#he always adjusted to the right take eventually so it wasnt too bad. i liked that playthrough
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damiel-of-real · 5 months ago
sometimes i still think about that one undertale playthrough where the guy was convinced that asgore was toriel wearing a fake beard. like this was her drag king persona or something
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obsessive-ego · 4 years ago
Beetlejuice cant tie a tie
I got a little off topic, but we get to it eventually
Musical beetlejuice x reader
Nsft mentions and bonus
A day off like any other, your phone buzzes to life at 11am, you groan at the sound, but you cant sleep all day, even though you really want to. As you shift to turn off your phone, you feel the familiar dead weight, you huff.
Ever since you let the ghoul into your home he has made it a habbit to sneak into your bed with you, at first he would leave before you woke, but now? He just makes himself at home, claiming that your bed is so comfy and warm, and way more lovely then the couch, honestly you didnt mind, his pajamas were clean, and he kept his hands relatively to himself, and lets be real even if you protested he'd still do it, just something you got used to over time, and enjoyed, as much as you wouldnt admit it, sleeping with another person did help you sleep at night, but you weren't exactly ready to open that can of worms.
You nudge the demon
"Beetlejuice let go"
The ghoul had you trapped in his arms, wrapped tightly around your waist, as his face was buried in your hair, his legs tangled with yours, the demon was spooning.
You squirm again, this time a tad more aggressive.
"Keep wiggling like that sugar and you'll give me a boner" he groans, more mockingly then anything else.
"Let go so I can turn off my alarm and start my day" you huff
Beetlejuice tightens his grip around your waist.
"No can do sweets"
"Beej please, I need to be an adult today"
"Oh babes, you can EASILY be an adult in bed~ but fine, if you must" be dramatically let's you go fawning hurt, you simply roll your eyes as you take your new freedom and leave the bed to reach your beeping phone on the table across the room.
Following your example, beetlejuice gets up too, and with a simple snap of his fingers his black and white pajamas were replaced with his trademark suit, the ghoul straightens him self out, adjusting the jacket and tie as if he had somewhere important to be.
You couldnt help but feel a tad jealous at that, to be able to get ready for the day in a second, something like that could shave a good amount of time off your mornings before work routine.
You usher the demon out of your room stating you needed to get dressed, though he did plead to stay and help, as always, you only replyed that youd take a rain check.
Reemerging from your room, dressed and ready to enjoy your day off, you head to the kitchen to make some coffee, your morning routine was simple, normally beetlejuice would chit chat with you as you made breakfast for the two of you, but it was strangely quiet, you havent seen the ghoul since you ushered him out of your bedroom, normally this ment he was hiding and getting ready to scare you, a regular occurrence.
Now something as simple as making toast and coffee now had you filled with anxiety, why did he always do this? You know why, he thinks it's funny. Your anxiety was short lived when a little note flutters down from the ceiling in front if your face, instinctively you grab it
'Babes, off scaring, saw you got new neighbors, be back soon~ xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo'
You sigh in relief knowing that bastard wasnt gonna mess with you today, yet you couldnt help but smile at all the xs and os, corny, but that was him wasnt it.
Like any other day off you try to catch up on house hold chores, and with beetlejuice out and about you can actually get stuff done, nothing against the ghoul, hell you loved having him around, it was just hard to be productive with someone so chaotic under foot.
Your day off went by pretty productive, you here you were, enjoying the peace and quiet, with a cup of hot tea and a book you've been meaning to read.
Beetlejuice appears from literally nowhere in the center of the room you were currently residing.
you nearly jump out of your skin at the sudden outburst, no matter how many times the ghoul burst into your home that way, it always startled you.
You regain yourself, and with a small laugh you sigh "welcome home B"
The tips of the demon's hair turn a soft pink, something as soft as 'welcome home' from your lips sent him, how lame, a big bad demon from hell, getting all warm and soft from just a little breathers kindness, yet, he wouldnt want it any other way.
The ghoul is quick to slide next to you on the couch "ya miss me toots?~" he cooed leaning in and making an exaggerated kissing face, you snorted out a laugh and gave him a shove.
"Knock it off B, and yes I missed you, but I was more productive without you, so~" you laugh
"OH Y/N you are so mean, you would rather me be away so you can do boring breather stuff, then have fun with the sexiest dead guy you know? How cruel" the ghoul pretends to be hurt.
You laugh again "Beetlejuice, you're the ONLY dead guy I know-"
"Therefore the sexiest" he countered giving you a wide toothy grin
"You got me there I guess" you laugh and give beetlejuice a shrug.
As the laughter dies down you notice how roughed up your friend really was, more so then usual, more dirty, shirt slightly untucked, new holes in his jacket and pants, his tie undone, loosely hanging around his neck. Yes the ghoul was messy, but it looks like he lost a fight, and hell with his powers he could clean up in a second, maybe he hasnt noticed?
"Beej? What were you up to today?" You ask shyly, you didnt exactly like to butt into what the demon did in his spare time, mostly because if he wanted to share it with you he did it with gusto.
Beetlejuice freezes for a second, the shrugs
"The usual, messing with your neighbors, why?"
You gesture to his messed up clothes
"OH,  yeah, new guy down the hall fought back, you should have seen it babes-"
You sigh, not that you needed too, but you worried about beetlejuice, what if he got into a jam he couldnt get out of.
"What's up sugar?"
You flinch, beetlejuice must have caught in to your expression.
"Do you need a hand straightening up?" You mentally slap yourself at that suggestion, he can magic himself back together why would he need your help?
Glancing back up to the demon's face you swallow hard, plaster across his mug was a love sick dopey grin, his most and beard now sprouted pink patches.
"Please~" he purred, a word you rarely herd from the ghost.
You nod, slowly you start with the tie, grabbing on to the two pieces, you swear you saw the demon flinch, slowly but surely, you tie a simple tie, years of doing it for yourself for forced formal occasions, guess the info stuck.
You gently strengthen the knot, paying more attention to what you were doing, rather then who you were doing it for, if you were paying attention to beetlejuice you would have saw his wide eyes staring so intently on you, both hair and scruff completely pink, a soft smile plastered across his face.
"You know babycakes I would just LOVE to have you yank on my tie more often~" he purred
You flinch at the comment, being brought to reality by that delightful gravely voice of his, you stutter out a soft noise, unsure how to respond in your frazzled embarrassed state.
The demon continues "have ya drag me around, mmmhmmm, have my sweet little breather in charge"
You unable to think of a response, just sit in front of the demon, hands still gripping his tie, staring back at his face.
"I have to say I've thought of it often"
You DID yank the ghoul by the tie alot, to make a point and or get him to your level, him being taller then you.
"My little y/n riding me, using my tie as a leash, you being fully naked, while I'd be full clothed, sounds like fun maybe we should- urk"
That was a step too far for you, as hot as the idea way, it was till too much and too embarrassing, with a quick movement of your hand you tighten the ties knot around the ghoul's throat, as if to strangle him, not that he needed to breath, it did shut him up though.
"Harder baby" he croaked
At least you thought itd shut him up.
You let go of the tie and get off the couch, taking a step back.
Beetlejuice laughs, his soft pink hue shifting back to his default green.
"Oh sugar we done already? Not only are you kinky, you're also quick to finish" he snorts out a loud laugh.
"Cant we have one nice moment?"
You sigh, little frustrated with the ghoul's ability to ruin just about any moment, as if the ghoul sensed your mood, he was quick to jump to his feet and pull you into a side hug, you huff, still being a tad annoyed with him.
"Alright sugar, ya twisted my arm, not more dirty stuff tonight, I appreciate your help with the tie, how bout I return the favor?"
You quirk a brow, return the favour without saying something dirty? You didnt think the demon COULD do such a thing.
"Heres what I'm thinking doll, me, you, and the new neighbor down the hall, I'm gonna show you how I got messed up to start with, and play your cards right babes and I'll let ya tie me up again~" the ghoul winks at that last line, regardless of the innuendo you smile.
"Alright BJ I'm game"
The ghouls gives you a wide toothy grin
"Its showtime".
Nsft bonus
Later that night when you were dead asleep beetlejuice couldnt help but dream of you sitting on him wearing nothing but a coy smile as you rode him, he being fully dressed with his cock freed from it prison and being buried in your warmth.
You bounced up and down, yanking his tie, half for balance half cuz of the sound he made.
With a delightful dream like that, the ghoul did not last very long,
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rowanwhitethornisbae · 4 years ago
Faking It Chapter 6
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Hey! I know its been a while so click on the master list if you want to catch up or even start. Im going to try to start updating more frequently in the next few months. Thanks to everyone for reading!!
TW: Language, drinking, sexual references, blood
Faking It Masterlist
Aelin woke with a start to the sound of her phone ringing.
"Shit." She swore, quickly realizing she must've fallen asleep after her conversation with Fenrys. She hung up on the call, silencing that obnoxious ringing as she sat up in bed. Aelin hadn’t bothered to check who it was, but she knew she'd figure it out if she went back downstairs.
It was probably Lysandra, calling to make sure Aelin wasnt already passed out drunk somewhere. It wouldn't be the first time. Groaning internally, she picked herself up off the bed. Despite her falling asleep, the duvet covers looked unruffled. Still, she fluffed the pillow briefly in an attempt to ease her own discomfort at sleeping in Dorian's room.
With one last look to confirm that the room appeared undisturbed, Aelin closed the door shut behind her. She made it halfway down the staircase when the exhaustion hit her. It was a familiar feeling, like when you were abruptly waken from sleep to attend a six am practice at school. Still, she clung extra hard onto the railing for a moment in order to gain her bearings once again.
As her eyes finally focused, she could make out the throng of high schoolers in the living room below her. Her eyes adjusted to the colourful lights as she scanned the area for a familiar face. She saw Lorcan first, and then Rowan beside him, the latter scowling. At first it didn't seem odd, Rowan was always scowling at something. She took another few steps down the stairs, and with closer examination, realized something was wrong. 
She tracked Rowan’s glare across the room, landing on her ex-boyfriend and the guy who’s bed she’d just fallen asleep in. “Shit shit shit!” Aelin said to no one in particular as she hurried down the stairs. She reached Rowan at nearly the exact second that Chaol and Dorian did. 
“Hey guys.” She said, slightly out of breath. Chaol gave her a once over and his brows furrowed at whatever he saw. 
“Pull your skirt down A.” His voice was full of unjustified disdain. “You look like you just got railed in a bathroom.” 
Aelin glanced down at herself. Her skirt was in fact, extremely ridden up, and half her ass was falling out. In her haste to prevent a fight she had forgotten to check her appearance. She knew she should pull it down, what Chaol said was completely logical. And yet, they were broken up, who the hell was he to tell her what to do. 
Aelin shot him her sweetest simpering smile. “Maybe I did.” 
He bit out a harsh laugh, and she felt Rowan’s body tighten beside her. “Who the hell - “ Chaol started to say, but was cut off by his mouth falling open. 
Aelin, tired of hearing her ex speak, had taken action into her own hands. From the left of Rowan, she placed her right hand on his far cheek and spun her body around smoothly, bringing her lips to his. 
For a moment, he didn't reciprocate the gesture and Aelin’s heart began to race. Just as she began to pull away, his arm came around her lower back, and he started to really kiss her. Her other hand tangled in his hair as they stood intertwined. 
The rest of the room seemed to fall away, the music becoming faint and the lights dim as she kissed him. Someone coughed from beside them, pulling Aelin out of her daze. Slowly, she extracted herself from Rowan and turned back around to Chaol. He was staring at them, looking as though he’d just been slapped. 
Aelin delighted in the feeling of power flowing through her veins. She tucked her hands behind her back, and realizing her skirt had ridden up even further, she pulled it down. There were lines that even Aelin wasn't willing to cross to prove a point. 
To Dorian’s credit, he looked incredibly amused with the entire situation, and was clearly trying to stifle a laugh. Chaol’s expression was pretty funny, Aelin noted. 
Unfortunately, it didn't last forever. Aelin recognized the exact second when he went from shocked to angry. Everything about him changed; his eyes, his posture, the way he held his hands. He was on the offensive now, and all Aelin could do was brace herself for the coming verbal assault. 
“You whore.” He spat. 
Un-original. Aelin thought to herself. He really needed new material. 
“I always knew you were fucking him on the side.” Chaol’s whole body was trembling with anger, and even Dorian had the good sense to look unnerved. 
Aelin didn't dare look at Rowan or Lorcan. “Chaol.” She said calmly, “lets go somewhere else to talk about this.” She was quickly growing un-easy. Aelin had wanted a reaction. Yes. But she wasn't expecting the look of pure hatred shining in Chaol’s eyes. The usually soft brown had darkened to a near black, making him look unhinged.  
He ignored her soft request completely. “How long Aelin?” He asked, his voice suddenly deadly soft. “How long did you wait after fucking me before you were back in his bed.” 
Suddenly Aelin felt a little ill. “It wasn't like that.” She hated how quiet her voice sounded. 
“Then what was it like huh?” 
“Please Chaol,” she half begged. “Can we just talk somewhere else?” 
“Why?” The expression on his face had turned evil. “You don't want the whole room to know that you're a fucking whore.”
He yelled the last word, but luckily it got lost in the music. 
“It’s pathetic really,” he turned back on her. “Your constant need for male validation.” 
He gave her outfit a once over, and Aelin found herself wishing she’d worn something more conservative. 
“You are worthless.” He spat the words again, shaking his head with faux-disappointment. “You’re parents probably killed themselves to get away from you.” 
Aelin barely had time to process the words before Rowan exploded. His fist connected with Chaol’s cheek, sending the latter flying backwards. He hit the ground hard, people and plastic cups scattering in his wake. Rowan was on him in an instant, pummelling his face into the tile floor. Blood leaked from Chaol’s face, seeping onto his shirt and the floor. 
Aelin didn't even hear Lorcan swear and run over to Rowan. She was too focused on trying not to scream. Lorcan threw his arms around Rowan, attempting to pull the thrashing high-schooler away. Rowan fought in Lorcan’s arms, before eventually slowing his efforts. 
Dorian, swearing under his breath, knelt beside Chaol. The room was spinning, and Aelin’s head fucking hurt. She stumbled through the room, trying to find the exit. There was a loud roaring in her ears, and spots danced in her vision. 
Fuck. What if she fainted at a high-school party? Aelin would never live that shit down. 
“Oof.” She grunted as she slammed into a wall. Aelin groped about blindly, searching for a door. She nearly collapsed with relief as she found one, and threw herself in, shutting the door. She barely had time to lock it before she was vomiting, most of it landing in the toilet. 
“Fucking hell!” A voice exclaimed loudly. Aelin allowed herself to finish retching before she turned to face her latest stroke of bad luck. Could she not be alone for five fucking seconds?
The male beside her was clearly just finishing up washing his hands, as he was still holding a hand towel. “Aelin?” He asked, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise. 
“Cairn.” She grumbled in reply, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Aelin had never really liked Cairn. He hated Chaol with a passion, envied her ex-boyfriend for getting the captain spot in sophomore year, a spot that everyone thought was going to Cairn. 
Despite the poor timing, Aelin had been meaning to track Cairn down to talk. Far be it for her to give up this perfect opportunity, vomit and near panic attack aside. She slowly pulled herself into a standing position and nudged Cairn away from the sink so she could splash some water on her face. The cold helped centre her again, and Aelin let herself take a deep breath. 
Cairn was watching her with a look of apprehension, as if watching a slow motion car crash.
“I heard about your bet.” She said in a monotone voice. 
Cairn’s jaw tensed, but that was all the physical reaction he showed. 
“Im not going to try anything.” He said softly, surprising her a little. “I have a thing about vomit.” 
Suddenly Aelin was thankful for the small nearly invisible chunks of throw-up left on her shirt. 
“Am I supposed to thank you for not being a dick?” She asked him
“I didn't ask you to. You thanked me enough with that show out there. I just won 200$ off a bet I made a year ago.” 
“A bet on what?” She asked, unsure of if she really even wanted to know. 
Cairn smirked. “Who would throw the first punch?” 
Aelin couldn't help the way her whole body tensed. “You seem to be betting a lot lately.” 
“I had a thousand dollars on you and me getting together at this party A.” He shrugged as if the loss of that kind of money didn't matter to him. “You owe me.” 
She decided to ignore the last part of the comment. “That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about.” 
He arched an eyebrow. “You’re going to fuck me?” 
Against her own wishes she bit out a small laugh. The joke wasn't even funny, and slightly offensive, but the look of hope on his face did enough. 
“No. I’m just going to let you tell people I did.” 
He opened his mouth, closed it, and opened it again. “And why would you do that?” 
She tried to hide how much she had riding on his response. “Your going to let Rowan on the football team. Or at least a try out.”
Cairn laughed, a real laugh. “Chaol will murder me.” 
She tapped her foot. “You get a thousand dollars and can tell everyone whatever you want about me.” She paused. “Just nothing too humiliating okay?” 
His answering grin was borderline wicked. “Deal.”
The shook hands briefly. Aelin didn't really mind Cairn telling people about the two of them, it would either be dismissed entirely as a rumour or forgotten soon there after. Besides, she had more important things to worry about. 
The door handle turned and she spun around. “I’ll leave you alone then.” Cairn said, nodding at her. He had stepped mostly out before he paused once again. 
“Sometimes Aelin I wonder if you and me are soulmates.” 
She nearly choked on air. “What.” 
He just smiled, a softer smile than she’d ever seen on him. “We’re just more alike than you think.” With that he left, closing the bathroom door behind him. 
What the hell was that supposed to mean? Cryptic fucking prick. 
Aelin took a few moments to finger brush her hair and straighten her clothes before exiting the bathroom. God high school parties were awful. She just needed to get to the front door without bumping into anyone of note, call an uber, and get the fuck home. Not too bad right? 
She managed to get about halfway before someone called her name. Aelin didn't bother to look around, just kept elbowing through the crowd as if her life depended on it. 
“Aelin!” The voice was louder this time, getting closer too. 
She had just made it to the threshold when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Choosing to ignore it, Aelin flung open the door and half collapsed onto a step, praying that whoever it was could take a hint. 
Unfortunately for her the weight shifted on the wooden porch and Chaol Westfall took the seat beside her. 
She got up to leave immediately, despite her exhaustion, but he reached out a hand. 
“Please.” He said. “Just hear me out. It’ll be quick.” 
Aelin did. But only because she was pretty sure she would collapse if she didn't rest for a little longer. 
“Aelin I'm really fucking sorry okay. I crossed a line.” 
She didn't bother to reply. Aelin couldn't count the amount of times they’d had this exact same conversation. He said something shitty, she walked away, he apologized a day later. 
For some fucked up reason she always forgave him. Aelin didn't have the energy to make tonight any different. She wanted to be on good terms with Chaol, even if that meant taking a slight hit to her dignity. If she had any left. 
“I mean I know you’re not sleeping with Rowan so everything is okay.” 
She whipped her head around to look at him. 
“Is that the only reason you’re apologizing?” 
He gave her a once-over. “I mean yeah.” He paused. “You weren't fucking him so there was no reason for me to get mad.” 
She shook her head, mad at herself for being surprised. “God Chaol. Each time I think you can't be an ever bigger dick, you prove me wrong.” 
She moved to stand leaning slightly on the railing. An Uber was parked along the curb, evident from the odd looking U on the windshield. She stumbled towards it and rapped on the window. 
“Are you Yrene?” The man in the driver’s seat asked. 
Aelin nodded, sliding into the back seat. She closed the door behind her and rested her head against the head rest, fighting off sleep. 
“I am.” 
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thechangeling · 4 years ago
The Box
Tiberius Blackthorn had gotten quite good at compartmentalizing. Pretending that things weren't happening, that they didn't effect him. Pretending that he didn't feel. It was almost like flicking a switch. If things got too painful or too real he just turned it off. Closed his eyes and told himself over and over.
This isn't real. This isn't really happening. This doesn't matter. I don't care.
She isn't really dead. I don't miss him. I don't love him. Over and over until the pain stopped. Ty could usually make it last for awhile. Until something brought up an unpleasant memory or feeling and then he had to start all over again.
Being around Kit again was certainly making this worse.
Kit, in true Herondale fashion was in deep trouble with multiple people. As it turned out, he was the first heir and now a bunch of people were trying to either kill or kidnap him. So now a bunch of shadowhunters and downworlders had banded together to help him defeat his enemies and keep him safe. Ty had made a huge fuss to Drusilla about being forced to help. But secretly they both knew that he would rather die then let anything happen to Kit.
So now Kit was here, back in the Los angeles institute and currently sitting at the breakfast table with that vampire friend of his and Dru. She seemed to be very adamantly telling a story and Kit was laughing hysterically. Ty felt his heart turning over in his chest at the sound. He had to fight the urge to smile.
It isn't real. I don't love him. This isn't real.
Having him this close was torture. Hearing him laugh, watching him train, watching him flirt, watching him try not to cry in front of the others. There were so many times that Ty wanted to just reach out and touch him. Run his fingers through Kit's hair, trace the curve of his cupid's bow, hold him in his arms. It was a burning, suffocating ache.
Ty leaned back against his perch up on the windowsill. He had asked Livvy to give him some space to be alone. He was doing a decent job of blending into the background with his black clothing and dark hair. Or maybe they were just ignoring him. Ty pushed away that thought.
Suddenly he felt the weight of someone hopping up beside him. They made no noise or attempts to get his attention. Ty could hear the faint sound of Under Pressure coming out of headphones.
Alyssa Reyes was the werewolf from Maia's pack who had been assigned to essentially be the scholomance's liaison to the downworld and help educate future centurions about downworlder affairs. She hadn't exactly been happy about this situation and had been pretty hostile towards most of them for awhile. But she and Ty had bonded over both being autistic, and also being queer. He could honestly say that meeting Alyssa had changed his life.
He turned to face her. She was staring up at the sky, mouthing along to the words of the song. Her black wireless headphones were slud over her ears and her dark waves were tied up into a low bun. She was excitedly fiddling with the straps of her white crop top which contrasted nicely against her golden brown skin. He stared at her for awhile, just basking in her presence.
He was sad that she was going back to New York in a week. He was really going to miss her.
Eventually she turned her gaze on him, sliding her headphones down. "You have all the best hiding spots" she confessed with a smile. 'Also I figured it was time to come interrupt your lurking because it was just getting a little sad." Ty rolled his eyes at her.
"I wasn't lurking! I'm literally just sitting here!" He protested worrying instantly that they were speaking too loudly. But everyone else was deeply preoccupied with their conversations and also they were several feet away. He stole a quick glance at Kit again and practically felt Alyssa disapproval radiating off of her. Ty turned back to face her displeased expression.
When Ty had first met Alyssa she was scared and standoffish but had quickly warmed up to him. He often described her as having pure magic in her warm brown eyes, so much excitement and life practicing buzzing out of her. But now her eyes were cold and dark. She seemed angry.
"I have just about had enough of this Ty" she announced. It's clear to me how much you want him, how much you love him, so why don't you just go talk to him already?"
Ty sighed, avoiding her gaze. "I can't."
She flailed her hands haphazardly. "What do you mean you can't Ty? You can. You just won't! I'm so sick of this!" She shouted.
Ty spared a panicked glance back at the kitchen table, but they hadn't looked their way. Still Ty hopped down from the ledge.
"Here, follow me" he said to Alyssa, pulling her off the ledge. She didn't protest. She allowed him to lead her out of the kitchen and into the hallway.
"Look" he began, "I don't want to talk to Kit alright? I'm still mad at him. I'm not just going to let that go." He explained. Alyssa just stared back at him.
There was a long drawn out pause where neither of them spoke. Ty wasn't that concerned. Long drawn out pauses were kind of their thing.
"Ok" she said slowly. "I need to tell you something that you might not be ready to hear. In fact it's probably going to make you really angry. But I need you to listen."
Ty had no idea what to say to that. But Aylssa kept on talking.
"Ty you need to get over yourself" she stated simply.
Ty bristled instantly. Rage flooded through his entire being. Who the fuck did she think she was? And to hear this from Alyssa of all people. Didnt she understand why he was so hurt? Why he was so angry?
Alyssa kept going before he could yell at her, stepping towards him slightly. "Listen to me Tiberius Blackthorn. I understand your pain, better than anyone else most likely. I understand your anger. I feel it to. I feel it everyday. The way the world treats us it's like little jagged cuts everyday, slowly whittling us down into nothing." Her voice broke. Her eyes were brimmed with tears.
"But I need you to ask yourself something" she continued shakely. "I need you to ask yourself, did Kit Herondale really do this? All of this? Is all of this really his fault? Something that we talk about a lot in therapy is putting the blame where it belongs. Recognize what was caused by which person and how much fault really lies with the person you're mad at. I know you don't want to forgive him because you're hurting and your also so fucking stubborn love" she laughed despite the fact that her eyes were filled with tears.
"You refuse to move. And I know why you do that because you think if you move, you will be admitting defeat. Admitting weakness. But you aren't Ty. You are saving yourself" She reached for him but shot backwards, shaking his head. He couldn't believe her. Maybe somewhere deep down he knew that she was probably right but he didn't care. He didnt care about what he knew anymore. All he could think about was the pain he felt.
"Please" she whispered "It isn't healthy to hold a grudge for this long. It isn't good for you. It isn't good for your soul." Alyssa wiped her eyes and stood up straighter, hardening her voice. "I know you're fed up with everything, and the same things keep happening over and over again. But here's the thing. Kit isn't responsible for what Paige did to you or what your father did, or your uncle or anyone else." Ty instantly began to shake at the mention of Paige Ashdown. He could feel all if those instances coming back to him. All of those kid memories he had tried to repress.
Whenever Ty had something horrible and traumatic happen to him. Everytime someone laughed in his face, everytime someone whispered behind his back or called him a slur. Every time someone made him doubt if he was really loved. Every autistic hate crime, every murder, every debate over the concept of his soul and whether it really existed. Livvy's death. Everything that happened that day on the beach. What Kit had said to him. Kit leaving him. He took all of it, all the bad memories, all of the pain and heartbreak. He took it and shoved it into some deep place inside of him. He usually envisioned a box of some sort. He shoved it all inside of that box, shut the lid and buried it.
This isn't real. This didn't happen. This isn't happening.
Ty's entire body was vibrating now. Alyssa put her hand on his shoulder. "Listen to me. Kit Herondale is not your enemy. He isn't trying to drown you or ship you off to an institution or shove you into ABA. And I know what you're thinking, that's a pretty fucking low bar and I know!" She exclaimed. "I know! But we have to start somewhere Ty. We have to start somewhere or else we will never get anywhere. That kid is so fucking in love with you and yes he does not deserve a gold medal for doing so, but he is fighting like hell to win you back."
That much was true. Kit had been trying to talk to him all week, but Ty kept brushing him off. It wasn't enough, he always told himself. It wasnt enough. He wasnt actually sure if Kit really loved him. He just refused to believe it.
Ty shook his head at Alyssa, his fingers fluttering at his sides. He began to hit his hands against his thighs to ease some of the tention he was feeling. Alyssa squeezed his arm, taking a deep breath.
"I know you are sick and tired of explaining the same things over and over and answering stupid questions and always having to make adjustments and put in the effort when everyone else doesn't try. I am too! Believe me! But I think at a certain point you need to ask yourself if you can forgive him for not knowing?" She asked. "Can you forgive him for being ignorant and making a mistake and breaking your heart because you've hurt him too? Can you accept that he is not perfect?" She dropped her arm down and stared him directly in his eyes. "Because neither are you. Ty I know you dont wanna hear this, but you live in a very privileged bubble where most people let you get away with murder because you're a man and you're white, while those same people condemn me for being rude and intolerable." She said pointedly.
Ty bit his lip. He felt like he should argue with her but he knew she had a point. "You're a shadowhunter!" She glared at him. "You're a shadowhunter and your people have committed so many atrocities against mine. You and your family spent most of your time ignoring all of this and only focusing on helping your brother and sister. You joined an organization that has a history of doing terrible things to downworlders!" She shouted.
"Well so did you!" He shot back even though he knew it wasnt really the same thing. "And by the angel Ali if you really hate me that much then why are you even here?" Alyssa just shook her head at him and rolled her eyes. "Because I don't hate you genius. I could hold these things against you, but I don't. I forgave you for not knowing. As long as you acknowledge it and try to work on making things better, which you are, then I can let it go. Because like I said Ty, we have to start somewhere" she pleaded. "
"You have to be brave and let it go."
Instantly Ty sucked in a breath. He recognized the words she had used perfectly. They were from a song.
Their song.
Tears instantly gathered in his eyes. He let out a shakey exhale and she smiled sadly at him.
"Because right now all you're doing is hurting is yourself." Alyssa said with a shrug.
Ty squeezed his eyes shut for a moment. "I know" he whispered. He opened his eyes again, she was staring at him sympathetically with those warm eyes. "I just dont know how to do this" he admitted. "I don't know how to deal with all if it. I don't think I can."
Alyssa looked confused "Deal with what exactly?"
Ty took a deep breath. "The box" he exhaled. Alyssa looked even more confused. It was a little funny.
So he decided to tell her. He told her about the coping mechanisms he had been using since he was a child. He told her about the box and how many things he had buried in it, and what they were. She cried and held him tightly to her chest. He let himself cry along with her.
He cried for that kid who had the door slammed in his face, that kid who had his interests mocked and spat on. That kid who had his heart broken over and over again long before Kit Herondale. That kid who never felt accepted or like he belonged, not even with his own twin. He cried for Livvy. He cried for that kid on the beach who lost everything. Who wanted to apologize to Kit and make everything right because he was so fucking naive and stupid, and Magnus Bane told him to go away.
So he did. But it hadn't solved anything.
He also cried for Kit. His Kit.
Ty pulled away from Alyssa, wiping at his eyes. "The worst part is it's not just my pain that's in there. I put all of the stuff with Kit in the box too" he confessed. "Like I mean the stuff that's happening right now. He's in a world of danger and I can't feel that because if I feel it then I'm afraid it'll break me."
Alyssa contemplated this for a while. "I know Ty, but you have to face it. All of it. You have to open the box or else you'll never get through it." She said sternly.
Ty leaned up against the wall if the institute. When he spoke, it sounded like it was coming from somewhere far away. "Every bad thing that happens to him feels like it's happening to me. Everything from when he was younger. When he was alone." Ty was making an effort not to cry again.
"I want him to know that he'll never be alone again. Not as long as I'm alive."
Alyssa looked at him incredulously. "Well then don't you think you should tell him that?"
Ty didn't answer her, just stared ahead. He still needed to think. Alyssa seemed to understand that because she spared him one final glance and then walked towards the kitchen.
"I'm gonna go eat" she announced. "Come join us when you're ready."
And then she left Ty alone in the hallway with his thoughts.
You have to open the box.
This is real. All of this is real.
You have to open the box.
@older-brother-kit @zafirafoxx @idontgetit-whydoihavetosaymyname @ti-bae-rius @anxiousbookenthusiast @emiikas @eutony-in-whisper
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rjhpandapaws · 4 years ago
A Hand in the Matter
Ch7: Adventures in Interior Decorating
Tina eyed Gavin suspiciously as she leaned on the bar. Normally they would be doing this on a Friday rather than a Wednesday, but for once Gavin had plans for the weekend. So it was either move the "gays night out" as Tina called it up a bit, or not have one this week. Tina was not exactly pleased with the change of plans since she was working early the next day. Setting her beer glass down she spoke.
"So let me get this straight," she started and leaned into Gavin, not even laughing at what would normally be a joke between them. "You moved our night out up two fucking nights into the work week because you're going to spend the weekend with some guy named Richard. Helping him remodel his apartment or whatever, but you're not sleeping with him."
"Tina, my answer isn't going to have changed from the last three fucking times you asked me," Gavin replied with an exasperated sigh. "We aren't sleeping together. He's just a friend."
"So was Allen. Until he wasnt," she said sitting back like she had made some kind of point.
Gavin rolled his eyes, "Richard is different, its not like that with him. I see him a bit like I see you."
"That's a lie. You've never adjusted your schedule to help me remodel."
"Tina, you haven't remodeled anything." Gavin pointed out, "I think you've had enough for the night, let's settle the tab and call it."
Tina seemed like she was going to argue for a moment before she nodded. She stood, needing a moment to regain her footing before walking to the end of the bar to pay. Gavin followed suit.
When they were outside the bar waiting on their respective rides. Tina for her girlfriend and Gavin for his Uber.
Tina took a deep steadying breath before speaking, "just... be careful okay? I know I don't know him, but I just don't want to risk seeing you back in a place like you were after Allen."
"I know T." Gavin said straightening up off the wall, "you're just looking out for me. I respect that."
She nodded as a familiar car pulled up to the curb and she lifted a hand to wave at him, "Good night Gav."
"Yeah, you too." He returned the wave and watched her go.
She had always been that way, looking out for him and at least trying to protect him. He understood the warning. The no feelings involved arrangement with Allen had collapsed in on itself when Gavin went ahead and caught feelings, and Allen hadn't. The fight that happened after ended their friendship and left Gavin in a bad way for quite a while. Tina had been left to pick up the pieces and be damage control. Her suspicion of Richard, although misplaced in Gavin's opinion, came from a well meaning place.
The weekend crept up on Gavin, and it was Friday afternoon before he knew it. He was running around his apartment like a madman, packing all of the things he might need for a weekend at Richard's place. It would be his first time there since Richard's panic attack as well as his first time there as an invited guest. Tina would come by twice a day to check on Frankie. The cat in mention was watching him from her cat tower. He reached up to pet the mildly overweight black feline.
"I'll be back in a couple days," he said in a voice one might use for children, "be good for your aunt Tina okay?"
She leaned into his hand before he pulled away and picked up the duffle bag. He made sure he had his keys and his phone before heading down to the parking lot. This weekend was kind of a big deal for Richard as well. He'd never had anyone stay over at his apartment before, and on top of that they would be remodeling it. Trying to make it into a place that Richard could feel at home in rather than trapped. When Gavin arrived at his bike he sent Richard a text.
Gavin: Getting ready to head your way. Need me to pick anything up on my way over?
Tall Phcker from Psych: No. Not that I can think of.
Gavin: Alright, see you soon.
He strapped his bag to his bike, with it situated safely he put his helmet on and got on the bike himself. He left the complex and made his way to Richard's. He was looking forward to the weekend, hanging out with Richard was always a good time. Something that was as important to Richard as this was bound to be the same. Gavin parked as close to the building as he could. He still had to go up the stairs to get to Nines's apartment, he was not packing his bag across a fucking parking lot on top of all that.
Gavin got off the bike, took his helmet off and unclipped the duffle bag. He slung it over his shoulder and headed for the stairs. He sent another text before heading up.
Gavin: on my way up to you
Tall Phcker from Psych: ok. The door is unlocked.
Gavin tucked his phone away and began his treck up the stairs. It probably would have been smarter to use the elevator, but Gavin only knew how to find the apartment from the stairs. It was the fifth unit from the end on the left from this direction, and he didn't know how many from the elevator it was. Like last time, Gavin was fighting for his breath when he got to the top.
Gavin opened the door and took his shoes off, putting them on the bottom shelf of the slate grey shoe rack Richard had bought online. It was the first personal touch he'd added to the place, and the thing that had started all of this. Straightening up he smiled at Richard.
"Where do you want this?" He asked gesturing to the bag on his shoulder.
Richard looked up from where he was getting something out of the fridge and pointed to the couch. Gavin made his way to the couch and set the bag down, he stretched before squatting down and digging through it. He made a sound of victory when he came away what he was looking for, he smiled and hid the small box behind his back as he walked back toward the kitchen. On the counter were two glass bottles of old fashioned soda, the same kind that Gavin usually had at his place.
"Thanks." Gavin said accepting the bottle that was slid across the island toward him, "I got you something, a bit of a housewarming gift."
Gavin set the hastily wrapped gift on the island and slid it toward Richard. He grabbed the bottle and popped the cap off with practiced ease. Richard was careful as he unwrapped his gift, looking like he was trying to avoid tearing the wrapping paper. He got to the nondescript box and looked at it for a long moment before opening it just as carefully. He took out the white porcelain mug, turning it over in his hands until he got to the text. 'Silence is Golden' was printed in light blue cursive script. He set the mug down carefully, looking at him with one of the biggest smiles Gavin had ever seen on him.
'Thank You.' He signed, 'I Love It.'
"I'm glad," Gavin took a drink from the cool soda, finding refreshing after his trip up the stairs. "I saw it in the campus bookstore and thought you might like it."
Richard took a drink from his own bottle while Gavin picked up the trash from the counter trying to minimize the clutter. He left the mug alone, Richard could decided what he wanted to do with it.
"What's the plan for tonight?" Gavin asked heading for the livingroom figuring Richard would follow him to the couch, "online shopping, actual shopping, relaxing, or getting started on changing around the place?"
Richard sat beside him on the couch in his usual proper posture, stiff and rigid in comparison to Gavin who looked like he'd been poured onto it. Richard tapped his fingers along the bottle in his hands as he thought about it. This whole thing was a big decision for him. Gavin would give him as much time as he needed for his choice.
Eventually Richard set his bottle down and began signing, stopping then restarting several times before letting out an annoyed sigh. He picked up his phone choosing to type out his thoughts instead. Gavin's signing was slowly getting better, but he wasn't fluent and his understanding was hit and miss still.
Tall Phcker from Psych: could we stay in tonight? Relax and maybe look at things online?
Tall Phcker from Psych: I don't think I'm ready to do much else yet.
"That's perfectly fine." He turned on the TV switching it over to something they didn't have to invest much attention in, "we'll only do what you're comfortable with."
That was how they spent the afternoon, scrolling through online furniture stores. Richard made a list of what he wanted to get and colors he hoped to find them in. It was hours later when they were pulled from the moment by Gavin's empty stomach growling out its discontent.
'Food?' Richard signed with an amused shine to his eyes.
"Yeah, that would probably be a good idea." Gavin said with a chuckle of his own, one hand pressed firmly over his abdomen to muffle any further noises, "you in the mood to cook or is it a take out kind of night?"
Richard answered by pulling up a deliver app on his phone. He picked an Italian place, put in his order before handing the phone off to Gavin. He looked over the menu ordering food for himself and passing the phone back to Richard so he could add something else if he wanted before placing the order.
They took a break when the food arrived, setting it up on the coffee table. It was nice and comfortable, like the evenings they sometimes spent at Gavin's place. This was a nice feeling. They stayed like that well into the night. Passing notes like little kids until it was late enough in the that Gavin felt like he was going to collapse into the coffee table from his place on the floor. He yawned so widely that his jaw cracked and spoke aloud for the first time in hours.
"So how are we doing this Nines?" He rubbed at his face to try and wake up more, considering as conversations tended to require more brain power than he currently possessed.
'You Take Couch. I Take Bed.' Came the reply before Richard began cleaning up the coffee table. Right, they still had to move that.
Gavin helped as well, throwing out the garbage while Richard packed up and put away the left over food. Despite it being Richard's livingroom rather than Gavin's, they still moved as a unit to clear the living room for the pull out bed. When that was done, Richard stepped back observing the room, this was another change for him, but from what Gavin could see he was taking it well.
They took turns in the bathroom getting ready for bed. When Gavin finally got to bed he pulled put his phone to check his messages. He had a few from Tina.
Pocket Police: we could be out drinking now but you have other friends apparently
Pocket Police: don't do anything we wouldn't do
Pocket Police: Frankie misses you
Gavin: we'll have the normal schedule back soon. You know I still love you
Gavin: we won't. I miss Frankie too
Gavin: good night T
Pocket Police: night Gav
He set his phone on the armrest and rolled onto his side. The excitement of the day had drained him and sleep was quick to pull him under. Gavin slept soundly and well into the morning. Waking only when he heard movement from the kitchen. Whoever was there was trying to keep quiet.
It took Gavin's slowly waking brain a long moment to recognize he wasn't in his own apartment. He sat up and stretched, after rubbing the sleep from his eyes he made his way into the kitchen. Slowly being coaxed to life by the smell of coffee. A good way to start a busy weekend, or, any weekend really.
"Good morning Richard," Gavin mumbled around a yawn. "How did you sleep?"
'Good Morning,' he signed back. 'I Slept Fine.'
They were pleasantly quiet after that. Gavin wasn't exactly much of a talker or much of a functioning human before his first cup of coffee. He wasn't grumpy, he just wasn't talkative because it was too much effort. Last night they had come up with a plan of attack for the weekend. Today was a shopping day, and tomorrow they would get things set up.
When the coffee finished brewing Richard reached up into the cabinet grabbing a mug for Gavin, and took the one Gavin had brought him yesterday for himself. Gavin was happy to see him use it. Richard poured Gavin's first, sliding it to him and then pointing to the fridge. Gavin nodded his thanks and stepped that way, setting his mig down on the counter beside it. He opened the door doing a bit of digging around before he came away with what he was looking for: Carmel flavored coffee creamer. He was being silently judged by Richard as he added what his counterpart referred to as a criminal amount of cream to his coffee before returning the bottle to the fridge. He took a long drink as he turned to face Richard.
"That's some good coffee," Gavin joked, grinning when he saw Richard wrinkle his nose in disgust.
'You Monster,' was signed back at him, though there was no heat to it.
The easy silence settled over them again as they drank their coffee. Richard was looking out the livingroom window, and Gavin was looking over what he could see of the apartment from his place by the fridge. Having the pull out bed open helped the place look more lived in. It felt more alive, the way a home should.
When they were ready to go they met in the entry way, grabbing what they would need before heading out. They would be taking Richard's car because heavy shopping and motorcycles didn't mix well. Gavin in all honesty was pretty excited. He'd never gotten to see Richard in an environment that one if not both of them had some control over. This would be a learning experience for the both of them.
Richard's car was a light grey Toyota model that Gavin didn't recognize. The inside, as he expected, was spotless. Richard played music from his phone as they drive toward the shopping district. Richard had a system in place, specific stores he wanted to look at. Gavin was coming along to translate as needed and for moral support. Even though he was more or less just along for the ride, he was still looking forward to it. They arrived at the first store on the list and Richard found a place to park turning off the car.
'Ready?' Richard signed at him.
"Yeah," Gavin unbuckled and got out of the car, "are you?"
Richard nodded and got out as well. They walked into the store, it had a relatively open floor plan. One half was furniture and the other half was trinkets and decorations meant for livening up they came to call home. Richard wandered through the store to satisfy his curiosity. He picked things out as he went, some from the list, some not. Gavin grabbed a few things as well, for his place and Richard's. Every stop they made went in similar fashion, Richard roaming for curiosities sake and picking things up as he went. There was one more place they wanted to stop at, to see if it had the specific set of shelves that had been alluding them all day. Richard had picked out two similar ones for the office, but wanted this specific one for his room. They had it bookmarked online in case they couldn't find it while they were out.
The building was massive. Gavin would be surprised if they didn't have what Richard was after. They wandered around, not quite aimlessly, but it didn't seem like they would find what they were after here either unfortunately. Gavin was about to voice as much and suggest they call it a day, when someone spoke up from the other side of Richard. It scared them both, though Gavin was the only one to jump.
"Can I help you and your..." the sales clerk paused, searching for her words as she looked between Gavin and Richard, "partner find anything specific?"
Richard froze for a long while, seeming like he was trying to compose himself. Genuinely confused. He picked his hands up to sign, restarting a number of times before giving up altogether and shooting Gavin a desperate pleading look.
"Oh, uh. No. We're alright thanks." Gavin stumbled over his words in his flustered rush to get them out. It seemed to do the trick though since the sales clerk retreated and they were once again left on their own.
They just stared at each other for a long while. Gavin cracked first, smiling and then breaking into laughter when the awkwardness passed leaving only amused embarrassment in its wake. Richard was smiling, amusement shining in his eyes. What a fucking day.
"Let's head back." Gavin suggested when he had enough control over his air intake to talk again, "we can pick up some food on the way back. Then order the shelves when we get back to your place."
Despite the laugh they'd had about it earlier, Gavin found himself paying more attention to his proximity to Richard the rest of the day. They had a good laugh about it again over dinner, Richard delighting in it now that the initial awkwardness had passed. Gavin did as well, it was funny looking back. That was how the evening went. The two of them talking and having a good time until they were too tired to keep up right.
'Okay,' Richard signed as he stood. 'Bed Time.'
They had been smart enough to clean uo their dinner mess beforehand this time. After Gavin finished his nightly routine he laid down and pulled out his phone to check in with Tina.
Gavin: you'll never guess what happened today!
Pocket Police: something funny i take it
Gavin: Richard and I got mistaken for a couple today
Pocket Police: how did that go
Gavin: we've been having a good laugh about it
Gavin: just thought I'd let you know
Gavin: night T
Pocket Police: sleep well
Once again Gavin woke up to Richard in the kitchen and roused with less confusion than the day before. He stretched and made his way to the kitchen, following the smell off coffee. The same mugs as yesterday were out on the counter, clean and ready to be used.
"Morning." Gavin mumbled, just this side of coherent as he leaned against the counter, "today's the day. Are you excited?"
'Morning,' Richard parroted with a smile. Ever the fucking morning person. He nodded in answer to Gavin's question knowing that this would be the extent of the conversation until he got coffee into his system.
They didn't have as solid of a plan of attack for today, no lists to follow, just the general goal of getting the place into a state Richard was comfortable living in. Gavin's first order of business after he'd gotten coffee into his system was to clean up the livingroom since it had been his home the past couple of days. After that he would go wherever Richard needed him.
The coffee finished and like yesterday Richard poured both mugs then slid Gavin's toward him. Gavin added cream to it and then took a drink letting out a content hum. Richard let out an amused sound and rolled his eyes lifting his mug in a mock toast.
"Look. One of us can't function before eleven in the morning." Gavin complained between drinks of coffee, "its not my fault you can't wake up at a normal time."
'Waking Up Afternoon Not Normal.' Richard signed, and then had the nerve to fucking wink. God damn morning person.
"Richard. Its the weekend." Gavin remarked, gesturing with his free hand, "its practically against the law to wake up early on the weekend."
'Yet Here You Are,' he signed like he was making a point. 'Awake Early Sunday Morning.'
"Okay, no need to be so damn smug," Gavin said with a tired laugh, "you've made your point."
'Have I?' He signed with a faint smile along with a raised eyebrow.
Gavin flipped him off for lack of a better argument. Richard rolled his eyes again, but they were alight with amusement, and Gavin had a smile of his own to match. After he finished his coffee he cleaned his cup out and set it on the dish mat to dry.
"Alright, I'm going to start by cleaning up my shit from the livingroom," Gavin gestured in the direction of the couch. "Then where do you want me?"
'My Room.' Richard responded, finishing his own coffee and going through the same motions as Gavin.
Gavin made his way to the livingroom, packing up his mess and putting his things back into his duffle bag. Next he took the sheets and blanket off the pull out and stepped into the bathroom with the bundle of fabric. He set it down and opened the washing machine, he untangled the mass of blankets and loaded them into the machine. With that done he went back out to the livingroom and set about putting away the pull out bed. Doing it by himself wasn't a pleasant experience, but Richard was busy and Gavin didn't want to bother him. With the bed finally tucked away and the couch cushions back in place, the last thing that needed to be replaced was the coffee table which he handled with ease.
Having finished in the livingroom he turned and headed down the hall, stopping in the bathroom to check the laundry he had set to run. Making his way to Richard's he knocked on the doorframe before stepping inside.
"What," Gavin started from a few feet into the room, "are you doing?"
Gavin felt that it was an appropriate question since he'd come in to find one of Richard's closet doors halfway disconnected from the frame with said man sitting on the floor presumably trying to finish the job. Richard looked over his shoulder at Gavin and seemed quite proud of himself. He freed a hand from whatever he was doing to the bottom of the door and gestured to the whole of it like that somehow explained everything.
"Okay," Gavin continued, acting as though he understood this impromptu round of charades, "and you're taking the door off its hinges because why exactly?"
Richard let out a sigh that was just this side of annoyed. He moved so that he was facing Gavin, 'I Do Not Like Noise They Make. Help Me.' He emphasized the last bit by pointing at Gavin and then to the remaining door.
"You have a plan of what you're gonna do once they're off?" Gavin asked moving to the other door, he leaned against it and looked at his companion.
'No,' he paused to consider something, 'Do Not Want Them Here.'
"We'll figure it out I guess," he straightened up, "you got anything to make this easier or are we just gonna brute force it."
Richard reached back behind himself and came away with a screwdriver that he held out to Gavin. He took it with a nod of thanks, and turned to get to get to work assuming Richard was doing the same. He'd figured they'd get to this eventually, but if he had known they'd be doing this today he would have asked Tina if he could borrow her truck instead of bringing his bike over. But it was what it was, he could always ask her later.
The doors took a bit of time to get off the frame, and with no way to remove them from the apartment they settled for putting them away in the bathroom closet for the time being. While he was in there Gavin switched the laundry over. The shelves they had ordered wouldn't arrive for another week or so but they got everything else for Richard's room set up.
The room came away with a color palette of bright light blue and a dark matte grey. Gavin liked how it came out, it suited Nines pretty well in his opinion. They moved on to the office next, adding the shelf sets that Richard had picked out. One became designated for books and paperwork, and the other for office supplies and a couple of decorative trinkets. One of those being a porcelain statue of Lucky Cat that Gavin had picked out.
He let Richard do the bathroom himself. The livingroom came next and was by far the most fun. They'd bought some decorative pillows for the couch but apparently decided that a pillow fight would make better use of them. Which was how Gavin found himself backed against the wall with Richard throwing pillows at him with a surprising amount of strength.
"Okay! Okay!" Gavin called in surrender between bouts of laughter, "I'm sorry for smacking you with that pillow, even if you deserved it."
Richard finally relented, accepting Gavin's albeit shitty apology. Gavin began picking up the pillows on the floor around him placing them on the couch. Adding the one he had bought that had "fuck off" stitched into it in cursive purple thread to a spot where it could easily be seen as a finishing touch.
"There, its perfect." Gavin said looking over at Richard with a satisfied smile, "home sweet home."
Richard was wearing his equivalent of Gavin's smile, just smaller but no less genuine, 'Home Sweet Home.'
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kdramachitchat · 3 years ago
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Hometown Cha Cha Cha episode 3 recap: Hyejin goes on a roadtrip to Seoul and takes care of a patient
Short trip to Seoul
Hyejin invites Dusik and the 3 ladies a trip to Seoul. While driving Hyejin gets into a road rage one of the elder ladies gives the driver who caused a close accident a piece of her mind too. During the trip of course there will be eventual rest stops and bathroom breaks which turns out to be hilarious especially when they bought older music, played it in the car too. Hyejin tells the ladies about her parents when they talk about their family histories. She doesnt have alot of patience and is late. Dusik thanks her for driving the ladies despite her annoyed complaints. Dusik has business in Seoul too, she drops him off and he forgot about his phone. Dusik visits a dentist psychiatrist clinic.
Hyejin attends a dental conference. They all brag about their practices and Hyejin lied about the quality of her dental practice saying that she works in a hospital, also how the seaside is more developed. Hyejin continues to mock them and accidentally meets Dusik. Dusik tells her that he saw her invitation inside the car hence knowing her location. Whiel they were talking, one of her acquaintances saw them both and took photos. While driving around Seoul, Hyejin and Dusik competes themselves about their preferred home. Hyejin says that Seoul is better while Dusik prefers the seaside and tells her how suffocating Seoul is with all the buildings. He got a point. Not everyone is meant for either the city life or the seaside. These 2 are totally polar opposites. Dusik asks her to drop him off at the restaurant as there’s an emergency meeting.
When she returned. One of her acquaintances asks her who the man in the photo is and Hyejin doesnt respond at a classroom groupchat. She defends herself and tells them that he’s not her boyfriend. Zooms in on the photo and tells herself that its not cute, but her expression tells different. A flashback scene of Dusik falling asleep in her car. She feels bad for his uncomfortable sleeping position and adjusts his seat. Dusik notices and he remembers that moment. At night, Dusik had a nightmare and we dont know what. He wakes up and drinks some sort of pills. Maybe it was the reason for him visiting Seoul? Does he have a past that we dont know?
Treating Gamri
As dentist and doctors they dont like patients wasting their time. If they come for a checkup they have to pay. Gamri who is pain wants a implant complaints how the fee is expensive and wants to remove her weak teeth. Since she doesnt want to spend on her treatment and tells them to leave. Respect the doctor’s time, they would rather have time with patient who’s willing to pay and pay attention to rather than not. Dusik complains why she’s rude to Gamri.
He eventually paid for Gamri’s treatment but she threw water at him clearly annoyed and tells him to get lost. Dusik convinces Hyejin to treat Gamri since he’ll be paying. Tells her that Gamri’s completely selfless and yet doesnt take care of herself. Hyejin tells him that Gamri is selfish but defends her and says that she’s the most selfless woman that he’s ever met.
Dusik defends her saying that she burdens herself to take care of her children. Hyejin doesnt understand and its frustrating to watch. She tells him that parents being healthy for a long time is what a good parent is to their kids. So when the kid grows up they wont struggle taking care of their parents. Hyejin has a different upbringing so she couldnt relate. They shouldnt endure the pain just so they could save money for their children. Because in the end children will have to take care of them. Hyejin gets teary eyed and emotional when mentioning this. Leaving Dusik teary eyed too and in shock by her response. A flashback memory of Hyejin and her mother. She sees her mother struggling in pain in the bathroom without her mother knowing that she saw the incident. She was very young when it happened. Then the time they were in Seoul, Dusik observed Hyejin watching a mother-daughter and remembered her saying to him that her mother passed away. He inwardly thinks that Hyejin lied to him and obviously she still remembers her mother.
Dusik gets to know her from this alone and understands her view point. Pains to see that Hyejin didnt really had a good childhood and care. Dusik visits Gamri the next day. Tells her that someone told him advice and repeats Hyejin’s words to Gamri. Gamri thinks about his words and i think she’ll do the treatment. Also the reason why Dusik is paying for Gamri’s treatment is because the son refuses to pay. Hyejin complains about the food she eats and notices how the food is difficult to chew. She probably was reminded of Gamri.
Hyejin sees Gamri’s name and meets her infront of her house and Gamri invites her into her home. Gamri showed her appearance at a tv show. It showecase her father who finally gets recognized as a military man who fought for the country’s independence. The piece of certificate has chinese characters that Gamri couldnt read. Gamri new Dusik as a young boy and read the characters for her. He also showed up in the recorded tape. The taping was aired 2 years ago and Gamri tells her that she was named after the flag. Gamri was very proud of her father. They enjoyed their time together and Hyejin enjoyed her meal. Gamri tells her for driving her to Seoul.
Every visit has a reason, Hyejin tells her that she will give Gamri a discount for the materials that will be used. Hyejin tells her to keep it a secret for the reputation of her clinic. Hyejin tells her that she found out that her favorite food is squid and is reminded of her own mother. She eventually helps her with her implants. Gamri probably noticed and tells her that Dusik likely said something to her to make her change her mind. Gamri tells her Dusik is kind but so nosy. Hehe. Hyejin agrees. Gamri tells her that Dusik hung the bell that she likes so much.
The next day Gamri eventually visits the clinic on her own & pays for the entire fee. Gamri reports to Dusik about her implants and Dusik is shocked by her statement. She complains about her anesthesia wearing off. Dusik is very happy that she got treated and tells him that Ms Yoon visited her and offered her a discount. Gamri tells him that she may look cold as ice but she’s a softie. Gamri tells him that she probably been through alot in her life.
Dusik goes to Hyejin’s house after she reported that her lights went out and apologizes to her for judging her. He finally found the other pair of her shoes and returned it to her. Her lights went back on too. Hyejin tells him that she made a mistake, hopefully after earning money she’ll eventually return to Seoul. But i bet Dusik is hoping that she wouldnt and stay.
The epilogue: Dusik found her other pair of shoes while fishing. It was hiding behind the log. Hahaha. Dusik also makes an effort by searching how to clean up the shoe. Dusik also brought the other pair of shoe when Hyejin wasnt looking and sneaked it back to her shoe closet!
Episode 3 - Dont judge the book by it’s cover. Sometimes the way people act is because they were affected from their past. Hyejin is a good person but sometimes her actions comes off wrong and rude but Dusik sees the light in her and treats her better only when she does treat others better too.
Parents also have the right to live the way they want. They earned it but children will always be their priority but in the end it shouldnt be the end of their own life, not caring for themselves. Take care of yourself then you can take care for others
I also love the hedgehog reference. I always wonder when they're going to bring that up! Theyre sharp on the outside but once being cared for they're soft animals. Hyejin is just misunderstood and Dusik is slowly realizing it.
Honestly find the drama really slow and i understand why some may find this boring but i do appreciate the subtle character development each episode. Dusik seem to slowly be more nice and caring towards Hyejin too. Im not entirely sure about this drama. Its definitely more character driven than plot development and its slower compared to other healing dramas. There isnt much going on but hopefully there’s more to it than what they’re showing.
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words-for-holland · 5 years ago
The Songs In Our Life: A New Friend
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary : A simple city girl with a new job crosses paths with a thriving celebrity who’s extremely late for an important press interview
A/N: The long awaited first chapter. Sorry it took so long. First chapters are always hard for me and the writer’s block was real with this.
Inspired by: Friend - Kaitlyn Harner & Best Day of my Life - Robert Palmer
Album Description | Track 1 |
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I’ll never forget the day I met Tom. My life had been so simple before him but the moment he stepped into my life, my world was filled with excitement and color. It was the day when my story had it just begun.
I had left my quiet hometown for the busy city life in New York, where I had just started my new job at Marvel Entertainment’s corporate office. It had always felt like a fever dream, never in a million years, thinking I would ever get the chance to work there as a lead developer for their website. Any other human being would be nervous, but I was terrfied from the start. A new job, a new home, everything was unfamiliar and the only thing keeping close to home was my best friend Kaitlyn.
Few months of adjusting to the New had passed, and life seemed to settle down, remaining static until that faithful day. I made it to doors of the Marvel Office, always arriving at the same time like clock work. A crowd of fangirls surrounded the area, which only meant that a press event was taking place at the office.
I paid no attention and headed straight to the I.T. Department, where I worked my ass for the next 5 hours, coding and testing new features. Eventually, I took a break and decided to walk around the halls. My thoughts started clouding around me, as I wondered who was coming to visit this time. Surely it had to be one of the actors from the MCU, but who?
“Oh..Im so sorry darling. Are you okay?” A frantic voice asked, steading my body with their hands. I looked up at the person I had just collided with, my eyes widening at the realization of who I just bumped into. Tom Holland. Of course, it all makes sense now as to why a fan girl army was barricading the doors of the office.
I shook my head and kept myself together. “Y-yeah. Im fine. Sorry it’s my fault I should have watched where I was going.” I smiled at him, smoothing down my plaid shirt, making very little eye contact.
“No, dont apologize.” Tom chucked to himself as he looked down as well. “I..uh..Im running a but late for an interview and well I wasnt watching myself.” He looked right back at me, smiling. I never found him that attractive before. I always thought that he was over hyped, but in this small moment he wasnt too bad. It was definitely the eyes..those dark brown eyes and that charming smile, but why did he make me feel so nervous?
“No, it’s fine. Are you lost?” I asked without thinking. The moment the words escaped my lips, I mentally smacked myself. Of course he’s not lost. The British dude probably has a whole team of people, making sure his life is in order. Why would he need someone from IT to help find his room?
“Actually I am” Tom chuckled, his cheeks showing of a tint of pink. “I wouldn’t mind a bit of company.”
I briefly look at the clock to make sure I had time before my break ended, and I thanked the Lord I did. “Yeah I’ve got time. Follow me.”
The walk to the conference room was silent, at least for the first few minutes. Our body language mirroring the other, hands pocketed, heads facing straight ahead. I tried to get myself to say something...anything but I didn’t know what sounded less stupid. “So...what do you do around here?” His voice snapped me out of my overthinking, breaking the awkwardness.
“Oh..I work as a developer. You know writing codes, fixing things people break, asking others if they tried turning their computer off and on?” I explain to Tom, giggling at my own joke. God, he probably didnt think it was funny because he doesnt know your job.
He looks my way, feeling his eyes on me. “That sounds lovely.” Tom responds laughing along. He nervously adds “In..in a good way. Im sure you’re fantastic at it.”
I looked at him with curiosity. Ive never seen him so nervous. Technically I’ve never seen him in any emotional state in person till now, or any man in general showing a sign of nervousness talking to me. Guess, I never earned that charm. “I’d like to think so. Probably not as success as you at your job. You’re practically a God around here.” Oh no..Im over did it.
“Lies.” He laughs. “Im sure you’ve just mistaken me for Robert Downey Jr.”
“You play Spiderman, don’t you?”
“One of many roles I’m known for.” He smiles, cheekily.
“Then Im pretty sure I know who you are.” I chuckle at my response as I lead him to the door. My heart drops a little as I lead him the door, knowing that Ill probably wont see him again after this. But why would I care it wasnt like I wad really that into him in the first place anyway. “And this is you’re stop.” I open up the door for Tom to enter.
“Ah...right.” His smiled drops as he reached the door. Was he just as let down as I was that our conversation was coming to a close? Tom looked to me and showed of that charming smile of his again. “Thank you.....” he prolonged his sentence, realizing he never caught my name.
“Y/N” I say confidently, only because I was 99.9% sure I couldnt mess that part up. “It was nice talking to you Tom.”
“Ah so she does know my name.” Tom joked around prolonging the moment.
“Yeah..well I have to get back and I dont want you to be any later than you need to be, so I’ll see ya —”
“Will I get to see you again?” He asked quickly, eyes filled with anticipation.
I was suprised by his response, my mouth dropping. “Uh...you want to see me...again? Like after this?”
“Yeah.” He said, assuming it was obvious. “I think you’re pretty cool and I’d love to hang out and learn more about you. Plus couldnt hurt to have someone show me some really good places to eat in the city.” Tom kept rambling, but I quickly took out a pen and impulsively wrote my number on his wrist.
“Im free tonight after work. We can meet back here if you want.” I smile as I quickly dash back to the IT wing.
“Can’t wait...Y/N.” Tom mumbles, trying hard to supress his excited.
Proceed to Track 2.
Taglist (Send an ask or message to be added):
@horanxholland @peterspideyy @stan-ish230403 @averyfosterthoughts @eridanuswave @greatpizzascissorstaco
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feeling-uncomfy · 4 years ago
Heyyy its chp two baby!!
Once again there are triggering things covered in this chp. If you cant handle it dont read it! For your own mental health :)
To be specific, the triggers are:
Mentions of abuse
Hope you enjoy!!
Aziawa walked into class the next morning. He looked at the chaos that was his class. He noted the few uncertain glanced towards Tokoyami's empty chair.
Aziawa sighed, recalling the phone call he received around eleven o'clock that night. He'd been grading papers waiting for his bird headed student to come back. Mainly so he could yell at his student for breaking curfew, also to congratulate him on taking down those villains.
He wasn't expecting the number two hero to call him from the hospital and tell him someone attacked his kid while he was on his way home. Aziawa immediately left the class in Hizashi's semi capable hands and rushed to the hospital, informing Nezu and All Might.
Because of the tone of Hawks's voice, he expected his student to be bloody and injured severely, not a mini version of his student. The kid was freaking out, apparently not liking doctors very much.
It took a lot to calm down the kid, but eventually they got him calm enough to sleep. Aziawa noted that the signature red collar was gone, though there were scars and scrapes covering his neck, and arms. This made both he and Hawks worry.
He'll ask later.
Now, he stood in front of the class, calling for attention. Kaminari's hand shot up and he spoke. "Mr. Aziawa, where's Tokoyami? Mr. Mic said you went to meet him with Hawks." The class mumbled agreements, all staring at Aziawa with mild concerned expressions.
Aziawa sighed. These kids were ridiculous, though the fact that they were worried was nice. "Yes, about that..." he stared at the class, "Tokoyami was attacked on his way home, he's been in the hospital since around half ten last night." There wasn't any point in sugarcoating this, Aziawa knew, but the was the class went from mild concern to full panic made the teacher wince.
Questions were shot at him. "Was it a villain??" One asked
"Was it the league?"
"Is he okay?"
"When's he coming home?"
Aziawa rolled his eyes and told the class to let him finish. "He's fine. It was a de-ageing quirk, nothing to worry about." The class sighed in relief.
"However." Aziawa said quickly, might as well get this over with. "There have been some...new developments..." he said this slowly.
The class looked lost. "As in Tokoyami might be a little jumpy." Aziawa clarified. "There a lot we don't know, but from what we've seen..." he trailed off, not wanting to say everything. "Just be careful around him, okay?" He finished, and the class seemed tense.
Iida spoke up first. "What do you mean by–?" He was cut off by a knock on the door. Aziawa walked towards the door. "Speak of the devil, now remember, be careful." He reminds as he opens the door.
Hawks strides in, a grin on his face, and a bundle of hoodie in his arms. "Hiya. Sorry I'm late." The class tried to look at the bundle closer. Aziawa scoffed. "No your not. Anyways, how is he?"
Hawks laughed easily, and poked the bundle gently. "Come on Toko, we're here." He said gently. The bundle moved slightly.
The class watched in silence as a bird head slowly popped out of the top, staring at the class with obvious hesitance. He was so small in the number two heroes arms, it was adorable. The class was silent for a hot minute, until Mina hopped up. "Awww Toko, you're adorable!!" She practically screamed.
Tokoyami wasted no time in hiding, his beak buried under the hoodie again. The class told Mina off as Hawks chuckled nervously.
It took a little longer to convince Tokoyami to come out this time, but they managed. He did keep a constant grip on the hoodie, however.
Kirishima took a much more gentle approach, standing up and slowly moving forward. "Hiya Toko. How's it going?" His voice was soft, and Tokoyami shrugged. "M'okay." His voice has quiet, as if he wasnt allowed to speak at all.
Hawks moved to put Tokoyami on the ground. "Okay bud, you gotta stay here for a while, okay?" Tokoyami gripped Hawks's pant leg as of his life depended on it and stared up at him.
Hawks frowned. Tokoyami was clearly uncomfortable, but he wasnt voicing it. Eventually, Aziawa stepped in. "You'll be with heros. We'll keep you safe, okay?" Tokoyami turned to the class. "Mom was a hero too..." the statement was more for himself, but Kirishima crouched to his level.
"Really? That's awesome! What kind of hero is she?" Tokoyami looked down slightly and didnt answer. Kirishima was confused, but didnt press.
Hawks said his goodbyes and Tokoyami was left alone with the class. Aziawa suggested they don't crowd him but introduce themselves. They went around and let Tokoyami ask questions.
Bakugo called the introductions 'stupid and unnecessary' and Tokoyami flinched at the volume. Aziawa told them to let the kid adjust to the class.
Tokoyami approached Kirishima, who was with Bakugo. "Hey again." Kirishima squatted down next to him and Bakugo scoffed.
Tokoyami turned to Bakugo. "You're loud." He said quietly. "Like dad." Bakugo glared at him. "That a problem?" It came out as a snarl. Tokoyami took a step back and Kirishima told Bakugo to lay off.
The rest of the day went by just fine. When they got back to the dorms though, things got messy.
"Where'd he go?!" Kaminari screeched as he searched the common room for the third time. A mini group searched with him. "Seriously, Denki how did you lose him? You had one job!" Kirishima was frantically searching the kitchen.
"Mr. Aziawa is going to kill us!" Sero groaned. Mina flopped down on the couch. "He couldn't have gotten that far, right?" her question was left unanswered.
Bakugo came storming in. "What the fuck are you yelling about?" He asked, heading for the kitchen.
Kirishima explained briefly what happened. "Really?" Bakugo scoffed. "The kid spilled the drink, and dipped?" Kirishima nodded. "We cant find him anywhere!" Kaminari added unhelpfully.
Just then, Shouji came in. "Shouji!!" The group exclaimed. Shouji cocked his head to the side, obviously confused. "Could you help us..?" Mina asked, explaining once again what happened.
If Shouji was angry, he hid it well. "You lost Toko? After ten minutes?" The group nodded. Shouji sighed. He searched using his dupliarms. "Found him. I'll go get him." He disappeared down the hall.
Coming to the supply closet, Shouji could hear small sniffs coming from within. "Tokoyami...?" He knocked on the door. He heard a sharp inhale and then silence. The door creaked open slowly, revealing Tokoyami.
Shouji saw he was shaking, and knelt down. "What's wrong?" There were so many questions. Why was he in the closet? Was this normal? He hoped it wasnt.
Tokoyami tilted his head. "Dad always puts me in the closet after I do something bad." He said hesitantly. "I didnt want the loud one to get angry." He whispered, looking down the corridor. "He's like dad."
Shouji was confused. "Does your dad di this stuff often?" It felt like a stupid question. Tokoyami shrugged. "Only sometimes." The next question was out before Shouji could stop himself.
"Has he hurt you?"
Shouji doesn't like how quiet Tokoyami is. "Toko—" he starts, only to find Tokoyami has disappeared. Again.
"The fuck was that about?" Ahh. That explains it. Shouji turns to Bakugo. "Its a thing his dad does." He explains quietly. Bakugo buffers for a second, then slams his hands on the closet door. Theres an audible chirp of distress.
"Oi, pipsqueak. Open up." Its not a request.
Shouji winces. "Bakugo, you shouldn't–" Bakugo does it again, and there's sobbing from the other side if the door. Shouji snaps at Bakugo. He scoffs and turns away again, stalking down the hall and out of site.
Shouji sighs. "He's gone. You can come out now." The door opens slowly again. Tokoyami doesn't look ready to go out into the common room. "You wanna stay here and tell me what happened?" There's a nod and Shouji sits down in front of the door, Tokoyami at his side.
And that's a wrap!! Jeeze that one was longer. Hope you enjoyed this one!!
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sporecollection · 6 years ago
all i need is my boys pt.1
summary: just some parental shit with roman and patton as virgils dads
pairings: royality, analogical eventually
word count: 1856
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17852207/chapters/42127025
Virgil gave a little huff, adjusting on the couch. Patton had just finished gently scolding him over his slipping grades in his classes. It wasn’t that he wasn’t smart, the whole family knew that Virgil was one of the brightest kids in the family, it was just that his motivation was slipping rapidly. “So, bud, are you gonna try just a little harder for us?” Patton asked gently, leaning forward in his chair. He wore a patient smile, hands clasped together in his lap. After a brief pause, his son sighed and shifted again. “... Okay. But just for you guys,” Virgil spoke, voice almost annoyed in that typical way that most middle schoolers spoke. “I can always ask Logan for help or something, too.” He huffed gently, his father pointedly ignoring the flush on his cheeks. “Okay. You can go back upstairs. Your father’ll be back from work soon and we can order a pizza tonight. Sounds good?” “Sounds good.” Virgil repeated softly, standing from the couch and starting back to his room. He paused when he thought his dad wasn’t looking, turning and giving him a quick hug from behind, before hurrying down the hallway and into his room. The Thomas house was surprisingly small, compared to the money the two husbands were pulling in each year. One story, three bedrooms, one bathroom, an office, and a joint kitchen/living room/dining room situation. The office had quickly become Roman’s personal home, with various instruments, recording equipment, art supplies, a good computer, everything he felt he needed in order to work his job at the theatre. He owned the theater, put on productions, and even ran some of his own. This, of course, lead to him having to design sets, and cast people, and make demos of songs if a play or musical had any, and anything else he decided he would be in charge of. Virgil was in the room almost more than his father, tinkering on the piano or strumming a guitar idly, and trying desperately to get his work done on time for school without calling one of his fathers in every ten minutes. Patton was in there the least, usually just to help his husband or son with whatever they were working on. He’d run lines with his husband late into the night, or harmonize softly when he needed help figuring out a part. He’d point out Virgil’s little errors in his math, like forgetting a negative, or gently remind him that he was using the word infinitesimal wrong on that science paper. It just worked that way, and no one had any problems with it. That is, no one had any problems unless both Roman and Virgil needed the office at the same time. It was kind of like a sanctuary for Virgil. Bedrooms were free reign until 8pm. Anyone could barge into anyone’s room until then, no knocking or anything. The office was sacred, though. No one could go in without a knock or some sort of warning. Roman was bad at that rule. He would push the door open after a long day to find his son paused with his fingers lifted just above the keyboard instead of over his math assignment where they were supposed to be. He’d find Virgil nearly sobbing over an assignment, clearly stressed out of his mind, only for his son to immediately cease his tears and get back to work, muttering a quick excuse as to why his face was so blotchy and red. He’d enter to see Virgil quietly working on something or other, and get quickly told to leave, sometimes angrily and sometimes playfully. He would always leave with a quick apology, though, so there weren’t ever any hard feelings. Patton and Virgil took the rules seriously, though. Virgil would knock gently, even if he knew no one was inside, before slipping inside gently and doing whatever he had to do. Patton would call in, and if someone was inside who didn’t immediately need his help, he’d apologize and leave to do something else. It just worked like that. Patton gave a tired breath, glancing around the living room area for a short moment before standing. There was really never any telling when his husband would get home on rehearsal nights. He always just told Virgil soon. Sometimes soon meant within the next thirty minutes. Sometimes soon meant within the rest of the day. Tonight, soon meant right now, because Patton’s thoughts were interrupted by his husband stepping inside, shifting off his coat, and moving to kiss his him. Patton reciprocated the action, kissing his husband gently before pulling back. “How was work?” He asked gently, watching as Roman moved to the couch and sat down, giving a soft noise and rubbing his face, smudging his foundation and revealing a splatter of freckles across his cheeks. Apparently coverage was light today. “It was frustrating, but tolerable. Did you talk with V yet?” “Yeah, we just finished a little bit ago. He said he’d try harder. I couldn’t bring myself to tell him that this is his last chance before we start taking things away.” “That’s alright. I know you’re not generally the one to handle punishments.” Roman smiled as his husband took a seat next to him, resting his head on the shorter’s shoulder. “Yeah. I told him we’d order pizza tonight, since I didn’t know when you’d be getting home.” “Patton, dear, how do you always know exactly what I want to eat?” “Because you have the same appetite as our twelve year old son.” Patton teased lovingly, before sitting up. “I’ll call it in really quick.” Roman watched as his husband stood, relaxing into the couch as the soft sound of his voice calling in two large pizzas filled the air. He hadn’t ate yet, and he honestly doubted his son had either, so he was glad his husband knew the both of them so well. He glanced over at the sight of Virgil emerging from his room, and smiled at his son’s grin. “Hey, dad.” He mumbled, and Patton glanced over for a moment before looking away and continuing his soft chatter with the pizza place. Virgil wandered over to the couch, sitting himself down next to the aforementioned dad. “How was work?” Virgil asked quietly, leaning against his father at the gentle tug on his shoulder. He was being half-hugged now, which he enjoyed. “Oh, it was work. You coming to help me with set next week?” “Of course, dad. You know I like helping with that stuff.” “Yeah. You’re a good kid, V.” “That he is.” Patton intervene, dropping onto the couch to wedge his son in between the both of them. “The pizzas should be on their way in a while. In the meantime, would my two favorite freckled boys join me in a screening of Alice in Wonderland?” Virgil, who had flushed gently at the mention of his freckles, grinned a bit, nodding. Roman gave a soft laugh, nodding. “Well, let me change into something comfortable. And take off this makeup.” Roman gestured to himself, a smile on his face. Virgil nodded, shifting away so his dad could stand easily. The taller of the three did so, kissing his son on the forehead, his husband on the lips, and turning to go change. The remaining two on the couch looked at each other for a moment, both grinning. Virgil slipped off the couch easily, grabbing the movie and sliding it into the player, before climbing back onto the couch. Patton patted his cheek, grinning softly at the freckled child. His son gave a soft smile back at him, listening absentmindedly to the soft sound of the movie beginning in the background. It wasn’t long before Roman was returning, clad in a hoodie and shorts, still fashionable when lazy. He sat next to his son and husband, scooping the both of them into his arms. It was about halfway through that pizza delivery man knocked on the door. It was near the end that Virgil fell asleep against his dad, pizzas long forgotten and replaced by the festivities of the night. It was a few hours after the end of the movie that Roman scooped up his son, carrying him to his room even with the little, barely covered giggles that just proved Virgil was awake. Roman gently dropped his son on the bed, laughing and kissing his forehead gently. “Night, dad.” Virgil spoke up softly, smiling up at his dad. Roman smiled warmly, pulling the blankets up over his son and patting his chest gently once they were smoothed out. “Night, bud. See you in the morning.” “More like at twelve.” “Ha. Nice try. See you at ten.” “Fine. Tell dad good night.” Virgil asked gently, Roman nodding. “Love you, V.” “Love you too.” Virgil shifted under the covers gently, rolling onto his side and tugging the blankets up over his shoulders. Roman smiled gently, slipping out of the room, turning off his lights, and shutting the door behind him. He kissed his husband gently, pulling him to bed. The next day Virgil had his first ever panic attack. It wasn't anything serious, the three of them had just gotten very separated at the mall, and panic crept up and grabbed the twelve year old until he was shaking and crying in the back of whatever store he had been abandoned in. They hadn't been apart long, an hour at most, but Virgil had always assumed the worst. When his fathers found him, they immediately went the comfort route, getting their son home where they could care for him properly. It wasn't serious, they would tell him, but it honestly was. “Patton, you know what this means.” Roman spoke softly, as not to wake Virgil. He was asleep in Patton's lap, having fallen asleep after a long cry and the gentle methodical rhythm of Patton combing through his hair. He sighed, continuing the motion even despite Virgil having fallen asleep hours ago. “Yes, I know. I'm going to have to call the Picani’s. Hopefully he can get Virgil in soon.” “Well, we should talk to him about therapy first instead of jumping right into it. There's no saying how well he'd take it.” “Yeah, you're right.” Patton sighed gently, pausing for only a moment, until a soft whine from his son prompted him to continue. “I feel so bad that he had to go through that.” “I know, love, but we can't do anything now. Everything's said and done. We just have to stay to support him.” “Yeah.” Patton shifted just enough to rest his head on Roman's shoulder, receiving a gentle kiss on the forehead. “I'm honestly glad that it happened today of all times. We were both here to help after all.” “Me too.” Roman murmured, glancing at their son with a gentle sigh. “I’ll carry him to his room if you want?” “No, this is fine. I have both my boys here with me.” Patton smiled gently at his husband, before closing his own eyes. “This is all I need.”
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hisoillu-prompts · 6 years ago
Really long: Dragon AU
(sorry about paragraphs that seem rambly, this was me throwing ideas together. A fic that I was going to write but never got to it but it NEEDS to be made)
In which Hisoka is a dragon that terrorizes the kingdom of the Zoldycks, stealing livestock from farms, burning down towns, and killing all of their strongest warriors, including the ones sent to kill him. A truly fearsome beast indeed. 
They try to arrange for like a meeting with him but he doesnt show up the first time. Of course, the Zoldycks get pissed and Kikyo would throw a fit because how dare that vile creature, but they would call him again and again and just out of one part boredom and one part annoyance, hisoka would show up. Of course, despite how irritated they are, the two heads(most Silva since Kikyo is still internally fuming) would try to negotiate. But although interested in the gold they offered, Hisoka declines everything(as he does what he does for entertainment).
They ask him what he wants. He seems to think for a bit before asking for the whole household to gather in front of him. After looking, he picks killuia(that white haired kid of yours) since he thought he'll be the strongest/have the most potential(so they can fight lol). He doesnt really notice Illumi because he was kinda in a corner and is basically a shadow(as always), but Kikyo offers up illumi instead(he's my oldest[son]) because of course Hisoka cant take the heir- and Hisoka is would just be like 'eh sure he should be pretty strong too' and decides to let killuia 'ripen'. 
-a kinda transgression by having it sort of from the servants point of view? like 'the eldest prince, Illumi, was very...strange, even in his particularly weird  family. (Mention how he was like robot, empty dark home eyes, almost no emotion, follows orders, has a terrible empty aura kinda feeling, and is creepily good at fighting and killing) i have no idea im sorry
But when he actually gets Illumi the next day or something he's kinda like 'oh u arent scared' and Illumis like 'nah. Now what do u wanna do with me like srsly'
Illumi really longs for his house at first and is sort of at a loss at what to do without any orders, so he kinda just sits around and misses his bed and waits for Hisoka to get back or something. He’s glad that he was taken in place of killuia, as long as his family(and heir) were safe. 
-He eventually adjust, realizing that the silence in the cave really wasnt that new or different than in the castle
-Hisoka terrorizes a new town instead to make up his part of the bargain(although he goes back in his human form to see whats up sometimes) and its like most of the time he would just walk around in his human form as it was more convenient to fight people and yet not get him kicked out/ have to deal with the bother of people shouting at him for being a dragon and waving pitchforks and stuff, but he was kinda going for a chillaxing time when he decided to dragon form wreck Illumis kingdom. He had heard that it was a very strong kingdom of assassins, fairly famous, and he had decided to blow off some steam fighting, and he wasn't disappointed. Much.But anyway Illumi's kingdom was a little out of the way for him, he had to take longer time to reach there, the mountainous kingdom. Dragons all had one cave, unless they wanted to move their treasures to another one/ had another cave just for other treasures. His cave took almost 7/9 hours to fly to from the Zoldyck kingdom, and dragons flew pretty fast.
The Zoldyck family of assassins are basically a miniature kingdom, small with a town underneath their mountain that they protect. The town is relatively normal, with most everyone looking up to the deadly family looking after them. But there are some that try to train to become assassins with the zoldycks as inspiration(maybe they sponsor an assassin guild for the smaller kills they dont bother wasting time with).
-A random asshole villager dude saw illumi in town once with a disguise(as a female) and fell in ‘love’ and trains to be an assassin to rescue her(him) from the dragon. Inwardly he also wants to get into the zoldyck family as well, thinking he can if he impresses them with his rescue of illu and then marrying 'her'. Access to all that wealth and power made one considered untouchable. Illu is disgusted when he hears about this and claims that such a weakling wouldnt last a second in the presence of him nor his family.
-Anyway They both go to town together sometimes. In disguises of course, or if Illumi needs groceries
-eventually they just fall into an easy pattern and be friends and include a scene where Hisokas like 'alright Illu get ready another knight is here to rescue you(because they think you're a girl cough cough) and Illumis kinda just reading a book and letting out the occasional 'frightened(more like monotone) scream from his 'prison'(a giant birdcage cuz Hisoka is flashy as fuck) and the knight is kinda like 'ok that didnt sound like a very convincing scream/her voice isnt that great but i heard her beauty was astounding' -anyway so like Hisoka fuckin rekts him of course and one time a knight actually goes "RELEASE PRINCESS ILLUMI' and Hisoka smirks and Illumi twitches and after the knight is turned into crisps Hisoka turns to Illumi with a shit eating grin like "so i guess youre a princess. You never told me.."And Illumis just like fuck you
(very optional/not really fitting angst)
angst in how Kikyo gave up Illumi(the eldest. The strongest of the children. The one whos been with her the longest.) for Killuia, proving that she cared about him more. 'Or maybe it was because he was older, and this was just one of his responsibilities. But he couldn't help the foreign feeling of something shallowly sinking in his chest' Illumi still is kinda obsessed with Kil, but its more because he was suppose to be the heir and also Mil was kinda a bad child and Illumi actually was lonely so kil played with him a lot but their relationship slowly twisted into a sort of love hate for Illumi. Because even though he didnt care too much about the crown, he did care for his family. Although he wouldnt admit it; and his training refused to show a slip in his mask, Illumi did feel strangely empty when his family rained affection on Kil and only turned to him with orders on their lips. But no it couldnt be jealousy, no WAY would he be jealous of his younger bro! Hahaha! (Just keep telling yourself that, Ill)
(optional random angst end)
-Hisoka considers Illumi part of his 'treasure'/hoard and as all dragons are, he is fiercely protective of his hoard. Not that any thief could make it past Illumi, much less hurt him too much.
-when people describe illumi as 'beautiful and skilled' everyone always assumes that 1. Illu is a woman, and 2, 'skilled' meant as in embroidery or the such. Not in fighting/killing/assassinating. Not that he cant do embroidery because fuck yeah he can and frick yeah does it look good.So everyone is surprised when they see him decked out in armor with a blade pointed at their throat
-illumi like dies or almost dies and is turned into a dragon? Very rare, something about dragons being magical beings - anything can happen blah blah hisoka’s magic dragon magic infused into his body and now he’s filled with dragon magic that his strong will and body and mind turned into his own magic (i dont know where this idea came from, or really how else to explain it- just that past me had a good idea in mind that I now can’t remember)
-sleek, completely black dragon with blue gleam in scales if light hit them just right and sharp, wicked spines/spikes. All sharp angles and sharp lines, like any move can cut someone into ribbons. Deadly. He made hisoka, who was by no means a cuddly looking dragon, look almost soft-but despite misleading appearances, hisoka was definitely the more dangerous. What he lacked in looks he made up for in sheer brute strength and cunning.maybe stronger fire range too.
- illumi breathes blue flames, much much hotter. But small range. And could not stay in dragon form for long since originally human and originally not his dragon magic(it was like oxygen, reusable, but still limited).  Both of them had hard scales
If you looked carefully, you could tell. Hisoka was taller, bigger, you could see muscles rippling through every limb. Illumi lurked more in the shadows, looking slightly bored. .
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creationsofagingergirl · 6 years ago
One night
Kitty sat nervously on the couch. It'd been so long since they'd talked. She'd forced herself to forget about him once she realized that she'd fucked things up.
He'd messaged her out of the blue after adding her on snapchat.
One message; a simple "Hey." and all the feelings flowed back.
She was a different person now though, and so was he.
Eventually the conversation took a turn. She was once again thinking of his cock inside her, though this time she had some experience and knew what to expect.
"So have you gotten laid yet?" He asked. She honestly didn't know if she had or not. Not technically anyway. A few men had tried, but only one had pushed inside her tight cunt. He'd ended up pushing rope, so neither of them had gotten off.
She'd tried to explain this to him. Soon pictures had been exchanged along with fantasies and other things.
She sat on the couch on the day that she'd waited for, for so long, and she wondered if she wanted it after all. Could she be his friend with benefits or would her feelings fuck things up.
She went over things in her head as she waited for a message or a knock on the door.
Did she want this? Could she do it? What the fuck was happening anymore?
Suddenly a message, "I'm outside. Which apartment is yours?"
She answered without thinking. "I'll come stand outside."
She got up, her heart pounding in her chest as she fixed nonexistent knots in her hair. She went outside and saw his truck pull up. She waved and he waved back.
"Deep breaths...deep breaths..." she thought to herself. "we cant be too intense and scare him away."
They sat down, and as she looked at him, her decision was made. Right then, she knew that she wanted him as she looked him over from head to toe.
She knew then that she could push her shit down and convert it to carnal need. She wanted him to fuck the feelings and the need out of her and for him to leave her a puddle on her bed.
She watched him as he looked at her. She wanted so bad to take him to bed. She wanted to feel his beard in her neck and hear his growls as he slammed his cock home again and again.
"Hey." she said breaking a silence that seemed to last too long.
He mumbled "hey." and she could swear that he was worrying as well, over-analyzing everything in his head.
"s-s-so you wanna watch a m-m-movie or something?" she asked meekly. She almost winced as she stumbled over her words.
"whatever." he said eventually. "its up to you."
Kitty opened up Hulu. "you can pick something." she said meekly "you have better taste in movies than I do."
He picked something and kitty relaxed until he got up to hit the lights and came back to sit by her side.
Kitty shivered as he draped his arm over the back of the couch. After a few minutes, she felt him pull her to his side.
She rested her head on his shoulder and relaxed into him.
Eventually the movie got hot, the onscreen couple making out and tugging at each others cloths.
Kitty started to squirm and shift in her seat. Suddenly she felt his beard in her neck. She knew that he was feeling the same thing.
Kitty didnt know what to do. She forced back her anxiety and moved to kiss his neck. She figured she wasnt doing it right, and was surprised to hear a moan escape his lips.
She ran her hand slowly through his beard as she marked his neck. She'd always wanted to give someone a hickey. Her pussy got wetter knowing that she'd done it to him.
Slowly, it was like losing control of herself. Instinct and need keeping anxiety at bay.
She reached down to rub his cock through his pants and was surprised to find him hard.
"I must be doing something right." she mumbled as she pulled back for air.
He didnt answer only pressed his mouth to hers. She expected his kiss to be gross, like every man before, but he tasted good, and kitty found herself entwining her tongue with his.
"Mm. Thats good." he moaned as he broke the kiss. "Thats my good girl."
He had an idea how that would effect her and laughed when she moved to kiss his neck more.
He moaned as she moved to straddle his lap, and she pressed her lips to his kissing him deeper, pushing her tongue into his mouth.
She reached down to pull at his shirt when they once again broke for air. He took it off and moaned as she started kissing his chest, worshiping his body like a god's.
"If you dont go lower, I'm gonna lose control" he growled when she teased him kissing around his belt.
She giggled and made quick work of his pants and boxer briefs.
He moaned as she took him in her mouth giving him terrible but enthusiastic head. When she gagged herself on him he felt himself snap.
"get up!" he barked. Kitty quickly complied.
He turned her facing away from him and dropped her pants and panties to her knees. She moaned and felt herself grow wetter at the feel of cold air on her cunt.
"Thats a real pretty pussy." he growled as he made her bend over with her legs spread and touch the floor.  She moaned and whimpered as he started to tease her, fingering and teasing her tight slit.
"where's your toy?" he asked, his voice dark with arousal. "The one that you showed me."
"It's in my bedroom dresser." She whimpered. "Do you want me to go get it, sir?"
He stroked her pussy slowly as he might touch his beard while in thought. 
"Go get it." He said matter-of-factly, but leave your cloths here.
Kitty hesitated but complied and started to undress. She was embarassed by his gaze on her naked body. The lighting and the cold air of the room had her pussy wet and aching, but she didnt know why.
She went to get her toy, but stood at her dresser thinking of how the night could go.
Him clearing his throat pulled her from her thoughts. She ducked her head as he walked up to her side.
"Having second thoughts?" he asked, his voice hard and hot. Kitty didnt answer.
"i'm giving you a chance to bail out before things get intense." he said as he took hold of her chin and made her look at him. "We can stop this right now."
Kitty thought about it as he watched her with those intense blue-green eyes.
"I want this." she said eventually "I dont wanna bail."
She handed him her toy and he took her hand and lead her to the living room.
She was surprised to find herself over his knee and she jumped as he swatted her on the ass. Kitty didnt know why the pain made her pussy ache. She felt like something was wrong with her, but at that exact moment, she didn't really give a fuck.
"You dont hesitate when I tell you what to do." he said sternly, before slapping her on the ass two more times.
Kitty whimpered "Yes, sir." without having to think.
She moaned as he started playing with her pussy again, getting it even wetter before slipping the toy inside her. 
He fucked her with it slowly till she was pushing back against his hand.
"Please, sir, I want your cock inside me." she whimpered. She was overcome with need.
"We're just getting started." he growled "Does my good girl need to cum?"
Kitty only whimpered in response.
"On your knees" he growled and kitty was quick to comply.
He pulled her up, her back to his chest and reached down to touch her cunt.
"good girl." he growled as she wrapped her arms up around his neck.
He rubbed her clit quickly as he fucked her with her toy. She came hard her legs shaking as she gasped and held onto his neck.
He didnt stop. He kept going making her cum again and again till she begged him to stop.
He moaned as he pulled her up into his lap. She couldnt stand up. Her legs felt like jelly. They kissed roughly moaning and grasping at each other till she slipped from his arms having regained her strength.
She dropped to her knees and started touching his cock teasing him till he made her stop, and he picked her up in his arms. He took her to her room where he made quick work of his remaining cloths. He put her on her back and moved between her thighs.
She spread her legs wide for him and masturbated as he found a condom and put it on.
She whimpered as he ran his cock up and down between her pussy lips lubing himself in her juices before lining himself up to push into her sheath.
She winced as he pushed in. He hurt, but not near as bad as men before. He buried himself inside her and it soon started to feel good. She whimpered as he started to thrust inside her fucking her slow and easy at first letting her adjust to his thick cock. She could feel the restraint in his muscles before he started to pick up pace eventually pounding into her again and again.
They came hard moaning and swearing as her pussy gripped him tight and he shot his load into the condom. They held onto each other as they came down from a shared bliss.
He rolled eventually to his side and immediatly fell asleep, waking an hour later to Kitty's mouth on his cock.
"You wanna go again, so soon?" he asked sleepily. Kitty didnt answer, she only moved up his body and impaled herself on his cock.
"please dont cum." she whimpered as she road him "i want your load in my mouth."
She road him hard setting a rythm that had them both close to the edge. He fought to keep from cumming as she came, her pussy gripping his cock. It took all he had to keep from following her over the edge.
She moved quickly to take him in her throat. He face fucked her into his orgasm, screaming profanity as he shot his load.
He thought she'd mad at him for being so rough, but she only smiled and swallowed as she curled up at his side.
"I know you cant stay the night, sir, but can we cuddle a bit?"
He noticed her meek tone. Her anxiety had returned, and she was unsure of what to do. He knew that he should, but something in him wouldnt let him say no.
"Just for a bit." he said gently. "I gotta be up tomorrow morning to go to work."
Kitty smiled and nodded. Within an hour, she was asleep and he was gone.
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organizedchaotics · 7 years ago
Dark chocolate chess
(In wich I explore my personal headcanon for Bonbons backstory, Part1)
Lord Liquorice stood at the library window, slowly allowing his gaze to travel over sugarland, taking in its beauty to its fullest. From the sour crystally pixiedust beach, over the chocolatebarktree forest on its cocoa hills and the gumdrop covered vanilla plains, up to the marblecake mountains topped with whipped cream snow in the far distance. Soon enough, he thought. It took a lot of work... soon enough. The Guards where marching in the courtyard below, sargent Peppermint yelling orders and parols at his lungs fullest. A good man. He would be able to work with this man. Marshall Mellow not so much. He would see. A very light and gentle knock on the library door pulled Lord Liquorice out of his thoughts. "Come in." he said in a firm voice, turning and leaving the view of sugarland behind himself like a memory he intended to return back to later. It took the knocking person quite a bit of strength to push open the heavy wooden and tall door until eventually a little face, framed in brown hair curled like cinnamon rolls, poked into the room. "Hello, Uncle. Excuse me, am i interrupting?" the little girl asked, a sad smile on her face. "Nono, Bonbon dear.",he answered, adjusting his monocle. "I was just pondering things." "Oh. Ecological things? Is it because of father?" "Uh. No. EcoNOMICAL. A baron ponders economical things, dear." he corrected her, giving it only a tiny ounce of voiced annoyance. This wasnt the first time she had done this mistake. She was twelve. Had her father taught her nothing? "But how can I help you, my dear?" Little Bonbon came in and produced a small plate from behind her back. "You said I should try to be busy, uncle. And I did." she proclaimed smiling proudly and presenting the plate to her uncle. On the plate, as he could see, was a single, small and very crudely formed pralines. It actually just looked like an excuse for a pralines, rather than actual confect. Like a chocolate accident. "I made this all by myself." she said, puffing her little chest. "Chocolate always helped father focus. So I thought this could help you too, uncle!" Lord Liquorice was a little appalled by the bad form of the confect, but he accepted Bonbons plate anyway. The kid had harsh times behind her and in front of her. No good would come from being nitpicky about sweets now. Liquorice hoped that it tasted better than it looked before he bit into it. Sadly his wish wouldn't get granted. "URGH!" he couldnt hold it back and shook himself. "Its as bitter as a lime! What did you DO to it???" Too young to work the books, too airheaded to not get distracted by small less important things and apparently she couldnt even bake, Liquorice thought in a small wave of anger, wich he tried to swallow just like the insult of a confect. Bonbon looked devastated and sorry, sadness in her lemon yellow eyes. "My apologies, uncle. Mother never taught me how to make these. I thought I had all I needed, but maybe I mixed things up. Baking is difficult." Liquorice caughed two more times before turning towards little Bonbon. "It's fine, dear. Its the thought that counts."he replied."Maybe try again. You wont get anywhere if you give up after one failure. Just maybe ask one of the maids for help, hm?" That seemed to have done the trick, as Bonbons bubblegumpink, little face lit up again, followed by enthused nodding. "Okay, uncle! You will see, the next one will be perfect." and with that she rushed back out of the library, too absentminded to shut the door. Liquorice waited until her footsteps where no longer heard, then continued to try and overcome the urge to spit on the expensive cottoncandycarpet. "JUCK... godness sake...." horrible. Just horrible. But he straightened himself again. He had to remember she had horrible things happen to her lately, wich probably didnt do her any good. She also wasnt in a position where she would last long anyway, so no use in bothering terribly about all her non-existant abilities. When a Baron died without proper replacement, things got tough and her father "von BonBon" owned quite a a lot of sugarland until his untimely demise. Von BonBon used to love a good hunt. Caramel Deer, Strawberryfoxes, Marshmellows, Sugarfowl, you name it. The lower hall was full of trophies. As sweet as his brother was with humans, he surely wasnt with wild animals. He had been a master of the rifle since his childhood and so had been the lovely person who would later become Bonbons mother. Liquorice could think of a more romantic way of meeting the love of your live, that didnt include glancing longing at each other over a boar carcass and complimenting each others shots, but Liquorice wasn't the one who would end up marrying her. Sadly, very sadly, the Baron kept up his hobby. An accident like last week was bound to happen at some point. Maybe his brothers hunting party hadn't been so well chosen as he had thought. Maybe they had been a bit too trigger happy that day his brother got shot. The investigators didn't find out whom the bullets belonged to. How should they. They ALL had shot a lot that evening. They didnt even try. Though Liquorice had shot two bullets more. And noone would ever know. He turned back around towards the beautyful sight of sugarland. All that had once been unevenly split when his father had decided that his brother was a much better politician than him and thus deserved the bigger piece of the land. He would proove him wrong soon enough. Soon enough the situation would have calmed down enough. He would allow a former friend of himself housing in the castle and be completely taken aback to find out when said friend had gotten rid of a little miss cant-do-anything-right von Bonbon. Then and only then would all this be his. Finally. And he would change a lot of things. The army of this land had been slacking since his brother took over. Even so much as to allow a young dragon to be an indirect neighbor, when once they had the strength and means to make all of inkwell isle two their own. Oh yes. He had great plans. Suddenly the Barons vision got blurred. In front of his eyes the mountains lost their dimension, the plains faded, the chocolate hills melted and the beach became an odd haze in the blink of an eye. The landscapes he knew since his childhood suddenly twisted and turned into a molten mess, impossible to distinguish left from right and up from below and accompanying this chaos was the rising steadily intensifying feeling of his guts cringeing and painfully cramping, pulling at every little piece of abdominal tissue at once in an attempt to become a singular most condensed ball in order to get rid of something that wasnt correct. Liquorice managed to shout for help once, filled with anguish before he bent over drastically in cramped pain, his head only filled with painful signals of his body, not realizing his position to the window nor remembering that said window was wide open... Good... Uncle had made things convenient. He always had been the tidy type, so for him to fall into the courtyard and leaving a mess on the pavement instead of dieing vomiting all over the expensive carpets and flooring from arsenic poisoning was oddly in character. Sad, how she knew him much better than he ever had known her. She knew very well what economics where. Microeconomics and Macro. Mother had been very insistant on her knowing such stuff. Mother had taught her that life would always be difficult for her as a Baroness. Not poverty difficult. But..politically difficult. Now the world would question the ability of a young FEMALE to rule more than ever. Her mother had taught her that. She had also taught her a little archery and had supported her interrest in chemistry from a young age. "Sorry uncle." Bonbon wispered under her breath. "Guess you will never taste fathers pralines recipe." A smirk ran over her face ever so briefly, before she shut the window, took a deep breath and ran to the nearest guard outside her room, shrieking and crying in her best performance of terror and fear. THAT she had learned herself.
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feitanswife · 4 years ago
Some small interesting things in my life I think you’ll enjoy:
- my neighbor has a cat that is well behaved enough to walk with him off leash when he goes to walk his dog
-when I was in first grade I had a friend named David and he moved away and I would stand at the top of the playground thing and stare mournfully into the distance, thinking about him. So uh if you are or know a guy named David, class of 2017, who used to play make believe Star Wars/Bionicles with a girl named Paige at recess (even know she didn’t really know what those were) I still miss you 🥺
- my cousin has a wiener dog feared by both god and death, she is 17 and not slowing down in the slightest. She will leap out of cars with no hesitation. Their two bulldogs are terrified of her. She is named after a type of semi truck. She has the energy of a distinguished southern belle but also a mafia boss. I love her.
-in contrast their bulldogs are the stupidest creatures I’ve ever met, and the little one is mean as hell sometimes. The big one? Oh he’s just a handsome boy!!! The prettiest boy! My sweetie boy my Angel my darling!!! My favorite creature on this earth! He is also named after a type of semi truck. The other one is named after a type of Jeep.
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Look at him!! The most handsome genetic monstrosity I know! He’s the dog equivalent to a himbo and I adore him.
I’d post pictures of the others but when I got a new phone I lost all them :(
-I promised my astronomy teacher in highschool that if deep space travel became a thing in my lifetime I would become a space pirate on his behalf. And I fully intend to keep that promise.
-in 10th grade English class I sat like kitty-corner to a kid who I didn’t know very well. They were the first person I’d ever met in real life who used they/them pronouns (I’d been on tumblr for about 9 months at that point so I had a few online acquaintances who did) and I had a huge like... puppy crush on them, cause they were cute and liked all the same things I did. But their best friend was the school’s Hyper Aggressive Overbearing Feminist Who Gave The Rest Of Us a Bad Name who scared me like, a lot cause she was just really mean spirited n stuff so I never really got to know them, cause every time I tried she’d be breathing down my neck. So I ended up dating a sweaty nerd boy for two years and I still blame that girl.
-before I was born my mom had a horse and she got my dad a horse of his own so they could ride together but the horse hated him (which is notable cause she was the nicest horse I’ve ever met) and if he got on her she would kick and scream and one time she just... sat down.
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This is the best picture I have of her. Yes I’m aware I looked like a coconut.
- One time my school went into lockdown while I was in the class with the worst teacher in the school, he was super overbearing and strict and never gave enough time to do assignment, so instead of doing normal lockdown procedure we all took our laptops to the front of the room and very gratefully used the extra time to finish our assignments cause they weren’t due at the end of the period, they were due before we left the room, (his exact words) and we hadn’t left yet.
- I had a dog named Buddy when I was little and he was a yellow Labrador who was built like a damn monster truck. His tail was as thick as my forearm at the base and would bruise your leg if he hit it while wagging (which he always was, he was never unhappy a single moment in his life)
later I inherited my grandpa’s springer spaniel, Cogburn, who was much smaller than Buddy, but had a worse temper and was known for getting too excited when giving kisses and accidentally nipping people. Everyone was always scared of the wrong dog and it took lots of convincing to make sure my friends knew that the big dog with bulging muscles who bellowed like a horror movie monster is the nice one and the little fluffy dorkus without a single thought in his head will be the one to most likely hurt you. Not on purpose, he’s just stupid.
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You may think “your dogs a lil chubby” but... That blond doofus was a wall of pure muscle. Built like a tank. Only game he knew how to play was fetch and he could outrun our horse without the slightest struggle. Named after his dad, Big Bud, who was known for being a massive tank of a dog as well.
And now look at this fluffy fool
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He ate pinecones. Not a single thought in his brain. Wasnt fixed till we owned him, was raised running wild in a forest, had passenger seat rights in my grandpa’s jeep and truck (notable cause his jeep didn’t have a back seat, just a trunk sitting on the floor.) got to eat bits of everything my grandpa ate, and got to sleep in bed with him. In contrast, Buddy was let in the house once a year, for Christmas photos, rode in the back of our truck in a travel cage when we had to take him places, and only got human food like once a year maybe.
It was... an adjustment. We eventually compromised with dogs getting to sleep in the garage and buying a trailer to replace our camper and putting the dogs travel cages in that while traveling.
He also a marking shaped like a heart on his buttcheek that we almost didn’t know about cause the long fur distorted the shape a lot. Dad didnt want to deal with his hair so in summer we have him full body buzzcuts except his tail and turns out he is half the dog we thought he was. 50% hair. Very handsome with short hair too!
Also he had a huge crush on my cat. And the cat actually put up with him.
0 notes
comicteaparty · 6 years ago
March 28th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on March 28th, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Daemon by Akreampuff.
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Featured Comment:
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Daemon by Akreampuff~! (http://daemon.smackjeeves.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
my favorite scene is probably the one where billie transforms. this is largely due to it overcoming my expectations, cause a lot of transformation sequences are graceful or maybe even silly. even when demons are involved whether the demons be bad or good. this one though? this one looks terrifying to go through and i love. its such a cool illustrated scene too between the transitional effects and other sorts of kind of magical effects going around. http://daemon.smackjeeves.com/comics/2477610/page-25/
another scene i really enjoyed was the boat scene, specifically when the banter picks up. i appreciate that billie is not willing to trust zeke, but i also like how chill zeke is. i think it really shows off zeke's character in particular since it seems pretty clear hes empathizing with the situation.
Made it. I was gonna ask if you meant the transformation forwards or back, so I'm glad you put in the reference. Neither seem all that fun.
I rather liked when the door blew out due to the fire, sending Billie out into the tree. And I mean "like" as in it got to me, not "oh, that looks fun".
The boat and banter was kinda cool. I mostly liked it for the way it could slip in exposition elements in an entertaining way.
billie getting blown out of the house was a pretty said moment. although i did like this one page where its just debris and her hand http://daemon.smackjeeves.com/comics/2477607/page-22/ maybe im just a sucker for glass debris, but i really loved how it kind of slowed the moment so you could take in what just happened and then the next page really shows that hit and land(edited)
that is also true about the boat scene. the banter was a good balance to keep the exposition entertaining
Right, that's the page just after the one I was thinking of. But that was good too, I kind of pictured her as reaching for her mum but being blown back through the window.
I feel so bad for the mum. I think she was in it just enough to create some empathy. Part of me wonders if Dad came back and accidentally started the fire.
now that would just be tragic. dad sneezes and whoops, suddenly fire
we never see a dead body
maybe the mom is alive
and she started the fire!
It's true. I wonder if maybe mum is alive but could even be kidnapped or something... um, or that? She smoke, maybe? ^.^
Fire could also have been started by that other watcher, the one working with Zeke but that Zeke said he couldn't find. Maybe he went rogue.
that could be. i mean right now just being disappeared kind of makes them the prime suspect
but yeah if theres one thing stories have taught
its never believe someone is dead until you see both their dead body and ghost
so i consider it highly possible the mom wasnt in the fire
doesnt even have to have been kidnapped. maybe she was at the late night store getting milk
I wonder if ghosts exist. We only know vampires don't (which was kind of funny as stated).
Everyone probably thinks Billie died in the fire either way.
yeah im really curious how she expects to just go back. cause shes been gone long enough that someone probably noticed the fire and investigated and made assumptions. or for one of the supposed victims to turn up out of the blue is the height of suspicion
it screams murder or for the insurance money
People already didn't seem to like her, so this won't help either. Poor kid.
yeah tbf i also dont get why she wants to go back
she didnt have any friends
and i didnt get the feeling she had some sort of extended family either
which i mean maybe she hasnt considered it cause shes in shock and being grumpy
QUESTION 2. Overall, it’s very obvious Billie has a lot on her plate regarding her newfound demonic lineage. Emotionally, how do you think Billie will come to deal with her situation, both in regards to her heritage and her mother being dead? How long do you think it’ll take her to adjust (if ever)? Do you feel Billie will endeavor to learn to control her newfound powers after Zeke shows her some more? Or, do you feel Billie will return “home” and try to pretend everything is normal at first? Assuming Billie learns at some point, what sorts of things do you think she’ll learn power wise? Speaking of home, what do you think Billie is going to do in regards to that? Overall, how do you see Billie just dealing with the new situation in general?
Could just be a fear of the unknown. And she had that one blonde friend. Kinda.
I feel like one of the things Billie will ask eventually is where's Dad hanging out. I'm not sure if that will help her adjust but I think it'll help her sort some things out.
yeah im surprised insofar shes not the least bit curious about her dad. especially cause her dad must be well known since those medical daemons knew of him.
enough to even say like father like daughter basically
i feel like for a while, billie might emotionally not deal with. like especially if she stays in the caves, its a lot easier to put the events out of mind. or more i mean she might deal with the demon elements and come to accept that, but i think theres other things shell avoid and not hit her till later
like the fact she has no house
I mean, she thought her dad was just some guy, there's still the need to adjust to that.
Also might not immediately want to meet the guy who's supposedly part of this hybrid breeding program.
Yeah. I wonder if the caves are fireproof. Feels like she might have fire issues later.
actually if her powers wind up being fire related, that has huge implications she started it. and i would hate to be her in the moment she realizes she caused it.
Oooh. Like, unconsciously? That would suck. Unless someone watching her decided to start it to make her think she started it.
that would be devious
but not impossible
especially if powers are somewhat inherited and her dad is the big fire guy or something
maybe what will inspire billie to meet her dad is anger. like in the sense she needs someone to lash out, and hes the secret demon father who made her and gave her demon blood and sort of got her into the situation.
Maybe the police will investigate and she can get a report to figure out how it all started. She might not be related to fire though, maybe she has powers of just making people uncomfortable, like she did to her classmates.
Maybe. Or maybe she meets him as a trainer and doesn't realize who he is until later.
actually thatd be a really interesting way to have him introduced
have him just there upfront the whole time
and then surprise
ya know, i hope the uncomfortable thing is her powers and not just her heritage in general.
cause if all daemons make ppl uncomfortable, theres a huge question of why
cause that stands in contrast to the nicer image zeke wanted to paint of them
I'd say Satan was her father except I'm pretty sure Satan's a lady. Either that or the cliffhanger is that there's a librarian.
somewhat off topic, but i really liked that one page on the boat that was all blue and white while zeke was talking about the daemons actually being good. the palette really made them see ethereal, but i like the contrast of how real colors make them look. like without that blue colored glass as it were, its kind of easy to see why someone would hmm if theyre good or bad.
yeah i kind of get the impression satan is that lady too
cause zeke did purposefully not use pronouns that i noticed
Zeke may have his own rose coloured glasses too, mind.
Oh, that's cool. I'm not always good at picking up on art stuff.
I did have a look at the link to the time lapse video on the colouring of one of the pages... interesting how it was flipped horizontally at a couple points, I've never thought of doing that.
Actually, lots of the bonus stuff is pretty fun. Like Zeke's alternate magical transformation, or the 100th page breaking the 4th wall.
Maybe Satan is also the librarian.
well zeke did say satan is just a title
so satan is the job title given to their librarians
i really loved that bonus page with zeke's alternate magical transformation
it was a good, silly addition in some serious moments
QUESTION 3. Vaguely, Zeke mentions that the hybrids were created because daemons needed something from humans. What do you think this thing daemons need is? Will Billie like the answer when she finds out, or is it going to be something that horrifies her? Why are the daemons so desperate they’d even create a breeding program to get it? The comic also talks a bit about the history of daemons. What do you think was said and done in the past to create such a negative view of daemons? What was even the purpose of making them so hated? Also, who was even the main perpetrator of these distortions? Ultimately, how do you believe both the history and the creation of hybrids will play into the story and the daemons’ goals?
Interesting, I guess part of me just thought what they needed was love and attention. But maybe there's something in the genes.
As to the negative view, probably propaganda by cults. Maybe a jilted ex-lover.
maybe it is love. i mean i dont consider it impossible. though i also would be concerned why daemons cant produce love naturally cause that has horrible implications
maybe humans are better magical conduits or something
idk why thatd be
but its the only thing i can think of
or maybe daemons have longer or immortal lifespans and they need some good ol' mortality
since the comic description mentions theres gonna be fighting angels
maybe only humans can fight angels
but they made hybrids cause plain ol' humans are too weak
but speaking of angels, i assume the propaganda was theres. which i mean, if all daemons make ppl uncomfortable, it was probably easy to manipulate the world that way
cause of course youd assume ppl who make you uncomfy were evil
if i go with humans kill angels thing, it makes sense why theyd do it. cause if humans dont like daemons anymore, there will be no alliance
(Sorry, back) Yeah, it's weird unless they need a surplus or something... oh, right, magic. Hum, that's an idea.
Maybe a daemon can only be killed by a hybrid or something. They need one to go on a quest. Or the angel fight's a good one too.
Maybe the daemons have signed something like that they won't do stuff to angels, and so their hands are tied now that some angels have gone rogue. I wonder if there's half angels too.
Oooh. Maybe only hybrids can breed with angels?
that could be.
i never considered thered be hybrid angels
if there are i feel doubly bad for humans
no matter what are the puppets
Instead of horns and tails they grow wings. Very inconvenient as far as shirts go.
I wonder if there's some actual humans who can do magic, or only hybrids.
Also, their program can't be too successful if they've only managed under 10 in something like 20+ years.
i got more the impression was that they wanted to start small
which either suggests 1) they really dont know much about the risks or what the consequences are so made a small sample size or 2) theyre afraid of there being too many hybrids
Hmm, I suppose that could be too. Though seemingly they weren't sure if anything would even manifest, so maybe their sample was larger than we give credit for.
im really curious if the blond friend is a hybrid somehow. especially since she didnt mind billie at all
I wondered about that, but with so few of them, it'd be a bit of a coincidence.(edited)
Unless they're all from the same region on Earth or something, I guess. (Maybe she's an angel?)
It'd cut against the grain, an angel who likes to skip class and show up late and stuff.
QUESTION 4. Besides the history of daemons, there are a few other mysteries floating about. Who do you think burnt down Billie’s house and for what goal? Was Zeke really not involved? Could it have been another daemon? How do you think Billie’s mother even ended up with a daemon? Did Billie’s mother really not know he was a daemon? Alternatively, if she knew, why didn’t she tell Billie? Do you think Billie will get to meet her father? If so, how do you foresee that going? Additionally, how do you think it will go when Billie meets the other hybrids? Will she find newfound friends, or is she doomed to be alone? In general, what future events do you see happening in the comic?
they could be from the same region. maybe theres something in the water. but tbh it could just be a coincidence. i dont see why not.
Maybe the shocking twist is, Billie's mom was actually an angel! And nobody knew!
I'm kinda curious to see the other hybrids. The author must have kinda figured them out, they were shown in silhouette early on.
just wanted to quickly say that this seems like a super cool chat, I'm really hoping that I'll be less busy during the next one and be able to get more involved ;o;
Heya Iris. We all have our busy times, early March chewed me up.
hoping it works out too! we'd definitely love to have you, @Iris ~!
yeah i really want to see the hybrids too
but mostly cause new charas
to see billie interact with
ty! gonna check what next week's comic is
and have fun
I'm curious about the designs, since they all look different. Which is a real interesting way to go on that. (Also, seems Billie lucked out in terms of her armour.)
@Iris its kamikaze https://kamikazeanimated.com/comic/
yeah im kind of for the theory billie's mom was an angel just cause it seems convenient she got such nice armour
i really hope we get to learn how billie's mother ended up with a daemon. cause im really banking on the fact that she probably knew.
cause the lie she told billie seems sort of vague and convenient(edited)
I hadn't considered that. (Tinder?)
(demon tinder. cinder)
"There's finally dating apps. Project hybrid is a go."
appropriate name given the fire themes XD
plot twist: daemons invented dating apps
makes sense
Heh. Maybe they've got a tech area.
So, Billie and Zeke... do we ship them? The conversational bits about being a cat make me think yes. But of course, I prefer to ship Billie with the BadGirl (tm), because of how I prefer yuri.
idk if i ship billie and zeke yet. im not sure i trust zeke. not cause i think hes up to something, but he seems creepily loyal to the daemons to the point i wouldnt trust him to have unbiased decision making
Billie hasn't totally trusted him for that reason though, so I feel like the lampshading makes it possible. Though if he's meant to be her mentor/trainer, maybe not.
Kinda related, maybe Billie will want to stay just because everyone around now won't have that bad vibe she gave to the other students.
Also, there's books.
yeah i did kind of feel that will be a motivating factor
that now she has a chance to make friends
and not be alone
and i kind of feel that fact will make her stay for a bit "just to see what its all about"
and then shell come ot feel they are family like zeke said
but im also curious how the hybrids in general are treated in the society
cause i do worry theyre getting the useful tool treatment
You need to make sure they're plugged in at night. Or they lose their charge.
(Billie's lucky, she doesn't have a tail, so doesn't need to charge up. Zeke, on the other hand...)
billie is one of the fancy wireless ones you just put on the stand
She's her own action figure.
Seriously though, yeah, I wonder if all of them are as chill about things as Zeke. Also, I wonder if anyone else is being monitored out there.
yeah thatd be an interesting situation for billie to be in
having to monitor some other hybrid
which emotionally i dont feel will go over well for her
Maybe she'll have to monitor BadGirl with the ponytail. And I get my ship.
I wonder if any of the other short forms for Satan will get used. ("Actually, my name's Stan. Someone added another 'a'.")
Well, all the best to Billie then. Hope her next transformation goes smoother. (Oh, I also liked the whole "and then she died" gag, heh.)
although now im wondering if satan is actually an angel or if this comic split lucifer and satan
Ooh, that's a good question too.
i guess well find out eventually tho. darn angel propaganda
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Akreampuff, as well, for making Daemon. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Akreampuff’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: http://daemon.smackjeeves.com/
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voltage-vixen · 5 years ago
Author Interview 💻
Thank you very much dear @lin-ful! I’m a huge fan of your work, and I feel truly flattered to be tagged by you! 💕
Name: Kristen 
Fandoms: L365,  SLBP, MLQC, Ikemen Sen/Vamp/Rev & MidCin. 
Want to do in the future: I would like to finish writing the original novel I started. I’ve actually set aside the time to sit down and start writing it, and I’m already a few chapters in. (Which finding the time is half the battle!)
Where You Post: I post mainly on tumblr, but due to recent glitching issues on the site, I’m going to start posting my fanfics to AO3. At least we will see how it goes over there for now!
I’m going to keep the prompts and special event stories on my blog here though. 
Most Popular One-Shot: I don’t know if a HC is technically considered a “one-shot”, but if it is my most popular one would be Bath Time with the Bidders. 
If that doesn’t count, then these stories for Gavin and Victor are both currently tied for first based on the note count: “Show me how you play with yourself.”--Victor  &   “I’m not feeling well.” “Then that means you’re on bed arrest today, and I’m your bed mate.”--Gavin
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: A Reassuring Reminder which features Gavin from MLQC. 
It’s funny because this was never intended to turn into a multi-chapter story, but lately Gavin has been one of the few characters that I’ve actually been feeling really excited to write for, and this story ended up continuing for that reason!
Favorite Story You Wrote: The Prequel to Paradise 
This was a story about how I pictured Yosuke and Taki meeting for the first time. I enjoyed really having to think about the box with this one, because writing for a character in the past can be tricky (at least for me) since we often only have a snapshot to work off of. I was very proud of being able to finish this one, and it really forced me to think
Story You Were Nervous to Post: Feelings Amiss
This was the first fanfic I ever wrote, and the very first one I ever posted to tumblr. I kept deleting the post when I originally first published it, but this was the story that helped me overcome the initial fear I first had. 
Also, it was my first one ever, so please don’t judge it too harshly! 😂
How You Choose Your Titles: In case it wasn’t obvious already, I LOVE alliteration and I will sit there and desperately try to make it work with the title, before I eventually give up and move on to something else. 😂
I can’t start writing the story without having the title, so the title process is a huge deal for me personally as a writer!
Completed: Is a lot an acceptable answer? 🤣🤷‍♀️ I honestly don’t know the count.
Incomplete: See answer to the question above. 😂
Do You Outline? NOPE! 
Been there, done that, and it’s not for me. More times than not I end up deviating from my original thought process anyway. 
Plus, I’ve been having difficulties managing my schedule lately, and that just adds another step for me to have to worry about.             
Do You Accept Prompts? I have a lot in previous requests sessions. I still will moving forward, but with the added disclaimer that despite my best efforts,  I won’t be able to guarantee anything. 
It’s nothing personal-some ideas just click while others have proven to be more challenging. 😣
Coming Soon/Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: I’m a rebel and combined these two questions since they had the same answers. 😂
I am SO unbelievably excited for the new events to get started!!! (I won’t list them all again, but you can find them HERE if you haven’t seen them yet.)
I’m going to be posting a calender shortly with the info on when you can expect to see them!
I’m also really stoked to start writing out for some of the newer fandoms I recently joined! I found some new characters that I really have grown fond of, and I already have a ton of ideas for them! 😊
What do you use to edit?: I write in Word and besides the basic catches it flags (and let’s be honest it misses a lot) I don’t edit. I HATE editing with a passion. 
I do edit in my freelance work (and I still dislike it) but for my hobby writing I “post and pray.” I know this is bad, and I truly do apologize in advance, but I overthink everything and I would start to second guess myself. 
This is 100% a me problem, but it’s a vicious cycle I prefer to avoid!
Writing setup: Chaos. Sheer and utter chaos. The more chaotic the better. 🤣 Seriously, I tend to thrive in a more busy environment. 
I sit on my couch and binge watch all the shows on Netflix that I can’t watch when my kids are awake. (Currently I’m watching Dexter in case anyone cared to know that.)
While I’m writing, I’m normally chatting with friends and I’m trying to use my energy/stamina so I can clear one of many events I’m probably playing. (cough-IkeSen right now-cough).
I end up getting distracted a lot throughout this process, but that’s alright! Sometimes the most randomest things can spark the slightest idea!  
Do you use a beta reader? 
I recently asked a friend for her opinion on the characterization for a newer character I was writing for, but otherwise I don’t on a regular basis.
Nearly all my writing lately has been taking place very late at night, and I always immediately post a story once it’s completed. The exception being the special event stories, but otherwise it’s all published right away. Even if I could find a patient enough soul willing to do it, my writing schedule is sporadic and it would be difficult for me to communicate consistently.  
Additionally, if I’m left alone to wait with my own devices, who knows what would happen?!😂
Where do you get your writing inspiration?  
A lot of times random thoughts will pop into my head when I’m reading a route. Or something I see or hear in real life may trigger an idea that I think would be perfect for a story.
Also, I hate waiting for new content to be released, so I need something to entertain myself with in the meantime! 😊
Can we get a quote from an upcoming WIP?
“You’re finally awake?”
MC groaned as her eyes flickered adjusting to the newfound darkness of the room she was currently being held captive in. 
“W-Where am I?” MC questioned, while glancing around the room trying to find any sort of clue that would provide her with the answers she was seeking. 
A tall intimidating cloaked figure, furtively scuttled over and roughly pinched the side of her bruised cheeks. 
“That’s enough out of you,” he snarled. “Today, I’ll be the only one asking the questions around here.”
(This is from the final chapter of A Reassuring Reminder)
Tagging: @iluvsexyvoltageguys & @that-wasnt-so-bad
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How much is insurance on a ninja 250?
i am going to buy one in the next few weeks. i have a clean driving record. no tickets. no wrecks. im 22 years old. i live in kentucky. how much is insurance and what company's are best to get a quote from?
Can an Insurance company still be held liable for the after affects of a car wreck?
Any advice is greatly appreciated. My problem is this, In July 2007 A man in a huge truck with a trailer hinge back up out from a parking space, it I saw him and the only thing I could at the time is speed up so he would not hit the middle of my car. He ended up hitting the side bumper and ripped it off. I have A 1999 Cryshler Sebring. It truely was a hard hit. Well the man's insurance did pay to fix the bumper, but now everything keeps going wrong. I did mention it to the person at the shop where we had arranged for the repair. I asked to please give me an estimated how much it would cost to fix it. When the time came, She did not do so and when I asked the lady she gave me a look like there is really something wrong with my car. I give two guys a ride to the bus so they do not have to walk the mile or so and they can attest that my car was running smooth. So many things one after another have gone wrong. I have put over 700.00 and still more problems. So my question is what do you think my chances are If I take it to the manufactor and they will rule in my favor. The Insurance Co-ordinator says if they say it was from the accident then they will pay for it. Straight from the start right after the accident my car kept dyeing out, so I had to drive it like a standard car with my feet on the gas and brake at the same time. So in the end , last I have heard there is a short somewhere so I took it to Spitfire and place that specializes in electrical problems and he told me my computer is bad. First of all the things my battery kept dyeing out, my car would not start up in the mornings,I took it to Auto zone and my battery was fat, swollen no good. Bought a new one, then I took it to a man at midas , he said I needed a valve cover gasket and he showed me my spark plugs we filled with oil, fixed that. Now Midas ran a scan and said I had either a bad map sensor or a short. Changed the map sensor the car is still barely running, so then another place said it was a short but had it for two weeks and could not find the short . I would like to know , if the guys Insurance is still on the hook for all the problems I have had with the car since the accident. Now I give these two guys a ride from work each day and they knew there was nothing wrong with my car before the accident. What is the best thing I can do. Many thanks , Sylvia""
Insurance Quotes?
So i just started driving and my parents put my name under the title of our van because the insurance was cheaper. Well i would like to save up and get my own car, but they keep bringing up that the insurance would sky rocket. The van is a '03 Honda odyssey and the car i'm looking at is a '91 Toyota 4runner. If anybody could give me a ballpark estimate of how much the insurance will cost for one verses the other. I'm 16 and live in the zip code 80127. Dont know if any other info is needed. Thanks.""
Cost estimate of motorcycle insurance for female?
I'm 18, female, live in Colorado, with a clean driving record and no bike yet. I'm thinking about a Kawasoki Ninja or Sportster. I cant find insurance estimates! Can someone help me figure all this stuff out? What I need to get and how much its going to cost me?""
Health insurance after i drop out?
hello everyone i am a 17 year old male who chose to drop out of school after getting clean from drugs. now that i am dropped out and sober i am very happy but there seems to be an issue. in january, january 28th to be exact i will be 18 and my mother insists that unless im in school i cannot be covered under health insurance anymore. so my question to you all is, is this true? is there a way i can be covered under her health insurance even after dropping out? if no what other affordable options are there for me pertaining to health insurance? i know of cobra but 500$ a month is a little absurd. so any information would be much appreciated thank you so much!""
What is the average homeowners insurance cost in CT for older homes?
Just got quoted an annual premium of $2300(!!) for homeowners insurance in a rural CT town (ISO rated 9/10) for a 300ish year old home in the 250-300k range. That seems exorbitantly high. What are others paying in CT for similar old homes in these quaint new england towns?
My car insurance just jumped up tremendously?
ok i was living in delaware. my car is registered there. i have a delaware drivers license. now i was staying with my girlfriend in her place and we recently just got a place in pa last month. however, all my mail still goes to my old delaware address. now, i have nationwide and i changed my address. thinking it wouldnt go up by that way. it went up from 1300 every 6 months to 4500 every 6 months. they changed my agent(it was based in elkton, md- 5 min from delaware). my agent is trying to get the policy back to elkton, maryland. however, i cannot afford this insurance. would i be able to change it back to delaware and just say that i decided not to move?""
Fair price for my car insurance?
Got my car insurance bill. I'm on a family plan with my mom and my sister. We did it because we were told it would save money. I'm in my late 20's, drive an older car(a '97), have never had a traffic ticket or accident, and have the basic coverage with a $500 deductible. Just the basics. It's $350 for 6 months. It went up from the last time I paid it. First, is that a decent price? Second, why does the insurance go up if I didn't get a ticket or accident?""
Will my car isurance be cheaper if Im a second driver on someone else's policy?
My insurnce got terminated due to ONE missed payment, I tried talking to my previous insurers but to no avail, I have a claim still to be resolved, hence any new quote is coming bak with ridiulous premiums. So I was wondering if I add my name as second driver on someone else's policy will it be cheaper? Please help. I need to get back on the road as soon as possible, my job depends on it.""
Whats minimum car insurance cover allowed for producing at police station in UK?
Got stopped by the police today for having no car insurance due to my insurance company cancelling my cover without even notifying me. I've got to produce a cover note to the police station stating my car is now insured. As the car has been impounded and I will be not paying for it to be released, what is the minimum cover period that the police will accept to I can pay my fine as I have to produce my Drivers Licence, Tax and Insurance Cover notes. For example, 1 day, 7 day or 28 days insurance etc.""
Insurance on a 2000 pontiac grand prix gtp.?
anyone have one of these?? how is the insurance on it,? how much might you think an 18yr old might pay on this car? Ive never had speeding tickets, accidents, nothing. (knock on wood) thanks!""
Is healthcare on medicaid health insurance decent?
my father has to take an array of medications every day for heart problems and high blood pressure. will these be covered? i hear many doctors don't take payment from medicaid, and that poor healthcare is offered through the program, instead of private practitioners, one must go to community clinics, etc. should my father go on medicaid, or is it not worth it?""
Homeowners Insurance cost in Florida?
My husband and I just got an acceptance for a house we put an offer on. The house is in Orange County Florida, 82810 and has 2 beds 1 bath and 1005 sq ft. It was made in 1940, updated plumbing and electrical in 1989, House (not the land) was appraised at 55,000 in 2007, but i'm sure this has gone down in this economic weather. No pool, no garage tell me if you need more info to help me out on how much you think it could cost. I can't seem to find anywhere online for quotes for home owners insurance, just numbers to call and we need to find someone by Monday morning. I'm going to call in the morning but i don't know how much time I'm going to have before we go into the Real Estate office. My questions are: Do you know of online homeowners insurances in Florida that have an online quote system? How much do you think insurance for a year would cost on a house this size? What homeowners insurances generally have the lowest rates? Thank you so much for your help!!!""
""What is the cheapest, full-coverage auto insurance in Pennsylvania for an age 54 female?""
What is the cheapest, full-coverage auto insurance in Pennsylvania for an age 54 female?""
Car Insurance for Young Drivers; How much do you pay? (UK)?
I'm planning on getting a car later this year just after I've passed my test (I'm 17). I just want a small, cheap car- something like a Ford Ka or an old Vauxhall Corsa. I just wondered if anyone's got a good cheap deal cos it looks like it's going to cost me loads.""
Mexico and USA car insurance?
Does anybody know a car insurance company that has coverage 15 miles or so miles outside US boundaries? Thank you!
Am I required to get health insurance!?
I am retired, I have health insurance thru my wife's employer. Can her employer require me to get insurance thru my retirement since it is available? It is not affordable, about $850 per month. Almost negates my entire monthly payment. it is not COBRA. What is the Ohio law about this?""
What is the cheapest car insurance ?
for a ford mondeo 1998. Thank you.
Whats the CHEAPEST car insurance for a teenage girl to get?
I'm a 17 year old girl, junior in high school, and I'm trying to find out whats the cheapest car insurance I get get on my car.""
About how much car insurance does a first time 26 year old driver have to pay?
I need to know I lived in the city for many years and got by with public transportation so I never needed a car no that I have moved I need to buy a car, I hear folks says new drivers pay more..is this true of so how much more I plan to buy a used car for around 5-8 k directly no car loans""
Cheap car insurance for 17 year old?
very cheap car insurance like (up to 1500)
Help! driver's license and auto insurance?
so I just got my driver's license (im 18), but i don't have a car yet. im driving my mom's car, is that ok? do we need to call the insurance comany and tell them to add my name to our car insurance? do we need to pay extra money? thanx for ur time! p.s. we r in Maine""
Insurance for scooter?
I am thinking of getting a 125cc scooter to save gas this summer. Do I need insurance for the scooter? Then it would defeat the purpose for me
""Rover car 1996 and 1989ford transit van, one insurance?""
how much for comprehensive 1years Insurance for 40year's no claims, now aged 66years old.""
Does planned parent hood accept health insurance?
does Planned parent hood accept health insurance ? if they do does anyone know if they will accept aetna health insurance?
I am 17 how can I get cheap car insurance?
I have an ac cobra with a LS3 V8 in it. Is there a way to get cheap insurance. Could I get my dad to get insurance for the car from another country allowing anyone to drive the car insured?
Which car insurance is better GMAC or Allstate?
I currently have AAA insurance, but I don't like my agent, so I am switching. GMAC and Allstate both gave me good rates, so I am trying to decide between the two. Please let me know of your experience with either company. Thanks!""
Why are large engined/big sized second hand cars much cheaper than the small cars with small engines?
I did ask this a minute ago but I got it the wrong way round. Im looking for a car around 3.5k but the cars in that price range are great big hulking cars with huge engines that I cant afford the insurance for. How come smaller cars are more expensive?? I notice that when looking at new cars, the ones with bigger engines and bigger models are more expensive, so why is it the other way round for second hand cars?""
Health Insurance in US?
I would like to know if health insurance is mandatory in some states of the US.
What is the cheapest insurance for a teen?
what insurance company will be more affordable for a teen
What insurance companies are reliable for expats?
I am looking for some more information on insurance companies that provide services for expats? I am a Dutch national, without a fixed 'home' address, and therefore not entitled to the health and liability insurance that is offered by companies in my home country. As I do like to play it by the rules, I was wondering if anyone knows or has experience with reliable and affordable international insurance firms that provide services such as travel-, health- and liability insurance for expats. Thanx for your suggestions!""
Why has my car insurance went up?
mine and my partners car insurance is up for renewal, we only passed 3 years ago next April we were 660 for a 1.6 focus we thought it would go down this year as my partner is now 25 but the insurer we are with wanted 900?!! the cheapest we have seen is 730?? nothing has changed we have never claimed so why has it went up?? is it not suppose to go down the more experience you have and older you get? anyone else having this problem?""
Whats a cheap car to insure for a 21 year old female with 2 children ?
am wanting to buy my first car am 21 with 2 children, and car insurance is so expensive, i need a bigish car for me, my partner and kids but big cars are even more expensive, what are the cheap cars to insure thanks""
About car insurance what will happen?
okay so a few days ago i was driving my breaks dident stop in time it was very slow and i wasent going that fast at all my breaks dident stop in time and i left a very very lil scrab on a guys car and he said if i cant get 220 dollars by tomorow he will call my moms car insurance will that make the price higher?
Looking for cheap car insurance?
I havent done my test or anything yet but wanted to see how much a vaxhaull corsa 1998 or something was noone in my family drives and id park my car outside my front , i tried doin a quote to see how mch it would be and it came up the cheapest was 3 grand , im only 18 aswell , does somebody think im putting something in wrong or is it just really hard for me to find cheap insurance ?""
Does anybody know of a company that will insure me daily on hire and reward insurance?
I want to run a one vehicle WAV (wheel chair accessible vehicle for disabled people) car hire/rental business serving Hertfordshire the customer would hire the car and arrange for a person to drive it for them. On the odd occasion the hirer does not have anybody to drive the car for them they might want me to drive for them I have been told to do this I would need a private vehicle hire licence (mini cab drivers licence) also hire and reward insurance along with a mini cab office operators licence and the vehicle would need to be plated (tested) This is not a problem except for the hire and reward insurance which would be about 3000 per year and would not be cost effective for the amount of driving I would be doing (I would probably only be driving a customer 1 day per week). Does anybody know of a company that will insure me daily on hire and reward insurance?
Home and contents insurance application form?
i need one of these for my commerce assignment where can i get one from.
Need help with car insurance quotes?
i wanna get a used 2004 mazda rx-8. it has 68,000 miles on it and is a coupe, 2 doors. i really need just a guess, cause my online effort on all those sights is really driving me crazy. i don't know what half the stuff means. i'm 16 and would prolly be on my parents insurance, cause thats what my brothers doing. any ideas at what it would be per month?""
Car Insurance?
In Massachusetts what do you think a 16 year old driver would pay for these cars for insurance? 1998 Mitsubishi 3000GT VR 4 >100k miles 1998 Audi A4 1.8 Turbo 4 cyl 100K miles 2001 Ford Taurus SEL v6 40K miles 1999 VW Passat V6 5 speed 95k miles Thanks
""I am considering buying home and car insurance with Allstate but , should I?""
I have been told that it is not a wise idea to keep my home and car insurance together, even if I get a discount. Can anyone tell me why, please?! Thank you!!""
Cheap auto insurance?
I am looking for auto insurance......i have a dui on my record and im about to get my license back....so i need some suggestions on some cheap insurance.....i have already tried the general and dairy land....
Is a Ford KA cheap to insure?
I am a new driver, just passed my test ( im 17 ) and thinkin to buy a ford ka as a first car. Is it cheap to insure tho? Around how much? Thanks""
Car insurance rates dropping?
hello, after my first ever six months of car insurance will my rates drop or will things be cheaper ? I am 24 about to be 25 years old. I have only had one speeding ticket.""
How much more is insurance if I don't take Driver's Ed.?
I'm nearly seventeen, and I don't even have a permit :X, I was never able to find my proper documentation (no, I'm not illegal, I just HATE going through beurocracy). I live in Iowa, and I have to wait six months before I can get my license. But it'll be a limited license, and in order to get it I have to take three months of driver's ed. and do twenty hours of independent driving. So if I got it in March, the earliest I could drive would be September. But I won't have a car, and I don't need a car; and I don't have the money for a car. So I figured I'd wait until I was eighteen, which would be in May of 2011, because I wouldn't need any needless requirements, and I wouldn't have to take driver's ed. But my question is; how much more would car insurance be if I didn't take driver's ed, and just went for my full license when I was eighteen?""
Car insurance?
if you have never had car insurance before which is the most least expensive one to go for?also about how much does it cost? if you only have one vehicle and one person on the account.
""I am a college student I need a good car with low insurance (I have 25,000 to spend)?""
I have a decent amount of money to spend on a car, but I am still young, and in turn my insurance would be high if I got something like a mustang. I need something like looks sporty, is moderatly prestigious, sexy, etc but will have low insurance for someone who is 18. I love BMWs. I havn't ever been in an accident and I think age 24 is when my insurance will go down a lot. I guess I will have to wait to get a sports car then.""
Cheap car insurance for 17 year old?
very cheap car insurance like (up to 1500)
California Insurance company that will insure a shake roof?
Does anyone know of an insurance company that will insure a home with a shake roof. We put an offer in on a house in Big Bear CA and now we are 3 weeks out of closing escrow and need to find an insurance company that will insure it for the close of escrow??? PLEEEEEASSSSSE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you get insurance if your spouse doesn't have a license?
Can you get insurance if your spouse doesn't have a license in the state of Texas? My husband has been trying to get quotes for insurance but keeps being told I, his wife, need to have a license. At the time that I was living in Florida, you did not need a vehicle license to drive a vespa (moped, scooter, etc.), just a permit. After moving here to Texas and getting married, the DMV denied me a license even though it had been a year of having both a drivers permit and permit to drive my moped, saying I needed to take the Texas Adult Drivers Course, then pass the driving test to receive my Drivers License. Upon finishing the Adult Drivers Course I went into preterm labor and put on bed rest for two months, which is why i haven't done the driving test yet. Is there any way my husband can get his vehicle insured? (if you could please support with websites that would be greatly appreciated)""
Car insurance please help?
Car insurance arghhhh !!! help? OK how does this sound to you guys? my mum has two cars one of which is insured with me as a learner im 19 and my sisters as a full driver 22 she is also insured with her own car but on my mums so she culd take me out to learn and for emergency reasons ok so the second car is going to be insured under the same company on a diffrent policy with my mum only. aparently this sounds suspecious ?? pepole think the 1st car is mine but its NOT my mum will be the main driver on both i she will decided which car she takes one day and which the other not me but she got the second car because my sister who is insured on the policy aswell well her car broke so she took a lend of my moms which was annoying for my mom coz she needed it and when she takes me out to learn my mom got fed up waiting till we come back to she jist got a second car to aviod that ! when i pass my test yeah i will be a full liceance on the policy im currently on but that does not mean it will be my car ! only time i can driver it is if my mom or older sister is not using it. BUT ppl are convinced its mine and all that ? surley an insurance company cant refuse to insure???
Should i move to California?
im a senior in high school, i just finished my junior year so its the summer in between lol. i really want to move to california. i also want to go to college there too but im just worried about it. its really been stressing me out alot lately. so do you have any advice or suggestions?""
I have copd and no insurance.?
I cough almost constantly and always coughing up mucus. Some times its yellow or green, but mostly bubbly clear and has (looks like very small pieces of lung in it.) I'm scared that I am slowly dying. I'm tired all the time. Most of the time all I want to do is lay. My appitite is very poor, I seldom get hungry. I have lost weight and now only weigh 90 pounds. A little over a year ago I weighed 135. Insurance company's turn me down because of preexisting, copd, RH, Hodgekins, I don't know what to do. I can't afford $800 month insurance. I get friends to get prescriptions for albuterol and combivent. I started taking pills (hydrocodone) as they help me so I can breathe normal so I can work. I can get insurance through my new job in 90 days.""
How much would auto insurance cost me?
I am 19 years old and I do not have my license yet. I have been holding of for a while because I know that I will not be able to afford the insurance right now. My dad does have insurance and when I do get insurance, it will be on his policy. Although I know it will be alot because I am a 19 year old male, I really cant guess how much approximately it will be. Also, how much would it be if I were to get my own car and car insurance? ( something small and used, nothing fancy). Any help would be great. Thanks in advance""
If you receive SSI Disabilty can you stay on your spouse's health insurance?
If you are awarded disability do you have to get on Medicare/Medicaid or can you stay on your spouse's insurance through their employer? I am afraid of not being able to see my regular doctor if I have to get on Medicaid because so few doctors accept it. Anybody familiar with this?? Thanks in advance!
How much does car insurance cost for a teen driver in AZ?
I'm 17 & I Just Bought A 2002 Chevy Cavalier LS. & I Need To Pay My Own Insurance. If I Want Full Coverage How Much Will That Be? I Know Some Insurance Companies Take Grades Into Consideration & I'm An A&B Straight Student
A few questions about SR-22 Insurance?
Alright, so I'm getting slightly annoyed of the DMV as I've visited them three times already an had literally no progress made in all those lame visits... Anyways, I only got insurance so I can drive, but my car has failed smog three times now so that wont be happening and I'm now paying non-owner SR-22 insurance. Here are a few questions I have about the SR-22 and any input would be much appreciated. 1) What are the exact consequences if I choose to cancell my non-owner SR-22 insurance? I acknowledge that I will have to restart the process all over again when I want to reactivate it, but will the price be raised even more and the time frame? 2) Who do I call to find out how long I have to have SR-22 insurance; DMV or Local Court? 3) When does the SR-22 officially get activated, when the judge orders it or when I first started paying for the insurance? (I'm asking this because the insurance company I'm with is saying I shouldn't cancel because it will restart; I got the DUI 2 years ago and acitvated the insurance about 2 mounts ago.) I'm planning on going to a 4 year college so I don't want to be paying not to drive...! *I live in California if that helps you answer the question.""
Can't find affordable Health Insurance for my wie?
I have been talking to Medicare Medicaid Market Place and can't find health insurance that I can afford for my Wife. She is 65 and a US citizen. I can find Health Insurance for her if I pay over $700 month and who can afford than, help pls""
Help with car Insurance? Insurance broker claims cheap insurance?
Hi, I'm 17 and I just recently passed my test, so I'm planning of getting a car soon, maybe even next year, but the point is - I have seen this guy on facebook claiming to be working with an insurance broker that's why he can get cheap insurance... My question is not if he is a scammer or not, my question is, do insurance brokers have the right to give cheap insurance? And approximately how much off? (note i'm 17 and i'm thinking of getting a golf or a astra and i live in east london)""
Should I get life insurance?
My mom and I live together. I am 43 disabled male, and my mom is going to be 76 in september. We have no debt, but no savings. We live in a ranch which is reverse mortgaged, and when my mom dies it will go to the bank. I can buy a 15yr 100,000 dollar policy at 285 a month. We will have enough of money after the Premium to live off from. Do I start a savings account or do I buy the insurance?""
Where is the cheapest insurance in Michigan?
I'm an 18 year old driver, that hasn't been driving for long. I drive a 1999 Cavalier base model coupe. I also pay almost 300 a month for insurance through liberty mutual... Is there anywhere that insures young drivers for cheaper than that? I really cant afford 300 a month, plus 100 for a car payment, not to mention gas and repairs....""
Is Geico auto insurance liability only?
Is Geico auto insurance only liabilty coverage or do they have full coverage also?
Insurance sells up or down?
This is a question addressed to current ly licensed Insurance agents abroad; therefore, my question is concerning the economy crisis we Americans are facing right now and with that, is Life & health Insurance coverage on the fall or rise? I have been waiting to start this career but not too assured that right now is the best time for this.""
Purchasing insurance to cover maternity leave in California?
Is there any sort of insurance you can buy in California so you can get approximately your regular wages during your unpaid maternity leave? I've heard that state disability doesn't pay too much. And how long can you take off? Some women say they've gotten 3 months off but I don't know what I need to do to get that, and still have approximately my regular income coming in. I'm not pregnant yet, so I could buy something without having a pre-existing condition. Thanks!""
What if i don't have car insurance and i don't drive the car?
i wanna buy a car but not drive it for a while but i can't afford car insurance....can i not register until i am ready to drive it is that legal?????
Do most health insurance companies go by date of conception for insurance coverage?
I read this somewhere when I was looking for independent health care insurance. I now have health insurance through my work, and coverage started on September 1st (I have United Healthcare through T-mobile, if that matters). I was trying to look up my coverage online, and it didn't say anything about not covering me depending on date of conception, but I did read somewhere before that a lot of health care insurances go by this (which I think would be really inaccurate and wrong, but that's just me....)""
Which auto insurance providers do not use credit rating as a factor in determining rates?
I'm 28. No accidents, no tickets. I work from home. Go to school online. Car is garaged kept, old and driven only a few times a week, within 3 miles of home. I'm in no way a danger or menace to society. Through mistakes (ages 18-24) I have bad credit. Current insurance, paid 6 mos in advance is coming up for renewal, and has risen due to bad credit. I do not think I fit the criteria of high risk in terms of claims or bad driving.""
Auto insurance question (Mitsubishi Lancer?
I can call Allstate and find this out. However, I don't feel like staying on the line forever. Is the Mitsubishi Lancer consider a sports car according to auto insurance poilcy or is it just your average everyday sedan?""
Will car insurance be cheaper if I drive my mum's car?
I'm learning to drive, but my mum won't allow me to practice in her Fiat 500 or drive it once I've passed the test. This means I can either buy myself a car or drive my Dad's car, which is a much larger Jeep. I don't particularly want to drive it though because its an automatic whereas I'm learning manual (I know automatic is easier, but as a new driver I won't be able to practice for the test and I'm worried I might forget manual if I drive it for too long) and I imagine insurance is likely to be higher. I was wondering, which of these options are likely to work out cheapest? Is it worth trying to persuade my mum to let me drive her car?""
Will my car insurance cover this?
My car was parked in a parking spot at my apartment complex last night as it always is when I'm here, and this morning I go to my car and notice a decent size dent in my hood. It must have been done by some rowdy drunken fools last night. Will my insurance cover this?""
Another pregnancy insurance question?
we live in california, and we need insurance very soon, what is the household income limit to get assistance for a pregnancy""
Cheap 17 Year old car insurance?
I have just passed my driving test and can't find affordable car insurance. I would not be the main driver of the car as I would use it less than my parents, yet I cannot find a quote cheaper than 3000 on my 2004 Fiat Punto 1.2L Petrol.""
About how much is insurance gonna cost for a 15 year old who just got his license?
how much will insurance be if im a 15 yeaar old guy who just got his license and im driving a 1995 acura integra, can anyone give me an estimate on how much it will be a month""
Cheap car insurance for 17 year old?
very cheap car insurance like (up to 1500)
0 notes