#he could've mentioned the “watching the player since chapter 1” thing
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shkoffu · 16 days ago
An anvil a day keeps the... wait a minute
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cherrystales · 20 days ago
In Dutch's Shoes (an analysis series) (rdr2 Chapter 1, part 1): Sleep, time, and loss
I think I'm going to officially start my Dutch van der Linde analysis series, starting with the very beginning of chapter 1.
Many people who play rdr2 think that, in Chapter 1, the gang has only been on the run for a few days when they reach Colter. HOWEVER, there are signs that point to this not being true, namely, Arthur's journal entry revealed on Day 2 in Colter, that begins like this:
"We have been running for weeks."
This could imply, since they've only been in Colter a couple of days, that the majority of that time was spent in the wagons. And since Davey only passed away just as they were reaching Colter, that means that, over the period of at least a week or so, Dutch had to watch Davey and Jenny slowly suffer and die.
What do you think that does to someone's mental state?
And that is not even MENTIONING the fact that Dutch has been awake for three days straight.
Symptoms that come with 72 hours of sleep deprivation include:
complex hallucinations, delusions, and DISORDERED THINKING.
It also takes a long time to recover from sleep deprivation that extreme.
Since the mission where you rescue John takes the entire first full day in Colter, it can be reasonably assumed that Dutch rests all day that day.
However, first thing the next morning, Dutch is up and moving, and urging the others to go after the O'Driscolls.
One day of rest does not fix that much sleep deprivation, so, in my opinion, he would still be feeling the effects of that sleep deprivation, especially on his mental processes.
And while many players assume that Dutch wants to go after the O'Driscolls for selfish reasons, I believe there is another possibility.
As Dutch and Arthur are heading out of Colter on the first night when they arrive, looking to make contact with either John or Micah, Arthur says:
"I can't believe we lost Davey, too."
And Dutch replies,
"He's the last one, Arthur. No more."
And what does Dutch say on the way to the O'Driscoll camp?
"I learned a long time ago that you hit Colm O'Driscoll. Wait for him, and people you love will die."
I believe that although there are possible selfish motivations, I also think that Dutch may have been paranoid and not wanting any further loss of life, of those he loves. The presence of the O'Driscolls alone, especially coming across them just as they'd managed to escape the law, would set anyone on edge. Dutch wanted a preemptive strike, to make sure the O'Driscolls didn't get them while they were weak (especially considering if you spare the O'Driscoll in the barn, he manages to make it back to Colm alive, and in the raid he says something to the effect of "you should've killed me while you had the chance." which means, logically, that he could've told Colm the Van der Linde Gang was present in the region).
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s4bbatical · 4 months ago
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YOUR GIRL | Part 2. Patrick Zweig x Female!Reader
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Pairing: Patrick Zweig x female!reader, Tashi Duncan x female!reader (platonic)
Summary: After your parents announce their divorce, you're sent to New York to pursue your passion for the arts at NYU. Your cousin, the infamous tennis player Tashi Duncan, introduces you to her insufferable colleagues at a house party in the upper east side. Already a sore thumb from rural Canada, Patrick can't help but find interest in an untouched territory.
Word Count: 5,5k
Warnings: Sexual tension, profanities, mentions of cigarette use.
Notes: The timeline is inaccurate in comparison to the film, this is an AU. All characters introduced are barely in their early 20s, unless stated otherwise. No use of y/n.
Part 1. Part 3. Part 4.
CHAPTER TWO: “Everything is Embarrassing”
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"Could've been my anything, now everything is embarrassing."
It had been two weeks since the house party scene had unfolded, and to no avail, you could not stop thinking of those green eyes. They watched you in the back of your mind no matter what you did, whether it was homework or taking a shower. They never leaved you alone.
The worst part is, you hadn’t even seen him since the gathering. The constant recollection of how he stared at you, haunted you more than the idea of his presence itself. It was embarrassing.
You found yourself walking into a coffee shop not far from your grandparent’s home, willing to perform in the corner of the space by convincing yourself that you’d get any of your homework done.
You ordered a black coffee, not in the mood to drink anything heavy as your stomach already felt uneasy with the deadlines you had waiting for you.
Tashi had agreed to sleep over, on the condition you’d be willing to meet her at the recreational space provided by NYU later that day. You two had a family gathering the next day, so it made sense. Plus, she loved you like you were her sister. She was more than happy to spend time with you.
Tashi was already training even though it was the off season. You envied her drive, but wouldn’t dare doing half the things she did. Your uphill treks to even make it to your classes were more than enough.
You stared at your laptop screen, feeling the blue rays burn your eyes into your skull. You read the first paragraph of your paper at least five times over, hoping you’d find a spark in you to write the second one. One would think that writing a paper on a topic you actually enjoyed would be a walk in the park, that is, if the park was burning in flames.
You end up scrolling on your phone not soon after, somehow ending up on Patrick Zweig’s Instagram page by diving deep enough on your cousin’s profile. You hated to admit that this wasn’t the first time you had done this within the past two weeks.
You feel yourself get worked up slightly as you scrolled past the photos of him on the court, sweat and lean muscle encapsulated perfectly within the professionally taken photos.
Your thumb slips as you attempt to refocus on your task at hand, accidentally liking a family photo from two years ago. You gasp quietly to yourself.
“Shit!” You whisper, removing your like from the photo before putting your phone face down on the table. Shockingly, you manage to find a jolt of energy to continue writing your paper in fear of looking at your phone once more. You heard your phone vibrate, but refuse to look at it.
An hour goes by, you've grown tired of looking at the words on your screen again. Without thinking, you pick up your phone to look at your notifications.
pat_zweig started following you.
Your eyes widen at the notification, hesitantly unlocking your phone and opening the Instagram app. You decide to follow him back, feeling as if your chest was about to explode by how fast your heart rate had gone up.
You watch as you receive a new DM.
pat_zweig: thinking of me are you?
You put your phone back down, shaking your head. You begin to pack up your belongings, seeing it was nearly time to meet up with Tashi and it takes nearly an hour to get there from your current location. Your face surely had gone red from the interaction, wanting to disappear into the hole of the earth and become one with the dirt.
You begrudgingly exit the café, walking over to the subway to get yourself to the West Village.
You approach the large recreational center, using your student card to get inside.
You notice students from different skill levels and sport backgrounds exercising in their own bubbles, paying no mind to each other unless necessary. You walk over to an empty bench, sitting down as you scan the room for Tashi. She was nowhere to be seen.
You remember there’s a tennis court in the next space over, picking up yourself back up.
You walk over to the next heavy set of doors that led to an outside lot attached to the building, pushing them open to reveal the court. You still don’t see Tashi.
You sigh, pulling out your phone to see if your cousin had texted you; nothing from her end. You scan the space again whilst walking into the bleachers. You set your bag down, deciding that she could find you here.
Off season apparently meant nothing to these people, watching them work up a sweat in the late September breeze. Your mind is so set on the schoolwork you left behind that you don’t even notice exactly who is playing until you begin to focus on faces.
Your eyes land on Patrick.
He was on the furthest court away from the door, which is why you hadn’t noticed him at first. He was playing a round against Art.
You watched closely as he smacked the ball, hard. His muscles moved with every decision he made, your eyes wandering down to his exposed legs, specifically his thighs.
You felt your face flush again, finding somewhere to sit before anyone could notice you fixated on the sight in front of you. You pull out your phone and text Tashi quickly.
where r u? i’m sitting by the tennis court
You look up right in time to watch Patrick begin to chase around Art after their game ends. As Art falls to the ground in a dramatic feat, this is when Patrick finally makes eye contact with you. He slows down, now only about 20 feet away from you. You could see that smirk from the top of the empire state building if you tried hard enough.
You knew he wanted to talk to you, and a part of you wanted him to, like a child playing with fire. Before he has a chance to approach you, Tashi appears from what seemed like thin air with her bag around her shoulder.
“Sorry, I was in the locker room.” She says, approaching you with a smile.
You snap out of your daze, looking up at your cousin. "Took you long enough." You force out.
“Let’s go, I am starving.” She says, signaling you to follow her.
You get up once more, moving your messenger bag across your body. The two of you climb down from the bleachers and make your way to the exit. You quickly glance back as Tashi opens the doors, looking at Patrick.
He was watching you closely, his eyes sizing you up. He waves at you with that diabolical smirk once your eyes meet again, just like he did at the party. You mentally kick yourself, despising the excitement you felt from this situation. Tashi would be immensely disappointed in you, to say the least. You look away.
“Hello, you okay?” Tashi asks, waving her hand in front of your face as the doors closed behind you two.
You blink repeatedly, coming to. “Yeah, sorry. My essay has drained me mentally.” You smack your cheeks lightly, attempting to straighten out your brain and rebuke any thoughts of that mischievous bastard.
Tashi laughs at you. “Okay you weirdo.” She says, linking arms with you. “I drove today, by the way. No shitway for us.”
Tashi has referred to the subway as such for as long as you could remember. She grew up better off than you, avoiding public transit whenever she could. However, she always willingly rode the subway with you when you visited. It was apart of the experience, you had always reasoned with her. Since you were now a local until further notice, the desire to do so wasn’t as strong now that you had to take the subway yourself nearly every day.
The car ride was long but bearable. Tashi had let you choose the music, also letting you complain when she apparently had no good CDs. They were her parents CDs, anyways. It didn’t matter to her.
You felt your phone vibrate on your lap, lifting it up to see what notification you got as Tashi droned on about her own studies.
pat_zweig: do you always look that hot and bothered, or is it because of me?
You gulp quietly, side eyeing Tashi to make sure she wasn’t taking notice to what you were doing on your phone as you continued to nod in agreement to whatever she was saying.
You: do you always speak to women like this, or are you just born this way?
You didn’t really want to put up a fight with Patrick, but you found it only fair to at least try to drive him away on your cousin’s behalf.
pat_zweig: only to the ones id like to see underneath me to be honest
You gasp loudly at the aforementioned text, causing Tashi to become concerned.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” She asks quickly, taking her eyes off the road for a second to look over at you.
“Nothing! Nothing.” You laugh nervously, holding your phone screen away from her sight. “I just uh, I realized I had something due sooner than I expected.” You say curtly, pulling gently at the neckline of your sweater. You stared at the message over and over, taken aback by his crass response. You quickly text back.
You: wowww you’re really ambitious! you should direct that energy towards your personal goals in life and actually make something of yourself
You knew that you were being rude, but you had a feeling he enjoyed being ridiculed by you. It was quite obvious that you couldn’t say anything that would make him leave you alone. Quite frankly, that’s the last thing you’d wish for him to do.
pat_zweig: what if my personal goal is to know what it’s like?
You hastily put your phone in your pocket as the two of you approach your grandparent’s home, your body burning to the touch.
“Do you need help with that assignment?” Tashi asks once she parked her car and turned off the ignition.
“What assignment?” You ask, confused by her question.
Tashi gives you a quizzical look. “The one you seem really worked up over. You’ve barely spoken for the last five minutes. You don’t do that.” She points out, gesturing towards you.
You laugh again. “No, it’s fine, sorry. My mind is just–“ You whistle, pointing your finger out the window. “–elsewhere today. Ignore me.” You say, stepping out of the car and closing the passenger door.
You retrieve your bags from the backseat, Tashi giving you a look like she didn’t fully believe you. Albeit, she did not question you further.
As the two of you have dinner with your grandparents, your mind keeps wandering back to the message. Your imagination gets the best of you as you thought about what it is like to have his calloused hands on your exposed skin, the same flames as before licking at your core. Deep down, you wanted to find out.
“Excuse me, I have to use the washroom.” You says suddenly, getting up to exit the room and run upstairs.
“Don’t be long! We still have dessert!” Your grandmother exclaims after you.
You felt your heart race as you closed the door behind you, sitting on the ledge of the bathtub as you unlocked your phone. You go to text back Patrick.
You: and what exactly is it that you’d do in order to find that out?
This was getting messy. You knew you were doing something you shouldn’t have, and it only enticed you more to the situation.
Patrick didn’t text back right away. In fact, he didn’t at all until you and Tashi were in your room a few hours later, staying up watching rom coms.
Tashi was laying beside you, her eyes barely staying open. Jennifer Hudson was meeting Matthew McConaughey for the first time in How to Lose A Guy In 10 Days when your phone buzzed again. You looked at it instantly.
pat_zweig: what are you doing rn?
pat_zweig: i’ll answer your question in person
Your eyes flicker between Tashi and the movie before responding.
You: i’m busy sorry
pat_zweig: not busy enough to be ignoring me though, right?
You don’t respond right away, your mind drifting off over the imagery he has given you. Patrick sends you another text.
pat_zweig: you’re thinking about it, aren’t you
You: about what?
You knew exactly what he was referring to, but something about trying to make him say it out loud made it even better.
pat_zweig: you know what i mean, you're smarter than that
pat_zweig: are you sure you’re busy?
You look over at Tashi. She’s fallen asleep without you even realizing it. You purse your lips in deep thought, weighing out your options. You respond back.
You: i can’t tonight
You watch as the typing bubble reappears then disappear multiple times before he finally messages you back.
pat_zweig: enjoy that dream world of yours in the meantime then
pat_zweig: goodnight
You feel your cheeks warm up, placing your phone face down on the bed beside you.
You begin to think about what would it be like; to be underneath him, over him, in front, his head between your–
You flip over to bury your face in your pillow, attempting to suffocate the thoughts out of your mind. Without trying, you end up falling asleep.
As the morning rises, you and Tashi busy yourselves with school assignments for the earlier half of the day.
"Stop moving or this portrait is gonna look disfigured." You state, Tashi readjusting herself in your desk chair once again. You had to paint a subject for your visual studies course, figuring your cousin would be a great example. Except, she could not sit still for the life of her.
"Sorry, the coffee is getting to me." She admits, keeping her face straight as you continue to paint the base of the image.
"Just let me get the color grade right, then you can get up." You say, sticking out your tongue slightly as you focus on the canvas.
Your grandparents and Tashi's parents liked to host family gatherings every couple of months or so, preferably when it was still warm outside so they had an excuse to use the barbecue. The entire house was expected to be in attendance, meaning you and your grandparents. Tashi explained that her parents were more than happy to do so, considering your appearance in their home of New York.
"Okay..." You lay down a few more strokes before humming in approval. "You're free to roam now."
Tashi gets up instantly, stretching out her back. "I'm grateful you asked me to do this, but don't make me do it again please." She pleas, groaning slightly.
"Noted." You say, putting the paintbrush into your jar of murky water.
"Girls! Are you hungry? I'm making appetizers for later." Your aunt Diane exclaims from the bottom of the stairs.
"Do you think she made pigs in a blanket?" You ask Tashi excitedly, who laughs at your facial expression.
"Coming, mom!" She yells back, exiting the room with you trailing behind.
The two of you enter the kitchen, seeing all kinds of ingredients laid out on the counter. Your grandmother was assisting Diane, your grandfather outside with Tashi's dad Mike as the two hovered over the barbecue. There were in fact, pigs in a blanket on the counter. You reach your hand out for one.
"Careful baby," Your grandmother warns. "They're fresh out of the oven. Wait a few minutes."
You nod, retracting your hand. "What time is everyone supposed to be here at?" You ask, sitting on a stool.
"About an hour, just a few more family friends is all." Diane explains. "I invited Michelle and her folks. I haven't seen her in quite some time, I'm very ecstatic." She muses, a smile forming on her face.
"Who's Michelle?" Tashi asks, taking a grape from a nearby bowl and throwing it into her mouth.
"An old friend of mine from college. Her son actually goes to NYU too, tennis player as well." Her mom says, pointing her knife towards Tashi before going back to cutting tomatoes.
"What's his name? I might know him." Tashi states.
"I honestly can't remember, honey. He's coming too though, I believe. You'll see then if you know him or not." Diane shrugs.
Your phone vibrates, pulling it out of your back pocket.
pat_zweig: any wet dreams of me last night?
You roll your eyes, turning your body away from the conversation between your family members.
You: that would actually be a nightmare. so no, thankfully
pat_zweig: you're really good at pretending you don't give a shit about me
pat_zweig: keep it up and i might get hard ;)
You scoff, putting your phone back in your pocket. Unbelievable.
Your grandmother says your name, earning your attention. "Can you mix up the caesar salad for me while I get these tarts going?" She asks with a drawl of her Brooklyn accent.
"Course." You say, getting off the stool and catering to your grandmother's needs.
The door bell rings. Not realizing it had already been an hour, your aunt makes a noise of excitement as she heads over to the front door. She begins greeting people you have either last seen when you were 14, or have never met at all.
You felt like your head was metaphorically hit with a large stone when you see a familar head of black curls step through the threshold of the front door. You hear Tashi choke on her water behind you.
"Grandma, what's Michelle's last name?" You ask quickly, turning away from the scene to face your grandmother.
"Oh, Zweig I think. Why?" She says casually, having no idea about the chaos that was about to ensue.
Tashi locks eyes with you, although you knew you didn't look nearly as pissed off as she did over his presence.
"I'm going to help dad outside." She says calmly, quickly walking through the sliding door that was already open.
You debate whether or not you should follow your cousin, but you didn't wish to create a situation. "Is Tashi alright?" Your grandmother asks.
"She will be." You sigh, turning back towards the guests. It would be rude of you to not say hi, after all.
Patrick looks at you, standing beside his mother. That's where he gets his looks from. You think to yourself.
"Michelle, this is my niece." Diane introduces you, Michelle stepping forward and engulfing you in a hug.
"Your Steph's daughter? Gosh, you are quite the stunner." Michelle says, rubbing your back briskly before stepping back. "This is my son, Patrick."
Patrick smiles innocently. "Oh, we know each other already." He says nonchalantly.
"Oh really? You must know Tashi then," Your aunt glances around. "I'm not sure where she went, though." She hums.
Michelle and Diane rejoice in conversation, wandering off to the backyard to join the men. Your grandmother had began bringing out snacks to the dining table, leaving you and Patrick alone in the kitchen.
He leans against the counter, a little too comfortably close to you. "Long time no talk." He muses, grabbing a grape from the bowl behind you and popping it into his mouth. A grin spreads across his face when he realizes how tense you are.
"Did you know I'd be here?" You ask with a flippant tone. "It's like you get off by making me uncomfortable." You suggest, crossing your arms.
Patrick shrugs. "Don't know," He leans in close. "you didn't seem that uncomfortable last night." He glances down at your lips before making eye contact once more. "Also, no, I didn't know. Pleasant surprise." He murmurs before stepping away, heading towards the backyard.
You let go of the breath you didn't realize you were holding, deciding to preoccupy yourself by helping your grandmother arrange appetizers on the dining table.
More family members arrived over time, nearly everyone either outside on the lawn or sitting around the dining table with drinks.
You had decided to stand on the balcony connecting to the master bedroom, having a cigarette so the smoke wouldn't be a disturbance to anyone. You watched carefully as Patrick entertained one of your younger relatives, trying not to laugh as the kid threw his stuffed animal at his face. He feigned being hurt, earning a hug from the little boy. It warmed your heart a bit, seeing this side to him. You hear the door open behind you, turning your head to see Tashi.
"I cannot believe he showed up, seriously." She scoffs, looking over the scenery. "He knew this was my family's gathering, it's like he enjoys being the piece of shit on the bottom of my shoe or something." She says bitterly, taking a sip of the diet coke in her hand.
You tilt your head side to side, somewhat agreeing with her. You blow out smoke. "At least he isn't trying anything," You attempt to reason. "But I get it. If I were you, I'd wanna kick him in the nuts or something too." It wasn't far from what your feeling yourself.
After a few moments of silence, Tashi speaks once again. "I think I'm gonna head home, I have an early day tomorrow anyways." She sighs, looking over at you. "Are you gonna be alright?" She asks, clearly referring to the threat down below.
"Oh, yeah." You reassure. "These bad boys?" You flex your arms as your cigarette hangs out of you mouth. You put your arms back down and hold out your smoke to continue speaking. "They'll protect me."
Tashi laughs quietly, nodding. "Okay then. I'm heading out." She pulls you in for a brief hug. "You smell like cigarettes." She comments, her nose scrunching up a bit.
"Hm, wonder why." You say, raising your brows as you inhale the cigarette once more.
Tashi smiles at you. "Okay, bye." She says, returning back into the house.
You put out the cancerous addiction into the ash tray on top of the side table to your right, resting your arms on the railing. You look back down, watching your relatives mingle with one another. You smile, yet felt heavy without the presence of your mom around. You were pretty good at calling her every other day, but it just wasn't the same.
You make eye contact with Patrick, who holds up a pack of his own smokes, gesturing to your current location. You roll your eyes. You knew it was best if he smoked where you were than anywhere else. You nod, watching him grin as he disappears into the house.
A minute later, he joins you on the balcony, closing the sliding door behind him. He doesn't say a word, putting a cigarette in his mouth. He pats down his pockets, looking for a lighter.
You flick yours and hold it up, allowing Patrick to lean in and light his smoke without you even looking at him.
You listen to him inhale then exhale, standing right beside you.
"Beautiful evening, isn't it?" He says, no indication of arrogance in his words. He actually might be genuine for once.
"Mm, yeah." You mumble, resting your chin on the palm of your hand.
He leans over the railing to make eye contact with you. "You okay?" He asks, noticing your lack of sarcasm.
"Yeah, it's fine." You say, looking back down at your family members. "It's stupid, I just miss my mom. That's all." You say nonchalantly.
Patrick nods, inhaling his cigarette again. "She's back in Canada, right?" He asks.
"Yep, unfortunately." You say, looking over at him as you purse your lips. "I'm surprised you haven't made a lewd comment yet." You remark, a small smile playing on your lips.
It was odd, there wasn't any tension to slice with a knife. The air was peaceful between the two of you.
Patrick chuckles. "I figured right now isn't a good time. Besides, there's children present." He gestures towards the young children running around the legs of parents who attempted to hold conversation while their kids yelled.
"I don't think they can hear you, nor would they know what you were even saying." You point out, debating whether or not you have another cigarette.
Patrick hums. "I suppose you're right." He says, putting his cigarette out in the ash tray.
You look at each other for a long moment, complete silence taking over. You clear your throat and stand up straight, running a hand through your hair.
"Can I ask you something?" You say, your stomach flipping over as he nods. "Why..." You struggle to find your words. "Why do you do the things you do?"
He furrows his brows at your question. "I'm not sure I know what you mean."
"How come you like flirting with everyone? You slept with my cousin over the summer and now you're going after me. Why?" You ask. You didn't have any cruel intentions behind your words, you simply just wanted to know why.
Patrick goes silent, his gaze looking down at the ground. "I, I don't know." He mumbles before looking back up at you. "I think I like knowing I have that ability over people." He admits, shrugging. "I'm not trying to achieve anything, I just can't help myself." He says, scratching the back of his neck.
You nod, looking away in thought. "Right, makes sense." You say.
"What's that supposed to mean?" He inquires, sounding nearly offended by your statement.
"Manwhore." You simply say, holding back a smile.
"Oh shut the fuck up." He quips, shaking his head. "You're really something, you know." He adds, looking at you with a certain fondness in your eyes. You were meeting his level, you knew it was entertaining to him.
"I'm something to Patrick Zweig? God bless America." You say sarcastically, placing your hand over your heart.
He mocks you in a high pitched tone, rolling his eyes. "Most women would've caved in by now, even Tashi did." He states, a shit eating grin on his face.
"Hey seriously, don't speak of her like that." You say sternly, clearly upset with his words.
His smile falls, wincing at your words. "Sorry, I'm sorry. That was a low blow, that wasn't cool. Sorry." He says. "I mean it." He adds, his words with a clear indication of regret.
You hum for a moment. "I guess I forgive you." You say, rubbing your arms. The breeze had gotten colder over the course of two weeks, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin.
"Thanks, I appreciate it." He says, a half grin on his face now. "Are you cold? We can go back inside. I think the party is dying down anyways." He points out, grabbing ahold of the door handle.
"Yeah, I should get back to my homework anyways." You state, stepping inside once Patrick opened the door.
The two of you make it out to the hallway, hearing the faint commotion of family downstairs.
Patrick stands awkwardly in the doorway as you enter your bedroom, unsure of what he was allowed to do.
"You can come in, just don't try anything please." You warn him, walking over to your closet to find a change of clothes.
"Course." He says, entering the room. He may be a horny asshole, but he knew when to respect boundaries. "Do you, want me to close the door or...?" He asks timidly.
"Please." You request. "I need to change, so I'd also appreciate it if you stood and faced the wall in the corner." You add, gesturing him towards the other side of the room.
Patrick raises his eyebrow, closing the door before facing the corner beside it. "Go ahead." He says, muffled by the wall.
You watch him as you undress, making sure he doesn't attempt to sneak a peek at you.
"Okay, you may turn around now."
Patrick slowly turns to face you, your outfit now a baggy shirt and some worn out sweatpants. "Wow, what an outfit." He says sarcastically, going over to your bed to sit on it.
"I was trying to impress you." You say with the same amount of humor in your voice, walking over to your desk.
"Are you actually gonna do your homework?" He asks, leaning back against your headboard.
"Yeah, the fuck?" You remark, sitting down in your desk chair.
"Wow." He lets out a low whistle, resting his hands behind his head as he crosses his legs. "Shocking."
"What?" You ask.
You both knew exactly what the other was thinking, but your pride was too big and his ego was too inflated for either of you to say anything about it.
"Nevermind." He says, closing his eyes. "Your bed is comfortable, I might just sleep here tonight." He muses, opening one eye.
"Hm, sorry, there's no flames to recreate the heat of Hell where your apartment must be." You retort, turning to face your laptop.
"You're really funny, I like that." Patrick comments, smiling at the back of your head. "You ever consider stand up?"
"Only if I get to make fun of you on stage for two hours straight." You quip, looking over your shoulder with a smile.
Patrick laughs quietly, standing up from your bed to lean over you, watching your laptop screen. "I cannot understand why a research paper is more exciting than my presence." He says, placing one hand on your chair and the other on your desk beside your hand.
"You'd be surprised." You say humorously, looking up at him.
He looks down at you, his face illuminated by your desk lamp. God, he was one attractive idiot.
He smirked, leaning his face in closer. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." He murmurs.
"I was just about to say the same thing." You whisper. You both hesitantly move in closer, finding yourself slowly losing the battle.
Patrick was not an easy man to ignore, and you were rapidly becoming unsure of your ability to control yourself. His lips just barely graze yours, teasing you slightly. You're about to go all in-
Until someone opens the door.
You both pull away from each other. Patrick is now standing as stiff as a board, his hands stuck to his sides as he pretends to look at your laptop screen. You stared at Diane with wide eyes.
"Oh, sorry you two." She raises a brow. "Was I interrupting something?"
"Nope. She was just showing me her research paper. Boring as hell." Patrick states, walking over to the door. "Is my mom looking for me?" He asks.
"Yes, I was about to say. She just wanted to say goodbye, and if you needed a ride to your apartment." Tashi mom says, eyeing Patrick closely.
You begin to laugh, covering your mouth.
Patrick's ears turn red, laughing awkwardly at Diane's words. "She's so sweet, considering my crappy Volkswagen is in the shop right now." He explains through gritted teeth, making sure you knew he wasn't getting rides from his mom consistently at the proper age of 22. "I'll get going now, goodnight Mrs. Duncan." He says, then looks over at you. "Goodnight." He winks at you before disappearing from view.
She watches him go down the stairs, turning to face you again. "What an interesting man that Patrick is." She states, crossing her arms. "He wasn't trying anything, was he?" She asks cautiously.
"No ma'am, I wouldn't let him do such a thing." You assure her. Like mother like daughter. You think to yourself.
"Alright." She whispers, uncrossing her arms with a smile. "Mike and I are heading out now. Call me if you need me." She states as she quickly walks over and hugs you, placing a kiss on your head. "I love you a lot."
"Will do. I love you too." You respond, smiling.
"Bye baby." Your aunt says before she exits your room, closing the door slowly behind her.
You groan loudly a few moments later, dragging your hands over your face in frustration towards no one but yourself. You almost succumbed to the powers of Patrick Zweig, and it was pissing you off.
"Stupid motherfucking pretty boy motherfucker." You mutter bitterly to yourself, grabbing your makeup wipes off your desk to clean your face. "You will not win! Your charms don't work on me, you bitch!" You exclaim, pretending he was still in front of you. You rub the makeup off your face and discard the used wipes in the trashcan by your desk.
Your phone buzzes. You sigh loudly, rubbing your forehead.
"I swear to god." You mutter, grabbing the cellular device.
pat_zweig: next time there will be no interruptions
pat_zweig: goodnight ;)
You toss yourself onto your bed, grabbing your pillow as you scream into it.
You will be the death of me, Patrick Zweig.
i know i wrote this but why is he lowkey pissing me off too LMFAO
anyways, thank you for your patience everyone. A whole 24 hours.. blasphemy. I'll get right onto part 3, no doubt about it. also!! over double the amount of the previous word count because i am very grateful for the responses i got. much love you guys.
as always, let me know how you like it, and if you have any suggestions for future pieces lmk! huzzah
much love, isabel
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sonicasura · 1 year ago
I got done watching playthroughs of Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 from EmotionalMarcus and Superhorrorbro. Highly suggest the latter if you want to check it out as he found all the hidden tapes. Man was this chapter insane so here's my take on it with obvious massive spoilers.
Edit: For those who need a refresher, Ch 1 +2 VHS tapes, Chapter 3 Analog Trailers, Project Playtime VHS, Interactive ARG, and In-game Documents.
First off, Deep Sleep definitely answered a lot of questions but also left more too. The important ones revolving around the Prototype and the toys themselves. Here's a summarized version.
CatNap ran a cult worshipping the Prototype as his god. Toys were forced to follow him to survive in Playcare including the other Bigger Bodies Smiling Critters. However the food issue led to not only infighting but also cannibalism.
Picky Piggy ate Bubba Bubbaphant, KickinChickin and Craftycorn. Dog Day was labeled a heretic thus was slowly eaten by the smaller Critters until only his upper torso left. The horrific thing is he been left alive to suffer. At least until the smaller Critters' puppeted his body to chase after the Player.
Poppy and Kissy Missy wants to kill the Prototype. There's a possibility Kissy cared about a child in Playcare before she became a toy. Part of this being the theory that the Bigger Body was once a worker.
There were toys who served as teachers in the schoolhouse. Due to the Hour of Joy, one toy called Ms Delight gone insane and killed all her fellow teachers to survive. CatNap avoids her haunt for an unknown reason. Maybe because she's an ally or someone he once cared about.
CatNap had been a tool to the Prototype as he's killed for his failure. This might've not been a case once upon a time due to a theory about him used to being Elliot Ludwig. Apparently the Prototype acts as a hivemind with him assimilating and copying others.
Tom Sawyer/The Doctor gotten killed sometime before the Hour of Joy. It might've been the Prototype due to an interview tape between the two prior to Leith Pierre interview with CatNap. The abuse done to the toys might've spurred on the takeover.
Hour of Joy was a massive slaughter where every human been killed no matter who they were. CatNap might be responding for the kids death with Ollie being a possible toy survivor. Kissy Missy was taken over and been a participant as well. She might've gotten captured or killed at the end of the chapter.
Now onto my personal theories starting with the Prototype.
He is a hivemind based organism most likely made from Elliot Ludwig. The Prototype could've gone insane as he kept assimilating others. Possible breaking point that led to the Hour of Joy being the Doctor since he been studying him too than it being one sided.
The slaughter had an massive ulterior goal. Prototype doesn't require food and the shrine CatNap made of him has multiple human bodies in it. Ollie also confirmed that the shrine is nothing compared to the real deal.
The Prototype might've assimilated most of the victims before moving onto the other toys. Further proof is CatNap's state once you fully see him. He's so thin that you can his bones and ribcage. The employees were their only food provider which led to this post apocalyptic style cannibalism.
If the Prototype was benevolent then a lot of strings could be pulled where the corrupt humans perish and they puppet Playtime Co in the shadows. No more experiments as the company would function under them. Clueless employees delivering a constant food supply and the kids could actually see the real world. Maybe the toys follow them out as no one is aware.
Poppy even mentioned the Player running the company so she knew there was a better way to handle things. The Prototype locked her up to prevent this foil in his plans. Hour of Joy was a purposely planned slaughter.
Second theory involves Huggy Wuggy and the Player. Throughout the chapter, our first Bigger Body had been a major constant element. He is the first and last one we see through CatNap's nightmares. There's a hidden important connection which involves the Prototype too.
I think the hivemind spared him as it's clear they were more of a victim than foe. CatNap would've spare him if he left this all behind. Huggy Wuggy might've attacked the Player near the entrance during the Hour of Joy before leaving.
Final theory revolves around the toys. Dog Day and CatNap are further evidence that the Bigger Bodies can have diverse bodies. Mommy Longlegs died when she cut in half but the canine Smiling Critter didn't. Boxy Boxy devours people whole hinting at very strong stomach acid despite his small body while CatNap has an expanded ribcage and can breathe gas.
There is one common similarity amongst all the toys except for Poppy. All of them can be affected by the Prototype. My theory involves their brain containing an actual fragment from him. The Doctor constantly dissected the Prototype and might've added portions to the other toys as a key material in their creation.
It also explains why Mommy alongside Kissy aren't on his side. The Prototype's influence acts sorta like a suggestion meaning they can resist him. Mommy Longlegs was left alone as the more hostile Bigger Bodies look over their own territories. Huggy Wuggy is an exception since he acts more like a puppet until the Prototype activates him.
Things are heating up as Chapter Four might be the last one for Poppy Playtime since CatNap was the Prototype's final key player. I won't say there could be complications on the way as more experiments were mentioned in Chapter 3 specifically Experiment 'Void'.
For now, this is all we got.
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starlightshadowsworld · 9 months ago
Hi! sorry but has it ever been confirmed who Fitzgerald's prophet was in BSD? Like, in chapter 28 during the Moby Dick arc, Fitzgerald talks about a "someone with the ability of clairvoyance prophesized that the book in question is currently sealed within this piece of land known as Yokohama" and I don't think we ever got a canon answer as to who it was, or if they ever got mentioned again.
But do you think the prophet could be Fyodor since his first appearance was him lying about his ability and since then he manipulated people into doing world-ending/city-destroying things (Moby Dick, Dead Apple, Cannibalism and now the current arc) for him without them realizing the lie? Since we had the precedent, and it keeps getting worse and worse and I might be conspiracy theorizing this but, do you think there's a basis that Fyodor might've started the Great War? So far, it's been vague as to the exact cause (the order of the clocktower is a major player in it, it took place in Europe, had a lot to do with abilities and ability users, lots of atrocities were committed during it, the world leaders literally had to be locked in a room to sign the peace treaty) but we know it deeply affected everyone in the cast. It would be crazy and mind-blowing if it turned out he's had a hand in it too, he's been kicking around long enough that he could've set up the dominoes decades before it actually started, especially since the war eventually led to the current arc and so close to the Book
Don't apologise :)
Point 1: I don't believe it has been confirmed who Fitzgerald is referring too. But I do believe it is Fyodor. Given he's both allied with the Guild and had the bounty set on Atsushi.
Which is the whole reason they're after him in that arc. I wouldn't be suprised if Fyodor lied about being clairvoyant, seems pretty up his alley.
Though that does make me wonder how he knew to begin with.
Point 2: I am of the belief that Dead Apple is Fyodor's experiment. He's the reason all these events happened by setting Shibusawa loose and watched the fireworks happen.
So to speak.
If Fyodor had an any involvement in the Great War, that's how I see it happening. That he was influencing things here and there but ultimately wasn't part of it.
He's a spectator watching it all unfold from the shadows. I mean the order of clock tower was involved and Fyodor is allied with them.
I assume his reasoning for being involved was to set certain outcomes in motion, possibly get close to Fukuchi and learn about one order but that's just me.
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