#he doe2nt need two know 2ome 2tupiid wriiggler2 are roleplayiing a2 hii2 war buddiie2.
double-ended · 5 months
d:o) y:o)u believe in ancest:o)rs? h:o)nk
hard not two when beiing friiend2 wiith peiixe2. yknow, 2hared lu2u2, 2hared ca2tename. 2eem2 pretty ance2tor-y to me.
unle22 you mean liike 2piiriitual liink bull2hiit? liike beliieviing that youre the descendant of 2ome anciient piirate queen and then kiindatiing 2omeone el2e who thiink2 theyre the de2cendant of someone el2e from anciient hii2tory. 2orry, but that2 criinge. you would be commiittiing criinge.
2o ii gue22 not really, no. the iidea that a mother grub would eventwoally 2piit out a combiinatiion re2embliing one that iit 2piit out centuriie2 ago ii2 liike, mathematiically plau2iible, 2ure. but do you notiice 2omethiing? everyone who claiim2 two have found theiir ance2tor 2eem2 to have been de2cended from 2omeone wiildly riich and iimportant. nobody2 claiimiing to be the de2cendant of buznel eggmop, random janiitor from the grubcavern2 whogiive2a2hiit 2weep2 ago. becau2e iit2 ju2t another bull2hiit way two farm clout onliine.
ii dont need to be a kiinniie of the p2iioniic to be a talented p2ychiic and hacker. iim ju2t that good on my own meriit2.
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