#he gets a little kiss on the cheek and hes like 😳
what-aboutno · 6 months
Qpr Chiluc 💥💥💥💥
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norizz-nation · 7 months
Max being a smugly little shit entering Horners office knowing Horners daughter is laying fucked out in his hotel room.
Thats honestly so hot 😳
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All his 💛
Summary: your father, christian horner doesn’t know that you’re on your knees for a man who’s in his team and somehow max really enjoys the fact that you’re all his and that your father doesn’t know about it
Warnings: nsfw, 18+, breeding kink, praise kink
The sweat dripped down from his forehead to his jaw as his cheeks went red. Groaning with every thrusts. The sight was too hot. Your legs on his shoulders and his sweat mixing with yours. You whined and moaned as you dig your fingers on his forearms. Your head fell back as he fucked you at a hard pace.
This is not the first time he’s fucking your brains out like this. It has been a few months since you’re dating him. But your father doesn’t know about this. You know that he’ll probably go crazy thats why you never let him get the tiniest hint that you’re dating his team driver. Will he get mad? Will he hate you for this? Will his love for max decrease? Are you both making wrong decisions?
“Fuck y/n, baby you look so beautiful” he said breathlessly as he brushed off some hair from your face. You closed your eyes shut and bit your lip as you felt your orgasm building strong. “You’re perfect pussy clenches so well around my dick, you know that right love?" He asked as you just nodded and he smirked devilishly at you. “M-max baby i-im gonna cum nghh!” You screamed out as you felt a tight knot in your stomach. “Me too my love” he said as he kissed your forehead. “Gonna fill you up so good baby. You’ve always been a good girl for me. You deserve my cum” he whispered in your ear as you nodded, whining in pleasure.
The look on max’s face made your cheeks go red. He was eyeing you up and down from the edge of the hotel bed. Seeing his cum dripping down your pussy made him smirk. The pride on his face not leaving for once. He then gave you a quick kiss and got dressed leaving for work before murmuring “so beautiful” and then leaving.
Somehow his grin didn’t leave his face the whole time he was at the garage. Everyone just smiled at him as they saw that he couldn’t stop grinning.
“You look like you’re having a great time tonight max” your father, Christian said as he looked up at him. Max standing in front of his desk, at his office. “Yeah, i had a great time tonight” he said as he chuckled.
He knows that he just fucked you so hard you forgot every other guys names. He knows that you’re all his. He knows how much of a good girl you are for him. He knows how much you love him. Every little fact made his smile grow bigger.
“Alright alright, not be very personal but you must be seeing someone recently max.” Your father asked him, smiling. He just nodded and blushed.
Does he tell him about you? Does he tell him that you’re all his and no one else’s?
Click here for part 2 sweethearts!
A/N: requests are open! feel free to ask what you want me to write! luv you ❤️
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Heyy bbg 😩
How was ur dayyy, mine was ok i went shopping 😘
Whats ur favorite colorrr, i like blue 😝
How would the boyz react to breaking the bedframe during sum rough... activities 😉😏😩😳
Dont forgor to drink water and get atleast 6 hrs of sleep pls 🥺
Heyyy! I am so sorry this took me so long to start on, I went a little MIA there, lol. So of course my first post of 2024 is OM smut lol Happy 2024 everyone! Now, on to the hcs! Mature content below the cut. Warnings for Levi's section, implied monster f*ck*ng, very slight.
This bastard makes no secret of how proud he is to make a mess of MC.
His reaction depends on the position, if the bedframe cracks while he is on top, then he makes sure MC's safe before continuing elsewhere.
MC's barely had time to comprehend that the bedframe gave way underneath them before Lucifer is scooping them up and resuming their activities on his desk or against the wall.
"Lucifer, did we-?"
"Don't worry your pretty little head about it, my darling. Now, sing for me~"
But. If that bed breaks while MC's on top? That is a very different story.
"Look at you, taking me so well even the bed can't take it~"
"Go on, love, do it again."
Demon does not give a shit, clasps MC's thighs and holds them up while he thrusts up to meet their hips.
He may act mildly displeased at having to buy a new bed, but that aura of pure pride rolling off him the next day is fooling no one.
Let's face it, he's so sex-drunk he probably didn't notice. He's too busy overstimming himself to the point of tears, pretty noises pouring from his kiss-bitten lips with shameless abandon.
He's the Avatar of Greed after all, and here is his greatest treasure, all naked and pretty for the taking, giving him everything he could ever want. Why in nine circles of hell would he stop?
He'll fuck until the mattress hits the ground, or until MC tells him to stop, because he always retains enough of himself to keep them safe.
Once they're done and laying on a skewed wreck of a bed, sweat colling on their skin, that's when Mammon finally notices.
"Hey...what happened to the bed?"
MC chuckled, pressing a kiss to his brow. "You happened, baby."
His cheeks turned pink and he hid his face in their neck as though he could hide the blush from them. MC felt him grinning against their skin, until the reality struck him.
"How the fuck am I gonna explain this to Lucifer?"
He also wouldn't notice, but not for the reason you might think.
Usually, Levi is a very sweet lover, tends toward the submissive side and lets MC set the pace.
For their lovemaking to get to the point of breaking anything, it's because Levi has gone absolutely feral.
I'm talking more demon than anything else, growling and snarling instead of whimpered, sweet moans tumbling from his lips.
You'd better believe he'll break the bed, the only thing that will stop him is MC, and if they choose not to...
He'll break a lot more than the bed.
Believe it or not, I don't actually see this happening with Satan.
He's so cautious of his wrath around MC in the bedroom that I'm no so sure he'd even be comfortable playing rough.
The most that happens with him is toppling a pile of books or something. Once, he accidently knocked into a shelf and used himself as a meat shield for MC as the avalanche came down.
That made for an awkward evening when poor Beel come to the rescue.
Let's face it, if he did it, it was on purpose.
Asmodeus knows exactly what he's doing when it comes to MC's pleasure, knows exactly how to make them writhe just so that it was actually the human who let magic slip in their daze and cracked the bedpost.
The Avatar of Lust chuckled against their sex, his head buried between their thighs and his eyes alight with pure sin. "What else can I make you break, lovie?"
"Oh no sweetheart, don't apologise. Let me see how much more I can make you sing for me~"
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neoraso · 6 months
riize when they're jealous
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is a little oblivious at first- for example: tries to make friends with the guy
then as the conversation drags on and taro realizes this guy is barely acknowledging him,, and is literally only talking to you he gets pretty uncomfortable
you are also getting uncomfortable and shotaro notices so he finds a way to quickly end the conversation (pretending you had somewhere else to be or smth)
he doesn't get too down about if afterwards and definitely doesn't blame you for anything he just tries to make jokes about how attractive you are "people just can't stay away from you! you're like the flower to a bee (⌒▽⌒)”
but honestly, it still irks him a bit. pls make sure to give him at least one kiss and remind him he's ur shining star
def not the type to be worried about you around his friends or your male friends.. but random guys actually hitting on you in real.
he would never admit to being jealous, he tries to tell himself he's just annoyed with the guy or like.. worried for your safety which- um ok wtv
that being said ,, when he does get this way he goes completely cold. hard frown, glaring eyes, clenched jaw etc. etc.
he's very confident in your relationship but something about the highly unrealistic possibility that you could be swayed to leave him ruffles his feathers to say the least
i hope no one would be bold enough to try to hit on you WHILE you're with him because he'd immediately get in front of you and confront the guy "who even are you? what do you need to talk to her for?"
oh dear lord.... it's not good. like he wont hurt anyone but sometimes wants to. like,,,
ok it depends if you were far away talking to a guy he would immediately come over and wrap his arm around you and goes "who's this." and ur like PLS don’t do anything embarrassing 😳
it’s to the point he does not want to hear about your past relationships (unless it was like a serious conversation) bc it makes his skin crawl thinking about another person touching his girl
he trusts his friends but it will take a bit of convincing to trust your friends. not bc he doesn’t have faith in you he would just get pissed at other people thinking they had a chance
i’m making him sound like a freak but he’s very open and vocal about how he feels and wants to work on it with you - but he’s always gonna be protective like a guard dog
he’s like ., quiet possessive (?) he's just like " ur only my baby right?" wants you all to himself, near him as much as possible
jokingly says you can’t watch other groups but is like ..half joking he lowkey doesn’t want you thinking other guys are cooler than him
it really just comes down to the fact that he doesn't want to lose you.
if there was a real situation where someone was like actually flirting with you, he would get soooo sulky. - like comes over to you and puts his hand on your back, smiling at you like everything is fine 🙂( 😐)
but when he hears you say "yes, this is my boyfriend i was telling you about." his chest puffs up and he’s like jumping for joy inside T_T needs extra kisses too afterwards
you are his baby and is very clear about it in public . always has his hands on you so it would be insane for someone to hit on you but if he walked away and someone approached u…
hhhhh lowkey gets an attitude … mostly with the other guy like tongue in cheek “is this guy serious…”
honestly kind of confrontational “can i help you? what do you need from my girlfriend?” can be intimidating when he wants to and makes sure people know he is NOT playing around
first makes sure you’re ok and then he’s like “wtf.. do i have to give you an ‘i ♡ my bf’ shirt or smth”
with his and your friends he doesn’t have a problem he trusts you all the way he just gets offended when people don’t get the hint that you’re taken
surprisingly, gets more jealous than you’d expect like sometimes ur like ???
he really just wants all your attention and if other guys try to take it he’s like . abt to start barking
that being said he trusts you 100% but when you notice his smile is like 10% less bright than usual and you ask what’s wrong he’s like “OHHH nothing -_- i just can’t believe i’m up against the whole city bc you’re so pretty. what am i to do ?”
ur just like 😭my sweet boy !! give him a kiss he’ll be cured and recovers pretty quickly
kind of is one that doesn’t really like you having male friends but he doesn’t want to control you so he’s doing deep breathing exercises if you’re really involved in a conversation with someone that isn’t him.
ohhh sweet sweet anton. honestly ! doesn’t get too jealous
like he gives u your space if you’re talking to another guy but if they start subtly hitting on you he’s like ?
will bring it up to you later when you’re sitting with him like stroking your arm and he’s like “sooooo that guy ..” and ur like oh 🙄that was so annoying. did it upset you? :( and he’s like “um . i mean… well not really it was just weird ..”
will appreciate your reassurance more than he shows you
might be one to be insecure with you around the members just because you would get so close to them he’s like ha…. what if they got even closer … but then he remembers none of you would ever do that then he just hugs you a little tighter
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soobnny · 5 days
dating him | bang chan
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❝ have i told you how beautiful you look this morning? ❞
CHAN | lee know | changbin | hyunjin | han | felix | seungmin | jeongin
chan as ur bf wow congratulations
it’s giving strangers to lovers if i’m being fr
u just meet on a random tuesday like nothing out of the ordinary
conversation is made and for SOME reason, chan always feels the cogs in his head stop turning when he’s talking to u
like it feels like he’s constantly on the run all the time so how come with u it’s so different
what did u do to him
well wtvr long story short, he FELL
fell hard
now he’s ur bf
ok hear me out
perk #1: unlimited supply of his hoodies
he’d love it too .. when u wear his hoodie
doesn’t even try to act upset or bothered that u’re stealing his clothes
sometimes he’s the one to even put it on ur bed so u can wear it after u shower
or when u’re coming home from the dorm and when u open ur bag .. oh! his hoodie!
“ah, i must’ve misplaced it 😅😅😅”
yeaaaaaaaaah sure
sure u misplace the hoodie in ur very pink bag instead of his black bag
u’re not very slick christopher bang
u don’t mind tho
his hoodies are always xxxxl in size and it smells like him
perk #2: u have ur own man wife
that man knows how to do everything
he can fix ur sink, build u a table, put oil on ur doorknobs so they don’t harden, can clean, like what can’t he do
have u seen hometown cha cha cha? he’s giving very Chief Hong in his skills
(minho does too but we’ll talk about him in his post)
oh, did i mention he can cook too
one of his favorite little mini dates is when u just go thru cookbooks together
and then … cook
i’m sorry this man is a sucker for domestic things like this
and cooking together means u also grocery shop together
a fun challenge he made up is where u pick up random ingredients and try to make something decent out of it
maaaaaan he’s just giving husband
anyways back to cooking
imagine him in the kitchen right
and he’s tasting something new he made
ofc u’re curious too cos wow whatever the hell he’s making smells and looks good
when you try to ask him if you can taste it, he’d KISS you
“how do you like it? 😏😏😏”
he’s getting bold
he does strike me as shy at first in relationships
and then when u’re together for long, u’re like damn this man kinda freaky
perk #3: his dog
berry loves u
like sometimes even more than chan
(it’s bc u give her extra treats when u can)
u walk his dog together early in the morning
it’s kind of become routine
u’d just get out of bed with messy hair and still in ur pajamas while chan is perfectly ready bc he loves waking up early when he can
u don’t even care that u look like a mess
bc chan always reminds u how beautiful u are every morning
so … messy hair and pajamas … putting the leash on berry and walking outside
it’d just be quiet mostly on the walk
there’s no need for conversation with chan sometimes
chan would say he finally knows what peace means after meeting u
his favorite scene ever is coming home and finding u asleep on the couch with berry
he has a million pictures of that on ur phone
like different days, same scene
sets it as his lockscreen even
on nights u can spend together, u enjoy watching cringy christmas movies w him
cue recreating the scenes
except it’s a massive failure bc both of u just can’t stop laughing
u especially love those christmas movies one
u end up just falling asleep together
ofc not without cuddling and intimate kisses
chan finds he sleeps easier bc of u
he used to always find it so difficult to fall asleep before
so how come it’s as easy as closing his eyes now
btw u two most probably have promise rings
and he most probably wears it as a necklace
and he loves hugging u from behind
chan loves being able to nuzzle his cheek on ur back and hold u
he’d probably do that thing where u’re unaware and then BAM a pair of arms around ur waist
his chin on ur shoulder
oh Wow….. wow i just made myself crazy thinking about that
he’d lean in to kiss ur neck or ur chin bc it’s closest access
and he’d just look at whatever the hell u’re doing
chan loves looking at u
does that sound creepy
he just loves observing u ok !!!!!!
esp when u’re doing something u love
his heart goes 💗💞💕💕💝💘💖💞💓💓
bc that’s his baby
he just adores u tbh
u could just be standing there and chan’s looking at u with heart eyes
anyways whatever CONGRATULATIONS
u guys will probably last forever bc he’s whipped and so in love
he’s giving me the More In Love vibe
like when he falls, he FALLS
happy 4 u
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note. credits to user @.luvknow for the layout of this post! let me know what you think! please discuss these with me i’m crazy
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
Hello, happy day, first of all. Secondly, I would like to see how Alastor would give the talk to his children (the talk about how babies are made) or what would happen if his children asked him how babies are made.
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Shenanigans!!
Description: ☝️⬆️
His kids don't really even think about where they came from, they just know that they come from their mother and father
They don't really think about how they came to be until...their mom is suddenly pregnant again
Alastor sits down the kids, holding the youngest little girl in his lap while you hold the twins at your sides
They can't help but notice the happy look you're sharing with your husband, knowing that you two are about to announce something good
Alastor adjusts the toddler in his lap and gives his twins a sharp grin, obviously unable to contain himself
"Now, my little ones~ Do you remember how you've been asking for another sibling?"
You can't help but laugh as the twins look at each in confusion then look up at their father, the little girl shaking her head
"Well, your mother and I have good news! Due to sheer luck and absolute carelessness, your mother has managed to spawn another baby!"
You can't help but gawk at your husband, he's trying to put all the blame on you for getting pregnant!?
You don't even get a chance to speak before your husband is kissing you, chuckling at the pout on your face
"That's not entirely true, but yes, we're having another baby."
Your twins lean on you and rub their cheeks against you, their little tails wagging in excitement
The youngest girl is still too young to understand, but she copies her siblings anyways, bleating and wiggling her tail to the best of her ability
It's a sweet moment that you wish you could take a photo of but you're too busy hugging your babies and snuggling up to your husband
It's not until later that night that it becomes a problem as Alastor is putting the twins to bed and you stand in the doorway to watch
He tucks them in and kisses their foreheads before wishing them goodnight, just about to turn out the light when it happens
"Papa, where do babies come from?"
The look on Alastor's face is enough to make you laugh, hiding it behind your hand as your husband freezes in place before regaining his composure
"Why! From mommies and daddies of course! Just like your mother and I!"
The little boy sits up fully, his sister soon following after as they give him an annoyed look
"Yeah but HOW did you make us?"
The rational part of Alastor's brain tells him that he should just tell them the truth and be done with it
But when he looks at his twin's innocent faces staring up at him expectantly...he absolutely fumbles it
Alastor lies lies and LIES through his teeth, every baby myth known to man comes to his mind as he weaves some crazy tale of how babies come to be
The stork, cabbage patches, water sprites and berry bushes-ANYTHING BUT THE TRUTH
You have to leave because you can't stop laughing at your husband, barely calming down before erupting into laughter again when Alastor climbs into bed with you
"Don't laugh..! What was I supposed to say?!"
He lets out a pathetic bleat and hugs you to him tightly, rubbing your stomach in an attempt to soothe himself
"Oh I don't know...maybe just a PG version of the truth?"
You look back at your husband to see the shocked look on his face, pulling away to see if you're being serious
"Are you telling me you could look them in the eyes and tell them what we do in bed?"
You start to get up, laughing at him
"I can go do it right now if you want-"
His arms suddenly reach out and grab you, careful of your stomach even though you're not showing yet
He's dragging you back into bed and rolling on top of you to keep you from getting up, fixing you the most pitiful puppy eyes you've seen yet
"Please don't...let them stay innocent..."
You can't help but roll your eyes and pet his head, leaning in to kiss his forehead before laying back
"Oh, you sappy man of mine...~ I won't...~"
You keep your promise and don't tell your twins the truth, but it's all for nothing because Angel is the one who tells them
To be fair, he didn't realize it was such a big deal at the time, he just wanted to correct some misinformation
Angel was eating with the twins, holding the littlest girl in his lap while he half listened to the older two ramble on about the new baby
"So you squirts excited for another baby in the house?"
The little boy hums in thought as he munches on his snack, ears flopping as he bounces in his seat
"Yeah but I wanna know when we'll see the stork deliver them!"
"I thought the baby was gonna come out of a cabbage?"
"What about the berry bush?"
This is where Angel might've messed up...
"What!? Don't tell me your parents fed you some lame story about where babies come from! Listen, you two most certainly didn't come from no bird and this little cutie right here?"
Angel holds up the baby girl, the toddler happily kicking her feet in the air
"Didn't come from a cabbage or nothin'! You all came from your mom because your parents had sex!"
"...what is sex?"
Now Angel sees where he fucked up, sucking in a breath before looking around the room nervously
"Okay, I'll tell you, but you guys better not tell your father I told you this!"
Angel leans in and starts whispering, the twins hanging onto his every word and forgetting their snacks
Alastor is hugging you as you sit in his lap, taking the moment alone to kiss and snuggle you, gently caressing your slight baby bump
When suddenly your little girl comes running in and points at Alastor accusingly, her brother rushing in not long after
"Papa, you lied!! You had SEX!"
You have to cling to your husband suddenly as he jumps up, looking shocked and gasping dramatically
"I did NOT! Who taught you such a word?"
The little boy giggles and runs out of the room, his sister chasing after him as they chant Angel's name
"Angel did~!"
"You little brats! You promised not to tell!"
It's all you can do not to laugh, burying your face in Alastor's shoulder as he sputters out nonsense about his children and their innocence
"Oh honey~ It's not that bad, they were bound to find out anyways..! And Angel isn't the worst person to tell them..."
You gotta act fast if you want Angel to have a chance at surviving this-
"My innocent babies..."
"It's okay, darling, you still have two other babies you can lie to about how we made them~"
He visibly perks up at that, sitting back down and resting his chin on you as his tail wags
"You're right, it's not too late to lie to them..!"
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This one was so much fun!!
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mooshywrites · 5 months
Could I request headcanons for Astarion, Gale, Wyll, Halsin, Dammon, Rolan, and Zevlor react to his gender neutral human crush putting a flower ring on their left ring finger because it fits? They took a moment to realise that they're also wearing their flower ring on their left hand which they thought it's like they're married to him 😳
This is so cute, I can’t :,)
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Art commissions
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Astarion -
~ Astarion didn’t really pay much mind to whatever you were making with flowers
~ So far, he’d relented to you making him a flower crown, a bracelet, even a clumsily put together necklace out of the daisy patch near the camp
~ When you finally managed to make two rings, you were more preoccupied with whether Astarion’s would fit rather than what finger you had put your own on
~ Astarion held out his left hand when you asked, continuing to read his book when you slipped the ring over his finger
~ When you were done, he looked over it approvingly before looking at the band on your own left ring finger.
~ You realized what he too had noticed, hiding your blushing face as he smirked triumphantly
~ “My darling, if you wanted to pin me down forever, you only need ask.”
Gale -
~ Gale was an excellent student, paying close attention as you taught him how to weave together flower rings
~ He wanted to make one for everyone in camp, quickly getting the hang of the craft
~ When you both had finished a set, he smiled and said you should trade, so you’d each have a piece of each other
~ You distractedly said yes, holding out your hand
~ You didn’t notice he had put it on your left ring finger until you were done doing the same
~ Gale seemed to have caught on before you, smiling brightly as he looked over his own ring
~ “Who knew proposal was so easy!”
Wyll -
~ Wyll loved taking small naps in the grass when the sun was still high
~ Today, he convinced you to come and sit with him in the field, relaxing on a small picnic blanket
~ You mostly started weaving flower rings just to keep away boredom, but soon began making one for Wyll
~ He noticed what you were doing and tried copying the movements, hoping you wouldn’t point out how messy his rings looked
~ He jokingly held out his left hand, lifting his ring finger for you to put the ring, not expecting you would do it
~ Not catching onto his joke, you did
~ The color drained from your face in embarrassment as you realized what you had done
~ Wyll would just laugh and kiss your cheek, sliding the ring he made onto your finger
~ “I’ll make a better one when I truly ask for you to be mine.”
Halsin -
~ Halsin very much enjoyed the time the both of you spent in nature
~ He’d tell you little things he knew about everything around you as you wound together flowers
~ You stared off by putting flowers in his hair, quickly moving to adorning all of him in the little buds
~ He just chuckled and let you, not pointing out that you had put the first ring on his left ring finger
~ He smiled, warmth filling his chest at your sweet mistake
~ He’d take a ring from you, slipping it over your own ring finger
~ Only then did it dawn on you what you had done. Halsin didn’t even give you a chance to walk it back before pulling you into a tight bear hug
~ “Now even nature binds us together for eternity”
Dammon -
~ Dammon loved when you played with flowers, usually it ended with him with a little wreath of nature around his horns
~ Today, he was hell bent on learning how to make the wreaths himself
~ All of his attempts were… lacking to say the least. Each one was tiny and thin
~ You assured him they were beautiful and that they were the perfect size to be a ring
~ To prove it, you quickly placed one on the first finger you got to
~ You didn’t understand why he blushed so deeply until he took your hand in his, slipping one onto your ring finger
~ His expression was so shy and sweet, you didn’t have the heart to admit it had been an accident
~ “I always knew you’d be the first to ask”
Rolan -
~ Rolan didn’t really see the point of flower rings, but the smile you gave him had him desperate to learn
~ He patiently watched you work, impressed with how quickly you could wind together a small ring
~ He picked up the finished project, studying it carefully
~ After a minute, he’d not as if he had decided something, asking if he could have it
~ You were so excited he liked it, that you didn’t notice that it was his left hand you slid the ring onto, not his right
~ He grinned when you did, demanding you make another one to put on your ring finger
~ “Perhaps these flower rings aren’t so useless after all.”
Zevlor -
~ Zevlor was a little hesitant to let you cover him in flower crafts, but how could he ever say know to your fluttering lashes
~ He sat with a huff, letting you drape little rings around his horns, decorating them beautifully
~ He held out his hand with a grumble when you asked to put a ring on him, his left hand first since you were standing on that side
~ You unknowingly slipped it over his left ring finger, distracted by the wreath that was coming undone on one of his horns
~ He chuckled when he noticed, pulling a small band off his horn and putting it on your ring finger
~ His would kiss your nose sweetly, enjoying the embarrassed blush that crawled across your face
~ “I would’ve let you pretty me up with flowers sooner if it meant this.”
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diejager · 8 months
You already know imma ask for more👀 but i’ll let you surprise me, you can write whatever as long as Ghost is readers brother and i mean WHATEVER
you never disappoint youre gonna eat up every time u write 🤞🏻🤞🏻
You’re giving me FAR too much credit here 😳
Protect Cw: physical abuse, drunk/high, mention of child abuse, tell me if I missed any.
“The fucks your problem?!”
Ghost stood between you and the man, his chest pushed out and shoulders braced to seem bigger, wider than he already was —a tactic to scare off the man who dared to put his hand on you
“You are my fucking problem,” Ghost spat, eyes narrowed and lips pulled into a deep scowl underneath his balaclava, his warm brow turned cold as I hell had frozen over with he coldest winter ever.
You let out a shuddered breath, cheek pulsing with stinging pain from being struck. You clung to Ghost, fingers digging into the soft and old texture of his hoodie, you hid behind him, his broad shoulder and wide stance protected you from the vile bastard’s view. You had one too many drinks, losing yourself somewhere around the last few pints and suddenly finding yourself in a dark corner of the street fighting off a man who didn’t understand that a no meant a hard no.
You were lucky Simon had found you before he took it a step further, mind too drunk and body too sluggish to lift a hand and defend yourself. He might’ve heard your yelp and cry for him, whimpering out his name for help when you help your swollen cheek and bleeding lip. He rushed to your side without a second thought, pushing the man away from you with a hard shove.
“Find your own bitch!” The man smelled drunk, the pungent odour of booze blowing off of him in waves and his eyes dilated with a slurred speech but erratic and unpredictable mind, he wasn’t only drunk, he was probably high as well, “I was here first!”
“She’s not an object, you fucking bloke,” Ghost hissed, fist closing tightly with little self-control left to stop himself from decking the bastard for calling you a bitch, his sweet, precious sister being touched by a man like him. “When she says no, it bloody means no.”
Ghost took a step forward, his hulking figure seeming bigger than nature in the darkness of the alley, glaring down at the high and drunk man that dared to approach you. Even with an inebriated conscience, he knew when he was outmatched, yelping and backing away in fright, eyes wide and brows risen high.
“Sod off,” he sent him a curt nod, his chin pointing outwards, down to the alley’s entrance.
Once the man was off, stumbling away and tripping on air, Simon turned to you, arms pulling you to his chest, cradling your pained cheeks and trembling body. You shook, tremor wreaking your body as you whispered his name, body and mind still numb from being hit, it reminded you of before, when you were still a kid, hiding behind Simon for protection against you father.
He whispered sweet, comforting words, calling your name in the softest tone he had, featherlight and loving, hand climbing to wipe away the stray tears from your cheeks and made you look at him, into his calm and warm eyes. They were the warmest chocolate brown you ever knew, the right shade that made you melt in his arms, tuning out the world for him, the man who’s protected you all your life.
“There you go,” he mumbled, a smile stretching the corners of his lips, his eyes crinkling and eyes gleam confidently when you gave him a gentle nod, tentatively smiling back at him, “That’s the (Name) I know.”
“It hurts, Si,” you pouted, one hand holding his against your cheek, the one left untouched from the man.
“I know, I know,” he cooed, bowing to press a kiss on your nose, unwilling to let you go. “Let’s get you home and treated, yeah?”
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @tallmanlover @distracteddragoness @vxnilla-hxrddrugs @konigsblog @havoc973 @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots
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jymwahuwu · 11 months
Partner matching services...
Imagine getting imbibitor lunae... Constantly mating and him just slowly thrusting inside your warm and wet hole to not overstimulate you with his two thick and long cocks but you keep pushing him away😔
So he decides to roughly pound you, the sight of you scream so loudly while your cunny clenching harder around him is just so 😍 his tail unconsciously wrapping around your waist and making you take him to the base... (Would he have a knot? 👀)
(Can I be 💦anon?)
😚yes you can be 💦anon! aww😳 He wants to mate with you no matter what… thanks for sharing💕
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CW: yandere, non-con, forced breeding, knotting, (mentioned) pregnancy
Imbibitor Lunae got a report from a matching services company, the data shows that you are 93% suitable for giving birth to dragon cubs, and you are also his most suitable partner. He explains to you how rare this number is and how important you are to Vidyadhara, but you disagree. You are looking for a suitable lover, not to be bred and pregnant with dragon cubs.
Dan Feng was like: why not have both? You will get breeding. You will have a lover.
He just needs to show you this blueprint for the future, and what better way than to start mating you?
Only now do you realize how insignificant your own power is in front of dragons. The dragon blows into your ear. That strange, comfortable kiss brought you a shudder, on your lips, neck, and chest, and the tongue teased your areola, which glowed with water. After a long mating preparation, two thick dragon dicks slowly revealed, straightened up, pre-cum dripping from the tip between your thighs.
"Stop-stop!! Help! Let me go!"
Terrified, you slap his hand and try to push his chest away with all your strength, but your lower body twitches humiliatingly, as if expecting to be bred. Imbibitor Lunae soothes you in a low voice, while opening your penetrated place, patiently thrusting into the deepest, stretching those folds and walls, until the balls lightly slap on your shiny folds.
Dan Feng knows the priority now is to train you to take his two cocks. He holds back, and slowly, carefully begins to thrust into the tight, wet hole amidst your unwilling tears and moans.
After a few rounds, you irritate him by pushing him all the time. He decides to give you a little rough treatment and instead the dragon cock is pounding mercilessly in the heat, in and out, resulting in a deep and loud water sound. It doesn't take long for you to change - screaming, wrapping your arms around him because it's the only thing you can lean on.
And the knotting!! Yes!! This is perfect, just think about it. He kisses your cheek lightly, and the dragon's cock swells even more, knotting as the sticky and fertile load irrigates inside of you. You have to stay with him in this mating position for at least ten minutes, and you can't leave, waiting for the start of the next round. It was quite an embarrassing and hopeless experience.
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edensxgarden · 8 months
Riding oscar and he's all blushy and whimpering beneath you 😳😳
After winning the Qatar sprint race, Oscar Piastri was on top of the world. After suffering with a shitty car for the entire year, he finally got a chance to prove himself and surpass even his own expectations for his rookie year.
However, after his win, he felt like everything was going downhill. After a DNF in Austin and placing P14 in Mexico, he couldn't shake the feeling that maybe Qatar was just luck. Maybe he wasn't as good as everyone thought he was.
The triple header was exauhsting, as was every race, but Oscar felt specifically exauhsted after the end of the seemingly never-ending 3 weeks. The only motivation through the end of the draining races was to complete Andrea's goal of having Oscar single-handedly surpass Alpine in race points. But after his finish outside of the points, once again in Brazil, it seemed nearly impossible.
After all his media duties and all the tedious tasks he had to complete were done, he boarded a flight as soon as he possibly could. The entire flight, he restlessly stared out the window, his heart aching and his mind racing. He was always an overthinker; he'd get stuck in an overwhelming flurry of thoughts until he fell into a hole of self-loathing.
As the plane ascended to the ground, he felt the pit in his stomach grow heavy. He longed to feel the presence of his lovely girlfriend, but he couldn't shake the overshadowing feeling of disappointment he felt. He felt as if he let everyone down and, most importantly, let you down.
He drove home with shakey hands and a stubborn lump in his throat. Usually when he'd drive, even if you weren't there with him, he'd have your music blaring in his echoey car to make it feel as if you were sitting alongside him, singing with the girly pop and flashing him happy smiles as he drove. However, tonight, he let himself drown in the silence of the car, fighting back tears that threatened to hinder his vision of the road. 
As he approached your shared house, he begrudgingly opened the door, trembling fingers gripping the door handle. Whenever he got home, he'd always be praying you were awake so he could spend some time with you, but tonight he was wishing on every star in the sky that you were asleep so he didn't have to face you in this state.
However, his prayers were not answered as you ran to him, encapsulating him with a tight hug before he could even get the door closed. He sighed for a moment before composing himself and returning the affection, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you flush to his toned chest. 
You hummed softly when he pressed a sweet kiss to the top of your head, but as you pulled away for a moment and caught sight of his face, you knew something was wrong. You cupped his pale cheeks in your hands, looking into his watery eyes, before whispering, "What's wrong, baby?"
In his exhausted state, Oscar couldn't find the strength to even attempt to lie to you. He knew you could see right through him, and it would be useless anyway, so with a sigh, he poured his heart out. He rambled all his woes about how he feels like a disappointment. He expressed how he felt he wasn't good enough. He let his tears pour while he mumbled and weeped, letting his insecurities air out and letting the weight on his heart lighten, if even just a little. 
Your heart broke listening to his words. Watching your usually nonchalant boyfriend crumble in front of you made your gut wrench and your lungs feel as if they were closing. It hurt so bad seeing him like this. You brought him over to the couch and sat on his lap, and you began pressing sweet kisses to his cheeks. You covered his weepy eyes and wet cheeks with pretty lipgloss stains as you mumbled little praises to him.
You held him close and ran your fingers through his hair as you told him how incredible you thought he was. "Of course you're not a disappointment, baby. You're one of the greatest rookies ever. You already got your first win. You're a future world champion. You're my favorite driver. I love you." You punctuated each little compliment with a heartfelt kiss as you watched Oscar slowly regain his composure and saw the tears stop rolling down his cheeks. 
Once you gave him a small smile, though, his cheeks began to flush for a far different reason. With all this love and attention you had been showering him with, Oscar found himself growing hard in his trousers. You hadn't thought your innocent cheering up would turn him on, but you certainly weren't complaining.
You hadn't expected this tonight, but in his vulnerable state, you couldn't help but want to give Oscar every little thing he wanted. You'd go to the ends of the earth to make him happy again if that's what it called for. And to be fully honest, his hazy eyes and glossy lips made him look even more beautiful than he already was, and you couldn't help yourself from him if you tried. 
So slowly, you began to take off the gray sweats he wore for comfort on the plane ride home and freed his cock from his boxers. It was aching and leaky and so desperately begged for the same attention you'd been giving Oscar just before, so you instantly pressed a wet kiss to his pretty pink tip before taking it in your hands and stroking him softly. 
He was sobby and helpless under you, allowing soft moans and whimpers to slip out of his lips. Sex with Oscar was always amazing; it was always hard and rough, with Oscar very clearly in control. He'd let his apathetic personality shatter away from him, letting himself spout filth at you as he pounded into your cunt until you were seeing stars.
But this was different. It was slow and passionate, and with every stroke of his cock and every sweet sound he made, there was a silent confession of love. This wasn't just sex; this was a promise that you were proud of Oscar no matter what and that he never had to come home and worry about you being disappointed.
Oscar let his head loll back, eyes fluttering closed as his needy sounds grew as they echoed through your living room. You wanted nothing more than to see Oscar come undone under you, but as much as it pained you, you couldn't give him that just yet. So you pulled your hands away, forcing his body to jolt back to attention. 
You calmed his frantic whimpers with small shushing noises before getting up for a moment to pull off your sleep shorts and underwear, throwing the soaked material somewhere in the living room, and climbing back on top of your needy boyfriend. 
You took his cock in your hands once more, a plethora of moans slipping through your lips as you brushed it over your aching clit. In a swift movement, you aligned him with your hole and sank down onto his cock, causing a harmony of yours and his moans to reverberate throughout the living room.
You kissed him softly, leaving a small shimmer of your gloss on his lips before you began bouncing on his cock, the angle hitting just right inside of you. You hid your head in the crook of his neck, sucking onto it, nothing that would leave a mark, more of just a reminder of 'it's ok, I'm here.'
Your insides twisted at how vocal your boyfriend was being. His desperate moans and whimpers flooded your ears as you continued fucking yourself on his sensitive cock. You pulled yourself away from his neck, and the image you were met with would stay with you for the rest of your life.
Oscar's eyes were glassy and watery, nearly threatening to spill over with tears of pure pleasure. His mouth was frozen open in a small 'o' shape, forcing the needy sounds out of it. His arms were flexed, gripping onto you with such pressure that it was sure to leave a mark, but you couldn't bring yourself to care.
You felt his cock twitch inside of you, a wordless signal that he was close. You reached down between your bodies to your sensitive clit and rubbed small figure eights onto it, the slight push you needed to fall over the edge. You clenched tightly around Oscar's cock as you came, letting your head rest on his shoulder as your body twitched and jolted in pleasure, your legs giving out and forcing Oscar to help your movements on his cock. 
Your drawn out orgasm forced Oscar off the edge, a near pornographic moan coming from him as he emptied his heavy balls inside of you, cumming hot white ropes until it was leaking back onto his legs. 
He held you close to him, pulling you off his softening cock and returning your attack of kisses from earlier. You giggled softly at the turn this night took before whispering lovingly into his ear, "You're perfect, Oscar; don't let anything or anyone ever make you think differently."
He sighed contently, letting his eyes flutter shut with you in his arms, wondering how he ever had a doubt in his mind that you couldn't make him feel better, even on his worst nights.
A/N: I began this like a week ago but Tumblr deleted my draft and i lost all my motivation 😭. Its finally out though and I hope you all enjoy!! <3
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hitomisuzuya · 4 months
Stepcest. Scara receiving. DNI if it makes you uncomfortable. Scaramouche x fem!reader Smut. Blow job. Degradation.
I know I have written something like this before, but, Scara coaching a blow job😳 I couldn't stop thinking about it.
Scaramouche looked up from his phone screen when he felt your arms wrap around him from behind the couch. He had just gotten home a little bit ago, and like a moth to a flame, he knew you would come right to him.
"Hey Scara," You said, blowing gently in his ear, "Let me suck your cock." Your panties were already dampening from the thought of being on your knees in front of him.
Scaramouche made a motion with his index finger, signalling for you to lean over the couch. His hand grasped your jaw when you leaned over. He turned his head to give to you a kiss, pushing his tongue into your mouth and stealing your breath away. "Then get in the place that needy sluts belong in," He said as he pulled away, "on your knees."
He spread his legs as you walked around the couch and got down on your knees between his legs. You cheeks were flushed from hearing his degradation. His cock pulsed as you stroked your fingers on his cock outside of his shorts, making him let out a shaky sigh. He'd already been getting hard when you asked to suck him off.
You rubbed your thumb over the precum spot starting to soak through his shorts before you took out of his cock. Keeping your eyes on him, you licked slow lines up and down his cock as you wrapped your hand around it.
You licked the slit of his precum soaked tip, making him groan as his hand found the back of your head. "Fuck, don't stop doing that," You prodded your tongue on his slit, hearing him moan softly. "Use your tongue, and suck on the tip."
He smeared precum onto your lips before pushed the tip into your mouth. You swirled your tongue, sucking it into your mouth. You bobbed your head, your tongue slowly lapping as you sucked. Your hand pumped and massaged on his cock, drool providing ample lubrication.
Scaramouche's shaky sighs, grunts and groans fell into soft moans. His hand closed around your hair, pushing your mouth down onto his cock. "Use your whole tongue, and fucking suck like you crave it, slut," Your throat spasmed around his cock as you coughed, gagging as his cock hit the back of your throat.
"That's a good girl," He cooed, stroking his fingers through your hair as he held your head in place, "you enjoy choking on your step brother's cock, don't you?"
You adjusted to breathing through your nose, vibrating a moan on his cock as you started to suck again. You flattened your tongue on the vein that bulged up, feeling his hand tighten on your hair as he fucked his cock into your mouth.
Scaramouche only let you control the pace for a few minutes before suddenly pushing your mouth down all the way on his cock again. You choked, tears stinging in your eyes. "Let me guide your head and ruin your pretty throat. All you need to do is suck like the obedient slut you are."
You relaxed and let him guide your head. His hips bucking as he pumped his cock in and out of your mouth. You were moaning so sweet and muffled on his cock, feeling every pulse and throb in your mouth.
Scaramouche bobbed your head up and down on his cock, cum suddenly spitting warm and salty into your mouth. "Swallow it all," He instructed, his eyes rolling into the back of his head, your mouth tightening on his cock as you swallowed.
He always thought the mouth of his precious, darling step sister looked the prettiest wrapped around his cock.
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fillinforlater · 8 months
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You walking on them like this what would you do 😳😏
Always Caught
Male Reader x Ahn Yujin, Jang Wonyoung
Length: 1675 words
Tags: getting caught, voyeurism (Wony), threesome, cuckold (Yujin), best boyfriend (you), standing sex, rough sex, fondling, fingering
"Sometimes, forbidden things are the most tempting, yeah."
The dice have fallen, the trap is activated, Wonyoung can't move. There's a large smirk on your face, wicked, like Yujin's arms and legs that press Wonyoung to the wall she was just using to eavesdrop. Eavesdrop on who if not her roommate and her boyfriend making love, loudly, lusty, without a care for who might here.
"I knew what you are doing, always have," you get into the conversation and closer to the two entangled girls. It's somewhat cute, seeing Wonyoung fight back, freeing herself, just to surrender her hand back to the world for Yujin to breathe into her ear again. "Yujin was surprised why you didn't complain, but I knew that you had your ear right here.
"You even moved the closet a bit to the left so you can be closer to our bed. Do you like the sounds of it creaking that much?"
"Or is it the moans that get you all giddy?" Yujin huffs and grabs Wonyoung's hips like she's done it a thousand times before. The younger woman melts into the grip like her features melt in embarrassment. From ear to ear, even her cute little nose carrying her loser-glasses, is flushed red. 
"I-I don't know what you're talking about," Wonyoung rebuttals, pathetically weak, her arousal in the air like a stench confirming her bad thoughts and the sinful intentions she was ready to act upon. You know just the thing to break her. 
"Oh, then what is this?" Pull out the vibrator from the closet your girlfriend was just hiding in. A short, pink phallus, pointier than a cock and with a wide array of settings that you've used to make Yujin weak during some college reading. 
"Th-that's not mine. Yujin-unnie, tell your boyfriend that—"
"You're a voyeuristic slut who likes to listen to their friends fuck? He figured this out himself."
Wonyoung tries to bury her face behind her long fingers, but you reach for her hands and instead stare her down, the amused face of Yujin behind her spurring you on to finish off your crazy plan. You lean in close and mimic Wonyoung by laying your ear on the wall as well.
"Do you hear that? These sweet moans, the groans, how the bed shakes, how the wooden frame creaks, how skin slaps on skin? 
"It's a recording, Wonyoung. An audio, a video even, of us fucking each others brains out."
"Do you want to see it~?" Yujin teases Wonyoung and rubs her cheeks from behind while the younger can't help but stare into your horny eyes.
"We can give it to you if you want. An exclusive video, for free.
"Or you can get the full experience. Right. Fucking. Now."
Yujin’s and your hand meet at the spot where Wonyoung’s thong is starting to soak up wetness like a well-used sponge. The two of you agreed on the if and when you wanted to make your move on the young roommate, but not on the how. Yujin wanted to get rid of her skirt, you wanted to hike it up and have it rock back and forth when you rock your rock hard cock into her pussy eventually. Now you and your girlfriend fight for who gets to rub said pussy, the lips, the clit, the entrance—Wonyoung is totally oblivious to it. 
“Hng, f-fuck, you caught me,” she exclaims, butt pressed against Yujin’s crotch. Her knees are like butter, making her become smaller than both her friends who take their differences aside to focus on different parts of her holy place. You insert a finger, the long middle one, into Wonyoung’s pussy while Yujin gets to work at the hard nub above. She fiddles it side to side, the same way she does it to herself. 
“We always do,” Yujin whispers and initiates a french kiss with you that has the already mewling Wonyoung dazed, dazed at what was fantasy mere minutes before and is now reality: both her hot friends getting at it with her in between, no wall separating her. “Stick out your tongue if you want any of that.”
Wonyoung, the drop dead gorgeous super star in the Uni, who’d be the number one pick in a draft titled ‘Who I would like to fuck the most’ by seventy percent of attendees and profs, looks like a femcel loser with her tilted glasses and stretched out tongue, waiting for some of your and Yujin’s drool to hit it. She’s lucky when something falls, when you decide to integrate her into the kiss and simultaneously ‘integrate’ another finger in her cunt to stretch the rippling hole open.
You and Yujin toy with Wonyoung’s motionless tongue, she sucks it out and stretches it, you bully it back inside and watch it fall out again. Limp is the tongue, limp is her body, but before she falls over, Yujin stabilizes her roommate at the wall. No more stimulation, just two pairs of eyes staring her down. Wonyoung wants to hide the embarrassing arousal flushed all over her fuckable, thin body, but she is exposed to your mercy once more. 
“You want his cock?” Yujin asks nonchalantly, Wonyoung carefully nods, the fear of falling into another trap smaller than the pleasure she’s offered. “Why do you think I’d give him to you? He is my boyfriend, his cock is mine, you have no idea how snug I am around it. Why should I give it to you, slut?”
“P-please, Unnie.”
Yujin sighs the fakest sigh since the latest YouTuber apology-video. She fishes out your cock with a single hand and places a finger on Wonyoung’s luscious, drool-glazed lips. “Fine. Say ‘thank you, Unnie~’.”
“Thank you, Unnie.”
Your hands find Wonyoung’s smooth, spotless thighs and dig into them like they are sand concealing a treasure. Yujin joins said hunt for jewelry and helps you lift up the light Wonyoung to prepare your diamond-like cock, ready to drill deep. The way you spear Wonyoung’s labia open is a bit reckless, sure, but you have no other option. It radiates heat and need and Wonyoung is the one to vocalize it by lifting her skirt up for you to see.
“I-I want more,” she stammers when your tip has her innie spread already. “I can take it just as well as Yujin-unnie.”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself,” Yujin warns her roommate, biting her lower lip nonetheless when you give Wonyoung all of your dick. There are no more spoken words, just moans and thrusts as your animalistic tendencies overhauls all previous reservations you had about this. Tonight, Wonyoung’s pussy has your focus, in fact, her entire lower body makes you want to take endless pictures of it. 
But no recording, not even a world class painting can depict the beauty of her small belly bulging with every deep invasion up to her cervix. No 2k, 4k, 8k video could ever show just how brilliantly her legs tremble in your hands, their entire length stiffening, then shuttering just because there’s a stiff appendage in her cunt. For whatever reason, you all but forget Yujin, who is literally behind the girl you are fucking, helping you carry her, watching closely—
“Yes, fuck that little bitch, that little slutty pussy!”
She announces herself. A well-placed pull on Wonyoung’s blouse and Yujin sends a button or two flying to reveal an exposed, heaving chest with sweat running in between the small, perky bumps. Yujin digs into them and into Wonyoung’s mouth; now you have to gather all your reserves to keep Wonyoung up on your own. Either way you’re good and continue to fuck into her addictive cunt.
“I wanted this for so long,” Yujin screams while Wonyoung screams while you’re about to scream, seeing your girlfriend finger both a stiff nipple and a gaping mouth. Wonyoung’s tongue must be a fun plaything. “I always wanted him to fuck you, fuck, I would have been okay with him cheating on me if only I got to hear him pound you.
“But now, I don’t want to let go of you. I understand why they all are mad about fucking you.”
Yujin’s feverish confession has your mouth dry. Time to stock up on saliva by going straight for her unsuspecting mouth. You relish in how she tries to fight back, it feels like validation, it was the right call to be honest and tell her about Wonyoung’s constant masturbation while listening to the two of you. Now you have the total upper hand and thus press your upper body against both of theirs.
“Rub her pussy,” you order Yujin. “I need her to cum.”
“Yes, fuck, make her cum! I want her to squirt and piss everywhere and become your stupid little fuck hole!”
To say it riles you up—you’ve never felt stronger, more empowered. You give full thrusts, hard, fast, Wonyoung’s glasses almost fall off of her face and you see her irises disappear in her head as a shrill scream as you flash banged. Wonyoung’s orgasm is earth shattering, her walls rapidly wrap around you to maximum tightness. You have to act quickly.
“Where should I—Yujin, where do you want me to cum?”
“Inside her. Inside her pussy!” Yujin grits her teeth. One of Wonyoung’s hands has found its way into her freshly cut hair and this look of determination, pain and unbridled lust has you certain that you’ll finish in a second. A second is three pumps but you fill Wonyoung with a lot more than that. Her pussy is a creamy mess and before you come back to your senses, Yujin is already eating your load out of Wonyoung.
“That poor girl is so overstimulated,” you tell your girlfriend, a weak smile on your face. 
“No, no!” Wonyoung complains, arms wrapped around your neck. “I-I, please, catch me again, I want this.”
It must have been at least a hundred times that Wony has masturbated to the thought of you. Time she repays it a hundred times as well. 
(A/N: a different take on this scene here)
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hp-hcs · 8 months
mattheo riddle if you beat the shit out of him in a fistfight <3 — mattheo riddle x gn! reader
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Requests open
implied Slytherin (non-pureblood reader)
tws: violence… duh
OOC. LIKE AS OOC AS IS POSSIBLE. i am so sorry for whatever this is 💀 i’m like, borderline delirious kind of sick, so that’s my excuse ig 😌
homeboy is not doing fine
his bruised ego 😔
he’d been teasing you for years with his group of lackeys, and you just snapped
he made a comment that went too far about your blood status, talking shit about your family
you just dropped your shit, spun around, and decked that mf
obviously he wasn’t fuckin expecting that, so he just kinda froze like 👊💥😳🧍‍♂️
he has no idea what to do
((he’s also just a little bit turned on bc manwhore duh))
everybody in the hallway freezes too like,
“you dumb bitch the fuck are you doing??”
his friends are jeering, and he just kind of shakes his head like a goddamn etch-a-sketch and like, gently shoves you back by your shoulders (cause you cute bae 🩷 he don’t wanna ruin that pretty face of urs <3)
you, on the other hand, are just ready to FUCK someone UP
and if that someone turns out to be the dark lord’s son, c’est la vie
he makes one more lame attempt at a scathing comment and you just fucking TACKLE him
you’re on top of him (not like that you silly little sluts get your mind outta the gutter) in the middle of the hallway just beating the s h i t out of him
homeboy has no idea what to do lmfao
lowkey he’s falling in love just from your knuckles smashing his face in (masochist manwhore)
he def thinks it’s hot as fuck
one of the professors comes to separate yinz, (probably hooch, cause there ain’t no way she puts up with any shit) and has to fucking DRAG YOU OFF of him
he's got like, a broken nose, a busted lip, a probably-going-to-become-a-black eye, and yk, decimated ego
but he’s just looking at you with those fuckin PUPPY DOG eyes
congrats, he’s obsessed
he won’t shut up about you for the rest of the day, to his friends, his enemies, madam pomfrey when he’s in the hospital wing…
they're all like “ah. i see the mommy and daddy issues are making an appearance”
when you get out of detention and go back to the common room, he LEAPS off of the couch and over to you
you’re standing there with still-bloody knuckles and a try me, i dare you face
he apologizes profusely, like, to a kind of pathetic extent
you’re like “dude, you’re not pureblood either, dipshit”
he got called out 😔
you apologize for OvErReAcTiNg (you had to apologize as part of your detention & punishment lmfao) and getting ‘unnecessarily violent’
and cause manwhore he’s just like “oh no it’s fine that was hot”
y/n: 😶🤨🫠
he’s got a lil giggle ✨
literal heart eyes for you
so ur like “yeah i gotta mess with this guy even more”
you kiss his cheek and make his brain stop working
baby is bluescreening rn
he then ends up shadowing you for the rest of the week, following a half-step behind you wherever you go like a lil puppy
(i’m of the opinion that he’s just a slightly more violent golden retriever white boy)
((i’m not saying himbo but himbo))
walk him like a dog, sis
alexa, play lovefool by the cardigans
he’s ur bitch now, enjoy <3
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clamenstell · 6 months
more lovesick!gojo cause this man lives rent free in my head 😔 (also cause u guys seem to really like him too 😳)
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- lovesick!gojo who purposefully gets himself injured just so you can treat his wounds and nurse him back to health. "How'd you get this hurt Satoru?" "Uh, I don't know, just happens I guess," he shrugs but in reality he asked Suguru to use his curses to hurt him on purpose. "Can't you ask Shoko to heal your wounds?" "She's busy and I can't treat these myself~" "What happened to your untouchable infinity?~" "...It's a work in progress." you don't believe him.
- lovesick!gojo who hangs around your dorm during his free time whenever he can because he loves your presence and want to be close to you. 
- lovesick!gojo who barges in without knocking the door since you got used to him coming in whenever, but this time was a bad time. You were changing when you heard your door burst open with a loud obnoxious voice yelling "I'm bored! Let's do something! :D" "😦" "😨😨😨" You've never seen someone shut the door so fast. "I am soo sorry. Oh my god." you can hear him mumble through the door.
- lovesick!gojo who's face was entirely red as he covered his face with his hand, head leaning against the very door that separated him and your half dressed self.
- lovesick!gojo who swears he would gouge his eyes out if you asked him but at the same time feel blessed for being able to see a sight he thought he would never see, he feels like a young pubescent teen all over again. You forgave him as you know it was an accident but he still bought you pastries as an apology.
- lovesick!gojo who feels his face heat up whenever he sees you as the thought of you half dressed would pop up and make him flustered, making his cheeks red.
- lovesick!gojo who acts stupid when it comes to homework so that he could ask for your help and try to score a study date with you. "Hey can you help me with question 4 🥺?" "Sure :)" "That question is so easy what are you talki-" Suguru, who has to deal with his sad attempt at flirting, likes to interrupts sometimes, good thing Satoru has a good reflex and slaps his palm over the cockblocker's mouth.
- lovesick!gojo who loves sitting next to you when you host a movie night with the others, especially when it's late at night as your sleepy self would lean your head on his shoulder for support, he could smell the fragrance of your shampoo and feel the gentle rise of your breathing.
- lovesick!gojo who has never been so still in his life to not wake you up, even if the movie ends he would rather stay here all night to be close to you. When Suguru and Shoko notices, they would make kissy faces and all he could do is flip them off while his ears redden.
- lovesick!gojo who loves doing little things like covering the corner of the table when you lean down to pick something up, or making sure you're walking on the inside of the road when you two walked down the streets, or when raining he made sure you were fully covered under the umbrella even if his shoulder is exposed to the rain (dw he has infinity). Even if you don't notice, he wants to show his love through small actions (you do notice it :)).
- lovesick!gojo who's heart jumps out his throat when you snuck a kiss to his cheek when he brought your favourite pastry, smiling sweetly at him.
- lovesick!gojo who remains still in shock as his whole face burst in red as you grab his hand and held up the pastries he bought, "Let's share them :)" Humming softly and dragging him back to your dorm by the hand, squeezing his softly, to share the sweet treat and maybe watch a movie, just the two of you <3
- lovesick!gojo who swears he can die happy and fulfilled as you two sit shoulder to shoulder and watched digimon together (you know he loves it).
- lovesick!gojo who wishes he could pause this very moment if he could, forget being the strongest as long as he could stay by your side, holding your hand and kissing your cheek <3
- lovesick!gojo who's on cloud nine and can't stop grinning the next day that Suguru and Shoko look at him weird. "What's with his face," Shoko turns to you, sticking a thumb in Satoru's direction and you only smile. "Gross," Suguru grumbles, figuring out the reason and Satoru gasp. "You're just jealous that I bagged the most gorgeous woman ever!" wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pecking your cheek. "I bet you weren't even the one who confessed," Suguru snickers earning a 'Hey!' from your pouting boyfriend, who you love very much <3
- lovesick!gojo who finally gets the chance to kiss you under the moonlight, who kisses you with such tenderness, pouring all his feelings into it, holding your cheek with one hand and holding your waist with the other. Turning his head to deepen the kiss, he never wants to forget this feeling, the feeling of your soft lips against his and the feeling of finally having you in his arms. Pulling away to breath, you both smile as he lean your foreheads together. Gods, he's just so in love with you.
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not as good as the last one but hope you guys enjoyed it none the less :)
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tarjapearce · 9 months
Can we get a little story or something of how would Miguel take care of pregnant mama? Like I KNOW he would do the most and go the extra mile. But can we get it in your words?
Pregnancy Cares With Miguel ~ ✨
Warning: Pure fluff and a mild squeeze of nsfw.
Let's meet this weekend. MJ and I found this new place. And the hamburgers? God. 🤌🏻🤌🏻. They have these amazing artisanal beer.
You pouted at the screen. You wanted to go for a burger, but for some reason, you retched at the smell of beef. It was a big no for you. Plus you couldn't drink, for obvious reasons.
I need an outing so badly. Need a drink, work is getting so stressful. This weekend or the next one?
Jessica replied as MJ sent a ':) ' emoji on the group chat.
Can't go :(
What? Why tf no? You've been telling me you need a break. 😐
Miguel had sent the emoji and you rolled your eyes
Wait... Fr?! 😱
OMG ❤️
MJ texted as the rest appeared as typing.
OMG Imma be an auntie!!?? 😳
Boy or Girl?
We don't know yet
You don't know 👀
Stop. Playing.
Peter had sent a nervous gif and you cackled.
You'll find out tomorrow 😊
I swear if you don't tell
😏😏 What's gonna happen?
Guys... Im pretty sure these sort of things got you in the current situation you're in, can you not do this in the chat please?
MJ just sent a 🤭 emoji.
Fine, woosies. It's a girl. ❤️❤️💖
MJ sent another gif exploding in hearts
Congrats on both 🎉🎉
Miguel remained quiet. You pouted.
What you didn't know is that when he came home, he'd get you a lovely bouquet of tulips and some pickles. He'd just pulled your grumpy self into a tight loving hug as he kissed your temple repeatedly until your mood vanished.
"A girl? Really? Why didn't you tell me?"
"Cause the doctor just sent me the results! And you ruined the surprise. I wanted to tell them in a different way!"
"Yeah, yeah. It's a girl! You know what that means?"
"That I'm gonna get so fat?"
"No, mensa. And even if you did, I'd still hit that." (Dummy)
"Not funny" Your cheeks flushed softly as he chuckled.
"Means that we can finally paint her room"
Your eyes swelled up in tears upon hearing him speak so softly and lovingly. He was excited. You could tell by the little flush in his ears.
"Shopping day tomorrow?"
"Ps obvio" (Obviously )
You giggled.
Ever since you told Miguel you both were expecting a girl, it was like a switch turned in him.
He'd cuddle you with such care, he'd think you'd break. Wich was annoying to you since you missed sleeping ontop of him.
And when the cravings started? Dios mío.
"M-Miguel" You'd whimper as you wiped your eyes. He'd startle and instantly go in alert mode.
"¿Qué pasó? ¿Tas bien?" (What's wrong? You ok?)
You hiccuped and weeped "We have no pickles."
He'd stare at you, trying to process the correct emotion to feel in this situation.
"You're crying cause we don't... have pickles"
"Don't be mean!"
You'd hit him softly with a pillow and curled back to your bed.
"Ok, ok, Don't cry? I'll go to the... the store. Be right back."
"Can I have Nutella too?"
"Uh, sure."
Drowsy eyes looked at the clock. 2 am. On another time, he'd surely would ignore the senseless petition and talk to go back to sleep. But how could he do that when you were pregnant? He was an ass sometimes, but with a pregnant you? Never.
He went to the store, to his dismay there was only two small pickle jars, and they were inside a lady's basket.
... Puta madre...
Why was everyone suddenly in the crave for pickles?
He didn't have to elaborate much and explained the lady. She just laughed it off and kindly surrendered them to him.
"Cravings? Oh boy. You better buy her the three jar packs. And avoid wearing too strong colognes infront of her! It might get her queasy."
"Thanks" With a polite smile he paid for the pickles and went home.
You were waiting for him, teary eyed and pouty. He opened the jar of pickles for you and stared at you with awe and a mild disgust as you dipped one of the pickles inside the Nutella and scarfed the veggie down with such hunger it made you cry again.
"Its so good."
His shoulders slumped with a sigh and wiped your chin.
"You're such a weirdo."
"Want some?"
"No, thanks. Keep eating"
"But I'll get fat"
"It's normal to gain weight during pregnancy."
"You'd love me if I was chubbier right?"
"Yes. I would. Eat your... thing."
He'd chuckle watch you eat until you were satisfied. three pickles in total with half the bottle of Nutella.
The next day he got you a small pack of pickles and two big bottles of that sweet spread to then rub your feet.
As time went on and your belly grew, the doctor appointments never got skipped or missed. He was there making sure everything was in order. His big hand hugging yours in a secure embrace as you got your ultrasounds. Everything was going perfectly.
The most dangerous months had passed and he allowed to breathe a bit more.
He had refused when you told him you wanted to work from home. Even if it was home office.
"No. It can lead you to stress out. And that will stress the baby out. Something can happen and no. Let me handle it."
"Stop being paranoid, I'll be fine! I just... don't like sitting all day or sleeping. I need to do something. And you didn't let me do much in the baby's room either!"
"Mi amor. You need to rest. I know you don't like it. But you need to."
"Could you at least get me an exercise ball?"
"Sure. Just don't-"
"Ay ya, Miguel! Ni que fuera a romperme!" (Stop it. I'm not gonna break!)
you whined
"I worry, mi reina."
"I know, and I appreciate it, but I gotta do something around!"
"Just promise me you'll go easy, ok?"
You kissed his cheek and cuddled him, the heat he provided felt heavenly against your back. You had started to waddle and to your dismay a new nickname was born. You were his Pingüinita. (Little penguin)
On the six month mark, you'd toss and turn on bed, feeling either too hot or cold. One moment you were snuggled against him, for the next to remove your clothes and lay naked next to him.
One particular night you felt suffocating. Summer was rampant and you woke up in tears at the oppressing heat.
He'd wake up no long after and filled in the bathtub with the right kind of water. Sweat and hormones raging on your body. Despite sleepiness clinging to him, he'd help you to the tub and bathe you.
Big and gentle hands massaged your wet scalp to then massage your shoulders and lower back. He splashed your body with water and kissed your temple carefully.
"Feel better? "
"Great, thank you, mi amor."
He'd smile lazily and remained there with you, almost falling asleep again in the bathroom until you were ready to leave to sleep.
- - -
He'd buy you long and cotton nightgowns. They were breathable and made everything a bit more comfortable for you, along some essential vitamins. And a hammock for the porch. He'd find you sleeping often in there.
Whenever you went out with the rest he'd make sure that none ordered meat. You still were sensitive to the smell, despite Peter longing for a burger.
Miguel would bathe with you to help you wash your back. But it was just an excuse to touch you and feel you. He'd be as gentle as he could with you. It turned him on to see you swelling with his child. Even brought out things he didn't know was into. Like, a lactation kink. And eat you out despite your protests of not being able to see him.
He was absolutely moonstruck with you. And when the time for you to deliver his baby finally came. He tried to remain strong and collected, despite his hands trembling like an earthquake. He kept an eye on you like a hawk, always looming around you.
He couldn't help but melt when Gabriella's cries echoed loud and healthy on the room.
He kissed you with such pride in his eyes that you'd think he was about to cry.
He knew his life with you had just started, and he was glad he had chosen you. Happy and grateful even. You just made him a dad of a wonderful little girl that instantly quieted down when he held her in his arms. One of the nurses snapped a picture of him holding and cooing Gabi as you got a well deserved nap.
Despite him not being a texter, he sent the picture of Gabi to the group chat.
OMG! Congratulations! she's so beautiful! 😊
I wanna cry so badly right now. She's gorgeous 🎉🎉
I'm an uncle now. :') So proud of you, Miguel.
When can we see her?
Lemme ask Pingüinita and I'll let you know.
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mncxbe · 7 months
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i'm such a sucker for the one bed trope I blushed so hard😳 hope u like it nonnie♡
oh no... there's only one bed♡
𝑫𝒂𝒛𝒂𝒊, 𝑪𝒉𝒖𝒖𝒚𝒂, 𝑨𝒌𝒖𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒘𝒂 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: smut♡/ fluff // tw? rougher sex in aku's part also briefly proofread
Due to Ada's limited budget the two of you had to share a room during a mission in another town. When you opened the door and see the king size bed in the middle of the room your heart sunk.
"My, my guess we have to share a bed bella" he commented, playfully nudging your arm and you can barely contain a desperate sigh.
Dazai knew you had a crush on him and was dead set on making you confess your feelings first. After all, his pride didn't allow him to just cave in.
That's how you ended up like that: his fingers knuckle deep inside you and your face buried in the crook of his neck. Your little pants and muffled moans bounced off the thin walls of the room as he slowly worked you open, the tips of his index and middle finger brushing against your sweet spot with each skillful curl.
"Keep it down, bella. I believe president Fukuzawa and Ranpo are in the room next to us. You wouldn't want them to hear how needy you are, right?" he teased, pressing his thumb against your neglected clit and you had to bite down on his shirt to drown your lewd moans.
The feeling was intoxicating; the exhaustion brought on by your mission that day paired with the glass of wine you had for dinner made your brain fuzzy. You limbs felt heavy as if you were melting into him and the way he curled his fingers into you was just delicious.
When you finally took a deep breath in his musky scent reached your nose, making your mushy walls flutter around his fingers as you let out a helpless whimper.
"So, wanna admit you like me now? I'll let you cum if you do" he pressed, hot breath dripping all over your cheeks and you nodded.
"Yea, I like you a lot please don't stop now"
"I knew it 'donna. No woman can resist my charm"
His comment only aggravated you further; yes, you did like him, but that attitude of his was starting to get on your nerves. Hooking a fingers under the wristband of his slacks you dipped your hand lower and ran your fingertips along his throbbing erection, making him shudder.
A satisfied hum rolled past your lips upon witnessing his reaction and you started trailing wet, open mouth kisses along the expanse of his neck "Seems like you can't resist me either, Dazai"
Chuuya glanced at the clock on the nightstand; its thin, fluorescent hands angled slightly to the right. 2.10 a.m and he was still as restless as he was four hours ago when he went to bed with you.
The events that took place that day kept bugging him, replaying on and on in his mind like scenes from an old picture movie. After a most bothersome trip to the hotel the two of you made it to the event on time- some meeting he was supposed to attend in the name of the Port Mafia; with you as his plus one.
Making it through dinner would've been easier if you hadn't been there to distract him from every conversation he tried to engage in. You, all dolled up in your prettiest dress with that picture perfect smile that made his heart swell.
Even now as you laid in bed next to him, tucked snugly under the covers, Chuuya couldn't shake off the overwhelming feeling that took over him. Despite the late hour he was alert, your mere presence acting like a shot of espresso. He tried his best not to touch you in any way but you seemed to instinctively drift closer to him in your sleep.
Your warm, cherry wine breath fanned over his cheeks; your bodies so close he could make out the tiny little pieces of mascara that dusted your cheekbones. He gently swiped his thumb along your cheek tracing the outline of your face and you hummed softly. His breath stuck in his throat when you leaned into his touch, leaving him paralysed.
As if sensing the shift in his attitude you slowly woke up, peering at him through half-lidded eyes. "Chuu what time is it?" you mumbled in a low, sleepy voice that snapped him out of his trance.
"Around 2 a.m. You can go back to sleep" he said plainly, hastly removing his hand from your cheek; his fingertips aching at the loss of your touch.
You yawned, shifting impossibly closer to him "Why're you still up? Had a bad dream?". Chuuya only hummed in response, trying to ignore the growing tension in his muscles.
"Yea, something like that, but don't worry your pretty head about it". Mumbling a sleepy mkay you closed your eyes again as your fingers found his under the duvet. At first he tried to shake you off but you seemed drawn to him by some sort of magnetism, your fingertips sliding up his arm to the edge of his tshirt then back down, raising goosebumps in their way, your bare leg making its way between his.
Even in your half asleep state you were seeking out his closeness, his warmth and he couldn't deny you. Chuuya wrapped an arm around your waist pulling you closer to him. A satisfied hum left your throat and he felt his body slowly relaxing. The effect you had on him never ceased to amaze him, one moment you were making his blood rush the other you acted like a sedative, a sweet narcotic numbing his mind, soothing his soul.
Chuuya knew he wouldn't be able to keep his feelings hidden for too long. Not anymore. But the way you so eagerly leaned into his touch as you whispered a sweet goodnight Chuu made him realize that maybe he didn't have to; because in the end you liked him too.
Akutagawa has had enough of your sly, teasing attitude. You taunted him all evening with suggestive looks, swaying your hips as you sauntered around the room in your pretty little shorts and tank top, deliberately pressing yourself against him when the two of you eventually went to bed.
"'m sorry Akutagawa it's just really cold in here" you justified but he knew what you were trying to do.
You were both aware of each other's feelings and for a while you waited for him to make the first move. But of course, the waiting was in vain, so you decided to... persuade him a little.
What you didn't expect was for him to suddenly push your face down into the cushy sheets and climb on top of you, his chest almost entirely pressed against your arched back as he pinned you down.
"This 's what you want, hm?" he scoffed, pulling your flimsy underwear to the side to reveal your soaked cunt. "Shit, you're dripping. You really are shameless aren't ya?" His fingers slid briefly along your slick folds before dipping inside you.
You gasped at the sudden intrusion and instinctively circled your hips, trying to gain some sort of friction "Ryuu fhuk~" you babbled out, biting down on your finger but he wouldn't have it.
A harsh slap landed on your ass and you cried out a choked moan. "What a slut you are..." he spat, hot breath dripping onto your neck and cheeks. Coating his tip with your slick, he hastly lined himself up to your entrance before slamming inside you.
The stretch was borderline painful; Akutagawa left you little to no time to adjust to his length and immediately began thrusting inside you at a brutal pace. Lewd sounds of skin slapping against skin filled the cramped room, the air growing hotter with each passing minute.
Akutagawa was on cloud nine, completely lost in the feeling of your pretty little cunt sucking him in. "Shit sweetheart you're so tight". Hooking a arm under your hip he flipped you over in one swift motion, his hands coming to rest on each side of your head as he panted heavily.
For a moment you held his cold gaze, watching it slowly melt into something sweet, a mixture of need and adoration. Little drops of sweat began to trickly down his charcoal strands and drip onto your chest as he resumed his punishing rhythm.
Your eyes rolled further back in your skull with each of his thrusts, the tip of his cock effortlessly kissing your sweet spot- and you smiled lewdly, a fucked out grin that almost made him cum on the spot.
"Ya know pretty girl I didn't know you were such a dumb slut when I fell for ya" he chuckled, his thrusts growing sloppier "It doesn't change a thing though I love you and this little cunt of yours". He pressed down on your clit lightly, causing your back to arch.
"There you go sweetie just cum need you gushing all over me" he panted, lowering his forehead against yours. Through batting lashes you could see the way he nipped at his bottom lip with each little moan and sigh, how his nose scrunched as the vicious coil in his loins snapped and he spurted his cum deep inside you.
With a choked whine you came too, velvety walls clamping down around him, milking him dry. His arms finally gave in and he collapsed beside you, breathing heavily.
It took you a while to fully process what just happened; the man you've had a crush on for years just gave you the best orgasm of your life. "So... I guess this means you like me, right?" you asked in a weak voice, earning a chuckle from him. Akutagawa's fingers laced with your damp hair, pulling you closer to place a chaste kiss to your forehead. "You bet I do"
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