#hazbin headlore
faberown · 2 months
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Adam and Lute are trapped in Hell, the former transformed into a sinful demon, the latter deprived of her wings just as Vaggie once deprived herself. Now they are alone, without anyone, and live in a beautiful garden that they built with their own hands. A replica of Eden which, although not up to the standard of the real Eden, is really very beautiful. But since it isn't the true Eden, in this garden there are also fears, insecurities, desperation, anger and frustration. But at the same time there is also room for a love that can sweep away these nefarious feelings and make new light shine in the hearts of the two exiled angels
This work is inspired by the amazing fanart of the artist Serenade, of which I leave you the account (https://x.com/SerenadePng), for the guitarspear week. I invite you all to go and follow her, because she deserves it
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faberown · 2 months
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How it actually went.
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faberown · 3 months
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faberown · 2 months
Chapter 48 officially published!
Summary: Carmilla and Vaggie have a mother-daughter moment
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faberown · 11 hours
Chapter 114 officially published!
Summary: Alastor is about to explain some things about Rosie, and the situation rapidly escalate
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faberown · 3 months
Chapter 32 officially published!
Summary: New info about the first man's family and introduction of a new unexpected character
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faberown · 1 month
Chapter 81 officially published!
Summary: Lute finally expresses her feelings
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faberown · 2 months
Chapter 57 officially published!
Summary: Adam has completely entered in the "I have to be a badass general ready for the battle" phase
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faberown · 2 months
Chapter 3 officially published!
Summary: the meeting between Vox and Val!
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faberown · 3 months
Summary: The world has ended. The nuclear bombs have fallen. China and United States annihilated each other in the most terrible and rapid war in human history. Now, all that remains is a devastated planet, continually swept by radioactive rain and where life is dying. But even in such a hostile environment, some people manage to survive. Some people are resilient, tenacious, stubborn and ruthless enough to get by even in such unlivable conditions, while the rest of the world collapses. Valentino, Vox and Velvette, three completely different people who would never have crossed paths in the normal world, find themselves having to work together to survive. Thus they embark on a journey in search of a safe place, following a faint hope which however is all they have available, trying to believe that somewhere, there are still people and therefore civilization. A journey that won't be easy at all in a burned world populated by mutant creatures desperately looking for food... and which will be made even more difficult by the not at all compatible characters of the three of them. But they can do it. That world is a wasteland... but it's their wasteland.
This story is a spin-off of my Fallout/HH crossover with the Vees as protagonists, and is dedicated to the author MalaMari, as a birthday present from me to her, who is also the one who chose the protagonists of this story and therefore deserves to be thanked from you too; therefore, also go and follow her and read her stories. I leave you the link to her AO3 profile: https://archiveofourown.org/users/MalaMari/pseuds/MalaMari
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faberown · 3 months
Chapter 35 officially published!
Summary: Adam is going to have a very big shock moment from an old subordinate of his
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faberown · 3 months
Chapter 34 officially published!
Summary: Molly helps Pentious and his old friend to understand each other better
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faberown · 3 months
Chapter 33 officially published!
Summary: Meeting Molly! And no, she is not just the weak and kind sister of Angel. She knows how to make herself respected by the others
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faberown · 3 months
Chapter 22 officially posted!
Summary: Sera is quite in a bad mood after what happened to Emily, and Michael comes to her aid
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faberown · 4 months
Chapter 9 officially published!
Summary: Lucifer has to look higher up for help after what happened, and Michael is obviously ready to help. Meanwhile, Adam continues his research
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faberown · 4 months
MICHAEL MORNINGSTAR (If Hell is forever than Heaven must be a lie)
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Michael is Lucifer's twin brother and consequently also Charlie's uncle and Lilith's ex-brother-in-law. Just like every other primal angel he was created by God billions of years in the past, but still shares blood ties only with Lucifer. Although "Morningstar" is more of a God-given title to Lucifer than his actual surname, Michael still uses it as such.
Michael is described as identical in every way to Lucifer, but tall, muscular, with broad shoulders, enormous wings and slightly longer hair on his forehead. Unlike his brother, he doesn't hide his wings and indeed shows them in all their splendor.
When Michael releases his powers, his body is surrounded by the light that surrounds him like armor, his eyes shine with infinite colors as if they contained a nebula, his halo becomes enormous and moves from the top of his head to the back and numerous angelic symbols are formed inside it. When he uses this form, his mere presence is enough to make those he sides with feel protected and safe and those he sides against feel terrified.
Michael should also have a true angelic form, which however has never been shown at the moment.
Michael is a rather good-natured person, a lover of the gym and bodybuilding. He is not very smart and he himself is aware of that, but despite this he is able to be wise when he wants to give advice; furthermore, even if he is not very good at speaking, he can be a good listener. He loves good food, weightlifting, training and family; however, he doesn't like weapons much, preferring to fight with his own body and using his powers (although if necessary he still wouldn't hesitate to take his sword and wear his armor). He is very friendly with everyone, and is also known to be slow to anger; however, once such anger is unleashed, he expresses his power with enough force to overwhelm his opponent, as demonstrated when he orders Adam to apologize to Charlie. Michael is also not good at mediating conflicts, and tends to use strength rather than brains to resolve disputes, often using his powers as a deterrent among challengers.
Michael's personality is greatly influenced by the way he was created: he was in fact designed by God to be the embodiment of power. Michael is in fact the power that defends those who deserve it, but who, if provoked, doesn't hesitate to lash out. However, this personality sometimes leads him to make mistakes, as when he beats Adam because he doesn't want to apologize to Charlie and Vaggie (even though the first man had provoked him a lot, refusing to see his mistakes and repent for them. As stated by the author, if Adam hadn't done so much to provoke Michael, he wouldn't have hit him even if they disagreed), but especially when he uses his powers to silence Sera when she gets angry at Charlie because she doesn't want to reveal Emily's whereabouts (even if in any case he doesn't hurt her and simply releases his aura).
According to Charlie, Michael is an angelic version of her uncle Satan, but without the constant rage of the Embodiment of Wrath.
With Lucifer: Michael has a relationship with him that is defined by Sera as the embodiment of the "true siblings relationship", given that they both never miss an opportunity to tease each other. Michael in particular takes advantage of Lucifer's small stature to proclaim himself "big brother" despite the fact that they are twins. Because of this, their conversations, even those that are supposed to be serious, often descend into ridicule. Despite their rivalry, however, they love each other very much, so much so that according to Sera Michael was ready to go with his brother to Hell so as not to leave him alone, and only Lucifer's request that he remain in Heaven made him give up. Even after that, however, the two remained in contact and Michael visited him often. However, the love that binds them does not prevent Michael from understanding when Lucifer is in the wrong, and in those cases he does not hesitate to stop him or even fight him (he was responsible for his capture together with Azrael and Uriel). Michael is also able to distinguish between his familial love and what is good for others; according to the author, if Michael believed that Lucifer represented a danger to the universe, he would kill him even if with great pain.
With Charlie: Michael acts like a goofy uncle towards Charlie, not too dissimilar to Lucifer (in fact she sees many of her father's traits in him). Despite having really met her only recently, he loves Charlie very much and would do anything to protect her, even if this protectiveness sometimes leads him to make mistakes (such as when he uses his powers against Sera only because she seemed to be about to threaten Charlie). Although he himself does not consider himself suitable to help her due to his low intelligence, he is nevertheless a good advisor and continuously supports her. Charlie calls him "Uncle Miki".
With Vaggie: Michael treats Vaggie like a member of the family, and is sorry for Adam's cruel treatment of her. Vaggie in turn soon becomes fond of him, coming to trust him to the point of asking him to train her despite common sense's contrary opinion. Like Charlie, Vaggie too calls him "Uncle Miki".
To Sera: Michael is confirmed to be a longtime friend of Sera, considered by her second only to Lucifer, and the three of them were in fact very close before what happened in Eden. Their recent relationship is quite unknown, but Sera in the few times they interact behaves with him in a rather friendly manner, often acting like a sister who is somewhat impatient with his (and Lucifer's) behavior. However, this friendship doesn't prevent Michael from using his powers to silence her if she dares threaten his family, even if in the only moment in which this happened he didn't harm her and only limited himself to scaring her.
With Emily: Michael and Emily never interact in the story, but from the way he talks about her it is clear that he knows her and considers her very sweet and kind, to the point that he compares her to a Disney princess. She is also able to understand that Emily needs to stay away from Sera for a while after finding out that she is her mother to clear her mind.
With Adam: Michael doesn't get along very well with Adam due to his bloody and belligerent nature; however, he doesn't blame him for his wrath and hatred, and on the contrary admits that they are rightly placed. It is confirmed that Michael pities Adam, as he is aware that his anger is only due to his pain. However, this understanding doesn't stop Michael from responding in kind to Adam and beating him when he shows clear contempt towards Charlie and refuses to show remorse for what he did to Vaggie, as well as from threatening him when he causes psychological trauma to Charlie. After Adam, thanks to Charlie's actions, realizes his mistakes and decides to help her to save Hell from Roo's awakening, Michael changes his attitude towards him, going so far as to protect him from Azrael and keeping him in the position of general of the angelic army despite the contrary opinion of the angel of death. This behavior is further confirmation of how Michael defends those who are right at heart.
With Abel: Michael has a good relationship with Abel, holding his opinion in high regard. It is not known whether the two are friends, but they still show respect towards each other.
With Sir Pentuous: Michael respects Pentious for being able to redeem himself and considers him a good person, although he still scolds him when he proposes things that seem to all intents and purposes to be crimes.
With Lilith: it's unknown what Michael's relationship with his sister-in-law is, but he doesn't seem to like her very much, as he admits to Adam that she's a bitch.
Just like any other primal angel, Michael was created by God before the universe was even born, meaning that he is billions of years old. It's unknown what was his job in the creation of the cosmos, but anyway it's likely that he helped the other angels to build all the stars, planets and so on after God caused the Big Bang. It's however known that he and Lucifer visited Earth in the long past, since in a flashback both of them talked about the dinosaurs like they actually saw them. Also, in the same flashback the two of them were committed to equitably distributing modern animals (probably created by God in the most recent millions of years) on Earth at Sera's request; however, they went distracted because Lucifer created a platypus, and after that Michael by mistake dropped all the most dangerous animals in what would become Australia.
During the creation of Adam and Lilith, Michael together with the other angels following God's request went to meet humans and greeted them with a bow. It is unknown what his role in Eden was afterward, but it is likely that he continued to visit humans as well as all other angels, although he still didn't receive a special friendly treatment like Lucifer. After Lilith ran away with the Bringer of Light, however, his relationship with Adam deteriorated greatly, as the first man lost trust in the angels and no longer wanted to befriend any of them. During that period, Lucifer was already showing signs of his malice, but Michael, like all the other angels, not knowing evil (since it had not yet been created), did not take a firm hand towards him, convinced that he could resolve the issue. with words. In a flashback it was shown that Adam, who unlike the angels already knew evil due to Lilith's betrayal, tried to warn him of the need to use more authority with Lucifer, but it is unlikely that Michael heeded his advice.
After the creation of Roo, Michael was one of the angels who captured Lucifer, along with Azrael and Uriel, and brought him to judgment in chains. It is unknown whether he was also involved in Lilith's capture. His role in the trial of the two of them is unclear, but according to Sera he and Lucifer almost ended up fighting in the middle of the court room. After Roo awakened a second time and Lucifer became the jailer of Hell, Michael accompanied him to his new realm, but not before having fulfilled his request to take him to Adam so he could apologize to him, but the first man didn't accepted Lucifer's apology and expelled him from his land with disdain. Michael then took his brother away, recognizing that Adam wanted to be alone to mourn the loss of his son and wife.
It is unknown what he did for the next ten thousand years. It is known that it was originally planned for him to lead the Extermination, but he nevertheless rejected the role which was later taken by Adam. He also initially attempted to oppose the Extermination despite there was apparently no other solution, and was also the only one who actively tried to calm Adam down when he showed up at the Heavenly Council loudly demanding that this plan be implemented, but was overwhelmed by the hatred of the first man and the support he had. After this event, Michael showed up less and less at the meetings of the Heavenly Council, having no interest in political matters. However, he maintained a good relationship with all the angels, and although he didn't get along very well with Adam due to his hatred, he never blamed him nor did he ever consider his anger unmotivated. However, it is known that he sometimes visited Lucifer in Hell, although it is not known whether he did so secretly or publicly.
He was present at Charlie's birth, 206 years before the story, and according to him he helped Lucifer to remain calm and not cause anxiety to his wife in labor. After this event, however, Lilith didn't want him to come to see them anymore, considering him too big and strong to stay close to Charlie. After Lilith and Lucifer's divorce, she categorically forbade any member of her ex-husband's family from visiting Charlie, and Michael was therefore no longer able to know his niece better.
Apparently, during all the events of Hazbin Hotel, Michael was not present because due to his lazy nature he has to be notified at least three days in advance, otherwise he doesn't even look at the messages.
Throughout the fanfiction, Michael is extremely protective of his family, promising support to Lucifer after the latter contacted Sera to ask for explanations regarding Emily and Adam's actions. When Charlie arrived in Heaven for the second time, Michael, warned by Lucifer (this time in time), finally had the opportunity to meet her, also becoming her bodyguard. He appeared very awkward in conversations, but nevertheless he managed to establish a good relationship with his niece. After Charlie learned the true reasons for the Extermination and his parents' past, Michael tried to stay close to her and prevent her from getting into trouble, but he was ignored by her. During the duel between Charlie and Adam, Michael realized that she was unable to use her true powers due to a psychological block even before the first man revealed it to everyone. After Adam caused psychological trauma to Charlie and the duel ended, a furious Michael threatened the first man to make him pay, but he responded in kind that he didn't fear his wrath.
After the duel, Michael was extremely supportive of Charlie, helping her recover and stating that she was doing something right; he also supported the plan proposed by Abel so that she could look at the matter from another point of view. After Charlie looked into Adam's memories and felt conflicted, Michael along with Abel supported her again, showing her the reconciliation between Pentious and an old friend he had betrayed named Leo, explaining that it was possible for redeemed sinners and victims to build a new relationship. Thanks to such encouragement, Charlie was later able to talk seriously with Adam, finally managing to break into the first man's heart.
During the emergency caused by Roo's momentary agitation, Michael along with the other high-ranking angels went into interdimensional space to prevent it from being torn apart. Once he returned to Heaven, he stopped Azrael from sending the troops to Hell until Sera, Adam, and Lute returned. When Adam then dared to contradict Azrael and refused to obey him, Michael used his powers to restore calm and dragged the angel of death away before he unleashed his anger on the first man.
-) Just like Alastor, Michael is asexual. This seems to be a direct opposition to Lucifer, who is instead pansexual, as if to underline their constant rivalry once more. However, it is unknown whether Michael is also aromantic or not.
-) Michael has two subordinates, Kharev and Hashireyonn, who defend the Great Hall and the Fountain of Lazarus respectively. It is not known who these are, nor whether they are true angels; when Vaggie asked him, Michael stated that they are "angelic", indicating that they are probably not normal people, but remaining very vague.
-) Michael was present at Lucifer's creation of the platypus, and apparently didn't find it very cute although not too ugly either.
-) Michael sometimes seems to have a sort of comical fear of Sera's judgment despite being much stronger than her, although this is more of a gag than an actual feeling. It often happens when she scolds him as if she were a domineering sister. During the creation of the platypus he seemed to fear her more than God, although this was probably a silly joke made only to anger her and Lucifer.
-) According to Sera, when Michael and Lucifer meet they both seem to lose any glimmer of intelligence, becoming two stupid children. Which means that when they are together it is Sera who acts as the voice of reason.
-) Michael was responsible for the creation of Australia's fauna when he dropped all the most dangerous animals right there.
-) Although Michael seems like a workout freak, he knows that very few people are at his level, and if someone asks him to train them he is able to calibrate those workouts to a level that that person can bear.
-) The author confirmed that despite the love that binds them, Michael would not hesitate to face Lucifer and if necessary kill him if he represented a concrete danger to the universe and there was no other way to stop him; however, he would not be willing to do so if this eventuality was not certain unless God Himself ordered him to do so (in which case he would be very conflicted). Despite this, however, the author also confirmed that Michael couldn't really kill Lucifer, not in his current state at least, given that angels don't really die but are restored after a few thousand years.
-) According to the author, Michael's voice should be similar to that of Robin Williams (not surprisingly, his behavior sometimes resembles that of the Genie in Aladdin). It is unknown what his voice is supposed to be when he unleashes his power, but it is described as the sound of thousands of men on horseback.
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