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nesperus · 1 year ago
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gotta remind you all i have warrior cat ocs
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fernstarsblog · 2 years ago
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spottedbite is medicine cat of riverclan before their death
Personally:they are quiet and cold,not talking much unless it's with close friends or family
Mother:Isabella(former kittypet)
another mother:sheepeyes
Siblings:lakepaw(older half sister),wishgrass(older half sister),Lilyfang(brother)
Uncle:jen(Isabella brother),hazelpaw(deerheart late sister)
Nibling:snaketounge(sheepeyes sibling)
Now let go with backstory
Spottedbite was born as spottedkit to Isabella and deerheart along with Lilykit
Spottedkit have a second mother named sheepeyes and two older sibings named lakepaw and wishpaw
In their youth,she* was much outgoing and play with her* brother
However when she* was 3 moons old,her* older sister lakepaw is killed in battle with rogues
Spottedkit is very sad about lakepaw's death but is comfort by her* three parents and rest of the family
A moon after lakepaw's death,wishpaw become a warrior and is given a warrior name:wishgrass
Two moons later,Lilykit become warrior apprentice named Lily while spottedkit become medicine cat apprentice named spottedpaw
Spottedpaw mentor is their nibbling snaketounge
She* learn many herbs from them
At 8 moons,spottedpaw realize they are non-binary and like masculine cats
At 10 moons,the camp is attacked by foxes
Unfortunately spottedpaw's mom Isabella died fighting against foxes
Spottedpaw hated themself for not saving their mom in time
Luckily,they are comforted by friends and family
2 moons later,their brother is renamed Lilyfang and they are renamed spotttedbite
1 moon later,wishgrass give birth to two kits named mintkit(she-cat) and hazelkit(tom)
The father of wishgrass kits is a tom named darkmask and he is happy to be a father
At 15 moons old,their nibbling snaketounge died of natural causes
They are heartbroken but promise themselve to move on
2 moons later,Lilyfang become mates with a trans demi-tom named nightfur
Spotttedbite is supportive of their brother relationship
A moon later,mintkit and hazelkit become appreciates and are renamed mintpaw and hazelpaw
Spottedbite is proud of their niece and nephew
At 20 moons old,Lilyfang and nightfur have one kit named lakekit(tom)
Spottedbite is happy for them
A moon later,a war between riverclan and skyclan begins
Spottedbite is afraid about the war
Next moon,a kit showed interest in herbs
The kit is named rosekit and Spottedbite want to take her as a appreciate when she turned 6 moons old
Two moons,hazelpaw and mintpaw become warriors and are renamed hazelstorm and mintgaze
Spottedbite is proud of them
A moon later,rosekit become rosepaw and is Spottedmoon appreciate
Also lakekit become appreciate too and is renamed lakepaw
Next moon,the war ended with peace
Spottedbite is relived but sad because their father passed away peacefully in his sleep
Two moons later,their mother sheepeyes retired to elders den
Spottedbite hope that their mother have a peaceful retirement
A moon later,sheepeyes passed away peacefully in her sleep which makes Spottedbite very sad
But good news,swanpool(hazelstorm's mate) is expecting kits
Two moons,rosepaw earned her full medicine cat name:rosefall
Also lakepaw become a warrior and is renamed lakeheart
A moon later,swanpool give birth to single kit named snakekit
Unfortunately,Spottedbite is killed by a loner
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lorewovenrp · 1 month ago
ive seen some roleplays stick to only having names that make sense in the general setting (ex. a lot of people assume the warrior cats books take place somewhere in the UK. could be true idk. so they only allow names thatd make sense for cats to know there outside of some of the famous canon examples such as tiger, lion, etc). would you guys be doing something similar? i tend to not mind either way, though if i have no clue what to name my cat the grounding can be nice. i could definitely get why it could be annoying though.
We’ll be sticking to names that make sense within the world, meaning nothing offensive or exclusively human, like Paperkit, Shoeboxpaw, or Taxfile. Our setting does have a Twoleg village on the outskirts, so kittypets exist and can interact with the Clans, but Twolegs themselves won’t have a huge impact on Clan life—at least not starting out.
Here are a few names I’d love to see on our site! Maybe someone can use one when they join:
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need1etail · 5 years ago
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Wanted to draw OCs so. Soft boi thinking about his sharp future boyfriend. (Ginger tom, Nettlegorse/star cream tom, Hazelstorm)
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kalaziel0 · 7 years ago
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cryptidclaw · 2 years ago
Hazelstorm, Skystorm? Duskstorm, Redstorm.... idk. Bristlestorm, Brittlestorm, Badgerstorm, Thornstorm
ooo I like Duskstorm, Skystorm, and Bristlestorm a lot!
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mezais · 5 years ago
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CinderHolly hypo kits, suggested by @cinderpelt!
Some ideas about the fam under the cut
Cinderheart and Hollyleaf have a very hands-on approach to parenting; especially Hollyleaf, who’s very strict and often controlling of her kittens. Her firmness comes from a place of love though, and she's eager to see them grow into respectable warriors
Cinderheart is more motherly of the two, constantly doting over their litter and fretting over their health. She and Hollyleaf took turns watching over them in the nursery, but Cinderheart often spent more time with them.
Raccoonpaw was mentored by Foxleap, and she got along well with him. Her fighting was decent, but she really shone as a hunter, and was quickly revered as one of the fastest learning apprentices of the bunch.
Snowpaw was mentored by Bumblestripe, and his mentor was often frustrated by his aloof and rebellious nature. He barely listened to instructions and was assigned tick-duty more than once for breaking rules and causing trouble. When his sister’s became warriors without him it finally knocked him out of it, and after being held back for a couple moons he finally got his warrior name defending the nursery during an invasion.
Hazelpaw was mentored by Ivypool, and out of the three of her siblings she was the most naturally talented. It became clear to Ivypool early on that she had major potential, and her training became more intense as she got older. Shortly after she was given her warrior name, Hazelstorm, she received an apprentice of her own. Hazelstorm was even more strict than her mother, and doubly as invested in the warrior code. She gained the respect of her clanmates through her diplomatic nature and efficient methods, and when the time came for a new deputy to be chosen it was clear she was the best choice for the role 
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jxters-remade · 6 years ago
Description: Hazelstorm - Three-legged dark brown tom with green eyes and a white chest. 43 moons. ThunderClan warrior.
Personality: Hazelstorm is a guy with the biggest heart around. He’s always willing to help out, no matter what that may mean. He is one of the best hunters in ThunderClan.
Parents: Rubbletail (Father, deceased), Mothfur (Mother) Siblings: Squirrelfeather (Sister), Lizardfang (Sister) Mentor: Rushheart Apprentices: Silverfur Mate: Whiteheart Kits: N/A
Favorite food: Robin Favorite season: Leaf-fall Loyalty to the warrior code from 1-10: 10
Give me a warrior cat name
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fernstarsblog · 2 years ago
Thicketfoot adopted two kits named shrewkit and spiderkit who later become spiderstorm and shrewleg
Hawkthorntangle become mates with Dustpelt and have two litters of kits:
First litter:Larchkit,hollybranch,birchfall
2nd litter:foxfire,icecloud(non-binary)
Flairflight is mates with daisy and is stepmother to berrynose,hazelstorm and mousewhisker
Leafbark is secret mates with bramblepetal and had a litter:blazemuzzle,crowleaf and Larchfeather
Cloudedtail is mates with brightscar and have two litters:
First litter:whitepaw,amberwing
2nd litter:Dewnose,snowmoon
What if redtail adopted firestar and his littermates?
Redtail finds five kits in the woods and he takes them back to camp. He names them Hickorykit, Mothkit, Daisykit, Thicketkit, and Hawthornkit.
They become apprentices and Redtail is severely injured in a battle, Mothpaw demands vengeance. The five earn their warrior names, Hickoryheart, Mothstrike, Daisycall, Thicketfoot, and Hawthorntangle.
Hickoryheart becomes mates with Sandleap and they have two kits, Leafkit and Flairkit
Daisycall has a son named Cloudedkit
The rest is for you to decide
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