#he has a cutie mark its just covered by his pants
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axofixations · 1 month ago
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goodwriterwithbadhabits · 2 years ago
Ateez Playlist: Onstage
AKA: Songs that remind me of the members and why. (GIF Credit to the original owners!)
Ateez are super different on versus offstage, so I’m splitting up their two personalities in separate posts.
Offstage Version Here. Master List
Seonghwa: Big Bad Wolf- In This Moment
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If I’m being honest, this song (and Seonghwa) kinda scare me. The song is gritty and dark, with rough vocals and screaming, but the lyrics are about that fucked up part of a person that everyone wants to see. Its about being both the hunter and the prey. Seonghwa is intimidating as hell on stage, which I feel this song reflects pretty well. 
Hongjoong: How You Like Me Now- The Heavy
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So, this song is kinda strange lyrically, but the beat and vibe speak to the persona that Hongjoong has when he’s performing. There’s this overarching sense of cockiness throughout the song, like a “fuck you” to everyone who doubted him. Additionally, it can also be read as a sort of “look what I’ve become, do you still want me?” in regards to a lover or, in this case, a fanbase. 
Yunho: Angel With A Shotgun- The Cab
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Yunho is very much a lover, but sometimes when he’s onstage, its a much darker kind of love. A very “I would burn the world to see you smile” kind of thing. Angel with a Shotgun is just so on base for Yunho, I couldn’t picture any other song. Its a love that’s definitely going to get you hurt, but damn if you wont love it. Yunho is totally a fallen angel onstage and I mean that with my whole heart. 
Yeosang: idfc- Blackbear
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Babygirl Yeosang who? Up on stage he goes from cutie pie to bad bitch. He gives off a flippant “I’m so much cooler that you” vibe and I love that for him. Blackbear is such a Yeosang mood, but I feel like idfc is the most correct. Its literally about not giving a flying fuck, while still being hopelessly in love with someone. Its almost a sweet love song, but only almost. 
San: Devilish- Chase Atlantic
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I know you saw this coming. Choi San is a literal demon, we don’t refer to his stage persona as “San-tiago” for no reason. This song is the sexiest deal with the devil you will ever hear. Its practically San’s anthem and honestly I don’t think I have to explain this one. Listen to the song, and you’ll understand. 
Mingi: I Will Not Bow- Breaking Benjamin
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I love this song, and its message. Its dark and punk and makes me wanna punch someone. The lyrics are about leaving a mark and not going out without a fight. Mingi’s onstage person is so feral and makes me bitey. Overall, the vibe is immaculate and suits Mingi phenomenally. When he gets on that stage, all semblance of shyness or nerves vanish leaving this beautiful, confident man that I would actually punch a deity for. 
Wooyoung: Breakfast- Dove Cameron
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Slutty and elegant, while being a little fruity? That’s a whole lotta words to describe Wooyoung. That being said, this song just screams him. Its cocky, its a little broody, and its literally about taking someone else’s girl. Is that not Wooyoung??? This man looks like he’s trying to charm the pants off of every audience member all the time, and lets be real it fucking works. 
Jongho: Daechwita- Agust D
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Look, the whole vibe of this song is immaculate, it makes me want to get into a fight with a stranger and air out my dirty laundry with my mother.  When Jongho gets on that stage he looks ready to kill a man, and I would be right there with him. He’s confident and gorgeous and the baddest bitch to walk the planet. I want him to cover this song, I want him to rob a bank to this song. I have many more things to say about this but I’m bordering on deranged and should probably stop. 
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blazingstarship · 2 years ago
Yug.ioh 5ds Sub Spoilers, a little convo + artwork
I like to imagine I did the make-up to cover Yusei’s mark. During my education I got a qualification for my minor subject, camouflage. Its to cover up tattoos, marks and scars with special make-up thats water proof and not easily been taken off. You really have to choose layers of colors that will come close or exact the same as the skin tone.
During this progress when I’m working to cover his mark slowly up, having a conversation what I am doing by every step and Yusei is just sitting and listening.
Sharon: “First I have to make your skin free from grease, the next step is to set a first tone to blend with the color tone. The first base is white and I mix it with a little grey undertone since the mark is very goldish yellow.. after that I have to look for a color the pallet thats close to your skin..hmmm… this one is close but I should mix it with a little red color…do not laugh!”
Yu.ei: “Sorry, I never saw you so serious.”
Sharon: “Im very focused to do this right. I used to love doing this.”
Y.usei: “Why did you ever stopped?”
Sharon: “Cause I couldn’t find a job in the beauty branch and didn’t enjoy it anymore. Its now more, another skill I can add to my list of things I can do good.”
Yus.ei: “You are incredible.”
Sharon: “Jwjsksms where that come from out of sudden?”
Yu.sei: “Well you always say I am smart but you, you are kinda like a scientist yourself.”
Sharon: “Yu.sei please, its just special make-up.”
Y.usei: “Well if you had to ask me to put this camouflage kit on someone, I have no clue where to start.”
Sharon: “Its been a while for me, I had to rethink what stap is next to make it match. Please close your eyes, I dont want this stuff coming in your eyes.”
Yusei: “Yes ma’am.”
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Sharon: “Im done! What do you think?”
Yu.sei: “It’s like it never was been there.”
Sharon: “Thank you.”
Y.usei: “Do I look better with or without the mark?”
Sharon: “The mark has become a part of you. I cant even imagine you without your mark…I loved you without and I love you now with.”
Y.usei: “You never brothered by it?”
Sharon: “I have only though about how much you must have been suffered and in pain…I was scared first to kiss you on that cheek cause I didnt know if you would like to been touched…but also I wanted to make you forget about the pain and fill that memory with a nice one…”
Y.usei: “Like being covered in starlight number 6 lipstick?”
Sharon: mocking “It was suppose to be kiss proof…”
Y.usei: “I was joking, Starshine.”
Sharon: “Funny pants.”
Y.usei: “I wouldnt mind having some starlight on my lips.”
Sharon: “Is that a request?”
Yu.sei pulled her closer as she stopped him.
Sharon: “Sorry. I dont kiss strangers.” she said as she got a confused look from him.
Sharon, trying to keep a straight face: “Your are Daniel, aren’t you?”
“Shar…” Yusei chuckled as she shared the laugh as she got pulled closer onto his lap. Sitting down he pulled her chin up and covered her lips with his.
Sharon: “Yus?”
Y.usei: “Hmm?”
Sharon: “Please be careful, okay?”
Y.usei: “I will try my best.”
Ah yes , what a cutie💖🩵
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ennaku-sirri-da · 2 years ago
To The 5 People In The World Who Like Habbothan( me included bigtime ), With Love/
The sun goes down, the stars come out
Turn the lights out now
Now I'll take you by the hand
(Plaintext: To the 5 people In the world who like Habbothan( me included bigtime ), with love/
The sun goes down, the stars come out
Turn the lights out now
Now I'll take you by the hand)
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( click for better quality!)
Plaintext: (click for better quality!)
[ ID: Digital fanart of Dr.Habit and Jimothan Botch from Smile For Me the game, in a romantic fashion, cowboy-themed. The style is semi realistic, leaning a bit more on the cartoony side. The lining is thick and colored. Only some parts are filled in with color.
In the artists AU( called Roseverse) Jimothan looks mostly the same as his game self, but with some interpretative liberties. He has a smaller square face and sports a boisterous dyed-black moustache that curls out into huge ruffles, some facial hair is seen on his chin too. His teeth are red, paan-stained. His hair is straight, a fading brown with few paler streaks. It is styled high on his head and some strands fall waving over his face. His body is of skinny build, and he is just a bit on the hairier side. His hands have calluses, and elsewhere on him are healed scars here and there, of the burn variety, bite marks on the fingers, hypertrophic ones, smaller wounds( from dealing with a very unintentionally dangerous baby).
Jimothan has on a straw-yellow Panama-like hat with a checkered band. Around his neck is a decorated dark purple bandana with a pale ram's skull drawn at the center. He wears a red denim jacket with a popped collar and rolled up sleeves, the jacket is too small for him so it shows his stomach. He has dark brown fingerless gauntlets with pale gold designs and small spikes, rings. He has on bottom grey-blue pants covered by fluffy sheepskin and its all held together by a decorated flowery mahogany belt. Across the hip is slung a long band holding playing darts, in an imitation of a gunslinger.
In the artists AU interpretation Habit has marionette features such as segmented, jointed darker green line-cuts around his mouth, hands that are visible. His hands hold red and fairly long rounded claws. He looks thin and broad-shouldered. There are white freckle-stickers on his shoulders. Also looks generally older with sagging lines, wrinkles and age spots present. A bit of a small droopy chests outline is visible. His chest is hairy, he is hairy overall. It holds the mark of magic- a pink starburst like Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark. Stitch-scarring is seen on arms. Theres a more skinlike X-shaped scar on his mouth. And autopsy-like scars over his body. He is covered in apple-green fur. His face is gaunt and freckled by white cheek-stickers with protruding furry cheeks, then red fur-ruffles and eyebags under his makeup-applied eyes, with purple eyeshadow, then a thin pencil stache with surrounding darker rose-pink chin and neck hair. Other makeup includes red lipstick. The middle of his very long neck is surrounded by a scar, and he has an Adams apple. His voluminous and rose-pink curly hair poofs out a bit. His ears appear stuffed with cotton fluff.
Here Habit wears a high black cowboy hat with a rigidly upturned brim from where his hair spills all over, loosely tied in a low ponytail that has a hairband with a golden sun. The strings of the hat loop around his neck and hang off slackly. His beard is grown out close to his face. He wears a tanktop like top fit with a plunging neckline. It is a deep sky-blue and is striped darker, with white stars sprinkled on top. Below is a big oval belt buckle with bright lily designs around a centerpiece purple jewel. The belt is also studded silver on the sides.
Habit is positioned lower to meet Jim's height. He leans over and nuzzles the other man's face, his own eyes shut blissfully, smiling in his signature slightly crooked way. Jimothan laughs loud, face scrunched up happily from the touch, head angling back a bit. He touches Habit back, resting his hands on the shoulder near him. Habit cradles one of Jimothan's hands in his much larger ones, the other hand catching a glove he's taken off from the hand of Jimothan's he is holding.
The BG is a dark, richly colored photo of a sunset overlaid with an image of the night sky, which makes it look like it is scattered with stars. The sunset image fades from the bottom, about where Habit and Jimothan are placed, into the night one, which is tinged a faded purple and has the silhouettes of trees in its BG. The colored lines of the main characters stand out against these real pictures.
A bit of dialog is written in small text that reads, with Habit's spelling quirk translated in this ID for easier readability:
" Jimbo..it's getting colder....out...I...I dont know why...but I feel you should be safe and warm with me...let Me stay tonight."
"Gawrshhhh, sure, pardner! This 5 hour TV party's gonna become a TEN hour hoedown!!! YEEEHAWWW"
" Eheh... I like you...a lot." End ID ]
Here's the version with Habitspeak as it is!:
Plaintext: Here's the version with Habitspeak as it is!:
"Jimbo...It's getting kolder...ou...t...i...i dont know why,,,but i feeel you shuld be safe&warym with me....let Me stay tonight."
" Gawrshhhh, sure, pardner! This 5 hour TV party's gonna become a TEN hour hoedown!!! YEEEHAWWW"
"Ehehh...I like u...a lot"
And a clearer version without the BG
Plaintext: And a clearer version without the BG
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[ ID: A closeup with only Habit and Jimothan from the previous drawing. The lines are more clearly seen against the warm, pale yellow BG. End ID]
Talk under the cut!!! As always!! I invite you now to rejoice in the gayest of YEEHAWTYS...this town is PLENTY big enough for the both of them ://- )
Plaintext: Talk under the cut!!! As always!! I invite you now to rejoice in the gayest of YEEHAWTYS...this town is PLENTY big enough for the both of them ://- ) ( Habit smiley face with blush emote )
I've talked a bit about Jimothan in this other post(link) before...!
Hope people got the takeaway that I fucking love him TAMIL DAD RAHHHHHH AHAJSJ and yes his southern accent is F.A.K.E
OK now I gotta spread the good message of Habbothan. In my AU anyway!! But everyone, I don't object to it in ANY universe. ;) (winky face)
So basically Jimothan would have first known of Habit and his Habitat in an indirect way I suppose. You see Kamal and Mirphy(the first Habitician other than Kamal who himself is technically a co-owner, though by the way she walks you'd think she only owns the place) were assigned to get a cook for the whole thing. Habit doesn't want to go out himself because....erm....circumstances, shall we say for now. Possibly involving WANTED posters for taking a certain someone's teeth...anyway, Jimothan was their unfortunate choice to be knocked out in a dumpster, thrown in a bag, and desperately kidnapped over to the Habitat. Cuz it's Kamal and Mirphy, everyone. They're like the Buzzfeed Unsolved guys LOL.. Kamal does keep apologizing to him the whole time though. Jim's just happy to have a promised stable job and pay. He stays.
During that stay...a lot of things happen...new folks pouring in...frowns waiting to be turned into smiles....rain pouring in....onto a machine....and suddenly, Habit and Kamal are neither co-owners nor boss and assistant, but estranged best friends. Talk spreads fast in a small town-like place such as the Habitat....everyone has different theories on how those two are involved. Jim for his part just thinks they're very good bros, like they used to call each other obnoxiously 🥸( disguise emoji with big glasses and moustache indicating amusement here )
Kamal rarely comes to the Lounge itself. Or anywhere around the Habitat really...he's too overcome with guilt for the hand he played in " trapping everyone here" to really be free. Mostly he locks himself up in the ' Roses Balcony View For Two ' part of the terrace, but hey, the Lounge has got the only sink with bathroom in the whole area LMAO ( another mark against Habit on his architectural violations list )
Also that RAW blue shit in the sink but I hope he got better paste somewhere PLEASE
Still, the more frequent visitor becomes, oh ho, Dr.Habit himself! Not for very great reasons though..he has something of a problem with drinking to Forget ( I think this is evidenced by the Lounge PSA) so he comes in, in the last few hours before curfew hits and it's getting dark, everyone has cleared out. Sometimes he stays out recording his ~~scary~~ Bedtime PSA's in the dead of night, sometimes he tries to talk to Kamal, and other times....well maybe Jim's cleaning the bar for the night but leaves one glass out because he Knows and silently a very tall figure appears without his usual morning energy and they don't say anything or make eye contact because it's so routine at this point and....
Maybe some nights Habit is shuddering with anger, venting to the bartender he's come to know to trust to listen to him and let him hold him once-in-a-while in a show of support. Handle his precious coat( so it doesn't smell ), even. Completely sober, even. Yeah, Jim's pretty surprised by it too...but it's nice, when hes overcome with what to say to his son--who's finally shown up for the apparent purpose of sueing " this conman's therapy establishment" and also maybe get him for unlawful use of Miky Rat's image on flyers-- the weight of many miscommunicated difficult years weighing on his weakening bones, its nice, when Habit shows up, smiles sweetly at him, takes his hand and walks him alongside and out of the counter to meet him-- I don't want to drink tonight. Let's forget our worries another way. Dance with me?
The Doctor is a very bad dancer, wiggling in synchronized movements more than he can bust a move( though he does a decent, if chaotic squat kick) , and Jimothan finds that through the weirdness of a moment where the Doc's spinning his short self around on the tips of his claws ( after like three BOTCHed tries ), none of the times he'd danced with his guy gang in his youth were like this, he's actually glad for their combined constant messing-up, slipping, falling and cackling and trying-again. Really took the edge off.
Is it just him, or do the lights on them seem brighter..?
Post-Habitat, as part of trying to get to a better place and be where he'd like to be- Habit tries making amends with all the Habiticians. Of course, then, he can't avoid someone he feels as much for as Jim....
I haven't worked out the like. Mid-parts of this so forgive the break in the story LOL. I'll think about it later, but I hope you stay to hear this out, dear reader.
I'll summarize much of the rest from part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4 ( all linked ) of the acclaimed (/hj) " Jimbit (Jimothan X Habit) watches a movie HCs courtesy of me and Mika " :
They end up bonding more over watching Westerns in ridiculously long marathons, I guess Habit had a latent interest in that stuff what with Cowboy Bed, him printing a 3D horse, the shitty shirtless romance novels he'd sneak and buy in high school( Wowww Roseverse Exclusive! HSJJSJS). Those Cowboy Nights put demolition cranes on steroids to SHAME with their feral whooping and cheering. Someone save Parsley, Kamal, Trencil and Nat plz.
For the first time they get to just...know each other casually you know!!! Stuff like Habit taking a frankly obsessive interest in Jimothan's family tree, which he's more than happy to blabber away about while Habit scribbles it all down to remember (bad memory) faster than a clerk on a rush day, handing it over to Kamal to typewrite neater later.
And Jimothan is over the fucking moon when he gets to pretend he knows stuff about (motor)bikes( he's more into cars and trucks ) and save his pride PLUS help and possibly IMPRESSSS the Doctor with picking out a model( Kamal offered to help Habit learn to drive a 2 wheeler for going longer distances-- he himself had a string of terrible driving instructors who pretty much destroyed his confidence to ever learn how cars work, so he sticks with his bike-- he'd rather it not possibly happen to Habit as well )
Habits wandering around enamored and asking Jim every question he can think of and Jim's sweating just making shit up--
Howw much gas does *this one release on avergauge dear?
Oh there's some FIRST CLASS fuels on this one believe me, believe me. Sulphur, Ozone, Nitrogen monoxide, little missy's got EVERYTHIN'
Eughh. That iz Disgusting!
I--uh-- COUGHyeah. Yeah I think I've seen near-death donkeys better than a bike like this. This monster's a sin t' the Earth itself
Why, Doc, I got a right mind and a half to beat the chemicals out o' this ugly metal hunk right here n' now
Oh mie goodness! That iz very bold of you but I donot believe we shuld do a violente here !! You mite go to jail darling
Hawhaw, ain't no bars going t' hold ME from helping you with your bike today I SWEAR on my precious son
:// -) ( blushing Habit smile emote )
...Somewhere far away in an office below the Earth( and in Hell) Parsley feels a sudden bad omen overcoming him🥸( disguise emoji with big glasses and moustache indicating amusement here )
Habitspeak translation for those who need!
Howww much gas does *this one release on average dear?
Oh there's some FIRST CLASS fuels on this one believe me, believe me. Sulphur, Ozone, Nitrogen monoxide, little missy's got EVERYTHIN'
Eughh. That is Disgusting!
I--uh-- COUGHyeah. Yeah I think I've seen near-death donkeys better than a bike like this. This monster's a sin t' the Earth itself
Why, Doc, I got a right mind and a half to beat the chemicals out o' this ugly metal hunk right here n' now
Oh my goodness! That is very bold of you but I do not believe we should do a violence here !! You might go to jail darling
Hawhaw, ain't no bars going t' hold ME from helping you with your bike today I SWEAR on my precious son
:// -) ( blushing Habit smile emote )
Anddd well, this parts a little more fuzzy in my mind but I think they may both have their masculinity hangups and internalized queerphobia? It would be difficult of course but I think with each other's(and other people too's) help they can be softer with each other....
Just a gay(enby) guy and a trisexual guy being cowbuddies and riding off into the sunset.
Oh, right. You don't know, do you? /lh
" I'm not bisexual, I'm trisexual. I try everything" - Shah Rukh Khan Jimothan Botch
Plain text: " I'm not bisexual, I'm trisexual. I try everything" - Shah Rukh Khan( this is crossed out text) Jimothan Botch
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tsumtsumsthighs · 4 years ago
pairing: iwaoi x f!reader
tags: iwaoi threesome, f!reader, degradation, dacryphilia, mean doms, reader is restrained, overstimulation, spit, dumbification, haji being a bit jelly, and tooru being a little shit​
word count: 1k
thank you ethereal eden ( @koutaroucutie ) for being my beta reader! 
gif made by: @volleygifs​
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“Please no more” you whine, thrashing around as much as the binds would allow. 
Hajime has you tied up spread eagle on the bed. You’ve lost all track of time. How long had he been there lapping at your folds like a starving man? You must've cum five or six times already. Hot and heavy tears roll down your cheeks as you strain against the ropes. Your attempt to move is pitiful and you can feel a scoff against your sensitive cunt.
“Aw,” Haji taunts. “is the princess tired already?” His fingers are relentless, still rubbing teasing circles around your clit, making your legs tremble from the overstimulation. 
Before you have a chance to provide a pathetic response, Hajime retracts his hand. For a moment, you think you’re finally free. You let out a sigh of relief, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Hajime. He brings his hand back down quickly with a satisfying slap against your wet cunt. Your toes curl, the pleasure shooting up your body like electricity. You moan and arch your back, the strike forcing you over the edge for the umpteenth time. 
Your chest heaves up and down, barely able to catch your breath. You glance up pleading at Hajime to have some mercy on your abused body. He only laughs darkly at your pathetic whimpers.
“C’mon Iwa-chan, don’t be so mean to the little princess,” a second voice speaks up. “Look at that,” Tooru wipes his thumb across your cheek, catching your tears, “you’ve turned her into such a mess.” Hajime shifts over to your left side, allowing Tooru to sit on your right. His chocolate eyes had a terrifying fire blazing behind them. His fingers dance down your chest and stomach and tease your thighs before slowly entering you. 
A fresh wave of tears begins cascading down your face, “P-please Tooru, c-can’t cum.” He leans forward, placing a gentle kiss on your ear. 
“Now now, little cutie, you gave Iwa-chan quite the show,” he curls his fingers upward, perfectly finding that spot which triggers a throaty scream from you. “It’s my turn now.” 
His fingers continue their assault on your poor pussy, practically squirting non stop at this point. Your body seizes up violently, and you plant your feet against the mattress.
Screaming, you push your body upward. Your eyes cross, mouth lolling open. You hear voices but can’t make out any of the words. There are only two things you’re sure about, Tooru’s fingers have not slowed down and Hajime was now sitting on top of you. His thighs pin your hips down, making it impossible for you to squirm away from the stimulation. Hajime grips your face harshly, forcing you to look at him. Pain blossoms from where his fingers are digging your cheeks into your teeth, but you’re too fucked out to care.
“You’re such a good slut for us aren’t you?” He lets go of your face and slaps your cheek, leaving an angry red mark in its wake. You frantically nod your head, not able to speak.
“Oh she liked that,” Tooru smirks, feeling your tight cunt spasm against his fingers. “You like it when Iwa-chan treats you like a little whore, hmm?” 
Hajime grins like a madman, “Open your mouth and stick out your tongue,” he demands. 
Your poor little brain can’t keep up with his words. Tooru, being the little shit he is, speeds up his movements, distracting you from Hajime’s command. 
Not liking being ignored, Hajime strikes your other cheek. “I said,” he practically growls, frustration dripping from his lips. “Open your mouth and stick out your tongue like the horny bitch that you are.” You’re still far too lost in the sensation of Tooru’s slender fingers skillfully working your pussy to comply. 
Hajime shoots his friend a resentful glare, not happy about him being the center of your attention. He turns back to you knowing exactly how to let you know who’s in charge. He grips your jaw with one hand and grabs your tongue with the other, pulling it out. You gag around his fingers, feeling yourself reach another mind-numbing high. You shriek, the noise coming out choked because of Hajime’s grip on your tongue. 
“You take whatever we give you, hm?” Hajime asks. This time you manage to pull yourself together and nod your head. There’s a dangerous glint in his eyes. Worry fills your gut, not knowing what is going on inside his head. “I know exactly what to give to whores like you.”
Before you can brace for whatever his scheme was, he pulls on your tongue further out of your mouth and spits. His hot saliva hitting your tongue startles you, but when the realization of what he had done hits you, your face turns hot. Hajime never spat on you before, but you find that you enjoy it more than you would like to admit. Your legs seize up again as Tooru slaps your clit. 
“Swallow.” Hajime commands, letting go of your tongue. You don’t dare disobey him. He groans watching your throat bob as you swallow. By now, tears are flowing freely from your eyes, cheeks feeling raw from all the crying. 
“Show me.” His demanding tone makes you shiver. You weakly open your mouth, showing that his spit is making its way down your throat.
“Aw, look at the little slut.” Tooru says. He sits up from his spot beside you, gesturing for Hajime to move. Hajime raises a brow at his friend, questioning him. “I want a good view of her pretty face. Is that too much to ask Iwa-chan?” Tooru pouts. 
“H-haji I-” you hiccup, “don’ w-wanna cum more.” You look so pretty. Your face is wrecked, covered in tears and drool, eyes glazed over. Your pussy is  soaked in slick, with more  continuing to gush out onto the very wet mattress. 
“Poor little whore thinks we’re gonna take pity on her.” Tooru unbuckles his belt and starts sliding his pants down. 
“Sweetheart, we’re still just warming up.”
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asmo-ds · 4 years ago
Here’s some Asmo thirst cuz while I may not be an Asmo stan I’ve had this scenario that’s perfect for them. MC is trying to get Asmo jealous at the club by dancing with other guys/gals/whoever but he’s not biting cuz he’s doing the exact same thing. It’s a competition to see who gets jealous first!
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Clubbing and Competing (Asmo x F!MC) 18+
Warnings: Smut, clubbing, drinking
Description: When MC tries to rile up Asmo by making him jealous she wasn’t expecting he’d start to try and make her jealous right back. Let the games begin.
You pressed your lips to the glass, slowly sipping the alcohol, trying your best to ignore the drunken demon hitting on you.
Your eyes drifted to the avatar of lust, Asmodeus, who had invited you to come out with him tonight but instead was ignoring you for the desperate succubi who were getting a little too handsy for your liking. 
You had thought Asmodeus was finally acknowledging the feelings between you two when he’d offered to let you tag along tonight, you never would have expected he was once again ignoring you, opting to distract himself from romantic feelings with lust from random people who he’d never met. 
You felt envious of the women. They were so close to Asmodeus, they had all his attention that you were supposed to have tonight.
The first succubus had bombarded you at the door, nudging you to the side so she could rub up on Asmodeus, who indulged in her antics.
“Asmo,” she whined, “you haven’t shown up here in forever, your girls miss dancing with you!” You couldn’t help the jealousy and anger that bubbled in your chest, threatening to leak out in the form of nasty words towards the succubus.
“Ah, Lucifer had forbidden me from going out, I couldn’t defy him this time because he threatened to ruin my pretty face,” he pouted.
“Oh my Diavolo, if he ruined your face I think every succubus in the Devildom would go on a rampage!” She laughed, pressing against him with lust in her eyes. “Whaddya say we dance, hun?” She asked him with a sultry tone.
You frowned as they made their way to the dance floor. You were left standing there, shocked that Asmodeus had the audacity to grind up on a succubus, knowing your eyes were on him.
So there you stood, a human in a short little black dress, lost in a sea of sweaty drunk demons who wanted nothing more than to devour you.
Fine then, you thought, I’ll make Asmo pay attention to me the old fashioned way.
Grabbed a shot, letting its burning liquid roll down your throat before you made your way to a handsome demon who had been eyeing you since the moment Asmo left your side.
“Well hello there,” he said as you walked up and began to dance with him, “Don’t you know how dangerous it is for you to be here? An itty bitty human in a sea of monsters,” he whispered in your ear to which you responded with a giggle.
“Don’t you know how much human women love the sense of danger?” you retort, smirking as you pressed up against his chest with your own.
You peered over his shoulder at Asmodeus, he looked a bit agitated with your behavior, but only returned your smirk with one of his own.
Game on, little human.
He spun the succubus he was dancing with around so her back was against his chest, hands on her hips swaying to the music.
You let out a small huff, deciding to double your pawns. You noticed the demon dancing with you was speaking to his friend who stood a foot or two away. You bit your lip and grabbed his friend, tugging him to join you both as you dance, which neither boy seemed to mind. You were sandwiched between them, One pressed up against your breasts and pelvis, while the other held your hips and grinding your backside onto him, swaying to the music.
You looked over to Asmodeus, who now was sitting at the bar, surrounded by several succubi who laughed at everything he said.
You let out a small growl, and marched towards the bar, abandoning your demon friends. Asmodeus smirked, thinking you’d had enough and was coming to steal him away from the numerous women.
When you instead avoided his group completely, going up to the bartender instead, he was left with his mouth gaping. He’d thought for sure you’d whisk him away in a fit of passion, but instead, you’d ordered a drink and taken a seat near a group of men who all looked at you with hungry eyes.
He watched as they chatted you up, you simply sitting back and drinking up the attention. You were getting too cocky, did you really forget that you were surrounded by demons?
When a demon began to whisper in your ear very sensually, Asmo felt a bit annoyed, but the last straw was watching the demon lick up from the junction of your shoulder and neck all the way to your ear before nibbling on it.
“Sorry ladies, I would love to stay and chat, but if I don’t bring the human home son, Lucifer will probably skin me alive,” he says loud enough for you to hear. He refused to listen to the girls’ protests, deciding instead to pull you out from the group of drunk demons.
“Hey! Don’t make her leave, the cutie was having fun with us,” the one who’d bitten your ear spoke up. Asmodeus looked back at him with fire in his eyes.
“Don’t touch my human.”
You’d never seen Asmodeus like this. Envy was radiating off of him as he continued to drag you out of the club. 
You shivered as the cold Devildom air touched your skin. Asmodeus’s vice grip on your wrist was beginning to hurt and you let out a small whimper.
“A-Asmodeus, you’re hurting me,” he loosens his grip, looking back at you with sorry, guilty eyes. 
He continued to hold your wrist gently, silent the entire walk home. You felt nervous. He’s never looked so upset before, especially towards you.
When you got back to the house, Asmodeus picked you up bridal style, to avoid Lucifer hearing your footsteps and coming to scold you both. He tip-toed all the way to his room before lightly tossing you onto his bed.
“You went too far.” A shiver ran down your spine as his voice was stern and deeper than usual. 
“You started it, I mean you just let those succubi rub themselves all over you, with no thoughts of how it’d make me feel!” You shouted, angry that the demon was putting all of the blame on you.
“You’re a human, MC it’s different when you do it,” he shouts back, “I was fine with them grinding on you, whispering in your ear, but letting them put their mouth on you?! Why would you let them do that?! Especially such a vital spot, he could have easily eaten you then and there, MC!” You heard his voice crack and looked up to see him tearing up and biting his lip to avoid letting out cries.
“Asmo I-”
“What if I’d lost you?! You’re the only one I’ve ever cared for more than myself! I can’t lose you!”
You sit there in silence thinking over his words. He’s right, what were you thinking? Did you really put yourself in that much danger just to make Asmo jealous? 
Your thoughts are interrupted by Asmodeus putting his hands on your cheeks, wiping off the tears you hadn’t even realized had fallen. So there you two were, two weeping messes holding each other.
Asmodeus looked you in the eyes, yes, you said in your head but it must have reflected in your eyes as he surged forward, capturing your lips with his own, salty human and demon tears mixing. 
He pulled back, looking you in the eyes before you both connected once more in a more passionate kiss, powerful enough that you were pushed back so your back rested on his soft bed, Asmo never breaking apart from you as he crawled over you and between your legs.
His tongue rubbed your bottom lip, causing you to part them and let him suck your tongue into his mouth. You could still taste the demonus on his tongue, the taste giving you goosebumps.
His soft lips kissed the corner of your mouth, trailing down your jaw to your jugular where he began to suck and nibble on your soft skin. You let out a small whine, encouraging Asmo to keep going, so he did. He made his way to your collar bones, leaving his mark on them as well before you felt his hand slide to the hem of your dress.
“MC, is this okay?” He asks, looking you in the eyes, his rose-colored ones piercing and lustful.
“Yes, please,” you answer breathlessly. You watch Asmodeus eye the dress before he tears it open, causing you to gasp loudly.
“Asmodeus!” you scold him, to which he replies with a cheeky smile and a wink.
“Dresses are replaceable, this moment is not.” You blush at his words and suddenly feel underdressed as he stares at your body for a minute, admiring your panties and bra.
He moves you to sit up a bit before he unlatches the garment covering your breasts. You feel your nipples grow hard as they suddenly are exposed to the air. Asmo lays you back down leaning down towards one of your breasts, giving it a slow lick and causing you to moan softly. He moves his hand to capture the other one and massage it as he continues to suck, relishing in the way you arch your back, pushing up into his lips’ embrace.
“You’re so beautiful”, he whispers, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips before removing his shirt and pants. You are practically drooling at the sight of his body that had been built by the heavens before he fell from grace. You slowly trace over his abs with your hands, getting off the bed and onto your knees in front of him.
Placing your fingers beneath the hem of his underwear, you take a deep breath and kiss his naval before pulling the garment down and exposing his member. You stared at it in awe, it’s head red and leaking precum, the perfect length and girth for you.
The way you hungrily eye his cock has Asmodeus panting, ready to feel your tongue caressing it and throat squeezing him.
You give a kitten lick to the tip, making Asmodeus groan. He laces his fingers in your hair as you take him into your mouth, saliva lubricating his cock as you move your head. 
Swirling your tongue around his member, paying extra attention to the veins that ran down its underside.
You could taste his salty precum as you continued to bob your head, drool leaking from your mouth as you sucked him. You felt his cock twitch in your mouth and you inhaled deeply through your nose, holding your breath and looking up at him with pleading eyes.
He got your message and began to thrust into your mouth, tip repeatedly hitting the back of your throat, making you squeeze his cock and gag.
“Fuck. Your mouth feels so good around me, MC” he moans before giving one last final thrust, which he held at the back of your throat.
You felt his hot seed drip down your throat, as you looked up at him with doe eyes, lips still against his pubic bone as he held you and waited for his cum to finish spilling out of his cock. 
When he pulled you off, yanking you by the hair, you were panting. You licked your lips as you stared Asmodeus in the eye, watching as he got hard again.
He lifted you up, tossing you onto the bed, making you bounce lightly before he crawled between your legs, kissing up your thighs.
You gasp as he kisses everywhere but where you need him the most.
“Look at you, getting this fucking wet from sucking my cock,” he runs a finger up your slit, making you let out a low moan and buck your hips up, desperate to be touched more.
“You tasted so good, I couldn’t help getting excited,” you respond breathlessly as he continues to nip and leave bruises on your inner thighs.
“Mmmm, now it’s my turn.” He suddenly dives his head into your pussy, sucking at the lips and circling the clit before he moves down to your tight hole. He thrusts the muscle in and out of you, making you see stars as you hear his sloppy sucking sounds from below you. You grip his hair pulling him impossibly closer to you. He groans as the pain of having his hair pulled and looks up at you with dangerous eyes. He suddenly moves his tongue to your clit, flicking, sucking, and nibbling the bundle of nerve, causing your hips to rise from the bed. He responds by placing a hand on your stomach, pushing you back down and holding you there, fingers spread to keep you in place. He uses his other hand to thrust a finger into you, a loud moan leaving your mouth as you pull his hair harder, making him groan once more, sending vibrations to your clit.
You squirm and moan uncontrollably as Asmo adds a second finger, curling up to rub you in all the right places. He adds a third and continues to thrust them in and out of you and suck your clit. You begin to tremble, legs shaking as Asmo used the hand previously on your stomach to keep your thighs from crushing his head. You begin to see stars and you arch your back as you squeeze Asmo’s fingers, your juices getting all over them. 
You slowly open your eyes, peering up at Asmodeus, and you watch as he slowly licks your essence off his fingers, one by one, moaning at your taste. You blush as he does this and begin to get excited. Foreplay was over, now it’s time for the main course. 
Asmodeus rolled onto his back, pulling your hips to straddle him. He sat up so you were nose to nose, both breathing heavily as he lines you up with his cock. When his cock’s head pressed against your hole you let out a small gasp, Asmodeus watching as you squeezed your eyes and your mouth hung open in a small ‘o’ shape. He began to push your hips down, tears pricking at your eyes from his size.
“Shhh, it’s okay princess, I promise the pain will go away,” he coos, watching as your pussy swallows his cock until he’s bottomed out. You both sit there panting, resting your forehead against his.
“MC,” he breathes out, making you look him in the eyes. His eyes were glossy as he looks at you with so much adoration and love. “I love you, with my entire being.”
“I love you too, Asmodeus. So much more than you’ll ever know,” you respond before rocking your hips softly, making both of you let out soft noises of pleasure. 
Asmo meets your pace, thrusting up into you as you sped up. He watches your tits bounce, covered in his hickeys and bite marks.
Seeing his marks triggered something feral and possessive within him, making him flip you onto your back, his face buried in the crook of your neck as he began to thrust faster.
“Asmo, please please,” You cried, unsure of what it was you were asking for.
“Please what, princess?” He responds seductively before biting your ear.
“Please I want you to thrust your cock in me harder, please,” you sob, the need for orgasm overwhelming. 
He obeys your commands, thrusting harder and faster making your moans grow in pitch and volume. 
“Fuck, you feel so fucking good princess,” he lightly grips your throat, your hands desperately wrapping around his wrist looking for any sort of anchorage. He squeezes lightly, “look at your pussy swallowing me, it’s sucking me back in like the little slut you are,” You moan at his dirty words, mind spinning from the lack of oxygen and the immense pleasure he gave you as his cock hit your g-spot with every thrust.
He leaned down, loosening his grip on your throat as he kissed you, all teeth and tongue, messy and passionate. He pulled out before flipping you over, face pushed down into his soft mattress as your ass was raised in the air, your hole clenching around nothing, desperate to be filled again. 
His cock thrust back into you from behind, getting deeper than he was before. He grabbed your hair, yanking you back so your back arched and he had access to your neck. 
He bit your neck, leaving no spot unmarked, nobody would dare to touch Asmodeus’s human ever again. You moaned, the sting of his fangs sinking into your flesh mixing with the pleasure of his cock’s head hitting your deepest spots, your mind becoming hazy and your moans slowly beginning to sound like screams of pleasure.
You could feel his cock twitch inside of you, and you knew he was just as close to coming undone as you were. The knot in your lower belly growing impossibly tight as you tried to hold it in.
“Tell me, who is making you feel this good?” He groans.
“You are!” You scream as your eyes roll into the back of your head, your moans uncontrollable and loud.
“Who do you belong to, princess?”
“Asmodeus!” You cry one last time before coming undone, your walls pulsing around his cock, causing him to finish as well, his seed shooting deep into you, your womb becoming warm with his cum.
You both sat there like that, riding out your highs as you panted, both of you attempting to come down from the haze that clouded your minds.
Slowly Asmo pulled his softening member out of your hole, watching as some of his cum came with it, slowly dripping down your thighs. You cried, feeling empty without him in you. He kissed all across your spine, whispering praises of how well you took him.
He walked away for a minute while you rolled onto your back, as it was getting uncomfortable in your previous pose. He came back with a warm damp towel, wiping you down and leaving soft kisses all over you.
He lifted you up, carrying you to his bath, setting you gently down where he could sit behind you and massage your muscles.
“Asmodeus…” You begin.
“Yes, princess?”
“Is it true what they say, y’know about cum being good for your skin and all?” He laughs loudly, his chest shaking against your back as you leaned into him.
He grips your chin between his thumb and forefinger, tilting your head to look him in the eyes.
“Do you wanna find out~”
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bts-hyperfixation · 4 years ago
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Here you go! Jeon Jungkook - classic exes at a party. Long black haired JJK because he is still not paying rent in my head. Smut and angst
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It’s the first party you’ve been able to make it to in months. One thing after another got in the way, and you were more than ready to get absolutely wasted and make a few mistakes with a stranger or two. Work had finally calmed down, you had the weekend off, and more importantly your ex was out of town so there were no chances of bumping into him.
By the time your friends arrive to pick you up, you look bomb. Hair is styled, makeup is an inch thick, and your jeans hug your bum in just the right way. Confidence through the roof, you grab a bottle of alcohol from the cupboard and head out the door. The party is in full swing when you arrive. It’s difficult to find the host through the crowd, so you don’t bother instead opting to make a beeline for the kitchen. There are always hot guys in the kitchen at a party. You grab a cup, pour a drink, and wait, eyeing up potential suitors as they milled around the area. It isn’t long until you stop your first target of the evening. Six foot tall and clearly a little lost. You make your way over to the confused boy, reaching for his arm to initiate contact.
“Hi there handsome, how you doing?” he stuttered a little at your obvious advance. You smirk at him, he was adorable. You were going to eat him alive. “I’m Y/N, have you got a name cutie?” he takes a large swig of his drink and builds his courage.
“I’m Soobin.” He glances at the hand you have on his arm and gulps a little, clearly not drunk enough to have let go of his inhibitions just yet.
“Want to get another drink, Soobin.” You emphasize his name like it’s the most important word you have ever said. He blushes and hides away from the scrutiny of too much eye contact.
“Yeah… sure what are you...” he starts but is rudely interrupted
“Leave the poor boy alone Y/N. He isn’t ready for a girl like you.” You roll your eyes as your ex muscles his way into your conversation. Jungkook always did have the worst timing.
“Aren’t’ you supposed to be out of town Jeon?” the distain is evident in your voice. He just chuckles and sways a little closer to you.
“Ouch last name basis, that really hurts.” He pouts and acts as if you’ve shot him in the heart. When he sees you are unamused he shrugs “Plans changed, Jimin thought we could have some fun here instead, looks like he was right.” His eyes rake down your form fitting attire. You just glare back, wondering if you stare hard enough, he will just explode. Soobin cleared his throat.
“Y/N it was nice meeting you, I think I’m going to disappear.” He does an awkward half wave and ducks into the next room.
“What did you have to go and do that for, he and I could’ve had something.” You turn to move away from him. Before you can get very far, he catches your arm and forces you to look at him. You take him in properly for the first time in six months. He looks incredible. His hair is much longer now, curls tumble into his eyes. A plain black shirt covers barely conceals ab muscles a god would be jealous of, and his ripped skinny jeans were struggling to contain his thighs.
“I’m sorry, I mean I’m not, that poor kid was not going to survive a night with you. But I am sorry, that you look that amazing, and I am going to have to ruin every chance you have with any other guys here tonight.” At least the boy is honest.
“Look I really don’t want to deal with you right now, or ever actually.” You shake his hand off of you. “Why can’t you just forget about me and leave me alone?”
“I don’t know how to forget you.” The boy is a little too honest. His expression changes entirely. Going from cocky asshole to hurt bunny in a flash. It hurts to watch him hurt. It will hurt a lot more if you let him crawl back into your heart.
“Kookie…” you realise your mistake using the pet name as soon as its out… but its too late now. “We need to move on, we decided this wasn’t healthy. Please.”
“Y/N-ah, what about just tonight?” the hope in his gaze doesn’t go unnoticed. His bunny smile tugs at the corner of his lips as you don’t stop him from getting closer to you. His nose scrunches as it makes contact with yours, rubbing against it, his lips barely an inch from your own.  
“STOP BEING SO CUTE… it’s distracting.” You push back a little to clear your head. He follows you, not willing to give you the space you would need.
“Never, now come on, you know you want to.” His hands are on your waist, manoeuvring you back in the direction of the back stairway. You let him. it’s not long until you’re moving of your own volition. Taking steps two at a time as he swats at your arse. You stumble in to the first bedroom and lock the door. There is no blaming this on the alcohol, you barely had one glass, and there is definitely no going back from this. Still you don’t stop. Instead you grab at his shirt, clinging to the tight fabric as you kiss him. Months of loneliness and lingering feelings forcing their way into one passionate embrace. His tongue slips easily passed your lips, applying pressure against your own.
He pushes your jacket off your shoulders and moves his ministrations to your neck. He nibbles along the way marking you, needing proof that this was really happening, scared if he let your body go, for even a second, he would wake up from the dream. The same dream he had been having since the two of you split. The one where you always leave hating him, disgusted by him.
Not this time, this time he will make you stay, prove to you he is worth your time, that he will try harder.
He forces you back on to the bed. Slots himself between you legs and continues to kiss and suck along your chest. He barely comes up for air until you tun your hands through his curls, making him look up.
“I’m here Kookie, breath, we have all night.” He nods slowly, taking in your words.
“I want more than just tonight Y/N.” before you can respond his lips are back on yours, stealing all rational thought form your head. Instead your hands move to his belt, making quick work of the buckle and undoing his fly. Your fingers dip below the elastic of his underwear to play with his hardening shaft. He moans into your mouth, to this day one of the most beautiful sounds you think you will ever hear. He grabs your hand and removes it from his underwear, “Let me take care of you first.”
He undoes jeans and shimmies them to the floor, leaving a trail of kisses along each leg on his way back up to your core. He makes quick work of your panties, throwing them somewhere in the room where you will probably never find them. Just as you think he is about to start the main event his face pops back up next to yours. He looks so proud of himself as he presents a small length of satin fabric.
“Is that a blindfold? Did you plan this?” he just winks at you. You let him secure the fabric anyway.
“I brought it just in case, I know how you feel things so much more when it’s a surprise.” His hot breath fans over your sweat dampened sin as he makes his way back down your body. Cold hands surprise you as they trail under your shirt. Your back arches giving him access to the clasp on your bra. It loosens enough for him to be able to play with your nipples under your shirt. He pinches at the stiff peaks and watches with delight as you grimace.
It doesn’t take him long to remember his original mission though, and with one hand still under your shirt he wriggles his face in between your thighs. He nips at the flesh to get you to open up more, allowing him full access to you. He licks a stripe along your slit collecting the already messy arousal lingering there. His tongue dips in further on the second lick, making you shiver. The anticipation too much as he teases you, each touch unexpected. Your fingers find purchase in his hair, tugging at the long strands. You find yourself praying to every god that will listen that he never cuts his hair shorter than this again.
You’re brought back to the situation at hand as the tip of his tongue plays with your clit. Flicking the bud with tiny amounts of pressure. Barely touching it, yet still making you feel crazy.
“Kookie please…” its barely a whine but it spurs him on. Fingers accompany his tongue. Two curl inside of you, scissoring and playing with the spot he knows never fails. His mouth presses down around your clit, sucking at the nerves as he works figure of eights around the centre. It has you keening. You’ve never been more thankful for loud generic party music. Adding a third finger proves too much for you. He licks the cum as it escapes, savouring every drop and then he keeps going. Three fingers deep, pumping faster, now watching every little twist of your mouth as he chases your second orgasm. When he sees the tell-tale sign that you are about to come again, he stops. Pulls away from you completely.
You make grabby hands in the direction you think he is gone. He laughs at you. Frustrated you go to remove the blindfold, just wanting more of him.
“Don’t you dare.” It comes out as a growl. The command threatening enough to have you think twice. “Move up the bed.” you use your elbows to support yourself as you move back toward the pillows. You feel the bed dip as he re-joins you. As his legs brush up against yours, you notice the lack of his jean’s rough material. You bite your lip so hard you can taste blood. He rubs his length along you, gathering the left-over cum. He pushes into you so slowly. It’s hard not to buck your hips up to meet his. But you know Jungkook better than that. He has the self-control to just stop completely if you were to stop him teasing you.
He works up his thrusts, gaining a little more speed. Now he encourages you to meet each one. Dirty words whispered into your ear punctuate each movement. You’re a panting mess by the time he is anywhere near finished.
“Cum for me Jagiya, just one more time.” He rolls your clit between his finger and thumb. You release with one last moan. He buries himself deep inside as you do, painting your insides with every contraction of your pussy. He removes he blindfold, flashes you one of his cheesiest smiles and rolls to the side of you, one arm still connected to you, making sure you’re still there even if his eyes are closed.
Once you can string together coherent thoughts again you panic. This was not how tonight was supposed to go, almost entirely the opposite in fact. You look over at Jungkook, desperate to find the words to say that will make this go away. Knowing that this won’t end well for at least one of you, if not both. Just as you’re about to open your mouth he interrupts.
“Don’t.” you let the silence linger for a second before going to start again. “Please don’t.” he opens his eyes fully and turns over, so his body is facing yours.
“Please don’t what Jungkook?”
“Please don’t go back to using my full name, please don’t tell me we can’t be together, please just don’t…” it leaves you speechless. He was never able to be this open when you were together. Honest yes, open never. It’s what made it so hard in the first place. You reach for his face, stroking his cheek as he blinks back tears.
“We didn’t work together Kookie, it’s a bad idea.”
“I don’t care, we should try again. These last few months have been awful, and you wouldn’t have given into me so easily if you didn’t feel the same way.” You can feel the blush creeping up, he is right after all, you just didn’t think you were so transparent.
“I can’t lose you again. It hurt too much for both of us.”
“You don’t have to worry about that. You’re never going to get rid of me.” He lays back and you find your way on to his chest. you lay there until the sun came up, thinking about all the things that could go wrong as soon as you reopen the door to the real world.
Feb prompt list 
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kyodzuken · 4 years ago
boyfriend headcanons - soul evans
a/n; my soul evans inspired playlist!! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1YntdhOZPg1wMzYBwymwWR?si=JnHvKUWRSKGghG_dDakXGA
- you and soul started off as friends
- you'd joined the dwma halfway through the year and immediately hit it off with liz and patty
- and inevitably the rest of the group
- you're shy; so seeing this big group of loud - and very talented - weapons and meisters threw you off a bit
- but don't judge a book by its cover bc they were acc vvv warm and welcoming
- 'any friend of liz and patty is a friend of ours!'
- your partner was the first to realize tbh
- you and the gang were playing basketball
- or rather you, patty and your partner sat and watched as the rest played basketball
- when they caught you staring at a certain white-haired weapon a lil too long
- and patty;; being the girl she is;;; brought it up instantly when your partner nudged her shoulder.
- '(y/n)-chan!!! i never took you as a lovey type!'
- you rolled your eyes and denied it
- but they knew
- and so did you
- that night,, maka invited everyone over
- and ofc luck was on your side
- and you were squeezed next to soul during the movie marathon
- and it didn't help your case when he put his arm behind you, resting it on the couch.
- you thanked god it was dark because liz would definitely bully you for how red you were lmfao
- you excused yourself to the bathroom
- nearly shat your pants bc ????? uh????? you were just next to ur crush???
- and he smelt rlly nice wtf y/n snap out of it
- so after composing urself and one too many splashes of water on ur face;;
- you exited the bathroom to see the group sitting down in a game of 7 minutes in heaven
- and you wanted to cry
- you either got stuck with death the kid, literally the worst dude in the entire group (blackstar), crona, or your crush.
- lose/lose situation,,, maybe except crona bc theyre a cutie
- and lowkey you were wishing you picked up a specific hairband
-  and u did lol hahahah
- so u were stuck in this small cramped closet
- and u were so deep in thought
- u barely heard when the poor boy called ur name
- ' uhh,, listen,, this is so uncool of me to say here but,, if you say no i'll just kick you out of my house.'
- jeez ok albino
- 'i like you.'
- you swore you stopped breathing
- wtfwtf????
- did he just???
- nawl
- 'uh... i like you too..' you muttered
- which ended with a 2 minute long makeout session
- his hands travelling somewhere they shouldn't
- before blackstar slammed open the closet doors
- exposing the two of you; lips puffy and hair messed up
- the teasing didn't stop for months lol
- but das okay bc deep down they knew yall were couple goals PLS
- soul has a playlist
- filled w bangers
- and everytime he's over and the playlist starts....
- whew heated makeout sesh
- he definitely has some led lights in his room
- set to red
- wink wonk
- he's the type of boyfriend to always have his hand around your waist
- and y'all are best friends doe
- cue maka getting jealous / mad bc soul started ignoring her lowkey<//3
- deserve
- ANYWAYS you guys are literal SOULmates (hehe)
- you have so many inside jokes
- the group is honestly surprised bc they didn't think you two would get along at first
- soul is the type of boyfriend to have sm memes on his phone
- like you'll text him the most specific scenario ever and he'd have a wendy williams meme for it
- and he teases u,, sure
- but it always comes from a good place yktfv
- soul is the type of boyfriend to hold ur head and give you forehead kisses
- he'd give the best hugs too
- he'd wrap his arms around your torso and place his chin ontop of your head
- whenever ur sad just text him a lil frown face
- he's at ur door in record time
- w takeout, some snacks he possibly stole from maka's stash, and his netflix password
- sometimes you guys just lie there
- basking in each other's presence
- u might hold hands but
- mostly just enjoying each other
- soft rnb or indie playing in the background (peep my soul inspired playlist juicyoh)
- soul isn't good at doing ur hair
- but he'd try
- stupid little braids while u two are watching a movie
- netflix and chill except yall acc chill
- like he literally falls asleep in ur arms awe
- and you'd sometimes ask to do makeup on him if u wear makeup
- put his hair back w a lil hairband as he mutters some shit like
- ' this is SO not cool '
- shut up white boy you love it
- expensive dinner dates are few and far between
- but thats just bc yall are not that kind of couple
- you'd rather just get takeout and watch a good comedy or horror
- you'd be the couple to start a youtube channel
- and it'd be acc funny content like,,
- people would subscribe for the couple and stay for the content
- once you did a fnaf lets play
- soul literally left halfway through bc he got scared
- cue the 'bestfriend vs girlfriend tag w/ maka and y/n'
- if ur a meister
- you've probably tried wielding soul in his weapon form
- let's say,, it didn't go too well,,, and now theres a big mark in a wall in the city
- you and soul would 100% play pranks on blackstar and death the kid
- especially death the kid
- with help from lizzy and patty you'd make the poor boy regret ever introducing you two
- but it's all in good fun and the black haired boy has gotten y'all back multiple times too
- soul loves it when you wear his clothes
- like just seeing u in his hoodie makes him ❤️ 💓 💕 💖 💓  💖💕 ❤️
- one of ur biggest pet peeves tho
- is hes constantly undermining his struggles
- and you sit him down like
- 'babe,, youre important to me,,, you need to tell me if somethings wrong okay???'
- baby bursts into tears
- you and maka are some of the only people he's open to.
- he'd definitely play you piano
- or teach you if you don't know how
- maybe you'll sing along a few times
- when you fight it's usually over silly things
- like maybe maka was being maka and he's stressed so he lashed out
- or you didn't kill the kishin you were meant to and got told off by lord death
- it always ends in apologies;; you two don't really let it get between you
- soul is the type to tuck ur hair behind your ear when making out
- or the type to give u hugs from behind
- like imagine omgomg
- you're just chilling in the hallways at the dwma
- talking to patty
- when soul just
- he just
- ugh hugs u from the back, his head on your shoulder, a soft smile on his face as he kisses your cheek.
- cutie asf y'all r cute cute cute
- all in all
- he rlly does care ab you and you just
- "right back atcha babeyy!!"
- fr though
- y'all are bestfriends but also lovers
- goals af
- manifesting a relationship like that brb
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cottoncandyjester · 4 years ago
Your OCs are so cute! How would they handle a darling that counters them i.e. theo w/ someone who can see through his manipulation, hikari w/ someone who refuses to be belittled, prince w/ a prudish or nonsexual darling?
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Oh such a good question! thank you very much for the praise they are my babies ✨
This story contains: talk of sex, talk of abuse,drugs, mutilation, manipulation yandere behavior
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You don't fall for his bullshit
His emotional manipulation doesn't work on you
This both frustrated and amazed him
You were much stronger than he thinks
But it annoys him that he can't go the simple and painless route for this
Everytime he tries to manipulate you it usually ends with you shutting him down
"darling, my sweet angel won't it be much smarter if you stayed with me..listen to me"
"nope. I do what I want"
Wait you can't say that! That's illegal!
He immediately panicked and used force to knock you out
If his words won't work then it seems he has to keep you heavily sedated
Being a med student has beautiful benefits
He doesn't want to keep you like this but it's just until you comply
"angel? Sweetie..? Can you tell me what day it is?"
A sigh escaped him as he watched your dull glazed eyes stare back into his, you definitely were too out of it to respond back. He unbuckled the straps he had put on the wheelchair before scooping you up and walking to the bedroom to place you into bed.
"maybe when the drugs wear off you'll be better yeah? I really hate seeing you like this..I miss our conversations and I miss your adorable fiery behavior even if it was a tad bit frustrating"
As he slid his jacket off he crawled into the bed with you hugging you close with a happy sigh inhaling the smell of your hair now
"we can try again tomorrow"
You brush off his insults and he hates it
His temper explodes and so he reacts in violence
Pure rage and violence
He'll put a permanent scar or mark on you that everyone could see
You will definitely have to deal with his feral side
He wants to be sweet and loving to you but he will also do what it takes to have you
You make things such a challenge
If fear of death makes you stay than damn it that's what he has to do
"come to me cutie, don't you want to cuddle?"
"I rather chew nails"
"the hell did you say, pig?"
His sharp tone made you huff lightly, his degrading was nothing new to you if anything you would just throw it right back at him
"you're th pig not me. You are as ugly as one"
Uh oh.
Hikaru tensed up and scowled before walking over to you and gripping you by your hair, giving it a harsh tug and pulling you on your knees in front of him
"listen here bitch, watch your damn mouth before I cut your tongue off! You stupid selfish disgusting-"
Hikaru Inhaled deeply letting out a shaky breath as he let go and cupped your face in his hands his blue eyes swirling with a devilish idea
"you know..you don't need fingers and a tongue to be adorable darling. I'll love you either way, so maybe it's time to make some changes"
No matter how helpless and pathetic he looks you won't fall for it
He could have been sobbing into your lap begging you to stay and you'll just push him off
This wasn't good
His method didn't work
He had to come up with something new
He restored to desperate measures
If you were handicapped as well you would have no choice but to stay
Doesn't want to hurt you
Sobs while doing it
Will only do it if all other choices fail
"p-please stay-"
"no, I'm leaving for good. Nothing you say will change that"
Axis was on his knees begging you to stay, he was crying so hard now knowing what had to be done. He leaned his head against your stomach with a gentle sigh as he slipped a hand into his pocket
"I understand, after all you can walk out if you wish just know that i love you"
"thank you for being understanding axis now please le-"
You winced and screamed when the male stabbed a needle into your thigh looking up at you his eyes pouring with tears, he looked like it hurt him more than it did you
"i-its okay honey! I'll treat you well, I'll just do something quick and easy like break your legs or maybe paralyze you from the waist down, we can be broken together"
He stood up as you were becoming limp in his arms and he peppered kisses lovingly along your face and neck with a happy hum
"I love you my sweetie"
Okay...no sex on the first day got it he can wait a day
A week later. No sex..okay?
Two weeks went by and now he was getting worried
You cringed at the utter mention of sex
He was going through a withdrawal
It was driving him crazy how much of a prude you were
Poor boy was being blueballed and he didn't like it
Pleasuring himself was totally not enough
He wanted to feel you
This was how he showed his love and the fact that he couldn't made him pissed
Hell your clothes covered your entire body
You even wore wet suits at the beach
by two months he had snapped
He couldn't take it anymore
He restored to drugging your drink with several aphrodisiacs
He kinda went crazy and mixed a bunch of different ones together
After that it doesn't take long til you are panting and writhing from the feeling
He was only being a sweetheart and decided to help
"what's wrong baby?"
Prince smirks against his beer can as he watched you press your legs together whining and whimpering as your body felt like it would melt.
"i-i feel hot..so hot"
Prince made sure to strike during a cuddle session, he put his can down and held you close tightly looking at you curiously, his smirk only getting wider when he saw just how adorable you looked
"should I help you!"
"i-we shouldn't-"
"do you want to suffer?"
That statement made you whine as he trailed his hands along your body watching you squirm around wildly
"calm down, I'll be gentle I'm just trying to help baby cUse this feeling won't go away on its own"
He will have to use drugs more often
Blackmail doesn't work on you
You have nothing to lose it seems
This annoyed him
He just wants to love you why are you being so mean
He just wants to love you
He is normally too lazy for force but if he has to he will
His use of force will just be tying you up and holding you close
If he has to gag you he will
He will make sure you won't leave
Every escape you try is only met with disappointment
He always stays calm
Until you decide to break his fantasy
"leave me alone!"
"be kinder to your boyfriend..."
"oh my fucking God! You aren't my boyfriend! We aren't anything you are just a sicko who is obsessed with me! Go away!"
There was silence after that and a soft sniffle escaped him before he simply reached out fast gripping your wrist while using his free hand to wipe his tears.
"that's not true- not true not true. You just forgot I'll have to remind you just how much I love you"
With that he threw you over his shoulder while tears rolled down his cheeks, he needed a good nap to sleep the depression away and if course you will be at his side so he can cuddle but first he has to take care of you.
You were so mean so he figured he can use his piercing kit to do something about that mouth, he's never pierced someone's mouth shut but maybe he can do that
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nudesmut · 4 years ago
The Naked Bum, Ch. 3 (M)
Pairing: Jaebum x Youngjae
Genre: Smut
Warning: Exhibitionism, nudism
Word count: 2983 words
The Art Class
Jaebum read on the local advertisment that someone needs a nude model for their art class. This gave the horny man some ideas on how that fantasy will work out. He could imagine just them drawing out his well-built body in whatever position they put him in, while they draw out his huge, thick dick onto their canvas. It turned him on, as he stood there, in front of the bunch of ads posted on the pedestal wall in the middle of the park. He was stroking himself and was releasing small groans from the thought of it.
He wasted no time but to head to the campus the next day to see what it looked like. It was filled with students, most were fast walking to their next classroom. Some were gossiping and others sat and ate their lunch. The naked man had already entered the vicinity, allowing his huge erection sprung free. A few of the girls were eyeing on him, blushing at the sight of Jaebum's body and ass. The guys were laughing to themselves, seeing how such a bold man would walk around campus nude. This kind of sight aroused him even more than usual. He couldn't take it anymore as he went towards the middle fountain and got on top of the platform.
There, he was standing all in his bare glory against the morning sun. He grabbed a hold of his huge prick and starts to rub himself in front of the entire campus. The students were all gazed at the nude man, shamelessly masturbating to them. A loud moan escaped him, as his messy dark hair slightly pushed themselves back while tilting his head. His bicep slapped against his muscular pec, while he continiously beating himself. The sound of his precum now lathering over the big shaft is all that was echoing.
The students watched in awe, while many were taking out their phones and recording the scene before them. As much as some would report to the teachers, they couldn't. Who would resist Jaebum's exposed body and who wouldn't be infatuated by it?
"Oh yeah... So good when my big cock is hard... And throbbing..." the horny man panted in between breaths. The ladies were on the front row, while the guys tried to look away from the sight of that dick. Another groan escaped him, as he looked up to his audience where were staring right at his rigid big dick. He smirked to himself, now beginning to fuck his hand. Hips thrusting and his shaft sliding against his palms. "Fuck... My balls ache..." he shudders another moan.
It was a hot sight to behold indeed. The students slowly began to cheer for him as he continues to jack off in front of them. The pleasure and the amount of spectators made his blood course down to his angry erection. "I'm gonna cum....!!!" he shouted before making one last thrust against his hand and spurted more than seven cumshots towards the girls direction, only to land in front of them. "Fucking god...!" he loudly grunted, unloading another stream of massive cumshots at the platform, causing a small pool of semen beneath them. One hand roam around his big chest as he finally empties himself. He then grins and looks over to the crowd and hear them applaud. It satisfied him as he got off the platform and went his way inside the school.
Going down the hall, he saw the front desk. A woman looked up and was shocked to see the naked man standing before her, except the counter only covered the lower half of his body. "M-May I help you?" she asked in a stutter.
Jaebum tilts his head, placing his one hand against the desk while the other massaged his sacs. "Looking for the art class that is need of a nude model?" he responded, his voice sounding husky from all that jerking from earlier.
"Uh... Down the hall. Should you need a towel, sir?" she asked nervously, trying to hide her blush while glancing her eyes down to his abs then back up to him.
Jaebum shook his head and winked at her. "Nope, thanks, cutie." He walks away, as the other side of the front desk is elevated lower than the front side. The horny man walked around it, as the front clerk watched and saw that his dick is hard and big! She clears her throat before resuming back to her notes and pretends to not see the naked man.
The students were already in class by the time Jaebum had arrived, so he stood beside the door, waiting to be called. He told the teacher that he will come in before class started. He leaned against the wall, jerking himself, as he waited.
"Class, we are going to do some nude painting today. What better way to get our class started than to bring in our model. Be respectful, and do not touch him by any means. Come on in!" said the art teacher.
The nude man heard the teacher and walks inside the classroom, holding his huge erection and looks over to the teacher before him. God he was a hot teacher. How old was this teacher? If he were in his early lates 20s, he'll gladly fuck him good. But Jaebum kept himself together and looks over to the class, which he can see a couple of familiar faces from his earlier stunt at the fountain.
The art teacher and the class were a little dumbfounded yet surprised, mostly the art teacher overall. Some of the students were whispering how the rumors of a naked man with a big cock is true. Jaebum stood beside the teacher, casually stroking himself like its no tomorrow. The teacher chuckled to the class before finding words again as the nude man stood there, giving the girls a wink and the guys a seductive smile. He wouldn't mind a class orgy.
"This is Im Jaebum. You.. uh," he glanced over to the naked male before Jaebum exchanged his gaze back before turning to the class before him. "W-Will paint him. Okay?"
As the students struggled to be in front of their canvas, the teacher whispered over to Jaebum's ear.
"Don't masturbate in my class, Mr. Im. This isn't sex ed. Take care of that erection."
"I would, but... then your class will be over, no? Besides, having a hard on increases value in art."
The teacher didn't believe it, but he decided to not argue in the middle of class. Jaebum got on the podium, and was asked to do a few poses and he followed. The students carefully painted him, as an hour gone by. The nude model didn't complain, and just stood there motionlessly. The art teacher couldn't help but stare at the huge hard on, which causes a stir in his pants.
After forty-five minutes has passed, the students finished their work and tried to not stare at the naked man before them.
"Good job, class. I will inspect your work right now. Jaebum, you can sit in the back, okay?" The art teacher requested as Jaebum nods, and walks off the platform before heading to the back and sat down on the chair. He placed his legs up on the table in front of him and spreads them, openly pumping his big dick. Soft moans were heard. "Ah, yeah, baby... I'm gonna fuck you in front of the class... They will watch you moan and writhe under me... Gonna fuck that ass, make you scream in the entire school... Ungh..." thought Jaebum, licking his lip. A swallow was heard from the art teacher when he glanced for a split second at the nude model. He wanted to facepalm.
When class was done, Jaebum was about to leave. The art teacher stood in front of the door and folded his arms.
"What were you thinking? This is absolutely inappropriate to the class. You are a nasty naked man. And put some clothes on!" scolded the teacher, struggling to keep focus on eye contact.
A laugh was heard from Jaebum, showing off that eye smile. He then leaned against the edge of the teacher's table. "Sorry, but I'm a nudist. And I did my part. What's so bad about it?"
"You were masturbating in front of the whole class! And you aren't bothered by it?" his face beginning to fluster.
Jaebum shook his head. "I'm always hard. And horny. So no harm done. Bet you like that little show after the students painted me, eh?" he made a sly smile.
The teacher blushed in redness and cleared his throat. "N-No... I..."
"Admit it... You cannot resist me... And you just want to get fucked by my hard cock..." Jaebum was already off the table and walked closer to the other man, his erection swayed back and forth. The more Jaebum walked closer, the more he reeks of sex and lust. He smelled a little musky, but the teacher felt so much warmth from the other man.
The naked man leaned forward for a deep kiss, pressing the teacher against the door. His hands roam around the other man's clothes. Their mouths locked and hot wet muscles lathered into each other's inner caverns. The teacher blushed feverishly, wanting to push the nude model back, but Jaebum proved to be the stronger one. His hands pinned above the man's head, as Jaebum pulled away and leaned forward to kiss his exposed skin of his neck. A moan escaped the teacher's lips. Jaebum's leaking hard was rubbing against the teacher's tent. "I-I'm getting hard... S-Shit..." cursed the teacher, forming a tent within his slacks.
Jaebum left small spots of purplish blue marks upon the skin, sucking and licking around the small harmless color behind. He finally released both of the teacher's wrists and lowers them down to begin unbuckling his belt, following his buttons. Within a few seconds, he pushed both the slacks and the underwear and knelt down. He saw the teacher's erection, and took the length with his hand and dives down to start sucking the teacher off without hesitation. A surge of pleasure began coursing around the man's pelvis, taking both of Jaebum's sides of his head with his hands, then raked them into his already messed hair.
The nude model didn't want to wait, beginning to pull back and pushed forward with his skilled mouth. It felt full within his mouth, skillful enough to pleasure the man before him. Jaebum's naturally a dominant, and how he treats sexual encounters is by giving them what they want and then overpower them by fucking them in the ass.
However, the teacher was already nearing his climax. His head leaned back against the door's surface, groaning and moaning which made Jaebum thrilled in excitement. He could imagine the students listening, but the door was already locked. "O-Oh god... Yes... Suck me good..." murmured the teacher, biting his lower lip. Jaebum used his other free hand to stroke the base, while the other massaged his sacs. The teacher couldn't help himself much longer and starts thrusting his pelvis forward, causing Jaebum to gag. But the naked man recovered and took control once more, and soon, he felt that sting of orgasm from the teacher. In a loud moan, the teacher pushed one last time and finally came inside of Jaebum's mouth. It was a good amount which Jaebum had no problem swallowing it all down. Pulling back, he licked his lips and soon stood up and leans in for another kiss. A soft hum was heard from the other man.
Pulling back, a devious smirk lifted the corners of Jaebum's lip. He then pulls the teacher away from the door and swung him around before having him turn towards the table. He parts his legs and allowed his ass to be exposed. "Now I get to fuck this ass..." the nude model said, spreading both flesh globes with his hands and massaged them. His massive shaft was rubbing against the tight hole, squeezing the teacher's ass against his big dick. He used the side of his thick shaft to slide up and down, and ilicited a small moan.
"How about it, teach'...? I'll give you some extra credit for being a great teacher of the year. Ungh... Ever gotten fucked before...?" Jaebum growled in lust.
The teacher was already weak by the legs due to that last orgasm that hit him. He shook his head in response. Who knew someone this hot of a nudist was this horny. "N-No... I want your big cock... Please, give me that huge prick inside me..."
This was beyond Jaebum's expectations. When the teacher said those words, a stream of cum already ejaculated all over the man's striped dressed shirt, soaking it. He didn't stop rubbing himself using the man's ass.
"You like it raw... Huh...? Alright, you asked for it, teach'..." Pulling his large erection away, he held the base of it and pushes himself in. The rings of muscles constricted around his already huge size. The teacher moaned out loud, causing the room to echo. Jaebum hissed and tilts his head back. "You're taking my cock so well... You earn a golden star..." when he said those words, he begins to move, stretching the teacher's hole further. The desk creaked beneath them.
Jaebum is known to be rough and raw when it comes to sex. And this was no exception. His muscles bulged once more. Both biceps were defined, his abs more pronounced, and his ass flexed too.  The heat was collecting in the room, the passion only grew between the two of them and Jaebum was finding it harder and harder to keep from coming too soon. But he managed, because he wanted this to last as long as possible. That was how much of a talented bottom the teacher was. Jaebum’s hands grasped onto the sides of the male’s hips. Then they traveled towards the flesh, groping to intensify the teacher's pleasure. “That’s it, baby… Moan for your daddy like you mean it,” he grunted, feeling up the teacher as he would move his sweet ass on his big dick.
The teacher couldn't handle this amount of pleasure. All of that movement made his own cock swell in hardness again, reaching down to stroke it in time with Jaebum's hard thrusts. His other hand was clinging onto the edge of the table. "Fuck, daddy... Yes, please I love your big, fucking cock inside me...!"
The nude man found this to be a fetish, having his bottom boys be wearing a shirt or a tie while he remained naked and fucked them until they exhaust themselves. He leaned forward, allowing his hips to continue thrusting upwards and hits that sweet spot.
"Ahhh!!!" the teacher groaned out loud, his forehead a bit sweaty. Jaebum chuckled and panted in hot breaths, whispering into his ear. "I'm about to bust a load... get ready..." And after a few more jerky thrusts, he finally came inside the man. A huge burst of cum finally shoots out from his huge tip, and shot onto that sweet spot. A growl of lust emitted from the dominant's chest.
"H-Holy shitttt...!!" the teacher groaned out loud, as the streams of sticky, thick cum continued spurting out into his ass, finally exploding outward and landing on top of the his ass. At the same time, the teacher strokes furiously, and also shot his orgasm directly onto the floor beneath him. Jaebum pulled his dick out halfway, allowing two more heavy shots within his ass and pulls out. A soft kiss pressed onto the teacher's neck and pulls away. The other man was laying against the table, already spent and his legs shook from that amount of pleasure.
Upon turning his body around, he saw Jaebum standing there, his huge cock still rock hard and covered in his cum. It was throbbing, as it was leaking out semen from the tip and trickled down to the floor. "What the..." muttered the teacher in a weak voice.
Jaebum could only grin. His body had a thin sheet of sweat. But that gorgeous body radiated against the sun's rays.
"I'm not done yet... Legs up, teach'. I'm gonna fuck you again... This time, I'll carry you while you bounce on my fucking cock..."
The teacher was already in a trance, and nods at his command. He spreads his legs as the sound of Jaebum's dark chuckle was heard from his lips.
After a few hours, Jaebum exits out from the classroom, and turns his head to the teacher's direction. "Thanks for having me, teach'... Hope you had a good fuck-- I mean, day." Jaebum was reeking in sex and didn't mind it. His big erection flopped, already forming precum at the tip. As he left, the entire classroom was nearly at a mess. The floors and some of the tables were covered in so much semen and white liquid. The teacher was on the floor, exhausted at the amount of sex the two have shared. There was no mistake, he was already smelling like Jaebum. And he will never forget it.
Jaebum left campus grounds, while holding onto his large dick and strokes it as he heads back home.
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norisxfics · 5 years ago
NCT 127′s Dorm Maid: Ch. 5 - Yuta
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Title: NCT 127’s Dorm Maid
Genre: smut
Chapter: 5
Characters: Yuta x oc/reader
Chapter Masterlist
Previous Chapter
Contains: Dom/sub, spanking, restraining, choking, hair pulling, deep throating, teasing
Summary: When NCT’s Dorm maid falls ill, her niece takes her place and becomes NCT’s new dorm maid. NCT weren’t unfamiliar with the girl as she has substituted for her aunt many times before. But this time it was different, this time she was going to become their permanent dorm maid as her aunt was forced to retire because of her health. NCT members quickly grow fond of the girl, but little did she know this also meant that she was going to be a hell of a lot more busy than she expected.
For some reason in the past few days Yuta would often glance at me or stare me down as I worked, even when I wasn’t wearing anything revealing or provocative to give him a reason to stare so much. Sometimes he would even purposely drop something on the floor for me to pick up and he would watch as I did. It was kind of annoying I won’t lie but the way he would look at me got me feeling all hot and bothered.
He was kind of cocky with me at times, which was also super annoying, but god damn it it was also so hot. It got me thinking about how cocky he’d be in bed.
One day I decided to nag about the toothpaste that was always left open and the pile of clothes I’d find on the floor of the bathroom and anywhere else.
“Okay, I’m getting sick of this, who is it? Who’s the one leaving the tube of toothpaste open, and who’s leaving clothes on the floor? Are you that lazy? The basket is right there, how do you miss the basket, I don’t understand,”
The boys stared at me and Jaehyun pointed at Yuta “It’s him, he’s the culprit,” I glared at Yuta as he nodded his head and admitted it.
“It’s not that hard to put the cap back on the tube, what are you so in a hurry for that you don’t close it? It literally takes like a second, and the clothes? Like I said the basket is right there, I swear if you can’t just do the simplest of things then I feel sorry for your future spouse,”
“Ooo Yuta is getting nagged by the maid, he fucked up,” Mark snickered.
“And? You’re our maid, it’s the maid’s job to clean, so why should I do all that?”
The boys and I all stared at Yuta, our mouths gaped open. I closed my jaw and crossed my arms under my chest “Fine, you keep doing that, you’ll see what happens the next time I find those things like that,”
“What are you gonna do? Spank me?” He raised a brow, leaning back against the sofa with his arms crossed, one leg crossed over the other, and I swear I can see a small smirk forming on his lips.
So I smirked back “Is that what you’re into?” I shrugged “I’ll make sure to buy a paddle just for you then, little prince,”
“Hohooo shit! She just called Yuta a bottom,”
I smiled sweetly and turned away to make my way into the kitchen.
I was relaxing on my sofa in my bathrobe after a nice soak, reading a book as I drank the strawberry milkshake I had made for myself when the sound of my doorbell caught my attention. I set down my milkshake and book, fixing my robe on me to make sure I was covered as I went to the door monitor to see who it was.
On the camera I saw Yuta with a box so I quickly opened the door “Hey Yuta, what’s with the box?”
“Taeil’s mom sent us some homemade kimchi and he told me to bring some down for you,”
“Oh! Thank you, you can just set it down here,” I stepped back and opened the door wider for him. Yuta stepped inside, placing the box down.
He turned to face me and he not so subtly looked me up and down. He stepped closer to me and reached over my shoulder, shutting the door behind me, moving closer to me as he did so. I instinctively stepped back as he got closer until my back hit the door. He had me pinned, one hand resting by head against the door as he traced my jawline with the back of his fingers with his other hand as my heart pounded against my chest.
He let out a soft hum, as if in thought “You know, you lied to me the other day, you thought I wouldn’t find out?”
“Lied? About what?” My voice came out small, his intense stare was intimidating.
“Usually people try to hide evidence better than that, did you think I wouldn’t notice the used condom sitting on top of the pile of trash in the trash bin when I went to check on Jungwoo?” He tsked and shook his head “Just like that day with Mark, you think I didn’t know about that? You really need to work on your discreteness,”  My eyes widened when he mentioned Mark.
“I- I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he scoffed, he was now smirking at me, his face inches from mine, his fingers slowly moving down my robe, gripping onto the only thing holding my robe together and keeping my body from being exposed.
“I saw it with my own two eyes, I decided to keep quiet thinking you two had a thing but…with Jungwoo…I realized you’re just a horny little girl,” He tugged on the belt of the robe, the fabric now hanging to the sides, my bare body now uncovered. I shuddered as the cold air hit my body. He pressed his body against mine, burying his face against my neck, kissing and sucking my skin as he worked his way up my jawline, to my ear, whispering huskily.
“Now tell me cutie, how kinky are you? Because I’d really love to rough you up right now, I want to see what a dirty little girl you really are, make you beg for my cock,” my breath hitched and my thighs pressed against each other on their own to create friction as a shudder of excitement raced down my spine.
My hands clenched onto the front of his shirt as I gulped down hard before answering “Let’s just say, there really isn’t much I’d say no to,”
“I like that answer,”
He pressed his lips against mine, hands roaming my body, massaging my breasts. He pressed his thigh up between mine, pressing up against me and I began to move my hips against his thigh.  He lips parted from mine before latching them onto the skin of my neck. I rested my head back against the door, letting out a sigh as I grew more and more aroused.
Yuta soon lifted both of my legs up to his waist and I wrapped them around him, my arms snaking around his neck. He then proceeded to carry me into the living room, setting me down on my feet in front of the coffee table. He pushed my robe off my shoulders, and it slid down my arms and onto the floor. His hands then fiddled with his belt buckle before pulling it off.
“Hands behind your back and turn around for me, princess,”
I did as told without hesitation. I felt him tying my wrists up with his belt. He then turned me back around to face him, giving me a soft kiss on the lips before guiding me down onto my knees.
“Let me see that pretty little tongue of yours, princess,”
My lips spread apart and I hung my tongue out for him. I looked up at him, my breath growing heavier in anticipation. I watched as his fingers moved to open to the button and zipper on his pants before pulling his erection out. He was definitely a bit bigger than Mark, girthier too. I glanced up at him and he ran his fingers through my hair while he used his other hand to bring his cock closer to my lips, teasingly tapping it against my tongue.
“Do you want it princess?” He asked, his voice dark and low.
I let out a soft whimper and a nod response. He smirked.
“Do you want to taste it? Feel deep down your throat? Does my little princess want to choke on it?” I once again nodded, squirming a bit as I whined for him to let me taste him. He soon stopped stroking my hair and gripped onto a bundle of my hair tightly, pushing my head forward, pushing his erection into my mouth. I immediately wrapped my lips around him and began to suck on his length, moving my head forward and back.
He soon pulled my head back to let me catch my breath. “Can you hold your breath for long?”  
“Let’s test that out then shall we shall we?”
He pushed the tip of his cock back into my mouth before roughly pushing my head in, I gagged as he pushed himself deep down my throat, tears forming on the corners of my eyes. He let out a deep groan, the sound of it sending a shiver of pleasure down my spine. I pressed my thighs together and squirmed as I grew more needy for him. He held my head in place for a few seconds, my eyes looking up to find his.
His eyes soon met mine “you look so fucking good, princess,” he soon began to move his hips, slowly fucking my throat as he let out soft moans. He let me catch my breath again for a moment before resuming his actions, this time he was rougher. His hips thrusting forward hard as tears rolled down my cheeks, saliva escaping my lips and down my chin.
After a couple more thrusts he pulled out and let go of my hair, watching as I was panting, admiring my tear stained face. He soon lifted me and bent me over the coffee table, his hands roaming my ass, he lifted his hand, landing a hard spank against my ass/ he then leaned forward and pressed a kiss where he had spanked me before biting down and sucking. I let out a soft whimper, I was sure he had left a mark.
He soon spread my legs open “you’re so wet for me, princess,” he let out a chuckle, this time biting down and sucking on the back of my thigh as his thumb teased my wet throbbing lips, moving it up and down as he played with my juices.
“These marks are for whoever else you’re fucking to see how much of dirty girl you are,”
I felt his tongue move along my folds , flicking against my clit, before hips lips latched around it. He sucked on it for a bit before dragging his tongue back up between my folds. His fingers spread my lips open and I could feel staring at my exposed entrance. I could feel myself turning red with embarrassment as he did.
I then felt his tongue push itself into me, moving along my walls, sending shivers up my spine, a moan escaping my lips. He let out a soft hum as he moved his tongue inside of me before it pulled out and found its way back to my clit, teasing it he sucked on it and grazed his teeth against it.
“Yuta,” I breathily called out his name, “I-I need you, please,”
“I can’t hear you, you’re gonna have to speak up, Princess,”
I raised my voice and begged “Please, Yuta, I need you inside me, I want to feel your thick cock inside me,”
“Since you asked so nicely,” I could hear him move behind me, he then lifted me onto my feet “where’s your room?”  I nodded my head towards my bedroom door before he led me to it. He helped me onto the bed, making me lie on my stomach before stripping his clothes off, letting them drop to the floor.
He soon climbed on top of me “do we need a condom?” I shook my head “I’m on the pill…” “Okay good,”
He then soon began to tease my entrance with his cock, I let out a whine in protest, pressing my ass back against it.
He let out a soft chuckle “so eager to have me stuff you with my cock, hm? So adorable,” I bit down on my lip and he finally pushed himself into me, eliciting a moan from me. He pushed himself deep into me as he leaned his body forward, pressing himself down against my back and tied up hands, his arms resting at my side as he buried his face against my neck.
He began to move his hips once I had adjusted to his size, his breath hot and heavy against my neck, sending shivers down my body. It didn’t take him long to start thrusting roughly into me, hips moving more quickly. I moaned more loudly this time, I could feel his lips smirking against my skin before he moved to press a kiss to my shoulder.
“Tell me, did Jungwoo fuck you this good? Does he make you feel as good as I do, princess?” I bit down on my lip, unable to answer as I was too lost in pleasure and lust. I soon felt his fingers move to the front of my throat, before he squeezed, choking me and bringing his face next to mine as he slowly pulled his hips back, then suddenly thrusting hard and deep into me. I gasped and whimpered, my wrist trying to fight the belt, I wanted to grasp onto something.
With a deep husky tone, he whispered against my ear “No need to answer me princess, I already know the answer,” he chuckled before resuming his previous hip movements. Pounding into me roughly. He soon loosened his grip on my throat, allowing me to breath.
His hip movement soon stopped, pulling himself out of me and I let out a whine “fuck...don’t stop,”
“You think I’m going to leave today without hearing how loud you can get?” He snickered pulling my hips up, lifting me onto my knees, my upper body still lying against the bed. I felt him gently rub a small area on my ass before landing a few smacks against my skin. He pushed himself back into me, his hand grasped onto my hair before tugging on it, lifting my body up closer to him.
My walls tighten around him at his actions. One of the many things I loved was getting treated roughly and getting my hair pulled. He pressed a soft kiss against my ear “remember to stop me when you need me to,” he was voice was more gentle this time, I nodded “rough me up, baby, pull my hair, choke me, i don’t care,”
I could feel him smile against my ear before he pressed another kiss. He began to thrust his hips into me again. He would often slow down only to suddenly pound himself back into me. My moans got louder, filling the room.
Eventually he had untied my hands, laying me onto my back before finding his position on top of me again. I wrapped my arms around his back, digging my nails into his shoulders as he continued to fuck me. We were both sweating a lot at this point, our breaths hot and heavy as the sounds of our moans and the sound of our skin slapping against each other filled the room. His hand wrapped around my throat once more as he choked me again, I could feel my blood rush to my head as I gripped onto his arm, digging my nails unintentionally into his arm as the pleasure filled my body and mind.
My back arched up as I felt myself grow closer to my climax. I squirmed underneath him, my walls tightening around him once again. He loosened his grip just a bit for me to breath before tightening it again, I moved a hand down between us to rub my own clit as I grew painfully close. I let out a curse and Yuta let go of my throat as he realized it “fuck, come for me princess,” my body convulsed underneath him as I loudly moaned out his named for the neighbors to hear.
“Shit, I love how loud you are,”
Yuta continued to move inside of me, before pulling out of me. He jerked himself off until thick streams of ecstasy squirted out, landing on the top of my abdomen. I looked down at it then back up at him, my chest rising and falling as I caught my breath. Yuta reached for the tissue at my bedside table to wipe me off before lying down beside me, pulling me into his embrace and I turned to face him, wrapping my arm around him.
He caressed my face, pressed a soft kiss to my forehead “how are you feeling, princess?”
I let out a soft hum, my voice barely coming out as I tried to speak “I’m fine,”
“Do you need anything? Are you in pain?”
I smiled at his concern and shook my head.
“I should probably ask you if you need anything, I think I gave you a few scratched,”
He let out a soft laugh and shook his head “I think I’ll be fine.”
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justawriterbeinglonley · 5 years ago
Red Carpets and Pretty Girls
Author: @justawriterbeinglonley​
Characters: Shawn Mendes x reader, Milo, Lizzo
warnings: talk of insecurity and social anxiety
notes: Shawn has brought Y/N and Milo to the Grammys. He perfectly coordinates all their outfits. This story is all about how they show off their outfits on the carpet. This is set in the future so we can pretend Shawn was performing for the first time in awhile. Lizzo makes a guest appearance at the end because, well, she’s amazing. 
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You sat in a chair near the mirrors of Shawn’s dressing room with Shawn’s hairstylist, Anna, fixing up your hair. Shawn and your toddler Milo were with Shawn’s stylist, Tiffany, getting their outfits on. You hadn’t seen their outfits yet. Shawn refused to let you see what he picked out. Shawn also picked out your dress, but you hadn’t seen it yet either. Shawn said it matched his and Milo’s outfits too perfectly, so you weren’t allowed to see it yet. 
You were excited for the night. Shawn was preforming tonight at the Grammy's for the first time in a few years, and you were excited. You were not entirely sure about walking the carpet with Shawn, but you were excited to dress up and look good anyways. 
“Cutie!” Shawn yelled from the bathroom where he was getting dressed. “Its your turn to change!”
You laughed. You were excited to see your dress, but more importantly, excited to see your boys. “I’m coming!” you yelled back.
Anna let you go, and you walked over to the bathroom. You were just about to open the door when Tiffany popped out.
“I’ve been instructed to make sure your eyes are closed so you can’t see the boys,” she laughed. 
You sighed as you laughed a little. 
“We come out now?” you heard Milo ask. 
“Is mommy’s eyes closed?” your husband asked. 
“Yes! She’s not looking,” Tiffany laughed. You turned away from the dorr and put your hands over your eyes.
The sound of your boys trying to stealthily move from the bathroom made you giggle. You could hear Shawn trip and stubble a little, then Milo giggling. Soon following was Shawn shushing Milo. Your heart swelled a little. 
Tiffany led you into the bathroom, and pulled your dress off the rack. It was a beautiful red color; a color you’d never really seen before. You put it on. The top of the dress was a halter. Red material laced comfortably around you neck, and came down over your shoulders to cover your breasts. That material continued tightly around your curved torso, but kept your back open, and loosely trailed down to the floor. Your perfect cleavage was on show, and a slit was in the dress, showing off your right leg. The slit ended just at the top of your thigh, right before your hip. There was no doubt in your mind that Shawn picked out the style. It perfectly showed off every curve of your body that Shawn loved. 
You walked over to a full body mirror placed in the corner of the bathroom. A smile graced your perfect red-lipstick-covered lips. The simple reddish smokey eye and dark eyelashes accentuated the color of your eyes. The highlighter resting upon your cheeks glowed slightly in the dim bathroom lighting. The simple dress clung perfectly to you. Your hair was up in a perfect messy bun. Pieces of hair fell and framed your face beautifully.
 In the past you had felt slightly insecure compared to Shawn. You always picked out little things that you disliked about yourself. Sometimes you believed you weren’t good enough for the beauty that is your husband. He never failed to make you feel more beautiful though. You were even insecure before coming here, but he insisted that you were gonna be stunning. Looking in the mirror at that moment, you knew he meant what he had said. You felt beauty course through your veins. You finally fully saw what Shawn saw in you. You were more than ecstatic to show him. 
You turned to Tiffany and thanked her. After, you stepped to the door. Filling your lungs with a deep breath first, you stepped out. The breath escaped your lungs as you saw your boys. Shawn sat in the chair you were in earlier, playing a game with Milo on his phone. You weren’t able to fully see Shawn and Milo’s outfits, but you could see the red that matched your outfit. You could also see both of your boy’s side profiles. They were the same. Milo’s face was obviously smaller, and slightly chubbier in the cheeks, but the hair, nose, lips, and jawline were the same. 
You slowly walked over to your boys, and laid an arm over Shawn’s shoulders. Shawn quickly jerked over to look at you.
“Hi, you gorgeous baby!” Shawn squealed. “Lemme see the whole dress.”
Shawn readjusted Milo on his knee as you stepped back and took a small spin around. Shawn’s eyes glowed. A smile formed on his perfect lips.
“Perfect,” he said quietly. 
“Your turn! I wanna see your guys’ outfits”, you said excitedly. 
Shawn laughed. He grabbed his phone from Milo’s hands, and switched positions with you. He set Milo softly on the ground, and looked up at you. 
Milo flashed his cheeky smile at you as he yelled, “We match!”
You were stunned by the beauty of your boys. They wore matching suits with a red blazer, vest, and pants, with a white button up underneath. Milo looked like a sweet little gentleman. His curly brown hair and chubby cheeks gave him the sweetest, most innocent look, and the suit made him look perfectly put together. It definitely was an adorable sight. 
Shawn on the other hand, looked absolutely stunning. The red of his outfit perfectly accentuated the slight blush that always rested upon his chiseled cheeks. The suit fit his muscles perfectly. His body shape was perfect. The brown beautiful curls that you loved were wild, yet perfect. At that moment you just wanted to run your finger through that hair, and have a hot and heavy make out session. 
“What you fink, mommy?” Milo’s sweet little voice rang out.
“You two look absolutely amazing,” you smiled as you moved forward to hug your boys. 
First, you picked up Milo and rested him on your hip. You hugged him close and gave him light kisses to not leave lipstick marks. 
“My boots match Daddy too!” Milo said excitedly as he pointed out the smaller version of Shawn’s classic boot. 
“They look amazing, bubs,” you smiled, before rustling his hair a little.
You then looked over at Shawn. A smile rested on his lips. 
“Your stunning, beautiful,” he sighed as he put his hand on your waist opposite the one with Milo. You could feel the warmth of his skin through the thin material, and on the bare skin of your back that his large hand managed to reach. 
“You should see your self, handsome,” you teased. 
Shawn leaned in, and softly kissed your red lips. Little traces of the lipstick stuck to his lips, but you decided not to tell him. 
Shawn traced his thumb along your hip as you stared happily into his eyes. Those beautiful brown eyes glowed for you, as they always did. Shawn was everything to you, and looking into his eyes always made your feelings stronger.
Milo grabbed your face in his tiny hands, and shoved his face into yours. 
“Mommy! They yellin at us to go out!” Milo yelled.
You and Shawn giggled at him before Shawn grabbed you some heels to match your dress. You slipped them on, and followed Shawn, who was walking next to Milo, out the door.
The three of you arrived to the red carpet a few minutes before Shawn had to go on. Milo rested upon Shawn’s hip now, and the three of you stood close together. 
Shawn wrapped his arm around your waist, and leaned in to give you a kiss. His hand found your hip as he rubbed loving circles on it. Shawn whispered soft words in your ear, feeling you tense up from the bustling people all around you. You had a little bit of social anxiety, so things like this weren’t always the best experience for you. Shawn knew that, and wanted to help you. 
Soon, Shawn was told he was next for the carpet, and he reluctantly peeled himself from your side, and set Milo down next to you. 
“Do you wanna walk the carpet with me?” Shawn asked you. 
You were about to answer when one of the people in charge of the carpet whisked him away from you. You wanted to walk with him. You were gonna say yes. You were a little disappointed, but there was nothing you could do. You turned your attention to where you thought Milo would be standing, but he wasn’t there. 
Panic consumed you immediately. You searched quickly all around you. You couldn’t find him. He wasn’t anywhere around. Your heart started to pound. All you could hear was the fast beat of your heart. Your breathing became labored. All you could think about was your small child.
You started to move forward. You moved fast looking everywhere for a small red outfit. You shortly reached the area where the red carpet started. You peered out, and saw a small boy in a red suit standing next to a tall man in a red suit. Your boys. Your heart almost stopped you were so relieved. You were calm now. Everything was better. 
Peering out at your boys, you couldn’t help but smile. They were the cutest things you had ever seen. Milo looked exactly like Shawn. The beautiful Mendes genes really were strong and amazing.  With the glow of the bright lights, your boys shined. Their perfect smiles glimmered, their blushing cheeks were highlighted, and excitement exuded off of them. You could tell Milo was insanely excited to be out there. He held onto Shawn’s hand as he smiled his adorable smile. His chubby cheeks bubbling up making him look even better. 
Shawn’s POV
I wanted to walk with my beautiful wife. I was excited to show off her beauty to the world. They whisked me away, but its alright. I’ll make sure it happens next time.
I had just stepped out on the carpet when I felt a tiny hand slip into mine. I looked down, and my cute little son looked up at me. I knelt down to talk to him. 
“Whatca doing, buddy?” I asked.
“I go wit chu,” Milo said quietly.
I giggled slightly. “You wanna take some pictures with daddy?”
He nodded. I gave Milo a kiss on the cheek, and instructed him what to do.
“Alright, speedy red carpet lesson, buddy. Your gonna look at the cameras, and smile. Look cute. Its all about the looks,” I smiled at him. 
Milo nodded once more. 
“I got it, Daddy,” Milo said cheerfully as he gave me a thumbs up. 
I smiled at him as I gave him a pat on his back. I stood up and posed for the cameras. After a few seconds, I felt a tiny hand grab one of my fingers. Milo stood at the other end of the tiny hand, looking out into the sea of cameras with the biggest smile. 
Milo and I slowly moved down the carpet. The cheesiest smile rested upon Milo’s face the entire time. I could not wait to see the pictures.
Regular POV
Shawn and Milo were just about to step off the carpet when a loud “awwwwwww” came from the side. Lizzo raced onto the carpet to meet the two boys. 
“Lizzo!” Milo yelled excitedly. Aside from Shawn, Lizzo was Milo’s favorite singer. He absolutely loved her and her music. 
“Oh my gosh! I just had to come see you two cuties!” she said excited. Shawn greeted her with a hug before she knelt down to give Milo a hug. 
Shawn and Lizzo were friends. They had seen each other lots of times before, and they had a great mutual respect for one another. Milo had never met Lizzo before, but Lizzo definitely knew about him. 
“Well oh my don’t you look like a little gentleman,” she sang out happily as she flattened Milo’s collar. 
“Thank you,” Milo said shyly.  His grin reached from ear to ear. Milo was so excited. “You look super pretty, Lizzo! I wuv your dwess.”
“Ahhhh! Thank you hunny!” Lizzo said excitedly. “Your so sweet. I think I might just have to take you home with me”, she laughed out. 
Shawn laughed. One of the backstage people then came up to the three of them and escorted them off the carpet. You met them as they walked off.
“Mommy! Look! Lizzo!” Milo yelled at you excited. You laughed.
“Imma ask her to by girlfwend!” he shrieked. “She’s so pwetty.” You, Lizzo, and Shawn belted out in laughter. 
“I accept!” Lizzo said happily. 
Milo reached up to grab her hand and said, “Lets go back to the dressing room.” Lizzo laughed and let him guide her. 
You and Shawn fell into step behind them. 
“His cuteness already got him a girl,” Shawn smiled.
“He got it from you ya know,” you smiled back. “No one could ever resist that Mendes smile.”
Shawn leaned over and kissed your cheek. An arm wrapped around your waist, and you just felt so happy.
“He got good taste in girls too apparently. I guess we both know what pretty girls really look like,” Shawn smiled brightly. You blushed. A little silence fell between you for a second. 
“I want another one,” Shawn suddenly whispered. “Milo’s like the best thing ever. But next time the child has to look like you.”
“Maybe someday,” you nodded. You looked Shawn up and down. You were reminded about how good he looked in his suit and you said,”But we can definitely practice tonight.”
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anythingandeverything1d · 5 years ago
I Won’t Give Up
*Second part to Thank You, Next*
“I love you too.” 
Waiting for Harry to respond felt like an eternity, but was probably more like 30 seconds. His lips pressed to yours, sending shivers down your spine. Oh how I’ve missed this...What started out as a gentle kiss quickly turned to one of possession. Harry kissed you like he was making a point, the kind of kiss that leaves you breathless and wanting more. His lips moved from your lips to your neck and down to your shoulder and then back up to your ear. God help me you thought as you let out a soft groan. He gently bit down on the soft skin before moving his way back to your lips with a wicked smile. He went to pull your shirt up when Clifford started barking at the door. He looked up slightly alarmed. You whined in response, “Har-” but he set you down gently on your feet, lightly touching and smirking at the dark red spot in the upper corner of your neck and walking to the door. You groaned in response, crossing your arms and sitting back on the couch waiting for his return. “Fine I’ll just be here waiting...” you mumbled picking up your phone and texting Lexi that you were indeed alive and breathing. Harry was taking forever so you wandered over to the door where you found Harry in a deep conversation with Louis. “Lou!” He turned with a smirk looking at you.
“Ah finally manned up did ya now Harry.” He opened his arms and you wandered into his hug. “Ive missed you love. Are you sure you want to be stuck with this one here.”
You laughed and lightly punched his arm. “I think I’m sure.”
“You think?” Harry mocked. “I think your lips were pretty confident.”
“Harry!” you groaned, your cheeks turning a bright pink color as Louis clapped Harry on the back. Changing the subject you looked at Louis. “What are you doing here?”
“Just picking up Clifford before heading back to El’s and talking about how Harry should help me egg Liam’s place for opening his fucking mouth about us working on an anniversary project. I mean don't get me wrong the response was great but we want it to be a surprise, ya know? And if things don't happen the way we want I don't want people getting their hopes up. I would've bet Harry was the one to spill the news but it seems he's been a little preoccupied thanks to you.” You smiled and shook your head at Louis. 
“Alright well thanks for stopping by Louis but we have to get back to our very important conversation.” Harry who had been starring at you the whole time answered.
“Conversation..right. Do all your conversations leave love marks Harry?” Your face flushed red again and Harry laughed his face turning red while he opened the front door.
“It was great seeing you Louis.” 
“You too love. Keep our boy in check will ya?” Louis called out walking through the door to where Clifford was waiting. You nodded laughing.
“I’ll do my best.” Harry closed the door and pushed you lightly against it. “Oh so now you want to continue huh.” you lightly teased, tracing his jaw with your fingers.
“I never wanted to stop but I forgot he was coming..can’t blame me though I mean I was very distracted.” He kissed you, his hands against the door and at the sides of your head. You kissed him back softly, tugging on his bottom lip. You loved the effect you had on Harry. His weight was shifting from one foot to the other and the bulge in his pants was growing, he groaned into the kiss and smiled taking a step back for a minute. “You’re a dangerous one.” he laughed while catching his breath. You smiled and hugged him tightly, grateful to have your curly haired angel back. Your phone started ringing and Harry rolled his eyes, causing you to gently smack his arm and go answer it.
“Hey Lex, what’s up? Oh hey Ash...yeah I’m still with Harry, no I’m okay..” Harry came over with an annoyed look on his face. “Uhh I guess you can come get me. Yeah I’m at his house right now. Okay see you soon.” Harry’s eyes had clouded with anger and his mouth was dropped open.
“You’re leaving?”
“Well yeah I need to go home tonight, l...” “Seriously? After everything you're just going to leave.” You sighed and walked over to him, pulling him into your arms and hugging him tightly. 
“Harry. Nothing about me leaving changes what I said...I do love you. I just think that maybe we should, I don’t know...slow down a little. I don’t think I can just jump back to where we were a few months ago..”
Harry didn’t say anything he just sighed and put his head on yours. “You don’t trust me.” Here we go...
“No-no Harry its not that...it’s just that I want to be sure I’m fully ready for all of this again. I want us to work back up to where we were...”
“Whatever..” he said stepping out of the hug and walking to the couch, where he sat sulking. “Just go with that asshole. I don't even care.”
You were getting annoyed now. He was acting like a child and he wasn’t even trying to understand.. “Ashton is not an asshole Harry.”
“I could’ve driven you home. You could've spent the night. You-”
You stopped him there. “He was already driving past here Harry. If I thought it would be that big of a deal I would’ve asked you.” You crossed your arms and looked at him as Ash honked from the driveway. Harry was looking at the tv, pointedly ignoring you. “So this is it? No goodbye?” He didn’t even look up. You rolled your eyes and walked to the door. “Bye Harry.” 
You made it to the door where Ash was waiting holding open the door. “How ya holding up cutie?”
You rolled your eyes and mumbled fine about to get in when Harry yelled your name from the porch. He sprinted over, grabbed your waist and kissed you hard on the lips making your knees go weak. He ended it with a slow soft kiss on your forehead and a pointed glare at Ash. “Make sure my girl gets home safe.” You rolled your eyes again. Why do men have to be so aggressive. Harry caught your eye roll and sighed whispering in your ear, “We can take things slow. I love you and will talk to you in the morning.” Thats better, you smiled and kissed his cheek before climbing in the back seat. Ash and Lexi looked concerned and irritated but you didn’t care. They didn’t understand...
A few minutes into the drive, Lexi turned around and grabbed your phone from your hands. “Are you going to clue us in or?” You lifted your shoulders. She continued on, “(y/n)...you can’t possibly let him back into your life. I mean he- he’s an absolute ass.” You just stared at her.
“You don't understand-”
“No I don’t. I don't understand why anyone would go back to someone who nearly destroyed them. I mean you were a mess. You barely made it back to functioning like a normal human. He’s nothing special either. He flaunted women around. He’s borderline abusive-”
“Stop. Seriously Lexi, that's enough. I think I can make my own decisions. I don't need anyone else’s opinion either.” Luckily they had pulled into your driveway so you hopped out, not saying goodbye and ran into the house, tears running down your cheek. 
You and Lexi rarely got into fights so when you did, it hurt. You threw your phone on the couch and jumped in the shower, hoping to calm down and think about everything. Of course it didn’t work that well. You fell into bed mentally exhausted from the whole evening and decided you just wanted to go to sleep and forget about it. You tossed and turned trying to drift off but nothing was working. You were frustrated at your argument with Lexi and confused by Harry’s reactions to everything. You didn’t know who to trust or listen too. Your heart wanted Harry but your brain wanted to listen to Lexi. “Ughhhh” you groaned pulling a pillow over your face and screaming. Eventually you drifted off into a restless sleep, rolling around and fighting off dreams. 
“Harry!” you screamed following him through the door. “You can’t just do that- you can’t just leave things this way.” Harry turned and stopped you.
“I hate you. Can’t you see that...I don't want you. I never did. You were just a, a game. Now the game is over and its time for you to move on.” You were sobbing trying to grab a hold of him, trying to make sure he wouldn’t let you go. “I don’t love you (y/n)..I never will.” Your heart stops and you drop to the floor but when you look up Harry has been replaced by Lexi. “You’re a fucking idiot (y/n) and you-”
Your eyes open and you sit up catching your breath between the sobs. You instantly reach over, grab your phone and pull up your contacts. The last few months you dialed Lexi’s number when the dreams happened. She would come over and rock you back to sleep, comforting you that Harry was just an asshole. But now...the two of you were fighting so you picked the other number on speed dial. Please answer...please answer....
“(y/n)?” his tired voice deeply whispered.
“Harry...” you cried into the phone hiccuping between words. “I-I”
“Shh its okay...youre okay...” he calmed, clearing more awake than before. “Im coming over just hang in there okay?” he hung up and you held onto the pillow trying to calm yourself. It seemed like hours before Harry reached you. You had run downstairs, opened the door and flung yourself into his arms. He carefully picked you up, carried you back to bed and snuggled under the covers. You rested your head on his chest as he softly hummed a song and rubbed his hand firmly across your back. After a few minutes of listening to him humming you calmed down and took in the scene you failed to appreciate in the beginning. Your head was laying against Harry’s shirtless torso. You trailed your fingers along his butterfly tattoo, listened to his heartbeat, and breathed in his smell, which by the way was the most amazing smell you could possibly think of smelling. Harry noticed you had calmed down so he shifted so that he could look you in the eye. “Wanna talk about it babe?”
You sniffed and turned so you were laying on him, your arms around his neck and fingers playing with his hair. “I-I had a dream that you said you hated me and didn’t want me and-and”
“Shhh...(y/n)...I love you. I want you more than I can breathe. I’m sorry for hurting you in the past but it won’t happen again..I’m not letting go of you ever again babe. I swear.” 
“And-and Lexi. She hated me too. She-she”
“Babe. Lexi loves you too. You guys could never hate each other.”
“We were fighting though-” “She will get over it...I promise.” You nodded and held on tighter to him. 
“Please don't go...”
“Im not going anywhere...but you need sleep okay?” He burrowed down under the comforter more and pulled you with him, he ran his fingers through your hair until you fell into one of the deepest sleeps you had in months.
You woke up with Harry’s weight half on you and the sun streaming in from the curtains. You observed him carefully. His hair had fallen into his eyes and his mouth was slightly open. He looked like a literal angel. An angel who was crushing you... You tried moving out from under him but he grabbed you and pulled you closer, your face pressed into his chest. You sighed and ran your fingers along his arms. “Harry....” you whispered. “Harry you're squishing me and I need to pee....”
“Shhh” he mumbled with a smile. “I’m sleeping.”
You laughed and sat up. “You dork.” His eyes slowly opened and starred at you. 
“What are you going to do about it?” he mumbled, slowly taunting you, his dimples showing and voice deep.
You grinned and pressed a gentle kiss against his lips before crawling out of bed and heading into the bathroom. “(y/n) I’m so sorry!” Lexi’s voice yelled from the stairs. “I-” Her voice cut off as she stared at Harry in your bed and you in nothing but a t-shirt by the bathroom. 
“Morning Lexi” Harry mumbled getting out of bed. “I’ll give you two a minute...” he said walking over and kissing your forehead before heading downstairs.
“You’re not leaving are you?” you asked concerned.  “No of course not. I’m not going anywhere. Well I’ll be downstairs making breakfast but that it.” you nodded at him with a smile and he left, leaving you and Lexi alone.
You ran over to her and hugged her tightly. “Im so sorry Lex. I never meant to snap at you....I was just confused and tired and not in the mood to deal with it all. I can't loose you....youre my best friend. I love you so much.”
“I love you too. And I’m the sorry one...I never meant to judge you and Harry’s relationship. And I never let you explain what happened. I just didn’t want you to get hurt. I overreacted. I just wanted you to be happy and if that idiot boy makes you happy then I will learn to accept that.” You held tightly onto her and nodded.  “He makes me so happy. And I know you don't trust him...but I do. I don't know how I know but I do. Im in love with him Lexi and I don't think that will ever change.”
“I know.” She let go and smiled. “Can we never fight again? I hated it..” “Never again.” You agreed, pinky promising her as you always have. You both ran downstairs to the smell of food and found Harry with an apron tied around his waist and pancakes on the stove. You ran over and kissed his cheek while holding onto his waist. “Wow Haz, that apron has never looked better,” you giggled.
He stepped back and posed. “I know. I look fabulous.” He laughed. “I assume you two worked it out?” 
“Yep, just like you said.” You kissed him quickly on the lips and turned around to Lexi smiling. 
“I may not like you Styles. But you make (y/n) happy so I guess I can try to like you a little more.”
Harry smiled and nodded, “I promise I won't hurt her again, and if I do...you can personally come after me.”
“Trust me. I will kill you and cut off your dick if you break her heart again.” Harry’s mouth dropped and you laughed. At that moment Ashton walked in with a big smile.
“Did I hear we are cutting off Harry’s dick?”
“Only if he hurts (y/n) again.” Ashton laughed and put an arm around Lexi.
“So I assume all is normal in the world again. We are all friends?”
Harry walked forward with his hand out. “Im sorry for reacting the way I did last night Ashton. It won't happen again.”
“I don't blame you Harry. I respect you going all out for the girl you love. Just don’t let it happen again.” You hugged Ash in response with a smile. Everything had worked out. “You know what this means though?”
“What?” you asked looking unsure.
“Gotta make the official back together post.”
“Ugh do I though...” “Oh yeah. And I have to be in it this time babe.” Harry said walking over, his arms around your shoulder. 
“But what will it say this time? We already quoted a song.” 
“Give me the phone cutie” Ash said mischievously taking the phone from your hand and typing up the caption. Lexi nodded in approval and smiled.
You looked and smiled too, showing Harry who nodded in approval and kissed your cheek with a smile. “I won't give up on us, even when the skies get rough.”
You breathed out.  “Now just to recreate the photo.” Ash, Lexi, you and Harry all cuddled in your bed for the first picture. Your head on Harry’s chest, Ash and Lexi cuddled close and all of you laughing at each other. It was perfect. Lexi also took one of you and Harry kissing with the blankets falling around your shoulders. You hit send with the caption and tossed the phone to the side jumping onto Harry’s back and looking at Lexi and Ashton with a grin. How much better could life get?
Hope you all enjoy Part 2! Let me know if you have imagine requests and thanks for all the love on part 1! xoxo
61 notes · View notes
imnotcameraready · 6 years ago
chivalry is dead (20)
costumes will come in another post bc i. got really excited and then drew them all like, last month (most of them, some were finished last night y e e et)
WARNINGS: remus mention, heist details, wound descriptions, sword mention, scar descriptions, threats of violence, thoughts of dying — alright, im pretty sure that's it, but this chapter has thicc details so if i missed anything pls pls pls lmk
Words: 4550
AO3 link!
MASTERPOST! <– look here!! for the longterm warnings!! including sympathetic Deceit and cursing/swearing!
enjoy !!! <3 <3 <3 ,3 <3 
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Deceit really was right, Patton thought while he looked around at the town. His arm was linked around Logan’s as they walked down one of the town’s side streets, from Dr. Picani’s office, and he was taking the time to admire how intricate all of the architecture had gotten. It was intricate and worn and every building seemed unique now, something that he hadn’t realized was missing during their first pass through. 
There were arch ways, bridges between doors on the third floors of buildings. There were seemingly hand-woven canvases shielding some of the streets from the sun and, if Patton squinted hard enough, he could see actual detailed stitching and some stains of age. They passed buildings that had scratches and chisel marks, and Patton could clearly see that it was made from stone bricks that had been painted over. Twice, actually. Once with a very old and faded blue, then with a lighter cream that still let the blue show through in spots where the paint was gone. 
He wondered a little what had caused those spots. Was it because you weren’t supposed to layer house paint? The spots were different sizes — how many memories were made here? 
Patton stumbled, tripping over his thoughts and heels, and leaned more into Logan’s side.
Logan tugged at his arm. “Don’t ponder too hard, Patton,” his voice was soft, hushed to not draw attention.
They’d figured that the best thing to do was to not think about the world around them. Thinking too much about the world and specifically the things that they would affect about it made their focus wander onto fixing those things. Logan would get a headache, Patton would space out, and Deceit would….well, okay, Deceit hadn’t disclosed how and if he’d been affected. But Patton noticed he’d been sweating like a sinner in church, and how his fist would clench every so often, so it was clear that something was happening with Deceit. He didn’t want to force him to talk; honesty wasn’t Deceit’s strong suit.
The four Romans had agreed that that was the smartest decision; none of them nor all of them together were able to limit the Imagination enough. The Playwright had argued that, had Dragon and Damsel known that it was hurting the other Sides, then they would probably all have a unified thought enough to close up the unused worlds. But that would require discussing the entire matter with them, which, as the Thief pointed out, is “pretty fucking useless where they are now.” 
So the focus thing was their current strategy. Patton grinned at Logan. “Thanks for the reminder, Octo-cutie-pie,” he smiled wider as Logan blushed. 
“I–I’m–Octopi is the plural for octopus and there is only one of me,” Logan bit his lip, then patted Patton’s hand gently, “Thank you.”
Patton giggled, snuggling against Logan’s side briefly as they kept walking. They hadn’t actually talked about the whole love thing, hadn’t really established boundaries, but that seemed like a problem for tomorrow. 
Right now, they were all going across town, invitations in hand, to the ball. And, at the very specific right now, Patton was admiring the Playwright and the Artist’s handiwork. They’d worked together to make everyone’s outfits and he’d be a liar if he said they weren’t handsome and beautiful.
Patton himself was themed after a cat — a grey cat, but a cat nonetheless! His dress had a long train for a tail, made of shimmering silver tulle, the same as his poofy sleeves. The skirt went from his waist to the ground, with a built in flair in his corset at the waist. Like, all of it was sparkling, all three tiers of his skirt, which went from grey to black with an inner layer gradient of blue to grey. His favorite part were his gloves, though. Silver for the most part, but with soft circles on his palms and the tips of all his fingers. His own lil’ toe beans! 
Logan’s outfit was one of Patton’s favorites. His was themed after an octopus (“Known for their intelligence,” the Playwright had explained, face bright red as he tied Logan’s necktie into an Eldritch knot) with a dark blue blazer and slacks. He wore a vest that shimmered royal blue, with a white button down underneath. There was a piece of coral in his lapel where a flower would usually go, and his coat tails seemed to spiral in shapes that resembled an octopus’ arms. There were even rhinestone bubble decals on his shoulders, or suckers, if you wanted to interpret it that way. The Artist and the Playwright had a small argument about that.
He was dashing, in summation. Patton leaned his head against Logan’s shoulder. “Who knew the town was so big!” he said. 
“That’s actually on purpose,” the Playwright said from behind them, “It’s actually not so big as the castle is small, using the same foreshortening techniques used at the Disney theme parks to make Cinderella’s castle, or Sleeping Beauty’s castle depending on which park you’re at—”
“I think he means how far Picani’s office is from the castle, God Mod,” the Thief responded.
The Thief and Deceit were walking in front, swords drawn on the chance that they ran into any guards, and so that the Thief could critique Deceit’s sword fighting skills. Surprisingly, he’d taken to the weapon, something about it being good to have at his disposal while dealing with the Others. The Thief offered to make him one once this escapade was over. 
Or maybe it was an excuse for the Thief to keep touching Deceit’s hand. Because that was happening every so often. A lot more often than would be considered normal. 
It wasn’t like Deceit was complaining about the touching. It was more the other way around. The yearning for physical contact was frustrating, but neither of them were going to admit that they wanted to hold hands. Even though they’d confessed to at least caring about each other. 
“Oh,” the Playwright hummed.
“Cheer up, butter cup, I love hearin’ bout the forced perspective! The Disney parks are so~o~o fun,” the Bard sang out. “When’s the next time we get to go to California? Are we making a trip down to Anaheim? Can we PLEASE take a trip down to Anaheim!”
One of his arms was looped around the Playwright’s, while the other was looped around the Artist’s. They had settled on outfits that complemented each other’s, pulling from the same red and black color palette.
The Artist was the only of the trio in a suit, though his outfit could be considered the loudest. Buttoned down the middle with a high collar, half of his shirt was a solid black, while the other half was a diamond checkered pattern. All of the accents were gold, and his pants were half solid red and half checkered as well. Tonight, the Artist would be a jester. 
An improvement on his self-esteem, the Bard had thought. The Artist had said so, too, saying he’d be dressing like a joke. It...was nice to hear.
The Playwright had also gone with a more light-hearted outfit, pun completely intended. He was dressed as the queen of hearts, with an A-line skirt that skimmed the ground and was almost entirely a replica of the skirt worn by the Queen of Hearts in Disney’s Alice in Wonderland animated movie. His corset had a low scoop neckline with a long heart that stretched down from the neckline to the bottom of the waist. His sleeves were poofy, black with red stripes between. 
It was a deck of cards theme between the three of them. Honestly, they took a bit of solace in their three Musketeers situation. The Bard was dressed like a harlequin in a ball-dancing dress. His entire dress was checkered, a stiff corset traded for a looser fit bodice that was sinched at the waist by a thick black belt with a heart clip. Bits of tulle were attached to his wrists, ideal for dancing in, which was perfect for the plan. He and the Playwright had matching heart chokers, too. 
As he’d said earlier, “We cute.”
Neither the Artist nor the Playwright had argued, and they had yet to pull away from him holding their arms. Maybe they didn’t hate him. 
They didn’t! They were moving beyond all that! 
Because they had to get the Child back, and Virgil back, and save the Damsel and they had a plan. Actually, they should run through the plan again, because the Bard had already forgotten most of it. 
“Thief?” he called ahead. 
“Can we run through the, uh,” they had a code word for it, shoot, what was it? Oh! Oh, right, “The waltz again?”
“Great Mona Lisa, Bard, how the fuck did you forget how to waltz?” the Artist groaned. “We’re going to a ball.”
“No, no, no, THE waltz,” the Bard nudged the Artist’s side with his elbow. 
The Artist shot him a small confused glare, but realization struck his face quick after. “Oh. Oh, that waltz. Yeah, uh,” he turned to the Playwright, who also seemed confused, then to the front again, “Before we get in, we should go over the waltz again.” 
The Thief and Deceit both stopped as well, fingers brushing once again. The Bard saw the motion and chuckled to himself. Sweet Chopin, they needed to just hold hands already. He could envision the love birds flying around their heads. 
He felt a smidge bad, though. After all, he was the lucky Roman who got to kiss Patton. 
Logan and Patton both turned back to them. Patton let go of Logan, then looked around. They weren’t quite at the castle yet; a side alley, wide enough for all of them to stand in and with ample trees, barrels, and an open door beside it would provide good cover. 
“Let’s go over there,” Patton grabbed Logan’s arm again and led them all into the alley. 
They grouped up into a small but tight circle, the Thief pulling them together. He was in a suit, and an ironic one at that. Originally his costume was intended for Deceit, but he suggested switching them, so that the Dragon would think he were Deceit while being less suspicious. He was themed after a snake, though the theming was less noticeable than the color palette; there were yellow sequins arranged in scale patterns across his black blazer’s forearms, and his vest was black as well, undershirt yellow, and bowtie black. It looked a little like a snazzed-up version of Deceit’s lawyer suit and, though he’d tell no one, the Thief loved the look.
Deceit had said it looked nice on him, too. The bowtie, specifically, but also the entire outfit, and also the Thief simply looked good — yeah, they were both kind of messes. Gone was the ability to seamlessly flirt, apparently.
Still, it was nice to see Deceit in something other than yellow for a change, too. He was dressed as a peacock, with no blazer but a side-cape that shimmered iridescent purple and green. Part of it had blue and green rhinestones inching up the shoulder, and his vest beneath was teal, while his undershirt was mint green. There were bands on his upper arms, keeping his shirt bunched back, that were dark blue. Even his ascot was an iridescent purple and blue. 
They leaned against each other in the huddle. Brown eyes trailed all around the group, meeting similar expressions of steely determination. 
They could do this. 
“Alright,” the Thief started, “For the first hour, we’re gonna scope out the room and surrounding rooms. Meet wherever the snacks are in pairs, alternating pairs, and spread details. Patton and I will go twice.”
“Because you and I are gonna peel off after the first hour to go get Virgil and the Child,” Patton said, meeting the Thief’s eyes.
The Thief nodded. He looked around at everyone — Deceit and the Bard had both been fairly defensive about that choice, but he argued that they needed people who were good at causing distractions on the floor. Patton would be the best at comforting both Virgil and the Child, and the Thief was the only one who had any inkling of what the inside of the castle looked like. 
He continued. “Right. We’re gonna try to get out and—”
“Say, what d’ya think that’d make us?” Patton asked, a tiny grin on his face. 
“Oh, no,” Logan groaned, “Not—”
“Cat burglars!” Patton exclaimed with a giggle. 
The Bard immediately broke out into a fit of giggles, leaning into Deceit a little as he did so. Deceit just rolled his eyes and patted the Bard’s back, letting him cling to his side. 
The Artist stifled some chuckles of his own, and the Playwright grinned. Oh. Oh, no, not the idea grin. 
“I think Dragon will be hard pressed to find flaws in our purr-fect plan,” he said, eyes shining as Patton laughed as well. “We’re just gonna have to distract him with our adorable kitty-Pat.”
Logan groaned again, in good humor this time. “I thought you were supposed to be on my side, Playwright,” he grumbled. 
The Playwright immediately sobered up, mouth pressing into a line. “Ah, Logan, darling, I’m sorry, I didn’t—”
“Hey, but,” the Bard raised a finger at the Playwright, smile wide and mischievous, “If he catches wind of anything, you, Artist, and I can pull a wild card and deck him.”
That got the Artist and Patton to both laugh aloud, and even Logan smiled a tiny bit at the Playwright, if only to reassure him that his frustration was not directed at him.  
The Thief seemed actually annoyed, though. He snapped his fingers in the center of the circle. “C’mon, focus here. Patton and I are going to get Virgil and the Child, then we’re going to come back up to the ball room at the second hour. At that point, Deceit—”
“I’ll be dancing with Dragon and, once you’re back, I’ll be distracting him enough for you to get out,” Deceit waved his hand, also slightly exasperated. He wanted Virgil back immediately and, as the time to pull off their hest approached, he grew more nervous.
“Right. Then, Playwright will take you backstage once everyone else has filed out,” the Playwright nodded to the Thief regarding his involvement, and the Thief looked around the group once more, “All of that sound good? Everyone else, be on the look out for Damsel. We don’t know where he’s gonna be. If he’s out on the ball floor, Logan, you—”
“I will approach him and explain that we are here to get him out,” Logan grimaced, “If he is not on the ball floor….”
“Then I’ll be on standby to head into the dungeons,” the Artist said, smile deflated, brow furrowed in thought.
“Good,” the Thief patted his shoulder, gripping reassuringly, “And if Remus is there, then Bard is going into the dungeons with Patton and I’m staying in the ball room to kick his ass.”
“This all sounds like a plan, Thief,” the Bard said, smiling at him, “Logan, thoughts?”
Logan huffed, frowning at the ground. He’d rolled the details over in his mind a few times, so he’d already worked out some of the issues, such as the irrationality of the original plan’s “jump out the dungeon’s windows, really, how large are the windows, and how do we know it’s not underground.” For right now, it seemed as though the plan were efficacious, but they couldn’t be certain until it was enacted. 
But at that point, it’d be too late to change the plan to any degree of impeccability. They would have to wing it. And Logan wasn’t a fan of that. 
But what choice did they have?
“It is as detailed and as faultless as we can arrange for it to be currently,” he said.
The Thief’s mouth twitched into a slight grimace, but he nodded all the same. That was as optimistic as he would be. “Once this is all over, we meet at the tree as fast as we all can get there,” the Thief said, casting one more look around, “If we pull this off right, no one’ll be leaving alone. If your partner gets injured, you carry them to the tree.”
“I don’t think….” the Artist said, frowning a tiny bit as his voice trailed off. 
The possibility of injury was very high, actually. Death for the Romans, at least. And they didn’t know if the Dragon had injured Virgil or the Child. To be honest, they didn’t know if the Child was alive. Oh, goodness, what if Dragon had killed him? 
“It’s gonna work,” the Bard said, “It’s gonna.” 
He squeezed the Artist’s arm and gave him a nod. It was going to be okay. Roman was optimistic by nature, and the Artist did crave that sort of positivity. 
“It must,” Deceit affirmed none too positively. 
“It will,” Patton said, smiling at them all again before clapping, “And break!”
Everyone stood up on instinct. Then, they all shared slight laughs, small smiles.
The Bard leaned over and hugged Deceit with an arm, reciprocated a little. Patton leaned against the Artist, who didn’t hug back, but also didn’t flinch finally. 
They were getting somewhere. It was going to be okay. 
It was going to be okay. 
….Without Virgil, they all felt as though their optimism was naively placed. But that was why they were going to get him back! 
Once he was back, Deceit thought, he was never letting go again. If he was back. No, no, once he was back. He was coming back soon. 
“Let’s go,” the Thief pulled his mask out from his coat, a black half-face mask covered in yellow sequins arranged like scales.
Everyone shared looks, nodding to each other as they slid on their own masks. Logan, Patton, the Artist, and the Playwright all had special masks that mimicked their glasses prescriptions so they wouldn’t need contacts, too. With faces obscured, they nodded once more, squeezing arms in reassurance and patting backs and giving smiles, and hurried out of the alley. 
The Playwright walked at the front of the group, the only one not paired to any Side. He looked up at the sky. A storm had grown, clouds angry and grey above the castle, which was only a few blocks away now. Perhaps it would thunder during the ball. 
He wondered vaguely what had caused the sudden shift in weather. During their week alone, it was all sunny skies. 
Was it….
No. No, no part of Roman was that desperate, to have gone to Remus. Right? He’d been telling himself that ever since they’d begun this game, but the darker their future seemed, the more he worried about the Duke’s involvement. 
The Thief seemed to think it was very real, enough to have a back-up written into the plan. C’est la vie. Such was life, he thought, the show must go on.
They walked quietly for only a few minutes. The closer they got to the castle, the more Imagination inhabitants they saw walking around them, some in pairs, some in groups, some alone. Everyone was in costume, most intricate. Good. This would be good, for coverage. The Thief had been a little worried that the ball would be sparsely attended, but this was good. 
It was going to be okay. 
They approached the drawbridge. Patton leaned against the Artist, gripping his arm tighter as the wind picked up. The Thief and Deceit were stoic behind them, and Logan and the Bard were simply quiet, though their hands were interlaced tight. It was going to be okay.
A line had formed on the bridge, in front of one man in a suit, perhaps the medieval equivalent of a bouncer. The group shuffled into the line, looking around at the castle, at the moat (“I think it’s filled with alligators,” the Bard murmured to Logan, who shook his head and was about to respond that that didn’t make sense, until an alligator’s maw jumped up and snatched a low-flying bird) and at the sky. 
Angry, angry clouds. 
It took an excruciatingly long eleven minutes for the Playwright to finally reach the front of the line, but when he did, he immediately grinned. He had to hand it to the Dragon. 
“May I see your invitation?” Zac Efron asked, dressed in a black butler’s outfit.
Bless the Imagination’s castings. The Playwright handed over his invitation, and Zac looked over a list in his other hand before handing back the invitation and checking off a name. “You may enter to the ball room,” he motioned to the door. 
The Playwright curtsied and hurried in. Behind him was the Artist and Patton, both of whom gasped a little, becau se holy shit, it’s Zac Efron. 
The Dragon was really out here casting Thomas’ celebrity crushes as butlers. It was the first thing that the Artist had wholly agreed with the Dragon on, actually. Once they were Roman, they were going to have to look into that as a possibility. 
One by one, each entered, walking down a grand hall with a ceiling so high and so vaulted that there seemed to be a sky inside. But, then again, there probably was. This was the Imagination. It looked somewhat like the Great Hall from the Harry Potter movies, this time shining with stars and constellations. 
Logan could identify Aries and Pieces. That was actually accurate for the season and hour, so he gave a mental kudos to Roman for his design, then considered if it were his knowledge that had been used to perfect the stars. Well. That was inconsequential, I guess?
The hall was also lined with suits of armor, and bannisters adorned with Roman’s full crest. Though, Deceit noticed while he walked through, the entire crest was outlined in gold and the castle in the center was colored with grey and brown and black. He thought the Dragon was only supposed to be the outer tower and walls. If the Dragon called all of the shots around here, then why was the center tower also colored?
The walk was long, heels clacking against the stone. They turned with the carpet to the left and entered through a pair of double doors that had to be at least two floors high. 
Inside was life. The room was massive, stretching almost the size of a football field. There was a stage near the entrance door where there were musicians (with undetailed faces, Deceit noticed) were playing loud enough to echo across the room. The dance floor seemed to take up about half the room. 
Farther away from the entrance were some circle tables, arranged around with some citizens already sitting down. Further back were some long tables, food stacked atop them, and even further….
The throne was elevated so the Dragon could see across the hall to the dance floor. The Thief’s fists clenched immediately upon seeing him wearing the Prince’s attire, white uniform a stark contrast to the black he was typically adorned with. It was a jarring difference. 
He was taunting them. By Doc Holliday’s pistol, they were gonna take him down.
Beside his throne was a large Ottoman seat, where there was another figure. The Damsel, most likely, though his face was obscured by a sheer red veil and distance. He was wearing a large dress, which had a triple-tiered skirt that seemed to flare out orange, then red, then black. His corset was decorated with red and orange and yellow rhinestones, and raised behind his head. It almost looked like flames. 
Burned. The Damsel’s scars were also entirely visible, scabs on his arms angry and red, clearly not fully healed. They weren’t openly bleeding, but the Playwright could tell that they would start bleeding at some point in the night. 
His nose scrunched as he examined the pair. They didn’t seem to notice him, the Damsel leaning against the throne’s side and not moving, the Dragon stroking his chin and looking across the hall absently. He had a sword sheathed beside the throne, too, with its handle sticking up in an easily accessible manner. 
He was waiting for them, he realized. Of course he was, this was a trap, you fool. You knew this. You’d planned. It was going to be okay.
The Playwright turned back to the group just as the last pair, Logan and the Bard, entered. 
“Okay. I am going to move toward the snack table,” he nodded toward the thrones, “Octopus, would you like to join me?”
Logan let go of the Bard, who curtsied and stepped back, and then offered a hand to the Playwright. “It would be my pleasure,” he said, “How about we acquire a table, Hearts?”
The Playwright nodded, then shot the Thief a look. “Snake,” he said, a promise, a warning, “Let’s waltz.” 
“Let’s,” the Thief responded, squeezing Deceit’s arm. 
The Bard and Patton had already taken each other onto the dance floor, hoping to not be conspicuously waiting in a group by the door way, and the Artist was meandering around — nope, no, he just asked an Imagination citizen to dance. Blending in well. 
Operation save Virgil and the Child was a go. 
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Virgil could hear the faint music from above. He squinted up, then closed his eyes and exhaled. What’d that matter? 
His side was throbbing. It seemed that just wrapping a bandage around a wound did fuck all to stop it from hurting, or bleeding, especially if it was just wrapped once and around the front. Virgil would have to remember that for the next time he got stabbed by an evil Dragon, he thought snidely. 
He and the Child had relocated themselves to the bed. Pretending to not be panicking was tiring, but luckily for him, the Child had fallen asleep. 
He sniffed quietly, rubbing his eye with the butt of his palm. For the past half an hour, ever sine the Child fell asleep, Virgil had been silently crying. And there was no Damsel to conjure him a glass of water or tell him it’d be okay. Because he knew it wasn’t going to be okay. 
Even if he didn’t die in the Imagination, he’d be exiting it alone. And that was fine! 
The Child snuggled closer to his chest, tiny arms wrapped around him. Virgil sniffed again and hugged him tight. 
If he did nothing else, he’d at least protect this Roman. 
He wished he’d at least told Roman how he felt. 
Maybe he’d never get the chance. 
Gosh, this was really fatalistic, even for him. It wasn’t like he was gonna die in the Imagination. 
Virgil shielded his eyes with an arm and, as illogical as it was, wished that he could use that one arm motion to block out the sounds of the ball going on above. Shit, he was gonna die in the Imagination. 
….Usually that’d freak him out a bit more. Maybe he’d bled out to the point where he was too tired to be worried. And, maybe it was childish, but he really did want to dance with Roman. 
chivalry taglist: @starlightvirgil @forrestwyrm @daflangstlairde @marshmallow-the-panda @askthesnake @k9cat @patromlogil @theobsessor1 @ninja-wizard101 @fandomsofrandom
general taglist: @jemthebookworm @okay-finne
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rosyerim · 6 years ago
fwb↠ lovers!yukhei
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warnings; obvi sexual stuff, some cursing, 16++!!!
listen i am a HOE for lucas
but lbr so are u 
who isn’t like have you SEEN that man GOD
anywho letzgetit
lucas aka wong yukhei was one of your friends ever since u two got paired up for a presentation in college
super cocky when u approached him first 
u were like
“hi so will we go to yours ?”
he was like
“( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) oh we’re goin to mine huh? that fast u must want me bad( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)“
u just rolled ur eyes and was like
“listen here u damn TREE i meant so we could work on the presentation!!”
he’s like “yea sure whatever u say babe”
so u just rolled ur eyes again and was abt to leave before he grabbed ur hand and was like im jk!! gimme ur number so we can sort out a day
so u do bc i mean who wouldnt give lucas their number
when u get home u already have a message from him
“hey it’s lucas :)”
“lemme know what day suits u, im p much free all week!”
he actually wasn’t free all week but would have cancelled any plans for u in a heartbEAT 
little do u know, homeboy been lowkey crushin’ on you ever since he saw u strut into the same lecture room as him
then u tripped but thats BESIDes tHe poInT
u text back and are like
“i’m free tommorow if that suits u?”
you didn’t expect a text back so quick
you put your phone down for 00.02 seconds before
its ya boi lucas double texting u
“yeah i’m free haha said i was free all week :)”
“that came off as kinda passive aggressive im sorry thats not what i meant??”
hehehe u just smile to ur self what a cutie
you set up to meet at the campus cafe the next day at like 2pm bc god knows ur ass won’t be up before 1pm
again once u put ur phone down thinking the convo was over
its lucas again 
“so..what are u doin rn? i’m just workin out haha :)”
wong yukhei rlly out here bein all fuckboyish and shit but u bein ur good, sin free self ignore the DEVILS calling and go do ur own things around the house
ignoring the WHA-PINGS
next day rolls around 
you’re at the cafe like 10 mins early because u didn’t want to b late 
and woahh whose already sitting inside at the corner table w two chairs??
and two steaming cups of coffee??
yeah u guessed it lucASS
looking fine as heLL in literally just a white hoodie??
you know THIS look
Tumblr media
that whole ass look
okay stop staring at his beautiful self and go i n s i d e
bby boy does a lil jump of surprise when u walk up he was so immersed in his phone
he was not looking up “how to get someone to like u” fucjakjks
he’s all smiley and is like
“ (✿◠‿◠) i didn’t know what drink u liked so i just got u a coffee, hope its okay(✿◠‿◠)“
ssjdhsjd ofc its okay baby!!
u just nod and say you’ll pay next time
he gets a lil blushy bc your both gone meet up again aw
so you both start working, he has ideas so do you, so you both compromise and wow u two make a great team
at some point the convo turns from school to sharing drunk stories of ur friends
a few coffees & lots of laughing later u suddenly realize its gotten rlly late bc of how dark it is outside!!
cue lucas using this as an opportunity to be all suave & gentlemanly 
“wow it’s gotten late, i’ll walk you home!!” 
so ur both on course to ur apartment 
he tries to be that boy and put his jumper on u because he saw u shiver for 00.001 second
but ur like lol no thanks im not cold
the tips of ears go red & poor bby is embarrassed  so he goes all pouty :((
then u feel bad bc homeboy was jus tryna be nice :((
so u end up wrappin yourself up in it and now hes all :))
now ur all :))) too
when u get to ur apt he kinda awkwardly shuffles outside so u invite him inside so he can “warm up” before he leaves
and whooo did u two “warm up”
he takes a seat on ur sofa & is kinda mindlessly babbling as u put on some music and bring him over a warm drink 
so ur both just sittin there bbq sauce on ya titties
and then its like some sort of sudden tension arises??
he stops babbling and just stares at u 
u stare back, slowly putting down ur drink
then ur leaning in oh so s l o w l y
he places his big ass hand on the side of ur face, eyes hovering from ur lips to ur eyes, asking for permission 
you give him a lil nod and he s w o o p s the fuck in
his plump lips are soft, a lil chapped and the first kiss is tender, he pulls away after a few seconds
he looks at you thru half lidded eyes and oop you pulled him back to ya lips hehe
from there it escalates 
he leans back onto the sofa and pulls you ontop of him, in a straddling position
one of his hands moves from your face down to your waist holding u tightly against while the other is rubbing circles on the exposed skin below your shirt
his tongue pushes past your lips, to meet yours and you thread your fingers through his hair, tugging lightly at the ends
this elicits a deep ass groan outta him and he pulls back suddenly, tilting his head up towards you
you’re slightly panting as you take note of his swollen lips and slight blush dusting his cheeks
he notices the same things about you and smirks before your face back towards him
to ur slight disappointment it’s not as heated as before, just a lil soft kiss and hes pulling away again
ur like 
“<(`^´)> why’d u stopp <(`^´)>“
he just chuckles w his deeper than the ocean voice pinches ur cheek lightly
“because as much as i’d like to keep goin, it’s a bit too fast paced don’t you think?”
you flush again as u didn’t even think about what he was feeling and nodded, burying your face into the crook of his neck
but the hypocrisy of this bOY
the next time u two meet up to “work on the project” u end up goin to his place and oop hes got u beneath him on his bed, both of ur shirts on the floor 
his mouth is set on marking your neck, collarbones while his hips are lightly grinding down on you, you feeling his bulge from beneath his tracksuit pants
you wrap you legs around him, pulling him even closer before flipping him over somehow
he’s a lil surprised as you take ur turn to pepper his neck and collarbones w love bites but he’s not complaining as u can tell from his quiet moans beneath you
you make your way lower on his body, stopping just before the waistband of his pants, looking up at him
“can i?”
u ask him first because consent is important kids
he nods so fast ur afraid his head is gona pop off 
you pull his pants & underwear down and wha-ping there he is
you grasp him at the base and lucas throws his head back, almost banging it off his headboard but does he care? nope.
so after ya know, suck the soul out of him
homeboy needs a phat minute to get his breath back
but ur pulling ur top back on, ready to go bc u felt like he woulda kicked u out but nOPE
the second he catches u ready to leave, he grabs u and pulls u back down onto the bed w him
ur like??? but in a good way
he ends up peppering ur face w lots of kisses and u gigglin bc aw
but then the kisses end up getting more heated as he makes his way down ur body, ur shirt leaving u once again, as well as ur pants and oops ur underwear too??
he ends up giving back what he received :)))
after that night, you both agree to keep it casual
basically friends w benefits
lucas loves the idea 
at first
like the thought of him bein’ able to text you whenever he was horny and not block him? great. gettin’ the occasional nude from you during his classes and ending up hard for an hour? not the best, but he’ll take it.
bUT the sight of you coming down off your high that he gave you while still panting his name softly??? 100000% HERE for it
wearing his shirt as you tumble around his bedroom, your neck covered in lovebites from him leaves him 97% soft and 3% sorta kinda horny
but he wants to be able to text you abt how your day was or what you’re doing for the day him or just listen to you rant!! not just when he pops a boner or you’re in the mood
he also wants to experience holding you in his arms, filled with love and not lust, kisses that are just innocent instead of heated 
to wake up to your sleeping face, no matter how funny looking, in the morning instead of an cold, empty space in his bed
but lucas knows you won’t return his feelings so he does his best to hide them (read: fails miserably at hiding his feelings for you)
then you begin to notice subtle changes in his behavior 
he goes from choking you out w a dark look in his eyes to caressing your cheeks w heart eyes in 000.02 seconds
he gives you his shirt to keep even after you leave his apartment and insists on driving you home
he texts you pictures of cute puppies he saw on his way to college instead of his usual boxer pics 
safe to say, u knew wtf was up
but u didn’t want to sound conceited abt knowing lucas liked you, so you didn’t say anything
and you both kept up the facade of hiding your feelings for the other behind by taking your frustration out on each other, sexually
and it stays that way for a while, but lucas was becoming more agitated each night you left and vice versa
until he broke the unspoken rule
neither of you had stayed overnight at the others for fear of having to deal with the truth of your emotions in the morning
but that night as you lay beside him, breathing heavily, the thin covers barely covering your naked bodies, he slipped his hand into yours and pulled you close
and you both lay there for a while, content in each other embraces, listening to each others heartbeats
then, you shifted to move away, to leave another night of unspoken feelings for another day
but he pulled you back and whispered, “stay”
you knew what that meant, you thought it over in your head
if you stayed, you would wake up and finally face the music, finally talk about how much you’ve fallen for him
how much you want to give him kisses all over his face to make him laugh
how you want to go on cute little cafe dates and study dates and dinner dates and basically every kind of date with him
how you want to introduce him to your family as not just your friend, but your boyfriend, your lover
a few moments passed
lucas’ forehead creased slightly in worry
he placed a tender kiss on your knuckles
mumbled a soft “please”
you took a deep breath 
and relaxed against him, letting your eyelids flutter shut as you let sleep overcome you
missing how lucas’ eyes literally shone as he looked down on you
“finally” he whispered against the crown of your head as he placed a kiss there, his grin almost splitting his face in half
he sent a bunch of keyboard smashes into the nct gc later bc he was so happy sjdksjd
and thats how you and wong yukhei fell in love
he also still gets butterflies every time he sees you and screams internally every time u kiss him fucjskjd <33
le fin♡ 
this is my first bullet scenario, hope it was okay (〃▽〃)
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ns-cookie · 6 years ago
Night Of Fun
Summary: On a gloomy day, Mateo was trying to find someone to play with. He found a guy, sitting on the grass, reading a novel. When going to try and persuade him to come with him to an alley. He had other intentions. This guy….he has a way with words.
(Mateo belongs to @wrenseroticlibrary)
Time: 1 Hour 47 Minutes
Word Count: 1618
Song: Crazy In Love Cover By Sofia Karlberg (Deep Cover)
Warnings: Blood, Violence, Consent, Noncon Role Play, GuyxGuy, Enjoy.
Time? 9:47 pm. At a time like this, on a Thursday night such as this. People would be heading home to sleep for work. Or getting ready for the bar, club, just anywhere to have a little fun. Maybe some people are going out for dates? Sounds like anything a human would do any day of the week unless busy. Other beings wish to have their meal now, some are sensitive to the sun and can’t be out until it’s dark outside.
Those beings, tend to find victims to prey on. To sink their sharp fangs in someone’s plush skin, drinking their bitter yet tasty blood. They need their meal too. Those beings are vampires. Some vampires can be out in the sun, others can’t. The sun hurt the ones that can go out and enjoy it like everyone else. Not only does the sun hurt them, but also fire.
Let’s not go too deep into this, now, why bring up vampires? Well, this one vampire, he’s looking for his victim tonight. He’s rather hungry for not having much blood for only two days. He needs a quick fuck and blood fast. He was in the alley, cigarette in his hand. He felt his body fidget a little, the small flame from the bud of it would always make him feel like this. He won’t let it faze him. Even though it does all the time.
Right now, he was glancing towards the park a little far from him.
Recalling the times he would meet up with that kid, Joey. That got him to smile a little. He’s a good kid, been busy with college lately. Him sending him small updates of his life, wanting to chat with this vampire every day, though, the human boy named Joey doesn’t know about his friend and longtime crush was a vampire. He’s just like everyone else, believing they do not exist. Let’s keep it that way.
This toned guy with an ink-black snake, he drops his lit cigarette on the stained ground covered in footsteps and mixed fluids. He used his boot to crush it, putting it out. He lets out a heavy breath and began to head over to the park. Need to find someone fast.
When arriving at the park, not many people out- well it was night time -but some were out with kids. Them looking sleepy, they’ll leave soon. He glanced around, thinking about going to his favorite bar. A young looking guy caught his attention, he was sitting on the grass field. All alone. Seems perfect enough, not many were out to point see him take him somewhere else.
He went over to him, wanting to see his appearance up close. His looks...he doesn’t seem real. Purple hair that looks natural with his dark complexion. Glasses resting on the bridge of his nose, his eyes trained on the small book on his lap. Crossed his legs and has dark clothing, its as if he didn’t want others to notice him. Should be hard to see but there were lights around the park, some seeming to flicker a little. Might go out any minute now.
He can imagine his face, all heated and panting from his lips. Then, when kissing his neck. He bites his neck, having him gasp and shudder from the unwanted pleasure. He would whimper about his teeth while the vampire was taking some slurps and drinks his blood. Savouring over how good it is.
He felt himself bite his bottom lip a little. Getting a little closer to speak to him.
“Hey,” He said, alerting the guy he wasn’t alone. He almost jumped from the sudden surprise. Adjusting his glasses when glancing up to look at him. “Hello, can I help you with something?” The stranger asked with a friendly smile.
“Just wondering why a cutie like you is out here?”
“Oh…” The guy began to smile a little bashful, what a nice compliment. “Just reading this novel. I got done with two earlier out here.”
“Have you been here for a while?”
“About six hours.” The guy raised a brow a little. That long huh?
“Did you want something, sir?” Seems he should hurry up.
“Did you possibly….wish to do something to me?” He closed the novel after marking it. Crossing his arms, the surprised look on this vamps face was a little amusing to him.
“Yeah,” He lowered down to his level. His eyes seemed to be red when the purpled haired fellow looked into them. “I wanna bring you to that alley and make you beg for my touch.”
“.....” He felt his cheeks heating up. He didn’t hold back from saying that. “Really?”
“Yeah, you wanna be my cute toy? If not, can always find one near my favorite bar.”
He didn’t know what this dead person intention was. To just fuck him? Or kill him? A guy talking to you out of the blues late at night like this isn’t always a good thing.
“...What if I refuse?” It seemed obvious he wanted to-
“And insist you do me out here on this freshly cut grass?~” His turn to smirk now. The surprised look on the vampire’s face. He wasn’t expecting that at all, he looked cute and nerdy. Like Joey.
Nothing were about to do is gonna be deemed as holy,” He chuckles, his left hand reached out to stroke over his spikey hair. Tugging it hard and pulled him into a rough kiss. Him being pulled to the ground, kissing the guy back.
When pulling away, his face was flushed. The guy chuckles a little. “I’m Kendrick, I don’t mind you breaking me~”
“M-Mateo...holy shit.” He whispered. Did he meet someone, that can fulfill his kinks? The ones he’s most ashamed about?
“Aren’t you freaky?”
“I know, wish I could’ve seen you earlier. Public Humiliation is a major kink of mine.” The guy began to shudder, his blush clouding his cheeks. “If you want, we can do a small roleplay?”
“Roleplay?” He’s heard of that. People acting out scenes that’ll turn sexual. He never attempted it, guess he will today.
“I’ll be a helpless boy, you’ll be a thief that shows no remorse when fucking me. He’ll hurt me as much as he wants, he wouldn’t care if they didn’t want him, he wanted them.” He whispered to Mateo. Noticing him shivering from what he said.
“I-I don’t know-”
“I promise, it’ll be fun. Now, let’s give it a try~”
Mateo didn’t seem so sure about it. But decided to give it a try. As they went into the role play, he already felt nervous. The look of fear on Kendrick’s face, a hand wrapped around his neck as the other wonder his body with fascination. “N-No! Sir.” Kendrick gasped when his pants were ripped open, a big hole over his ass.
“P-Please...n-no.” He rubbed his eyes, them being all glossy. He got Kendrick to cry, god he felt awful and wanted to stop but this was so good! It would’ve been better if he could restrain him, having him struggle and gasp as he forced his way in.
Pinning his hands above his head works. He’ll feel guilty later, he wanted him now.
“Punch me~” Kendrick pants a little. “Don't hold-” He was interrupted when getting slapped across the face. Loud and it stung both Mateo’s hand and Kendrick’s cheek. “Make me bleed~”
He can’t seem to control himself from this guy….
“It’s been a while since I slept with someone,” Kendrick mentioned when hoisting himself up, using his jacket to tie it around his waist. Not wanting anyone to see his cum filled ass. His pants were ripped still.
“It was fun.” Kendrick sent him a sweet smile, Mateo was trying to process what the hell just happened. Yeah, he fucked that hot piece of ass. He degraded him for the kinks he had and made him shiver while whimpering for him to stop. Kendrick had a bloody nose still, he did tell Mateo not to hold back. Slap marks on his ass and face, hand marks around his neck with the bite marks, even broke his damn glasses- He had one hell of a night.
Something was tossed in front of him. “Call me sometime, Mateo.” Kendrick grabbed his novel, sending him a wink. “Bye~” He turned away and walks off, disappearing in the dark.
Mateo's eyes stare off into nothing, just where Kendrick used to be before he completely left his eyesight. His eyes lower down to see the card he tossed to him, it being with his broken glasses lens. Small rivulets of blood staining it, shivering from how hot that looked on him. He was never this rough to anyone, the fact that someone even asked him. Fuck man.
At least he has his number.
//Sorry that I uh, somewhat skipped over the sex scene. I for one was tired last night so the ending for this was done today! I had this idea for some months now (as soon as I learned about Mateo.) I do hope you enjoy it. Mateo once again belongs to @wrenseroticlibrary
I also suck at titles sorry ^^;
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