justaboot · 1 year
Everything about HBO Dt is fantastic and provokes thought. I have to wonder more about HDL and their place in this universe. We know a little about Louie's arc season 2, but not a lot else.
Okay I've been thinking about this for ages and honestly, I think season 1 would stay pretty much the same. I think the big conceit would be it's a story told from the POV of the kids, but it's a bigger, less kind world that these incredibly kind people are maneuvering through. So what happens when you bring these young people who've got such strong ideals into a faster, harder setting? And it's a balance of how they impress their ideals on the world, changing and growing it for the better, but also, of course the world gets its fingerprints on them.
Dewey's would track the same, but they'd get much more time exploring, deep diving. They'd uncover more about The Mystery, digging up that it was actually a coverup job, and give very contrasting echos of who his mother was. Maybe they engineer more trips to places they knew she'd been, try talking to more people she knew/ran into. People would have vastly different memories/interpretations of her, and it'd be their job to try and discern what's true. You'd of course get Scrooge and Donald remembering these places, a bit more like in Spear of Selene, walking through old places filled with ghosts. It's never discussed outright between them and the kids, but sometimes its heavy, but sometimes it's fun. They used to have fun, they used to travel because they loved it and loved each other, and we slowly see Scrooge and Donald rebuilding, even if its by accident. They still love each other. There's no story if they don't both want it to be good again. I got myself :(
Season 3 overhaul. More time. Lemme think on that. But yeah, really lean into the ghosts for season 1.
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justaboot · 1 year
I’ve never been so interested in a HBO au until now 👀
I doth beseech thee to graciously bestow upon me a greater abundance of knowledge pertaining to the subject of HBODT, in the form of an infodump or fanfic
the boys were born early in a pitch black cave system.
infodump incoming a month and a half before the boys were supposed to be born, Donald and Scrooge go deep-diving in an underground city. Apparently a luck demon was wreaking havoc on its citizens, and Scrooge and Donald go down to capture it, but things go south fast. They'd all but padlocked Della to the couch at home with Gladstone as a babysitter, but when they don't come home, she dragged his ass all the way out there and goes after them. They rescue them with great dramatic flair, capture the demon, (Gladstone was very clever about it, and Donald was furious), but in all the mess, della goes into premature labor. They get about halfway out of the caves before they can't go any farther, it's pitch black, they've got half a canteen of water, no supplies, no drugs, a dying oil lamp, and one uncle who paid attention in lamaze class. Multiples are all but impossible to deliver naturally, they get tangled, they can't all turn down, they don't work. They've got nothing to do but try.
Huey's the only one already head-down. It's impossible, it's a miracle, and gladstone's a thousand percent sure its him, but they make it through his birth.
The other two aren't as lucky. They're not coming, there's too much blood, one of them is kicking too hard in the womb, della's losing strength. There's discussion of c-sections. Huey's not breathing right.
Scrooge slips away. He draws out the demon, ready to deal. He'll release her again, on the condition they all make it out of here, safe and healthy.
She's not interested. Grant four lives for the freedom he took from her? No, she wants more. She wants his.
She lays out two dice on the stone. Luck demon. Let him roll for how many years he'll have left. Won't total more than twelve. He rolls, but she won't let him see the result.
Then she's gone. Miraculously, luckily, the boys are born fine, Huey's breath stabilizes, Della's got the best story she'll ever have, Gladstone's on cloud nine because there's no way that wasn't his luck, Donald's suspicious, and no one can believe they actually made it home.
Scrooge tells no one. He has no idea how many years he rolled, but he's got at least two years to find a loophole.
Then the Spear happens. Everyone leaves. His health starts declining, but its slow, and he's retired anyway. He wonders if he even cares anymore. Bentina's the only one who notices, and he tells her to shove it or leave.
Then the kids come back. Donald just thinks he's changed, grown older and bitterer and slightly slower. He takes pills, now, because he's just old. The kids and audience don't realize that some of the adventures are looking for cures to impossible illnesses, curse breaking, loopholes. He's started searching again behind the scenes.
Season 2, the kids and audience figure out somethings wrong when he starts looking for a cure in earnest. It comes to a head, and he comes clean about what happened, and why. It's been eleven years. He rolled two six sided dice. It couldn't have totaled more than twelve.
I don't know how or why, but I think Magica cures it in the end. because that'd be cool. You can figure it out.
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justaboot · 1 year
what does HBOAU stand for I love it so much but I cant figure out the abbreviation
lol it's silly. It's the idea of a Human AU that would serve a more adult audience, what the show would look like if they were airing on HBO. HBOdt or HBOau, if you will.
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justaboot · 1 year
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ITS CRITICAL you all understand this was a plea to real animation studios not turning me away for real jobs on the spot for being a weirdo who tagged a disney show human au gore drugs and self harm cw and not a plea for them to bring me on to work HBOdt
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