#he cannot stop morbing
ryssbelle · 2 years
Updated Hyrule Hop (dnd)/Fractured Timelines Twi's design!
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I recently played Twilight Princess so I've mostly edited to fit the low saturation and gothic style of TP
I've also given him an adventure outfit which is the one hes wearing in the new ref, he gets to keep the casual outfit tho (tho I realize his boots will not last so I may edit them). I also added face markings under his eyes (which I may edit) that are supposed to mimic Midnas funky eyebrows but under his eyes teehee. Finally I edited his tail and changed his his hair looked a bit.
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(I'm giving his old refs tan to Wind lmao)
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the-monaurarchy · 2 years
After much discussion on how to improve the lore of the story, we have given four of the characters named so far their Classpects. In addition, we have added two new Aspects, Aura and Morb.
The "Players"
Tony is the Bard of Aura. My Extended Zodiac gave me the Time aspect, and the events in Act 2 Part 3 imply that Tony is trying to "destroy" the doomed timeline where Tony and Clubs die, so we originally went with "Prince of Time" for his classpect. (Now that I think about it, the timeline isn't really doomed since Tony isn't a Time player...) However, after changing the aspect to the more fitting Aura, Bard was found to be a much more suitable Class.
Tony does not directly control the Aura; it simply emanates from him. This mirrors how Gamzee has purple lightning, representing his aspect of Rage, when he goes berserk mode. Tony also does not really bother to stop the aura: despite it emanating from him, implying that he is immune to it, he does not bother to leave his house after seeing it is surrounded by aura, and only gives advice to Clubs over the phone. Given this, his status as protagonist against the Gecs is unclear, again following the wildcard nature of the Bard.
Clubs is the Witch of Heart. This one isn't as based on the text as Tony's aspect; it was simply chosen out of convenience for what we are planning for the next update to Act 2 (spoiler alert: Dead Tony asks Dead Clubs to telepathically communicated with Alive Clubs and tell them not to go to JFK Airport). Nevertheless, we did make some connections:
The Heart is, according to the MSPA Wiki, "emotions and intuition, and may also be associated with motivations and inclinations to do things." Clubs isn't shown actually planning their escape; rather, it is Remy and Roman.
The Heart also "may also have something to do with feelings, including feelings of attraction" - Clubs is told by Tony that they must auspiticize the Baracks and the Gecs.
Lastly, like the Clubs, the Heart is a house in playing cards.
Witches are known to violate their aspects: Jade, Witch of Space, violates the rules of spacetime regularly, while Feferi, Witch of Life, created an afterlife via dream bubbles thus breaking the rules of life. A Witch of Heart would be able to transcend the metaphysical barrier of life and death and establish interpersonal connection with the alive (from the afterlife).
Barack Obama is the Knight of Morb. It was stated early on that Obama woke up from a deep slumber in order to protect against a worthy threat against America (the Gecs); thus, the Class of Knight would be most suitable for him. (We also considered if he was an Heir.) His aspect, though, was very much unclear... until we chose Morb for reasons I will lay out below. As the Knight of Morb, Obama weaponizes Morb - the will of the people - to fight back against the Gecs.
Lastly, Barack Care is the Page of Space. Care is stated to have been created in a lab (not necessarily an ectobiology lab, note that!) to assist Barack Obama, thus he cannot be an active class. The supportive Page is what we consider him to be. Meanwhile, he is shown to teleport to and from Mauritius, making him an obvious Space player.
What In The World Is Aura And Morb?
Now, let's get into the two new aspects we added.
Aura represents control, onesidedness and partisanship. It is shown emanating from one man (Tony) and used by the few (the Gecs) to control the many (America). Ironically enough, it is uncontrollable; one could say that, as an allegory for power, aura corrupts those who use it, turning them into crazed despots. Tony isn't affected though because 1) he is its user and 2) never actually uses it directly anyways, as a Bard. Weird, I know, but just roll with it.
Morb represents the will of the people and democracy, as the antithesis to Aura. I chose the name "Morb" simply because Morbius was banned by the Gecs, leading to Tony and Clubs being killed just for mentioning it; also, because, well, Morbius Sweep. You could also make the connection that since Obama isn't President anymore, his return could be considered coming back from the dead - vampirism.
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ckret2 · 5 years
@deluxetrashqueen submitted:
I have had Morbie/Venom kind of ideas kicking around for a while and I feel like I’m never going to actually get to writing them in fic format so I’ll just spill them here because you’re one of the only other Morbie/Venom shippers (it’s a background/not very serious kind of ship for me that I ship kind of equally romantically as platonically but still) I know of.  Basically that Eddie would find Morbius caught out in the sun and passed out and he’d take him back to the sewers or wherever they’re living and Morbs would wake up and drink some blood they have in a clearly not medical grade blood bag(it’s probably like, a ziplock). He would notice it tasted strange besides just being a little coagulated from the improper bag. “And what poor soul do I think for my meal?” “It’s none but our own, but you may thank us if you wish. We apologize for not having a more uh…air tight receptacle for it.” “Yours? I supposed that explains….nevermind.” (he realizes that the taste is inhuman)
In exchange, later he brings them some chocolates in the shape of brains.  “Haha! Adorable! Where on earth did you find these?“  “I uh…ahem…I actually…made them myself.” “An artist and scientist! We’re more impressed with you every day, Morbie.” “Ah..well uh…I mean…I just filled an ice cube mold. No artistry, really! You do me far too much credit.” Venom puts one on their tongue and draws it into their mouth. “You do yourself far too little. It–” Venom cuts off shivers, then spits the chocolate out in a panic. “It-! It tastes…it tastes like–!” “I-I synthesized some chemicals I know that you gain sustenance from, adrenaline, epinephrine, dopamine. I-I only thought perhaps it would be more…that you would prefer…dear god how careless of me! The shape was tasteless I beg you, forgive–” “You’ve done nothing wrong, Micheal. They’re…incredible. That’s the problem. I suppose we had not realized we’d found solace in the idea that it had only been misidentification. In the idea that the replacement was, to us, no different so long as it contained the singular thing we require. It is…jarring…to so suddenly be confronted with the fact that…we do still prefer the real thing.” And they’d talk about the idea that they could more easily rationalize their hungers when it was simply a need, but became incredibly uncomfortable and shameful when admitting, even to themselves, any kind of preference. The idea of preferring it a certain way implied pleasure and felt more sinful because of it.
At some point Eddie would offer for Morbius to feed off of them. That way we didn’t have to worry about hurting innocent people to sustain himself. Morbius would be hesitant but eventually agree, hoping he can control himself. Of course, halfway through, he realizes he can not longer force himself to stop and begins to panic, fearing he’ll kill this new friend he’s come to care for more than he expected. Again he feels he’s going to drain someone he cares so much for because he cannot help his hunger, but Venom just eventually pulls him off, gently. The symbiote can simply form back over Eddie’s neck, forcing Morbius’ fangs out. Morbius is incredibly relieved to have done them no harm.  They’d work out a system of trading chemically infused chocolates for blood, both silently and carefully trying to cater to the other’s tastes, Morbius through synthesizing different amounts of different chemicals, Venom by changing the chemical makeup of Eddie’s blood. Morbius is the best fed and healthiest he’s been since he became a living vampire. The hunger is a shadow of its former self. Then, one night, he’d somehow run into someone who was bleeding heavily and he gets a full lung-full of the scent of blood. The scene would cut out and cut to Eddie back in the sewers or apartment or wherever. Morbius would enter, head hung low so his face can’t be seen easily, and sobbing. Venom would be concerned and rush to him.
Morbius would explain that he’d run into someone bleeding, something that always caused him to lose control. He would fall forward into Eddie’s arms, but then Eddie realizes he’s hugging him.
Morbius looks up and Eddie would see that his face is clean of blood and he’s smiling. The tears are of joy.
“I did nothing, Eddie! I helped them, even! Help bind their wounds and bring them to a hospital. I…I did not lose myself! Kept so well at bay, the hunger could not consume me! And I owe it to you, Eddie!” And they’d just have a great system that helps both of them to keep their own hungers at bay and also be understood by someone who shares those experiences. Micheal stops feeling so desperate to cure himself and instead begins to just treat his affliction and learn to accept himself through seeing how Venom loves and accepts themselves and from there it could bloom into a full romance.
Sorry to just dump all this in an unorganized heap but I was afraid I’d never share it with anyone otherwise. You don’t have to publish this, it was just too long to send as asks.
I already went “YOOO THIS IS AMAZING” at you when you sent this but now I’m on my computer and I can post it, which I AM gonna do, because it’s amazing and more people oughta see this. It’s like a spectacular 30k fanfic packed into under 1000 words. The feelings over their respective hungers! The tension when Morbius runs into someone bleeding and then the plot twist! The heartwarming ending! Thank you for this gift.
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hellsdreamer · 2 years
I really think Sony could have something truly special with the Morbius franchise, if they play their cards right, at least.  Don’t just make “Morbius 2″ with Jared Leto fighting another vampire guy in a poorly written serious movie. The first one was garbage, but it can be reinvented, like a phoenix raising from the ashes of the first movie’s flaming corpse.
 Do what DC did with Suicide Squad, and literally call the movie “The Morbius” It’s a goofy title for what should be a goofy, satirical movie. Let him use the word “Morb” a few times like in the memes. Make him say “It’s Morbin’ Time” before the big final fight. Put it on the poster, too.  Recast Morbius. I’d nominate Cory Michael Smith (The Riddler in the Gotham TV show), but for maximum comedy, they could go with Matt Smith and simply never address the fact that he played the villain in the first one.  Include several “Serious” villains that Morbius can beat up (Or “Morb”) throughout the movie. I believe Sony has the right to use Wilson Fisk, and I propose that Fisk gets morbed by the end of the second act. If they’re legally allowed, Fisk should be played by Vincent D’onofrio again, and should be shown in the trailers. Heck, the trailers could even play him up as one of the highlights of the film, and he could be in it for a grand total of five minutes. That’d still be more than Vulture was in the first one. Throw in another Spider-Man villain or two, played by notable actors, who can be dealt with quickly. They’re not important to the story, but the goal is to make headlines and let the internet market the movie for you. They don’t even have to be creative with the casting. They could just Google “Green Goblin fancasts”, pick a relatively cheap option that seems to have some fan support, throw him into the movie, and let him be beat up in an opening montage about what Morbius has been up to. 
 Have the real final villain be someone who was played up for jokes earlier in the movie. Big Wheel, perhaps. It doesn’t really matter which character they pick, it just has to have the “Kite-Man effect” where they sound so silly that they could never be a serious threat, let alone the actual center point of the story.  Include multiple post credits scenes that set up increasingly ridiculous stuff that they can simply ignore and never address in future movies. Maybe the first scene has a new actor playing the Spider-Man of this universe, who see Morbius on TV and say some goofy generic line about how “Someone needs to stop that guy”. The next one could tease a villain that wouldn’t make sense to adapt without Spider-Man. The third one should be where it becomes obvious that these post credits scenes aren’t going anywhere. Straight up just have people panic as a Kaiju climbs out of the ocean, or dinosaurs emerging from a volcano. Some threat that has 0 precedence in the comics, doesn’t relate to Morbius, and cannot realistically be stopped by a Vampire and or Spider-Man. Throw in one more where the new Morbius actor watches the first movie, and throws the TV out his window.  Hire me, Sony! I will literally write this script for you for minimum wage. 
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izolyn · 2 years
Okay, so, things I know about Morbius:
-The movie begins with a scene where a chopper sets down in the middle of a mountain forest somewhere. At least one soldier and a guy who is Probably Morbius exit the chopper. (It is traditional to stop watching the movie upon seeing Probably Morbius.)
-At some point in the movie, Morbius says “It’s morbin’ time!” and morbs all over some guys. At some other point in the movie, he also uses a more serious catchphrase, “Alright, no more B.S.”
-At some point in the movie, presumably during a confrontation with Anti-Morb, Morbius summons his Morb-Orb, the deadliest red ball in the universe.
-Morbius is a doctor and a vampire. At some point in the comics he also becomes a zombie.
Based on this information, I have divined the exact plot of the movie:
The US Army brings Morbius to the site of some Ancient Artifact that has been sealed away. They want Morbius to unseal this artifact for them, which he can do because he is a doctor, which of course means that he knows Everything about All Science. Morbius successfully unseals the artifact, but realizes that it is too dangerous to be left in the Army’s hands. The Army attempts to take it by force; it at this point that Morbius says “It’s morbin’ time!” and morbs all over them.
Morbius leaves, taking the artifact with him for safekeeping. More Army guys arrive to investigate the scene; a General declares that they must recover the artifact from Morbius. This must be done in secret, because they cannot risk anybody else also trying to get their hands on the artifact, and also because as we all know from those shitty Army ads, the US Army “fights the battles nobody knows about”. In order to accomplish this, they decide to use traces from when Morbius morbed all over their guys to create their own secret weapon, an Anti-Morb.
While the Army sets to work engineering their Anti-Morb, Morbius returns to his hometown, a city in Pennsylvania called Borgo. Here he continues his work as a doctor by day and a vampire by night, defending the citizens of Borgo from various groups of Evil vampires. We also meet Morbius’ love interest, Jane Doe. The plot thickens when he starts hearing on the news about a series of attacks across the country that bear all the signature indicators of him morbin’ all over some guys except for the part where he wasn’t there and didn’t do it and also the victims may have been innocent people.
We cut back to the Army, who after a series of “tests” (read: setting him loose on innocent people) have decided that their Anti-Morb is complete. In a move that is incredibly surprising to the Army guys and incredibly unsurprising the everybody else, Anti-Morb promptly betrays them and morbs all over their guys (notably, he does not preface this by saying “It’s morbin’ time!”). Anti-Morb then sets out for Borgo, intent on destroying Morbius and claiming the power of the artifact for himself.
Anti-Morb attacks Morbius in Borgo, dominating the initial stages of the fight because it’s daytime and Morbius, as a vampire, cannot use his powers (a weakness Anti-Morb does not share, thanks to the Army’s engineering). Jane Doe intervenes in the fight, distracting Anti-Morb at a crucial moment but being severely injured in the process. In an incredibly heart-wrenching scene she professes her love for Morbius and begs him to feed on her to heal his own injuries; he is reluctant but eventually gives in when it becomes clear that Jane’s injuries would be fatal anyways.
Now enraged, Morbius breaks out his other catchphrase: “Alright, no more B.S.” He summons his Morb-Orb, which is revealed to have been the artifact from the start of the movie. With the power of the Morb-Orb, Morbius turns the tide against Anti-Morb and wins the day.
The post-credits scene has Venom come to Morbius’ clinic for help with the whole eating-people thing. The post-post-credits scene scene has Morbius discover a way to access alternate dimensions, including the various Spider-Man films, by manipulating the shape of the Morb-Orb. “What is this, some kind of a Morbius Strip?” he says.
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