#he got along so well with sora and tsumugi..... so cute
kanameows · 23 days
"who's your favourite member of switch ?" NIKI SHIINA
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windypuddle · 2 years
You may hate me for this
Milgram and enstars Crossovers au futa meeting an enstars character over online gaming that they enjoy because the character can't be recognized without their face
Just just an idea I need to sleep but still this is for you have fun darling
ohhh this ones funny. thank you i like this. im assuming this is a context where fuuta knows of the idols in ensemble square or they just have to keep their username secret for publicity reasons. anyway theres like four? known Gamers in enstars
sora is just a silly little guy i think he go "^-^ hahihuheho" (thats how his laugh is) in chat and fuuta would be like okay. a child. and then sora absolutely destroys him at whatever game theyre playing idk it would have to be one with a coop mode. i think fuuta leans towards rpgs though judging from the bring it on mv. while fuuta goes for the traditional knight/fighter character i think sora would be the type of player to have a character that looks cute and small and then is actually super overpowered. hes just doing his best but i think fuuta would rage quit after sora oneshots all the enemies because he cant stand it when other people are better than him
natsume is funny because we know natsume canonically ragequits when he plays video games with tsumugi because tsumugi is So Awful at them. in online coop hes probably more normal about it but would like... just Watch his teammates for a minute to decide if their fighting style is Good enough. fuuta's like "dude wtf are u doing" meanwhile natsume is Judging. theyre both red but that doesnt really matter. they could probably be good teammates because fuuta picks the brute force knight with occasional magic weapons (actually i think most of the offensive power in his mvs comes from the magical weapons and not him which is a fascinating nod to how he's actually just some loser and all his online power comes from like a persona/his followers but thats for another post maybe) and natsume would be the magic user type of character. im talking like exclusively catalyst main in genshin just because someone said he couldnt. but the magic dps and physical dps would work well together
jun is probably the most similar in playstyle to fuuta i would guess but hes way more chill about it. hes kind of the casual type here to have fun. would listen to fuuta talk about meta in chat and then go "ok then why arent you using these strategies" and fuuta sets him on fire in game
makoto is also a good gamer but he definitely leans into the teamwork aspect. like, always does coop in games not because he needs the help but because its fun and he likes it. would probably listen patiently to fuuta explaining meta stuff and go "ok cool!!" despite already knowing all of it
ok tangent time but if its a matter of fuuta not recognizing them because he only likes a few specific groups... alright. i think crazy:b would be fuutas favorite unit in ensemble square. theyve got fun and loud music and fuuta would totally lean into the whole "fuck society" bit. i also think he would like undead just for their style because his songs so far seem to be more...rock? not sure. you know what theyre like. he would probably like switch's aesthetic (the unit natsume and sora and tsumugi are in actually) but i think he would find it too happy/cutesy/everyone gets along or some such nonsense for him. he might like knights but i think the rest of the fans should gatekeep knights from him he doesnt deserve them
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*sees matchups* Oooh I’m curious who I’ll be matched up with! Lemme give this a try~ :D
Hmm.. what I’m about to write is too long for an ask so I put it here instead. I’m so sorry orz
This girl would be reserved and quiet in an unfamiliar environment, but once you get to know her, she gets pretty talkative and cheerful. An extrovert by nature; she’ll be the one who usually initiates a conversation if given the chance; intelligent discussions where she learns something substantial interest her a lot. She has a slim and petite build so people get surprised with the amount she can eat in one sitting, though she is picky with what she eats. She may sometimes be a bit bossy and sassy/sarcastic (Tsundere Type B), especially when people tease her. She constantly worries about little things - has a tendency to get distracted and lost when there’re too many things going on around her. She has a huge love for cats - she owns 2 of them and tends to impulse-buy cat-themed paraphernalia. She cares a lot for her close friends; she is very supportive and will get protective when necessary. Video games (RPGs, Rhythm, Puzzle), drawing, reading novels (favorite genres: mystery, adventure) and playing the guitar are some of her many hobbies.
I hope that’s enough information. Thank you in advance and best of luck with the blog! :D
No need to apologize! The more information I get, the easier it is to match you up~ plus the more content I have to work with !! And it's no problem, thank you! Hhhh,,, this one took me a while to decide! You have so many traits that would fit so well with the characters,,, when I was deciding, I had a list of 10 or so of the boys haha;;
Sorry I've been gone so long! I've been getting writer's block,,, curse you.... but I've slowly been working on requests! I'm currently stuck on Switch headcannons, and working on scenarios for Trickstar! I'm surprised to have so many requests coming in, but I'm glad people are enjoying this blog!
here's the matchup!
Your matchup is...
Tsumugi Aoba!
First impressions weren't really your thing. Still, you had to meet all of the unit members, as you'd be working with them from here on out. All of the units had their unique points that made them interesting. But one in particular piqued your interest. A trio unit, full of people who claimed to be magicians? Maybe that was why you seemed attracted to them. Maybe you were under some sort of spell? As you enjoy intelligent conversations, you thought that a sophisticated unit like Knights, or with an intelligent leader like Keito, would be the ones to catch your attention. So, why Switch?
You, being you, were rather quiet when you first met the members of Switch. Natsume was extremely teasing, and lived when you got sassy in response. He knew there was more to you than it seemed. After Nastume managed to set you off, you became a bit more talkative. After all, the other two were extremely friendly. Sora was a little ball of sunshine, smiling happily as he complimented "your color." You didn't really understand, but you thought he was cute. Finally, there was Tsumugi. When you had first walked in, he had been sulking in the corner. But he had noticed you, and quickly stood up to greet you. You two immediately got along. After learning he was the library chairman, your intrest piqued. A library assistant? He must know all kinds of things!
You talked to him whenever you were given the chance. He often had information to tell you, things you had never known. Talking books was his favorite thing to do. You both learned a lot from each other, as well as recommendations to new novels. You both enjoy each other's company, being able to be as nerdy as you'd like without worrying about being judged.
Neither of you had really considered becoming more than friends. It was perfect just like this; meeting at the library for quiet, casual chats, reading in silence, or intelligent conversations where you both learn something new. What more could you ask for? Well, the truth is, a Tsumugi took a while to realize that you had become more than a friend to him. After so long of being together, learning about one another, and supporting everything either of you do, he finally realized how perfect you are. Literally everything he could ever ask for- but you seemed a bit... out of his league?
Being in the school for a while now, you had grown close to many of the other students. And being the only girl, quite a few had developed crushes on you. You had been asked out quite a few times, but continued to find yourself turning them down. Soon after is when you realized your feelings for Tsumugi. You two continued to admire each other in silence, continuing your usual rituals. But it was so hard, having to see him everyday, wandering if he felt what you did. And he was just as nervous. He continued to tell himself that you were too good for him. There were many other, more worthy people out there. Even in the school, there were plenty of people that you deserved. He was too boring, too normal for someone as amazing as you.
When you went to oversee Switch's practice, you found Tsumugi reading Sora's fortune. You watched in silence as he read the future of the younger boy, who was getting overly excited. Once he was done, Tsumugi noticed you. Out of curiosity, you asked to have your fortune read. He , of course, accepted. so you sat down across from the bluenette as he worked his magic. What he found... he couldn't believe. Or, he didn't want to believe. He saw that you had feelings for someone, who you would get togetehr with. He was immediately crushed. He knew it all along, so why did it hurt? He knew that you would get with someone that wasn't him.
Though, hearing this, your heart skipped a beat. You had to clarify; the person you liked had feelings for you? Tsumugi nodded. He stood up, excusing himself. But you stopped him. Sora piped in, asking why Tsumugi's color was sad. The first year went on to telling you that your color showed love. He then gasped in realization, chiming happily. "Nee-chan! You love Tsumugi-senpai?" he exclaimed, grinning innocently. Natsume glanced over, seemingly uninterested in whatever was going on. You and Tsumugi had noticably changed colors, blushing furiously. You gave in, confessing your feelings for the boy. He was quiet at first, before taking a charm out of his school bag. He was smiling happily, silently thanking the lucky charm for working. Though he asked; why did you like someone like him? That had taken you by surprise. You were aware of his low self-esteem, but you never expected this. You went on to explain how great of a person he was. After giving him all that reassurance, you went on to asking him to be your boyfriend. He nervously accepted, and apologized for any problems he gave you in the future.
And little Sora threw a party. Instead of practicing, the four of you played around.
Even though you two were a couple now, nothing really changed. You still did everything you had done before, maybe just a bit more often. Tsumugi found your eating habit a cute quirk. You were so small, yet able to eat so much. It was helpful when he didn't feel like eating. He never had to waste his food again; you would happily take it from him and finish his meal. And your love of cats? Bonus! He thought it was the cutest thing when you got excited over seeing a stray cat while taking a walk together, or impulse buying anything and everything that had to do with cats. In fact, he shared that interest with you. If he ever passes by cat trinkets, he alwas ends up buying whatever the store has. He often gives you gifts for no reason, as well as charms to help you stay healthy, or give you luck, or anything you need.
Being in a relationship with Tsumugi is really relaxing. Sure, he can be a bit high-strung at times, but he's usually very calm. He's like a cat, one of the many things you love about him. He will happily match whatever pace you want without a word of complaint. And you make him feel appreciated; a very rare feeling for him. He feels at ease around you. You're always supporting him, cheering him up, and always being there when he needs reminding of how great he is. Especially when he finds himself in trouble, you're there to stand up for him. The way you get protective over him makes him melt. Natsume teasing him again? You're there to stop the redhead. Well, more like direct his attention to you. He enjoys when you fight back against his teasing. You and Tsumugi are like an old couple, reading in silence with their cat. You coninue to learn things every day from each other. You're definitely more outgoing and confident than Tsumugi, which never fails to make him fall harder and harder for you. You two are perfect matches! Please treat him well, help him realize that he deserves you!
Other matches: Yuzuru, Shu
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imagineyourstars · 7 years
hello! i got curious after looking​ at all the matchup posts, could i ask for one too? hope im not a bother;; i am a girl who's 145cm tall. i enjoy playing the piano & drawing! my people skills are really bad & i dont have many friends but i get along really well with the few friends i have. im also a generally lazy person but will do things promptly when told to. im also generally apathetic & will only care for those close & dear to me. i also stay indoors a lot (LOL) thank you very much!! ^q^
requests are never a bother ! and you’re very welcome ♥ ~ mod mademoiselle
Your match isTsumugi Aoba !
If there’s one wordto describe your first meeting, it would be “awkward”.You’re not very good with people. And he isn’t either. So the two ofyou were just standing there, fumbling, smiling awkwardly and trying to thinkof something to say to break the ice. You didn’t come up with much ;he found nothing else to do than comment on the weather. FortunatelyNatsume put the two of you out of your misery by cutting theconversation short, much to your relief. From then on you’d justsmile embarassedly to each other should you pass by him in theschool’s corridors. But hey, at least he seems nice, right ?
As you play thepiano, you were probably very quickly recruited into the light musicclub. Don’t even expect to be able to refuse : Rei is such a smoothtalker… You two practiced together, and from time to time he’dcompose songs and expect you to be able to play them. Not wanting todisappoint your club leader, you’d practice by yourself in one of themusic rooms. You thought no one was around, as it was after schoolhours : most students were either training in the practice rooms orgoing back home. Turns out Tsumugi was actually in that room thewhole time : he has so little presence you didn’t even hear himcoming in. He eventually decided to stay and even clapped at the endof your impromptu “performance”. Naturally, you weresurprised at him being there, and he got shocked himself at seeingyou surprised. It took him at least five minutes to stop apologizingfor disturbing you. He was apparently very moved by your littleperformance and hesitantly proposed you work with Switch, as they’dneed someone to help with their songs. Honestly, you don’t evenreally know why you agreed, but how could you refuse when he looks sogentle ?
The two of youbonded a lot over Switch’s trainings. They’re rather comical, to behonest. Sora is way too free-spirited and Natsume constantly acts ashe pleases without regard to others, when he’s not chewing Tsumugiout. And Tsumugi’s mainly there trying to follow the pace,apologizing a lot for any nuisance he may or may not have caused.Expect him to be way too enthusiastic whenever you suggest something,as tiny as it is. Natsume thinks it’s highly suspicious.
When the trainingsor club meetings are over, you like to go to the library to draw :it’s quiet and no one ever goes there, aside from Keito sometimes.It’s the perfect place to be at peace for a while ! Tsumugi quicklycaught on that habit of yours and sometimes quietly stays with you asyou draw, reading a book and stealing a glance at your drawing fromtime to time. It’s your own peaceful way to spend time together. Healso loves to join you for lunch but is always worried about being abother : expect him to warn you beforehand by texting you and askingif it’s alright with you. That boy, really…
He quickly grew onyou, and you got close to the point he’d get blushy just by beingnear you, and Sora would describe the color as “hot pink”whenever you’re together with him. Honestly, it’s really obvious theboy has a huge crush on you, but don’t ever expect him to confess.He’s afraid he’d trouble you with his feelings, and most importantlyhe couldn’t stand the thought of being rejected. After all, he feelsmost people in the school are cooler or stand out more than him ; whywould you choose him, of all people ? So you had to make amove yourself. It was definitely not easy, and even more awkward thanyour first meeting, but at least you managed to make it through tohim that you considered him as more than a friend. The poor boy wentinto pressure overdrive and just left you there, running awayquickly. You didn’t know what to think of it until the next day, whenyou found a letter from him in your shoe locker. It was nine pageslong (including one entire page of apologies) and very well-written,as mushy and romantic as it was. So from that day onwards, the two ofyou became a couple ? Kind of ? No one really knows, he’s so shy andfidgety around you.
Tsumugi’s prettyold-fashioned so he’ll put a lot of care into organizing dates andall. He doesn’t really like to go in town : it’s pretty stressful forhim. He’ll be content just coming to your place or getting you tocome to his. He’s always so excited about books and will talk to youabout them for hours, but you don’t mind : you think that’s cute.Don’t expect him to be big on physical contact : he melts wheneveryou even take his hand, and would probably get really nervous aboutkisses. But he’s always trying his best ! With how careful andconsiderate he is, he’ll make a great boyfriend. Please take goodcare of him !
Other possible matches : Rei, Mika
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