#hayes farm
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inthecityofgoodabode · 29 days ago
February 2025: The First Couple of Days
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My queen made tempura shrimp & vegetables with french fries. The dipping sauce she made was ponzu with Egyptian walking onions from our garden & honey from Hayes Farm in Tutwiler, MS:
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Seen while walking:
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Grackles overhead:
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I'm not sure what made this trail... maybe a muskrat:
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The tracks in the mud were too muddled for me to make a clear determination:
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Playing cowboy with my shadow:
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Today's backyard garden harvest:
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Curbside find - someone threw out a terrarium & I see possibilities:
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Potential toad home. The local geckos might like it too:
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Shells & gravel to add drainage to potted plant soil:
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This lid will make a good compost sifter:
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noosphe-re · 4 months ago
One cannot have beautiful trees without loving them. Neither goodness of soil, nor rich manure, nor favourable situations will alone make them thrive, but it is the gardener's affection which make them strong and vigorous.
LeGendre, Superintendent of the Royal Gardens under Louis XIII in 1652 (from Fruit Growing In India by W.B. Hayes)
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480pfootage · 4 months ago
If Slenderman had never noticed Kate, maybe he would have moved in with Lauren, they would have gotten married, they would have a daughter...
I've been thinking about this ask a lot ever since I got it.. it makes me giddy... This is going to be very headcanoned base with little inferences from the actual game haha
Well first of all for slenderman to not notice kate, CR would have to not enter her life so SCORE! (sorry for the CR hate ehe..) Anyways in a normal universe I still think Lauren and Kate would drift away after high school.. It's hard for Lauren to call Kate when she's dealing with her family's farm for the large part of her day after all
Still, going with the storyline of Kate's mother dying and her wanting to sell the house, I think that's when Kate and Lauren's relationship really starts to bloom again.. Lauren drops practically everything just to come meet her again face to face and although she still arrives at nearly 10pm it doesn't even matter.. The sparks are still there and it's like they were kids again hunched over Kate's family computer just searching for a new place for Kate instead of Neopets..
they stayed up until the morning and Kate felt bad having Lauren drive all the way back and still do farm work so she let Lauren sleep in her car and drove her back... I feel like after that while Kate continues to clean up the house and get it ready to be sold, she'd visit Lauren and soon enough she'd just stay the night.. a few days.. until Lauren just asked if she wanted to stay there with her
It takes a bit after moving in with each other for them to fully admit their feelings and get together but the tension was so thick whenever they'd see each other doing mundane things around the house it was just impossible to ignore
hehe now their wedding.. it'll be small as I feel that Kate would become a little reclusive after her mom died and she wouldn't have many connections.. Kate would pursue college afterwards online while helping in the farm when she can heehee...
One thing I do disagree with is that they'd adopt.. I don't see Kate and Lauren having kids I apologizee.. Though I think as they grow old they'd have some farmhands that they practically treat as their kids so there's that!!
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maple-leaf-dreaming · 1 year ago
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Today at the pumpkin patch ✨🎃🍂
(Feel free to reblog, but please do not repost without credit to Maple Leaf Dreaming/Jennifer Elen Bríd)
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analoghorrorisyummy · 8 months ago
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the oujia board has the McDonald’s menu on it. I didn’t know what to draw and so so the.
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fic-dumpster · 2 months ago
I am afraid all fics are on hold until I pull Sylus.
Edit: I pull Sylus R3
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uniqueartisanconnoisseur · 11 months ago
Music of the Eclipse in Richmond, IN
The music of the 2024 eclipse was one of absolute silence during the four minutes of Totality! Dr. Wes Tobin, Assistant Professor of Physics at Indiana University East explained exactly what would happen when the moon eclipsed the sun. “There will be silence. The birds will go to their nest, the bees will drive into the grass if not near their hives. Cows, horses and dogs will run thinking a…
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heathercaseyart · 2 years ago
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senditcolton · 7 months ago
Storm Warning
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a/n: my first fic entirely about fictional people? more likely than you think! but i'm still mad they didn't kiss / cut the kiss in the movie so here we are. the alternative title to this was "aka the Tyler Owens & Kate Carter smut we all deserved"
pairing: Tyler Owens x Kate Carter song inspo: Storm Warning by Hunter Hayes (shocked this wasn't on the soundtrack) word count: 3.6k warnings: self-doubt, brief mention of Kate's past and scar, and smut (oral - f receiving & unprotected penetration)
Usually after a chase, when the team came back to whatever roadside hotel they were calling home, the sounds that followed them were cheers and lively chatter. But instead of the common jovial noise that often defined their return, tonight it was a defeated silence.
The only sounds that accompanied them were their boots scraping against the concrete stairs, their hushed disappointment, their quietly voiced ‘goodnights’ as they slip into their respective rooms.
Kate let out another heavy sigh as she shoves the keycard into the reader, the light turning green, allowing her to push open the worn wood door. Her tired eyes meet the cookie-cutter room with its queen bed, badly patterned duvet and the generic farm landscape photo hanging over the bedframe. Tyler is close behind her, his own disappointment melding with hers as he steps over the threshold, shutting the door and sliding the chain lock into place.
Kate is in the middle of kicking off her shoes when he wanders back over to her. She feels his strong arms embrace her from behind, pulling her body upright, her back meeting his chest. They stand there for a moment, simply breathing together before Tyler presses a small kiss against her temple.
“I’m gonna wash up,” Tyler mutters.
Kate’s only response is a small hum as she feels his arms fall from her frame, followed shortly by the click of the bathroom door closing. She stands motionless, even after she hears the sink tap turn on, uncertain of what to do next. Normally, she would be opening her laptop, analyzing the data they collected, and preparing for the next chase. But after today… it all seemed so pointless.
As far as bad days and bad chases go, today wasn’t nearly as high on the catastrophe scale as it could have been. They had all seen and experienced worse. But for Kate, it was more frustrating than destructive. And that felt heavier than any other possibility.
She understood the damage that tornados could cause; physically, emotionally. She knew it better than most, having carried a physical reminder of it with her for years. But it was an aspect of her job that she had come to accept and could now approach headfirst. However, now, when she had a chance to make a difference – when she knew for a fact that she could make a difference – and yet every attempt to prove it to the scientific community was met with either failing tech, unusable data, the unpredictability of the weather they chased, or a combination of it all… it made it seem so pointless.
Especially when she turned on the news and was constantly reminded of the damage that she could have prevented but failed to do so.
She was failing. It was that simple. And that deep painful feeling of defeat had slowly been building in her chest until now, in the silence of this random hotel room, it finally bubbled over.
It takes every ounce of energy left in Kate’s body to push herself to sit on the edge of the firm mattress instead of simply collapsing onto the rough carpeted floor. Unfortunately, that meant that that energy was depleted when it came time to will back her tears. Instead, they pool on her lower lashes as her head falls into her upturned palms, the weight of everything she still couldn’t control crashing over her.
Even the sound of the bathroom door re-opening doesn’t snap her back into the closed-off demeanor that she perfected years ago. Her only consolation was that at least it was Tyler with her in the hotel room. A comfort that proves itself as soon as his green eyes land on her slumped frame.
Her name falls from his lips in a rushed breath, his boots tapping across the floor as he makes his way to her. His frame stands in front of her momentarily before he is dropping to his knees in front of her, his hands landing on her legs and his face coming into view from behind the curtain of her tangled hair.
“What is it?” he asks, reaching up to cup her jaw, his thumb brushing over the skin of her cheek, still slightly damp from the rain.
“Nothing,” she replies, sniffling back her tears in an attempt to hold it together. However, it seems as if her body is determined to prove her wrong, a single teardrop falling from her eyes. Tyler doesn’t point it out, doesn’t even let his expression change, knowing she is all too aware of the contradiction between her words and her actions – something that Kate is thankful for.
“It’s just…” she tries to begin, attempting to get her feelings laid out clearly. But that task seems as impossible to control as the reasons why she was so upset. “It feels like I’m failing,” she says, the defeat in her voice clear.
Tyler doesn’t say anything immediately, just lets her words sink in. He knows that he could refute her, tell her that she isn’t, that she has succeeded before and she will again. But he also knows that she knows all those things and that those truths and hopes don’t change how shitty it feels right now.
“It just seems pointless,” Kate continues, Tyler’s silence giving her the space to try to talk through her emotions.
“It’s not,” Tyler replies, the conviction in his voice startling even Kate. “It’s gonna work out. We’re gonna prove it, eventually.”
His quiet assuredness makes Kate’s brown eyes lift to meet his green ones, her heart softening at the fire and determination she sees behind his irises.
“And it’s all gonna be because of you. It’s all gonna be for you.”
“It’s not supposed to be for me,” Kate says, the flip of her voice bright with a quip instead of sharp with disdain; although the words were still ladened with the remnants of her previous tears. “You know why we’re doing this.”
“Yeah, I do,” Tyler concedes. “But I also know that we wouldn’t be doing what we’re doing right now if it wasn’t for you. I’d still be shooting fireworks up tornados for views instead of making a real difference.
“You still made a difference by doing that,” she says, reminding both herself and him of the good that came out of his socials – the donations, the food, the help.
“Not like this,” he states, the conviction in his voice clear. “You saved lives instead of just helping them after the fact. You saved my life, and Lily’s, and so many others. We’re still here because of you and that’s why we’re gonna help you prove it.”
“So maybe I can get my face on a t-shirt?” Kate teases, the easy familiar inside joke bringing a warmth to the moment that she desperately needed. Tyler returns her shaky grin with that strong bright smile that made all the girls – including her – swoon.
“Baby, we’re gonna have to make an entire merch line with you on it. I’m talking t-shirts, hats, mugs, bumper stickers. Kate Carter: the Twister Tamer,” he says, his hands even lifting as if he’s picturing it on a billboard. “You can’t make a better slogan than that.”
The laughter, while still twinged with some of the prior heaviness, falls easily from Kate’s lips. Her eyes stay locked on Tyler’s face, his bright smile the closest equivalent she’s ever found to feeling the sunshine after a storm. Her hand instinctively reaches up to rest on his cheek, mirroring his earlier actions and caressing his own skin. Tyler’s gaze just stays locked on her face, taking in her shaky smile, a feeling of happiness soaring through his chest to see it again.
It is only a moment before Kate leans forward, capturing Tyler’s lips in her own. It was a kiss filled with thanks, with understanding, with every emotion that Kate could ascribe to it and to the solace she felt having Tyler in her life. Their connection was unexpected and wild, like the storms that they chased but it ended up being exactly what she needed. And from the way Tyler kissed her back, if was clear that he felt the same.
Their kisses deepen, the desire surging between them rising quickly. Kate’s hands move into his still tousled hair, Tyler’s body reaching up to get closer to her, his own hands falling to rest on her hips, his calloused fingers sneaking under the hem of her white tank top. She hums in approval at the sensation of his fingertips dancing across her skin, her head falling back slightly to give Tyler access, his kisses now trailing down her throat.
She allows him to linger there as her hands dance across his shoulders, briefly dipping underneath the collar of his t-shirt. Eventually, she pulls her body back, the space between them widening once more. A smile appears on Kate’s face at Tyler’s questioning expression, the wicked grin her only explanation before she crosses her arms in front of her, gripping the fabric of her top and peeling it off her body.
The action obscures her vision momentarily but when her eyes land on Tyler’s face again, his face had morphed to copy her grin as he tugs his own shirt over his head, exposing his golden skin to her. Their lips connect again, hands now free to explore the newly revealed surface of their bodies.
Kate’s palms trace over the expanse of Tyler’s back, relishing in the way his muscles move beneath her fingertips. His own hands trace a similar path down her spine before dropping lower, following the curve of her waist, and moving to the front of her body. Tyler blindly undoes the button and zipper of her jeans, and with the newly provided space, his hand sneaks underneath the waistband of both her pants and her underwear, his fingers reaching down until they slip between her thighs.
A sharp gasp falls from Kate’s lips, her own hand shooting down to grip Tyler’s forearm as his fingers flex, tracing her folds, the heel of his hand adding delicious pressure against her clit.
The noises that escape their lips are quieted as they kiss again, content to silence their moans by swallow each other’s. It is only when their vocalized need was muffled, did they hear the patter of the rain against the shingles, the drops tapping against the glass of the window.
“Did you,” Kate begins to ask, her lips tearing away from Tyler’s, her words now stilted because of the weight of Tyler’s hands, not the weight of her own emotions. “Did you or Javi or someone track the evening storms? See if conditions were good?”
“Don’t get distracted, Kate,” Tyler mutters in reply as he peppers kisses across her decolletage.
“By our job?” she quips, her gaze departing from the rain splattered window to Tyler’s face, a mischievous smirk playing at her lips.
Tyler’s eyes pin her in place, sparkling with that cockiness that she had grown to find endearing. He straightens his spine, his torso lifting and his expression deepening into one of pure conviction.
“My only job right now, is this,” he says, his fingers curling within her as a perfect punctuation to his sentence.
Kate can’t stop her eyes from fluttering close, her mouth falling open in a silent moan, her grip tightening against Tyler’s skin. Through the haze, she spies Tyler’s confident grin widening as his movements continue before his lips reattach to her skin.
He continues moving his hand against and within her, pulling more choked sounds from her throat. Suddenly, in a move that seems torturous in the moment but Kate knows will be forgiven soon, Tyler’s hand disappears from between her thighs. She still whines at the loss but Tyler simply grips the waistband of the only clothes that were still on her body, tugging gently. Kate helps him pull the denim and cotton from her lower half, Tyler keeping a hold on her ankle to toss her legs up onto the top of the mattress. She sinks down onto the somewhat scratchy duvet cover, her eyes following Tyler as he kicks off his own boots before stalking to the foot of the bed.
A quirk of her finger and a shared grin is all it takes for Tyler to lower himself onto the bed, the cheap frame creaking underneath their combined weight. His body covers hers as he hovers over her, lowering slightly to kiss her, Kate’s own hands reaching up to tangle in his hair again.
As usual, his kisses slowly begin to descend; down her neck, tracing her collarbones, along her sternum, over the ridges of her ribs, gently tickling the sensitive skin of her stomach before his arms hook underneath her thighs as he throws her legs over his shoulders.
Lightning flashes, brightening the room briefly before an echoing boom follows shortly afterwards.
“Now, don’t you go running outside into the nearest field, naked,” Tyler teases, pressing a gentle kiss against her hipbone before finishing the sentence with a teasing “again.”
The retort was poised on Kate’s lips, ready to escape, but Tyler makes sure that whatever words may have been uttered disappear as soon as his mouth attaches to her. And that was exactly what happened. There was nothing that Kate could say, no string of coherent syllables that she could form as Tyler works his tongue and lips against her. The only utterance that fell from her were pleasured moans, her body rolling in encouragement – a silent message that Tyler receives and responds to eagerly.
The thunder and the rain make for an apt and gorgeous soundtrack to the moment, Tyler’s ministrations pushing her closer and closer to the edge. Occasionally, his eyes flick up to Kate, her shaking frame just encouraging him more, her hands twisted in his blond locks holding him in place, even though departing from between her open thighs as something he was not going to do anytime soon.
He continues, reading and recognizing the subtle signs that told him she was almost there. It only when her body stiffens underneath him, her back arching, does he throw his arm across her hips, pinning her in place as her orgasm shakes through her frame. Tyler doesn’t cease his movements until he feels her muscles going lax, her fingers loosening in his hair to gently push him away from her sensitive core.
No matter how many times he finds himself in this position, he still hesitates to depart completely from her, his lips drifting from her folds to her inner thighs. His arms retreat from her frame, hands caressing her legs, his fingers gently tracing the scar lining her thigh. The sensitivity from the mark makes her shiver, the tremor pulling Tyler’s eyes to hers.
Her deep brown eyes are pools of emotion, something that drew Tyler to her in the first place. He knows her past, knows the origins of that scar, and knows the trauma holds – the invisible trauma included. But he also recognizes that that scar is the reason for all of this: the reason for their current job, the reason they were together in any capacity, the reason she came back, the reason she gave chasing another chance – the reason she gave him a chance.
Kate watches as Tyler leans down and presses one of the softest kisses against the mark, the weight of the action not going unnoticed to her.
It’s a reminder of what she’s lost, of her trauma. But it’s also a reminder of her strength, of what she’s gained; including the man currently laying between her legs.
The tenderness he shows towards her, his attentive and deliberate actions make Kate’s desire surge again, her hands scrambling on his shoulders, beckoning him up to crash her lips into his once more.
Tyler’s arms cage her head, this time his hands combing through her hair. She presses her body against his, her hands dropping to make quick work of the obnoxious belt buckle he insists on wearing before undoing his jeans, desperately pushing the denim down his legs as far as she could reach. He breaks the kiss, leaning his body to balance on one forearm to kick off the offending fabric, the position displaying the strength stored in his wired muscles.
However, no matter what level of strength Tyler had, his current position was not sustainable in the long run. But more importantly, as soon as his jeans were kicked off his ankles, his position made it easier for Kate to lift her body up and push Tyler down so his back was now the one pressed into the firm mattress.
If the movement was unexpected, no shock appeared on Tyler’s face. It made sense though – this was the man who chased the most unpredictable and unexpected weather. Kate knew that it would take something completely out of left field to surprise this man in the bedroom.
She didn’t mind it, though. Especially not when Tyler’s expression was something she never got tired of. Similarly, she never got tired of how his hands attached to her body, like a magnet to metal, the instant she rolls her hips against his.
There is no pause, no teasing – not tonight. Kate lifts herself slightly, keeping her balance steady with one hand pressed against Tyler’s chest as the other snakes between their bodies and her thighs. Her fingers wrap around his shaft, stroking once before aligning it to her center and letting herself slowly sink down.
The simultaneous moan echoes around the hotel room, never tiring of the sensation of their bodies connecting. Kate sighs, her hands coming to meet as she uses the leverage that Tyler provides to grind against him. He encourages her movements, his hands pressing and pulling her hips, matching her speed and rhythm. Tyler is more than content to rest against the pillows and watch Kate take what she needed from him, content to watch the way her body responds: her back arching, her head falling backwards, her chest rising and falling.
His name escapes her lips in a desperate sigh, her body shuddering as his cock hits that one spot inside of her.
“Let me hear you, darling,” he coos, the lighting once more illuminating the room, a crack of thunder coming shortly after. “No need to worry about our neighbors. Seems like Mother Nature is covering for us.”
“If only she could be this cooperative all the time,” Kate breathlessly teases, her movements not ceasing.
“Now don’t poke at her,” Tyler laughs, the sound slightly choking in his throat as he feels Kate tighten around him. “Just say thank you.”
Kate’s eyelids flutter open, her brown eyes locking gaze with him.
“Thank you,” she whispers.
Tyler knows that her words are not directed at the storm. Instead, they were a quiet acknowledgement to him – for being there, for encouraging her, for everything. Not just from today but from the moment they met.
“Anything for you,” he replies, his hands tightening against her hips. He pulls her body deeper into his, encouraging her to increase her speed against him and allowing her clit brush against his skin, the dual sensations bringing her closer to completion. She lets him guide her, her moans falling freely now. Tyler’s eyes trace every inch of her skin, the awe and admiration that was usually directed at tornados now directed entirely towards her.
But that was exactly what Kate was to him. A storm that blew into his life, disrupted the way he used to be living, and turned everything he thought he knew upside down. She was perfect, she was gorgeous, she was everything. And he would willingly and gladly follow her into every tempest that gathered.
It’s impulsive, instinctual, the way Tyler’s torso shoots up off the bed, his arms wrapping around Kate’s frame. A small gasp escapes from her chest, her eyes staring into his before he leans in to kiss her. The two of them rock against each other for a few minutes more until Kate is stilling in his arms, the tremors running through her body as her hands cling onto him, her mouth open against his as her breathless moans fall. The sensation of her around him causes Tyler’s orgasm to follow closely behind, the thunder to her lightning, as he muffles his own groans against the juncture of her neck and shoulder.
The shallow breaths that pant from their lips are the only noise that fills the room, the tapping of the rain growing fainter and fainter. Tyler pulls himself away from her neck, their eyes reconnecting. A small smile tugs at the corner of Kate’s mouth, one that Tyler returns before kissing her again. She happily reciprocates, pressing her body against his again until it was hard to tell where she ended and he began.
They eventually disentangle from each other, wandering to the small ensuite together. A quick shared shower later, they’re climbing back into bed, their limbs intertwining as Kate rests her head on his chest. She and Tyler lay there in comfortable silence, simply enjoying the warmth of each other until Tyler’s voice breaks through the stillness.
“We’ll get it, eventually,” he says, referencing the goal the team was chasing. Kate just angles her head so she can look up at him, finding hope in the quiet confidence in his eyes.
“I know we will,” she replies. “For all of them,” she adds, addressing all the people they could help – all the people they would help. Tyler smiles, pressing a kiss on the crown of her head.  
“And it’s all for you.”
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scuderlia · 1 year ago
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WORDS: ‘The Deer’ by Terrance Hayes / ‘I’m Not Calling You a Liar’ (Florence + the Machine) / Aaron O’Hanlon /  The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017) dir. Yorgos Lanthimos / ‘The Stag and the Quiver’ by Richard Siken / mine / ‘Salvage’ by Hedgie Choi / ‘A Letter to My Mother That She Will Never Read’ by Ocean Vuong / ‘Little Deer’ (SPELLLING) / ‘Grendel’ by Roger Reeves / ‘Herd of ‘panicked’ deer filmed jumping to their deaths from motorway’ by Tanveer Mann (Metro UK) / ‘Kinder Than Man’ by Althea Davis / ‘Anecdote of the Pig’ by T. Adkisson / ‘Ferrari Drivers Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz Are Racing Back to the Top of F1’ by Tom Lamont (GQ Sports) / Deuteronomy 12:23 / ‘‘It’s a kind of religion’ - Ferrari’s popularity and following in Italy dissected’ by Akshat Kabra (Sportskeeda) / ‘Abstract (Psychopomp)’ (Hozier) / ‘Not Strong Enough’ (boygenius) / The Favourite (2018) dir. Yorgos Lanthimos / Enzo Ferrari / ‘Killer’ (Phoebe Bridgers) / CL for ‘Charles Leclerc talks about his “Red Passion”’ by Roberto Croci (L’Officiel Ibiza) / ‘The fragility of a predestined | FormulaPassion.it’ by admin_l6ma5gus (Pledge Times) / ‘Kinder Than Man’ by Althea Davis / Carmen Maria Machado, In the Dream House / ‘Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up)’ (Florence + the Machine) / ‘Ferrari Needs to Sign Charles Leclerc for the 2018 Formula One Season’ by Gabriel Loewenberg (The Drive) IMAGERY: Styrian GP (2020) / ? (antlers) / ? (crown of thorns) / Scuderia Ferrari Press Office (2023) / @velvetbambi (x) / Saint Maud (2019) dir. Rose Glass / white-tailed buck shedding its antlers (via Deer & Deer Hunting) / Azerbaijan GP (Baku, 2019) / post-French GP (2022) / Jules Bianchi (via F1 TV) / George Shiras III for National Geographic (1906) / ? (young CL) / ‘Driver-Deer Collisions On The Rise: State Farm’ (WSLM RADIO) / Male Red Deer (antlers) / post-Bahrain GP (2019) (CL looking up from hands) / ‘roadkill’ by Loso (via Flickr) (x) / Saturn Devouring His Son (1819-23) Francisco Goya / post-Belgian GP (Spa, 2019) (CL pointing upwards) / The Banshees of Inisherin (2022) dir. Martin McDonagh / Italian GP (Monza, 2020) / Nathan Sandwell @cuchulainn-4 (x) / ? (camcorder) / ‘Deer Caught Gnawing on Human Bones’ by Jason Daley (Smithsonian Magazine) / A Fragment of Ourselves Returning (2018) Beatrice Wanjiku / @nightcorp-archive (x) / Brazilian GP (2023) (CL figure walking) / Singapore GP (2022) / post-Qatar GP (2021) / The Deer Hunter (1978) dir. Michael Cimino / ? (dogmouth doe) / Brazilian GP (2023) / French GP (2022)
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psikonauti · 7 months ago
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Connie Hayes (American)
Studio At The Island Farm
Oil on canvas
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suzukiblu · 8 months ago
WIP excerpt for videogeek; Kara gets to Earth on time and the Kents get a two-for-one special on free kids.  (( chrono || non-chrono ))
Today Ma is watching Kal in the kitchen and Kara is fine with that, and is helping Pa with the “haye-bolls”–or the “hayes”? She’s not sure how to make the word plural. She’s not sure if the aliens’ language has plurals, even, at least not in the same way Kryptonian does. 
She’s trying to learn, and she thought she was good at languages, but it’s so much harder without books or tutors or even a dictionary to look up basic vocabulary in. She tries to write the words out phonetically on the papers Ma and Pa let her use, but it only helps so much. She doesn’t know how to write the aliens’ language at all, and modern Kryptonian is difficult to record in just two dimensions without a reference key to clarify the shorthand with, and she’s definitely not fluent in traditional, so her notes are . . . not very helpful, no.
She wishes she hadn't had to leave Kal inside for this, but a lot of farm work isn't very safe for him to be around and it'd be worse if he got hurt, so–so it's fine that he's with Ma right now. Ma knows how to take care of him. 
So it's fine. 
It is, Kara tells herself. 
The “haye-bolls” are all dry and rough and oddly-textured, but Kara thinks she's getting used to handling them. She never pricks herself like she did the first few times anymore, and they're much easier to carry now. The smell of them is alien and earthy, and they shed dust and skinny little sticks everywhere. Kara assumes they're some kind of a grass or maybe the processed stems of a food-bearing plant–plant waste being refurbished as feed, maybe?–but isn't actually sure how much processing goes into their harvest or what they look like while they're still alive and growing. 
Maybe she'll learn, she supposes, but she doesn't even know how long Ma and Pa will let them stay here, much less the growth cycle of a “haye-bolls”. They might only harvest them once a year, or every few years, or . . . 
She needs to learn more of the aliens’ language. She needs to learn how to help them better with their farm. She needs to– 
“Ny-suh ju-obb, Ka-Lair,” Pa says as Kara lifts the last “haye-bolls” out of the back of his “trukk” and finishes stacking them all up, his voice mostly toneless but maybe pleased or approving. Maybe? 
It's so hard to tell, and the words mean nothing to Kara either way, but she puts on her brightest smile and tries to project willingness and openness to whatever he's saying or needs. Pa smiles back at her, then tips his hat back by the brim and turns to squint out the barn door and across the fields. He's looking at the sky, she thinks. It's an unusual color today, a sort of murky gray that she hasn't seen a sky be before, and full of murky clouds that partially cover the sun too. For some reason this planet’s skies regularly just have purposeless clouds in them and also just change color all the time–and not just as a part of their day/night cycle. 
Kryptonian sunrises and sunsets don't have half as many colors as this planet’s do.
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nerdygaymormon · 3 months ago
Merry Queermas
I have a number of queer playlists, so thought I'd add one for Christmas.
Brandi Carlile - The Heartache Can Wait
girl in red - two queens in a king sized bed
k.d. lang - You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch (with Glee cast)
Indigo Girls - It Really Is (A Wonderful Life)
Jane Lynch - A Swingin' Little Christmas Time
Joan Jett - Little Drummer Boy
LADIES - Ladies, It's Cold Outside
Mary Lambert - Christmas Cookies (feat. Wyatt Hermansen)
Melissa Etheridge - It's Christmas Time
Raven Symoné - My Christmas Wish
Tegan and Sara - Make You Mine This Season
Adam Lambert - Please Come Home for Christmas
Barry Manilow - (There's No Place Like) Home for the Holidays
Bearforce 1 - Christmas is Here
Billy Porter - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Calum Scott - White Christmas
Darren Hayes - Last Christmas
David Archuleta - Christmas Every Day
Elton John - Step Into Christmas; Merry Christmas (with Ed Sheeran)
Erasure - Make It Wonderful (Bright Light Bright Light Remix)
Frankie Goes to Hollywood - The Power of Love
Johnny Mathis - It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
Joshua Bassett - The Perfect Gift
Lil Nas X - Holiday
Luther Vandross - Every Year, Every Christmas
Matt Rogers - Also It's Christmas
Mister Chase and Chris Salvatore - Baby, It's Cold Outside
MNEK - Stopped Believing in Santa
Neon Trees - Holiday Rock
Pet Shop Boys - It Doesn't Often Snow at Christmas
Queen - Thank God It's Christmas
Ricky Martin - Ay Ay Ay It's Christmas
Rufus Wainwright - What Are You Doing New Year's Eve
Sam Smith - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas; The Lighthouse Keeper
Todrick Hall - Bells, Bows, Gifts, Trees
Wham! - Last Christmas
Wrabel - First Winter
Anne-Marie - Think of Christmas
Crystal Bowersox - Coming Out for Christmas
Demi Lovato - I'll Be Home for Christmas
Green Day - Xmas Time Of The Year
Jessie J - Man With the Bag
Phoebe Bridgers - If We Make It Through December
Sia - Santa's Coming For Us; Candy Cane Lane; Snowman
Trans, Gender Nonconforming, Fluid, Nonbinary
Bebe Rexha - Count on Christmas
Big Freedia - Make It Jingle
Miley Cyrus - Happy Xmas (War is Over)
Shea Diamond -Blame it on Christmas (feat. Cyndi Lauper); Mrs. Claus
Drag Queens
Alaska - Everyday is Christmas; Let It Snow (Ivan and Peter Mix)
Alaska, Courtney Act & Willam - Dear Santa, Bring Me A Man
Bob the Drag Queen - Sandra Claus
Detox - This is How We Jew It
Ginger Minj - Winter Wonderland (feat. Gidget Galore)
Manila Luzon, Peppermint & Alaska - We Three Queens
Nina West - Calista
Priyanka - Sleigh My Name
RuPaul - Hey Sis, It's Christmas
The Divas
Amy Winehouse - I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
Ariana Grande - December; Santa Tell Me; Winter Things;
Ava Max - 1 Wish; Christmas Without You
Barbra Streisand - Jingle Bells?
Bette Midler - Cool Yule
Britney Spears - My Only Wish (This Year)
Carly Rae Jepsen - It's Not Christmas Till Somebody Cries; Mittens
Céline Dion - Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
Cher - DJ Play a Christmas Song
Christina Aguilera - The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting Over An Open Fire)
Diana Ross & The Supremes - My Favorite Things
Eurythmics - Winter Wonderland
Kacey Musgraves - Glittery (feat. Troye Sivan)
Katy Perry - Cozy Little Christmas
Kelly Clarkson - Underneath the Tree
Kylie Minogue - Every Day's Like Christmas
Leona Lewis - One More Sleep
Little Mix - One I've Been Missing
Lizzo - Never Felt Like Christmas
Madonna - Santa Baby
Mariah Carey - All I Want for Christmas is You; Oh Santa
Meghan Trainor - Holidays (feat. Earth, Wind & Fire)
Olivia Rodrigo - River
Taylor Swift - Christmas Tree Farm
Link to Spotify Playlist of these songs
Link to My Queer Playlist - Part 1 songs from 1939 to 1999
Link to My Queer Playlist - Part 2 songs from 2000 to 2015
Link to My Queer Playlist - Part 3 songs from 2016 to 2019
Link to My Queer Playlist - Part 4 songs from 2021 to present
Link to my Queer Disney Songs Playlist
Link to my K-Pop Queer Playlist
Link to my Queer Religious Playlist
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schnitzelsemmerl · 7 months ago
redcoat a.ham au/amrev oc lore masterpost :3
if your oc isn't on here, feel free to tell me via asks or dm's :D
if you're completely new here i suggest you check out @/hamalicious-soup redcoat hamilton drawing out first!! you can find her masterlist here
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^^^^^ from noah!! @/lil-gae-disaster
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lots of oc lore
+ this
introduction to the ocs. THEIR RELATION HERE
nicholas odaisies dimitrion
adele antos (and adele lore)
frederick kenneth + august edevane
mabel "mae" walsh
zephyr williams + lawrence byrd
marko (im so sorry idk his last name) + abe everett
joseph hayes (and joseph lore) + cathy hayes (???)
giles eleison (and giles lore)
frances achilles + anderson achilles jr.
luca de salvo
dominic + nathaniel
marinella tusco + matteo tusco (and matteo lore)
benedict murphy
jay and jacques + virginia
raymond horrace
augustus krause
remi noir + harvey brooks + xavier gibble
fabian/fabienne mccarthy
henri - duc de rondeau
conan hendrix + william c. laurens
glock <3 (and glock <3 lore)
samson lytton
henry reed + william fletcher
katherine (im so sorry idk her last name)
francesca williams
lucie delaroche (and lucie lore)
and what happens after the war? some die *cough cough* anna *cough* but a ton of them move to freddies farm, here the details
other masterposts by:
sol (paradox-complex)
paper (papers-pamphlet)
rae (rae-unbeloved)
aaaalso bc this is my intro post, i wanna show off my anna :3 drawn by the talented @/toastmrlord!!
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choicesficwriterscreations · 2 months ago
Creator Top 5 Masterlist - 2024
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✒️ = Fanfic | 🎨 = Fanart |🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+
Thank you to everyone who participated in this year's CFWC Top 5 of 2024!
Let Me Be Your Valentine, Saint Valentine ✒️ | Murder at Homecoming
Lavender Sass ✒️ | Immortal Desires
Count The Red Roses ✒️ | High School Story
Until I'm By Your Side, Forget Me Not! ✒️ | It Lives in the Woods x Immortal Desires Crossover
Cherry Blossoms Dancing in the Sunlight ✒️ | America's Most Eligible
The Stabbing: A Bad Romance One-Shot ✒️ | The Royal Romance
The Defiant Kind: To Catch a Killer ✒️ | The Royal Romance
Single Again ✒️ | The Royal Romance
Staking a Claim ✒️ | The Royal Romance
The De Facto Queen ✒️ | The Royal Romance
Ever After ✒️ | The Cursed Heart
Ella x Kieran 🎨 | The Cursed Heart
Safe With Me ✒️ | The Princess Swap
Lillian Hayes x John Somerset 🎨 | The Unexpected Heiress
TCH Junk Journal 🎨 | The Cursed Heart
Piano Training ✒️🔥 | High School Story
The Squads doing the Jingle Bell Rock dance 🎨 | High School Story
OG HSS male LIs in some fancy upscale-ish dresses 🎨 | High School Story
Fanart Masterlist 🎨 | High School Story
Summer Swimsuits: Evie x Aiden ✒️ | High School Story
A Chance Encounter ✒️ | Open Heart
Mine ✒️🔥 | Open Heart
Drink Had Me ✒️ | Open Heart
Scratching the Itch ✒️🔥| Open Heart
Eclipsing 📱🔥| Open Heart
Ashes ✒️ | Open Heart
A Different Fate (AU): The Final Chapter ✒️ | Open Heart
The Journey (AU) ✒️ | Open Heart
Money, Money | A Little Jealous | To Love & Overprotect [Trilogy] ✒️ | Open Heart
Mostly Pleasant Surprises: Part 4 - And that's what happened... ✒️🎨 | Open Heart
One Day ✒️ | Crimes of Passion
Something New ✒️ | Wake the Dead
The Royal Academy ✒️ | Blades of Light & Shadows x Crimes of Passion x Nightbound x The Royal Romance Crossover
Forever Royal ✒️ | Nightbound
Fragile ✒️ | Nightbound
Jacqueline's Return ✒️ | Nightbound
Funko Pop Love ✒️ | Nightbound
The Next Chapter ✒️ | Open Heart
Magical ✒️ | Open Heart
First Day ✒️ | Open Heart
Sex and Pizza ✒️🔥 | Open Heart
Perfect Day ✒️ | Open Heart
The 2 A.M. Christmas Tree Farm ✒️ | Crimes of Passion
Tabloids, or a Story in 5 Headlines ✒️ | Crimes of Passion
Movement ✒️ | Crimes of Passion
Five of Cups ✒️ | Bloodbound
Confrontation ✒️ | Crimes of Passion
Tyril Starfury Amigurumi 🎨 | Blades of Light & Shadow
Nia Ellarious Amigurumi 🎨 | Blades of Light & Shadow
Threep Amigurumi 🎨 | Blades of Light & Shadow
Battle ✒️ | Blades of Light & Shadow
Promise ✒️ | Blades of Light & Shadow
Dates and other Catastrophes - Part 1 ✒️ | Open Heart
Don’t call me Angel ✒️ | Open Heart
Bite Me ✒️ | Immortal Desires
Las hijas de Luna ✒️ | Open Heart
Moja Ruža ✒️ | Crimes of Passion
Bitten by Love ✒️ | Blades of Light & Shadow
Whispers in the Fog ✒️ | Blades of Light & Shadow
Neon Glow ✒️🎨 | Open Heart
International Day of Women and Girls in Science ✒️ | Open Heart
Of Leaves & Laughter ✒️ | Blades of Light & Shadow
Marabelle Series ✒️ | The Royal Romance
All is Fair in Love and War ✒️ | The Royal Heir
Brothers in Arms Series ✒️ | The Royal Romance
Cappadocia ✒️ | The Royal Romance
October Weekend Retreat ✒️ | The Royal Romance
Happy New Year ✒️🎨 | HWU / Red Carpet Diaries
Garden Interlude ✒️🎨 | HWU / Red Carpet Diaries
Love & Scotch: dx: Friendship & New Beginnings ✒️ | HWU / Open Heart Crossover
Only Her ✒️ | HWU / Red Carpet Diaries
Cafe Whispers and Scone Kisses ✒️ | HWU / Red Carpet Diaries
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elliespuns · 1 year ago
Can we talk about how talented the the last of us concept artists are? Not only does it paint a picture for us but it translates to their emotions & personality’s through there facial expressions.
The first bottom picture reads ‘Dina starts to doubt if the bloodshed & distress are worth the outcome as she dresses Ellie’s wounds’.
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You can see the embarrassment & pain on Ellie’s face while being taken care of, while Dina concentrating on how to sew up her wounds is doubting if all this revenge is good for Ellie.
‘Ellie feels a deep love for her son, but her trauma threatens the safety of the tiny family. Below the concepts of Ellie carrying the baby while doing routine chores around the farm’
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Those one shows the love Ellie truly has for JJ & Dina, but her PTSD & trauma is so bad that she physically nor is mentally stable enough as much as she tries (also LOOK AT JJS LITTLE SHOES!!! So cute!!)
‘The prologue to the game gives us our first & only look at Joel’s daughter, Sarah. Although Sarah is much more innocent, it was important to establish her as a down-to-earth girl who shares many qualities with Ellie. Sarah’s look needed to feel authentic & clearly show her relationship with Joel, while at the same time establishing her as a distinct character with her own sense of style. Her facial features are based on the actress who played & voiced her, Hanna Hayes’
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I love that they really made Sarah her own concept art, yes she is important to show the relationship with Joel but then again putting her in a way that she IS her OWN character & not just a side character. & it really shows & connects to how Joel really finds & connects to Ellie seeing the light of Sarah he needed after all those years, something to fight for again, something to look forward to no matter how much Ellie hurt him, because deep down he saw her as a daughter when he denied his own feelings in chapter 1. Ellie knew she wasn’t his daughter, & made it clear in the second game. Showing how much her relationship changed with Joel going from. “I see you as my dad” to “ I am Not your daughter.”
Artists: Hyoung Taek Nam, John Sweeney (pic 1 & 2) , Alex Neonekis, John Sweeney (pic 3), & I can’t find the artist for Sarah’s concept art
Anyway, I’m gonna not go anonymous anymore! But I’ll add my emoji just in case - 🕸️
This is such a beautiful ask. What always got me about the concept art was how fitting it was to the final results of the game. When you think about it, the concept art was created long before the game even started developing. There were just some ideas and concepts (hence the art), but no scrip (at least not the whole thing, maybe like scraps), and yet when we look back at most of these arts, we can see how close they are to the characters we learned to love. This is what I call a precise job. You can see the game was done with love in the heart. 
The scene where Dina is taking care of Ellie is so well done. Be it on the concept art or on the screen, There's so much pain in Ellie in that scene; you wouldn't even have to see that she's all shaken, covered in blood, and crying. All you can do is close your eyes and listen to her voice when she speaks to Dina. Chills.
What I always found very interesting about Sarah, though, was why they chose to make her blond. This makes me even more curious about Joel's ex-wife because, this way, Sarah looks more like Tommy's daughter than Joel's (not suggesting that's true, lol). Looking at the concept art, there are versions of Sarah with darker hair. I wonder why they decided to make her blond all of a sudden. As if it had a reason and they were planning to show us a little of Joel's (blond) ex-wife in Part 3? Hm, who knows?
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