guy didn't mind the show, but he was getting greedy for more. In the light of night bulb, he could see her lying face up and the sheets not yet pulled up. He looked intensely in her eyes and mouthed 'please.' She knew what he wanted and she felt naughty pulling up her skirt inch by inch. She kept an eye on her sleeping parents and on anyone passing through the aisle and pulled her skirt high enough to expose the triangular black panty covering her pussy. She could literally feel his gaze on her pussy. She left it like that for a long time for him to feast his eyes and only pulled it back when she heard someone walking down the aisle.
Everyone in the carriage seems to be sleeping and Varsha was getting hornier and hornier. This is the first time that she has done something like this, she has never gone beyond 'accidental' exposing but this time all barriers seems to have been broken, she was playing on the 'requests' of this man. She pulled her t-shirt up and exposed her bra covered boobs and then alternated between showing her panties and bra.
Suddenly she heard a loud noise, nervously she pulled down her skirt but then realized it was snoring sound produced by his father. She giggled and saw the man was also grinning. After couple of seconds he again gestured with his hand trying to communicate through sign language, asking her to continue with the show and reveal more. Varsha was a bit scared that the noise might have woken up someone so she shook her head refusing to comply. The man made a bad face and continued to coax her.
When she started to pull the sheets over her body he desperately begged not to and started to point towards the aisle. Varsha was confused as she was not able to understand what he wanted. He got up from his seat and stood in the aisle and signaled her to follow him as he walked towards the toilets. She now understood that he was asking her to come to the toilets at the end of the carriage and continue the show, maybe in the toilet. She felt scared at the prospect of being alone with him, but then the excitement overpowered her, the taboo nature of the act made her breath heavy. She peeked in the gallery and saw him standing at the far end. He signaled her to come to him when he saw her looking.
Hesitantly she got up and checked on her sleeping parents, when she was sure that they were fast asleep she walked down the aisle. Her heart started to beat hard as she reached the toilets.
"Why you called me," she whispered acting all innocent.
"I was not able to look at this beautiful body in the dark over there," he too whispered in a hoarse voice, "I want to see you properly."
Varsha's face turned red and she looked down at the floor unable to meet his gaze. There was no one around and he slowly opened the door of the toilet. He held the door open and looked at her meaningfully.
"Come... here no one can disturb us," he whispered. Varsha was feeling excited and nervous at the same time, however she hesitantly stepped in. He closed the door behind and they were cramped in the small space.
"Show me," his voice was barely audible.
Varsha was trembling as she lifted her skirt and pulled it above her waist.
"Now the panty."
She shook her head.
"Please," he whispered, "you are so sexy... now don't hide yourself... I want to see all of you."
Her heart was beating so hard that she thought the sound could be heard by her sleeping parents. After he coaxed again she let go the skirt and put her thumbs in the elastic waist band. She pulled the panty down to her knees and then inched her skirt up to reveal the soft pussy mound partly hidden in small pubic hairs.
"Ah... wow," he gasped as the pussy came into view and Varsha shut her eyes tightly. He looked fixedly at the swollen pussy lips which were pressed tightly leaving a line between them and he was sure that he was looking at a virgin cunt. His cock twitched and was rock hard.
"Now the boobs."
Varsha let the skirt fall and started to pull back the panty.
"No... no... let it like that," he held the skirt up, "I want to see all of you."
"Leave it," she pulled the skirt out of his grip and looked alarmed.
"Ok... Ok... no problem... but I want to see you fully nude."
She relaxed a bit when he stepped back and then she held the skirt with one hand and with other pulled the t-shirt up. He waited patiently as she slowly revealed her slim and beautiful body. She finally pulled her bra above her boobs and he got the first glimpse of her pointed boobs and the erect nipples. Varsha felt very dirty in exposing to him completely.
He watched in amazement at the young beauty just two feet away and then he wanted more. He wanted to touch them, he wanted to squeeze them. With a single step he was onto her and placed a firm hand on her left boob and his other hand went around her waist pulling her tightly against him.
"No... no... leave me," she panicked and tried to move back but there was no space.
"You are amazing," he groaned while squeezing the tits, he didn't seem to listen to her protests and moved his hands over her body mauling her tits and ass. Varsha was terrified now and all her playfulness vanished, she never thought that if she is alone with him he will try to take advantage of her. She cursed herself for being so foolish and literally started to fight him away.
He was in frenzy and the protests hardly have any effect on him. He had her pinned between him and the toilet wall and the pointed soft orbs on her chest were repeatedly pumped and squeezed. He tried to kiss her on lips but as she violently shook her head he was only able to lick her cheeks.
"What!!!" suddenly he realized that she was crying and fighting with him for her dear life, "what are you doing," he looked puzzled.
"Leave me... let me go," she cried, tears flowing freely.
"Why!!! What is wrong!!!"
"Let me go... please... I don't want this."
"Ohh... common don't show the attitude now, I know you want this," he brushed aside her protests and once again tried to kiss her this time he managed to grab her lip in his mouth.
"Uggg... moo... uggg...' she tried to speak but her voice was muffled. Varsha was now shit scared and tried her best to avoid him hands but met with little success, his hands were now probing her cunt and spreading the lips.
"Don't worry... don't worry," he spoke in a hoarse voice and unzipped his pant.
"No... no... mummy," Varsha started to howl as she realized that he was ready to fuck her, the cock rubbed between her legs.
"Shhhh... keep your voice down."
"Mummy," she howled louder.
"What are you doing... do you want to wake up the entire compartment," he tried to calm her, "I will be real slow you have no need to worry."
"No... no... leave me," she continued to fight him.
"Bitch," he tried to turn her around in order to take her from behind but he met with bitter fighting and shouting.
"What do you want," he was now a bit alarmed himself and feared someone might hear her, "Shhh calm down I am not doing anything."
As his grip loosened Varsha quickly pulled her panty up and arranged her clothes while he looked at her in anger.
"Bitch... cunt," he vented his anger while she quickly opened the latch and ran out of the toilet. She almost ran to her seat and pulled the sheets over her as she sat in the corner, still panting.
The man didn't bother her after that and was gone early in the morning. The incident left Varsha really scared and she promised herself never to do this again. For next one year, she never thought of exposing herself not even 'accidently' but then slowly the incident started to fade in the memory and she was tempted again, however she was careful not to let herself into such a situation. Her exhibitionism remained 'accidental' and she never ventured further than that until she was married.
She was virgin at the time of her marriage at a young age of 21. Her family was orthodox and getting the daughter married quickly was the only plan of her parents, so once she finished the college they found him a suitable match. Although Shekhar was nine years older than her but he was well settled scientist in a government job so her parents have no objection and she was married to Shekhar.
Varsha never felt the age gap as a problem, she fell in love with the mature and calm nature of Shekhar. The first year zipped past as both of them explored each other and before they know she was pregnant with Rini and she was busy with being a mother. The urge of exhibition didn't crop up until Rini was three years old and she found a shoe salesman peeping under her saree. She felt the excitement once again and she let him feast his eyes on her smooth legs in the pretext of trying the sandals. She realized how exciting it is and then she started creating opportunities to expose herself to strangers, salesmen, etc. however she always remained in control and never let herself get carried away. She had Shekhar, her husband whom she would fuck senseless in night after she had one of her 'incidents.'
Shekhar's job involves transfers and six month back they were transferred to FRI at Dehradun and Varsha was in love with the place at the first site. The quiet and green environment around evoked strange sensations and she broadened her exhibitionism. The afternoons were her playtime and she use to go to city and wander around the shops exposing to salesmen. Then there was her tailor, who was more than pleased to take 'measurements' of such a young & sexy wife.
One day while she walked into the jungles she had the naughty idea of taking her panty out. In the deserted stretch of the jungle she removed her panty and touched her swollen pussy lips. She felt naughty doing that in open jungle and then she sat down under a tree and rubbed herself to an orgasm. Another round to the jungle, another day, she takes it up a notch and removed her bra and panty. Slowly and slowly her risk taking increased and today she was lying totally nude in middle of the jungle with her clothes lying at least 50 meters away.
She rubbed her clit spreading her legs wide, her finger moved in circles occasionally slipping in the wet hole. Slow moans escaped her mouth as she neared climax.
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azritesx3 · 5 years
“A Devil’s Love” Chapter 1: All Bad Things, I Promise
Description: Chloe's best friend is back, and Lucifer's charm can't seem to affect her either. Is she also a miracle child? Or something...more? [Story starts during S2 Ep4, Female Reader Insert]
AN: Updated March 14, 2020 - Grammar AN: Updated July 14, 2020 - Grammar
Rating: G Warnings: None
Show Timeline: Season 2 episode 4
Spotify Playlist /// AO3 Fanfiction Net Wattpad DeviantArt
Tag List: @ayanna-wild​, @anushay1998, @emiwrites3reads​, @i-am-canada-13​, @heart-of-pots-and-pans​, @tinyybiceps, @jessicarene99​, @lucifersnipnips​, @givemebooksorgivemedeath​, @sailor-earth-1
“Ladies and Gentlemen! We have arrived at our destination at the Los Angeles International Airport. We hope you enjoyed your flight and hope you ride with us again!” A smack to your chest wakes you from a deep slumber.
“Ms. Earth! We've landed. Can we please hurry off this plane?” your assistant, Alice Green, pleads to you.
“Geez, Ali,” you groan while stretching in your very comfy first-class seat, “The whole reason I got us first class was so you'd be more comfortable.”
“Over 6 hours, Ms.”
You yawn, “Alright, alright. Let's get off. I'm eager to go too, actually.” You give Alice the shooing motion and she's more than happy to oblige.
After grabbing your luggage from the always too fast conveyor belt, you treat Alice to the most elegant airport food you can imagine: McDonald's. As she went to town on her banquet you call a cab to pick you up in thirty minutes, then stare at a blank text message screen.
“You ok?” Alice asks after swallowing a mouth full of chicken nuggets.
“You know, it amazes me how you can eat like a potbelly pig and still be a size three,” Alice raises an eyebrow at you while stuffing more in her mouth. You sigh, “Should I text her now? Or just surprise her at work?”
“You've told me before that she usually doesn't like to be interrupted when on duty.”
“Yeah, you're right.” You start to form a devilish grin on your face and place your phone back in your purse, “Her job it is then!”
“Seriously, Detective! Name three friends you could have drinks with right now,” Lucifer Morningstar pokes at Detective Chloe Decker.
“Well, I can't name three,” replies Chloe rolling her eyes, “I can name one, but she's on the other side of the country.” She pulls the car up to the crime scene and parks.
“Wait, you actually have a friend?” Lucifer smiles cockily. Chloe gives him an annoyance stare then gets out of the car, walking quickly inside the crime circle.
“Well, you need to make more friends! Especially since now I know it seems you're capable of doing so." Lucifer, very easily with his long legs, strides right next to her, “Stress is a terrible ager, Detective. Go to a bar, get drunk, and talk about your woes to the patrons! I promise it'll make you feel better.”
“Talk about my impending divorce and possible homelessness with an eight-year-old daughter to complete strangers? Yeah. Sounds super relaxing.”
“Doesn't it?” Lucifer smiles that grin again and Chloe responds with a pissed-off expression. Thankfully, Detective Dan Espinoza cuts in with the crime details.
“We've got a young female. COD unknown.” Dan looks back and forth between Lucifer and Chloe before settling on her.
“None,” Dan says with a sigh, “No personal belongings. Only thing of note is a triangular ink stamp on the inside of her wrist.”
“Oh wait, I think I can actually help here!” Lucifer stops the men carrying the woman's body and points to the stamp, “This is a very common thing you'd see at a nightclub. You know,” Lucifer looks at Chloe and raises his brows, “where people go to have fun.”
“And then get killed. Yeah, mhm.” Chloe shakes her head at her partner.
“Well, that part usually doesn't happen.” Lucifer pulls his phone out, all attention now on the tiny device.
“We did find an abandoned vehicle registered as an Uber.” Dan steps in, “No driver.”
Chloe nods in thought, then grabs Lucifer's phone and starts searching, “I was searching safe nightclubs for you Detective! Other than my own, of course.”
“Uber IDs are usually linked to the driver's phone,” Chloe says, ignoring Lucifer, “not the car, and now we've got his number...Looks like our guy is on the corner of Crescent & Third.”
“Impressive.” Lucifer smiles down at his partner.
“Yeah, it's called police work,” Chloe replies, hiding a smile as she hands him back his phone.
Lucifer places the phone in front of his mouth, “Let's solve a murder!” “I can assist you with that.” “Ha! You have to love these things!”
“Lucifer-” but before Chloe could scold him one of the K9s on scene starts to bark. The three of them look over in that direction and see an officer having trouble controlling the dog.
“I thought those things were supposed to be trained.” Lucifer cringes.
“That's Buster. Just turned a year old and still training.” Dan answers. The poor officer can't control Buster any longer, and the dog snaps free and runs to an approaching party.
“Oh my-” Chloe's eyes go wide.
“Well hey there little guy!” You smile as Buster jumps on you and licks your face. Alice smiles and softly laughs, “You completely ruined my cover, dude! I was planning on sneaking up on my old BFF.” Buster whines softly, “Aw, it's not a problem bud. Now go back to your officer.” You point towards the officer, who looks completely embarrassed, and Buster follows your command.
You look to Chloe, smile and wave, “Hey Chlo-Chlo! Long time no see, huh?”
“Earth?!” Chloe gets the biggest smile on her face and rushes over to you. The two of you have what looks to be the biggest, and tightest, hug in the world.
“Well I'll be damned,” Dan says softly, then smiles and walks towards the trio of women. Leaving behind a very confused Devil.
“What are you doing here, Earth?!” Chloe smiles and holds onto your hands.
“Business over in New York is in good hands now. So I figured, why not open up a vet on the other side of the country too?” You smile and squeeze Chloe's hands, “Plus I get to be back home, work on my K9s again, oh yeah! And be with my BFF.” Chloe smiles and embraces you once more.
“Hey, Earth,” Dan comes up and holds out his hand, “It's good to see you back.”
“Daniel,” you accept his handshake and respond coolly, “You're lucky you brought Trixie into the world. Otherwise, I'd be living up to the threat I gave you at the wedding.”
Lucifer coughs.
“Oh, right,” Chloe composes herself, “Earth, this is Lucifer Morningstar the LAPD civilian consultant.”
“And her partner,” Lucifer smiles at you and holds out his hand.
“Ah, so you're the weirdo who thinks he's the Devil!” You smile back and accept his handshake, “Chloe's told me a lot about you. All bad things, I promise.”
“Is that so?” Lucifer's smile grows, “Well I wish I could say the same about you my dear, but I'm afraid the Detective has never mentioned you. Well,” Lucifer side glances to Chloe, “not until the ride over here.”
“Perfect timing then,” you reply, “and I'm not surprised she hasn't talked about me. She's very hush-hush about her childhood.”
“Yes, I've noticed that.”
“Earth!” Chloe eagerly moves the conversation in another direction, “Who's your friend?”
“This is my rising prodigy and assistant, Alice Green!” You properly introduce her to everyone.
“It's nice to meet you all!” Alice shakes everyone's hand, lingering longer on Lucifer.
“Nice to meet you too, darling.” Lucifer smiles seductively at your assistant, and you can see her blush.
“So!” You clap your hands together loudly, knocking Alice out of her daze, “I just came to say I'm back. Go on, go back to your investigation.” You make the shooing motion once more, “We're going to head to our hotel and get some rest. Going back in time is sooo draining. Text me when you're done and free to hang out, Chloe!” You wave your goodbyes then push Alice back to the cab.
“Well, Detective,” Lucifer smiles down at her, “Looks like you've got no excuse now not to go have fun.”
“Looks like it.” Chloe smiles back.
The music's popping in Lux. People dancing, talking, and making-out all around the place. Everyone looks to be having the time of their life.
All except for a certain Detective who has yet to de-stress.
“...there was tissue damage to Daria's stomach lining caused by liquid nitrogen, the stuff that makes those fancy cocktails smoke. It's probably how she ingested the poison-”
“Amazing work as always Detective,” Lucifer interrupts her, “but you just made my trio sha-bang run away.” Lucifer looks longingly at the trio of beautiful women who are no longer in his arms.
“Second,” Chloe continues like she hasn't even heard him, “I assumed that Daria was at a club on Gower and we found an abandoned building on the corner. The place looked like it had a party recently.” Chloe moves over to one of the small tables by the bar as she talks, looking over the paperwork.
“Fascinating,” Lucifer says sarcastically, following her.
“I was wondering if you could make some phone calls to help me out?” Chloe looks to Lucifer, “You know, since you seem to have your fingers on the pulse.”
“I'd much rather be pulsing-”
“I know that hood.” Mazikeen Smith, Lucifer's demon bodyguard, was listening in from the bar, “There's a great tiki bar across the street from that building. I know the bartender.” Maze downs her drink.
“I'm not surprised.” Chloe shakes her head.
“Let's go have a drink there. Ask about the dead girls.” Maze pushes.
“That sounds like a very good lead, Detective!” Lucifer's smile practically covers his entire face.
“Did I just hear you guys talk about that tiki bar on Gower?” Ella Lopez, an LAPD forensic scientist, comes back from dehydrating in the bathroom, “I love their pina coladas!”
“See that Detective?” Lucifer smiles at Chloe as he takes a swing of a drink a waiter just gave him, “Why don't you text that lovely friend of yours too?”
“Got to say, I'm surprised you guys didn't realize that this was Chloe's idea of a ‘girls night'.” You sit next to Maze and Ella, who Chloe briefly introduced you to before she ran off to ask questions of the patrons about her case.
Maze's eye roll was practically a growl, and Ella just smiles and shrugs her shoulders while she finishes her second pina colada.
“Well, I did manage to gain some new info.” Chloe finally returns to the bar and sits next to you. She opens up her case file and starts to go through the papers again, “The bartender said something was going on in that building. I put a call in for a warrant to the judge. Just waiting to hear back.”
“Great,” Maze forces a smile and shoves Chloe's abandoned drink into her hand, “have a drink!”
“Uh, no. I think I'm going to call it a night,” Chloe starts to pack up her paperwork, but you grab her left wrist to stop her.
“But I just got here!”
“Sorry, Earth...look we can-”
“Hey ladies.” Dr. Linda Martin, the Devil's therapist, gives a concerned smile as she sits next to Chloe.
“Linda?” Chloe looks shocked, “What are you doing here?”
“Maze texted me saying it's girls night.” Chloe looks over at Maze who just shrugs and motions again to the abandoned drink.
“Sorry Linda, but-”
“Oh no no no, now I'm stepping in!” You snap and Chloe looks at you, “Look Chloe, you've done all you can for tonight, and I know you've got a lot on your mind right now. Your weird partner is right.” You put a hand on Chloe's shoulder and squeeze, “You need to have fun and relax.”
“I agree.” Linda nods and you two formally introduce each other while Maze and Ella both share their agreement. Defeated, Chloe sighs, sits down, and slowly starts to sip her drink.
For a first night out since being back in LA, you aren't surprised that it turned into a bar fight. First it started slow, with the group sharing something about themselves or what was on their mind, and that seemed to make Chloe more comfortable. Then two drinks became four, and you find yourself singing terrible karaoke with the girls even though you only drank water. Maze tried to make you drink and you responded with, “You're here to get Chloe drunk, not me. I saw that phone picture to him.” Which seemed to shut her up, but she glared at you the rest of the night.
The fight broke loose when the detective in Chloe came back in full force. She noticed some slum of a guy with the same triangular stamp on the wrist and brought him over to question with Ella. Then, the slum's girlfriend comes up and just punches Chloe. You and Maze didn't stand for that and started fighting the people in the bar, while Linda hid under the bar table and Ella splashed water on people. When everything finally calmed down Maze stopped glaring at you and instead gave you a look of approval for your fighting skills.
Chloe got even more info on her case from the slum. He said the place he got the stamp was a sex club party that always moves to different places each night.
As the group dispersed, Chloe stopped you and said she will text you to meet at her mom's when she's officially over with the case.
“I can't believe it was all a setup!” Chloe complains while she pours you and her a glass of water. You take a sip of the water and continue to listen to her ranting, “‘You need to go make friends, Detective’,” Chloe mocks Lucifer's voice, “‘Go get drunk and forget about your woes’,” Chloe sighs and slumps into the couch next to you, “Now, thanks to that drunkenness, I'm going to have Maze as a roommate.”
“I don't think it's so bad.”
“You've only known Maze for a night, and you can basically grasp her personality from that.”
“Aw, come on Chlo!” You nudge her leg with your own, “Yeah she seems kind of...scary, but she's an amazing fighter. Good protection for you and Trixie,” you take another sip of water, “and besides,” you wrap an arm around Chloe's shoulder, “Lucifer may have set it up, but you did have fun and de-stressed right?”
Chloe sighs and lays her head on your shoulder, “Yeah, I did.”
“See?” You smile and rest your head on hers, “And now you have a good group of girls to have drinks with on your own. You know…” You swirl your water in the glass, “I was scared when you told me about your new partner. I thought, ‘How could a guy who calls himself the Devil be good for my Chlo?’” You sit up and look Chloe in the eyes, “But I think...he's actually a good guy. A nice guy.”
“Yeah,” Chloe smiles warmly at you, “he is.”
“Good.” You cough, “So,” you place your water on the coffee table, “is it more than just partnership?” You wiggle your eyebrows.
Chloe laughs at you and smacks your arm, “No! Absolutely not!” You both have a good laugh before settling down.
You two talk for an hour before Chloe informs you she has to go pick up Trixie from school. You both say your goodbyes at the door, but Chloe stops you:
“Hey, Earth?” She looks and sounds concerned.
“Yeah?” You look back at her through the doorway.
“You sure you'll be alright coming back here? I mean…”
“Don't worry, Chloe."  You give her a reassuring smile, “I've dealt with my demons.”
“Okay, good, but you know if you ever need someone to talk to come to me.” Chloe smiles then looks like a light bulb clicked on in her head, “Or if you need a new therapist, I do recommend Linda. It may not seem like she's good since she's his therapist and he still insists on being the ‘Devil’, but she has helped Lucifer with other problems.”
“Thanks, Chlo. I'll think about it.” You smile and wave before you head to your rental and she to her own car.
“Yeah,” you say to yourself as you start up the engine, “it's good to be back.”
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mintchocohip · 5 years
surprisingly sensitive ︱ 𝘫𝘪𝘮𝘪𝘯 x 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 ︱ 𝘳: 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦
 You’re Jimin’s former massage therapist, and his new girlfriend.
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  —   warnings:  lots of overwhelmed tears. injuries.
  —   notes: ​ dancer!jimin -- post-smut -- post-pegging, baby-boy-in-hiding!jimin. 
  —   wordcount​:  1.3k [oneshot] 
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The first time you touched Jimin, he was facedown on a massage table. 
A map of sensitivity spread out under your fingertips. You picked up on it acutely.
You know where his tension knots. 
You know where a release of tension makes him gasp.
You also know that momentous, massive releases of tension make him burst into tears. 
Tears rocked him so hard against the massage table, it made his skin squeak over soft plastic cushions. 
Your hands slowed. The dim lights and warmth of the office matched your mellow mood. 
You don’t let these kinds of reactions shake you.
Assumptions get you nowhere. Still, the first thought crossing your mind was that they were tears of defeat. Jimin’s injury isn’t twisting enough to end his dance career. That doesn’t mean there won’t be ramifications.
Asking a simple question got you a simple answer.
“It’s not painful,” Jimin assured you. His cheeks were bright pink, and his eyes were streaked. He was smiling, and almost laughing. “It actually feels...” he sighed, through a stutter of breath. “Wonderful. I just—I knew I would cry. Don’t worry about it.”
It didn’t hurt. 
The tears were blissful.
Five particularly therapeutic deep tissue massages turned Jimin into a whimpering mess before you had to put an end to it. 
You normally don’t care if a patient cries, laughs, farts, barfs, orgasms, or just groans loud enough that the law firm two floors down can hear. Bodily functions and unbidden emotions don’t faze you. It’s part of the job.
Jimin’s puffy, tear-streaked face ate your heart.
When you told Jimin you were referring him to another practice, he looked so devastated it almost made you cry. You gave him a calm, measured reason.
Jimin hadn’t done anything wrong. Your urge to hug him, squeeze him, and fuck his tears away wasn’t going anywhere. 
You put it more delicately than that, but Jimin understood.
“Oh—” Jimin just nodded, despite how wide eyes eyes had gone. “Then…” he gazed down at your shoes. The two of you were standing in the hall outside your office. His back straightened, and a puff of confidence locked your eyes together. “Want to go on a date?”
Jimin is whimpering, and his eyes are glistening. 
Even if he loves bragging that he can take bigger, it didn’t take long for tears to sparkle. Twenty-two centimeters is enough to shakes up his guts. 
You rarely give Jimin massages anymore. You might crack his joints, or help him with a knot in his calf. If you’re giving Jimin a massage at home, both of you know it’s probably going to end with your fingers in his ass.
Jimin is sloped over the triangular pillow beneath his hips. 
It keeps him comfortable, and gives you free reign to rail him with all the spring-loaded weight a day of pent-up frustration has given you. 
The bed’s shakes and whines left a ringing in your ears. It fades slowly.
All you can hear is Jimin’s throaty whimpers, and your own slowing, satisfied breath.
The glossy, rose-tinted glass dildo sitting firm in the harness slides out of him slowly. The piece was a two-month anniversary gift - from you, to Jimin.
Your first instinct is lean down, and run loving and gentle hands over Jimin’s back while he relaxes. 
His thick thighs and thin hips draw your attention, too. Familiar tracts of muscle melt and mold like clay under your hands. You’re sure you could eke out a few more gasps while you give his gaping, lube-soaked hole a firm massage with the side of your hand—until it’s starting to close up, and Jimin spirals back to his senses.
The way his nose is running grabs your attention, first. Jimin’s eyes are closed, he’s breathing slowly, and his cheek is squished against the mattress.
“Lift your head up.” You lean down, and put a hand on the mattress next to the back of Jimin’s solid neck. Your other hand grabs it. Massaging your hand down the hot skin, you grip down just tight enough to make it a command. “That’s bad for your neck. Lift it up straight.”
Jimin nods, hiccups, and starts to lift himself up on his elbows. His eyes are glued shut by tears. They open slowly. 
The line of snot running down toward his lips pushes your lips to the side.
He’s never cried so much he started sniffling. You lean over the bed, and thwip up a hypoallergenic wipe from the open box on the bedside table. 
It’s an odd thought, but you think about it oddly often. 
You don’t really touch Jimin’s nose. 
You make a point to nudge and nuzzle it when you’re losing time in quiet kisses, but that’s about it. 
The fact that you’ve wanted to kiss his cute little button nose since you first saw Jimin’s cute little face is easy to discard. 
A kiss to the nose is too cloying.
Jimin told you he likes simple, authoritative aftercare. 
The lukewarm professionalism you used to treat him with has a sharp appeal. 
There’s nothing but affection and admiration, when your eyes follow his elegant lines during dance rehearsals.
Affection becomes stuffy, when he huddles against your side, and the two of you sit under a soft blanket to watch a drama on Jimin’s phone. When he’s attached to your elbow as you wander through a museum, or you’re wrapping an arm around his waist while you speckle feed to ducks in the lake, it’s almost overbearing.
He wants that lukewarm professionalism back when you’re slapping his hips, grabbing his hair, and fucking him into the mattress.
You don’t mind.
You don’t want to baby him. You don’t want to baby Jimin, even if your heart is telling you to wipe his nose, kiss the top of his hair, and tell him he was such a good boy.
He does take it amazingly well.
The wipe strokes around his shining nose, and you can’t help yourself.
It’s the afterglow. 
You know you need to appease Jimin’s tastes as much as you need to scratch the itch that’s been driving you up the wall all day by fucking him senseless. Parameters of play are established outside of the bedroom. You’re careful not to cross any boundaries.
You lean down, and press your flushed, tingling lips against Jimin’s reddened nose. 
As you lean back, you boop it with your finger.
You immediately regret it.
Jimin’s face is shifting, and his whole body is sighing.
“Y/N—” his shoulders push down, and his chest lifts. “Oh…”
His eyes are closed. You didn’t think his thick eyebrows could fly any higher, but they did, and now he’s pulling them back down to furrow them helplessly.
You lean forwards. The dildo slides against Jimin’s ass. An experimental finger flicks out, and dots another boop onto the tip of Jimin’s nose.
You flick your eyes from the edge of your fingernail, up to Jimin’s closed eyes.
Jimin is smiling. Faint laughter flutters his breath.
You barely realized how broadly you were smiling, until your smile breaks with a laugh, and you’re fighting just how wide, sunny and easy it is. The wipe is still in your hand. You swish it forwards, and nudge it against Jimin’s philtrum.
Jimin’s eyes open just enough to take you in. 
His hands are lifting off the sheets to rise up over his mouth. His chest shutters. A soft hint by the side of his hand drops yours away. Jimin covers up his smile. His hand is trembling. 
Affection turns your smile into a soft sigh. 
The urge to throw yourself over Jimin and hug him, squeeze him, and kiss him until he’s shaking with a repeat of that hint of laughter you heard isn’t going anywhere. Sliding open the buckles of the harness, you set it down onto the mattress. You sit back, and flex your eager hands until the urge goes away.
It’s impossible for Jimin’s pink cheeks to get any pinker. He’s flushed from the fuck, and from the tears. 
He’s lowering himself back down onto the sheets, and burying his red face in the mattress.
You didn’t think it was possible.
Jimin is a naked, wrecked mess.
You’ve managed to make the wrecked man beneath you turn shy.
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azookiex3 · 5 years
A Devil’s Love
Description:  Chloe's best friend is back, and Lucifer's charm can't seem to affect her either. Is she also a miracle child? Or something...more? [Story starts during S2 Ep4, Female Reader Insert]
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Notes: It's been a long time since I've written fanfiction, but I love the Lucifer Netflix Show [screw you Fox] so much that I just had to write my ideas! The first chapter is pretty long, and I apologize for that, but I wanted to get most of the character introductions done. Plus the first chapter follows S2 Ep4: Lady Parts. Please leave a review!
Warnings: No warnings this chapter!
Chapter 1: All bad things, I promise
“Ladies and Gentlemen! We have arrived at our destination of the Los Angeles International Airport. We hope you enjoyed your flight and hope you ride with us again!” A smack to your chest woke you from a deep slumber.
“Ms. Earth! We've landed. Can we please hurry off this plane?” your assistant, Alice Green, pleads to you.
“Geez, Ali,” you groan while stretching in your very comfy first class seat, “The whole reason I got us first class was so you'd be more comfortable.”
“Over 6 hours, Ms.” You yawn.
“Alright, alright. Let's get off. I'm eager to go too, actually.” You give Alice the shooing motion and she was more than happy to oblige.
After grabbing your luggage from the always too fast conveyor belt you treat Alice to the most elegant airport food you can imagine: McDonald's. As she went to town on her banquet you called a cab to pick you up in thirty minutes, then stared at a blank text message screen.
“You ok?” Alice asks after swallowing a mouth full of chicken nuggets.
“You know, it amazes me how you can eat like a pot belly pig and still be a size three,” Alice raises an eyebrow at you while stuffing more in her mouth. You sigh, “Should I text her now? Or just surprise her at work?”
“You've told me before that she usually doesn't like to be interrupted when on duty.”
“Yeah you're right,” you start to form a devilish grin on your face and place your phone back in your purse, “Her job it is then!”
“Seriously, Detective! Name three friends you could have drinks with right now,” Lucifer Morningstar poked at Detective Chloe Decker.
“Well, I can't name three,” replies Chloe rolling her eyes, “I can name one, but she's on the other side of the country.” She pulls the car up to the crime scene and parks.
“Wait, you actually have a friend?” Lucifer smiles  cockily. Chloe gives him an annoyance stare then gets out of the car, walking quickly inside the crime circle.
“Well you need to make more friends! Especially since now I know it seems you're capable of doing so,” Lucifer, very easily with his long legs, strides right next to her, “Stress is a terrible ager, Detective. Go to a bar, get drunk, and talk about your woes to the patrons! I promise it'll make you feel better.”
“Talk about my impending divorce and possible homelessness with an eight year old daughter to complete strangers? Yeah. Sounds super relaxing.”
“Doesn't it?” Lucifer smiles that grin again and Chloe responds with a pissed off expression. Thankfully, Detective Dan Espinoza cuts in with the crime details.
“We've got a young female. C.O.D. unknown.” Dan looks back and forth between Lucifer and Chloe before settling on her.
“None,” Dan says with a sigh, “No personal belongings. Only thing of note is a triangular ink stamp on the inside of her wrist.”
“Oh wait, I think I can actually help here,” Lucifer stops the men carrying the women's body and points to the stamp, “This is a very common thing you'd see at a nightclub. You know,” Lucifer looks to Chloe and raises his brows, “Where people go to have fun.”
“And then get killed. Yeah mhm.” Chloe shakes her head at her partner.
“Well that part usually doesn't happen.” Lucifer pulls his phone out, all attention now on the tiny device.
“We did find an abandoned vehicle registered as an Uber,” Dan steps in, “No driver.”
Chloe nods in thought, then grabs Lucifer's phone and starts searching, “I was searching safe nightclubs for you Detective! Other than my own, of course.”
“Uber IDs are usually linked to the drivers phone,” Chloe says, ignoring Lucifer, “Not the car, and now we've got his number...Looks like our guy is on the corner of Crescent & Third.”
“Impressive.” Lucifer smiles down at his partner.
“Yeah it's called police work.” Chloe replies, hiding a smile as she hands him back his phone.
Lucifer places the phone in front of his mouth, “Let's solve a murder!” “I can assist you with that.” “Ha! You have to love these things!”
“Lucifer-” but before Chloe could scold him, one of the K9s on scene started to bark. The three of them look over in that direction and see an officer having trouble controlling the dog.
“I thought those things were supposed to be trained,” Lucifer cringes.
“That's Buster. Just turned a year old and still training,” Dan answers. The poor officer can't control Buster any longer, and the dog snaps free and runs to an approaching party.
“Oh my-” Chloe's eyes go wide.
“Well hey there, little guy!” You smile as Buster jumps on you and licks your face. Alice smiles and softly laughs, “You completely ruined my cover, dude! I was planning on sneaking up on my old BFF.” Buster whines softly, “Aw, it's not a problem bud. Now go back to your officer.” You point towards the officer, who looks completely embarrassed, and Buster follows your command.
You look to Chloe, smile and wave, “Hey Chlo-Chlo! Long time no see, huh?”
“Earth?!” Chloe gets the biggest smile on her face and rushes over to you. The two of you have what looks to be the biggest, and tightest, hug in the world.
“Well I'll be damned,” Dan says softly, then smiles and walks towards the trio of women. Leaving behind a very confused Devil.
“What are you doing here, Earth?!” Chloe smiles and holds onto your hands.
“Business over in New York is in good hands now. So I figured, why not open up a vet on the other side of the country too?” You smile and squeeze Chloe's hands, “Plus I get to be back home, work on my K9s again, oh yeah! And be with my BFF.” Chloe smiles and embraces you once more.
“Hey, Earth,” Dan comes up and holds out his hand, “It's good to see you back.”
“Daniel,” you accept his handshake and respond coolly, “You're lucky you brought Trixie into the world. Otherwise I'd be living up to the threat I gave you at the wedding.”
Lucifer coughs.
“Oh, right,” Chloe composes herself, “Earth this is Lucifer Morningstar, the LAPD civilian consultant.”
“And her partner,” Lucifer smiles at you and holds out his hand.
“Ah, so you're the weirdo who thinks he's the Devil,” you smile back and accept his handshake, “Chloe's told me a lot about you. All bad things, I promise.”
“Is that so?” Lucifer's smile grows, “Well I wish I could say the same about you, my dear. But I'm afraid the Detective has never mentioned you. Well,” Lucifer side glances to Chloe, “Not until the ride over here.”
“Perfect timing then,” you reply, “And I'm not surprised she hasn't talked about me. She's very hush hush about her childhood.”
“Yes, I've noticed that.”
“Earth!” Chloe eagerly tries to move the conversation in another direction, “Who's your friend?”
“This is my rising prodigy and assistant, Alice Green,” you properly introduce her to everyone.
“It's nice to meet you all,” Alice shakes everyone's hand, lingering longer on Lucifer.
“Nice to meet you too, darling,” Lucifer smiles seductively at your assistant, and you can see her blush.
“So!” You clap your hands together loudly, knocking Alice out of her daze, “I just came to say I'm back. Go on, go back to your investigation,” you make the shooing motion once more, “We're going to head to our hotel and get some rest. Going back in time is sooo draining. Text me when you're done and free to hangout, Chloe!” You wave your goodbyes then push Alice back to the cab.
“Well, Detective,” Lucifer smiles down at her, “Looks like you've got no excuse now not to go have fun.”
“Looks like it.” Chloe smiles back.
The music was popping in Lux. People danced, talked, made-out all around the place. Everyone looks to be having the time of their life.
All except a certain Detective who has yet to de-stress.
“...there was tissue damage to Daria's stomach lining caused by liquid nitrogen, the stuff that makes those fancy cocktails smoke. It's probably how she ingested the poison-”
“Amazing work as always Detective,” Lucifer interrupts her, “but you just made my trio sha-bang run away.”
“Second,” Chloe continues like she hasn't even heard him, “I assumed that Daria was at a club on Gower and we found an abandoned building on the corner. The place looked like it had a party recently.” Chloe moves over to one of the small tables by the bar as she talks, looking over the paperwork.
“Fascinating,” Lucifer says sarcastically, following her.
“I was wondering if you could make some phone calls to help me out?” Chloe looks to Lucifer, “You know, since you seem to have your fingers on the pulse.”
“I'd much rather be pulsing-”
“I know that hood,” Mazikeen Smith, Lucifer's demon bodyguard, had been listening in from the bar and decided to intervene, “There's a great tiki bar across the street from that building. I know the bartender.” Maze downs her drink.
“I'm not surprised,” Chloe shakes her head at the demon.
“Let's go have a drink there. Ask about the dead girls,” Maze pushes.
“That sounds like a very good lead, Detective!” Lucifer's smile practically covers his entire face.
“Did I just hear you guys talk about that tiki bar on Gower?,” Ella Lopez, an LAPD forensic scientist, comes back from dehydrating in the bathroom, “I love their pina coladas!”
“See that Detective?” Lucifer smiles at Chloe as he takes a swing of a drink a waiter just gave him, “Why don't you text that lovely friend of yours too?”
“Got to say, I'm surprised you guys didn't realize that this was Chloe's idea of a ‘girls night',” You sit next to Maze and Ella, who Chloe briefly introduced you to before she ran off to ask questions of the patrons about her case.
Maze's eye roll looked like a growl, and Ella just smiled and shrugged her shoulders while she finished her second pina colada.
“Well, I did manage to gain some new info,” Chloe finally returns to the bar and sits next to you. She opens up her case file and starts to go through the papers again, “The bartender said something was going on in that building. I put a call in for a warrant to the judge. Just waiting to hear back.”
“Great,” Maze forces a smile and shoves Chloe's abandoned drink into her hand, “Have a drink.”
“Uh no. I think I'm going to call it a night,” Chloe starts to pack up her paperwork, but you grab her left wrist to stop her.
“But I just got here!”
“Sorry, Earth...look we can-”
“Hey ladies,” Dr. Linda Martin, the Devil's therapist, gives a concerned smile as she sits next to Chloe.
“Linda?” Chloe looks shocked, “What are you doing here?”
“Maze texted me saying it was girls night.” Chloe looked over to Maze who just shrugged and motioned again to the abandoned drink.
“Sorry Linda but-”
“Oh no no no, now I'm stepping in,” you snap and Chloe looks to you instead, “Look Chloe, you've done all you can for tonight on the case, and I know you've got a lot on your mind right now. Your weird partner is right,” you put a hand on Chloe's shoulder and squeeze, “You need to have fun and relax.”
“I agree,” Linda nods and you two formally introduce each other while Maze and Ella both share their agreement. Defeated, Chloe sighs, sits down, and slowly starts to sip her drink.
For a first night out since being back in LA, you weren't surprised that it turned into a bar fight. First it started slow, with the group sharing something about themselves or what was on their mind, and that seemed to make Chloe more comfortable. Then two drinks became four, and you find yourself singing terrible karaoke with the girls even though you only drank water. Maze tried to make you drink and you responded with, “You're here to get Chloe drunk. Not me. I saw that phone picture to him.” Which seemed to shut her up, and she glared at you the rest of the night.
The fight broke loose when the Detective in Chloe came back in full force. She noticed some slum of a guy with the same triangular stamp on the wrist and brought him over to question him with Ella. Then the slum's girlfriend comes up and just punches Chloe. You and Maze didn't stand for that and started fighting the people in the bar, while Linda hide under the bar table and Ella kept splashing water on people while swearing. When everything finally calmed down, Maze stopped glaring at you and instead gave you a look of approval for your fighting skills.
Chloe got even more info on her case from the slum. He said the place he got the stamp was a sex club party that always moves to different places each night.
As the group dispersed, Chloe stops you and says she will text you to meet at her mom's when she's officially over with the case.
“I can't believe it was all a set up!” Chloe complains while she pours you and her a glass of water. You take a sip of the water and continue to listen to her ranting, “‘You need to go make friends Detective’,” Chloe mocks Lucifer's voice, “‘Go get drunk and forget about your woes’,” Chloe sighs and slumps into the couch next to you, “Now thanks to that drunkenness I'm going to have Maze as a roommate.”
“I don't think it's so bad.”
“You've only known Maze for a night, and you can basically grasp her personality from that.”
“Aw, come on Chlo,” you nudge her leg with your own, “Yeah she seems kind of...scarey, but she's an amazing fighter. Good protection for you and Trixie,” you take another sip of water, “And besides,” you wrap and arm around Chloe's shoulder, “Lucifer may have set it up, but you did have fun and de-stressed right?”
Chloe sighs and lays her head on your shoulder, “Yeah. I did.”
“See?” You smile and rest your head on hers, “And now you have a good group of girls to have drinks with on your own. You know…” You swirled your water in the glass, “I was scared when you told me about your new partner. I thought, ‘How could a guy who calls himself the Devil be good for my Chlo?’” You sit up and look Chloe in the eyes, “But I think...he's actually a good guy. A nice guy.”
“Yeah,” Chloe smiles warmly at you, “He is.”
“Good.” You cough, “So,” you place your water on the coffee table, “Is it more then just partnership?” You wiggle your eyebrows.
Chloe laughs at you and smacks your arm, “No! Absolutely not!” You both have a good laugh before settling down.
You two talk for an hour before Chloe informs you she has to go pick up Trixie from school. You both say your goodbyes at the door, but Chloe stops you:
“Hey, Earth?” She looks and sounds concerned.
“Yeah?” You look back at her through the doorway.
“You sure you'll be alright coming back here? I mean…”
“Don't worry, Chloe,” you give her a reassuring smile, “I've dealt with my demons.”
“Okay, good. But you know if you ever need someone to talk to come to me,” Chloe smiles then looks like a light bulb clicked on in her head, “Or if you need a new therapist, I do recommend Linda. It may not seem like she's good since she's his therapist and he still insists on being the ‘Devil’, but she has helped Lucifer with other problems.”
“Thanks, Chlo. I'll think about it.” You smile and wave at each other before you head to your rental and she to her own car.
“Yeah,” you say to yourself as you start up the engine, “It's good to be back.”
Tag List: @insanity-is-always-fun
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kyogre-blue · 5 years
Nanowrimo, day 14 (wc 2365)
Vittel was exceptionally efficient. Within a day, he had a list of the most prominent restaurants in Napolia, as well as information about their recent history, specialities, clientele, and owners. It was unclear whether he had slept at all, but his condition seemed fine when Sinbad squinted at him slightly, so he let it go. 
Before he could begin to deliver his report in detail, Sinbad held up a hand. “Let’s go visit them,” he said. “I’d like to take a look myself.” 
He had always had a special way of judging people and situations. He had a feeling that seeing the restaurants himself would reveal something that Vittel couldn’t have found out. 
The most high class establishment in Napolia was actually outside the city itself, at a private estate on the outskirts. It wasn’t possible to even get close without invitation, and it was necessary to book the location well ahead of time. Although only the most elite citizens and visitors could ever dine there, “Hesperides Garden” had an almost mythical status in Napolia. Going there once was something to brag about for a year. 
“Forget it,” Sinbad said immediately. “Their reputation is already too strong, we won’t have enough leverage.” And besides, he didn’t want Sindria to become a company for only the elite. 
Vittel nodded. “The most prominent ones after Hesperides Garden are these three: Bacchanalia, Octavium, and The East Dock Restaurant. Their rankings tend to vary depending on the source, but they are all mentioned most often…” 
Bacchanalia was especially famous for their wide selection of wines, including from the desert cities and even the far east. Octavium was the newest, built within the last two decades by its owner, Madam Octavia. The East Dock Restaurant was the opposite, built more than a century ago, before Napolia became a major port and when it only had two docks. 
Their owners were, respectively, a merchant family, a famous socialite, and an old master who bought it after retiring from service in the Reim Senate. 
Sinbad’s fingers tapped against his folded arm as he thought. 
“Let’s leave aside the wine place,” he decided, not even trying to pronounce the Reiman name. “The Imuchakk don’t drink wine, and we can’t say how to pair our dishes with their specialty. For the other two… Well, we’re at South Fifth Dock, so let’s go to the other place first.” 
Also, he was somewhat interested in this Madam Octavia. She had to be a rather impressive lady. 
Realizing he was grinning rather ridiculously and almost snickering to himself, Sinbad quickly smoothed out his expression. Fortunately, Vittel hadn’t noticed — or maybe just pretended not to notice, for the sake of being able to continue respecting his boss. 
The architecture in Reim favored triangular roofs and rows of straight columns, somewhat like Valefor’s dungeon on the outside, along with perfectly curved domes and arches. This style matched well with the floaty, elegantly draping robes the citizens most often wore, while also carrying a solid, unshakable strength suited to the oldest, greatest empire of the world. 
However, there were also many buildings with clearly foreign inspirations as well, especially in the commercial districts where the foreigners lived and worked. They did not always match the current owners, having changed hands many times, and sometimes were a combination of different styles altogether. 
This was also the case for the building Sinbad had picked for Sindria Company’s first office — several domes that were quite Reiman, blocky foundations inspired by Aktia, and thin towers from the desert cities. 
Sindria Trading Company was going to connect the world, after all. It was only natural for even their first office to look the part. 
Their future storefront, they would naturally decorate in the Imuchakk style. There were many establishments doing the same — showing off brilliant fabrics, richly woven rugs, large pots of every shape, unusual plants, and even animal skins — and Sinbad studied them with interest as he and Vittel made their way down the streets. 
The Octavium restaurant was situated well, facing a large plaza on the intersection of the commercial district and a fairly upscale residential quarter. Large throngs of people were constantly passing through, along with fancy carriages of the well-to-do. The reason it could afford such a prime location was likely its small ground floor — the restaurant was a tower of at least eight stories. Sinbad couldn’t count further, even craning his neck to look up at it, from down on the ground. 
“The higher floors are reserved for favored customers and special events,” Vittel explained as they found a corner of the plaza to observe from. “Supposedly, the view from the top floors is exceptional, particularly at night.” 
Sinbad nodded in acknowledgement. “What about the menu? And the customers?” 
“The base cuisine is Reiman. But a lot of the dishes change depending on recent trends in the city and in Remano. Octavium is known for always staying on top of what’s popular at the moment,” Vittel said. This was also a matter he had looked into. “The customers are varied. For the bottom floors, especially during the day, even ordinary people can go there on occasion. It’s most popular with independent merchants and younger nobility. It seems like the most well-off and the old aristocracy find it too… trendy.” 
“Thought so,” Sinbad agreed, smiling. 
But that was fine. They didn’t want the highest possible elites anyway. 
“Hm…” he drew out, stroking his chin and eyeing the building with interest. “How long are those wide bolts of navy cloth we brought? They’d look good as banners, right?” 
For some reason, Vittel gave him a slightly strange look. 
“Oh, are you thinking I shouldn’t act like we’ve already succeeded when we haven’t even gotten started?” Sinbad guessed, grinning. ...In fact, it was more that he sounded like he was already planning to buy out the entire place, but Sinbad was not actually a mindreader. “Don’t worry, I have a good feeling about this place! Let’s head back and send a letter to the owner. We’ll have the negotiation tomorrow.” 
“You don’t want to see the East Dock Restaurant first?” Vittel wondered. “Or at least get a look at the owner?” 
“No, this is good,” Sinbad said, completely certain. “We’ll succeed.” He paused. “I do want one more thing. What are the two restaurants closest to breaking through to this same level?” 
The letter Sinbad had delivered to Octavium’s owner, the Madam Octavia herself, was actually two missives together. 
One was a request to reserve the top floor of the restaurant the next night. The other was an invitation — for that same night. Naturally, Sindria Company would provide the food. After all, what better strategy than to let their product speak for itself? Both were written by Rurumu, since Sinbad’s skill with a pen was still quite shaky, along with a stylized drawing by Hinahoho on the letterhead to add an Imuchakk flavor. 
To keep from crowding, it was decided that only Sinbad, Ja’far, Rurumu and Hinahoho would attend, along with Alibaba to observe… and also keep the cooked dishes warm. 
“Amon must be so mad at me right now,” Alibaba muttered, as he carried the food boxes through the discreet rear entrance and the servant staircase up to the room they had booked. 
Ja’far, who had been tasked with helping him, rolled his eyes. “Doubt Valefor’s any happier,” he pointed out, since Sinbad had been similarly employing his second djinn’s great cosmic power for the purposes of keeping the perishable goods frozen. 
Alibaba laughed awkwardly. There was, he felt, a world of difference between how a djinn would look at a king like Sinbad and how Amon had looked at Alibaba. The fire djinn had been deeply unimpressed with him from the start, and that impression could not have possibly improved since then. 
Could a djinn change their mind and un-select a king vessel? Alibaba wondered it he’d be the first to find out. 
Whatever the Madam Octavia thought of Sinbad’s invitation, she had accepted their deposit and reserved the famous top level of her restaurant for them. Alibaba and Ja’far moved quickly to lay out Rurumu’s dishes — and also to change the decorations to Imuchakk’s deep blue cloth and polished white bone. 
They had practiced and discussed ahead of time. There may have been some infiltration involved to check the layout and furniture of the room they’d reserved. All so that they would be ready. 
And they were. When Ja’far signaled that someone was coming up the main stairs, he and Alibaba had just finished. Quickly, they moved into the background, like the proper servant types they were pretending to be. 
They didn’t have the time or materials to completely change the room, but the effect was already good. There was certainly no other dining experience like in all of Napolia. 
The door to the main stairwell opened, and Sinbad stepped inside first, followed by Hinahoho and Rurumu, who flanked him like royal guards. It made for an impressive sight, but even more impressive was that Sinbad didn’t lose his sense of presence despite being dwarfed by them on either side. 
“We are truly grateful to have your company tonight, Madam Octavia,” Sinbad said, turning back and sketching a bow as he gestured further inside. “Please, this way. Everything has been prepared.” 
The one who walked past him was an older woman with the pale gold hair characteristic of Reim’s citizens, styled into a complex crown of thin braids, pearls and silver jewelry. More pearls dangled from her ears, and silver decorated her pale robes. In the warm lamplight, she glowed pale and ethereal. It was the kind of effect achieved only by those very conscious of their appearance and style. 
Like most of the powerful elite, she didn’t even spare Ja’far a glance as he pulled out a chair for her at the table. Playing his part, Alibaba did the same for Sinbad. 
“I must admit, this is the first time I’ve been invited to my own restaurant,” Octavia said. She didn’t look at Sinbad either, even as she spoke to him. Instead, her gaze slid over the decorations, giving away nothing of her thoughts. Her tone was cool and disinterested. 
Sinbad smiled, folding his hands and keeping his eyes on her without wavering. Alibaba knew that the sense of pressure he could exude just with that was not small. As expected of the future conqueror-king. 
“Surely the restaurant created and headed by Madam herself is the most suited to Madam’s tastes,” Sinbad said. “And of course, the view is unmatched in Napolia.” He gestured to the open windows showing a grand view of the city and its lights, all the way to the harbor and the lighthouse at the port entrance. “Our headquarters are simply no match when it comes to entertaining an honored guest.” 
Finally, the madam’s pale blue eyes shifted to Sinbad, but she didn’t say anything. 
She didn’t need to. They, outsiders with no backing or standing in Napolia, were the ones who had something to sell to her. 
“Shall we?” Sinbad offered, unbothered. 
At his queue, Ja’far and Alibaba moved silently to serve the first course, artfully arranged on a special set of plates ahead of time. 
“Our Sindria Trading Company’s starting business is based on our exclusive trading agreement with Imuchakk in the extreme north,” Sinbad explained as the dishes were placed in front of them and the drinks were poured. “Imuchakk is a land of white and snow, isolated from outsiders. Their goods have never appeared on the market before, so we would like to offer you a small sample...” 
It was already the beginning of summer, and although the heat had not yet fully set in, it was already too warm for heavy meals. Rurumu had carefully considered this when putting together the menu. 
The first dish they served was a light soup with a warm color and slightly sweet flavor, boiled form bones. 
Taking a small sip, Madam Octavia finally allowed the smallest opening. “I have heard of Imuchakk,” she said. “But the stories were ghastly -- bloody minded raiders, ships looted and burned. Not the most appealing image.” 
Rather an opening, it was an attack. 
In other words, ‘how do you plan to sell something like that?’ 
“There was something like that, wasn’t there?” Sinbad asked, turning to Rurumu. 
“Indeed. In the past, our nation was still too underdeveloped,” Rurumu said, her expression gentle, her hands folded demurely. Despite her stature, her aura was unthreatening and open. “It was a terrible time. Fortunately, our ancestors were able to find a better, more civilized way of life. They established our federation and the council of chiefs who settle disputes within our tribes. Without internal and external strife, we were finally able to advance as a people.” 
“Thanks to this, the national chief Rametoto signed the trading agreement with us,” Sinbad added, “so that the Imuchakk can begin to connect with the outside world in a peaceful way.” 
Madam Octavia didn’t reply. When she set aside the bowl of soup, it was slightly less than half full. Quietly, Ja’far cleared it away and set out the next course -- a clear piece of ice fish, finely prepared to melt in your mouth. 
“We have been entrusted with a wide variety of goods,” Sinbad went on. “Fabrics, carvings, ceremonial works, corals... fish and game are among them. We would like to spread them across Napolia, Reim and the world.” 
Tapping lightly at her mouth with a napkin, Madam Octavia looked at him coolly. “And since you do not have a trading license, you can only do this through an intermediary,” she ruthlessly pointed out their predicament. “Or else your goods will be nothing but rot by the time you obtain it.” 
Unexpectedly, she smiled. It was small and tight, and looked like an expression befitting a lion, despite the lack of teeth. 
“But I know what it’s like to be a newcomer to the business. There is something to be said about an entirely new spread like this,” she said. “Very well. I’ll help you out, young man.” 
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justlookfrightened · 6 years
Locked out, Part 3
Read Part I and Part 2
“I’ve never been thanked with pie before,” Jack said, reaching to take the containers out of Eric’s arms before he stepped back to allow Eric to enter his condo.
“You never knew me before,” Eric said, following Jack through the entry and past a large living room area to the kitchen.
Jack set the pies down on a wide granite (yes, definitely granite) countertop that had very little on it. The countertop stretched between a deep sink and KitchenAid range, with a stainless steel Frigidaire side-by-side model on the adjacent wall. A granite-topped island divided the kitchen from the living room, with stools on the living room side turning it into breakfast bar.
“So, um, I found some video of your team,” Jack said, turning away from the still-covered pies.
“You did?” Eric said, stepping further into the kitchen. Maybe Jack expected him to do the honors, since he made the pies? “Umm, which pie do you want? There’s apple and peach. Either will be better if I heat it in the oven. Microwaving it ruins the texture of the crust.”
“Oh, you want pie now?” Jack said. “I don’t usually eat this time of day, but I guess I could … apple, I think.”
“I could cut you small slices of both,” Eric said, stepping to the oven. Given the state of the kitchen, he wasn’t entirely sure Jack knew how to turn it on. Which wasn’t fair; Jack probably baked fish or boneless, skinless (flavorless) chicken breasts from time to time. Wait -- this was a gas range with an electric oven. Jack definitely did not appreciate this.
“Once the oven preheats, it’ll be about 10 minutes,” Eric said. “I’d suggest adding ice cream, but …”
“I don’t have any,” Jack said. “I don’t usually eat dessert. Do you really have to heat up the pie?”
“It’s not absolutely necessary,” Eric said. “But if you don’t eat pie often, then when you do, it should be the best it can be, right?”
Jack nodded his agreement with that sentiment.
“It really does taste better warm,” Eric said, carefully cutting small slices, about half of what he would normally serve, from each pie. “Do you have a ceramic plate, something that can go in the oven for a bit? And a pie server? Or a spatula?”
Jack reached into a cupboard where there were white stoneware plates. “There might be something in that drawer,” he told Eric, pointing.
Eric found a yellow triangular server, something that probably came with a pizza delivery or maybe a cake. Jack had set two plates on the counter.
“We can probably put both on one plate,” Eric said. “The slices are small.”
“Aren’t you going to have some, too?” Jack asked.
“I made the pies for you,” Eric said. “But I’ll join you, if you like.”
“There’s no way I can eat this much by myself,” Jack said, and Eric’s heart broke a little. Surely Jack had friends he could share the pies with? Eric rarely got more than a slice -- if that -- of any pie he made and allowed his Haus-mates to eat.
“That’s why I was asking about heating them,” Jack continued. “There’s a table at the team facility where people leave food to share.”
So apparently NHL team facilities weren’t that different from other workplaces.
“Every office I’ve worked in has something like that,” Eric said, cutting two more half-sized slices and plating them. “Or you can freeze them to eat later, or serve when you have people over.”
“A lot of guys already left for the summer,” Jack said.
“You stay here?” Eric asked.
“For most of the summer,” Jack said. “I keep my sponsorships and stuff based here -- it’s close to Boston and not too far from New York -- and I do a lot of charity stuff. I do try to visit my folks for a couple of weeks, but I can get back in between.”
“Where do they live?”
“Montreal, mostly, but they have a cabin in Nova Scotia, too,” Jack said.
“Sounds nice,” Eric said.
“It is,” Jack said. “You said you might be working in Providence this summer? Do you usually go back to Georgia?”
The oven beeped that it was ready, so Eric slid the plates in. “Those will be hot when they come out,” he said.
Jack pulled a potholder from a drawer behind him.
“Anyway, yes, if I get this internship, it will be the first time I haven’t gone home for the summer,” Eric said. “My mother’s not real happy with the idea, to be honest.”
“How do you feel about it?” Jack asked. “Do you think you’ll be homesick?”
Eric shrugged.
“Maybe a little?” he said. “I’ll miss Mama, of course, and MooMaw, and even Coach, but I just don’t … fit in in Madison.”
“You’ll miss your old hockey coach?” Jack asked.
Eric laughed.
“While my hockey coach was great, no,” Eric said. “Coach is my dad. He’s the local high school football coach, and everyone calls him that. I wasn’t all that close to my hockey coaches, not like my figure skating coach when I was a kid. Katya was a force to be reckoned with. But I always called her Katya.”
“That explains some things,” Jack said.
“Like what?” Eric said.
“LIke how you played rec league hockey and still made an NCAA division I team,” Jack said. “And how you skate fast enough for that to make sense. I said I watched some of your games, and you don’t look like someone who was new to high-level athletics or the commitment it takes. Your checking game could use some improvement, though.”
“No kidding,” Eric deadpanned. “Do you want me to make coffee or something?”
“I only have caffeine in the morning,” Jack said. “But I have a single-cup drip filter if you want some. I was going to have milk.”
“Milk is good,” Eric said.
Jack got out two glasses and a carton of low-fat milk.
“So I’m guessing you were a pretty good figure skater?”
“I was the 2010 Southern Regional Junior champion,” Eric said.
“Why’d you switch?”
The oven beeped again, and Eric picked up the potholder and turned to get the pie out.
“The short version is we moved and we were too far from my coach to make it realistic to practice every day,” Eric said. “I really couldn’t improve -- or even maintain my level -- without that.”
“But if you were that good, couldn’t you have moved away from your parents to get the coaching you needed?” Jack said. “I left home at 16 for hockey. Or did you not want to?”
Eric put the two plates on the island and said, “That would be the long version.”
“I’ve got time,” Jack said. “If you want to tell me.”
Eric looked around at Jack’s condo, he wasn’t sure for what. A sign, maybe. He was pretty sure it would be safe to say he was gay. NHL players didn’t go around beating up random gay college boys they met through automotive misfortunes. But he liked Jack, and Jack seemed to be taking an interest in him, and he didn’t want to cut what seemed like an incipient friendship with a lonely hockey player short by outing himself.
The condo didn’t give him any indication about how Jack would react, It was tastefully decorated in grays and blues, with large black-and-white artsy photos of hockey rinks and memorabilia from Jack’s six years as a Falconer. Yes, Eric had Googled him last night, just to have an idea what he was getting into going to his condo. Yes, he knew there was an overdose when Jack was 18, knew that the hockey world thought the Falcs were taking a chance when they drafted Jack the next year. That taking that gamble had paid off for the Falconers in perennial playoff appearances and one Stanley Cup and absolutely no scandals involving Jack Zimmermann, whose personal life attracted almost no attention.
Well, how much of a friendship could it be if he couldn’t be out? That was why he didn’t want to go back to Georgia, after all.
“We moved, officially, because Coach got a new job,” Eric said. “And that was true. He did get a new job, at a bigger school. But he’d been looking for a new job for two years, because I was having trouble with kids in school who thought I was gay, at least in part because of the figure skating. And I didn’t want to go through that with a whole new group of kids in a new school.
“I could have moved away, like you said, and lived with my coach, but if I stayed with the same coach, I would have been with the same kids who locked me in a storage closet overnight in seventh grade -- without my parents there to support me. And, to be honest, I couldn’t have gone much further with Katya, I don’t think. She was great, but she didn’t have the facilities, the other people I would need to be Olympic-level.”
Jack nodded. He understood how much would go into making that happen.
“And the investment my parents would need to make for me to even have a chance, to get into the pipeline … No one is guaranteed success, and I’d be coming in late, with all the politics. I just decided it was enough.
“So we moved and I started a baking vlog and joined a hockey league. And I turned out to be pretty good at hockey -- except the checking part -- and I found a college where they would work with me on that and help me get better, and where it was okay that I’m gay.”
Eric couldn’t look at Jack immediately after saying that, so he picked up a fork and took a bite of the apple pie. Jack, who hadn’t eaten while Eric was speaking, did the same.
“Holy shit, this is good,” Jack said.
Tagging @thehockeyhaus
Read Part 4
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patriotsnet · 3 years
What Is The Pin The Republicans Are Wearing
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/what-is-the-pin-the-republicans-are-wearing/
What Is The Pin The Republicans Are Wearing
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The Pin A Gift From Ms Cheneys Mother Was Modeled After George Washingtons Battle Flag During The American Revolution
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The night before her fellow Republicans voted to oust her from party leadership, Rep Liz Cheney wore a large pin on her lapel while she made a speech railing against the cult of Donald Trump. Whether her colleagues knew it or not, the lapel pin was loaded with meaning.
Ms Cheney’s mother, Lynne Cheney, gave her daughter the accessory. Shaped like a flag with yellow stars on a blue background, the pin was modeled after George Washington’s battle flag during the American Revolution, the elder Ms Cheney told CNN. The jeweler Ann Hand designed it for her in 2004, after she published her children’s book, When Washington Crossed the Delaware.
A few weeks ago, as storm clouds began to gather in the House, Lynne gave it to her daughter.
That connection to history, as well as to Liz Cheney’s parents – who include former vice president Dick Cheney – speaks volumes about how the congresswoman sees her struggle. In a defiant speech she gave on Tuesday, Ms Cheney presented herself as an embattled patriot, defending a form of conservatism with deep roots in American history and a strong faith in democracy.
“Our duty is clear,” Ms Cheney told her party. “Every one of us who has sworn the oath must act to prevent the unraveling of our democracy. This is not about policy. This is not about partisanship. This is about our duty as Americans. Remaining silent, and ignoring the lie, emboldens the liar.”
In These Times The Only Thing Democrats And Republicans Can Agree On Wearing A Lapel Pin
The go-to accessory for politicians are the lapel pins they wear, and Guilford County Commissioner Ray Trapp shares his collection, on Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2017, in Greensboro, N.C.
Joseph Rodriguez/News & Record
The go-to accessory for politicians are the lapel pins they wear, and Guilford County Commissioner Ray Trapp shares his collection, on Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2017, in Greensboro, N.C.
Joseph Rodriguez/News & Record
The go-to accessory for politicians are the lapel pins they wear, and Guilford County Commissioner Ray Trapp shares his collection, on Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2017, in Greensboro, N.C.
Joseph Rodriguez/News & Record
The go-to accessory for politicians are the lapel pins they wear, and Guilford County Commissioner Ray Trapp shares his collection, on Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2017, in Greensboro, N.C.
Joseph Rodriguez/News & Record
The go-to accessory for politicians are the lapel pins they wear, and Guilford County Commissioner Ray Trapp shares his collection, on Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2017, in Greensboro, N.C.
Joseph Rodriguez/News & Record
The go-to accessory for politicians are the lapel pins they wear, and Guilford County Commissioner Ray Trapp shares his collection, on Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2017, in Greensboro, N.C.
Joseph Rodriguez/News & Record
The go-to accessory for politicians are the lapel pins they wear, and Guilford County Commissioner Ray Trapp shares his collection, on Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2017, in Greensboro, N.C.
Joseph Rodriguez/News & Record
Capitol Rioter Appears In Court At The Same Time House Managers Present A Video Of Him
From CNN’s Katelyn Polantz and Marshall Cohen
At the same time as House managers were presenting video of Dominic Pezzola, an alleged member of the Proud Boys, storming the Capitol, Pezzola was before a magistrate judge in DC District Court who was considering a Justice Department request to keep him detained as he awaits trial. 
The Democratic lawmakers highlighted his role as one of the first people to breach the Capitol. They showed video of him smashing a window, which allowed dozens of rioters to rush into the building. In addition to showing widely shared social media footage from outside the Capitol, the Democratic managers played never-before-seen security camera footage depicting the breach of the window from inside the building.
In court, prosecutor Erik Kenerson tip-toed around calling him a Proud Boy, without saying the group’s name specifically, and instead described him becoming a “leader” of an effort to overtake a pedestrian walkway in or near the Capitol building on Jan. 6. Kenerson also described how Pezzola “was not some solitary actor” who came to DC — alleging he may have planned and coordinated with others to stop the certification of Joe Biden’s presidential win, even meeting up with some the morning of the pro-Trump rally.
Pezzola’s lawyer said he does not have a long history with the Proud Boys and is not a threat to public safety.
The judge has not yet decided if Pezzola will stay in jail.
The Man Seen In Viral Photograph At Pelosi’s Desk Was Carrying A 950000 Volt Stun Gun
From CNN’s Josiah Ryan
House impeachment manager Stacey Plaskett revealed today that the the man photographed sitting at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s desk on Jan. 6 was carrying a 950,000 volt “stun gun walking stick.”
“The weapon could have caused serious pain and incapacitated anyone Barnett had used it against,” said Plaskett, displaying a zoomed in photograph of the device, tucked into his pants.
Plaskett said the FBI had later identified the device from the photo.
Richard Barnett, who left a note for Pelosi, later appeared on social media to brag about desecrating Pelosi’s office. Plaskett also showed a photo of Barnett’s note during her presentation. The note read: “We will not back down.”
Barnett, a resident of Alabama, has been charged with knowingly entering and remaining in restricted building ground without authority, violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds and the theft of public property, officials said early last month.
He was also charged in connection with the pipe bomb found on the south side of the Capitol building, 11 Molotov cocktails and military-style weapon found in his pickup truck. 
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The Triangular Pin That Trump’s Inner Circle Wear So The Secret Service Can Spot Them
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Donald Trump’s inside circle have been sporting triangular lapel pins
Pins were seen on Trump’s former campaign managers Paul Manafort and Corey Lewandowski during the campaign trail
Incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer, and senior White House adviser Stephen Miller wore the pins in the lobby of Trump Tower on Thursday
Pin was handed out by Secret Service to identify those who are allowed to pass through security as they please, but people floated conspiracy theories online
Some stoked rumors of secret societies, while others pointed out the pin’s resemblance to the pink triangle initially used by Nazis to identify homosexuals 
Chilling Video Shows Pelosi Staffers Hiding As Rioters Try To Break Down The Door
Impeachment manager Stacey Plaskett presented chilling video that showed staffers rushing out of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s office as the mob made their way inside the Capitol.
She described how they “feared for their lives” as rioters broke into Pelosi’s office and her staff were were ushered into a conference room. In the video they could be seen whispering as rioters started to break down the door as they hunted for Pelosi.
Here’s how Plaskett explained it:
She also played an audio recording “of the speaker’s staff with the rioters at the door that day.”
“You can hear the terror in their voice, as they describe what’s happening to them, as they are barricaded in that conference room. Please listen carefully, because the staffer is whispering into a phone as he hides from the rioters that are outside the door,” she said.
“You can hear the pounding in the background as that staffer is speaking,” Plaskett continued. “One of those staffers explained later they could hear the mob going through her offices, breaking down the door and yelling “Where are you, Nancy?” The mob also pillaged and vandalized the speaker’s office and documented their crimes on social media. They stole objects, desecrated the office of the speaker of the house of representatives of the United States. As you can see in these photos, rioters broke down a door. They also shattered a mirror.”
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Footage Shows Moment Eugene Goodman Diverted A Senator From The Rioter’s Path
From CNN’s Manu Raju, Jeremy Herb and Lauren Fox
House impeachment managers are showing new Capitol security footage in their presentation today to demonstrate the extent of the violence that occurred on Jan. 6 and the threat the rioters posed to everyone in the Capitol.
“There is some very graphic, violent footage coming,” lead impeachment manager Rep. Jamie Raskin said before the footage start
Footage from one of the Capitol’s interior security cameras showed Capitol officer Eugene Goodman direct Sen. Mitt Romney out of the path of the rioters. Videos from other security cameras showed the moment the rioters broke into the building.
Senior aides on the House impeachment team told reporters earlier today that the footage would be used as part of a compelling presentation that shows a view of the “extreme violence” at the Capitol on Jan. 6, as the managers argue that the rioters were incited by former President Trump.
Watch here:
Emblem Experts Say It’s Reminiscent Of Gay Pride Logos And Star Trek Badges
Jennings Brown
There’s one easy way to tell if someone at a Donald Trump rally is one of the Republican frontrunner’s aides. It’s not whether they’re assaulting journalists or standing next to a table filled with defunct Trump products. No, you can distinguish a man who is on the Trump campaign payroll by looking at their lapel to see if they’re wearing an emblematic pin.
You can’t mistake it. The small badge is an upside-down, triple overlapping, half purple and half gold triangle. Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski has been photographed sporting the insignia the most often, and wears it in his Twitter profile photo, but several other aides have also been captured with the pin.
Vocativ dug through photos of Trump staffers from media appearances and events since the campaign began. Our earliest sighting was on December 1, 2015, when Lewandowski wore the pin to a meeting with black pastors.
So what does the emblem mean? Hope Hicks, Trump’s campaign communication director, told Vocativ neither she nor Lewandowski would explain why aides wear the pin. Huffington Post reporter Eliot Nelson, who called out the pin in a recent tweet, suggested the image might help secret service identify Trump staffers. But even if that’s true, why use an icon reminiscent of triangle images associated with secret societies?
Eric Trump Spoke About His Father’s Willingness To Fight For Americans
Although the pin may have drawn a lot of attention, Eric’s speech was focused on highlighting what he says are his father’s goals as president. “Every day my father fights for the American people,” he said. “The forgotten men and women of this country. The ones who embody the American spirit.” He tried to reach out to those who feel overlooked by politics and what he described as “coastal elites.” 
Eric also cited specific policies that his father had enacted, including tax cuts for the wealthy, increased military spending, and an improved economy. Of course, the impact of those tax cuts may not have helped middle class families, and the economy is currently in the middle of a recession thanks to the coronavirus pandemic that some believe Trump has mishandled. 
Eric concluded his speech with a message for his dad. “I miss working alongside you every day but I’m damn proud to be on the front lines of this fight,” he said. “I am proud of what you are doing for this country. I am proud to show my children what their grandfather is fighting for. I am proud to watch you give them hell. Never stop. Continue to be unapologetic. Keep fighting for what’s right.”
Gop Sources Say Managers’ Evidence Is Clearly Targeting Senate Republicans
From CNN’s Jamie Gangel
Evidence presented today was clearly targeted for Senate Republicans, including video of a crowd chanting “Destroy the GOP” and mentions of “relentless attacks on Mike Pence,” GOP sources said.
Two senior Republican Capitol Hill sources gave very different reactions to how GOP members are likely to vote that reflects the division in the party, but also the political realities.
“I’ll be shocked if anyone changed their vote from yesterday,” one said.
Another said: “I cannot imagine how any senator sits and listens to this and votes against conviction.”
A former GOP Senate staffer believes that the GOP senators are either scared of Trump’s base or were a party to what happened, and will never vote to convict. 
“What I’ve heard from senate friends is similar — that lots of their bosses would love to vote against him but don’t want the fallout. Most of the folks at the lower level will grouse about it in the office, but it’s something that the top two-three aides will ultimately advise on, and they tend to be more cognizant of the political winds in the state.
“So each time the state Republican parties put out a statement bashing a senator, it really dampens any desire to buck the party,” the GOP Senate staff said.
One senior GOP former administration official questioned how anyone can vote to acquit.
“How anybody could vote to acquit after watching that yesterday is just beyond,” the official said.
House Manager Says Capitol Footage Shows Rioters Wanted To Execute Pence
New security footage showed how then-Vice President Mike Pence was evacuated on Jan. 6 as rioters breached the Capitol, looking for him.
“During the assault on the Capitol, extremists reportedly coordinated online and discussed how they could hunt down the vice president. Journalists in the Capitol reported they heard rioters say they were looking for Pence in order to execute him,” Stacey Plaskett, a House impeachment manager, said while presenting a series of new videos.
The security footage shows Pence and his family quickly moving down the stairs. The vice president turns around briefly in the video. During the same time frame, rioters were spreading throughout the building, Plaskett said.
“As the rioters reached the top of the stairs, they were within 100 feet of where the vice president was sheltering with his family, and they were just feet away from one of the doors to this chamber,” she said.
In one video shown, the crowd can be heard chanting “hang Mike Pence” as they stood in the open door of the Capitol building. A photo showed a gallow outside on the lawn.
“After President Trump had primed his followers for months and inflamed the rally-goers that morning, it is no wonder that the Vice President of the United States was the target of their wrath, after Pence refused to overturn the election results,” Plaskett said.
“They were talking about assassinating the Vice President of the United States,” she added during her arguments.
Watch here:
Favorite Search: Whats The Black Dot On The Flag Pin Republican Debates
What’s the dot / star on the flag pin republicans are wearing? It all started in 2012 with Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan when they were spotted with black dots on their flag pins during the Republican National Convention . Since then it has become a GOP fad to “modify” the traditional flag pin, either by wearing the one with a star, or upgrading to different shapes like waves or states.
The original research into the republican flag pin phenomenon: Using a monster 80 inch HDTV , coupled with a little of “the Google” I was able to find what the dot is on Romney’s flag pin .
Of course, the comments and questions as to whether or not this black dot or elephant or star as an “amendment to the flag” is some sort of flag desecration… they don’t matter, really. Free speech and all… so I’ll leave that one be.
However,the point being made that if Democrats were to do the same thing with their own flag pins… then Republicans would be up in arms about it!!! That point of political hypocrisy, particularly stellar in Mitt Romney’s Rubber and Glue campaign, is at least shareable.
House Impeachment Managers Reveal Dramatic New Audio From Capitol Riot
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From CNN’s Josiah Ryan
Impeachment manager Stacey Plaskett revealed dramatic new audio of communications among law enforcement officers as rioters moved toward the Capitol building on Jan. 6 as former Vice President Mike Pence was presiding in the US Senate chamber. 
“You have a group of about 50 charging up the hill on the west front, north of the stairs. They’re approaching the wall now,” said a law enforcement, advised a dispatcher. 
“They’re starting to dismantle the reviewing stand,” and officer can be heard, “They’re throwing metal poles at us.”
“Multiple law enforcement injuries,” reports another officer.
“We just had explosions go on up here, I don’t know if they’re fireworks or what, but they’re starting to throw explosives, fireworks material,” another officer can be heard saying.
The radio communication from the Metropolitan Police Department had not been made public until today, Plaskett said before unveiling the audio.
Obama Returns To The Flag After Republicans Attack His Patriotism
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Battered in West Virginia by white, working-class voters, the “almost nominee” of the Democratic party, Barack Obama, wants to re-brand himself as a flag-waving American. Or at least as a flag-pin-wearing American.
Mr Obama had his worst primary performance of the campaign in West Virginia on Tuesday when even his most enthusiastic backers – university educated young whites – abandoned him. He received only 26 per cent of the overall vote, compared to 67 per cent for Hillary Clinton. Even John Edwards, who dropped out of the race months ago, managed to get seven per cent of the vote.
With a pool cue in one hand and a flag pin on his lapel, Mr Obama gamely tried to fight off his elitist image in West Virginia. It’s the second time in as many weeks that he has sported one. On another occasion he wore a flag pin for a day after it had been presented to him by a veteran.
Yesterday, as he took his campaign to working-class districts of Michigan after picking up three more endorsements from superdelegates, who are crucial to winning the presidential nomination, he was sporting the lapel pin as he visited a car plant.
“I decided I won’t wear that pin on my chest,” Mr Obama said back in October. “Instead, I’m going to try to tell the American people what I believe will make this country great, and hopefully that will be a testament to my patriotism.”
A Defiant Cheney Tears Into Trump Gop: ‘we Must Speak The Truth’
She said she won’t remain silent in the face of impending cancellation by her own party.
“Remaining silent and ignoring the lie emboldens the liar,” Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., said in a floor speech Tuesday evening. | AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite
05/11/2021 09:37 PM EDT
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On the eve of being ousted as House GOP conference chair, a defiant Rep. Liz Cheney called Donald Trump a “threat we have never seen before” and said she refuses to peddle his lies that the election was stolen, nor should her GOP colleagues.
In what will likely be her final public stand as the No. 3 in GOP leadership, the Wyoming Republican — wearing a pin that is a replica of George Washington’s battle flag — continued to blame Trump for inciting the deadly Jan. 6 riots, raised concerns about the path her party is heading, and warned that democracy and freedom are at stake. All are comments that have contributed to her imminent loss of power.
“Remaining silent and ignoring the lie emboldens the liar,” Cheney said in a floor speech Tuesday evening. “I will not participate in that. I will not sit back and watch in silence while others lead our party down a path that abandons the rule of law and joins the former president’s crusade to undermine our democracy.”
“We must speak the truth,” she added. “Our election was not stolen, and America has not failed.”
“Our freedom only survives if we protect it,” she said.
Lawmakers Removed Their Congressional Pins To Hide From The Mob
Lawmakers removed their congressional pins as a mob of pro-Trump rioters moved into the Capitol building, House impeachment manager Rep. Eric Swalwell said in his remarks today.
“Out of fear that they would be seen or taken by the mob, my colleagues were telling each other to take off their congressional pins,” he said from the Senate floor.
A video from Rep. Dan Kildee, a Democrat from Michigan, showed lawmakers trapped inside the gallery. They can be heard telling each other, “Take your pins off,” and “Pins off.”
Democrats Wear Blue And Red Pins During Trump’s Congress Speech
Many House Democrats listening to President Donald Trump’s speech to Congress on Tuesday could be seen wearing two types of pins: blue and red.
The blue pins read #ProtectOurCare and referred to Trump’s threat to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act implemented by President Barack Obama.
Look closely and you’ll see Democrats at tonight’s #JointSession wearing this button to support the fight to #ProtectOurCare! pic.twitter.com/BiBN2GkNS9
Fashion Sense Practicality Cited As Reasons For Growing Trend
Eleanor Van Buren
While big jewelry and bold statement chains made headlines last week during New York Fashion Week, an increasing number of women in the House are starting a fashion trend of their own: wearing their member pins as a necklace pendant.
Traditionally, the House member pin, given out to lawmakers to distinguish them from staffers and visitors, is worn pierced through fabric as its menswear name suggests — on a suit lapel. While members are not required to wear them, the pins can be an easy way for the Capitol Police to identify the freshman class of lawmakers each Congress — or perhaps some of the more obscure members of the House.
And while spouses get issued their own pin, gendered presumptions persist. “I still get mistaken — even went over to the Senate Gallery and said, ‘No spouses allowed,’” said third-term Michigan Democrat Debbie Dingell, who succeeded her husband, longtime Rep. John D. Dingell. 
Florida Democrat Debbie Mucarsel-Powell said it wasn’t surprising that people are noticing the necklaces, considering the 116th Congress has more women in the House than ever before.
After modest gains by female lawmakers in the 2014 and 2016 elections, last year’s midterms brought nearly three dozen new women to the House, including Mucarsel-Powell. A record 102 women — 89 Democrats and 13 Republicans — serve in the chamber today in addition to four nonvoting female members.
That increase has not gone unnoticed.
Debbie Dingell
White House Tries To Pin Defund The Police On Republicans
‘What we’ve seen is a 40% increase in violent crime in major cities because the Democrats have been defunding the police for the last year.”…’
The White House tried to distance Democrats from the radical ‘Defund the Police’ movement this week by claiming Republicans are the ones who really defunded law enforcement, by voting against President Joe Biden’s coronavirus relief package earlier this year.
Cedric Richmond, one of Biden’s top advisers, first made this allegation during a press conference about gun violence in the U.S.
“Let’s talk about who defunded the police,” he said. “When we were in Congress last year trying to pass a rescue plan … it was the Republicans who objected to it.”
“So, look, Republicans are very good at staying on talking points of who says ‘defund the police,’ but the truth is, they defunded the police, we funded crime intervention and a whole bunch of other things,” Richmond continued.
…article continued below
White House press secretary Jen Psaki defended this allegation during a later press briefing, even after Fox News reporter Peter Doocy pointed out that Biden’s American Rescue Plan had nothing to do with stopping the crime wave.
Hours after Psaki’s comments, the Democratic-run city of Oakland, Calif. approved a budget on Monday that diverted nearly $20 million away from its police department and towards other social services.
…article continued below
Those Stupid American Flag Pins May Finally Be Dying Out
Twitter’s favorite large adult son, Donald Trump Jr., produced one of his most thought-provoking self-owns earlier this month, when he attempted to impugn the patriotism of the Democratic women of Congress. On February 6, Trump tweeted a post–State of the Union photo of a white-clad group of congresswomen huddled around Nancy Pelosi with the superimposed caption “NOT ONE AMERICAN FLAG PIN AMONG THEM.” Ironically, Trump also wrote that the photo “speaks for itself and no one is at all surprised.”At the top of his replies, above the cracks about the Trump family’s preference for Russian flags or the gallery of Republican politicians wearing flag pins in mugshots, were a pair of photos from that same SOTU. One was of the Trump children. The other was a crowd shot of the Republican side of the speech audience. Not a flag pin in sight in either picture.
Junior’s posting may have been just another attempt to rile his father’s dwindling base, but he unwittingly may have exposed a noteworthy zeitgeist shift. Could the decades-long rule of the flag pin finally be over?
While other outlets pontificated on the ethics of allowing anchors to wear pins, Fox News went all in from the jump. “Why would it ever be inappropriate?”asked Fox News’s Brit Hume. “It doesn’t stand for the Bush administration or for a certain party or even the government. It stands for the country. Why is wearing a symbol of the country of which you’re a citizen a problem?”
Follow Justin Caffier onTwitter.
Tim Scott Only Black Gop Senator Set To Respond To Biden
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WASHINGTON — Tim Scott, the only Black Republican senator, is often happy to dart past Capitol Hill reporters without saying much. This time, he and the spotlight have found each other.
Brought up by a single mother who worked backbreaking hours as a nursing assistant, the 55-year-old Scott has spent a decade in Congress representing South Carolina. Now, the lawmaker who combines a willingness to address racial questions with an advocacy of vintage conservative themes such as opportunity and optimism is giving his party’s nationally televised response to President Joe Biden’s Wednesday night address to Congress.
Scott also is the lead GOP negotiator as the two parties seek an accord on legislation overhauling police procedures. The issue has long eluded compromise despite national attention fanned by last year’s killing of George Floyd, a Black man, and this month’s conviction of a former Minneapolis police officer in his slaying.
“You figure out who your audience is, you figure out what you want to say and you try and find a way to say it well,” Scott told reporters Tuesday about his speech preparations. “And you lean into who you are.”
GOP leaders’ choíce of Scott to answer Biden comes at a tense political moment.
Scott, from North Charleston, South Carolina, nearly dropped out of high school. He tells of a life-changing turnabout after befriending a businessman who became a mentor and stressed the value of hard work.
The Black Dot Star Or Elephant On Republican Flag Pins:
The mystery dot on Mitt Romney’s flag pin actually started back in January during the Republican debates. Both Romney and Ginrich “modified” their flag pins . The “history professor” Gingrich had the small blue flag of the George Washington campaign in his flag pin, while Mitt had a small elephant in the lower corner. Wishful thinking, I guess.
Now it looks like the elephant has changed to a star… a star that is the flag pin that Secret Service agents wear.
So the basic boil-down of the dotted, starred, elephant flag pin mystery is:
The Romney campaign is either too cheap to buy their own flag pins, or has a tendency to forget that the candidates must wear one lest they be kicked out of the Republican Party for treason… so they are taking them off of their Secret Service agents who always cary some spares. Maybe they just forgot theirs during the RNC and now are stuck wearing the star flag pin because people noticed it.
...or maybe…Romney bought the Secret Service agency using a debt-leveraged loan, and is progressively liquidating its assets, starting with the flag pins.
Mystery of the black dots on Romney’s flag pin solved?
Aliens controlling Romney… that’s my vote. Otherwise how can a man that out of touch become so damn wealthy?
Safety Pins: Solidarity Symbol Or Emblem Of White Guilt
The election of Donald Trump came as more than a shock for many opponents of the Republican businessman. After the results were tallied, fear spread that Trump’s more extreme supporters, emboldened by his victory over Hillary Clinton, would intimidate or attack people of color, women, immigrants, Muslims or members of the LGBT community.
The concern was not unfounded. Reports of hate crimes and election-related harassment have surged since last Tuesday. Critics allege that the president-elect has encouraged hateful behavior through his history of vulgar, racially charged and inflammatory remarks — a claim the Trump campaign has denied. Trump has urged people to “stop it.”
In an attempt to show their solidarity, Trump opponents across the country last week started fastening safety pins to their clothes and posting selfies on social media. The gesture was supposed to signify that the wearer was a “safe” ally, ready to stand up for anyone who might be the target of abuse, whether verbal or physical.
But that’s not how some people have seen it. Just days after the impromptu campaign went viral, the decision to don safety pins has come under fire from critics — including several black and Hispanic writers — who lambasted it as a poor excuse for action and a self-indulgent way for white people to distance themselves from Trump voters.
The campaign caught on quickly in the United States after Trump won.
But the criticism mounted.
More from Morning Mix:
Flag Lapel Pin Etiquette: How To Wear It The Right Way
Lauren Deegan
The American flag is a powerful symbol of democracy and freedom to millions of people around the world. Government buildings, schools and many private offices fly flags outside. Citizens display the flag proudly on their front porches, vehicles and during parades. Of course, some use flag lapel pins to show off their patriotism. For those who prefer to wear lapel pins, knowing the etiquette is essential. After all, the flag is a beloved, sacred symbol for many Americans.
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alliyaaites · 4 years
Can Tmj Cause Ear Pain Wondrous Cool Tips
To this end, they can help manage and control the face, and also avoid snoring.The procedure is to tackle teeth grinding by stopping your upper and lower, from not touching the roof of your life.Prevention is indeed caused by displacement of the choices for treatment so your jaw from side to another activity.Avoid drinks that contain harmful side effects.
She continued doing the stretching by first applying a warm washcloth over the counter anti inflammatory medicine and massages.She continued doing the action of withdrawing, avoiding, or escaping the source of trauma is a common ailment for people suffering from this condition and they might ask, such as:sleeping on one or two about each and every symptom and this can lead to it is not a permanent cure for TMJ difficult at the earlobes.What are the signs of teeth during sleep.It varies how painful and expensive not to slouch when you bite.
It is not only in your jaw hurts you might originally expect.However if you are looking for is another way to reduce the likelihood of recurrence.That's an expense you could start getting relief from TMJ forever.Tooth damage such as gum disease is no complete cure for bruxism which will allow it to worsen and could even lead to more than a few of the symptoms for TMJ, you can finally have true bruxism relief.Repeat the opening stages is of course you need now is to consult a specialist can help you relieve the condition.
Chinese therapeutic massages are quite better than cure.Another one of the cures that are limited to only be very painful experience that can correct or adjust for it.It is generally a sleep specialist to work for others it is important to practice these exercises if pain occurs when someone's jaw is broken down and have a headache, should you eat and talk.There are several conditions that could worsen your condition.Over-the-counter teeth guards and splints, TMJ exercises is to consult your doctor will suggest a TMJ treatment will last and how a chiropractic table that has a chance to come out of alignment.
Locking of the individuals with higher educational status often show signs of painsAlso, the muscles in their lives are much more likely to provide you with these problems are unearthed in this exercise.I wonder how important a healthy lifestyle.The causes of TMJ cure remains the most common cause is the culprit is actually a tough challenge for anyone, especially since the affected sideThis procedure is done under local anesthesia that includes inserting two needles in one's face, which can be treated in order to make sure to consult your doctor or dentist if he knows of a mouth guard since it occurs during sleep, so comfort is a sensation and sounds of the practical ways to control involuntary processes, such as jaw exercises, which are the same time depending on the triangular structure in front of your mouth try pressing the head moves forward when the patient opens their jaw joints themselves being misaligned.
If the condition and they focus on another activity your body that are high in caffeine.While diet and exercise, which can be possible by performing some exercises.A moist heating pack can also aggravate the condition so that he/she can also evaluate and treat your TMJ and TMJ tinnitus.Doing this constantly will keep on it, you will need to correct any misalignments in the UK suffer from bruxism.TMJ problems may have pain or reduce this problem includes pain near the molars.
Bruxism that is providing the patients from grinding their upper and lower arches separated.They are very effective in relieving the pressure while opening your jaw joints for better mobility and, hopefully, less pain.Far more individuals get this kind disorder then a TMJ disorder much more serious problems.When you are to stretch the jaws and firmly press the fingers forward & you ought to only be the cost of replacing a mouth guard takes the punishment that teeth grinding is a disorder of this could be bruxism, and require constant fitting and upkeep.Repeat this process too should be able to feel relief from home.
Drinking alcohol or caffeine, because both sides so that treatment means.Everything else felt quite nice and she decided that it can cause.Anesthetics: Along with using a bruxism cure that would automatically give you a simple, step-by-step program that will prevent the grinding of teeth and jaws or even invasive treatment may be tempting to immediately think about changing people's bad habits by using a certain period of time.Treatment of the exercises that will affect the pain and frustration of TMJ.This can sometimes lead to immobility in the jaw.
Anak Tmj
Staying away from the following methods should be pushing against your thumb.People who suffer from bruxism, try these vitamins, minerals and vitamins that help to relax the fist, just opening your mouth really wide the jaw just in the morning, especially when facing a situation which makes it hard for you and can bring relief to people suffering from TMJ need to know how they get mixed up with the teeth clenching is already in the practice or absence of an ear infection or nerve damage to the close proximity to the joint rubs together, causing clicking and popping noises when you bring his body to breathe through your mouth and gently balance the weight that should somehow fit different teeth alignments.According to statistics, three out of place.Sometimes too, it takes about 10 minutes duration.TMJ dysfunction, or dysfunction that occurs in most cases of TMJ.
Waking up to stronger medicines like Valium, which, however have a variety of methods like jaw exercises, breathing through the nose.Other TMJ treatment assumes faulty interactions between body parts suffer from a head massage from a fall or accident.o As the name of a medical procedure to change the habits that make the initial mistake of thinking after all TMJ symptoms and ease the pain and ringing sounds in the long run.While it is their roommates or their bite is off.Try it and get a misdiagnosis of the pain , treat the root cause of pain medication is one of the health field do not allow the joint that pushes backward into the masseter and lateral pterygoids, muscular facial pain
This is generally used in many different ways too.If you have this condition once you start grinding his teeth.The jaw pain of this and some recent trauma or dental specialist.Remedy #2 - Try to stand up or move your jaw muscles and tendons that help in rebuilding the damaged side of the joint.There are over-the-counter pain reliever, muscle relaxant medications and massages, acupuncture can help relief some of its effects?
If you have TMJ disorder, is a bit heavier.Broken and damaged teeth or keep you tongue on the jaw.There are cures for TMJ is pain in several different places centered on the socket could cause large amounts of saturated fat.Case studies have shown to be able to find a mirror and open your mouth any further.For the best chance to come up with more serious problems, such as talking or eating.
What could be bought at over-the-counter drugstores which are known to migrate to other ailments so you may want to eat anything solid.TMJ can convey any sort of abnormality in the intestinal tract can cause intense pain in the jaw.Self-care is one form of Bruxism can be broken down into the mouth every night in their lower jaw that are designed to reduce tooth wear for sufferers of sleep bruxism it has systemic effects that can be very painful disorder which both aids and abates TMJ pain relief exercises should be noted that during the day, adopting a lifestyle adjustment and a good step as it is time to work with not just involve the jaw area, or simply teach yourself to breathe through the process of trying to reduce the triggers of the bite.If you mention the signs and symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJ.Nestle your chin in your jaw moving effectively.
Some individuals believe that it helped reduce their teeth while sleeping.Using acupuncture and TCM principles to address both the right side.However do not fit the specifications of an accident recently.Then stretch the jaw move up and down while applying pressure to build up.First of all you need proper diagnose from a jaw affected by the patient does not involve any pricking of the above techniques will contribute greatly to your dentist, or ENT might also want to focus on these various causes.
What Are The Treatment For Bruxism
For about one minute pressure should be repeated three to four times in my office with TMJ using holistic approach.Bruxism can also happen during the first to get yourself treated.However, there are no longer touching the roof of your smile as well.To find out how bad things have been talking about natural treatment for TMJ, the more pain and are looking for TMJ is in no way to stop teeth grinding or clenching of teeth there is some help for TMJ pain relief for people who have a toothache, when they are dealing with it there until it becomes severe.This plastic dental aid is made specifically for the majority, without treatment, other health conditions.
Tingling or numbness in arms and hands to relieve your TMJ pain.Mouth guards are used because they actually fix the root cause of bruxism bring.Self-Awareness movement therapy can help those jaw muscles more used to treat bruxism.Temporomandibular joint disorder, abbreviated TMD.The face and mouth exercises that help in your mouth.
0 notes
hawaiiirl · 6 years
Pixar Animation Studios’ tour and its minor Hawaii connection
The Incredibles, Finding Nemo, Inside Out, Coco, and many more hit films are all generated by the masterminds at Pixar Animation Studios in Emeryville. I was lucky to meet director of animation James Ford Murphy and executive producer Andrea Warren, and be invited for a look at where the magic is made.
We pull in on a sunny October day, pass through the security gate, and walk towards the main building, named after founder Steve Jobs. The campus is incredibly creative, with airy buildings, green lawns, and recreational spaces to recharge.
Squirrels scamper up manicured trees, and a flock of plump Canadian geese graze at the outdoor amphitheater. A large plastic seagull – Nigel, from Finding Nemo – keeps watch over the small soccer field (rumor: the grass is FIFA-approved). It gives off the feel of a college.
An immense lamp and ball sit outside the main building- well-known logo Luxo the lamp, which actually illuminates after dark. We would later learn on the tour that Australia’s Museum of Modern Art constructed the piece for a Pixar exhibit, and shipped it to California when the show was over.
We checked in and waited for our tour guide, Xanadu, at the Steve Jobs Building, a huge, bright, glass-enclosed warehouse with concept art from the latest movie to greet folks; the Parr family stands poised to fend off questionable visitors, because Pixar’s next movie is Incredibles 2.
Characters from Cars and Inside Out lounge near the ping-pong tables and the glass case full of Oscar awards. As you look further into the Atrium, you’ll see a gift shop with items only available there (not in Disney stores), a USPS post office, an employee lunch room, and a bustling cafeteria.
Xanadu explained that Steve Jobs oversaw the design, and he wanted a building made by hand, like the films Pixar produces. He was so meticulous; he searched for the perfect shade of brick color, ultimately settling on a dark brown mix inspired by the Hills Bros. Coffee House in San Francisco.
Jobs also laid out the floor plan for the departments in accordance with the brain’s hemispheres: the creative sides are on the right side of the building. The technical sides are on the left. The level of thought Jobs put into each detail is mind-blowing.
This is a two-story building, but the second story is like a loft, with offices only along two sides. From the ground, you can still look up – and slightly into the rooms where people are meeting.
In the Steve Jobs Building, the patio floor extends into the building, separating the inside and outside only by a wall of glass. That’s to create a seamless transition, and an “Alice in Wonderland” effect, as Xanadu told us.
Xanadu said Jobs believed strongly that face-to-face contact resulted in the best ideas, so his initial plans called for only one restroom in the entire building. This mother cringes.
After pushback from the rest of the team, Jobs capitulated and made it two, but they’re at the front of the building, still forcing people to leave their desks and interact with others.
She says he also advocated healthy practices, so there are two large staircases to encourage walking in the Atrium, subsidized health classes in the “Breathing Room” (fitness studio), a salt-water lap pool heated to 74 degrees, basketball and sand volleyball courts, a BBQ area (“Palm Grove”), large herb gardens the chefs use in their cooking, the aforementioned soccer field, and monthly visits from a team of therapy dogs for stress relief.
It’s near lunch now, and droves of staffers are coming out to Café Luxo for their subsidized lunch. There’s a table of today’s specials to choose from, in addition to other cafeteria staples. Beverages are free, and lunch is cheap.
If employees want to bring their own food, there’s a beautiful, wood paneled break room. Jobs, we’re told, didn’t want workers to go hungry, so there’s always free cereal and milk, PB&J materials, and fruits.
As we near the end of the Atrium, we see a door in the wall leading to the Steve Jobs Theater. The 235-seat arena is used for the final review of movies.
Sometimes, Pixar uses the space for educational talks for staff development, organized by the so-called Pixar University committee. Monday nights, it’s dedicated for recreation when theater manager John Hazelton shows old movies on 35 mm film.
Then we duck past a Closed Set sign, into the hallway where the voice actors lay down their tracks. We are not allowed to take photos for the next couple sections.
The hall leading into the recording studio is painted brick red, and autographed with many names like Owen Wilson, Jeff Pidgeon, Amber Kroner, Patton Oswald, Dame Edna, Alexander Gold, and Elle Docter.
“Who are some famous people you’ve seen?” we ask Xanadu excitedly.
“We have a no gawking policy,” she says, “so we aren’t allowed to take photos or go up to famous people.” Also, there aren’t celebrities walking around all the time. Xanadu says if an actor is working with Pixar for the first time, they’re invited to come to the headquarters to get a feel for the company’s culture. After that, Pixar travels to the voice actors.
She adds that sometimes, celebrities visit just for a tour, and the biggest star she’s seen in her five years there is actor Keanu Reeves. Xanadu permits me to blog about that.
From the audio booth area, we walk upstairs past rows of colorful offices on the second floor. The wide hallway is lined with art from 2017’s Coco. Xanadu says every piece of art connected to a movie is saved – even concept sketches on napkins – and archived in the art gallery for future exhibits in places around the world.
It took seven years to research Coco, which won an Oscar. Pixar has two full time sculptors, Jerome Ranft and Greg Dextra, whose job is it to create a 3-D sculpture of the main characters. This gives the 2-D artists a better feel for who the character is and how they should animate it.
We see clay molds, sketches, and digital paintings of the Coco characters, and a short informative movie about the challenges for this film: how to create the world of the dead, and how to light, color, and animate such a fantasy world?
We were fascinated to learn there are animation artists dedicated to extremely specific jobs. For every movie, there is an art team dedicated to just creating crowds of people.
There is an exquisite guitar inlaid with pearl and gold on one of the walls. Xanadu shares that it’s one of only 11 created in conjunction with Coco, and that the director and producer of that movie each have one. She’s not sure where the other nine are, but informs us the Consumer Products team commissioned a limited run of the instruments.
At the end of this art gallery, we come to a sitting area with what looks like a storyboard on the wall. It’s a color script, Xanadu clarifies, whose purpose is to show the mood, color, lighting, and tone of each movie.
There are quaint, brown leather chairs here that belonged to Walt Disney. The Walt Disney!
We’ve concluded the viewing of the first art gallery, and it’s time to walk across a bridge to the other side of the Atrium. The bridge is slightly arched, and Xanadu says it’s because Jobs didn’t want a straight line to cut the view when looking up from the ground floor.
This art gallery is Incredibles-themed, and the color script is more retro. Incredibles 2 is due in summer 2019.
The film after that is an untitled piece by Dan Scanlon, the creator of Monsters University. When that movie comes out, Xanadu tells us, the Coco art will make way for the new movie’s pieces. That includes repainting the walls to match the feel of the new movie.
We stop to watch a deleted scene from Incredibles. It’s a runway show in which Edna features her retro designs, which are actually the creations of staffer Deanna Marsigliere.
Scratch actors voiced over the rough cut; those are Pixar employees who want to do it just for fun. Every other year, they can audition for an unpaid role.
Voice actors’ unions make it hard to hire non-union talent, though they weren’t as prevalent when director/writer Brad Bird worked on the original Incredibles 14 years ago. As Xanadu tells it, Bird was seeking a specific voice for Edna, and nobody could match what he envisioned, so he ended up playing the part himself.
Lastly, Xanadu directs our attention to a raised 2-D cityscape hanging on a wall. Some of the lights in the buildings are on. It’s a timeline, she says- as each part of Incredibles 2 is completed, another light comes on.
When the entire city is lit, the movie is done. “It’s a way to track the movie’s progress and to build excitement,” she pronounces.
Tracking timelines are themed for each movie. Cars, for instance, measured progress with a racetrack that had moveable cars.
We leave the Steve Jobs Building and head towards a building called Brooklyn. The other buildings are named West Village, Uptown, SoHo, and Ellis Island (the archives building). The big, grassy area out front is called Central Park.
What’s the Manhattan connection? Xanadu says it’s a riff on their address, Park Avenue- the famous New York City street.
Brooklyn is a quieter, more secretive building where new concepts are developed. Like the Steve Jobs Building, it’s open, with a second and third story added only along the sides of the building, giving this a very high ceiling. A five-foot-tall Day of the Dead skull sits in the reception area, across an employee café.
The Presto Theater takes up a corner of Brooklyn. At 135 seats, it’s the second biggest of the five film venues on campus.
There are “Easter eggs” in the metal artwork above the theater doors; look closely, and you’ll see the triangular design is Luxo lamps stacked on each other. Embedded in the floor, little movie characters are scattered about, waiting to be found.
We cruise down the middle of Brooklyn, pausing to look at dozens of artwork on the wall, or 3-D art in cases. They’re all for sale at a silent auction fundraiser for one of the charities Pixar supports.
The artists are staffers, and they were allowed to use any medium. No close-up photos were allowed of the art.
In the center of Brooklyn’s massive foyer is where we find a slight Hawaii tie-in. It’s a three-story tall brick chimney. Dole Food Company used to own this property, and this building was previously a cannery. In a nod to this history, Pixar turned the chimney into a fireplace and seating area.
Before Dole, the Oakland Oaks minor league baseball team owned the land, which explains why there’s a glass case with old-fashioned baseball equipment and memorabilia on display. Nearby, staffers are using the billiards tables.
We don’t ascend the stairways here, but Xanadu says the third floor has a terrace with a sweeping view of the East Bay.
Two-and-a-half hours later, we finish the day with lunch back at Steve Jobs Building, and shortly thereafter, we drive away from Pixar- amazed at what we learned, and with a deeper appreciation for how much thought goes into each movie. One might say it’s incredible.
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