#he eats every meal kurama leaves out
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anime-chick · 1 year ago
the au where human-kurama thinks he's feeding a stray cat but is really feeding a hiei
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ace-does-stuff · 7 months ago
choking, choking on your sweetness
summary: all he wants is more, and all that he will give is everything
tags: cannibalism as a metaphor for sex/sex as a metaphor for cannibalism (i cannot tell what it is interpret how u want), makeout sessions, fluffy ending
authors note: happy yaoi day, enjoy your gays
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Sasuke's throat is sore. Not from a cut or a punch or any brutalization. Nobody in that fight who knew that one hit to the throat would kill him had good enough aim to land it.
Instead the aching burn stems from Naruto's hands, claws trailing into flesh just barely. Pinprick sensation stinging along the skin wherever they make contact, little gasps threaten to escape him. He breathes slowly to try and counter the pressure of a palm on his clavicle and a hand on his hip.
Naruto's hands, they're so warm. Like fire. Fire burning like the sun, leaving what he knows will be phantom sensations in flesh for weeks on end. A slight shift and a choked moan slips out, he'd raise a hand to cover his mouth to muffle the sound. Except for the fact that he can't, tails tether his wrists in place.
Writhing like tentacles with that rich red chakra giving them tangible form alongside two pointed ears. Not just a phantom sensation. Fully formed, furred, and acting on a whim that Sasuke has a hard time telling who it's from. Naruto or Kurama or maybe just a prey drive morphed into something else by an obsessive want they share.
His breathing is heavy, and his whole body moves with every single breath even with Naruto holding him down. Holding is too gentle of a word for this exchange of yearning. Pinning is closer, keeping him trapped and held still so he won't run away anymore. Yes, yes, biting the lip and biting the flesh and marking him.
Sasuke flicks his wrist and the grip disperses, Naruto rears back with a bit of a whimper. Sasuke's body yearns for the heat, arching into the touch that's leaving him behind. He'll fucking run again. Don't let him go cold, all he wanted to do was shift how he was seated.
It only takes one simple motion for Naruto to be back on him like an obedient dog. A little sign, the quirk of a smirk, and before Sasuke can say a single word Naruto's practically throat fucking him with his tongue. Ravaging him with desperate grasp and no abandon with how deep his claws may dig into pale skin.
He needs, he needs, he needs, and he fucking takes what he needs with gluttony. He has all the time in the world to savour such a fine meal but he wants it all right now. He bites and he pushes and pulls and marks and claims and tears into flesh like a cannibal.
He's never stopped once though, just urged to continue. Keep eating. Have your fill. Enjoy it. For it's the last time you may get it if you let the body go cold for too long. Shudders course through Sasuke every time porcelain fangs contact his skin and tenderly dangerous claws do the same.
His, his, his.
The difference is the same because they switch position to leave behind nothing but skeletal remains of restraint.
Sasuke doesn't remember passing out, he just remembers surge after surge of want and pleasure. Must've been too much for his body to handle, that or the blood loss made him faint. He did get torn up quite a bit.
The room is sterile but when he goes to look to his side he finds Naruto sitting upright on a chair, fully passed out. They probably didn't even need hospital care, someone just overreacted.
He tries to sit up and everything in his body feels unfairly rigid. What the fuck happened when he lost track of time. There's a small yawn from his side.
Arms stretched high above his head Naruto turns to face Sasuke with a smile, "You're up-"
"What happened?" Sasuke questioned.
Naruto shrugged, "I don't really remember it super clearly, we had a crazy good time though, I know that much."
Sasuke would strangle that dumb blonde if he wasn't so stiff.
"Sorry about the hospital stay, Grandma just wants to make sure that there's no wound infections."
"I don't need to be hospitalized for that..."
"You're covered in head to toe in gauze, you probably do."
"But you're spotless! I could've sworn that I-"
"You did! Don't worry." Naruto speaks fast to hide the rush of red coming to his face, "You know how it is with tailed beast chakra though, fixes you right up."
"I still think the hospitalization is overkill."
"You don't really have anyone who could make sure you aren't getting hurt at home though."
"Then come live with me, it's clear you want me. You were drowning in me yesterday."
"I mean, it's not that simple, we aren't even dating-"
Not a single thought passes through Sasuke's head before he speaks, "We could be."
"No, Sasuke-"
"We could be dating, let's go on a date once I'm out of here."
"A date?"
"That's what I said- unless this is rejection, I won't take offence if it is."
"No! It's not a rejection! I swear this isn't a rejection."
Sasuke gave a small half nod as if to say 'go on.'
"I just woke up, cut me some slack."
"And I just woke up bedlocked, your point?"
Naruto sighed, "Want me to go get you some food?"
"You better not get ramen for breakfast."
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wanou-dorm · 3 years ago
Autumn Leaves from the candle ask for the crew?
Autumn Leaves- What is something you find particularly beautiful about nature?
“The Crackels of Lightning from a bad Thunderstorm , somethin’ about The Rumbling of Thunder and Flashes of lightnin’ in combination the Gentle drops of Rain And the after the rain stops Nature feels Refreshed and new . “
“ The sound and feel of Letting your Sink into a nice hot spring, it’s so Nice letting the Warm Water loosen up the Kinks , Huh Hot Spring in nature , Of Course thiers Natural Hot springs! Also If People consider part of nature “ Crackin’ “ People’s Limbs and Backs is weirdly Beautiful , Imagine you Just cracked Riddles Back And Look at him going through the Realization that Kinks in his body from sitting and Walking all day is Just gone .”
“ A Clear starry night , So Clear you Can even take a Telescope and point out the Planets , Stars and Every constellation that season . “
“ As someone who Flys pretty Regularly , The feeling of a Nice breezes going across my wings and Body and Watching Azul , Jade and Floyd Fail at Flying , Why make those three fly anyways, The ethics of expecting Merpeople to fly just as well as People on the Surface that sounds like a Good new Story. “
“ Imagine , that you are an octopus returning to you Little Caverns you call your home, but something off .You slink inside your Little Cavern you find your Home has an Intruder a big slimy Moray has Stolen your home and Will now try to make you it’s Next Meal .
But your An Octopus you sprayed Ink in that Morays face and Swim out all as fast as you can .The Moray bites one of your arms but you have another strategy you let go the arm letting the Moray Eat and you an Octopus get way To find a better place to hide “
( Azul is Visibly shaking)
-hold up This beautiful Creature -
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“ Nature made this an yet , Grimm a sentient Being whose ability to do magic on par with most First Years can’t be his own student . He can do everything a Human dose ?! “
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unlockthelore · 5 years ago
The Past Is Just That
Keiko is used to seeing Yusuke’s friends around the shop. Though it was a hang-out spot at first and Yusuke was often there to help them out and see them off, she found quite a bit in common with them. Kurama was the most level-headed out of the four-man group, a wonderful person to talk to, and enjoyed all of the little things that she couldn’t seem to drag Yusuke into.
He was especially good at calling Yusuke out when she couldn’t and making him listen. Kuwabara was arguably her favorite. He came by to help her out with deliveries and she gave him free meal vouchers. Being a university student wasn’t easy and he was doing his best with catch up after all of his adventures.
It was only Hiei that seemed a bit standoffish around her. Whenever he came by, usually with Kurama, his head was always buried in his food and gaze averted when she tried to meet his eye. Kurama would nudge him or direct the flow of conversation toward him but Hiei would dodge questions or give curt answers. Keiko didn’t mind it. She figured that he was just a quiet soul but they would share a look before leaving every time, and Hiei would shake his head, being the first out the door.
Keiko didn’t mind. She accepted it as something that just was. That is until today. Hiei had come to the shop on his lonesome, dressed in his usual shade of black but casual clothing that made it less likely for him to stick out.
With his “alien persona” on display in the Ningenkai, he wore his hair down and often went without his bandana to complete the look of being an everyday person. As young and petulant as he looked, he truly fit the part of the begrudging young adult or at least someone who was tired and just getting through the day.
Like every other day, he buried his face in his his food and ate with the fervor of a starving man. Keiko raised a brow as she served him his third bowl of ramen. Knowing how much Kurama cooked when they were all over and that Hiei knew how to cook for himself, she doubted that he’d be starving. In fact, she kept feeling eyes on her every time she turned her back.
After the seventh bowl, Keiko folded her arms across her chest and stared down at him as he ate his food.
“Yusuke isn’t here, y’know?” Keiko says, eyebrow raising when he stiffened up, red eyes flicking up to her.
She can practically see the gears turning in Hiei’s mind and wherever Yusuke is, she hopes that he can forgive her. Keiko keeps moving as she talks, cleaning the counter and straightening the condiments.
“You know, he told me a lot about you and some of the things you do.” Keiko says as she turns to wash the bowls that Hiei’s used up already, deciding to go in for the kill. “Including avoiding things that you want to talk about and people you want to talk to.”
The sound of splintering wood had her glancing over her shoulders and Hiei was staring at the disposable chopsticks in his hand. The wood was cracked and the sticks were split in half, crushed in his grasp. He guiltily laid the pieces on a napkin and covered it up likely with the intention to throw it away later.
“So, Hiei…” Keiko set another pack of disposable chopsticks on the table, though she kept her hand over it when he reached for it. “Assuming you’re not here to talk to Yusuke, what do you want from me?”
Hiei hesitated and glanced between the chopsticks, his bowl of half-eaten ramen and Keiko. Though she didn’t miss the way that his gaze flicked to the door as if planning a quick escape, she knew that he wasn’t a coward. He was just caught and looking for a possible out.
In a way, he reminded her of Yusuke. Remembering the way the two of them squabbled and hurried out of the shop when the news of Hiei’s proposal hit solidified it for Keiko. Weird as it might have been, those two were like brothers. Which meant that Yusuke’s supposed “emergency” might not have been a coincidence.
“To apologize,” Hiei finally says, looking up at her with solemn eyes that made Keiko think twice about teasing him that he hadn’t actually said something.
“Apologize?” Keiko shrugs. “For what?”
Hiei tenses up at the question and Keiko thinks to ask him if he was alright but the determination and set of his jaw tells her to lend him the silence to gather his thoughts.
“A few years ago, the incident at the docks,” Hiei scowled and curled his fingers into fists on either side of his bowl. “I…used you to get to Yusuke so I could gain the Artifacts of Darkness he procured.”
Keiko raised a brow at that but said nothing, giving him the time to tell the story in his own right. Hiei seemed to need the silence and the lack of customers meant no other ears to listen in. Yusuke did mention how much he hated being vulnerable in front of those he didn’t know.
“And in doing so, I nearly turned you into a demon.” Hiei opens and closes his hand, stealing a glance at Keiko then looking away. Keiko’s eyebrows raised. He wasn’t trying to avoid looking at her, he seemed like he couldn’t. “It was wrong. No matter the reason, I shouldn’t have used you like that. And I don’t expect you to forgive me but—“
Keiko tapped her fingers along the edge of the counter. “The Shadow Sword runs the risk of possessing its user because of the stone it was made from.” She ignored the wide-eyed look Hiei gave her, propping her head up with chin in hand as she looked at him from the other side of the counter. “And because of that, anyone who wields it finds their own emotions weaponized and twisted so that they’re tempted to cause harm. So, it brings out the worst in you.”
The more Keiko explained what she knew about the sword, the more Hiei seemed taken aback. Admittedly when she found out what he had done to her, she was angry to the point of wanting to find the little creep and smacking some sense into him herself. But when the explanation came out on what the sword did, she wondered just what kind of person Hiei was beneath it all.
Looking at him now, on the edge of his seat and tense as if he was ready to bolt at the drop of a dime, dodging her gaze but keeping himself firmly rooted as if trying to defy some need to hide — she figured he couldn’t be that bad. Awkward, maybe. But not bad.
“Am I right?”
“Yusuke told you.”
“Let’s say that he filled me in.” Keiko shrugged, unwilling to confirm or deny. Even though it was the truth, it was something Yusuke and Hiei could argue about later. “He promised no secrets and when he finally came back from the Makai, he told me as much as he could from the beginning.”
Hiei barely flinches but she can see the slight twitch in his brow and the corner of his lips. Yusuke mentioned that the Artifacts were one of the hardest times for Hiei. It pushed him to be the worst version of himself and he hurt someone important to him.
“We’re still working out some of the details but I appreciate the effort.” Keiko says softly, easing the utensils toward him. “And I appreciate you apologizing to me.”
Hiei looked from the utensils to her then back, picking them up with a grumbled thanks. She waits until he’s split them and started to eat to start talking again.
“To be fair, I thought you were a bit of a creep.”
He choked on the bite of food and looked up at her with wide eyes, noodles hanging from his lips. Turning his head away as he finished off the bite and swallowed, he cleared his throat then glared down at his noodles.
Keiko giggled softly. It was really fun to tease him. “You’re really just sweet and a bit awkward.”
“You’re really not making this easy.” Hiei grumbled, punctuated by a half-hearted huff and though he seemed annoyed, a smile played at his lips.
Keiko shrugged. Apologizing wasn’t supposed to be easy and after what he did, this was probably the closest to easy that he was going to get from her.
“What I’m trying to say is, thanks for helping Yusuke. Thanks for coming by. And don’t be a stranger,” she points out with narrowed eyes. Hiei hunched his shoulders and tilted his head one way then the other. “Besides, I could use another level-headed person in this family.”
“I count as level-headed?”
Keiko hums thoughtfully. “Well, now that you mention it.”
“Hey,” Hiei grits out, narrowing his eyes at her.
She laughs and holds up her hands with a smile. “You asked, not me.” Keiko pushes away from the counter and turns around. “Want another bowl?”
She’s halfway through making it when she hears the clatter of the empty bowl against the counter.
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clearui · 7 years ago
殺し屋とストロベリー / Killer and Strawberry [Short Story Episode 2 - Twilight]
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Electric lights are attached to the every corner of examination room. Of course there is no window, this room is probably being lit for 24 hours and 365 days with LEDs, without a moment of darkness. Physician Kurama says that he lives in a separate room beside the examination room, but Noin suspects that he mostly lives here.
"......The result of your regular checkup is no abnormality. Overall, these are good numbers."
Kurama gives out the result paper from Noin's health examination. ......This underground doctor obliges his patients to have regular medical checkup, they are not able to see him next time if they refuse. Noin receives the result and collapses in an interesting way.
"So, I have to come for the check-up next year, right?"
"If possible, six months later, and you should watch out for your diets for next five years."
"You should watch out for your consumption of lipids and salt, or you might get hypertension and fatty liver."
"Don't scold me like I'm an old man, I'm a picky eater."
Kurama offers a thin booklet to Noin, who is making a disgusted face. It is a pamphlet about the salinity from eating out.
"I don't think there is any abnormality in your physical condition now, but you should eat like this every month."
"Is it bad to eat outside? Izuna's rice dishes are nutritionally balanced though."
"Meals from Cafe Tsukikage themselves are nice, but it's problematic when a sweet tooth like you eat too much sweets."
"......I...... don't think that's the case."
"If continue to eat two whole pies and milk tea as side dishes, pancakes and cocoa as dessert, it won't be long if you'll break your body any moment now."
"...... I don't eat those things everytime. There are even days when I don't eat those. Besides, you also eat snacks too, Kurama."
"I eat sweets in large portions daily, but I won't eat them before and after meal."
"Isn't that more useless?"
"I still take supplements for dietary fiber and vitamins intake, so there is no problem."
"But, isn't the glucose still too excessive? ......But, Tsukimi's sweets are delicious......"
Later, Noin is quiet. He looks like he is thinking about something as his gaze is directed to the floor."
"......Hey, you know, young girls love sweets, right? Kurama shows a strange expression. There is no connection from our previous conversation."
"......Generally, it's true...... you're not a young girl, right?"
"It's not about me...... Next time, there are chances that Tsukimi will keep a girl."
"Is it about the story I heard?"
"Then don't tell me useless information."
Kurama turns back to the desk. In that corner, toolboxes with various sizes are piling up on his desk. Did he decide that his work for today is over or is it just that he's not interested in this conversation? Kurama took out a a small tool from that toolbox. Then, he adjusts small gray parts into shapes.
"Kurama sure is indifferent when it comes about other people. You've been living in this examination room, right? Is it fun to cooped yourself inside everyday without taking a single step outside?"
"It's not about fun or not fun. This is my examination room, and I have everything I need here, so there is no need for me to leave."
"......Hmm, it's not enough."
Noin points out at Kuruma's hand. In his hand, there is something like a tower is being created."
"Diorama? Miniature? If you're making a lot of landscapes like this. Does that mean you really want to go out somewhere?"
"I will go if I want to, but if I don't want to, I'll make it."
"What's that?"
"It's the roof of Ayutthaya temple."
"Do you want to go there?"
Kurama stopped and took his hands of the temple's roof, and then he turns his eyes to Noin.
"What's the matter with you...... all of a sudden you're talking about me going out, what happened?"
"Nngh...... I don't care about Kurama though."
"If you don't care, don't bother yourself with my matter."
"Even now, you don't talk to other people. ........hiding yourself like this......or is it that you're trapped here, and it's hard for you to go outside?"
"My side of story is different because I'm confined here voluntarily...... Is it related about what you said befre?"
"It's a secret."
"......Is that so? Then don't tell me any unnecessary stuff, I hate troubles."
"I hate those myself too, I want to avoid as much as possible, but......"
Kurama sighs without hiding his irritated expression toward Noin.
"Noin, this is not a consultation office or a confession room, why are you complaining to me every single time?"
"I don't normally speak about these, but thanks to Kurama's personality, it's just easy to complain. ......Well, whatever. I'm leaving."
"What about the next check up?"
"I'll reserve next time."
Closing the door that leads to the examination room, Noin stops in a dimly-lit alley. Behind his line of sight, there is a door leading to the crowded Tsukikage Cafe. ......If he has to choose, he considers himself as someone rational. He does not mind when it comes about his work. Though that should be the case, but the thought of having a girl that will be brought here from later on, makes his stomach feel heavier.
"No way...... I don't want to get involved."
As much as possible, he won't concern himself with it, and he would like to stay as far as possible. If he's dragged into troublesome situation, it will make his work harder to continue.
How the girl sees Tsukikage as? Is it a heaven without hardship.......or------maybe.
Translated by clearui
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recentanimenews · 4 years ago
FEATURE: Does Boruto Eat More Burgers Than Naruto Eats Ramen?
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  Action anime protagonists tend to have big appetites that are almost impossible to whet. Boruto isn't any different. Although he didn't inherit his dad's love of ramen, he has his own signature food in BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS — Lightning Burgers. Located in the Hidden Leaf Village and known as a popular fast-food chain, Boruto and his friends usually frequent Lightning Burger after missions or whenever they want to hang out.
  On the other hand, Naruto's favorite food is ramen from Ichiraku Ramen. Throughout the Naruto series, our favorite knuckleheaded ninja has been known to eat ramen so much that he ate there every day and became the official face of it after becoming the Seventh Hokage. Although they both eat a ridiculous amount of their respective foods, a simple question remains: Does Boruto chow down on more burgers than Naruto slurps ramen? Let's find out!
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    One of the most overlooked reasons why Naruto loves ramen — and Ichiraku Ramen — so much is heartwarming. Despite old man Teuchi's ramen being absolutely delicious, that's not the only reason he frequents the shop. Since the Hidden Leaf scorned Naruto for having Kurama sealed inside of him, most restaurants gave him the stink eye. But Teuchi and Ayame never looked at him any different and treated him like any other customer. 
  Because of this, Naruto became a regular customer and ate there basically every single day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner with the limited amount of cash he had in his frog wallet. Sometimes Takeuchi even gave him some ramen for free, or a discount, for being a loyal customer. In Boruto's case, the story behind his love of burgers is pretty simple: they're delicious. 
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    Well, according to Boruto, that is. He is a fan of rich flavors. Many other ninja in the Hidden Leaf Village adore Lightning Burger and their various combinations of burgers, and Boruto is no stranger to them. In the first episode, he went to great lengths to get the limited-edition Green Chili Hamburger in the midst of preparations for being enrolled in the Ninja Academy.
  From rushing through the village to buy limited-edition burgers to simply ordering a burger because he might've skipped breakfast, Boruto's cravings for the junk food know no bounds. Although it's true that he does eat burgers because he enjoys the taste of 'em, that doesn't change the fact that he also eats homecooked meals before he leaves his house.
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    It's assumed that Naruto had some kind of breakfast when he was a kid, but he didn't have a family to make him anything like Boruto has his mom. Sure, getting burgers is a normal thing for Boruto to do when he's craving one — but Naruto had a bit of a different experience since he lived alone. Ramen isn't that expensive and it's relatively simple to prepare. Naruto probably stockpiled on ramen because it was so cheap and it was ready-to-eat at a moment's notice.
  He even had different varieties of flavored ramen to spice things up so he didn't get bored. This is one of the traits Boruto inherited, as he enjoys buying different burgers — but not to Naruto's extent of having a whole closet stacked with cups. Despite becoming the Seventh Hokage and having a wife who cooks him homemade meals, Naruto still won't pass up an opportunity to eat Ichiraku Ramen or have a cup in-between his schedule. He is busy, but there's a high chance he's eating it to relax, too.
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    Boruto has a choice in what he can or cannot eat, Naruto didn't — and his obsession with ramen only grew. If you look at it that way, it becomes more understandable why he eats it so much. It can be seen as comfort food for him, and it can remind him of the people he ate it with throughout his boyhood. 
  There's no denying how many burgers Boruto eats, but Naruto's stomach for ramen knows no bounds. No one — not even his own son — can beat him when it comes to the amount of ramen he eats. This is especially true after his wedding when he received a free-to-eat Ichiraku Ramen card that he used until it was worn out. And while Boruto's excitement at the thought of eating burgers is well-documented throughout Boruto, he doesn't eat them all the time. This marks one thing that'll always remain the same about the boy who wished to be Hokage — his love of ramen.
    Brianna Albert is an author, writer, reader, Japanese translator, and seasonal anime watcher. She has been watching anime since before Naruto became Hokage and trying to figure out how to bend air since she was in kindergarten. You can follow her and her witty conversations on Twitter or watch her content on YouTube.
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
By: Brianna Albert
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daydreamdelivery · 8 years ago
(Good) Mornings
Kurama's awake before the first alarm goes off, both due to his early rising habits and also to how lightly he sleeps. Human world or no, one could never be too careful and some habits were hard to break.
So he's awake when the alarm goes off and he can see exactly what effect it has on the sleeping woman beside him. Which is to say, exactly none. She doesn't so much as twitch, wolf ears drooped, and the soft rise and fall of her chest against his reveals that it's not a ruse, but that she truly had not awoken.
With a small bemused smile Kurama reaches over to shut the alarm off, careful to not disturb the wolf demon as she is curled up against his side, her cheek pressed into his chest and one leg draped over his like he's her personal pillow. Her arm draped across his waist tenses briefly at his movement, holding him to her reflexively, before relaxing when he settles in the bed again.
Giving in, he runs a hand over her head and across fluffy soft ears and sleep tangled hair. He takes in her sleeping face and relaxed body, memorizing how it looks, before starting to wake her.
He starts with a gentle shake of her shoulder and his warm voice, low and soft, “it's time to wake up now, Kallie.” At last she starts to react, a vague grumbled whine in protest as she is still mostly asleep, and she clings to him tighter, burying her face more into his chest. Laughing lightly he shakes her again, “come now, you have work, love.” She's definitely waking up more, her face scrunching up adorably at the idea of both work and waking up, only to give him a wolf whine of protest, more like the ones she makes when mostly awake.
He starts to sit up, which pulls her with him as she was latched onto him, and she has a moment where she follows before letting go when he says, “the alarm already went off, love.” She bundles down back on the bed, cocooning herself further in the blankets, and a sleepy mumble emerges to ask “time?”
Kurama has a choice now. He can tell her the actual time, or he can imply it's later than it actually is. His eyes flicker to the clock and in the interest of learning what she normally does, since he hasn't seen it before, he tells the truth. “Seven.”
“Whaat?” Comes the surprised sleepy grumble, “no way. Too early. Sleep now.” And then she punctuates her statement by pulling the comforter over her head to block out his voice and the light filtering in through the windows.
Kurama laughs, watching his lover avoid the morning by becoming a literal blanket cocoon. “Love, you have to leave for work at eight thirty.”
She grunts an affirmative but doesn't otherwise move or react. Kurama sighs, a smile playing on his face. “Love?”
“I have alarms set. Lemme sleep...” Her voice is pleading, tired and heavy with sleep.
“Do you?” he asks, amused and almost disbelieving. He had set the clock on the bedside because he had not seen her set any alarms last night when they had gone to bed.
“Mhmmm... phone. Lemme sleep.”
Leaving her be for the moment, Kurama stands, stretches his arms above his body and then across, working out the kinks in his back from their sleeping position, and then goes searching for her phone. He finds it on the bedside table on her side, and flicks through her phone. Sure enough she has alarms set, they just don't start until eight. And then she has half a dozen of them, all set for eight minutes within the last, all with snooze options enabled to restart after five minutes. Mind reeling with the cacophony that's going to be every morning, he looks over at his already back to sleep lover.
Mind set on changing that, lest he have to deal with that many alarms going off in the morning, he leans over her, gentle hand on her shoulder shaking her until grumpy blue eyes glare up at him from the blankets, squinting against the light. She makes a questioning sleepy noise, unhappy at being woken up again, and he asks, “you don't have time for breakfast if you wake up this late.”
Her face scrunches up, the act of thinking taking a lot more energy than her lethargic not-a-morning-person has, and after a delayed moment says “I eat on the way,” before snuggling back down decisively.
Kurama makes a soft disappointed noise, and holds back his smile when her wolf ears twitch in his direction and she looks up at him despite her sleep wants.
“I was hoping to share breakfast with you.”
She blinks, the words taking a moment to settle in, and her ears tilt back like when she's feeling guilty. She whines softly, most likely without realizing it, and lets her face plant into the sheets, warring with herself. He's truly not sure which will win until she pleadingly asks, “wake me when it's done?”
It's her version of a compromise and he smiles down at her rewardingly, “of course love,” and after stroking her head once, her leaning into it, he turned to head into the kitchen. If all it took to get her out of bed at a decent time, instead of her normal harried whirlwind rush in the morning, and spared him the obnoxious alarms, was making her breakfast, then he was happy to do so. Plus it meant he could share the meal with her.
Subconsciously she's aware of the delicious smells slowly filling the bedroom, consciously she'd dead asleep. It's not until she's being gently shaken that she starts to wake up, and even then her mind is groggy and slow, taking a few moments to realize why she had started to wake up in the first place. Blinking her eyes in an attempt to open them, she peers up at Kurama, his face blurry until she rubs her eyes. Faintly she remembers something about a compromise. Something about food and not sleeping as long as she wants.
“Come now, you said you would eat breakfast with me.” He's smiling as he speaks, so she must not have slept through too much of his talking. Her mind is still slow so she makes a noise of agreement before she can figure out words. “'s ready?”
He chuckles, the sound making her happy, and says, “yes love, but if you don't hurry it'll be cold and I'll have wasted all that time making it.”
Well that wont do, she frowns. But her bed is so warm... but she did promise... and he did look so hopeful. Grumbling, less so than normal but still grumbling none the less, she heaves herself upright on the bed, blankets still clutched around her.
Kurama looks at her amused and teases, “plan on bringing them to the table?”
She hums before sleepily saying, “that sounds good.”
He laughs before tugging her up and onto her feet, a yawn causing her to sway as she starts to wake up. She follows him, humming in delight as they walk into the kitchen and the smells of food get stronger. “Smells good,” she mumbles before sitting at the table in her bundle of blankets.
In order to properly use her hands and arms though she has to let the blankets go, and they pool on her lap and off the edges of the chair, keeping only her legs and feet warm. But the breakfast in front of her looks delicious and it's warm and Kurama made it, so she grabs a fork without complaint.
“You made hash-browns.....”
“And you sound surprised.”
She glanced up at him, with a shy excited smile, “I love hash-browns.”
He laughed, the sound making her heart flutter even though it was far too early for that kind of thing, and replied, “I know.”
She pouted at his teasing tone but dug into her food anyways, complimenting the taste and his cooking between bites with words or happy hums. Soon she was awake enough to engage in actual conversation, though she still yawned here and there.
They talked for a bit, before an uneasy feeling settled on her, and when she figured it out she jumped in her seat, “crap! What time is it?!” She felt for her phone but she was in pajamas and it wasn't on the table and what if she was late for work and-
“Relax, it's only 8:10.”
“Really?” She looked at him disbelieving, sure it was much much later. “Are you sure 'cause we've been talking so long and before that eating and I never have this much time in the morning.” She was rambling and only slowed down at the sight of Kurama's smile.
“You never have this much time in the morning because you wake up right before you have to leave and rush yourself to death.”
“Well.... I really hate waking up and I really love sleeping so.....” she trailed off with a nervous laugh and Kurama chuckled.
“It really is only 8:10, but go grab your phone if you have to. We've had so much time because I got you up earlier.” She misses his amused smile as she gets up in a rush, nearly tripping several times in a row due to the blankets tangled around her feet. Stumbling through she finally makes it to the bedroom and snatches up her phone, already pressing the power button to bring the screen, and time, to life. It indeed flashes an unassuming time of 8:11am at her and she breathes a sigh of relief.
Sheepishly making her way back into the dining room she glances at Kurama and says, “sorry,” since he was right and she had disbelieved him. It'd be silly for him to lie over such a small thing as the time but her anxiety had gripped her tight.
“It's alright. But since you're up, why not get dressed now so you don't have to rush.”
She made a face at him, pouting, and turned to head back to the bedroom with a “I hate that you're always right.” His laughter followed her and she couldn't keep the stupid cheesy smile from her face.
She made it to work early, in a ridiculously happy mood, and with having already eaten breakfast. It was a miracle. And damn, if Kurama didn't make mornings more bearable.
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