charade à deux
Part 2. Violet Hills
Mari's Notes
Hm. This is the Avery Oswald that the school has been talking about. He may, no he must have seen the leaderboards and is tense to me because we got the same scores. Poor him, if only he gets to enjoy life a bit he would know that every girls on this school were after him. That soft fluffy hair cut clean in the sides, yet is long enough in the middle to be styled up; I think everyone might give up their pocket money for that. His clothes are neatly worn, somehow engraved to his figure that is quite beautiful. His round, frameless glasses adds to his charm quite well. If only he presents himself as reachable to people, he wouldn't be half as this miserable.
"Why are you reading Campbell, 11-2 wouldn't have biology after lunch because us 11-1 will have it and the professor can't do cell divisions", Avery said, with all means serious.
"Haha, funny you are. I read afterwards to reabsorb the materials. So you are the type to read first"
"Whatever, give me back my book!"
"I dare you to take it for me. Plus, it looks like you have read it at least two... no, three times before. No reason for you to read it again" Mari said as she flips the pages.
"I am not a superhuman, I can be forgetful"
"Well, meet me at Violet Hills after school if you want it"
"Is this some kind of play? I need to study"
"We will be studying, don't you worry. Plus seems like you already got what it takes for today's lecture judging by your notes on cells chapter. By the way, tell me you have eaten your lunch?"
"N-no I have not. Not hungry"
"You will seriously die, here, have some" Mari takes out half a jam-filled sandwich wrapped in transparent foil and gently puts it in Avery's desk. She then takes the Campbell back, stands up and runs out from the library.
After class, 3 PM on 11-1
"I will be in the dorm late, don't look after me", Avery said to Archie and Brooke as they tidy up to leave class.
"He's finally joining an extracurricular!" Brooke says happily.
"I am not. Brooke please", Avery said with disappointment.
"Whatever Ave, this behavior of yours is quite weird, knowing that you are already weird", Archie adds.
Avery sighs. "Okay, if its past 7 PM and I haven't been home then you can look for me. Look in the forests behind Violet Hills in case I am dead, okay?"
"What the f--- Ave we're coming with you then", Brooke concerns
"I'll find a machete" Archie adds
"Chill guys, kidding. I'll be okay, no worries", Avery tried to calm everyone down.
"If you're not home by 7 we'll go down there, no negotiation" Archie says
"with a machete!" Brooke adds
"yeah, if we can find one", Archie follows
"Wait I thought you know where is it already?!"
Avery laughs at his best friends' jokes. He then parts his way to Violet Hills, where a park sits at the edge of the school area. In this park, however exists a students' mythical passage to a forest, named also Violet Hill Forests. It is said that this forest is used by students who can't take any more pressure from Somerset High and escapes. There, he met Marigold. As the weather have gone colder, she puts on a cream colored tweed jacket and our school's beret supposedly for tomorrows' uniform.
"You're gonna be in hell tomorrow if you lose that", Avery said pointing to the beret above Mari's head.
"I've been into one, trust me" Mari adds. "So, today's lecture will be about mushrooms!"
"Wait, what?"
"I have decided, I will teach you biology and in return you have to teach me physics, as we both got larger scores in each. Deal?"
"Why would I learn from you?"
"I'm as mad as you are that someone is better than me in physics. You get better score than I do in it"
Avery freezes. She seemed to mean it.
"This is, a genuine offer that wouldn't come twice", Mari slyly said.
"Okay okay, I will let you study physics with me if I find your 'biology tutor' this afternoon useful"
"Great! follow me!"
The forest was quite steep. Avery wonders how escapees made past through safely. Mari seems to have no struggle hopping all over. At this point, Avery thinks that Mari might be honest about having lived in a forest.
"Look look! What's that?" Mari shouts and point to a tiny, porous looking mushroom grown from the soil.
"Easy, a Morcella, morel mushrooms"
"Look closer, Oswald"
Avery squats near it, he tries to feel the sponge like mushroom when suddenly Mari pulled his shoulder backwards with force causing them both to roll over backwards.
"Wow, what? chill, are you trying to kill me?!" Avery stands as he sheds dirt from his coat
"No! That wasn't Morcella, 'twas a False Morels! and they're poisonous"
"wouldn't you be poisoned only if you eat them?"
"Yeah but better be careful than... be sorry"
Avery stands in silence, and so does Mari. Mari looks down to the ground as if she was ashamed. Avery observes Mari, and noticed she had lots of dirt on her jacket. He then places his hand to puff the dirts out. Mari, however, jumped a little.
"Hey, I wasn't going to hurt you", Avery said in concern
"O-oh. Okay"
He continues to depuff other spots.
"You know, its getting dark anyways. Lets study flowers instead in the parks. Can you?", Avery said.
Mari nods. They then hike down the hills, then continue 'field study' in the violet hills park. Turns out, Avery has more extensive knowledge in flowers than Mari. It seems like they have turned the other way round, Avery teaching Mari instead. Afterwards, as promised, Mari returned Avery's Campbell.
Avery's Notes
What's this... feeling of relief? Does Marigold does not have any strategies? Is she really telling me everything she knows in biology? Is she playing dumb? I am concerned. No, I should not be concerned about my enemies. But she does not seem like how she should be. I thought, being famous and all, would make you not mind a touch. But she jumped when I depuff her jacket. Isn't it weird? I mean no harm anyways. And she truly returned my book. Isn't she, a bit less manipulative for someone that smart? No. What am I thinking. Whatever, I wouldn't give her every knowledge on physics. I should win, afterall.
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charade à deux
Part 1. The Scientists
A gentle spring breeze lingers inbetween Mansoa alliacea trees aligned in Somerset High's boulevard lane. This morning, the sound of chirping Old World Sparrows are accompanied by ruffling papers between needle pins and a cork surface over an old brick concrete wall. Two staffs of the Somerset High School aligned sheet by sheets of paper consisting tables consisting names and numbers. Its 6.30 AM, students crowd the board as they're finished. It is the mid-exam score announcement time for eleventh grade students in SH. The excitement built were torn quick into whines and cries after each student found their name.
Not for one of them. A male student that easily towers among gathering females—even though he were not as tall as his boy peers—pass through the crowd with a grin after seeing his name. He wouldn't shed a tear, as his name and score placed in the first paper, first row, marking the highest score a student can achieve for each subjects. Him, and two other boys were seen to leave the crowd early.
"I would be aggravated instead of happy if i were you, Ave", said the boy next to his right.
"Archie you ranked 17 and you told a first not to be happy?" he lets a chuckle out. "what dared you?" he follows.
"Well, if you look closely Marigold Solace ranked second because her name starts with an M instead an A like yours. You both have the same score", Archie adds.
"You're kidding right?", He stopped his walk and put on a denial expression.
"I am ranked 67 out of 100 and I can tell you have the same score, 154 out of 160 for 16 subjects", a boy to his left adds.
"She even got higher score in biology than you", Archie follows.
He turned his head back and gulped seeing the name and score right under his, way above pupils heads crowding it. His fists unknowingly clumped to each its own. "Unbelievable", he murmurs under his breath.
"Well done, guys. We're done. Archie, Brooke, let's move on to our class", he sternly said after letting out a sigh.
Archie and Brooke looked to each other, then quickly follows his steps to chemistry class in their first subject slot today.
Somerset High Wallnote #1
Avery Oswald, or Ave is the ace of Somerset High. He excels every subjects, but especially leaned interest into biology. He's the only teacher's favorite until this spring, as a transfer student unexpectedly excels the same. Marigold Solace of class 11-2, unexpectedly adjusts her life very quick to a high prestige school Somerset High. Marigold rise quickly to fame in both academics and non academics, she secured the main position as a flyer in cheerleading a month after she transferred. Avery, on the other hand were more in the shadows regarding social life. He has to study 24/7 to achieve what he has right now. He does not feel like sacrificing his time for extracurricular worth to cut his studies. However, he is extremely famous and high praised already for his academic achievements. He is seen more as untouchable, as he only keep contacts regularly with Archie Holden and Brooke Sharpe — his two only known friends.
Avery's thoughts can't sit still even though his body is. Suck it up, he already studied today's lecture by himself two weeks ago. He lets his sadness leak a bit to his mind, especially knowing someone beat him in biology. "How, am I not studying hard enough?", his mind begin to draw him further from reality, in to the realms of anxiety. Still, his hands tightly grasp the pen and continue drawing hydrocarbons as Professor Lynch explained each compounds. Even not in full concentration, Avery's mind still pick up whatever was lectured.
"Ave, you OK?" Archie asked as they made their ways along old brick-made hallways to the cafetaria for lunch break. "Yeah bro, you look dazed", Brooke adds.
"I'm sorry I am not feeling like, eating now. I am nauseous for a bit, I'll follow after, I have to go to the toilet. Have a nice- nice lunch guys" Avery covers his mouth as if he's about to puke.
"We'll reserve your seat, take your time", They then parted ways. Avery runs to the bathroom.
Does he?
Arbro (Archie and Brooke) Notes
Archie: "Of course we know he's lying. He sneaks up to the library. He does this often"
Brooke: "How can you know he sneaks there and not crying in the toilet booth?"
Archie: "You think Avery would prefer to cry rather than sniffing a books tail end?"
Brooke: "Well..."
Archie: "I pity him sometimes"
Brooke: "But we always try to sneak a sando or bread to his bag afterwards!"
Archie: "He's probably dead with stomach acids overflow if we didn't do that"
He took a turn round to the toilet's hallways, and peeked if Archie and Brooke have walked far enough not to notice him. He then takes another turn to the library. Of course, the nausea was forged. The next subject after lunch break is biology, and Avery would never want to risk anyone having greater bio scores than him in final terms.
He approach the librarians to get his library passport stamped. The Librarian, Mr. Deaty shakes his head seeing Avery skips lunch—again. Avery can only let out an innocent smile, saying he needs to check something he probably left in the library. Of course, it's a lie. He wants to sneak in studying.
"Kid you're gonna need a new passport if you visit this much already in half semester", Mr. Deaty says.
"I would wear them on my sleeve, Mr. Deaty"
Mr. Deaty grins to Ave's dedication. "Ain't you got an ulcer already boy?"
Avery laughs in silence, then grabs his passport and go inside. He ponders whether today's topic would be dissecting a plant's cell or an animal's cell. He usually puts his Campbell Biology textbook on the upper shelf, a place where his 5'8" build can hardly reach. As his hand palpates the upper shelf, he realize it is empty. His beloved copy of textbook is not there. Looking down, he realized that a mini-stairs has been placed there. Judging by the dusts, it was just been there before he arrived. He rushed to the reading section and to his surprise or not to his surprise, a figure was sitting down with his beloved copy of Campbell.
Avery's Notes
I am usually the only kid here in the library during lunch time. The world have reminded me once again that I'm no longer the one. Who would have thought that a kid with rather messy hair, like someone put her through a blower beforehand would be here too. How dare you read my copy, my annotations. So this is why you got more than I did in biology.
So, this is you, Marigold.
Shined by afternoon light seeping through leaded windows of the library. Whose hands are dusted by floating library dusts. Whose head is decorated by a messy, just-a-bit-over-the-shoulder length jet black hair. With a small build, probably only 5'1, you are not what I imagined. You look more like a nerd than a famous cheerleader, indeed. You don't even care to roll your sleeves like most cool girls here. The pen you're holding, not of an expensive one yet by its scratched body I would assume that is your favorite. You are so concentrated, as you wouldn't even bother to set your fringes aside when rea—
"Excuse me, why are you standing there and stare at me like that, like this library is filled? Did I take your seat?", She suddenly breaks Avery's deduction.
"No, but you took something of mine indeed"
Marigold looks down to her clothes, below her chair, and to her pencil case.
"That book, you nerd" Avery said, pointing to the book open in Marigolds' desk side. He approached the table, flipped the book to his side as he's sitting in front of Marigold.
"Oh, Ah, I'm really sorry. So you're the owner of the Mansoa alliacea covered Campbell. I like it, quite lot. Your notes were also clear"
"If you're studying from my notes, how come you got bigger score in biology than me?!"
"Oh, so you're the mighty Avery!"
"Have I earned myself a villain name in this school? Plus you're rude, its Oswald for the strangers"
"I guess its just made up names, don't think too much about it"
"Answer my question, Lady"
"You can call me Mari"
Avery sits in silence, putting a glare to Mari.
"Okay, okay. I used to live in the forests. I read Campbell only to justify that my field-earned knowledge were correct. And yours, this copy, has the most helpful guide add ons. So I must thank you for that, Oswald".
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to let a good thing die.
As Marie Kondo said, keep it only if it sparks joy.
Today, I broke a bowl. A bowl that i loved dearly, that I use almost every day to eat. I've always noticed how it was the perfect size to my meal. It has the color to curate my appetite. And today, I broke it by accident.
That, broke me a little.
I picked its pieces up, as I reckon gravity and my ceramic floor already torn it apart. It would no longer serve any purpose. It can not be undone. It would no longer meet my chopsticks and warm rice every lunch time or dinner. Rationally speaking, I should tidy it up and throw its broken pieces away. I wouldn't want to find myself dancing over rubbles of sharp glass barefoot anyway.
Wouldn't I?
I would, but why couldn't I do such simple steps in loving?
I, deep inside felt there were no more love left to live in you for me. Yet I refuse to believe, I refuse to throw us in a plastic bag and dump everything. Why, you may ask? No rational answer can elaborate why do I find myself meddling with thorns and broken glasses.
Maybe I just can't. Even that the memories we've crafted are broken into infinite particles, I wouldn't dare to throw it away as each of its subatomic particle still sparks joy for me. It is, indeed stupid. Why would I hurt myself for someone that I still pick petals of daisies of after all this time?
It is nature to me to always do my best. But fighting draws the fuel. I am getting wary, starting to question whether all my efforts are worth it. It is deemed that if your love for me is there I wouldn't be questioning myself like this. Maybe I should start acknowledging us parting as an option.
Maybe, I should let a good thing die.
Maybe, I should let loose and let you go. Maybe, I should think about myself more and forget the route to you. Or maybe, I should depreciate my own self and continue dancing over shred pieces of my own heartstrings that I knew as love.
Who knows. after all, I'm a person who can't be rational over love.
you can't summon love, if it isn't there at all
when it dawns on you, it's time to say goodbye.
— Bruno Major, To Let A Good Thing Die.
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hey big star you shine too bright / i’m in love with you i’m your comet tonight
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