#he does this jokingly and sirius secretly loves it
alltheyoungmoons · 9 days
irish remus lupin calls sirius “paddy” cos it’s short for padfoot
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Do you have more Ginny headcanon ?
Do you have fifteen hours?
I'd say most of my headcanons are more like deductions from canon to be honest. You can find some of them in my one-shots. Anyway, I'll try to make a list of strictly Ginny headcanons.
her favourite colour is green (which between Harry's eyes and the Harpies is basically canon, it's like saying that red being Harry's favourite colour is a headcanon)
as we all know Ginny loves cats, but seeing that her family could never afford to buy her one, she always had in mind that with her first paycheck, she would buy her first cat, and she does
when she was little she wrote adventure stories about her and The Boy Who Lived
writing was a part of her healing process after the Chamber
in her second year, Dumbledore invited her many times to play chess and it was a subtle way to bring her to open up about the diary (this is technically not canon but it's way more canon complaint that Dumbledore did this than the idea that he didn't, both from the perspective of him being a good loving man despite it all, and the cynical perspective of him wanting to know more about Riddle)
I'm a strong supporter of the universally accepted headcanon of Ginny and Sirius having late-night chats at Grimmauld Place
Ginny jokingly promised Sirius that if she and Harry would've actually ended up together (like Sirius seemed to believe) she would've called her first boy after him
as the years go by, she and Rita Skeeter develop a sort of frenemies situation (this is actually something I've been thinking of writing about for a long time)
with tpfy @takearisk-ao3 made me fall in love with the idea that Smith would remain an annoying presence in her life
she was arrested at least once while Harry was already Head Auror, it was very embarrassing for the Aurors involved
McGonagall asked her to become Head Girl but she turned it down
she was the first woman to become sports editor for the Daily Prophet (for who doesn't know this: sports journalism is an exetremely sexist field)
I can't imagine Ginny as anything but the coolest of mothers
every young Quidditch player dreams of the stamp of approval from Ginny Potter, if she says a player is going to be great then that player is going to be great, she very much has the power of influencing the players' market with her opinions
in general, I imagine Ginny as eventually a very revolutionary, iconic, and borderline intimidating figure of sports journalism, someone people would aspire to work with and become like (a sort of way less workaholic and good version of Miranda Priestly)
obviously, she published books, but I totally see her publishing also novels and I think that Ginny specifically writing children's novels in her last years would be a very full circle moment seeing that she started the story in love with The Boy Who Lived
I'm kind of into the idea of Ginny eventually starting her own newspaper (with Albus, because I headcanon him as a journalist too)
she is extremely careful in making sure Lily Luna never thinks she can't do something because she is a girl and she makes sure James and Albus never shove her aside
she loves Harry's smile (this is kind of canon, to be honest, fourth book) and she absolutely adores the sound of his laugh
she rescues animals like it's her job, the Potter house is filled with rescues (Harry is always grumpy at first about it, more because he feels like someone should be the reasonable one but secretly it's just one of the many things he loves about her)
the animals obviously have the weirdest names
she kind of likes Slughorn, in the way you like a weird uncle you see once a year
she absolutely can cook, she is the only daughter of Molly Weasley, of course she can cook, she just doesn't like doing it most of the time
even after she stops playing she still keeps doing regular physical exercise
absolutely accidental fashion icon
Ginevra was the name of her half-Italian maternal grandmother who died of a broken heart after Gideon and Fabian's deaths
she passes on to her kids her arts and crafts love, but especially to Teddy
All is well is something she started saying to Harry after he had nightmares, eventually, Harry started doing it with her too, and it sort of became their mantra
she was a bit disturbed by the fact that she would never be able to know if James and Lily would have approved of her, she went alone to their graves the day before her wedding to talk with them
this is substantially canon, but according to JKR, when yew wands (like Ginny's) get buried with their owner, a yew tree is born from the grave and I adore that image (the tree protects Harry's grave too)
I'm pretty sure I could go on for an eternity but let's stop here.
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corinnesamuels · 3 years
Guarding the Gates, Chapter 9: Discretion is Such a Valuable Tool
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Shoutout to the AMAZING @the-dream-team for creating this for me! Gives the fic a lil razzle dazzle, don’t you think?
A good old patronus soul mate trope to get the blood flowing, Remus has a hard time, and Lily and Sirius confront old friends.
In the weeks following James and Miranda’s breakup, there had been speculation amongst the gang about what that meant for Lily and James. For the two people in question, however, there was no indication that anything would be changing. They laughed at the same jokes, and the time they spent in person still had the same cadence. They were  friends , and the two of them reinforced that dynamic whenever asked. Secretly— irritatingly —Lily reinforced it with herself every time she saw that lopsided grin, which seemed to be making more and more of an appearance lately. 
It was as if the breakup had broken a dam inside of him, and now he joked more and laughed with less reservation. The glint in his eye that appeared when he was contemplating mischief had reappeared. Every day he became more and more like the version of him she’d once known. Sirius had made similar observations, saying how great it was to have his friend back at full force. 
Lily had loved getting reacquainted with James when she returned to England, but to see those parts of his personality return warmed her from the inside. He seemed happier, more free. Lily loved the way it looked on him. Except for when she didn’t. This more robust version of an adult James was a lot for Lily to take in. His personality was simply overwhelming some days, not because he was being obnoxious, but because it was almost impossible not to be drawn to him. It threatened to disrupt the precarious balance that her emotions currently maintained. Lily couldn’t risk disrupting that balance, so she made it a point to carry on the same life she had been living, and her occasional recreational dalliances helped a great deal.
Except for when they didn’t. Like today, when Lily realized that she’s going to have to let go of Terry.
It’s a shame, really. He’s a nice bloke and gets the job done well enough. But Lily has noticed that he seems to be straying from their original arrangement. He usually either left first thing in the morning after their liaisons or stayed just long enough to make and wolf down a quick breakfast. Lily had appreciated it because, as her friends love to point out, she’s terrible at cooking.
But lately, he’s attempted, thrice now, to stay into the afternoon. While Lily doesn’t want to be rude or harsh, this just isn’t what they signed up for. Especially not on a day when she is already running a little late to an Order meeting. He jokingly asks why she seems like she’s in a rush and hints at not believing that she really had somewhere to be. 
It takes everything she has to remain calm.
“Nothing about our arrangement requires me to share my daily schedule.” She’d said at close to noon that day as she hastily put on her shoes. She waved her wand toward his belongings, and they began hurtling at him faster than she’d intended due to her irritation, but he’d gotten the hint after that. 
When she arrives at the meeting a few minutes late, she waves off Marlene and Dorcas’ concerns with a “don’t ask” and a resigned rise and fall of her hand before jumping into the agenda.
The Order of the Phoenix functions well. Dumbledore has instituted a complex but subtle system for meeting locations, dates, and times and spends early meetings going over spells and skills that might be useful for the days ahead. Dumbledore picked most of them because they had excelled during their time at Hogwarts, but certain forms of magic were usually beyond what even the brightest seventh years managed before their time at school ended.
And so, they found themselves assessing the talents of the group and ways to maximize them. It was a well-known fact that The Marauders were good at stealth due to their ability to cause mischief as students. So Dumbledore tasked them and the Aurors of the group with assisting the rest in learning advanced magic related to stealth and concealment. “You lot must not have been too good at being stealthy if you got caught so often.” Dorcas quips during one meeting. The four men looked at each other and grinned. 
“Meadowes,” Sirius tuts. “We very rarely got caught on accident, love.”
“You can’t be legendary if no one knows your story.” James chimes in with a mischievous glint in his eye. “Sometimes you have to let yourself get caught for the greater good.”
“The most legendary thing about the two of you is your detention records.” Marlene smirks, looking over to Lily before rolling her eyes. 
“Was that supposed to contradict what I said?” James asks with a laugh. Remus does his best to cover up a laugh of his own.
Lily, Marlene, Caradoc Dearborn, and Elphias Doge led the group in potions making. In addition to maximizing stores for members to have available to them, Dumbledore also had them work on potions whose brewing processes made Lily feel as if she’d run a marathon once completed.
Little by little, Lily began learning the strengths of various members of the Order of the Phoenix. Most everyone in the group was an accomplished dueler, particularly the Prewett twins and Edgar Bones. People like Hestia Jones, Sturgis Podmore, and Emmeline Vance were able to navigate Ministry circles to subtly gather information that employees were too afraid to say around Mad-Eye Moody, Frank, and Alice. But nothing surprised Lily more than discovering that the slovenly thief Mundungus Fletcher was a member of the group  because  of the fact that he was a thief.
“Dung was dead helpful while we were in school.” Peter says in Mundungus’ defense after one meeting. Lily, Marlene, and Dorcas let their eyes travel from Peter to his friends with raised eyebrows, waiting for confirmation.
“Let’s not go into the details, Peter. They aren’t necessary at this juncture.” Sirius cuts in. When Lily’s face still holds traces of mild judgment, Sirius rolls his eyes. “Oh, don’t look like that, Red, you were a spy. Surely you saw worse than a thief.”
Lily had, of course, seen much worse. “Yes. Usually, the kind that were sober while on the job.” 
“It’s helpful to have someone in a group who can acquire…things of questionable origin.” Remus says diplomatically. “Especially information.”
“Yeah, it makes sense for Sturgis, Hestia, and Emmeline to do reconnaissance at the Ministry.” James replies. “But they can’t very well walk through Knockturn Alley and ask pointed questions without looking suspicious, can they?”
“How do we know that he’ll even remember what he learns from poking around in Knockturn?” Lily asks skeptically as she watches Mundungus falling asleep in his chair. “Surely you don’t think he’s going to go sober?” 
The gang takes a moment to observe Mundungus with her. It is a valid question they hadn’t considered.
“Pensieve, probably.” Sirius says finally. 
“Ah.” The others hum and nod in agreement before going back to their tasks.
In one particular meeting, Dumbledore decides to cover communication methods between members.
“I am sure you will find that we need ways to communicate with each other that owls and the Floo won’t be able to accommodate.” He says. “You may need to send a message quickly, and with the way Lord Voldemort’s ranks are growing, we may soon find the Floo Network being monitored surreptitiously. Muggles have a delightful invention called the ‘telephone.’ You pick up a receiver and can be in conversation with an old friend in mere seconds.”
Lily and Dorcas exchange grins, thinking of the summers they spent in the muggle world, on the phone with Mary, giggling like the schoolgirls they once were.
“It inspired me to create something similar,” Dumbledore continues, “and after perfecting it, I am ready to teach it to each of you. How many of you are familiar with the Patronus Charm?”
Various sounds of mild shock reverberate across the room as members of the Order exchange confused looks with each other. “Sir, I’m sure most of us have heard of it, but from my understanding, Patronuses don’t talk, do they?” Lily asks, voicing the confusion of the group.
“Not until recently.” Dumbledore replies. “As I said, I’ve perfected the method.”
A shocked James lets out a huff of air before catching Lily’s eye. She knows that his thoughts echo her own.  How in the fuck was Dumbledore so good at magic? Who would even think to take that charm and make it twice as useful and three times as difficult?  Lily shakes her head and lets out an exhale of her own, and he grins at her. 
It takes more effort than it should have for her to pull her eyes away from that grin.
“There are fully-trained Aurors who can’t even pull off a corporeal Patronus.” Frank says from the back of the room. “And you’re saying that you’ve amended it in some way?”
“I am.” Dumbledore says patiently, as if the people in front of him aren’t intimidated and shocked by the idea of performing this level of magic.
“Stop gawking and get a move on.” Moody growls from his section of the room. “Being afraid of a charm isn’t going to help you learn it.” He mumbles about the lack of gumption witches and wizards show nowadays.
At this, and with looks of slight trepidation over their shoulders toward Moody, the members of the Order of the Phoenix began working on casting the Patronus charm. Lily, who had always been adept at Charms, was able to produce a slight mist by the end of the session. Frank, Alice, and Moody could already produce non-corporeal Patronuses and worked on getting them to take shape before they left to return to the Ministry.
“Duty calls.” Alice says with a wave as they leave. 
Lily is still working on producing more mist when she sees James frustratedly struggling to produce even that. She smirks at him as she lets her mist float into his line of sight. “And to think you used to say you were better at Charms than I was.”
James cuts his eyes at her, irritated at not being able to gloat at the moment. “I used to say I was  just as good  as you at Charms, Evans. And I am.”
“We’ll see.” She says with a shrug before turning back to her Patronus. 
James rolls his eyes. “Professor Dumbledore, what transfiguration-related spells do you have for us?” 
“Grow up.” Lily retorts.
“Get a room.” Sirius grumbles with an eye roll of his own. Marlene laughs from her place next to him. 
“If they start acting like they did in sixth and seventh year, I’m going to bring up the idea of shoving them in a broom closet again.” Marlene says.
“And this time, we’ll actually do it.” Sirius replies dryly.
Lily’s words lit a fire in James that he hadn’t felt since playing Quidditch before his mother died. He always had thrived on competition. So after the Order meeting, he goes to three different bookstores and buys all the books he can find on the theory behind casting Patronuses. Sirius scoffs at this initially, but he, Remus, and Peter soon end up joining James in the sitting room of the manor, pouring through books and pages. They hadn’t made this much of an attempt to learn something from a textbook since James, Sirius, and Peter became animagi. And while the others may just want to learn because Dumbledore requested it, James is not only determined to produce a corporeal Patronus, but to produce one before Lily does.
To his frustration, Lily just barely beats him. 
They had been reviewing the spell at the beginning of an Order meeting, and they’d both been producing dense mists, just starting to take shape before dissipating. James closes his eyes, calms his nerves, and takes a deep breath to regroup before attempting the spell again, but before he can focus on his happy thought, he hears her excitement across the room. Knowing that it could only signal one thing, he curses under his breath before turning to see the inevitable.
He curses again, audibly and disbelievingly this time, when he sees the Patronus ambling across the room. Four legs, hooves, ears upright. In his shock, he doesn’t realize the strange looks he’d gotten from the people standing closest to him.
“Are you alright, James?” Peter asks.
But James is back in time, recalling a passage he’d read in one of his books while feverishly trying to pin down the charm—the one he and Sirius had joked about before ultimately ignoring it and going back to working out the incantation. 
  There is a belief amongst wizards that similar Patronuses are shaped by deep feelings one may have for another. Indeed, many agree that witches and wizards with the same or similar Patronuses may even be soulmates.
  James doesn’t answer Peter as he watches Lily’s doe move about the room and returns to her. She looks at it fondly and drifts her fingers along its silvery glow before it bows and disappears. He notices that Lily still has that look about her that she’d had when she was introduced to new magic in school—reverence mixed with the pride of accomplishing something new. He can’t help but grin at her across the room, nodding his head in salute as she smiles back and shrugs one shoulder before hugging Dorcas happily. It reminds James of all those days he used to watch her in classes…when they’d joke during their rounds…how she’d hugged him and smiled in a way that lit up the room after Gryffindor had won the quidditch cup during their last year…
He’d known it would work this time before he even recited the incantation. “Expecto Patronum!"
Read the rest at ao3!
Start from the beginning
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lippskinn · 6 years
The Marauder's Era Told in 70s Songs
1971 – “In the Summer Time” by Mungo Jerry is the jam of the year and James, Sirius, Peter, Remus, Lily, and Severus start their first year in Hogwarts. Lily’s big role model is Karen Carpenter and Severus is embarrassed whenever she jokingly serenades him with “Close to you” while Sirius cannot understand why Remus doesn’t like “Bad Moon Rising”. James tries really hard to pretend he likes “Yellow River” and is shocked to find out that Severus likes David Bowie too. Peter is still sporting the mop-top and is baffled that none of his friends like the Beatles. 1972 - Between the Troubles and Pride marches, a young Regulus Black whistles to the tune of "All the Young Dudes" making his family proud while the girls in the dormitory "kick off their dancing shoes and dig those rhythm and blues". Severus' head is secretly bobbing to the guitar of "Paranoid" and James is trying to grow a mullet à la Rod Stewart. Peter is still sulky the Monkees were fake and Remus is mouthing the words of "A Horse With No Name". 1973 - On their first Hogsmeade weekend, Peter is testing his alcohol limits and shouts “Piano Man” from the top his lungs on their way home. Regulus has successfully sneaked a Lynyrd Skynyrd album into Twelve Grimmauld Place and Lily is convinced "You're So Vain" must have been written about James Potter. Severus suffers his first heartbreak to "Angie" and Remus' cover is blown while "Knocking On Heaven's Door" plays on the radio. James discovers Pink Floyd and listens to "Breathe" before his first match while Sirius tries to learn how to play "Smoke on the Water". 
1974 - Sirius' childhood bedroom is now plastered with motorbikes and a life-sized poster of Suzie Quatro while his brother collects magazine cut-outs of bikini girls in his bedside table. James has smashed the post of his four-poster bed while demonstrating "Kicks as fast as lightning" and Lily refuses to face her Waterloo. Remus savagely loops the chorus of "Seasons in the Sun" knowing it drives Peter to the edge of insanity and Peter repays it by only playing the intro of The Marcels' "Blue Moon". 1975 - The Marauders repeatedly failed to perform a decent version of "Bohemian Rapsody" sober and Severus refuses to admit he likes Pink Floyd as much as James Potter does. "Fox on the Run" is played on their first night out as animagi and the boys feel invincible. Regulus listens to "Space Oddity" after his brother ruined another family dinner and Lily can no longer stand by her man as Severus grows more and more suspicious of Remus. Sirius is forever banned to play "Woman in Black" or any song with two chords. 1976 - Remus finds new courage with a little help from his friends and is not ashamed to sing "Under the Moon of Love" to an embarrassed Peter. Lily is still the Dancing Queen with almost seventeen and James is saving all his kisses for her. Remus is disappointed in Sirius who lately seems to prefer to be "The Joker" and James tries to build his life around him as his best friend's life crashes down in a "Landslide". Severus would love to love Lily again as he finds her already taken and decides that love is just a state of mind. 1977 - As their school days draw to a close, everyone dances to the Boogie and prepares to go their own way. Muggles are fighting against evil powers with that bold "boom-boom-clap" trying to never break the chain. Regulus is Walking on the Wild Side and Sirius moves "Next door to Alice". James and Lily are getting it on and Peter realises he lives in a "Wild World" while Remus first tries that "Whiskey in a Jar". Severus still wants Lily only and cannot face himself alone again. 1978 - The Order is fighting hard to "Stay Alive" but they feel like "Heroes" while they die one by one. Remus was a "Rolling Stone" and as he sat by the watchtower he knew there was no way out of there. Peter had already joined "Oliver's Army" fearing the reaper. Only James and Sirius were still caught in the spotlight, still dancing in the moonlight. Lily is sure James in the one she wants and Severus wishes it was yesterday once more. 1979 - Regulus knows his time has come, London's calling, while James and Lily are dancing to "We've Only Just Begun". Peter sings the "Logical Song" and Sirius is still raising "Anarchy in the UK". 1980 - Every since James and Lily went into hiding, James is feeling numb and Lily, Peter, Remus and Sirius are left to walk up and down, banging their hearts against the wall. 1981 - Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn?
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Being Lily’s Twin And Dating Sirius Would Involve...
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Being Lily’s twin and dating Sirius would involve: 
For your first few years of Hogwarts, you and your twin aren’t that close and generally have different friends. You still love her, but you’re not spending 24/7 with her.
However, in 3rd year, you and Lily are sat with James and Sirius in potions, and have to work on a group project.
From then on, you and Lily become closer- and you also become closer to the infamous Marauders. Remus is particularly close to you (much to Sirius’ annoyance), and this is mainly because he is the most bearable of the four.
Sirius would constantly flirt with you, and you would occasionally flirt back, but only as a joke. This frustrates Sirius to no end, because he means it.
You start noticing Lily and James making a connection- even if Lily denies it.
At the same time, Sirius starts being more serious (no pun intended) around you; he talks about life after Hogwarts and where you see your life going in the future.
It’s actually quite refreshing.
But, you often miss how jokey and flirty he used to be- so you make an effort to restart this part of your friendship.
However, it doesn’t end up as a friendship: Sirius can’t take ‘just being friends’ so takes it a step further and asks if you would want to go out on a date.
You, of course, say yes.
Sirius is actually really nervous for one of the first times in his life. Usually, he feels suave, but he is super nervous- he even has to go to Remus and James for dating advice. ((They are no help.))
Lily, before the date, threatening Sirius that if he even thinks about hurting you in any shape or form that she will bring down the power and wrath of Hell, Heaven and Earth. He believes her and promises he would never dream of hurting you.
The date goes well, and that day you and Sirius become official.
You’d be the talk of Hogwarts- and they’d definitely be some jealous girls who were after Sirius gunning for you.
But, you don’t worry: Sirius only has eyes for you.
Sirius always complimenting you and having quite an affectionate relationship with you. (Which sometimes grosses out Lily: she gets her revenge when she starts dating James, though.)
Jokingly saying to Remus that you and Lily secretly triplets and that he can date her. He does not find it funny.
Loving it when Sirius transforms into his dog for because he is the fluffiest dog! 
Being a really supportive partner, and always reminding him that you love him.
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foodforfangirls · 7 years
dating Young James Potter headcanons
- you cuddling by the fire laying on top of him in the early hours of the morning fiddling with each other's fingers and talking about anything and everything.
- falling asleep in this position and waking up to see the marauders crowded around you. Sirius smirking, Remus hurrying around looking for an extra blanket and a small smile on Peter's face as he watched you guys silently.
- sneaking out of balls together and running through the halls hand in hand with giggles erupting out of your mouths every second, jumping through the columns and proceeded to lay on the grass and stare at the stars.
- him writing and singing you songs he intentionally wrote badly and jokingly singing them to you every single time you pass each other in the hall, but late at night he plays you the real ones about how he really feels.
- you're on the y/h/n quidditch teamevery single time you play a game versing each other or playing another house together, when he passes you, he always manages to sing-speak 'the greeeeatest chaser, the greeeatest boyfriend'.
- hazy disposable camera pictures of slightly glazed eyes, intertwined hands and half smiles caught by surprise.
- him rubbing your shoulders and kissing your neck softly when you’re stressed about exams.
- him carrying you through the halls during your study break to head to the kitchens and grab you some food because 'you're tired and hungry and working way too hard so the least I could do is distract you and give you sustenance.'
- he barely ever gets stressed, but when he does it's bad. Playing with his hair and rubbing circles on his scalp when he's stressed, and he leans back into you and you say 'it'll be alright love'. and he mumbles an incoherent reply, enjoying how gentle you are with him. That's all he's ever secretly wanted, gentle.
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