livewellclinics · 2 years
Alergenics has been formulated to support healthy immune system activity, utilising a variety of nutrients, traditional Chinese herbs, and mushrooms to support symptoms of allergies, hay fever or immune dysfunction.
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wethedailychemist · 2 years
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Everyone’s heard of hay fever condition, and many of us probably experience its wrath every year, suffering through watery eyes, constant sneezing, and a bothersome blocked nose. Hay fever is one of the most common allergies around the world, but there are many misconceptions circulating about its cause, when it arrives, and whether you can ever get rid of it. While it’s true that hay fever generally hit people the hardest during the months of March to September when the weather is typically warmer and sunnier, that is not just to say that you can not get hay fever during the autumn and winter months when the weather is bleak and rainy. It all depends on how sensitive your allergy is and the type of pollen you’re mainly allergic to. To cope with this situation you must choose the best hay fever medicine when you have the symptoms of hay fever.
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wethedailychemist · 2 years
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All hay fever sufferers must be aware of the fact that hay fever is a more serious issue than some people imagine, which can really affect your daily life performance. You must try feeling productive when you’re sneezing every thirty seconds. Or your eyes are constantly watering. In the survey, 50% of workers struggled with concentration and 45% felt that it lowered their productivity. While for students, 37% had problems with their attention span and 30% felt embarrassed in social situations. Apart from studying and work, sleep was also something to lose sleep about. 64% of people had trouble with sleeping because of their allergies. To avoid this situation you can consult a doctor and take prominent hay fever medication as soon as possible.
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wethedailychemist · 2 years
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Pollen allergy which is also called “hay fever”, is an allergic condition affecting the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes. It is usually described by nasal discharge, nasal congestion, and itchy, watery eyes, itchy nose, inner ears, and roof of the mouth. These symptoms are caused by a hypersensitivity to airborne pollen such as the pollen of grasses, trees, and weeds. People who suffer from hay fever can be sensitive to other allergens in the environment. For example, pollen-food allergy syndrome, also known as “oral allergy syndrome”. Hay fever reduces the quality of life and affects physical, psychological, and social functioning. It is a fact that hay fever affects 20 - 25% of people across the world every year. So, you should start your hay fever medicine immediately if you have the symptoms of it.
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wethedailychemist · 2 years
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There are so many people who think that flowers are the cause of hay fever. You should know that flowers are less likely to cause hay fever. Pollen allergies like hay fever are from airborne pollen particles, which have already blown away from the plant. However, the pollen present in a lot of flowers is coated and sticky, so the likelihood of it becoming airborne is a lot less. That’s why grass and trees are the more likely culprits for hay fever. Hay fever is mainly caused by airborne pollen that has blown away from the plant. To get rid of this hay fever condition you can go for the best hay fever medication today.
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wethedailychemist · 2 years
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Hay fever, eczema, and asthma are linked to inflammation. If you have one of these conditions, research suggests you may be more likely than most people to have the other. Not everyone with hay fever has asthma and eczema. But there’s a strong link between having hay fever and developing eczema and asthma later on in life. This is a term to describe the genetic tendency to develop allergies. These three allergies are all under the umbrella of the conditions, so if you have hay fever, you’re more likely to get eczema or asthma and vice versa. Early allergen exposure and genes may contribute. Here you can consult with your doctor and ask for the best hay fever pills.
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wethedailychemist · 2 years
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Hay fever season is totally upon you, and if you suffer from this seasonal allergy soon and you’re not already, you’ll be sneezing every minute and wanting to itch your eyes every second. Research has shown that starting your hay fever medication early can actually lessen the symptoms of hay fever when they eventually hit. This pre-emptive method of fighting off the hay fever allergies can help you feel better, and even come off the medication sooner, than if you start when symptoms begin to show. It's necessary to follow this method to avoid hay fever symptoms.
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wethedailychemist · 2 years
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As you all know that hay fever is a severe allergic reaction to pollen, usually when it comes into contact with your mouth, nose, eyes, and throat. Hay fever usually becomes worse between late March and September, especially when it's warm, humid, and windy. This is when the pollen count is at its highest level. You all must know that there's currently no cure for hay fever and you can't prevent it. But you can do things to ease your symptoms by taking the right hay fever treatment when the pollen count is high. You must be aware of the fact that hay fever lasts for years.
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wethedailychemist · 2 years
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People having severe symptoms of hay fever and thinking that the flowers in their garden can cause them hay fever should know that flowers are less likely to cause them hay fever. Hay fever is generally caused by airborne pollen particles that have blown away from the plant. However, flower pollen is sticky and coated, which lessens its ability to become airborne which causes hay fever symptoms. In fact, trees and grass are most likely to cause sneezing. But that does not mean flowers don’t cause hay fever. Some people are very allergic to specific flowers, and you can be allergic to more than one type of pollen. Here you will need the right hay fever medicine as soon as possible.
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wethedailychemist · 2 years
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It is a fact that the rain actually reduces the pollen count of hay fever that appears in the air. This totally depends on the type of rain sorry to sound like a train operator. It’s true that rain washes pollen from the air, which keeps the pollen count lower. But not all showers are created equal when it comes to hay fever. If it rains too early and continues throughout the day, it’s likely to keep the pollen count very low. But when sunny days follow rain, the pollen count can increase because the combination of sunshine and water helps plants grow and release pollen. In this situation, you need to take effective hay fever pills to keep your hay fever symptoms under control.
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wethedailychemist · 2 years
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People who have hay fever symptoms always think that just a spring and summer thing. I would like to inform them that this is not necessary. While grass pollen is one of the major triggers of hay fever. Running from around May to July and throughout the year as well. Tree pollen can also be to blame. Tree pollen season can start in March or even as early as January for birch trees. Weed pollen can also cause hay fever, and this season runs from June to September. You must be aware of some effective hay fever medication to get rid of its symptoms completely.
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wethedailychemist · 2 years
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It's not necessary. While grass pollen is by far the most common hay fever trigger, your symptoms aren’t necessarily being set off by your garden lawn but it may be the local park you need to steer clear of instead. You should know that timothy grass is 1 of the main hay fever culprits, where it’s often found in parks and on the side of roads rather than in gardens. So if you find that the grass in your garden brings on streaming eyes and sneezing, it regularly gets rid of the flowering, and make sure not to leave the cuttings on the lawn. Some effective hay fever pills might help to minimize the conditions of hay fever.
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wethedailychemist · 2 years
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People who are suffering from hay fever should never think that hay fever is not a serious condition. While you’re very unlikely to die from hay fever but it’s linked with other health conditions that can be more serious and can hamper the quality of life. Many research shows that more than 40% of people with nasal allergies like hay fever also have asthma and if you have hay fever, your risk of developing asthma is higher. Hay fever can also have a drastic impact on your quality of life. So the key is to take your hay fever treatment and do what you can to prevent and manage your symptoms.
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wethedailychemist · 2 years
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That’s completely true. There is various evidence that pollutants in the air can affect your ability to manage your hay fever symptoms, as they can trigger symptoms such as a cough or wheezing. The latest research also shows that if you live in the city, you’re more likely to have a respiratory allergy such as hay fever than someone living in the countryside, because of the various ways pollutants interact with pollen. If you know your symptoms are triggered by pollutants, keep an eye on daily air pollution levels where you live and always take your hay fever medicine when levels are high.
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wethedailychemist · 2 years
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When you suffer from hay fever the essential advice given by the doctors is to stay indoors during the day when the pollen levels are higher and wait until the evening to venture out. Staying inside can help you very much, but unfortunately, it’s not quite that simple. It all depends on which kind of pollen is mainly affecting you. As temperatures rise during the daytime, pollen-bearing air rises, but at night the pollen descends again, increasing the concentrations at ground level, so by dawn, some people will find their hay fever has become worse. There are some prominent hay fever pills that might help you to the condition hay fever effectively.
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wethedailychemist · 2 years
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Generally, people who are suffering from hay fever think that it's just a normal fever and that nothing is serious about it. I would like to suggest you all don't let the name fool you. Hay fever isn’t a normal fever, and you can get it even if you’ve never been to a farm. Tree pollen, grass pollen, and weed pollens cause it. So do mold spores. If you have allergies like hay fever, you may be more likely to have a reaction in a rural area than urban. There is effective hay fever medicine available to help you get rid of hay fever allergies completely.
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