#he gets all the abude
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ruubesz-draws · 10 months ago
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Godzillas need trimming too, I believe. Too bad Minus One hates it...
From this:
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madhatterbri · 1 year ago
No One Hurts My Girl | K.M.
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Summary: Kol finds a way to push you to him.
Kol always knew how to blow off steam in New Orleans. He would just take a little trip to the University of New Orleans. He enjoyed the college life there. The parties and pretty young things were in abundance there. Life was carefree. Everyone in their early 20s just enjoying the taste of freedom by being wild. He never expected to cross paths with you.
Your friends dragged you out of your dorm to some local hang out spot. They insisted you needed a night out and you didn't have a choice. Loud music blasted from the speakers around the place. The smell of alcohol and weed made you squeamish. Once your friends left you alone, you decided to read a book in a corner.
The pages came to life in your mind. So much so that you didn't notice a brunette trying to talk to you. Your eyes looked up from the book. Mischievous dark brown eyes stared down at you. The horrible feeling of being bullied for being different sunk in your stomach.
He ended up being different. Kol, he introduced himself, spent the night with you talking about different authors. You never thought you would meet a guy that had the same interests as you. At the end of the party, you decided to give him your number.
The two of you kept in touch. He would visit you often. Long days at the library as he helped you study. Some days were spent in your room reading a book you two decided on. Things went pretty well until your abusive ex-boyfriend came back in the picture.
He promised things would be different and they were for a week. The old boyfriend came back worse than ever. Hurtful insults and manipulation plagued your life. He found out about Kol and made you stop replying to him.
One day Kol found you in the library. He could see the tears that caused the mascara to run down your face. You clung to a wad of tissue paper. His anger bubbled but he knew he had to be the caring friend.
"Darling?" He whispered once he sat across from you. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, Kol, please leave me alone," you answered. Fear ran down your spine. Your boyfriend had friends here. He was a star on the football team. Friends were in abudance for him. He made sure to tell you that just in case you wanted to step out of line.
"Was it something I did?" He pressed urgently. "I didn't mean to do any-"
Kol stopped once a book bag crashed on the table. You never looked up but knew your boyfriend was at the table.
"She doesn't want to talk to you," your boyfriend announced in the busy library. No one was going to tell him to keep quiet. He was free to speak anyway he wanted. "Pack it up,"
Kol stood up and took a good look at him. The vampire could kick his ass easily.
"Is that really what you want, y/n?" Kol asked you. Your heart broke. He was the only one that ever understood you. To say you had a tiny crush on him was an understatement. You nodded knowing that you may have just ended your friendship.
"See? Move along, buddy,"
"I'm sure we will see each other soon," Kol threatened before leaving.
Kol spent the next few days watching your boyfriend's every move. He finally knew when to strike.
After practice one night, he walked out on the field with a baseball bat. Your boyfriend was all alone working on his kicks for the big game coming up. Huge rivals were coming in and the game being played had a lot of stakes.
"I was hoping we would run into each other again," Kol announced while twirling the bat in his hand. A sinister smile on his face. Your boyfriend rolled his eyes.
"I don't swing that way, dude," he joked and focused on kicking the football once more.
"Funny, I was just working on my swing," Kol smirked and swung at your boyfriend's knee. He cursed loudly and dropped to the floor. His hands instantly grabbed for his injured knee. Kol dropped to his knees and placed the bat against his throat. Your boyfriend gasped for air. His face turning red instantly. He fought to get the bat off his own throat.
"You are going to break up with y/n. You are going to leave her alone. I see you within a few feet of her and your football career is over. Got it?" He threatened. Your boyfriend nodded.
A week passed after thar night. Kol hadn't heard from you and he was worried. He hoped he hadn't lost you forever. Feeling lucky, he went to your dorm.
You answered after the first few knocks.
"I know you don't want to see me, but I was worried about you,"
You broke down and buried your head in his shoulder. As a sobbing mess, you told him everything. Your boyfriend broke up with you. The feelings you had for him before your boyfriend came after and even now. You were afraid to contact him just in case you lost him. He rested his cheek against your head. His fingers rubbed your back softly.
"Don't worry. I have you forever," he promised. "No one hurts my girl,"
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hunnieknight · 6 months ago
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Just want to share that I already got Feixiao 🥹 she is at home now (took me only 20 pulls and the game give me 10 of this)
Who are you gonna try to get? This banner look really weird with 4 5 stars characters
Yyiippee!!Congrats!! May everyone got a very successful pull!
I didn't play hsr anymore but if i do comeback i probably wanna get Jiaoqiu since i'm a sucker for healer character (and he is slightly peach/pink) . I do wanna collect all nihility and abudance characters since i have a thing for those path.
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stranded-labyrinth · 2 years ago
after the fall, Will is emotionally open, but physically closed off. Hannibal used to be able to offer contact, contact that Will embraced instead of shying away from like they'd both expected him to. now, he pulls away immediately, and never reaches out.
Will had helped Hannibal recover when the gunshot wound through his stomach had rendered him incapable of doing most tasks on his own. Will's contact was abudant then, and its loss when Hannibal was healed left an empty cavern in its wake, only able to be filled with longing.
but slaughtering. oh, the slaughter. they reached out to one another then, wading through waves of euphoria and bathing the blood off of one another's skin. it ended there.
Hannibal mentions it one day, expecting some monologue about adjusting to coexistence.
that is not what he gets.
what he gets is being told that Will has reached out to him exactly three times. the first, he was gutted. the second, his head was sliced and he was almost eaten alive. the third was at the cliff.
aside from slaying the dragon, Will's contact has been rejected, and Hannibal's contact was a precursor to violence. Will felt safer when they didn't touch. the only time he knew it would all be fine was after a slaughter.
in all the conversations they've had, Will has never seen such a harrowed look on Hannibal's face.
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hungnitan · 8 months ago
Myriad Celestia Trailer: Stoneheart's Oath Ring: Both Ends of the Scale Impression
Should I said Winter Night Lasso HSR Version ? (lol)
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Then again I always love HSR keep releasing (unleak) interesting trailer like this. To put the video in simple term, it's other stonehearts introduction and their take on Churin punishment for breaking his stoneheart.
Sapphire Obsidian
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Sapphire took punishment side saying oath more important than result. I think she's just Amber Lord blind devoter or someone not get along with Churin.
While Jade saying the reverse and try reasoning on value despite we all know she's doting on him so of course she's taking reward side (lol)
Obsidian choose punishment side saying Churin doing things too roundabout. I already expect it after read one leaks about a bloodlust stoneheart
Sugilite Pearl
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Sugilite taking demotion side saying breaking the stone is just for Churin's own amusement which I think he's half right (lol). Just from that one line, I personality think he and Churin kinda have stick and carrot relationship and more importantly he's not white so let's see if hoyo can make it happen when he's playable !
Pearl choosing reward side saying he's doing a right things to her intellitron mind. Her reasonable think are pretty much like Screwllum~
Amber Agate
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Amber saying she's neutral but voting on reward side just to made the vote more balance. I think she's the most mysterious out of them for now.
(plus she's Amber in Amber Lord's emenators group, it could be more sus than we thought)
Agate into demotion side and seems having a good term with Obsidian even to leave the judgement into her hands. They (still not know the gender) feels like Chinese culture so maybe a Xianzhou member
Despite their talk, Topaz always taking Churin side so of course she choose rewarding side.
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It's interesting to see shota member as their highest voter (maybe a pepeshi). From their talk I think we can say that he's Diamond's second in command.
He's into rewarding side, well he's the one who recommended Churin for Penacony job...
My conclusion : Very abudant lore dump into a simple three minutes video which is good move on hoyo. Before Churin say things like ten stonehearts aren't friendly each others and I guess he's right. Basically his five vote came with two from his family (lol), one from robot logical mind and other two coming from his potential. So if we think more, isn't the others basically want him down on personal grudge (lol)
For now my wanted list only into Pearl since she's pretty (yups I like enchanting pretty girl like Yae lol) and Sugilite since I can predict how fandom took SugiliteChurin pair bait (lol). I kinda think Sugilite pretty similar to Churin, witty playful type which is the reason he know Churin mind works.
In the end, Diamond never appear along with two unvoiced stoneheart. I was thought Opal is Diamond before so maybe I kinda relieved or I can't sleep with that info into my minds (lol)
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something-in-red · 27 days ago
Embla was enjoying the chaos she was creating,the foolish mortals of the emblan kingdom do as she pleased, even if they had no choice. Any mortal who posses the blood of the first king of Embla will fall under her control, all except the prince, Bruno.
Bruno set out with the goal of finding a way for remove Embla's curse, so that he and his sister no longer fall to her. But try as he might, there was simply no solution in mortal lands, he traveled through Nifl, Muspell, Jötunheimr and Niðavellir and found nothing.
In the end Bruno has no choice but return empty-handed, Embla mocking him everyday for even trying to escape his fate.
The Emblan Army is marching towards the kingdom of Askr, Elm, her loyal retainer, is fulfilling her orders and sealing villages in absolute darkness, and Leitizia's spies are wrecking havoc in the royal court. Soon the kingdom will fall apart and Askr will attempt to reason with her, he will naturally fail and then she will bring unending chaos to his Domain.
It is only fair, her Domain is barren and while his is abudant, his people happily worship him while hers detest and fear her. He has a gaggle of children at his feet while she only has Elm. It is unfair, completely and totally unfair. He must pay for this transgressions.
She felt a presence in her Domain, finally, she thinks, the oaf has made wait for too long. She goes to greet her 'old friend' but is not Askr who entered her Domain.
It was his damn spouse, Lærder.
Embla hated Lærder, she thought of him as nothing more than a self righteous, entitled bastard. He's always taking Askr's side and doesn't even try to hide his contempt of her. She would love nothing more than to tear off his branches and rake her claws across his face.
🦇: "Well, well, well! If it isn't Lærder! What, was Askr too busy crying over his mortals to face me himself?"
🌲"You, of all people, should know better than speaking of my spouse in such manner."
🌲"I've had enough of you Embla, you torment your own mortals, you let your Domain fall to ruin, and for some contrived reason you believe it to be Askr's fault!"
🦇 "IT IS HIS FAULT! why does his thrive and mine doesn't?! Why do his people love him and mine don't? Why does he get to have everything and I'm left with nothing?!"
🌲 "You've brought this on yourself and your people, you've failed them in every way and blame them when they hate you! You torment them for your own enjoyment and force them to do your bidding! You are a disgrace to the gods and I will stop you from harming Askr now and forever."
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nemzd · 11 months ago
Purification and Order in a place no diffrent then hell~
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Part 03/??
Everyone was sleeping soundly in heaven, everyone one, except the man in your arms, Archangel Raphael, while you were peacefully sleeping holding Raphael in your arms, the man has opened his eyes.. and just looked at you,..I mean who wouldnt? The Lord, maker of heaven and Earth left heaven.. and is in the presence of a mortal.. his Spirit, the Spirit of God... he can feel him... but he can also feel.. that if he attacks you, or tries anything on you..the lord will severly punish him. For hurting the chosen one, chosed by God himself for some kind of task, would anger God truly.
As he thought many things.. he looked at your chest, where he was naturaly lying his head on.. he just looked your chest and saw the mark of a Angel and not only that ... but your shirt was also ripped off... he knew which angel would dare to do so..
Raphael:..Micheal.. what big sin are you gonna commit with hurting this human?.. Oh dear..
(Now it may come a bit weird but hope it still sticks to it)
As he said those words, he traced his finger on your chest, removing the brand left by Micheal on you.
He just looked at your face.
Raphael:If God has chosen this mortal as a vessel .... then who am I to hurt and go against the divine will of God?...
He said those words.. he felt.. wonderful for the first time in a long time.. he couldnt explain how this human had the Spirit of the Lord... nor why he felt so comfortable on sight seeing this human and how they were able to calm him down to such a decree... He was happy to say the least.. he tried to touch your face but then you moved slightly, which he knew and meant that you were about to wake up.
He stood up and saw a nearby chair, and stood up to get a chair for himself to sit near you, while you felt moved and shifted, you groaned and opened your eyes.. and saw him, Raphael in his full glory.
You tried to remember what happend last time and then remembered it fully.. you were in heaven, in heaven my dear! But the moment you began to smile you stopped it, realizing something.. what was told to you by Micheal the Archangel.. was partly true... because you know the feeling of being in the presence of God... but here in heaven where it should feel the most intense.. it isnt diffrent then being in earth... oh dear.. what has happend?..
You turned your eyes to Raphael, the Archangel.. and looked at him.. he then spoke.
Raphael:.. ......Mortal.. how are you able to speak with the almighty lord himself... How?!
He said to you, the moment ??? has brought you here.. and that even Micheal came to you.. and now that he also realised you were marked by him.. just shook him.. and when you prayed.. oh dear.. he felt the lords presence once more.. and not only that.. his Holy Spirit.. is inside of you... it hurts his head even just thinking of it!.. And that he chose a mortal... over his own angels.. his own servants.. just.. it hurt him...
You:... I dont know.
Your simple but direct answer.. Just made him stare at you.
Raphael:...HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW?!
You: How am I supposed to know? In your eyes I am just a sinner aint I?.. One worth of death, the only reason I am in such a close relationship with God, even closer then you angels seem to be with him.Is because Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour, so yea my God is the most gracious, most perfect and loving being in all of existence!
Saying those words made you feel good, not only were you always on the side of God but it also made you feel like you done the right thing, and these exact words shocked Raphael, even though it did make him angry to some sense... it made him realise.. what he himself lacked that you seemed to have a abudance of.. and that is love.... so he took you by your hand, sliced off the chain off your wrist and took you by arm... and dragged you outside the room... he was gonna bring you into the "Throne room of God"...
At a diffrent diffrent place~
Micheal felt something odd.... he didnt feel the human that branded and marked with his own blood.. it made him stand up in horror trying to run to where you were but someone else stopped him.
???:.. Micheal, dont be that hasty, stay calm, how far can a mortal come in this realm?.. you got nothing to worry about, so just sit down.. and I make sure that the Angels bring them back to their chambers.. So dont worry.
Micheal:... I will take care of it myself Gabriel.. and dont you try hurting them in any way.. they might be our only key into finding out where God is...
He said those words with a malice intend, not intending to spare the man even a moment before he walked through the doory not sparing a second at Gabriel...
Gabriel:..You may try something.. but dont you dare get in my ways.. because that human.. will be mine.
Said Gabriel as he smilled happily to himself.... oh well will this be finally happening?.. He doesnt know.. but it will make it a worth while experince.. he chuckles to himself.
Back to you
He still dragged you around the corridors, yes you knew heaven was supposed to be very large but you didnt expect it to be this large!.. But on the way waiting infront of the door to the throne room of God.. you saw a familiar person... wait thats Archangel Micheal!
You nudged at Raphael and said that he should see who has come.. and when he waited.. Raphael saw him.. someone he didnt particuliarly like.. Micheal.
Micheal came nearer you.. you off course forgetting your Shirt was ripped and your chest exposed, he couldnt just watch this.. and he threw.. a garment on you?..
Micheal:.. Cover yourself with that and return to your chambers, right this instant..
Raphael just looked at the both of you... a but shocked.. normaly anyone that breaks the commands of Micheal or even does a poor job, would have been killed.. no matter if it was a angel or a demon...
Micheal(Thoughts):.. They didnt leave.. huff.. I cant let them leave after finally being in the lords presence after so many years.. and the mark... Raphael seemed to have broken it... ha.. then I just add a new one..
Micheal once again took his sword and sliced his arm once more, he threw his blood on your hand this time... he just smilled and looked at Raphael with a cold glare.
Micheal:.. If you try to break that mark again.. I be having your head next Raphael, and also dont try to make the human go with their chest like that now return with the human to their chambers.. tommorow I have some plans for them..
He said and looked at you with a smirk, he then left... Raphael even though he also is a Archangel wanted no smoke with Micheal.. even though he didnt wanna hear his lousy brothers command.. he had to obligate...
Raphael:...You heard him mortal.. time to return you back to your chamber... ha..
He took your small frame.. wrapped you like a Burrito in the garment which was obviously almost twice your size.. and held you in his arms.. like a bride.. and then he walked into the way of your chamber... all through the way you have been silent.. at times you looked at his face... which was.. beautiful but.. he had a eyepatch.... you didnt know why.. but when you tried to reach for his face.. another bright light emited.. but this time.. it wasnt just any light.. the light seemed to be green in colour.. and when Raphael saw this he was stiff as a stone.. Just watching what happend....... he .. felt something.. he removed his eyepatch.. and his face felt.. much warmer.. he ran into your room, with you in burrito style in his arms.. he threw you onto the bed and ran to your desk in your chamber.... he saw .. his face was completly healed.. and his.. eye.. he could see again with that eye.. he looked at you with wide disbelief..... but then he smilled at you.
Raphael:.. You truly are a blessing from the lord... thank you.
And with that, he left the room.. leaving you puzzled.. normaly this shouldnt have happend.. and this doesnt happen in around 2 days!.. Oh dear.. you pray to the Lord that everything will go according to his will.. and then.. simply layed there on your bed.. snoring and sleeping in your burrito garment...
Somewhere else
???.. just smiled.. he seemed to be happy...
???:.. My dear spouse.. they have returned.. oh how exciting this will be, Darling I am waiting for you♡
(Cliffhanger :D)
Huff, this took some time to think through but for now I am done, I know I am technicly late but still HAPPY EASTERN SUNDAY, HE HAS RISEEEEEEN HALLELUJA!!!!!!,!^-*+&'KYXL
God bless ya all and stay blessed my readers.
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marvelita85 · 2 years ago
Living in The red keep after your marriage wasnt always easy, most of your time was spend with your husband , when Sir Criston Cole wasn't around, honestly you couldnt stand the man, and thanks to Helaena who made your days happier and complete, your aunt, now sister too looked foward to your afternoons in the godswood with her children who you had doubts they were Aegon's because of how sweet they were
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You wrote to your mother quiet frecuently and your mornings were spend in the library after break your fast with Aemond looking for new books to read to your convalecent gransfather, he was very happy you were living there with them... it was like having Rhaenyra again
You shared your mother's figures and looks one of the reasons the queen acepted you to married Aemond, but the truth was both of you married for love, you grow up together and fell in love for Aemond there wasn't any other choise
But spies and maids loyal to the queen was what abuded in the red keep, even you tried to be carefull in what you informed Daemon and your mother and doing so in Valaryan you knew you were being watched
You tried to live as normal as you posibly could but sometimes you wanted your dragon to call "Dracarys" in all of them
- princess...
- queen Alicent... - you were always respectfull of her tittle but you never called her my queen...
- I wanted to see you... my maids informed me you havent bleed in a month...- you looked at her surpriced but what she was saying was not lie... but you didnt think much about it
- I didnt think much of it, I've been busy...
- you should let the maesters check on you... I will arranged it myself...
- thank you queen Alicent but is not necesary... my mothers ladies will come with her shortly
-I dont think is necesary to wait...
- is not that long and if it is true the reason I'vnt bleed is still going to be there, Im sorry but the king is waiting for me... - you gave her a little bow and dissapeared in the corner
Alicent couldnt find to have a close relationship with you, you loved her son but her not so much, you saw her as a traitor to your mother
That night your maid was preparing for bed and Aemond entered your shared room
- leave us... - he said and the maid left not saying a word... - is it true what my mother said? You havent bleed in a month? - you smile a little and nod your head looking at him... - ynn.... - he aproached to you and you stand hugging him
- we shouldnt get our hopes up jusy yet... it could be but maybe not..
- then why you dont let the maester look at you...
- I dont want them near me... he is the same one who butchered my grandmother while having a boy... I want my mother's maids...
- do you think that I would allow them to do anything like that to you..
- of course not, I trust you Aem... Im just asking you this, we have time, we can wait...- Aemond kiss your forehead
Aemond talked to his mother because she didnt insisted you again until your family arried to Kings Landing for Jace wedding, your mother throught your ravens knew about your situation and her and her ladies were in your room first thing upon arrival
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- I miss you my little dragon..
- I miss you too momma... - you were sensible but you were missing your family, Rhaenyra was always a good mother, leaving her only girl in the hands of the greens was a struggled for her but she knew you loved Aemond and he loved you, she saw that love and the way he treated you despite the way he was with your brothers, it was a different relationship but you looked happy and that was all it matters
- you are with child princess... congratulations...- you had tears of joy in your eyes, your mother pregnant herself was crying aswell
- you are creating your own family my love...
- is so overwelming... I have to tell Aemond...
- I'll go and fetch my brother....- you laught at the way she said it and smile to your mother, you wished her relationship with her siblings were different but a child of you and Aemond meant peace between your family, your marriage was to united the two branches of it, this baby was to solificated it
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- what happend?
- come... I have great news... the ladies of my mother confirm what we suspected my love...
- you mean you are...
- we are.. with child...- Aemond never thought he could feel this full, and complete, he was married with the woman he loved, the almost only thing he thank his own father for because y/n wasn't his mother's choise and now they have created a little life who was theirs and it was undiscribed what he was feeling, he grab you in his arms, felt your body warm against his and knew he would do anythkng for both of you because he loved you but what he felt for that baby already went beyond imagination to the ledges he could go for him
- I have a request from you... before this baby arrives... I wish for him... or her to be born in Dragonstone...- before Aemond could say anything you understood his hesitation...- before you say anything hear me out, the only reason your nephew and even you were born healthy was because of your grandfather, he always wanted his blood in the Iron Throne and your son... our son or daughter will be in direct line of it after my mother and me, we are women and we understand what that means... just imagine if it is a boy... they wont hestidate a second to kill me and raise this kid to their shape and form...
- I wont let anything happend to you...
- then come with me to Dragonstone to have this baby... Luke will go to Drifmark and Jace will be in Winterfell over his honeymoon...
- we are going on Vahgar and your Dragon will follow.... I dont want you to be recless while pregnant with my child...
- as you wish my prince... - you said with a little smile
- I'll do whatever you need of me y/n as long as you and our baby are safe
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aftapati · 20 days ago
does aizen even like cats. lmao.
( * / @destructivour / unprompted )
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Actually, the answer is yes. Sōsuke holds a liking towards felines, be it domesticated or of larger species, but wouldn't say that it is his favourite animal, as to him, they all most likely appear like carcasses to be anatomized in his laboratory, rather than having the idea of adopting a pet. Not to mention that his utmost attention is directed at his grand plans, so anything outside this would be nothing but a distraction, especially if he had to divide his attention.
However, returning back to the original point, Sōsuke does appreciate the sight of a cat and its abudance of behavioural traits. Several times he would visit the world of the living during his days as a Captain or after his treachery, he would find himself in some of his preferable spots in order to conduct his researchal endeavours. So, at times that he would be spending time at his preferred tea parlor, or anywhere in an outdoor environment, and supposedly be greeted with the sight of a stray cat, best believe he would attempt to pet it. One could say this is a very miniscule part of humanity that could exist in his cruelsome and unearthly heart, but to him this was another way to quench his curiosity, even if it is something as insignificant as petting an animal. His scientintic brain constantly functioning in a certain way that not many could comprehend.
He would always be greeted with the unexpected, be it with a cat trying to rub their face on his hand or even getting bitten. In a way, it is fascinating to see as to how an animal with certain intelligence that its cerebrum and nature would allow, would act this way. Also, there are times he would rather choose the companionship of a four - legged living being rather than of an individual that would be proven to be unworthy of his time.
The question is: will he pspspsps at the cat? The answer is yes. He would.
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ofmoonlily · 1 year ago
𝚂𝚞𝚋𝚓𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚈𝟽𝟶𝟶𝟶𝟶𝟶𝟷𝟶
SSD: Professor Hojo DATE: XX/XX/XXXX
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Subject Name: Yunalesca; or "Yuna" as she prefers. However, I simply call her 'Subject Y' to keep conversaations short and my analysis centered. Time is of the essence! Age: 23 Height: 5'3" Eye: Heterochromia; Green right, blue left. (Perhaps the result of Ancient and human intermingling?) Weapon: Staff, or a sophisticated rod which grants the user proper focus for stronger spell casting. Equipped Materia: (Restore=All, Heal) (Aero/aera/aeroga=All) (Revive, Water/Watera/Waterga)
Biographay, or what is known thus far: Subject Y is an Ancient—or rather, "half" Ancient on the subject's biological father's side. (Does this mean Subject Y's talents only half compare to that of a full-blooded Ancient?) She was captured in tow alongside her father with willing cooperation. (ShinRa-grade firearms are quite convincing!) Subjects "Y" and "B" (B200000010; forename "Braska") thus graduated into a project witheld in my viscinity who I paired together to observe their techniques in the art of communing with the voices of the planet. Subject Y was much too young to adequately commune—a consequence of her half-bred blood? Worthless girl. Hence, Subject B allowed us to observe his talents and how the Ancient's use their gift via constructing a telepathic link. The results were fascinating!
LOG #1: A discovery! Subject Y has shown a small act of awakening. A "Planetary Guardian" (about 20 cms in length and height. Spherical. Image is foggy, almost ethereal. Dark blue with blots of inky-black saturation swirling around). "Kimahri" she's named it. A familiar, it seems. Though it was one step forward, Subject Y has shown next to nothing in her so-called talents. She's yet to forge a strong link with the planet. And yet, it gifts her a small allowance of protection to bar my data collection. Syringes labeled with the subject's code (full of a special concoction to speed up her prowess...and other samples from spliced DNA to give her that extra kick) have been misplaced or shattered by none other than the familiar itself.
After months of wasted research, a recent sighting of Ancients piqued my curiosity. Though, they were in the care of my lesser superior, I would reprimand Professor Gast for harboring his experiment and fathering a daughter with Ifalna years prior. I'll see to it I take them off of his hands, as a show of goodwill. In addition, it would do ShinRa's Science Division well to dismiss my current subjects back to their domain while running from the care of my latest creation: A SOLDIER-mutant hybrid spliced with Malboro DNA! He's quite the fiesty tentacle-weilding abomination with a taste for humanoid beings (considering a dozen of my finest infantrymen stationed to observe him have suddenly gone missing...) I hypothesize Ancient beings would suffice his appetite just as well.
LOG #2: Subjects Y and B have been disposed. END EXPERIMENT.
16 years later
A peculiar turn of events. It seems she may yet live, and with an abudence of abilities to weild. My! How she has grown! She conjures healing abilities without the use of materia! And I've noticed her competence to manifest deities—or "aeons" as she refers to them—to fight in her stead without said materia. She has finally awakened. I will get my hands onto Subject Y. Though, not to cause the specimen to become wary, I will simply discharge a few men to be my "eyes" for the time being.
LOG #3: For my next project, I shall figure out how to rip those deities from her body, and poke around their unusual forms. Perhaps mixing their DNA with fiend DNA laced with a dose of mako before returning them back into her person and observe what may happen to her pets and physical body.
Do my ears decieve me, or did Subject Y suggest the planet beckons her to give up her physical form in exchange for peace? What rubbish! Should she return to the planet there is absolutely nothing that can be done once the body is gone. And yet... there may be some underlying possibility of some phenomena we've yet to know.
Interesting! Very interesting Subject Y! I shall make arrangements to ensure her will is not to be disturbed.
Go forth and give your life to the planet, and my research!
((I'm stealing this from one of my other posts and re-doing it slightly to give a good run-down how things are going with Yunie in this realm.)
Yuna is “half ancient” on her father’s side. He was the second to last person to know all the stories and secrets about his people which he hammered into Yuna before he was killed trying to save his daughter via subjected to one of Hojo's creations.
Hojo declared Yuna worthless to his subjections because her planet spirit guardian, Kimahri, kept interfering with his work when she was young. And since he obtained a “better” specimen one day (Aerith) he “let them go”—a ploy to subject them to one last experiment: a mutated SOLDIER (and infantrymen) to chase them down and kill them.
When Braska is killed, he miraculously keeps Yuna alive by smearing her pink palid cheeks in his blood to fake her death. It was enough to deter the fiend somehow, supposedly not quite starving for flesh? Or perhaps it still retained a semblence of his humanity under all of his horrors? Nobody would know, as it would be killed and covered up sometime down the line.
Weeks go by. A retired SOLDIER named Jecht stumbles upon a malnourished young girl clinging to a decomposing body for warmth. She was in the middle of nowhere, yet the area he found her in was disturbed. There was nary a doubt in his mind ShinRa had something to do with it all. Against his better judgement, Jecht takes her in, clothes and feeds her and raises her alongside his son as if she were his own. Yuna eventually grows into a fine young woman, but her duty is calling to her… the planet is calling for her…
(She is more in-tune with her abilities now that's she's older, so she can still converse with, well, dead people. and the planet itself by simple concentration.)
One day Yuna leaves home leaving a note and implores Sir Jecht not to look for her. Unbeknownst to him, she is on a mission to protect the planet by way of giving up her physical form to unleash a hellish fury upon ShinRa’s mako syphoning reactors. It’s the only way she thinks she can save what was left of humanity.
Thus, she travels around as disguised as a healer and fiend exterminator (mixed with an unusual ability to conjure powerful aeons without the use of summoning materia.)
Hojo catches wind of this, and comes to the conclusion little Yuna didnt die that fateful day. Instead, he watches her. Oh how she has grown! And awakened a new ability, it seemed! Perhaps one bestowed to her by the planet itself? Ah! she is not so worthless afterall!
For now. He sends “eyes” to monitor her movements while running some “tests” in the background.
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anysin · 9 months ago
Fic: Abundance of Choices
For @forest-of-stories, here is a Nanami ficlet for "too many beds" theme, featuring also Touga and Nanami's canon-typical Touga feelings. Hope you enjoy!
Abudance of Choices
There are a lot of beds in the house that Nanami and Touga share. Too many for what they need, perhaps, but at least whenever they host guests, they can provide sleeping accommodations when necessary. Nanami hates the idea, though. She doesn't like sharing her space with anyone else but her brother.
Having so many beds means that they have a lot to choose from, and whenever Nanami suffers a sleepless night, she does take advantage of that. She sneaks around the house, trying out one bed after another to find the one in which sleep will finally take her. It usually doesn't really work, and yet she keeps doing it, all while avoiding one particular door.
Even though it's the one she wants to open the most.
Tonight, she is having another sleepless night, but while her routine usually goes undisturbed, this time she is interrupted.
"What on Earth are you doing?" Touga asks behind her, right as she's about to slip into another guest bed.
"Big brother!" Nanami can feel herself go red all over, and doesn't dare to turn around first. But Touga waits, and Nanami takes a deep breath before finally turning to face her brother, who is standing by the doorway. She blushes even harder when she sees that his pajama shirt is open, revealing his toned body, his smooth skin.
"I can't sleep," she says, trying to compose herself. "It usually helps if I walk around a little."
"That I would understand, but you have tried at least three beds by now." Touga smiles a bit. "Is your own so uncomfortable? Should we purchase you a new one?"
Oh, Touga has been watching her tonight! The mere idea of being watched by her brother flusters her enough already, but this is extra embarrassing. She fidgets, pressing her fingertips together.
"I don't need a new one," Nanami mutters. "I just- I just like trying them out." She looks down at the floor, biting her lip. She feels very stupid right now.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad." Touga walks up to her now, reaching out to pet her shoulder. "However, I have a suggestion to you."
Nanami is distracted by the hand on her shoulder, but her breath still catches at Touga's words. "Yes?" she whispers, trying not to reveal her anticipation.
Touga smiles, stepping even closer to her as he leans over her, bringing his mouth next to her ear.
"I think you should go to the doctor," Touga whispers. "Get some kind of medication. That should be more effective than walking around."
He tucks a stray hair behind Nanami's ear before withdrawing. Nanami is breathless, barely daring to move, only able to stare up at the most important person in her life.
She isn't disappointed, she tells herself. But she isn't convincing even in her own head.
"Right," she says. "I think I'm trying this bed tonight though. I'm sorry to have disturbed you."
"Don't worry about that." Still smiling, Touga turns to leave. "I hope this bed will do the trick. Good night, Nanami."
"Good night, big brother."
She stands there for a while, staring at the doorway even though Touga is gone already, and she knows he won't be back. But Nanami can't help but hope.
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cyanea-lamarcki · 1 year ago
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I'm back to finish that legacy. Despite the fact that exploring real forgotten realms (hello to fellow BG3 enjoyers) was so wholesome, I'm still wondering where my legacy challenge will lead me in the end.
So, in previous episode half-drow Areiing met a mysteriuos character of Vladislaus Straud, and made a pact with him: she is to guard Vlad's ancestral house from vengeful spirits of his victims, and he is to give her a gift of immoratality. It worked to everyone's favor -- Areiing always dreamed of decadent life of luxury and abudance. She was in control. She had it all planned out.
Untill Morley walked into her life. Casual attraction turning into passion, turning into yearning to belong so strong, that it overshadowed everything else. She fell in love with a tiefling, married him, had a tiefling kid -- which was а pretty unwelcome surprise, considering she never desired to be a mother. Her husband was elated, thought.
So the three of them continue to live in haunted vampiric house. Perhaps now Vladislaus also sees them as unwanted guests, and soon is to make a pact with another warlock to get Areiing and her family out of his home.
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edwardpinestar · 2 years ago
Can I request a fluff deathpuss wedding or honeymoon fic? Since you've gotten a few requesting fic for your angsty au's, thought you'd appreciate one that's more light hearted.
Most definitely! I do have to admit, as much as I love the angst, it can get a bit tiring after a while, so some good old fluff is a most appreciated pick-me-up. Sorry for taking so very long with this, though.
Posted this on AO3 too!
It was sunset.
Soft, pink and orange light filtered through delicate, pink cherry blossom trees, the flowers and petals of which had drifted down from abudent trees, to blanket the cobbled path the trees hugged the side of. The air was warm, with a refreshing, slight breeze, and in the sky, there where smatterings of fluffy white clouds coloured pastel by the sinking sun. The subtle, life-filled smell of spring filled the air, fresh and green.
Two cats and a dog walked down the path.
One, a black and white, tuxedo molly, was dressed in a soft pink suit, with a caplet over the shoulder, the left lapel pinned by a red rose, and neatly pressed pants, which were tucked into tall white boots that had a wedged heels. She had her arm linked with the cat beside her, and a faint, fond smile on her face.
The dog, a small chihuahua pup, was bouncing alongside excitedly, his tail wagging a mile-a-minute, tongue lolling out as he panted. He was dressed the same colours as the tuxedo cat, in a little suit jacket, with a rose on the lapel, and a red bowtie around his neck. He looked as though his excitement was barely contained, but kept slow pace with the two cats.
The third of the party, standing between the molly and pup, was a ginger tabby cat. He, unlike the others, wore white. The floor length gown he wore was fluffy, whimsical tulle, its skirt puffed out, with off the shoulder, billowing bishops sleeves that tapered around his forearm to look as though they wrapped and twisted around his arms. The bodice had flower embroidery, which spread down to the outerlayer skirt and dispersed the further down they went, and formed a sweetheart neckline in the sheer bodice, not extending over the sleeves. While his arm was linked through the crook of the molly's elbow, in both paws he held a beautiful bouquet of red roses, soft pink carnations and red moth orchids. He wore a silver circlet atop his head, around his ears, that resembeled vines, with silver roses, the centres of which were inlaid with deep red rubies, along it as a faux flower crown.
They walked in mutual anticipation, yet silence, as they rounded a corner on the winding path, and found themselves in an open clearing, fresh green grass still blanketed by flower petals. In the clearing, several cushioned benches sat, lined up to make a walkway to an arch adorning in many flowers, of all different colours, with reds and pinks being the most prominent. The benches were filled with people, dressed their finest, watching keenly as the three cats and dog made their way down the aisle. Soft, disembodied piano music filled the air, a peacefull, romantic song.
But Puss in Boots had eyes for none but the man standing at the end of the aisle, right in front of the archway.
The wolf wore a dress as well, his own tea-length, a white gown with the same fluffy whimsy as his approaching groom's. The skirt poofed out, and the sleeves were short and billowy, while lace, completely fingerless, elbow length gloves, embroidered with flowers and sheer where there were none, were on his forearms. His bodice had a plunging neckline, splitting down the centre of his chest until it reached a soft, pastel green sash he wore around his waist. Upon his legs, he wore a white wraps, which left the fronts of his hind paws exposed, and in his tall, thin ears, he wore a pair of gold and emerald earrings.
Puss felt his mouth grow dry at the sight, a soft blush colouring his cheeks as red eyes roamed over his body with the most besotted expression Puss had ever seen.
Another wolf, dark grey were Death was silver-furred, and silver where he was dark grey, just a bit shorter than Death, and dressed in a pastel green, short tulle dress, watched Death with the proud, fond look of a sister glad to see her brother in love, as Life so was for him.
As Puss stepped in front of Death, handing his bouquet off to Kitty, who, along with Perrito, stepped behind him, Death stooped low, almost kneeling, to be more on level with Puss. While the wolf was still taller than the tabby, Puss no longer had to crane his neck back to look into those mesmerising, gorgeous red eyes.
"Hola," Puss breathed out as, in oh-so gentle paws, Death took hold of Puss' paws, dwarfing them entirely, and yet using two to hold him.
Death raised the tabby's paws to his lips, pressing a soft, tender kiss to the backs of them. "Hola," he whispered back, his lips brushing against Puss' paws as he spoke, "Te ves hermoso."
Puss smiled, a bit shyly, the clear lipgloss Kitty and Fiona had insisted upon him wearing glittering in the setting sun. "Tu también lo haces," he replied, his eyes wandering Death with soft appreciation, soaking in every detail of the man before him. "I love you."
"Welcome, friends, family and all between," the officiant said, loudly for the small crowd, before Death could respond. Puss' eyes flickered briefly to her, before returning to his groom's eyes. "We've all gathered here, in this beautiful place, to witness something far more beautiful than it. We've gathered here to watch the beautiful union, of a deep, beautiful love, between Puss," the officiant gestured to the tabby, before gesturing to the wolf as she continued, "and Death."
Death gently rubbed the pads of Puss' paws with his thumb, his touch soft, yet still making sharp claws flex out involuntarily. "Now, I know neither of them want to dally- they are eager for that married life!" There was quiet laughter from the guests, and the officiant waited a moment for them to quieten down, before continuing, "So, we'll get onto the words Puss and Death are so eager to hear today. So, Puss, do you come here freely and without reservation to give yourself to Death in marriage?"
"I do," Puss answered firmly, smiling brightly up at his groom, hoping his sheer love and devotion was obvious in his eyes, which shone with unshed tears of overwhelming joy.
Death swallowed thickly, and carefully squeezed Puss' paws. "Lovely," the officant said with a smile, "And Death, do you come here freely and without-"
"I do," Death interrupted her, sounding a bit choked up. Puss bit back at gasp at how much emotion was in his voice, in his eyes. He had a burning inferno of love, but it did not burn- no, he kept Puss warm with his endless adoration, as he encased the cat within it.
The officiant laughed, as did the guests. "Eager, huh?" she joked, smiling at the couple. "Well, I suppose we ought to get to the vows then. Death, please repeat after me- I, Death, take you, Puss, to be my husband."
"I, Death, take you, Puss, to be my husband," Death repeated, shifting a bit to be closer to Puss.
The tabby cat tuned out the officiant as she spoke, focusing solely on Death's words as they passed his lips, his voice calm and lilting, yet rich with feeling. "I take you as you are, and will love you until time itself ends. I pledge to be by your side for the rest of eternity, through trials and tribulations, I will love you through it all. I am yours, just as much you are mine."
Puss bit his lip, a few tears streaking down his cheeks, as he felt butterflies in his belly like he did when he asked Death on their first date. He was grinning so wide, his cheeks hurt, but even if he'd wanted to, he couldn't wipe his smile away. "I, Puss, take you, Death, to be my husband," Puss dutifully parroted as he distantly heard the officiant speak.
Death's tail was wagging under his dress- Puss could see the fluffy tip popping just barely into view on either side, and the shape of its movement through his dress. "I take you as you are, and will forever be grateful for our love. I pledge to be by your side for however long time provides, and through struggles and ease alike, I will love you forevermore. I am yours, just as you are mine," Puss declared, his claws kneading into Death's paw as he spoke.
"Please present the bracelets," the officiant said, and three little kittens stepped forward, each with a paw on a red satin pillow. Perla, wearing a pretty, soft pink, poofy dress was on the left on Timoteo, who was in the middle, and was leaning into his side to make sure she was touching the pillow. Gonzalo, who was wearing a little suit, a bit like Kitty's, in the same colours as Perla, was doing the same. Timoteo was holding the pillow in both paws, and he wore a suit identical to his brother.
On the pillow, were two bracelets, one significantly larger than the other. They were both made of gold, and shaped to look like vines, with little gemstones within the hold of the vines. The smaller one, that looked more about the size of a ring than a necklace, had rubies and black pearls between the vines. The larger one, looking more like a choker necklace, had emeralds, and black pearls as well.
Reluctantly, the couple released each others paws, to grab a bracelet- Puss taking the larger one in both paws, and Death carefully hooking the smaller one with a claw to lift it. The three children stepped away, as the officiant began to speak again. "Your wedding bracelets are a symbol of your promise to one another. The bracelet, an unbroken and never ending circle, is a symbol of your eternal love."
"Death, as you place this bracelet on Puss' wrist, repeat these words after me; this bracelet symbolises my love for you and the commitments we made today. I will love you forever, I do swear." "Puss, mi sol," Death said as he took Puss' left paw in his, the cat shifting his hold of the much larger ring to his right paw. "This bracelet symbolises my love for you," as he spoke, he lined the bracelet up with the tabbty's paw, and slowly slid it up until it sat snug around his wrist, "and the commitments we made today. I will love you forever, I do swear."
Once his paw was released, Puss was immediately marvelling over the glittering jewellry, the weight and fit of it making his heart swell. "Te amo," Death murmured, before he slowly let go of Puss' paw, and held his left paw out for his own bracelet.
Puss grabbed the bracelet in both paws again, lifting it up from where he'd been holding it at his side. "Puss, as you place this bracelet on Death's wrist, repeat these words after me; this bracelet symbolises my love for you and the commitments we made today. I will love you forever, I do swear." And just as Death did, Puss quietly murmured to him, "Te amo."
"Death, mi luna," Puss began as he lined the bracelet up. "This bracelet symbolises my love for you and the commitments we made today." He pushed the bracelet onto his lover's wrist, until it sat snug, and left both paws on top as he stared into Death's eyes. "I will love you forever, I do swear."
"Puss and Death, you have come here today, and before friends and family, declared your love, commitment and devotion to one another," the officiant said, as Puss took a tiny shuffle closer. "You have given and recieved a bracelet as a symbol of your promises." Death dipped his head down a bit, getting his muzzle close to the tabby's face. "By the power of your love and commitment to each other, and by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss!"
They moved in unison, Puss tilting his head and Death leaning into him, their lips pressing together in a soft, chaste kiss that held the heavy undertones of wanting more. Death put a paw on either side of Puss' waist, encasing the tabby's entire upper body in his fur and paw pads, as the cheers of the guests filled the clearly. Puss leaned back into Death's hold as the wolf slowly dipped him. And when their lips parted, eyes fluttering open and warm with starstruck love, they whispered in unison, just like they'd moved.
"Yo también te amo."
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onlyswan · 1 year ago
Hi Art 💕💕💕
I'm here to answer your end of year survey and I'm sorry in advance if I get carried away but I just love your work too much to not ramble about it.
It's so so hard to pick a favourite because I genuinely love all of them so much, but if I absolutely had to pick, it would have to be in which you don’t want to give up on jungkook (even when he gave you reasons to, even if they give you reasons to). This one had me literally sobbing, it touched me so so so deeply. The way you worded OC's emotions had me feeling for them completely. "after putting out the small fire, your tumultuous emotions clamber to the surface, and it becomes increasingly difficult to hold them down the longer he’s around. the clouds are dark gray, as if they’re writing in pencil beforehand, my tears are about to fall. you feel stupidly envious of their ability to weep anytime they need to, in the face of the casualties. how nice would it be if you allowed yourself to be the same?" This is just one beautiful example of that. And I'm still in awe of the way Jungkook handled everything. "four months have passed, but it isn’t time’s job to heal all wounds. it’s his." This part will echo in my mind forever because!!!!!!!! And last but not least, this one just makes me tear up every time I see it: "he wants to be inconvenienced by you. he wants to make impulsively confrontational phone calls he will overthink before bed. he wants you to wake him up in the middle of the night clawing for snuggles. he wants you to jump on his back when you’re exhausted of walking. he wants to charm the owner of your favorite restaurant into cooking one more meal before closing because you always ask him to make a quick stop when he visits you. he wants his life to be influenced by yours in every possible way, two different colors mixed in a palette to create a new one that matches the sky." Every one of your works makes me want to have a love like theirs but this one just... yeah this one brings out those feelings especially well.
As for favourite lines, it was soooo hard to narrow it down because as I've said before, I reread almost every single paragraph of your stories multiple times because I need to appreciate their beauty fully. But here are a few that I really really love: "you don’t think jungkook realizes— just how courageous it is to build camp infront of a door asking to be given love, holding his pounding heart in the palm of his hands, and trusting that you will accept it in yours to handle it with the gentlest of care." and "jungkook is messy. he always leaves behind a fragment of his heart, and you shake your head and you pick up each one to stuff it in the shallow pocket of your understanding of love… until the weight of them destroyed said pocket, and all of a sudden, you have awoken. he opened your eyes to the underlying implication of that filter, how having something sacred to protect is also what makes life more worth living after all." and "he wants to grieve for all the wasted time because everyday, he craved for this. to be honest, he forgets his name when he’s kissing you. outside, the crowds scream his name for being the best at what he does best, and he happily lives for the euphoria of it all. but in this room, there is only you and him. you communicate using the unspoken language of love with your lips. you bare the soft animal in yourselves with your teeth sinking in the other’s skin. you allow your rawest desires and truths to unravel with a slip of the tongue. he exists beyond his name, becomes an indecipherable enigma even to himself. what is the use of an explanation if there is no meaning anyway? all he knows is that he loves you despite all the reasons, against all the reasons." and "for the first time, you are crying not because of the absence of love, but the abudance of it. humans are essentially a collection of dead stars that are brought back to life when they are consumed by the electric ache of love and yearning. you are addicted to the antidote that is the touch of another body that burns the same."
You're really unfair for asking who my favourite character is because I love both of them so much. I think your Jungkook is my favourite depiction of him I've ever read, so many times I read lines that he's said in your work in his voice and all the little details you add perfectly capture all of his cute habits. But I'm also completely in love with OC because they are absolutely irresistible, perfect balance of sweet and emotional but also funny and cute and hot and.... I think these two quotes describe how I feel best: "he can’t imagine how a human being could ever dare to treat you with anything but gentleness. literally, can’t. it makes him sick to his stomach, makes the blood in his veins boil. he feels disturbed by the memories that still haunt you, and he feels angry because he is powerless and he can’t erase them no matter how hard he tries." and "his smile then fades, not so thrilled with the reminder that it’s so easy to fall in love with you, and therefore anyone would die to take his place. he knows that they hover around you like flies when he’s not there. well, he really can’t blame them, can he? you’re so fucking attractive."
I would looove to see more from the very beginning of their relationship, I love seeing the build up of their feelings for each other and noticing the special connection they've always had. The parts that you have written about those times have been so so adorable, so I would love to read more.
And as for the seasons question, I'm personally very partial to the warmer seasons, I loooove in which you are jungkook’s religion and he wants to be your passenger princess. and in which sour and salt could be so sweet when jungkook’s existence reminds you that there is still good in the world. I felt completely transported in the seasons you were writing about as I was reading these. But I also really love in which jungkook’s tattoos cure your winter blues and you paint his life with colors. and the thought of Jungkook and OC being all cozy in the cold weather, so I don't think I can choose between them.
I got completely carried away lol but I could talk about your work for days, so I couldn't really not take this chance to do just that. I think about all of your stories constantly and all of them have stayed with me after reading them. I'm so excited to read your new one too!!! I've just been a little all over the place lately so I haven't had the time. Alsoooo my crush just got a lip piercing, so I'll be rereading this one for no particular reason...
I hope you're doing well, Art and I hope you know I love you so so so much 💞💞💞
IVI MY BELOVEEEEED i’m literally the happiest seeing someone ramble about oc and jungkook i wish you could see the smile on my face right now 😭😭😭💞💞💞
the drabble you chose as your favorite waaaa 🥺 it was definitely a challenge to write but tbh it’s also my favorite. oc crying in the bathroom still gets me teary eyed to this day lol and "four months have passed, but it isn’t time’s job to heal all wounds. it’s his." This part will echo in my mind forever because!!!!!!!! SAME !!!!! 😭😭😭 wbk they love each other, but in this one… damn they really do :(
and your favorite lines 🥲 my heart is filled with so much warmth. i really spent a lot of time writing this year huh. you chose the ones i was so emotional writing 🥺🥺🥺 i literally love you and how connected our hearts are !!!!
I think your Jungkook is my favourite depiction of him I've ever read, so many times I read lines that he's said in your work in his voice and all the little details you add perfectly capture all of his cute habits.
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i love writing jungkook so so so much this is literally the best compliment ever i need to kiss you with consent. also i love how we are all in love with oc and as we should 🤭
the drabbles u mentioned for the seasons made me feel so nostalgic omg. i do remember you loving those 🥺🥺🥺 more to come in 2024 !!! especially with spring and summer coming up <3
please feel free to get carried away any time lol you are the sweetest most endearing ever. i probably feel the same way with your reviews as you do with my works 🥺 i think about them all the time too and they have stayed with me. i love youuuu and i’m excited for you to read the new one too and i hope you have the most magical winter break 💞🫂🌨️
alsoooo i peeped the crush update… a lip piercing is dangerous 🫣 praying for your poor heart
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zesstra-dnd · 1 year ago
Forgot about the way Raphael talks about mol. Calling her abudding flower waiting to be plucked.
Though I do see. People throwing temper tantrums about harrlep despite he literally tells you he's an incubus, the clues in the name, just kill him if you don't want anything else (though wouldn't surprise me if the dialogue bugged) I feel like people were expecting literal demons to be nice to just them and suddenly turn good like no they are fiends, evil beings
I see people behaving like that game just forces you,(again wouldn't be surprised if the game bugged)
Though there should be more options for tavs that are into it, into seeing thier form on another being and the other after effect (if Astarion reacts you don't get a proper option to say you like it, all of them at least insinuates that you don't)
The game is great and whilst there's a lot of problems with it an evil fiend being evil isn't one of them most of it is dialogue choices that should be added, janky animation fixed(maybe because Astarion tripping looked goofy and I loved it) and cut quests, npcs etc be added in a big patch.
Also kinda would love if they did modules because I would love to see Strahd's reaction to ascended Astarion before making sure he knew who's land this was.. On the other side it could be very interesting and sad for an Astarion who ended up a decent person, on the plus side no sun to worry about that much
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hungnitan · 1 month ago
Amphoreus TB 3.0 Impression
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To put it simple, it's introduction of new world for whole stories and of course lore abudant. I think it took almost seven hours for me, include many main story puzzles which I think it doesn't neccessary needed there.
Overall story so far is satisfying without any rush and leave some questionable things for next version. Story feels like main story + world quest combined and Genshin players should know that most Genshin world quest stories are awesome to best.
Noteable Scene :
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One of screw loose TB but not at right moment ! To think writer would insert kiss jokes right after train crashes feels weird to me somehow (I wanna see too but not in this situations lol).
Of course there are many unneeded joke inserted everywhere even PhainonMydei moments just doesn't feels right remembering Amphoreus (and AE) current situations.
Additionally I don't remember TB Danheng worried on AE except the last scene (Oh please I still remember Danheng keep messaging AE like crazy at middle Luofu TB quest before...)
I remember FGO had nearly live death similar moment on LB7 (good enough NA version just release lately or I gonna forget the details lol) and they wouldn't dare to jokes like that so those scene is big minus point from me and truth enough at the end of stories Welt explain their train are fine which making the tension goes off
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Ah yeah baseball bat, the backstories and now they're adding ice sword into lancer of fury user agenda...He's Kevin for sure 🤣🤣🤣
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Additionally if you choose to leave Amphoreus, it stated Phainon is not a real name... That info are disclosure at Phainon flamechaser book story (the book located similar at our phone menu like Penacony sticker book)
But it's somehow fresh hearing young cheerful Phainon voice like "finally he become happier in different universe" (eventhough I'm not sure after his godhood ascend😭)
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I somehow didn't suprise even in godhood place, internal strife between humans still happens. Well, it still suprising Aglaea took initiative taking care on it.
Remembering Penacony story, I'm sure the main problem / side story TB quest will feature those elder.
The one I really suprise is the fact that Amphoreus currency and language are same as HSR world uses. I could only think their Aeons (Erudition / Remberance / other one) took it and spread them as national terms.
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To think RMC would unlock with Stellaron Hunter memories and the timing could not be more perfect with I ALREADY MISS KAFKA TOO !!!
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Eventhough feature in banner, her involvement still small but I'm sure she will get drag by AE at next version.
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Nanoka situations, seems she gonna into frozen state again. So AE current situations are TB Danheng at Amphoreus, Himeko Nanoka at express and Welt Sunday convincing Herta help them.
My conclusion : Good start, at least TB quest onward feels promising. Storyflow convince me to search Amphoreus lore from books but most TB jokes are too dry in the current gloomy world.
For future version, I think current character still have big parts + other heroes. Most likely too Phainon have bigger screentime than now as it's clearly Amphoreus is all about him (let's just hope his playable won't take too long like Sunday 🤣).
This version couldn't make me love Phainon more than before ! While on other side, I still feels nothing on Castorice Mydei...
Don't get me wrong, 90% I'm sure Castorice is just waifu bait later (I'm still hurt with Firefly case believe me) while Mydei... I'm sorry I know Gilgamesh first or you would become my first Amphoreus husbando target 😭
PS : I suggest to read every past fragment at Cremnos, as it telling Mydei's past pretty details. Now I pity his past life, no wonder his main art feels like suffocating to see 😅
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