#he goes through a phase of rebellion tho
rueclfer · 11 days
guys this is important. do you think keigo would introduce himself w his name or w his hero name as a child (to another kid)
at first it would be like "im keigo! but you can call me hawks too!" but then he got scolded enough time to correct himself like "keigo- wait no. hawks." until eventually by like 13 he just tells everyone hawks :-(((((((((((((
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651 MODS.
Ok, bunch of details:
Project Proteus, it's a mod with a bunch of dependencies, anyway, it allows me to turn previous Dragonborns into NPCs with minimal issue.
This sets up a perfect 3 way story without having to sacrifice myself into playing something that isn't a mage.
So, here's the set up:
1) Imperial Mage: Servius Callidus. Dragonborn. He's my standard mage character obviously, Son of Great Way Veterans, They wanted him to go through the military cursus honorum but he's into the whole arcane mystery shit, "It's not a phase mom!", The mom is Legate Cassia from Legends btw, anyway he runs away from home and bang, gets himself into a cult because Cyrodil is terrible at teaching magic in the 4th era with the Synod, except the cult is actually a Thalmor Psyop, and the leader, his teacher, attempts to sacrifice him to achieve some sort of dread ritual to grant herself immortality. It fails, because a Dragon Soul can't be held in a Black Soul Gem, and overcharges the room, destroying the cult, and achieving the whole "Doesn't need to drink/eat/sleep also he can save and he can eat 100 cheese wheels in the fraction of a second by pausing time and also he can skip ahead in time by simply standing still in a place for hours because Time has pretty much frozen to him by now" thing. As a side note, this kind of attracts lots of attention on him from the Thalmor, who want to dissect him to discover how the ritual ultimately affected him. This leads to the Sinister Seven, a terrible mercenary group, to be hired to capture him dead or alive. As the name implies, despite being the titular last Dragonborn, Servius will be thought as the squire, the counselor of sort of the "real" last dragonborn, the Nord Warrior, who will get all the glory to much of her bewilderment and his relief. The imagery of a "Wolf protecting the flock" will be used at one point.
2) Nord Warrior: Ragna (Rag-Na) Will-Breaker. First Era War Maiden, Shield Maiden to Kyne, and a member of one of Morihaus cohorts who descended to Cyrodil to aid Alessia during the Rebellion. She dies during the taking of the White Gold Tower, and is interred with the other fallen in a crypt, the same crypt where the Cult is doing their dread ritual. The ritual, the same one who pretty much removed Servius from time, also happens to shoot her full of energy, resurrecting her on the spot, her soul mysteriously still trapped within her remains after her death, as of she was just slumbering. Her first sight after waking up is a room full of dead elves and one alive, very terrified Nede, suddenly coming face to abs with this gigantic Proto-Nord war maiden 3 times his size, so of course she just decides to stick to the guy for the time being until she gets a better idea of what the fuck is going on.
Ok, when you think about her, you need to imagine not Thor from the first movie, tho the comparison is not unwarranted, as much as that one Narnia Book where the Witch is suddenly in early 19th century London and she just goes around both completely bewildered while also acting incredibly smug about everything. Like, "Unroot a lamppost with my bare hands to use as a bludgeon to beat the shit out of cops" kind of Energy. Also it creates some great opportunities for situational comedy such as the always classic "What the fuck is a Talos?"
3) Candle. They/Them. Breton Thief from the Island of Alcaire, Who changed face and names many time in the course of their life, much like a Moth molts their skin, and is now, by sheer, dumb luck, on a one way trip to Helgen. Helgen, where the Warrior and the Mage are right now, Moving north to lose their pursuers and to have Ragna witness her homeland once more, as they get a room at Vilod's and Matlara's Inn, and plan on their voyages, as the rickety cart gets into town, as a tear in time and space opens on the top of the world, where the Sky meets the Heart in their final embrace, where an old Dovah slumbers, and as everything, finally...
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Final Fantasy XIV: A Quick(ish) Summary As Told By Someone Too Lazy To Recheck Exact Times/Things
1.0- We don't talk about it
A Realm Reborn (ARR)- for some strange reason the world got like, completely blown up 5 years ago, crazy! You are some dumb kid from nowhere in particular, with nothing but the clothes on your back and a weapon that is little more than a chunk of wood, or a book. Possibly just your fists. You have got 50 levels and a shitload of lore to get through until you reach the first expansion.
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Essentially: you don't have enough money for chicken nuggets, your fashion game is nonexistent, and every high level player calls you a sprout and exhibits Concern about your every action (they mean well).
Garlemald bad, Ascians bad, Eorzea uhhh trying to be good but kinda racist/capitalist/pirates with a history of colonialism, Coerthas is French Catholic and in the Crusades with the dragons. Hydaelin... good? Confusing, for sure, often referred to as Mother in text. Primals bad and scary, but fortunately you are immune to their mind-fuckery techniques thanks to Crystal Mom and surprisingly good at kicking their asses. Garleans mad that you ""savages"" keep killing Primals, despite having a whole mandate against Primals and Primal summoning. Ascians mad that you keep killing Primals because Ascians are dicks. People die, there is an amnesia plot, some annoying twerp is annoyingly right about a lot of things and also you can't get rid of him, Moogles, possession, fucking Ancient Aliens Allagans (if it's a problem in ARR, it's Ascians or Allagans aight), and hey ho you go and kick Garlean asses until they throw a giant machine at you that they stuffed full of Primal juice. Such devastation-!
Then there is the slightly post ARR stuff, where we're still level 50-ish but not really into the next expansion. So basically, we meet Dragon Dad who slaps Crystal Mom's blessing off of you to build character, Ascians are once again dicks, Who The Hell Names These Things, wow Lysanderoth you're definitely not suspicious at all, and our annoying twerp is dabbling in politics and for some reason you're getting fond of him?? Just in time for...
Heavensward (Lvl 50-60)- Congratulations, you are now an enemy of the state! We return/flee to French Catholic Coerthas/Ishgard, where we get to room with our Dear Friend, Haurchefant.
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Don't mind how all the high leveled players have started crying. This expansion is emotionally devastating, has a great storyline, and also features canonical consensual dragon vore as a plot point. You know that tweet that's all "Church bad because they won't let you fuck dragons"? Yes, that's Heavensward. You will still cry. We embark on an epic road trip with the annoying twerp (ft his existential teenage crisis), a famous dragon killer and sadboi, and a famous lady who advocates peace/fucking dragons. Somehow, none of you kill each other. Instead, you murder a weirdly attractive bug-man with good music and a desire for violence, a giant flying whale, and some old dudes. You also beat up the same Ascian from the first bit, again. And again, in his final(?) form. Dragon Dad has come along to watch your progress, and also check on his kids cause he's actually, y'know, the entire progenitor of the dragon race. Wow! His family is very sad, mostly. But he does like you, so hey, he can adopt you and have one kid that turned out ok and happy! Hahahahha there's no therapists in Eorzea :')
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Then we get to deal with "Hey we ended your like 500 year+ Crusade and kind of upended your social structures, y'all good?" (no), something something Warriors of Darkness, something something Urianger sus, then ALISAIE JOINS THE PARTY. I love her ok, let me have this. She's the annoying twerp's twin, and she's more inclined to hitting things that politics and philosophy. She's also kind of crushing on you. Also Minfillia kinda fucks off to nowhere, which is weird, b/c she has been Important but also Not Involved with the plot for like. 8 years.
Stormblood (Lvl 60-70)- Return of Lysanderoth! Briefly. Before he fucks you over, again. And a bunch of other people, honestly. But hey, this puts Eorzea in open contention with Garlemald for the first time in years, instead of them hovering in an uneasy cold war. For the first goddamn time in the game, you canonically get your ass kicked. Hard. So hard you decide fuck it! And go overseas to Fantasy Japan/China to visit some nice people you helped out earlier. You get catfished. You meet a weeb. There's some pirates, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. There's Ravana take 2, this time in a slightly more 'Forever 21' phase. Wild, young, free, REJOICE.
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You attempt to inspire rebellion (since your character doesn't talk much, this is quite difficult). Garleans crack down, and hey look, the dude who kicked your ass is back! Prince Zenos Yae Galvus, as by this point you've hopefully learned, even if you're bad with names like me. He kicks your ass again, but this time we break his helmet, and wait shit is he... kind of hot? Maybe? Fuck?? He pins you to a wall and tells you to find him later, it's all confusing and prompts strange butterflies in stomachs. (Side note: as a lesbian, I am making some assumptions here. Mostly based off of how I reacted to the idea of Tsukuyomi doing the same. Mm.)
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Then he promptly fucks off, and to work off that sexual tension you square up and work with local friends on Rebellion! You get help from some neighboring nomads after proving you're cool enough to tame a bird, and this proves enough to free the area from Garlean control (for now). We go back to Eorzea, and prepare to kick Zenos' head in. He's playing hard to get though, so we gotta get through some other folks, learn hard lessons about war/colonization, and feel bad. AND THEN WE KICK HIS- oh no wait. Is he... coming on to us again? Oh jesus man, get a therapist, oh my god, this is awkward for us both. Turns out he's kinda depressed and just wants you. To fight him. To the death. There is some bullshittery and he becomes dragon. Fails to kill you, so he kills himself. (Spoiler: it doesn't stick)
The Garlean Empire is now pissed off at you, and Eorzea in general. Everyone is kung-fu fighting, but oops, Garlemald is preparing to commit ~war crimes~! Someone is doing something weird, which is making your Scion friends fall into comas, which is both very convenient and highly inconvenient, cause all of you are kinda needed right now! Zenos, or something in his body, is causing trouble as well. Look, even when we thought he was dead he was causing trouble.
Shadowbringers (Lvl 70-80): We find out what's been making our friends pass out- someone from another dimension has been trying to yoink you over to them, and like all attempts at using the Rescue spell, it just sometimes leads to hilarious accidents. In this case, some epic lag, so although your friends have only been out of it for a week or two at most, they've been in this other world for 5 whole years in some cases. Turns out, Garlean war crimes are all an Ascian plot (what isn't, by this point), and mysterious Crystal Exarch is hoping you can save this world and your own.
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At this point, Yoshi P, the lead developer, pulls out a gun and asks if you've been doing all those side-quests and optional 48 man raids. He worked very hard on those, you know. He put in lots of lore. Then he asks if you remember all those dangling plot hooks from previous expansions. We're addressing a lot of those. And adding more. You are sweating and nodding frantically while scrolling a wiki on your phone.
You get to feel like you're in an Otome game, because there's two dudes being weirdly polite and interested in you, but also real snappish to each other in terms of "fuck off she's mine". Alisaie and Alphinaud off-screen character development. Urianger still sus. Thancred now a dad? Y'shtola still so good. A lot of things happen, and you get progressively sadder as the expansion goes on. You get a nice, great big burst of hope and love, and then SOMEONE is a DICK with a GUN. (It is not Yoshi P.)
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Now you just feel bad. Your character feels bad. This is all build up for the A) some motherfucking revelations and B) the utter catharsis of "If you could take one more step... would you?" "What, all by myself?" "THROW WIDE THE GATE"
I have shed legitimate tears over Shadowbringers ok, between the music, story, and pacing it is an Experience. Oh my god tho, all the music from Shadowbringers is so good. La-HEE
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erinych · 6 years
Pairing - James "Bucky" Barnes x m!reader
Dedications/Credits - all plot inspiration goes to @steverogersflowercrown's amazing Bucky writing called Medicine. I can't read the rest of the first part or any of the second part since my hotel's Wi-Fi is jacked up so IDK how they really end but it's completely inspired by the beginning of the first part. Compliments to the writer.
EDIT~ I was able to finish reading the first part (maybe the second part, the way it looked on my phone confused me) and it was amazing. It ends a lot like their writing. The writer can contact me and ask me to take it down if the fact both writings are very similar bothers them.
Buck- well, The Winter Soldier, paced around the room, occasionally slamming his fists against the glass of the large windows, mumbling in Russian to himself. Steve, Sam and Nat all stood watching as he phased in and out of reality. Usually his phasing ends in a day but it's been a little over 2 weeks. Some random citizen had managed to make some very unwanted memories resurface, which caused Bucky to flip out. They had stood there quietly for quite some time, waiting for Bruce and Tony to come in with the files they had told them about.
Suddenly, the door barged open and in walked Tony with two files in his hand. One was light grey with a red star on the front center labeled HYDRA, obviously a file of Bucky's while the other one was black with a blue Star of David on it labeled T.R.U.S.T.
"Alright, me and Greenie got the files we were talking about. The grey one is obviously Bucky's but this second file was found using an important key within Bucky's HYDRA files. We obviously did more digging and found this. HYDRA refers to him as Bucky's little medicine, kinda like what Natasha is to Bruce." At that Natasha furrowed her eyebrows yet Tony continued on.
"The only reason HYDRA has this kid is because they paid money for him. They got him from another experimental agency called T.R.U.S.T though he was part of a rebellion group called S.T.A.R.S. The kid was 15 when him and Bucky first met which was when your friend was first brought into HYDRA, according to this. He's either dead 'cause he can't live that long or they pulled a god damned Winter Soldier on the kid and put him into a cryostasis. Though they did slow his heart down and, according to Greenie, that obviously slowed his aging.
As he spoke he handed Steve, Sam and Nat a copy of the T.R.U.S.T file. The file was filled with graphs and notes, which they read, and it seems that the boy was from the early 1900s like Steve and Buck, and, as Tony had stated, his heart was slowed down to immensely slow rates, slowing his aging by 20-30 years. He was injected with the serum as well, though it showed no physical effects like it did with Steve and Bucky but what it lacked in physical effect it made up in mental effects.
The boy is smart but seemingly sadistic, since he had murdered a lot more people than Bucky ever did, most being HYDRA and T.R.U.S.T agents. According to record, he wasn't like that before. On another note, he had two robot arms, one silver and very similar to Bucky's while the other was black and seemed more alien-like. He also seemingly had Marie Antoinette Syndrome, or the whitening of patches of hair. Half brown and half white/grey.
They were snapped back to reality, literally because Tony was snapping his fingers in front of their faces. They glared at him and he took a step back. Tony started talking again.
"Anyway~ he's a cutie, his name is y/n y/l/n an-"
A crack came from the room Bucky was being held in, interrupting Tony and causing everyone to look towards the now cracked window.
"What did you say?!!" Bucky spat at them through the glass. He held a lot of rage in his eyes but they also showed sadness. Something happened to y/n when they were together and it upset Bucky. Anyone with eyes could see that.
"Y/n. Do you remember him, Buck?" Steve asked as he approached the containment area cautiously. He watched as Bucky twitched, face contorting from sadness to confusion to a bunch of other emotions before he looked relaxed. His shoulders dropped and he looked almost tired.
"Please. Please, Steve, Please...." Bucky trailed off voice getting quieter every syllable. Steve turned back to Sam, Nat and Tony, causing them all to jump.
"We have to go get this kid. Get to Fury to get a date for an extraction mission and make sure it's as soon as possible. We NEED to make sure that he's okay. No matter what."
It was easy. Probably the easiest mission they've ever had. Get in, grab y/n, get out. No CCTV, no guards, no way to protect the base. They freed every prisoner there, and grabbed y/n, running to the quinjet. As they got on everyone settled but they realised that someone was missing. They scattered to search for y/n only to find him squished in between a wall and a large barrel holding weapons. Steve helped y/n get out only for the smaller male to latch onto him as if his life depended on it. Y/n's height was around mid bicep, making Steve have to raise his arm above Y/n's head so he could continue latching onto him.
Steve understood just how much comfort that someone who was beaten for a large portion of their life needed. According to the file, y/n was taken from his family in (your country [1900s version tho]) when he was 5. The experimentation went up until he was 15, when he met Bucky. At mid 15 he was handed over to HYDRA and a bond between y/n and Bucky came to the attention of HYDRA agents. They started beating y/n to get Bucky to do what they wanted for maybe 17 years, the beatings going on for 3 years after Bucky escaped, totaling to 20 years of being beaten.
He had been through a lot and needed someone to trust and since Steve and Sam was the first one to help him, he had chosen him. He didn't know that Bucky was okay but he was already overwhelmed so they weren't gonna push it by telling him. Steve walked the both of them over to a seat and slowly sat himself down with you in between him and Sam. Sam and Steve comforted y/n for the rest of the flight to AVENGERS HQ.
Once they got to Headquarters, anybody with a brain could see the amazement in y/n's eyes as they walked down the halls of HQ. It was brighter and in much better shape than the HYDRA base the poor kid basically lived in. The halls of HQ had windows to almost every room, there weren't any holes in the ceiling with wires hanging out, the walls weren't cracked and there wasn't any animals hanging around. The base they found y/n in had all that plus the ceilings were collapsed in some rooms.
They led y/n to Bucky's holding area. In the amount of time it took them to get permission to go extract y/n, Bucky had flipped out again. This time the mention of the name didn't work and he continued his phasing. They brought y/n closer to the window between him and Bucky. When Bucky saw y/n, his pupils started to dilate. They finally returned to normal after a while and Bucky ran to the window. Y/n placed both of his metal hands on the window. Though Bucky did hesitate, he put his hands on the window seemingly over y/n's. He looked sadly at every scar on y/n's pale, fragile body but as soon as Bucky looked at his face, his eyes shown of fondness and love.
Bucky looked at Steve then looked at the door. Steve, knowing what he had wanted, punched a code into a keypad and the door to Bucky's containment area opened. Before y/n knew what was happening, Bucky's strong arms had him in a tight embrace. Y/n quickly latched onto Bucky and soon bystanders could here his muffled sobs and mutters of words in Sokovian, Ukrainian, and (your mother tongue). The Avengers all stood and watched as Bucky looked happier, more energetic and more alive then he's ever been since they met him. He was in love with y/n and even the least intelligent person in the world could see that.
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wearethegladiators · 5 years
Ptn I’m so inspired but I’m so busy like!! Pourquoi je m’inscris à 2 forums en même temps aussi
Anyway have you seen Tom Felton’s latest IG posts because CASSIEL FEELINGS ARE STILL GOING STRONG
 Visual representation of Wynona by the beginning of Incendio:
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Also I guess she’d be sort of middle-ground between Sacha and Nathan?? The dragons are her kids yo, she’s literally in a “the more family I lose the more dragons I will have” sort of shit. BUT at the same my girl likes a good fire…. And so dragons…..
Plus I mean it’s obvious she’s never given up on the Rebellion. She did not want to join originally because of the kids, but she hates so goddamn much this government and like?? The Ryders are muggleborns?? She’s angry as fuck rn.
(The fact that she’s siding with the Muggleborn Resistance is proof of that ofc, but it’s also out of opportunity. She can rebel while doing her own thing, that’s good with her atm. Or so she tries to believe)
Mdrrrr nan c’était pas cringy!! En vrai autant je trouve que certains de mes plots étaient invraisemblables autant j’ai pas été choquée par notre manière d’écrire mdrrrr (bon sauf quelques traits d’humour. Ça, je. Hm. Oui.)
GIVE NATHAN SOME SOLID BROMANCE 2K19 Avec le Charlie Hunnam là, Lily dit pas non :siffle:
  Mdrrrr ouais all this pureblood shit is so awkward for her I swear to God. Pretty sure that at one point she showed up in a Sioux outfit and everyone was like “…….. *cricket noises*”
Tbh Emori’s glow-up for the prime thingy is a 100% Wynona showing up to these events (plus they have relatively similar styles au quotidien) YASSS QUEEEEN (still a weird thought yeah mdr) (i thought at some point Luisa would be a good fc for Wyn btw) (and also Indyamarie Jean!! plus she’s like half native american or so) (but your last gifset i mean??)
Omg I didn’t think about it (whispering the names before going to sleep) but 100% this is so HER
I mean even though she stopped her terrorist “phase” (IT’S NOT A PHASE MOM) she’s still living by the words of her family. She’s still angry. She’s still about fire. Tbh she’s gonna die in a ring of fire one way or another
(mdr Nathan sweetheart btw)
“but they would put her head on a stick so maybe not.” yeah what about trying to avoid that amirite
“did she anger the yaxley family and if so can nathan and her go after rick yaxley like the power couple they are?? just couple things… murder….arson…” well I mean if Rick and Wynona ever sat at the same table to talk about politics…. I don’t think he would really like her…
plus he’s on the list anyway because he hurt Nathan and Nathan is part of The Tribe™ and no one hurts The Tribe™
Mdr can you imagine Wyn literally bringing Rick to Nathan like “woopsie doopsie I think I may have a present for you” :arrow: (MAYBE A SIMPLE TEAMING UP WOULD DO UH) (mdr Rick is a bitch don’t tell me he’s not gonna make girlfriend jokes)
RED. Honestly I thought she’d be dead BUT I actually like to think of her as having survived the shitstorm, being still relatively sane and undyingly loyal to Nathan?? Because that’d be quite a plot twist judging who she is, but it would be interesting to see her as “wiser”, and especially, the ride-or-die lieutenant (ISN’T THAT SUPPOSED TO BE LILY THO OY)
(I mean especially if Red was close to Aron, she’s definitely trying to live up to his memory, so there’s that as well)
Wesh Win is gonna make so much fun of the MacFusty if they didn’t even play the dragons card 
NOW I really think Carmen and Win must have teamed up on some terrorist shit. No wonder the world c o l l a p s e d
(yeah yeah, Nathan-Carmen-Wynona is such a bad idea. Let’s not do it. Never ever. *winkwink*)
I mean they could be a trouple. I wouldn’t be incredibly surprised to learn that Win has hooked up with Carmen once or twice tbh :siffle: (WHY IS EVERYONE HAVING SEX WITH EVERYONE)
And meanwhile
My girl Lily
Anyway. NATHAN EXPELLED WYNONA. No wonder there’s some unresolved angst™ (actually, maybe not so much. Wynona is all about justice and she’s going to respect any decision/”trial”. She’s a “I did what I did and I will face the consequences of it” gal.)
 I read “try yoga hug” and I’m honestly here for it
“I AM going to be 23 and who am i??? i cry at cute animals videos!!! sometimes i forget to eat!!!” This was so relatable it kinda hurt tbh :////
Nathan and Lily are gonna have so much fights omg
RICK GETTING INTO LILY’S HEAD????? …. kinda makes sense….
“how is nathan supposed to RELAX and let lily BE when she’s always in so much trouble?????” TROUBLE USUALLY FINDS ME BITCH. True tho, sorry big bro
“ça me fume” ptn Elo t’es si française jpp j’adore
I don’t even think that would be a trigger for Lily tho tbh because active denial™ BUT there definitely would be people calling her on her bullshit (maybe even Fury??? Who sort of created this whole dynamic, or at least pushed her into that direction)
 Gnnn I actually love Fury so much, I’m binge-watching Peaky Blinders rn and I LOVE CILLIAN MURPHY TO DEATH and it just hit me that Fury could be an!! Irish!! Traveler!! THE POTENTIAL. Gypsy magic I’m so so so here for it
(also people probably don’t understand any shit he says so Lily has to translate it all)
(he likes (well, respects) Nathan a lot btw, too bad it’s not réciproque :( probably really likes the Blackbird girl too hihi)
“it’s okay they’ve been busy they just kinda forgot that they’re not JUST the red leader or morrigan or an auderic or a mudblood, they’re also FAMILY” THE TEARS IN MY EYES BITCH THIS IS SO TRUE
They really really really really need to talk it out/hug it out
Lily’s so far deep tho, like even if Nathan calls her out on her bullshit once she’d be like “Idk what you’re talking about, I’m fine, really, SI SI”
BUT she really needs to have this emotional breakdown where she goes like “there HAS TO be a reason why I’m still alive?? I HAVE TO save these people?? My people???”
Omg this moment is 10000% happening when Nathan’s losing his leg
She’d feel so guilty, like she failed to protect him
One thing I’ve always liked about Nathalily’s relationship is how it’s not what it seems like at first glance?? Cause it sounds like Lily is heavily dependent on Nathan’s for protection and Nathan’s needs Lily so much to “protect him emotionally” sort of? And actually Lily needs Nathan so fucking much to stay sane/ALIVE and Nathan needs his baby sister to save his drunken/reckless ass every once in a while :’))) IN MY MIND IT’S WAY CLEARER BUT ANYWAY
She’d be there in a SECOND as soon as she hears about Nathan getting hurt
Idk why I have the scene of the Weasley twins after George lost his ear in mind
That’s definitely round 2 of “you’re my family too, I lost sight of that” and “I’M SO PROUD OF YOU BITCH” (mdr the “Nathan doesn’t cry but I sure do” part was so relatable mdrrrr)
Anyway drama drama drama feels feels feels!!
Also I actually don’t want Nathan to lose his leg, he’s already in emotional pain yo :’(((((
Can we talk about how Nathan and Wynona used to be sex-symbols/rock stars/badass athletes and now they’re both CRIPPLED
(I’m sorry but Nathan losing a leg also quite inevitably means Wynona being back into the picture)
Maybe he’s been sent to the Blackbird ranch for recovery :’)))
Makes me think that Lily is actually still… “whole”??? Like she’s got scars and shit but in spite of everything she’s been through she’s physically still ok? (besides the Occlumens thingy)
Interesting how the weaker one is still fully in capacity hé
I mean she’s got that black magic wound thing…. WAIT
I always thought this was a progressive thing and this would eventually kill her
Have I already considered having Lily die in the middle of the night because of this when she survived so much shit?? YES YOU’RE NOT THE ONLY ONE CAPABLE OF THIS
But my girl deserves better so
Anyway what if it’s a curse actually related to death and this is why she attracts/is attracted to death so much???? Deatheaters may have done that to make fun of her survivor/Banshee vibes but that would make sense?? (i don’t really appreciate death eaters’ humor yo)
What’s this quote again
“Her presence always signed imminent death, torture, betrayal, or some other horror”
I’m having I D E A S I need to sort this out
 ‘est-ce que lily va se faire soulever un jour’ MDRRRRR didn’t have a drink but it was TOUT COMME ptn Lily’s MY DAUGHTER j’étais pas prête DU TOUT
En vrai interesting because they’re all screwing each other but Lily… I mean she was supposed to hook up with this one guy on Excidium but besides that?? I honestly don’t think she’s ever been with anyone else since the beginning of the war??
Mdr she had so many boyfriends in Hogwarts and now look at her
But she doesn’t have time for that? And she doesn’t want it? And she wouldn’t be able to take it if she lost that other person too?
ACTUALLY that would do her so much good but she just can’t see that
Mdr sorry pls let her have a nice functional guy
(funny how Wynona’s quite openly bisexual when coming from a very close-minded family and I think of Lily and Aron as strictly straight when they come from a much more tolerant background?? Idk)
(anyway yeah the Evans were Christians but at least for the parents it was this whole “RELIGION IS ABOUT LOVE, ALL TYPES OF LOVE” vibe)
(anyway je diverge)
Also she’s still pretty much traumatized by the fact that she lost her first love and learnt about it… almost a year later mdr
She carried the earrings he gave her for SO LONG, she probably lost it by now but still
It’s like the original trauma of the war
(sometimes I think about the toxic aspects of Mily’s relationship but today is not the day)
“do you think nathan will ever see that lily is not a kid anymore or will he always be like “oh yes my little sister she’s like… 15….” even when they’re both 30…40…50 years old lmao” MDR BIG ASS MOOD I LOVE THEM
Wait Edan’s ooooold
Sacha’s breaking my heart pls tell him I’m sending a hug
Lily probably felt this so much when she first arrived to the Rebellion, she was still a kid and Nathan was overprotective and she wasn’t a great fighter and no one could understand how she had made it??
Just thinking how the rebellion may have tried somehow to exploit Lily’s banshee capacities and how Nathan would not appreciate it :’) but she’d thought it was kind of her only weapon so
Idk but yeah banshee!Lily is canon I guess
Tbh I LIVE for the idea of characters never meeting in Hogwarts even though they were so close?? Idk like Wynona/Nathan, even Sacha/Lily
Or maybe she’d know him vaguely
Lily was quite known as the gnome that will kick anyone’s asses for calling someone a Mudblood so maybe something like that, but not a full-fledged friendship?? Or once again they almost killed each other in Quidditch you know, shit happens
That’d be fun tho if they recognized each other
Meanwhile Wynona
·         lmao no one: 
·         literally no one:
·         wynona: hey you want to FIGHT bITCH?
Mdrrrr bah Kira avait quand même mis une tarte à Lily (ou l’avait poussé dans un mur aussi je crois) et il était devenu son psy LE CHAOS
(bon et Milo essayait de noyer Lily/lui faisait exploser des bouteilles de bière sur la tête/faisait des rape jokes aussi des fois)
Anyway: chaotic energy is the least we can say mdrrrr
Mdr I’m here for a weekend d’escapade tbh (NO JOHN DO involved tho)
Mdr Nathan really was a piece of shit on Les AM sometimes :’) can Lily tell him already how she admires that he became a better man at war
I mean she kind of feels it you know
NATHAN AND WYNONA CASUALLY DISCUSSING TRAUMA IS *chef’s kiss* (mdr sorry but this whole part about emo!Nathan made me laugh so much mdrrrr)
They’re definitely gonna fight on their first meeting and I’m here for it
I mean Wyn is NOT hard to trigger and she’d be so mad she may let slip some personal stuff like “SO YOU’RE THE ONE NEVER SHOWING UP TO LITTLE PURIES PARTIES”
Also it’s a fun dynamic bc that means they may know their whole names and faces and sort of family backgrounds when the Rebellion was still all about anonymity at that time?? Mdr she’d feel so threatened she’d probably think “I won’t hesitate to murder this mofo if he becomes creepy yo” but then he’s hot
Wynona leaving him kicking his ass without giving the info
Wynona showing up to the next rebellion meeting without him being aware, grumpy face bras croisés *sigh*
I don’t why I’ve always felt a Dorne vibe with both the Blackbirds and the Shafiqs but ANYWAY they could get along well
Too bad Wyn just wants lands for her kids and dragons
Mdr now I have that in mind THANKS ELO
I mean…. That we could be a temporary thingy…. We’re trying to heal each other we love each other… until we realize we’re burning each other up too much…. *falls* *dies ensouvelie sous les feels*
Mdr the pureblood reactions
Btw vu que je rame sur mon chapitre JE SPOILE mais en gros je voulais finir sur une base de 2 mangemorts qui discutent de la newbie Blackbird et qui finissent par lâcher un « faudrait peut-être redessiner les plans de table. Manquerait plus qu’elle s’accoquine avec l’Auderic » MDRRRR
I mean she needs to come to the wedding
PLOT TWIST²: the “bad guys” (Ydria, the Americans) are actually HELPING the rebellion (they’re still scary people tho I’m not sure we should want that)
they’re all originally coming for the wedding
(but!! Native American magic!! Sorry)
There are wolves on the Blackbird ranch, we don’t know why they’re from BUT THEY’RE HERE
(or if they’re still en froid just mentioning it casually thinking it’ll make him happy)
Aron found a dog at some point and it literally ended up being his last true friend/source of joy and this dog MAY VERY WELL HAVE LOOKED LIKE A WOLF
This dog may be following Lily everywhere now?? (Or did she let him go because this was too painful)
Aron had also adopted a kid btw mdr
A kid Lily is now raising :’) Mom!Lily may be rising in the end
Wynona showing up to the battlefields with 2 dragons and Nathan with wolves?? Has anyone ever made fun of our crippled huh????
(I’m here for a pureblood recap thingy bc I actually don’t know enough about them to write about it hihihi)
(merci pour la chrono btw!!!!!)
 just seen one of the gifsets you’ve reblogged and is Nathan ever gonna call out Lily on a “THE MORRIGAN? IT’S A STORY FROM YOUR CHILDHOOD” basis??
idk if you can tell but I stopped the 100 for a while, went back to it and I’m having loads of Blake siblings feels zhgfshfslq
I’m also having Nathange feels now. Why can’t Nathan have simple relationships with women
PTN IF RICK IS RESPONSIBLE FOR NATHAN’S LEG I know at least 2 women that will come for him :face: :face: :face:
CARMEN GET IN LOSER you’re also part of the Nathan defense squad amirite
the Morrigan, a child ripper and une ex-tueuse à gages come knocking to your door
Wynona raised one of her dragons. He’s a scary dragon. He’s a threatening dragon. What if the dragon raised by Sacha is goofy af and keeps on making “”jokes”” and Wynona’s always looking at him like “……..” but she secretly loves him/her to death just like Sacha arfhdhsfhqfcq and also she can ride him/her!!!!!
And Sacha will never be at peace anymore because this dragon is always watching his ass :’) through his window while he’s sleeping :’) through the ranch while he’s working :’)
(I also appreciate Nathan and Wyn together A LOT because they’re both such n e r d s like omg some of the discussions they must be having)
Just saying I’m very excited for Nathan’s story hihihihi!!!!!! It’s been so long since I haven’t read you btw!!!
Alice’s death :’(((
NATHAN ALREADY LOST HIS LEG???? I’m not ready I don’t want this bb :( :(
Ptn je regarde plus TWD depuis des années mais je viens de voir une vidéo sur Carol and NOW I NEED une ex-Auror trop badass, genre Maugrey Fol Œil en féminin, dans la résistance et/ou la rébellion
Ecoutez j’ai un train à 7h demain il me semble plus raisonnable d’aller se coucher c’en est trop pour mon cœur
Je sais pas si j’ai dit quoi que ce soit de constructif dans ce post mais yallah bye homies <3
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cornerverse-mlp · 8 years
Also, I had to come up with a W.I.T.C.H. AU because TBH Equestria Girls reawakened my love of the Magical Girl genre and damn do I love it. 
Mostly based on the events of the cartoon, since I know it best. Not a scene-for-scene remake, but does follow the main storylines of both seasons.
No name anagram though because what can I make out of T.F.P.R.A.R
Twilight is the Keeper of the Heart/Guardian of Quintessence
Pinkie Pie is Guardian of Fire
Rarity and Applejack share the Earth Element, Applejack getting control over plants and Rarity getting control over rocks.
Rainbow Dash is the Air Guardian
Fluttershy is the Water Guardian
Celestia takes over Yan Lin’s role as a previous Guardian to lead and give advice to the girls. She used to be the Guardian of Earth. She’s also only in her late twenties at most
Luna was the previous Keeper of the Heart.
She’s kind of in her Nightmare Moon phase and has basically taken over Nerissa’s role of second season villain
Also she kind of gets a redemption arc when she’s sucked into the Heart of Meridian/its equivilant
Sunset Shimmer was the previous Fire Guardian
When Luna began her Nightmare Moon Phase, Sunset was given the Heart of Kandrakar instead
Which kinda means Luna/Nightmare killed her
She’s kind became a vengeful spirit because she was angry as fuck that she got killed and is overall kind of a jerk and even though she distrusts Luna when she comes back to offer her power she takes the offer to be alive again
Speaking of she kind of mellows out after that and then comes back to life at the end and is the same age as Twilight’s group
As for the first season stuff because I went on a tangent
Sombra is totally the evil king because tbh when I wrote my headcanon for Sombra’s backstory I took some influence from Prince Phobos
Sombra gets a redemption arc tho
Like you know that part in season 2(spoilers) where the Guardians need Phobos to get Elyon and the Heart of Meridian from Nerissa? It basically goes like that except more bonding (because Pinkie can make friends with anyone given enough time) to the point where Sombra kind of gives up the idea of being evil because he could have a normal happy life
But he doesn’t get too much of a chance because someone else is a little more evil
Also: Princess Scootaloo
I was debating about putting Cadence in Elyon’s role, since Cadence is a princess and since I put Sombra as Phobos and there, but
Cadence, even if semi-mind controlled is too nice
Elyon thought her best friend, her sister in all but blood, had betrayed her by keeping her from her real family and her kingdom
Cadence wouldn’t be that angry, even when semi-mind controlled. She’d assume miscommunication and allow them to explain
Also, Cadence doesn’t have someone in the main cast she’s close to
Like, yes she’s close to Twilight, but they even in the series they are only so close.
Meanwhile, Scootaloo has all those things
She’s incredibly close to Rainbow Dash in canon, they are sisters in all but blood
And she would be angry if she thought Rainbow betrayed her in some way.
Also she’s still BFFs with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle and they totally get to know about Meridian and the Guardians and all that because do you really think these girls would keep her from her friends once everything is fixed?
they’re the ones who break through to Scoots about Sombra maybe being evil . Like, she becomes suspicious and questions a bit more but ultimately does make the mistake of trusting him)
Chrysalis is Sombra’s second in command. And totally takes over at the end when he’s ‘going soft’
Also, since Twilight’s parents are more stable than Will’s, I’m changing the story to instead of her and her mom moving to a new city, she goes to live in her brother in a new city
This also lets me combine the two ‘I have issues with my parent’s new partner and think they’re an evil monster in disguise” plots
so Twilight’s paranoid that Cadence is actually Chrysalis in disguise
Of course it doesn’t help that when Twilight and her friends attack her she defends herself with magic
Cadence realizes what’s going on and kind of stops them and says ‘use the Heart on me I’m not a monster’ and they do and she’s normal
SO they’re like “wait why aren’t you confused and how can you use magic?”
Lol guess who was the Air Guardian?
I still don’t know who the Water Guardian should be
Maybe Shining?
Also I think Flash Sentry in Caleb’s position? Leader of the rebellion against Sombra
He has a small thing for Twilight but doesn’t get an endgame romance with anyone though sorry Flash
Speaking of romances, totally gonna toss in most of my ships. Like, you think I’m not going to have Pinkie Pie and Sonata Dusk get together in any au? They totally are.
Butttttt since I have to narrow down my Twilight Poly Ships to just one character to be Matt…….
Timber Spruce because fuck you that’s why.
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