#hazan camikran
mellow-plum · 2 months
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For another series my lovesss are back together for the 3rd time!! I can't even begin to explain my joy and excitement. (Look at them looking so shy 😭🥹). Here's to #AyKar
Kalpazan - (2024)
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goolagola · 6 years
E37: A MAN’S MEASURE (Yagiz & Hazan: A Love Story, Part 2) | #review
Originally posted on Fb, March 5, 2018.
Yagiz Egemen,
Family man and entrepreneur extraordinaire, has been propelled on a PATH of DISCOVERY ever since his younger brother spun a vile lie off his wicked tongue. A path that I’ve said in previous reviews he had not chosen for himself. A path that had cost too much of him and he had tried to bail so many times. But in finally discovering the truth in E12, he could no longer try to abandon that path. For he was a man of integrity and strict principles. So he took ownership for his part in devastating a young woman’s soul, and ever since then, tried to care for that woman’s wellbeing. And since it is his inclined nature to put others before himself, just as he'd always done for his family, he did the same for her.
And now, in E37, Yagiz Egemen was propelled on another path.
Just as reeling and unforeseen that path of discovery had been from the fateful beginning, this as well. Yet more COSTLY—
Hazan was in danger.
And Yagiz was in danger of LOSING her.
SEASON 1 saw Yagiz’ attempts to forsake that path of discovery for the TRUTH—but only to be placed back again and again by designs not of his own.
But THIS TIME, like a drowning man desperate for air, Yagiz searched for Hazan.
Despite what others had insisted of him—a cold, unfeeling “robot”—the second of the high-society Egemen sons of Istanbul, is a HIGHLY perceptive and DEEPLY intuitive man. So at the sign of anything out of place concerning Hazan Camikran, Yagiz was the FIRST to notice—Hazan, who had now come to be more than just Hazan...
Who now makes up the half of a singular world of their own;
As Yagiz had uttered—
She and I.
She. And I.
Brick by brick that world was built. Slowly. Subtly. And mysteriously. But as if history was repeating itself, a lie was loosed, then another, and another, and yet another more—and so like a wielded, vengeful hammer, those lies threatened to destroy what their world was building to be. Until the unthinkable occurred—
The brush with death.
PART V  —  I Will Find You... 
Patience has always been one of Yagiz Egemen’s better virtues—as well as self-control.
But not this day.
This day, found the usually level-headed rock, a ball of twisted knot. Yagiz, who in so many ways, a rock for his family, found himself SHAKEN—for somebody, in so many ways who’d become HIS rock, was taken.
When Yagiz found his world spiraling out of control at discovering his dad’s manipulated dementia, Hazan had become that voice of hope that kept him tethered to faith. And so, later, when he finally discovered that she’d been stolen, all he pleaded for in shouts of rage was to hear HER voice.
But before that first phone call from the abductor that took him closer to Hazan’s whereabouts, Yagiz was unraveling.
But what we saw in E37 wasn’t just a display of breathless desperation…
But the rising STRENGTH of a man in LOVE.
Yet—also the WEAKNESS of that man’s FEAR of losing his love.
Yagiz Egemen was tested and so the various shades of his soul were displayed.
For during the time of testing will a man’s strength—and weakness—be revealed. Where his true character will show;
And as for Yagiz’, he knew where he stood—he could not claim Hazan as HIS. She was his brother’s still. And so later, as if consuming toxic poison for how unnatural it was, Yagiz swallowed his screaming protective instincts and called Sinan by that cliff side… Only to have rage pierced through him once again when his younger brother—surprise, surprise—was M.I.A.
Ignored a crucial call, his brother had done. JUST as he had, too many times before.
And here is where a pivotal and deciding key is laid;
When it'd really counted, Sinan Egemen, was Missing In Action—once again.
Just as when you failed to seek Hazan in E14 when she discovered your lies, being too many steps BEHIND when you finally did. Just as when you failed to seek the truth when her sister was falsely accused, BOTH times, and became her enemy instead. Because you had so selfishly cared only for what YOU believed to be true.
And this is what selfishness is—being only available for yourself, instead of for others.
And so there, when the LACK of Sinan’s character was revealed, the strength of Yagiz' was PROVEN;
He gave Sinan the chance to be the one to search and rescue Hazan himself for that chance was rightly Sinan's yet—just as Yagiz had done in E14, when he told him to go after her, and later in Agva, when he locked the two together—but again, Sinan was UNAVAILABLE.
For if he was otherwise to begin with for Hazan, to listen, instead of being quick to accuse, there would not have been any need for Yagiz to even try to get them back together again.
So it was decided; it was up to Yagiz to get Hazan back.
“—I WANT HAZAN,” Yagiz had boldly demanded, frantic yet unapologetic. Against the odds and at his own expense. And so to him was given the chance that another man had missed. The chance to acquire Hazan, by way of rescue.
And so, like a restless wild beast stalking the ground was Yagiz Egemen by that roadside. No building could confine him now. Therefore we saw him pacing to and fro out in the open. Only the sky could contain the building madness inside and the growling shouts roaring from his throat.
But earlier, it had been far from the display of raging strength that we saw. But a weakened man instead, crippled by FEAR, when Yagiz found Hazan’s forsaken phone by the roadside instead of Hazan herself.
There, Yagiz was reduced to a hunted, vulnerable, mewling cub, instead of the regal, territorial lion that he was—The Lion of Egemen, who bravely fights for his family and defends the people of his company; Just as his name signifies, “The brave and handsome one”—If there’s one thing that Hazim Egemen did RIGHT, was bestow his son a name that did him justice.
But for a brief moment, no longer was he brave. One would even argue, he looked more uncool than he was handsome, with his distorted face in pain. Hands flailing in front of him, like a blind man lost.
There, Yagiz looked undignified. Desperate. Naked.
Foolish—shouting with all his might a woman’s name who clearly wasn’t there.
A child, he had seemed, for children knew not the composures of a grown man—Nor his strategic solutions when trouble strikes.
When Yagiz finally gathered that composure, it was to address the chief of police... only to have it fracture once more, when confronted with procedures, instead of real solution—and so, VERY UNLIKELY of Yagiz Egemen, disrespected the man of the law by exiting his office with nary a goodbye. Fracture that composure did, because of a force that could no longer be contained any longer. A force that the regimented men of military could relate, for despite the conflict of interests, there was not much difference between Yagiz and the police chief. For men of the law are men with a MISSION—to protect the citizens of the country.
But to them, Hazan was one citizen out of many. But to Yagiz,
She was the love of his life.
Therefore what burned in his soul and flared from his lips was, “I will find you—
And so Yagiz continued the pursuit of his mission. And with each step, the fire was growing stronger and another was about to glimpse its strength—Nil.
When Yagiz found her, his character was further tested for he was confronting the woman who had harmed Hazan in the past, and so became the likeliest suspect for Hazan’s disappearance this time.
We had seen his vulnerability by that roadside, but now we see the strength of a rage that he could barely contain.
In his dangerous eyes, demanding and piercing to cut. In his thundering voice, devoid of tolerance to games and cheap stunts. Quick as a deadly serpent, his hand had caught Nil’s arm. His instincts aflamed, like an unquenched fire—the love of his life was in DANGER. And so his body had moved in swift and automatic fashion, trapping the hand that had once poured Hazan with fuel to light her on fire.
It was his integrity that had stopped Yagiz from committing damage and let Nil go—And another’s lack of it, in Nil’s disorienting, certainly unexpected, answer…
The infidelity of his brother.
So to have said that it was akin to swallowing poison when Yagiz next had to call Sinan to rescue Hazan, was no exaggerated imagery. To entrust Hazan to an immature man was one thing. But to an immature, AND unfaithful man, was another. But Yagiz did what he had to do, his integrity would not have allowed him to be exempt of it—call Sinan and gave his brother the benefit of the doubt.
But we know how that one turned out.
Because Sinan, was still an immature man. But perhaps, in more ways than one, still more a boy, than he was a man.
And for once, Fazilet did not sound ridiculous when she had directed him with the question—
What kind of man are you?
PART VI  —  The Deadly Calm 
There is something in a man that compels him to fight at the call of danger.
For men were made for battle.
Storms may blindside a man. And storms may ruin his soul. But like the silver lining in a storm’s dark clouds, a hopeful truth remains:
Though storms CHALLENGE—
Challenge, AWAKENS a man’s strength.
That’s why in the wake of the blindsiding storm of Hazan’s disappearance, we only saw Yagiz’ strength arise.
But when that strength finds no venue to be released, a man could self-destruct. This is why soldiers choose to return to the battlefield, again and again, despite the ruin and danger;
In a time of war, to remain STILL was the HARDER battle yet. To run away, was unthinkable.
For how could he then call himself a man, let alone a warrior?
Like the tide of the sea, the pull of a warrior’s instinct is to charge and fight when battle beckons.
And so, when Yagiz could only WAIT in the cloak of night by that blackened sea…
It was WORSE than facing an unknown foe head on—a more torturous fate, ESPECIALLY for a man who was always driven to finish whatever he’d started.
That’s why, when later he was finally confronted by a strange man and his deadly gun, Yagiz remained cool. Much as he had been, when Yasin had threatened him with the steel weapon, many moons ago.
In fact, in the midst of the danger of losing his life, his logic returned. He calculated and deducted—even INSULTED the gunman by calling him a dog thrown a bone. Fully knowing, that the stranger could—WAS, going to kill him.
The thought of his own life endangered had not render him helplessly mad, imploding from the inside out. But knowing Hazan’s life was at stake—and NOT being able to do a darn thing about it was the culprit that had driven him CRAZY.
And so, when Kerime’s lackey contacted him again, Yagiz sprung to motion and found a semblance of calm, assuring himself that "Hazan was fine and only waiting for him."
But it was only the calm at the eye of the storm—deceiving. For from there on, the storm was only going to enrage higher and bigger.
And boy, what a breathtaking display it was.
PART VII  —  The Fury in The Raging Storm 
True to his word, Yagiz found Hazan.
Yet in the most terrifying place he’d ever imagined; underground—
Just imagine the TERROR of finding the love of your life in such a fashion—why, it’s UNIMAGINABLE. Nearly impossible to DESCRIBE.
Yet, one incomparably stronger than that terror was truly THE unimaginably INDESCRIBABLE.
The fury of LOVE that had driven Yagiz to dig Hazan out of the dirt.
It stole your breath away and rendered your speech paralyzed. All we could do was behold it...
LOVE, that had enabled Yagiz to see where others could not. To search, when others hide. And to fight, when others run.
Some wise but anonymous man had once said,
“What makes a man is not when he fights a battle. But it is how he fights it when the battle is RAGING.”
Headlong into the danger, Yagiz had charged. Overpowering the old man who was just that—old and weak, without his deadly gun. Believing against all odds, that beyond that grave of dirt, Hazan still held her breath. And so in his lips were the hopeful and loving words of, “You are with me.”
Because that’s what love is—
Not distant.
And what had I ask last review, of the BEST present, a lover could ever hope to receive?
Their lover’s PRESENCE.
Through thick and thin, and everything in between.
A man's most dangerous enemy is not the storm. It's not the battle. And certainly not a gun.
It is himself—when he QUITS fighting. Because the moment he does, he’ll no longer be PRESENT in that battle.
And this is the conflict of the story—
Will Yagiz Egemen continue to fight?
And with this, I bid you adieu.
Stay tuned for YAGIZ & HAZAN: A Love Story—PART 3.
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