#hawaiian coffee beans
socialbrewcoffee · 7 months
What’s Hawaiian coffee got that other coffees don’t?
When it comes to producing coffee, there’s no dearth of land to get the job done. Coffee is currently grown in close to 80 countries across Africa, Asia, South and Central America and the Caribbean. When it comes to flavor however, not many geographies match up to the magic of one particular slice of land. Hawaii. So what is it that makes conventional coffees a daily routine and Hawaiian coffees a pleasurable experience?
Nutrient-rich Soil
Hawaiian coffees are blessed with a home that comes richly endowed with something ordinary coffees don’t have the privilege of either seeing or being surrounded with. Volcanoes. Volcanoes on their part, transform the soil into a nutrient-rich, fertile ground that only the world’s best coffees would demand, appreciate and make the most of. 
Ideal Temperature
Like people, coffee plants too feel the cold, heat and everything else in between. If we don’t like sweating it out under an exceptionally warm sun, neither do they. The trouble with higher temperatures is, they usually lead to abnormal coffee flowering and poor fruiting. High-elevation coffee regions like Hawaii however, have an average temperature of 69 degrees (Fahrenheit) which inspires coffee plants to do what they’re destined to do. Grow, blossom and create the world’s most delectable coffees. 
 Well-spread Rainfall
Heavy rains may not wash away the color of your home but it sure can play havoc with the flavor of a coffee bean. The optimal rainfall condition in Hawaii keeps the flavor of coffee beans from being washed away which explains why they taste sweeter and better than other coffees. Also, the rain here is both abundant and uniformly distributed, which is favorable for coffee plantations to flower and fruit throughout the year.  
Quality Management
The hand that nurtures a coffee plant controls the quality of the resulting bean. Hawaiian coffee producers spare no efforts in terms of resources, techniques and processes to make sure their farms give out nothing less than the world’s finest coffees.
The taste
When you have the world’s best home ground to grow your coffee, a product with exceptional aroma, flavor and after-taste is but a harvest away. Hawaiian coffees are known to be mild in taste and acidity as compared to conventional coffees. Take a sip and you’ll find your coffee to be rich and smooth but never overpowering.
Experience the flavor of Hawaiian coffee today!
We’re Social Brew, an e-commerce coffee company that loves to spread the flavor of the world’s best coffees into the lives and routines of coffee lovers like you.
So, if you’re ready to discover the unique taste of wide-ranging Hawaiian coffees, we’ll be more than happy to help you. We’d also like to share that, we use the proceeds from the coffee you buy from us to help victims of human trafficking in rebuilding their lives.
So, every time you visit Social Brew to make a purchase, we make sure the goodness of our specialty coffees goes beyond your cup.
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bestkonacoffee · 2 years
Things That Make Kona Coffee Special
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Hawaiian coffee is famous worldwide for its unique taste and rich flavor. Therefore, the name Kona coffee automatically pops up when searching for the best high-quality Hawaiian coffee. However, many people wonder, what’s so special about Kona coffee? Today's article will discuss things that make Kona coffee special. Kona coffee differs from other ordinary coffee as it is prepared with the best Hawaiian coffee beans. You won't understand the hype and craze of Kona coffee without tasting it. One thing is guaranteed, if you are a coffee enthusiast, you will surely love Kona coffee. Kona coffee is a treat to the taste buds of coffee admirers. No ordinary or specialty coffee can match the unique and flavorful taste of Kona coffee. Rich and Unique Taste The light, sweet, rich caramel taste of Kona coffee makes it the first choice of every coffee enthusiast. Many people admire Kona coffee due to its unique taste. The aftertaste of Kona coffee is strong and soothing. You literally get Hawaii vibes while having Kona coffee on a sunny day. High Demand Low Supply Many people have admired the taste of Kona coffee for years and still continue to admire the flavorful taste of Hawaiian coffee. Unfortunately, the Kona farmers can't keep pace with increasing demand. Sowing and growing Kona coffee have geographical restrictions, making it impossible to grow it in abundance. However, this high demand and low supply factor have contributed significantly in increasing Kona coffee's hype. Due to the low supply, people consider Kona coffee luxurious and limited, only accessible to a few.
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Location Only the Hualalai and Mauna mountains of the Kona district provide rich volcanic soil, high elevation, cloud coverage, and the perfect temperature for the growth of Kona coffee beans. The islands of Hawaii are the only place in the world where Kona coffee is grown. Sunny mornings and light rains create the perfect atmosphere for cultivating Kona coffee. Kona coffee is special because it is rare as it is grown only in one place. Care and Hard Work It's very hard to use machines to cultivate Kona coffee due to the mountains and uneven surface. So all the work of Kona coffee, including sowing and harvesting, has to be done manually, which requires a lot of manpower. Besides this, Kona coffee plants need extreme care and hard work, which makes Kona coffee difficult to grow. In The End The rich taste of Kona coffee is unmatched and cannot be compared to other gourmet or specialty coffees. The intense hard work, dedication, and labor put into preparing Kona coffee make it worth the hype. If you want to treat your taste buds to the rare and unique taste of Kona coffee beans, then Buddha's Sanctuary LLC is the perfect place. They deal in both Hawaiian tea and coffee, so you will probably find all the products you are looking for in their store. All the coffee beans are freshly hand picked from Kona coffee farms or estates. To learn more about the company, feel free to visit their official website Buddhascup.com.
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sommerregenjuniluft · 6 months
@jegulus-microfic march 25 - eyeliner - 2341 words
<33 of losing babies and chance meetings in hawaii
Regulus rubs at his eyes, smudging the remains of eyeliner from the previous evening probably only more.
It’s been a wild night out given that Regulus found himself the only one out of his friend group appearing down for breakfast at the hotel’s buffet. He went for a classic hangover comfort food, coffee with beans and toast and while he longed for the sausages and eggs and fruit and frozen joghurt Regulus isn’t fool enough to think he would have been able to keep all of that down.
Sleep is already tugging at the corners of his mind again when he presses the elevator button to bring him back up to his hotel room to doze away another few more hours. There’s a nice breeze coming in from the double doors leading out to the pool and Regulus leans against the cooling marble of the wall, eyes closed, soaking it all in.
It’s been Pandora’s idea, to get the five of them out for a few days over easter, away from home. From work and family—not that the latter was much of Regulus’ concern—and Regulus must admit that this one is definitely one of her better experiments.
The elevator doors ding and Regulus blinks open his eyes and steps forward only to come to an immediate halt because— 
Because there’s a baby in the lift.
Just– all by itself.
Sitting in its buggy. Completely at ease.
No like…parent or guardian inside.
What appears to be a small boy with the wildest sort of curly, black hair Regulus has ever seen sits in his seat, one spiderman sock barely hanging onto his toes, chewing away on a toy in his lap and gazing with big, intensely green eyes up at Regulus.
“Uh, hi there, baby,” Regulus says. He sets a foot onto the threshold to keep the doors open and bends down, “Where’s your family, buddy?”
The kid suddenly throws his little body back into the padding of his buggy with a blinding grin and a screech of what Regulus assumes to be ecstatic elation, “Pafoo!”
“Bless you, mate,” Regulus replies politely.
The little boy reaches his hands out to Regulus, “Out!”
And, well, the little bugger might be onto something here because as of right now Regulus must look like a right nutter talking to the inside of an elevator and if the little one’s parents are going to try and find him they’ll probably start at the elevator areas on each floor.
So Regulus gets the small kid out of the elevator and wheels him over to where a set of dark leather sofas and armchairs are gathered opposite the elevator doors.
When Regulus sits down across from the little boy he giggles, happy as ever, as if nothing was amiss.
Well, at least the one time Regulus finds a lost baby it’s a happy one. Lucky draw, he thinks.
The boy is back to chewing on the little rubber ring again and Regulus eyes him curiously, chin propped on his fist. The boy’s skin is a warm brown, similar to Evan’s and Pandora’s and there’s a faint layer of freckles dotting his nose—just like it will happen to Regulus after a few more days out under the Hawaiian sunshine. There’s a small patch of drool on his yellow shirt but he looks clean otherwise. 
After another moment of inner contemplation Regulus finally reaches out and tugs the sock back into place. 
The boy snickers, wiggling his foot and Regulus finds his lips tugging at the corners.
“Pafoo, out!” the boy repeats again.
Regulus frowns, “Yeah, mate, I already got us off the elevator.”
The little boy keeps squirming in his seat.
“Oh,” Regulus makes when it dawns on him, “Oh, out. Er– yes, sure, hold on.”
He scoots forward on the leather to inspect the little belt trapping the boy in his seat. Eventually Regulus finds the lock, figures out the mechanism and untangles the boy from his buggy. Before he has the chance to freeze and wonder if the boy is even old enough to be able to walk yet there are small, chubby arms reaching out to him and tangling around his neck.
“Oh, okay,” Regulus blinks, feeling his tiny body warm where it’s pressed into his chest, “Um, okay, I’m– okay, uh. Hi.”
The boy pulls back from the crook of Regulus’ neck, smiling brightly. “Hi,” he replies, sweet as sugar and waving a hand at him. Regulus’ heart does not melt.
Regulus’ eyes however clock the small bracelet on the boy’s wrist, donned with little letters spelling out the name Harry.
“Harry, huh?” he asks. “My name is Regulus.”
Harry makes another one of his loud, elated noises, “Pafoo!”
“Nah, mate, Re-gu-lus.”
“Pafoo,” Harry grins.
“Fine,” Regulus sniffs, “I guess I shouldn’t expect too much from a one or two year old.”
Harry giggles again, nose scrunching adorably and hiccuping little laughs into Regulus’ shoulder. 
If Regulus had ovaries he’s pretty sure they would be actively doing something right now which– is decidedly a disturbing thought to have. In a manner of trying to distract himself Regulus looks around, gaze landing on the socks once more.
“So what’s your favourite Spiderman movie, Harry?”
“Yes, which one?”
“Mine’s probably the one with Andrew Garfield.”
“Mo!” Harry yells suddenly, pointing back at his buggy.
“Mo?” Regulus asks, confused.
“Mo,” Harry makes again, knocking his tiny, loosely curled fists against each other.
That’s when the clarity washes over Regulus, lips dropping open with a silent oh of understanding. It’s sign language for more. 
He’s seen young parents teach their babies sign language for easier communication and with Dorcas being hard of hearing Regulus and his friends obviously have taken on learning a whole lot as well. The basics are as easy for Regulus as English and French are by now.
“More of what?” Regulus asks, doing the according signs.
“Tea!” Harry responds, smiling brightly, clearly happy with being understood.
Regulus kicks at the buggy to turn it and then fishes a sippy cup out of the holder next to the handles.
Harry slurps away at his cold tea content and does the little gulp ahh thing small kids do when they exhale once they’re done drinking. 
Regulus does not think about adopting a baby.
“Harry!” someone calls from the end of the hall suddenly and may the gods stand by because the person running over is undoubtedly the most handsome man Regulus has ever seen.
The small boy in Regulus arms is literally a carbon copy what with the wild, black hair, the dark skin and the bright smile.
“Dada!” Harry yells, as if it wasn’t clear as day that they share the same DNA.
Regulus’ hands start sweating where they’re still around Harry’s now wiggling body, watching the young man rush over.
“Oh, god, thank you thank you,” the stranger chants, carefully lifting Harry out of Regulus’ hands, “Hi, baby, hi. Daddy’s here. Oh, holy fuck.”
Regulus snorts a little at the crude language but, alas, Harry is probably too young to remember anyways. 
He gives them their little moment of embracing, fighting against the restless squirming in his stomach, the thing scratching at the inside of his walls demanding to find out everything about the cute boy’s father.
Once the young father has got enough squeeze time and Harry starts trying to wiggle free, he lets out another string of curses, this time Spanish, and Regulus barely refrains from whimpering.
He has to trap another one behind his teeth when the man finally, actually glances at him, relief clear on his features, laughing breathlessly and chocolate brown eyes glinting happily and with ebbing nerves.
“Thank you, I’m–” the handsome stranger blinks a little, mouth working uselessly before he slips back into a lopsided grin, “Hi, I’m James, you- wow, hello, uh– thank you, um, for Harry. I’m so glad he’s okay, I’m James– by the way. And you are? Aside from my gorgeous knight in shining armour.”
Regulus cocks a brow, hands on his naked hips right above the elastic of his short running pants and below his cropped, black shirt with pink letters saying those are bold words for someone in stabbing range. It was a Christmas present from his friends and the first thing he saw after rolling out of bed with a hangover this morning, sue him.
“No problem, he’s a little sunshine,” Regulus replies, gazing at Harry where he’s fiddling with James’ necklace, “I’m Regulus.”
“Wait,” James says, jaw dropping, “Your name is—”
“James!” it comes from the other side of the hall, followed by another rush of footsteps and Regulus turns to see two more men jogging over to them. One of them being—
“Jesus, fuck, I’m so glad you found him,” Sirius says, eyes fixated on James and Harry.
Sirius, as in, Regulus’ older brother Sirius.
Sirius, as in, Regulus’ older brother that he hasn’t seen in four years.
Sirius with his long-ish hair falling down to his armpits now in long, soft curls. Sirius with his arms full of tattoos and wearing red bootie shorts and having pierced nipples and Sirius with pink cheeks and a relieved look on his face and Sirius having his fingers interlaced with another man’s.
Sirius blowing out another breath as he strokes the little boy’s cheek carefully, “Where’d you find h—”
Sirius that swivels and looks right at Regulus standing dumbfounded in a random hotel lobby on fucking Hawaii.
“I– what are you doing here?”
Regulus narrows his eyes, “I found Harry.”
“You what?”
“Are you deaf?” Regulus shoots back, “I found your friend’s baby.”
Sirius’ mouth drops open, “Excuse me, that is my godson.”
Regulus slips into a frown, suddenly and stupidly feeling a bit possessive over the little kid that is clearly taken with him but apparently supposed to be his older brother’s godson. 
He sniffs, crossing his arms, “Well, you’re clearly not doing your job well seeing as you’ve lost him. Also he called me his Pafoo.”
Regulus expects Sirius to volley back another insult, a counter-argument or something of the likes but instead he lets the loudest, most dramatic gasp rip from his throat.
“Oh God,” James mumbles, blanching but failing to keep his lips from twitching.
The man next to Sirius looks just as conflicted, instantly cooing into Sirius’ ear soothingly and rubbing his shoulder as this one whimpers like a wounded dog.
“What?” Regulus asks, looking at James.
The handsome father winces with a badly concealed grin before he ducks close, murmuring, “It’s Padfoot. That’s what we call Sirius, it’s sorta his nickname.”
Regulus can’t help it, the gleeful laugh bubbles right out of him. He could kiss little Harry right now.
“No!” Sirius wails, letting himself fall back into the lanky, taller man’s arms. “Betrayal!”
“Come now, Pads, he’s 18 months old,” the third man says soothingly.
“Remus is right,” James concurs, “Harry doesn’t even know my mum from our neighbour most times.”
“Effie doesn’t live with you,” Sirius cries out.
Regulus thinks there might actually be tears forming in his eyes.
“And neither do you,” James says pointedly, “You’re across the hall and you work full time, might I remind you. You’re over maybe four times a week.”
“Five! At least!”
“Sirius, darling, please stop yelling,” Remus mutters, glancing at a passing old couple with a wobbly smile.
Regulus grins, “No, please keep going, this is the highlight of my vacation so far.”
There’s a poke in his naked side and when Regulus looks over James is giving him a playful scolding glare.
Regulus digs his teeth into his lower lip, voice purposefully innocent, “What?”
“Don’t be a tease,” James chides but it sorta loses the edge with how wide he’s smiling.
“Or else?” Regulus counters.
James hums, giving Regulus a once over before clearing his throat, looking back at his friend, “Here, Moons, can you take Harry for a second?”
Sirius makes an affronted noise, looking downright stricken and he quickly takes Remus’ outstretched hands, pulling, what is presumably his boyfriend, out of reach for James. “Two Potters in one day!? Prongs, are you trying to kill me?”
James sighs, pulling Harry back against his hip which then decides to reach out his hands to Sirius, “Pafoo.”
“That’s right,” Sirius sniffs, crossing the distance and ripping Harry from James’ hold, “I love you, little stinker. You’ll get it with time, I know you will. You’re such a smart boy, Hazza.”
Harry immediately starts playing with the thin braids in Sirius’ hair and his brother swivels to level Regulus with a triumphant smirk.
“Whatever,” Regulus says, crossing his arms again.
But before jealousy, no matter over whom, can spread itself in Regulus’ chest, Sirius is stepping closer.
Regulus is certain their flip flops nearly touch and Sirius is staring at him intensely with the same eyes he sees in the mirror every day, and it makes him swallow. The freckle over Sirius’ mouth is just the same as four years ago, as is the one on Regulus’ temple. 
“There’s a baby swimming lesson at the pool I wanted to attend with Harry later at 2,” Sirius says, voice husky, “Care to join?”
Regulus was supposed to meet the others back in Barty and Evan’s room at 3 but they’re probably passed out until then anyways. “I think I can make some time,” he replies airily.
Sirius blows out a heavy breath through his nose, before slipping into a grin, “Good.”
“Good,” Regulus mimics.
“I bet Harry floats better than you,” Sirius taunts, “Do you still sink like a stone?”
“It’s amazing how much of a talent you still possess for making me regret things,” Regulus snips back.
Sirius bumps their shoulder together, making Harry giggle and Regulus purses his lips in an effort to hide his smile.
And then James is there on the other side of him, taking Harry back from Sirius and smiling sweetly down at Regulus and for some reason his cheeks feel a little warmer suddenly.
[also for personal reasons i need everyone to know these were the booty shorts sirius was wearing]
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callsigncurse · 10 months
meet me in the woods (jake seresin x reader)
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Evergreen Falls, Oregon. A small town with a mysterious past and strange folktales, surrounded by forest and ocean. You're here because of your best friend, Natasha Trace, but it feels as though something else drew you to this picturesque little town. Pairing: Jake Seresin x Fem!Reader Warnings: This is an AU where mythical creatures exist. Werewolves are the main characters presented, but others are mentioned and may make an appearance later in the series. There are mentions of death (parental; reader's and Rooster's) and use of pet names, such as "pretty girl", "sweet girl" and "darlin'." Words: 4.7K
[part one of the evergreen falls series]
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From the moment you crossed the border from California to Oregon, you knew that this was where you belonged. The forests, the skies, and the overall vibe were different from anything you'd ever known, and you wanted more than anything to stay.
However, it was easy to get lost. Your GPS had all but given up on you, and it took you until it was nearly too late to find your exit. It was hidden in the trees, and when you merged onto it, you wondered if this was a mistake and if it was leading you right off a cliff or something.
Despite that, you kept driving. The highway exit ended up leading you to a gravel road, and that gravel road led you to a sign. It was white with dark green writing, pointing you forward.
Evergreen Falls, 3 miles ahead
Population: 5,135. 
A Great Place to Be!
You'd breathed out a sigh of relief, because this was exactly where you'd needed to go. You were excited; you had been driving for hours, and your body ached from sitting in your car for too long. You couldn't wait to get to town and get out of your car.
Thankfully, those three miles streaked by, and a break in the trees led you to the most beautiful little town you'd ever seen.
Nestled beneath the Pacific Coast mountain range, Evergreen Falls practically sparkled. The buildings all looked like they'd been freshly painted, with red brick inlay that hinted at them being a little older than this century. The streets looked new, but the streetlamps were definitely older and well taken care of.
The road took you to a street sign labeled Main Street, and you pulled your Jeep to the side of the street to park. After taking a moment to study your surroundings, you noticed the little businesses up and down the street. A boutique, a coffee shop called Top Bean, a realtor's office, and what looked to be a vintage record store. It really was a lovely little town, and you smiled to yourself.
Climbing out of your car, you grabbed your bag and stretched. It was cooler here than when you'd gotten into your car to leave California, but it wasn't too bad. Refreshing, even. It was a change, and that's exactly what you needed. You let yourself relax for a moment, feeling the wind ruffle the skirt of the sundress you'd thrown on back in California.
"Well, I've never seen you around before."
You whirled around, pressing a hand to your chest as your heart leapt inside your chest. You hadn't seen anyone on the street when you'd gotten out of your Jeep, so the voice had startled you.
He's standing with his hands in his pockets, a rather lanky gentleman wearing a godawful Hawaiian shirt over a white t-shirt. The ensemble was completed by a pair of grease-stained blue jeans and scuffed cowboy boots. You knew from your best friend's description of her friends that this was Bradley Bradshaw.
His lips twitched, making his mustache move in an amusing way. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. We just don't often get folks traveling through here. 'Specially not beautiful ones."
Cocking an eyebrow, you studied the man for another moment before you spoke. "So, you're Rooster." You had the pleasure of watching him narrow his eyes, staring at you suspiciously. "Or do you prefer Bradley?"
"How in the hell?" He steps closer, peering at you like he's trying to figure out who the hell you are. "How do you know my name? Have we met before?"
You just laugh. "It's nice to finally meet you, Bradley." You take a look around, your eyes drifting back over to the coffee shop. "Natasha told me all about you and your flirty ways."
"Goddammit, Phoenix. And you," He points his index finger at you and says, "You little shit, you scared the hell out of me." He gripes and then gestures for you to follow him. "She's working at the coffee shop today, and so is Coyote."
He opens the door for you, and you're met with the scent of coffee and the sounds of soft chatter. Natasha is behind the counter, and when the bell above you chimes, she finally looks up, locks eyes with you, and says your name. And then she's coming around the counter to launch herself at you, and the two of you almost tumble to the ground in a mess of flailing limbs and excited screams.
Bradley and the other barista are watching all of this with amusement, and neither man makes a move to get between you two.
"I can't believe you're finally here!" Natasha pulls away first, looking at your face like she's afraid you'll disappear if she looks away. "When did you get in? How are you? I thought you were still in California; you're weeks early!"
"I wanted to surprise you!" You explain excitedly. "I just couldn't wait anymore, so I packed everything up and headed straight here. The movers should be somewhere behind me; I think they said they're like forty minutes behind."
Nat's face is bright; she's basically glowing as she pulls you tight to her. It's the first hug you've gotten in days, and you tuck your face into the crook of her neck. She smells like baked goods, coffee, and the perfume she always wore in college when you first met her.
"God, I missed the way you smell. It's like the best thing ever." You tell her, pulling back so you can see her face again. "I'm so glad I'm here. I missed you so fucking much."
She laughs, and Bradley clears his throat from behind you. When you turn around, his arms are crossed over his chest, and he's looking at the both of you with amusement. "Guessing you two go way back?"
The barista that Nat was working with—Javy, it says on his nametag—snorts. "Obviously, Rooster." He smirks when Rooster's answer is a quick flash of his middle finger.
"We went to the same college." You explain, "Nat was studying business, and I was studying to become an English major. We bumped into each other at the campus coffee shop and became study buddies for the rest of our college years. I recently went through some changes, and I wanted to find somewhere new to live. Start over fresh, you know? So I decided to come here so I could live near my best friend."
Nat's hand slips into yours and squeezes gently. "It's seriously been way too long. That was mostly my fault; I got so busy trying to get this place up and running that I never had time for anyone or anything else."
"I can forgive you if you make me a Red-Eye Special." A concoction the two of you had come up with your junior year, the Red-Eye special was a latte with two extra espresso shots, mocha sauce, and topped with whipped cream and chocolate shavings.
She lets your hand go, a big smile on her beautiful face. "That's actually one of the most popular drinks here. I put it on the menu to make sure I always remember the best friend I ever had."
Bradley huffs indignantly at that, and it sends you both into a fit of giggles. While she goes to make your drink, you move to the bar top to sit and watch her. Bradley follows, taking a seat beside you. "I'll take a mocha frappe, Phoenix."
"You got it, Rooster."
You sit in a comfortable silence for a moment, taking in the coffee shop. It's exactly Nat's aesthetic, you think to yourself. There's band posters everywhere, a vintage jukebox in the corner, and the walls are all painted different and funky colors. The furniture is all well-worn but clearly loved. The pictures she'd texted you when she first opened didn't do the place justice. It was amazing.
"Hey Nat, how come you never told me about your absolutely gorgeous best friend before?" Bradley pipes up from beside you, prompting an eyeroll from you and Nat.
"I've mentioned her a lot over the years since I got back from college, Rooster. You're just a terrible listener."
They were still squabbling amongst themselves when the bell above the door suddenly chimed, announcing the arrival of a newcomer. Curious, you lean back on your chair slightly. Peering around Bradley's back, you catch sight of the person walking in through the door.
He's tall—ridiculously so. Like way over six feet, taller than Bradley's type of tall. His golden hair gleams under the soft light coming in through the windows, and his skin is a beautiful shade of tan. He has a slight beard, and the hair is a few shades darker than the hair on his head. More honey-colored than gold, you think to yourself. He's wearing a gray t-shirt with a dark green flannel; the sleeves are rolled up, and you take a moment to study his strong arms. His hands are massive too, and you know they'd dwarf yours. He's incredibly attractive, nearly angelic in his perfection.
Nat looks over her shoulder, offering a bright smile to the absolute god that just walked into her coffee shop. "Hey, Hangman. Want your usual?"
The man they call Hangman nods as he steps up to the counter, already pulling money out of his wallet. He slides a small stack of bills across the counter to Javy, dropping another bill into the tip jar afterwards.
He doesn't say a word as he passes behind you to the very last bar stool to wait for his order. You can't help but turn slightly in your seat, watching as he walks past you. Something about him seems so familiar to you, but you know you've never seen him before. You'd remember that face.
It's like he can feel your eyes on him because he turns his head, and suddenly you can see his eyes. They're green, a gorgeous shade of worn seaglass, or maybe green like the evergreens the forests around here were thick with. But whatever shade they were, they stole your breath.
He doesn't say anything at first; he just watches you, and the corners of his perfect pink lips lift. He's not totally smiling, but it's enough to get your pulse hammering wildly.
Your own answering smile is sweet, and he swallows thickly as he studies you. He seems to be contemplating something, and then his beautiful lips part. "Hi."
Everyone around you freezes. Bradley and Nat stop their good-nature squabbling, and Javy is openly staring with his jaw dropped. They'd only heard this man talk a handful of times in the last few years, and here you were, the newcomer, drawing him into a conversation.
You're paying zero attention to what just happened around you because you're too busy looking at him to notice. "Hi."
"I've never seen you around before." He remarks, his voice soft. It's got a nice gravel to it, deep and warm. "Are you new to town?"
You find yourself nodding, "I just got here. I came from California. San Diego, to be more specific." Your heart is still thrumming, and it's almost like he can hear it because he smiles. It's wide and boyish, and you're breathless.
"Will you be staying for long?" He gets up from his seat at the end of the bar and moves closer. You have to tilt your head back in order to see his face, but you don't mind.
"I'm moving here, actually." You explain, "I'm now the proud owner of the cottage over by the river. The one on Meadow Lane."
He nods slowly. "I know it. Nice place, not too far from the falls. I remember when the previous owner moved away to a bigger town; he just gave the place to the realtor, Beau Simpson. His office is across the street, in case you need to talk to him about anything."
Nat clears her throat, sliding your coffee across the countertop to you. "That place is nice. But are you sure that's where you want to live? There are plenty of houses here in town that aren't surrounded by the woods, you know? That place is kind of creepy looking at night."
You shrug, breaking eye contact with the beautiful man to look at your best friend. "I fell in love with the house, Nat. It's perfect for me—just the right amount of secludedness, but close enough to town that if I need anything, I can just run and get it. So yeah, I'm sure."
You turn your head again, and he's still watching you. The small smile returns to his lips when your eyes catch his once again. Holding your hand out to him, you say your name, and that smile widens. It's devastating in its beauty.
His hand dwarfs yours when he takes it, and it's unbelievably warm. His palm and fingertips are rough from work, you assume, and you love the way it feels against your soft skin. "Jake Seresin, but sometimes the others call me Hangman. I think I'd like it if you called me Jake."
There's a moment where you're so lost in his eyes that the rest of the world fades away. Something between you snaps into place—something entirely ancient and primal. It almost feels like something is now tying you to him, like a silver, shining chain stretching from somewhere in you to a similar point in him.
It feels like you loved him before, in another life.
"Hello, Earth, to space cadets." Javy is snickering, and Bradley is waving a hand between your faces to catch your attention. "The two of you just went someplace else."
Something that sounds eerily like a growl comes from Jake's direction, but when you look back at him, he just offers another soft smile. He looks suspiciously innocent, but you don't comment on that fact.
Nat comes over just then, sliding a small bag and a to-go mug across the counter over to Jake. "There, here's your order, Hangman. The scones are fresh, just how you like them."
Jake makes a sound like a happy little hum. "Thank you, Phoenix. Much appreciated."
He stands up from his seat next to you, the bag and cup cradled in his large hands. "I have to be getting back now. I'll see you around, right?" He's looking down at you, those bright green eyes searching your face. His expression looks strangely anxious, like he's afraid he's never going to see you again.
"Yeah, of course." You stand too, looking up at him. "Maybe you can show me around town sometime?"
He quickly switches the coffee cup into his other hand, balancing his to-go bag of baked goods on his arm. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out what appears to be a partially crumpled business card. 
Jake Seresin  Woodworker & Carpenter Office: 75 South Pine Ave. Evergreen Falls, OR
"Here, my cell is on there. Call me when you get settled, or if you just get bored and need a break from Bradley's terrible jokes."
Bradley makes another sound from behind you: "Fucking rude."
"That sounds good." You answer softly. "I'll see you around, Jake." Your heart flutters when his smile grows wider, and you think maybe you'd like to keep seeing that smile every day for the rest of your life.
"Bye, darlin'." He murmurs, turning away and making his way out of the coffee shop.
When he's gone, you turn back to the stares of your friends.
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It doesn't take long for you to receive the keys to your new home. The realtor that Jake had mentioned, Beau Simpson, "Cyclone to my friends," he'd said with a wink, was a helpful guy. He'd made the process of buying your cabin extremely easy, and you'd bunked with Nat for a few days while he got the place ready for you. You had the keys in your hand just four days after arriving in Evergreen Falls.
Night was falling, and you had just brought in the last box of your things from the moving truck. Nat's friends—Javy, Mickey, Bradley, Reuben, and Bob—had introduced themselves to you and offered to help you move in. Even Bradley's godfather—Maverick, he'd told you to call him—had taken a quick look around the place in case anything needed fixing.
Luckily, the place had come somewhat furnished, so you didn't really need to buy anything besides a new mattress. The rest of your stuff from your tiny apartment fits easily in your new home.
Bob and Bradley had already carried your new mattress in; Javy and Mickey were arguing over the way your bed frame was supposed to be put together; and Reuben and Maverick were looking over a leaky faucet in your bathroom. Nat and Maverick's wife, Penny, were putting away dishes in the cupboards of the kitchen.
Bradley was perched on your couch, trying to figure out how to get your WiFi to connect to your smart TV while Penny's daughter watched. She was giggling at him while he was muttering something to himself about 'stupid fucking technology' when your phone chimed.
Jake: It sounds like a circus over there. 
What Jake had failed to mention was that when you moved in, the cabin half a mile down the road was owned by him. Not that you particularly minded, but it was nice to know that a friendly face was close by in case you needed something.
You'd texted him your number the night you'd met him, and it was a nice surprise to see him reach out. You smiled to yourself, worrying your lower lip between your teeth for a moment before you answered.
You: They mean well. I'm almost all moved in; I just need to get my bed together and fix the hole in the floor of my front porch, and I'll be all good to go. Jake: I can fix that, if you want. I can drop by tomorrow morning after my run. You: That'd be great! Thank you so much, Jake. Jake: No problem, pretty girl. You: Pretty girl, huh? That's sweet. And thank you again; that was sweet of you to say. See you tomorrow, Jake. Jake: Sleep tight.
The rest of the evening was spent tidying things up, sharing pizza, and goofing off with your newfound friend group. It had been pretty late when they all filed out of your new home, and you'd dragged yourself to your room and onto your new mattress for some rest. It had been a long week.
Maybe it was just the whole 'being alone in a new home' thing making you anxious, but before you fell asleep, you could've sworn you heard howling from somewhere out in the forest behind your new home. Before you can really think anything of it, sleep grabs ahold of you and drags you down deep.
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The sound of knocking ends up dragging you out of a dream. You can't quite remember what it was about, but then you remember the howling from the night before, and you wonder if it has to do with that. The sun is filtering in through the window, but from the look of it, it is definitely still early.
You're still sleepy-eyed when you go to answer the door, and your hair is a little messy. You assume it's Natasha, or maybe Bradley, coming over to bug you. But when you open the door, you're met with the strong and tall frame of Jake Seresin, standing right there in your doorway.
Shit. You'd forgotten he was coming over to fix the porch.
You brush a lock of hair away from your left eye and tilt your head back, immediately melting when you see his face. "Hey."
"Hey yourself." He answers. He looks tired, with dark circles under his eyes, but he's smiling faintly. And then you watch as his gaze falls to your shoulder. Your too-big sleep shirt had slipped down, revealing more skin to him. His gaze is appraising as his eyes drift over your form, down to your bare legs. He must've liked what he saw, because the apples of his cheeks were pink now.
After clearing your throat, you could feel your own face heating up. "I woke up a little late and forgot you were coming. Sorry about me looking all, you know, messy."
"You look beautiful." He says in response. "I like this just as much as I liked that sundress you were wearing the first day I met you." He says it sweetly, and you can feel your pulse fluttering in your throat.
"Thank you, Jake." You murmur, "You're very kind." Your face is shy and pink. You wonder where this guy has been hiding himself all your life. "Um, I'll just run upstairs and get dressed. Feel free to come in if you want."
You don't wait for him to come inside; you just open the door a little wider and scurry away toward the stairs. It's not that you distrust Jake—just the opposite, in fact—you trust him a lot. Probably too much, considering the fact that you'd only had 1.5 conversations with the guy. Standing around in your little PJs is probably not the best move. You know you should probably look semi-decent while a man is working on your home.
You hurry into your bedroom, quickly swapping out what you're wearing for a pair of cutoff jean shorts and a t-shirt. It's the middle of summer and warm this time of year, but it's not nearly as bad as California. You hurriedly tug a brush through your unruly hair, trying to get it to settle down, and then hurry into your bathroom to brush your teeth. Your face is flushed when you look in the mirror, and you do your best to settle the sudden onslaught of nerves you're feeling.
When you come back down the stairs, Jake is standing in front of your fireplace with his hands tucked into the pockets of his jeans. He's studying the photographs on the mantle above it—the photos of your family. Your mom and dad were in the majority of them, and Jake muses over how much you look like them both.
"Are you close with them?"
Stepping into the living room, you wrap your arms around yourself. It hurts you to think of them; the pain is still fresh even months later. "I was." Your voice is tinged with sadness, and he turns his head when you come up beside him. "They died earlier this year in a car accident. They were on their way home from a concert when a drunk driver hit them head-on."
After a long moment (where you think you've said the wrong thing), he slowly wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you gently toward him. You go to him without question, resting your head against his chest while his hand rubs your back in slow, soothing circles. You can feel his sorrow; he doesn't pity you, but he is sad for you.
You let yourself be comforted. You've only known him a few days, but it feels like he's always been with you. It's strange and probably insane, but you feel like there could be something there.
You really hope there's something there.
There's a feeling of light pressure against your skull, and you tip your head back so you can see his face. The smile he gives you is sweet, and your heart feels a little less heavy than it had a moment before.
"I should get started on the porch. Maybe after I'm done, I can take you out to breakfast? The hole isn't too big; it shouldn't take me more than an hour to fix it." He's smiling at you, and you can tell that he's nervous, too.
You nod, your eyes meeting his, and there's that feeling again. That pull between you is like a long chain connecting you to him, and it feels like it's always been there, even though you just met him for the first time a few days ago. You can't help but wonder if he feels it, too.
You let him go, and he grabs the tool bag he'd left by your front door. Not knowing what else to do, you drift out behind him with the intention of sitting on the porch swing. You just want to be near him, plain and simple.
You settle down on the swing, one leg bent on the seat while the other works to push you slowly back and forth. Jake is already at work, measuring and cutting things with a precision that amazes you. He's shed his flannel, leaving him clad in only a black t-shirt that looks worn and soft. You watch the way he moves, his arms when he lifts, and the way his chest and back fill out that t-shirt in a way that makes your mouth dry.
You haven't dated in a long time. You had so much going on with school, finding a job in your field, and then your parents' deaths that it was hard to make a solid connection with anyone around you. Plus, a lot of the time, the guys you met were either total jerks or just really weird. But Jake? Jake seemed different. He was quiet, kind, and helpful, and there was something there. Something deep-seated and amazing is just waiting to be unlocked.
Your phone chimes from where it's sitting on the porch swing next to you, and you pick it up to see a new text from Bradley.
Bradley: Hey, you. Are you up yet? You: Yeah, I'm awake! What's up? Bradley: The group is planning on going on a hike this afternoon to the falls, maybe swim a little, and have a picnic. You interested? You: Sounds awesome. Who all is going? Bradley: Everyone, just about. Maverick sometimes tags along, but he's taking Penny and Amelia out for their own day trip. You: Jake's with me; should I ask if he wants to come with me? Bradley: Good luck with that. Jake is kind of a lone wolf. Bradley: Also, why is Jake Seresin with you??? You: Carpenter services. He's fixing my front porch. I bet I can convince him to come with us. Wanna meet up at my place so we can all walk there together? Bradley: Yeah, we'll get there around 12. Javy and I are bringing food; Nat's bringing drinks. Think you could pick up some paper plates and napkins? You: On it.
"Hey, Jake?" He hums, looking up from his handiwork to meet your eyes. "The group is planning on coming over today at noon so we can all go to the falls and swim. Do you think I could convince you to come with?"
He looks like a deer in headlights for a moment, his eyes wide when he stares at you. "You... want me to go with you?" He asks slowly, his tone strangely disbelieving. It was like he couldn't quite believe that you'd extended the invitation to him.
"Well, yeah. Of course I do. And I'm sure everyone else would love to see you, too." You stop swinging, your head tilted in a way that kind of reminds him of a little deer. "Please? It'll be a good chance for you and me to hang out for a few hours. Plus, socializing would be good for you. I hear that you can be quite the recluse."
He snorts but doesn't say anything for a long time. You're almost afraid that he's going to say no to you, and then he sighs. "Alright, I'll go. But as long as you make me a promise,"
"Never go into Evergreen Forest by yourself, especially at night." He seems anxious when he says it, standing up from where he's been working to cross over to you. "It's easy to get lost if you're not familiar with the area. People have up and gone missing because it's so easy to get turned around in there."
He crouches down, laying his hands on your knees. Even crouching, he's so tall that he's face-to-face with you. You're a little distracted by his eyes, and by the way his hands are deliciously warm and rough against your skin. "It's okay to go if at least one of us is with you, but you should never go alone. Okay?"
Normally, if a man tried to tell you to do something, you'd immediately roll your eyes and do it anyway. But there's an edge to his voice, and it sounds strangely desperate. So you look him in the eye and nod. "I promise."
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rhinokck · 11 months
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This morning’s side by side was Coffee Porters from Florida. First up was JoJo Bean from 81 Bay Brewing out of Tampa FL. A very smooth flavor upfront & a great coffee flavor on the finish. One of the better coffee beers I’ve ever had. Next up was Hawaiian Lion, a coconut coffee Porte from Big Top Brewing out of Sarasota, FL. A mild coffee flavor followed by a whole lot of coconut. This was fairly decent but a lot more coconut than coffee. Overall i’d gladly drink both again.
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cevans-is-classic · 2 years
Winter Flowers
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18+ only, please. Sexual Content with some fluff. Language, oral sex, fingering, and unprotected sex.
Autumn Flowers - Spring Flowers - Summer Flowers - Autumn Vows
My master list and my Chris list.
When the air turns freezing, Chris noticed the newest vase sitting beside the toaster in the kitchen. He stroked a finger down the side of the snowdrop, tilting it up to lean down and breathe it in. When had you brought this one home? 
The vase was a crystal blue, white snowflakes patterned it — Chris thought of the blue scarf you wear, the way you bundled yourself in it, layering with a matching hat and a down jacket. He loved watching you wrap it around and around until it sits right along your shoulders and bury your face in the warmth of it before peering at him with bright eyes. 
He thought of the last autumn piece that sat in the middle of the table at thanksgiving and how happy you were when his Mom complimented the choices. 
You loved so many things, always pointing out books, movies, and different hobbies you rotated between. He could get you something personal? Maybe something he knew you would never buy yourself but would use it daily, or he could go the extravagant root and take you on a trip to somewhere you always wanted to go?
Hmm, this would be the first Christmas the two of you planned to spend together.
He rubbed a petal between his fingers, being careful not to tear the fragile flower, and thought over what he could get you. 
Oh, that would be nice. 
You’d always wanted to see Europe and Chris had been there more times than he could keep track of. He’d love to see the sights through fresh eyes and watch the way you reacted to it. How would you feel if he brought you to Greece? To Rome? Walked the louvre in Paris with you or see the mountains of Ireland? 
Although, much like him, you weren’t a fan of large, loud surprises and he knew he’d have to talk you through it between the long airplane trips and being in an unfamiliar place. He’d save that idea for later, for an anniversary or a getaway that the both of you wish to take. 
Could he put something together for you? Maybe a collection of your favorite things or an edit of your favorite behind the scene videos he takes on set; that would be both personal and extravagant — kinda. He could think of plenty of things he could put together. How’d he present it to you, the way he’d add brief clips of the two of you together and make sure you had copies for when you were away? There is also the thought of a grand gesture- 
Wait - he looks around the room, notices the jacket you had hanging by the closet, the glass of water you had on the side table, an extra pair of glasses leaning against the lamp from where you’d thrown them off last night. Chris knew if he opened the bottom two drawers of his closet shelves he’d find clothes, toiletries, and other small things you may need while you were staying at his place. 
He rose to his feet to walk through his house, pointing out things to himself that you had left around or things you even purchased for yourself. The lactose free milk in the fridge, your favorite brand of cereal on the shelf, the Hawaiian comfort rolls you love, and the brand of ice coffee you drank. 
There was a pair of shoes he knew you were standing next to his and one of your smartwatches hanging from his key chain hooks. Spinning around his living room in a full circle, Chris paused, stopping to sit down on his couch and think through what he knew he’d get you for Christmas.
You knocked, which meant you had a bouquet to replace the dying one in the dining room. Chris smiled, looked at the box that sat on the coffee table. 
“Alright Buddy, tonight’s the night.” He mumbled to Dodger as he followed the canine towards the front door. 
You wore the blue scarf. It highlighted the redness of your cheeks and the bouquet you held up had a bag of starburst jelly beans nestled in the middle. “Theres more where that came from.” You grinned wide, shoving your way in as Chris grabbed for the bag and started opening it. 
“When did flowers produce Jelly Bean? Or did you get bored one week and experimented again?” 
You turned off the heel of your foot, moving the vase to rest on your hip to point a finger at him. “Get snarky, and I’ll have to punish you, and, if you recall, I was very high when that happened.” 
Chris chuckled, stepping forward to wrap an arm around your waist and pull you in, being careful not to knock the vase you held. You hummed as he pressed you against his chest. His lips ghost your forehead, your cheek, then drew you in, leaning into you as you tipped up on your toes, push deeper into the kiss. Chris licked the seam of your lips, plunging in when you opened your mouth, and he tasted the peppermint hot chocolate you’d stopped to get. 
You were intoxicating. Something precious and wild he could hold in his arms, could lift until you had your legs around his waist and he could carry you towards the living room. He felt drunk on the roll of your hips after he’d gotten your jeans down, your underwear following with a soft brush down your legs, his tongue spreading you open after he trailed kissing up your calf and thigh. The moan of his name surged him upwards to share the taste of you. His fingers plunged into you, lifting your hip into the jut of his sweats covered cock. 
He could kiss you forever, listen to the sounds you made when he gripped you, when he sat the vase on the hallway shelf and tipped you into the wall.
You groaned, both arms wrapping around his back, one sliding to the top of his ass and the other pushing into his shoulder and pulling him closer.
“Fuck!” You jerked, eyes slipping close, his palm ground into your clit, fingers searching for the spongy part that made you tighten up, claw at his shoulder and, “God dammit, fuck, fuck—ungh!” That’s what he craved, what he ached for on long trips away from you and nights when you couldn’t stay. You shivered under him, pulsing around his fingers your mouth open, breathing hard as your head tilts backwards when his fingers starting stroking you again, slower, without rhythm. 
“I left your gift here.” You breathed out. 
Chris bobbed his head. “Uh, I would have noticed a package.” 
You shark grinned, “Would you?” Your hand moved from his back to his cock, pressing down, gripping the outline of him to rub against him. 
“How?” You pulled at the drawstrings, slid both your hands to his ass and pushed into the waistband, grabbing at him to grind his cock into your heat. 
“Fuck me and I’ll tell you.” He wouldn’t argue with that.
Sinking into you was a dream. The gasp you draped over his lips when he first presses in, the tightness of your thigh beneath his hand, the way you groaned when he used the other hand to tug your head back. He licked down your neck, over your throat and back up to nip at the skin beneath your chin. He snapped his hips to match the drop of yours and it dragged him into a pool of heat.
How could he have this every day, every night, for the rest of his life? What made him this lucky to get your ‘Good luck’ messages when he did an interview or went to an award show? The ways you helped to center him when everything felt out of control. Did he make a wish, one he’d long forgotten, for the best person to enter his life be you?
What deity out there allowed him to have someone that was their own true self, not for another person, but for themselves. Who worked at discovering a life they could cultivate for themselves without turning to resentment and lack of patience. A partner who showed up on his doorstep with flowers and warmth he wanted to bask in. Above all else; what made him take so long to find you? 
He buried his face in your neck when you dug your nails into his back, grabbed at his hips and fucked yourself down onto him. “Such a good boy.” You praised him, “Right there - right there, baby.” He ground down, helpinh you rub your clit along him, love feeling you drip and lifted his head in time to watch your eyes roll up, your mouth fall open and a deep guttural moan wet your lips. 
“God, fucking dammit, Baby, baby, yes.” Chris went faster, wrapped both your legs round his waist, slid his hand under your hips to push you up and dropped his head back down to help angle himself deeper, “I want this every fucking day. I don’t want to be anywhere but inside you; with you.” You started fucking back against him. The tremor of your legs driving him forward, hips snapping as fast as he could go while you clawed at his back and dug into his cheeks. 
“Always! Always, my sweet boy, my love.” You always kissed these words against his cheeks when he was like this. When he wanted to bathe in you. Be a part of you. 
When he felt you squeeze yourself around him, shivering through another orgasm, he growled your name and spilled into you, fucking his hips in and out to feel your wetness and his come mix. 
As you both calmed down, breathing heavy, letting the sweat that collected cool your bodies — Chris caught the look in your eyes that made his chest grow tight and happy shivers dance down his spine. 
It’s okay.
“Come here often?” Chris barked out a laugh, your own joining in and it to mingle together and snapped something loose through his body.
“Move in with me.” slipped past his lips, followed by an embarrassed, “I swear that was planned—uh differently though. I got you a key.” His stomach dropped, neck prickling with panic that you be upset at his timing. Maybe you’d let him down easy, or you’d tell him you don’t feel comfortable moving in with him; which is okay.
Chris knows it’s okay.
Your body pushed his soft cock out as you set up underneath him and leaned forward to nip at his shoulder, “Sure.” 
He jerked from the shock of your teeth and the answer you so readily gave him as if you’d been willing to offer it all along. 
You moved again to shove him back and climb into his lap, “I don’t know if you noticed but I basically already live here, Evans.”
You rolled your hips above him and Chris lost his track of thought to the twitch of his sprung cock. His last coherent thought whispering that he was going to live with you and pick out flowers together.
I want to shout out to @bolontiku and @xoxoloverb and my partner's partner for dealing with me.
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jellyfishdiet · 11 months
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𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼 ‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊ 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼
Breakfast at 9:30 am - Hawaiian blend coffee with splenda, cashew milk, & vanilla bean; low fat greek yogurt with honey, vanilla bean, coconut, macadamia nuts, & kiwis. - 535 calories.
Dinner/Lunch at 1:30 pm - 2 pieces orange creme dark chocolate, water, ¾ spicy tuna rice bowl (cabbage, radish, red pepper, jalapeño, tuna, jasmine rice, soy sauce, garlic, ginger, parm cheese) - 560 cal
Calories - 1,095, Liquids - 75 oz (will update as I drink, but I'm done eating because I passed my goal. Fast started at 2:25 pm)
𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼 ‧̍̊˙· 𓆝.° 。˚𓆛˚。 °.𓆞 ·˙‧̍̊ 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼
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eldrichfuck666 · 1 year
OLYAAA!!! Hiii, hellooo! 🫶🏻 3, 13, 22 & 23 for the ask game
Ah, hello! :') I hope you're having a really good night! 💕 Thank you for sending the ones I wanted to answer the most - I don't know how you do this every time, but thanks for reading my mind XD 💖🥺 And thank you soooo much for brightening my loneliness :')
3 - hoodies or denim jackets?
Honestly, neither. I don't wear any of these — and hate both with passion, because I feel really uncomfortable in hoodies & both denim jackets. I'm mostly a classic jacket or coat or even woolen cardigan person — for some reason I can't wear any of these, they trigger so much sensitivity :'< And I also don't like how they look - too... modern for me, I guess?
13 - coffee or tea?
Tea. I drink like 10 cups of sweet tea every day & also drink TOO MUCH herbal tea (maybe, it's because of my russian part of the soul — russians truly adore their tea, and so am I), although I work in cafe and sometimes replace baristas if they can't work — I also took multiple courses, so I can say I'm an experienced barista, SO I ALSO DRINK TOO MUCH coffee and mostly adore Hawaiian Kona coffee beans, but also can NEVER say no to latte. I love rich and light flavors, but if I had to pick — it'll be tea. Listen, I just drank 3 cups of tea like 10 minutes ago... At this point, tea (especially with raspberry) is a juice of life for me.
22 - morning person or night owl?
Despite of my job, I'm a night owl — on weekends I don't sleep until the sun rays touch my face though the open curtains (yes, I don't close curtains at night.. that's why I'm shaking like a leaf when I listen to horror podcasts at night, being frightened by the only thought of something looking at me from the window. I'm afraid of the dark, but on the other hand, night and darkness seem to be like... my family — as if I and the shadows wandering from the dark corner to dark corner of my moonlit apartment are of the same nature. I felt like that since my childhood. I feel comfortable seeing the shadowy figures lurking in the dark, or seeing something with my peripheral vision. Night is my soulmate, as well as the darkness.
23 - dark or brightly coloured clothes?
Brightly coloured. It may be a huge contrast, but I'm a maximalist in real life — my closet have 0% black coloured clothes, I wear only loud and vibrant colours, although at that period of time I find myself mostly wearing green.
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beangood94 · 2 years
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Why Instant Coffee Is The Best Option For Weekend Breakfasts-And Morning Delight 
Immediate espresso at the cross, at the same time as you’re strolling round espresso shops and no longer even being attentive to what the coffee drinker in the front of you is getting, is handiest on occasion convenient, however on occasion it is what’s quality. Most of the people are not used to the taste of freshly brewed espresso and don’t appreciate it. Instantaneous espresso is a famous alternative due to the fact people like how the drink tastes however don’t need to anticipate it to “brew.” and in the event that they’re going for walks late for work or school, they are able to warmness a pot of instant coffee and revel in. On the spot espresso has become popular for weekend breakfasts due to the fact it's miles convenient and fast. And in view that most people aren't used to drinking freshly brewed espresso, immediately espresso is a exquisite alternative for individuals who want a quick breakfast at the move. Forms of immediate espresso immediately coffee is one of the most popular liquids available on the market. The ease of being capable of make a cup of espresso while not having to anticipate a pot to boil or make it at the stove is something that many human beings appreciate. On the spot espresso can be located in diverse flavors, which means there is some thing for anybody. Whether you’re searching out a mild, refreshing morning drink or an afternoon pick out-me-up, instant espresso is a terrific choice. Right here are three types of immediate espresso that you would possibly want to try:
wild hawaiian espresso this particular form of immediately coffee comes from hawaii and is brewed with fresh java beans that have been roasted over an open flame. The ensuing flavor has a fruity sweetness with a bitter twist, giving it its unique taste. This might be the brew for you in case you’re looking for some thing precise and specific. Colombian roast this is some other popular option that comes from south the united states. It’s made with a hundred% arabica beans and has a wealthy flavor that’s complete-bodied and sturdy. This espresso is great served hot and is best for folks who decide on sturdy beverages. This will be the appropriate preference in case you’re seeking out an severe cup of espresso. Residence combination this immediate espresso type commonly carries more middle-ground flavors than the alternative alternatives. It includes each dark roast and light roast varieties and numerous blends of those kinds of beans. This type of coffee is famous for the ones looking for something that’s each flavorful and low cost. What elements impact the flavor of your coffee? Immediate espresso is the higher choice for weekend breakfasts–and morning pride. Here are some of the elements that effect the taste of your espresso:
brewing time brewing time affects the power, flavor, and aroma of your coffee. Brewed coffee that spends too long in water at a excessive temperature will produce a robust, unpleasant bitterness. One should grind espresso beans before brewing to create a milder cup with deep flavor. Water temperature the water temperature you use while making espresso influences its flavor and acidity. Water this is too hot will motive espresso to end up bitter and acidic. Bloodless water effects in a smoother cup with less bitterness. If you’d like to enjoy a “traditional” cup of joe, use cold water. If you like your espresso extra lightly flavored, use warmer water. Aim for round 195 levels fahrenheit (ninety levels celsius). Grind length massive particles within grind size could make for an unappealing cup of java – if finer grounds are used, greater surface region equals more possibility for flavorful oils to penetrate the beans and have an impact on the final product’s flavor. A medium grind gives sufficient massive particles with out being gritty or overground – making sure adequate floor location whilst keeping delicate flavors inside the bean. We are hoping this text is beneficial for you and which you realize which on the spot coffee you should grasp next while ordering one. To discover more, you can visit the internet site these days. Https://beangood. In/
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coffeeheartworld · 1 month
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socialbrewcoffee · 7 months
Hawaiian Coffee: A sip of heaven from a slice of paradise
Sandy feet and azure waters, the charm of Hawaii come from the calm, the sea and the stars. But above all lies the magic of the coffee beans that are homegrown in these pristine islands of the Pacific Ocean. While Hawaii is made up of eight major islands, only five of them grow coffee: Hawaii, Oahu, Maui, Kauai, Molokai, and Lanai. 
On the other hand, Hawaii, also known as The Big Island, has about 800 coffee estates, and coffee is grown on the Hualalai and Mauna Loa mountains. Hawaiian coffee is considered one of the world's most premium coffees. Despite their limited overall land area, the Hawaiian Islands have many soil types. They differ because the variables such as temperature, terrain and biota change substantially over short distances in Hawaii. 
Did you know, in the Hawaiian language, 'Kope' is a widely used expression for coffee? There's a lot more to know about this heavenly tasting premium coffee, and here are some quick facts about Hawaiian Coffee that might surprise you!
Facts About Hawaiian Coffee
Hawaii is the only North American state with a commercial coffee industry.
Kona is Hawaii's largest coffee-growing area, known for its exotic beans.
Despite its small size, Hawaii has around 800 operational coffee estates.
The sale of coffee to tourists accounts for a large portion of the income generated by Hawaii's coffee farmers.
The Hawaiian Islands are the accessible peaks of the Hawaiian–Emperor seamount chain, a gigantic underwater mountain range. For bringing out enhanced flavor, the link here is that coffee is cultivated at higher elevations in hilly terrains.
Cultured With Love - Notes Of Hawaiian Coffee 
People love to visit Hawaii because of its immaculate shoreline that stretches unbroken for 750 miles. But it's the volcanoes that dot this entire gorgeous length and draw people from all over the world to the coffees produced in this region. The major reason Hawaiian coffee tastes so good is that it is cultivated on special soil. The beans are nurtured with love in volcanic soil with high mineral content, resulting in robust and healthy coffee trees.
Furthermore, high and persistent rainfall provides the trees with the moisture they require to grow, while cloud cover prevents harm from overexposure. Essentially, all of these variables combine to provide the ideal circumstances for developing coffee of unmatched quality. None of this would be feasible at lower elevations or with trees grown in various soil types.
Hawaiian Coffee guarantees you the finest gourmet Arabica beans grown in ideal Hawaiian circumstances - a dream blend of sun, rain, wind, and soil laced with unique volcanic elements. The region's high elevation motivates budding coffee plants to blossom with exceptional aroma, flavor, and aftertaste.
Hawaiian coffees are renowned for possessing milder flavor and acidity compared to other coffee types. They are also known for their nutty, earthy flavor, typically accompanied by a hint of spice. Its earthiness—often with a musty quality—combined with a sharp finish is difficult to find in other coffees.
Hawaiian coffee is made by combining two of the most important Arabica species. One is the luscious and sparkling Supremo from Columbia's Huila area. The other is Waialua, which is located on the island of Oahu. They combine to create a distinctly Hawaiian flavor with plenty of richness and intensity to stand out even in a sea of excellent tasting cups from non-Hawaiian counterparts.
Different Types Of Hawaiian Coffee
When people discuss the exotic flavor of Hawaiian coffee, they classify choices according to the region where the plants are cultivated. If you're looking for a new coffee experience, this guide will help you identify some distinct Hawaiian possibilities!
Kona Coffee
This coffee makes up over half of the coffee farmed on Hawaii's 'Big Island' and is frequently blended with harsher, foreign coffees. When it comes to characterizing Kona coffee's flavor, the common consensus is that it's a dark roast bean with unusually rich flavors of caramel, brown sugar, milk chocolate, and rich dried fruits with lively acidity, and a buttery mouthfeel with spicy and winey overtones. Because of the limited numbers produced and the specific climate and circumstances that create the world's most sought-after coffee, coffee connoisseurs believe that 100 percent Kona Coffee is the only way to go. Be careful, though, it could be extremely strong for some.
Kauai Coffee
The fields' height is one of the most noticeable differences between Kauai and Kona coffee. While Kona coffee is grown at 4000 feet above sea level, Kauai coffee is cultivated significantly lower at just 1000 feet above sea level. Because of the lower altitude cultivation, the brew has less acid, the beans are softer overall, and the flavor is less distinct. Kauai coffee is considered mellower and smoother than coffee produced higher in the highlands, such as in Kona or even Costa Rica. It is also less expensive, making it more appealing to those who like a mellower flavor.
Hamakua Coffee
Hamakua Coffee is cultivated in the Hamakua District of the Big Island, north of Hilo, on the slopes of Mauna Kea. In the year 2000, thirteen farmers brought coffee farming back to Hamakua, an industry absent for over a century. Hamakua is the perfect choice if you're looking for a coffee with a rich flavor and a chocolaty-smooth finish.
Puna Coffee
Puna Coffee's delightfully nutty and frequently chocolate-spiked flavor might deceive you into believing you're drinking a delicious mocha. Puna Coffee is a hefty, full-bodied, and uncompromising cup grown on mineral-rich volcanic soils between two of the country's National Parks. Plenty of it can be found at most farmer markets in Hawaii, where it is devoured by residents who can't get enough of it.
Moloka'i Coffee
Lastly, Moloka'i Coffee is grown on a traditional 500-acre plantation in Kualapu'u village. It's a gorgeously rich coffee with great depth of flavor and just a trace of bitter dark chocolate that's best appreciated at a medium roast. Moloka'i Coffee's cultivation and coffee cherry picking procedure are thorough, giving a consistently delightful experience.
Hawaiian Coffee's Trend In the Economy
Coffee beans were originally introduced to Hawaii in the early 1800s, but it wasn't until the early twentieth century that commercial coffee production began, largely on small farms. Today, Hawaii is the largest of the eight major Hawaiian Islands and is responsible for producing various types of coffee every season. 
The Aloha state is also considered the greatest site in the nation for this endeavor. Hawaiian coffee takes the second spot amidst all the crops produced in a year, and the cultivation accounted for 6,900 acres of land in 2019-2020. Although coffee may be harvested in Hawaii all year, the peak season is from August to December.  
The landscape of Hawaii's coffee business is dynamically pushing quality boundaries and creating a one-of-a-kind link between price and quality.
Where Can You Get The Best Hawaiian Coffee?
If you've reached this far, it's proven that you love your coffee with all your heart. After all, who wouldn't want a hug in a mug? Be it your regular Java or a casual Frappuccino, the power of a good cup of coffee can never be underestimated. We at Social Brew believe that savoring a simple cup of coffee has the magic of connecting people and creating a community. This beautiful intention towards coffee brought a lot of us together into the e-commerce world to spread the love of coffee. 
So, If you're someone who would like to dive into the universe of coffee to experience rich flavors from all over the world, we would be more than happy to introduce you to the diversity. On socialbrew.us you can discover the unique notes and blends that Hawaiian coffee brings to the world and enjoy the goodness of our specialty coffees that goes beyond your cup.
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bestkonacoffee · 2 years
Top Reasons Why Kona Coffee Beans are Unique
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When it comes to Hawaii, people think about sandy beaches and amazing landscapes. But there's one more thing Hawaii is famous for, and that is coffee. Only a few people know that Hawaii is the only state where coffee is grown in the US. The coffee grown in Hawaii is special and cultivated in an exceptional environment, as it gets ample sunlight, rain, and good soil to grow in. One of the most famous coffee in Hawaii is Kona coffee, known worldwide for its unique taste and flavor. Kona coffee beans are in high demand, but as the cultivation is less, they are costly. Despite the high price, coffee enthusiasts located worldwide love to take sips of Kona coffee. With that being said, let's take a look at the top reasons why Kona coffee beans are unique. 1. The Presence of Volcanic Soil Hawaii is home to many volcanoes, and many are even active. As the state is full of volcanoes, the type of soil in which the beans grow is volcanic soil. Volcanic soil is rich and full of nutrients, so it helps produce robust and rich coffee beans. Apart from the presence of volcanic soil, the state gets enough rainfall. The rain adds moisture to the soil and offers the seeds direct sunlight. So, the seeds get enough moisture and nutrients and are grown in a climate that results in excellent coffee. 2. The Production is Special When someone mentions that Kona coffee beans are being produced, the process is much more than regular cultivation. These Hawaiian coffee beans are unique because they undergo a strict process full of experimentation. The farmers hand-pick the beans and give special treatment to the seeds to give the best possible products to their consumers. In addition, the beans are grown with biodynamic farming processes, and no pesticides are involved, which makes them unique. 3. The Unique Taste The final and most promising reason why Kona coffee beans are unique is their unique taste. The taste of Kona coffee is the primary reason it is different from other types of coffee available worldwide. You'll find a vibrant and crisp flavor when you take a sip of this unique coffee. The reasons behind that the strict process through which the coffee is produced and the special environment which gives a unique flavor to the beans. You may find several special coffee types around the world, but their taste will not be a bit similar to Kona as it is so unique. Wrapping Up So, these are some of the reasons that make Kona coffee so unique and more special than any other coffee in the world. To find out why this coffee is so unique, you must try it yourself. To buy genuine Kona coffee from a well-reputed seller, visit the online store of Buddha's Cup. They're adept at providing the best Kona coffee beans and have won many awards for the quality of coffee being delivered. To know more about the firm, visit the website buddhascup.com.
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40sandfabulousaf · 1 month
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大家好! ML had a craving for ban mian (board noodles) so she, SC, MI and I went back to the stall selling it. I ordered fish soup you mian (thin board noodles); what else can I say but YUM? Thick, tender fish slices, perfectly poached egg, sweet and crunchy wong bak (Napa cabbage) and highly slurpable noodles, what's not to like? I was so full, I only wanted veggies for dinner. All this goodness for $5.50. Our hawkers are amazing, especially during this inflationary period. This meal was so delicious that I sent the pic to CY (she introduced it to me) and she straight up went there for dinner.
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Ahh good ol' yong tau foo, 1 of my main staples when I crave lots of vegetables. ML was on leave, so SC, MI and I headed to the stall which sells standard yong tau foo. This time, I chose green beans wrapped in tau kee (tofu skin), brinjal, bittergourd, carrot, golden mushrooms, Chinese mushroom, broccoli, cuttlefish and an egg. The green beans wrapped in tau kee were new and they were delicious! I also paired this with rice instead of noodles. Oh yes, in previous posts, I forgot to mention that some people like to dip their veggies and protein in chilli or sweet sauce. I prefer to eat mine plain so as to taste them better.
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JK, CY, SC, ML and I were attending a talk. We ate lunch at a very famous and popular hawker centre near the event venue, which is always crowded during lunch break. ML, JK, CY and I made a beeline for the stall selling Japanese rice and noodle bowls. Customers can choose from salmon, unagi, chicken and beef for our protein, rice or soba and soya sauce, black pepper or mentaiko sauce. I chose salmon, soba and black pepper sauce. This stall does salmon SO well. The fish was moist and tender and that onsen egg was perfect. Everything, from the soba, seaweed, radish, edamame, kimchi and furikake blended together nicely to create an explosion of flavours. It was delicious!
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So we had a tea break in between the 4-hour talk. There was a buffet but I wasn't keen on the fried bee hoon (thin rice vermicelli), chicken wings and dessert. I was also still full from lunch, so I ate a mini Hawaiian pizza about half the size of my palm, ngoh hiang (meat roll with chopped water chestnuts), breaded scallop and coffee. Didn't go back for seconds because I felt stuffed at this point. The talk ended 2 hours later and when I got home at close to 7pm, I was still not hungry. Dinner was light - congee, vegetables and tau kwa (firm tofu) - and after watching some videos, it was time for bed.
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I haven't stepped into a fastfood chain for over 13 months now but it isn't to say I don't eat pizza or fried chicken at all. Occasionally I do, but that doesn't trigger binge like what some people think. Our tastebuds adapt to what we regularly consume over time; nowadays, I find moderately healthy meals more delicious and they're better for my body. I feel less lethargic after eating balanced meals of fresh vegetables, high quality protein and noodles or rice. And because I feel better, my mental and emotional wellbeing is just fine. What's not to like about this lifestyle? 下次见!
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goldstarcoffeeworld · 2 months
When it comes to Fresh Roasted Coffee Beans, Gold Star Coffee brings the Best Roasted Coffee Beans to you that will meet your desire and taste. All our fresh coffee beans are carefully roasted and packed as per the order and delivered to home. Jamaica Blue Mountain & Hawaii Kona & Hawaiian Maui Red Catuai Coffee is few names. Buy Roasted Coffee Beans Online today! For more information, you can call us at 1-888-371-JAVA(5282).
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sweetparadisemauiseo · 7 months
Celebrating Creativity: 7 Exceptional Products Maui Crafted with Aloha
Maui Crafted represents a dedication to quality, creativity, and the vibrant spirit of the Hawaiian Islands. From gourmet foods to artisanal goods, Maui is home to a thriving community of creators who infuse their products with the essence of aloha. Let's dive into seven exceptional products Maui Crafted, each showcasing the island's ingenuity and passion:
1. Maui Gold Pineapple: Nature's Sweet Treasure
Maui Gold Pineapple is a true symbol of the island's bounty, cherished for its unparalleled sweetness and juiciness. Grown in the fertile soil of Maui's upcountry, these pineapples are hand-harvested at peak ripeness, ensuring a burst of tropical flavor with every bite. Whether enjoyed fresh or incorporated into dishes like pineapple salsa or grilled skewers, Maui Gold Pineapple embodies the essence of aloha.
2. Ocean Vodka: A Taste of the Islands  
Ocean Vodka is a premium spirit crafted with organic sugar cane and deep ocean mineral water sourced from the Kona coast. Distilled and bottled on the slopes of Haleakalā, Ocean Vodka captures the purity and essence of Maui's natural environment. With its crisp, clean taste and commitment to sustainability, Ocean Vodka represents the best of Maui Crafted spirits.
3. Maui Brewing Co. Beer: Brewed with Passion  
Maui Brewing Co. is a local brewery known for its handcrafted beers that reflect the flavors and spirit of Maui. From their flagship Bikini Blonde Lager to their seasonal releases like Pineapple Mana Wheat, Maui Brewing Co. beers are brewed with locally sourced ingredients and a commitment to quality. Each sip is a celebration of Maui's laid-back lifestyle and vibrant brewing culture.
4. Maui Soap Company: Island-Inspired Luxury 
Maui Soap Company creates luxurious skincare products inspired by the natural beauty of the Hawaiian Islands. Handcrafted using locally sourced ingredients like coconut oil and aloe vera, Maui Soap Company's soaps, lotions, and scrubs nourish and moisturize the skin, leaving it soft, smooth, and radiant. With fragrances inspired by Maui's tropical flora and fauna, these products offer a sensory escape to paradise.
5. Maui Preserved: Artisanal Flavors of the Islands
Maui Preserved specializes in handcrafted jams, jellies, and pickles made from locally sourced fruits and vegetables. From lilikoi (passionfruit) jelly to pickled mango and spicy pineapple relish, Maui Preserved products capture the vibrant flavors of Maui's harvests. Each jar is filled with the essence of the island, making them the perfect accompaniment to any meal or gathering.
6. Maui Grown Coffee: From Bean to Cup
Maui Grown Coffee is cultivated on the slopes of the West Maui Mountains, where the unique microclimate and volcanic soil create ideal conditions for coffee cultivation. Handpicked and sun-dried, Maui Grown Coffee beans are carefully roasted to perfection, resulting in rich, complex flavors that reflect the terroir of Maui. Whether enjoyed as a morning pick-me-up or savored as an afternoon treat, Maui Grown Coffee is a true taste of the islands.
7. Maui Nui Venison: Sustainable Wild Game
Maui Nui Venison offers sustainably harvested wild venison sourced from free-roaming axis deer that roam the slopes of Maui's upcountry. Lean, tender, and full of flavor, Maui Nui Venison is a healthy and sustainable alternative to traditional meats. From venison steaks and burgers to jerky and sausage, Maui Nui Venison products showcase the natural bounty of the island and support local conservation efforts.
In conclusion, these seven exceptional products Maui Crafted embody the spirit of aloha and the ingenuity of Maui's creators. From the sweetness of Maui Gold Pineapple to the purity of Ocean Vodka and the artisanal craftsmanship of Maui Soap Company, each product represents the best of Maui's culinary and craft traditions. Whether enjoyed locally or shared with friends and family around the world, these Maui Crafted products are sure to inspire and delight.
Please visit our website https://sweetparadisemaui.com/
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arcanemoody · 8 months
Made my morning coffee at 10:50pm. Packed last night's black beans, tonight's fried rice with vegetables, and a piece of toasted King's Hawaiian Bread for my lunch tomorrow. I feel accomplished.
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