#he ain't special get in line sir
ofpineapplesanddawns · 5 months
Lucian x Peter Vincent
+ Peter gets harassed by an annoying fan/stalker and Lucian steps in to “help”
Have I written this before? I feel like I have, oh well, haha.
Warning: harassment from a fan
On with the fic!
Lucian didn't always attend Peter's shows, they were typically the same performances (depending on if the effects worked or if Peter was a bit too drunk and flubbed a line so he had to improvise), but he was always there at the end of the shows to wait for him.
Whether it was to go out for the night for whatever activity Peter had planned or was spontaneous about, a hunt they had planned, or just to go back up to the penthouse for so in-home activities, Lucian was always in the lobby, waiting near the doors to the theater for his boyfriend.
The staff was aware of him by now, and often told him he could wait in Peter's dressing room, but Lucian declined because Peter often just wandered out of the theater instead of going there. It pissed off the costume people, but they were used to this.
Glancing about, Lucian looked for the familiar figure, trying to spot leather and a dark brown wig. He spotted Peter near the doors to the theater, talking to some fans of his show. Lucian didn't really get the whole appeal of fanatics over things like this, but then again, he was a centuries old lycan who didn't really understand humans in general. Peter seemed pretty happy, stopping to take pictures with some of the people, be them goths and vampire fans, or even the odd tourist who got a kick out of whatever happened on stage.
But there was a familiar face nearby, hovering, waiting.
She has been at a lot of the shows lately, nearly every single one Peter did, including the matinees. She was dressed as a typical goth chick, Peter's words, and wore fake fangs. She was clutching something in her hands, it looked like a notebook, and was bouncing on her feet.
When Peter was finishing up with an autograph, the goth girl got right in front of him, chatting him up before he could even say anything. She did this often, and tried to follow Peter when he left, always trailing him towards the lifts until Rory the security guard would stop her. Lucian wondered if she'd try again tonight.
She was talking a lot, but it was hard to figure out what she was saying over the background noises of humans and the casino, but she kept looking over at Lucian, and he didn't like that. She gestured at him and then at Peter, before showing him what was in her notebook.
Peter made a face and started talking at her, putting his hand over the pages and pushing her back. Lucian decided to step in.
"-speculatin' on shit like that is just... I dunno, fuckin' weird? I mean, I made it clear I'm in a relationship online." He heard Peter speak. "And who I'm with ain't any of your business!"
"But you never show his face! You just always talk about him and show, like, his boots or even a hand, but no full pictures! And you always use a wolf emoji for the guy!" The girl huffed, jabbing at a page. "See! You never did this with your girlfriends, you always posted pictures of them and their names, why's this guy special? Is it that guy you always leave with? Or is your 'boyfriend' fake?"
"For fuck's sake..." Peter growled, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Why do you even care?"
"Cause it's not fair to use fans that love you if you're fakin' a relationship to avoid us!"
"What the fuck?"
"Excuse me," Lucian spoke as he approached, "is there a problem here?"
The girl glared at Lucian from behind the glasses she wore, lenses tinted a neon red and looking like they were blood drops. Peter owned a pair like them, they were tacky. "It's nothing to worry about, sir. Just asking some questions, Peter always does little Q and A's after his shows."
Lucian frowned. "Yes, I am well aware. Peter, is everything alright?"
"No." Peter huffed, crossing his arms as well as he could in that ridiculous jacket he wore. "She's askin'... personal things."
"Such as?"
"What's it to you?" She snapped. "Unless if you'd like to answer the question bugging everyone on Peter's reddit page?"
Lucian didn't know what a reddit was, but it sounded like something Peter understood, judging by the noise he made. "I am willing to answer the question."
She turned to face him, snapping her notebook shut. "What's your relationship with Peter?"
Lucian didn't like her usage of his boyfriend's first name, in a tone that said 'we're friends' even though Peter complained about her constantly, always calling her 'one of those fans that needs to touch grass'.
He glanced at Peter, who stared back, then rolled his eyes and mouthed 'fine, tell her'. Lucian looked down at her and smiled. "I'm Peter's boyfriend."
She looked very unhappy with this answer. "You're lying."
"Oh, no, young lady, I very much am. I am the one with the wolf emoji, the one he sometimes calls 'wolfy' in those ridiculous videos he posts online. I do not have social media, and I do not like being bothered or being known, and Peter respects that, he just shows glimpses and respects my privacy."
She stammered for a moment. "A-are you serious? Who the hell even are you? What's your name? People want to know!"
"Just an old soul who somehow keeps this confounding, brilliant fool in line. No need for names, Wolfy will do, I suppose. But even then, that's for Peter's use only."
He took Peter's hand, tugging him close. "Come along, love, we have plans tonight, don't we? Best to go get ready, I'm sure you don't want to go out in that getup."
"You just don't want people droolin' over my ass in these pants." Peter smirked.
"Possibly, but you hate wearing the costume and what we're doing requires more athletic clothing, you never know when you need to run." He turned them away before smiling at the goth girl. "Have a nice evening, and please stop bothering Peter about his love life. Be more invested in the ridiculous things he says online when he drinks, I'm sure that's much more interesting."
"Guh, don't mock me! I have important things to say when drunk!"
"Like when you told people the other day that for three years you thought Bat Boy was real?"
Peter started ranting about that as Lucian walked them towards the lifts, and he glanced back, seeing the very confused girl still standing by the theater doors. He smiled again, giving a little wave.
I'd like to think that with these two, Lucian is a complete mystery to people who are invested in Peter online. Like, where did he come from? Who is he? A bodyguard? A friend? A fuck buddy? Who knows!
Maybe one person out there is all 'hey, I swear I've seen this guy in old art when I was study werewolves', but it's one of those things like when people said Keanu Reeves is a vampire cause there are some old paintings and drawings that kinda look like him. No one thinks Lucian's a supernatural creature. :)
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omniuravity · 7 months
Favorite Lines from Every Character in Hazbin Hotel
@bloodypeachblog @fatgumsurpremacy-remastered @moths-and-mantids
Absolutely! This place is about second chances, and who deserves one more than this slithery… slippery… special little man!
There is nothing stronger than the trust between comrades in arms. Buckle up, buttercups, because today you boys become men!
Angel Dust:
Like I said, you don't know me. Sex ain't the only thing I'm good at.
Just because you see a smile don't think you know what's going on underneath. A smile is a valuable tool, my dear. It inspires your friends, keeps your enemies guessing, and ensures that no matter what comes your way, you're the one in control.
Maybe I'd treat you better if you were real, and not some bullshit version of yourself, always pushin' my boundaries! Lemme tell ya, nobody in that hotel cares who you are. How famous, how hot, so you might as well just... cut the act.
I really like them, Alastor. They let me put on roach puppet shows without booing!
Sir Pentious:
I, don't want to live without my minions. Nobody catch me! *falls backwards*
[Vaggie and Charlie catch him together.]
Damn it.
That slippery twink is gonna remember who owns him. I'm gonna FUCK everyone in that rancid shit hole, I swear to god!
Oh god. Here I go, Valentino. Just another fucking day with Val. Hey hey hey. Fuck my life
Ugh. No. Unacceptable. You're fired. What is this? WRIST RUFFLES?! Is this 1750?! Burn it like the witches who wore it!
To think someone as worthless as you landed Lilith's little hottie. 'Grats on that I guess.
Rip Vaggie's cunt mouth out her ass!
Well, your first wife didn't seem to hate what I had to offer...or the second! Bow chicka pow pow!
It can be difficult to admit to things you're not proud of, especially if those things hurt the ones you love. She fucked up, sure. She's flawed. But, hey, who down here isn't? If there's anything I've learned, it's that words are cheap, but actions, they speak for the truth. So, what have her actions said?
That’s the story most people know, but underneath it all… he’s a total sweetie! Put on some jazz and pour a couple fingers of rye and he becomes a kitten!
Cherri Bomb:
Wait, I'm only here for Ange—
[Charlie hands Cherri Bomb a large stack of money, and Cherri instantly made her decision since she's getting paid with a watt of cash.]
—Ooh! Never mind, Let's GO!
You have a giant X over your eye and wield an angelic spear. It's not rocket science. Before you found out about me, did you know angels could be harmed?
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zahlibeth · 1 year
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Buck: "hell yeah, this daredevil hero stuff is what I signed up for Bobby" oh sweetie
is he... is he free-climbing??? he legit is just HOLDING on to the coaster at the top what the hell. yeah this goes under 'only on TV' because surely you should be clipped to the coaster!?
Chim: "it's America Buckaroo, eating has nothing to do with being hungry" now ain't that the truth! I meant to put 'nicknames' on my bingo actually as i've done previously, whoops! but yes, this is the first instance of Buckaroo!
Chim's one-night stand analogy is hilariously on point for someone who is familiar with the one-night-stand but also constantly hoping and reaching for more
I love that Athena is known and loved in the firehouse already, getting hugs from both Chim and Bobby and welcomed in when she's having a hard time. I love how the show just admits characters are having a rough time and they're not hiding it all away
had totally forgotten the hilarious copaganda of Athena skipping the drive-thru line for work reasons, love the way Hen and Athena are on the same wavelength here
"they're just turned on by the uniform, don't know if they would feel that way if they saw me out of it" SIR think before you speak my god
not a fan of Carla's lines here, "men are dogs" really. urgh.
yeah yeah Abby getting Buck's number from the report is a clear privacy violation (my GDPR soul is screaming) but they're so fucknig cute I am willing to waive the TV nature of it all. Abby flopping on the bed post call is such a mood I love her
"following orders wasn't my best quality but hey, i was working on it" oh no buddy, this is you working on it??
"I love this job because I get to be the tough guy but I also get to help people" baby boy i adore you
Bobby is SUCH a dad already i love him. Not a family my ass
"look, I have issues" yes Buck, correct
"I won't go out with you because I like you. Because I know we've only talked a couple times, but talking to you makes me feel really good and safe and curious about life because I can tell that you're special. And I don't have anyone like you in my life and I don't want to do anything to risk losing you" I LOVE HIM HE'S SO SWEET
GOOD and SAFE and CURIOUS omg what fucking excellent qualities!! I adore this for him so much
"sometimes the right kind of no is better than the wrong kind of yes" ABSOLUTELY
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Best look: sooty Buck!! the only evidence of a fire in the season so far. honorouble mention to Abby's cute pastel bi plaid
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Worst look: Michael's lil cardigan. no dude. honourable mention for Buck's denim on denim plaid therapy look which i kind of love?? but also it feels very un-Buck even in season 1 when we're not really sure who he IS yet
Character notes: Chim...also doesn't like dogs? or just doesn't like giant ones!
Buck "a year ago I put in to be a Navy SEAL"
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alvertesongdiary · 1 year
Little Simz - Gorilla
Sim Simma, who got the keys to my bloodclaat Bimmer? Big time driller Monkey to gorilla Who is this woman that I'm seein' in the mirror? Drink '42 and smoke cigar Name one time where I didn't deliver Silent figure I was just on the ends, droppin' gems with my friends I got a 3310 and a pack of blems Then got the gold, full black, circle back again Rappin' when nothin' progressive was happenin' Ooh, pain tolerance, couldn't break us Pay homage if you respect how we came up, cool Tryin' to get to the paper Hitter from Jamaica might do me a favour, true Big Simma dippin' ten toes in the ice-cold river Bank got bigger Been a different species, tunes in the locker I've been waitin' to unleash these It's a no show if you can't guarantee fees (No, no, no) I ain't got one threat to consider, Heaven and Earth attached to one killer (One, one) Rest in peace to Mac Miller, new Simz drop to shake the whole shit up What's next? (Ayy) We'll be here for months talkin' about prospects Stayin' about my job, yes sir When rain is against her I'm weather-resistant on my polyester (Grrah, grrah, grrah) Run through the jungle, they should've never let her Cut and wounds, I hope never will fester Mhm, yeah, big art collector, silent investor, film director Beatin' on my chest goin' apeshit, put him in the grave shit Fame life what you make it (Yeah, it is)
Cuttin' through the jungle in a all black fitted Hat low, incognito livin' Introvert, but, she ain't timid My art will be timeless, I don't do limits (No) Be very specific when you talk on who the best is How can I address this? Basically, the rest is almost like to me what a stain to a vest is You ain't drop nothin' in my eyes I'm impressed with Please, don't be offended (Please) But, I'm not in the business for pretendin' (No) I got lines if you wanna get rentin' Go find the agony aunt and get ventin' Stop floodin' my mentions with bullshit Talkin' on Simz like she's someone you went school with, awkward From day been a cool kid, rap star hopin', the faith, I'm restorin' Don't ask my opinion on shit 'cause to make you feel good about yourself is exhaustin' I got bangers out in the world soarin', and I got bangers in the vault I've been hoardin' Yeah, true I got tennis in the mornin', before I start swingin' that man's gonna need a warnin' Red light whenever I'm recordin', red light on the forehead of the informant See, I'm the only one on gorilla Simz is back here, just got realer, yeah No choice now but to feel us I know the streets will love it, like I brought Mike Skinner Said, "Simmer down little homie, simmer" All that talk get you rubbed out quicker I'm cut with a different scissor From the same cloth as my dear and sisters That's why this shit gives you the shivers, I'm that cold
Higher Goin' higher Higher Goin' higher Higher Yeah, we are Higher Say what?
Hey, sound's so special inside the world we live in It's so rare to find it, huh Go peep that, yeah It's about time We got the just news for a world We put in over a decade for this bitch, you know Yeah, man, woo
Say he never called another woman, "Mi Amor" So, I opened up the way and now he adore Did it on the wave, I don't play, get you sea sick Charged up, fully bared up, I'm unleashin'
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gaoau · 10 months
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it's the color of recognition.
is there color in your world? warnings — none. word count — 1.7k
prev. — next.
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"what's that?" rintarou pointed subtly towards a girl a few desks away.
[name] lined her vision with his, finding the scrunchie he was looking at. she hummed in thought. "hm, burnt umber."
a chuckle fell and his shoulder bounced. he turned his eyes to another student at the same table. "what about that?"
"her phone thingy?"
"phone case, yeah."
"uh, mint cream?" her brows furrowed, her lips puckered as she bit the inside of her cheeks. "um, extremely light spring green, ta play it safe."
"why can't you just say blue-green like a normal person?"
she threw a playful slap at his shoulder. "hey, we had this conversation before. it's spring green, i don't make the rules."
"yet you enforce them." his elbow poked into her gut. he didn't need to remind himself she wasn't one of the twins anymore.
atsumu smirked, pleased at the sound of laughter and giggles. his brows danced amused as he set his lunch down on his self-assigned seat. his brother settled beside him.
rintarou nodded towards osamu. "what's osamu's hair color?"
"i'd say… spanish grey, maybe? greys're tricky, specially when they've a little hue, i needa see 'em up close." she used her fingers to reel osamu into her. it was funny how he simply leaned in without questions; [name] worked like bait for dumb fish sometimes.
"i think you mentioned something like that." had he said that before? probably. he always kept her babbling safe in the corner of his mind to stay on the same track as her.
she blew a raspberry while squinting at osamu's dyed hair. "can i touch it?"
"yer undercut."
her fingertips pressed against the short hair behind osamu's ear. she snorted to herself at its particular feeling. before rintarou could jokingly ask—out of spite—how soft osamu's undercut was compared to his own hair, the one she actively played with almost every morning, [name]'s attention returned to him.
a content smile pulled at her lips. "s'a warm grey, somethin' along the lines of stone grey, maybe even cinereous."
"choose one."
"uh, cinereous."
"final answer?"
"final answer, sir."
ginjima joined just in time to hear their exchange and wonder what exactly went on in [name]'s head. he wasn't one to question his friends' choices, but seeing rintarou with someone like her, as nice as she was, simply didn't make much sense. he shared a glance with the twins, equally as clueless when it came to her words.
"then what's atsumu's?" rintarou motioned his chin towards atsumu.
"oh, a terrible choice, really. 'm glad i can't find a name for it 'cause that color ain't flatterin' on anyone."
everyone collectively cackled at atsumu's expense. the grin tugging at the corner of his lips betrayed him as he choked down his own laughter. ginjima kicked his previous thoughts into the trash; he could see why rintarou liked this girl.
"and gin's?"
"i'll stick with spanish grey for 'im; spanish grey with a yellow hue-shift."
"okay then, if i'm black and white, and atsumu is flirt, what are these two?"
[name] hummed. her teeth trapped the inside of her cheek. "well, 'samu-kun gives me eminence vibes. an' i'd say gin-kun's, uh," she drew out her pondering. the gears in her head creaked with rust. "maybe i should get ta know 'im better."
rintarou raised a brow at her as she burned holes into ginjima's hair. what was the criteria? she had dubbed the student council president as a cyan typa guy not long after meeting him, yet poor ginjima only brought endless thinking and hesitation. whatever, he really didn't care much.
"but for now, i think wild blue yonder fits? s'patented by crayola, so works as a placeholder."
he allowed his thoughts to dissolve into a joyous smile. "you really don't like crayola."
[name] shrugged animatedly at him, mirroring the gesture on his face. just as quick, her eyes darted back to ginjima. "on that topic, could either gin-kun or 'tsumu-kun tutor me in math?"
"whaddaya mean topic?"
"[name]? we're literally in the same class."
she glanced between rintarou and osamu. "well, yeah, but… y'know." her features scrunched into a grimace.
"least i know what the retina is"
"'twas a genuine question, 'samu-kun! i forgot!"
"let's go back to colors, you seem to be good at that."
"fancy way ta say i'm dumb." she struggled to etch a frown onto her brows.
rintarou mocked her with a flash of his teeth. "thanks, i'm here all week." [name] huffed. he chuckled to himself. "enlighten us, what's eminence?"
her pitiful attempt at an offended scowl vanished into nothingness; it wasn't meant to stay with her for long. her eyes flickered to osamu as if he hadn't just reminded her of the stupid questions she asked in class.
"s'a shade of purple. less magenta than flirt, so i think it fits more." her palms waved in the air towards both twins. "eminence means recognition in a particular sphere. at first glance, i woulda given it to 'tsumu-kun, but then i realized he was bolder than that, hence, flirt." her phone slid out from the sleeve of her shirt and she tapped away at her screen. her nails clicked against the glass with every letter she typed.
as a background whisper, atsumu asked, "what's flirt? why am i flirt?"
rintarou lifted his head from [name]'s phone to the—debatably—better twin. he locked eyes with atsumu. his own less saturated, watered-down shade of jonquil, moral yellow eyes dug into whatever color atsumu's were.
"here, this is eminence." [name] swiped one last time at her screen before raising it for osamu to see.
"i like it. thanks for the compliment."
"oh, yer welcome."
she felt rintarou's elbow stab her side as he piped up, "what's yours?"
"my what?"
"your color."
[name] blinked. her expression shrank into blankness. her pupils seem to dilate like those of a cat. rintarou cringed at the knife she drove into his chest with eyes that glared off at something only she could see. silence seeped into the atmosphere and overflowed under their skin.
when she blinked again, a weightless smile crawled onto her lips. her shoulders rose and lowered in a loose shrug. "i dunno." she averted her gaze down to her locked phone and sucked air in through closed teeth. "yikes, i gotta go meet with the student prez. see ya, guys."
rintarou could only catch a blurry image of her waving fingers. he nodded out of reflex, muttering, "see you?" he turned to his friends to see the same confusion plastered across their faces.
"that was… interestin'."
osamu nodded to ginjima's words. "didn't expect that answer."
"no, but why am i flirt?" atsumu held his head in his hands. everyone considered decking him.
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Hiya! I hope you're doing alright my sweet and lovely author 🖤.
Listen.... about the geese .... all I can say is that over here, right, they are fully breed different. Like you look in their general direction and they will come at you. Basically, the geese own the streets 😂, we're just here.
That playlist. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I am freaking crying!!! UnRELATED reasons, eh? Fully believe you, my friend, FULLY believe you 😂.
OMG!! I know right?!?!? Yes with the facial hair! Like Margate Alfie had that little tuft of graying in his beard and I was like .... 😶👀👀👁👁😳. That plus the scar on his face .... 😳😳🫠 fucking made an already unbelievably hot man even fucking hotter. I absolutely can not. When they gave us that side profile, I was fully deceased. And I totally did not re-wind the video and pause it on him.... not at all.
Pictures of the Screaming Eagles!! The BABIES!! They are so bloody adorable! Look at their little eyes and also, they're so photogenic. They are full on posing in those pictures like they know they're absolutely beautiful and yes of course you should be photographing them. And they also have the cutest names. Like Gallipoli?? The bestest little girl 😫🖤🖤🖤
But yeah, you should absolutely watch the entirety of the Bourne film series ... you know, for your research purposes 👀. (I'm not on the Matt Damon train but I can fully goad your obsession of him, lmao, that's what friends are for, right 😂?)
Anyways, talk to ya later! (Also, I don't know if you saw or not, but last night I think I sent like 14 requests so.... apologies 🙈 but I regret nothing)
good evening!!!! I've had quite a nice day tbf, I can't lie - work was alright, and I've got a couple of days off coming up soon, too, so that's good! as much as I enjoy working w animals, I gotta admit: it's been quite difficult to do it when I've got a busted ankle that I haven't and won't tell my boss about 😅
listen..... at least it ain't swans. those buggers are fucking vile when they wanna be, whereas geese you fuckin know where they stand immediately. like, within a second of being in a goose's presence, you KNOW where it stands w you - and at least they ain't trying to nick chips from Tesco's like seagulls do! so there's a silver lining shgksjfkskf
UNRELATED REASONS!!! COMPLETELY UNRELATED!!! although in seriousness I do like Sir Mix A Lot as it is... but at least I didn't admit that I think about them whenever I listen to Good Lookin' and Like Whiskey by Dixon Dallas. at least there is that... BUT THE SIR MIX A LOT WASN'T RELATED TO MATT DAMON OR TOM HARDY AT ALL. absolutely not. nope. definitely wasn't looking at pics of them whilst listening. nope. not me.
The Screaming Eagles are, indeed, baby. VERY baby. tbf to all of em (Ace especially bc he's not the most laid back of snakes), they are very tolerant of having their pictures taken and of me, like, getting quite close to take decent pictures. but so far, we got Kaiju (albino checkered garter snake), Der Rote Kampfflieger/Der Kapitän/Manfred/Red Baron (male ball python), Special Agent Fox Mulder (corn snake), Ace Janoušek (bullsnake) & Baroness Gallipoli (female ball python) - even though, for some reason, some people can't tell Red Baron and Gallipoli apart even though they're completely different animals w completely different personalities (Gallipoli, for example, does not tolerate being cradled like a baby, she will just slither around my neck and chill there. Red Baron, on the other hand, will gladly accept being carried and cradled like a baby).
the Bourne series has never particularly interested me, like, I like James Bond but it's just never jumped out at me, but then like.... Matt Damon looks kinda hot in the series,,,, so maybe I should... maybe. I mean, I watched The Martian even though it's not My Thing, and I wasn't disappointed dncksmfksk (do not ask me for plot details). I'm 99% sure this is Christopher Nolan's fault tho, bc I have NEVER found Matt Damon attractive... and then Nolan put him in Oppenheimer w his almost-but-not-quite pornstache, that slutty uniform, and the whole "would absolutely wreck me but I'd thank him" vibe and now I'm like... actually-
so there's ONE bit of propaganda that Nolan got me with.
anyways! I'll talk to you later, the time is currently 2243, so I will (likely) get to writing at some point soon, and bc I'm dog sitting later, I can write some more then as well bc I won't have anything better to do tbh.
have a great morning/afternoon/evening!!! 🫶🏻
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father-black-widow · 1 year
Thanks For The Memories...(9)
The taste of smoke blended well with the taste of beer...
It was probably his favorite meal three times a day. It wasn't often that much changed around here--
The overlord kept pretty well control over how he ran things--
And a tight thumb over those he deemed beneath him.
Nothing much happened that he didn't know about-- and when it did... he took care of it pretty quickly to get things back in line--
"Sir-- a phone call?"
...A phone call?
There weren't too many people who could reach Henroin directly. The ones who did usually had a death wish if not on them...a target they would pay well for...
"...Who is it?"
"A fellow Overlord...he says he wishes to discuss business..."
A business transaction...?
Well-- that was always one sure fire way to get a hopes chance in hell at talking with Henroin...
"...Put him on."
"Very good, sir--"
He seats himself, waiting for all the loops to be jumped in order to put the call through direct--
Though, even he was surprised when he found out who the Alleged Client actually was...
A Fellow Overlord indeed...
"Mr.VOX... this is dn unusual surprise..."
The man Gruffs while he's putting out a cigarette.
"Surprised you took the proper protocols rather than zipping through the power units as you usually do when you demand for attention..."
--"Now would that really be anyway to initiate a request for a business meeting?"
"Hmph...Nah...I suppose not..."
He hisses a stream of smoke as he pressed out the burning cherry of the lit end--
"So then...Whattaya want?"
--"Charming as ever, aren't ya Henroin?"
"Hmph,'cares about Charm?"
The man Gruffs out over the receiver.
"I'm a a very busy man Mr.VOX-- Wit'a respectable clientele-- I ain't got all damn day ta woo ya."
He says roughly, tapping his claws over his desk while his other hand gripped tighter around the phone--
"--Still though, Henroin, with all due respect -- a little humility wouldn't kill ya~"
The Don cringed in his seat
Nice...we got a funny Television over here...
His eyes would roll, that hour glass marked tail slowly swaying...
"Last I checked, you're the one callin'me up-- With All Do Respect... Ain't you's the one who s'posed ya be woo'in me?"
He starts leaning back in his chair... irritation clearly growing...
"F'you don'start talkin'shit worth my time... I'm gonna put an end to this conversation as a means to stop wasting both of ours."
--"All right~ All right~ very well. I can respect a man who wants to cut the bull shit get straight to business~"
Though the bemusement in the moljul's to e certainly didn't escape him--
Henroin didn't care much for VOX in the best of times... I'm However, he knew the man was loaded and very refutable all around Hell-- This TV man had a reach even beyond just the pride ring--
Annoying he maybe--
Still not a bad person to have in your side, and especially to owe you a favor...
So Henroin could dedl eith the bulk shit--
As long as he knew he'd be making off well in the end...
--"I want to talk to you about taking on one of your hired guns..."
"A hired gun?... sure-- I got plenty of guys I could offer, armed with the top notch weaponry, you lookin'for a bodyguard Or sonethin'?"
--"You could say that-- Though, not for me directly...but rather for one of my own~"
"Body guard for one of your clients then? Well, like I said I got plenty on offer--"
--"Yes, you've said that-- however I have very... peculiar tastes. I only take the best of the best who I deem worth it, you see~"
"...A special request, then?"
--"A special request...yeah, sure. We could call it that, I guess~ Suppose you'd be up for a meeting? You know...for negotiations~?"
Henroin's eyes narrowed...he wasn't sure how to feel about a special request from someone like VOX...
After all he couldn't trust the man as far as he could throw him...
But on the other hand...he also knew VOX wasn't just some token run of the mill client either...with him? Money was no option...
"....Very well."
The Don would comply...clasping a cigar between his teeth.
There was just something about Smoking a cigar while talking business...
"... Let's Negotiate."
To be continued (?)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
0 notes
"I wish Lee Bodecker would teach me how to properly shoot."
Warnings: dark content, unsolicited touching, creepy Lee. If you fail to acknowledge these warnings, you proceed at your own risk.
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Requested by: @adinerinphilly
Please reblog if you read and leave your thoughts. Thank you to those who submitted and I hope you like the drabble.
You aren't very good with guns. In fact, they kind of scare you. Still, your daddy's been nagging you to practice but he's too busy every time you find the courage. So it is that the sheriff has you out in the fields with cans lined up on distant fence posts.
You shiver against the rising chill rippling the yellowed grasses. Your daddy's jacket is too long and loose but houses a pleasant orb of heat. You hide your bare fingers up the sleeves as Lee nears.
"Now," he takes the polished case and sets it on the hood of his cruiser, "your pa got good taste. Bought you a mighty fine piece."
He flips open the lip and runs his fingers over the handgun.
"He's right. Best know how to use it, 'specially in these parts."
"Sure," you chime, "I wanna learn, you know, I'm just nervous, sir."
"You don't needa be," he says, "I know what I'm doin'."
He takes the gun out and loads it. He turns and hands it to you but first. He helps you line up your first shot and tells you how to fire and clear the chamber. Your bullet misses by a long mile and you swear. 
"Now that's your first go, don't be so hard on yourself," he says, "you just gotta make sure you hold it right. Don't let your arms buckle."
"Alright," you narrow your eyes and try again to the same effect. 
He tuts and gives a light chuckle.
"Here," he comes up behind you, "don't treat it like some animal that's gonna bite ya, it's an extension of ya."
He stretches his arms alongside yours and fixes your aim. He leans against you as he lines up your shout. You squirm but focus on the barrel.
"Now fire," he draws away and you bat your lashes. That was awfully close.
You squeeze the trigger and a can pings and falls into the dirt. You stand in shock before you register the hit target.
"I did it," you chirp.
"Ya did, honey," he says, "see, ain't so bad, is it?"
"Not at all," you aim again and fire another bullet and graze a can, not quite knocking it over.
"It's good to try new things, huh?" He comes near again, "scary things."
"I guess," you take another shot and smell the smoke as a second can falls. You try not to celebrate too much and shoot another, this one your best. "I just hope I never gotta use it."
"Best to learn while you can than neglect it and let your ignorance get the best of ya," he's close again as he lowers his voice.
You wince as he frames your hips through the thick jacket. 
"Sheriff?" You utter.
"Six shots. Chambers empty." He says, "you did good, honey, but there's your second lesson," he pushes against your back as his hand snakes around your front, "use your shots wisely and don't waste them on empty threats."
He reaches to the gun and grasps it, wiggling it free of your grip as you stand paralysed.
"What're you doin', sir?" You try to turn but he stops you, grinding his pelvis into your ass.
"I do love to hear to call me sir," he purrs as he tosses your gun away, "so far out, no one else will."
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webofstories · 3 years
A Fool Like Me - Arvin Russell *Smut*
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Summary: It's your first time since you wanted to save it for marriage and Arvin is ready to make it special for you.
Note: who next?
Warnings: fluff smut, praise, touching, oral (fem receiving), just vanilla
Everyone who knew Arvin Russell knew he was rough around the edges. He was like a prickly rose, only to others, the rose blossom didn't exist. Arvin was extremely misunderstood and you hated it, but in this car, wearing white as you observed him driving in his suit, you knew you had the blossom.
"Well," Arvin chuckled, cheeks pink as his tongue grazed over his drying lips, "Guess yer' a Russell now."
You smiled.
"Yes sir, I am," you giggled, "Yer' wife, to be exact."
Arvin rolled his eyes, but he smiled. He smiled cause he knew he had you forever and you weren't going anywhere. That thought alone made him the happiest man alive.
"Our honeymoon is gon' be in that cabin we found during that roadtrip." Arvin spoke, "It's a rental now."
Your heart jumped and your eyes widened, happy as can be. You were overjoyed, you loved that cabin, you told Arvin countless times about how you wished to go there for your honeymoon but you didn't expect it.
Arvin looked over at you and smiled, seeing how happily his newly wed wife was. It sent a shiver to his heart.
"Thank you, Arvin!" You squealed, throwing your arms around his torso as he smiler, "Oh, thank you!"
His scent wrapped around you like a blanket, keeping you warm as your body pressed against his. Arvin put an arm around you and back on the wheel. He loved your body on his.
You knew what I meant to be married now. You were each other's forever- no leaving. No giving up and quiting, things were all together now. That means becoming even more.
You and Arvin have only had intimate make outs and a little bit of undressing, but when it got serious, Arvin always stopped it because he knew you wanted to wait until marriage. 3 years later and it's finally here, you just didn't know how Arvin felt.
It wasn't long until you pulled into the driveway of the cabin. It was beautiful, red rose petals surrounding your feet as Arvin gently swooped you off the ground and into his arms. You squealed and fell into giggles, hearing Arvin chuckle at your reaction. You love this man.
Once you two were through the threshold, your eyes went wide. Arvin was studying your face closely as you took in everything around you, rose petals as red as Arvin's cheeks scattered in a trail leading down the hall with candles lit everywhere. Fire hazard? Maybe... but you were stunned.
"Oh, Arv..." you whispered under your breath, looking around in awe. Arvin awaited your next words anxiously.
"It's absolutely beautiful," Is all you could manage saying, so starstruck from the surprise.
Arvin let out a sigh of relief, knowing the time he put into making this happen in hopes you'd like it. He smiled softly and placed a hand on your back, gently guiding you down the path of petals as you admired the twinkling candle lights.
As you rounded the hallway, you stepped into a bedroom, a gasp escaping your lips as you looked around.
There was a giant bed with rose petals and roses scattered all over it, candles on the bed side table illuminating the room. Your heart felt full as you blushed deeply, facing Arvin.
"It's alrigh' if yer not ready, sweetheart." He spoke softly, caressing your cheekbone, "I just-"
"I'm ready."
Arvin's eyes went wide, positioning his hands on your hips as he stood infront of you.
"Ya are?"
"Yes, for a while now, actually..." you whispered, pushing Arvin's hand towards the back of your dress.
Arvin took the hint and gently tugged the zipper, pulling it all the way down before the straps were loose on your shoulders. Arvin eyed you before pushing them off, watching as your dress pooled around your feet.
Arvin was lost in lust but mostly love. Admiring your body, he pulled you into him, kissing you softly.
"Yer so beautiful," he mumbles, "Damn angel is what ya are."
You felt your cheeks heat up from the compliments. You watched him unbutton his shirt and toss it on the floor, eyes never leaving yours. You were in nothing but your undergarments, Arvin too.
Arvin grabbed your bare hips and pulled you into his hard chest. You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck.
"I love you," he whispers, "More than anythin'."
Your smile beamed up at him, shiney and bright. There was so much love in the room that it couldn't go unnoticed.
Arvin had two protective arms wrapped around you before gently pressing his lips to yours, kissing you passionately.
You made a soft quiet noise against his lips out of delight, telling Arvin he could continue. He suddenly pick you up, wrapping your legs around his waist at you giggled. He walked over to the bed and gently laid you down on it before crawling over you, more laughter coming from you.
"Well ain't you just a giddy lil thing," Arvin chuckles, a smile on his face. You blushed, hiding your face in his neck.
Arvin's hands roamed your body a little, silently asking for permission everytime he touched a more daring spot. He knew you were subconscious and insecure but he made sure to put those thoughts to ease.
"Damn stunnin'."
"My pretty girl."
"My my... all mine?"
He had already slipped off the rest of your clothes, leaving him in only boxers too. You were beyond nervous and it showed, which made Arvin cautious.
"We ain't gotta do nothin'," he coos, pulling you into his lap, palming your thighs with locked eyes, "Ya know I'll never pressure ya-"
You cut him off with a bit of force as you smash your lips together. Arvin grunted, squeezing your thighs as he let out a soft moan against your lips. You wanted to show him you love him, not just to "fuck". You wanted to make love to Arvin.
"Please, Arvin, I want to." You spoke with a small smile, "I want you to make love to me."
Arvin searched your eyes for what felt like minutes. He was looking for something... hesitation, uncertainty, maybe even doubt. He found none, just as you expected.
You slowly slid your hands down his chest, lingering lower and lower, hoping to get something started. Arvin's eyes widened when he realized as he quickly grabbed your arms, flipping you over in a blink so he could hover over your naked body.
"Nah, hun," Arvin chuckled, kissing your neck lightly, making you let out a breath, "Tonight is about you,"
"Hush now, let me focus on pleasin' my pretty lady." He smirked, making your down area tingle a bit. You bit your lip as you felt his lips kiss down your body.
Starting at your jaw, he made a line of soft, wet kisses to your neck, where he sucked on your sweet spot hard enough to leave a work of art there. He pulled back and observed the darkening hickey with a smile, glad to mark you.
"You're so beautiful," he mumbles before trailing kisses down to your breasts where he gently takes one in his hand and other softly in his mouth, slowly grazing his tongue over your sensitive bud.
"Ah," you moaned out, loving the way it felt.
"So good." he grunted, repeating his actions, "Love yer noise,"
You moaned again which only made him more eager. Gently trailing down your body with his lips, Arvin pushed your legs up and apart, leaving you to feel his hot breath on your core. You gasped, shocked at how good just his breath felt.
You looked down at his beautiful features and was surprised at how sexy the southern boy looked between your thighs, looking up at you for permission. All you could muster was a nod before closing your eyes and looking up.
The feeling of Arvin's wet tongue gliding between your soaked slit caused a high pitched moan to escape your lips. Your body felt estatic, breathing heavy already. You felt him lick you up again, making you moan once more.
Arvin grabbed your hips and pushed his face further into you, causing his tongue to graze your entrance.
"Ah- Arvin!" You moaned out, hands flying to grip his hair.
"Yer doin' so good, darlin'." Arvin spoke encouragingly before he continued to eat you out.
It was fantastic. Your heart was beating out of your chest as you struggled to catch your breath. You arched yourself against him, making him go deeper, erupting a soft moan to come out of you once more.
Right before you were about to cum, Arvin pulled away. Your core felt colder than ever as you frowned.
He positioned himself between you, face an inch from yours. His lips pressed against yours to create a soft, tender, loving kiss that had your body at ease. This love was only getting stronger.
"I'd do anythin' for you." Arvin whispers, staring into your eyes, "You know that."
You nodded, smiling at him as you cup his face in your hands.
"So, if ya wanna stop, that's fine," he whispered, "I'll wait."
"I'm ready now, Arv." You laughed to him, his worry in his face, "It's okay."
Arvin rolled his eyes but smiled, looking between your bodies before looking back at you. You were so close together, closer than ever before, and you loved it.
"I'm gonna go, alright?" Arvin mumbled, his southern accent seeping into his words, "It might hurt, but I opened ya up a little. Just tell me to stop and I will, always."
You nodded, smiling up at him and his support. In a slow, painful movement, Arvin pushed himself inside you.
You hissed loudly, face screwed in pain. Arvin bottomed out before stopping, eyes wide as he grew concerned.
"Are you alright?" He questioned frantically, almost pulling out but you stopped him.
"N-No, don't stop." You spoke, "Keep going."
Arvin looked hesitant, but did as you said. Slowly and hesitantly, he started thrusting gently, holding your hands in his. The pain you were feeling was hurtful in such a sensitive area, but you felt it fading away everytime Arvin pushed back into you.
"Keep going," you moaned out softly, urging Arvin to continue. His heart fluttered when he heard your moan, being less cautious and more loving with you.
His thrusts were slow and lingering, pulling out all the way before slowly pushing back in until he bottomed out inside you. Your moans and soft calls of Arvin's name filled the room as Arvin showed you how much he loved you.
"Ah- fuck." Arvin groaned into your neck, pausing for a moment. Even though he wasn't a virgin, he was feeling overwhelming pleasure from how tight you were.
"Are you okay?" Sweet Y/N asked, looking at her husband. He pulled his head away and smiled down at her,  kissing her softly.
"Yea," he spoke, "Just happy I found the love of my life."
You blushed and he continued his thrusts, making your stomach erupt into butterflies. You moaned out softly, breathing heavy despite the slow pace. But you loved it, you loved the love, the warmth, the feeling of home, all of it.
"I'm close, Arvin." You moaned out, gripping his hands tight.
"Me too, darlin'," he panted, "Just let it go."
And you did. Your vision blurred as your climax rolled over you, head to toe. Arvin pulled out of you and followed suit, a spew of soft curses leaving hid lips. You smiled at him, panting slightly.
Arvin fell down next to you on the bed, immediately hooking his arm around your waist and pulling you into him. You winced, feeling tender from what you and Arvin just did.
"Thank you," you said with a smile, turning to face him.
"No, thank you." Arvin said with love in his eyes as he caresses your cheekbone with his thumb.
You looked at him in confusion.
"For what?"
Arvin sighs before pulling you to lay on top of him, both arms wrapped around your bare body as he covers you both with the white sheets.
"For marrying a fool like me."
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP Memes from Rush Hour & Rush Hour 2
"Why you ain't tell me about the bridge?"
"Wipe yourself off, man. You dead."
"The drop will be made tonight. The amount will be fifty million dollars."
"Fifty million dollars? Man, who do you think you kidnapped? Chelsea Clinton?!"
"Do you understand the words that are coming out my mouth?"
"I'll hit you so hard you'll end up in the Ming Dynasty."
"It ain't 'you all', it's "y'all"!"
"It would take me all day to kiss your fat ass."
"We've must be a misunderstanding, 'cause I was sent down here for the big case for the kidnapping of the little girl."
"He *is* the situation."
"You destroyed half a city block!"
"Hey, don't talk about my father."
"That's why I don't have no partner, that's one thing I learned from my daddy."
"Man, just sit there and shut up! This ain't no democracy."
" I'm the president, I'm the emperor, I'm the king. I'm Michael Jackson, you Tito. Your ass belongs to me."
"My own mama's ashamed of me. She tells everybody I'm a drug dealer."
"You don't know nothing about no war."
"Everybody knows war."
"They don't give a damn about you! They don't like you! I don't like you!"
"The girl don't like you! Nobody likes you!"
"The Beach Boys are great American music."
"I like to let people talk who like to talk. It lets me find out how full of shit they are."
"Well, didn't I give you the bigger half?"
" ...which one of y'all kicked me?"
"Fifteen hours? What are we gonna do for fifteen hours?"
"I should take your ass to jail, you know that?"
"You got a prescription for this?"
"You better have glaucoma."
"Whoo! You know he dead."
"Man when I get up in there I'm slappin' somebody."
"You serious? I don't know what to say. It's like a dream come true."
"I ain't gonna kill you this time. I'm just gonna kick your ass!"
" Did you hear what I just said? Get your shit and go out the door!"
" I didn't know you spoke Chinese."
" I never told you I didn't, you just assumed I didn't."
"I can't hold anymore! I'm slipping!"
" Every now and then we have to let the general public know that we can still blow shit up."
"You know that other stuff but you don't know his name? "
" You said your father is a legend."
"You believe your father wasted his life, that he died for nothing?"
"Don't come up here in my place of business and scaring me like that, god damn."
" I need to know who this guy is runnin' 'round town buying up all these explosives and weapons."
"God damn, don't nobody know his name."
"Push the goddamn button!"
" I'm gonna kick your ass and then I'll take your ass to jail."
"I'm gonna make you mayor."
"Get rid of this guy, he's gonna get you killed."
"America is a very friendly place."
"Stupid fool, get the hell out of my way!"
"Well, even if I said anything, who would want the bullshit job?"
"What you did was dangerous, and completely against policy, not only that...you did a good job."
"No disrespect, sir, but he's only gonna get in my way. If I'm gonna handle the situation for you, I'm gonna have to work alone."
" You ain't the only one with quick hands now, right?"
" What is this shit about your daughter?"
" I'm gonna pretend you a man. A very beautiful man with a great body that I'd like to take to the movies."
"You know, we could have been a good couple. We could have had something special. But you one crazy-ass bitch!"
"Why didn't you tell me you had a bomb in your mouth?"
"They will torture us for three days."
"They will cut off our eggrolls."
"Behind every big crime there's a rich white man waiting for his cut."
"You invited them to get naked and sacrifice a small goat."
"We both know you wouldn't take a bullet for someone else."
"Just follow my lead. Act like a tourist."
"I can't believe I flew 10,000 miles for this shit!"
"I'm tall, dark and handsome, and you're third world ugly."
"I don't like my chickens alive, I like 'em dead and deep fried."
"I always dreamed of going to Madison Square Gardens, see the Knicks play."
"I could use another vacation."
"Man, I'm up here working, putting my life on the line, and you up here messing around, dancing with some bimbo...does she have a friend?"
"I'll meet you at the bar in ten minutes. They don't like tourists in here, so try to blend in."
"He never begged for his life. Or tried to make a deal."
"If you ain't gonna shoot him, kung fu his ass or something!"
"Who put their hand on my butt? Do it again."
"Look at that rat!"
"I'm not the one running up in massage parlors looking for crime lords."
"I'll be remembered for getting rid of you."
"I want to slice those pretty lips right off her face."
"I'd put that knife away, bitch, before you have an accident."
"Wipe yourself off, you're bleeding."
"Snoopy is like six inches taller than you."
"I love Snoopy."
"It was a cowboy hat, and now it's a pith helmet."
"Nothing touches this body but pure silk."
"There are a lot of men chasing us."
"Some people think it's tacky, but I like it when couples dress alike."
"Let's put a dead animal on you."
"He likes you."
"I'm not shopping with you no more."
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kuronanox · 4 years
Jazz lies - Shinji Hirako
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It would be wrong to say that (Your Name) was having fun at this jazz bar that a few coworkers wanted to check out, but it definitely wasn't a place she would call fun.
Out of courtesy of some of the artists at the bar they decided to stay for about an hour and half listening to the music.
"Excuse me miss the lovely gentlemen over there bought you a nice drink." One of the bartenders told (Your Name) setting the nicely made drink in front of her.
She looked at the man who bought her the drink, he had weird teeth and a grin on his face. His hair was a bit long and girly for her taste.
By the time the performance was over (Your Name) and her coworkers got up to exit the bar. She didn't touch the drink once. The whole time it sat in front of her as the man with the weird smile stared at her most of the night.
"Awe yer really left a man hanging!" Shinji jokes as he leans against the door watching her exit.
"Sorry I don't take drinks from strangers." She responds blandly not looking at him in the eye.
Shinji just chuckles and walks out after her side by side, as a few of her coworkers were a bit ahead of them.
"Can't a man try?"
"I've seen better." (Your Name) awkwardly says looking him up and down and then straight ahead to avoid eye contact.
"Damn girls these days sure are harsh." He says with hands in his pockets. "Yer new to town?" He proceeds.
"No, just checking the place out."
"Ahh! So you will come around more often?" Shinji pipes up excited to see her more since jazz bar tended to be on the older side of age.
"Nah, Jazz isn't my vibe."
"Ouch, I thought you were cute too."
"I'm sorry but who are you?" (Your Name) stops walking and looks at Shinji with slight irritation. "Isn't it weird to talk to a man I don't even know the name of?"
"It's Shinji and this man is trying to make a friendly conversation with a cute girl."
A feeling of guilt build in her because he was rather nice the whole time, but it was always good to be defensive just in case he was a real weirdo.
"(Your Name)." She says and continues "sorry I'm just being cautious, there are a lot of sick people out there."
Shinji sighs and rolls his eyes. "It's okay baby doll I've seen sick people in my life time and I ain't one of em."
(Your Name) just smiles, she was still being careful though because he was still a stranger, but it was good to converse with someone new once in a while.
"So I'll let you go now only if I get yer number!" He grins noticing the hesitation in her eyes. "Don't worry, if you don't wanna talk to me anymore after this just don't respond to me." He assured the girl as she willingly gave her digits.
"I'll see you around." (Your Name) says bidding a farewell catching up with her coworkers.
(Your Name) couldn't help but be a bit interesting in this Shinji man because he was a sweet heart. Shinji was being a hopeless romance, but she couldn't tell if he was being over dramatic or if he was foreal.
He told her she was his 'first love' but she knew he was probably joking.
Although they didn't meet a second time they spend a few weeks sending text messages to each other. (Your Name) thought he was going to be pushy and ask her out again, but to her surprise he didn't.
Shinji genuinely was interested in her.
"Why the hell you keep smiling at your phone like a idiot baldy?" Hiyori says peaking over him curious who Shinji had been texting the last few weeks. "AHH!" She screams and snatched the phone reading a loud.
Shinji - "Good morning baby doll, how was yer day?"
"HIYORI STOP OR ILL-!" Shinji screams chasing the smaller girl as the other visords attention grew to them.
(Your Name) - "Good morning! It's been nice! I've just been cleaning my place. What about you Shinji?"
Shinji - "I'm glad you had a good day <3 I went to the store to get the newest record."
"Like I said Hiyori it's no one!" He continues as she kicks him in the face and continues to read out loud.
Shinji - "Shopping alone ain't fun, when yer going to join? I'll pay for dinner!"
(Your Name) - "is this a lame way of asking me out to eat lmao?"
Shinji snatches the phone back with red tints on his cheeks as Hiyori laughs on the floor. "Shut up will ya!"
"Oi Shinji, my books will come in handy if she decides to go out with you." Lisa seriously says flipping her book the couch.
"Hate to admit it but she's right." Kensei butts in getting ready for dinner.
"Oh shut up." Shinji says embarrassed as he walks into his room and slams the door.
To Shinji luck (Your Name) agreed to go eat with him for dinner a week after he asked her. Although it was their second time meeting the atmosphere was smooth and easy.
"Yeah! I graduated college a year ago and I work at the hospital in town!" She tells Shinji passionate about saving life's everyday. "What about you Shinji?"
Shinji was sweating because he didn't actually work. So he tightly gripped his knife and put the steak in his mouth as he smoothly played it off. "I work at a company, top secret for the government only." He winked.
"Kami I'm safe, being dead actually is inconvenient."
(Your Name) face lit up as she took a bite of her wagyu. "Nice! Never thought I'd meet someone so high in status."
"Yer not missing much baby doll, I live ina abandon warehouse actually."
Shinji grins as they take a toast together and enjoyed the view of Tokyo below them.
"So what are your future plans?" She then asks Shinji as he tilts his head.
"Oooh we already wanna start thinking about the future together?" He jokes as she laughs and playfully roll her eyes. Which for (Your Name) was good because it lighten the mood.
After dinner was finished and Shinji paid they walk down the busy streets of Tokyo admiring the views. "Isn't it pretty?" (Your Name) asked Shinji as they walked side by side with linked arms. "What? My face? Oh I know!"
"No dummy the lights of Tokyo!" She lightly flicked his forehead as he shuts his eyes tight.
"Yeah, one day I'll show you the view of Tokyo at a better place, maybe." He tells her as she happily nods her head eagerly.
The night was getting late as she grew tired but the city was still awake. "I'll see you off then? Please get home safe baby doll."
"I will! Maybe we can go out again later!"
"Of course I'll really like that." Shinji grins as she walks down her path towards home. Watching from afar Shinji shunpo to see if she got back in the house safely and after he left.
"Spill the beans how could anyone possibly like you baldy?" Hiyori asked one night as they all sat around.
"Oh shut up! I'm pretty handsome!"
"More like a hand full." Kensei added.
"That's Mashiro who is." Shinji bites back as Kensei could only agree to that statement.
"Young love, can't wait to see what the future holds for you." Rose says.
Shinji just left to his room after that, they were giving him a headache. He laid onto his bed and closed his eyes. (Your Name) was pretty, kind and mature. She had a future ahead of her, but Shinji was living in a dump with lots of roommates and plus he was basically a soul.
Shinji was surprise she stuck around as long as she did. They had went on many dates after that and he successfully earned a kiss on the 5th date.
The only problem for Shinji was the fact that he basically lied about his whole life to her, he wasn't sure if it was right to tell her the truth or wait it out.
It wasn't until 6 months into their relationship that the problem he feared worse appeared.
They had left the bar shortly after midnight, Shinji was walking her back safely to the train station, and then he would secretly watch her go home to make sure she was safe, but a drunken man had appeared from a ally way.
The drunken man was causing a problem for (Your Name) as he said some rather vulgar remarks. Shinji was a laid back man as he told the drunken man to beat it and go cat call someone else.
"Yer really pushin my buttons." Shinji tells the drunken man giving him a glare and lightly grabbing (Your Name) to safety behind him.
The drunken man crossed the line when he tried to grabbed (Your Name) shoulder as Shinji puts his foot onto his chest not allowing him to come any closer.
Before they could walk away the sound of a gun click appeared as Shinji pushed (Your Name) out of the way.
"I don't hurt humans but it seems like you want to harm someone precious to me. I don't mind being naughty just for this special occasion." Shinji grins calm and composed as he stopped the bullets from flying between his fingers.
(Your Name) was in panic mood at first because they were at gun point and then second Shinji was using some unknown godly powers to her.
"Don't worry baby doll, yer safe with me." Shinji says disappearing from her sight as he grabbed the gun from the man and broke it in pieces with his bare hands. "Don't play with toys sir, I've seen scarier!"
Of course the man got terrified and ran away scared for his life. "See ya!" Shinji calls out.
(Your Name) watched from her spot unsure what to be afraid of.
The man who was about to possibly rape her or Shinji who was lying about his identity the whole time. The tears grew in her face because of how frighten she was.
"What's wrong bab-"
"Stop, don't get any closer." She tells him as Shinji sees the water in her eyes. She looked terrified and hurt. "I can explain to you about all this."
"Explain what? That you've been lying about yourself the whole time? What are you? Some kind of god?"
Shinji knits his brows and grabs her hand lightly but she pulled away. "No. I'm going home alone tonight. I'll talk to you when I'm ready."
"I'm not letting ya walk home this late alone." He tells her as she protested but by a flash of a step they were back at her place as he set her down lightly.
"Talk to me when you are ready, I'll be waiting." Shinji says as she looks away from him obviously surprised on how they got home so fast.
"Whatever, thanks for tonight." She slightly says in a forgiving tone as she walked into her place.
He didn't hear from her in weeks, it was only 6 months together and during that period of time he felt happy and light. He didn't think about Aizen or any ill thoughts when he was with her.
Shinji knew it wasn't going to work out, they were so different and so far from each other's world yet he wanted so bad to make it work.
"Is this the common word to say that I got ghosted?" He sulks in the corner as his phone rings to see a message from (Your Name).
(Your Name) - "Meet me at the bar we first met."
Shinji walks in and spots her sitting alone but beautifully shining. She notices him and gives a small smile.
"Alright get it to it, if you wanna call me a freak I understand." He says.
"No one is calling you a freak, I just want an explanation. I had time to think and I'm sorry for the way I acted. I was scared and confused."
He takes her hands and grins. "Of course baby."
The music started to play as the bartender served them a couple of drinks.
"Just please let me finish before you ask any question. Basically you are dating a dead man, I'm from the world where souls live and we have powers that protect and balance the living and dead. Remember when we were talking about how sick people can be? Well there was a guy that got me and few of my comrades exile from the Soul Society and that is how I ended up here."
(Your Name) had to process everything, it was so unreal. At the same time she was curious and slightly interested about another world out there. Of course she wanted to be angry at him for lying about his identity, but she understood from his perspective.
"Well that was a lot to take in, you must be serious about me if you told me all this."
"100% percent, I ain't leaving soon." He sips his wine now.
(Your Name) smiles and then looks down.
"Just don't lie to me anymore. Keep everything real."
"I won't. At the mean time, I'm glad we had this talk so now I can finally use my godly powers as you say." He grabs her hands as they run out the bar.
Stumbling a bit she grips his hand tightly and follows. "Where are we going?!"
"You will see!" He shouts as Shinji hoisted her and lifts them up to the sky.
The view from Tokyo was below them and this time she could see everything.
"How?! This is so beautiful!"
Shinji was happy, although they haven't talked serious yet, he was willing to give it time and effort.
"Remember I told you I would show you a better view. Well here it is!"
(Your Name) was overwhelmed with happiness as she clung onto him. It was weird for her because they were basically standing in midair.
"We won't fall right?"
"Nah just relax I got you."
The night came to an end in a positive way as both parties understood each other and why things were the way they were. Shinji had a sense of relief because he didn't have to hide anymore.
They laid in bed at her place, god forbid he brought her back to his.
The night was cold but the room was warm, they laid peacefully and in each other arms.
(Your Name) would make sure in the future to talk about their relationship because it was a complicated subject. A human and soul together as a couple.
Everyone always says it doesn't hurt to try something new so that's what she was taking this as but genuinely she wanted to brag about how strong and cool her boyfriend was but that was for another time.
For now they both just want to cherish the easy and smooth moments together before anything complicated comes up.
"So our next challenge is to meet my peeps." He tells her as she groans.
"Are they weird like you?"
"Oh baby doll, we are a mix of hip and style."
(Author notes: Heya! I'm taking request at the moment! I'll be on vacation so I might have some time to write a few pieces! The rules are telling me a character and a general plot on what you want the story to be! Also none of my one shots have been edited.)
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sebastianshaw · 4 years
RP Memes from Rush Hour & Rush Hour 2
"Why you ain't tell me about the bridge?"
"Wipe yourself off, man. You dead."
"The drop will be made tonight. The amount will be fifty million dollars."
"Fifty million dollars? Man, who do you think you kidnapped? Chelsea Clinton?!"
"Do you understand the words that are coming out my mouth?"
"I'll hit you so hard you'll end up in the Ming Dynasty."
"It ain't 'you all', it's "y'all"!"
"It would take me all day to kiss your fat ass."
"We've must be a misunderstanding, 'cause I was sent down here for the big case for the kidnapping of the little girl."
"He *is* the situation."
"You destroyed half a city block!"
"Hey, don't talk about my father."
"That's why I don't have no partner, that's one thing I learned from my daddy."
"Man, just sit there and shut up! This ain't no democracy."
" I'm the president, I'm the emperor, I'm the king. I'm Michael Jackson, you Tito. Your ass belongs to me."
"My own mama's ashamed of me. She tells everybody I'm a drug dealer."
"You don't know nothing about no war."
"Everybody knows war."
"They don't give a damn about you! They don't like you! I don't like you!"
"The girl don't like you! Nobody likes you!"
"The Beach Boys are great American music."
"I like to let people talk who like to talk. It lets me find out how full of shit they are."
"Well, didn't I give you the bigger half?"
" ...which one of y'all kicked me?"
"Fifteen hours? What are we gonna do for fifteen hours?"
"I should take your ass to jail, you know that?"
"You got a prescription for this?"
"You better have glaucoma."
"Whoo! You know he dead."
"Man when I get up in there I'm slappin' somebody."
"You serious? I don't know what to say. It's like a dream come true."
"I ain't gonna kill you this time. I'm just gonna kick your ass!"
" Did you hear what I just said? Get your shit and go out the door!"
" I didn't know you spoke Chinese."
" I never told you I didn't, you just assumed I didn't."
"I can't hold anymore! I'm slipping!"
" Every now and then we have to let the general public know that we can still blow shit up."
"You know that other stuff but you don't know his name? "
" You said your father is a legend."
"You believe your father wasted his life, that he died for nothing?"
"Don't come up here in my place of business and scaring me like that, god damn."
" I need to know who this guy is runnin' 'round town buying up all these explosives and weapons."
"God damn, don't nobody know his name."
"Push the goddamn button!"
" I'm gonna kick your ass and then I'll take your ass to jail."
"I'm gonna make you mayor."
"Get rid of this guy, he's gonna get you killed."
"America is a very friendly place."
"Stupid fool, get the hell out of my way!"
"Well, even if I said anything, who would want the bullshit job?"
"What you did was dangerous, and completely against policy, not only that...you did a good job."
"No disrespect, sir, but he's only gonna get in my way. If I'm gonna handle the situation for you, I'm gonna have to work alone."
" You ain't the only one with quick hands now, right?"
" What is this shit about your daughter?"
" I'm gonna pretend you a man. A very beautiful man with a great body that I'd like to take to the movies."
"You know, we could have been a good couple. We could have had something special. But you one crazy-ass bitch!"
"Why didn't you tell me you had a bomb in your mouth?"
"They will torture us for three days."
"They will cut off our eggrolls."
"Behind every big crime there's a rich white man waiting for his cut."
"You invited them to get naked and sacrifice a small goat."
"We both know you wouldn't take a bullet for someone else."
"Just follow my lead. Act like a tourist."
"I can't believe I flew 10,000 miles for this shit!"
"I'm tall, dark and handsome, and you're third world ugly."
"I don't like my chickens alive, I like 'em dead and deep fried."
"I always dreamed of going to Madison Square Gardens, see the Knicks play."
"I could use another vacation."
"Man, I'm up here working, putting my life on the line, and you up here messing around, dancing with some bimbo...does she have a friend?"
"I'll meet you at the bar in ten minutes. They don't like tourists in here, so try to blend in."
"He never begged for his life. Or tried to make a deal."
"If you ain't gonna shoot him, kung fu his ass or something!"
"Who put their hand on my butt? Do it again."
"Look at that rat!"
"I'm not the one running up in massage parlors looking for crime lords."
"I'll be remembered for getting rid of you."
"I want to slice those pretty lips right off her face."
"I'd put that knife away, bitch, before you have an accident."
"Wipe yourself off, you're bleeding."
"Snoopy is like six inches taller than you."
"I love Snoopy."
"It was a cowboy hat, and now it's a pith helmet."
"Nothing touches this body but pure silk."
"There are a lot of men chasing us."
"Some people think it's tacky, but I like it when couples dress alike."
"Let's put a dead animal on you."
"He likes you."
"I'm not shopping with you no more."
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imaginetrahs · 4 years
5. I don’t know who that is. Sorry.
Monday came faster than Solana wanted it to.
After Friday the rest of her weekend went by in a blur. Saturday and Sunday were spent with family since there wasn't much of that since she came home from camp.
Solana had just finished getting dressed, reluctantly, and made her way towards the kitchen. Jamal was sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal. Solana knew that he would text her later about his stomach hurting from the milk, he's lactose intolerant but she didn't say anything.
"Hey, do you want a ride." Solana grabbed her bookbag from its spot by the door and slipped on her sandals.
Jamal shook his head, "I'm gonna walk with the crew. But I'll see you at lunch?" He placed his bowl in the sink and grabbed his bag too. Both of the Turner kids walked out of the house and Solana locked the door behind them. Their dad was respected because of his business but they could never be too sure.
"Yes sir." Solana walked to her car while Jamal started walking down the street toward school. "Please be safe J."
"Girl, you know I'm always safe." He turned around walking backwards and popped his collar. "They need to watch out for me cause I'm dangerous."
Because Jamal was turned around not watching where he was going, he backed into a fire hydrant and fell back. Solana rolled her eyes and got in her car, she pulled out and made her way to pick up Braelyn and Raziya.
"Who's your first period?" Solana, Braelyn and Raziya were still sitting in the car waiting for the first bell to ring. Each girl had their phone in their hand looking at their class schedule.
"I have Bloomberg." Solana glanced at the other girls as they groaned in protest.
"Fucking lucky." Raziya sighed out. "I have Ms. Roberts."
Solana and Braelyn let out collectives 'ooohs'. They both understood Raziya's frustration seeing as they both had her last year for English class and she was not an easy teacher.
"Well I have Ms. Carter and I'm okay with it because she's pretty chill." Braelyn opened her door and slid out along with Solana and Raziya.
Walking through the parking Solana noticed the familiar cherry red convertible parked across the street with its owner sitting in the driver seat. She tried not to make eye contact but it was hard when she could feel him staring at her.
"He's basically burning a hole in your face." Solana groaned kept walking. She was still upset about Friday but she wasn't pressed about it.
"I know." The three girls sat at one of the tables in front of the school. They continued to talk about their classes and what teachers they didn't like.
"So are you like over Oscar." Braelyn set her phone down on the table and looked at Solana. Braelyn knew that she wasn't, she just wanted to hear her say it.
"I don't know who that is." Solana shrugged her shoulders and continued her people watching. Across the way she noticed her brother and his friends sitting at a table, they must've been waiting for Cesar.
Raziya rolled her eyes, "Lana for real."
"Well technically we were never together for me to 'be over him' but I just think what he did was stupid as fuck and if he didn't want to hang with me he could've just told me that. Instead he blew me off for another girl without a call or text." Solana took her bag off and laid her head on it. "So I don't know, but I do know boys are stupid."
"Except me though, right?" Solana rolled her head to the right and seen Cesar standing there with a smirk on his face.
"No, especially you." Solana joked to him and got up to hug him. "I'm just kidding Ceas. How you been?"
He nodded his head and shrugged simultaneously. "I've been better. But hey my brother wants to talk to you."
Solana shook her head 'no' and sat back in her seat. The last thing she wanted to do was talk to Oscar right now because it would ruin her whole day and it barely started.
Cesar's phone dinged and glanced at it. He had a text from his brother. "He said if you don't go over there then he'll come over here, your choice."
Solana sighed as loud as she could and dragged her feet across the street. She could hear her friends plus Cesar laughing behind her.
Solana opened the red door and flung herself into the passenger seat while slamming the door. She slouched into the seat and crossed her arms across her chest, glaring out of the windshield.
"Yo chill out with slammin' my shit!" Oscars eyebrows knitted in frustration. First Solana wasn't answering his texts and now she's here slamming his car door.
Solana turned to him in mock sympathy. She placed her hand over her chest, "I'm sorry, let me just-", she opened the door and slammed it again.
Oscar clenched and unclenched his jaw, not wanting to lose his cool towards her. He watched her type on her phone instead of paying attention to him.
Oscar snatched the phone from Solana's hand and put it in pocket closest to the driver door. "Tell me how you feel Sol." He shifted his body towards her direction and threw his arm across the back of the car seat.
"You're an asshole." She looked at him with a stoic face. "Instead of just telling me you didn't want to hang out, you stood me up and I had to hang with my brother. Not that I mind because I love my brother, and we actually had a lot of fun, it's just you could've sent a text. And then you ditched me for Amaya, of all people."
"Are you jealous?" Oscar smirked her way.
"Of Amaya?" Solana screwed her face up and laughed wholeheartedly. "Yeah right. She's slept with literally every guy in our grade, you're just another one that got added and checked off her list. Don't feel too special."
Solana heard the bell for first period ring and grabbed the door handle to get out. "We're not together so I'm not mad, but don't invite me to hang out if you're just gonna bail." She shut the door with a shrug and made her way to class.
Lunch time came and to say Solana was happy was an understatement. She had two more classes to go to, being on block schedule was a gift. Solana walked through the countless bodies in the hallway to her locker. She grabbed her sketch pad for her double art class, instead of having to come all the way back to this side of the school.
Solana closed and locker her locker and made her way to the cafeteria. Her phone buzzed in her hand and she glanced at it to see a text from Oscar.
Spooky 👻
I'm picking you up later
11:25 AM
Mamas 🖤
No you're not
11:30 AM
Solana grabbed a lunch tray and went through the lunch line like every other person. She decided between the lesser evils of lunch food and went with a chicken salad. Another text came through and Siri read it in her AirPods.
Spooky 👻
Let me make it up to you
11:35 AM
Mamas 🖤
It's a little too late for that don't you think 🙂
11:36 AM
Spooky 👻
Be ready by 6
11:38 AM
Mamas 🖤
Say I do agree to this...
What am I supposed to wear?
11:40 AM
Solana walked out of the cafeteria to the outside tables and found her brother and his friends plus Braelyn and Raziya.
"Hey you's guys." Solana sat between her brother and Ruby, hugging his head. Like all of Jamals friends, Ruby had a special place in her heart, a close second to Cesar. She loved them all in her own little way.
Spooky 👻
Whatever you want baby
11:47 AM
You look good in everything
11:47 AM
Solana smirked at her phone at what Oscar said. She didn't want to toot her own horn but, he wasn't wrong.
Mamas 🖤
Whatever 🙄
11:50 AM
I'll see you later
11:51 AM
Jamal glanced over his sisters shoulder, along with Ruby, to see her texting Oscar. Neither of them said anything but glanced at each other, knowing that she could be used in their plan to talk to Oscar.
"Who you texting Sol." Raziya leaned on her hand grinning at Solana. Braelyn tilted her head at Solana and glanced to Raziya.
"Yeah, she was pretty smiley over there wasn't she Ziy?" Solana rolled her eyes with the other gazed at her, waiting for an answer.
"Don't start." Solana shot her hand out in a 'stop' motion. "Don't start."
Braelyn and Raziya threw their hands up in surrender. "Ok, fine."
Tumblr media
Liked by Braezy, Shawtylowe, Spooky, JuliusCaesar, Rubennn, SwaggieJ, Monsay and 389 others
Sonshine senior year is mine 🤪
Braezy period best 💕 15 likes
         Sonshine this year is ours sis @Shawtylowe
SwaggieJ Period sis 20 likes
    Sonshine jamal get tf 😂
Amilli 👻
     Sonshine blocked
Tumblr media
Liked by Sonshine, Braezy, Amilli, Sadeyez, Eazy and 438 others
Shawtylowe do I need school or does school need me 🤔
Sonshine period cause shit is bogus 100 likes
               Shawtylowe ain't it 😩
Eazy I need you
      Shawtylowe dude get tf ☹️
Latrelle answer my dms
      Shawtylowe eww ��
Shawtylowe @Amilli bitch stop liking my shit
Tumblr media
Liked by Sonshine, Shawtylowe, SwaggieJ, Mario and 428 others
Braezy glad it's my last year ☺️ enjoy this outfit because after this it's sweats and hoodies 🙂
Sonshine ong 😭
Shawtylowe you're so cute 😩💕 78 likes
       Braezy thank you baby 💕
Mario hey
        Braezy bye
Tumblr media
Liked by Latrelle, Mario, Yourboyfriend and 365 others
Amilli I had him now you can have him back 😇
Shawtylowe you want to beat yo ass again
           Amilli you didn't beat me the first time so...
                  Shawtylowe you're a bird 🦆 leave my friend and he man alone or imma fuck you up ong 💁🏽‍♀️ 115 likes
                        Sonshine Ziy chill 😂
Latrelle get at me ma
        Amilli 🤪😘
I can't fucking stand that bitch. Raziya text the groupchat. After lunch everyone went to their respective classes. Since most of the school followed the four girls, the drama was already spreading and it was only the first day.
Amaya was the type of girl that craved drama and attention. Her name was always in something and someone always got dragged down with her. The girls were friends with Amaya, once upon a time, but then things changed. Amaya was caught up in being better than everyone, but it happens.
Solana sat in art class, the only class she really cared for. She loved art in all forms, getting this class double was amazing for her. Not to mention her teacher was one of her favorites.
There were a little less than ten minutes left of class and Solana didn't want to leave. Her leaving meant she would have to hang with Oscar, and she didn't really want to.
When the bell rang to go home, Solana took her time leaving. Lately she hasn't been able to have any 'me time' so she took this time to. Her life was hectic right now between; cheer, seeing a man that is older than her, and school starting up, she wasn't sure she'd be able to handle it.
Solana's phone dinged in her back pocket, she pulled it out and seen a text from Jamal.
J-man 🏈
My stomach hurts
3:15 PM
Can you take me home
3:16 PM
"I fucking knew it."
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murumokirby360 · 7 years
Segment 18 - Bob from Pike Creek (Part 1)
Lazlow: Alright let's go to line 8, hello caller, what's your name?
Bob: Bob. Bob from Pike Creek.
Lazlow: Hey, er...what's up, Bob from Pike Creek?"
Bob: Well, I been listening to your show, there's always people going on about problems in schools. Guns, people showing disrespect to teachers, drugs...schools are breeding grounds for crime, ain't they?!?
Lazlow: Well I guess it seems that way!
Bob: Well I got a reeeal simple solution! Shut 'em down. Shut down the schools and you shut down the problem. No more dead teachers, no more angry students.
Lazlow: Well, but you don't think...
Bob: No I don't never! Now listen to me! It makes perfect sense! These days, they complain a lot, but you know what...they cost even more! I mean shoes, books, toys, even special tiny furry pets, that sort of crap. It's all about me...me me me me! Well not my Johnny. No sir! Uh-uh! I'm learning him the value of good hard work. Learning him good. At three, we taught him how to clean the bathroom, if he left so much as one hair on the soap it was off to bed with no dinner! You know what? He went to bed a-hungry only 20, maybe 30 times. He learned! Now, he brings his mother lunch in bed every day so that she can sleep in! Let me tell ya, everyone should have their kid serving up food! He even cooks for the whole family! These days he's getting to big to sweep chimneys, so now he's a paralegal at Rankin' and Ponzer! He's seven, and he's making Madge and me twenty-three thousand a year. And on weekends, he doesn't go to the mall, play soccer, read, or do any of that kind of stuff! No no! He works in the basement of a marketing company making photocopies all night. Hell, he goes to sleep during the day, that's another eight grand right there! So now, I'm buying me a fast-boat trailer, what do you say to that ?!?
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Buster & Rio
Buster: Distract me Rio: Don't I always? Rio: But what am I contending against now Buster: I'm in a mood I don't wanna be in Buster: Give me a different one Rio: Okay Rio: What have I got to give hmm Buster: Well, if you're not giving it everything, firstly who are you and secondly, what's the point, like Rio: Ahh that kind of mood is it Rio: Still gotta work on that vagueness Rio: I come at you with a sob story you're not gonna be happy are ya Buster: I'd tell you to get in line, babe Buster: Chlo's already been woe's me-ing my way Rio: Behind her? I think the fuck not Rio: That sounds like a laugh a minute Rio: Want a drink? Buster: Yeah Buster: But I've still got work to do Rio: Hmm Rio: Guess there's time for me to be your private barmaid 'til I have to go do it forreal Rio: taking your work out being out of the question Buster: You really like seeing me nerding out in those dark corners, yeah? Rio: Obviously Rio: soooo hot Rio: can't be distracting me and showing me up, like Buster: Yes I can Buster: From here or in person Buster: It's a talent, I know Rio: 😏 Rio: Not one you can put on your personal statement Buster: I mean, I could Buster: Does anyone actually read 'em? Rio: I assume so Rio: Or you just namedrop your School n 'rents in the interview? Buster: They'd wanna read this one, it'd be some best seller shit if I started talking about us Rio: Fifty Shades got nothing on us, babe 😂 Buster: You're laughing but it's true Buster: Have you read that shit? It's awful Rio: Yeah, even if the dude is daddy Rio: no saving how boring the bitch and sex is Buster: Shut up, he ain't special Rio: Tell him how you really feel, babe Rio: He wouldn't have to ask me nicely though Buster: 😒 Buster: When I said change my mood, not what I meant, like Rio: Awh baby Rio: You're still my favourite Buster: Whatever Rio: Not whatever Rio: Lemme make it up to you so I can be your favourite again Buster: How? Rio: You tell me Rio: That's how you've got it, baby, not playing around Rio: I take this very seriously 🥇 Buster: Damn Buster: Tell me you miss me Rio: I miss you so much Rio: and it's crazy because I've only just left you, it's like I can still feel you in every bruise Buster: Good 'cause I swear I can still taste you Buster: So the drink can wait Rio: Jesus Rio: I really really miss you now Buster: Yeah? Buster: Don't sugarcoat it for me, babe, I wanna know exactly how that feels Buster: If I'm gonna make it better I need to know how bad it is, like Rio: So bad it hurts Rio: if I show you where will you kiss it better for me, daddy? Buster: Of course, baby Rio: [Vid] Rio: See? Buster: Fucking hell Rio: Do you? Or do you need me to send more to clear things up? Buster: Honestly, who can be sure Buster: I think I need more to go on Rio: [Video of her getting closer] Rio: Please, I'm getting desperate here, babe Buster: I can see that Buster: Tell me what you need Rio: You Buster: [sends own vid] Buster: You've got me, babe Rio: I need to feel you Rio: like, right fucking now Buster: Where are you? Rio: Out doing the shop Rio: Way to ruin the mood Rio: but if I don't do it, Indie eats shit/would die so 🤷 Buster: Weed isn't actually counted towards your 5 a day, unlucky kid Buster: That's okay, the app will save you and the mood Rio: And not even she's gonna consume 5 edibles in a go Rio: I hope Rio: 😻 Rio: Get me ready for you baby Buster: I can do better than that Buster: You'll be begging for me, babe Buster: See? Rio: Mmm Rio: I certainly feel it Buster: Good Buster: What about this? Rio: Jesus Rio: the noises I'm holding back rn Rio: remember I'm in public Buster: I haven't forgotten Buster: Why do you think I'm going this hard? Rio: Buster Rio: I can't Buster: Yes you can, babe Buster: Do it for me Rio: I'm seriously going to do it for you right here if you don't stop Rio: Fuck me Buster: That's the plan Buster: I'm gonna keep fucking you until you cum for me, I don't care where you are Rio: When I get there, you gon' clean up the mess you made of me? Buster: You know it Buster: Not an amateur, like Rio: How does it feel knowing you own this pussy, baby? Buster: There's nothing better, trust me Rio: Good because there's nothing better than cumming for you Buster: Except with me Buster: So hurry back Rio: Boy you know what to do to get me hurrying Buster: Yeah Rio: I swear to God Rio: Gonna need to go the frozen aisle to cool tf down Buster: Bring me some ice Buster: Can have a lot of fun with that Rio: This is why I love you Buster: Say it again Rio: I love you Rio: So much Buster: I love you too Rio: Okay, if the little old ladies didn't hate me before Rio: the looks I'm getting Buster: I'd say sorry but we both know I ain't Buster: At all Rio: You know I want it Buster: I love hearing you say it though Rio: You don't need to ask nice, or ask at all Rio: I need you so bad I'll tell you that and more Buster: I need you too Buster: Right fucking now Rio: You know how good you make me feel Rio: I wanna make you feel this good always Buster: So come here Buster: I'll do your shop online for you and make them deliver it Rio: Ask me one more time Buster: Rio, come here Buster: Come fuck me Rio: Yes daddy Rio: I'm gonna ride that dick so hard Buster: You better Rio: You know no one else can do you like I can Buster: Yeah I do but I still want you to show me Rio: Well, you're gonna have the best view, babe Rio: 📸 if you need reminding Buster: Jesus Rio: If you gotta miss me, do it right Buster: You're so perfect Rio: Buster, I seriously love you Buster: I know Buster: It's the same for me Buster: Yeah, I love myself but that's not what I mean Rio: 😂 Can't blame you baby you're just Rio: damn Rio: I wish you didn't have to leave Buster: Me too Buster: But I'll be back for Christmas hols Rio: I know Rio: I wish you never had to leave though Rio: Get the 'cuffs Buster: I'm not gonna say no to that Buster: But seriously, one day, babe Rio: Yeah Rio: I can't wait Buster: And then I'll wake you up every morning in your fave way Rio: 🤤 Rio: God don't leave me okay Buster: Never Rio: Never? Buster: Never, baby Rio: I don't know how this happened Buster: Does it matter? Rio: No but Rio: headfuck Buster: Do you want me to shut up? Rio: No Rio: I like it Rio: I'm just thinking and talking Rio: I never thought you'd mean this much to me Buster: I don't know whether to be impressed that you can still have coherent thoughts or offended that you didn't think I'd be the centre of your universe Buster: Rude Buster: Look at me Buster: Godlike Rio: Stop talking Rio: 😉 Buster: How many times can I say never in one convo Rio: If you're going for a record, I'll start asking the right questions Rio: Hey babe, when am I wrong? Buster: 😂 Rio: Harder than you think Rio: without dipping into the double negatives Buster: You're such a nerd Rio: Shut up 😂 Rio: You wish, get me doing your essays whilst you do me Buster: Let's do that Buster: It's a great plan Rio: You say that now but wait 'til you get your grade back 😏 Buster: Is that you trying to tell me I need to work on my technique, like Rio: Well now you mention it, like Rio: Nah 😂 Opposite, if you were shit I'd boss it, no distraction in it Buster: If I can study with you on my mind you can write an essay with me on you Buster: I believe it Rio: Would save me scouting Profs when you get to Uni Rio: Gimme that fantasy babe Buster: It's not gonna be a fantasy for long Buster: I've got deadlines, babe Buster: There's an essay right here for you Rio: Fucking hell Rio: I'm so whipped for you, I'll seriously do it Buster: I know you will Buster: And you'll do it well Rio: Yes sir Buster: You're killing me Rio: You reckon? Rio: [Pics] Because this is what you've done to me Buster: Fuck Rio: Gutted I'm too turned on to go anywhere but yours Rio: could pick up the schoolgirl costume, like Buster: Later Buster: I don't wanna wait any longer than I already have Rio: Punish me how you see fit for being late Buster: I will Rio: 😈 Rio: I'll try to hide how much I'm enjoying it Buster: Don't Buster: Show me everything Rio: Yes baby Rio: as long as you do too Buster: I couldn't stop myself if I had to Rio: Good Rio: Don't stop Buster: I won't Rio: Promise? Buster: I swear, babe Buster: I can't and I don't want to Rio: Then we've got a deal Rio: I'll knock up a draft whilst I'm at it Rio: feeling motivated Buster: Good
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season 1 episode 1
Uncle Phil! Man! How are you doing? l am not your uncle Philip. My fault, man. l must have got the wrong crib. l didn't know there were so many brothers living in this neighborhood. We're doing all right, huh? You have the right house. l am Geoffrey, your uncle's butler. Okay, well, l. Cheerio and all that rot. Bring the horses round, would you? lf you will follow me l will show you to your room, Master William. Hey, man, it's cool if you just call me Will. Master William tradition dictates that a clean, unbreakable line be drawn between a family and their butler. Therefore, it is necessary for the operation of a household that you address me as Geoffrey and l, in turn, address you by your proper title: Master William. Who are you, Robo-butler, man? Come with me, Master William. Yo, G. Let me rap to you for a second. All this Master William stuff, l'm not down with that, man. Make it sound like we're back on the plantation, like: ''Massa William ! Massa William ! '' Let's come up with something better that you could call me. What would you prefer? Check this: ''His Royal Freshness. '' That's dope. Master William, walk this way. No. -Willie! -Hey, Aunt Viv! -Sweetie, hi. -How you doing? My goodness, let me look at you. Turn around. The last time we saw you, you were this funny little boy. Now look at you. My goodness, you are a man. That was the plan. lt is amazing. You certainly have grown, Will. Well, we all have. Did you enjoy the trip? The plane ride was stupid. All the way first-class-- Excuse me? -l'm saying the plane was dope-- -Excuse me? No. Stupid, dope. No, that doesn't mean what you. How would he say. The flight was really neat. Geoffrey, would you take Will to his room, and help him get settled in? -Yes, Madam. -Nice seeing you. -Master William. -You got to love this guy, right? -Did you see the way he was dressed? -What's wrong with it? -You hear that language? -We used slang when we were kids. Do you remember our first date? You took one look at me and said: ''That is a bad dress. '' You could've just said it was a good dress. l could have, if l liked it. Actually, it was a bad dress. That's stupid. Now, take it for whatever meaning you want. Now he's got you doing it. Philip, cut him some slack, please. He's my nephew. And l would just appreciate it if you would try to understand him. Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad. -Hi, sweetie pie. -Hi, Ashley. Yo, this place is huge, man. Next time l go to my room, l'm gonna take some bread crumbs. -Will, this is Ashley. -Hi. My little Scottish cousin. Pleased to make your acquaintance. l'm your humble servant. -He's cute. -l know he is. -l'm gonna take a swim before dinner. -Good luck. The pool heater's broken. -Don't you just hate it when that happens? -Yes, that is my pet peeve. -You got your own pool here? -And a tennis court, too. Yo, this is better than Love Boat. This boy gonna be maxing and relaxing. Hold on just a minute, son. We promised your mother that you're here to work hard, straighten out and learn some good old-fashioned American values. Dad, l need $300. Hilary, your cousin Will is here. Hi. Dad, l need $300. That's a lot of money, Hilary. What for? l need a new hat. -For what? -Probably her head. Okay, l'm going on the Save the Ozone celebrity bus next Saturday. lt's gonna be Bruce Willis and Demi, Rob Lowe, Emilio Estevez or Charlie Sheen, l can't remember which. We're taking the bus all over town to protest air pollution and then we're gonna motor to the beach and have a big bonfire. What? l'm not an expert or anything, but don't you think driving a big old bus around town and then having a bonfire is sort of adding to the problem of pollution? Look, if this weren't a good idea l really don't think Ally Sheedy would be involved. Hey, look who's here. Benson. -This is for you. -But l didn't get you anything. Your uncle has invited several of the partners from his law firm to dinner. At the time of the invitation, he did not realize you'd be descending upon him today. And regrettably, it was too late to cancel. Yo, are we having a party? We're gonna get stupid, right? For some of us, that will require very little effort indeed. -Miss Ashley. -That will be all, Geoffrey. That's all you had to say to get rid of him? l've been racking my brain. -This is for you. -Thank you, Ashley. This is nice. You're very talented. Well, l'm glad l'm good at something. l tried out for the school chorus today, but l didn't get in. How come? Well, when l auditioned for Mrs. Berkley l couldn't remember all the words to the song. The part l remembered was fantastic. -l'm sure it was. l bet you're def. -That's what she said. Not deaf. D-E-F. That's just slang. Means terrific, good. Thank you. You should try rapping. When you're rapping, you mess up the words and make up some new ones right there on the spot. Let's try this. l'll sing one line, you make up a line to rhyme it. -Okay. -All right. Let's see. ''You didn't get into Miss Berkley's chorus'' -l'm thinking, all right? -That's all right. We got all day. -Okay, l've got it. -Here we go. ''You didn't get into Miss Berkley's chorus'' ''l'd like to hit her in the head with Roget's Thesaurus'' ''Don't need no choir when you're a rapper'' ''Gonna hunt Miss Berkley down and zap her'' ''Got this whole town of Bel-Air buzzing'' ''Get a load of me and my rapping cousin'' Ashley, why don't you go downstairs and get ready for dinner. -Okay, Daddy. Bye, Will. -Check you later, Ash. Look who's here, Will. Who is he? lt's your cousin, Carlton. Don't you remember? When you two were little, people thought you were twins. You looked exactly alike. l guess some things never change. -How's it going there, Will? -lt's going all right. -Malcolm X. -He's sort of my hero. Well, he was a great man. l don't know if l'd call him my hero exactly. -Really? Who are your heroes? -Well, my dad. And Bryant Gumbel. He's darn good. Oh, my, yes! l see they brought your tuxedo. Tell me something, Will. Have you ever attended a formal dinner before? Other than that thing at Buckingham Palace, no. The important thing to remember is to relax, enjoy yourself and when in doubt, do whatever Carlton's doing. -You got it, man. -Okay, l'll see you at dinner. -That's a really neat tux, isn't it, Will? -Yes. lt's definitely the cat's meow. Wait till we come downstairs in those tuxes. People may not think we're twins, but l bet they'll think we're brothers. l don't think you have to worry about anybody mistaking you for a brother. Touche. This is going to be great. Your first formal dinner. And tomorrow, l'll introduce you to the gang. Maybe we'll play a set of tennis or two. Yes, this is going to be wild. -Where is he? -He's upstairs changing. Not Will. President Reagan. -You didn't? -What do you mean, l didn't? -You invited him again. -Why not? He's our neighbor. He's turned down the last 16 invitations. When are you gonna take a hint? -Maybe l should call his house. -Don't. l don't want him here. -Why not? -Because he'll bring her. Anyway, Bruce, Demi and l all feel that the ozone layer must be protected. l mean, every square foot of rain forest that's cut down brings us just one step closer to global warming. We have to learn to protect the earth. Not just for ourselves and not just for our children but for the future of all mankind. l had no idea it was such a serious problem. l really commend you for getting involved in such a good cause. Thanks. lt's my passion. -Where can l send a donation? -l don't know. Oh, my God! Philip, don't make a big thing out of it. lf this is how he feels comfortable. He's not killing anybody. Aren't you going to introduce Will? lntroduce him. Well, Steve, David, Henry. This is Will, my nephew by marriage. Will, these are my partners in the law firm of Furth, Winn and Meyer. Earth, Wind & Fire! When's your next album coming out? Will is going to go to Bel-Air Academy with Carlton. Good for you, Will. l used to fence at Bel-Air. Really? How much do you think we could get for that stereo? These hors d'oeuvres look tempting. Don't mind if l do. -How could you do that? -lt's all in the tongue. l'll show you later. There are other people at this table. You're right. Any requests? -Sweetie, would you say grace, please? -Yes, Mommy. ''Hey, there, Lord My name is Ashley Banks ''My family and friends Want to give you some thanks ''So before this dinner's All swallowed and chewed ''Thank you, God, for this stupid food'' Hey, Geoffrey, home butler. l'm glad to see you, man. lt is a special thrill for me as well. Check this out. l'm gonna be down here for a while. Why don't you hop on in the kitchen and get me some cocoa? Master William while it is my natural inclination to accede to your every demand l officially go off duty at 9:00 p. m. And if you care to look at your watch, you will note that the long hand is on 12, and the short hand is on 9. lt is 9:00, Master William. And do you know what that means? Masterpiece Theatre is on. Sir, do you require anything further of me? No, Geoffrey. Then l shall retire. Man, he took that hard. l want to talk to you. -About what? -You know. From the minute you came, you've been a one-man wrecking crew trying to tear down what's taken a lot of hard work to build up skewering everything with your flippant shenanigans! Man, l was with you up till ''skewering. '' You know what l'm talking about. You deliberately tried to embarrass me tonight and l don't get it. Your aunt and l went through a lot of trouble to bring you here. -This is the thanks we get? -l ain't asked to come. Everyone's talking about shipping me off, and dressing me up and changing me into something l don't wanna be. Nobody wants to change you. You told me yourself l got to straighten out. ''When in doubt, act as Carlton acts. '' Man, l don't wanna be like Carlton. l'm a joker. l play around. l have fun. Being a joker is what's gotten you into trouble. You may think it's cool to be on the streets when you're 17 but when you're my age, it's a waste. l can't think that far ahead. That's your problem. You can't take anything seriously. Look, man, l don't have the problem. You have the problem. l remind you of where you came from and what you used to be. l don't know, somewhere between Princeton or the office, you got soft. You forgot who you are and where you came from. You think you're so wise. Look at me when l'm talking to you. Let me tell you something, son. l grew up on the streets just like you. l encountered bigotry you could not imagine. Now, you have a nice poster of Malcolm X on your wall. l heard the brother speak. l read every word he wrote. Believe me, l know where l come from. -You actually heard Malcolm speak, man? -That's right. So before you criticize somebody, you find out what he's all about. l'll take care of you in the morning. l'm going to bed. Hold on. l can't tell my side of the story? No, you can't. l know what you're all about. Believe me, the very thought of it makes me very tired. Good night. Ladies and gentlemen, my fly girl, Ashley Banks. -Would you teach me how to dance? -Yeah. Not in here. Even l lose my rhythm in this room. Okay. -Could you do me a favor? -Sure. l seem to be missing a Walkman. So if it shows up anywhere, like, l don't know, on your head, maybe maybe you could get that to me. -Sorry. Dad won't let me get one. -How come? He says he wants to hear everything l'm listening to, to make sure it's not bad. -What record does he think is good? -He really likes the Care Bears. Ash, from time to time, your father's gonna say or do things that may seem irrational or hard for you to understand. lt's not because he's mean, or a bad guy, or that he doesn't care about you. lt's that he's from Mars, Ashley. -l gotta get washed up. -Me, too. -l'm really glad you're living here. -Thanks, Ash. You're like the big brother l never had. What are you talking about? You got. You're right. l see your point. How many bathrooms you got in this place? Four and a half. A half bath? How does that work? lt doesn't have everything a full bathroom has. You better show me a full bathroom. l don't want to take no chances. Next bathroom. Can't a person gargle in peace? Hilary, are you gonna be in there for long or is this just like a pit stop? Stop hounding me. l'm trying to take off my makeup. Now, go away. Okay, good night, Hilary. l knew it! Read more: http://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/view_episode_scripts.php?tv-show=the-fresh-prince-of-bel-air&episode=s01e01
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