#he also has coconut peat
deathbypufferfish · 5 months
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Here's Coconut Pete in a coconut (real)
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lookwhatilost · 2 years
since apparently i’m the dril nasa tweet but with fad internet diets today, how about we move on to ray peat and raw egg nationalism? i feel like those two are very Right Now, Of This Moment.
ray peat seems to have been toiling since the 60s. his early supporters seemed to be people who were very into holistic medicine, but not as new age fruitarians tend to be. i think he got popular mainly because the dissident right was penetrating the mainstream at around the same time – bap mentions him in bronze age mindset. i really regret not digging more into the archives of dr internet sources to see what the history of this is. he’s been kind of reappropriated by so many hippie trends that used to be associated with left wingers.
what’s interesting with him too is that while a lot of the things i’ve been talking about in this series of posts are codified diets (proana need not apply obviously), peatism isn’t. on the forums, people create meal plans, but there’s no clear “what to eat, what not to eat”. it’s closer to a worldview, almost. which i guess is why he doesn’t like it when people call it the ray peat diet. he was just promoting eating for hormonal, metabolic thyroid health, not necessarily weight loss – more concerned with having energy, so it’s not anti-sugar. some of the meme peatist food items are orange juice, ice cream, that carrot salad that’s all over tiktok. he’s also really against seed oils and polysaturated fatty acids and pufas, whatever those are. there’s the thing about cooking with coconut oil or ghee instead of vegetable oil, but there’s no set in stone diet because of how against scientific determinism he was.
as for raw egg nationalism, drinking raw eggs has been a thing in the fitness community for a while, but raw egg nationalist took this and made it a persona. this article has a pretty good summary of the ethos:
The premise is simple really, we are nationalists of a variety that emphasize the health and vitality of the nation-state and all who live in it. The corrupted toxic food supply is an outgrowth of the large-scale low-quality mindset of globalism that has no concern other than the bottom line. No loyalty to the health and vitality of the country or anyone in it. 
correct me if i’m wrong, but it feels more like a political movement? it’s not actually suggesting that you only slonk eggs, that’s more symbolic? slonking eggs has been demonized, salmonella has been overstated, cholesterol has been overstated, reclaim the egg.
a lot of people think raw egg nationalist is a grifter. i don’t think he is – if you’re a writer, it’s sort of a necessity to be selling something. and he’s consistent. i listened to an interview with him, and he seems genuine. it does seem like a weird rebellion, though. like it’s a “fuck you” on top of a health thing.
The egg is symbolically balanced between the Apollonian solar (yolk) and the Artemisian lunar (white). The masculine virilizing nutrients are found almost entirely in the yolk. Those who are in the cult of Apollo will recognize this importance. The symbolism of the raw is a middle finger to the establishment which has long propagandized that raw eggs are dangerous. That a spoonful of raw cookie dough will almost certainly result in a painful death-by-Salmonella. 
sure, dude
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greatkrypton · 3 years
     ROOFTOP FARMING: GROWING A GREENER FUTURE FOR METROPOLIS may not be the most ambitious story of Clark’s career — it’s certainly not headline-worthy, especially when compared to the one Lois mentioned she had while already halfway out the door this morning — but it’s his favorite kind to write. Darrisha Williams was on a woman on a mission: to create a steady supply of fresh, locally-grown fruits and vegetables for the city’s food pantries and residents in need despite the lack of land and soil available. She’s already set up an agreement with a delivery company to bring crates of her produce to an apartment in Southside!
     If Williams isn’t a story worth telling, well, then Clark doesn’t know what would be.
     He’s eating one of the aeroponics-grown strawberries ( “intensely flavored and resplendently red,” he’d jotted down in his notepad ) when he hears it: far off in the distance, something is falling through the sky and it’s heading their way! Clark looks at Williams, who's explaining how her organization uses coconut fibre as a substitute for peat, and makes the quick decision to interrupt: “E-excuse me, Miss Williams, but what about the vegetables over there? Could you tell me a little more about them, please?”
     Clark walks towards the plot he gestured to, but ‘trips’ into Williams and sends her tumbling onto a large bag of the coco coir she’d been talking about — not the most graceful means of maneuvering her out of harm’s way, he admits, but a few minor cuts ( if even that ) are better than the alternative — and stands ready to catch the thing that’s hurling towards them. He’s finally able to identify it as a large piece of debris, likely from an aircraft, and catches it with both hands, the terminal velocity behind the scrap of reinforced metal pushing him back.
     Dropping the debris to the ground with a heavy ‘thud,’ Clark moves to throw himself onto the floor to make it appear as if he’d also fallen when he ‘tripped’ into Williams, but in his rush to do so, slides his foot against a large hose and loses his balance, causing him to fall backwards and off the rooftop they had been conducting their interview on. Shaking his head, Clark prepares to fly back up to the roof ( maybe make it look like he’s ‘pulling’ himself back up from the edge so it’s not as suspicious ) only to spot Williams peering down at him from above.
“OH MY GOD!” she practically shrieks. “CLARK!”
     Oh, that poor woman.
     Now that he has an audience, Clark starts screaming and flailing his arms and legs about as he lets himself fall. If he’s able to spot a flagpole or gargoyle on the way down, then he can 'steer’ himself so his clothes catch the end of it; or maybe once he’s fallen down far enough where he’s completely out of her view, he can fly away and return as Superman to reassure her he’s safe...
“Oof!” Clark’s thoughts are interrupted by the very unfamiliar sensation of being caught in midair. Blinking, he glances up at his savior to find a very familiar face.
“Superboy! I sure am glad you were around to catch me! I, uh, don’t suppose you’d mind sparing a moment or two for a short interview, would you?”
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“After you’re done saving the day, I mean,” Clark adds with a lopsided smile.
     It looks like he might have a front page story for Perry, after all. But first, this looks like a job for Superboy and Superman!
look! up in the sky! it’s a bird! it’s a plane! it’s @supermantm​​​!
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net4news · 3 years
Bengaluru institute on a mission to improve turmeric cultivation through soil-less agriculture
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Soil-less agriculture could be the solution to increasing the yield and quality of turmeric cultivation in India, says this Bengaluru-based expert
For CV Prakash — a former naval officer who is also recognised as an expert in soil-less agriculture — making turmeric (Curcuma longa) more profitable for the ordinary farmer has become a passion during lockdown. His ongoing Mission Turmeric 2021 aims to begin an “orange revolution”, he says, by teaching people to cultivate the spice in grow bags (large porous containers made of high density polyethelene) packed with coco-peat (made from the pith of the coconut husk) instead of soil, in shade houses. Introduced to soil-less agriculture after he migrated to Australia in 2000, Prakash brought his interest back to his homeland in 2008. He has trained over 10,000 people in cultivating different crops using hydroponics and other soil-free alternatives at his CV Hydro training centre, which functions under the auspices of Aggragannya Skills, Bengaluru. With the lockdown bringing things to a standstill last year, and being unable to travel to Australia as usual, Prakash finally had the time to research the cultivation of turmeric. “My friend had sent around eight kilograms of seed rhizomes of Tiger Claw Salem variety turmeric (grown in Erode) last February. I planted 60 grams of seed each in 100 grow bags, substituting coco-peat for soil. The results were amazing,” says Prakash.
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Encouraging results
Analysis of the crop in its sixth month by the Eurofins Lab, known for its work in bio-analytical testing, showed a curcumin content of 5.91% — nearly double of what it would be in a nine-month growing cycle. “Normally Salem turmeric does not give more than 3% curcumin content, so this was an eye-opener,” says Prakash. Curcumin is a bright yellow phenolic compound that has been in the news for its potential to fight cancer. As a result, the demand from pharmaceutical companies for high curcumin turmeric has risen to 58% of the global market share in recent years, according to research cited by the Trade Promotion Council of India. . The increased yield was another breakthrough. “In the sixth month when we harvested the crop prematurely, we got 4.45 kilograms of turmeric from one single grow bag. At the end of the seventh month, we had 6.44 kilograms, and in the final harvest, we got 8.17 kilograms of turmeric from a single plant,” says Prakash. As a bonus, no traces of heavy metals were found, making the crop a saleable product from the get-go. “Erode farmers usually get 500-600 grams of turmeric per plant in conventional farming. Our method gives a bigger yield, and its high curcumin rate makes it a valuable cash crop for farmers,” says Prakash. “When you grow turmeric on a field, in a harvest of around seven tonnes, at least four tonnes are wasted due to poor quality or pestilence. In our method, not even a milligram of turmeric went bad. This has got to do with many factors, because soil-less agriculture is a very deep science. But I’m still not happy; the yield can definitely be 10-11 kilograms per grow bag,” says Prakash. A spicy curative - Turmeric is a staple of the Indian kitchen shelf. - This perennial herbaceous plant of the ginger family (Zingiberaceae) has many uses in South Asia, in both fresh and powdered form. - When it is not lending its nutty aroma to food as a spice, turmeric (also known as haldi or manjal) is a skincare ingredient and a key additive in traditional medicines for a diverse range of ailments. - During COVID-19 pandemic, its reputation as a panacea has gained credence, especially since turmeric-infused milk was recently listed as an immunity boosting food by the Indian Government. - India is the world’s biggest producer of turmeric, (centred in the states of Telangana, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Arunachal Pradesh and Orissa ). At least 30 varieties of cultivars are grown in the country. - Approximately one million metric tonnes of turmeric was produced in 2020, with COVID-19 and unseasonable rains hitting the export market and pushing up prices locally.
Orange mission
Launched in January 2021, Mission Turmeric 2021 currently has a growing area of 1,28,000 square feet. Around 15 pilot projects featuring eight varieties of turmeric are underway in stretches of 500 and 1,000 square feet growing areas, while three ventures based on one acre each, are looking at commercial cultivation. “We have trained 18 people in Mission Turmeric 2021 through webinars, and have started a ‘watch and learn’ programme for people who could not make it to this year’s growing season (which began in May). I will be mentoring the applicants, besides sharing video lesson on all aspects, from pre-seeding to harvest,” says Prakash. Growers from different parts of India who are part of the project have to observe and report parameters like leaf length and width, stem diameter and height of the plant daily to Prakash. “All the monitoring is done by pure observation. I am a very conservative farmer; I believe you cannot remove the human from the equation in agriculture,” says Prakash. To encourage farmers, CV Hydro has been offering to buy back the turmeric, with rates ranging from ₹18 per kilogram of finger wet rhizomes up to ₹100 per kilogram for dry polished mother rhizomes.
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CV Prakash has been researching the soil-less cultivation of turmeric at his training centre in Bengaluru.   | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement; CV Hydro “If the cost of production is ₹12 per kilogram, and the wet turmeric finger rhizome is sold at ₹20, then the gross profit is ₹8 per kilogram in India. But international pricing of this miracle plant ranges from ₹500 to ₹5,000 per kilogram. The farmers can really earn well if they cultivate turmeric through soil-less agriculture,” says Prakash. Chennai resident R Srinivasan, who got interested in soil-less cultivation after trips to the US, attended a two-day course at CV Hydro to learn the technique. He has been using the method to grow tomatoes, cucumber and other greens for the past three years. “Soil-less agriculture helps the grower to maintain a healthy root zone. The full potential of the plant can be achieved with careful monitoring because it is easier to manage diseases during the cultivation,” he says. Niharika Deora of Mumbai decided to try soil-less agriculture after college studies and trained under Prakash. “I have already cultivated exotic flowers and vegetables on an 800-square feet plot on a building’s terrace. Soil-less agriculture isn’t labour-intensive, and can be a good business opportunity if done with the right skills and knowledge,” she says. Farmers agree though, that soil-less agriculture cannot be treated as a magic solution. Besides the high initial investment, the method requires practice in order to succeed. “Growers need to manage the various parameters more meticulously as compared to soil-based cultivation. And despite the good results, there is no premium pricing for the produce from hydroponics,” says Srinivasan. Having taught innumerable home growers about soil-less agriculture, Prakash says the results of Mission Turmeric showed him the importance of reaching out to the nation’s farming community. “More farmers should take up soil-less agriculture, because it can help them to grow healthier crops in the long run. This is the difference between lab and applied science,” he says.
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bigbasementchaos · 3 years
Are You Using The Best Soil For Bonsai?
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Well draining soil for bonsai trees
 Are you using the best soil for bonsai? The answer lies in the soil’s drainage.
 While a lot of plants love dense, rich orgainic soil, bonsai trees need a mix of good soil and grit to allow water to be helf BUT also drain away without the roots rotting. 
 What does that look like? Let’s break this down in this article.
In this post you’ll learn the perfect bonsai tree soil recipe and where to buy the components.
 I do most of my bonsai gardening in containers, both indoors and outdoors, rather than in the ground.
 Selecting soil for these containers can be a challenge.
 Over the years, I’ve done a lot of research about the best type of soil for bonsai tree container gardens, I’ve tried quite a few approaches, and found that some of them work much better than others. 
 In fact, I’ve learned that, while improper watering of bonsai trees is a major cause of bonsai deaths (learn how to water properly here), the correct soil is a much bigger contributing factor than people realize.
   What Is “Good” Bonsai Tree Soil?
Let’s start by talking about what you should be looking for in a bonsai soil.
 The best soil for bonsais in pots will hold enough water for them to absorb what they need, but still dries out quickly so the roots won’t rot.
 Bonsais absorb water from the air around them, not through direct contact.
 Constantly sitting in wet soil causes their roots to rot, because they get too much water–eventually, the cells in the roots and leaves fall apart, causing the plant to die.
 Several environmental factors can cause soil to dry out, so different types of soil will be best-suited for different growing areas.
 The area where you live, as well as the location where you keep your bonsai trees, will play a role in determining what type of soil your bonsais need.
 The Perfect Indoor Bonsai Soil
 As mentioned earlier, I grow a lot of bonsais indoors. Since indoor environments don’t offer as much air circulation around indoor pots, I’ve found that using the right soil is extremely important for the health of indoor bonsais.
 I highly recommend using a soil with a large particle size, roughly 1/4″ or 6mm. I learned all about particle size, and the role it plays in well-draining soils, by reading various forums.
 One article, gave a recipe for soil that works extremely well for indoor bonsais. I used to make the soil myself (since it was not available pre-mixed). The recipe combines:
·         1 Part Pine Bark Fines
·         1 Part Turface (an absorptive rock)
·         1 Part Crushed Granite
Why it works
 Bonsai trees will grow in a variety of soils, but I want to go over why this soil works and why you should use it.
 The pine bark provides an organic element and holds water–but it has air pockets for ventilation. As a bonus, it takes a long time to break down. The Turface absorbs some of the water and slowly releases it.
 Crushed granite allows the water to flow among all the particles in the pot. Since the mix is very porous, water flows out easily. Plus there’s plenty of air, which means the roots are not left sitting in soggy soil or pools water like traditional potting soil.
 The really crucial part of the recipe, though, is to make sure all the particles are roughly 1/4″ in size. It’s a lot of work to screen gallons of soil to get uniform-sized particles!
 Pre-mixed option
 Mixing this soil recipe, myself was time consuming and quite a challenge. But you’re in luck! You can now buy a ready-to-go bag of this soil from Bonsai Jack.
 He’s an expert when it comes to soil, and this mix in particular is amazing for bonsai trees.
   The particle size and consistency of the Bonsai Jack mix are exactly right for indoor bonsais.  For example, while Turface is usually only available in 1/8″ particles, Jack has been able to get a 1/4″ size, specifically to use in this mix.
 I highly recommend using this Bonsai Jack Bonsai Soil for your indoor bonsai trees. Especially if you tend to over water, this soil will help your bonsais thrive!
However, if you’d rather not purchase this “gritty mix” online, it is possible to make it yourself.  You should be able to find the ingredients at most nurseries.
 Turface is also found at most auto parts stores as a product called “Oil-dri,” which mechanics use to clean up oil spills.
 If you don’t have access to these exact materials, you can substitute other ingredients. Just keep in mind the ratio of inorganic to organic material needs to stay the same.
 For example, if you use another type of bark, make sure you mix in another type of rock (such as pumice) as well. The really critical piece, as I mentioned above, is to ensure that the particle size is always roughly 1/4″ or 6mm.
 Soil for Outdoor, Potted Bonsai Trees
 If you’re growing bonsai trees outdoors, on the other hand, the Bonsai Jack Bonsai Soil may or may not be the right fit for you.
 Since most of my bonsai experience has been in Queensland, where the weather is generally quite dry and hot in the summers, I found that using the Bonsai Jack mix worked fairly well outdoors, but it required me to water my bonsais more regularly, sometimes in a hot summer, this could be every other day.
 I’m not great at remembering to water, so this mix required too much maintenance for me. Instead, I’ve been using a mix of Coconut Coir and pumice (or Turface, or crushed granite, depending on what I have most easily available).
 ·         1 Part Coconut Coir
·         1 Part Pumice
I wouldn’t use coir indoors, as I discovered it didn’t dry out fast enough for most of my bonsais. However, it’s great for outdoors in warm, dry climates.
The added pumice, which is also lightweight, allows the soil to drain a little faster without drying out too quickly.
 What about the bagged boxed mixes at hardware stores?
 If you aren’t able to find any of the soil components listed in the recipes above, the next best solution is to pick up a bag of “bonsai and miniture tree mix” at your local Bunnings, Home Hardware or Mitre 10 store.
 This soil works fairly well for bonsais. However, it doesn’t drain very well, and it tends to repel water when it’s completely dry. I highly recommend adding in a rock material such as pumice, crushed granite or even perlite.
 Do I need to repot my bonsai trees right now?
 If your bonsais are currently doing well in the soil they’re in, don’t repot just yet. As I said in the beginning, the right soil for your bonsai tree depends on your climate, as well as the location in which you keep your plants.
 In other words, if it’s working… stick with it.
 On the other hand, if you’ve found that your bonsais are frequently dying, and you can’t quite figure out what’s going wrong, soil is a great place to start.
 While replacing your soil mix may not solve all your problems, your bonsais will be much happier in a soil that drains well and has plenty of air flow around the roots.
 Repot new bonsai trees in new bonsai soil
As soon as you bring home a new bonsai, repot it in new soil as soon as possible, removing most of the soil from the store pot. Many common problems with bonsais come from keeping bonsais in their original store/plant nursery-bought soil.
 Soil from the store poses two main problems. First, bonsai trees purchased locally tend to be root bound (meaning the roots are filling up most of the pot). If you simply remove the bonsai and place it in a new pot, the roots will have a hard time spreading.
 Second, most nurseries sell bonsai trees in soil that is not designed for long-term growth. Or at least not long term anywhere other than a greenhouse.
 This is because large nurseries and growers generally use the same soil for all their plants. They want a soil mix that will work for most anything. When bonsai trees are small, they need more water, so a dense soil (like regular potting soil) works at that stage.
But leaving bonsais in this soil for too long can quickly cause a bonsai to rot–or in some cases, prevent it from getting the water it needs.
Peat moss is the primary ingredient in most potting soils. When the moss dries out completely, it tends to repel water.
 If you don’t let the water soak on top of the soil and start to penetrate the peat, the bonsai won’t get any water. The water simply runs down the sides of the pot and out the bottom.
 So please, for the health of your bonsai, replant them as soon as you can after purchasing. They will greatly appreciate the healthy new soil and room for their roots to spread.
 The soil you use for your bonsai is just as important as the frequency of your watering.
 Take a moment to examine the soil you’re using for your bonsai tree, and see if you a change might be in order.
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goodnewsjamaica · 6 years
Jamaica Ya Man! Travels to The Land of Bob Marley
New Post has been published on https://goodnewsjamaica.com/travel/jamaica-ya-man-travels-to-the-land-of-bob-marley/
Jamaica Ya Man! Travels to The Land of Bob Marley
Negril, with the longest, continuous stretch of white sand beach in Jamaica, is where the ganja cookie crumbles at a laid-back pace. My husband and I flew into Jamaica’s Montego Bay airport and drove to Negril, about two hours away. Adult-only hotels are tucked into rocky overlooks. Nudist beaches make suntans seamless. Smooth sands give silently beneath bare feet for miles and miles. The white velvet spreads into the ocean where fish dart around in the warm, clear waters. Music drifts down the beach like ganja smoke filling the lungs. Euphoric Negril is a playground of the true lover.
We stayed in the Charela Inn, that is situated right on the beach – one that the owner and hotelier Daniel Grizzle has zealously safeguarded.  Together with his wife (now deceased) the couple forced the Government to shelve plans to mine peat in the Great Morass area in the 1980s, which, according to scientists, would have ruined the legendary seven-mile beach and turned the area into a desert.  
The Charela Inn itself is very attractive and in the center of all action. Each room has either a private patio or a private balcony. Our room overlooked the freshwater pool. The white sand and crystal-clear waters of Negril’s beach, which made it to underwater photographer Tanya Burnett-Palmer’s Top 10 List for CNN Travel, were just steps away.
The best snorkeling spots for beginners are offshore and not accessible from the beach. As someone who cannot swim, I was worried as I scrambled into Captain Mike’s glass-bottom boat. We zoomed to the middle of the [sea] where the live corals sway and Captain Mike led me gently into the waters. As we floated together, he pointed out brain corals and sea urchins. Angelfish, boxfish and goatfish nibbled at my fingers as they ate the breadcrumbs offered to them.
I could have snorkeled for hours enjoying the stunning underwater landscape made by the coral in a rainbow of colors. Some of the most common coral and reef species include green- and purple-base anemone, red cauliflower-, flowerpot-, star- and bubble coral.
Is Life a Jerk for the Vegetarian?
Much to the delight of my vegetarian husband, we discovered that Rastafarian food is Ital or vegetarian, with lots of green vegetables, no milk, no meat and no salt. Perfect at breakfast is ackee, a fruit that obligingly pops open when it is ripe. Ackee looks and tastes like bhurjee or soft scrambled eggs when cooked with onions and tomatoes. Collard greens look-alike callaloo, and doughnut look-alike “festival bread” or dumplings complete the breakfast.
An experience in color and flavor is created by combining bright orange squash, with yellow curried ackee, and yellow plantain.  Scallion, thyme, garlic, onion, pimento, tomato and curry powder are all common seasonings in Rastafarian food.
For meat-lovers, jerk-seasoned grilled chicken, pork and fish are served with a spicy sauce. Fish prepared escovitch-style is seasoned, fried and marinated with a peppery, vinegar-based dressing made colorful with julienned bell peppers, carrots and onions. Goat and other meats are curried too. Beans cooked with coconut milk and vegetables are served with rice. Standard sides include steamed plantains, yams, sweet potato and breadfruit.
Fruits are plentiful in this tropical paradise. We sampled a variety of mangoes at the local market.  In addition to a local one called “Julie” there were East Indian varieties. Sadly, a mango called “Bombay,” which we were told was the sweetest of them all, was not available. Nesberry, familiar to us as sapota or chickoo, also made a delightful snack.
Red Stripe beer, brewed in Jamaica, and rum are the alcoholic beverages of choice on the island. A number of souvenir shops offer rum tastings. “The locals have small shots of rum through out the day,” said the shop assistant at one, where we stopped for a sample. Soursop, a member of the sitaphal or custard apple family, added tang and smoothness to a cocktail with rum and coconut cream. We washed our day down with chilled coconut water sipped from the shell and sugarcane juice freshly squeezed by the roadside.
We drove back from Negril to Montego Bay where we stayed in “Polkerris,” a well-appointed and luxurious bed-and-breakfast, owned by the Bennetts.  Jeremy Bennett came to Jamaica in 1962, fell in love with the island and his partner Clarissa, whom he married in 1970. Needless to say, he never left. The Bennetts host guests in their beautiful country house, which is just a ten-minute stroll from the restaurants and clubs of the Gloucester Avenue Hip Strip, Doctor’s Cave Beach and the Aqua Sol Theme Park. As a guest put it, you really will feel like you are visiting your rich relatives in Jamaica.
Tale of the East Indian and the Rastafarian
The National Museum West in downtown Montego Bay is a treasure trove of information about the history and culture of Jamaica. With respect to the Rastafarian story however, the Museum tells an incomplete tale.
Classified as both a new religious- and social movement, the Rastafari culture developed in Jamaica during the 1930s when Ras (Chief) Tafari was crowned the King of Ethiopia. The Indian cultural influence on the Rastafarian movement is undeniable. A Kingston couple Laxmi Mansingh and Professor Ajai Mansingh outline the connection between the Rastas and the Indian culture in Home Away From Home: 150 years of Indian presence in Jamaica. The Rastas are vegetarian, family-loving people, who worship the Goddess Kali. They wear their hair like the sadhus of India (devotees of Lord Shiva) and like them, smoke marijuana, which the Rastas also call ganja.
The first Rasta, Leonard P. Howell, took the spiritual name “Gong Guru” or Gongunguru Maragh (Gangunguru Maharaj), say Stephen Davis and Helen Lee in their book The First Rasta: Leonard Howell and The Rise of Rastafarianism. The name Gongunguru is a combination of three Hindi words – gyan (wisdom), gun (virtue), and guru (teacher). Howell started a community called the “Pinnacle,” which was especially known for the cultivation of cannabis, which has religious significance for the Rastafarians.
In the early to mid-nineteenth century, the British recruited Indians – from the tribes in the hills of Eastern India and from the Central provinces of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh – into the sugar colonies. For the indentured black population, the new Indian laborers seemed kindred spirits; their struggles had the empathy of the Rasta. Solidarity was soon established between the communities, both of which were brutalized economically and politically. The Rastafarian culture appears to be a result of the synthesis of these cultural interactions.
The Jamaican dancehall music – which also reflects the merging of East Indian and West Indian influences – is based on themes of survival, suffering and struggle, that inner-city black Jamaicans face on a daily basis, albeit in a more aggressive idiom than the Rasta-inspired reggae. Songs such as “Suhani Gyul” bring a smile to one’s lips as they seek their inspiration from old Bollywood songs and produce a Chutney remix – Arti & Zoelah’s Wine Up on Me.
The Jamaican motto is: Out of Many, One People; unfortunately, both Indo-Jamaicans and Rastafarians downplay each other’s influence, as they look outside the borders of Jamaica towards their mother countries – India and Africa.
Interestingly Edwards, the black security guard outside Ivans Bar, who after careful consideration, decided we were Indian, went on to share that his great-grandfather was Indian.  He proceeded to tell us the story of Bahubali and so immersed was he in the whys and wherefores of the movie that when our taxi came Edwards was very disappointed to see his audience leave.
How to Speak like a Jamaican
English is the official language of Jamaica, but the majority speaks a form of English Creole or “Patois” (pr. patwa). Patois was derived out of a need to communicate between peoples who did not share a common language, the English masters and the slaves.
Here are standard greetings that can be heard around the island:
Waa gwaan? –     What’s going on?
Waddup”       –     What’s up?
Yo                 –      Hey!
One love       –      An expression of unity, love and respect for all. One love, my brudder. One love, Sistreen!
From the time Christopher Columbus first set foot on Jamaica on May 6th, 1494, the island has seen increasing traffic year after year. All-inclusive hotels attract tourists in large numbers. “Enjoy the white beaches and chilled attitude before the island is run over completely,” says our driver Phillips as we head back to the airport, “Fo you can be shore that is coming.”
Yaw so nice, Jamaica!
~To book your room at the Polkerris in Montego Bay, please visit: www.montegobayinn.com.
~Guha Shankar’s book “Imagining India(ns): Cultural Performances and Diaspora Politics in Jamaica” provided good insight.
~Phillips, our fabulous driver in Montego Bay, can meet you at the airport and drive you around.  He can be reached on Whatsapp at 1 (876) 447-0904.
By: Ritu Marwah
Original Article Found Here
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alicecpacheco · 5 years
Studies Show Charcoal Toothpastes Do NOT Whiten Teeth
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  JADA (the Journal of the American Dental Association) has performed an analysis on over 100 articles covering charcoal toothpaste.  Their conclusion was that "there was “insufficient clinical and laboratory data” to support charcoal toothpaste’s safety or effectiveness, and warned dentists and patients to “be cautious” in using them."
Also recently the BDJ (British Dental Journal) performed a study that determined charcoal based toothpastes are a “marketing gimmick” with no scientific evidence to support claims they whiten teeth.  One of the study’s co-authors Dr. Joseph Greenwald-Cohen had the following to say:
"When used too often in people with fillings, it can get into them and become difficult to get out," Dr Greenwall-Cohen said. "Charcoal particles can also get caught up in the gums and irritate them." He said charcoal toothpastes and powders were more abrasive than regular toothpastes, potentially posing a risk to the enamel and gums. The charcoal contained in today's toothpastes is usually a fine powder form of treated charcoal, the review says. Charcoal can be made from materials including nutshells, coconut husks, bamboo and peat, and possibly wood and coal. Prof Damien Walmsley, from the British Dental Association, said: "Charcoal-based toothpastes offer no silver bullets for anyone seeking a perfect smile, and come with real risks attached. "So don't believe the hype. Anyone concerned about staining or discoloured teeth that can't be shifted by a change in diet, or improvements to their oral hygiene, should see their dentist."  
The JADA study can be accessed here and the BDJ study is discussed in this article on the BBC website.
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Common natural anti aging tips
Keep Your Body Young With These Tips
Anti-aging tips for naturally minded folks can help you stay young and healthy. We’d all love to live to be healthy and wrinkle-free in our 90s, but the truth is, nothing can stop us from aging. This is particularly true in today’s world, which is plagued with aging catalysts like environmental toxins, foods filled with chemicals, poor nutritional values, and dangerous temptations. However, we can keep the aging process from moving at an accelerated pace by making better choices.
Anti Aging Tips
Several successful aging studies have shown that lifestyle choices are two-thirds what predicts how well we age.  We’ve all heard the common anti-aging tips: • Eat tons of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins • Lower your alcohol intake • Stop smoking • Exercise regularly • Stay out of the sun • Drink a LOT of water • Meditate
These are all great, but there’s even more we can do. And you don’t have to take synthetic supplements or smear unpronounceable artificial ingredients on your skin to do it. Many of the prominent anti-aging products on the market are packed with harmful chemicals that ultimately make you age faster. Take advantage of nature’s best ingredients and prove that you can age successfully. Here are seven natural anti-aging secrets you can adopt now:
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Anti-aging Tips #1: Start Using Ozonated Oils
The human body is built to detox through the skin, and oxygen is a vital factor in this process. In the past 200 years, the oxygen level has dropped by nearly 20 percent in most places. One of the best ways to get more oxygen into your system is through ozonated oils. They moisturize your skin, improve the appearance of fine lines and age spots, work to calm skin conditions like eczema, fight infections like gingivitis or athletes foot, and heal cuts, burns and stings. PurO3, America’s “leader in ozonated oils,” infuses a variety of oils with ozone, an agent that restores the skin’s natural beauty while oxygenation cleanses and heals the skin. PureO3 combines ozone with different oils that have so many benefits to produce their preservative-free creams. For example, jojoba oil is a natural antioxidant that can help protect your skin from free radicals and reduce skin inflammation. It also reduces fine lines and hydrates your skin without clogging your pores. This oil has been blended with powerful anti-aging bee pollen and bee’s wax in HoneyColony’s No3urish.
Anti-aging Tips #2: Never Underestimate The Power Of Aloe Vera Aloe vera is rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, and water. Its high water content makes it a great moisturizer and hydrator for your skin, but Aloe Vera is so much more. When used topically, studies show that Aloe increases skin’s elasticity (your skin’s ability to stretch and then go back to normal). Aloe Vera gel also contains malic acid, an acid known to help reduce wrinkles, and Zinc, a mineral that works to shrink your pores and improve the formation of collagen. What’s so great about aloe vera is that its leaf pulp is rich in fiber and nutrients that provide the body with internal benefits too. Research suggests that, when ingested as a drink, it can soothe the lining of the digestive tract, decrease inflammation, enhance the repair of ulcers in your stomach and intestines, and help your immune system remove toxins using its anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. And detox always leads to anti-aging.
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So make sure you take aloe vera both externally and internally. Anti-aging Tips #3: Stop Eating Sugar And Start Scrubbing With It Eating processed sugar can weaken your skin’s collagen, which can lead to more wrinkles early in your life. However, sugar-based scrubs can be great for your skin. “Exfoliation is so good for the skin, lending the complexion a fresh polish, and removing any impurities,” aesthetician and holistic guru Tammy Fender explains.
Try mixing sugar with lemon juice, a combination that will leave your skin feeling smooth. The sugar crystals exfoliate your skin and peel off dead layers. Lemon juice contains alpha hydroxy acid, which also removes dead skin. Mixing the two together frees up your moisturizer to easily penetrate your pores and hydrate your skin.
Anti-aging Tips #4: Coconut oil — It Isn’t Just For Cooking
Coconut oil can be used for more than you’d think. When it is absorbed into your connective tissues and skin, coconut oil helps to reduce wrinkles and fine lines by strengthening your connective tissues and exfoliating the outer layer of your skin. Biochemist and physiologist Ray Peat, Ph.D., told HoneyColony that he considers coconut oil to be an antioxidant. Fender agrees: “It’s a powerful antioxidant, and contains vitamins E and A, which are essential in the production of collagen.” It even works as an “overnight hair treatment, providing nutrients and leaving hair healthy and shining,” Fender says.
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Anti-aging Tips #5: Drink Ginger Tea
Several teas have high levels of antioxidants with anti-aging qualities, but ginger tea stands above them all. Ginger has been around for hundreds of years. People quickly discovered that it contains gingerols in the root — antioxidants that protect collagen and help reduce skin damage and inflammation. There are several ways to incorporate ginger into your morning routine. Try shredding ginger and mixing it with honey in hot water or try Fender’s unique morning routine. She juices ginger root with turmeric root and blends it into hot water with cinnamon sticks, cloves, Manuka honey, and a large squeeze of lemon. “This blend is warming, bright, golden, and spicy-sweet — and packs a big dose of natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents to protect skin and body,” Fender says.
Anti-aging Tips # 6: Consume These Anti-aging Antioxidants — Vitamin E, Vitamin C, And Selenium
Vitamin E, C, and selenium are anti-aging antioxidants that you want in your life. Your sebum already produces Vitamin E for your skin. Studies have shown that it can work as an anti-inflammatory and it can increase collagen production.
Vitamin C plays a strong role in collagen production and is one of the key ingredients found in anti-aging skin care products. Taking a vitamin C supplement, especially when combined with other micronutrients like vitamin E and zinc, can help reduce UV-induced sun damage, but using a cream may be even more effective. Vitamin C is not a sunscreen.
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However, research from the North Carolina Biotechnology Center suggests that when it is topically combined with your SPF, vitamin C can protect against UVB damage (sunburn cell damage). In other words, you maximize skin protection in the sun by combining vitamin C and sunscreen.
Vitamin E can be found in nuts and raw seeds such as almonds, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds. You can also find it in greens such as kale and spinach. You’ll find vitamin C in citrus-based foods like oranges and plant-based sources like strawberries, broccoli, and spinach.
Selenium is an antioxidant that protects your skin, minimizes menopause symptoms, helps prevent heart disease and cancer, and supports cognitive function. A recent study showed that elderly participants over 69 who had the highest selenium levels had the best cognitive function. Fish is a huge source of selenium, along with Brazil nuts, chia seeds, brown rice, and green vegetables such as broccoli or cabbage.
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Anti-aging Tips #7: Molecular Hydrogen Is Your Friend
If you haven’t heard of molecular hydrogen, you’ve been missing out! Molecular hydrogen (H2) is an odorless and tasteless gas that research links to fighting aging. This antioxidant can enter your cells quickly and repair damage, which is why more than 500 medical studies show that it provides instant benefits. One Japanese study found that participants’ neck wrinkles improved after bathing in H2 for three months.
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pasteltofus · 6 years
Weekend Shenanigans
This past weekend was a lot of new faces and fun! On Friday, Lauren and I took the bus down to Cheongju to play board games with some other ETAs and their friends. I was feeling super sick on the bus ride and this old man asked me, “어디가 아파?” and when I vaguely gestured to all of me, he got up and motioned for me to take his seat. I refused but he insisted. 😭😭 For board games we ended up playing Avalon where everyone got the exact same roles twice…and was about to go for a three peat before we decided to forcibly reshuffle the role cards. It was a lot of fun, and I learned that I’m that I have a lying tic, whaaat.
On Saturday, Lauren and I went to what we thought was a yoga class but turned out to be a rather intense TRX session at a nice little studio in Sejong. We went with our Korean friends 혜미 and 윤선, who has a car~~ It was a nice car ride and we listened to IU’s new bop and some good vibes BTS.
The TRX class instructor was a little intimidating…she was really pretty and really toned. She kept yelling at us to tighten our core and keep our butts down. It was a nice workout but I think I was more impressed by the free coconut water and Rice Krispies.
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Lauren and I hadn’t planned on it, but we also went to an ultimate frisbee pick up game in Daejeon at KAIST university. Our new friend Kyle (whom we had bonded with during our Avalon game the night prior) had offered to pick us up from Sejong. So nice!  Nathan, a second year ETA, was also coming along. Although we’d only met him twice I felt there was a sense of solidarity amongst us ETAs going into this unknown territory of ultimate frisbee and KAIST graduate students.
Ultimate frisbee was fun, but I felt bad for dragging my team down. There were some clearly experienced players and also people who were just tall and athletic. Being none of those things, I couldn’t help but feel frustrated that I wasn’t able to help out my team more. Yet, everyone was SUPER nice to us and tried very hard to include us by passing to us and also setting it up so that we could score. I was really grateful to our team leader who coached our ragtag team and gave us direction and support. (“STACK! STACK STACK STACK!!!”) Honestly, I’m just glad I didn’t get injured or ran over.
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After our three hour game a few of us went to get dinner together. I was amazed at how considerate and adept Kyle was at managing the group. He made a group chat for all of us to share pictures, thus giving us all a way to contact our new friends. He arranged for Lauren and me to get a ride back home with a member of the group who also lived in Ochang. And he choose the restaurant and ordered and paid for all of us and even remembered I had wanted soondubu. Having been stuck in groups where it takes ten years just to decide where to eat, I was really impressed by how smoothly everything went. So much respect. During dinner I made friends with Junha, who is studying computer science and was really interested in my background in mobile games. We bonded right away when we found out we’re both 95ers (“omg  친구!!” and we shook hands enthusiastically it was cute).
On Sunday, Lauren and I woke up bright and early and took the KTX to Naejangsan to see the fall foliage. We were both pretty sore from the day before but the fall leaves were so pretty it was worth it!
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I’m super glad I’m making friends with local Koreans as that was one of my goals coming into this grant year. I also convinced 혜미 to sign up for dance classes with me…I will make a post about my dance adventures soon!
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ellismorris0 · 6 years
Global Gin & Tonics: In finding Your Favourite Nation
Consider the vintage gin and tonic. Are you envisioning an overly British libation in a Collins glass? Or most likely you notice Spanish gin tonic in a goblet replete with garnishes galore. Both manner, the ones are simply two examples of the way you’ll be able to move global along with your gin and tonic pairings. With gin being made all internationally, and a rising selection of tonic manufacturers in the marketplace as smartly, you’ll be able to mix’n’match for some very worldly gin and tonic concoctions. Spin the globe and seek advice from those nations, drink through drink. It’s global gin & tonics time.
It is sensible to start out in the house of London Dry Gin, after all. In opting for a gin from England, vintage manufacturers comparable to Bombay, Tanqueray, Beefeater, and Gordon’s will fit your wishes. Or you’ll be able to glance to the brand new faculty contingent, led through manufacturers comparable to Sipsmith.
However you’ll even have your number of tonics to make a choice from. Whilst Schweppes were given began in Switzerland circa 1783, inside a decade corporate founder Johann Jacob Schweppe relocated to London. Lately, the emblem that began the fashionable tonic motion, Fever-Tree, could also be primarily based in London. Imagine pairing new + new with a Sipsmith & Fever-Tree. Then move oldschool with a Beefeater & Schweppes vintage combo.
Gin & Tonics with Bombay Sapphire / Photograph Credit score: Bombay Sapphire
United States
There’s an infinite collection of American gins in the marketplace as of late. One of the vital maximum widely recognized examples come with Bluecoat, Aviation, Junípero, St. George Terroir Gin, and Brooklyn Gin. By way of all manner regardless that, hunt down your favourite gin from a neighborhood distillery. While you do, imagine pairing it with one of the crucial bartender favourite, high-carbonation tonics from Q Mixers.
Matt Graham of Herbs & Rye in Las Vegas created his All American G&T with a base of Aviation and Q Indian Tonic. At a famend cocktail hub, his drink is taken to the following degree with honeydew melon puree, coconut water, lemon juice, and what he calls caraway date nectar (date nectar mixed with caraway, strained).
“It’s a lovely aggregate of vibrant, contemporary honeydew melon and coconut water with the warming results of the caraway date nectar and the bubbling complexity of Q Indian tonic,” Graham says. “There are complementary substances with a seasonal really feel that differs between them. It’s an overly refreshing drink that has a relatively dry-bitter however delightful end.”
At house there’s no want to get so intricate, however take cues from Graham through bearing in mind the additions of unpolluted, seasonal culmination to construct complementary flavors.
Scotland would possibly bring to mind whisky greater than gin, however its juniper roots run deep too. Imagine that Scotland is house to Hendrick’s Gin, the emblem at the vanguard of the fashionable widening of the class. There have since been new Scottish gin manufacturers launched comparable to The Botanist made through Bruichladdich, the Islay whisky distillery. Caorunn Gin made through Inver Area Distillers is some other Scottish gin value noting. Each manufacturers spotlight Scottish botanicals of their gin and are worthy of searching for out.
Photograph Credit score: Caorunn Gin
When you’re aware of the historical past of gin, then it’s possible you’ll recall to mind genever ahead of gin on the subject of the Netherlands. Alternatively, there’s numerous gin coming from the Netherlands as smartly, headlined through Damrak.
“Damrak is a citrus-forward gin from Holland,” says Andreas Pejovic from Corrida in Boulder, Colorado. That citrus-forward profile makes a excellent fit for citrus garnishes, in addition to the notes from Fever-Tree’s Mediterranean Tonic. “All of it makes for an especially refreshing cocktail that leaves you short of to whilst away an entire afternoon casually topping off your drink intermittently with tonic as you watch the arena move through.”
For the Dutch Gin & Tonic from Pejovic and Bryan Dayton, first fill a goblet taste glass with ice. Then pour two oz. of Damrak gin and best it off with Fever-Tree Mediterranean Tonic. In any case, upload garnishes comparable to an orange slice and rosemary sprig.
Photograph Credit score: Damrak Gin
Either one of probably the most distinguished Jap whisky makers have now became to the gin international as smartly: Suntory has Roku Gin and Nikka has its Coffey Gin. And simply as many American manufacturers carved out new territory with much less juniper-heavy taste profiles, those Jap entrants are taking a look somewhere else through together with Jap flavors and botanicals, comparable to yuzu, shiso, and sanshō pepper. It simplest is sensible then to show to different Jap substances when the usage of a Jap Gin. That is precisely what Harvard & Stone’s Aaron Polsky does together with his Jap Gin & Tonic.
He builds the drink with 2 oz. of Roku Gin and five oz. of Q Indian Tonic, incorporating pickled ume plum and pickled ginger within the glass. The plum is positioned within the backside of the glass ahead of topping with ice and liquid substances. Then he slides a couple of pickled ginger slices down the perimeters with a spoon.
“The salt within the pickled plum is helping to mood the bitterness of the drink, whilst taking part in off of the cherry blossom flavors within the gin,” Polsky says. “The savory high quality of the plum additionally brings out the coriander and the sencha tea botanicals. The longer it sits, the extra of the ones flavors seep into the cocktail.”
Spain has grow to be the heartland of the gin tonic—drop the “and” in Spain—so the rustic’s Gin Mare is a logical selection. Joanna Chippie of New York’s Town Stages pairs the gin with Q Indian Tonic for her Spanish Gin Tonic.
Photograph Credit score: Beefeater
“Gin Mare is advanced, filled with herbaceousness and salinity, whilst Q Indian Tonic with all its citrusy vibrancy is the very best supplement to the gin to create a balanced, bubbly g&t,” she says. “I choose to make use of the huge ice dice, because it helps to keep the cocktail completely chilled in this kind of cavernous glass whilst permitting the gin and tonic to in reality shine and keep away from too-quick dilution.”
Be sure to have a right kind goblet or balloon glass with a purpose to create a right kind Spanish gin tonic. Upload in 1.five oz. of Gin Mare to that giant ice dice, best with Q Indian tonic. Garnish with a load of seasonal herbs and culmination—Chippie seems to contemporary rosemary, mandarin orange, dehydrated lemon, and olives.
Eire could also be house to a rising selection of gins, together with Conncullin Gin from the Connacht Whiskey Corporate.  Jeff Bejima of Baltimore’s Clock Restoration became to a private reminiscence for his inspiration for an autumnal gin and tonic made with Irish gin.
“After visiting Eire right through the autumn of 2010, I recalled the smells of the small cities I traveled via,” Bejima says. “The odor of peat burning used to be very welcoming and comforting. I felt a bar spoon of peaty whiskey helped to bridge the distance between summer time and fall.”
Upload two oz. of Conncullin Gin to a Collins glass with a bar spoon every of honey, lemon juice, and Connemara Irish Whiskey. Best with 2 dashes orange bitters and a pinch of salt.
However don’t finish your international travels there. One of the vital maximum intriguing gins as of late are from nontraditional nations: Germany (Monkey 47), Australia (Four Pillars Bloody Shiraz), and New Zealand (The Source Gin) are only a few examples. There’s an international of gin to discover, and we propose you get shifting.
Thirsty in your personal global gin & tonic?
With Distiller, you’ll all the time know what’s within the bottle ahead of you spend a cent. Price, Evaluate, and Uncover spirits! Head on over to Distiller, or obtain the app for iOS and Android as of late!
The put up International Gin & Tonics: Find Your Favorite Country gave the impression first on The Distiller Blog.
The post Global Gin & Tonics: In finding Your Favourite Nation appeared first on Liquor Gift Baskets.
from http://liquorgiftbaskets.net/2018/11/09/international-gin-tonics-find-your-favorite-country/
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gailmalooft · 6 years
Global Gin & Tonics: In finding Your Favourite Nation
Consider the vintage gin and tonic. Are you envisioning an overly British libation in a Collins glass? Or most likely you notice Spanish gin tonic in a goblet replete with garnishes galore. Both manner, the ones are simply two examples of the way you’ll be able to move global along with your gin and tonic pairings. With gin being made all internationally, and a rising selection of tonic manufacturers in the marketplace as smartly, you’ll be able to mix’n’match for some very worldly gin and tonic concoctions. Spin the globe and seek advice from those nations, drink through drink. It’s global gin & tonics time.
It is sensible to start out in the house of London Dry Gin, after all. In opting for a gin from England, vintage manufacturers comparable to Bombay, Tanqueray, Beefeater, and Gordon’s will fit your wishes. Or you’ll be able to glance to the brand new faculty contingent, led through manufacturers comparable to Sipsmith.
However you’ll even have your number of tonics to make a choice from. Whilst Schweppes were given began in Switzerland circa 1783, inside a decade corporate founder Johann Jacob Schweppe relocated to London. Lately, the emblem that began the fashionable tonic motion, Fever-Tree, could also be primarily based in London. Imagine pairing new + new with a Sipsmith & Fever-Tree. Then move oldschool with a Beefeater & Schweppes vintage combo.
Gin & Tonics with Bombay Sapphire / Photograph Credit score: Bombay Sapphire
United States
There’s an infinite collection of American gins in the marketplace as of late. One of the vital maximum widely recognized examples come with Bluecoat, Aviation, Junípero, St. George Terroir Gin, and Brooklyn Gin. By way of all manner regardless that, hunt down your favourite gin from a neighborhood distillery. While you do, imagine pairing it with one of the crucial bartender favourite, high-carbonation tonics from Q Mixers.
Matt Graham of Herbs & Rye in Las Vegas created his All American G&T with a base of Aviation and Q Indian Tonic. At a famend cocktail hub, his drink is taken to the following degree with honeydew melon puree, coconut water, lemon juice, and what he calls caraway date nectar (date nectar mixed with caraway, strained).
“It’s a lovely aggregate of vibrant, contemporary honeydew melon and coconut water with the warming results of the caraway date nectar and the bubbling complexity of Q Indian tonic,” Graham says. “There are complementary substances with a seasonal really feel that differs between them. It’s an overly refreshing drink that has a relatively dry-bitter however delightful end.”
At house there’s no want to get so intricate, however take cues from Graham through bearing in mind the additions of unpolluted, seasonal culmination to construct complementary flavors.
Scotland would possibly bring to mind whisky greater than gin, however its juniper roots run deep too. Imagine that Scotland is house to Hendrick’s Gin, the emblem at the vanguard of the fashionable widening of the class. There have since been new Scottish gin manufacturers launched comparable to The Botanist made through Bruichladdich, the Islay whisky distillery. Caorunn Gin made through Inver Area Distillers is some other Scottish gin value noting. Each manufacturers spotlight Scottish botanicals of their gin and are worthy of searching for out.
Photograph Credit score: Caorunn Gin
When you’re aware of the historical past of gin, then it’s possible you’ll recall to mind genever ahead of gin on the subject of the Netherlands. Alternatively, there’s numerous gin coming from the Netherlands as smartly, headlined through Damrak.
“Damrak is a citrus-forward gin from Holland,” says Andreas Pejovic from Corrida in Boulder, Colorado. That citrus-forward profile makes a excellent fit for citrus garnishes, in addition to the notes from Fever-Tree’s Mediterranean Tonic. “All of it makes for an especially refreshing cocktail that leaves you short of to whilst away an entire afternoon casually topping off your drink intermittently with tonic as you watch the arena move through.”
For the Dutch Gin & Tonic from Pejovic and Bryan Dayton, first fill a goblet taste glass with ice. Then pour two oz. of Damrak gin and best it off with Fever-Tree Mediterranean Tonic. In any case, upload garnishes comparable to an orange slice and rosemary sprig.
Photograph Credit score: Damrak Gin
Either one of probably the most distinguished Jap whisky makers have now became to the gin international as smartly: Suntory has Roku Gin and Nikka has its Coffey Gin. And simply as many American manufacturers carved out new territory with much less juniper-heavy taste profiles, those Jap entrants are taking a look somewhere else through together with Jap flavors and botanicals, comparable to yuzu, shiso, and sanshō pepper. It simplest is sensible then to show to different Jap substances when the usage of a Jap Gin. That is precisely what Harvard & Stone’s Aaron Polsky does together with his Jap Gin & Tonic.
He builds the drink with 2 oz. of Roku Gin and five oz. of Q Indian Tonic, incorporating pickled ume plum and pickled ginger within the glass. The plum is positioned within the backside of the glass ahead of topping with ice and liquid substances. Then he slides a couple of pickled ginger slices down the perimeters with a spoon.
“The salt within the pickled plum is helping to mood the bitterness of the drink, whilst taking part in off of the cherry blossom flavors within the gin,” Polsky says. “The savory high quality of the plum additionally brings out the coriander and the sencha tea botanicals. The longer it sits, the extra of the ones flavors seep into the cocktail.”
Spain has grow to be the heartland of the gin tonic—drop the “and” in Spain—so the rustic’s Gin Mare is a logical selection. Joanna Chippie of New York’s Town Stages pairs the gin with Q Indian Tonic for her Spanish Gin Tonic.
Photograph Credit score: Beefeater
“Gin Mare is advanced, filled with herbaceousness and salinity, whilst Q Indian Tonic with all its citrusy vibrancy is the very best supplement to the gin to create a balanced, bubbly g&t,” she says. “I choose to make use of the huge ice dice, because it helps to keep the cocktail completely chilled in this kind of cavernous glass whilst permitting the gin and tonic to in reality shine and keep away from too-quick dilution.”
Be sure to have a right kind goblet or balloon glass with a purpose to create a right kind Spanish gin tonic. Upload in 1.five oz. of Gin Mare to that giant ice dice, best with Q Indian tonic. Garnish with a load of seasonal herbs and culmination—Chippie seems to contemporary rosemary, mandarin orange, dehydrated lemon, and olives.
Eire could also be house to a rising selection of gins, together with Conncullin Gin from the Connacht Whiskey Corporate.  Jeff Bejima of Baltimore’s Clock Restoration became to a private reminiscence for his inspiration for an autumnal gin and tonic made with Irish gin.
“After visiting Eire right through the autumn of 2010, I recalled the smells of the small cities I traveled via,” Bejima says. “The odor of peat burning used to be very welcoming and comforting. I felt a bar spoon of peaty whiskey helped to bridge the distance between summer time and fall.”
Upload two oz. of Conncullin Gin to a Collins glass with a bar spoon every of honey, lemon juice, and Connemara Irish Whiskey. Best with 2 dashes orange bitters and a pinch of salt.
However don’t finish your international travels there. One of the vital maximum intriguing gins as of late are from nontraditional nations: Germany (Monkey 47), Australia (Four Pillars Bloody Shiraz), and New Zealand (The Source Gin) are only a few examples. There’s an international of gin to discover, and we propose you get shifting.
Thirsty in your personal global gin & tonic?
With Distiller, you’ll all the time know what’s within the bottle ahead of you spend a cent. Price, Evaluate, and Uncover spirits! Head on over to Distiller, or obtain the app for iOS and Android as of late!
The put up International Gin & Tonics: Find Your Favorite Country gave the impression first on The Distiller Blog.
The post Global Gin & Tonics: In finding Your Favourite Nation appeared first on Liquor Gift Baskets.
from http://liquorgiftbaskets.net/2018/11/09/international-gin-tonics-find-your-favorite-country/
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Top 9 Most Effective Natural home remedies For Stomachache In Children
Possess you ever experienced an upset stomach after eating? Ginger is a remedy for stomach problems since ancient times, as it is an excellent antidote to nausea and vomiting Drinking ginger tea is an easy way to consume the herb, but become careful about relying upon ginger ale, as it may not really do the trick. Many commercially available ginger alcohol products contain little to no real amounts of ginger, ” says Cope. Hope your dog is better by now, We are sorry I was not able to be able to this in timely matter. I always suggest to have a dog noticed if he posseses an upset stomach and is performing lethargic, laying around, not eating or having bloody diarrhea, or appears dehydrated. If he seems like he is not acting like his normal self( playful, alert) then a prompt vet visit is recommended. Ginger has high medicinal worth. Its main constituent gingerol is an anti-oxidant. The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger help in increasing digestive function and therefore can become extremely effective to cure stomach ache. All you have to do is definitely boil some water and add finely chopped pieces of ginger to it. Allow it boil for another 3-5 min. Then stress the water and drink it in sips. You may also add some honey to the water to sweeten the taste. Additionally, you can buy ginger tea or ginger alcohol from the market and drink it. Another method is to grate a few pieces of ginger to extract the juice and massage the belly with this juice to ease the discomfort. I actually would still mention it to your vet in the event that they come and go. I would also thoroughly watch what he is eating (does he proceed outside and perhaps eat grass, dirt, sticks?, do you give table waste? )I would bring a stool sample as they need checked at least once a year so to rule out parasites and protozoans. Maybe he requires a change of diet plan, there could be some thing that in the meals that is causing this. Request your vet, best wishes! Also known as activated carbon, activated grilling with charcoal is made from the same elements such as those of common charcoal—peat, coconut shell, petroleum and fossil fuel wood—however, activated charcoal is specifically made for this to be used since medicine. To make turned on charcoal, common charcoal goes through heating in the existence of a gas which then causes the charcoal to produce pores or internal spaces that will trap chemicals.
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Great Health, Beauty, Nutrition Means A Full Fat Salad
Fat free has almost become a cornerstone in many households. It is clearly some thing of a fixture on modern-day restaurant menus. And industries have catered to the fat free preoccupation by means of supplying foods labeled fat free and low fat, as nicely as natural and clinical products that block fats metabolism. But the bottom line on the splendor and fitness fronts, is that if you prefer lovely pores and skin with fewer wrinkles, or to pace up your metabolism, you want to eat the proper sort of fats.
The benefits to your pores and skin of ingesting the right fat each day are many. Beneficial fat stimulate the manufacturing of collagen, improves the blood flow in the layer below the skin that resources vitamins for the advent of new, wholesome pores and skin cells. Poor nice blood drift right here skill underneath performing new skin cells. Fats keep the pores and skin moist, from the inside. Fats are quintessential for the absorption of the fat soluble nutrition - A, D, E, and K. And the beneficial phytonutrients like carotene, lycopene and lutein need fat to be absorbed also.
For example, consuming salad with a dressing containing fats increases the absorption of these phytonutrients. A study, posted in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition (and referenced in Gorgeous Skin through E Angyal) discovered that these who ate a salad with a low fat dressing had very little alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and lycopene in blood exams taken afterwards. Those who had a full fats dressing with the salad had fairly higher levels of these carotenes and lycopene metabolites in their blood.
Fats also help produce and modify hormones, decrease irritation (the proper fats anyway), and prevent eczema, psoriasis, and hair loss.
According to Erica Angyal, you need about 2tbsp, or 20 grams of fat per day so the pores and skin can lubricate itself, and so sufficient vitamin A can be absorbed. Vitamin A prevents untimely aging.
Erica Angyal recommends olive oil, flaxseed oil, walnut oil, pumpkin seed oil, coconut oil, mustard seed oil, avocado oil, soy oil, macadamia oil, and canola oil. She suggests the use of more virgin, virgin, cold pressed oils where they are available, as these are usually a good deal better quality, and the way they are processed capability unhealthy chemical modifications to the oils are avoided. Of the oils here, the mono unsaturated oils are olive oil, avocado oil, macadamia oil, as well as the oil from bloodless water fish, like swordfish, mackerel and salmon. Mono unsaturated oils can reduce wrinkles. The polyunsaturated oils are flaxseed, walnut, pumpkin seed, and canola oil. For the reasons outlined below, I would now not in my opinion use these to gain the bulk of needed daily fats. Coconut oil is a saturated fat, however extremely right for you.
Coconut Oil
I love this stuff. Not solely does it have a beautiful aroma when it is right quality, bloodless pressed coconut oil, but it has exquisite health advantages that go past remarkable looking skin. Aging, inclusive of getting old of the Genius and skin, is associated with a system called 'peroxidation'. This without a doubt potential that free radicals cast off an oxygen electron from the fat (lipids) in our mobile membranes. Ultraviolet light, from the sun, reasons peroxidation in unsaturated fats, each in the laboratory and in your skin. This increases the price at which wrinkles form.
And unsaturated fats, like ordinary vegetable oils, limit the metabolic rate. Unsaturated fat suppress the response of the body's tissues to thyroid hormone. Unsaturated fats inhibit the protein digestive enzyme that varieties thyroid hormone, as nicely as unfavorable the mitochondria in cells, which relates to cell electricity production. Coconut oil counteracts these unwelcome outcomes of unsaturated fats.
Coconut oil it is fantastically versatile. Because it is so stable, it can be used in cooking besides turning into hydrogenated. And it doesn't alternate the taste of the food, despite its robust aroma. Coconut oil includes medium chain fatty acids. These are now not saved in the cells like other fats however go immediately to the liver which converts them into energy. The shorter chain length approves them to ignore the metabolic pathway that other longer chain fat want to use. Coconut oil is the solely saturated fat that is properly for the body.
Interestingly, Dr Mercola's website fees an article by way of Dr Ray Peat in which he mentions that when so known as fundamental fatty acids were used in sufferers fed intravenously, their immune systems were suppressed. Consequently, coconut oil is used instead. The solely exceptions are in instances where immunosuppression is needed, such as in organ transplant patients. The imperative fatty acids are the omega three and omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Examples are flaxseed oil, the oils of bloodless water fish like salmon, evening primrose oil, and sunflower oil.
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newstfionline · 7 years
She started composting. Who knew red wigglers and worm poop were so interesting?
By Kathryn Tolbert, Washington Post, April 22, 2017
I have 1,000 worms living in a bin in my basement, eating the fruit and vegetable scraps from the kitchen, along with eggshells, coffee grounds and tea bags. It smells lovely down there, and Charles Darwin would approve. He wrote his last book about worms and their ability to add nutrients to the soil. It was an immediate success.
But today, despite the popularity of backyard composting and composting pickup services, using worms at home to eat your garbage is a fringe endeavor. As my neighbor and master gardener Susan Wexler said, “Your average person isn’t going to order worms.”
Yet, earthworms can eat twice their weight per week and leave behind nutrient-rich, organic compost. Their digestive system actually enriches the waste, grinding it up and adding calcite granules and friendly bacteria. In the dirt, earthworms eat soil and organic matter and turn it into richer soil. In a home composter like mine, they can do the same with kitchen scraps, taking a mix of vegetable and fruit trimmings, along with paper and other filler, and turning it into black, sweet, earthy-smelling ... well, worm poop.
The technical word for worm poop is castings, and the composting method is called vermiculture, or vermicomposting. Of the more than 9,000 species of earthworms, only seven have been identified as suitable for vermicomposting. Red wigglers, or Eisenia fetida, are by far the most popular choice in North America, worm experts say. They live on top of the soil in decaying organic matter--perfect for composting.
Adding castings to soil increases plant growth, according to both anecdotal evidence and scientific studies. For instance, strawberry plants with vermicompost worked into the soil had more than a third more flowers, plant runners and marketable fruit weights than plants to which only chemical fertilizer had been applied, according to a 2004 paper published online in Bioresource Technology.
I resisted creating an outdoor compost pile, both because of the smell and because we have occasional rat visitors in the yard. I know there are a wide range of enclosed outdoor composting systems. But indoor worms seemed a tidy solution. Last year, I bought a worm composter online--a set of stacking plastic trays, 14 inches square and 4½ inches deep. (I later learned it’s very easy to make a basic worm composter with a plastic bin.) I also ordered 1,000 worms from Uncle Jim’s Worm Farm, for $19.95 plus shipping. They came in a box that said “open immediately,” and inside was a pretty green cotton bag filled with my worms packed in dry peat moss.
They looked a bit dried up. But the enclosed “worm advisory” assured me they were just dehydrated for safe travel and would revive quickly.
I laid the ball of worms gently into the first plastic tray on a bedding of starter stuff (composed of coconut fiber, shredded paper and pumice) and some food scraps. I poured a half-cup of water over the worms, placed the loose-fitting cover on the tray and kept a light on for the first couple of days to make sure they didn’t try to escape. But, sure enough, they seemed to disappear into the food mixture.
According to the instructions that came with the composting trays, all you need to do is to keep adding more scraps and such until the tray is full of worm castings. This can take a couple months or more. Then you put another tray on top (the tray bottom is an open grid), and add food scraps. The worms, sensing new opportunity, will migrate up to the new tray. That’s the idea.
The good news: Worm composting really does not smell.
The bad news: They are high-maintenance, at least in the beginning. They are, after all, living beings and require some care. They can’t get too hot or too cold. And it’s tricky to get the right balance of food, paper and moisture.
We put a note on the refrigerator that says: “Worms love: vegetable scraps, breads and grains, fruit rinds and petals, tea bags, coffee grounds and filters, crushed eggshells, shredded paper. Worms hate: meat or fish, cheese, butter, greasy food, animal waste, spicy and salty foods, citrus.”
The food-to-worm ratio is not precise, nor is the amount of castings they will produce. The rule of thumb is that a pound of worms will eat one to two pounds of food in a week. In the worm bin, microbes start to break down the food scraps--pre-digestion for the worms.
They prefer their food chopped up. I feel silly cutting up scraps, mixing them with shredded paper and carrying a plate downstairs to the worms. But I refuse to put the scraps in a blender, which is what a more enthusastic family member did for a while.
But I did worry. Sometimes clusters of worms were coming to the surface instead of burrowing, and sometimes there seemed to be lots of mites (which also contribute to the composting process but compete for food with the worms), an indication of too much moisture. I wanted to talk to other people who were worm composting at home, but when I put the word out to my very active and environmentally conscious neighborhood email group, the silence was surprising. A father and son were curious, seeing a possible school project, and a Colombian agronomist said it was a common form of composting in Colombia.
And then a neighbor told me about Jeffrey Neal.
Neal lives in a condo in the District and runs a composting operation in the basement of his building. I quickly called him up and arranged to visit. It would be my first real look at someone else’s worm bins.
He’s a retired Navy civil engineer who started composting about six years ago after one day contemplating his banana peel as he relaxed on his sofa. He said he thought about its going into a landfill: “And I just sat there: ‘Oh, just throw it away like I’ve done so many other times. No other option.’”
But he thought about it some more, and his banana peel was taking him to environmental problems, erosion, landfills. “It’s like in ‘The Matrix.’ I’d just taken the red pill and then I was stuck and I couldn’t go back,” he said.
He started worm composting in his apartment: “I killed my worms a couple times.” And then he took a composting course offered by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, a national nonprofit that runs community development programs, and ECO City Farms in Prince George’s County, which runs urban farming programs. For his course project, he decided to introduce vermicomposting to his 165-unit apartment building, Rhapsody Condominiums.
He had to convince the five board members. One agreed, two were willing and the other two took more work, Neal said. Now, nearly two years into the operation, Neal and another resident of the building, Carrie Brownlie, feed the worms twice a week. The scraps come from fewer than half a dozen apartments. Neal and Brownlie did not publicize the project, preferring to start small.
We met in the lobby, took the elevator down to the trash room and retrieved a bucket of food scraps marked for composting. Brownlie and her two young sons weighed them, measured out shredded paper and mixed it all together.
In a little-used stairwell off the parking garage were 10 18-gallon plastic containers, the kind you might store off-season clothes or sports equipment in, lined up along the wall, numbered and with notes attached about the last feeding.
A thousand red wigglers weigh about a pound, and Neal estimates he has 30 pounds of worms in the 10 bins. So basically, tens of thousands of worms.
While those worms could eat 60 pounds of food scraps in a week, they do fine on a lot less, and it is more of a problem to put too much food in a bin than to underfeed them because the food will rot and build up heat, killing the worms. Neal and Brownlie add anywhere from just a few pounds to 25 pounds of food in a week.
Worms seem to do better with a bit of neglect, and skipping feeding for a few weeks is not a problem. In nature, sometimes food is plentiful, sometimes not. If you are going away for two or three weeks, you can just put extra food and shredded newspapers in the bin, and they will be fine.
Neil and Brownlie harvest castings every three or four months, a few bins at a time. In January, one bin produced 33 pounds of nutrient-rich compost.
Because they are not gardeners, they give the compost away to people in the building who have houseplants, feed the building’s roof-deck plants and save some for Neal’s mother, who lives in the suburbs. The rest goes to the nearby Howard University community garden.
Neil and Brownlie have not advertised the composting widely yet--a plan is underway to scale the operation up for the entire building this summer--so when I asked others at the Rhapsody what they thought about having worm composting in the basement, most didn’t know about it.
Learning of the close-to-home worm poop operation, they seemed unfazed, even supportive. “That’s so cool,” said Mollie Berman. “I’m not turned off by worms. I mean, there are rats in the alley. You can’t be squeamish living in the city.”
Neal has continued to study composting, going not just once but twice to the annual vermiculture conference started 18 years ago by Rhonda Sherman, extension specialist at North Carolina State University.
Sherman has a big following among worm composters, and she fields inquiries from around the world about large-scale vermicomposting. She was in the circle of recycling activists in Kalamazoo, Mich., that included the late Mary Appelhof--sometimes referred to as Worm Woman--whose “Worms Eat My Garbage” continues to be a popular reference book for home vermicomposters.
As for my own operation, after more than six months and with spring here, I’m still working on the worm routine.
I have settled on feeding them once a week, between one and two pounds of food scraps. That should yield five to eight pounds of castings every four to six months.
I recently harvested compost from the bottom tray for the first time, using the pyramid method. This involves creating small piles of compost under a light whose rays cause the worms to burrow down, and then taking off the top of the pyramid. At the end of this process, I had three-quarters of a bucket of rich black compost and a half-dozen small, wriggling knots of apparently stressed-out worms.
I added the compost to my garden, returned the worms to the bin and fed them, but they don’t seem to be burrowing very enthusiastically. I try to leave them alone, but it’s hard. They are, after all, my livestock.
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