72 posts
Here is where you will find all of AZookiex3's writing! Check out the REQUESTS page for fandoms I will write for, and what kind of fic I'm willing to write! Here is my current Master List. You can also find my work on AO3, FanficNet, Wattpad, and DeviantArt !
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
azritesx3 · 7 months ago
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Deadpool 4 predictions
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azritesx3 · 7 months ago
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#I'm gonna need every BTS available, give them to me NOW
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azritesx3 · 7 months ago
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azritesx3 · 7 months ago
During the bizarre dream I had last night, I thought of Lucifer. Haven't had a thought about him in a VERY long time...
This may he my sign to watch the series again and continue A Devil's Love lol
(I miss the Luci fandom and the friends I made 😔)
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azritesx3 · 2 years ago
Touch Starved - Shane&Cassie
Description: Due to what happened to him in the city, Shane decides to close himself off from the rest of the world. He was one step away from completely shattering, and he didn't want to let anyone in just to disappoint them in the end.
And he was doing just fine in keeping up this facade, until she moved in.
FebuWhump2023 - Day 1: Touch Starved
A/N: Hello! I try not to make goals for myself for the new year since I cannot seem to keep them…but I want to get back into writing. One random day I came across the "FebuWhump2023" challenge on Tumblr and thought…why the hell not? I have no idea if I'm writing a "whump" fic correctly…but I'll just roll with how I'm feeling and try to remember "whumps" aren't supposed to be "happy happy joy joy" and it's ok to let my evil/dark side out.
The spring season was finally in full bloom. Wild animals started emerging from their months-long stay in their dens. Birds flew and sang almost non-stop throughout the day. The wildflowers bloomed and the trees grew back their leaves. Everything came back to life in the spring.
And Shane hated it.
Every spring reminded him of how he came to be in this situation. How years prior his life was falling apart while the earth came back to life. Now he was back in the valley where he spent the majority of his childhood. A place that now held his only good memories, though those memories were soured with the lifestyle he chose to live. 
It's incredibly difficult to stay closed off in a place that was so small and the people in it so caring. Especially now that she's officially moved in.
It's 7 pm now on a Friday night. Most of the villagers have all trickled in by this point. Shane's made it a habit to watch them from "his" spot at the dark end corner of the bar, fireplace and Gus's wood-carved bear statue behind him.
Cassie Nova, the new owner of Universe Farm, walks into the saloon. Gus and Emily warmly greet her, as well as the other patrons nearby. Shane grunts and rolls his eyes as she greets them back. She walks up to Gus to place her order, then sits at the bar and idly chit-chats with Emily while she waits. Shane sulks as he watches them chat, and various other villagers come up to chat with the new girl in town. Just like everyone else, the new farmer was touchy too. Light touches on the shoulder, small pats on the back, and feather-like touches on hands at some funny joke.
It infuriated him. Contrary to what he's now made himself to be, Shane used to be just like them. Funny how one experience can change a person, break a person. He still craved small affections like that but continued to force himself to push everyone away. He can't let himself be hurt like that again. It may just very well end him, and he was already hanging on by a very, very, thin thread.
The hardest person to ignore was his niece, now turned God-daughter. But he does it. He hates himself even more for it, but continues it.
Who knows how long he has left anyway. Best not to give the girl hope only for it to be crushed…again.
Movement on his left peripheral brought him back from his thoughts. He looks and starts at the sight of Cassie placing her food and beverage down next to him. She looks at him and gives a half smile, "This seat taken?"
She's just barely sat on the stool and it's already too much for him. He feels like he's physically burning in the heat that her body is radiating next to him. He musters up as much of his coldness as he can trying to stave away the heat in his cheeks, which seems to be unsuccessful.
"Fuck off." He mumbles, clutching his beer and staring hard at the wood bar counter. He can feel her stillness, lasting only a second before she gives a humorous huff. He looks back at her with a questioning stare. He watches her move her plate and drink one spot over to the left and sits down. One bar stool between them.
"Alright alright." She says before giving him a soft smile with concerned eyes, then focusing on her meal.
Shane cracks a little bit more inside and returns to his drink. He knew keeping this up was going to be difficult, but now with her here it was going to be damn near impossible.
He may just die from the struggle alone.
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azritesx3 · 3 years ago
Tips for Writing a Difficult Scene
Every writer inevitably gets to that scene that just doesn't want to work. It doesn't flow, no matter how hard you try. Well, here are some things to try to get out of that rut:
1. Change the weather
I know this doesn't sound like it'll make much of a difference, but trust me when I say it does.
Every single time I've tried this, it worked and the scene flowed magically.
2. Change the POV
If your book has multiple POV characters, it might be a good idea to switch the scene to another character's perspective.
9/10 times, this will make the scene flow better.
3. Start the scene earlier/later
Oftentimes, a scene just doesn't work because you're not starting in the right place.
Perhaps you're starting too late and giving too little context. Perhaps some description or character introspection is needed before you dive in.
Alternatively, you may be taking too long to get to the actual point of the scene. Would it help to dive straight into the action without much ado?
4. Write only the dialogue
If your scene involves dialogue, it can help immensely to write only the spoken words the first time round.
It's even better if you highlight different characters' speech in different colors.
Then, later on, you can go back and fill in the dialogue tags, description etc.
5. Fuck it and use a placeholder
If nothing works, it's time to move on.
Rather than perpetually getting stuck on that one scene, use a placeholder. Something like: [they escape somehow] or [big emotional talk].
And then continue with the draft.
This'll help you keep momentum and, maybe, make the scene easier to write later on once you have a better grasp on the plot and characters.
Trust me, I do this all the time.
It can take some practice to get past your Type A brain screaming at you, but it's worth it.
So, those are some things to try when a scene is being difficult. I hope that these tips help :)
Reblog if you found this post useful. Comment with your own tips. Follow me for similar content.
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azritesx3 · 4 years ago
Text is facing a lawsuit
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tldr: the Internet Archive/WayBack Machine is super important in term of archived content, billions of stuff are on there, and with the current event happening in the world like stated above,without this tool, it will be hard to properly document what took place. It will be easy for certain people to rewrite history. Dont let them.
DONATE HERE (post dont get much exposure with working links sorry)
On twitter,tumblr,facebook,heck,anywhere you want,this needs to be talked about !
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azritesx3 · 4 years ago
First Real Friend - LM & F!Reader
Description: These common white sterile walls just became a bit brighter, thanks to the Devil.
Rating: G
Warnings: None
AN: A request from a friend of a friend! Hope you feel better soon, darling! Hospitals ain't no fun! Hopefully this 'lil Lucifer fic helps you out! PS: Sorry it’s so late!!!
Request: “...something fluffy, like the reader is in the hospital and she basically lives there because of a long term illness...Lucifer comes into her room by mistake once, while looking for Chloe’s room...he looks around and sees personal items in reader’s room and realizes she’s been there for quite a while, alone, her family isn’t great, and to her surprise he starts coming everyday. He brings her little gifts and sneaks in her favorite food, and basically he just makes her feel like someone cares about, but he learns that her own family doesn’t even come to see her.”
AO3 /// Wattpad
Lucifer strolls through the hospital doors with a large bouquet of various flowers and a confident smile on his face. He feels...good. He's never had a feeling like this before, though he supposes saving a human life would be fairly different than any erratic drug or sex. This is a soul after all, and he's just so used to torturing and using souls.
He strolls down the halls and opens the door he was looking for--
And stops.
He's not in the Detective's room, that's for sure. Her room is a plain old boring hospital room. The room he's currently standing in the doorframe of almost looks like a normal bedroom.
The patient of the room looks up from their position on a large bean bag. She cocks an eyebrow up and marks the page she left on in her book with her finger:
"Wrong room?"
"Uh…" Lucifer is baffled for a quick moment before regaining his composure, "Yes! Terribly sorry!"
The patient smiles and returns to her book, which Lucifer takes as his leave. The next room he opens is the correct one this time. He places his superior flowers with the rest of the others, then sits in the uncomfortable metal chair next to the Detective's bed side.
Lucifer watches the Detective's peaceful sleeping face, thinking back on the short time they spent together. Soon the Detective stirs awake, the two have a short talk, and Lucifer leaves before catching a serious case of IBS at the family scene playing before him. 
Before leaving the hospital he stops for a minute in front of the mysterious patient's room that he intruded upon. He peeks through the slightly open blinds, taking in once more a room that looks more like a well lived in bedroom than a hospital room. He spots the patient now on her bed, sleeping. Peaceful...but…
Three days later
You sit at your mini dining table, eating a hearty breakfast while watching some game show entertainment. Your hospital door opens while in the middle of a bite. You look up and stop chewing at the sight of the same strange man that opened your door by mistake a few days ago.
"Lost again, pal?" You ask after swallowing. Your face has an amused look again like before.
"No. I'm here to see you, in fact." The British man smiles, holding a similar looking bouquet as he had days ago. 
"Um," You're not sure what to think, "Why?"
The man huffs a laugh before strolling into the room, shutting the door behind him, "You've been on my mind for the past couple days, darling. Curiosity catches the Devil."
He places his flowers on top of a small dresser of yours nearest the window, then comes to stand next to you. He holds out his hand and smiles down at you, "Lucifer Morningstar, a pleasure."
You shake his warm hand with a smile of your own and introduce yourself. You motion to the chair across from you and he sits, "So, why is lil old me on your mind Mr. Morningstar?"
"Lucifer is fine, darling." He folds his hands together on your little eating table, "I've never seen a hospital room look like a bedroom before. Makes me think that you've been here for quite a while, and that's such a shame for such a beautiful young woman."
You sigh, like this is some kind of usual nuance for you, "Alright. Just tell me what article you're for and I'll answer your questions."
"Pardon?" Lucifer asks, confused.
"Your article?" You say pointedly, "Or whichever company my adoptive parents are trying to get in the good graces with?" When Lucifer continues to look at you puzzled, you stare at him quizzically, " why you're really here isn't it? No one just decides to talk to some random hospital patient for fun."
"Well, I'm definitely not no one. I'm the Devil. Completely different spectrum."
"Uh huh...ok...totally not weird at all," you say skeptically, "So, why are you here, Lucifer?"
"Like I said before, curiosity. Is that...all right?" 
You stare him in the eyes, and the man looks genuine enough. Weird, but genuine.
"Sure, I guess. Not like I'm doing anything else." 
"Wonderful!" Lucifer's face instantly brightens up, and you can't help but notice his excitement and joy is contagious, "So, tell me about yourself darling, and I'll do the same!"
So, talk and talk you two did. All the way until visiting hours were long since over, and he was here in the morning!
You give him your background, a sad sap of a story. You're an abandoned baby. Left on the doorsteps of an orphanage. No information on your real parents or family. As you grew up the caretakers noticed how often you'd get sick, and how easy it was for you to get hurt. After many tests you're diagnosed with numerous things, causing a very weak immune system and fragile bones. Your caretakers believed no one would take you and you'd be stuck at the home forever. Fortunately for them, a rich couple came by and took pity on you. You thought you'd actually get a family, but that wasn't the case. This couple took you in to further increase their financing in their businesses and lives by using you as a charity. They taught you how to act and talk for the cameras and reporters, and you picked up on it quickly. 
Yeah, it wasn't the best kind of life. You didn't have a normal family, but at least you were alive. The loneliness sucked at times, but you figured that's a small price to pay for staying alive and having some kind of life. It's not like your rich parents didn't do anything with you. They cared, just...not in the normal sense.
Lucifer gave you his story too. His insane story. God, angels, wars, becoming the Devil. You were starting to think he was some preacher, who just really believed. But you humored him, for he and his stories were incredibly entertaining. And who knows, maybe it was all real.
Suffice to say after that first day together, you two became fast friends and Lucifer became a very frequent visitor. Sneaking in a variety of your favorite things, some...illegal things, and even just sneaking you out for a night on the town.
Your first real friend, and you his.
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azritesx3 · 4 years ago
Can you do love confession dialogue? If you could do some where they are screaming at each other would be great!
Hi :)
Sure, here are some prompts for you:
Love confession - screaming at each other
“It’s like you never really see me. I’m standing right in front of you and you don’t see me!”
“Do I really have to spell it out for you? I love you! Are you happy now?”
“I love you, okay? I love you!”
“This is just too much, I can’t act like this anymore, like I don’t love you!”
“I know this is not how we do things, but we can’t ignore our feelings any longer!”
“You never believe me! If I told you right now that I love you, would you even believe me?”
“I didn’t want to tell you like this, but I have no choice.”
“Don’t you see that there are people who care about you? That I care about?”
“I can’t lose you again! Please, don’t make me lose you again.”
“We need to stop dancing around it. All it does, is hurting us both!”
Have fun!
- Jana
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azritesx3 · 4 years ago
showing characters are in love without actually saying it
looks that last just a little longer than they should
constantly thinking about each other
they stand next to each other without even thinking about it
lovers’ quarrel (they fight, get angsty, and then both make up after, yknow the usual)
always worried about each other
lingering touches
both subtly act a bit different when the other is around
they both know exactly how to comfort each other in the best way
smiles that last long after what’s been said (“why are you still smiling?” “hmm? what? what smile?”)
small touches
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azritesx3 · 4 years ago
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*sweeps all of my AU ideas under the rug* why must I be called out this way?
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azritesx3 · 4 years ago
cliché but classic trope: when the person who almost died wakes up in a hospital bed, looks around and sees the object of their affection sleeping uncomfortably in the chair next to them because they haven’t moved in days.
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azritesx3 · 4 years ago
May I ask for headcanons or a one shot with Gaara with a fierce & reckless s/o?
gaara: fierce and reckless s/o hcs
➞ to tell you the truth your fierce and reckless attitude is what drew gaara to you.
➞ he just loves you so much, so much it scares him sometimes. which is why he refuses to send you out on a mission without kankuro or temari. you tried to fight him on it but eventually stoped protest against it seeing how much it put him at ease.
➞ your careless attitude on the battle field is the reason for this. which is why there’s times were gratitude fills him when you make it back with only a few bruises and cuts. he doesn’t have enough fingers to count how many times he had to save your careless ass with his sand.
➞ there are many times were gratitude fills him when you make it back with only a few bruises and cuts. he doesn’t have brought fingers to count how many times he had to save your careless ass with his sand.
➞ whenever you two are engaged in the same battle he’s distracted, wondering if you’re going to jump in front of attack that is meant for him, just like all the times before. while some might comforting to have their s/o will take a kunai to the chest for them for gaara it does nothing but put him on edge.
➞ you always refuse medical treatment when you come back so he ends up treating your wounds at your shared home. it’s bittersweet moment between the two of you, ending with you wrapped in his arms while he sighs out a small “you need to be more careful”.
➞ you’re very protective over him and although gaara is well aware that you’re know that he can care for himself he still finds your behavior endearing. however there are times when has to give you the side eye for interjecting on a discussion whenever someone doesn’t agree with him.
➞ this man loves you alright, so much but please go easy on him he’s going to grey with all the worrying he does.
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azritesx3 · 4 years ago
Hi! Do you have any tips on making the scene emotional, I want to be able to move and touch my readers with my writing but it's really hard when I don't understand emotions and feeling and I'm usually a thinker but I really want to make my my reader feel sadness and grief with my character. So any tips for that? Or do I have to keep practicing? Hope you have a nice day! Thank you! Your blog helps me alot!
Hi :)
I’m a very empathetic person. I can get kinda cold if the emotions involve myself, but if it’s about other people or fictional characters, I soak those emotions up like a sponge. I can get really into all the emotional aspects of writing, so I’m not sure how to do it if you don’t understand the emotions that well, because it comes so natural to me. I will try to give a general overview of how to write emotional scenes, but if someone else can give some other advice, it’s greatly appreciated!
How to write emotional scenes
Focus on showing, not telling:
don’t just say the character is afraid or panicking
write the actions that would let an onlooker know
hands trembling, pulse and breathing picking up, frantic eye movement,...
if you describe it well enough, the reader will feel those things too
of course, dialogue is still important
but I would keep it shorter than in other scenes
don’t make it too emotional or it can appear sappy
exception: motivational speeches
think about the difference between showing and telling
are the characters trying to conceal how they really fell by saying something else?
Make the reader relate:
relating to a character makes the reader much more empathetic to them and it creates emotions in them
so try to get the reader to sympathize with your character by showing their journey and their goals
but if you want to have a rival in that scene, do the exact opposite
make the reader unsympathetic to that character to make them feel anger towards them or satisfaction if they get defeated
Heavy scenes:
there is a difference between an emotional scene and a truly traumatic experience
you don’t want the reader to feel the full range of human trauma
if the reader is getting too emotional, it could keep them wanting to continue reading
so in extremely emotional scenes try to show the overall picture
don’t go into specific feelings, but try to show how this affects your character as a whole
you can even try to make the scene feel more distant, almost numb and devoid of deep emotions if the reader already knows how traumatic this would be for the character
sometimes this could affect them even better than showing all the emotions because they can create their own emotions
always remember: you want to pull at your reader’s heartstrings - not break anything
Hope you have a nice day as well and good luck with your writing!
- Jana
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azritesx3 · 4 years ago
Coming Down - Lucifer & F!Reader
Anon: Hey I don't know if you do fics based on songs ( im kinda new here after suddenly thirsting for Lucifer— ) But I was wondering if you could a Lucifer x Reader based on ‘Coming Down’ by Halsey? Maybe this had been done, I don't really know. Nothing specific just whatever speaks to you if you do make this! Thank you!!
Description: You married a religious man to get away from the abusers. Who knew that he'd not only turn out to be one too, but that your savior would call himself the Devil and you agree to be his lover?
Rating: Mature Warning(s): Domestic Abuse, Implied Smut, Fluff, Angst, Angst but with a Happy Ending
AO3, FanfictionNet, Wattpad, DeviantArt
Tighter and tighter. Cold hands on your throat.
"Why won't you just do what God made you for?!" John, your loving Christian husband, hisses. His hair falls in front of his face as he leans over you on the bed.
You claw at his hands. Your eyes begin to water. Cold sweat drops from his brow and falls into your agape mouth.
This was it. This was finally it.
"LAPD! Open the door!" John whips his head up, then snarls back down at you. He releases his hold and slaps you hard across the face, almost knocking you out.
Thinking he knocked you out.
You listen to him walk down the hall and open the door. There's chatter, and you hear people walking in. You hear footsteps coming back towards you.
"Excuse me sir, please don't go in the bedroom! My wife is sleeping." You hear John call out.
"Detective! A 'home search' is searching the entire home, correct?" A different voice calls out in the hall, a British voice. You don't hear it, but the British voice gets a reply, "As I thought. I shall ever be a gentleman around your wife."
"Please take no offense, sir. I was simply weary because-"
"Of my name, yes?" You hear footsteps enter the bedroom and the British voice becomes loud and clear, "Your decor taste is quite poor."
You listen intently as the new man looks around the space. His last stop is coming to your side of the bed. He doesn't look at you.
Before he leaves your sight you manage to grab hold of the man's finger. He stops and finally looks down at you. You pull on his finger and he kneels down to face you.
"Sir please-"
"Shut up." The man says to your husband. He stares at your face, taking in your red cheek, dry lips, and tear streaks.
You move your mouth, but your voice is too dry to make a sound. You mouth:
Help me.
"Detective! It seems the call in on violence was correct!" The man calls out. He stands and starts to gather you in his arms.
"Don't you dare-" John is cut off by a punch to the back of his neck and knees, making him fall face first on the floor.
"You're under arrest for domestic abuse." A woman's voice says. In the man's arms you see her cuff your husband.
You begin to cry again.
"Hey now, darling." Voice so soft. You look up at the man. His eyes are sparkling and his smile is comforting, "Rest now, dear. You're safe."
"A toast, darling!" Lucifer cheers. He raises his wine glass and gives you a bright smile. You laugh and follow his lead, "To one marvelous year of being together!"
"And to being free!" You add in. Both of you cling your glasses together and take a sip. You begin to giggle causing a sly smile to pull across Lucifer's lips and a perfectly teased brow to raise, "Penny for your thoughts, my dear?"
You continue to giggle, "Oh, just thinking of the irony of all this."
"Oh?" Lucifer smiles and takes hold of your empty hand across the table. He kisses the top of it, "Do tell."
"Oh you know," you blush at his actions and smile joyfully, "Being abused by a Christian husband for many years, only to be saved by a man who calls himself the Devil and having a better life with him."
Lucifer chuckles softly, then turns your wrist to kiss your palm, "A beautiful irony indeed."
After the celebration dinner he takes you to his lavish hotel suite in Las Vegas, and enjoys the wonderful dessert between your legs. You sigh in bliss and relish in the pleasure, the feeling of real love. You thank God for sending you such a savior, even if he does claim to be the Devil.
No one's perfect, after all.
It was true. Everything he said was true. He didn't lie, after all.
And now here you are, in a room that was now being swarmed with demon possessed dead humans.
They crowd around you and Lucifer, taking hold of you to pull you away from him. You scream and reach out to Lucifer. He stretches his arm too you, but the demons keep a strong hold against you. You watch his arm fall, and despite the shock on his face, you see a painful decision cross his eyes.
He turns from you and stands on the stage. He releases his full Devil form, causing his shirt to tear off. The demons around you stand frozen and look up to their King. You do the same, memorized by the scarred beauty.
"YOU DO NOT BELONG HERE. GO HOME!" Lucifer yells to them, and they listen. The bodies fall instantly.
You stay standing and just watch as Lucifer returns to his normal self. He studies your face. After regaining yourself tears well up in your eyes and you run up to him. He lifts you in his arms and cradles your body against his.
Back at the penthouse, after what you learned too late was one final night of passion, he tells you he loves you and returns to Hell to keep you, all of earth, safe.
You've been a broken soul ever since that night.
Every day after sleepless nights you wake to see your Lightbringer's sun rise, and pray for his return. Every night you pray that when you wake it won't be alone. That he'll be with you once more to watch his star rise together.
Years pass. The prayers don't work.
You now lay in a hospital bed, not very old but with a heart so broken it can't last any longer. You and Lucifer's friends surround your death bed, and cry when you let your heart shatter completely.
You wake in a sort of limbo space, in a queue with other dead souls. You teleport to the front of the line and are in the presence of the Angel of Death.
She looks at you somber, "You died far too early."
You stare back at the angel, "I couldn't take it any longer."
The angel nods, "You're destined for Heaven-"
"No!" You interrupt her, "No, please. He cannot be with me there! Please, send me to Hell instead!"
She looks confused, "But you are guilty of nothing. You'd be tortured for nothing."
"Being without him even in death would be torture itself." The angel studies you. Then looks up where a blinding light shines down on her. She closes her eyes and seems to listen to the light.
The light disappears, and she looks back at you, "Very well."
The next moment you are in a dark, hot space. Around you are stone black pillars with doors etched into them. Some doors were chained up, some unlocked but shook from inside.
Your breath hitches at your name being called by the voice you loved and missed so much. You look behind you to see Lucifer in the same suit he wore when he left, but he looked older in the eyes. Hell affects every being.
You run and embrace him. He returns the embrace hesitantly, "You shouldn't be here, love."
"I cannot be in a place without you anymore, Lucifer." You move back slightly so you can look him in the eyes. Your tearful eyes shine with joy and you smile at him, "You are my savior. The one I made into my own personal religion." You cup his now tear streaked face, "I love you, Lucifer Morningstar."
He embraces you back with just as much passion and kisses you passionately. He then buries his head in your neck, "I love you too, Y/N, and I've missed you terribly."
You scratch the back of his neck lightly and whisper, "So, you're not angry that I chose to be here?"
He laughs in your neck, something he hasn't done in thousands of years, "Are you kidding?" He removes himself from you and smiles while getting down on one knee, "I have my Queen with me again. How could I be mad over that?"
You laugh in joy and tackle him to the cold, yet hot, cracked ground. You both stay like that. Crying and laughing together at your eternal partnership.
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azritesx3 · 4 years ago
Wonderwall - Maze & Eve
Anon: Hi! I see that requests are open and I love your writing but I was wondering if you would be open to write Mazikeen/Eve?? It’s not listed on who you write for so don’t feel bad if it’s a no!! I just think that Maze deserves to be happy after everything she’s been through
Description: We're all thinking it: the way Eve reacted to Maze's confession through song was down right cruel. Here's a better version!
Rating: Teen Warning: Fluff, Swearing
AO3, FanfictionNet, Wattpad, DeviantArt
Maze was really starting to hate being on earth.
Sure she enjoyed all the desires, crime, and sex this planet and its inhabitants had to offer. But this place was unchangeable, and thus she could not control the events that led to her dread of the place.
Starting with her King meeting and falling head over heels for some human woman, who Maze then learns is some gift from God to his son. Of course. So, she tries to ignore whatever feelings were bubbling inside of her over the lost interest of her King to a virgin angel bent on returning Lucifer to Hell. That ends in disaster when he learns she still follows her King's command. Of course.
So she says fuck it all and leaves to find her own path in this, now, forced life of hers. Ends up holed up with said woman who took her King’s interest in her. Finds out that this human woman is actually worthy of her King’s affection, and her spawn was to be respected as well. Thanks to them and the Devil's therapist, she starts to understand "feelings".
But now she wishes she hadn't.
After the betrayal of his soulmate, Lucifer beds with Eve. Eve, who somehow managed to escape Heaven with no one noticing just to be with her forbidden garden lover.
Maze felt that feeling again when Chloe took Lucifer's attention, but this time it was the other way around. She wanted Eve. That first human woman was so beautiful and deadly. It was attraction from the start.
Maze thought she had her chance when Lucifer stupidly broke Eve's heart, yet at every hint Maze gives to Eve about how she feels she twists it around into how she can get Lucifer back. She loved him too much.
Maze wanted to scream.
Instead, she tries a different approach. One sure-fire way that should tell Eve how Maze feels about her, without actually saying it because that's just crazy. Maze wasn't that human.
She releases a breath she didn't realize she was holding and walks to the middle of LUX where the piano sits. Before she tells the human to play she looks for Eve and spots her getting her heart broken once again by Lucifer.
Maze's resolve grows immensely.
She tells the human to start the music and begins to sing, "Wonderwall". Maze has never once in her life sang. She left that to Lucifer and her mother.
But Eve was worth this possible embarrassment.
As Maze begins to sing she keeps her eyes trained on Eve's figure. Eventually, Eve looks up from her despair to watch Maze. Memorized, she walks up to the railing to get a closer look.
Maze continues to watch Eve watching her, and her heart swells when she smiles and bites her lower lip.
The song finishes and Maze's heart races. She stands stone still as Eve slowly makes her way to her, "Maze...that was-" Eve stops, bites her lip, and holds Maze's hands, "beautiful."
Maze feels herself start to sweat. She swallows a large lump in her throat and coughs, "So…"
Eve gives her a sad smile, then looks over to see Lucifer walking towards the Detective. She sighs and looks down at her and Maze's joined hands, "I always thought that he and I were meant to be. I changed so much to make him happy with me-"
"You don't have to change. Never again." Maze interrupts her.
Eve looks up at Maze, and Maze can see her eyes twinkle behind her mask. Eve smiles,"Yeah...I think I know that now." She comes closer and gives Maze the softest kiss she's ever received, "I'm sorry it took me so long to realize."
Maze's heart bursts with emotion, but keeps it hidden behind a goofy smile, "You're worth the wait, babe."
The two leave together, hands intertwined. Maze leads her girlfriend to the hotel she's been staying at until Decker gets her head back into gear.
Ok, earth isn't so bad anymore.
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azritesx3 · 4 years ago
You know those things you think you can't write because they're an emotion not a plot?
Try oneshots!
Oneshots are great because they can be just a single scene or moment. They allow you to write that one conversation you want to write without needing to create a whole story around it.
You wish you could just write about that character getting a damn hug for once? Do it! Who needs a huge context? Just put it out there!
Oneshots, people! Write them read them. Love them. They're awesome.
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