#hc rendog kin
citizenoftmrrwlnd · 10 months
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stimboard for : c!rendog (hermitcraft) with real people stims and foresty stuff
x | x | x x | - | x x | x | x
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kiiniie-riight2 · 3 years
I've had this written up for a while, but finally got inspired to actually post it by the Tommy over at @/fictionkinfessions asking people what the technology levels in their dsmp canons looked like! So under the read more (cause it's long as hell) is an explanation of what the world was like in my Minecraft kin canons (I'm Ranboo from Dsmp, and Rendog from Hermitcraft, and I've got an oc canon as well)
So all servers and worlds existed in this sort of multi-verse kind of situation
And worlds weren't really created by the player so being the server owner is just that you were the first person to be there which gave you a certain amount of power over that world
Some terms
The Game - sorta self explanatory, the whole multiverse, would be the same as saying the universe in our world
Server/World - also self explanatory, pretty much interchangeable
Spawn In – Being born, The first time you enter the game at all
Join A World – The first time you enter a particular server
^^came from the messages that would pop up in chat
Home world – definition varied from person to person, either the world you Spawned into or the one you're most at home in/your favorite
Device (went by a couple of different names, some would call it their comunicator, that or their device were like the most popular) – three parts, a bracer on the forearm of the non-dominant hand and some sort of eyepiece, different from person to person some have glasses some have a sort of implant/chip–thing etc. and then an earpiece/headphones/something for calls. nobody was sure where they came from, you had yours when you Spawned In and if you lost it or took it off it would be back when you respawned
It was the overlay thingy with coords and stuff plus your inventory plus chat all rolled into one. It also had a function to text people who were not in the same server, sperate from the world's chat. It also included a feature to call people. Each world had a set of essentially discord vcs that members of a server could access, and then you could also do a private call with a certain person or people from any Server or add people from out of a server to a specific vc
There was an interface on the bracer and all the stuff it did was split between needing to do things on the interface versus just thinking it and it happened, basically if you can do it with one button press, like switching hotbar slots placing blocks, you just thought it maybe flick your wrist a little and it happened, but if you have to stop and do stuff, like typing in chat and moving stuff around in your inventory, you had to press stuff on your bracer, with practice you could do most of it without looking though
Breaking or taking away any piece of another person's device was a Huge No-No, it's not a huge deal if you can just respawn and it'll reappear (just kind of a dick move), but on worlds like hardcore worlds and other places people couldn't afford to just die, you were screwed, you couldn't talk to anyone, or if the bracer was gone you couldn't access your inventory
Most everything looked like it does in the game, blocks were around 3 feet tall, breaking a block made it turn into a little floating version of it that went into your inventory, non-block items had the pixely inventory form and then also a physical form the looked more "real" I guess, holding stuff in your hand sorta looked like that smaller version was floating above your hand, (as people and animals were not blocky,) you could sorta think about it and it would switch from the pixely inventory form to the physical form, which was a bad idea for full blocks, cause a three foot cube of stone is heavy, but it was also let you dump out a bucket or hit things with a sword. With food, if it was in the pixel form you just sorta thought about eating it and it went straight to your hunger bar, but you could also make it the real version and then you had to actually eat it with your mouth.
Different worlds had some different rules that were built into the code of the world, nobody was sure where these came from either. For example, with Hardcore worlds When you died you'd respawn in the last other server you visited and now couldn't get back into the HC world. Dream SMP has Real life rule that they can't go to the end, DSMP World had something happening in the code and just didn't have an end
One of the powers of server owners and admins was the ability to read and, to an extent, manipulate the world's code, using their device. This allowed them to add people to the whitelist or ban them, or add *some* additions (mods)
Moving between servers was controlled by your device as well. There was a menu with tabs for your servers you'd previously been to like in order from the most recent, alphabetical of servers you were white listed on and an option to "find new world" which functioned like the create world button. You would just Select the server you were going to, close your eyes, and you'd be there.
When you originally Spawned In, or when you Joined a new server, you'd wake up lying on the ground in the spawn chunk, sort of disoriented (some people took upon themselves to switch the ground there to something softer, frequently wool, I always thought that was nice). When reentering a server you'd been to before, you'd just open your eyes wherever you were when you last left that server.
Some servers had code made it a little different, but generally when you respawned after death you'd wake up pretty much immediately after you died with no, or minimal, injuries wherever you last placed your spawn point.
Time and ages were Hard to measure, between 1) people Spawned In in bodies that were physically children teenagers or full adults totally randomly and then grew until they looked I would say around 30ish and then stopped, which is further complicated with hybrid players who didn't look completely human in the first place, 2) re spawning essentially reset your body to the exact condition it was in when you set your spawn point, making the aging thing worse, 3) staying awake through multiple nights and days was common and not hard either, we didn't get tired or at least did so very slowly, which made counting days hard, 4) we didn't have seasons, but we did have moon phases, so what few things did Need dates was bases on what phase the moon was in (also it was a circle not a square)
MCC was a traditional thing, Pretty similar to the Olympics, it had been going on for a long time, and was open to spectators from all servers
The whole thing was spread out over five days, one game each day, with "tryouts" beforehand to be Selected. It was held starting on every sixth full moon, so that there were five full moons between each one.
Any servers that had wars were required to call a cease-fire for their members to be allowed to compete, but that honestly wasn't super necessary, because it was seen as like a pretty big faux pas to take conflict out of the world it originated in, though some servers explicitly forebid it, mostly public servers like MCC and Hypixel, where it could get you banned
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fireflier · 3 years
hello!! happy nihime! in my kin religion(xeditism) nihime is the day of rest and appreciating the outside from inside! also, i’ve decided to get into hermitcraft! i’ve never watched a single bit of it before but i really want to get into it bc it seems so cool! so, and i know this is a ridiculous and stupid thing to ask, how would i start watching? like how could i get to know most of the storyline and lore and just generally get up to date on everything and just start watching? sorry to be a nuisance sbskxbdb i know it’s such a stupid request but yeah! and have a lovely day :))) -🌧(?)
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AH SORRY for not getting back to you soon !!! happy nihime, hope you have a great day :D
but YEAH hermitcraft resets every season, and you don't need any of the previous knowledge to get into it :] also it's completely not a stupid question at all !!! i got into hc pretty recently too and i get it can be confusing if you have no clue how it even works !! i love answering questions too hehe
the lore isn't suuper complex or in depth either, like it's more casual than dsmp, so it's easier to get into !! you can just start at the beginning of anyone's s8 playlist, pretty sure everyone has like 2 episodes max, so this is the perfect time to get into it!
if you want advice on who to watch, i don't watch a ton of people so i might not be the best person to ask, but i like grian, scar, bdubs, keralis, etho, and rendog! it's probably best to stick to 1 or 2 povs (i'm mostly just watching grian and checking out others if i have time) plus there's also a hermitcraft recaps channel that says what everyone is up to so you don't have to watch everyone, i'm pretty sure ? lmk if you have any other questions, and fellow hermitcraft watchers feel free to jump in with your own info bc i am honestly pretty new to it too !!
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