#he bouta lay the beat down on someone
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hidiingplace · 3 years
“scar” ella todd
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Todd had a few scars along his body from his various daring acts. Truth be told, he can’t remember how he got most of them. Scraps on his knees, elbows, a few cuts on his legs and chest. They were mostly hidden by whatever tattoo he had over the skin. However, the small ones that blotted his face were a little bit different. 
The most obvious was the ones on his eyebrow. Two clean slits where eyebrow piercings had once been before they’d been brutally ripped out in a fight. Truthfully, Todd liked the look of the scars better than he did the piercing anyway. 
The second most obvious were the ones on his ear lobes. Once again, piercings ripped out when he was a teenager that never grew back right. 
But the one that most people didn’t notice, or most people assumed was just from having dry lips, was the one that rested cleanly in the middle of his bottom lip. Its origin was nothing as dramatic as a ripped out piercing, but perhaps a little sadder. He didn’t often talk about it, but if you stared long enough, you’d be able to put the pieces together on what it was. Repeated beatings. Repeated split lips. From fights, from his foster siblings, from his group home attendees, from his time on the streets, from slamming his face into the floor while skateboarding, from having his ass handed to him as the Fox. This split was etched on those heavy lips now, as if forever swollen and cut –– a reminder of all the times someone wanted him to shut his mouth, or how often he wasn’t strong enough, or how often he failed. 
His bright blue eyes peer down at her. He has her in his lap. She had been laying down with her head using his thighs as a pillow when she suddenly sat up and turned towards him. Her fingers reached up to touch his lips. At first his mind blinked to something else, but now as he watches her eyes study his lip and catch repeatedly on the dip in the middle, he understands. 
It takes everything in him to stay still and not lick his lips or make a joke. She looks so worried, and all he can do is watch in stunned silence as she touches his scar so tenderly. 
“Whatcha lookin’ at me like that for?” Todd asks, voice soft and lowered into a raspy whisper. One hand reaches up, dragging knuckles along the underside of one of her eyes. “Ya look like yer ‘bouta cry.”
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@recordsstraight // scar, birthmark, tattoo.
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Just Lost is All
Warnings: ⚠MENTIONS OF KIDNAPPING, RAPE, STARVATION, AND ABUSE⚠I type how I like so their are bouta be lots of mistakes, maybe some smut, ABO, Alpha! Bucky x Omega!chubby! Reader
(Reader is female, I'm not great at writing for male readers just yet AND SHORT BECAUSE IT GOES WITH THE STORY I'M SORRY )
Y/h your height
Y/w your weight
Are you ready kids, I have never written anything like this to be honest.
The last few days had been hard for (y/n), her and the Avengers just came back from a long, rough mission. (Y/n) was undercover at one of the biggest human trafficking headquarters in the U.S. but it wasn't just any humans it was young Omega's. The group would snatch Omega's 15-18 years old, off the streets, out of their bedrooms, anywhere they could find them. Then the young defenseless boys and girls would be brought to the warehouse where they were shackled to walls, they were starved, raped, beaten, and abused at the hands of vicious Alphas. After the kidnappers had their fun they would take the broken teens out onto a stage and sell them to the highest bidder, at this point their souls had broken and they had no hope of rescue so they just went with it, hoping not to get beat as often if they behaved.
This is where (y/n) came in, she was 22 years old and (y/h), the young girl was a bit on the heavier side at (y/w) lbs, but the most important part; she was an omega. She looked young enough to be a target for the beast that called themselves men.... So Tony put a tracker on her and sent her out by the most frequent kidnapping point. Steve put up a helluva argument, (y/n) was the only Omega on the Avengers, that of course made everyone slightly over protective of her. But she was willing to do whatever it took if it meant saving other young Omega's from that hell. As she left to hit the streets she took a look at everyones faces, hoping to keep them in her mind in case she started losing hope, her eyes scanned across each and everyone of them sorrow filled everyone's faces until her eyes landed on the last person, the one she cared for most, Bucky. Her face fell as she realized he wasn't even looking towards her he was in a chair, reading a book that he had picked up on the way to the safe house, he looked indifferent to the fact that she was leaving so she took a deep breathe breathing in and relishing his scent, before turning on her heel and walking out.
She walked down a dark street pulling her arms into her hoodie as she went acting as care free as she could in this moment, her (y/h/c) flowing in the wind as she went, it was quite chilly and she was thankful she wore thick pants when a strong gust of wind hit her. After the wind died down she heard footsteps behind her, she had to make this seem believable so she quickened her step as if to get away from what she knew would be pain. The steps behind her sped up as well and when she looked up from the ground there was a tall figure in front of her. She stopped, looking behind her seeing a large man walking briskly towards her. (Y/n) felt trapped like an animal being stalked by a preditor and having nowhere to run. She looked at the other figure as he began to advance on her as well, her head was spinning and she turned a 360° looking for some kind of escape. Then she felt strong fingers wrap tightly around her arm, she tried to push them off tried to fight the grip but the man just tightened his hold on her. She looked around trying to locate the second attacker but before she could get a glimpse of him there was a cloth with a horrid smell pressed to her mouth and nose, soon her vision grew blurry and her body became weak, she let herself collapse and felt hands pick her up before she completely lost sight of reality and fell unconscious.
When she awoke she was sitting on the floor her arms suspended above her shackled to the wall, she yanked against the binds doing her best to stand trying her hardest to break free. She searched the dim room her eyes searching for anything, the only light came from what she assumed was the door. Her fear was taking over and she felt like a wild animal trapped in a cage trying to break free. A shrill scream left her lips as she fought against the chains. She finally wore herself out, her legs becoming weak and her head spinning. She slid down the wall slowly some of her hope draining. As her butt hit the floor she heard footsteps coming and she cringed as she realized she had brought attention to herself.
Not soon after her first noticing the footsteps did they stop outside of the door to her cell, her body shook with fear and her eyes darted needing an escape. She knew this is where she needed to be if she wanted to help the other Omegas, but she was seriously starting to regret this. The door Swung open making her jump a whimper of fear leaving her lips. She kept her eyes on the floor not willing to look her captor in the face though she could feel the way he walked and held himself he was an alpha. You sniffed the air indescretly making sure to remember his scent. A surprised look crossed your face when he finally spoke.
"Well doll, I never expected them to pick up someone of your size,” she looked up, she could tell that accent from anywhere it was one of her favorites, it was a Birmingham accent. When she looked to his face she seen a thick wiry mustache his hair was red and his jaw sharp. A shiver ran down her spine as his eyes looked at her as an object, not a person.   
"Well sir I never expected anyone to be able to pick me up but here we are, " She bit the words out through clenched teeth a false confidence coursing through her, though if she was wearing boots she would surely be shaking in them. She was actually quite confident at times but she wanted him to think she would be easy to break and from the look on his face, he was falling for it. He had a cocky smile and strutted towards her.
    “Id watch myself if I were you, see the fact of the matter is one of us is chained and helpless.” She growled under her breath his words making her feel all the more weak, she knew she had to do the best she could to stay safe so she allowed her head to bow as a sign of submission towards the tall Alpha. A shiver coursed through her as she could practically feel his filthy gaze undressing her. He moved closer resembling a predator stalking its prey and she could do nothing more than release a pitiful whimper. She let out a shaky breath as she felt his own fan across the top of her head, he was uncomfortably close at this point.
     She took a risky glance at him and immediately regret it, his eyes were all black, indicating that his wolf had taken control. Once she looked she couldn't look away, her eyes followed him as he reached into his pocket pulling out a key and unlocking her wrist. As soon as they were free she clutched them to her chest a dull ache ran the length of her arms. The man who towered over her smiled sadistically grabbing one of her ankles and yanking her towards him. He used so much force she fell onto her back her head banging against the hard cement. She tried to scramble back up into a sitting position, but before she could get anywhere he flipped her onto her stomach.
    She shook uncontrollably as she heard him undo his jeans, her hands clawed at the floor under her trying to pull herself away to no use, one of his hands rested on her hip hindering her escape and the other began to rip her bottoms off, tears slid down her cheeks as she felt the cold air hit her bare skin. The only way to escape now was to retreat to the back of her mind until it was over. She mentally scolded herself for thinking this would in any way be a good idea, she knew she shouldn't be part of the avengers, she couldn't fight, she wasn't as smart as Tony or Bruce, the only reason they kept her around was because they pitied her. She was the only omega in the past fifteen training classes the Avengers have held for new agents and they seen how far behind she was so they took her under their wing. As she came to this conclusion she felt pressure against her entrance, then white hot pain coursed through her shooting up through her abdominal region and straight to her chest.
    The myths always said that for an omega to lose their virginity while in distress caused horrible pain, she never thought they were true, she always thought it was just some old story from way long ago. But now she believed more than ever as her hand clutched at her chest and she screamed, the man gave her no time to adjust as he continued to force himself into her with fast painful thrust. Sobs were wracking through her at this point and he seemed satisfied with the pain he had inflicted.
    “I love it when they scream,” his voice was in (y/n)’s ear and she jumped not realizing how close he really was. Not soon after they began his thrust became sloppy and he wrapped his hands around her neck pulling her up so her back was pressed to his chest, her face became red as he added pressure to her neck, his thrust finally slowing until he pulled out and removed a hand from her neck to rub himself off releasing on her back. He released his hold on her and she fell to the floor sobbing, he stood slowly adjusting his clothing and walking towards the door, when he got close to the door he spun on his heel.
********RAPE SCENE OVER*********
    “Whore,” he spit at her disgust lacing his tone. Before she could register what he had done he left slamming the metal door shut behind him not even bothering with shackling her back up. That's where he made his second mistake, (y/n) pulled her pants back on and stood shakily her privates ached and she just wanted to lay there in a ball and hide from the world. But she knew that the other omegas here needed her. Limping her way slowly towards the door she reached into her bra and pulled out a lock pick, good thing they didn't search for anything on her. Chubby fingers made quick work of what seemed to be a cheap lock and she pictured the blueprints of the building in her head, she had been over them for what seemed like a million times and she tiptoed the way to the back entrance praying to the Moon Goddess that her team was there like they had planned. She had a few moments where she thought she would be caught but she hid just in time.
    Finally making it to the door she cracked it slowly, but before she could even try to find her teams scent the door was nearly ripped off its hinges. She was quickly pulled into someone's arms and she instantly felt a wave of calmness wash over her. She looked up to see who it could be ………    
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lemonadetyler · 6 years
peter finds out you’re a villain
request: Head cannon on you being Peters nice, shy girlfriend but secretly you being an anti hero and Peter goes to where you are and seeing you in dark, tight spandex makes him very flustered ;)
pairing: peter parker / spiderman x reader
type: headcanon / smut
a/n: i adjusted the ask a lil bit, instead of villain / anti hero i went with vigilante. i hope that’s okay! send me an ask to join the tag list below!!
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“bye, babe.” peter kisses you as he leaves your apartment after riding the train over to brooklyn with you like the sweetheart he is
“see you tomorrow?” you ask all wide eyed and cute like u be
“ofc, darling” he told u
he was always so worried about you
& you can totally handle yourself. you can do a lot more damage than that but if peter knew the truth, he would be crushed & what homeboy don’t know can’t hurt him
so peter leaves & you go into your room
sweater off
leggings gone
scarf deceased
your cute lil usual fit is on the floor
shy & sweet u gone
bad bitch u is here
your sexy ass has squeezed into your suit
u look fuckin good, feelin yourself
but u already knew that
do u cause a lil trouble when you go out? sure, but it’s so much fun
so ur out ur window and hopping rooftop to rooftop like the badass u be
u were kind of like a modern day robin hood but more violent and less predictable
out here avenging the world’s wrongs w/ some fun for yourself on the side
what shall it be tonight? u robbed some wealthy asshole last week. tomorrow ur busy sneaking into a prison & going all mercenary on some dumbass
u were absolutely awful, but only to the people who deserved it most
“god i am so in the mood for torture right now.” u say to yourself
so u do some scouting
tired retail worker = a bad target
lost girl at night was equally uninteresting
man following lost girl? now that could be interesting.
so u watch & wait
but all my ladies out there know damn well what’s about to go down
and yeah, shit hit the fan
but yall coulda guessed that
this dirty vacuum bag really tries to get with this girl, she wasn’t having it, he decides that fucking rape is next on today’s agenda
so u swoop in
see, ur not abnormally strong or powerful
but u have two things that these fuckers out don’t: 1. the element of surprise and 2. a really, really cool bat who you have affectionately named “bubbles”
its cute
anyways, back to the ass whooping you dishing out
so you might have broke into a police car last night
stole some handcuffs
but youre gonna give them back!!
just not at the moment
you handcuff this lil bitch to a bike rack
take the girl into a restaurant
make shes okay and get her a ride home
okay back to this fucker
he’s huffing and puffing like he finna blow this bitch down
like really
get a grip
so you uncuff him
and this man takes off
“i hate the runners” you say
gotta chase after this dude now
finally you catch up to him
knock him down with bubbles the bat
“dude, i just wanna talk” you tell him as he lays on the ground
“really?” he looks at u like he bouta cry
“lmao no.” you laugh and hit him with bubbles again
dumb bitch
but THEN
you’re knocked on ur ass by someone
you start to look up to see who it was
your vision is a lil blurry but u can kinda make out a figure
“is that fuckin spiderman”
“that’s gonna hurt tomorrow, miss.” he tells you
“fuck i wish i had superpowers” you mumble to yourself
you can’t really compete with spiderman
gonna have to talk your way outta this one
“hello, mr. man?” you say all cute like “Imma need you to hand me that man back.” you finish
“no can do.” spiderman tells you
“i really don’t think the spiderman brand should be supporting attempted rapists” GET FUCKED BUG BOY
“did he?” spiderman looks at the man on his arm
“sure did.” you clarify
“i still I don’t think I can condone you beating him like you were.” spiderman tells you
“i’m simply doing god’s work” you say, trying not to laugh
“god’s work.” spiderman looks at you straight faced, unimpressed
now you begin to approach spiderman
“what are you doing in brooklyn tonight, spiderman?” you say SEDUCTIVELY LIKE YES GIRL
“just passing through” spiderman says
“well,” you bite your lip (agh!!!!) “maybe next time you should stick to queens.”
“who are you?” spiderman asks you, genuinely perplexed
“it wouldn’t be as fun if I told you, would it?” you answer.
you grab the man out of spiderman’s hands, walking away, confident as hell
spiderman grabs you by your hips and turns you around
“you sound so familiar” he tells you
like can you fuck off
“not gonna like, i thought you’d be cooler” you respond
the almost rapist takes the opportunity to run away so that’s great
and spiderman just doesn’t care
“what the actual fuck man??” you say “i’m not running after that dumbass again.”
in the midst of your ranting, spiderman rips your fucking mask off
“i knew there was no way you weren’t mine”
before u can even register what has happened, he rips his mask off
“surprise!” your BOYFRIEND PETER shouts, NOT SPIDERMAN
“what?” you say in shock
“you were so confident and out there.” peter says in awe. “it was awesome. i didn’t know you could be so… dangerous.” he says after finding the right word.
“what are you gonna do about it?”
so peter kisses you
but like, aggressively
pushes you up against a wall
“you should wear this more often” he tell you
“you like it?” you ask
“like it? im gonna fuck you in it.”
ur pussy might as well be a super soaker bc that bitch is drenched
peter rips your suit open
“you got more of these?”
“yeah but maybe we fuck in this one from now on”
he’s got your nipple in his mouth
hands down your pants
you might just come right then and there
but peter’s suit is equally tight
and he’s been hard since he first knocked you down
“stop teasing me” you breathe out
slowly, which is basically still teasing, peter slides inside of you
moving in & out of u, his cock coated in your juices
“harder, peter.” you beg as he tentatively hits your clit with each move
boy goes to work
slamming in & out of you
“fuck, daddy, right there.”
also, peter didn’t know about your daddy kink until right now so i guess this is confession night
but he totally digs it
he grabs onto your hips tighter than ever before
sliding you on and off his dick as your back is to the wall
your legs are wrapped around his hips
you’re literally getting fucked hard in an alleyway at midnight by the spiderman
who would’ve thunk it
you both come
, hard
yall compose yourselves
“we have so much to talk about tomorrow.” peter tells you
“you’re spiderman.” you say, it still hasn’t hit you quite yet
“and you’re a vigilante with a daddy kink.”
“touche, parker.”
tag list: @smilexcaptainx @just-an-average-nerd @mstoomanynames @bcndevik @asadmarveltrashbag @bookgirlunicorn @spiderlingsweb @peterlikescats @i-alyssa
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kpopbiggestwhore · 6 years
Club Encounter: Jiwon
Summary: After landing a job offer to teach in a dance studio in Seoul, you and your friends decided to head to the club to celebrate. 
Warning: This shit bouta get freaky, steamy, and all around sexy... oh and a bit of fluff enjoy :)
Y/b/f = your best friend
Kim Jiwon stories: Good Girl, Unexpected 
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“Guess who got the fucking job putas.” I yelled out as I entered the apartment all the girls stopped what they’re doing and screamed running towards me tackling me to the floor “Thank the fucking lord.” y/b/f praised “Finally I no longer have to take extra shifts.” Nari said “I’m just happy you finally got the job.” Bora smiled, we all got up and fixed ourselves “So what are you going to teach?” Nari asked “I’m going to teach Salsa, Bachata, and Heels. And they even agreed to let me wear a mask.” I proudly stated “I knew it!” y/b/f yelled jumping up and down, but comes to a sudden halt “Guys we should go to the club and celebrate.” she smirked “Let’s do it.” the rest of us screamed
After some time we were finally done I was in some high waisted army pants that were baggy but still hugged my lower body very well, a white bardot crop top, paired with my classical adidas, lastly to complete my look I did a natural smokey eye, highlight because you know a girl trying to glow up and show off wassup, and a Milani lipstick color 69 with a clear gloss to top it all off. 
“Oh bitch I see you.” y/b/f smirked turning me around “You alright know I’m trynna get my game on bitch.” I smirked “Now where are the other girls?” I asked “Right here.” they yelled out as they came out of the kitchen “Sorry we were doing a bit of pre-drinking before we head out.” Nari smiled “And then y’all wonder why you have a terrible hangover the next morning.” I joked “Oh whatever lets go!” Bora laughed as we all got out of the apartment and got an Uber.
Sweaty and drunk people everywhere, strobe lights randomly hitting your eyes blinding you for a split second, but most of all the dance floor looked like a pack of sardines “Well what are we waiting for let’s go get fucked up.” y/b/f yelled out dragging everyone to the bar and ordered tequila shots for everyone “To Y/N new job.” she yelled out “Pa’ riba, pa’ bajo, pa’ centro, pa’ dentro!” and with that we drowned our drinks “Alright one more round.” Bora said as see waves over the bartender for another round. This is going to be a long night...
After six shots I was a bit tipsy but nonetheless I was still about to control myself unlike the other girl after just the three shots they we half way gone this is going to be a mission tonight unless they end up with someone tonight then who knows. “Y/n I put your song on next.” y/b/f smiled at you “Dude no I can’t do it in public!” I yelled out “Don’t worry i brought this just in case.” pulling out my face mask “Fine you’re so lucky I’m doing this.” I stated giving her the death stare but all she did was laugh and drag me to the dance floor. She’s going to be the death of me.
Bobby’s POV
The guys thought it would be a good idea to head to the club to celebrate our comeback. As our Uber dropped us off in front of the place where we also found Mino “Congrats on your comeback guys, sorry the rest of the guys couldn’t make it.” Mino said as we all greeted him and thank him for congratulating us “Nah it’s cool don’t worry about it.” B.I. said “So what are we waiting for let’s get fuck up.” Jay yelled as we all laughed and entered the club we notice ‘Full House’ was blasting in the club “How’d they know we were going to come tonight.” Mino smirked “I don’t think they know because there’s a crowd forming a circle in the middle of the dance floor.” I laughed “Let’s go check it out.” Mino said. As we push our way through we notice a girl dancing to our song but not only was she dancing she was “This girl knows how to use her ass!” Mino yelled cutting my train of thoughts “She literally twerked your part (the small rap he does before Mino cuts in) with out missing a beat or a word.” he yelled amazed at her moves, I on the other hand was speechless but when she turned around facing our direction she froze.
Oh shit
Was the only thing replaying in my mind, I was staring directly at Bobby and he was staring at me so I did the one thing I can think of “Come on everyone!” I yelled out as people closed the circle that they created for me. That’s when I took my queue to dip the fuck out of there not before reaching out for my hoodie from our table luckily Nari was “busy” with a guy. Once I finally got outside I slipped my hoodie on and flipped up my hoodie “That was close.” I thought as I had my back turned from the door I heard a voice speak up “You’re a fast one aren’t you.”
De pinga guy
“Sorry I don’t know what you’re talking about I been out here for the past hour dude.” I responded “Really because no other girl has army pants in there.” he stated which made me freeze “I mean these are fashion nova you never know.” I clapped back “I don’t think they know what fashion nova is.” he said “How the hell does no one here know what fashion no- fuck.” my attitude side of me decided to turn and face this person before I could stop it “Gotcha.” Bobby smirked “Me cago en ti.” I cursed “Nice dancing by the way.” he smirked “Are you just saying that because I used your song or was it because I busted my ass for your part.” I sassed rolling my eyes “Both I saw what you were doing before that part of the song came on.” he smiled “Thanks now if that’s all you want to say I’m going to walk my happy ass away.” I said as I waved my fingers good bye but was quickly stopped in my tracks “As much as I like a feisty girl, why are you acting like this I thought you would fangirl or something?” he asked “Look you may be famous amongst kinder-gardeners-” “Ouch.” he cuts me off putting his hand over his heart I couldn’t help but roll my eyes and smile; thank god he can’t see it though. “anyways, I don’t believe every person is the same person when they’re on camera then in real life so I always have my guard.” I said “What do I have to do to show you I’m not some arrogant, stuck up celebrity?” he asked “How about we go back inside and we’ll see from there.” I asked “Fine but can I take the mask off of you?” he requested “Nope this stays until I say so.” I declared “Alright I just wanted to ask, but if you do agree on it can I take it off?” he asked “Okay, you got a deal.” I agreed he smiled at me and dragged me back in the sweaty club as we danced and drank the night away.
The Next Morning
I woke up with a mild head ache in my bed but with the warmth from the pillow I was laying on it made it ten times better but it’s weird aren’t pillows not suppose to go up and down, and also not suppose to have a heart beat. That’s when I felt an arm wrapped my waist “Oh god please let me be clothed.” I silently prayed I closed my eyes and slowly lifted up the sheet and peeked under. I didn’t know whether to be happy I was in some clothes or to panic because I wasn’t wearing my clothes “Don’t worry we didn’t do anything now stop moving so much and go back to sleep babygirl.” his voice interrupted my train of thought “Then where are my clothes?” I asked “Laundry you threw up a bit so it’s getting clean.” he finished as he opened his eyes to look at me “What do I have something on my face?” I questioned “Nope nothing on your face absolutely nothing.” he smiled caressing my cheek that’s when I realized “My mask.” I said “Sorry but you threw up on everything beside your shoes, I didn’t want to betray you word but there was nothing else I could do I really am sorry.” he apologized “You know what you didn’t betray my trust.” I sat up looking at him as he follows along “Wait really I thought you would be pissed.” he said confused by the words that came out of your mouth “I was but after you took care of me and apologized for taking my mask off it proves you’re a trust worthy person.” I smiled “If I kiss you right now would you be mad?” he smiled and I laughed “Yes because I haven’t brushed my teeth.” I shoving him down on the bed as I straddled him. Boy did I almost lose it at that moment because 
1. He’s shirtless like no camisa.
2. His morning wood was pressing against my sensitive part and let me tell you the saying “Asians got a small dick.” yeah that’s an understatement.
“Fuck, babygirl if you don’t go and brush your teeth right now I’ll take you here and now.” he growled gripping my upper thigh under the boxers“Keep talking like that and you might have to take me.” I moaned but soon jumped a bit when I felt a stinging sensation on my ass “How about we go brush our teeth and we’ll continue this.” he suggested grinding against me “Fuck, okay let go.” I cursed as I quickly got off of him and followed him to the bathroom. “Here get this tooth brush.” he said handing it to me “Thank you daddy.” I joked well was a joke to me but by the looks of it he wasn’t joking “Call me daddy one more time and I’ll replace that tooth brush with something else.” he directed, I was shocked but weak all at once, knees don’t give up now because I’m going to need you in a bit.
The moment we finished Bobby didn’t waste no time, he picked me up and took me to his room “Now that I don’t have to tell you what I need to call me I think I’ll get right into it.” he dived into my lips, biting and sucking on my lower lip but I playfully pulled away “You just played yourself.” he smirked, I was about to question it until he ripped the shirt off. ‘Okay I didn’t really play myself, I just didn’t see that coming.’ I thought.
After ripping the shirt and the boxers off he stared me down “Fuck this is a sight I’m glad no one else can see.” he said biting his lip “If you’re going to stare at me that much might as well take a picture.” I rolled my eyes “One I’ll gladly take hundreds of pictures of you if you’ll let me and two roll your eyes again and watch what I’ll do to you.” he growled “Okay.” I rolled my eyes again just to get him on edge “Alright you asked for it babygirl.” he flipped me over and spanked my ass catching me off and making me yelp “If you don’t count it neither will I.” he stated “One.” I choked out.
He flipped me back on my back and felt through my panties but soon found my clit. I threw my head back in bliss “Damn babygirl did you enjoy that?” he smirked “Kind of.” I tried to hold back my smiled by biting my lip “Such a naughty little girl aren’t you baby.” he lowered himself til he was face to face with my womanhood “Damn you’re so wet it even went through your panties baby.” he smirked “Just do something, anything please daddy please.” I begged “Anything?” he raised an eyebrow “Yes fuck just do something please daddy.” I whined “Gladly.” with that he removed my panties and attacked me with his mouth. 
“Fu-uu-uu-u-ck.” I could barely get a word out ‘I am never going to a gringo or latino or anyone for that matter after this.’ I thought. I gripped onto his hair hard this is amazing no the best I ever had my toes are even curling at this “I’m-fucking shit I’m clo-ooo-o-oose fuck.” I threw my head back again feeling my climax come closer and closer he stops “Daddy why’d you stop fuck.” I moaned “Because babygirl,” he got on top of me “I want you to cum around me.” he crashed our lips together asking for entrance, this time I gave in tasting myself in his mouth. “Hold on I’m going to get a condom baby.” he said as he started to pull away but before he can fully get up I stopped him and smirked “I’m on the pill.” he looked at me bewildered “Say less babygirl.” he smiled “Let me help you with that.” I smiled as I flipped us over. 
I slowly pulled down his pants and boxer and was surprised ‘Okay the thing that I said earlier yeah now it’s official I am never going to a latino or gringo or just anyone in general.’ “Fuck.” my mouth was watering “Whats w-wwr-rong oh fuck.” he couldn’t finish his sentence after I shoved him in my mouth. I came up with a popping sound “Sorry daddy I just couldn’t resist.” I bit my lip and smiled “Holy shit did you just take all of it down your throat?” he asked looking at me with amazement “Mhmm I can control my gag reflexes.” I said “This just keeps getting better and better.” he smiled and pulls me up “But as good as that sounds I want to fuck you senselessly and before the guys come back.” pinning my arms behind my back “Looks like I’ll have to be quiet soon.” I smirked “Such a naughty little girl you are, huh baby?” he spanked me “Yeah but you like it.” I said smiling but quickly moaned as I felt his dick teasing me “You’re right I do.” and with that he smashed into me. 
My knees almost gave out in seconds “Shit this feels amazing.” he groaned “Fuck harder daddy please.” I cried out “I will.” he let go of my wrists and held onto my hips “Daddy right there yes please.” I screamed he was hitting my g-spot over and over again I couldn’t help but scream even more “Fuck baby I love seeing your ass bounce on me.” he groaned smacking my ass a bit “Fuck I’m really close daddy.” I cried out “Fuck me too fuck.” his hand went under me and played with my clit “Daddy!” I screamed as he thrusted into me one last time “Fuck I’m cumming too.” he growled the feeling of his cumming filling me up felt amazing.
After that he collapsed next to me on the bed and wrapped an arm around me “That was fucking amazing.” He huffed out “Mhmm.” I mumbled “Baby are you good?” he asked I turn my head around to face him and nodded my head smiling “Would you mind-” “doing it again, no I wouldn’t mind it at all.” I cut him off “From being sassy and pissy to delighted and relaxed.” he joked pulling my up to lay down on the bed well more like on him“Yeah I’m kinda glad all that happened now.” I smiled feeling my eyes getting heavy and him playing with my hair was making me even more sleepy “Hey can you tell my friends that I’m okay I completely forgot to do that.” I mumbled “Don’t worry I told them before when you knocked out.” he stated “Thank you Bobby.” I said hugging him a bit “No problem babygirl now go to sleep.” and with that we kncoked out.
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