#he does wag his tail so hard im like. dude does that not hurt though????
mamawasatesttube · 6 months
having a migraine is fucked up and evil because my dog is conked out on the floor behind my desk chair, wagging his tail in his sleep, and my brain is like "oh actually the Thump Thump noises are too loud and it hurts now." excuse me. brain stop being a bitch he's having happy dreams
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Hi there! Im back, tysm for doing my HC ;;/ it was super cute, i really liked Mammons and Satans!! If you dont mind if i ask for another? Hdjsks Recently, i slipped while walking home with some pals and scrapped my knee. It wasnt too bad, but it sure looked bad lmao If you can could you do HCs for the boys reacting to MC slipping and scrapping there knee while walking w them? Im sure Mammon would have a heart attack hfjd Tysm!! Keep up the good work♡
Thank you so much! I hope your knee gets better and that it wasn’t too painful! The brothers would all be panicking in their own way but I agree, Mammon would faint or something lmao.
Hope this was OK.
The Brothers with an MC who fell and scraped their knee:
-It was a miracle you managed to convince him to come out on a walk with you at all
-The man doesn’t know when to take a break from his work
-He’s more likely to accept if it’s you asking tho, he has an obvious soft spot for you
-The others call him a suck up behind his back because of it
-You were so happy that you managed to pry Lucifer away from his desk, you were basically skipping alongside him
-Long story short, you tripped over your own two feet and fell
-Luckily, your knees and palms were the only things that got a bit scruffy
-Well, actually your right knee looked as if someone tried removing your entire knee cap with a scalpel, skin and all but adrenaline was kicking in and you couldn’t feel much
-You’ve never seen Lucifer freeze the way he did then
-His mind just drew a blank
-You were about to shrug it off and call it a day, get up and continue your walk but daddy Lucifer can’t have that
-He has six younger brothers (and a younger sister at some point) he is pretty experienced when it comes to treating injuries
-You aren’t walking for the rest of the day, let me make this clear
-He will carry you back to the House of Lamentation no matter how much you protest
-In case it wasn’t obvious already, Lucifer gives off massive dad vibes and now he’s bandaging your leg while you’re laying down on his bed
-While the rest of the brothers watch the two of you from behind the door frame because they are all equally worried
-Get ready for the three hour lecture coming your way
-He’s pissed and amused at the same time tbh
-Silly human, falling over like that and hurting themselves
-Lord Diavolo forbid you try to get out of that bed, he will drag you back and make sure you stay there until your knee is better (kinky)
-He was on his merry way to the casino to blow off all of Lucifer’s money and you tagged along solely for the purpose of making sure he didn’t spend all of Lucifer’s money
-You’d both be done for if he did
-But I guess fate really had it out for you on that day since your foot slipped on....something and you tripped
-Both of your knees looked bloody and damaged as hell but you were more irritated than anything
-Mammon on the other hand did a fucking double take and almost passed out
-He screeched his lungs out
-One look at your injured knees and he was ready to drag you all the way to the human realm on foot to find you a doctor
-It was very dramatic, he cried
-You stood up to prove that you were alright because you thought he was going to have a seizure soon enough
-OK, that helped him calm down a little
-At least now he knew your legs weren’t about to get torn off and you weren’t on the verge of death
-Fuck the casino, you were going home
-Like Lucifer, don’t expect you will walk home by yourself
-He will carry you, a bit embarrassed by his initial freak out but still eyeing your wound, concerned
-As soon as you get home and the other brothers help you out because he’s shit at bandaging, he just sits in his own pool of misery and guilt
-Your poor knees wouldn’t be so jacked up if you hadn’t come along with him today
-He was so determined to make it up to you, he stayed by your bedside like a loyal puppy with a wagging tail (flashback to the animal event)
-Overall, he almost went into cardiac arrest and was too panicked to realise you were fine
-You thought he was smothering and overprotective before? Good luck for the rest of the week
-“See, this is why I don’t like going out. There’s always some normie laying on the groun- OH MY LORD DIAVOLO, MC IS THAT YOU?? ARE YOU OK?”
-You fell knees first and hurt them quiet badly but you could stand, even if the pain made you twitch a little
-This confused Levi because you looked fine even though your knees certainly didn’t
-You told him you felt alright and it wasn’t that big of a deal and he absolutely rolled with it
-But you guys still went home after that
-He said it was because you bled all over your cosplay but that’s just him being a tsundere
-Levi is usually very shy when it comes to physical contact but he firmly insisted that he help you walk home
-I mean, he knows you said you were feeling OK and maybe humans just have a lot of tolerance for injuries like that
-But he still felt it was necessary that he took you home and checked out your injuries
-He kept the mood light while disinfecting you’re wound with some help from Satan by talking about how the convention went
-High low-key relieved seeing you walk around like normal two minutes after that
-He started bitching to you about how you made him miss his the event but he didn’t mean any of it
-“Stupid normie, making me miss my favourite Ruri-chan event. You’re lucky I love you and think you’re cute....did I just say that out loud??”
-Oh dear, why would you go out for a walk in the middle of a rainstorm? What were you thinking?
-Actually, it was Satan’s idea
-He may be a demon and the prince of Wrath no less, but he is such a sappy, cheesy bastard at times
-He definitely thinks that walking and kissing in the rain is very romantic (bet he read something like that in an erotica)
-You know what’s not romantic blondie? Slipping on a very small puddle and potentially fracturing your leg
-It was just a scraped knee but you were frustrated enough to be extra
-He’s helping you up before you even have the chance to realise you fell in the first place
-Your knee was looking pretty bad so you guys went home just to avoid any further casualties
-He’s actually chuckling all the way back while you playfully glare at him because how dare he laugh at your misery?
-Date night was ruined but at least he got to take care of you
-He knew your knee must have hurt and he felt bad but he couldn’t help but giggle a bit to himself because your fall was so comical
-Ah but he does enjoy fussing over you for the rest of the night a bit too much
-You thought Mammon was melodramatic?
-Take a look at this fucking guy
-He actually screeches even louder than his brother and probably falls to his knees too (but not really because those pants were expensive)
-His screams definitely got the attention of at least 10 random passerbyers
-He’s actually on the verge of crying
-I mean, can you blame him?? Look at your beautiful knees!! They were ruined
-He felt so bad for you, he actually babied the hell out of you that day
-“Asmo, it’s fine. It’s just a scrap.”
-It was just a scrap but Asmo’s secret talent is being extra as fuck
-He totally spilled all the tea to the rest of the brothers when he got home
-And then he ushered you into his room
-Funnily enough, he’s pretty good with injuries. Not as much as Satan and Lucifer but still
-He pampered you for the next few hours but that image of your skin being all grazed like that will forever haunt him
-How can you not be so bothered by it?? He’d die if he was in your place
-I love Asmo just because of how dramatic he is
-Your shoelaces were undone and of course that meant a fun little trip to the floor of Hell’s Kitchen
-Beel didn’t notice you fell at first, he was concentrating on his food and assumed you were next to him
-But then he realised that you weren’t and for a moment he thought you disappeared or something
-Before he turned to find you laying on the floor, curled up because life was pain and you were suffering
-“Are you OK? Or are you just tired? Belphie does that a lot when he’s tired.” Or depressed one might say
-But for real, he’s good at identifying serious wounds and less serious wounds since he’s an athlete
-He can tell your knees were bleeding way more than they should have from just a simple scrap
-He slinged you over his shoulder and carried you, calmly, back home, with a burger still in his hand
-He’s actually really collective and talked to you while cleaning up your injury to take your mind off the pain
-He knows humans are a little more fragile than demons so even though he knows it’s not a big deal, he can’t help but worry
-It’s kinda hard falling around him tho because chances are, he will actually catch you even if he happens to hold something
-He’s sad if you’re sad so please don’t cry he will bandage your scraped knee do you want the last bit of his burger to make you feel better?
-Comfort hugs afterwards!
-Which is awesome because Beel gives out best hugs :)
-Ah yes, another beautiful day at RAD
-Walking alongside with your grumpy and sleepy boyfriend when a random demon bumps into you
-Wel not bumps, more like shoves you so hard you fall down and tear the fabric of your pants
-While the dude shrugs it off and speeds away
-You were a bit pissed off because rude
-But Belphie was fucking fuming
-He felt so offended on your part
-I mean, the nerve of him
-He was tired as shit but he wanted to chase after him and throw hands, possibly fill his pillow with rocks and hit him over the head with it
-He forced himself to focus on you first before hunting the moron down
-He was a bit concerned when he didn’t see you come back up after you fell
-Turns out, you scraped your knee pretty horribly and now you were bleeding all over the floor
-He’s even more quiet than usual as he helps you up and half carries you to your next class
-He starts taking care of your knee in the middle of DevilDom history he doesn’t give a flying fuck
-He’s still furious by the time he gets home and most of his brothers know to leave him be when he makes that scary ass face
-No talk to him
-He angy
-“Does your knee still hurt?”
-“A bit but it’s not-“
-“Come nap with me.”
-“Naps shall cure your pain.”
-“Nah but for real come take a nap with me.”
-Next day at school, the dude from yesterday walks by him and Belphie smashes his head against the wall
-Before walking away as if nothing happened
-I stan protective Belphie
These HCs are really bad but I love them anyway
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hyungswons-blog · 7 years
percy jackson and the olympians au ft. monsta x
shownu, son of hephaestus
the first day in camp you stumble in all dishevelled
you probably just fought a colchis bull and you’re panting and your hair is burned on the tips and it’s just traumatic
so you’re like crying when a satyr finds you resting against the tree and he helps you towards the Big House
kihyun patches up your wounds and feeds you some ambrosia before showing you around the camp
but it doesn’t last long because some kid (read: changkyun) accidentally aimed at himself during archery practice and kihyun apologizes and rushes back to the Big House because apparently changkyun’s left butt cheek is… anyways
he leaves you at the edge of the forest
you decide to explore the woods a little bit because you still have to get everything sorted out and this all seems like a dream like what the hell
it’s getting kind of dark though and now you’re lost good fucking job
and just when you think it can’t get worse
you don’t know how you defeated one in the first place so there’s no way you can do it AGAIN plus didn’t kihyun say something about magical boundaries why do you have to suffer again do the gods hate u???
its eyes train on you and you freeze but instead of the glowing red eyes you saw earlier these are warm and the metal bull approaches you and nudges your hand because PET ME
??? wait it’s a robot…??? how does that work
it’s actually a kinda cute moment but then it’s interrupted by this big dude stomping towards you and you swear this is scarier than when the colchis bull was barrelling towards you
he kinda just stops in front of you and looks between you and the bull
and then
he’s like,,, tugging the bull away nervously
he’s so curt and it’s kinda intimidating if you put it together with his physique
but you’re lost so you trail after him
“hey,,, um,,, im kinda lost,,,”
“hi lost” he says it so seriously like
anyways you wave off his lame dad joke and ask him to bring you back to the camp
he doesn’t talk at all while you two walk together and it’s really awkward
so he brings you to his little workshop in the woods to drop off the bull and it’s not actually little it’s huge and it has all these… creations
“wow this is so cool”
his smile is adorably shy because compliments are foreign these days since he never lets anyone near his workshop “really?”
“yeah did you make all of these?”
he nods and watches you as you explore the hideout and run your hands over his useless works and your fingers trace over something carved into a desk
“hw <3 yj”
“what’s this?”
he knows exactly what you’re talking about but he doesn’t say anything, just looks down with a sad smile and says
“we’re late for dinner”
you’re blubbering and finally you’re like “uhmdjcksjdhg ok,,,” so he walks you back and hands you awkwardly back over to kihyun
“sorry, that’s shownu, he’s really awkward anyways you can sit at the hermes table until you’re claimed”
but you keep looking over at the hephaestus table because shownu ,, still looks awkward,, even though he’s laughing and joking along with his siblings(??) but on second thought all of the hephaestus kids look awkward and out of place
for the next few days you really tend to notice shownu’s absence whenever he’s not around at the campfires and stuff
and you’re still really curious about that little carving because??? shownu is dating??? but you never see him do the fluffy fluff lovey love thing with ANYONE
so you do the natural thing and ask changkyun because he seems to know everything that happens in the camp (everyone says aphrodite kids are the biggest gossipers so ,, changkyun is really an enigma,,)
he tells you that a long time ago,,, and i mean a LONG time ago,, shownu was dating a fellow camper who was a child of demeter and they were this cute calm lowkey couple
and then one day he was testing out one of his machines he’d made for her valentines day gift
it was the cute metal bull because, if shownu were ever too busy to cuddle her, the bull would
it was stupid but he loved it and he was sure she would too
and then he fucked up
he mixed up the cute bull with a copy of a colchis bull he’d made to discover their weaknesses
long story short,,, when his girlfriend walked into the hephaestus cabin which shownu had cleared out for the day to work on the surprise,,
the colchis bull set her ablaze
shownu tried really hard to save her because as a special son of hephaestus, he’s immune to fire (kinda like the cyclops)
two things came out of that fire alive
but shownu’s girlfriend did not
and neither did the cabin
so shownu had to deal with the fact that he’d killed his lover and burnt down half of the cabins
that’s why he’d made his new workshop in the forest away from everyone and never liked people around his creations
he even stopped making dangerous things
are you crying or is that just rain,, on your face..
so one day you decide to search for him because why does he always isolate himself over a mistake,,
you,, kinda get lost again tbh
and it’s like deja vu when a very familiar nice metal bull comes bounding up to you so you gotta scratch him,, i mean,, his cute little tail is wagging happily
but he doesn’t stop for long and he’s trotting back the way he came from and you just gotta follow him
you’re not surprised when he leads you back to shownu’s workshop
cautiously, you enter it and you’re met with the sound of whirring and clanking and you peek behind a pillar
WOW,,, shownu is HOT when he works,,
like there’s soot all over him and his muscles are bulging and his eyebrows are furrowed in concentration,,, what the hELL HE WASN'T THIS HOT BEFORE
he catches you staring and he’s like “oh,, did you get lost again?”
you shake your head and slowly approach him
“changkyun,, told me,, about yeojoo,,”
his eyes widen and he kinda just goes back to making a protective helmet because jooheon broke his last one and capture the flag is this friday
“shownu,, you don’t have to blame yourself,,”
shownu: “,,,”
“it was just a mistake. you gotta forgive yourself. yeojoo would want you to.”
“but yeojoo’s not here.”
“,,, she’s always with you, shownu. in ur heart,,”
sniffle sniffle
that’s all you came to tell him so you leave him to dwell on your words (but you return many times throughout the next few weeks just to watch him work)(and he likes showing off his creations and the way your eyes light up)
then one night you get claimed
you scrape half your dinner plate into the fire and pray for your mother to just claim you already gdi
lo and behold,, the world hates you
welcome the new child of demeter
when shownu finds out he feels SO FUCKING GUILTY
so he does his best to avoid you but by now you know how to get to his little workshop in the woods and you KNOW he’s been avoiding you because when you wave at him he immediately looks away
time to confront him
so you stomp in and he’s disassembling that cute metal bull and you yell at him to stop: “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!!”
he drops the head on the floor in surprise and he’s like “,, y/n,,,”
“what are you doing” you repeat calmer this time. like what is he doing to the cute bull and what is he doing thinking he can just pretend you don’t exist??????
“you shouldn’t be here,,,”
“but i am”
“y/n,, please,,leave”
“why? you think you’re betraying yeojoo by getting closer to me?”
the thought of him still being hung up on his ex,, hurts a lot tbh
shownu doesn’t say anything even though your assumption is wrong
“shownu,,” you beg “please,, tell me what you’re thinking,, that it’s not because you still love yeojoo,, tell me you feel what i feel too,,”
he nods slowly, avoiding your gaze “i,, i do,,”
your face: “...but…?”
for the first time you see shownu vulnerable (he’s crying)
“i don’t want to hurt anyone again”
you reach up to thread your fingers through his hair “you’re not going to”
“i’m a son of hephaestus” he says bitterly “machines always have a tendency to malfunction”
“so why can’t your heart malfunction just this once,,, to forgive yourself,,”
“shownu, when you make your contraptions, do you get it perfect on the first try?”
“exactly, you make mistakes and you learn from them and fix them,, think of your life in the same way”
“it’s,, not that easy”
you intertwine your fingers together and smile reassuringly at him “that’s why you work as a team. the more workers, the quicker the result”
“,,,thank you y/n”
and then he surprises you
he kisses your cheek!!! and then shyly looks away because he’s all red
but it’s so cute that you just laugh “pls rebuild the cute bull”
“yes ma’am”
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