#hcll bound
cceruleans · 8 months
location: the woolworth building bar @hcll-bound
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How did he find himself in this situation? There's a woman beside him draped in diamonds, and the other is draped in pearls, and he's certain that a single diamond or pearl would be enough to pay for rent for a few weeks. "Me?" He asks to the question of who he is. "Literally a nobody, ma'am," he responds, shrugging a little. How had this happened? One moment he was at the bar, tugging at his bow tie again, and then the next, he's talking about something called an equities portfolio. He makes eyes with someone who looks a little sympathetic, begging for help.
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midnightmadncss · 2 years
for: rüya / @hcll-bound​
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       Kemal’s costume had been quite the menace to get on, but the reactions from people around were certainly worth it -- not that he’d been expecting anything less when the tights were tighter than they should be, and half of his chest was on full display. He would be lying though, if he denied that a part of him was hoping to impress a certain someone. So far he’d been looking through the crowd without success though, and despite the alcohol in his veins, it was starting to dampen his mood. He’d just downed another drink, when his eyes caught on fairy wings, and a silhouette he’d recognize anywhere. At first, he couldn’t quite believe his eyes, but then his feet quickly carried him through the crowd, and he pushed people aside without regret. When he had almost reached her, he slowed down, and he bent down to bring his lips right next to her ear before he said lowly: “Now would you look at that, if that isn’t my Tinkerbell I’ve been looking for.”
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postremorisu · 2 years
Dallas lifts her eyes up towards the man approaching her with a drink in his hand. Of course, she’s more than aware that neither one of them probably want to be involved in this whole engagement thing. Both packs wanting some sort of attachment between the both of them as if it was going to make them stronger to force something on two people who wanted nothing to do with it. “Thanks,” she brings the glass up to her lips, taking a long sip of it as she keeps her dark orbs on him. “I like your costume.” 
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daemxnium · 2 years
for: evette roberts / @hcll-bound​
“It looks like you won’t be needing my services tonight,” Saint voiced as he approached Evette, gesturing to the surrounding party and the magic that hung in the air to quell thirst— and spell work. He hadn’t of thought to bring her a drink, but sipped idly at the amber liquid that sat in the bottom of the glass he toted with him. It was like this that he was reminded of who she had been, before her humanness had been stripped away. A hunter, someone intent upon the righteousness of their craft. She had once had a life dedicated to destroying the essence of what he was, and it brought him a measure of perverse pleasure to know that she was reduced to something parasitic: something hunters deemed worthy of death. The descent into depravity made her far more interesting than she had ever been before, hunger was an emotion that swallowed up everything else and still found itself unable to be satiated, it was his favourite to toy with. She’d called him a god, and Saint smirked at the memory. “What do you plan on doing with all that freedom?”
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demonixms · 9 months
for: @hcll-bound / rüya zileli location: ari's apartment
“Okay, okay, okay.” Ari paused, her mile-a-minute speech halting as she reached for her best friend’s shoulders, planting her palms there as anchors. “I’m just saying that if we don’t go out tonight, we’ll have wasted the first Saturday of a new year by not taking advantage of the freshest and most immaculate energy that the universe has to give us.” She canted her head, letting her curls fall to one side of her neck. “Do you want to be responsible for the karmic imbalance that ignoring these cosmic signs will bring upon us? Because I won’t.” The witch grinned, the expression hinging brightly. “I’ve got new boots I need to wear.”
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cceruleans · 8 months
location: the woolworth building bathroom hallway @hcll-bound
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Nobody would describe her as altruistic, but sometimes Tori had her moments. And that moment arrived as she left the bathroom and noticed a little train of toilet paper that had followed the heel of the person a little ways down the hall. "Hey, you have toilet paper stuck to your shoe," she called out to the woman, who stopped and looked at the shoe, shaking her foot until it came off. Without a word or eye contact, the woman hurried away, and Tori huffed and turned to the other in the hallway, who no doubt had witnessed the interaction. "You try to do a good thing, huh?" she shrugged her shoulders. "Shouldn't have told the bitch. You think karma will get her?"
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cceruleans · 8 months
location: the woolworth building, early evening @hcll-bound
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It's been some time since he's attended the annual Ivankov charity because his father had drilled into them all how important it was that they were seen out in public as little as possible, let they raise questions. Many didn't know that they were the ones in power behind the scenes, and Vyacheslav Ivankov was doing a good job being the public figurehead in the human realm. The witches all knew him, because they seemed to know everything sometimes, and he can spot a few wolves and hunters entering the building as his car drove past the front entrance. But for the most part, he likes that he can blend into the crowd a little as their human descendent gave his magnanimous speech and played host.
Francine happens to be manning the door when he walks in from the private entrance, his security detail (a burly man named Freckle) a few steps behind him, and he makes polite conversation with her for a moment as he waits for his date. It's only a few moments until he hears heels clicking down the hallway, and a hand finds his pocket. "Hello," he greets when she rounds the doorway. "The meeting ran over so I had to send a car. My apologies."
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daemxnium · 2 years
for: rüya taskiran / @hcll-bound​
“You had fun last night, right?” Mery peered over at her friend under the brim of a pirate’s hat, curving a smile on her features and an arm around Rüya’s shoulders as she snuck closer to the other woman. The Özdemir party was an opportunity for a second swing at the same revelry and she was eager to get caught up in it. The lack of magic was annoying, but no more so than the corset that she and Rey had tightened around their waists to the point of shallow breaths— their costume idea was only half-hatched, with the overarching intention being that they show as much skin as possible. “I’ve seen at least two fake vampires and three real ones that look particularly good tonight,” she crooned, the epitome of a kid let loose in a candy shop. “I love a themed party. Maybe there’s a cowboy somewhere, we could swap hats. But first, let’s get you sorted. How are you feeling?”
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