#he carried needle and thread around. he makes all types of stuff. he was dressed like a gaucho. he and i had similar art styles.
horrorwebs · 2 years
met this really cool weird guy
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tipsycad147 · 3 years
Using Magical Poppets and Dolls
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You're the only one who can decide what's ethically acceptable for you. Michelle Constantini/Getty Images
By Patti Wigington
Updated January 05, 2019
The magical poppet is one of the most commonly used implements in sympathetic magic, which follows along on the theory that “like creates like.” Although TV shows and movies typically show poppets as the stereotypical "voodoo doll," poppets have been around for a long time, and used in a number of different cultures and religious belief systems. There are many ways to create a poppet, and they can be used to harm or to heal; if you create a poppet of a person, anything done to the poppet will affect the person it represents. Bear in mind that some magical traditions discourage the use of poppets. If you're not sure whether or not it's okay for you to use poppet magic, you may want to check with someone in your tradition.
A poppet is usually made from cloth or fabric, but you can also make one from clay, wax, wood, or just about any other material. You can fill your poppet with herbs, stones, bits of wood, paper, or anything else that suits your needs. In addition to magical items, it's a good idea to include some cotton or polyfill as stuffing material.
Once the poppet is created, you'll need to connect it to the person it represents, which is typically done by using a magical link of some sort. Remember, the poppet is a useful magical tool, and can be used in a variety of workings. Use it for healing, to banish harmful people from your life, to bring abundance your way — the choices are practically limitless.
Poppet History
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Fetish dolls on sale at a market in Togo. Danita Delimont/Getty Images
When most people think of a poppet, they automatically think of the Voodoo doll, thanks to this item's negative portrayal in movies and on television. However, the use of dolls in sympathetic magic goes back several millennia. Back in the days of ancient Egypt, the enemies of Ramses III (who were numerous, and included some of his harem women and at least one high-ranking official) used wax images of the Pharaoh, to bring about his death. Let's look at some of the historical uses of poppets in spellwork.
Greek Kolossi
It wasn't uncommon for the Greeks to use sympathetic magic in workings related to love or war. Christopher Faraone, Professor of Classical Languages and Literatures at the University of Chicago, is one of the foremost authorities on Greek magic today, and says that Greek poppets called Kolossoi were sometimes used to restrain a ghost or even a dangerous deity, or to bind two lovers together. In Idyll 2, The Witch (Pharmakeutria), written about 200 b.c.e., the tragedian Theocritus refers to melting and burning wax dolls. He relates the tale of Simaetha, rejected by Delphis, attempts to get her lover back with magic.
The Princess Who Played with Dolls
Wax dolls certainly weren't limited to the ancient classical world. The one-time Princess of Wales, Caroline of Brunswick, was married to the man who later became King George IV, and evidently couldn't stand him. She spent many hours forming wax dolls of her husband and jabbing them with pins. Although there's no concrete evidence as to what this may have done to George, when Caroline ran off to Italy with her young lover, George didn't object. The royal couple remained married but lived separately until Caroline’s death in 1821, according to Witchcraft and Evidence in Early Modern England by Malcolm Gaskill.
West African Fetish Magic
West African slaves brought with them a doll called a fetish when they were forced to leave their homes and come to the American colonies. In this case, the doll is not so much representative of an individual, but is in fact possessed by spirits connected to the doll’s owner. A fetish contains significant power and is typically worn or carried by its owner as a talisman. During America's Colonial period, slave owners were allowed to kill any slave found with a fetish in his possession.
American Hoodoo and Folk Magic
In American Hoodoo and folk magic, the use of poppets as a magical tool became popular following the Civil War. There is some dispute as to whether the dolls are used at all in Haiti, which is the home of Vodoun religion, and a few sources disagree on whether the use of poppets is truly a Vodoun practice or not. However, the Voodoo Museum of New Orleans does stock a variety of dolls in their gift shop.
Regardless of how you make your poppet — out of cloth, a chunk of meat, or a glob of wax, remember that poppets have a long tradition behind them, and that tradition is influenced by the magical practices of a wide range of cultures. Treat your poppets well, and they will do the same for you!
Make Your Own Poppet
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Photomorgana/Getty Images
A poppet can be as simple or as elaborate as you like — it all depends on how much time and effort you want to put into it. You can construct one out of just about any material — cloth, clay, wood, wax. Use your imagination! In some magical traditions, it's believed that the more work you put into it, and the more complex it is, the stronger your link will be to your goal. Because a poppet is a device for sympathetic magic, all of its components will be symbols of what it is you hope to achieve.
You can do your poppet-making as part of the working itself, or it can be made ahead of time so you can use the poppet later on. Which method you choose is really up to you.
Remember, your poppet represents a person, so figure out before you begin who it symbolizes. Is it you? A friend who's asked you for help? An un-named lover you want to bring into your life? A gossip you want to shut up? The possibilities are endless, but just like in any spell working, you'll need to set a goal before you begin. It keeps you from having to deal with "do-overs" later. These instructions are for a basic poppet construction, using fabric. Feel free to modify your design as you need to.
Selecting Your Fabric
There are no real rules when it comes to choosing your material, but it's not a bad idea to select fabric based on your goal. If you're doing a money spell, use a piece of green or gold cloth. If you're looking at healing, perhaps something in a soft blue or silver would be best. Check out fabric stores around the holidays, and you can find all kinds of neat patterns.
Valentine's Day designs are perfect for matters of the heart, and there are plenty of prints with dollar signs, coins, stars and moons, and other fun designs.
Another option is to use fabric that links the poppet to the person it represents. Doing a healing spell for a friend? Ask the person for an old t-shirt. If you're trying to draw love into your life, consider using a scrap from that sexy lingerie you wore last night. If you just can't find the right material, use a plain muslin or white felt. Here are a few ideas for designs and colors for poppet magic.
Animals: Brown or green fabrics, patterns with cats or dogs, anything pet-related
Banishing: Black fabric, designs such as swords or wands, dragons or fire
Creativity: Orange or yellow fabric, prints of suns or other fire symbols
Healing: Silver, white or blue, with designs of clouds or other air symbols
Love: Pink or red material, designs like hearts, roses or other flowers, Cupids
Money: Silver, gold or green fabric, or designs of dollar bills or coins, cups or earthy symbols
Protection: Red or white material, with patterns of shields, keys or locks, fences, mistletoe
When it comes to types of fabric, use what's easiest for you to work with. Cotton prints are easy to sew, but if you've never used a needle and thread before, you might want to try something stiffer like felt — it comes in every color you can imagine, and will hold its shape as you sew. If you're an experienced sewer, use anything you like.
A poppet represents a person, so ideally it should look (sort of) like a person. Give it a head, two arms, two legs, a torso. You can make your own outline or you can use the ultimate poppet pattern — a gingerbread man. If you're doing a spell for an animal — such as a healing spell for a sick pet — make the poppet shape accordingly. Your poppet doesn't have to be huge, but it should be big enough that you can stuff it with your ingredients later.
Take two pieces of your fabric, and place them right side together on a flat surface. Place the pattern on top, pin it in place, and cut it out. Leave a little room around the edges for a seam allowance — usually a 3/8" margin is good. Remove the pattern, and there are your two poppet shapes. Time to start sewing!
If you've never sewn anything by hand before, don't panic. It's not hard, but it does require some patience. You could always use a sewing machine if you're pressed for time, but most experienced poppet-makers agree that it's worth the effort to do it by hand. Pin the two pieces of material with the right sides together, and stitch around the edges. Leave an opening somewhere, wide enough to stick a couple of fingers in. Turn the poppet inside out, and begin stuffing.
Personalize Your Poppet
Fill your poppet with something soft, like polyfill or cotton balls. Old pantyhose work nicely too. Work the stuffing all the way into the nooks and crannies of the arms and legs, and then fill the torso and head.
This is where you'll place your spell components — herbs, stones, whatever. In some magical traditions, something from the person represented goes inside the poppet. This is alternately referred to as a taglock or a magical link — it can be bits of hair, nail clippings, body fluids, a business card, or even a photograph. Once everything is inside, sew the poppet completely shut.
The more you can customize your poppet, the better. Even if you've placed a magical link, or taglock, inside, you'll want to decorate the outside too. Draw or paint or sew a face onto your doll. Add yard or string for hair. Dress your poppet in something that looks like the person's clothing. Copy any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing features onto the poppet as well. Add magical or astrological symbols if you like. While you're doing this, tell the poppet who it represents. You can say something along the lines of, "I have made you, and you are Jane Jones."
Your poppet can be used for any number of things—love, money, protection, healing, to get a job. Anything you can imagine, you can make a poppet to bring it about. Simply figure out your goal and the means to achieve it. The only limits on poppet construction are your own creativity and imagination.
6 Easy Poppet Projects
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Make protective poppets for each member of your family with modeling clay. amanaimagesRF/Getty Images
Not sure what sort of poppets to create, or how you can use them in a practical application? Try one of these six easy ideas for making and using your own poppets.
1. To Get a Job You've Applied For
Material: satin, green or gold or silver
Herbs: clover, chamomile, ginger, cinnamon
Gemstones: snowflake obsidian or sodalite
Create a poppet to represent yourself. As you make it, focus on the positive attributes that you possess which will make you appealing to a potential employer. Another option is to create the poppet in the image of the employer (include business cards or letterhead inside, if you can get them) and tell the employer poppet why you're the best person for the job.
2. To Protect Your Family
Material: Modeling clay
Herbs: Basil, patchouli, coffee
Gemstones: Hematite, amethyst, black onyx.
Create poppets that represent each member of the family, blending herbs and stones into the clay. Put them in a safe place in your home, such as near your hearth, and utilize magical shielding or cast a circle of protection around them. This is actually a fun project you can get your kids involved in as well — let them each make their own poppet person!
3. To Heal a Sick Person
Material: White cotton or unbleached muslin
Herbs: Lemon balm, feverfew, ivy, and pine.
Gemstones: Bloodstone, turquoise
When you make this poppet, be sure to indicate what you are trying to heal, whether it's a case of tennis elbow, a chronic infection, or even a broken heart. Focus all of your energy on the ailment in question.
4. To Bring Love Into Your Life
Material: Red or pink silk or cotton
Herbs: Rose petals, parsley, and peppermint
Gemstones: Barite, jade, rose quartz
Make a poppet to represent the object of your affection — remember that in some magical traditions it is frowned upon to make a specific person the target of your working. If you are simply trying to attract love to yourself, but you don’t have a specific person in mind, focus on all the desirable qualities you want to see in a potential lover.
5. Silencing a Gossip
Material: Ground beef or other squishy meat
Herbs: Horseradish, pepper, rue, yarrow, valerian
Shape the meat and herbs into a person, and create a "meat puppet" in the same way you'd make a fabric one. As you make the doll, tell it that it's time to be silent, and tell no more gossipy stories. Remind it that people who can't say nice things shouldn't say anything at all. Dispose of the doll by either burning it on your grill and burying it someplace far away, feeding it to your dog, or leaving it out in the sun to rot.
6. Emergency Poppet on the Fly
Material: Aluminum foil
Perhaps something has come up in a hurry, and you feel it needs immediate magical attention. Use a piece of aluminum foil to whip together a quickie poppet — shape it into the figure of a person. Fill with any magical components that might be handy — bits of wood, dirt, grass, even a name scribbled on a piece of paper — and personalize the poppet.
Need additional poppetry ideas? Try making a magical gingerbread poppet, or put together a portable poppets kit to keep in your magical arsenal!
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memcaked · 4 years
Source: Subarashiki kono Sekai | The World Ends With You
Relationships: Eri (TWEWY)/Misaki Shiki
Characters: Eri, Misaki Shiki
Additional tags: Sewing, Mr. Mew, pre-game, Meet-Cute, Not beta read
Summary: This is the first real template Shiki’s drawn up and sewn herself. Or would it be sewing?
Beginning notes: Addendum: This was first written and uploaded on October 8th, 2020. day 7 was while really cool was also really exhausting... so, shiki sewing mr mew and meeting fashionista eri for the first time. learnt while writing this october 8 is international lesbian day, so i think this means we have to wish these two well
even if the actual sewing didn't actually make much of an appearance i went through a shitton of old plushie tutorials i used to watch and i feel like i am obligated to put some here. maybe watching stuffed animals being made is good for your mental health idk mate im not a therapist i just type words here.
mario plushie tutorials
alpaca sock plushie tutorial
sheep sock plush 
Body: This is the first real template Shiki’s drawn up and sewed herself. Or would it be sewing? Its been like this for days now - finishes her meagre lunch fast, reaches into her bag for the sewing box that’s so packed with threads and needles and felt her spine will be horizontal when she’s done, pulls out the carefully straightened templates encased in a large ziploc, and gets to work. It’s a clump of black felt that spreads out flat like a Rorschach, but when her needle goes through she knows it’s going to take form into the head. If she can make sure her blanket stitch loops do go through, of course…
She’d stuff socks and make these cutesy pill-shaped things, tape googly eyes and decorate them with her (god, not even fabric) markers, stitch up small charms she found in DIY books or online and knot them to zippers. She’s had this idea in her head for some time now, a black toy cat with white socks to carry around in your arms. And after all the sketches she did of how it’d move around or sit the template finally came to her - she used up 3 hours of her weekend drawing shapes and thinking in her head of what stitches she’d be using to piece them together. She’s only really started cutting up the felt and putting together the scraps recently and made her first stitch into it days ago.
The fabric joins together roughly - she pushes down raw edges and undoes the last six stitches when she realises how the seams will stick out like a sore thumb, trying to visualise how the cheeks group up to form the face (oh, she just realised the eyes and mouth need to be embroidered) and which point to attach the body to. She hears a thump, something like the ones of sewing machines--
“Hey,” Shiki jolts up, almost losing the thread off her needle. She scrambles to pick it up from the table and sees these stylishly smooth thin navy sneakers, washed red laces that reach up to her ankles. Her eyes travel up to the school uniform, grey tartan skirt to the black blazer unbuttoned at the top to reveal the white dress shirt with the red and white striped necktie. Up top, red-streaked hair that falls under her shoulderblades topped with a dark grey newsie. She’s only okay at faces, but Shiki assumes this is the sleeper hit Eri, the fashionable, bubbly, popular, smart, the all-star girl she sees.
“Who are you?” Shiki must be staring owlishly at this girl with her hands clapped over her mouth in a dreaded shock. She swears she saw that paperboy cap jump in how fast she moved.
“Oh gosh, I didn’t mean to shock you like that!” The girl lifts out her hand, wearing this warm smile tinged with an apology. “I’m Eri, yeah. I, didn’t want to interrupt but I’ve been watching your sewing for a few minutes now and I wanted to tell you how good you are with a needle… how long have you been doing this?”
“I’ve spent a week on this,” Shiki lifts up the ziploc. “He’s meant to be a cat. I don’t know what to name him…”
“Mr. Mew.”
“I said, call him Mr. Mew.” Eri points up, eyes glittering like this is her eureka moment. “It’s a cute name for a toy cat and it’s alliterative. You’ve just got his head?”
“It’s a work in progress, I haven’t even finished his head, I still need to bring it together and do the rest of him.”
“What’s he going to look in a week? A fortnight?” Eri’s eyes blow wider and wider like if she’s imagining something immaculate, sprung from golden thread and six-figure thread counts.
“In a week I think I’ll be doing his body. Or starting on the stuffing. If I really crunch in two weeks, maybe I can,” Shiki’s thoughts trail off, but Eri’s excited awe cuts the slack for her.
“He’ll be finished?” Eri claps her hands, grinning this pearlescently white smile. “Mr. Mew’s going to be a handsome little cat. Next period’s starting soon, can I visit you again? And see him again?”
Shiki stares down, lazily pulling another stitch through the loop. “Come all you like.”
End notes: i guess this didnt touch upon too heavily on the sewing thing but i tried to make shiki sound noviceish with this GOD why does mr. mew look so good i did textiles in school and i was heavily intimidated by my teacher who was this 60 something woman who's been sewing since 12 and has had a living ruler in her brain and would laugh at me when i had to count centimetres with rulers. also had a in-built centre of gravity/alignment and assured me she cannot leave any wonky frame alone even if the queen was there. i should've continued textiles alas stem/language consumes all my units
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lilakennedy · 5 years
Marvin calling Jackie to tell him to not chase him again implies that that is a thing that has happened - that is a story I’d love to hear! If it is already existing, could I have a link please? :D
ah!!! it doesn’t exist yet, but i mentioned some stuff about Jackie & Marv’s relationship here!
and because you asked so nicely - (update from future me: i got carried away)
The sun had just fallen against the horizon, the last few rays of light leaving the sky in various hues of orange and red. People made their way home from work and school, the streets slowly getting more and more empty as night time rolled around. 
Laughter and chatter could be heard through the open windows on the street, people enjoying the mild weather, while through some open doors one could smell food that would make your mouth water. 
Most people were starting to settle in for the evening, as the world started to calm down.
Sitting in the cold light of an LED lamp, was Jackie. His eyes watching each small movement the gloved fingers against his biceps made. 
The room was drowned in the golden light of the sunset. The sharp, cold hue of the LED standing next to him and shining onto his arm being a nearly beautiful contrast against the warm sunlight. 
A small piece of debri carefully got pulled out of the wound, making Jackie wince which earned him a raised brow from Henrik. 
“You go against all kinds of criminals, but you wince at that?” He questioned, tone unimpressed as he placed down the tweezers and moved a rag across the edges of the wound to clean off any blood that was still sticking to Jackie’s skin. 
“To be fair, I do also wince when I get thrown through a window.” 
Giving a small chuckle at Jackies reply, Henrik turned his attention back to the nasty cut that Jackie had somehow gotten in the span of two hours since the doctor had last seen him.
Henrik was curious, the question about how he had ended up with such a deep gash was at the tip of his tongue, but he knew Jackie would share if he wanted to. 
They had these moments a lot, their relationship not quite a friendship but slowly getting more comfortable and casual rather than professional. 
It also wasn’t the first time that Jackie stood infront of the door to Henriks home instead of his clinic, making Henrik glad he always kept some tools and first aid supplies around the house. 
So here they were, Jackie sitting in the kitchen with his bloody hoodie and shirt thrown over the back of the wooden chair. His spear had gotten abandoned in the umbrella holder in the hallway, thanks to Henriks strict rule to avoid having Jackie break any of his belognings.
On the table next to the two of them, Henrik had placed bandages along with a small tray with suturing tools. A few paper towels stained with blood were laying in the bin next to Henrik, and the sharp smell of desinfectant Henrik had used to clean the table as Jackie arrived hung in the air and was impossible to ignore.
The radio Henrik had standing in his kitchen was quietly humming its melodies, the station playing various types of music with the occasional news report thrown in. It was audible, but not loud enough to distract or drown out any other noise. 
Jackie had been humming along to a song he recognized, bouncing his leg to the beat. Throwing the used rag into the sink, Henrik used his free hand to push against the heroes bouncing leg, giving him a small glare through his glasses. 
Without any words, Jackie understood and gave an apologetic grin as Henrik reached for the tray that was holding thread and needle. 
Henrik motioned for Jackie to turn his arm toward him a bit, which he did with ease and a few moments later Henrik got to work. 
The needle piercing skin still was far from pleasant, but it was something Jackie had gotten used to. And because of that, Jackie was able to get lost in thought despite Henriks careful work against his wound.
A few moments passed before Jackie spoke up again:
“Thanks man, I don’t know what I’d do without your help.”
“Probably use ductape.” Henrik replied, sounding condescending but the small smile on his face was even visible from where Jackie sat. “Or try to burn it shut.”
Jackie gave a small hum in reply, not wanting to laugh and move as Henrik was patching him up. 
“I should try that one day.” 
The rhythmic movement and repatitive sound of the needle driver didn’t get interrupted as Henrik glanced up to Jackie for a moment. “No you shouldn’t.”
Giggling at Henriks tone, Jackie shook his head and moved to watch the world outside the window as he focused on the radio again. 
They were talking about the weather, and Jackie swore he could hear Henrik sight at the report of heavy downpour on the next day. Thinking back, Jackie did notice that Henrik never had any umbrellas around. Maybe he should get his doc one the next time he stops by. 
But it wasn’t until the short recap of the daily news started that Jackie perked up. 
“- Merely an hour ago a panic broke out in a jewrely store in a southern part of town. An unknown amount of people seemingly managed to steal a multiple hundred thousands worth amount of jewelry.” 
The second newsreporter voiced his disbelief at what was said, urging the lady to continue, which she did with a small laugh. 
“I know it sounds insane, it was nearly the perfect crime if the robbers had not made a mistake on their way out, which set off the alarm and alerted security. But it’s still unknown how many people exactly where involved - Given that all their CCTV seemed to black out right before the time that is estimated to be the start of this robbery.”
Both reporters laughed in disbelief, comparing it to a movie as they mentioned more details, getting Jackies attention more and more. 
“Most of the witness reports don’t align either, it is as if multiple things happened at once, which makes this entire thing seem even more bizzare. But it is said that one of the culprits has been seen on their way to the city center, although it can’t be proved either.” 
“Don’t you dare.” 
Henriks voice brought Jackie back down to earth, looking over to where Henrik was cutting the last thread and finishing the sutures. He felt the way Jackies muscles tensed, his posture changed as he turned more and more towards the radio with each word that was said. 
“But you heard what -”
Henriks was pulling the gauze over the wound, trying his best to make sure it wasn’t too loose or too tight. His reply followed after a small groan.
“I just put you back together twice today, and I am frankly too busy to deal with it a third time.” 
“I’m not gonna get hurt!” Jackie protested, ready to jump up as soon as Henrik would be done with the bandage. “It’s nothing dangerous!”
“You say that each time and at this point I think you gravely misuse that sentence.”
Giving the bandage a pat that was a bit harsher than necessary, Henrik leaned away from the finished dressing around the wound, watching Jackie grimace at the sublte sting. 
“If I see you infront of my doorstep again in the next 3 days I might just change my mind about letting you try to cauterize your own wounds.”
Standing up with a smirk, Jackie gave Henrik a small salute as he reached for his short and hoodie again, immediately throwing it over his head as if the stitches on his arm were no hindrance to his movement at all.
“Got it, boss!” 
Henrik rolled his eyes as he watched Jackie walk out the room and disappear around the corner with steps so fast and light, they were nearly totally inaudible. 
The last thing Henrik heard was the unmistakable sound of Jackie pulling the staff out of the metallic umbrella holder and then slamming the door behind himself.
Henrik sighed as he moved to clean up.
A few minutes later Jackie had made his way towards the city centre. The sun set fully at that point, leaving everything dark and only illuminated by the streetlights.
 It was still buzzing with people as he watched from his spot ontop of a parking garage, fastening his wrist brace with his teeth. 
It was gonna be hard to figure out if any of these people were who he was trying to find, but sometimes criminals are dumb and make giant mistakes that give them away to anyone that knows what they’re looking for. 
Jackie had seen it various times, criminals getting cocky and reckless as soon as they think they’re safe.
And sure enough, sooner rather than later a person caught his attention. 
He didn’t know why, but something about them seemed off. The hood hanging over their features. The way they carried their bag, they held it as if it was filled with heavy items but it swayed in the wind. All the times they glanced over their shoulder. 
And as they rounded the corner into a smaller street, Jackie set off to follow.
Doing his usually parkour with only his right arm slowed him down, made him take small detours, but he still caught back up to the person of interest. 
He made sure to follow from a distance, making his way over fire escapes and roofs. This part of town was extremely familiar to him, he knew every small bump in the street. Jackie was confident, he was at a giant advantage. 
 As his target walked down into a small path connecting various backyards, Jackie decided to face them. 
Jumping from the fire escape, Jackie landed a few metres behind the other, who immediately stopped dead in their tracks at the sound of Jackies boots hitting gravel. 
Feeling a sense of triumph, Jackie stepped forward and shoved them against the wall, using his healthy arm to press against their throat. 
Once he finally saw the mysterious criminal face to face, he deflated like a sad balloon.
Immediately breaking into a laugh, Marvin felt tears come to his eyes as Jackie stepped back and gave his friend room. 
Jackie looked all kinds of betrayed and embarrassed as Marvin finally stood up straight again and smiled. 
“Is a hood and some baggy clothes really all it take for you to think I’m someone else?”  Marvin asked in an extremely humoured tone. “I really thought you knew me better by now.”
Jackie blinked a few times, mouth gaping as he let his shoulders hang. Marvins grin didn’t falter and a few seconds later, it seemed to click as Jackie gasped. 
“You knew I was on your tail!!” Burying his head in his hands, Jackie groaned as he realized Marvin had been playing a game with him. 
“I knew you were there as soon as you popped up on that garage.” Marvin shrugged as his attire changed in the blink of an eye, which didn’t even seem to phase Jackie. “Decided to have some fun.” 
“So - So all that weird behaviour-!” Jackie began, voice raised as he removed his hands from his face and gestured, the blade of the spear barely missing Marvin by a hairs width as he didn’t bat an eye at it. Instead, Marvin cut into Jackies exasperated rant: 
“Was on purpose.”
“Oh my god!!” Jackies frustrated yell made Marvin chuckle and nudge him with his elbow, making the hero look over to him like a kicked puppy. 
“Let’s go home.” 
“Huh?” Jackie raised a brow, wondering if Marvin really wanted to just go home and relax for the evening. At this point he was used to Marvins little stunts taking a few days.
Marvin stopped in his tracks and turned to look back at Jackie. “Don’t tell me you were so focused you didn’t even notice that we’re nearly at home.” 
“Hey! I know that!” Jackie threw back at Marvin, visually offended as they both started to walk the last few meters to their back door. “You’re gonna pay for dinner, just for being a dick.”
Grinning wide enough to rival the cheshire cat, Marvin twirled a golden ring between his fingers. 
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methoxyethane · 6 years
Princess For A Day
This was stupid. Everything about this was stupid. Why did he ever listen to Lance? About anything, in their whole lives, ever? Everything this man said was ridiculous. Keith didn’t even know if he’d won or lost their bet, considering the bizarre rules they’d set for the competition.
Keith and Hunk’s team had one but only by two points. And that meant, but the rules they had agreed upon, Lance had to spend an entire day doing whatever Keith said with no complaints… but Keith had to be wearing a dress the entire time, no matter what.
Yep. Keith had won but not by enough, and so now he got to be princess for a day. Even got a fancy red dress and matching jewels Allura picked out just for him. And the… the heels. He was wearing little ruby slippers. Because he was a princess.
“Oh my god,” Lance laughed, eyeing Keith up down and all around in his silken attire. “You look amazing, this was either the best idea I’ve ever had or the absolute worst! Either way I cannot wait.”
Keith’s glare could have melted steel. “Hold still so I can kick you.”
Lance darted a quick glance down to Keith’s heels, barely visible under the hem of his poofy red Altean Royal Prom Dress. “Uh. Is that a figure of speech, or a literal order?”
Keith blinked, having not actually considered that. “Literal,” he decided, hiking up his skirts with one hand to give himself room for a good wind-up.
He didn’t kick Lance very hard, because that would be meaner than it would be funny; just one good high-heeled jab to hear the sound of his yelp. Oh yeah, Keith decided with a wicked smirk as Lance hopped and clutched at his now-painful shin. He might just have fun today after all.
The thing was, Keith had never had siblings or playmates, so the idea of winning a bet and gaining a slave for a day was something that had never come up during his otherwise eventful childhood. So…. he didn’t know what to do with his own personal Lance For A Day. He knew theoretically he was supposed to be mean, but uh… Yeah. The first thing he ordered Lance to do beside that kicking thing was just to help Keith do his laundry. Exciting, right?
Okay, so Keith sucked. But what was he gonna do here, order Lance to make out with him? Yeah it sounded fun for a while but ultimately how awkward would that get the next day when he couldn’t order Lance to kiss him anymore? Weird, is what it would be. Weird and terrible and stupid. Keith was gonna stick to laundry.
“You’re boring me,” Lance declared after an hour, knotting off and dropping to the floor the leather jacket he had been sewing fixed. Sewing unprompted, might Keith mention - he had only asked if Lance knew how to get that motor oil stain out of the sleeve and Lance had magic’d up a needle and thread to fix a tear in the inner lining all of his own. “This is so BORING, you don’t know how to play princess at all! My sisters are way better at this game than you, I can’t believe how boring this is.”
Playing princess? Was this a bet Lance had a tendency to make and then lose OFTEN? Shouldn’t that dumb bastard have known better by now? Or had he just figured there was no way Keith could ever be as mean with it as his teenage sisters - okay yeah never mind hearing that Keith was pretty sure it was the answer, actually.
“Why,” Keith asked, flipping his voluminous skirts around him on the bed to better settle into some kind of comfortable position. “If you had won the bet, what kind of shit were you gonna order me to do?”
Lance hummed, eyes pointed up to the ceiling as he considered the question. “You know, normal stuff? Make you eat gross space food and follow me around carrying my things for my like a valet. I had this whole list made up of ways to embarrass you, but now I know how boring you are when you’re Royalty they just seem mean and petty. You took the fun out of being petty with your bore-ass, Keith.”
Boring? Did Lance want Keith to be mean and humiliate him, then? Well, no, probably not, but Keith could see how this would be a disappointment on Lance’s end. He couldn’t even make a good story out of it for later, with Keith going easy on him like this.
Oh, and wasn’t that a sad thought. What good was today if they couldn’t t least make a fun story out of it? Alright, then. Keith could do this. Today, Keith would be The Princess. Not for Lance, and not for himself, but for Shiro and Allura when they came back from that diplomatic conference they were stuck in for two days and got to hear every moronic detail of what he and Lance were gonna get up to.
“Fine,” Keith practically spat, voice sharp with determination. “But remember you asked for it. I was gonna go easy on you today, Lance.”
Lance’s mouth opened, but no words came out. Probably realizing what a stupid thing he had just done by provoking Keith, judging by the look on his face.
“I order…” Keith started instinctively, before realizing he had no idea what to make Lance do. Shit, humiliating, mean, princess, he was the Princess… The first thought that came to mind was to make Lance kiss his shoe, that seemed really princess-like, but. Yeah that was also weird as hell, and probably too humiliating for both of them and not just Lance. Quick, it’s been too long since you started, say something!
“I order you to kiss my hand, peasant.” Keith settled on, holding out his wrist in an intentionally limp and pompous gesture. Fortunately, Lance’s reaction was a burst of confused laughter, one eyebrow raised indulgently as he leaned forward and took Keith’s maidenly hand in his own.
He pressed his lips against the worn knuckle of Keith’s left hand, blue eyes boring straight up into Keith’s. “As you wish, my Princess.”
Keith felt his face heat up in the blush instantly.
Oh, fuck. He was gonna have to watch what he said today, or it was Keith who was going to end up with ten embarrassing stories about him before tomorrow, and not Lance.
Opting to play it safe, the next order Keith had was more for himself than anything else. He wanted to work off some stress and in his opinion Lance never spent enough time on the training deck, so this seemed like two birds with one stone.
Granted, he’d never tried running around with a sword while wearing a dress, but he couldn’t bring himself to care about the impediment. He’d figure something out, after all.
So he set the droids on a co-op training mission, low level since Keith was in a ball gown and Lance didn’t practice as much as Keith did. They still made a good team even for all they argued, and once Keith got used to the limitations of his skirt and Lance got properly warmed up they kind of started kicking ass.
And maybe this was a little indulgent for another reason, as well. See now, Lance was a handsome young man as far as Keith was concerned, and as it happened Lance happened to look even more handsome when he was serious. He got this specific look in his eye in battle, this sharp Sniper’s Glare when something had his complete focus that was just… unf. Keith was a fan. And here side by side in a co-op battle? He had all the time in the world between sword strokes to appreciate the sight.
He also noticed of course that today Lance was staring at him an awful lot as well, but. It was hard not to be distracted by the swishing of his wine-red skirts while he jump-kicked android’s heads off. It was a pretty flashy sight.
When the battle wrapped up and they were both tired and sore, they broke for showers. It felt nice to get out of that awful dress and under the hot water for a few minutes, not even realizing how heavy the huge gown was until he’d gotten it off.
And then he was done showering and had to put it back on again, which, crap. At least this time there was someone nearby to ask for help with his zipper. His shoulder was too sore to reach all the way back there by himself right now.
“Lance,” he called over to the next room, where he knew the blue paladin was getting dressed himself. Come over here and help me with this dress.”
He didn’t realize that by giving him an order Lance would show up immediately, coming over only half-dressed and holding his own clothes to put on on the way. Which meant Keith got to see him in just his jeans, padding over on bare feet and slinging his shirt on as he walked over with an open expression. “What’s up?”
Keith showed him his back, moving his hair aside out of instinct even though it wasn’t long enough to impede the low-jacked zipper of his dress. Lance paused when he got up to Keith, one hand hovering in the air above the zipper as he hesitated.
“Lance?” he called back curiously over his shoulder, holding up the two halves of the top of his dress. “Zip me up.”
When Lance fingers touched the zipper at the bottom of Keith’s back was about the time Keith realized how very naked he felt without the dress all the way on. Like literally, Lance was literally staring down at Keith’s naked back, and he felt his face and neck heat up in a flush that only got worse when he realized there was no way Lance couldn’t see it.
Lance’s fingers brushed against the skin of his back as he grabbed the zipper, and Keith unconsciously held his breath as Lance gently tugged it up to close his dress with a quiet rustle of fabric shifting. “Gotcha,” Lance said in a voice so soft it was nearly a whisper. “All, uh… All dressed.”
“Thanks.” Embarrassed, Keith let himself rub at his sore left shoulder, not sure what to say next.
Lance decided for him, asking “Does that hurt?” And reaching out to poke at the muscle Keith had been trying to loosen.
“Mm-hm,” Keith confirmed with an absent nod, still not having turned around to face Lance until he was sure his face had cooled down.
Lance made a considering type of sound behind him, a long hum that changed pitch about three times as it dragged on. “Okay,” Lance eventually said with finality, and Keith turned around to look just in time to see him grin. “I have an idea. Since you have no idea how to be a princess, I shall take it upon myself to treat you like one.”
Keith blinked. “Huh?”
“Just for today,” Lance said, “I’m gonna pamper you like you’ve never been pampered before. Spoil you like no one has ever spoiled your sad butt in your life. Probably literally, there’s no way those hands have seen a manicure before.”
“Manicure?” Keith asked dubiously as Lance led him out of the locker rooms with one hand on his bare shoulder. “How does cutting my nails count as spoiling me?”
“Oh honey,” Lance sighed pitifully, shaking his head. “You have no idea what’s coming.”
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fandommemporiumm · 5 years
Talking Does Wonders  Chapter 3: Fresh Start
Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 4 ~ Chapter 5
Warning: None
A/N: If you want to be tagged for updates comment or send an ask. ENJOY!!!
Bright lights hurt her eyes as she opened them. A beeping sound filled her ears. Looking around she saw that she was no longer in a pod but in a not so clean infirmary. She looked down at herself, she was dressed in what appeared to be a hospital gown and covered by a blanket. No longer did she have wrist bands but needles going into her skin pumping presumably medicine into her. She reached up and touched her neck, no longer was there a collar around her neck but an oxygen mask on her face. “Oh your awake finally.” A1 jumped a little and looked up to see a short pink skin older lady with yellow eyes and Burnett hair up in a bun wearing a black skin suit and carrying what looked like a sheet of glass come in through the door. A1 watched this pink ladies every move as she goes to look at a monitor by her bedside. “I'm nurse Zippa, what’s your name dearie?” A1 just looked sadly at zippa and for the first time in however long she talked, “I... I don't know.”
Zippa sighed, “Child do you remember anything?”
“All I remember was... waking up in a cage and then pain so much pain. A loud noise and freedom, running, a pod, and then black.”
“Were your captures blue skinned?”
A1 nodded.
“Child i'm afraid you were a kree slave. They like to abduct anything and well... but anyways you are here because your pod crashed, I happened to be on my way here to work when I saw the crash and went to examine the pod and found you. You've been asleep here for five days now. Your vitals are stable now and your head injury is healing nicely.”
A1 went to touch her head and felt bandages.
“Child do you remember anything before you woke up in a cage?”
A1 shook her head, “All I know is that i'm from earth.”
“You're terran we figured that, well child you have a lot to learn about space, especially in this solar system.”
A1 looked at zippa with shock, “”Solar system? How far am I from earth exactly?”
“From terra, pretty far actually. You're on a planet called contraxia,” zippa took the sheet of glass she was holding and tapped on it. Suddenly words and images came up and handed it over to A1. 
“This is a halo pad, i've programmed it so you can use your language and look things up on it. Just tap here and type to search something I'll be back in a little to help you and answer some questions, i'm sure you're hungry so i'll bring you a meal.”
A1 nodded and looked at the halo pad, slowly she tapped where zippa showed her and began to think of something to look up. Zippa was was making her way to the door when A1 spoke up,
“Oh... they called me A1 where I was kept.”
Zippa turned to her, “Well that's no good, how about we call you AL?”
A1 looked up from the halo pad and gave a small smile, “I like the sound of that.”
After a weeks of being in the infirmary and learning that she now had a rare space immune sickness which now required her to wear a clunky breathing mask and asking zippa hundreds of questions, zippa took AL into her home. From there AL meet zippa's husband Iru, he too had pink skin and yellow eyes but has a bald head and a goatee that was a salt and pepper brown color and is tall and skinny with a slight hunch. There home was on the second floor to a three level apartment, the place is cute and homey for a married couple with no kids. AL made her home in the spare bedroom that was available. Both zippa and iru learned how shy, quiet, and little trusting AL was. Probably had to do with her previous experience, but AL eventually came to trust them and talked just a tad more to them too. AL quickly learned what kind of planet contraxia was and learned even quicker to keep her head down when going out. Eventually she tried finding some sort of suitable work so she could repay zippa for her kindness but never could find a suitable one for her. One day AL was on her way back to the house from the market when she had bumped into a hurctarian wearing some pretty spiky clothes and the spikes ripped a nasty hole in her jacket. When she got back to the house and put all the stuff she bought away she found a needle and thread and began fixing the jacket. She was in the middle of her work when Iru came home. He asked AL what she was doing and she told him what happened, as she finished the story she tied off the thread and cut the excess thread off. The jacket looked like nothing had ever happened.
Iru looked surprised at the finish work “Do you have sewing experience?”
“I don't recall,” Al replied.
“How would you like a job at my shop?”
From there AL began her apprenticeship at iru's tailor shop. Iru called her a prodigy since she learned so quickly and in no time was she doing actual work for customers. For a shy girl like herself she loved this job. All she had to do was show up and sit at her station, fix clothes and talk very little to anyone since iru took the order. AL eventually figured out that she was kree slave for two terran months and had been living this new life for about 10 terran months.
Every now and then she'd have this dream of her waking up in a field of what she can presume is wheat, she's wearing a red sundress with matching red shoes and she has long hair light brown hair that's braided and tied with a red bow. When she stands up to look over the wheat in the distance is a red barn and a little cottage house, but that's as far as the dream ever goes. She can't stand the dream because she can't stand the color red. All that color ever reminds her of is that red room and pain. One whole year in space, it started off rough but now it wasn't so bad.
AL woke up early since she had a lot of work to do that day. She got dressed, brushed her teeth, put on her mask, grabbed her bag, put on her coat, and headed out the door. Once she made it to the shop she opened the place since she arrived first and began her work at her station. She hoped no one would come in so she wouldn't have to talk to anyone, but luck wasn't on her side and that's when he walked in.
Tagged: @dicksoutformtl, @loveisyondublue
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happylilraichu · 6 years
i want. you to answer all the pokemon asks. is that greedy xD i can just send a few if its too much!
Of course not!! I love getting asks and this gives me the perfect opportunity to babble more about my self-insert life in the pokemon world!!
@xzienne​ sent me a bunch too so I’m just gonna answer all of them at once here! Sorry it took so long - I was halfway done and then my computer restarted itself and I lost all the work I’d done oops ^_^”Here we go!!
fresh water: which pokémon would be your main partner (starter or not)?
The biggest, roundest Raichu the world has ever seen! He used to ride on my shoulder as a Pikachu but now he’s a bit big for that, so I give him piggybacks instead! 
rare candy: would you travel alone or with other trainers?
Ideally, a bit of both. I love the idea of having a bunch of human friends to journey with and support each other, but sometimes I just need my own space, so I’d be just as content going off with my pokemon and meeting up with people occasionally in different towns. Cause after all, you’re never alone when you have pokemon with you! 
soda pop: how would you spend your money?
I’d probably do what I do in the games and buy healing items in bulk, even those you don’t think you’ll need super often, cause it’s always better safe than sorry! Otherwise, probably a good chunk would go on food and on pampering my pokemon with fancy treats and ribbons and things ^_^
lumiose galette: what would you wear on your journey?
I want to be comfy, so it wouldn’t be the most elaborate, but I still think it’d look cool. High waisted jeans, a black tank top, either a green or yellow jacket covered in a heap of pins and patches. Good sturdy boots. Though a part of me wants to get myself a big pair of chunky heels so I can be Tall and Fancy ^_^ Maybe I’ll carry those as backup shoes! Big satchel to hold everything with a couple of charms hanging off it! A Z Ring and Keystone (I’d wear it as a necklace)
lemonade: what would your battling style/strategy be?
My main battling team are all electric types, and I run double battles with them! A surprising amount of electric pokemon can lean Rain Dance, so combine that with Electric Terrain, then you’ve got a speed boost for certain pokemon, nobody can fall asleep, electric moves get a boost and Thunder has 100% accuracy! On top of that, some of my pokemon have the Volt Absorb ability, so field sweeping moves like Discharge actually benefit them to be hit by! 
casteliacone: where in the pokémon world would you go for vacation?
I’d love to explore the Orange Islands!! Otherwise, I feel like Kalos would be a really lovely place to take a holiday! Also Fula City!! It looks so lively and bright!!
moomoo milk: how often would you visit home?
I’d probably try and go home every few months or so, depending on where I was travelling at the time, though I’d most likely only stay for a few days at a time before hitting the road again~
lava cookie: what would be your most-used key item?
Excluding Z Rings/Mega Stones here, and considering I can’t ride a bike to save my life, probably the Berry Blender and Pokeblock Case honestly! I love to spoil my pokemon and while Coordinating isn’t my primary focus, it’s definitely something I do and enjoy~ 
berry juice: what would you pack with you on your journey?
Pillow, blanket, first-aid kit, matches or a lighter,  big water bottle, one of those tiny picnic sets where you get a plate/bowl/cutlery, notebook and a handful of pens, phone and charger, needle and thread, polaroid camera, bag of toiletries and a few spare clothes (I’d wash them in rivers or at local coin laundromats), pokeblock case (I’d use the public berry blenders cause I imagine those things are heavy!!), headphones, a giant mixed pile of healing items and there’d always be handfuls of loose change, dried berries, trail mix and candy at the bottom of my bag!!… I feel like I’m forgetting stuff, but I should draw one of those “What’s in your bag?” things for this
old gateau: which city/region would you choose to live in?
Johto!!! Specifically, Olivine City!! I’ve always been in love with the place, and I think it would a wonderful spot to live! Alternatively, Lilycove City in Hoenn is also wonderful~
tea: when you’re not battling/coordinating, how would you spend your time?
I’m a breeder!! I breed Pichu and make sure I find good homes for all of them! Otherwise, I go traveling around the coastlines, swim with my Vaporeon and surf with some of my Pikachu who know how! We just take a week or two to camp out on/near a beach far from home and relax, collecting shells and taking photos of Wingull. It’s always a good, chill time ^_^
ragecandybar: who would be your rival? tag them!
As a league challenger, my rival is 100% @petticoat-swashbuckler​!! We’ve legitimately had IRL conversations about pokemon where we sounded like arguing anime characters! We have very different ideas about how to raise pokemon, which means we tend to butt heads a fair bit, but she’s a strong and confident trainer who I really respect, our differences aside, because I know she really does love her pokemon and I always enjoy our battles, even if our paths don’t cross too often out on the trail~
In the coordinating circuit, @musashi​ is my rival!! We’ve come head to head a few times now and while I’ve won a few ribbons, none of them have been from beating her. One day I will though! She inspires and encourages me to push myself as a coordinator and I always look forward to seeing her in the contest hall~
poké puffs: what would your favorite traveling snack be?
Trail mix is good!! Anything I can spend a long time chewing on is also a favourite, so stuff like jerky or dried fruit are definitely a go-to~
honey: how would you pamper your pokémon?
Lots of pokeblock! Poffins and pokepuffs too when I can get my hands on those. I’d take them to specialist groomers as often as I had the money, and we’d take trips to carnivals and fairs whenever we got the chance, were I’d buy them all the treats they wanted and take them on as many rides as would allow them on. Fancy little ribbons and costumes for those who like dressing up, lots of trips to the beach!! They’d all be so loved and spoiled! 
aprijuice: what would be your preferred method of travel?
As I said before, I can’t ride a bike to save my life, so a lot of the journey would be on foot, or flying on my Pidgeot if I had really big distances to cover and limited time to do it. 
sweet heart: would you be a league challenger or coordinator?
Both, though I’m a battler at heart~ I’d try and dedicate and equal amount of time to both, though if I ended up missing a contest season for one reason or another, it wouldn’t be the end of the world for me - there’s always next time and it means I can redirect my energy into working on battle strategies rather than appeals
poffin: would you sleep on the trail, in a hotel, or in the Pokémon Center lobby?
So long as I have something decent under my back, I can sleep anywhere, though I’d definitely prefer being indoors when I can. Hotels would probably be a luxury I’d save for traveling for contests, so Pokemon Center lobbies for sure! They always seem really cosy and inviting anyhow~
berry: what would your trainer class be?
Ideally, I’d become a gym leader!! Though other than that, probably Ace Trainer!!
shalour sable: which evil organization would you take down?I’m setting up a facebook event called “Team Magma Meet Me Behind The Pokemart Dumpster At 3:15am For An Ass Kicking” as we speak xD
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bodyprintmachine · 7 years
((please do all of the cosplayer questions i'm so curious))
Phew, that is a lot! ^^” But thank you for the interest, you are a doll.
1: What was your first cosplay?
Irene Adler from Sherlock: A Scandal in Belgravia (badly done tbh).
2: Favorite thing to cosplay?
Harley Quinn and Star Wars villains/antiheroes. Complex characters in general, especially ones that require some acting.
3: Have you ever been in a panel at a convention?
I wish!
4: How many people do you think you met because of cosplaying?
Pretty much everyone I know and, like, all of my friends except one or two.
5: What do you think makes a ‘good cosplay’?
Passion for the character and the costume. Attention to detail. Spending time on it because that is how you really get into it. Not being an asshole to people around you, especially less experienced or poor cosplayers.
6: Have a cosplay blog?
Your standing in it, ha.
7: Ever done a group cosplay?
Yes! You can find them in my *group cosplay tag.
8: Couple’s cosplay?
With @agent-without-ok-days​. 💖 Most things in my *ship cosplay tag.
9: When did you start cosplaying?
2011. But dressing up has always been one of my favourite things to do.
10: Would you consider yourself good at cosplaying?
I have grown a lot as a cosplayer & costume maker and at this point, I would say: yes, I’m good at it.
11: Which cosplay took you the longest time to make?
The Winter Soldier.
12: Shortest time to make?
The first 24-hour-version of Endor!Leia that I am currently remaking.
13: Do you like Genderbent/AU cosplays?
Depends. I like genderfluid cosplays, where it’s like … basically you just don’t bind and maybe change a few things, but you don’t make it sexy to make it feminine or change from pants to a skirt or put boobplates on things. I think cosplay always also should be about feeling comfortable and if you don’t like to “crossdress” then you shouldn’t have to. There are also more overtly genderbent cosplays that are fine because they show creativity and the ability to adapt things and reinterpret them. I don’t like the term genderbent because it’s pretty cissexist, and I genuinely do like to think of gendebents as basically trans headcanons? So within that realm I like them, I just don’t like the often transphobic and misogynist connotations that a lot of genderbent versions carry. So it really depends on the cosplayer and I personally do them rarely.
With alternate universes it also depends. On the one hand, it gives you a lot of freedom to make up your own stuff. On the other, you usually have to work harder to make sure your costume is still recognizable as the character you’re portraying. The general rule of thumb is that if I like the AU, I probably also like the AU cosplay. I mostly enjoy to make them though with characters that are very recognizable due to certain tropes & symbols, and characters that already exist in many versions in canon.
14: List all of your cosplays.
That is a pretty long list. I’m gonna put a link if you really wanna read it.
15: Are you currently working on something?
I finished Harley (except that I still come up with stupid trinkets to add), so now I am only working on Leia! After that I will start on Revan, I hope.
16: Would you, if given the chance, cosplay at school/work?
Eeeeeeh, tough question. I don’t think so, since I like to keep my work and private life seperate and cosplay is pretty private to me. My colleagues know about it and I’ve shown them a few pictures, but arriving at work in full cosplay is a whole different deal.
17: Do any of your IRL friends cosplay?
Most of them either do or did.
18: What does your family think of it?
I hope that at this point they are quite positive about it. My mum seems to understand it is basically the equivalent of me dressing up as a kid and that it’s harmless and fun and a good outlet for me. I know my brother once accused me of losing my grip on reality, but I explained it to him and I suppose he understands now? In general it’s one of those things they just take as me being a weird person with weird hobbies and that’s okay because it’s true tbh.
19: Do you consider cosplay an art?
20: Have you ever had to get help with a cosplay?
I use all kinds of tutorials and often ask my cosplayer friends for advice. They have also helped me before with cutting my wigs, doing my make-up and other stuff I’m not so great at. I have received a lot of help especially from @agent-without-ok-days​ and @mimicrysquid​, who are both incredibly talented and sweet.
21: Least favorite thing to cosplay?
I don’t understand this question. If I don’t like it, I don’t cosplay it.
22: Ever been in a cosplay contest?
I’m too self-conscious and I often lack the time to enter, but I really would like to.
23: First con that you cosplayed at?
Sherlocon 2011.
24: What’s your definition of ‘cosplay’?
Asdjhjsdfghfjdf, god, wow, that is? Really hard?? Uuuuuhhhh … if I have to explain it to others, I usually say something like “It’s where you dress up as characters from media and then take pictures together and maybe act out small scenes and basically just have a good time together”. As for what it means for me personally, I think it is the perfect combination of crafts and performance art; it’s a great creative outlet and a way to meet like-minded people, and what I like about it most that others interact directly with your art. You’re not on a stage or uploading music to the internet or putting a picture in a museum. You get to carry something special into a mundane, everyday setting and people get to experience it first-hand and it just makes normal events a bit more extraordinary.
25: Favorite tumblr cosplay ask blog?
I like @cosplay-refs​ quite a lot.
26: Ever cosplay an inanimate object?
I don’t think I have, but I would if the option presented itself and I had a good idea.
27: Who is your cosplay headcanon of your favorite character?
That would have to mean I have a singular favourite character and a singular headcanon about them, which I don’t. 
28: What is your ‘Cosplay First Aid Kit’ (what you use to repair a cosplay)?
A small sewing kit (thread, needles, scissors), different types of glue and tape, samples of the paint I used for the costume, replacement buttons/sequins/whatever is stuck on there, stain remover. I usually forget something important though.
29: Would you go pro?
I don’t think that is a reasonable option with my bad health (and lack of fame).
30: Who is your favorite professional cosplayer?
I’m not sure if any of the cosplayers I like are “professional”, and I am not a big fan of most of the really huge names in the community (you know, like the ones on that cosplay TV show). But here’s some more or less influential faves that I follow on Facebook:
Jay Justice
Karin Olava
Katie Starr
Wheels of Steel
Joker’s Harley/Harley’s Joker
Cissy Cosplay
Howling Commandos Cosplay
Lady Haha
Misa on Wheels
Kizuki Cosplay
Brichibi Cosplay
Ashe Cosplay
Kiera Please
Wonder Woman 4 Hire
Khaleesi Cosplay
Oona Sura
Rian Synnth
Lucy Saxon
Amazonian Cosplay
Riddikulus Cosplay
Petite Ebby
Lil Prince
fuck this is getting way too long …..
shoutout to my super talented friends @mimicrysquid, @ginnytheweasleycosplay, @elisescostumes, @whatsernamecosplay and many more!
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The magical poppet is one of the most commonly used implements in sympathetic magic, which follows along on the theory that “like creates like.”  Although TV shows and movies typically show poppets as the stereotypical "voodoo doll," poppets have been around for a long time, and used in a number of different cultures and religious belief systems. There are many ways to create a poppet, and they can be used to harm or to heal; if you create a poppet of a person, anything done to the poppet will affect the person it represents. Bear in mind that some magical traditions discourage the use of poppets. If you're not sure whether or not it's okay for you to use poppet magic, you may want to check with someone in your tradition.
A poppet is usually made from cloth or fabric, but you can also make one from clay, wax, wood, or just about any other material. You can fill your poppet with herbs, stones, bits of wood, paper, or anything else that suits your needs. In addition to magical items, it's a good idea to include some cotton or polyfill as stuffing material.
Once the poppet is created, you'll need to connect it to the person it represents, which is typically done by using a magical link of some sort. Remember, the poppet is a useful magical tool, and can be used in a variety of workings. Use it for healing, to banish harmful people from your life, to bring abundance your way -- the choices are practically limitless.
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Poppet History                                                                                        
When most people think of a poppet, they automatically think of the Voodoo doll, thanks to this item's negative portrayal in movies and on television. However, the use of dolls in sympathetic magic goes back several millennia. Back in the days of ancient Egypt, the enemies of Ramses III (who were numerous, and included some of his harem women and at least one high-ranking official) used wax images of the Pharaoh, to bring about his death. Let's look at some of the historical uses of poppets in spellwork.
                   Greek Kolossi                    
It wasn't uncommon for the Greeks to use sympathetic magic in workings related to love or war. Christopher Faraone, Professor of Classical Languages and Literatures at the University of Chicago, is one of the foremost authorities on Greek magic today, and says that Greek poppets called Kolossoi were sometimes used to restrain a ghost or even a dangerous deity, or to bind two lovers together. In Idyll 2, The Witch (Pharmakeutria), written about 200 b.c.e., the tragedian Theocritus refers to melting and burning wax dolls. He relates the tale of Simaetha, rejected by Delphis, attempts to get her lover back with magic.
                   The Princess Who Played with Dolls                    
Wax dolls certainly weren't limited to the ancient classical world. The one-time Princess of Wales, Caroline of Brunswick, was married to the man who later became King George IV, and evidently couldn't stand him. She spent many hours forming wax dolls of her husband and jabbing them with pins. Although there's no concrete evidence as to what this may have done to George, when Caroline ran off to Italy with her young lover, George didn't object. The royal couple remained married but lived separately until Caroline’s death in 1821, according to Witchcraft and Evidence in Early Modern England by Malcolm Gaskill.
                   West African Fetish Magic                    
West African slaves brought with them a doll called a fetish when they were forced to leave their homes and come to the American colonies. In this case, the doll is not so much representative of an individual, but is in fact possessed by spirits connected to the doll’s owner. A fetish contains significant power and is typically worn or carried by its owner as a talisman. During America's Colonial period, slave owners were allowed to kill any slave found with a fetish in his possession.
                   American Hoodoo and Folk Magic                    
In American Hoodoo and folk magic, the use of poppets as a magical tool became popular following the Civil War. There is some dispute as to whether the dolls are used at all in Haiti, which is the home of Vodoun religion, and a few sources disagree on whether the use of poppets is truly a Vodoun practice or not. However, the Voodoo Museum of New Orleans does stock a variety of dolls in their gift shop.
Regardless of how you make your poppet -- out of cloth, a chunk of meat, or a glob of wax, remember that poppets have a long tradition behind them, and that tradition is influences by the magical practices of a wide range of cultures. Treat your poppets well, and they will do the same for you!                                                                
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  Make Your Own Poppet                                                                                        
A poppet can be as simple or as elaborate as you like -- it all depends on how much time and effort you want to put into it. You can construct one out of just about any material -- cloth, clay, wood, wax. Use your imagination! In some magical traditions, it's believed that the more work you put into it, and the more complex it is, the stronger your link will be to your goal. Because a poppet is a device for sympathetic magic, all of its components will be symbols of what it is you hope to achieve.
You can do your poppet-making as part of the working itself, or it can be made ahead of time so you can use the poppet later on. Which method you choose is really up to you.
Remember, your poppet represents a person, so figure out before you begin who it symbolizes. Is it you? A friend who's asked you for help? An un-named lover you want to bring into your life? A gossip you want to shut up? The possibilities are endless, but just like in any spell working, you'll need to set a goal before you begin. It keeps you from having to deal with "do-overs" later. These instructions are for a basic poppet construction, using fabric. Feel free to modify your design as you need to.
                   Selecting Your Fabric                    
There are no real rules when it comes to choosing your material, but it's not a bad idea to select fabric based on your goal. If you're doing a money spell, use a piece of green or gold cloth. If you're looking at healing, perhaps something in a soft blue or silver would be best. Check out fabric stores around the holidays, and you can find all kinds of neat patterns.
Valentine's Day designs are perfect for matters of the heart, and there are plenty of prints with dollar signs, coins, stars and moons, and other fun designs.
Another option is to use fabric that links the poppet to the person it represents. Doing ahealing spell for a friend? Ask the person for an old t-shirt. If you're trying to draw love into your life, consider using a scrap from that sexy lingerie you wore last night. If you just can't find the right material, use a plain muslin or white felt. Here are a few ideas for designs and colors for poppet magic.
Animals: Brown or green fabrics, patterns with cats or dogs, anything pet-related
Banishing: Black fabric, designs such as swords or wands, dragons or fire
Creativity: Orange or yellow fabric, prints of suns or other fire symbols
Healing: Silver, white or blue, with designs of clouds or other air symbols
Love: Pink or red material, designs like hearts, roses or other flowers, Cupids
Money: Silver, gold or green fabric, or designs of dollar bills or coins, cups or earthy symbols
Protection: Red or white material, with patterns of shields, keys or locks, fences, mistletoe
When it comes to types of fabric, use what's easiest for you to work with. Cotton prints are easy to sew, but if you've never used a needle and thread before, you might want to try something stiffer like felt -- it comes in every color you can imagine, and will hold its shape as you sew. If you're an experienced sewer, use anything you like.
A poppet represents a person, so ideally it should look (sort of) like a person. Give it a head, two arms, two legs, a torso. You can make your own outline or you can use the ultimate poppet pattern -- a gingerbread man. If you're doing a spell for an animal -- such as a healing spell for a sick pet -- make the poppet shape accordingly. Your poppet doesn't have to be huge, but it should be big enough that you can stuff it with your ingredients later.
Take two pieces of your fabric, and place them right side together on a flat surface. Place the pattern on top, pin it in place, and cut it out. Leave a little room around the edges for a seam allowance -- usually a 3/8" margin is good. Remove the pattern, and there are your two poppet shapes. Time to start sewing!
If you've never sewn anything by hand before, don't panic. It's not hard, but it does require some patience. You could always use a sewing machine if you're pressed for time, but most experienced poppet-makers agree that it's worth the effort to do it by hand. Pin the two pieces of material with the right sides together, and stitch around the edges. Leave an opening somewhere, wide enough to stick a couple of fingers in. Turn the poppet inside out, and begin stuffing.
                   Personalize Your Poppet                    
Fill your poppet with something soft, like polyfill or cotton balls. Old pantyhose work nicely too. Work the stuffing all the way into the nooks and crannies of the arms and legs, and then fill the torso and head.
This is where you'll place your spell components -- herbs, stones, whatever. In some magical traditions, something from the person represented goes inside the poppet. This is alternately referred to as a taglock or a magical link -- it can be bits of hair, nail clippings, body fluids, a business card, or even a photograph. Once everything is inside, sew the poppet completely shut.
The more you can customize your poppet, the better. Even if you've placed a magical link, or taglock, inside, you'll want to decorate the outside too. Draw or paint or sew a face onto your doll. Add yard or string for hair. Dress your poppet in something that looks like the person's clothing. Copy any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing features onto the poppet as well. Add magical or astrological symbols if you like. While you're doing this,tell the poppet who it represents. You can say something along the lines of, "I have made you, and you are Jane Jones."
Your poppet can be used for any number of things -- love, money, protection, healing, to get a job. Anything you can imagine, you can make a poppet to bring it about. Simply figure out your goal and the means to achieve it. The only limits on poppet construction are your own creativity and imagination.
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6 Easy Poppet Projects                                                                                        
Not sure what sort of poppets to create, or how you can use them in a practical application? Try one of these six easy ideas for making and using your own poppets.
                   1. To Get a Job You've Applied For                    
Material: satin, green or gold or silver
Herbs: clover, chamomile, ginger, cinnamon
Gemstones: snowflake obsidian or sodalite
Create a poppet to represent yourself. As you make it, focus on the positive attributes that you possess which will make you appealing to a potential employer. Another option is to create the poppet in the image of the employer (include business cards or letterhead inside, if you can get them) and tell the employer poppet why you're the best person for the job.
                   2. To Protect Your Family                    
Material: Modeling clay
Herbs: Basil, patchouli, coffee
Gemstones: Hematite, amethyst, black onyx.
Create poppets that represent each member of the family, blending herbs and stones into the clay. Put them in a safe place in your home, such as near your hearth, and utilize magical shielding or cast a circle of protection around them. This is actually a fun project you can get your kids involved in as well - let them each make their own poppet person!
                   3. To Heal a Sick Person                    
Material: White cotton or unbleached muslin
Herbs: Lemon balm, feverfew, ivy, and pine.
Gemstones: Bloodstone, turquoise
When you make this poppet, be sure to indicate what you are trying to heal, whether it's a case of tennis elbow, a chronic infection, or even a broken heart. Focus all of your energy on the ailment in question.
                   4. To Bring Love Into Your Life                    
Material: Red or pink silk or cotton
Herbs: Rose petals, parsley, and peppermint
Gemstones: Barite, jade, rose quartz
Make a poppet to represent the object of your affection -- remember that in some magical traditions it's frowned upon to make a specific person the target of your working. If you are simply trying to attract love to yourself, but you don’t have a specific person in mind, focus on all the desirable qualities you want to see in a potential lover.
                   5. Silencing a Gossip                    
Material: Ground beef or other squishy meat
Herbs: Horseradish, pepper, rue, yarrow, valerian
Shape the meat and herbs into a person, and create a "meat puppet" in the same way you'd make a fabric one. As you make the doll, tell it that it's time to be silent, and tell no more gossipy stories. Remind it that people who can't say nice things shouldn't say anything at all. Dispose of the doll by either burning it on your grill and burying it someplace far away, feeding it to your dog, or leaving it out in the sun to rot.
                   6. Emergency Poppet on the Fly                    
Material: Aluminum foil
Perhaps something has come up in a hurry, and you feel it needs immediate magical attention. Use a piece of aluminum foil to whip together a quickie poppet -- shape it into the figure of a person. Fill with any magical components that might be handy -- bits of wood, dirt, grass, even a name scribbled on a piece of paper -- and personalize the poppet.
Need additional poppetry ideas? Try making a magical gingerbread poppet, or put together a portable poppets kit to keep in your magical arsenal!
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sasusakufestival · 8 years
Summary: Sasuke looks as if he has been turned to stone, his hands clenching around the kit in his hands. If she didn’t think he could turn any redder, she was mistaken. For several seconds his eyes zero in on everything below her neck. Sakura feels the warmth in her cheeks travel downward at this, and trying for confidence, she purrs, “Like what you see?” [SasuSaku Festival 2017 – Day 12 – Prompt: “The Virgin Sees”]
Disclaimer: This story utilizes characters, situations and premises that are copyright Masashi Kishimoto, Shueisha, Shonen Jump and Viz Media. No infringement on their respective copyrights pertaining to episodes, novelizations, comics or short stories is intended by the author in any way, shape or form. This fan oriented story is written solely for the author’s own amusement and the entertainment of the readers. It is not for profit. Any resemblance to real organizations, institutions, products or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All fiction, plot and Original Characters with the exception of those introduced in the books, manga, video games, novelizations and anime, are the sole creation of KuriQuinn and using them without permission is considered rude, in bad-taste and will reflect seriously on your credibility as a writer. You will be torn apart by mercenary ninja with bad fashion sense should you be found plagiarising.
Warning: Maybe slight OOC, but only because they are from a different universe. Sasuke never left Konoha.
Canon-Compliance: Takes place during Part II. Alternate Universe.
Fanon Compliance: Could conceivably take place in my Walk A Mile timeline
AN: This is unedited. Sorry, there was family stuff that got in the way of updates. Also, CEO & Assistant prompt is still being worked on. I’ll try for tomorrow.
It starts out as a run-of-the-mill information retrieval mission.
Simple, straightforward – they don’t even need the whole team. It’s just as well, Kakashi has been helping Naruto improve his change of nature techniques, and Sakura’s been hoping for some quality alone-time with Sasuke.
Between everyone’s training regimen, it’s hard to find the time to just be two fifteen-year-olds in not-quite-love-but-slowly-getting-past-like.
So when Lady Tsunade proposes the mission – retrieve some stolen documents from a group of mercenary ninja and deliver it to the intended recipients – Sakura jumps on it. It’s easy, requiring stealth and intelligence, which both she and Sasuke excel at.
Everything goes perfectly, until it turns out one of the enemy is a sensor type.
Sakura and Sasuke’s carefully planned infiltration and extraction gets turned into an all-out brawl. They get the documents, but they’ve been made, and are now being hunted through the forests.
And on top of that, a shuriken has just become deeply embedded in the fleshy part beneath Sakura’s left shoulder blade. Sasuke hangs back, ready to grab her, but she steadies herself mid-stumble.
“I’m fine,” she insists, despite the cold pain and the feel of blood soaking through her shirt.
Sasuke considers her, and she knows from the expression he is weighing their options. If the wound is deep, blood-loss will make a long-range spring impossible, but in their current situation they’re at the disadvantage.
“We need a distraction,” he says. “You or me?”
The fact that he isn’t even acknowledging her wound shows how far they’ve come over the years. He knows she can take care of herself.
She smirks. “Well, you’re pretty, but I don’t think you’re their type.”
The corner of his mouth tugs upward at this, and he nods, turning to leave.
“Five minutes,” he tells her. “Three if you don’t have a choice.”
And then he is gone. Seconds later, the enemy catches up and she is surrounded on all sides by half-a-dozen missing-nin dressed in black.
“Seriously?” she asks as the closest ones lunge at her. “Why do people like you always dress in black?” She bends into her taijutsu forms, dodging blows and more volleys of shuriken. “Wouldn’t it be smarter for mercenaries to dress in camouflage?”
One of them tries to slip past her and she tosses an exploding tax in front of him, forcing him to jump backward to avoid the explosion. Her shoulder burns and her side is now slick with blood, but she knows her limits. It’s just a matter of making it through the time limit –
She manages for four minutes before she begins to feel lightheaded, and is forced to make another quick getaway.
As she flits through the trees, she hears the raucous laughs and victory shouts, because they think they have her on the run – a wounded wolf being chased back to her den.
Up ahead, she sees Sasuke, waiting on the other side of a clearing. His finger flash in something that anyone else would interpret as hand signs from a distance, but which she reads as a series of numbers. Grid coordinates, just as they’ve practiced.
Still running full-speed ahead, she assesses the open space, makes a quick calculation in her head, and then dives into the air. It’s difficult to twist her body to avoid the razor thin wires, especially given her wound, but she manages it. Her pursuers won’t notice their presence until it is too late.
And she’s through.
She botches the landing, however, stumbling and rolling once she hits the ground. Still, she doesn’t stop, stagger-crawling onward and glancing over her shoulder to make sure she is in the clear
The mercenary-nin enter the clearing as well, see her on the ground and assume she has succumbed to her injury. There’s more yelling, more promises of a slow and painful death, and several of them dive into the air toward her –
The minute they are airborne, Sasuke’s fist fills with electricity and he hurls it forward. The wires come alive with a current, and a giant spider’s web of lightning jolts to life below the mercenaries. It’s far too late for them to react to it, electricity surging through their bodies, and within moments, there are heaps of unconscious mercenaries lying among the grass and tree roots.
In a final move, Sakura pulls back her arm – the side that isn’t injured – and shoves a precise burst of chakra into the ground. The area of the clearing splinters, collapsing beneath the unconscious men and burying them in the eroding rubble.
It will be a while before any of them are able to follow her or Sasuke.
“Nice teamwork,” she beams at him, going down on one knee.
Sasuke scowls.
“They were already unconscious,” he points out. “You wasted your strength, and now I have to carry you.”
She sticks out her tongue. “Well, that will be a break from usual, then. Usually I’m the one carrying you.”
He mutters something unintelligible and probably insulting under his breath, then scoops her up in a fireman hold – he can’t risk jostling or removing the shuriken just yet – and they’re off.
Sakura shamelessly uses the opportunity to admire his backside as he runs.
They stop only when Sasuke is sure that they’ve reached safety.
There a small, shaded glade near a river, with enough leave coverage to keep them out of the eye of anyone who might come looking. He puts her down carefully and begins to examine the wound.
“It’s deep but it hasn’t hit anything vital,” he informs her.
“I could have told you that.”
She tries to reach her arm around to examine it herself with her fingertips, but can’t quite reach.
“Stop that,” he orders. “You’ll tear it further. I shouldn’t have to tell you this.”
“Right, because you make such great decisions when it comes to your health.”
“I’m not a trained medical-nin.”
“So that’s an excuse to get yourself half-killed?”
His only response is a glower.
“How about instead of shooting me dirty looks you stitch me up?” she suggests. It’s not an unreasonable expectation, he’s done it before. “Do you still have that healing balm Naruto asked Hinata to give you?”
“Yes, it’s in my pack.”
“We’ll need that when we’re done. For now, though, go get some water.”
“Hm.” He turns and heads for the spring. “Wait here.”
Sakura reaches into her own pack, digging for her suture kit and lays it out. Then, with minimal maneuvering, she pulls her shirt and sports bra off. She swears as some of the threads get stuck on the shuriken, which she tugs out and quickly compresses with a cloth. The sooner Sasuke stitches this up, the better –
There’s a muffled thump behind her and she whips around, clenching a fist in expectation of an enemy ninja being behind her. Instead, she finds Sasuke, jaw dropped and cheeks flushed with colour, the canteen lying at his feet.
“Sasuke?” she questions, unsure at first what has him so startled. It takes a few extra seconds before she realises it’s her bare breasts that are throwing him off. Her mouth tugs into a rueful smile. “If I was anyone else right now, I’d’ve bled out in the amount of time it’s taken you to get around to treating my wound. Now are you going to do something, or do I have to find a mirror and do it myself?”
He visibly shakes himself out of his daze, but has begun to blush furiously. It would be amusing if she didn’t have an open wound right now. 
“We’re in a combat situation,” she reminds him, “can you maybe think with your upstairs brain?”
His mouth shuts with an audible click, and the look he gives her is beyond annoyed. But he picks up the canteen and makes his way over. He looks everywhere but at her chest and goes to sit behind her. She hears rummaging among the sutures.
“What does it look like?”
“Like a gash.”
“Very funny, Sasuke. I mean, how deep is it?”
“Nothing vital was clipped, it’s just deep,” he says. “I’m going to clean it and get started on the stitches. Try not to move.”
They are quiet as he begins to thread the needle through her skin. The job is long and tedious, and she needs something to occupy her mind so she doesn’t wince every time she feels the thread going through.
“So…” she begins. “I never realised you were so easily flustered.”
The needle pauses. “What?”
“I mean, it’s a little weird. You spent six months in my body before this, seeing me without a shirt on shouldn’t be anything new.”
“We were twelve,” he snaps, a strained note in his voice. “And you didn’t have…” She notices his unoccupied hand make a vague motion out of the corner of her eye. “… those.”
“The word you’re looking for is breasts,” she supplies, amused. “And while I’m glad you’ve noticed them, they really haven’t changed all that much.”
“Yeah, well, I wasn’t exactly sitting in front of a mirror making an in-depth catalogue of your freckle-to-skin ratio back then,” Sasuke replies defensively, jabbing the needle through her shoulder a little more forcefully than it needs to go.
Sakura hisses in reaction, and tries to glare at him over her shoulder. He, in turn, is staring at her shoulder wound as if it holds the secrets of the universe and he can’t afford to lose his concentration. Her annoyance turns to curiosity, because she only ever sees Sasuke get like that in two cases – when he is furious or when he is uncomfortable. Considering the situation, she hazards a guess that it’s the latter.
But why? It’s not as if he…
Well, he’s had to have seen a naked woman before, right? Even aside from the utterly bizarre swap they underwent when they were genin, he should have had the opportunity. They’ve both studied biology, with diagrams and everything. He is the student of Kakashi Hatake, the most perverted shinobi in Konoha since Jiraiya, and teammates with Naruto, who not only parades around with his horrible Sexy Jutsu but has been known to sneak into the women’s bathhouse. She can just picture him dragging Sasuke along.
“I don’t get it,” she says. “You’ve seen Naruto. Seeing a naked –”
“Naruto isn’t real like –” Sasuke snaps, before abruptly cutting his words off at the back of his throat, like his mouth betrayed him.
“Like I’m real?” she supplies, her own cheeks turning pink.
“So just now, that was the first time you’ve really seen a naked woman?”
“I’m not talking about this with you.”
“But you just mean real, like, alive, right? You’ve seen – I mean, I’ve been to Naruto’s apartment – I lived with Kakashi, I know guys have stashes of those magazines. You have to have…” He growls slightly. “Oh. Wow.” Another idea occurs to her, and before she can stop herself, she blurts out, “Does that mean you’ve also never…?”
“Never what?” he asks tightly, like he’s already regretting asking.
“You know…” This time it’s Sakura that makes a vague motion with her hands. It’s difficult, because of the angle, but the message gets through. She feels him fumble with the needle and yelp.
There is a heavy, uncomfortable silence.
“That actually explains a lot,” she finally says.
“What’s that supposed to – wait.” His voice drops in suspicion and something like wary curiosity. “Have you?”
Sakura’s cheeks are definitely warmer than they were before, but she tamps down any sense of embarrassment. Medic ninja don’t get embarrassed by this sort of thing.
“It’s a natural biological function, of course I have,” she sniffs. “Which is why I don’t believe you haven’t. Unless – unless you’re just not interested. Which is okay, too, I guess.” She really hopes it’s not the case. “Lot’s of people don’t –”
“I’m interested, okay?” Sasuke barks. “I’m very, very interested.” When she turns to shoot him an amused, challenging look, he scowls. “You know what I mean.”
“Kind of don’t.”
“It’s about having discipline.”
“Are you sure it’s not about having some kind of health issue? If you don’t ever get arou –”
“Stop talking!” he cries. “I do, but I can control it. It’s just a matter of focus. End of discussion.”
“What’s the point, though?”
“I’m done,” he announces, and stands up. She turns around in time to see him jump to his feet and hurry back to the spring as if he’s been burned or as if she has some kind of transmissible disease.
Right, because avoiding the problem will make it go away, she thinks peevishly, distractedly checking the sutures. They’re a little sloppy, but well-executed. He must have been really distracted by the topic of conversation.
And he still hasn’t answered her.
A mad idea occurs to her then. She almost dismisses it right out – but then figures, she might not get another chance like this. It’s rare that they are alone together these days, even rarer that they are sent out on the same mission. Can’t just run away from her in the middle of a mission – even if the mission is pretty much complete and might as well just be a stroll through the woods at this point.
In a fit of bravery, she strips off the rest of her clothing, dropping it in a pile at her feet and waits for Sasuke to return from the spring, hands on her hips.  
He’s several feet away before he clues into what he’s seeing, and then he freezes.
Sasuke looks as if he has been turned to stone, his hands clenching around the kit in his hands. If she didn’t think he could turn any redder, she was mistaken. For several seconds his eyes zero in on everything below her neck. Sakura feels the warmth in her cheeks travel downward at this, and trying for confidence, she purrs, “Like what you see?”
Sasuke’s head practically jerks up, but instead of meeting her eyes, he looks to the side. “Sakura…why…why are you…?”
“You can’t be flustered like this,” she tells him. “Naked people happen. Sometimes you end up having to help them, especially in rescue or disaster situations. Not everyone has time to get dressed when something happens, and you can’t –”
“I…don’t have a problem with naked people,” he grits out through clenched teeth.
“Oh, really?”
He makes a strangled sound low in his throat, which might be an affirmative; she watches his fists clench and unclench, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows. Sasuke is doing everything in his power not to look at her right now, and it’s actually bothering her.
In fact, she’s a little hurt.
“Sasuke, look at me.”
“I’m giving you permission.”
“Why not?”
“Because you’re…”
“Naked, yes, we’ve established that,” she rolls her eyes. “And to tell you the truth, the fact that my boyfriend doesn’t want to see me naked? It’s kind of insulting.”
“What? No!” he actually does look at her now – briefly – before again averting his gaze. “That’s not – I want to, just not –”
“Just not?”
“Then how.”
“Could you just – please put your clothes back on?”
Sakura hesitates, and then sighs in frustration. Slowly she gathers up her pants and tunic and pulls them back on. She doesn’t bother with the bra – the bandages won’t allow for it, and thankfully she’s small enough that it isn’t really a major issue.
Sasuke twitches with every rustle of her clothing, and when she’s done, she grumbles, “It’s fine. You can look now, I’m decent.”
He exhales, and she practically watches the tension flow from his body.
“I’m sorry for putting you through such a hardship,” she bites out, balling her hands into fists. “Let me make it easier on you and give you some space. I’ve got to figure out where we are anyway, so –”
She begins to breeze by him, but his hand snaps out and grabs hold of her wrist. “Sakura –”
“It’s fine, Sasuke.”
“No, it’s not.”
She takes a few calming breaths, fighting down her annoyance. She has no right to be angry about this, it’s not like he can help being uncomfortable. Even if she is hurt, she isn’t going to let this ruin their relationship.
“Forget it, Sasuke, it’s alright. We’ll pretend this didn’t happen, okay? We’ll never talk about it again if that’s what you want.”
“That’s not what I want,” he tells her, tugging her back so that she is facing him. His entire face is drawn tight, as if in concentration, like he’s trying his best to find the right words. “Sakura, when I think of…when I think of seeing you like that, it’s not in a forest in the middle of nowhere, or with you wounded on a mission or stripping of your clothes to make a point. It’s in our home, with me taking off your clothes, because we both want to.”
He is as red as his favourite fruit now, cringing as if worried she will be offended and take a swing at him. But Sakura isn’t focussed on the imagery of his little confession, so much as the word choice.
“‘Our’?” she repeats.
“You said ‘our’. ‘Our’ home.”
If possible, he turns redder. “I meant –”
“Sasuke, are you asking me…?”
“No! Yes. Not…not yet.” He shifts uncomfortably. “But one day.”
They are silent, then, the implications settling over both of them. Sakura isn’t sure what to say to that.
“I…” she begins, her emotions gravitating between being utterly confused and utterly pleased. “I didn’t realise you would be traditional about this sort of thing.”
He shrugs. “It’s something my father said once.”
“Your father? You must have been very young.”
“He didn’t say it to me,” Sasuke admits. In a lower voice he adds, “He didn’t ever really say a lot to me. It was a conversation with Itachi, but I listened in. I did that a lot.”
The usual dark expression passes over his features, and she winds her wrist out of his hold so that she is now clasping his hand, offering him a comforting squeeze. “What did he say?”
Sasuke returns the brief pressure. “He said there are certain experienced – certain privileges that you share only with the person that you intend to spend the rest of your life with. As much as I…as much as I want…”
He trails off, looking at her meaningfully.
“You’re trying to honour his memory.”
There’s another lull in the conversation as Sakura processes this. Then, “Okay.”
Sasuke blinks. “What?”
“Okay. We can wait,” she repeats. “I promise I won’t assault your virgin eyes with my naked flesh again before you’re ready.”
He makes a face at this. “It sounds much less noble when it’s clear you’re mocking me.”
“I’m not mocking you. I think it’s sweet.”
“‘Sweet’,” he repeats, distaste filling the lone syllable.
“Yeah,” she says, smiling at him. “It’s not a side of you I get to see very often. I like it. And I’m alright with waiting, if that’s important to you.”
“Thank you,” he hedges, still sounding suspicious.
She beams and leans in to kiss him – before abruptly pulling back.
“Wait – is this okay?” she asks. “I wouldn’t want to compromise your discipline by making you feel a–”
Sasuke growls and pulls her toward him, rough but still mindful of her injury. His mouth crushes into hers, working her bottom lip between both of his. There a nip – almost a reprimand, she suspects, for her earlier teasing – and when she opens her mouth in protest he takes full advantage, his tongue in her mouth, deepening the kiss until she’s whimpering for oxygen. 
When he pulls away, he looks only half as dishevelled as she feels.
“I’ve managed fine this long,” he tells her, leaning his forehead on hers. “Besides. I know of a few things that can be done that don’t require any kind of nudity.”
The look he gives her can only be described as smouldering, and her mouth goes dry trying to imagine the possibilities.
“But,” he goes on, abruptly pulling away from her, “we’ll have to discuss it some time when we’re not in the middle of a mission. Pack up your stuff, we’ll head out in five minutes.”
She gapes at his retreating back, trying to figure out what just happened.
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moschinocap04-blog · 7 years
Wonders on the Picture Bag
When speaking about vogue, baggage are very important to compliment the apparel of individuals especially of ladies. Luggage have their exclusive use of housing critical stuffs females use including make-up kit, mobile phone, purse and perfume. Different forms of bags have to have been produced by designers to manage up together with the desires of trendy ladies. One of the hottest accessories is definitely the photograph bag. The picture bag is like an ordinary bag which holds and shows as much as nine with the preferred shots of ladies wherever they may go. The picture bag has become the latest in the bag industry that it has been catching the attention of a lot more and a lot more ladies. Even though some women of all ages purchase from your boutiques, other individuals want to generate their particular employing usually previous and remotely fashionable baggage. What exactly is good concerning the picture bag is always that it can be developed by any able and creative personal including adult males. They may even decide on to do this like a reward to their girlfriends. In building a photograph bag, just a little of time and effort tend to be the important aspects other than the mandatory supplies. To get started on, you should have to have any substance that can be produced right into a bag like vinyl, dress, plastic, leather, woven abaca and various products strong sufficient to hold issues. You would also require a needle and thread, stitching device or adhesives to carry the material to sort a bag. You may check out the varieties of bag that you choose to would need to make. The simplest one may be the shoulder bag. According to the measurement on the shots, make pockets obvious to the viewer using plastic go over. The number of photos depends within the dimensions from the bag and also the pictures to be mounted around the bag. Because the designer, you might be cost-free to the place to place the pockets providing these are definitely visible to your viewer. Choose your very best photos and love moschino sale insert these to the pockets. The good matter with pockets is usually that the images could be improved depending on the consumer. Long-lasting photograph pockets may very well be performed also by sealing the photograph pockets. To generate a very good impact with your photo bag, take into consideration other variables love moschino for example coloration and texture. In shade, pick out shades that go with along with your apparel properly and are harder to obtain soiled which include earth and dim colours. It's not only practical but additionally aesthetics-wise. The feel will have to also be thought of given that most women choose the bags with gentle products for instance love moschino shoes silk and cotton. They undoubtedly want these sorts compared to the tough types. The photo bag can be very practical towards the sentimental kinds. It rekindles the nice outdated memories. When you go, you'll be able to convey along with you the memories that you choose to share with other individuals. Once you lose your image bag, it is effortless to acknowledge from other baggage. It previously has an identification mark that may be apparent for the examiner. When it is actually discovered by a friend, he or she can certainly notify the photograph bag is yours. Your photograph would be the most legitimate attribute in figuring out your bag. The photo bag is often an alternative method of advertising. In place of individual shots, you could possibly set into your pockets pictures within your advocacy or even the point that you would like to publicize. Style has long been amongst by far the most sought form of campaigning and advertising.
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