#hawthorn hotel development
deadn30n · 9 months
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Eden / Solstice is a very versatile character; they were designed specifically as such even in the book itself to allow for all different types of growth. this makes fitting them into alternate universes extremely easy. i would like to make a note and say that in their timeline, they are the most powerful creature known through the universe, save only for their maker. this does not, however, apply to other verses and out of respect for the fandoms i insert them into, i've significantly dumbed down their power to avoid any kind of god modding or discomfort. the list you find here is only a brief synopsis of each universe i've decided to toss them into. i will likely make more in depth versions of each one later on down the line. all of them will be linked individually on the character compendium you can find on my pinned post :>
001. MAIN UNIVERSE in the world of DEAD N30N, it is considered an apocalyptic future comprised of cyberpunk and steampunk aesthetics. the city of Hellix is Eden's stomping grounds, and the place where they've grown and evolved as an artificial angel since descending from heaven. DEAD N30N's universe is vast and unexplored, so inserting your character into this verse is extremely easy. but if you chose to interact with Eden in this place, you must take note that they are an artificial intelligence program straight from heaven. their mechanical and eldritch-esque presence is most prominent in this world, making them rather strange and even uncomfortable to interact with at times. their personality is only partially developed, and they struggle to exude human emotions with ease. their goal is to be human at all costs; and they believe themselves to exist as a servant to humans.
002. LEAGUE OF LEGENDS PROJECT: EDEN was revered as the end all be all trump card for Noxus to win the war against it's neighboring countries in it's conquest to own the map. Eden was a vastayan baby stolen from the depths of the Ionian forests in the hopes of fusing ancient magic with noxian machinery. however, as the Noxian soldiers descended to take the finished product and present it to Swain, it's creator Juniper Hawthorne put up a hefty resistance. he realized his creation had grown a heart and soul for itself, and wanted to do anything but force it to face the horrors of war. after witnessing the ruthless slaughter of their 'father', Eden Hawthorne, who adopted the name Solstice as a way to separate themselves from the evil they were originally created to do, broke free and fled Noxus. now it's on the run, hiding wherever it can and avoiding it's noxian pursuers.
003. LEAGUE OF LEGENDS: PILTOVER POPSTAR EDITION! takes place in the same universe as HEARTSTEEL. tied heavily to @goldenfists. | a young, rabbit-eared vastayan always dreamed of bringing what they loved most to the world stage; singing! but due to poor health and general fear that still lurked in human hearts for vastaya, this dream was a difficult one to accomplish. Eden Cielo ( stage name Solstice Maltyr ) grew up and lived a relatively peaceful life in the forests of Ionia. all of that would change when they finally decided to leave their homeland and enter into Piltover to chase their dream! with their older brother at their side && serving as their manager, they entered the city of Piltover and began their adventure! however, due to their fluctuating health, coupled with the rather nasty reception they were given at being a Vastaya, they were eventually confined in a private, out-of-the-way hotel where they could rest and operate in another way. they discovered 'virtual idols' and decided to become one as a good starter; created their avatar, and began putting on performances online exclusively! soon enough their popularity had skyrocketed and it wouldn't be long now before Solstice could reveal their identity to the public and hoped it would be a better reception than the first time. their goal? to be as well loved && accepted as Sett is! because if a vastaya like him could be adored in the spotlight, then couldn't they too?
004. GENSHIN IMPACT during the golden age of the archons lived a lesser god named Faustus. she ruled & protected over a small village in the outskirts of what would later become Mondstat. so much did she love the humans she governed over that she gifted them a guardian; a mechanical angel fashioned under her own magic by the name of Eden. when war began to break out amongst the gods and the archons, Eden was given strict instructions to take the humans of the village underground and protect them at all costs. they did this without question, knowing full well Faustus wouldn't survive the war, weak as she was. && they were right. Faustus perished in the war, but the humans of that village lived on under Solstice's careful protection. that village eventually became a legend passed down through generations of Mondstat's people and told as a fairytail, not knowing that somewhere deep beneath them that village still lived on. their generations survived and lived on, and remain safely hidden from the outside world under Eden's careful protection. perhaps though... one day someone might discover the secret door that leads to where they are? if they can survive Solstice's domain, first, however.
005. ONE PIECE neither human nor mink, a small child is born with tattoos of the constellations splashed over it's body. the baby is believed to be blessed by the moon itself, and grows up living a relatively normal life among the minks. it carries physical traits of the minks ( rabbit ears, a tail, even startling speed and incredible agility ) but also looks quite human. it's given the name Eden, and nicknamed Solstice because it was born during the autumn solstice. it's best friend is a young mink named Argun Maltyr who... to nobody's surprise... is the one they wind up falling in love with. Argun dreams of being a pirate & Eden dreams of being a doctor, so when the two are of age, they set sail together! their voyage is short, as their ship is marooned on a handful of islands. they decide to settle with the villagers for a while and intend to get married, until the day of their wedding when pirates strike && kill everyone, including Eden's beloved. stricken by grief and rage, Eden literally obliterates the pirates and tosses their remnants into the sea. afterward, they remain on the island and rumor of it being haunted by the 'violent lunar rabbit' begin to spread throughout it's neighboring islands. no one dares go near it for fear of their life. deep down Eden still dreams of being a doctor and longs to go out to sea, but is rather bristly and even violent with intruders, especially pirates.
006. DEATH NOTE 23-year-old Eden Cielo is overworked and underpaid as the primary medical examiner for the corpses of Kira's victims. originally from America, Eden later relocates to Japan due to their expertise and smart wits. the Japanese police force believe that Eden can somehow find clues to Kira's whereabouts through the bodies of his victims, and they think Eden can do that. big surprise: they cannot. what's worse, Eden feels this is not only a waste of their time, but also an extreme annoyance because the bodies won't stop piling up and a part of them wants to throw in the towel and hunt Kira themselves to give him a piece of their mind. they think his ideals are ridiculous and too far-fetched. fortunately, they never get the chance to actually go down that potentially life-threatening path, but they certainly do take the time to give the investigators a piece of their mind.
007. JUJUTSU KAISEN perceived as the government's greatest failure, 23 year-old Eden Cielo ( named PROJECT: SOLSTICE ) is kept under close wraps by the ones who created them. some time ago a child with absolutely no significant qualities was born; making it the perfect candidate for the government's experiments. their goal was the create a special-grade curse user with complete autonomous obedience toward the government, and the best way to do that was to take an ordinary human and turn it into something extraordinary. their fused it with machinery, believing this would be key into keeping Eden submissive, and spent years perfecting the thing... only for it to drastically fail in their eyes. it was a success, yes! the child eventually developed special-grade powers, the ability to create a domain called the garden of eden ; but it also failed. you see, it developed a soul, a mind of it's own, and emotions. it's power was only a fraction of what Gojo Satoru's was; it was meant to replace him, to avoid relying on a wild card, but it'd never come even close to what he is. however, it's still strong and trying to kill it proved to be very difficult, so the government keeps Eden under lock and key to avoid them from rebelling. it dreams of freedom, but can it ever have that? it's older brother is certainly working to make that a dream, still incredibly bitter his younger sibling was taken away from him all those years ago.
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Compelling Characters of TWIN PEAKS
In the enrapturing show of Twin Peaks, two characters that stood out to me the most are Audrey Horne and Laura Palmer. These two characters are intertwined in many ways throughout the show. I have selected these characters because I found them the most engaging and exciting to watch. Every time each one was on the screen, my eyes were glued to the screen and my full attention was given. I knew every time I saw them, something interesting ought to happen. The meaning of Audrey’s name is “Noble strength”. Though there is nothing to define about the last name Horne, a clever easter egg used by director David Lynch was that Audrey used the name Hester Prynne (main protagonist of The Scarlet Letter) which was written by Nathiel Hawthorne for an alias. This is smart because Horne is a part of Hawthorne.  The meaning behind Laura’s name is from the 1947 film Born to Kill which have apparent parallels to her character such as they are both promiscuous women and they are killed by someone they trust. I think both names suit their characters very well and could not imagine them named anything else. The physical appearance of Audrey Horne is that she is a blue-eyed raven with short raven hair. Her looks are often compared to that of Marilyn Monroe. She has distinctive arched (“Lynchian”) eyebrows and a beauty mark beside her  right eye. Personality traits that make her character memorable include: she is charming., witty, and despite being sheltered and naive, she still manages to get herself out of tricky situations. She is enraptured with special agent Dale Cooper, but after the realization that crush would not manifest into anything more due to the age difference, she quickly adapted and became an independent, self-sufficient young woman. Audrey became eager to take over her father’s hotel business, which would be considered her main drive/ambition by the end of the show. Her character development was satisfying and intriguing.  Laura Palmer has blue eyes, blonde hair and is overall beautiful. She is full of life and a high achiever in all aspects of her life. Though she appears overall perfect, she is hiding deep secrets that she must keep to herself. Slowly , she ends up losing herself and one morning, she is found dead on a beach by a fisherman. Though she does not appear much in the actual show itself, David Lynch released a prequel after the shows finsihed titled Fire Walk With Me which followed the days leading up to her death. Here, the audience was able to grasp more of who Laura was and why she died. Laura is most memorable to me due to how much I can relate to some of the struggles she is faced with in the film Fire Walk With Me. It sometimes feels as if I am watching myself just from her reactions and how she speaks. A core drive she has is to figure out what is happening to her and why she is getting possessed. She must figure it out all on her own because no one would believe her if she talked to someone about it. But unfortunately before she could, she was murdered. Overall, these characters teach me that it is important to add mystique in regards to the personality of your character. Not knowing everything from the start establishes intrigue with the audience and is very useful to captivate your watchers. No matter how many times I watch Twin Peaks and see Audrey and Laura on the screen, I will forever be mesmerized by their stories. That is what makes perfect characters. 
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semper-legens · 4 years
33. Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow, by Jessica Townsend
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Owned: Yes Page count: 371 My summary: Morrigan Crow is a cursed child. She knows she will die on her next birthday - but as the day arrives, she’s spirited away to another world of magic and Wunder, a secret city where everything is slightly more magical. Here in Nevermoor, she finds she can stay only if she joins the Wundrous Society, which involves passing four difficult trials using an amazing knack. A knack she doesn’t seem to be able to find... My rating: 5/5 My commentary:
Here’s one I wasn’t expecting. This was a Christmas present from a friend, and I hadn’t heard of it beforehand, so I went in with very few expectations. I gotta say, I ended up enjoying it a hell of a lot! It’s the kind of book that I imagine I’d be very much into were it around when I was about 8-10, but even my adult self got a lot of enjoyment out of it. I’d definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to read a kids’ book series involving magic that isn’t linked to any terrible human beings.
First of all, there’s Morrigan. She’s a great character. She’s proactive, moral, determined, everything you want this kind of protagonist to be, and she’s got a lot of personality. I love her sarcasm and her smarts, trying to work things out and be fairly sensible next to her mentor Jupiter’s antics. I love how she worries about things and is a little insecure but trusts in herself and her perceptions and abilities. I love that she’s a bit goth and unashamed! (You have to be, with a name like Morrigan Crow). I love that she makes mistakes, and learns from them. I fell in love with her pretty quickly and never looked back.
Nevermoor itself is very cool. It’s a magical city which doesn’t bother explaining itself in any detail, because that detail really isn’t needed. Everything is bigger and bolder and more fantastical. People travel by umbrella, there are giant cats, you can float down from a rooftop just because, there’s dragons and vampires and all kinds of oddities. I like how this is contrasted with Morrigan’s world and through her point of view - she doesn’t live in the real world, just a less-magical city, so while she knows dragons are real, say, she thinks of them as dangerous. But her new best friend here is a dragonrider! She comes from a world where the most magic that seems to exist is her supposed curse, and in Nevermoor she discovers...well, wonder.
If I have one criticism of this book, it’s that there’s a lot of characters, and I did sometimes forget who’s who, especially at the hotel Morrigan’s staying at. Still, it’s a vibrant cast, and while I couldn’t always put names to descriptions I did get a good sense of their individual characters. Morrigan’s mentor Jupiter stands out as being a zany avuncular figure in her life, and I like how his zipping around and not telling Morrigan important things is shown as a character flaw. Morrigan’s friend Hawthorne is pretty cool, I do like the Scrappy Friend. The bully-figure, Noelle, is a bit one-dimensional, but Morrigan’s fellow candidate Candace is really interesting and I’d love to see how her character develops in later books.
There’s something else I really appreciate about this book, and that’s its wider themes and messaging. Morrigan is told throughout the book that candidates to the Wunder Society need a knack - something they’re especially good at even at 11 years old - and she spends a lot of time worrying if she even has one. I won’t spoil the reveal, but I do like the fact that the book explicitly shows that the things that Morrigan has aren’t just some innate magical talent, it’s her personality and resourcefulness and determination and courage, things that everyone can aspire to and find in themselves even if they aren’t, say, a dragon whisperer. I also liked some of the real-world parallels - Morrigan is essentially an undocumented immigrant to Nevermoor, and the book is clear that she’s not a bad person for escaping her horrible family and the place that wants her dead to come to this city even if she had to sneak in, and an immigration official hounding Morrigan for her status is treated as a bad guy. I think that’s a good message to have in kids’ media, especially because it’s not quite as in-your-face as I’ve made it seem here.
That’s all this time - next up, something very different, as we delve into the world of the Witcher.
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thebrewstorian · 3 years
Collection Report: McMenamins Brewery Collection, 1983-2015
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Oh my gosh, this collection has been in my backlog for YEARS! It has been so long that when my daughter helped with the inventory on the brew sheets she was 11 years-old and couldn't check herself out of summer camp [now she can drive and has taken the SAT], but she could talk with John Richen (brewing manager at the time) about her favorite beer names and things she'd noticed about ingredients.
Go straight to the guide: http://bit.ly/mss_mcmenamins
Learn more about the Oregon brewing industry in my Oregon Encyclopedia article
The McMenamins Brewery Collection is, truly, a gem. We scanned thousands of brew sheets, which is a part of the magic, but I'm also delighted by all the fun ephemera, including a full run of their coasters. I'll also add that the company biography included in this guide is really a love letter to the company, and I thank Fred Eckhardt, John Foyston, and all the other journalists over the past 30 years for recording all the fun quirks about this company.
SUMMARY McMenamins is a family-owned chain of brewpubs, breweries, historic hotels, and theater pubs in the Pacific Northwest.
The McMenamins Brewery Collection includes digitized brew sheets, digital images, brochures, coasters, decals, event programs, flyers, newspaper clippings, tap handles, posters, labels, a wooden cask, and a six-pack of Hammerhead beer.
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McMenamins is a family-owned chain of brewpubs, breweries, historic hotels, and theater pubs in the Pacific Northwest. It was founded by brothers Mike and Brian McMenamin, who grew up in Northeast Portland. In 2021, they operated 56 properties, with twelve hotels; dozens of breweries, pubs, and restaurants; movie theaters; spas; music venues; and a coffee roaster, winery, cidery and distillery. Many locations are rehabilitated historical buildings and at least nine are on the National Register of Historic Places. McMenamins only sells its beer in its own pubs, restaurants, hotels, and movie theaters.
Early businesses
Mike and Brian McMenamin both graduated from Oregon State University, Mike with a Political Science degree (1974) and Brian with a Business degree (1980). Mike and two college friends purchased the Produce Row Café, a bar known for all-night, high-stakes poker games, in Portland's warehouse district in 1974 and sold more than 100 types of beer. The building was built in 1951 and opened as a breakfast café for produce dockworkers in 1953; in later years, it was a barbershop. Mike and Brian bought Bogart's Joint, another Portland-area pub on 14th and Flanders. At various points in history, many beer-related activities occurred in this building: Kurt and Rob Widmer brewed in this location, and it was later space occupied by Portland Brewing and Rogue Ales Public House. By 1980, they'd sold Produce Row, Bogart's Joint, and a third tavern, the Stockyard Café.
Mike opened a wine distributorship and Brian opened the McMenamins Pub in Hillsboro. By 1983, Mike’s distributorship had failed, and the brothers decided to try the bar business again. Rather than the smoky, male-dominated taverns common in Portland, they were inspired by the community hubs they’d seen in Europe. They bought the Fat Little Rooster tavern on Southeast Hawthorne and renamed it the Barley Mill Pub; in addition to a varied beer selection, the pub was known for Grateful Dead memorabilia and anniversary parties. The namesake “barley mill,” which can still be found onsite, was used by Chuck Coury at Cartwright Brewing Co., Portland’s first post-Prohibition brewery. It was originally a kitty litter grinder but is now used annually to grind the grain for anniversary ales.
One major event that impacted the trajectory of the beer industry in Oregon in the 1980s was legislation that married production and sales. Fred Bowman and Art Larrance (Portland Brewing), Dick and Nancy Ponzis (BridgePort Brewing) and their brewer Karl Ockert, Kurt and Rob Widmer (Widmer Brothers Brewing), and the McMenamins lobbied to legalize on-site sales. On July 13, 1985, Governor Vic Atiyeh signed Senate Bill 813, the “Brewpub Bill,” into law. It allowed brewers to make and sell beer on the same premises, key for increasing revenue and gaining new customers.
First brewpubs
The McMenamins took advantage of the new law, and by the early 1990s had opened several brewpubs, each with its own small brewing system attached. They opened the Hillsdale Brewery and Public House October 31, 1985 in the Southwest Portland neighborhood of Hillsdale. Not only was it their first brewery, it was also the first brewpub in Oregon since Prohibition. Known as “Captain Neon's Fermentation Chamber,” a nod to Mike McMenamin’s nickname, the first several batches of beer were brewed with old Tillamook dairy equipment. On October 25, 1985, Hillsdale's first brewer Ron Wolf, who had previously worked at Anchor Steam, brewed the first beer in a small copper kettle and called it "Hillsdale Ale.” It fell loosely into the “Special Bitter” classification of beer styles and was a malt extract brew. Hillsdale Ale was brewed 29 times at the Hillsdale location and 14 times at Cornelius Pass Roadhouse between 10/25/1985 and 11/28/1986. In the first year, several brewers moved through the facility and made Hillsdale Ale, including Ron Wolf (who only brewed 13 batches before leaving), Conrad Santos (who replaced Wolf as brew master), Mike McMenamin, Brian McMenamin, John Harris, Scott Barrow, and Alex Farnham (the company’s first female brewer).
In 1986, they purchased a 125-year-old farmhouse in Hillsboro, Oregon, and turned it into the Cornelius Pass Roadhouse. Later that same year, they opened the Lighthouse Brewpub in Lincoln City. The Fulton Pub and Brewery opened in Portland in June 1988 and the Highland Pub and Brewery opened in Gresham in July 1988.
Eventually, 27 breweries would operate under the McMenamins umbrella and they became a training ground for new brewers, many of whom have gone on to found breweries of their own. Alumni include John Harris (Hillsdale, Cornelius Pass Roadhouse), Jack Harris (Cornelius Pass Roadhouse, Lighthouse Brewery), Jason McAdam (Edgefield, Hillsdale, Crystal Ballroom), Alex McGaw (Fulton, Crystal Ballroom), Ben Nehrling and Kevin Lee (Edgefield, Highland, Kennedy School), and Mark Goodwin (Old Church, Crystal Ballroom).
In addition to serving beer at their brewpubs, the company also hosted festivals, concerts, and other public programming events at their properties, including Dad Watson’s Brew Fest, Edgefield Brew Fest, Highland Pub and Brewery Eurofest, Hillsdale Brew Fest, Lighthouse Brew Fest, Mid-Valley Brew Fest, and the Thompson Barley Cup.
Beer and Other Beverages
The McMenamins’ beers could be unsettling to brewing traditionalists; they used ingredients like apples, spices, and candy bars, as well as lesser used malts like Chocolate and Crystal. They introduced fruit beers to Oregon and early batches featured blackberries from the Hillsdale brewpub parking lot. Hand in hand with their experimentation, McMenamins developed three core beers that are brewed at all their breweries. Terminator Stout (1985) is a dark, English-style brew; Ruby (1986) is a light, raspberry-flavored beer; and Hammer Head (1986) is a classic Northwest Pale Ale. Ruby and Hammerhead are iconic company characters as well; artist Lyle Hehn created Ruby Witch and Hammerhead, and both are staples of murals, posters, and coasters.
Terminator Stout made its debut in 1985 at the Hillsdale Brewery & Public House as the 12th beer brewed. Old Hammerhead, as the strong ale was first called, was brewed January 25, 1986 and was the 37th brew and made with malt extract. John Harris, who later created Mirror Pond for Deschutes Brewery, was the first to make Hammerhead an “all-grain” beer. Harris was hired in 1987, and when they transitioned away from extract brewing, he decided to rewrite the Hammerhead recipe; besides changed the grain, he also added more hops. Ruby, originally called “Ruby Tuesday” before the food chain objected, was first brewed in 1986 and used 42 pounds of pureed Oregon raspberries.
The company made more than beer. They planted 3 acres of Pinot Gris fruit in 1990 and looked to regional vineyards for additional grapes; McMenamins Edgefield Winery was established in 1992 and began by making Rhone-style wines, including grenache and viognier. The Edgefield Winery produces 20 different white, rosé, dessert, and sparkling wines and supplies 350 tons of wine to McMenamins pubs. Also in 1992, and predating the boom by more than 20 years, McMenamins started making cider at the winery and in 2018 sold as much cider by volume as wine.
In 1995, they began experiments with distillation and made brandy under contract by Carneros Alembic, a California distillery owned by Remy-Martin. In 1997, they built their first distillery in an old root vegetable storage barn on the Edgefield property. Their most popular whiskey is Hogshead, but they make several others, including Money Puzzle, which is dry hopped with Teamaker hops (which has 0 IBUs) and is sweetened with blackberry honey harvest from hives on their property.
Historic preservation
The brothers’ love of historic structures directed business growth and community involvement, and preserving important historical buildings is integral to their business. When the McMenamins started, they couldn’t afford new construction, so they purchased old buildings, which came with stories. They employ a small staff of historians to research and document the history, and those are in turn incorporated into each property’s art, murals, menus, place names, and architectural details.
In 1987, the company opened its first theater, the Mission Theater Pub, in downtown Portland. The converted 1890s Swedish Tabernacle, a church-turned-union hall, was also the state's first theater pub. In 1991, McMenamins turned a 1927 art deco theater that was slated for demolition into a second pub and movie house. These businesses were significant and ushered in a new way to watch movies with beer and food.
In 1987, the brothers purchased Edgefield, which was built in 1911 and listed on the National Register of Historic Places. They paid $560,000 and invested another $2.5 million to transform the farm's 80-year-old buildings into a multi-utility complex. Edgefield was once the Multnomah County Poor Farm, a self-sufficient facility with a meatpacking plant, power station, large rooming house, and infirmary. When the remodeled Edgefield Manor opened in 1991, the meatpacking plant was a brewery, power station a pub with a movie theater, infirmary a winery, and rooming house a 100-room hotel. There was also a meeting space, catering operation, restaurant called the Black Rabbit, herb and flower gardens, four liquor and cigar bars, distillery, golf course, and amphitheater. One of the more outstanding features of Edgefield, and something that would become the McMenamins' signature, was the extensive art installations created by local artists. Art popped up in surprising places throughout the complex (on ceilings, exposed heating pipes, eaves, fuse boxes) and showed local subjects (former residents, Northwest Indians, 19th-century brewers, the Columbia River Gorge). Within a few years, the company had a set of 12 freelance artists ready to work on new property acquisitions. Edgefield brewery is still the company's largest property.
In 1997, they purchased the Crystal Ballroom in Portland, which had been vacant for 30 years, and filled it with murals depicting the building's history, a brewpub, and a bar. The building was famous for its swaying dance floor, which sat on ball bearings. The Crystal Hotel was built in 1911 and became a dance hall and concert facility that hosted national music acts. Around the same time, they partnered with the Portland Development Commission and invested $4.5 million to remodel the Kennedy Elementary School. What was once a boarded-up building was transformed into a 35-room multi-use hotel with an onsite brewery, restaurant and four bars, a movie theater, a jazz hall, cigar bar, and soaking pool.
In 1999, the McMenamins opened McMenamins Hotel Oregon in downtown McMinnville, Oregon. The building was listed in the National Register of Historic Places and had been a hotel since its first two stories were erected in 1905; five years later, two more floors were added. In 1932, the hotel was renamed Hotel Oregon. In addition to renovating guest rooms, the McMenamins renovation added two bars and an art gallery with old photographs and new paintings that showed the history of the hotel and McMinnville.
Many property renovations followed. In 2000, they opened the Grand Lodge in Forest Grove, Oregon, which was formerly a Masonic home built in 1922. In 2001, they opened the 27 room Olympic Club Hotel and Theater, which was an expansion of the McMenamins Olympic Club Pub in downtown Centralia, Washington. The original Oxford Hotel was built in 1908 and Olympic Club was built in 1913. In 2003, they reopened the Rock Creek Tavern in Hillsboro, Oregon, which they had purchased in 1995 when the original tavern burned down. In 2016, the Anderson School in Bothell, Washington opened. The original Anderson School was built in 1931 and opened in 1936. In April of 2018, McMenamins opened their latest project, the Kalama Harbor Lodge in Kalama, Washington. Other properties include the White Eagle Saloon & Hotel in Portland, which was built in 1905; Boon’s Treasury in Salem, built in the 1860s; and Old St. Francis School in Bend, which opened in 1936.
ARCHIVAL COLLECTION INFORMATION The brew sheets and some event materials were provided to the Special Collections & Archives Research Center in 2015 and 2016 for digitization. The original items have been retained by McMenamins.
In addition to the brewery activity and the various beers released by McMenamins, this collection also contains information on events organized by the company, such as homebrew competitions and festivals. The cask held in the collection was used at the Oak Hills Pub and is decorated with a pen drawing created by brewer Chris Haslett. The photographs show art installation, artists, and property renovation.
The brew sheets and some event materials were provided to the Special Collections & Archives Research Center in 2015 and 2016 for digitization. The original items were retained by McMenamins.
Physical and electronic records are available for use in the Special Collections and Archives Research Center reading room.
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architectnews · 4 years
POP-UP House, Essendon Melbourne
POP-UP House, Essendon Melbourne, Victoria Events Facility, Australian Architecture Development Images
POP-UP House in Essendon, Melbourne
16 Mar 2021
POP-UP House
Architects: FIGR Architecture Studio
Location: Essendon, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
POP-UP House attempts to counter the status quo of a new family home in a predominantly heritage setting. A common approach with new homes is to occupy most of the site whilst retaining a minimal front setback with a fortified sheer built form that shuts itself off from the public realm interface. Our approach was to create a home that challenges the aforementioned notion to discover opportunities in the often static, underutilised and forgotten. Focused on engaging with the urban realm, by inviting opportunities for interaction between inhabitants, passer-by’s, and neighbours to promote a sense of community engagement.
When presented from the street, the elevation is an extruded silhouette which is a sympathetic nod to the familiar roof forms of the surrounding vernacular. The upper volume of the building hovers above a landscaped mount that creates the beginning of a journey into the house. Flanked by existing neighbouring brick walls, that become internal edges which establish a dialogue between old and new.
The hovering belly of the house creates an undercroft that guides the guests into the house through lush, landscaped gardens creating a multi-faceted zone in the front yard that can adapt and evolve in program/use. The green landscaped wedge is planted with native vegetation which gently slopes back to the street frontage creating a mount that engages the public realm.
From the outset our clients felt their new home had to engage with the context beyond the site boundary creating a visually engaging public setting where neighbours and friends can be part of informal gatherings.
This modest 200m2 home required constraint and duality of use in its architecture. The in-between/ambiguous spaces had to contain multiple programs. One of such programs is the study positioned within a thoroughfare activating an otherwise underutilised threshold.
The green wedge facilitates bicycle storage, building services and a water retention system. The outdoor terrace extends into a netted area, utilising the in-between space to create additional zones for play and activation whilst allowing light to penetrate the front courtyard. To further remove the idea of redundancy, the underbelly of the dwelling doubles up as a carport, an extension of the workshop and informal entertaining area.
This mouldable zone provides long term flexibility for adaption of use. Increased site permeability through various garden zones and a generous garden at the rear of the site. High quality thermal insulation throughout the walls, roofs and floors with under slab insulation and thermally broken timber framed double-glazed windows. Where possible we have sourced local trades, materials and fittings. The Pop-Up House is designed to be durable and long-lasting.
The roof is clad in Surfmist Colorbond which reduces heat build-up in the home and the heat island effect in our cities. The walls are predominantly white painted weatherboards with accents of Silvertop Ash cladding. The roof form allows for strategic placement of solar panels for optimum capture.
A 5000-litre water tank has been buried in the front yard. All the roof water is captured and reused to flush toilets and garden irrigation. Custom fabricated mechanically operable screens are strategically positioned on the first-floor western facade for controlled screening of the Western Sun whilst allowing for maximum flexibility in managing solar access and views to the nature strip.
POP-UP House in Essendon, Victoria
Architect: FIGR Architecture Studio
Project size: 198 sqm Site size: 342 sqm Completion date: 2020 Building levels: 2
Photography © Tom Blachford
POP-UP House, Essendon images / information received 160321
Location: Essendon, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
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Luminary Apartments, Hawthorn, Melbourne, Victoria Design: Plus Architecture image : Tom Roe Luminary Apartment Building in Hawthorn
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peaklifestore · 4 years
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Peak Life Cocktail Shaker Professional Bartender Kit 11–Piece Bar Set for Men Boyfriend Husband for just $53.66 SUPERIOR MATERIALS: Peak Life’s 11-piece cocktail shaker set is heavy weighted and made from thick 18/8 food grade 304 stainless Steel. Package Includes 1 x 18oz and 1 x 28oz Shaker Tins, European style 12-inch-long bar spoon, Japanese Style Double Jigger, 1 x Classy muddler,3 Strainers - Hawthorne, Fine mesh, Julep, 2 x Liquor Pourers, 1 x Ice tong. Not dishwasher safe, hand wash recommended. STYLISH HAND PICKED DESIGN: A large calibrated double jigger for making precise 0.5oz to 2oz measurements, an 8-inch nylon-headed cocktail muddler for smoothening mint, citrus, and other fruits; All accessories are weighted, finished and quality checked with the greatest attention to details. VERSATILE KIT: Perfect water tight seal of the two shaker tins so that your favorite drinks don’t spill while mixing. Ideal for experienced and entry level cocktail enthusiasts who want to develop their skills at exotic cocktails, martini, margaritas at home bars, kitchens, eateries, and hotels. LUXURIOUS GIFT PACKAGING: Peak Life’s Weighted Cocktail Strainer bartender kit comes in a luxurious looking and aesthetically pleasing gift box suitable for presenting it to your fiancée, husband, wife, your dad, uncle, grand dad, grand mom. Great for gifting occasions like wedding, birthday, anniversary, thanksgiving, Christmas, or as a gift for baby showers, bridal shower parties, housewarming events, and other festive moments. TOP QUALITY GUARANTEED: Forget about any wear and tear when you buy this professional cocktail shaker set. Unlike other bartending kits that become damaged & the polish chip off after repeated use. Please Note: Handwash recommended, not dishwasher safe.
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ofbcywonder · 5 years
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╰    cody  fern  ,  american  horror  story  .     ╱     welcome  to  castle  rock  ,  MICHAEL  LANGDON  .  you’ve  just  blown  out  TWENTY - FOUR  candles  on  your  most  recent  birthday  cake  ,  and  rumour  has  it  that  you  had  your  last  birthday  in  HAWTHORNE  SCHOOL  FOR  EXCEPTIONAL  YOUNG  MEN  .  now  ,  you  can  be  found  loitering  around  MADAME  DAPHNE'S  .  why  did  you  leave  there  again  ?  was  it  something  to  do  with  ESCAPING  FROM  THE  LOSS  OF  MS.  MEAD   ?   regardless  ,  we’re  glad  to  have  you  .  i  hope  that  CHARMING  ,  CRUEL  ,  QUICK-WITTED  &  UNPREDICTABLE  behaviour  of  yours  doesn’t  cause  too  much  trouble  here   …   it’s  funny  ,  you  remind  me  of  SOULLESS , DEEP  SET  BLACK  EYES  &  PALE  GHASTLY  SKIN,  A  DEEP SATED  YEARNING  FOR  BELONGING  WITH  THOSE  THAT  WILL  ONLY  EVER  SEE  YOU  AS  A  MONSTER ,  FLUID MOVEMENTS  CHARGED  WITH  POWERFUL  MAGIC  THREATENING  TO  OVERFLOW  AND  DESTROY  THOSE  WHO TOOK  EVERYTHING  .  perhaps  i’m  going  mad  .     ╱     male  ,  he/him  .  
as foretold by billie dean howard, the child of a union between a spirit and human would bring about the anti-christ, the ender of days
michael was born of such a union. though his birth parents were tate langdon and vivien harmon, his true father has always been satan himself
don’t let his appearance fool you as it’s not what he truly looks like. michael, in his true form, has a pale white face and black eyes. he’s referred to as the white face demon by two individuals
he has the mark of the beast behind his right ear
taken in by constance langdon, the darkness began out in small little things. small animals would show up dead, as gifts to his grandmother, who would end up burying them and planting rose bushes. eventually things begin to get worse and as michael grew as a young child, he began to kill the sitters put in charge of him
as a young child michael was unaware of just how wrong all of this was. and then one day, when constance came to check on him, michael had grown a decade in a single night. though he had an older body michael still had his childlike innocence and couldn’t understand why the dark deeds he did were wrong
then came the day that michael tried to strangle constance in his sleep, which prompted her to bring a priest into the home who was ultimately killed by michael
these events prompted constance to realize michael would eventually kill her as well, and to avoid having him be the one to kill her, she went to the murder house and killed herself to be rid of him
once michael realized what had happened, he went to the house and broke down upon seeing her body. that was when ben harmon appeared and informed michael that constance didn’t wish to see him. this only caused him further grief and ben offered to help michael through it. he began therapy sessions with ben and the two slowly began to develop a father-son relationship.
it was at this point in his life that michael had begun to take a shift and turn away from the darkness, desperate to be good
at least until the fateful day he met his biological father, tate, who rejected him. this only had michael spiraling down once more, the darkness enveloping him once again
ben, finding michael mutilating the ghost of the black dahlia and killing the new residents of the house and destroying their souls, told michael that he could have never helped him
then the fateful night came when a group of three satanists arrived at the house after witnessing the events that foretold the arrival of the anti-christ. they kidnapped a young woman and performed a satanic ritual in which they killed the girl and had michael eat her heart. that moment a demonic shadow appeared and it was then that michael truly became one with his father. and the night that vivien chose to attempt killing her son
michael, aware of her coming upon him, attempted to destroy her soul though tate managed to save her in time. he was gone that morning from the house, instead going to live with ms.mead, one of the satanists that had come to the house
ms.mead became his mother figure and the two became incredibly close. one day at the supermarket when the butcher wouldn’t sell her a goat’s head, michael killed the man with his magic
after the incident, michael was taken into custody and pleaded that he hadn’t meant to kill the man. the interrogator only continued to push and Michael lashed out, killing the other man with his dark magic
a video of this incident fell into the hands of the head of hawthorne academy, a school that trained warlocks. ariel, the head of the school, visited michael in jail and took him back to the academy to study
only after a month of studying at the academy, he was tasked with completing the levels, his instructors hoping that he would reach level 4 which would put him on par with the supreme. michael passed every single test with flying colors, proving he was as powerful as the supreme
a meeting was set up with the witches to demand that michael be given the test of the 7 wonders in order to determine if he would be the next supreme. this test was only given to females, as only females were granted the right to be the supreme
in order to prove a point, michael set out to save queenie from the hotel cortez, a feat cordelia couldn’t manage herself. he also brought back madison from hell. that was when the decision was made by cordelia for michael to take the 7 wonders, which he passed with ease despite her wanting him to bring back misty from hell during the final test
though michael passed the 7 wonders, cordelia was suspicious of him and sent two people to the murder house to learn what they could of michael, and it was there that they came across the knowledge that michael was, in fact, the anti-christ
the witches quickly found out that two warlocks and ms.mead had killed another warlock, and the three were sentenced to burn to death. when michael learned of this, he completely broke down and refused cordelia’s offer to come with her and refuse his destiny, determined he would kill all the witches
at the moment michael feels very lost and alone, no longer certain of his path in life or what he is to do next
let me know if you’re interested in plotting
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sciencespies · 5 years
Human Spaceflight In 2020: What Lies Ahead
Human Spaceflight In 2020: What Lies Ahead
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Last Thursday, NASA confirmed that The Boeing Company had completed readiness reviews for a December 20, 2019 launch of its uncrewed CST-100 Starliner spacecraft to the International Space Station (ISS). This launch will be the first flight of Boeing’s Commercial Crew vehicle, and the second flight overall for NASA’s Commercial Crew Program following SpaceX’s uncrewed Dragon 2 launch in March. Pending a successful uncrewed Orbital Flight Test (OFT), Boeing plans to launch a crewed mission aboard its Starliner spacecraft early next year. Similarly, SpaceX plans to launch crew to the ISS using its Dragon 2 spacecraft in the near future, pending a successful In-Flight Abort Test in January.
For years, the industry has eagerly awaited the first Commercial Crew launches, as the last spacecraft to receive human-rating certification was NASA’s Space Shuttle in 1981. Since then, space agencies and private companies around the globe have poured significant money and resources into developing new crew vehicles, but none of these efforts have yet resulted a crewed mission.
As the year draws toa close, space agencies and companies have begun to turn their sights towards 2020 for crewed flight. Below is a peek at what we can look forward to in the next year.
1. Crewed launches from both NASA Commercial Crew Program providers
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NASA introduced to the world on Aug. 3, 2018, the first U.S. astronauts who will fly on … [+] American-made, commercial spacecraft to and from the International Space Station – an endeavor that will return astronaut launches to U.S. soil for the first time since the space shuttle’s retirement in 2011. The agency assigned nine astronauts to crew the first test flight and mission of both Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner and SpaceX’s Crew Dragon. The astronauts are, from left to right: Sunita Williams, Josh Cassada, Eric Boe, Nicole Mann, Christopher Ferguson, Douglas Hurley, Robert Behnken, Michael Hopkins and Victor Glover.
NASA’s Commercial Crew Program (CCP) has provided funding to U.S.-based private companies to develop orbital human spaceflight capabilities since the first phase of program awards (Commercial Crew Development 1, or CCDev 1) in 2010. The program was created in order to reduce U.S. reliance on Russia for human spaceflight capabilities after the retirement of the Space Shuttle in 2011. Since 2011, NASA has paid Russia approximately $86 million per seat to launch astronauts to the ISS aboard its Soyuz spacecraft.
After supporting 6 companies through the initial development and proposal phases of the program, NASA ultimately selected Boeing and SpaceX for Commercial Crew Transportation Capability (CCtCap) contracts in 2014. The multibillion dollar CCtCap contract provides funding for each provider to complete an uncrewed mission to the ISS, verify its vehicle’s in-flight abort capabilities, and finally complete a crewed demonstration mission during which two NASA astronauts are successfully ferried to and from the ISS aboard the company’s vehicle.
Though the program has experienced the delays common to human spaceflight development, it had a productive year in 2019, with one uncrewed test flight complete and another on the books for this month. While the program has not publicly released specific launch dates for its crewed flights, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine has expressed confidence that the providers will launch crew in the first half of 2020.
Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner
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Boeing’s first CST-100 Starliner spacecraft sits atop a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket on pad … [+] 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on December 4, 2019 in Cape Canaveral, Florida. The Starliner crew capsule, designed to carry as many as seven astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS), is scheduled to make its first unmanned test flight to the ISS on December 19. (Photo by Paul Hennessy/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
NurPhoto via Getty Images
Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner spacecraft is scheduled to launch its OFT mission to the ISS aboard a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket on December 20. According to NASA’s press release, the spacecraft will dock to the ISS on December 21 and will remain attached for approximately a week. On December 28, the spacecraft will undock from the ISS and re-enter the Earth’s atmosphere before performing a parachute and airbag-assisted landing at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.
The OFT launch comes on the heels of the Starliner Pad Abort Test, which the company successfully completed at the beginning of November. Boeing previously experienced a setback when during a 2018 attempt at the test, a propellant leak occurred during engine shutdown. Based on the results of the subsequent anomaly investigation, Boeing implemented an operational control to prevent the leakage from re-occurring.
As Boeing has chosen to verify its vehicle’s in-flight abort capabilities via analysis rather than test, the OFT mission is intended to be the vehicle’s final test flight before its first crewed launch early next year. The vehicle’s crewed flight test (CFT) will provide ISS transportation for 3 crew: NASA astronauts Nicole Mann and Edward “Mike” Fincke, as well as Boeing Commercial Crew Director and former NASA astronaut Christopher Ferguson. Pending successful execution of the mission, Ferguson could become the first individual in history to travel to the ISS in both a government and commercial capacity.
SpaceX’s Crewed Dragon 2 Spacecraft
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The SpaceX Dragon spacecraft which is designed to carry people and cargo to orbiting destinations … [+] such as space stations, is displayed at the SpaceX headquarters in Los Angeles on July 21, 2019. (Photo by Mark RALSTON / AFP) (Photo credit should read MARK RALSTON/AFP via Getty Images)
AFP via Getty Images
SpaceX’s Dragon 2 vehicle (sometimes referred to as “Crew Dragon”) launched to the ISS for the first time this March, when it successfully completed an uncrewed 5 day mission before splashing down safely in the Atlantic Ocean. Shortly afterwards, the company experienced a setback when the same vehicle used for this mission exploded on a test stand in Cape Canaveral during a capsule static fire. SpaceX has since completed a full investigation of the anomaly, which traced the fault back to a leaky component that has since been replaced on its other capsules. A newly assembled capsule completed a successful static fire earlier this month, and the company remains on track for a January 2020 launch of its In-Flight Abort Test ahead of its crewed Demo-2 mission early next year.
SpaceX’s Demo-2 mission will provide ISS transportation for NASA astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken, who have undergone training with the company at their Hawthorne, California headquarters for several years. Though the company has been given the option to transport a SpaceX employee or private passenger to the ISS on this test flight in addition to the two NASA astronauts, SpaceX has not publicly announced any plans to do so.
2. Crewed launches of commercial suborbital vehicles
Suborbital human spaceflight has captivated the imagination of the American public since the 1990s, when renewed interest in space tourism from the investment community began opening the door to the development of new ventures. For the low price of “only” $100,000 to $1M USD, companies such as XCOR Aerospace, WorldView and Armadillo Aerospace promised private citizens a taste of the astronaut experience with short “hops” into space. Though the experience would only last several hours and provide only a few minutes of weightlessness, the substantial price reduction from orbital tourism opportunities (which often cost upwards of $20M USD) gave hope to those who dreamt of bringing spaceflight to the masses.
Space is hard, and unfortunately many of the early players in the commercial suborbital market faced technical and financial setbacks that led them to shut their doors. Over time, the field of competitors has been whittled down to Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic, who have emerged as the pack leaders with their New Shepard and SpaceShipTwo vehicles. While both companies have experienced repeated delays in their flight schedules, both continue to launch successful test flights on a regular basis, with company executives publicly stating this year that they expect crewed flight to occur within the next few months. If things continue as planned, 2020 could finally be their year.
Blue Origin’s New Shepard
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Participants enjoy the Blue Origin Space Simulator during the Amazon Re:MARS conference on robotics … [+] and artificial intelligence at the Aria Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada on June 5, 2019. (Photo by Mark RALSTON / AFP) (Photo credit should read MARK RALSTON/AFP via Getty Images)
AFP via Getty Images
Blue Origin’s New Shepard suborbital rocket and capsule have been under development since at least 2006, when the program’s first subscale demonstration vehicle first flew. Since April 2015, the full New Shepard system has visited space regularly, and on its second flight the rocket became the first to land vertically on Earth after visiting space.
Named after Alan Shepard, the first American man to visit space, New Shepard was intended from the start to be a crewed transportation system. However, to date, the vehicle’s flights have carried only cargo beyond the Karman line. As of December 2019, Blue Origin has completed 12 test flights of the vehicle, 9 of which have carried commercial payloads. Recent tests have also carried a dummy named Mannequin Skywalker, which is outfitted with sensors to measure how future commercial passengers could be affected by the flight.
Blue Origin CEO Bob Smith has talked about the first crewed flight of New Shepard happening as early as 2018, but this date has repeatedly been pushed back. Smith has attributed these delays to the company’s desire to be “cautious and thorough,” so as not to jeopardize passenger safety.
As of December 2019, the company has not publicly announced a date for the first crewed flight of the capsule, but founder Jeff Bezos has hinted that he expects it to occur in the near future. The first passengers on New Shepard are likely to be Blue Origin employees, and the company has stated that it will not begin taking deposits for commercial passenger flights until these initial crewed flights have occurred.
Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo
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MOJAVE, CA – FEBRUARY 19, 2016 – Sir Richard Branson, center, poses with the employees for photos … [+] by the new Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo at its roll out in the Mojave Desert, about a year and a half after Virgin’s last rocket plane broke into pieces and killed the test pilot. (Photo by Al Seib/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)
Los Angeles Times via Getty Images
Virgin Galactic’s human spaceflight capabilities have technically been in development since 1996, when the Ansari XPRIZE was created to award $10M USD to a team who could launch a reusable manned spacecraft into space twice in two weeks. Mojave Aerospace Ventures (MAV), a joint venture between Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen and Burt Rutan’s Scaled Composites, ultimately won the prize with its SpaceShipOne reusable spaceplane design and White Knight launcher. Following the award, MAV signed a contract with Virgin Galactic to develop a suborbital spacecraft based on the XPRIZE-winning technology for space tourism. This deal resulted in the formation of The Spaceship Company, a joint venture between Virgin Galactic and Scaled Composites, to manufacture the spacecraft.
Since 2004, the team has been hard at work developing Virgin Galactic’s spaceplane and launcher, dubbed SpaceShipTwo and White Knight 2. A mockup of the design was revealed to the press in January 2008, with a company statement that the vehicle itself was around 60% complete at the time.
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UNSPECIFIED – JANUARY 24: Virgin Galactic Flight Simulator in January 24th, 2008 – Test pilot Brian … [+] Binnie in the Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo flight simulator, which will take passengers a year to just over 100 km altitude; Virgin Galactic’s first world is the spaceline owning an (Photo by Thierry BOCCON-GIBOD/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)
Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images
The vehicle’s development has not been without hiccups. In July 2007, an explosion occurred during a SpaceShipTwo oxidizer test at Mojave Air and Space Port, killing three employees and injuring three others with flying shrapnel. The company suffered an additional setback in October 2014 when a SpaceShipTwo vehicle broke up during a crewed test flight and crashed in the Mojave desert. The vehicle’s co-pilot was killed and the pilot was seriously injured. A subsequent inquiry by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) concluded that the crash was caused by the co-pilot’s premature deployment of the spacecraft air brake device for atmospheric re-entry. The board also cited inadequate design safeguards against human error, poor pilot training and lack of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) oversight as contributors to the accident.
Since conclusion of the NTSB investigation in 2015, the SpaceShipTwo team has conducted 13 successful crewed test flights using its upgraded VSS Unity spaceship. These tests are in addition to the 54 successful test flights that occurred using the VSS Enterprise ship prior to its 2014 crash. Since the crash, Virgin Galactic has also taken over construction of the spacecraft from Scaled Composites, and has redesigned critical components in house to ensure passenger safety.
To date, more than 600 individuals have put down deposits for crewed tourist flights onboard SpaceShipTwo. The total price tag for a flight is $250,000 USD, and customers are asked to front half the ticket price to reserve their spot in advance. A specific launch date for the vehicle’s first commercial passenger flight has not been announced, but founder Sir Richard Branson said earlier this year that he hoped it would occur “in months not years.” Earlier this year, the company commenced its “Astronaut Readiness Program,” a preparatory course for customers that have reserved seats onboard one of the company’s first passenger flights.
3. Steady launch cadence for Russia’s Soyuz
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KYZYLORDA REGION, KAZAKHSTAN – JUNE 6, 2018: A Soyuz-FG rocket booster carrying the Soyuz MS-09 … [+] spacecraft with the ISS Expedition 56/57 prime crew members, European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Alexander Gerst, Roscosmos cosmonaut Sergey Prokopyev, and NASA astronaut Serena M. Aunon-Chancellor, aboard blasts off to the International Space Station from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Sergei Savostyanov/TASS (Photo by Sergei SavostyanovTASS via Getty Images)
Sergei Savostyanov/TASS
As NASA’s Commercial Crew providers continue to work towards operational crewed missions, Russia’s Soyuz vehicle will continue to be the sole low-Earth orbit transportation option for all ISS partners, who must purchase each seat from ROSCOSMOS. Launching from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, the Soyuz program has been transporting astronauts and cosmonauts into orbit since 1968. With a fatality rate of 1 in 63 people sent to orbit, Soyuz is thus far the safest human spaceflight system in history. (In contrast, the Space Shuttle’s fatality rate was approximately 1 in 56.)
As of December 2019, Soyuz Expeditions 62 and 63 are on the books for April and May 2020 launches, respectively. Each mission will ferry a crew of 3 astronauts between the Earth and ISS. While NASA hopes to reduce its dependence on the Russians for ISS transportation in the near future, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine stated in October 2019 that the agency was looking into purchasing an additional Soyuz seat for fall 2020 or spring 2021 to protect for additional Commercial Crew delays. Although both Commercial Crew partners are expected to launch crew in early 2020, Bridenstine noted that when it comes to human spaceflight development, “usually things don’t go according to plan.”
4. China’s Shenzhou 12 mission and Tiangong Space Station
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BEIJING, Oct. 19, 2016 — Photo taken on Oct. 19, 2016 shows the screen at the Beijing Aerospace … [+] Control Center showing a simulated picture of an automated docking between the Shenzhou-11 manned spacecraft and the orbiting space lab Tiangong-2. The Shenzhou-11 manned spacecraft successfully completed its automated docking with the orbiting Tiangong-2 space lab Wednesday morning, according to Beijing Aerospace Control Center. (Xinhua/Ju Zhenhua via Getty Images)
2016 Xinhua News Agency
As of 2019, China is the only nation with human spaceflight capabilities that is not a member of the ISS program. The Chinese manned spaceflight initiative, called the Shenzhou program, successfully sent its first crew member into orbit in October 2003. Since then, the country has successfully completed 5 other crewed missions using its Shenzhou spacecraft and Long March rocket.
The last of these 5 missions – Shenzhou 11 – was launched in October 2016. After a 4 year hiatus, China plans to send its next crew up in 2020. As China does not participate in the ISS, the country plans to construct its own Tiangong Space Station, which will be constructed, owned, and operated solely by the Chinese government. Tiangong is expected to have an orbital lifetime of at least 10 years and to be able to accommodate 3 to 6 astronauts at a time, making it a project of similar scale to the ISS. The Chinese government has stated that it aims to complete construction of the station by 2022.
Looking beyond 2020, the rest of the decade appears rife with opportunity for both the commercial space industry and for government programs with deeper space ambitions. NASA’s Artemis program aims to send “the first woman and next man” to the Moon by 2024. The program has yet to announce a launch date for its uncrewed Artemis 1 test flight, but earlier this month, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine stated that he believed it would be sometime in 2021 based on the current Space Launch System (SLS) development schedule.
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A model of the SLS rocket on display during the 35th Space Symposium at The Broadmoor in Colorado … [+] Springs, Colorado on April 9, 2019. – NASA is preparing to use the SLS rocket to send US astronauts to the moon in 2024. The four day symposium is the largest space trade show in the world, attracting leaders focusing on space technology, satellite development, rocket design, and space policy. (Photo by Jason Connolly / AFP) (Photo credit should read JASON CONNOLLY/AFP via Getty Images)
AFP via Getty Images
SpaceX, in turn, looks to continue pushing the boundaries by exploring destinations beyond the ISS. The company’s #dearMoon project, which is scheduled for launch no earlier than 2023, aims to send Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa to orbit the Moon in a SpaceX Starship vehicle along with a crew of several artists. One of the project’s major goals is to inspire the creation of new art to promote peace across the world. Initial tests of the Starship system have commenced in Boca Chica, Texas, using subscale models of the spacecraft.
The successful certification and operation of any of the aforementioned vehicles will be a huge milestone, both for the space industry and for humanity as a whole. If the 2010s were the decade of SpaceX, perhaps the 2020s will be the decade where space tourism finally becomes a reality. With a little luck, it could even be the decade where humans once again venture beyond low-Earth orbit.
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josefasparrow2-blog · 5 years
Checklist Of Most Standard Music Genres
What's higher than listening to a moody song on a rainy day, or a tear-inducing pop ballad while you're traveling alone on the subway, throughout every week while you just feel off? The most important surprise is this idea that LGBTQ music or LGBTQ artists didn't all of a sudden grow to be visible with Stonewall, that there were intervals or little pockets throughout the century the place LGBTQ individuals were making music, making data, were out in their own lives, had been performing as out and so they weren't receiving the censorship we'd expect. Clearly I knew of issues like the Weimar period of Berlin cabaret, however I really wasn't conscious of how massive that scene was and to find in just about each major forums.adobe.com metropolis in America at the moment, in every capital of Europe that related scenes additionally existed. I suppose this new sense of freedom that individuals felt instantly after the first World War allowed folks to be a bit more free, to precise themselves more openly and readily. By the point Hjellstrom first picked up the guitar, the boy-band wave had already crested, however Martin and his colleagues, taking Denniz PoP's mantle, had infiltrated all of pop music with their methodical strategy to songwriting and production. When journalist John Seabrook wrote a ebook about this motion, he referred to as it The Tune Machine: within a couple of years of Cheiron's demise, music, the business, had grow to be industrialized. Martin's once-proprietary pop process is now international gospel: Producers take beats and chord progressions, offer them as much as a sequence of "top-line" songwriters reminiscent of Hjellstrom to reward it with melody and hits are made. The GW-eight is packed with an enormous collection of styles representing a broad vary of music genres, from modern rock, pop, dance, jazz and beyond. Along with the wonderful library of up to date sounds and styles, the GW-8 is equipped with ethnic instrument sounds and authentic regional musical types, with particular focus on Latin American genres. Each backing model has 4 intros, four primary patterns, and four ending progressions so that you can craft your individual preparations stay.
The divas of the Nineteen Nineties artists, resembling Madonna, and Mariah Carey offered albums that prolonged their rule of the music charts. The Swedish celebrity Carola Häggkvist continued her rule of European charts. Different tendencies included Teen pop singers similar to Disney Channel star Hilary Duff. Pop punk acts reminiscent of Simple Plan and Fall Out Boy have grow to be increasingly widespread, in addition to pop rock acts such as Ashlee Simpson and Avril Lavigne and emo music akin to Hawthorne Heights, Lostprophets, and Dashboard Confessional. Sarcastically, it could be music critics, in many ways the ideological culprits in Hamilton's story, who've completed the most — after the artists themselves, of course — to unsettle the racial categories which have stunted our understanding of rock historical past. Outlets from The New Yorker to The Fader to MTV Information now often characteristic music writing by young critics of color who strategy pop, rap, and rock with a far sharper, samirabranco543.mywibes.com subtler, and, above all, diverse racial consciousness than the white writers Hamilton cites. In the meantime, a lot of the most inept writing on race and music continues to return from white male critics. Even articulate and aware writers site visitors in previous, reified notions of soul" and funk," the immaterial essences by which they define, and otherize, black music. The tan-brick bunker was, for almost a decade, the finest hit manufacturing unit on the planet. It was founded in the early nineties by Denniz PoP, a remix pioneer with a present for melody who propelled Swedish pop band Ace of Base to global fame, co-producing All That She Desires and The Signal. He cared little for the divide between the membership and the radio, making music that bridged each worlds: beats you may't sit still for and melodies you possibly can't forget. To road-take a look at his prototypes, he'd blast them in empty discotheques within the dead of morning to assess their dance-flooring effectiveness. The approach gave radio pop, lengthy a crucial castaway, an unforgettable immediacy. Interest in music therapy continued to achieve help through the early 1900s resulting in the formation of several quick-lived associations. In 1903, Eva Augusta Vescelius based the Nationwide Society of Musical Therapeutics. In 1926, Isa Maud Ilsen founded the National Association for Music in Hospitals. And in 1941, Harriet Ayer Seymour founded the National Foundation of Music Remedy. Though these organizations contributed the first journals, books, and academic courses on music therapy, they sadly were not able to develop an organized medical occupation. First, the bias of the survey you mention: If pop music is what is being marketed to young girls then that will be the music they report liking. You see, they have been informed that is their music. If the media were to suddenly inform them that most pop artists are lame and that rock was the brand new thing for them, they'd start shopping for rock once more. Young people (female and male) are simply swayed by developments and once they reply to a survey the bulk will report themselves as being hip to the pattern. Lounge music refers to music performed in the lounges and www.magicaudiotools.com bars of hotels and casinos, or at standalone piano bars. Generally, the performers embody a singer and one or two other musicians. The performers play or cowl songs composed by others, especially pop standards, many deriving from the times of Tin Pan Alley. Notionally, a lot lounge music consists of sentimental favorites loved by a lone drinker over a martini, although in observe there may be far more selection. The time period also can seek advice from laid-again electronic music, also named downtempo, because of the fame of lounge music as low-key background music.But even as the city continued to hyperlink its id to music made on guitars, artists tinkered with digital sounds and programmed beats in the local music scene. In 2010, singer Mikky Ekko launched his debut EP Reds. He parlayed its standout observe, a moody ballad with stunning turns called Who Are You, Really?" into mainstream pop success. Inside two years, he'd signal a major label deal, hyperlink up with slicing-edge producers like Clams On line casino, and co-write a song for Rihanna (Keep," a song the pair would later perform as a duet at the Grammys in 2013).
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nameofmymother · 6 years
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├ CODY FERN. MALE. HE/HIM. ┤you’re riding solo, MICHAEL LANGDON. their file names them a 23 year old ANTI-CHRIST from AMERICAN HORROR STORY. according to their old friend, MICHAEL has NONE of their memories. but what they do know, is their quintessence is captured within the lyrics of THE DEVIL WITHIN by DIGITAL DAGGERS. 
as foretold by billie dean howard, the child of a union between a spirit and human would bring about the anti-christ, the ender of days
michael was born of such a union. though his birth parents were tate langdon and vivien harmon, his true father has always been satan himself
don’t let his appearance fool you as it’s not what he truly looks like. michael, in his true form, has a pale white face and black eyes. he’s referred to as the white face demon by two individuals 
he has the mark of the beast behind his right ear
taken in by constance langdon, the darkness began out in small little things. small animals would show up dead, as gifts to his grandmother, who would end up burying them and planting rose bushes. eventually things begin to get worse and as michael grew as a young child, he began to kill the sitters put in charge of him
as a young child michael was unaware of just how wrong all of this was. and then one day, when constance came to check on him, michael had grown a decade in a single night. though he had an older body michael still had his childlike innocence and couldn’t understand why the dark deeds he did were wrong
then came the day that michael tried to strangle constance in his sleep, which prompted her to bring a priest into the home who was ultimately killed by michael
these events prompted constance to realize michael would eventually kill her as well, and to avoid having him be the one to kill her, she went to the murder house and killed herself to be rid of him
once michael realized what had happened, he went to the house and broke down upon seeing her body. that was when ben harmon appeared and informed michael that constance didn’t wish to see him. this only caused him further grief and ben offered to help michael through it. he began therapy sessions with ben and the two slowly began to develop a father-son relationship.
it was at this point in his life that michael had begun to take a shift and turn away from the darkness, desperate to be good
at least until the fateful day he met his biological father, tate, who rejected him. this only had michael spiraling down once more, the darkness enveloping him once again
ben, finding michael mutilating the ghost of the black dahlia and killing the new residents of the house and destroying their souls, told michael that he could have never helped him
 then the fateful night came when a group of three satanists arrived at the house after witnessing the events that foretold the arrival of the anti-christ. they kidnapped a young woman and performed a satanic ritual in which they killed the girl and had michael eat her heart. that moment a demonic shadow appeared and it was then that michael truly became one with his father. and the night that vivien chose to attempt killing her son
michael, aware of her coming upon him, attempted to destroy her soul though tate managed to save her in time. he was gone that morning from the house, instead going to live with ms.mead, one of the satanists that had come to the house
ms.mead became his mother figure and the two became incredibly close. one day at the supermarket when the butcher wouldn’t sell her a goat’s head, michael killed the man with his magic 
after the incident, michael was taken into custody and pleaded that he hadn’t meant to kill the man. the interrogator only continued to push and Michael lashed out, killing the other man with his dark magic 
a video of this incident fell into the hands of the head of hawthorne academy, a school that trained warlocks. ariel, the head of the school, visited michael in jail and took him back to the academy to study
only after a month of studying at the academy, he was tasked with completing the levels, his instructors hoping that he would reach level 4 which would put him on par with the supreme. michael passed every single test with flying colors, proving he was as powerful as the supreme 
a meeting was set up with the witches to demand that michael be given the test of the 7 wonders in order to determine if he would be the next supreme. this test was only given to females, as only females were granted the right to be the supreme
in order to prove a point, michael set out to save queenie from the hotel cortez, a feat cordelia couldn’t manage herself. he also brought back madison from hell. that was when the decision was made by cordelia for michael to take the 7 wonders, which he passed with ease despite her wanting him to bring back misty from hell during the final test
though michael passed the 7 wonders, cordelia was suspicious of him and sent two people to the murder house to learn what they could of michael, and it was there that they came across the knowledge that michael was, in fact, the anti-christ
the witches quickly found out that two warlocks and ms.mead had killed another warlock, and the three were sentenced to burn to death. when michael learned of this, he completely broke down and refused cordelia’s offer to come with her and refuse his destiny, determined he would kill all the witches
lost, alone, and doubtful, michael came upon a satanic church where a woman he met offered to give him food. he revealed himself to her as the son of satan, and she brought him back to the church and revealed it to all of the followers
michael, still uncertain of what he was going to do next, was offered an opportunity to bring ms.mead back through robotics and ai by two followers.
in order to get revenge for ms.mead’s death, michael went to the school the witches occupied, effectively killing all of them but a few
though he had the only person he cared about back within his life, michael still wasn’t certain about how he should bring the end of the world. and that was when the cooperative was brought up, a group of world leaders, influencers, and the most powerful people in the world who had all sold their souls to his father. 
a nuclear war began, missiles launched, and the end of the world had begun.
fast forward over a year after the Apocalypse, michael makes his way to outpost 3 where he informs the occupants that he is there to determine whether or nor any of them would be going with him to the sanctuary 
he interviews the occupants, messes with their minds, and then has a plan he had concocted through the robot ms.mead to kill everyone through poison
it was then that cordelia, madison, and myrtle arrived at the outpost, bringing two of their withes and the voodoo queen back to life. a battle breaks out between him and the witches, and michael effectively kills most of the witches attempting to stop him
desperate to kill cordelia for himself finally, he was denied the privilege when she killed herself in order to ensure mallory was powerful enough to complete the spell to go back into time. 
back in time before the apcoalpyse and before he knew what he was, Michael was kicked out of the house after killing the priest, and as he stepped into the street mallory ran him over with a car three times. it was there that michael died, alone and abandoned by his grandmother, the timeline of the Apocalypse and all he had done erased
child: innocent, unaware of the reasons why the things he did was wrong. he was just desperate for his grandmother to love and accept him
teenager: still has a childlike innocence and is very emotional. he has a desperation to be loved still and to feel like he belongs somewhere.
hawthorne academy: more calculated and is slowly beginning to grow in confidence. michael is very sassy and willing to do whatever it takes to prove his points. his motions are more fluid now, his hands moving gracefully like a ballerina when performing magic. upon the death of ms.mead and the two warlocks, michael became uncertain and doubtful of himself. he slowly began to build himself back up again with his confidence once planning the apocalypse began
outpost: extremely confident and calculated. michael is very skilled in manipulation, though he never lies. he is very seductive, calm, cold
raised by his grandmother, michael never knew his parents. for a while things seemed to be good until he had reached his teenage years and began to act out more
when he pushed too far and his magic was revealed, his grandmother kicked him out of the house and michael was left alone and abandoned, uncertain of where he should go next
not too long after he was approached by a group of people approached michael, claiming they had felt his strong magical presence. he was taken in by the group, learning how to control his magic and finding a new family and home
content and happy in his life years after, it was then that everything changed. chicago became different, empty. and michael was left without the only family he had ever really known
now alone he is uncertain of what to do or why this has happened
michael often has images of a woman with dark hair and the feeling of being accepted. he can’t quite recall her face or name, but the image is constantly in his mind
he has more violent urges that pop up that he always pushes back down. michael has no idea why he has these urges
still has the mark of the demon behind his right ear but has noooo idea
he’s not quite to the point that he was in the outpost, though michael has confidence and the graceful nature that comes with his magic. he is still sassy and more calculated but without the makeshift coven he grew up in, michael has once more began to become uncertain and doubt himself. he’s lonely 
friends: perhaps people he has met before or after things began to change in the city. he’d be close to them and wouldn’t feel as lonely 
coven members: maybe charries who have lost their memories too and have false memories of being a part of the little makeshift coven
someone who senses his darker nature and maybe realizes what he truly is ??
maybe a romantic interest or someone interested in him. he’s never quite been interested in things like this before so it’d be curious to see how that would work out
if anyone wants to plot or wants to do any of these connections you can shoot me an im or like this post and i’ll message you!
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onlyexplorer · 2 years
Uniting Church is selling its West Hawthorn church in Melbourne's eastern suburbs
Uniting Church is selling its West Hawthorn church in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs
This is the third transaction overseen by the BFX Family Office in the past year. Although the name of the buyer is recent, records show that company owner James Zhang also owns APH Holding, a company undertaking developments in Box Hill and Blackburn. BFX also bought a nearby office building at 858 Glenferrie Road last year and has planning permission to turn it into an 87-room Novotel hotel due…
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newstfionline · 6 years
Inside the growing teen migrant camp
By Garance Burke and Martha Mendoza, AP, Nov. 27, 2018
TORNILLO, Texas (AP)--The Trump administration announced in June it would open a temporary shelter for up to 360 migrant children in this isolated corner of the Texas desert. Less than six months later, the facility has expanded into a detention camp holding thousands of teenagers--and it shows every sign of becoming more permanent.
By Tuesday, 2,324 largely Central American boys and girls between the ages of 13 and 17 were sleeping inside the highly guarded facility in rows of bunk beds in canvas tents, some of which once housed first responders to Hurricane Harvey. More than 1,300 teens have arrived since the end of October alone.
Rising from the cotton fields and dusty roads not far from the dark fence marking the border between the U.S. and Mexico, the camp has rows of beige tents and golf carts that ferry staffers carrying walkie-talkies. Teens with identical haircuts and wearing government-issued shirts and pants can be seen walking single file from tent to tent, flanked by staff at the front and back.
More people are detained in Tornillo’s tent city than in all but one of the nation’s 204 federal prisons, yet construction continues.
A temporary, emergency detention camp that opened in the Texas desert in June for an overflow of migrant children shows no signs of closing. There are now more than 2,300 teens being held inside the tent city, some have been there for months. (Nov. 27)
The camp’s population may grow even more if migrants in the caravans castigated by President Donald Trump enter the U.S. Federal officials have said they may fly teens from the caravans who arrive in San Diego directly to El Paso, then bus them to Tornillo, according to a nonprofit social service provider who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not allowed to publicly discuss the matter.
An Associated Press investigation has found that the camp’s rapid growth has created serious problems, including:
-- None of the 2,100 staff are going through rigorous FBI fingerprint background checks, according to a government watchdog memo obtained exclusively by the AP. “Instead, Tornillo is using checks conducted by a private contractor that has access to less comprehensive data, thereby heightening the risk that an individual with a criminal history could have direct access to children,” the memo says.
-- Costs appear to be soaring more than 50 percent higher than the government has disclosed. What began as an emergency, 30-day shelter has transformed into a vast tent city that could cost taxpayers more than $430 million.
-- The government is allowing the nonprofit running the facility to sidestep mental health care requirements. Under federal policy, migrant youth shelters generally must have one mental health clinician for every 12 kids, but shelter officials have indicated that Tornillo can staff just one clinician for every 100 children, according to two immigration rights advocates who spoke with the AP.
-- Federal plans to close Tornillo by New Years’ Eve will be nearly impossible to meet. There aren’t 2,300 extra beds in other facilities, and a contract obtained by AP shows the project could continue into 2020. Planned closures have already been extended three times since this summer.
The teens at Tornillo were not separated from their families at the border this summer, but they’re held there because federal immigration policies have resulted in the detention of a record 14,000 migrant children, filling shelter beds around the country to capacity. Almost all came on their own from Central America hoping to join family members in the United States.
Some children have been detained there since the tent camp opened in June. As the population inside the tall wire fences swells, and as some children stay there longer, the young detainees’ anguish has deepened.
“The few times they let me call my mom I would tell her that one day I would be free, but really I felt like I would be there for the rest of my life,” a 17-year-old from Honduras who was held at Tornillo earlier this year told AP. “I feel so bad for the kids who are still there. What if they have to spend Christmas there? They need a hug, and nobody is allowed to hug there.”
After his family passed extensive background checks, the teen was recently released to them, but said he still has nightmares he’s back inside. He spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal from immigration authorities.
Confining and caring for so many children is a challenge. By day, minders walk the teen detainees to their meals, showers and recreation on the arid plot of land guarded by multiple levels of security. At night the area around the camp, that’s grown from a few dozen to more than 150 tents, is secured and lit up by flood lights.
The nonprofit social service agency contracted to run Tornillo says it is proud of its work. It says it is operating the facility with the same precision and care used for shelters put up after natural disasters.
“We don’t have anything to hide. This is an exceptionally run operation,” said Krista Piferrer, a spokeswoman for BCFS Health and Human Services, a faith-based organization that runs Tornillo. “This isn’t our first rodeo.”
She said they have no guidance from the Trump administration regarding what will happen after Dec. 31.
A spokesman for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Mark Weber, said no decisions have been made about whether Tornillo will close by year’s end as scheduled.
More than 50 years of research show institutionalizing young people is traumatizing, with harmful impacts on their psyche and life trajectories, prompting policymakers to seek alternatives to locking up children, said Naomi Smoot, executive director of the nonprofit Coalition for Juvenile Justice.
“Hearing that more than 2,000 kids are in any kind of detention facility is alarming to me,” she said. “That’s not where kids should be around the holidays, in particular when they haven’t broken the law.”
Most of the children locked inside Tornillo are never charged with a crime; crossing illegally into the U.S. is a civil offense. By law, migrant children traveling alone into the U.S. must be sent to a government shelter where they stay until they can be united with relatives or other sponsors while awaiting immigration court hearings. Migrant children’s time in government custody has grown longer this year, in part due to the Trump administration’s new requirements for deep background checks on sponsors who agree to take in young immigrants.
Tornillo currently has 3,800 beds for the teens, with 1,400 of those on reserve.
Nonprofit Hope Border Institute advocacy director Camilo Perez-Bustillo, who served as a Spanish-language interpreter at the camp earlier this month, said most of the two dozen children he met showed signs of depression and anxiety over when, or whether, they would be released. About two-thirds are boys, and half of the teens are Guatemalan. There are no on-site interpreters for teens of indigenous origin who speak Spanish as a second language.
“They are all counting the days they are inside the way prisoners do,” Perez-Bustillo said. “Many of the kids have the sense of being suspended, and anxiousness about how much longer they will be held there.”
For each night each child spends at Tornillo, taxpayers spend up to $1,200 to pay care workers, cooks, cleaners, teachers and emergency services workers, according to information staff at two congressional offices said they were provided on a recent visit. That’s well above the $775 officials have publicly disclosed, and close to five times more than a typical youth migrant shelter. The most expensive hotel room in El Paso is about $200 a night.
BCFS did not dispute the cost, but said on average, actual costs are closer to $750 a day, which would bring current operations to more than $12 million a week.
The costs at Tornillo are so high because everything--water, sewage, food, staff and detainees--must be trucked in and out of the remote site. Every few hours, two teams fill up 2,000-gallon tanks of water from a hydrant outside the facility, then drive them back through the fences. Each day, 35,000 gallons of diesel are trucked in as well, to run massive generators that power air conditioners in blazing hot summers and heaters on frigid winter nights.
Scant details about how those funds are spent motivated New York-based software developer Josh Rubin to set up residence in an RV just outside the gates, where he keeps vigil on the vehicles going in and out. In recent weeks, he said, he has spotted new trends: construction trucks moving equipment in to build another tent, a vehicle carrying heaters, more buses with tinted windows taking children to immigration court.
Staffers are transported to the camp from motels near the El Paso airport, where the tour buses take pains to park on side roads, far from view. On a recent evening outside the Hawthorn Suites hotel, Tornillo workers filed off to bed in the darkness, many talking of feeling sick or exhausted.
Twice a day, the desolate stretch of highway outside Tornillo comes alive as more than a dozen tour buses pull up. Bells sound, lights flash. Workers walk in two by two, wearing khaki pants, neon jackets and backpacks, some wrapped in scarves against the cool desert air.
Dalila Reynoso-Gonzalez, a program director for the Methodist immigration advocacy group Justice for our Neighbors of East Texas, said she was moved to demonstrate at Tornillo after helping an immigrant father reunite with his son held there. The boy told her stories of a stark and lonely place and spoke of isolation, fear, disorientation.
“It’s really heavy on my heart,” said Reynoso-Gonzalez. “How did we get to this place, why do we have so many children out there?”
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hawthorndwarka2 · 3 years
Best resort in Dwarka to celebrate holi in 2022
India is a land of festivals and celebrations, holi being one of the most famous festivals that lasts for a few days. This year after the great success of Diwali fest, our eventors have great news for all the music lovers, party animals and dance lovers because this year again we are going to celebrate the Holi with you in 2022. Holi is basically known as the festival of color, it’s a Hindi festival that marks the beginning of spring season. It usually falls in late March or early April. If you have always wanted to have fun with Indians then now is time when you can join us in celebrating this famous Indian festival. Dwarka is a perfect destination to celebrate the festival of colours. The city boasts of several multihued destinations that would help you add some more colour to your life. Book Luxury hotel and resort in Dwarka with us.
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There are many best resorts in Dwarka to celebrate the festival of colors “Holi” in the year 2022, where you can experience different things and services offered by the hotel or resort. Dwarka is among the upcoming cities of the national capital. One of the most important things is to enjoy the Holi festival, so you can hit a local place to celebrate it. However, if you want to spend some quality time with family and friends, then Hawthorn Dwarka is Best Hotel in Dwarka Gujarat  with 5 star deluxe rooms, fine dining restaurants, lavish wedding halls and many more.
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portcadorpg · 3 years
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Congratulations, Lo! We are delighted to welcome Olivia Hawthorne to Port Cado. Please complete our after acceptance checklist. We are looking forward to seeing you develop her! Please send in his blog within 48 hours.
Out of Character
Alias: Lo
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 27
Timezone: GMT
Anything else? N/A
Name: Olivia ‘Ollie’ Hawthorne
Birthdate and Age: April 18th // 27
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her
Faceclaim: Lily James
Profession: Former stripper / currently unemployed
Loyalty: Neither
Designation: submissive
Claim: Unclaimed
Children: One child who was given up for adoption
Neighborhood: Morrell Point
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kinks: Breath Play, Impact Play, Orgasm Control/Denial, Chastity, Degradation, Exhibitionism, Kinbaku/Shibari
Anti-kinks: Bathroom Play, Age Play/Age Regression, Tickling, Feet
Growing up, Olivia Hawthorne didn’t have much beyond parents that loved her and a roof over her head. She quickly came to the conclusion that that was more than enough. Her parents loved one another in that stars in their eyes, floating off the ground, heart skipping a beat sort of way and that extended to her. It didn’t matter that she couldn’t go to the cinema to watch the latest princess love story; she watched her parents live it every day.
Always with her head in the clouds. That’s what her teachers said every parents evening, but despite her daydreaming, they couldn’t fault her because the work she produced was always of an excellent standard. She struggled to concentrate in school but she had a strong work ethic, and one particular teacher - Mrs. Monks - inspired her to pursue the same career.
Affording college was impossible for the Wilde family, and her part-time waitressing job just wasn’t cutting it. A friend from school introduced her to the world of stripping at nineteen and Olivia never looked back. Secretly, she enjoyed being the centre of attention and object of affection, and the money was much better -- although she never confessed to her parents where she really spent her evenings.
It was during those evenings that she met Henry Ashford. He was older, charming and worldly. She remembered the first time she felt his eyes on her. His gaze was always heavy, settled on her like a weighted blanket. They rarely met outside the club but he often sent her flowers, little gifts; things that reassured her he was always thinking about her. He started meeting her before work, then he started whisking her away once her shift ended for filthy encounters in fancy hotel rooms. The girl who grew up with very little began to see the appeal of having material means. He wanted to claim her. He’d whispered it to her one night as she was drifting off, and she’d been overjoyed. By his request, she’d kept their budding relationship secret from her parents because Henry had always been so worried their age difference would scare them. It would be best if they didn’t know about him until after she wore his collar. His other stipulation? She’d have to give up school. It wouldn’t do for a submissive of his to be working; not when he could provide for her. It pained her to drop out but losing him would have pained her more. She agreed.
It didn’t take long for Olivia to discover that fairy tales only happened in her kitchen and on the silver screen. Once his collar was around her neck, Olivia stopped being a prize. He’d won her and he used her but she no longer held the excitement of the chase. The heavy gaze she’d always loved was now suffocating. She was cut off from her family, her old friends. She lived in his house, relied on his money and served at his pleasure. She fell pregnant at twenty-four and while they learned too late for termination to be an option, Henry made it clear that he didn’t want children. Not from her. At that stage, he already had his sights on someone new. Someone younger, prettier, sweeter, more adventurous. Her gut told her she had a daughter but she doesn’t know for sure because she never met her baby. The sweet life she’d nurtured for nine months was whisked away before she’d recovered from the epidural.
At twenty-six, two major life events caused her world to shift. Her parents were killed in a drunk driving accident and Henry ended their claim. She hadn’t spoken to her parents in person for four years but they left her everything they had.
She’s moved into her childhood home in Morrell Point, and relied on meager savings while she gets her life back in order. Her cousin moved in with her, providing her with a Dominant responsible for her and she’s never been more grateful to another person. She’s colder, less trusting and more guarded than the Olivia Wilde she was when she left but almost a year on, she’s ready to start trying to really live again.
Plot Ideas:
1. I really want to explore Olivia trying to reacquaint herself with normal society again. She’s been very withdrawn and sheltered for almost all of her twenties and now suddenly trying to support herself is going to be a culture shock even if it’s what she grew up with.
2. I’d be really interested in exploring her trying to learn what happened to her baby. She’s not prepared now to try to have custody of the child but information was always something Henry held back from her to keep her in line. Now that she’s on her own, I want to force her to confront the fact she may never know what happened and really deal with that trauma.
3. I’d also be really interested in potentially having her fill the wanted connection for Moonjo’s Nanny. She has a background in education and adores children so I think it could be a really positive breakthrough for her -- being able to support herself by doing something she genuinely loves.
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sciencespies · 3 years
SpaceX's First Civilian Astronauts 'Underestimated' How Intense The Training Would Be
SpaceX's First Civilian Astronauts 'Underestimated' How Intense The Training Would Be
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SpaceX is about to attempt a new first: launching a spaceship full of people who aren’t professional astronauts into orbit.
The four-person crew consists of a billionaire, a physician assistant, an engineer, and a scientist. On Wednesday, weather permitting, they’ll climb aboard a Crew Dragon spaceship atop a Falcon 9 rocket, then roar into space.
They’re set to orbit Earth for three days, enjoying the views and collecting data for scientific research, then plummet back through the atmosphere and parachute to a safe landing. They call their mission Inspiration4.
Billionaire Jared Isaacman chartered the flight from SpaceX and is both footing the bill and commanding the Crew Dragon spaceship. He gave the other three seats to Hayley Arceneaux, who survived bone cancer as a child and now works at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital; Chris Sembroski, an Air Force veteran who works for Lockheed Martin; and Dr. Sian Proctor, a geoscientist who serves as an analog astronaut in simulations of long-term Mars missions.
The crew isn’t just climbing into the spaceship like you or I might board a plane. They’ve spent the last four months training – studying manuals, pushing their bodies to new limits, and practicing for worst-case scenarios. They completed the training, which is largely based on NASA’s program, this week.
Even though Isaacman has spent thousands of hours flying jets and ex-military aircraft, he told Insider that the astronaut training was “more intense” than he expected.
“I definitely underestimated it to some extent,” he said.
When billionaires Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson each took their own rocket rides – flights which skimmed the edge of space but did not enter orbit – neither revealed the details of their training. But the Inspiration4 crew has been sharing its preparations publicly, offering a glimpse into what it takes to prepare amateurs for spaceflight.
Here’s what they’ve revealed.
Step one: Meet your rocket and watch it launch
Once the Inspiration4 crew was assembled, one of the first things they did together was watch SpaceX launch its third set of professional astronauts towards the International Space Station.
Arceneaux had never seen a rocket launch before.
“I thought I was gonna have anxiety before the launch, but it was actually really serene,” she told Axios reporter Miriam Kramer for the podcast “How It Happened.”
The soon-to-be spacefarers used a centrifuge to simulate the feeling of launch
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Chris Sembroski sits in a SpaceX centrifuge chamber. (Inspiration4/John Kraus)
A centrifuge spins really fast to create centrifugal force that pushes things outwards, much like a salad spinner or the spinning carnival ride that presses you against a wall. That force mimics the feeling of launch, when the pull of gravity on your body feels three times its normal strength. Many astronauts and pilots use centrifuges in their training.
Isaacman took his teammates up Mount Rainier 
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The Inspiration4 crew climbs Mount Rainier. (Inspiration4/Scott Poteet)
Washington’s Mount Rainier is a 14,410-foot active volcano covered in glaciers, with punishing weather and hazardous crevasses. Summiting requires ice axes and crampons. So Isaacman decided it would be the perfect place to break the ice with his new crewmates. They climbed the mountain together in early May.
“They built some mental toughness. They got comfortable being uncomfortable, which is pretty important,” Isaacman said. “Food sucks on the mountain. Temperatures can suck on the mountain. Well, that’s no different than Dragon. We don’t get to dial up and down the thermostat … And I can tell you the food isn’t great in space, from what we’ve tasted so far.”
After camping, it was time to hit the books
After Mount Rainier, the crew flew to SpaceX’s headquarters in Hawthorne, California to begin training in earnest.
“Every day was pretty much a 12-hour day, and then you were getting back to the hotel room, and you’re just studying. That was kind of the intense academic portion of the training,” Isaacman said.
They had to learn about the parts of the Falcon 9 rocket and Crew Dragon spaceship, how everything works, and what can go wrong.
“We have like 3,000 pages across 100 different manuals. It was a lot. I don’t think any of us really predicted that,” Isaacman said.
Then the crew practiced flying Crew Dragon in simulations
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Sian Proctor on a visit to Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama. (Inspiration4/John Kraus)
Inside a mock Crew Dragon model, the Inspiration4 passengers practiced the procedure for launches and landings. Once they got used to how things are supposed to work when all goes smoothly, trainers started adding issues and spacecraft malfunctions to the simulation.
Some of these exercises involved all four crew members, but some were just for Isaacman and Proctor – the commander and pilot of the mission. Eventually, they were doing full simulations with mission control and a launch director.
In early August, the crew did a grueling 30-hour simulation
Isaacman, Proctor, Arceneaux, and Sembroski put on their spacesuits, climbed in the simulation model of the Crew Dragon, and sealed themselves inside for the 30-hour ordeal. Nobody knew what was coming, not even the mission controllers. A simulation supervisor had pre-programmed everything.
They practiced a regular launch, with a weather delay included. They ate a meal and slept. But as their simulated mission began to reenter the atmosphere and fall back to Earth, all hell broke loose.
The Axios podcast recounts what happened. In the simulation, as the Crew Dragon pushed itself into Earth’s atmosphere, three computers failed. The crew lost touch with mission control. Then the capsule’s parachutes wouldn’t deploy.
“Now you’re blind, you can’t talk, and there’s no way for the chutes to come out. There’s also no way for Dragon to stabilize itself during essentially a hypersonic reentry,” Isaacman told Kramer.
When they got their bearings, the crew realized the simulation was sending their hypothetical capsule a continent away from its intended splashdown site.
“It felt very real. You’re living in it for 30 hours. The last 45 minutes, there was awareness from us in the capsule, and them on the ground, that there is a chance that this might not be actually a survivable situation,” Isaacman told Kramer.
In the end, they landed safely, but the podcast did not specify how the crew pulled it off.
The training also involved fun parabolic flights to simulate microgravity
In a parabolic flight, a plane flies in arcs up and down, creating up to 30 seconds of weightlessness at the peak of the arc. Some people call the planes “vomit comets.”
The team tested their bodies in a high-altitude chamber
It’s rare, but sometimes spaceship cabins become depressurized, just like an airplane cabin. Spaceships typically have oxygen masks on board in case this happens. But it’s still helpful to know how your body will react before you slip that mask on. Being familiar with the symptoms of oxygen deprivation can also alert crew members to a cabin leak if the spaceship’s systems don’t detect it first.
To experience those symptoms firsthand, under supervision, the crew took to an altitude chamber that exposed them to a low-oxygen environment.
“It provided great insight into each of our various symptoms,” Arceneaux said, according to a tweet from the mission’s account.
They’ve learned to draw blood and take skin samples
Since scientists want more information on how spaceflight affects the body, the Inspiration4 crew offered to gather biological data for NASA. In addition to taking each other’s blood and skin samples, the crew will monitor their sleep, take daily cognitive tests on an iPad, and scan their organs with an ultrasound device. Isaacman said they didn’t realize quite how extensive this research would be.
“We were like, maybe we should have talked about this before we did it,” he said.
He added that the crew members will have to take skin-cell swabs “three times a day on 10 different parts of our body.”
The crew squeezed in some jet piloting above SpaceX’s facilities in Texas
During their training period, the crew members made public appearances, did media interviews, and took trips to Space Camp and SpaceX’s rocket-development facilities in Boca Chica, Texas.
That latter site, which SpaceX founder Elon Musk calls “Starbase,” is where the company is building and testing prototypes of its Starship mega-rocket and Super Heavy booster. When they visited, the Inspiration4 crew members went for a plane ride high above the rockets.
Earlier in the summer, Isaacman and Proctor also did fighter-jet training in Montana to brush up on their piloting skills. NASA astronauts do the same to practice thinking and responding quickly under stress.
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The Inspiration4 crew flies jets above SpaceX’s facilities in Boca Chica, Texas. (Inspiration4/John Kraus)
With their training is complete, Isaacman, Proctor, Arceneaux, and Sembroski flew to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Thursday to complete the final preparations for launch.
They are SpaceX’s first commercial passengers, but the company aims to fly more. It already has another such mission lined up in January: For that flight, called AX-1, the company Axiom Space chartered a Crew Dragon to take customers to the International Space Station for eight days.
The AX-1 crew includes real-estate investor Larry Connor, Canadian investor Mark Pathy, and former Israeli fighter pilot Eytan Stibbe. Axiom Space’s vice president, former NASA astronaut Michael López-Alegría, will command the mission. It’s not yet clear what their training regimen will be.
This article was originally published by Business Insider.
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dailyhealthynews · 3 years
The 10 best boxing gyms in Melbourne
Location: King Street, Melbourne CBD
Price: 6 months limited $ 33 per week
About: Come here to train under head coach Pedrag Galic, or Pedge as his friends call him. A highly decorated fighter with multiple titles in boxing, kickboxing and muay thai, Pedge is aimed at both those who are first time gripping their fists and seasoned fighters looking to rise through amateur and professional ranks. With a heavy emphasis on personal development and realizing potential, this is a great place to learn and shred the subtleties of sweet science in the process.
Internet: prestigegym.com.au
Insta: –
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Location: 17 Gleadell St, Richmond
Price: POA
About: This Richmond institution is the kind of authentic gym that adds a bold appeal to the sport. Master the basics, blurring your hands on the speedball, pounding on the heavy bag and jumping like a pro as you work your body like a blade on stone. And think of this quote from Leo Berry himself: “Those who train hard need to improve”.
Internet: richmondboxing.com.au
Insta: leoberrysgymrbc
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Place: CBD, Dandenong, Campbellfield, Braunschweig
Price: $ 15 per week
Over: So you want to train around the clock? No problem, Doherty’s is open 24/7. Housed in an arched underground workout vault, the CBD complex is likely shortlisted for the coolest gyms in Australia, and with a competitive price, there’s plenty to like. Work the heavy bags in the vault, then jump in the ring for an easy sparring. There is also a well-equipped gym if you need to pile up and move up a weight class.
Internet: dohertysgym.com
Insta: dohertysgym
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Place: 3-5 Blackburn Road, Blackburn
Price: POA
Over: This one is for the purists. Focussing exclusively on boxing, The Fighters Factory offers the opportunity to train with professional boxers in an atmosphere that is both challenging and inspiring. A fully equipped boxing fitness studio offers targeted and expert boxing circles, personal training and individual sessions by experts. Or you can train in clubber-long style and hammer the heavy bag solo. Once you have built up your confidence, there is even an opportunity to attend the monthly “Fight Nights” where you can put your skills into practice.
Internet: fightersfactory.com
Insta: blackburnfightersfactory
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Place: 172 Union Road, Surrey Hills
Price: $ 30 per week
About: With an emphasis on cardio boxing, Murphy’s is a great choice if you have The main concern is improving fitness and losing weight. Even so, all classes are run by coaches with experience in the ring and they pride themselves on training amateur and professional fighters. Popular with professional athletes, star customers are among others Leisel Jones and Hawthorn FC.
Internet: Murphysboxinggym.com
Insta: gerrymurphy_boxing_coach
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Location: 64 Sutton St, North Melbourne
Price: $ 120 per month
Info: A large, brightly lit facility with a welcoming atmosphere, courses here Emphasize calorie consumption and fat burning. With opportunities to try your hand at boxing, kickboxing, or muay thai, this is a great place for beginners to develop martial arts in a friendly atmosphere while building your stamina base at the same time.
Internet: boxing-fitness.com
Insta: North Melbourne Boxes
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Place: Werribee, Balaclava, Ashburton, Richmond, South Yarra, Doreen, Mill Park, Port Melbourne, Camberwell, Caroline Springs, Kew, Elsternwick, Prahran, Brunswick East, Malvern, South Melbourne
Price: $ 30 per class
About: 12RND is affiliated with four-time world champion Danny Green and has caught on in the last few years and it’s easy to see why. The workouts aim to mimic the demands of a 12-round fight – minus the harrowing head blows – with 12 x 3-minute rounds with a 30-second break in between. No fixed lesson times mean you can jump in a Exercise at any 3-minute interval with the promise of burning up to 750 calories in a 12-round session. Hit it!
Internet: 12rnd.com.au
Insta: 12rdfitness
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Place: 488 Victoria Street, Richmond
Price: $ 45 per week for a 3 class pass
About: You want your trainer to have a pedigree, right? Look no further than a fitness ring that was established from former kickboxing world champion and WBO contender Nick “The Terror” Tetoros, who was also the sparring partner of the former world champion Kostya Tszyu. Rustic brick walls with old battle posters and pictures of Sly Stallone frame the “workshop” where you learn sweet science basics, hit the pads and hammer the heavy sack to bring your stamina to an unprecedented level.
Internet: boxtrainingclassesmelbourne.com.au
Insta: fitness ring boxing
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Place: 29 White Street, South Melbourne and 40-72 Rokeby Street, Collingwood
Price: $ 66 every 14 days for six months
About: The hotel is housed in a massive iron shed with multiple rings, large heavy bags, and a sleek paint job. FightFit offers boxing, kickboxing and circuit training. There are special sparring courses for those who want to refine their ringcraft and don’t mind being marked instead of tickled, as well as technique sessions in which you can master your jab and maybe even develop a chattering uppercut.
Internet: fightfit.com.au
Insta: fight fit boxing
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Place: 64 Sutton St, North Melbourne
Price: $ 120 per month
About: Founded by Joe Nader, a former Australian and South Pacific cruiser weight champion, PowerPlay offers boxing, kickboxing, muay thai, martial arts and self-defense classes. If your ambitions extend to the amateur level, the trainers can provide you with a proper training camp experience that will get you ready to rumble on the night of the fight.
Internet: www.powerplaygym.com
Facebook: facebook.com/powerplaygymfightclub
Why boxing?
Boxing can improve your stamina, balance, hand-eye coordination, and reflexes while increasing muscle mass and reducing stress.
A study published in Neuropsychopharmacology found that people who deal with High-intensity training for one hour releases significantly more endorphins than those who spent an hour doing moderate exercise. Boxing is not moderate.
How much does a boxing gym cost?
Boxing gyms can cost anywhere from $ 15 per class to $ 120 per month. You can see the approximate class prices above (subject to change). It is best to call the gym that you are most interested in.
Can you build muscle with boxing?
Although boxing is primarily an endurance sport, you can still build muscle. Classes that include weight training are key.
Is Boxing A Good Workout?
Yes. Research by dietary supplement brand Forza found boxing burns 800 calories an hour, more than any other sport.
How Do I Find a Good Boxing Gym?
Just check out our list above! We’ll cover all major cities across Australia so stay tuned.
source https://dailyhealthynews.ca/the-10-best-boxing-gyms-in-melbourne/
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