#he didn't deserve either and god i remember this one comic where they went on a date and i was so wide eyed
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antiquevenetican · 28 days ago
i cannot believe my luck. god, i want to scream (i might've done so). i’ve stumbled upon one of my favorite things ever. “archie’s date with fate.” when i tell you that as a kid, i had every comic (especially veronica’s and betty’s digest and as mean as cheryl was, i had her comics too) and this is reminding me so much of my childhood. mom was a collector and she passed it down to me before i started saving my lunch money to buy my own. i would go outside and at the time i had so many dogs and i’d sit in the grass with them surrounding me or laying on me (mind you, im allergic) and i’d read to them. i remember i had this one dog that i called fluffy and he was so into it. whenever i would stop reading, he would nudge me with his head (he always laid his head on my lap) and i thought it was so funny. he was always the most attentive, then there was fluff (yes i named them), skittles, skipper who would try to take my comic away and i’d have to distract them with some food that i had snuck out (i often got in trouble for this but i didn't care). i truly missed those days.
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jokerfic · 4 months ago
Interesting take re: the show hitting its stride in season two… I mean Jerome was great but like. Fish is mostly in S1 and that’s where she really SHINES 😩 when you said “fish is my actual mother who birthed me” I felt that in my SOUL. She’s SO GOOD. Like sorry I know it’s the Ozzie and Eddie show but Fiiiiiiiish. I’m like Firefly’s shitty brothers about her.
Granted Lee is gr9 so. And she mostly shows up in S2 iirc, which, fine, fair. She was good even BEFORE she became a crime queen but god she was SO GOOD after!!! But then S5 seemed to relegate her back to Gordon wife????? Wrong and bad and dumb. HOWEVER I do like the idea of her and Babs in a really awful toxic throuple where they co-parent Jim’s kid and technically both date Jim but he’s not around much so they’re mostly dating each other I mean they don’t really like each other but they have SO MUCH IN COMMON come on it would be funny. You know it would. And it would be FUN. And interesting!!!
oh, don't get me wrong, it's not that I think we should throw all of season 1 in the trash! the establishment of Fish and Oswald alone + the examination of the workings of the criminal underworld (always fascinating in Gotham, part of why I really like the Penguin HBO series even though it's so unnecessary lol) + Jerome's origin make it valuable viewing. It's just that I think the show was confused about what it was and wanted to do, and the tone is markedly different from what follows. There's a sense that they wanted to play it straight, like a grimdark detective show, where Bruce Wayne is firmly just a little kid and Batman and all his Rogues are firmly ten, twenty years away from taking the forms we're familiar with.
They ditched all that pretty quickly and just went for a sillier, comic book-inspired approach where Bruce is a kid but also still Batman, kind of, and his villains are all taking their final forms well ahead of schedule (I don't blame them-- Batman without Batman or his Rogues is pretty dry). TBH, I give Barbara QUEEN credit for sort of "unlocking" the show-- it's fairly blah in large chunks until her little serial killer arc, straight out of a soap opera, and from that point on, the show completely stops taking itself seriously, which IMO is hugely to its advantage.
You're right about Fish, though. (One of my favorite things about Unpretty's Sorrowful and Immaculate Hearts series is the way she kind of picks and chooses elements from whatever Batman media she likes, and it is strongly implied that in her version of Batman, Fish-- a friend of Martha Wayne's dating back to childhood-- birthed a child, gave her up for adoption, and that child later becomes Catwoman. I think about it all the time-- what a clever tie-in.) And Lee, and Barbara. One thing the show does not struggle with is having interesting female characters who get to do a lot, even if it REGULARLY does them dirty-- case in point, LEE AND BARBARA BOTH IN SEASON FIVE. You're right, Lee gets shoved into the "cop wife" role even though it makes no sense, and what tf is with Barbara getting pregnant and completely defanged?? no. no, no, no. one of the reasons I'm writing a third Gotham fic set in No Man's Land is so I can undo some of the baffling shit that happened in season 5 (blaming it on a rushed schedule and an abbreviated number of episodes, thank youuuuu).
Lee and Barbara would make a good couple (leave Gordon out of it he doesn't deserve either of them lol) if they didn't hate each other! but let's be real, in a place like Gotham, a long-standing rivalry is basically a romance. I seem to remember them even burying the hatchet a bit in season 5, just because old grievances tend to take a backseat in No Man's Land. (I cannot wait to write the story set in No Man's Land.)
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supermoviemaniac · 6 years ago
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Rest in Peace, Stan.
We're all human and are the same in that respect, but it's our creativity that makes us unique and what helps our personality resonate. Creativity and imagination cannot be bought or taken - it's there from the get go - we all have it. Most of us go about our lives suppressing our flair however, whether it's on purpose, in fear of what others will think of it, or unintentionally, courtesy of being conditioned to be nothing more than mundane "9 to 5" drones from the cot to the grave.
Imagine people capable of such unparalleled imagination that it literally changes/shapes and influences the world, pioneering the majority of pop culture. Stan Lee, amongst the likes of Steve Ditko and Jack Kirby to name a few, didn't allow their creativity to be suppressed, but sadly, every superhero's story has a final page.
Stan Lee sadly passed today at the commendable age of 95. You'd think he'd be able to enjoy his final golden years relaxing, witnessing the millions of people's lives he'd influenced, reflecting on all the amazing things he'd done... but life being as cruel as it is, pneumonia proved to be a difficult battle. Seemingly in the eventual clear, alleged claims of elder abuse were filed against the people closest to him, including greedy family members and 'carers' - the people he should've been able to trust the most. If that wasn't enough, he had to file a lawsuit against one of his own companies... all whilst losing his wife the year before, having been married for an incredible 69 years. He deserved a better retirement than that, yet he STILL went to conventions for the sake of meeting fans and showing how much he cared, sitting for hours to say hello and sign things. Though most people will never reach such an age, let alone acomplish anything close to what he's done, am I selfish to wish that he'd been given another 100 years? Regardless, his legacy lives on in the form of his creations, and you don't have to be a genius to know that the superheroes and stories he left behind for us aren't going anywhere anytime soon.
Most current creators are probably only doing what they're doing now because of him, let alone all the up and coming ones that are yet to follow in Stan's footsteps. Speaking for myself, the things I've done and the things I'm interested in are what they are because of him. I wouldn't have written stories if it wasn't for him. I wouldn't have a Marvel blog consisting of 75,000 followers just like me if it wasn't for him. I wouldn't have a tiny bedroom ridiculously doused in Marvel collectibles, clothing, posters, comics, and movies if it wasn't for him. Me and my younger sister wouldn't have a common interest (that's borderline religious) if it wasn't for him. I remember being beyond obsessed with Spider-Man as kid, to the point where I used to pick up spiders in the hopes that they'd bite me so I could swing on webs and climb walls. I remember being 7 years old, literally praying to God that I could be Spider-Man, and I remember how dissapointed I was when nothing happened!
One of my favourite things he said in response to being asked why people love superheroes so much was (and I'm paraphrasing here), "I wanted to make stories that are magical and fantastical. Superheroes are a different take on fantasy," and it's exactly that. Life sucks, and I know I probably shouldn't rely on a single entertainment company to provide me with my fix of escapism, but I'm too far gone, and I fear my younger sister is too, haha! You don't hear us complaining though, and I wouldn't change my interests in the slightest. "Escapism" wasn't an overstatement either. I live and breathe this stuff, it's ridiculous... and it probably annoys people around me that aren't as fanatic, but I don't care. These superheroes come in all shapes and sizes, come from all walks of life and have powers beyond belief - everyone has a favourite hero, and mine's Stan Lee; his superpower being the ability to change my life among others, making weirdos like myself feel special. A true modern 'Marvel' if there ever was one. I'll never feel as though you're no longer with us, because you and your imagination is here forever. You'll live on in the hearts and minds of people like myself. I can never come close to explaining to anyone just how much Marvel has shaped me. Rest in peace Stan the Man, you've earnt it you legend. Excelsior!
Dec 28th 1922 - Nov 12th 2018
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franeridart · 8 years ago
So Bakugou and Todoroki's hero names didn't get decided early on I think because they're each gonna get their own little mini arcs that get em to decide them, but I kinda wanted to know your opinion on what they might end up being? 'Course they'll probably be derived from future plot that we don't know right now, but I wanted to ask anyway!
!!!! I’ve never really thought about Todoroki’s, tbh? So I have no clue, honest, but as far as Bakugou goes I’ll keep on holding onto Ground Zero until Horikoshi officially and unequivocally tells me he 100% definitely scrapped it, my friend - it’s such a cool name??? I read it and I nearly cried when I realized that probably it’s not gonna be his actual hero name rip
Anon said:You need to draw Bok.uro more (i love them so much,(you to of course)
I’m sure you didn’t mean anything bad by this ask anon, but as I’ve said more than once I really, really don’t like the word need. I don’t need to do anything, no one’s paying me for this. When I’ll want to draw more bokro it’ll for sure happen, so don’t worry about that~
Anon said:Would you read Bobata x Terushima fanfics? Do you know any??
I would! But last time I checked there were none *sob* do you know any? °u° if you do I’m all ears!!
Anon said:asdfghjklajhsns mirit.ama is adorable thEY’RE CHILDHOOD FRIENDS AHHHH i love them a lot,,,
I K R they’re so soft and pure!!!! Such a good couple I love them so much !!!!!
Anon said:Since most of what you post is such simple arts, I find myself forgetting a lot that your a really skilled artist, and I sort of get this shock like ‘what the fuck Frans amazing’. I really got that when you posted that drawing with Monoma getting scared by kuroiro, the one you posted a while ago with witch Kaminari, and the recent tododeku fight one.
I’m ???? dying ???? This ask slayed me??? Oh my god thank you so much I’m not sure I deserve such praises yet but!!!!! BOI this just made my whole week!!! Thank you!!!!!
Anon said:idk how you feel about bakus.hin but pls read coffee can and energy drinks bc it’s super cute and convinced me to ship it also the characters are on point 👌
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh … sorry anon but I don’t ship Bakugou with anyone that doesn’t like him, and the one time Shinsou interacted with him he really didn’t seem to like him…….. #rip maybe one day I’ll try the fic, tho! Thank you for the rec!!!
 Anon said:I just wanted to say because of your wonderful art you have converted me to watching boku no hero academia!!!! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you’ll like it, then!!!!!! *O*
Anon said:I definitely smile when reading Teacher Bakugou comic Fran XD i just like it very much like the kids went to being scared and go to adored him and i just like that the kids will defend him from others and the way he just casually broke the window just to get to class in time :) There this hc i read can’t remember where but it said that Bakugo will adress his student by insult like fuckmunch (?) and will change it everyday and like the kids will just remember it (sorry for the bad english)
Anon said:I’m dying because of Bakugou-sensei AU?????? IT’S SO AMAZING!!!! You always kill me with your AUs, so unfair hahahah I’m in love with the idea of Bakugou being a beloved teacher because I think he already suffers too much on the canon series (seriously, he needs a break and a hug ffs). Anyways, I just love it really much 💜💜💜💜💜
I’M SO SO HAPPY YOU BOTH LIKED IT OMG!!!!!!!!!!! *O* I know it’s a pretty unlikely possibility but he’s the only one in canon who actually took on the role of teacher at some point? And Kirishima did pass his exams so he can’t be too bad at it either!! The possibility of him actually enjoying it makes me so happy hahaha
Anon said:Your little note about “Maybe it’ll make you smile” under the teacher Baku is- I’m- I’m going through a bad depressive episode and it really did make me smile so thanks
*holds you* I’m glad I could make you smile at least for a bit, then! And I’m so so sorry you’re not feeling alright, right now ;-; I hope today’ll be a better day, for you
Anon said:ILOVEYOU
Anon said:Fraaan another AWESOME comic !!! Another baby doodle !!! just !!! my heart !!! can’ t take it !!! aaaaaah !!! they’re soo cute. Ashido just eating Bakugo hair and he just let her and Kirishima call him Bakuo and Jirou saying Bakusquad will cry if got taken from Bakugo and she just nonchalantly tell Bakugou he that he cares about them Aaaaaah !!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡ By the way is the Bandage (?) that Bakugo has because of the squad and do they remember Bakugo ?
Thank you for liking it!!!! Oh my gods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It wasn’t a bandage tho, just baby Sero messin around! And yeah, they do remember him! They’re just deaged, time didn’t literally turn back for them - only being babies their thought process is way simpler so the most they know is that that’s Bakugou and he’s good and safe and they like him. That’s about it, nothing more complex than that haha
Anon said:u are like, 80% the reason why i started watchin bnha. i thought my fav would be someone from the bakusquad (kirishima maybe) because of ur art but somehow monoma is my fav, the jerk. i love him. why am i cursed to like side characters with barely any content.
Monoma’s great tho!!!! I mean. He’s an asshole. And a total disaster. And his inferiority complex is a seriously huge thing. But he’s great!!!!!!!!!! That’s an amazing pick as a fave character t b h I think we’re getting more of him (together with the whole 1B class) in the manga soon, so don’t despair too much about the lack of content just yet haha
Anon said:Baby Sero putting tape all over Bakugo ’s arm made my study-full day a lot better, thank you Fran.
I’m!!!!!!!! Actually surprised by how many people liked Sero most out of the whole drawing??? But I’m GLAD he’s amazing please love my son as much as I do (or more) (if you can manage that) (the more love he gets the better)
Anon said:Is it in canon that Kirishima has terrible handwriting because I think it should be
I don’t know if this is terrible or not because I actually can’t tell good handwriting from bad in Japanese, but this is Kirishima’s canon handwriting!!
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Terrible or not it’s definitely a sharp, STRONG handwriting, which is all that matters as far as Kirishima is concerned!! 💪💪💪💪 haha
Anon said:that bakukirikami art with the AU killed me
Anon said:YES my emotions are from tododekus I’m just😭😭😭 I love Shouto so much!!!! I didn’t realize how much until just now tho??? Like how dare that episode honestly
!!!!!!!!!! he’s a super great character and honestly I like him way better after the sports fest is over and done with, he’s such a chill nice silly guy bless him and bless Deku for making his actual personality come out *deep sigh*
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