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harmony-discord-pipeline · 28 days ago
day so far is going great /s. once again reminded of why I let one of my hyperfixations wither away for these past several months...it makes me too sad and...gender emotions and...so much isolation.
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high-pitched--scream · 2 years ago
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rojinfo · 2 years ago
La justice turque interdit le livre de l’ancienne députée emprisonnée Figen Yüksekdag
La justice turque interdit le livre de l’ancienne députée emprisonnée Figen Yüksekdag
Un tribunal turc a interdit la distribution et la vente d’un recueil de poèmes écrit par Figen Yüksekdag, ancienne coprésidente du HDP emprisonnée depuis près de huit ans. En Turquie, les interdictions de livres critiques, notamment d’œuvres d’écrivains kurdes ou en lien avec les Kurdes, font partie, pour ainsi dire, de la routine. Souvent, ils sont considérés par la justice comme des outils de…
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itsworn · 7 years ago
LS-Powered Pro Touring 1966 Chevelle
As someone who sacrificed to do so, I always figured that keeping your first car is the ultimate measure of an enthusiast’s resolve. I mean, yeah, there are a handful of us who can brag of keeping their first car that they bought new. But I always felt like it couldn’t get much better than that.
Then I met Doug Vanderschuere. Whatever bragging rights I felt I had suddenly felt pretty weak; more than his first, this car has been in his family since new. And his parents didn’t just buy it new; they ordered it. But not even that compares to this next part: a month after they took delivery of it, they took delivery of their son, Doug. Yeah, this Doug. I mean, the thing could be a clapped-out Celebrity sedan and I’d still get warm and fuzzy about it just for that story. (I’m sentimental that way.)
As luck would have it, Mr. and Mrs. Vanderschuere bought the right car. And it was the perfect car for a newly minted gearhead in the early ’80s. “I drove friends around town and on road trips for years,” he recalls, relating a story about how he, one of those friends, and the friend’s father rebuilt the engine over the summer after high school. “I continued to drive it occasionally after I was married and even brought our first born home from the hospital with this Chevelle.” The arrival of a second kid kind of put the Malibu on the back burner, specifically his dad’s machine shed. “I knew someday I would restore it.”
But unlike most who aspire to restore, Doug actually followed through. “When we started the project the car had been covered in a shed for about 14 years,” he reveals. “We noticed the rust spots had gotten worse, the interior was ruined by rodents, and a few new dents and scrapes were on the body.” Rather than get it running again, Doug and his dad, Dick, began disassembling the car and labeling the pieces.
Doug had a good idea of how the car would go back together. “Over the years, I followed trends in car magazines and went to an occasional car show, but when I first saw Pro Touring cars I knew that was the direction I wanted to go,” he says. “The idea of re-engineering some of the systems while keeping the car clean, simple, and elegant captivated me.”
Naturally, the path wasn’t quite as straightforward as Doug anticipated. “The most challenging part of this project was adapting to the expanding scope and level of detail that we ended up with,” he admits. “I initially thought it would take three years to complete, but once I decided to do the LS swap and raise the level of finish I wanted, I had to reset the timeline several times.”
Doug relinquished the advanced tasks to the pros at A&M Deluxe Customs. “They were a very big part in bringing this car from concept to its final state,” he insists. The A&M crew did all the metal restoration; a lot of fabrication, including the dash, firewall, and air intake; and even much of the closeout work like plumbing, assembly, and fit-and-finish. So pleased is Doug that he said he’d change only one thing: he’d install electric cutouts in the exhaust system to make two modes, “one for nice enjoyable cruising and another loud enough for my father.”
It’s safe to say that Doug Vanderschuere has a lifetime of stories. Even the reconstruction part is woven into the family lore. “Over the six years of the re-engineering project, I truly enjoyed spending evenings and weekends with my father in his shop wrenching on it and just talking about things,” he says. Which really gets to the heart of what actually matters: the people. The cars merely bring us together.
And for a car to actually bring a family together, well that’s probably more romantic than any of that other stuff about owning a car for a long time. CHP
Tech Check
Owner: Doug and Jennifer Vanderschuere, Cornelius, Oregon
Vehicle: 1966 Chevelle Malibu
Type: Chevrolet Performance LS376/480
Displacement: 376 ci / 6.2 L
Camshaft: LS Hot Cam (PN 88958753)
Exhaust: Hedman Hedders 1 3/4-inch primaries, 3-inch stainless exhaust, MagnaFlow turbo muffler, 4-inch resonator by A&M Deluxe Customs (Cornelius, OR)
Ancillaries: Vintage Air Front Runner accessory drive, AFCO aluminum radiator and electric fans
Output (to the wheels): 435 hp at 6,300 rpm, 432 lb-ft torque at 4,500 rpm
Transmission: TREMEC T-56 Magnum, Hurst Drivelines steel driveshaft
Rear Axle: Moser 12-bolt, limited-slip carrier, 3.73:1 gears, Dutchman 33-spline axleshafts
Frame: Stock, ABC Performance boxing kit installed by owner
Front Suspension: Detroit Speed Inc. (DSE) control arms, spindles, coils, and splined antiroll bar; JRi coilovers
Steering: DSE fast-ratio power-assist box
Rear Suspension: DSE four-link and antiroll bar; JRi coilovers
Brakes: Wilwood 13-inch rotors, six-piston calipers, front; Wilwood 13-inch rotors, four-piston calipers, rear; Wilwood manual master cylinder
Wheels & Tires
Wheels: Billet Specialties Mag 18×8 (5-inch backspace) front, 18×10 (5.75-inch backspace) rear
Tires: Nitto NT555 245/40 front, 275/40 rear
Upholstery: Dark charcoal-gray leather and vinyl sewn with dark-blue thread
Seats: Reproduction Original Parts Group Incorporated Malibu bucket frames
Trimmer: Tony Miller, Stitches Custom Auto Upholstery (Poulsbo, WA)
Steering: Billet Specialties 15.5-inch Classic wheel, Flaming River column
Instrumentation: Dakota Digital VHX
Audio: RetroSound Model 2 head unit, Audison Bit Ten D processor, Hertz Hdp 5 950-watt five-channel amplifier, Hertz Mille 6.5-inch component set installed in former vent locations, Hertz subwoofer in trunk installed by Kingpin Car and Marine Audio (Wilsonville, OR)
Wiring: American Autowire installed by A&M Deluxe Customs (Cornelius, OR)
Details: Raised trans tunnel to accommodate the T-56 transmission
Body Prep and Paint: Ben Conley of Ben’s Custom Painting (Oregon City, OR)
Paint: PPG DBU-series Danube Blue (13002)
Plating: Sherm’s Custom Plating (Sacramento, CA)
Glass: Kevin Batey of Auto Glass Past and Present (Vancouver, WA)
Details: Maliblu quarter-panel trim by Billet Badges Inc
The post LS-Powered Pro Touring 1966 Chevelle appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network https://www.hotrod.com/articles/ls-powered-pro-touring-1966-chevelle/ via IFTTT
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reseau-actu · 7 years ago
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Plutôt nationaliste et conservatrice, la diaspora turque en France penche largement pour Recep Tayyip Erdogan. A l’exception notable des Kurdes.
Hatice, 39 ans et longue chevelure blonde, a fait la queue pour voter au consulat de Turquie à Boulogne-Billancourt (Hauts-de-Seine). Arrivée à l’âge de quatre ans en France, la jeune femme arbore fièrement un t-shirt floqué « Istanbul ». Pas de doute pour elle, Erdogan est bien le meilleur choix pour l’avenir de son pays de naissance.
« Depuis que je suis petite, je vais en Turquie tous les ans, et j’ai pu voir un vrai changement après son arrivée. Il a amélioré le niveau de vie des Turcs, et a autorisé le port du voile, qui était interdit avant. C’était un problème : les femmes voilées ne pouvaient pas faire d’études longues. » A quelques mètres d’elle, Emre*, moustache blanche et cheveux gris ras, est catégorique : « Celui qui n’aime pas Erdogan n’aime pas son propre père ! ».
LIRE AUSSI >Muharrem Ince, le social-démocrate qui menace de renverser Erdogan
Comme beaucoup d’autres Turcs de France, Hatice juge « injuste » la une de l’hebdomadaire Le Point qualifiant, fin mai, Erdogan de dictateur. Souleymane, étudiant en physique-chimie de 20 ans, soutient qu’il n’y a en Turquie aucun problème de liberté d’expression. Quant aux Kurdes, l’étudiant considère qu’ils devraient être plus reconnaissants envers le numéro un turc : « Pourquoi sont-ils anti-Erdogan après tout ce qu’il a fait pour eux ? Grâce à lui, les tensions sont apaisées, ils peuvent parler leur langue, ils ont des écoles et des droits. »
LEs Kurdes considèrent qu’Erdogan les a trahis
Dans la diaspora en général, les avis sont parfois plus mélangés. Melik*, 24 ans, né en France de parents turcs traditionnels, n’a pas demandé la double nationalité. « Quand je vais à Istanbul, c’est beau, c’est calme. Et laïc… J’aimerais que ça reste comme ça. » Mais il n’en est pas si sûr… « Mes parents votent Erdogan – forcément, ils sont musulmans très pratiquants. Mais moi, j’ai peur que le pays s’islamise trop, que le port du voile finisse par être imposé partout. »
A l’autre bout de Paris, Azade* et son mari Bazo* tiennent un kebab. Autour d’une table où le thé est servi, ils évoquent avec inquiétude les élections avec deux amis. Ils sont tous Kurdes, et ne voteront pas pour Erdogan : ils considèrent qu’il les a trahis. « Il a aidé les Kurdes quand il est arrivé. Mais le vent a tourné. Aujourd’hui, nos droits régressent. On ressent des pressions quand on parle notre langue, il rase nos villages en prétendant lutter contre le terrorisme, il emprisonne à tout-va… » C’est d’ailleurs depuis la prison que leur candidat, Selahattin Dermitas, leader du HDP (le parti démocratique des peuples, pro-kurde), fait campagne. « Erdogan l’accuse de lien avec le terrorisme. Dès que quelqu’un lui pose problème, c’est ce qu’il dit. Le putsch de 2015 lui a bien servi, il s’en sert comme excuse pour asphyxier toute opposition. »
LIRE AUSSI >Des milliers d’internautes moqueurs disent « ça suffit » à Erdogan
Bazo ne se fait pas d’illusions, et dénonce les conditions du scrutin : « Il a déplacé les urnes loin des petites villes, où les Kurdes votent, et accuse le HDP de terrorisme pour que personne ne s’y allie. Ce n’est pas un combat à armes égales. Mais j’espère qu’on pourra au moins le déstabiliser. » Azade craint pour la démocratie. « Erdogan a joué au démocrate devant l’UE pour avoir les fonds nécessaires pour relancer l’économie du pays. Aujourd’hui, il n’en a plus besoin, d’autant qu’il exerce un chantage avec les réfugiés syriens. Un jour, il a dit :’La démocratie n’est qu’un train. Arrivés à destination, vous descendez.’ Alors l’avenir avec lui, on le connaît. »
*Les prénoms ont été modifiés
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lovely4362-blog · 7 years ago
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Coucou tout le monde....j'espère que vous allez tous très bien, ici le temp est mitigés, il fait du vent, et le soleil joue à cache cache derrière les nuages .. ENFIN!!! VOICI, les préparations de la pâte à BAGELS ET LES 3 VERSIONS que j'ai confectionné. .. [INGREDIENTS: ET DIAPO /en PHOTOS & [les VIDÉOS ] comme chaques semaines... ( J'espère que mes explications sont assez facile, parce que beaucoup de mes contacts ce disent NUL!!! En cuisine mais, je fait au mieu pour VOUS satisfaire et je suis la si vous avez des QUESTIONS à me POSER (en commentaires ou en PRIVÉ) Ici ou sur MESSENGER via FACEBOOK... LES 3 VERSIONS (avec toujours la base)...=>moutarde à l'estragon En dessous /rondelles de concombes/tomates cerise/AU CENTRE; la laitue croquante et les oignons rouges finement hachée♡ 1) les +++=>sauce tomates @aldi_france, tomates&olives/tranches fines de mozarella/ail desidrater/basilic/huile d'olives,Sel&Poivre. ---2)[la base]+ sauce tomate+toffu nature en marinade( curry,huile de colza,citron,persil,origan) et le 3)[la base]+truite fumé /jus de citron/persil,basilic/(creme soja avec moutarde estragon) un peu de poivrons émincés...Sel &poivre... VOILÀ, je vous ai présenter celle qui pour moi sont simple à confectionnée et comme je suis presco, je m autorise un peu de poissons une fois tout les 15 jours ainsi que du fromage...☆ Je surf sur internet pour préparer mes recettes au mieu...Et aujourd hui vous n'avez pas à attendre samedi...c'est VOUS le CHEF...après, si vous avez des recettes à me proposer , je serais bien-sur RAVIE ...Dernièrement, j'ai fait l'achat de GRAINES de MILLET...chez ALDI est MERCI Google et nos chère BLOGEUSE CULINAIRE qui confectionne des ASTUCES GOURMANDISES...je me suis préparer, une SALADE de MILLET FROIDE, agrémentée de CONCOMBRES de MAÏS, TOMATES , de JULIENNE de CAROTTES et pour (ma VINAIGRETTE: miel/moutarde et beurre de cacahuète + une filer de vinaigre de pépins de raisin et quelques hdp) POUR CE MIDI..MIAM☆=>je vous SOUHAITE A TOUS un très BON MERCREDI. BISOUSSS (à Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France)
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androidpimp · 8 years ago
New Post has been published on
New Post has been published on http://www.androidpimp.com/projectors/wipao-s3-android-projector-review
Wipao S3 Android Projector Review: Portable DLP Projector
Product Introduction
The Wipao S3 Android Projector is an advanced Powered Texas Instruments DLP Projector, based on the Allwinner A23 Octa-core processor running at CPU clock frequency up to 1.8 GHz. The Projector is a fully independent All-in one portable projector, which combines both Android set-top box features and a projector unit in the same product.
S3 hardware specifications also include 1GB of RAM, 8GB EMMC internal Flash powered with Android KitKat Operating system. Jumping quickly to the back side of the unit, there you find a wide selection of external interfaces such as Micro SD Slot, OTG, four USB 2.0 Hosts, Headphone jack, SPDIF, LAN. The S3 offers three different video input interfaces HDMI, VGA and AV that can be used with any external media devices or set-top boxes. The S3 also comes with built-in speaker system, including WiFi connectivity and Bluetooth support, making this product a complete home media solution for running Android apps, games, browsing the internet, streaming videos and more.
Product introduction.
Video: Unboxing & Quick Hands on Review
Package Content
Hardware & Benchmark
System & UI
Picture Quality
Final verdict
Pros & Cons
  Waipo S3 Projector parameters:
Operation System:Android 4.4
1GB RAM + 8GB Flash (Depending on Model)
Included built-in Speakers
2D/3D Movie Modes function
Brightness – 500 LED lumens
OSD Languages:Chinese, English
Native Resolution: 1080P (1920×1080)
Supported Resolution :WXGA (1280×800),
Contrast – 5000: 1
Projection light source – RGB LED
Display Technology – DLP Pico
Projection Lens: F31 high-gloss coated lens
Illumination uniformity> 98%
Projection Screen Size: 15-300 inches
Projection Distance 0.5-8 m
Lamp Life (Hours):30000
Screen aspect ratio: 10/16:9/4:3
Throw ratio – 100 inches @ 2.5M
Focusing method – Manual Focus
Display scanning frequency – 50Hz, 60Hz, 120Hz
Power Adapter: DC 19V 3.78A
Video Input Interfaces – HDMI \ VGA \ AV
Storage Interfaces: Micro SD ,4xUSB 2.0 , OTG
Sound Interfaces – 3.5 mm Headset, optical, coaxial
Connectivity: Built-in WiFi,  LAN
Color:Gold, White
Power Consumption: 60W
Dimension(cm): 36*30*14
Net Weight(kg): 0.8
Unboxing & Quick Hands on Review  
�� S3/S5 Package
  S3 Package Content (Excluding Projector)
x1 DC19V / 3.78A Power Supply
x1 Power Supply Unit Power Cable
x1 IR Remote Control
x1 AV Extension Cable
x1 User Guide
  S3 Full Package Content
x1 S3 Smart Projector
x1 Power supply Unit
x1 Power Supply extension cable
x1 IR Remote Control
x1 AV Extension Cable
x1 User Guide
The S3 has a round shape with white colored glossy surface. It’s definitely not the typical squared shape of a case you normally find in common projector designs. On the perimeter of the case you can find a series of ventilation slots for keeping the unit cool, as well as additional venting located in the base to let the extra heat out of the case
Wipao S3 | Full View
Wipao S3 Projector | Lens Cap
Wipao S3 Projector | Front View with Lens Cap
Wipao S3 Projector | With Lens Cap Removed
Wipao S3 Projector | Front View
Wipao S3 Projector | Full View
Wipao S3 Projector | TOP View
Wipao S3 Projector | Bottom View
Wipao S3 Projector | Back View
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On the rear side of the S3 projector you have the power button, DC input, SPDIF, 4x USB 2.0 Ports, OTG including three video input interfaces: HDMI, AV, VGA.
It was not hard to figure it out and understanding how to operate the device. Adjusting projector brightness and contrast settings, calibrating the shape of the picture are done through android settings and also use using the projector settings screen, which is more intuitive and user friendly.
In the IR remote control unit you will find all of the projector functions. There are no other operating buttons on the projector unit itself, except the power button is in a user prospective is very limiting. On the back of the unit there are three optional types of video input sources: VGA, HDMI and AV to be used by external devices to pass the signal through the S3 unit.
Mini PC Connected to The S3 HDMI Input
If for some reason you need to switch back to default projector mode from one of the video source inputs and you lost the remote, then you are in a big problem switching back to projector mode. After clarifying this limitation, The S3 remote offers additional basic functions such as fly mouse using the navigation keys, but for something more convenient, it’s highly recommended buying a good remote control with fly mouse functions that is easier to operate.
Wipao S3 IR Remote
Wipao S3 IR Remote | TOP View
Wipao S3 IR Remote | Back View
Wipao S3 IR Remote | Side View
Wipao S3 IR Remote | Front View
Wipao S3 IR Remote | Rear View
Wipao S3 IR Remote | Full View
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  Controlling Picture Settings
Depending on the distance of the unit from the wall, The maximum viewable projected image size is approximately 100 inches (diagonal) within a distance of 2.5m. To control the picture settings you have a vertical and horizontal keystone correction button located on the remote control and can also can be adjusted through the projector settings screen. This function basically helps the user to adjust and Correct the Image Shape in situations when the unit is not fully aligned relative to the wall.
  System & UI
The default ROM installed with the S3 came bundled with few pre-installed popular applications such as UC TV, Kingsoft Office suite, WiPao Cloud, HDP leave (live streaming service) and a few others, relevant to Chinese users.
For this review I received a new customized Firmware in English language with Google Play store, access which isn’t included in the default firmware since google services are blocked in China. That said, from firs impression playing with its device ran applications and games under Android 4.4 KitKat OS very smooth and fast without issues.
Wipao S3 | Main Screen
Wipao S3 | Projector Main Settings
Wipao S3 | Projector Settings - 1 of 3
Wipao S3 | Projector Settings - 2 of 3
Wipao S3 | Projector Settings - 3 of 3
Wipao S3 | Kingsoft Office
Wipao S3 | Miracast
Wipao S3 | File Manager
Wipao S3 | Application Screen
Wipao S3 | Applications 1 of 2
Wipao S3 | Applications 2 of 2
Wipao S3 | Cloud App
Wipao S3 | WiPao Cloud Software
Wipao S3 | Sound Output Settings
Wipao S3 | Sound Settings
Wipao S3 | Storage
Wipao S3 | Android Device Information
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  Hardware & Benchmark
As mentioned previously, the S3 Hardware platform is based on the All Winner A23 Cortex-A7 Octa-Core Processor with the PowerVT SGX 544MP GPU, which both perform well under Android 4.4 (KitKat) OS. It’s also important to mention that each CPU core operates in clock frequency between 480 MHz – 1.80 GHz and not all always operate simultaneously, those they work dynamically depending on consumed system resources.
CPU-Z & AnTuTu Benchmark Test
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  Picture Quality
My personal impression after playing with the projector for a few days in completely dark and the semi dark environment is that the product works extremely wall, providing good quality pictures, even when brightness level is set on 50% the picture was clear and sharp. The only downside of this product is that to change the focus when placing the unit in different distance from the well you need to do it “manually” using the focus wheel located on the front side of the S3 Unit.
Final verdict
The S3 is a good product. I really enjoyed using it for watching YouTube and streaming movies. Device Performance, sound, picture quality were all good. The external round shape is something you may need to get used to, but overall its an excellent product. For further details you are welcome to contact the company (contact card below).
    Pros & Cons
Fast Performance
Good Picture Quality
All in One Product
No Auto Focus Function
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harmony-discord-pipeline · 15 days ago
oh yeah tonight I'm probably going to crash due to exhaustion and stress. It's taking everything I have not to collapse right now. today is...way too much.
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harmony-discord-pipeline · 1 month ago
cw my parents I'm not out to yet over the holidays.
tone: sarcastic and drained
yay! parent(s) accidentally indicating they have been disregarding things I've told them about my life! yay!
tone: exhausted and...and just done
this is all...I don't know what to think about things rn. and after a day where I thought that just maybe both my parents would be likely to (eventually) accept me in my entirety.
I...I should cling to the earlier parts of today, if I want to remain hopeful and composed...maybe just now is me misunderstanding things my parent(s) have said.
I'll...I'll just pretend it didn't happen and try and enjoy this evening with my parents. as...best as I'm able to.
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harmony-discord-pipeline · 2 months ago
It's starting to click why my mental state for the past several days has been way too much to handle lately. Unfortunately, that's...I realized it's a consequence of something from...from ******* **** ******** **** *****, which...led to me ******** ***** *** ****** ******** (ok, it was more "******** ** " instead of "******** *****," if I'm being overly pedantic with myself, so...anyways I keep distracting myself) which...on the one hand it's led to me doing something that helped with things I can't even begin to describe how much it helped but on the other hand, it...I reeeally pushed that problem into the "I'll deal with it later" section, and apparently my brain decided that isn't going to suffice anymore. I've tried to figure it out, but...if I try not to bring a lot of attention to it, huge surprise (sarcastic) it won't be noticed and therefore I can't take steps to address it! (it's...unfortunately I can't bring it up because if I do I will be flashing a neon sign of "this has been a thing I have been thinking about lately" so I have avoided all things and anything regarding...regarding ******* *** ***** ** **** * ***'* **** ** ***** ***** ***** ***.) I need to stop typing words now before I spell this outright
although...okay to be, fair I didn't push it into the "I'll deal with it later" section that severely after all it did motivate me to do something in either fewer than 9 days or fewer than 3 days depending on if I think of that chain of events in a different...nope nevermind
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harmony-discord-pipeline · 2 months ago
cw negative vent probably late at night problems talking but I've felt this way since before six pm yesterday basically these past twelve or so hours so anyway
yet things were super incredible last night despite how awful I felt throughout, so why can't I manage to feel happy for any length of time that lasts? seriously, why can't I?
right...I remember why avoiding my problems was a helpful (by which I mean: vital) tool in my keeping myself functional arsenal. if only I had not forgotten that, I could have wrapped up today and not felt so, so alone.
brought to you by me, a girl who has relapsed so so hard into feeling like things in her life cannot and will not reach a point where it all gets better. courtesy of her days ****** ** ******, entirely herself to blame for it all.
(funnily enough...if I can call if that...I find the asterisked portion can stand for a couple different things, each true in their own interesting ways, if that makes sense?)
if I view the above as ****** ** ***** then ****** ** ****** *.* makes things make more sense...not a happy kind of sense but sense nonetheless...not exactly hopeful, but it's all fine and will continue to be fine okay?
[(up arrow)][she says, lying][no, wait: she TYPES, lying] hey! cut it out maybe please? that...you just really wanted to type that, huh?[yep!]...cool...just checking...anyways
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harmony-discord-pipeline · 3 months ago
i hate my ocd so fucking much its ruining my life rn and yet i cant confide in my housemates about this.
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harmony-discord-pipeline · 6 months ago
continuous instinctual yet requiring so much effort masking around my relatives my fucking beloathed
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harmony-discord-pipeline · 6 months ago
this is the month I promised to improve my sleep knowing early september will be terrible for my sleeping habits. why didn't my body get that?
repeated sleep interruptions my beloathed.
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harmony-discord-pipeline · 8 months ago
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harmony-discord-pipeline · 4 months ago
based on how this month has progressed so far with regards to...a thing I'm not talking about here rn...I'm going to be in for maybe the most strained month of October I've had since 2018. I'm not looking forward to how things are going to be going for me mentally but...I mean why is it this year my brain decides that it wants to make my October go through this again? Why not last year, the year when I...actually I can see why it didn't do this last year maybe but...not looking forward to the. toll October might demand from me.
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