#he also does his best to keep himself away from women he doesn't find attractive
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love-marimo · 6 months ago
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HAHAHAHA OMG i agree tho
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anders-holmvik · 5 months ago
something something noodling on buck and eddie and forced boundaries. this is word salad btw with no real argument but hopefully its a side that not too many people have written. (written before 8x03-06 airing. so if im completely wrong there will be egg on my face and that is okay because almost nothing is unequivocally true in creative media analysis world.) and also this is super long sorry
i keep thinking about the way they merge buck and eddie's storylines in 7x05, not just on screen in their encounter at the restaurant, but thematically.
first, a really important part of the buck and eddie dynamic is that the two are having an intense emotional affair, and have been since season 3. but, they've always operated across the lines of plausible deniability and they're both likely oblivious to this. they're both "straight." so, anything they do can be chalked up to normalbestfriendbehavior, because there's no way they'd ever physically cheat with each other. they both consider that to be the threshold for cheating, as evidenced by buck and eddie's agreeance that he is not cheating on marisol with kim because they haven't had sex.
7x05 is titled "you don't know me," and that's the central theme for everyone. the episode is mostly about hen and karen, but also continues to weave buck, eddie, and tommy together.
there's the "eddie doesn't know about buck's sexuality exploration and buck feels guilty about this" aspect, but this applies to eddie's solo storyline too.
eddie finds out that marisol used to be a nun. he claims that this has unearthed his catholic guilt, but we know that it never really went away for him, it just became easier for him to repress himself. eddie, even though he claims to not be actively a believer, knows that he is lying to himself about being into marisol, and thinks that god has sent him a reminder that he's watching him. even if he doesn't consciously understand that it's because he's not into women as a whole, he realized his tendency to stay in relationships where he's not happy from his breakup with ana. so he Has to know that he's not genuinely in it. this is also why buck's pointing out that she voluntarily left the convent doesn't bring him any comfort- because he's already decided that marisol is a direct link to god and His disappointment in eddie (as evidenced by his vision of marisol as the virgin mary)
eddie can't have sex with her anymore, the one activity that, to him, proves he's at least attracted to his partner. he's fully prepared to break up with marisol over this, and even hides out at buck's.
buck doesn't realize this at the time because he's too focused on his own guilt, but eddie is looking for his approval to break up with marisol. eddie always does what buck thinks is best for him. he makes the excuse that it's because they're best friends and he trusts his opinion, but i think he knows there's something more to it.
but buck can't give him his approval. because buck cannot fathom that eddie is offering himself up because the idea of marisol is standing between them. the two of them are similar in this way, and that's why they're so fascinating: they're both extremely passive in their romantic pursuits because they lack 1. self esteem and 2. awareness to pursue what they actually want. buck because of his childhood/past relationships and eddie because of his upbringing/grief/repression
buck (and also eddie, but specifically buck) is a huge flirt. however, he'll rarely cross the boundary of platonic activity before the other person does (i genuinely think the last time was abby, but that was his first relationship so its weird hybrid of active and passive tendencies).
he'll flirt and flirt until the other person makes a move, i.e. asking him out or kissing him. he wants them to prove they're choosing him. once they do, he clings. they broke this pattern with his breakup from taylor (even though i consider that a special circumstance) and natalia by having buck leave them, but T may be a return to form. more on that later...
eddie offers himself to buck by letting him choose if he should break up with marisol. buck is oblivious to it because he's too focused on his own guilt of keeping a part of himself "unknown" from eddie. buck confesses about tommy. eddie does not comment on buck's sexuality, he is only surprised at tommy's. buck looks for reassurance there: is it weird that i was on a date with a man? eddie, in his attempt to offer comfort, re-draws the line between them: "this doesn't change a thing between us." what he means is that he's not weirded out, but what buck hears is "i'm straight, so don't even try it."
so, when eddie, who is subconsciously looking for buck to step over the line, asks him about what he thinks he should do, buck doubles down on wanting tommy. eddie, hearing the message, encourages buck to try again. eddie goes home and hits the restart button on his relationship with marisol. he convinces himself that maybe if they start over, it'll work this time.
he tells her that he feels like he doesn't know her well and that they moved too fast. normally, people in this type of situation would just move on and find someone else. but instead, eddie is desperate to stay in this relationship with marisol because buck has stepped over the line of plausible deniability in their relationship, and drawn a new one. buck is officially attracted to men. if eddie's relationship falls apart and buck is not with someone else, the lines start to blur.
later, buck and T get coffee. tommy points out that the two of them don't know anything about each other. they agree to start their relationship and do it "right." the same way eddie and marisol agree to reset theirs.
and the two of them cling to these relationships. marisol ends her and eddie's relationship after finding out about kim. buck remains with tommy despite awkward dates, likely because he is also excited to explore himself (as he is one to do) but also likely because he walked close to that line when he came out to eddie, and felt like he was pushed back.
but i think the sentiment of "you don't know me" really applies for buck and T's relationship as a whole. again, they started with buck flirting and toeing the line until T stepped over it by kissing him, then asking him out.
there's a whole lot of discourse on here and twitter about t's awkward flirting, flippant attitude, and dismissive comments. the thing about this is, likely none of it is tommy purposely trying to hurt buck. tommy does not know buck. he doesn't know that these are things that he is sensitive about, or that hurts him. and buck doesn't communicate when he's uncomfortable. he just internalizes it and focuses on trying to make his partners stay. and tommy will not know buck. buck ingratiates tommy in his life by inviting him to family events, but he doesn't actually open up to tommy or tell him when he's misreading him. it gives both of them a sense of false intimacy.
they're three months in at least, and tommy and buck are still, as oliver said, "getting to know each other." but they both agreed to "get to know each other" and go for it at their coffee date, and here they are months later. not having moved... i hope that holding back his own baggage is going to bite buck in the ass just as much as tommy's past is.
(and by god i hope it is tommy's racist past that gets revealed because FUCK him. but based on what oliver said about buck weighing if he should make it work im not sure they're going to address it. bc if buck found that out i do think he'd end the relationship w little/no debate)
but this is all very interesting to me.. personally i want to see buck explore his sexuality on his own for a little because i think it would be beautiful and he deserves that but i do think he is going to be a little desperate to stay in this relationship if they don't go the gerrard/tommy past route.. but god buck and eddie are so awesomely freakish about each other sometimes
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bushkit · 6 months ago
MiD LGBT HEADCANONS (cause why not)
(These headcanons mostly apply to my rewrite but I feel they fit in canon too. Any hate/homophobic comments will result in a block 🥰)
Ava: Biromantic Asexual, She/Her
Not really sure on this one, maybe cause I don't think about Ava very much, but I guess she gives off bi and ace vibes? Like she does make some saucy jokes despite being possibly ace, which I find kinda funny and relatable. I'm not sure though.
Asch: Straight Demiromantic/Sexual, He/Him
Being a prince, I'm sure Asch has been high on the market for nobility who are interested in marrying him. These girls do whatever they can to get his attention in hopes he’ll choose them. But despite their hardest, sweetest efforts, Asch is always unimpressed. He’s not an idiot. He’s absolutely aware of what these women are really after. If he died right in front of them they’d probably shrug and walk off, and then mourn over what they've lost…… their precious newfound status. Asch knows that’s all they really want, they don't want him for love, for a genuine lifelong relationship, when they look at him all they see is a prize. And boy is it an immediate turn off. Asch finds it very difficult to find a lover, he has high expectations, and it takes a lot of interaction for him to even develop a crush. Asch mostly just doesn't even bother. He finds his status and the people he's constantly surrounded with make his chances of finding love slim to none. He just focuses on his kingdom and nothing else. But even still, there's a part of him that longs for a genuine partner. He doesn't want to be completely alone forever.
Leif: Bisexual, He/They
Leif is the most bisexual person I have ever seen in my life. He’s very flirty, and is not afraid to show his impeccable rizz to both men and women. He usually comes off too strong and sends everyone running away, but they're trying their best! He’s overconfident in his abilities and usually fails, but he slays nonetheless. Slay the day you fruity king. As for pronouns, he's fine with any but feminine pronouns. Usually he goes by he, but he also really likes it when people refer to him as “they”. They pronouns make them feel deadlier, and he just finds it comfortable and more fitting to his personality and lifestyle.
Rhys: Aromantic Asexual, He/Him
Rhys has never felt actual attraction before, and in all honestly he isn't complaining about it. He's doing perfectly fine on his own, all he needs are his books and companionship. When it comes to love, Rhys is far more fascinated by the science of it. He loves to observe the behaviors between lovers, how unique each couple is, how relationships may change others over time. He’s okay with spending his life being helpful to his kingdom, and thinks romance will get in the way of that.
Noi: Pansexual, He/Him
Since childhood, Noi has always been absolutely charmed by the idea of love. He’s constantly dreaming of a happy life he could share with someone, no matter who it was. When it comes to potential romance, gender is out of the question for Noi, as long as they love each other he's happy. It’s difficult for him sadly, as someone who's considered weak by many partnered with societies view on love in general, it’s hard to find someone who truly wants to be in love like he does. But that doesn't stop him from being caring to others, and he will never give up hope that he will find a lover some day. (I LOVE YOU MY BABY NOI YOU WILL FIND LOVE)
Pierce: Gray (panromantic) Aromantic Asexual, He/Him
Pierce was a difficult one. He's so quiet and reserved most of the time that it leads me to think his romantic preference is something he keeps to himself. I don't think romance is very important to him at all, but I also don't think he's against romance as a whole. In a way he's kinda like Rhys, more fascinated by love, but though hesitantly, he’d actually be willing to give it a try. Being so laid back, I don't think Pierce really has a romantic preference, leading me to believe he's likely panromantic.
So ya that's it ✨
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hidden-poet · 1 year ago
I just want to say that every 'version' of your Coryo is amazing, but somehow Commander Snow is the best for me.
Maybe the reader doesn't have such a strong character and may seem the least developed compared to him and others, but....
It seems to me that this version of Coryo has a more motivated desire/desire/obsession with the reader. Somehow I see his need to be with her, her warmth, and to have control over her as a 'natural thing' that could happen to him. Because that's what Coryo might have been missing. Yes, he had Tigirs (who is a wonderful angel), but I think that even in front of her, he tried to play strong; he did not let himself feel her tenderness and care so much, because it was reminding him that he was weak, that his family is poor, and he can't take care of them himself.
So when he sees a reader—so similar to his cousin—who spreads this kindness and warmth, he wants it for himself, and with her he can afford to do more than with Tigirs. He does everything to get what he wants from her, because while Tigris herself gave him this warmth, the reader is afraid of him, and as you wrote, men like the chase. At the beginning, he was also making sure that she wouldn't be starving or something—a thing he couldn't do to his family—another act of having some kind control over her.
So, I just want to say that the reader may not be the strongest character here, but if such an amazing written Coryo I think that people simply don't care/see it as a minus or anything bad or less interesting. Quite opposite it's keeping us curious about what will happen next, what he may do to make sure he will keep her around for himself.
I will just stop my mumbling here... I'm so sorry I made it that long.
Thank you for your work, and I wish you the most inspiration to keep writing and feeding us with Coryo content. Have a happy day/night!! 💙
Hello! thank you so much for this.
You are 100% correct. As i said Coriolanus was looking a lot for comfort and safety which fueled his desire for control.
When I said that I preferred Mabel to the reader, i meant in a story telling way and not as a insult.
I just meant that the dynamic was different. In commander Snow she will always have to be submissive, not only due to her nature but also because he controls her entire community.
Where's in Snow lands on top we see Mabel who isn't shy and still holds power in the relationship. She can challenge Coriolanus which i think is a fun dynamic for a man who loves control. He has to earn it rather then it just being expected.
I've tried to flesh out the reader as much as I could we can see she is a shy, friendly girl who is naturally very motherly. She is well liked within her community, and has been well protected by her mother and brother. She's not a total victim. She can think for herself and has a high endurance level.
She has often shown to be capable of manipulating Coriolanus and finding ways through his punishments.
I think it would be cannon that he would gravitate to a girl like this.
In Snow lands on top, the attraction is purely physical. Mabel is a beautiful women and Snow likes pretty things.
Where's in Commander Snow it's the softness that attracts Snow.
The linkage between her and Tigress is spot on and something i've worked very hard to get across. He is head of the Snow household and yet the women in his life are looking after him. It would make sense that he holds a lot of guilt that he failed to provide them a life that the name of Snow should carry.
And when he finally gets back to watch himself provided for his family, he is torn away and thrown back to the district. Only to come across a girl that could heal the past for him.
Not only could he make amens with Tigress in a symbolic way. But also offer the hurt boy in him comfort. re-writting history a bit.
He wanted to hurt the small school boy so she could comfort because no one came to help small boy Coriolanus.
He wanted her to be a mother because his mother was ripped from him.
He wanted her to wash his clothes and cook his food because for so long he rarely had food to cook or clothes to wash, but when he did his cousin did it for him. His cousin who is now miles from him.
I think Tigress words, "people can be good. People are good" is something that he hold on to but see's very little. So he grabs it before it can be destroyed.
I also disagree that Coriolanus is loving the chase. He is very much wanting to skip that part and fall into the ten years married part.
He is ready to be looked after. He got the grades. He won the hunger games. Betrayed and killed people to get to the top. Now he is ready to be rewarded for it.
He is just a mummy's boy without a mummy, and he is taking it out on the poor reader.
So yes you are 110% right about the dynamic of the relationship and i LOVE that you got it so right. I am so sorry if I came across to be disrespectful to the Commander Snow story. I also love it.
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danieyells · 9 months ago
Omg I'm so emo over the Rui lines 😭😭😭
I have no idea if he was already a flirt before he was cursed (highly likely) but it's be really interesting if he at least exaggerated his persona to be extra frivolous (I can't think of an English word rn but basically whatever is the equivalent of "charai otoko") so that it's obvious he's "Looking for a good time but nothing serious" bc he can't touch anyone but at the same time craves human connection so his best bet is to just be a chatterbox who everyone likes to hang out with but never expect smth deeper out of. Can see it with MC too like how he randomly asks her out on dates but if mc actually says yes he's like oh sorry you gotta get permission to go out of campus with me(one of the campus talks) like he wasn't actually expecting her to accept.
But then ofc he actually starts growing feelings and keeps inviting her to stay over so they can at least talk more 😭😭 his max affinity line 🥺🥺😭
Ngl I'll go crazy if in the Obscuary chapter he accidentally makes contact with mc during the heat of battle or smth and they find out she's not affected by it and then he gets obsessed bc wow finally someone he can touch without worrying about murdering bc he is very clearly touchstarved!!!
And the irony that IF by chance that is the case, then he can only touch her within the year bc by then either she's dead or they lift her curse and the counter effect is gone 😭😭😭
HE REALLY IS PRETTY TRAGIC LIKE. . .HE MUST FEEL SO LONELY. He has to stay away from people even though he clearly loves people a lot haha. . . .
Based on the line about how he used to go surfing and pick up women I assume he was a flirt beforehand! (I imagine the best way to translate チャラい男 would be like. Playboy? Maybe womanizer or player if you want a negative context.) Maybe not as much as now(or maybe he was even worse back then--he is attractive and back then he could touch people, so I can see him as the handsy type, or a total playboy who slept around a lot) but he was probably still somewhat similar! But I can absolutely see him playing it up more once he can't touch anybody because it's like. . .the only way he can express himself is through words and actions now, not touch. Even being too close makes him nervous. He doesn't usually go into the main building(it's so crowded he's worried about accidentally touching and killing someone) and Tohma said his movements are quite restricted(because, again, can't get around too much if you're a kill-risk!) so he must feel pretty lonely. . .but being the shoulder to cry on, being able to provide the service of running a bar(although it seems like mostly other ghouls show up), being the flirty friendly guy who's just out of arm's reach makes him extremely popular and well loved while also keeping everyone safe. . .it lets him have some company without putting anybody in danger.
Sure, his clothes and gloves probably keep him from really putting anybody in danger, but who wants to test that? The possibility of being able to touch somebody isn't worth the risk of somebody dying to test it. Valuing peace and harmony is one of the generalized traits of Obscuary students--if it means everyone can be at peace and be safe, then he can sacrifice his needs for physical contact. If it means his curse does no harm he can stay away from people.
But yeah it does seem like he, as flirty as he is, sometimes doesn't expect to actually be taken up on his offers. Especially when some of them are really extreme, like when he suggests you stay overnight and such. On the other hand, I think he would let you stay overnight. . .just in another room or bed. You can sleep with Lyca! He'll curl up on you like a big dog should. I think he would go on dates with you on or off campus, if you had permission. But i think he'd also be scared of getting too close. Because that's how accidents happen. Even with how popular he is among the general students, the general students fear ghouls and probably keep their distance no matter how much they like him, even if they don't know about the curse. That combined with, like you said, he's clearly not in it for a commitment which helps keep the safety of space. . .but that doesn't work with the pc. They want to be close anyway.
And his affinity goes up and he likes the pc more and more. . .he wants them around but also is so scared of what he could do to them if they get too close. . .why couldn't he just have been normal. He wants them close by. . .he starts to indulge. He says they can come over whenever they want. Let them in on his personal life a little. He'll talk, he'll listen, he'll feed them and give them someplace to call a second home. They're part of his little family.
He wishes he could do more. Even if it were just holding their hand.
But imagine if he failed that test of his curse's limits with them.
Then they'd be gone. And it'd be his fault.
I HAD THIS THOUGHT A WHILE AGO of something I wanted to write--Rui and the pc find that he can, in fact, touch them through clothes. And Rui doesn't want much like one might think. They convince him to lie his head on their lap and take a break from housework. And while he naps they carelessly touch him and die.
But it doesn't end in tragedy. I'll write it out someday haha. BUT YEAH I REALLY HOPE THEY LEARN IT'S ACTUALLY OKAY FOR THEM TO TOUCH IF ONLY A LITTLE BIT IN THE OBSCUARY CHAPTER. . .and then he gets one real good hug in. That's all he really needs. That'll keep him going for a long time, I think--I can't imagine him wanting to ask too much, just. One good, solid hug. It's support for both of them to get through their curses.
It's important to remember the ring too! It protected them when it was Hera's Snakes, I feel like it's gonna protect them from death somehow. It's stuck on their finger after all, it wouldn't want its host to die!
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bullet-prooflove · 10 months ago
OMG "Kelnon, Prompter of Matthew Keller" I love that! It makes me feel like a knight of the round table lol. Thank you for bestowing me the honor of being knighted, I'm glad I could make your morning better! And yes, I agree ol' Matty boy certainly does have a long way to go since he tends to keep all of his emotions locked away far down in the deep hole of his mind. It's like what Neal said to him during the last episode of the show.
Matthew is once again giving Neal shit for being "too trusting," and Neal hits him where it hurts by saying that yeah, maybe he is very trusting but he also has many people in his life who truly care about him. Whereas Matthew is all alone in the world. And Ross McCall is such an amazing actor cuz you can see for a split second that Matthew was indeed hurt by what he said! There's this flash of pain in his eyes that slips away just ad quickly as you see him put on his "bad boy" persona again to protect himself. And then only minutes later have Peter shoot him dead, and the camera pans out to show him all alone with no one to mourn him??? So poetically tragic, I love it. One of the best TV villains!
Sorry for the long ramble lmao has it been made very apparent yet that I love him? Is it starting to become clear? Anywho, I'd also be curious to know what the "meet-cute" was for the reader and Matthew and at what point did both of them realize "oh shit, I might feel something for this person!?" But that's not an official request or anything! Only you get to choose what you write and don't write, and I totally respect that. I hope you're doing well! 💗
- Kelnon
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I have always felt that Matt is very aware of his status as a 'Blue Collar Criminal'. Neal describes him as such in one of the ep. I feel like Matt is very working class, he knows what it's like to have to fight to survive, I imagine he suffered an abusive childhood with his father in a criminal gang and he had to 'work' otherwise he didn't eat or was punished. He learned the family business in a brutal way. He is ridiculously practical because he was never allowed to have the same moral opportunities as Neal. Emotions are weakness is a lesson he learned from a very young age and it's made him hard.
I think he had a very traumtic event in his youth regarding a woman betraying him. I imagine he fell in love, considered going straight and his father killed her so he would learn that love is a weakness and because he wanted to keep him close. I believe in return Matt killed his father before disappearing and making a name for himself. I don't think he has ever had a person who actually cared about him. Even the girl he was associated with was on his father's payroll, she was set up as a learning experiance. He felt genuinely for her but she did not for him. His father still killed her anyway because he could see the depth of Matt's feelings and thought he needed to learn that lesson.
I think Avery is a naturally warm, empathetic person but she's very coveted in their world. I think a lot of criminals playing at their level struggle to form relationships outside of other criminals because it means hiding those aspects of yourself. You can't tell your partner you're stealing a Monet because if you're caught they will become an accomplice so you have to have a secret life and that fractures a relationship. Also their world is very male dominated so the ratio of attractive women is very limited so Avery is used to getting hit on ALOT by the men she works with which makes her guarded. She has walls but she isn't afraid to be herself, she knows who she is and she doesn't try to hide it and that's what Matt finds attractive. She's the most direct and upfront person he knows, she cuts through all the bullshit and she sees through his bullshit.
I imagine they met through a joint assignment possibly through Neal. Game recongised game, afterwards they worked a few ops on their own. I think Matt loved the way she made him laugh, I think it's been a long time since he's allowed himself to relax. I think he fell in love with her ability to be open when he's so closed off. I think the moment he realised he was in love was when he found himself telling her about his history because she asked him to tell her something real about himself.
I think for her it started off very much as sex. Matt's attractive, intelligent, dangerious but he's emotionally unavailable, which originally made her feel safe as there was no danger of attachments. They had similar tastes and became very attuned to each other as lovers. I think it was very on and off, usually when they were in each other's orbit by accident and then I think for Matt it started becoming less accidental. I think for her she realised she enjoyed spending time with him outside of the bedroom. I have this image that once when they were casing a place as couple they both sat down in front of a painting they had no interest in stealing and he told her how he felt when he looked at it. Not from a technical stand point but from an emotional one and it really resonated for her because he was describing real feelings in that moment, something she had never seen from him before and she realised there was incredible emotional depth under the surface. Afterwards I think she took him for gelato and it became more like a real date, her arm linked through his as they walked through the park. They started doing more couple like things after that, dinner, wine tastings, art showings, things that weren't related to jobs they were pulling, things they actually enjoyed doing together.
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yeah-w-r-i-t-e · 2 months ago
please i must know who your fave alias characters are 👀
Okay keep in mind that I have only seen up to episode 1 of season 2 so if anything I say ends up being painfully ironic or a character I like is actually evil and bad IT'S NOT MY FAULT!!! Also I'm afraid I have some very basic takes haha. Sorry in advance for the ramble but I'm afraid I always answer asks this way.
First off my favorite is Sydney. Which is actually pretty out of character for me since I usually find it VERY hard to connect with female characters in media—either cause they're often written poorly or I'm just THAT transgender—but I actually really fucking LOVE Sydney!! Her outfits? Impeccable. Her skills? God I wish I had those. She quite often jumps to conclusions or makes impulse decisions that have me screaming in my head WHAT ARE YOU DOING (you can't QUIT STOP THAT) but that just means she's a nuanced character which is great!! Also she looks VERY good with bobs of any color hair.
It may not seem so due to my months-long preoccupation with the Mission: Impossible fandom, but my absolute FAVORITE dynamic in media is the father-child dynamic. ESPECIALLY flawed dads who are nevertheless trying their best. And Oh Lucky Me cause Jack Bristow is right there!! He's emotionally incompetent and stunted. He'd prefer to only speak in two-word sentences. His wife seduced him for the good of the Soviet Union. HE'S PERFECT for me specifically. I love seeing him awkwardly try to connect with Sydney. I also wanted to kill him when he drove away from where he was supposed to meet with her for dinner and proceeded to LIE about it 😡😡😡. But he's getting better!!! I BELIEVE IN YOU JACK BRISTOW!!! Also I fucking LOVE the whole subplot with him and Will working together at the end of s1. LOVE IT!!!
My other favorite man in this show is Vaughn. I think that's how you spell his name? I don't have much to say except that I love how everyone could IMMEDIATELY tell that he had a crush on Sydney and called him out on his bullshit. And his beef with that one guy (who turned out to be FBI and then bad) for no reason. Also I enjoy Vaughn and Sydney's running joke about going out to dinner after missions. I can't really pinpoint exactly why I like him except for that he's attractive and does his best to help Sydney? He clearly respects her a LOT and I think he'd be the type of guy to be like "look at my wife she's amazing and she kicks ass" and stuff like that while also being competent himself.
I actually hated Will at first cause I could tell he was into Sydney even though she was engaged (and then grieving her dead fiancé) but he grew on me over time. I liked watching him discover more about SD-6 and Danny's death—every time he got a phone call with that deep voice I got really excited—and I ESPECIALLY loved him and Jack having to work together in the end. I'm personally a big fan of innocent and unprepared people being tortured and coming out forever changed, so I obviously loved the finale. And him having to tell the world that his investigations were actually the product of hallucinations due to a 3-year drug addiction—oh my God. I felt so bad for him but I love it (and it's probably the best outcome for him). I guess we'll see if he dies later.
And last but not least: not exactly a favorite character but more of a favorite reoccurring background/side character? Anna Espinosa! I'm going to be honest, there is no way this woman isn't into women. If I didn't like Sydney and Vaughn together, I'd totally ship Anna and Sydney cause their fight scenes? That's chemistry. When Sydney was trapped behind a glass door and Anna KISSED the door to leave behind a LIPSTICK MARK!! OH MY GOD!! I don't know much about her except for that she's a badass and Sydney doesn't like her but DAMN she slays hard in the few appearances we've seen so far. I'm sure she'll turn up again to try to ruin Sydney's day. Maybe they'll have to work together at some point, in a more involved way than when they had to in s1? Crossing my fingers 🤞
So sorry if you just wanted like. A list. But these are my thoughts!! Pretty basic picking...the main characters...but I'm afraid they're just too good not to? I will say that I didn't like Charlie. I feel like the actor just wanted off the show or something cause why the hell would you give the same man TWO different cheating storyline 😭 wild decision to me but okay. I'd like to like Francie more (I certainly don't DISLIKE her) but they haven't really done much with her yet. I'm hoping she'll get a plot line not related to her cheating boyfriend in the future?
ANYWAYS thanks so much for the ask!! I'm not sure how much Alias I'll be watching this semester since I'm watching it with my family and I only see them once a week while at school but we'll see! I didn't expect to get thus invested in it haha.
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toxictrait1986 · 6 months ago
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1. Your biggest enemy is yourself. That enemy is the one who makes you overthink, develop a low self-esteem, make you emotionally unstable and give you headache. Love yourself from the inside first before you expect love from the outside.
2. You are not in a relationship with a man until you both clearly state it. Don't get carried away by the idea of love with a man simply because he spends time with you or treats you special
3. If you are in a relationship or marriage, demanding your man to spend time with you will not make him do so. A man willingly spends time with you because you give him peace and he enjoys your company. Attract him the same way you peacefully and warmly attracted him when he was pursuing you
4. Mr. Right is the man who offers a conducive environment for you to be the best you. Choose your environment well
5. Your husband will never find you if you keep fooling around with other women's husbands
6. Mr. Right can also hurt you. The difference is that Mr. Right hurts when he hurts you, he apologises, owns up to his short comings and makes effort to love you better. Love is a learning process
7. Silent treatment will not solve anything. If your man hurts you, learn to speak your hurt and teach him to love you better. The best couples have mastered the art of conflict resolution
8. Most men don't mind being corrected. What they do mind is the tone with which you correct them. The world has been harsh towards women for years, but tone down your defensive mode and learn to communicate effectively with respect and love. You two don't have to fight and argue to look like you are addressing issues
9. A man who is not serious about you will avoid accountability, will operate in grey areas and will hide you. You will never go far with him. Serious men like being kept accountable, they take pride in what they commit to and are not afraid of responsibilities
10. Getting pregnant for a man will not make him serious about you. Men are serious about a woman because they have a personal vision that includes her
11. If you are not a woman who knows herself, relationships and marriages will bring you drama. Your self awareness is your personal responsibility
12. If you do know yourself and you get married to a man who doesn't know himself, he will frustrate you. Be careful in him being lost he doesn't make you lose you. When marriages go bad, the repurcations are heaviest on the woman
13. Just because you have a relationship with God or you marry someone who has a relationship with God does not mean your marriage will work. You two have to learn to relate with each other, not just with God
14. There are good men in this world, just like there are good women in this world. You will not encounter those good men if you keep entertaining the wrong ones and frequenting where the wrong ones dwell
15. During dating, if you want to see the calibre of man you are getting to know, put off sex and see if he will stay, if he is interested for more than just sex. Be careful, some men will tell you all kinds of promises to get you to bed. They are just curious about how sexing you feels like, not interested to grow with you. Once they sex you, the curiosity goes, especially after you get pregnant
16. Relationships/marriages don't always end or struggle because of the man, sometimes you are the problem. Learn to be honest and objective to see your wrong. If you two work together, your love will grow stronger
17. An insecure man will fight everything that is good about you; from your success, your career, your beauty, your personality, your education and he will blame you for his own issues. He is the problem, not you. Don't dim your light for a man whose identity is in darkness
18. If you have a good man, don't exaggerate the wrong he has done today to the point that you forget how good he has been to you. Don't make him feel unappreciated because he didn't do as you wanted him to today. Keep your perspective and don't overreact
19. Don't be that woman who has been so damaged by wrong men that when the good man comes along you push him away
20. Before you go and share your issues with your man to your friends, share them with him. The solution lies between you two. If he is stubborn or you two still disagree, then share with someone he can be accountable to, like a true friend or a counsellor, if it gets worse, involve both your parents
21. Disagreement or a bad day in your relationship or marriage doesn't mean it is breaking apart. Keep calm. Don't panic
22. No matter how much your husband loves you, he might not see your dreams or even support you that much. You have to learn to defend and nurture your dreams even if he doesn't get it
22. Complaining and nagging will never give you the desired results, it will only push your man away from you and make him tolerate you instead of enjoy you. If you want to inspire him to do more for and with you, appreciate him, have pleasant conversations with him, be easy to talk to
23. If you don't learn how to say no, people and the world will use you and dump you
24. Remember, there is more to life than marriage, sex and having children. You are a blessing with so much to accomplish and pursue as an individual
25. Don't be hard on yourself. Pat yourself on the back for how far you have come.
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annelise-draws · 1 year ago
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OC-Tober Day 5: Relationships
A day late and I wanted to do my other collab children with Vafalls, but this was already crowding too many characters into one pic and there are so many AUs there, as tends to happen with characters you've had for over a decade. So here are my collab children with @carolmaclaine. Transcript and details under cut!
to Cassis: You make me feel alive again. (He's super gushy about Cassis. He will wax poetic for days. He hates everything about himself but Cassis loving him is a constant surprise and a reason to keep on...living? He doesn't know if he should call it that)
to Viorica: She's nice, but her taste in men... yuck. (He likes Viorica fine enough, but the fact that she's attracted to Johann, one of his least favorite people, makes him respect her a little less)
to Eloise: Younger sister, my ride-or-die. (Due to the lack of parental affection in their childhood, they're very close. Around the time he was banned from the lavish balls his father would throw, she'd take breaks and sneak him petit fours and wine so she could commiserate with him. Also distract her father and guards while he would go shag some knights.)
to Marcel: Younger brother. We aren't that close. (Sadly... they're not. There's nearly a 20 year age gap between them, but he harbors no ill feelings towards the guy.)
to Johann: I'm gonna get your brother pregnant. (He likes to mess with Johann. Given that Johann was sort of his boss when he was resurrected and tried to arrest Cassis and have him stolen back and constantly referred to Isidore as a monster/freak/thing, Isidore does not have much warm feelings towards him.)
to Isidore: Aww! I love you too! (He's not entirely sure how to deal with Isidore's self-depreciation, but he really loves the guy and he feels lucky to have him in his life. He wants to help him out as best as he can.)
to Viorica: Former student! So proud of her! (Viorica wasn't particularly interested in the subjects he was teaching, but took one of his classes on a whim. The two developed a friendship, and she was there to patch up his hand when he blew it off.)
to Tisane: Little guy! (He's a little guy)
to Eloise: Sister-in-law? She's so nice. :) (Nothing particularly interesting here! They're both sweeties haha)
to Marcel: Nerdy little nephew, aww... (Even though Marcel is technically his brother-in-law, the large age difference makes him seem more like a nephew. Marcel is interested in academia, and he likes talking to Cassis about magical studies.)
to Johann: Older Brother! So cool! (Despite everything his brother has done, he still loves him. They were close in their childhoods, and he has always respected and looked up to him.
to Isidore: I'm glad Cassis found somebody. (Cassis had... quite a reputation of getting dumped a lot when he was a professor. She thinks Isidore's a good fit for him, even if he can be a bit of pain in the ass.)
to Cassis: Former Professor, I owe him a lot. (Cassis being openly queer helped her to realize she was trans, which is what helped them become friends.)
to Tisane: My son! (Tisane cannot be released back in to the wild due to the fact that he is practically toothless. Viorica loves him and he loves her u v u)
to Eloise: Great friend! (On account of being the Only Women Here, she likes to hang out with Eloise to get away from the dudes. Sometimes she feels a little embarrassed with how much Elle spoils her, but that's how she shows her love...)
to Johann: Be kinder to yourself. (A big reason for their relationship is that Johann has neglected his well-being after an injury that ruined his knight career, which she helped him take care of and recover. He still beats himself up for not being as strong as he used to be, but this is the only Johann he's ever met, and she loves him regardless!)
to Isidore: I know your murder was an inside job and I will avenge you. (She was... really shaken up by his murder. Finding out that he wasn't as dead as previously discovered was great, but his his memory being a little shoddy her revenge had to wait. Still, he's incredibly important to her, and she's glad he's back in her life.)
to Cassis: My brother is lucky to have you! (She loves this guy! And she's glad that Isidore finally has the opportunity to be openly in love with a man.)
to Viorica: Bestie! (As said earlier, they like to hang out! She spoils Viorica, who is used to roughing it up in the wilderness, with nice clothes and nights on the town and spa days. Vi gets a little overwhelmed with this, but she never had much of an opportunity to wear fancy dresses before...)
to Tisane: Cute!!! (Viorica will bring him over for girls nights and after a few glasses of wine they usually end up dressing him in cute outfits. He does not like this, but he allows them...)
to Marcel: Protective. (After Isidore's murder, she's been pretty protective over him. Understandably so!)
to Johann: He's nicer than he looks. (Johann was a frequent hire for her father's parties. She spoke to him while his facial scars were pretty new, and they struck a friendship. She thinks it's a funny coincidence that their brothers are dating.)
to Isidore: YOU WILL NOT [impregnate my brother]. (VIORICA TOLD HIM THAT THIS WAS NOT MEDICALLY POSSIBLE!!! STOP SAYING THAT!!! Their relationship is strained thanks to all of their former church baggage, and also the fact that Johann is a Good Fantasy Catholic Boy and Isidore is so relentlessly horny for his brother that it makes him really uncomfortable.)
to Cassis: You forgive me too easily. (He really does. Johann doesn't like how quickly Cassis has forgiven him for being a shitty brother, to the point where he's happy that Isidore is at least a bit abrasive. Also, he doesn't think Cassis should emphasize how much older he is;;; there's only a six month difference between them!)
to Viorica: I don't deserve you. (He's never been in a serious relationship before, so Viorica's presence in his life has been life-changing. He loves her, and he feels so lucky to have someone as smart and patient as her helping him out.)
to Tisane: Quit biting holes into my socks. (He will not. Tisane is a menace.)
to Eloise: A good friend with a terrible brother (not Marcel). (As stated earlier, Eloise would talk with him during parties, something he was not used to but thankful for. He didn't know Isidore at the time, thanks to his usual banning from the party floor, but he was horrified to learn that such a kind lady has such a menace for a brother.
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jeweled-blue-eyes · 7 months ago
*Slaps the whiteboard* Okay but what if Galahad was a lesbian, I'd like more women in my cast that aren't maternal figures but aroace Gala is good too.
Also ignore "Morgan's other sisters" I don't know what to do with them yet.
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Mordred: I know what you are
Galahad: OH NO!!! He knows I'm a women and that Guinevere is my mother!!!
Mordred: ❓️🤨❓️
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I don't really know if I can get on board with the concept. That Galahad is a man is special and necessary to me because he combines a lot of tropes that you usually see in women. For example, the condition that he has to remain a “pure” knight, which allows him, unlike his father, to find the Holy Grail. Besides the fact that Galahad is a child who reminds Lancelot of his rape by Elaine, his destiny to replace Lancelot as the best of the best knights complicates the father-son relationship considerably. Galahad's begetting has not only ruined Lancelot, he will see his son achieve what he will never achieve himself and that hurts. His worst dishonor will become a glorious hero sitting on the round table where King Arthur and his knights congregate. He is a younger, stronger version of Lancelot and as his boy grows into a brave knight, Lancelot feels he has become redundant. Unlike Lancelot, the rape does not taint him, it makes him strangely special, untouchable.
I view the headcanon that Galahad is ace similarly. It disassembles his role and takes away key features of his character. To remain pure Galahad is not allowed to love anyone but god. He can't have a lover. His abstinence is not a real sacrifice, if he doesn't feel the tempation of the flesh and has to force himself to battle with his desires each day. To tell someone aroace they can't have sex and if they do they lose their specialness is like telling a person with gluten allergy they aren't allowed to eat bread. They wouldn't have done it anyway. It's not hard to do without something you'd feel indifferent or repulsed by anyway. (This is why I love the headcanon of Galahad being a gay and horny teenager so much. It torments him even more. It isolates him even more from his peers. It makes him even more god-fearing and might turn his faith into fanatism because he's so scared of burning in hell if people found out.)
Lancelot's rape by Elaine is also the event that makes him go mad and kickstarts his affair with Guinevere. I think it's what made Galahad Galahad. His unfortunate birth, his lonely childhood, his mother who is wasting away in unrequited love and keeps telling him he is meant for something great, his absent father who suddenly returns with amnesia shows him affection and then disappears again. To remove all that is to take away the darkness that attracted me to his story and turns him into an entirely different character.
I mentioned this before but I think merging Elaine (Morgan's sister) with Elaine of Corbenic would be soo good. It connects two important bloodlines of heroes (Arthur and Lancelot) with one another and it would create a relation where Mordred and Galahad are cousins and perhaps even foster brothers, provided Arthur decides to ward or adopt Galahad. He would have a motive in tying Galahad to the crown, because he is the son of his best friend, his nephew and prophecied to become the most perfect knight. Galahad could become his blan B in case Guinevere remains childless and Arthur is forced to chose a successor among his knights. Mordred the witch knight and Galahad the saintly knight put in a rivalry for the throne. I'd love to see it! Even better if Galahad doesn't want the throne, but everyone else forces him to participate anyway.
You are so right though, we need more female characters. Perhaps one of the sons of the maiden Arthur had raped, is secretly a girl disguised as a man who swore revenge against Arthur? What could be more humilating for the Great King of Britain than being tricked and defeated by your bastard son who isn't even a man? Imagine the daughter born of rape and the son born of incest teaming up against Arthur.
What if one of the fisherman's daughters who saved Mordred from the shipwreck and raised him in secret, trains to become a knight and follows him to court? Have you thought about the sisters of their brother's that were drowned during the Mayday Massacre? Their families who were wronged, they might want vengeance too. I think it'd be also cool if one of the questing beasts was an enchanted princess or a witch who chose to live like that.
Is Eiran "the oc to be named"?
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dstnyher · 4 months ago
A Self Reminder to love yourself
1. Your biggest enemy is yourself. That enemy is the one who makes you overthink, develop a low self-esteem, make you emotionally unstable and give you headache. Love yourself from the inside first before you expect love from the outside.
2. You are not in a relationship with a man until you both clearly state it. Don't get carried away by the idea of love with a man simply because he spends time with you or treats you special
3. If you are in a relationship or marriage, demanding your man to spend time with you will not make him do so. A man willingly spends time with you because you give him peace and he enjoys your company. Attract him the same way you peacefully and warmly attracted him when he was pursuing you
4. Mr. Right is the man who offers a conducive environment for you to be the best you. Choose your environment well
5. Your husband will never find you if you keep fooling around with other women's husbands
6. Mr. Right can also hurt you. The difference is that Mr. Right hurts when he hurts you, he apologises, owns up to his short comings and makes effort to love you better. Love is a learning process
7. Silent treatment will not solve anything. If your man hurts you, learn to speak your hurt and teach him to love you better. The best couples have mastered the art of conflict resolution
8. Most men don't mind being corrected. What they do mind is the tone with which you correct them. The world has been harsh towards women for years, but tone down your defensive mode and learn to communicate effectively with respect and love. You two don't have to fight and argue to look like you are addressing issues
9. A man who is not serious about you will avoid accountability, will operate in grey areas and will hide you. You will never go far with him. Serious men like being kept accountable, they take pride in what they commit to and are not afraid of responsibilities
10. Getting pregnant for a man will not make him serious about you. Men are serious about a woman because they have a personal vision that includes her
11. If you are not a woman who knows herself, relationships and marriages will bring you drama. Your self awareness is your personal responsibility
12. If you do know yourself and you get married to a man who doesn't know himself, he will frustrate you. Be careful in him being lost he doesn't make you lose you. When marriages go bad, the repurcations are heaviest on the woman.
13. Just because you have a relationship with God or you marry someone who has a relationship with God does not mean your marriage will work. You two have to learn to relate with each other, not just with God
14. There are good men in this world, just like there are good women in this world. You will not encounter those good men if you keep entertaining the wrong ones and frequenting where the wrong ones dwell
15. During dating, if you want to see the calibre of man you are getting to know, put off sex and see if he will stay, if he is interested for more than just sex. Be careful, some men will tell you all kinds of promises to get you to bed. They are just curious about how sexing you feels like, not interested to grow with you. Once they sex you, the curiosity goes, especially after you get pregnant
16. Relationships/marriages don't always end or struggle because of the man, sometimes you are the problem. Learn to be honest and objective to see your wrong. If you two work together, your love will grow stronger
17. An insecure man will fight everything that is good about you; from your success, your career, your beauty, your personality, your education and he will blame you for his own issues. He is the problem, not you. Don't dim your light for a man whose identity is in darkness
18. If you have a good man, don't exaggerate the wrong he has done today to the point that you forget how good he has been to you. Don't make him feel unappreciated because he didn't do as you wanted him to today. Keep your perspective and don't overreact
19. Don't be that woman who has been so damaged by wrong men that when the good man comes along you push him away
20. Before you go and share your issues with your man to your friends, share them with him. The solution lies between you two. If he is stubborn or you two still disagree, then share with someone he can be accountable to, like a true friend or a counsellor, if it gets worse, involve both your parents
21. Disagreement or a bad day in your relationship or marriage doesn't mean it is breaking apart. Keep calm. Don't panic
22. No matter how much your husband loves you, he might not see your dreams or even support you that much. You have to learn to defend and nurture your dreams even if he doesn't get it
22. Complaining and nagging will never give you the desired results, it will only push your man away from you and make him tolerate you instead of enjoy you. If you want to inspire him to do more for and with you, appreciate him, have pleasant conversations with him, be easy to talk to
23. If you don't learn how to say no, people and the world will use you and dump you
24. Remember, there is more to life than marriage, sex and having children. You are a blessing with so much to accomplish and pursue as an individual
25. Don't be hard on yourself. Pat yourself on the back for how far you have come.
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djosephqueery · 2 years ago
Art block's still really really bad so I'm not comfortable posting anything I've doodled recently. Instead I'm gonna ramble at whoever will listen about my witcher au headcanons. This is really long, and mostly just word vomit. Sorry not sorry.
Obviously, I've made Steve analogous with Geralt and Eddie Jaskier. I've seen a couple different interpretations on who would be who, but this is what feels most natural to me.
In my head Nancy is closest paralleled by Yen; they share quite a few narrative themes and are both women I am equal parts in love with and terrified of.
I think Robin most closely fits Triss, except in my version of the story she's the one turning down the prospect of a relationship with Steve. She'd also play a much larger role in his life than Triss did in the show (I've only played a little of the games and haven't read the books, so most of my knowledge is show-based).
And then obviously, because this is a Steddie (and ronance, I'm making it happen) au, it has to diverge from the witcher canon at some point because I don't want endgame stancy. Because I do love a healthy amount of angst though, I am going to keep mostly to canon up through the whole debacle on the mountain. Nancy finds out about the djinn wish and leaves Steve, Steve still gets (unrightfully) pissed at Eddie and leaves him there, everyone's in pain it's great.
But Steve and Nancy don't get back together after that. That's the end of their romantic involvement with each other.
Then the romance with Eddie kicks off after steve breaks the bard out of prison. In the time between the mountain and the prison break Steve's had all his realizations about Eddie (and he's a Witcher, so like it's all tinged with this feeling like he shouldn't get involved, would be better for eddie if he wasn't around, etc etc, which is why he stays away for so long). I'm not, however, making Eddie his bi awakening. Steve's not a teenager/young adult in this au. He's been around. He's known this about himself for a long time, but it's just as inconsequential to him as his attraction to women. It's a fact he knows, but doesn't really matter because he's not destined (in his eyes) for that kind of relationship.
I am torn on how to approach the Child Surprise. Part of me wants to scrap that arc completely and come up with something New.
If I do keep it, then I'm torn on Which kid from the show fits Ciri best. El seems like the obvious choice as far as narrative parallels go- powers she doesn't really understand, her whole life being suddenly upturned and there being insane forces at play that want her for some unknown reason- it's all there. But because we don't get any Steve/El interactions in st it's hard for me to fit her into the Geralt/Ciri dynamic.
Dynamic-wise I think the child should be Max. We see Steve take care of her in the show, and they bicker a little but she trusts him and (ultimately) listens to him. He feels responsible for her in a way that we don't see him feel towards El.
So I'm still undecided on that as of yet.
Robin and Nancy getting together is a lot more amorphous due to the minimal Yen/Triss interactions we get onscreen. But there's plenty of opportunity for that while they're both at Aretuza after Sodden. Nancy having lost her powers, Robin dealing with her own wounds that won't heal, tons of opportunity for bonding over shared trauma and finding a way Forward.
Does Nancy still get tangled up with the Deathless Mother trying to get her magic back? in this au with Robin there with her, would she help? Would this create a divide between Steve and Robin (for a time only, it would Resolve. I'm a stobin lover first and foremost)? So many unanswered questions.
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wellthatjusthappend · 6 years ago
Hey, first off, I really like your writing, it's always so touching or captivating, and second, if you take requests, could I ask for one where Jaspn has a Type(TM) that's pretty dangerous (like Slade, Ra's, Roman, Talia, whatever) and Dick finds out and starts intereferring when Jason butts heads with them and Jay is just over there like, The fuck,Dickhead? That's my fight! Because he doesn't realize that those dangerous older people are actually flirting with him
Thank you so much! 
This was a fun prompt! Usually it’s Dick with a haram of semi-villainous older men and women. Jason does have his few too though, and he’s much more oblivious to their attentions. 
“Red Hood…” Black Mask purred, eyes trailing over Jason just a little too predatorily, “I was hoping you might show up.”
Dick gritted his teeth. 
“What can I say?” Dick could hear the grin in Jason’s voice even through the voice mod of his helmet, “I heard you were having a party and just had to swing by. You know I love spoiling your fun, Mask.”
Bodies of Black Mask’s men lay all around, but Dick knew more would be on the way. He wasn’t technically supposed to be there- Jason certainly wouldn’t appreciate it- but lately he’d been worrying about Jason. 
First there was Talia and the familiar way she felt free to touch Jason. Then there Scarecrow and all the creepy psychological crap he’d had to say about Red Hood and all the ways he could bend and break under the right hands. How he might even submit himself to the abuse willingly. Since then Dick hadn’t been able to ignore that Jason seemed to attract a Type… specifically villains that would hurt him. 
Worse, Jason seemed to respond to them. 
Black Mask was not the only one who had showed an interest since Dick started to pay attention, but he was by far the worst in Dick’s opinion. In his nightmares he sometimes dreamed up terrible scenario after scenario that a sadist like Roman would want to put Jason through. It brought up a fierce and all encompassing protectiveness in him. 
“Oh, Red, if you wanted to be my bitch, all you had to do was ask,” Roman said, pulling what was definitely not a standard gun and pointing it at Jason. Dick didn’t want to find out what that was. He didn’t think, just jumped in and threw a wingding at the hand gripping the gun, fury pounding in his head. 
Whatever Roman was planning for Jason, Dick wasn’t going to allow it. 
“Nightwing- what the fuck?” Jason was snarling furiously. 
Dick was much more focused on the retreating villain before them.
“Oh Hood, I didn’t know you’d invited friends,” Roman said rubbing his hand and glaring back at Dick.
“I didn’t,” Jason said pointedly at Dick.
“Stay away from him,” Dick growled, ignoring him. 
Black Mask paused before a pleased and somewhat lecherous look flitted over his face. 
“Ah… I see. You’re much smarter than your brother dearest here. Prettier too,” Black Mask said, confirming what Dick feared. 
Dick could feel Jason boiling with anger behind him. He was going to get an earful later, but so long as Black Mask turned his attention elsewhere, he didn’t care.
“Unfortunately, I don’t have much interest in your type. Pity,” Black Mask said starting to back away even as he turned back to Jason, a refreshed gleam in his eyes, “Hood, next time let’s keep it... private.”
Dick wanted to beat the shit out of him.
He didn’t catch whatever Jason’s sassy comeback was because Black Mask’s men were suddenly pouring into the room and both he and Jason had to beat a hasty retreat. Once they’d fought their way out and were safely on a nearby rooftop, Jason tried to round on him.
“What the fuck was that?” Jason spat. 
“Not here,” Dick snapped, gesturing to the swarming false-facers who were still hunting for them below. He could tell Jason was glaring at him, but to his surprise he didn’t put up a fight in being led back to one of Dick’s safe houses. Jason tossed his helmet on the couch and flopped down on the couch with an expectant look. 
“You need to be more careful,” Dick started to lecture. 
“Oh fuck you, I didn’t need your help,” Jason rolled his eyes.
“He was about to do something to you,” Dick snapped, “I wasn’t about to stand by and watch.”
“You shouldn’t have been watching in the first place,” Jason snapped, “I would have handled whatever it was. I always do.”
It was somewhat tempting to say something about the Joker, but that would have been way below the belt and Dick still managing to hold onto his temper. He wasn’t angry at Jason anyway.
“I don’t like how he looks at you,” Dick said instead. 
“So he wants to shoot me full of bullets, what else is new?” Jason rolled his eyes, “He’s a villain Dickhead, he’s supposed to have a fucked up way of looking at me.”
Not like this. Dick wasn’t sure he wanted Jason to know that Roman wanted him that way though. What if he tried to use it to his advantage? What if he went and did something stupid the next time any of the Bat’s pissed him off?
“Leave Black Mask to us,” Dick said instead.
“You’re so fucking-”
“I’m worried about you.”
“‘Worried’ my ass, you’re just being a controlling asshole just like him,” There was no question of who he was talking about. Dick didn’t think he was being quite as bad as Bruce but dammit, sometimes Bruce had the right idea with things like this. He didn’t think Jason would appreciate hearing that though. 
When he didn’t immediately defend himself, Jason made a disgusted sound and tried to walk away from him. For some reason, that made something rise in his chest and Dick found himself taking a step forward and grabbing at Jason’s jacket.
He wouldn’t let some villain have Jason. They’d hurt him and maybe even please him and then hurt him even worse. It was all against the rules. 
“He can’t have you. Promise me Jason you won’t let him,” Dick hissed jerking Jason close. 
“I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. Back off,” Jason warned, flashing teeth, “You’re acting like a jealous shithead or something.”
Dick went very still. Too still, because suddenly Jason’s eyes were widening.
“Wait- seriously?”
“I’m not jealous,” Dick snapped. 
“Holy shit…” Jason was staring at him like he’d never seen him properly before and Dick hated it. 
“Shut up-” Dick shoved him.
Jason tried to grab him again and Dick caught him in the cheek with and elbow. Jason hissed but kept coming. Soon they were sparring awkwardly and knocking over the sparse furniture of the safe house. They weren’t even properly fighting, but Dick knew it would be bad to get caught. Dick should have maybe run, but that would have made it look like Jason was right. Which he totally wasn’t. 
If anyone asked, it was Jason’s fault. He tried to headbutt him and so Dick grabbed his hair and yanked and Jason made this sound that had Dick’s brain shorting out in a second. 
The next thing he knew he was kissing Jason angrily. It was all his fault for stirring up all of this in Dick anyway. 
Jason made a surprised sound, but quickly kissed back with all the competitiveness that still betrayed his youth. He was also still obviously not very experienced yet, something that filled Dick with satisfaction. 
So maybe Talia hadn’t gotten her claws in quite as deeply as he’d feared. 
Jason was pushing him down onto the carpet and Dick went willingly. He was glad he did when Jason threw a leg over him and pressed close, never breaking their furious kiss. It would have been almost innocent if either of them had been able to keep their hands to themselves. 
There was a part of Dick that was panicking about all of this; that he shouldn’t be doing this. He didn’t know what Jason was to him on the best of days, but he had a feeling that he definitely shouldn’t be about to have sex with him on his safehouse floor. But there was another part of him that wanted to draw blood. Wanted to bite and push and breach. Wanted to see the way Jason crumbled under his hand… how he’d gasp and groan. 
Something in him was positive it’d be a beautiful sight. 
Dick flipped them and pinned Jason down with his own weight, bending back his legs and making Jason shiver. He wasn’t nearly as flexible as Dick, and forcing him back into the position made his muscles strain and tremble a little. It made Dick very aware of the heat between his legs and how vulnerable Jason was to him in this position. 
Or maybe just in general. 
It made Dick feel almost monstrous. It also made him want to push Jason even further. He shouldn’t want to see what Jason’s eyes looked like streaked with tears, but... he also really really did. 
Maybe Jason saw something of that in his eyes because his legs flexed around him as he said almost cautiously, “Dick…?”
Dick was almost grateful that his his comm chimed. 
“Nightwing, come in,” came Bruce’s voice. 
It was like being drowned in icy guilt. Dick drew away from Jason hastily as he reached up and answered.
“Nightwing here, what’s up?” Dick said, trying to ignore the way Jason sneered at him as he lowered his legs. 
“You’re needed on a situation at the bank on central and 8th,” Bruce said shortly. 
“On it,” Dick said, already adjusting his suit.
He was too embarrassed to look at Jason, hoped he realized too that this had been a mistake. Before he could head out the window though, Jason’s phone rang. 
“Hey Slade,” Jason said, “I was about to call you.”
Dick froze. 
“About that offer for some more hands on training,” Jason met his eyes challengingly, “I’ll take it.”
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thesagedahlia · 5 years ago
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💔 Apryl Jones & Lil Fizz: The Re-Up💔
Gone for a minute, now we back with the jumpoff...no, I'm not talking about Apryl 👩🏾‍🦲☻
When my prediction of their break-up came to past, I wasn't as excited of my skill, as I was indifferent about the loss of this "relationshituation". I pulled cards the day it was announced as well, & I keep getting the tower card (for those that don't know, the tower is faulty foundations that come crashing down, or even self realizations, & a lot of the time is triggered by the powers that be), so I felt they were done-zo, like not for 'play play'. I also picked up on her deflecting the relationship & downplaying what really happened (like, I can't get the tower multiple times & NOT think there was more to the situation). My interest was dying down however, so I almost didn't do this whole project. Thanks to a tip from one of my followers, who spotted Apryl & Fizz together & speculated that she was with child, my 'nosey' nose started itching. Come to find out, it seems their 'paradise' blew up right in their faces, & it was in ways that I both did & didn't expect...
By the way, they still unfollow each other till this day 💅🏾
I am not declaring, nor am I insinuating, that anything I say in my predictions are true accounts of any of the parties involved. This reading is for entertainment purposes only, & should only taken as such. All in good fun, folks 🤷🏾‍♀️🧿
💔The state of Apryl & Fizz's relationship energetically❔
I feel like their break-up was triggered by some reckless or careless behavior out of boredom or lack of fun. I feel like one or both people started to become discontent & dissatisfied within the relationship. Undelivered promises may have caused some loneliness as well, which is pointing to a possible infidelity. Their foundation wasn't as strong as they made it seem to be, & if feels like Apryl was who created issues outside of the equation. I also have reason to believe whoever she 'slept with' (if she did) led to a pregnancy scare/unwanted pregnancy. I feel like there was confusion as to who fathered the child. I feel like there was a separation to were Apryl probably didn't tell this everything, or she did & it wasn't believed. It feels like there is a complete lack of clarity or illumination regarding this possible pregnancy scare. I also feel like if Apryl was pregnant, she may have had fertility issues or as she may have contemplated an abortion or went through with terminating the pregnancy. I feel like they argued a lot of about what happened & it caused a lot of stress. I don't think there in the best place & Apryl may be remorseful & apologetic, but I also feel like she is defensive of her actions. Fizz feels like he has a chip on his shoulder over this, & he firmly believes that she's repeated negative patterns out of boredom. I feel like Fizz has also found peace within his solitude, & I don't feel like he is looking to fix things with Apryl. I feel there was a reality check of the stagnation they were experiencing, but I think it put a damper on their actual friendship. I'm also getting a strong feeling that whoever it is that she is being accused of sleeping with feels like an old friend or an ex of hers. Until there is ability to assert control or to receive some sort of revelation, there is an energy of uncertain outcomes or playing the waiting game. Fizz may not have been as active regarding her 'pregnancy scare', because of the overwhelming possibility that it could have been someone else's. This could honestly be a case of unrequited love or challenges to let go of a heartbreaker I'm also getting the feeling that they tried a long distance stent and their relationship but it still wasn't enough to bring things into balance.
💔 Did they break up/why❓
I'm going to say yes, they did at that time it was announced that they did, & it was a case of possible infidelity. Apryl comes off as the 'party girl' type, so she definitely has doing some overindulging, but it led to some confusion in the relationship. Apryl was being recognized around the streets, if you dig what I'm saying. It feels like it was a friend, or ex of Apryl's, that she may have been rumored to have hooked up with (I'd say it was either a friend of Apryl's, Fizz's, or this can be a mutual friend of both) that seemed to be a 'one night', if you will. I feel there was a clinging on to this relationship after a while, & a shred of it does seek the attention that comes with being together, but the connection got a little routine & burdening. It did feel like someone was searching outside of the relationship, but it didn't seem intentional; it felt like it happened naturally. Apryl is wanting a happy family life, but she is looking for in all the wrong ways out of loneliness. I feel like her children with Omarion became a priority when custody was awarded to him. I feel that dealing with that became more important than her relationship with Fizz, so plans have changed. I also feel it was hard for Fizz to process if Apryl was dealing with the friend or not, & I think the whole situation of that changed the dynamic of their relationship as a whole. There was a realization that they weren't going to grow from this, as there was no real direction. I feel like it not only drove a wedge into their relationship but also the friends relationship with each of them.
💃🏾 How is Apryl Jones coping with the single life ❔
She seems like she is focus on her foundations & achievements namely her family/children. It's also a strong energy of her focusing on herself & not looking to deal with love or a relationship. This is the age of someone who is single, but I do feel like she hooks up from time to time; single, yet mingling. I certainly don't feel Apryl in the house every night, & she does deal with men (or it can be a specific water sign man) that aren't emotionally mature, are emotionally manipulative, & comes off as the non-committal types. I don't feel her wanting to commit right now & it may be from discouragement or fear of uncertainty. She has a blocked heart chakra so emotionally she may be unstable herself. I do feel her really being hung up on what she went through with Omarian, but I also feel she still wanting a happy ending with someone. She's not in the right emotional state right now, so anyone she gets involved with will be unorganized or unconventional. I feel like her relationship with Fizz was a way to lash out through what she was feeling. I see her being attached from her emotions & love as well, & she may be attracting non emotional men to 'tame her beasts'. I feel like this is her way to cope, but it doesn't stick for her. She doesn't open up about how she may be suffering, & she copes in silence as well. I feel like she doesn't want to have relationships/friendships because I feel they have caused her a lot of drama & stress in her life in general, as well as her love life. She's operating on inner conflict & pain, so she is in the mindset of not allowing friends/partners into her life for too long if they begin to cause her stress.
🕺����How is Lil Fizz coping with the single life❓
Fizz feels like he isn't making any decisions or movements to be committed to anyone, as I feel he is getting over the relationship with Apryl & I felt that to have been taken as a failure or an embarrassment to him. I feel he felt good about his relationship with her in the past, at first, & he felt it to be fulfilling his wishes. I think really committing is a challenge for him, so I don't see him being open to a relationship anytime soon. I do feel like he's not sitting at home either & he is also in much of an in-&-out player energy with women. They both seem to be lacking introspection, but with Fizz, he seems to be coming out of his emotions as opposed to them. I do feel like he is coping with the same methods as Apryl, but he seemed to be content with this function (or so he is making himself believe this). I feel he will open up intuitively & spiritually when he begins gaining clarity on why love hasn't worked out for him in the past, & a lot of the time he would either be mismatched or we he would attract very logical or cold women. For him, this may be a slow discovery/recovery from this, & it will be a matter of gaining illumination to patterns. I also feel Fizz really does want to find someone he has genuine feelings towards & someone he would be willing to commit to, just like Apryl, but he needs to understand why he attracts certain women. I also feel he gets wary of women who gets involved with him because he's 'Lil Fizz'. He wants security & stability with someone he cares for, but he has to start getting serious about the type of girl to be with. I feel like these types of women are familiar to him & he may have a hard time implementing these expectations right away.
💔 Do they ever plan on getting back together❔
Right now, their relationship is in a state of conflict regarding some gossip or misinformation about an affair, & it is coming up as an accident that they are both aware of, but I don't think the details or as extensive or as clear. Despite this knowledge putting a wedge into their relationship, the spark went out in their relationship rather quickly as well. Also I think Apryl was trying too hard to force a family with Fizz, which also cause discontentments further promoting the connection has run its course. I feel like in their relationship, Apryl was drawing a lot of negative attention to herself, & it also felt like she is the source of a lot of drama & conflict. I feel Fizz was committed to a fault, but I think he began to become discouraged about the security within their connection. I feel that day felt it was best to close the cycle out & separate, & it feels like deception may have resulted in an unwanted pregnancy, or scare (or at least that is what's speculated). Whether there was issues with the pregnancy fertility issues or mis carriage was experience fertility is coming up a lot; which coincides with Apryl being the permiscuous type. Moving forward, trust issues came up more often than not; even though there was loyalty to the friendship, it feels like an issue of letting go of the past. It feels like they would need to be open to healing the past, but I don't think they are in this space just yet. It may be hard to overlook Apryl's alleged actions, & I feel Fizz is fearful of being cheated on or rejected. This break-up feels final & it feels like there needs to be a mutual effort & desire to be together, without it coming from and unhealed place. The alleged cheating was kind of what called everything off & turn the desire off. Overall, I think the ship has sailed since the situation isn't healed all the way.
💔What lies in the near future for both parties❓
💃🏾 Apryl will be focused on her own stability, or lack thereof, & I feel like she isn't in the best place financially, or in the coming months it will get to an uncomfortable place for her. I'm not sure of her living situation, as it seems she either has roommates, or she is living in between places, but I feel she is dealing with someone she may be dependent on. It's giving me the impression that her only claim to this man is financial stability, while he is only attracted to her for physical appearance. I feel her focus will also be recovering her reputation after the backlash of dating Fizz, which the attention from that was a possible reason why she dealt with him for that time, other than how she felt about him. I feel like she is wanting to build herself back from her relationship with Fizz, as she has had a strong fall from grace with all that has happened, & it may be difficult to recover her respect from the public eye. She has the energy of an underachiever & hasn't got into a place in her life (yet) where she can genuinely say she's financially stable or happy.
🕺🏾 Fizz feel like he is in a mentally entrapping situation that feels like it has to do with Moniece because I'm picking up mothering energy. It feels like he keeps her at bay (or tries to), but I feel like it may start to become difficult to keep her happy, let alone be able to cooperate or coparent with her. I feel this is a never-ending cycle with Mo for him, but I think he is really needing to focus on bringing positivity & optimism to this situation. I feel like he feels a lot of hostile energy, but the only reason for her hostility is due to the lack of forward movement & his lack of discipline/commitment to coparenting. I would even go as far as to say that he can be a absent father at times, or he may wait too long to take any action because he got a chip on his shoulder when it comes to Mo. He really tries to keep any monetary advances away from her but that is putting a wedge within his relationship with his son. In layman's terms, Moniece is gonna fuck around & take his ass to court, which will put him in an even more financial bind.
👶🏾 Was Apryl ever pregnant by Fizz/is there a child promised to their relationshituation❔
I see the possibility of a scare, but I feel Apryl either had complications or had the pregnancy terminated (or it was just a scare). I feel like she & Fizz had already been broken up, & it is coming up that the scare was revealed after she was separated from Fizz. I also feel Apryl had an affair around the time they separated in a may be a source of reference within a timeline of conception. I get the feeling of reluctance on having to come clean about what was done in the dark because they seem to have been already in a tight space I also believe there was gossip of Apryl being unfaithful that seem to be getting around through mutual friends & that that was where the scare stemmed from, rather than the fact that they were seemingly separated at that time. I also feel like there was even some run-ins regarding these parties. I also feel Fizz was good friends with the man she allegedly had an affair with, or he may have been familiar with him by way of a close knit network. I feel like this hurt Apryl's reputation even worse in private, yet I don't feel there will be a baby to come out of this relationshituation.
🤳🏾 Why have Apryl & Fizz unfollowed each other on Social Media❓
I'm getting the energy that it was obstacles & challenges in regards to continuing to be able to see what one another is up to. Their break feels indefinitely, & it was a combative situation that was lacking balance, even now. I also feel they were needing to understand what they were doing in their relationship together, & things were dying down as a result. I'm also getting the sense that they were beginning to recognize the lack of stability & immaturity that seemed to cause disharmony between them, & I'm also seeing that monetary issues played a part in their break-up as well. It also feels them unfollowing each other was ego-driven as well. It seems to have been a lot of conflict that seemed to be bringing out toxicity in both of them; basically they need to separate physically & visually. I don't think they are on speaking terms either, since communication is coming up with what needs to be organized.
💏 Did Apryl ever cheat in Fizz when they were together❔
It feels like it was a situation where there was misinterpretation or disillusionment regarding what is & what isn't. It feels she was focused on asserting her truth, which led to a need to control the rumors of this. In her inner truth, that is coming up that there WAS an opportunity to cheat that she did not seize, with the same individual that I kept picking up on a regards to this allegation. With that said I'm going to have to say no, she didn't cheat on Fizz. I feel like this was a rumor that blew up & caused strife between her & Fizz but the exchange of this information is what needed to be organized. There already seemed to be some boundaries in place against the possibility to cheat, by way of her own rejection. I do feel like this has had a profound effect on their relationship, & I don't think Fizz was able to trust her the same after that.
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taurusmanlove · 6 years ago
The Truth About Taurus Man - He Doesn't Want Perfect
New Post has been published on https://taurusmen.net/what-taurus-man-wants/
The Truth About Taurus Man - He Doesn't Want Perfect
Do you spend hours thinking about what a Taurus man likes in a woman? Are you constantly doing things to try and impress or get his attention?
You are not alone! Most women in your position are doing exactly the same thing. Constantly thinking of new ways to make themselves look sexier or more desirable.
Following the widely held belief that you must present yourself as interesting, worldly and fun, and not in the slightest needy and wanting.
All this time you spend thinking how perfect you would be for him… ‘How proud he will feel in the future if he chose you as the woman of his dreams’.
Why a Taurus man doesn’t want a perfect woman
But unfortunately, it is not working. This approach will never work! You may have convinced yourself that he is interested in you, but why is he taking you so much for granted?
If you are short on time and want to get answers without reading the rest of this post listen to this short video by relationship expert James Bauer.
Maybe, you may have made excuses for him? He is not ready to settle down or a steady relationship. You hope he will change and all of a sudden declare his undying love for you?
Or maybe…. The reason is, you have taken over the courting process leaving him nothing to do!!
Related article: How to attract a Shy Taurus man
Taurus man compatibility
Facts that are disregarded by most women:-
A Taurus man will not value a relationship unless he has to work for it.
A Taurus man will only really value something that he has worked hard to obtain.
For instance, he will feel cheated inside if he had not achieved a diploma or certificate if he had not worked for it.
Similarly, present the Taurus guy with the perfect girlfriend and he will feel that he did not deserve her as he has not been forced to chase her for weeks to get a date.
Playing hard to get makes the heart beat faster
However, the big problem for anyone playing the hard card is that the magic stops working once he knows he’s got you.
Something happens in a Taurus guys mind when they think they have won you. It’s as though they say to themselves ‘Game over, I have achieved that, what’s next?’
So how do you make sure your relationship with a Taurus man lasts the course and you keep him interested in you? This is the question that has been confounding women, until now!
You are not alone – most women encounter this situation. (That’s why they ask for help)
Many women never allow themselves to get close to a Taurus guy for fear of scaring him away. They sometimes suffer in silence and give up on a love that could have been perfect.
Getting help from an expert
However, other women are not afraid of asking advice and getting some help, especially from an expert. One of the people they turn to is relationship coach James Bauer who explains Taurus man’s Secret Obsession.
James picked up on a thread that was apparent from most women coming to him worried about guys who were blowing hot then becoming distant. The relationship would be going well then suddenly things seemed to change overnight.
A Taurus guy who was originally interested and romantic would change and become distant. He would gradually become focused on everything apart from her.
Women noticed that their crushes no longer made eye contact and were brusque in their attitude. Seeing a pattern, James realized to be able to help these women he needed to investigate.
See also: How to attract a Taurus man with your conversation
Everything starts to make sense
Everything started to make sense as he discovered what was making these men back away. He realized what was lacking, and after much research discovered what these guys were not getting.
James research proved that the problem was not related to anything wrong with these women, but something that was lacking which he calls ‘The Hero Instinct’
Without being aware, most women are unconsciously driving their Taurus man away.
James has discovered that the cause was the naturally caring instinct of most women is what is driving a man away from them.
Listen to this video in which James personally explains his research.
Take a look at yourself and prove it. Are you always available and looking your best? Do you always drop what you are doing to be with him? Would you do anything for him?
This is natural for most women but you haven’t realized while doing this you are depriving your Taurus man of a purpose. How he sees himself and what he has attained in his life.
All men love heroes and a Taurus man is no exception. How many grown men do you know that are still captivated and fascinated by movies where the superhero always wins out.
From the time of early boyhood, men have a built-in dream of developing into a hero that would save the world – and get the girl to carry her away to safety.
Most men are trapped in their mundane jobs and don’t get the opportunity of being a hero. No chance of ripping off their corporate suits, and springing into action, to save the world. This just does not happen.
But it is still possible to get the girl
Being an ordinary guy with the heart of a hero wanting to win the girl takes a lot of confidence. A superhuman charm, with immunity to pain. All he really wants and needs to find is a woman who is looking for a hero.
A woman who needs a hero! Are you that girl that needs a hero? I would hazard a guess… That’s not you, is it?
You are probably independent and can take care of yourself. You are probably industrious and a conscientious worker. Maybe you are also the type of girl who doesn’t need a man to make you complete.
You are I would guess the type of girl who has a lot to offer a Taurus guy. Probably very kind and loving with a generosity that is overflowing towards a man who will make the perfect partner and your life complete.
This is the reason heroes are in short supply in your life. You have probably ended up with takers rather than the person who would be ideal for you.
These guys, who leave you high and dry, after taking everything from you. You need to give your crush the hero instinct. Here’s how.
3 ways to bring out the hero in your Taurus man, Starting Today
Ask him for his help
Seek his help with advice on buying a new computer. Ask him if he could identify the strange rattle that has suddenly sprung up in your car. Even something as simple as asking him to retrieve something from the top shelf that you cannot reach yourself.
Make sure you thank him and give him a big smile. These simple tips do not make you a needy person. Tasks like this bring out the need in him to be useful and focus his attention on you. This also brings out the latent Taurus man hero in him.
Enjoy male company
Taurus guys love women who appreciate men for being men. Does it matter if his living quarters are decked with sports trophies and paraphernalia?
So what if he is dedicated to his favorite football team? What difference does it make that his dress code is not color coordinated?
He’s a man. These things in his world are okay. The last thing you need is for him to be like you, you have the female side of things covered.
Allow him to earn your respect
The hero in a Taurus guy loves a challenge. They don’t want to be praised just for being on time.
The Taurus guy does not want your affection passed to him on a plate. They want to be allowed to earn it.
The one thing a Taurus guy craves more than enduring love from a woman is a challenge.
All you need to do is give him opportunities that will allow the hero in him to emerge. Ease back and relax, and let him show you what he is made of by winning your admiration.
An important part of starting or keeping a relationship exciting is to do things that make him think of you as much as possible. One thing that has been achieving great results for many women is text messages.
Now care must be taken with this as texting too often or with the wrong words could have a detrimental effect. However, sending messages with the correct sentences can have a positive impact on your guy’s subconscious mind.
This is an exciting subject so I wrote a separate article ‘How to flirt with a Taurus guy over text’. Check it out and discover an effective way to have your crush thinking of you, and only you.
Keep Learning
Keep learning about how you can easily use this relationship enhancement tool to make your Taurus crush have a burning desire for you and only you.
Listen to this short recording in which James explains more about a Taurus man’s secret obsession. His Secret Obsession.
James also tells you how you can make him want you even if you have broken up and you think he has lost interest in you.
I hope this article has opened your mind to the simple steps you need to take in getting Taurus man compatibility.
If you put into practice what relationship expert James suggests, I am sure you will discover the secret of keeping your Taurus crush obsessed with you.
There are many more articles on relationship situations with a Taurus guy on my website http://taurusmen.net. Why not bookmark my site for future reference? I wish you well.
My joy is in giving
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mosaiccreme · 7 years ago
Summary:  After sharing a few drinks in her cabin, Shepard works up the courage to tell Garrus she's into him.
For squiggly_squid, because pfffttt, who says turians can't kiss?
The Whole Kissing Thing
Shepard leaned against Garrus' weapon's bench, crossing her arms over her chest and smirked. She'd been down there with him for a half-hour, mostly just making idle conversation out of boredom while he fought to calibrate the Normandy's weapons just so. She snorted, pushing away from the table when he growled at the system for the third time. "Alright, Vakarian. Step away from the console."
He glanced over his shoulder at her, flicking his mandibles. "I've almost got it, I swear."
She chuckled, closing the few feet between them and shook her head. "Nope. Come on, it's time for you to take a break before you end up emptying your heat sink into the battery out of frustration."
He chuffed but smiled. "That would be a terrible waste of perfectly good ammo."
"And it'd hurt my ship," she said with a snort. Reaching up, she locked her fingers around the yoke of his armor and tugged. "Come up stairs and have a drink with me. Learn how to relax a little."
His brow ridge twitched, mandibles fluttering softly. "Hmmm. Do you actually have something up there I can drink?"
She grinned, giving his yoke another tug, doing nothing to move his weight. "I do. I always keep something dextro on hand, never know when I'll have to play nice with a turian or quarian dignitary. Turian brandy work for you?"
He took a step forward, humming. "You mean to tell me the entire time we were on the old Normandy, you were holding out on me?"
She let go of his amor with a smirk and turned. "Yep." She started walking, smiling to herself at the sound of his footsteps behind her.
Garrus poured himself another drink before leaning back against the couch, lifting one foot up to rest on the opposite knee. He chuckled, mandibles flaring. "It was good having Wrex around, though. Of course, I'd never tell him that, but he isn't so bad."
"Yeah … I miss the grumpy old man." Shepard lifted her glass to her lips, taking a swallow. "The others, too." She tilted her head, smiling at Garrus. "Although … having you here makes an otherwise unbearable situation somehow not so bad. I can't tell you how happy I felt when you took your helmet off back on Omega." Chuckling, she took another drink. "You don't know how close you came to being tackled with hugs and kisses."
He laughed, mandibles fluttering. "I'm pretty sure I could've handled the hugging thing, but I would've been lost with the kissing."
She huffed a laugh. "Yeah, I don't suppose turians are really into the whole kissing thing, are they?"
He hummed. "I've never been kissed, so I can't really say." He flicked his mandibles, smirking at her. "But no, turians don't really kiss. You might've noticed, we don't really have those thick, fleshy lips humans do."
Chuckling, she turned a little, propping an elbow on the back of the couch and pushed her fingers into her hair, resting her head on her palm. "You don't need to have lips like ours to kiss. I mean, I'm sure it makes it easier, but you still could if you wanted to."
He flicked his mandibles, tilting his head back to take a drink. "I'll keep it in mind, you know, if anyone ever, hmmm, offers."
Shepard scraped her teeth over her lip. Admittedly, she carried a torch for Garrus since the old Normandy, but he was also her best friend—and a turian with probably no romantic interest in her whatsoever. He'd watched her six since the day they met, gave her more support than anyone else. Stood by her side when … others … accused her of being a traitor and pushed her aside. She never wanted to do anything to jeopardize what they had, so she kept her feelings to herself. Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but it suddenly didn't seem like such a bad idea to give it a shot. She leaned over, putting her glass down on the table before meeting his gaze again. She hesitated, losing her nerve when he fluttered his mandibles, confusion filling his eyes.
"Are you done drinking already? Lightweight. I was just starting to relax." He chuffed, but smiled, leaning forward to set his glass down as he started to push himself to the edge of the couch. "I guess I'll go finish those calibrations."
She reached out, putting her hand on his knee to keep him from standing. He froze a second before glancing down at her hand, so she pulled it away, tucking it into her own lap. Mandibles fluttering lightly, he met her gaze again, curiosity flashing over his eyes, restoring her courage. She glanced down at the empty seat separating them and moved a little closer, glancing up again. He watched her in silence, mandibles and brow plates twitching.
"I'm offering." She pinched the corner of her lip between her teeth and lifted an eyebrow in question.
He let out a short, surprised laugh before it shifted into a deep, resonate hum. "And here I thought the only women who'd find me attractive now would be krogan."
She chuckled, lifting a hand to his scarred, bandaged mandible, jumping off the deep end as she gently trailed her fingers over the curve before meeting his gaze. "I like you, Garrus. I always have, and I find you very attractive." She brought her hand back to her lap when he flared his undamaged mandible and lifted a brow plate. "And I don't think there are enough rockets around to change my mind."
He tilted his head a little, the iris on his visor contracting. "You're serious?"
She pushed a lock of hair back behind her ear and smiled. "Yeah … so … now you know my big secret," she said with a chuckle, feeling a blush spread over her cheeks.
"I—I had no idea," he said, giving his head a slow shake.
She snorted. "I'm really good at keeping secrets."
"Hmmm." He brought his hand up, hesitating a moment before brushing the back of a talon along her jawline, mimicking her gesture. "So … how does this kissing thing work?"
Grinning, she moved a little closer and grabbed the yoke of his armor, tugging him down a little. She pressed her lips to his mouth plates, bringing her other hand up to slide around behind his head. He hummed, and she brushed her tongue over the curve of his flat lips, coaxing them apart. Her tongue swept over his, savoring the sweet taste of turian brandy left behind before retreating a little, pleased when he took up the motion, following after. She made another pass, meeting his tongue again before pulling back.
She glanced up at him, licking her lips, smiling. "So, what do you think?"
He hummed, gaze fixed on her mouth. "I'm not sure, I might need you to show me again," he said, the flanging of his voice heavy and raspy.
Chuckling, she pressed her lips to his mouth in a quick peck. "Yeah?"
"Definitely. Maybe even a few more times, just to be sure." He leaned in closer, nudging her mouth with his.
She smiled and kissed him, his mouth opening easily to hers. Pushing herself up a little, she tucked her leg beneath her and urged him back against the couch, kneeling on the cushion next to him. He brought a hand up, pressing his palm gently against her jaw and neck, urging her on. God, why did she wait so long to kiss him? He felt so … right. Her heart pounded against her ribs, heat flooding her with each caress of his tongue against hers.
She let out a light, approving groan deep in her throat when his hand settled on her hip, kneading gently before moving down her thigh. Hooking his hand behind her knee, he lifted her leg, pulling her over to straddle his lap. Inwardly cursing his heavy armor being in her way, she shifted, situating herself around his breastplate the best she could. It didn't seem to matter what position she took, though, the sharp, center edge of his armor dug into her and kept her from getting the angle she wanted.
Letting out a frustrated growl, she pulled back and put a hand against his chest. "Take your armor off?"
He hummed, mandibles fluttering. "Is this … are we …." He chuffed, letting out a soft chuckle and shaking his head. "Hmmm. What exactly are we doing here, Shepard?"
She traced the curve of his mandible again, trailing her fingers over his mouth plates. "We are … two really good friends exploring the possibility of something more. And if we decide more isn't for us … then we don't let it get in the way of our friendship. Deal?"
He smiled, and she swore she saw relief in his eyes. "Deal."
"Good … now take your damn armor off," she said, tugging at his yoke, "it's uncomfortable and in my way."
He chuckled. "Yes, Commander."
She stood next to her bed, looking up into his crystal blue eyes. Her hands trembled, hell, her whole body trembled, with an exhilarating mix of nerves and desire. He seemed pretty nervous, too, but she hoped some of it was arousal, otherwise … she was about to be really disappointed.
He brushed hair out of her face, his bare hands warm and rough against her skin. "I'm not really sure … how this is supposed to work between a turian and a human."
"Neither am I, but I think we can figure it out." She smiled, but then a thought occurred to her, and her smile faltered. "Unless you've changed your mind?"
"No, I haven't." Garrus' mandibles drooped a little. "Why, have you?"
"Not even a little." She grinned, pushing up on her toes to kiss him.
"This isn't too fast for you?" He rested his forehead against hers, breath a little ragged.
"Not for me. You?" She stroked the hide beneath his crest.
He shuddered at her touch, letting out a soft purr. "No, I want this. Shepard, there's no one in this galaxy I respect more than you, no one I'd rather be right here with right now. I've just, hmmm, I've had so many things go wrong …."
"Garrus, you mean the world to me. No matter what happens here—or doesn't—it's not going to change that fact." She caressed the back of his head again. "If that much is true for you, too, then there isn't anyway this can go wrong."
"You're kind of amazing, you know?" He cupped her face, tilting her head back to kiss her.
She brought her hands down, working her fingertips beneath the hem of the stretchy, fitted shirt he wore beneath his armor. His tongue delved into her mouth, hands moving down to pull at her waist, tugging her closer. She splayed her hands out against the plates and hide of his back, amazed the sheer level of his warmth, reveling in the feel of defined muscles shifting beneath his hide. When he broke the kiss, she tugged at his shirt, and he pulled it up over his head, letting it drop to the floor.
She let her gaze roam over his chest, lifting her hand to trace the lines of his keel and cowl. He hummed, sliding his fingers under her shirt, easing it up, talons scraping ever so gently over her ribs and making her breath catch in her throat. She raised her arms, letting him pull her shirt off before bringing her hands back to his chest. He dropped the shirt and ran his hands over her shoulders, tracing the lines of her clavicles.
She trailed her hands down to his waist, lingering there when he let out a throaty purr. Tightening her grip, she glanced up, watching his mandibles flutter. "Here?" she asked, her voice barely more than a whisper.
"Spirits, yes." He flicked a mandible and then added, "Pretty much anywhere my plates don't cover." Chuffing, he smiled down at her. "I could use a few pointers, too, if you don't mind."
She grinned, reaching behind her to unsnap her bra. Taking his hands in hers, she brought them up to press against her breasts, squeezing her hands around his. "Here." She pulled his hands back enough to close his thumb and finger around her nipple, sucking in a ragged breath. "Here." She moved his hands down to her hips. "Here." Moving his hands to her ass, she squeezed again. "And here. To start."
Tugging at his waist, she rolled her hips, pulling him in deeper. She moaned, head pushing back into the pillows. She didn't know what she'd expected, bringing a turian into her bed, but Garrus felt so much better than anything she anticipated. He kept most of his weight off of her, having realized relatively quick the sharp edge of his keel dug in painfully between her breasts, against her sternum. It was her only regret, at least in their current position, she couldn't feel his warmth pressed against her chest.
Reaching out for him, she caressed his mandible, and he opened his eyes, meeting her gaze with a smile. He hummed, hips working their magic as he rocked in and out of her. Then, as if reading her mind, he worked a hand under her back, lifting her from the mattress as he rolled off of her, dragging her along with him. She chuckled, pushing up to her knees as he situated himself in a reclined position.
"Come here," he said, voice low and throaty, heavily flanged as he wrapped his hands around her hips.
Straddling him, she lowered herself down, using her hand to guide him back inside of her. She savored the way his mandibles flared, mouth opening in a silent gasp as a deep, resonate hum escaped his throat. She leaned into him, wrapping her arms around his cowl, resting her chest against his, soaking in his heat as she brought her mouth to his. Tongue meeting hers, he let out a low growl when she began rocking her hips. He brought a hand up, fingers threading through her hair as he cradled the back of her head, deepening the kiss. He'd taken to the concept like a pro, tongue dancing over hers before retreating. Breaking the kiss a moment later, he ducked his head, trailing his tongue down over her jaw and throat, pulling a moan and shiver from her.
He hummed in that way of his, the same sound he made when he'd discovered some intriguing new piece of tech or a mod to improve sighting speed for his sniper rifle. She smiled, knowing the hum meant he'd explore the new avenue of her arousal to the fullest. Tilting her head back, she exposed her throat to him, moving her hand to the back of his head, kneading the softer hide just under his crest. He licked her again, bringing his other hand to her breast, trapping her nipple between his thumb and finger. She moved a little faster, pushing herself down on him a little harder, feeling her insides tighten as she started to build toward another ograsm. He nipped at her skin with his mouth plates, and she moaned, urging him on.
"Yes," she whispered when she felt him open his mouth, pointed teeth pressing gently against the skin at the curve of her neck and shoulder, as if he were testing her response.
He bit down, a little harder than she anticipated, but the sensation felt glorious, throwing her over the edge. She bucked her hips, rhythm becoming jerky and uneven as the dam broke inside of her, a strained, half-yell-half-moan catching in her spasming throat. Moving his hand from her head, he wrapped his arm around her waist, taking over as he bodily lifted her up and down, thrusting into her. Removing his teeth from her skin, he ran his tongue over the bitemark. Her hands clutched at him, fingernails digging into his hide, and his grip tightened on her. He let out a low growl, pressing his forehead against her shoulder as he buried himself inside of her one last time, holding her there as he found his own release.
Sucking in deep gasps of air, she felt her heart slamming against her ribs as she brought her mouth back to his, tasting the faint trace of blood on his tongue. He hummed, splaying his palm out over her back as he rubbed along her spine. She brought a hand to his face, tracing the curve of his undamaged mandible, savoring the feel of his mouth against hers until her need for air forced her away.
He rested his forehead against hers, taking in rapid, shallow breaths. "I'm definitely into the whole kissing thing."
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