#he also likes to take them off when bickering with Simon to make him mad
forsaire · 8 days
When they get older...
Simon needing glasses 🤝 Johnny needing hearing aids
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I like the idea of an au where Magnus and Alec meet before the show or maybe Clary just shows up a little later but still managed to meet on the canon timeline somehow, but I have no idea how it could change things, I (want to) imagine that Izzy is closer to Magnus since she has meet him now for longer (maybe jace is just a little less of an asd though doubtful), idk what do you think?
hmmm i dont think i have any, like. super fleshed out thoughts about this but what i like the most about that idea is that by the time there's the whole lydia drama they would have already know each other to some extent. maybe not be dating but have, you know, their thing for longer than just one late night date, which i think makes that plotline more meaningful for the both of them
not that it's not meaningful as it is, i think it's pretty meaningful - magnus is being rejected straight after baring his heart to someone new for the very first time and daring to hope AND watching homophobia turn a guy's life miserable, and alec is turning his back to everything he's ever wanted for good - but like. it would make it more difficult for the both of them and id like to see what that would be like when the two of them would have had time for their feelings for each other to mature
honestly i think it makes more sense too because like HOW in the world did the Acting Head of the NYC Institute and the High Warlock of Brooklyn NEVER fucking meet before clary??????? i mean okay sure they probably had "met" as in magnus was there to reinforce the wards and they exchanged a few words and that was that, which is different because magnus is in sh territory and neither of them feel the slightest bit comfortable in there, but did they never work together before the memory demon thing? i mean, seriously?
and actually considering how they didnt know each other's names it's implied they hadn't even met like THAT before which is just weird
but anyway i would like to have seen that different first meeting and maybe play a bit with the parallels there could be. like they would probably be taking on some particularly bad demon together and it would have been nice to like, have alec shoot some demon who was about to get to magnus and have that kinda "silent protector" vibe that they first had at the club, and then maybe if magnus gets injured alec could lend his strength too and/or tend to his wounds lmao. just another version where alec shows that same caring and gentleness that magnus had been craving for so long and magnus ends up falling for him all unexpectedly, especially after maybe a little bit of battle bickering that turns out to actually be fun for once, you know? aaa id love that
okay so things that would have changed imo:
that cursed "alec thinks he is in love with jace" drama wouldnt be a thing, which i think would mean that alec would be even less interested in helping him and clary be dumbasses and throw everything to shit, so theyd have to go behind his back extra hard and their whole fallout would have come even sooner. dont ask me how that affects "the plot" i barely remember what that even was in this dumb show
i think he'd be more mad at jace than clary and simon, so maybe their relationship in s1 wouldn't be so bad as he would see them as more accomplices to jace than The Ones Who Are Throwing Everything To Shit you know
the lydia drama would be more complicated and angsty because both of them would have had time to mature their feelings. i dont think theyd have dated because again alec had chosen the closet and i dont think hed do anything to jeopardize that, but well... if he gets to go on missions with magnus and maybe enjoy some flirting bantering... nothing wrong with that, right? he was always upfront about that. but the feelings were there and the connection was there and that would make it even harder for the both of them to deal with the fact that alec was marrying some woman
oh wait! juicy. so magnus had been on the low because of valentine and all, and they hadnt seen each other in a few months or so, so when magnus comes back there's like. that extra layer of alec realizes how much he's missed him and makes his resolve even more fragile because well. fuck. his feelings for him sure didn't go anywhere
magnus on the other hand would maybe be more wary of him because, well, since he last saw him valentine is back and god knows what the lightwoods are up to, considering last time. magnus knows him well enough by now to know that he doesn't agree with his parents on a lot of things, but he also knows that alec chooses their protection almost always
so we would have at the very least a more level "cat and mouse game" where alec also needs to go after magnus and not just the other way around, you know? and maybe in this version magnus is the one who tells alec his parents used to be in the circle, not... whoever it was in canon (i think lydia? my god i really need to rewatch this show) which is one of the most important seeds that led alec to call off his wedding imo, so it would be interesting for magnus to be the one to give him that information
not that i think that's why he would tell him, i think if anything magnus would assume alec knew. so he'd be like "no offense, alec, but i don't really feel like trusting a lightwood in those times" and somehow the topic would come up because of that
hhhhhhhh that's all i have rip
feel free to add more if u want everyone
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Going Home
Highschool romances rarely led to a lifetime partner, but that was the case for Hugo and Simon. Coming out to his conservative parents in high school wasn't easy for Hugo, but Simon was worth it and it was Simon and his family who took him after he own parents kicked him out. For the first time in four years Hugo was going to see his parents. He had been against it, but Simon was encouraging. He said Hugo deserved all the love in the world. So off the went. It was spring break, their last spring break before they finished college, so the two twenty-two year-olds decided to make a small road trip from their University in Chicago back to their hometown in Owensboro.
 Hugo was nervous, he didn’t want to face a second rejection, but that wasn't why he kept stealing glances at Simon as he drove. Simon had been up half the night dealing with what seemed like the longest asthma attack in history. He had waved Hugo to bed each time he came out to check on his boyfriend who sat behind a nebulizer. Eventually they had both fallen asleep on the cheap futon in their tiny living room. Simon swore he was fine and up to the trip, but he still looked tired, his bright eyes duller than usual and when Hugo had awoken with his ear pressed to Simon's chest he could still hear a faint rattling with each breath. "What, do you want me to take over?" Simon joked as Hugo glanced over for the umpteenth time, "I'm fine. You're fine. This is going to be a good day." Hugo only mumbled under his breath making Simon laugh. He reached over from the passenger seat to rub Hugo's muscular back. "Everything is good."
 They were almost two hours into their five our trip when Simon first coughed, there was nothing but endless highway before them. This was the dullest part of the drive. Simon reached behind into the back seat to grab his duffle bag, his chin length blond hair shielding his face as he did so. When he sat back up he brushed it behind his ears and began digging through the duffle bag. "You really should keep you rescue inhaler where you can find it," Hugo chided. Simon held up the yellow inhaler with a triumphant smirk, "I knew exactly where it was." Hugo shook his head, "Sure, under all the other crap you shoved in there because no one ever taught you how to pack."
 "Don't make me laugh when I'm  trying to breath," it was a joke, but his small chuckle did lead to coughing. Simon brought the yellow inhaler to his lips and took a deep lung filling breath of the medication. The affect was immediate and he felt his heart rate pick up from the albuterol. "See? Everything is fine." He leaned over and exhaled playfully into Hugo's face, "But I do need to pee." Hugo gently pushed Simon's face away, "You do realize we have like two hours of nothing ahead of us. I can pull over?" Simon scrunched up his nose, "If I get desperate." Hugo rolled his eyes, "You're such princess sometimes." The bickered good naturedly about Hugo's 'brutish' nature and Simon's 'princess qualities' for a bit.
 Hugo was large, six foot three, broad chest, and a gym rat. In contrast, Simon was only five foot eleven. Like Hugo (because of Hugo dragging him to the gym), he was fit, but he lacked Hugo's bulk. Where Hugo was built, Simon was toned, slender. They fit perfectly together, complimented each other. Hugo was practical, organized, reliable. Simon was more care-free, spontaneous. Simon reached across the car to run his hand through Hugo's dark hair as they fell into silence.
 Silence was unusual when Simon was around, but Hugo had a lot to think about. When he got like this words just weren't enough so Simon just reminded his boyfriend that he was there, that he wasn't alone. The silence also didn’t bother Simon today, his chest was still tight. He flicked on the radio to add some background noise.
 The tightness didn’t go away and the inhaler was pulled back out. It was harder this time, hard to draw in a full breath, and the full dose of medication never made it through. He rubbed at his chest and coughed in an attempt to open his airways. Now Hugo looked away from the road, "Still?"  Simon nodded, he was beginning to wheeze. "Might be," he paused to breath, "a problem."
 Hugo may be anxious in nature, but he was good in a crisis. "Alright, hang on." With one hand still on the wheel he pulled out his phone and opened GoogleMaps. The nearest hospital was just under an hour away. He mad an illegal U-turn to switch sides on the highway, he would cut that time in half.
 Ten minutes passed and the wheezing could be heard over the radio and Simon was beginning to sweat from the effort of sucking air into his swelling airways. He tried the inhaler again, bringing it to lips, but his breaths were too shallow for the medication to do its job. "Hugh" This was the point where Hugo knew his fear was valid. Simon was scared. "Hey," he reached over and grabbed Simon's hand, bringing it to his own chest. "Just breath with me," he took slow deep breath. Simon could feel as Hugo's chest expanded and contracted, so steady, so strong. He tried to match, he did, but couldn't. Although he was beginning to heave with effort his rate of respiration increased, becoming rapid and shallow. By twenty minutes Simon's shoulder's were hunched. He had a vicelike grip on Hugo's right hand, his free hand was  at the collar of is shirt, the fingers curled around the fabric as if he dragged it downward as if exposing his neck would make breathing easier.
 Thirty minutes and the color was gone from his face, his lips were taking on a bluish tint. His breaths had turned into strained painful gasps with pauses in-between as he tried and failed to draw in more air. All the while Hugo kept talking, his voice soothing and encouraging, "You're doing good, one breath at a time." Hugo glanced at his phone, they were still fifteen minutes away, the endless highway had turned into a town. His foot pressed heavily against the accelerator. "Simon," he looked at his boyfriend whose eyes were closed, "Simon!" He shook their joined hands and Simon's blue eyes opened, he sucked in a shallow breath. "Simon if you die in this car I swear to god I am breaking up with you." Simon smiled weakly, but couldn’t speak. Their wasn’t enough air to waste on words.
 Thirty-eight minutes, they were so close. Horns honked as Hugo ran through a red light. Simon's wheezing as stopped, his eyes were half open, his head slumped against the passenger door window. The grip on Hugo's hand had gone slack. "Simon!" His chest was so still, so unnaturally still.
 The next few minutes were the longest of Hugo's life, but as he pulled into the ambulance bay he couldn’t even recall how he had goten them there. All he could see was Simon, Simon not breathing, Simon dying right beside him. The palm of his handed pounded on the car horn as he pulled in to catch the attention of anyone, anyone could help. He didn’t even bother to turn off the car before he was out and opening Simon's door.
 His boyfriend's lips were blue, his face grey, and his body was dead weight as Hugo scooped his smaller frames into his arms, carrying him bridal style inside. "He isn't breathing!" It was a small hospital, only a level four trauma center, but the staff reacted quickly. Simon was pulled from his arms and whisked away, they wouldn't let Hugo follow.
 They took Simon's now lifeless form into a trauma room, Simon would have been shocked at the number of the people in the room. One person placed an IV, one began cutting off his clothes as a third hooked him to various monitors, a fourth had an ambu bag pressed against his face trying to force oxygen into lungs, but met resistance. "He's not moving any air," a fifth person began chest compressions as the EKG he was attached to showed asystole.  With each compression on his slim frame his chest caved inward, his belly extended, again and again. "Push a round of epi and atropine." He was already at Simon's head ready to intubate, "He's swollen shut." The would have to trach him.
 As compressions continued as betadine was spread across Simon's neck and the doctor then made an incision into his trachea. A clear tube was placed into the incision forcing his windpipe open and an ambu bag attached. They had bypassed his swollen airways to get precious oxygen into his lungs. With the trach established they began to breath for him, forcing air into his oxygen starved lungs. Now with his airway secured Simon's chest rose with each artificial breath.
 Despite the fresh oxygen his heart remained still in his chest and a fresh set of arms took over compressions. When they paused for a pulse check there was no change, another round of drugs were pushed. It had been eleven minutes since he arrived.  Seventeen since he had drawn his last breath. Another pulse check and the drugs had forced his heart into a shockable rhythm. Compressions resumed while the defibrillator charged. "Clear!"
 In the hall Hugo was forced away from the trauma room. His car was still idling outside and security was forced to take his keys to move it when Hugo refused to leave the waiting area. How could he just wait? He needed to do something, needed to help. The only thing he could do was to call Simon's parents, to let them know, but doing that, it felt like a bad sign. He would call them after Simon was awake, when things were okay. Because they would be, Simon would be fine, Simon had to be fine because Hugo couldn’t live without him.
 Back in the trauma room Simon's back arched as 200 joules shot through him, his toes scrunched and then unfurled as body fell back to the gurney with a soft thumb. V-Fib still showed on the monitors. "Clear!" A second shock and again the paddles pulled his chest into the air, lifting the base of his neck clear off the gurney as his whole body jolted. His left arm slipped off the gurney and banged against the side of the gurney as chest compressions were resumed. He had fallen out of V-fib into pulseless electrical activity.
 There was tension in the air his team discussed their next steps. The doctor shone a light into his unseeing eyes, his pupils were reactive. Resuscitation efforts continued and another round of drugs were pushed. No changes were observed at the next pulse check and a fourth round of drugs as administered. His pale chest was bruised from their efforts and there a crunch with each compression. At least one rib was fractured if not broken but the nurse currently beating his heart between his sternum and his spine didn't let up her efforts. Finally, V-fib was restored and everyone stepped, but the doctor wielding the defibrillator backed away from Simon's prone body. The doctor pressed the paddles to his pale chest, "Clear!" No change. There a few beats of chest compressions as the machine charged as a fourth shock was delivered.  The heart monitor showed a spike as the charge coursed through Simon, followed by another, and another as normal sinus rhythm was returned.
 Once stable, Simon was left in a critical care room, hooked to a ventilator which continued to breath for him. Hugo wasn't permitted to see him until he was being transported to the ICU. Their reunion was brief. The site of his unconscious boyfriend lying so still and frail on the gurney, a respiratory therapist pumping an ambu bag to mechanically breath for him was frightening, but Hugo still leaned over and planted a kiss to Simon's forehead. "You scared the shit out of me," his hand found Simon's and gave it a squeeze that wasn’t returned. "I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere."
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balmerancrystalance · 6 years
the jock, the preppy and the nerd aka garrison matadashi hcs
matt and shiro meet for the first time when matt was getting bullied, trying to fight them in all his pre-serum steve rogers glory, when the roaring of a bike echoes loudly, following by someone yelling at the bully from behind to “pick someone of their own size”
shiro, taking off his helmet and hopping off the bike: hey, you alright?
matt, breathless by both the fight and the pretty boy now helping him stand up: yeah, you should’ve seen the other guy
this is why shiro has been a hero longer for matt than anyone else
shiro immediatelly becoming sam’s favorite after finding out what happened
they bond over comics, movies, memes and of course, s p a c e
they also become commander iverson’s headache
on his first try on the simulator shiro effortlessly beats the record
matt, whistling: would you look at that. soon you’re gonna have every girl in here drooling over you
shiro: *closeted gay silence*
shiro eventually comes out to matt as gay when watching love, simon on movie night, giving matt the confidence enough to come out as bisexual
matt starts to wear glasses and hates them because he thinks now he looks even more like a nerd
matt: it’s like i literally have a ‘break my nose’ sign tattooed on my forehead
shiro, without looking up from his paper: actually, the reason why you get beat up is because you wear heelies but go off i guess? besides, i think they look cute
matt: *blushes in bisexual*
a year later, the first day adam walks into class shiro’s brain short-circuits
caramel smooth skin, aurburn hair falling all over his face, golden eyes looking through the room, uniform fitting in just the right places and-oh shit, he’s coming this way, fuck fuck f u c k
adam, smiling: hi, excuse me, is that seat taken?
shiro, a gay mess™: *tentatively looking down at his lap* i-
matt, slamming his hands against the table: please, join us
just when shiro thought he survived his interaction of adam asking him for a pencil their teacher offers shiro to show to show the new kids around
teacher: i’m sure one of our best students here would love to walk you through the installations and help you getting settled down
shiro, internally: ♫ conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them knoooow ♫
adam, nudging his arm smirking: so, what you say golden boy?
*shiro.exe has stopped working and somehow got even gayer*
matt excusing himself of having to do something for the rest of the day, even tho he knows shiro knows he’s lying
matt, picking up his stuff as soon as the bell rings: i’d love to join you but you know how dad gets when i’m late and stuff but hey, have fun, yeah? gotta gay-go, i gotta go!
adam, hooking his glasses into his slightly open garrison jacket: seems like you’re stuck with me
shiro: *gay panic bass boosted x10000*
the three of them quickly become friends, adam becoming their new mediator whenever they bicker (”okay, but hear me out, what if shiro is actually six?” “for the last time, that’s not how it fucking works”), knowing for some reason shiro would always listen to him and that matt is slightly intimidated by him
shiro wears his garrison jacket out, adam wears it tucked in and matt is lucky if he remembers to wear it
adam beats shiro’s score on the simulator on his first try but he’s already way head over heels for him to be even bothered about it, too focused on adam’s smile as he comes out of the ship to hear the other kids mocking because ‘the new kid beat his score’
shiro, later that day: i guess some congratulations are in order
adam, releasing the breath he was holding: oh, thank god. i thought you’d be mad at me
shiro, smirking: well, maybe i am
adam: oh, really now? *getting closer to shiro* can i make it up to you?
matt, bursting into the room in nagisa 50% off’s voice: sup, sluts?
matt knows they like-like each other before even they do, maybe its a holt’s intuition, maybe its the fact they were the epitome of the mutual pining ao3 tag
shiro finally asks adam on a date??? he’s still not sure how it happened, like, one minute he was was talking about a meteor shower and the next one adam’s hand was on his thigh saying he would see him tonight
if he got lost in adam’s lips in the middle of the conversation, which had some information he could really use right now, no one needed to know
shiro, running around their living room in panic: what do i do?
matt, playing video games sitting upside down on the couch: use the bike, that did it for me
shiro, after getting his keys and slamming the door shut: right-wait, what?!
boy oh boy does adam love the bike
shiro: need a ride, star pilot?
adam, already hopping on the bike: i don’t know. i’m not supposed to get on bikes with strangers. no matter how hot they are
shiro, laughing: then thank god you’re an awful listener
adam, whispering on shiro’s ear, smiling: to the stars, golden boy
its cheesy and disgusting and if he tells matt he won’t hear the end of it but adam looks so pretty under the moonlight shiro doesn’t care, its just perfect
shiro: did you asked for a wish already?
adam: to every single one we saw so far
shiro: how many things could you possibly want
adam, getting closer to finally kiss shiro: well, right now? just one, you
shiro and adam go back to shiro’s room forgetting matt was there o o p s
adam, the next day: are we really going to pretend nothing happe-
matt and shiro, at the same time: yes
once its oficial, adam and matt switch rooms so he can be with shiro, matt agreeding immediately when he found out adam’s roomate droped out, meaning he had the whole room to himself
adam calls him “takashi” for the first time and shiro ascends to the astral plane
the three of them somehow graduate from the garrison with honors
adam and shiro decide to become teachers, commander iverson’s recommendation, and matt hangs around every now and then helping sam
everyfuckingone in the galaxy garrison knows they’re a thing™
shiro, knocking into adam’s classroom: professor, might i have a word?
students: oOOooOooooOoOoooOOOoOooOhhhh
years later they find out that not only matt, but shiro as well, could be part of the kerberos mission, adam nothing but excited and supportive of his two favorite boys
after a few requiered studies for the mission are done, shiro gets called back, returning a few hours later with papers in his trembling hands
matt, getting up from adam’s lap where he was solving his rubik's cube: oh, fucking finally. dude, what took you so long?
adam, getting up as well: i was starting to geeting worried. what they said?
shiro, looking down at the paper, whispering: i’m... dying
shiro doesn’t get to continue because suddenly adam is runing away, feeling like he’s going to be sick at any moment, matt motioning him with his head to go after him, that he’ll be fine and they’ll talk about it later
that same day matt gets home and walks into sam’s office, sam is on the phone with someone but immediately hungs up at the sight of his son, they don’t say anything, they don’t need to
sam just nods and matt rushes to cry into his arms as loud as he can maybe since the time he found out he was having a sister and thought it meant his parents wouldn’t love him anynmore
shiro constantly says he’s okay, but he’s not
shiro and adam start to fight
they both end up occasionally at matt’s bed in the middle of the night, shiro just being done with life and needing a shoulder to cry on, adam terrified of not knowing how much left he has left to live with shiro
if matt wakes up sandwiched between his best friends he doesn’t mind
adam and matt work with the garrison on a project to create a device that would estimulate shiro’s muscles, they know its not much but its enough to make him cry, so they take it as a win
shiro and adam keep fighting
one night while watching movies adam asks matt to bring him his glasses, since shiro was way too comfortable to move from his spot sprawled across his lap apparently, matt finding a box with an engagement ring by accident
tiny teeny baby keith becomes part of this dysfunctional as fuck gay family
matt, mocking: aren’t you two too young to raise a child?
adam, sipping his black coffee not looking up from the newspaper: i don’t know. i think we’ve done a pretty decent job with you
adam sees how good shiro is with keith and fuck he just wants k i d s
shiro and adam just keep on fighting
the night after showing pidge how sam and him communicate it hits him like a whiplash, running to the garrison to find adam to tell him the good news, that the three of them will be able to talk all the way from kerberos
but he eavesdrops by accident them fighting about adam being tired about shiro constantly putting himself in danger and finally breaking up, so he keeps it to himself
when adam and shiro started to date, matt, being the overprotective best friend he is, told adam to take care of shiro, the morning before leaving for kerberos, adam asks him to return the favor
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pepsis-trash-world · 6 years
D:BH Life after revolution
“It’s a cat”
Part 1/2
Everyone lives, everyone’s relatively happy, everyone's a big happy family who all love each other very much! Possible shipping! Let us begin;
It was Sunday and the world was quiet. The new shopping rota was complete and Simon and Markus were on their way to the supermarket. Androids didn’t need to eat, or drink, or do anything humans do, but they did. Most androids found comfort in these things. Something as simple as lying in a bed completely awake, or reading a story even though, as an intellectual being, they might already know the ending, it still gave comfort to many androids.
It gave comfort to the leaders of Jericho too. Josh and North had regular full-time jobs, whilst Markus worked from home. Simon took care of the house, cooked, cleaned and dealt with finances. Even after the revolution he enjoyed taking care of people.
On Sundays two people would go shopping. This month, week one had been Josh and Simon, the next week it was Markus and North. This week it was Simon and Markus. The two walked down the street in a comfortable silence.
"I wonder if they're at each others throats yet" Simon laughed emptily. He knew that Josh and North would be 'debating' about something stupid and he was glad he was out so he didn't have to sit through it. The two had been through so much together yet still hated each other all the same.
Markus smiled. He was calm when it came to Josh and North's incessant bickering. "I bet you any money in the world that it's to do with who has a harder job." Markus laughed, "Something real domestic."
The silence fell upon them again. Conversation bubbled when they were with the others, but when they were by themselves there was a simple, yet perfect bliss. They walked onwards.
Suddenly Simon stopped. “Did you hear that?”
“Hear what?”
Simon sped off to a bush nearby and looked slightly mad, rummaging through the leaves that popped with colour.
“Simon, what are you doing?” Markus asked with a slightly concerned tone.
“I heard something.” Simon answered not helping the worrying Markus.
“So? This is a city, if you stop every time you heard something you’d never ge-“
Simon snapped slightly, shushing the now rather offended Markus.
The blonde android carried on going through the bush, when he caught a glimpse of something ginger sparkling under the sun.
He moved the leaves out of the way to reveal a small ginger feline. It was curled up in the dirt, obviously in pain. Simon went to go pick up the cat and it made no protest. It was soft, even with the clots of dirt matting it’s fur.
“Markus" he said, practically silently, “it’s a cat".
Markus looked at Simon in a sarcastic manner, but changed it quickly, he'd been spending too much time with North and it was starting to show, “Is it hurt?”
Simon ran a diagnostic on the fluffy kitten. He then repeated his findings to Markus, “The cat isn’t an android, she’s a girl, she hasn’t got a chip and seems to be really hurt on her paws. They look... burned?” 
The shaved android sighed. He wanted to help the cat, obviously, but he also wanted to go shopping and make sure the house was still standing, with Josh alive in it. 
“We should drop it off at an adoption centre". Markus sensibly suggested, “It’ll find a nice home and stuff.”
Simon knew this was the appropriate thing to do, but a part of him wanted to at least assist with the cat’s paws before giving her in, “Let me look over her at home, then we’ll take her to an adoption centre. It’s important we make sure she can walk.” 
Markus wanted to say no to this idea, he knew that the adoption centre dealt with things like this constantly. He was about to speak up when he saw a glimpse of warmth in the other androids icy blue eyes. He was powerless to that look and Simon knew it.
“Fine”, Markus couldn’t help but smile at Simon's warm features when he said this “Only to look over her paws though.”
“Okay. It may take a while for them to heal though. We should give her a name, just for the time being” Simon suggested, still cradling the feline in his arms.
“We’re not naming her.” 
“I think we should ask North and Josh’s opinion on a name?” 
Markus laughed slightly before suggesting that the two head home to start the cat's check up.
Needless to say, North and Josh were rather surprised to see Markus and Simon enter, holding instead of shopping, a cat.
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khhunniewriting · 7 years
1000 Times Better
Tumblr media Tumblr media
You made your debut in a five-member group three years ago. You were lead vocalist and had a cute concept while the rest of your group was known for being sexy. This was because you were a very shy person. Thankfully your agency understood and listened to your wishes. Many times you would avoid being interviewed thinking your shyness would take away from the great atmosphere of any show but there were a few times you couldn’t help it.
“Hello Y/N, you are known for being shy despite being an idol who is constantly appearing on various music shows and performing all year round. Your work as a vocalist is spectacular but everyone is curious how you keep being featured in so many songs for artists from hip-hop label AOMG.”
You giggled trying to relieve yourself of the awkwardness you felt being singled out from the rest of your group. “I don’t have many friends outside of the group because of my reserved nature but I do have one very important friend in AOMG who I’ve known for a long time.”
“Really, who is it? Jay Park?”
“No” you shook your head. “I’m familiar with him now after featuring in his last album but not exactly friends. I can’t just talk to him.”
“She can’t even just talk to me” the leader of your group spoke up making the host laugh.
“Sorry” you bowed to her as if giving a formal apology. This made your entire group laugh as well. “The only person I know well enough to talk freely with is known as Hoody but she is Hyunjung unnie to me.”
A clip from Hoody’s Instagram was shown. It was of you and her singing karaoke together. It had gotten many comments from fans asking to see your wild dancing and singing more often. If only they knew Hoody had taken that video secretly. You would never do those things unless you were alone with her. 
“Is that why she was the first artist you collaborated with?”
“Now that we have you talking there is one more question that you haven’t really answered before.”
“W-which one” you stuttered making everyone laugh at your expense.
“Once your group was asked about ideal types. Everyone responded and explained their decisions. You, however, ran out of the room when your members answered for you. Now your fans want to know is Simon D your ideal type?”
“Yes,” you whispered into the mic before dropping it to your lap and covering your face with both hands.
The host gasped making a bigger deal out of the situation to get your reaction to become greater as well. “Why is he your ideal type?”
You uncovered your face for a second looking at your members for help. The youngest took the mic and began answering. “She likes his voice most of all.”
“Ah... being a vocalist you take voice into consideration.”
You nodded.
“She also thinks he’s handsome and likes when he licks his lips” she added. This made you repeat the previous time you were asked this question. You ran out of camera sight to freak out 
“Unnie” you cried to Hoody as you pulled the hood of your jacket lower to cover as much of your face as possible. “I’m sorry I talked so much about you and for saying Kiseok was my ideal type.”
“Why are you sorry about that? Unlike you, any other artist would be glad to be mentioned on programs or interviews. Everyone says who their ideal types are and think nothing of it. It’s just something fans want to know.”
A slight blush would appear on your face anytime you heard your voice on the radio and you would absolutely fall to the ground wanting to hide when you saw yourself on television. “I don’t like being attacked with questions.” You laid your head against her shoulder wanting her to comfort you.
“Y/N you did well. You are just too caught up in the little things to see it. I wish I knew a cure for shyness so I could give it to you.”
“I would gladly accept it. Maybe then I could stop my voice from cracking when they give me a solo high note.”
“Then maybe I do have a cure.”
“Really,” you asked as you instantly sat up to hear what she had to say.
Hoody nodded, “You said you would take it, correct?”
“Yes, whatever it is I will- Unnie!” You yelped as you were pulled through the hallways of the building mid-sentence.
Hoody stopped when she spotted the person she was looking for. “Oppa” she stood you in front of him and smiled. “This is my friend Y/N.”
“Hello Y/N” Kiseok politely smiled at you as you were being introduced to him.
“She’s the one who featured with Jay Oppa.”
“Oh, you’re the vocalist for that rookie idol group with all the sexy girls and the one strange girl who always does the cute concept.” 
You nodded. “Yeah, I’m the strange girl with the cute concept.” You shyly looked away feeling like you had just been rejected by him.
Kiseok flinched as he got glared at by Hoody. “I realized my mistake the instant Hoody glared at me.” 
“If you see it then learn to respond correctly.” She hit Kiseok and began arguing about him not making a good first impression. 
You shyly stood by as you saw the two bickering like siblings. You were glad to have this opportunity to meet Kiseok but you couldn’t stand it. Your eyes kept roaming the room as you tried not to stare in his direction. 
“Y/N let’s go. I don’t know what I was thinking trying to introduce you to this person.” She hooked her arm with yours and pulled you away. As you two were headed out the door you bumped into Jay who greeted you.
“Hello Y/N.”
“Hello” you greeted him formally.
“Am I that scary?” he asked. Jay had seen your last broadcast, meaning he had seen the interview where you said he wasn’t someone you could talk to. “I don’t bite you know.”
Your face began to redden with the uncomfortable situation. “No, I didn’t mean it like that” your voice went up a note making him realize he had burdened you.
“It’s cool, don’t worry” he gave you a small pat on the head. “Just try to relax and feel comfortable here.”
“Th-thank you.” 
After you and Hoody left Jay noticed Kiseok starring at him. “What?”
“What was that about?”
“She was interviewed and mentioned AOMG. She gets a lot of attention because people don’t understand how she can be an idol when she is so shy.” 
“How shy is she?” Kiseok was intrigued now. After having met you in person he could see that you were a unique character.
“She covers her face when she was asked about her ideal type.” That’s when he remembered the ending of the interview. “Oh shit” Jay looked over at the door then back at Kiseok with a grin thinking you might not be so shy after all. “Did you two talk?”
“Kind of, I called her weird so Hoody got mad.”
Jay laughed, “You are so heartless. No wonder she was stuttering. Her ideal type called her weird.”
“What?” Kiseok asked unaware of everything.
“Jagiya” Kiseok called to you knowing you were casting your eyes down because you were trying to hide the fact that you were blushing. After finding out that he was your ideal type Kiseok began looking your way. Because of your shy nature, he didn’t notice you before but he soon couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. “Come on let me see that pretty face.”
Your cheeks flared up causing you to break out into a bit of a fever.
For a second time, Kiseok looked around at the people who were in the restaurant minding their own business. Once he knew the coast was clear he quickly placed his index finger under your chin and lifted your gaze towards his. He went in for the kill and kissed you full on the lips.
There in the middle of the restaurant, there was a high chance of being seen yet you didn’t stop his actions. Instead, you went along with them and returned the favor. It wasn’t until the waitress came by that you two broke apart. To everyone’s surprise, even Hoody’s, you and Kiseok started dating. At first, it was a well-kept secret because no one even suspected the two of you could ever date. You were way too shy and in everyone’s eyes you were just a young idol who was world’s away from the cool older rapper.
You sunk into your seat after she left and had a mini panic attack. “She saw us” you saw the waitress go off towards another table.
Kiseok tried his best to keep the relationship between the two of you hidden but it was hard. He didn’t like having to hold back when in public and liked messing with you in order to see your flustered face. “How could she see us when our faces were against each other’s?”
“Oppa” you whined hiding your face in the palm of your hand.
“You are so cute” Kiseok smiled seeing how helpless you would become after one of his kisses. “It’s like I’m a big bad wolf and your just an innocent little girl who I’m taking advantage of.”
“I’m not a little girl and you should know that” you fought back. You understood why people called you innocent and sweet but you didn’t like it. You worked hard to go out of your comfort zone and show people that you may be shy and quiet but you were a woman. You danced the sexy choreography just like the rest of your group and wanted that recognition, especially from Kiseok. 
“Oh I do” he gave you a sly smirk.
For Kiseok’s new album he wanted you to collaborate with him and you agreed. When the song was released it became popular fast. There were many comments about how good the chemistry was between the two of you. It seemed like you two were actual lovers expressing your genuine feelings. The secret didn’t last long after that.
Kiseok watched your performance on Inkigayo proudly beside Hoody. She had always been a supporter of yours and watched all your performances. Now she was glad to see you had gained a new fanboy. “Kiseok Oppa Y/N told me her company might make her do a role switch now that you two are dating. They think she should do sexy and the other members do cute.”
“What does our relationship have to do with that?”
“Thanks to you, her popularity with men has spiked. She is being chosen as the ideal type. Everyone has this idea that she is innocent by day- sexy by night.”
“They aren’t wrong” he had to admit.
Hoody playfully hit him. “That is my friend you are talking about. Please don’t talk about those things.”
“What? I didn’t say anything.” Kiseok wasn’t aware of the changes that had occurred to your cute image. He wondered if you were always hiding that inside you or if he had been the cause of it. “When did this happen?”
“Seriously Oppa, you are dating an idol. You should watch some mainstream idol shows or read some of the articles.” Hoody took her phone out and began searching with your name as the keyword. “Look here’s a new one with her name and yours as keywords.” She selected the article and began reading the headline to him. “Rookie idol rapper disses veteran rapper Simon D.”
“What! Why is Y/N tagged on this one?” Kiseok snatched Hoody’s phone away and began to read through the article. She could see Kiseok was clearly upset and wanted to know why so she snatched it back. “This is mine and I want to know too. If you won’t read it out loud then I will.” She cleared her throat before beginning. “A rookie idol rapper has caused an uproar by releasing a diss track directed at veteran rapper and CEO of AOMG, Simon Dominic. In the track he criticizes the age difference between Simon and his new girlfriend, idol- singer Y/N.”
Kiseok scoffed not believing what Hoody had just read. Someone had actually dared to call out his relationship. “Just because she’s younger than me-” he starts but was cut off by Hoody as she continued to read the rest of the article.
“He continues to say: Open your eyes man, hip-hop rappers and kpop singers don’t mix. She’s only using you for the fame but then again you use her for a quick fix. We have reached out to the companies of both idols. Y/N’s company says they have no intention of addressing the subject or the person. Currently, Y/N and her group are promoting their new song and need to rest any moment they can. As for the other party involved, we have yet to hear from AOMG or Simon D himself.” After finishing the article Hoody looked to Kiseok for answers. “Oppa did you get a call or something?”
“I don’t know, I left my phone at home today.”
“It must be blowing up with calls from the media.” Hoody scrolled through the comments that were left on the article and read them to herself. After a few seconds she realized there were many similar ones. “It looks like they expect you to respond to the dis.”
The next day Hoody asked you to meet her and Kiseok at AOMG. Despite your busy schedule you made time and showed up without a clue of what they had planned. “Unnie what’s going on?” 
Hoody had been the one you met first. She had been waiting for you in front of the building. She immediately hugged you feeling like a protective mother. “How could they say those things about you.”
“Oh is that what this is about? Unnie I’m fine. The company already dealt with it and talked to his company. They took down the song and apologized.”
“That’s not good enough” Kiseok stepped in.
“Oppa” you hugged Kiseok feeling happy to see him. After promotions began you had only seen him for a few coffee dates here and there. Most of the time you were too tired and ended up just meeting him so you could sleep on his shoulder. 
He didn’t think taking down the song was enough. The damage was already done. The words had been said, heard, and repeated. “I’m glad to see you weren’t affected by that guy’s cypher.”
“I may be shy Oppa but I’m not easily hurt by words. What he said isn’t even true. I love you Kiseok Oppa and I know neither of us is using each other. Even if you are older than me I don’t think it’s bad.”
“I love you too” Kiseok kissed the top of your head knowing Hoody would complain if he started kissing you in front of her. “But people like that have to be dealt with.”
“And put in their place” Hoody added. “That’s why Kiseok Oppa will do a dis of his own and it will be 1000 times better.”
Kiseok smirked as he saw your bright inquisitive eyes looking up at him. “Of course, I won’t let anyone talk badly about the person I love.”
A/N: This was supposed to be released last week but I had an emergency and was gone since Thursday. Sorry for the delay.
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heartforheart532 · 7 years
2x11 Review
So I wanna go ahead and talk about “Mea Maxima Culpa’’ with you guys! I’ll be highlighting a few things I liked about the episode and what didn’t really do it for me, and of course you guys are all welcome to share your own thoughts in the comments down below.
This review is NOT spoiler free! If you have not seen the episode yet, then don’t click on “Read more.’’ Come back when you’ve watched it and feel free to join the discussion. (It’s quite long, prepare yourself)
Okay, before I begin this review I’m highlighting the things I did or didn’t like and then I’ll dive into them more later.
Things I liked:
1. Parabatai intro scene 2. Jimon banter 3. Debute of Sebastian Verlac 4. Azazel (For a certain part) 5. Malec (Duh) 6. Raphael’s scenes 7. Clary/Jace/Valentine scene 8 Luke/Maia bonding + Luke being one of the best Alpha’s there is. 9,. FUCKING PARABATAI’S 10. The summoning of Azazel 11. The bodyswap between Magnus and Valentine.
Things I didn’t like:
1. Climon 2. Azazel (For a certain part) 3. Ollie 4. Izzy battling her yin fen addiction  5. The Saphael scene 6. Certain parts of the bodyswap between Magnus and Valentine 7. Clary’s reaction when she found out Jace was not her brother 8. JACE FUCKING CRYING
Alright, kicking off I’ll start with the things I liked and really set the episode for me:
1. The parabatai scene: How could anyone NOT love this scene? It’s some lighthearted, playful training between to brothers and parabatai and it’s something that makes you smile. It was a great decision to put this at the beginning of the episode and how the two bantered about Jace’s issues while training. I think it really lightened the mood after the events of the Soul Sword and we all know Jace could use that.
2. Jimon banter: WHAT IS THERE NOT TO LOVE!? This scene honestly made me laugh so loud. Reasons why I love it so much is because, A) Simon really, really wants to cheer Jace up, showing he actually cares for him and B) Jace is having NONE of it, which is just funny. I saw some people found it disappointing on how he responded towards Simon but guys, don’t forget that’s what Jace is like. Besides, he does care for Simon. He just doesn’t want to show it.
3. The debute of Sebastian Verlac: I think we’re all in big trouble. We all know Sebastian is no good, and you can definitely tell something’s up with him at the end of his and Izzy’s scene, but Will plays him so, so incredibly well that I can’t help but smile when I see him on my screen and I think at that, the producers did a damn good job casting him. For this role you would want someone that looks nice, acts very sweet and would want to be someone you can trust and lean on, while in the inside, they are planning how to take you and everyone else down. Will so far is rocking the ‘’kind’’ side of Sebastian but I can not wait how he will portray the real Sebastian. All in all, I’m hyped.
4. Azazel: I pointed out in the highlights that I only liked certain parts of Azazel. The parts I liked is more his power then anything. Also the small backstory Magnus gave us on Azazel (I’m not that far with the books yet, I know. I’m a slow reader) really intrigued me and left me anticipated for what Azazel might be up to next episode. Also why DID he swap Magnus and Valentine’s bodies? I’m really curious to that. (I also really liked the plot the writers were going with here, having Magnus and Alec arrive late at the scene where Azazel was with Izzy and have them think he has her, it all fitted really well and I thought it was brilliantly written.)
5.Malec: DO I EVEN NEED TO EXPLAIN MYSELF WHY I LIKE- MORE LOVED THESE SCENES SO MUCH!? I think to me the big deal breaker is the casual kiss and touches they shared with each other. Now they are in an established relationship, we see them getting more touchy feely with one other and that is something we clearly missed in 2A. Magnus seemed to be the person that, after his family, Alec really has grown to love and this episode shows that beautifully. From the point where he just casually kisses Magnus first, to the point where he is crying out in pain and practically begs his loved one to stop Azazel and afterwards being so worried, that he wanted to go home with Magnus. (Even if it was Valentine at this point but hey, Alec doesn’t know that.) I think they work great together as a team, even if we saw them evastigating the place around the vampire den for a short amount of time.
6. Raphael’s scenes: I am so happy with the path the writers have chosen for Raphael. I love that how, when Isabelle visits him, he owns up to his mistakes, tells her to leave for her own good and refuses every single offer she throws at him. But when she leaves he knows she’s not going home so he goes to Magnus’ to warn Alec. Also, the fact that after everything Magnus welcomes Raphael with open arms and covers up the windows with his curtains really warms my heart. to me, this episode showed a more vulnerable Raphael then it did the last two seasons. He didn’t bicker with Alec, he accepted the attitude he got from him. He knew it was his fault and he’s owning up to it, while looking out for her at the same time. I think that’s just amazing. As for the Saphael scene, I loved it. I do. Him scaring Simon is just plain funny but there was one thing that had me confused, and I’ll explain that later.
7. Clary/Jace/Valentine scene: Valenitne taunting Jace about Clary and her not having a clue and Jace punching him. Sorry just. That made my day.
8. LUKE: Can we just appreciate how fucking calm Luke stays with all this going on and tries to keep his pack under control at the same time? I have so much respect for this man and I am so, so happy all is good between Maia and Luke. These two are really going to need one other these coming episodes and I’m really looking forward to see more of their bond. For the rest, I loved how he handled the Russel situation and was not afraid to fight Russel if he really would have had to. And besides, letting Russel know he’d lose if he fought with him? Fucking genius.
10. The summoning of Azazel: I really liked the summoning actually. I don’t know, I found it interesting to watch, maybe because you know that, of course, it will fo wrong and you’re anxious to see how they will fix it. I really loved Magnus’ facial performances during it and the way he used his magic. Harry Shum Jr owning the scenes like always.
11.The bodyswap between Magnus and Valentine: I. AM. SO. FUCKING. HYPED. FOR. THIS!!! I really think this is a good plotline, even though it’s not lasting long if you have seen the 2x12 promo. But guys, this is going to show us beautiful, earth shattering acting by both Harry and Alan! And I am so here for it! I don’t know how but in the 2x12 promo I can literally feel Valentine in Magnus and the other way around as well. The way Harry portray “Valentine’’ Magnus is just amazing and he is going to blow our minds once more. As for Valentine, we see a very vulnerable and scared one, we see a scared Magnus. And Alan nails that as well in my opinion, you can just feel them in each others bodies and I am so excited for it. 
Now moving on to the things I didn’t like:
1. Climon: This is not a ‘oh ew gross they’re kissing’ opinion. No, this is an opinion where I am hella pissed at Clary. Simon is voicing his worries about being a Daylighter and she just fucking keeps brushing him off, she keeps pushing his worries away instead of talking about them and it really, really rubs me the wrong way. If she wants to be a ‘normal couple’ then she should listen to Simon, not shut him up because ‘they’ve gone already through so much’ and she so desperately wants to smooch him...
2.Azazel: The only thing I didn’t really like was how when Sebastian and Jace tried to attack him he vaporated into what looked like a swarm of bugs and then disappeared. Again, I’m not firmiliar with his book charachter and I don’t know if he does it in the books but ... No, I didn’t really like it.
3. Ollie: Don’t like her. Don’t trust her. Keep an eye on her at all costs.
4. Izzy: It’s really difficult seeing our beloved Isabelle struggling like this. But I think the writers and Emeraude did a good job on showing what kicking off drugs looks like and can do to a person. Props to them. For the rest, Emeraude killed the episode in the best way possible.
5. The Saphael Scene: Okay, here I am getting to something I didn’t understand. Raphael seemed very calm talking to Simon, even when explaining about Daylighters. Then he got up in to his face and said in a very low voice “I hope so’’? I mean, what’s the deal with that? Is Raph jealous?
6. Downsides of the bodyswap between Magnus and Valentine: Mainly Malec. Alec is going to lovingly interact with Magnus, while not knowing it’s not HIS Magnus and Valentine (Read Magnus) is perhaps going to blow him off most of the time. ALos the scene where Alec is holding Magnus (Read Valentine) against the wall and tell him his sicks games are over after (?) Magnus tells him that if he loves him, he has got to believe him, really kills me on the inside. Magnus is desperate and has no way to actually prove that it’s him, except for his boyfriend. But if you watch very closely you see Alec falter when Magnus calls him “Alexander’’. No one calls him that, sure they know it’s his name but no one calls him that. Especially not Valentine. If that doesn’t cause any alarm bells to go off in Alec’s head, then I don’t know what will.
7. Clary’s reaction when she found out Jace is not her brother: I get why she is mad. That’s not my argument. What pisses me off is the way she said “Why would that ruin anything?’’ Like girl, don’t fool yourself and don’t fool Simon. He deserves better and so does Jace.
8. JACE FUCKING CRYING: Beautifully and heartfelt portrayed by Dom. And it broke me. Clary wanted him to feel something? Well congratulations, you made him cry. 
All in all, this episode had me on the edge of my seat most of the times and really sent the tone for 2B! I am really excited to see what happens next and I don’t think they could’ve kicked the Summer premiere in a better way.
See you next week, Angels!
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heoltrouble · 7 years
Ice Cream Cheat
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         "Forget it, I don’t want to talk to you.“ Your lips formed into pout, making your way exit from your bedroom, but your husband quickly blocked you.
         "Baby, I’m sorry.” He gave you puppy eyes, asking for your forgiveness. However, it was a joke at the beginning, he played with your camera along with your gear. You already warned him to be careful because it’s your favorite, but playful and careless Simon didn’t get your warn, he purposely play with your camera then something that you could predict finally happened. Your lens fell on the bed then bounced to the floor, fortunately it didn’t broke but it has scratch and chipped on the edge.
         You were aware your husband, famous rapper Simon Dominic was more than capable to buy you more expensive lens than you had, he can buy you two or three. But money wasn’t the problem, it’s your own camera which had been used when you used to be a photographer before you retired, because you marry him and dedicate yourself for your family. Surely, it has a lot of memories behind the camera and you couldn’t stay still knowing your husband scratched them.
          “No.” Your voice sounded firm and cold as you gave him hint to move from your way, you didn’t even bother to make eye contact with him.
          “Baby..” he held your hand and you slapped his hand to stop his movement to touch you.
          “Don’t baby me.” You were upset, you knew he didn’t have intention to do so but still, you needed time to compromise.
          “I promise I’ll buy you a new one, sorry okay?” He tilted his head down to check your expression, he tried to negotiate with you. He knew all his fault and he wanted to redeem his sin.
          “I don’t want your money. Oppa, move.” You gently pushed him aside so you could make your way to the kitchen. Even if you were angry, you didn’t want to be harsh to your husband. There’s no rude behavior between two of you even when one of you were angry, mostly bickering or simply silent treatment which dominating your fight.
          He moved aside and let you walked out from the bedroom. Simon sighed in relief, because he heard you called him oppa. It means you weren’t that mad, you were just upset and he knew how to make up with you.
          You glanced at your four years old son who was busy playing with his toys in the living room when you stopped by the kitchen, pouring a glass of water for yourself then sat on the kitchen bar, observing your son. Mini Jung Kiseok was too immersed on his toys, mimicking the sound of honking car as he play with his toy cars collection.
          Just then you heard Simon’s voice which feigned to sound cute and adorable, “Who wants ice cream?” He asked cutely then your son quickly responded, he ran to Simon with his toy on his hand.  
          “Me! Jungki wants to eat ice cream!” Your son squealed excitedly, asking his dad to hold him.
          Simon held Jungki in one of his arms, “okay little man, what flavor do you want?” He grinned and glanced at you with his big stupid grin. So annoying.
         "Choco!“ Jungki clapped gleefully, he loves ice cream and chocolate. He was absolutely Simon’s and yours.
          "Then daddy will eat the vanilla one~~~” he said cutely while opened the refrigerator, taking out mini cup of chocolate ice cream for Jungki and medium size cup of vanilla ice cream for himself.
         You really wanted to cut in but you didn’t, you still mad at him. However, vanilla ice cream was yours and you knew Simon was trying to get your attention by messing with you. But you were not going to provoked, so you sat still with your glass of water, watching Simon put Jungki on his high chair beside him as he sat across you.
         He opened the ice cream lid for Jungki and gave him ice cream spoon, Jungki humming in happiness while enjoying his ice cream while Simon who sat across you grinned like an idiot and licked the ice cream lid in front of you. Purposely sticking out his long tongue and dramatically licked the lid while his eyes playfully smirked when you glared at him.
         How dare he and his soft tongue—
         You shook your head, brushing off the thoughts of your husband’s skilled tongue. Jungki scooped his ice cream while humming kid’s song, whenever he feels happy he will humming his favorite song. In front of you, there were two guys whom you love till death. Despite of tons of prank and antics by your husband, you love them unconditionally.
          Simon smacked his lips, savoring a delicious vanilla ice cream which supposed to be yours, not him. You glared at him, warning him to not messing up with you. But he only shrugged innocently and mouthing, ‘what?! I’m eating ice cream~’
          And he licked his spoon in sensual move causing you cringe inwardly.
          You rolled your eyes, ignoring your mischievous husband. But his plump pink sexy lips attracted you, there was rest of ice cream on the edge of his lips which he let it be that way, he was trying to seduce you. Well, he knew you well. If you weren’t mad, you’ll absolutely volunteer yourself to lick his lips without hesitation. But you were mad and you had to be tough.
           "Baby, is it delicious?“ You asked your son who ate his ice cream in a mess, ice cream was all over on his lips and cheeks, but he looked cute and adorable.
           "Uhum!” He nodded furiously, making you smile.
           "Mommy, do you want ice cream?“ Jungki asked you back which made you quite surprised, your son well known as miserly when it comes to ice cream. Looks like he changed his mind, he wanted to share with you.
           You clapped your hand in excitement, "sure!”
           "Then daddy, please give your ice cream to mommy.“ He said nonchalantly, commanding his dad to feed you ice cream. Jungki was still the same.
           You shook your head weakly, giving sign to Simon to not feed you. But Simon really tested your patience, he scooped the ice cream and stick out his spoon to you, ready to feed you.
           You frowned, signaling that you dislike his action.
           "Baby, aaaa—” Simon said while opened his mouth widely when he said aa-, buying Jungki’s attention.
           Jungki looked at both of you, expecting your lovey dovey scene as usual. You had no choice except opened your mouth and let Simon to feed you. The ice cream was good but Simon needed to get smack on his lips— you mean on his arms.
          “Where’s the kiss?” Your son asked.
          “Eh?” you looked at Simon, confuse.
          “I always kiss mommy when I say thank you..” he said innocently, not knowing that his parents were in the world war.
          Oh, Lord.. Your son was also on Simon’s side.
          Simon smirked in victory, “That’s right, kiss daddy since daddy shared ice cream with mommy~” Simon nodded in agreement, supporting your son.
          You glared at your husband, giving him a don’t-mess-with-me look.
          “Babe..” he pointed at his lips and winked, teasing you.
          This guy—
          “Your son’s waiting us, come on..” he winked his eyes cutely, having fun flirting with you. His lips were so tempting but you needed to hold yourself, you didn’t want to fall in his trap easily. At least not this soon, probably tonight you would reconciled with him and do kind of make out.  
         “Mommy, do you hate daddy?” Jungki frowned at you.
         No no no, rule number one in this house was; do not include Jungki in your quarrel with Simon. You quickly shook your head and,“Huh— of course not, baby. Mommy loves daddy.” Then a forced sweet smile appeared on your lips.
         Simon smirked, watching you. He leaned his back deeper on the chair and raised his eyebrows, full of confident. He patted his lap then opened his arms, welcoming you.
         “Then come to daddy~”
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