#he brings up the John gay rumour out of nowhere
undying-love · 7 months
Pete (Doherty): Did you see they were giving out these supplements of great interviews with the Guardian over the past couple of months? And they had an interview with John Lennon with him saying that your tours had been like Satyricon. Sir Paul: Not really. I mean, it's a bit of an exaggeration. It was definitely quite decadent. The whole thing about getting into a band was to get girls, basically. Money and girls. Probably girls first. So when you are on the road, and there was time for a party, we had a bunch of those. There was an element of Satyricon, although that overstates the case a bit. But there were certainly some elements that you wouldn't talk about in the newspapers. Privately, I could tell a tale or two [laughs]. The funny thing is when later the rumour came out that John was gay, I said: 'I don't think so.' I mean, I don't know what he did when he went to New York, but certainly not in any of my experiences. We used to sleep together, top and tail it, you know. I always used to say: 'Come on, I would have spotted something here.' But what I spotted was completely the opposite. It was just chicks, chicks, chicks. Source: https://www.theguardian.com/music/2007/oct/14/popandrock5
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