#having a bit of a baddish day
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beloskin · 6 years ago
christ i guess its gonna be one of those days. huh?
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rosaliestark01 · 4 years ago
I saw ur requests are open. Could you write a shy peter Parker x shy reader where they both one day decided to confess and it’s a lot of stuttering and blushing and rambling nonsense and Ned and mj get so fed up that they just push their heads together or something so they kiss and once they do it’s even more tomato blushing and rambling.
Thank youuu❤️❤️❤️
A Little Push
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: All you and Peter need is a little push to get you on the right track.
Warnings: Maybe one baddish word?
A/N: for @thollandlover
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"I'm going to try to ask him out today," you state. Peter Parker sat a few tables away with Ned and MJ. You couldn't help the rush of adoration you felt as he animatedly spoke to Ned about something. The two of you have talked countless times, but the way his face lights up with his hands flying everywhere never failed to put a smile on your face.
Your friends, Bailey and Daniel, absent-mindedly nod their heads as they pick at their lunches. The food wasn't that bad, but you had other things to worry about, like how you would build up the nerve to approach Peter.
"You said that yesterday," Cindy sighed as she pushed her lunch away. Gwen quickly nods in agreement.
"And last week."
"There was also that time you-" Harry begins, but you quickly interrupt him before he says anything you might regret.
"I know, but I'm really going to do it this time." Your friends look skeptical at you while you fold your hand in your lap at the realization that this may be your last chance before the summer break. Finals have already started, and the last day of school is on Friday. You sneak a glance at Peter, only to quickly turn away as you found that he was already staring in your direction.
"Do you think he saw that?" Your eyes widen as you look at your friends who are trying to cover up their amusement.
"Judging by the fact that he looks like a tomato, I'd say yes," Harry laughs. A slight blush creeps up your cheeks as you think of what to do about it.
"I think I should go talk to him," you finally tell them as you rub your hands on your thighs in an attempt to feel less nervous. You stand up, but Harry grabs your arm before you make it very far, prompting you to look at him.
"Remember, direct eye contact is a form of dominance," He states dramatically. "Show him you mean business."
"I'm trying to ask him out, not scare him away," you huff and Harry rolls his eyes at you.
"I'm just trying to give you some advice," he snarks before patting you on the head. "You do you."
"Okay. I'm going to go now," you state confidently, but you don't move an inch. "Can you come with me?"
"No." Harry sighed when he noticed your pout before saying, "Those people are selling popsicles, and I want one."
"Alright," you mumble. "I've got this."
You turn away from your friends and begin to walk towards Peter's table. Halfway through, you turn to look towards your friends, but they all pretended not to have noticed you.
"Hey, Y/N," MJ says. "We missed you on the trip."
One thing is for sure, and that is that you might never have developed feelings for Peter if it weren't for your friendship with MJ. Often, she'd invite you to hang out with her, Peter, and Ned, which led to you and Peter finding out that you had a few things in common. Then, somewhere along the line, you began to see Peter in a new light.
"My cousin was getting married, and, I guess it was kind of lucky, you know, with the whole Mysterio thing going on."
"Yeah," she sighed, obviously not wanting to talk about what when down during their trip.
"Peter-" You start, but Peter cuts you off.
"Y/N-" The two of you look at each other, and you try hard not to let that damn flush crept up your face again. Awkwardly, Peter continues, "I was wondering-I was wondering if maybe you- do you-Maybe you should go first."
You mentally curse yourself for thinking that this was a good idea. In all honesty, you never really thought you'd make it this far.
"Um... Peter, I wanted to ask if..." You pause, realizing you have no idea what you're saying. "The theater is showing Return of the Jedi on Friday."
"Yeah, I think they are," Peter states. You try to keep your face neutral as you realize that he misunderstood you. "If you're not sure, I can check their website if you want."
"What I mean is- Do you plan on going?" You ask, having a hard time keeping your voice level as well.
"Ned and I were going to see it, but you can come to if you want." Peter's whole face lit up, but you're sure that it had more to do with the fact that you were talking about Star Wars than the idea of you joining him... and Ned.
"Uh.. actually, my cousin is getting married on Friday, and I have to be there, you know," Ned blurted. For some reason, MJ looked amused while Peter furrowed his eyebrows.
"I thought your cousin was already-" It hit you that Ned probably knew why you were here.
"I don't want to intrude," You state, realizing that Peter might not want to be alone in a theater with you. If it was obvious to Ned that you like Peter, then it was obvious to Peter too.
"No, it's okay." Peter quickly insisted. "You could never intrude."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, unless you don't want to go."
"I do." 'It's just that..."
"For goodness sake!" MJ cried. She shoved your head toward Peter's while Ned did the same to Peter towards you. It took you a second to realize that your lips were literally touching Peter's, and you immediately pulled away.
"I'm so sorry!" Your eyes had widened in horror. What would he think of you now?!
"I didn't mean to do that." Peter stammered, "Ned- He pushed my head, and- I mean, It-It wasn't that bad. Right?"
"Peter-" Did he just say it wasn't that bad?
"Oh, god. You thought it was bad, didn't you?" Peter jumped to his feet and began pacing with his head in his hands. "That's not how it was supposed to happen."
"Peter, I thought-" You began, but he cut you off again.
"I had a plan, and now I ruined everything-"
You bit your lip nervously as you realize what you're about to do, but it's the only way you could think of to get his attention. You rise to your feet and pull Peter's lips back to yours. This kiss was better than the last, and it was nice that Peter seemed to melt into it. After a second, you pulled away to look at Peter.
"I thought it was nice," you murmured. Peter's eyes were wide, but he seemed to nod in agreement.
"You- You did?" He stuttered.
"Yeah. I came over here to ask if you wanted to see Star Wars with me." As you explain, a look of realization seemed to wash over him. "You know, on- on a date."
"A date? With me? You and me?"
"Yes?" You ask, suddenly becoming unsure.
"I'd love to go on a date with you," Peter beams, and you couldn't help but smile too.
"Not bad, Y/N. Not bad at all," Harry Osborn clapped from the other side of the cafeteria. You and Peter seemed to both realize everyone was watching you. "I told you the eye contact thing works."
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transrevolutions · 5 years ago
Hi! For the ask meme: Enjolras !!! Also I hope you’re having a wonderful day and if not I hope it’s better tomorrow ❤︎
Favourite thing about him: The fact that he actually wants to stand up and make a difference (also his baddish social skills are relatable af)
Least Favourite thing: that the fandom portrays him in general as sometimes very 1-dimensional. Like, let him be a person.
Favourite line: adkejieawje I can’t choose he has so many good quotes
brOTP: he and eponine would have a really cool friendship. but only platonically.
OTP: enjoltaire
nOTP: anything that ruins enjoltaire, also seeing him shipped with javert is a bit concerning because of the age difference.
random headcanon: his favourite food is pasta, especially the stuff Grantaire makes. He tried going vegan for a while but it turned out to be really bad for his health so now he just goes for ethically sourced stuff.
unpopular opinion: he has emotions. idk why this is an unpopular opinion but apparantly it is. also, he pays attention to all of his friends, not just ferre, courf, feuilly, and r.
song I associate with them: I have an entire enjoltaire playlist, but as for one that’s just enjolras-centric, Starts With One (Shiny Toy Guns)
Fav Picture: ohmygosh there’s this chibi fanart of him trying to eat toast (you’d understand if you see it, I know it sounds weird) and I cannot find it atm, but when I do, I will be sure to add it :)
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fuck - idk how  - well to do lots of things  - and we do know tech hate t  - thats not quite on point or en garde either  - but tonights post performance post mortem - paint it black 
the good - tree climbing leaf and dirt hair  - once unconfused t can plaze guitar  - lox and bagel  - some made up on the spot music  - some magic  - lots of love  - love aint always enuff  - uh chili dogs and fries - vitas voice  - liam showing and again doing the hard but right thing/s  
the bad    chili dog hair    t gets confused sometimes ez tho we find workarounds  - its not cheating to tell him the key and a couple chords specially if u usin a capo on a song he never herd - just sayin 
the ugly    uh duz blood and pain count   im ok      shame       the people and soul less beings who cause/d the feelings of shame  ketchup hair 
we end up laffing way too much  -  thing is  - today  started fucked up and pretty much stayed on track  - u know its been uh different since the biz  - and yah there still is one  - its changing gonna change more  prob  - maybe not better just different 
we cries a lot also  
we heal then 
well when u wear ur heart on ur sleeve and ur food in ur hair  
a step back may be in order 
me i prefer to wear my food on my clothes  - it stains better - hair is ez to wash 
did i mention i lissened to crywolf angels ep like 3 or 4 x yesterday  and some el vy   - theres maybe half a dozen ppl readin who will unnastand  - if i mention sad bastards duz it help - no - well just move along then it dont matter much 
( translation  - t is being maudlin again cuz he depressed and future trips heartache and rejection  - no not a romance  - tho the looks - nevermind )
so y is ketchup hair ugly - its a condiment  - now we know that dirt is an excellent conditioner - ask any potato u happen to  - i have gazed more than a few x at the moon  -  this eve tonight   - i wuz gonna say that life had gotten 2 surreal then forgot when it even more happen  - and not the good kind of surreal either  - another luxury problem the wrong kind of surreal - did u get it a amazon  or ikea and yah - that splains it manstyle  - if u cant laff about ketchup hair - i mean wtf 
ok t  - u so fukken cryptic and in group mindfuck - can u bottom line it or readers digest condensed milk  - damn it - its contagious - ( another editor quits ) 
it started a little fucked up - was sposed to meet for acupuncture b4 java - things ran late - acu close early on weekends earlier than i thot so no - vita been going thru lots of hard uh lifestuff  - it manifests and affects  - we both been uh stressed at best - self destructive on various levels at worst w a little delusional thinking inna mix moi at least  - we feel deeply and connect and empath sometimes for an instant completely - its not always pleasant cuz we human  - despite everything going on - we go to do wat we do - play music  w transcendence aim for attained rarely for more than glimpse but sometimes - magic  - we trance in and out and different levels  and different reality layers conflict  - and too much too soon specially w a broken heart  ( no not me  - my heart is good - well yah the heart attack thing but we talkin soul heart )  and some ugly inna mix but not aimed at  and self directed  - we at our different homes safe  or mostly  - hope so - its late now unless u a musician or a barfly and last call wuz a few minutes ago even at the hardcore - there is love in my heart - a bit of dread  - hope a smidgen maybe an ember that i fan boy - oh yah  - we played  - some barely ok - some goodish - a few really good moments  - hearts not completely but then in it  - a baddish incident  - then we play a couple more songs like something proving  not a victory lap not at all sir  - prolly vita and i and i last performance in a while  - slight chance madrone tomorrow but not prolly and im exhausted but maybe  - we get together maybe 2 x this week if we lucky  - she has a last jazz concert i think sat  - imma meet her mom who tuff as nails north korean  born and raised - really  - that will b uh - interesting t  interesting  and a pleasure - maybe ask vita her name and practice - nah - she might as well meet the awkward fucktard  albeit a well behaved version  - but i will do wat i always - apologize in advance and assure by the 3rd time i will at least b very close lol   prolly not socialize much after  - it would b nice if she likes me but tbh expecting disapproval - extreme wariness at least - i would if i was her   - then off to college  - imma wait till she settle in maybe has a friend  - dont want ppls 1st impressions of her to b w a weird af and old as guitar playing friend  - at some point we b recording maybe podcast of some healing writing she been doing w music  cuz low key but an ep  - or album - theres enough good songs and we fuck around w a few more half maybe mostly written inna works  
its after 2 am exhausted not sleepy wired cuz its been that kinda day - sorry but not for the cryptic  - things happen not to b ashamed of  - we played music and performed as well  - real as fuck if nothing else  - it could b a month or more before we perform again together  - there is still a biz  - how much vita will b able to contribute uncertain   - sometimes fucked up things happen - nobodys fawlty towers no guilty party 
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boozedancing · 6 years ago
What you see in the above photos is a whiskey which comes packaged in a bottle made to look like a bar of gold. Not surprisingly, the name of this whiskey is The Original Gold Bar Premium Blend, and it just so happens to hail from the city known for a little thing called the Gold Rush which occurred way back in 1849. This Gold Rush city is none other than San Francisco, and while the whiskey that comes in this very shiny packaging isn’t made there, it is finished there. Here’s the skinny on this whiskey taken directly from the Gold Bar Whiskey website:
Award-winning Gold Bar blended American whiskey finished in California casks is wine barrel finished in French oak from the idyllic Napa Valley with a mash bill of three quality grains: 88% corn, 9% rye, and 3% barley. Finished in the Golden State, Gold Bar Whiskey is matured outside, by the sea in the San Francisco Bay. Outstandingly smooth and versatile, the result is a unique modern expression on a traditional American blend.
As a symbol of good luck and prosperity, a solid brass coin is pressed into the front of each bottle of premium Gold Bar. Illustrated by a renowned American artisty, the signature removable “Lady of Fortune” coin is individually minted at America’s oldest private mint. Each uniquely numbered bottle is a true work of art.
The makers of Gold Bar Whiskey sure seem to have gone to great lengths to create what we hope is a yummy elixir. Let’s find out if the whiskey in this flashy bottle was worth all that effort.
Appearance: Golden honey color that looks clean, crisp and almost sparkling in our Glencairns.
ABV: 40%
Limpd: Sweet, grainy and a bit herbally. You pick up a little bit of the rye sharpness, some caramel, chalk (thanks to Sister Mary Theresa from my Catholic elementary school days and many an afternoon spent cleaning erasers for this memory. God bless you, Sister! Wherever you are), and tea.
G-LO: Quite the mix of aromas. Smells kinda spicy with cinnamon, clove, and some other baking spices. Also getting a little leather and perhaps some grapey mustiness too.
Limpd: Medium mouthfeel with a lot of sweetness up front. Mid-palate, there are some herbal notes, some syrupy sugars and a little bit of cinnamon spice. It really doesn’t have enough heat to clearly identify it as a whiskey. It had a cordial quality to it. Not overly powerful, not much heat in the finish, just easy drinking.
G-LO: The mouthfeel is kind of watery. Pretty spicy at the onset with a good bit of cinnamon heat along with a bit of black pepper. Some sweet sugar in the middle, but the heat persists. A bit of nuttiness shows up as you approach the finish to go with the cinnamony pepperiness which lingers in the aftertaste for quite awhile. Interestingly enough, I never picked up any of that wine cask influence that I detected in the nose. Perhaps it was just the power of suggestion coming through since I read about the wine cask finishing just before taking my tasting notes.
The Verdict
Limpd: I was so happy to try this as the packaging, while hokey to some, is right in my wheel house. So pretty; so shiny! However, I was a little surprised that the top is not a corked stopper but a snap-off topper that reveals a twist-off cap. If you want to play on the gold bar theme and make the packaging seem rich and luxurious, you need to include a cork. I can’t help but feel robbed of that oh so sweet “POP!” followed by the “Glug, glug, glug…”. Okay, enough about the pretty shiny things…
The whisky itself left me a little meh. With more time in the barrel and/or maybe a higher ABV, this could be a special dram. As it stands now, it finishes like a better-than-average cordial. Could be a nice digestif!
G-LO: Before I get to my thoughts about the pretty shiny packaging, I found Gold Bar Whiskey to be just ok overall. While a mostly easy drinking dram, it’s lacking in depth and multi-dimensionality. Some richer, darker sugary flavors would have been nice to counter balance all of that spice. And given that this stuff costs $50/bottle, it’s a little steep for what it is.
As far as the packaging goes, while I was at first quite mesmerized by the shimmery gold surface, shiny brass coin (it’s collectible!), and unique shape of the bottle…
…the more time I spent studying it, the more I started to dislike it. There’s only one word to describe it, and that word is cheesy.
It comes across as something that a Bond villain would serve to everyone’s favorite MI6 operative before trying to murder him via some lame and incredibly overcomplicated assassination attempt. You know, something like this:
Or maybe it’s something that Russsian mobsters in a gansgter film would drink instead of their usual ice cold shots of Vodka whenever they felt like classing it up a bit.
Better yet, this is DEFINITELY something that our teatotaling POTUS would serve to his guests, since you know, he REALLY, REALLY likes things that are painted gold.
The truth is that I would have forgiven the makers of Gold Bar Whiskey for the over-the-top, faux-gilded bottle had it not been for the frustrating to open bottle topper and cheap metal screw-top that was jammed into that bottle topper which looks exactly like this:
We all know that I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed, but more often than not, the elevator makes it to the top floor when libation time rolls around, and I am usually quite capable of cracking open a bottle of whiskey. Not so this time around! I was so confounded by this bottle that I needed a YouTube video to figure out how to get at the whiskey.
If you’re going to go to all this trouble to create a unique and eye catching bottle that will stand out amongst the HUNDREDS of bottles that line the liquor store shelves, at the very least you could make it easy to open, because if you can’t easily get at what’s inside the bottle, then what’s the point? And if you’re not going to use cork as a bottle stopper, at the very least you should go the Japanese route and use a well made, plastic screw top. I’m sure the fine folks at Suntory will gladly sell you some.
Many thanks to our dear friends at The Baddish Group for sending us this very generous sample!
  A Shiny, Pretty Packaging #Whiskey Review of @goldbarwhiskey. #whisky @thebaddishgroup What you see in the above photos is a whiskey which comes packaged in a bottle made to look like a bar of gold.
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